//============================================================================== // // TOBESOFT Co., Ltd. // Copyright 2014 TOBESOFT Co., Ltd. // All Rights Reserved. // // NOTICE: TOBESOFT permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file // in accordance with the terms of the license agreement accompanying it. // // Readme URL: http://www.nexacro.co.kr/legal/nexacro-public-license-readme-1.1.html // //============================================================================== if (!nexacro.Calendar) { nexacro.CalendarCloseUpEventInfo = function (obj, id, pretext, posttext, prevalue, postvalue, isselect) { this.id = this.eventid = id || "oncloseup"; this.fromobject = this.fromreferenceobject = obj; this.pretext = pretext; this.posttext = posttext; this.prevalue = prevalue; this.postvalue = postvalue; }; var _pCalendarCloseUpEventInfo = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.CalendarCloseUpEventInfo); nexacro.CalendarCloseUpEventInfo.prototype = _pCalendarCloseUpEventInfo; _pCalendarCloseUpEventInfo._type_name = "CalendarCloseUpEventInfo"; delete _pCalendarCloseUpEventInfo; _pCalendarCloseUpEventInfo = null; nexacro.CalendarDayClickEventInfo = function (obj, id, date) { this.id = this.eventid = id || "ondayclick"; this.fromobject = this.fromreferenceobject = obj; this.date = date; }; var _pCalendarDayClickEventInfo = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.CalendarDayClickEventInfo); nexacro.CalendarDayClickEventInfo.prototype = _pCalendarDayClickEventInfo; _pCalendarDayClickEventInfo._type_name = "CalendarDayClickEventInfo"; delete _pCalendarDayClickEventInfo; _pCalendarDayClickEventInfo = null; nexacro.CalendarSpinEventInfo = function (obj, id, beforeText, afterText, beforeValue, afterValue, isUp, fromobject, fromreferenceobject) { nexacro.Event.call(this, obj, id || "oncalendarspin"); this.id = this.eventid = id || "oncalendarspin"; this.fromobject = fromobject || obj; this.fromreferenceobject = fromreferenceobject || obj; this.pretext = beforeText; this.posttext = afterText; this.prevalue = beforeValue; this.postvalue = afterValue; this.up = isUp; }; var _pCalendarSpinEventInfo = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.CalendarSpinEventInfo); nexacro.CalendarSpinEventInfo.prototype = _pCalendarSpinEventInfo; _pCalendarSpinEventInfo._type_name = "CalendarSpinEventInfo"; delete _pCalendarSpinEventInfo; _pCalendarSpinEventInfo = null; nexacro.Calendar_Style = function (target) { nexacro.Style.call(this, target); this.daysize = null; this.daycolor = null; this.daybackground = null; this.daygradation = null; this.dayborder = null; this.daybordertype = null; this.dayfont = null; this.popupsize = null; this.popupbackground = null; this.popupgradation = null; this.popupborder = null; this.popupbordertype = null; this.popupalign = null; this.buttonsize = null; this.usetrailingday = null; this.trailingdaycolor = null; this.viewyearspin = null; this.viewmonthspin = null; this.popuptype = null; this.displaynulltextcolor = null; }; var _pCalendarStyle = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Style, nexacro.Calendar_Style); nexacro.Calendar_Style.prototype = _pCalendarStyle; eval(nexacro._createValueAttributeEvalStr("_pCalendarStyle", "daysize")); eval(nexacro._createColorAttributeEvalStr("_pCalendarStyle", "daycolor")); eval(nexacro._createValueAttributeEvalStr("_pCalendarStyle", "popupsize")); eval(nexacro._createValueAttributeEvalStr("_pCalendarStyle", "usetrailingday")); eval(nexacro._createColorAttributeEvalStr("_pCalendarStyle", "trailingdaycolor")); eval(nexacro._createValueAttributeEvalStr("_pCalendarStyle", "buttonsize")); eval(nexacro._createValueAttributeEvalStr("_pCalendarStyle", "viewyearspin")); eval(nexacro._createValueAttributeEvalStr("_pCalendarStyle", "viewmonthspin")); eval(nexacro._createBackgroundAttributeEvalStr("_pCalendarStyle", "daybackground")); eval(nexacro._createBackgroundAttributeEvalStr("_pCalendarStyle", "popupbackground")); eval(nexacro._createBorderAttributeEvalStr("_pCalendarStyle", "dayborder")); eval(nexacro._createBorderAttributeEvalStr("_pCalendarStyle", "popupborder")); eval(nexacro._createBordertypeAttributeEvalStr("_pCalendarStyle", "daybordertype")); eval(nexacro._createBordertypeAttributeEvalStr("_pCalendarStyle", "popupbordertype")); eval(nexacro._createGradationAttributeEvalStr("_pCalendarStyle", "daygradation")); eval(nexacro._createGradationAttributeEvalStr("_pCalendarStyle", "popupgradation")); eval(nexacro._createFontAttributeEvalStr("_pCalendarStyle", "dayfont")); eval(nexacro._createFontAttributeEvalStr("_pCalendarStyle", "popupfont")); eval(nexacro._createAccessibilityAttributeEvalStr("_pCalendarStyle", "itemaccessibility")); eval(nexacro._createValueAttributeEvalStr("_pCalendarStyle", "popuptype")); eval(nexacro._createValueAttributeEvalStr("_pCalendarStyle", "popupalign")); eval(nexacro._createColorAttributeEvalStr("_pCalendarStyle", "displaynulltextcolor")); _pCalendarStyle.__custom_emptyObject = function () { this.daysize = null; this.daycolor = null; this.daybackground = null; this.daygradation = null; this.dayborder = null; this.daybordertype = null; this.dayfont = null; this.popupsize = null; this.popupbackground = null; this.popupgradation = null; this.popupborder = null; this.popupbordertype = null; this.popupalign = null; this.buttonsize = null; this.usetrailingday = null; this.trailingdaycolor = null; this.viewyearspin = null; this.viewmonthspin = null; this.popuptype = null; this.displaynulltextcolor = null; }; _pCalendarStyle.__get_custom_style_value = function () { var val = ""; if (this.daysize && this.daysize._is_empty) { val += "daysize:" + this.daysize._value + "; "; } if (this.daycolor && this.daycolor._is_empty) { val += "daycolor:" + this.daycolor._value + "; "; } if (this.daybackground && this.daybackground._is_empty) { val += "daybackground:" + this.daybackground._value + "; "; } if (this.dayborder && this.dayborder._is_empty) { val += "dayborder:" + this.dayborder._value + "; "; } if (this.daybordertype && this.daybordertype._is_empty) { val += "daybordertype:" + this.daybordertype._value + "; "; } if (this.daygradation && this.daygradation._is_empty) { val += "daygradation:" + this.daygradation._value + "; "; } if (this.dayfont && this.dayfont._is_empty) { val += "dayfont:" + this.dayfont._value + "; "; } if (this.popupsize && this.popupsize._is_empty) { val += "popupsize:" + this.popupsize._value + "; "; } if (this.popupbackground && this.popupbackground._is_empty) { val += "popupbackground:" + this.popupbackground._value + "; "; } if (this.popupborder && this.popupborder._is_empty) { val += "popupborder:" + this.popupborder._value + "; "; } if (this.popupbordertype && this.popupbordertype._is_empty) { val += "popupbordertype:" + this.popupbordertype._value + "; "; } if (this.popupgradation && this.popupgradation._is_empty) { val += "popupgradation:" + this.popupgradation._value + "; "; } if (this.popupalign && this.popupalign._is_empty) { val += "popupalign:" + this.popupalign._value + "; "; } if (this.buttonsize && this.buttonsize._is_empty) { val += "buttonsize:" + this.buttonsize._value + "; "; } if (this.usetrailingday && this.usetrailingday._is_empty) { val += "usetrailingday:" + this.usetrailingday._value + "; "; } if (this.trailingdaycolor && this.trailingdaycolor._is_empty) { val += "trailingdaycolor:" + this.trailingdaycolor._value + "; "; } if (this.viewyearspin && this.viewyearspin._is_empty) { val += "viewyearspin:" + this.viewyearspin._value + "; "; } if (this.viewmonthspin && this.viewmonthspin._is_empty) { val += "viewmonthspin:" + this.viewmonthspin._value + "; "; } if (this.popuptype && this.popuptype._is_empty) { val += "popuptype:" + this.popuptype._value + "; "; } if (this.displaynulltextcolor && this.displaynulltextcolor._is_empty) { val += "displaynulltextcolor:" + this.displaynulltextcolor._value + "; "; } return val; }; nexacro.Calendar_CurrentStyle = function () { nexacro.CurrentStyle.call(this); this.daysize = null; this.daycolor = null; this.daybackground = null; this.daygradation = null; this.dayborder = null; this.daybordertype = null; this.dayfont = null; this.popupsize = null; this.popupbackground = null; this.popupgradation = null; this.popupborder = null; this.popupbordertype = null; this.popupalign = null; this.buttonsize = null; this.usetrailingday = null; this.trailingdaycolor = null; this.viewyearspin = null; this.viewmonthspin = null; this.popuptype = null; this.displaynulltextcolor = null; }; var _pCalendarCurrentStyle = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.CurrentStyle, nexacro.Calendar_CurrentStyle); nexacro.Calendar_CurrentStyle.prototype = _pCalendarCurrentStyle; _pCalendarCurrentStyle.__custom_emptyObject = _pCalendarStyle.__custom_emptyObject; _pCalendarCurrentStyle.__get_custom_style_value = _pCalendarStyle.__get_custom_style_value; delete _pCalendarStyle; delete _pCalendarCurrentStyle; nexacro.Calendar = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.Component.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); this.calendaredit = null; this.dropbutton = null; this.popupcalendar = null; this.popupwindow = null; this.spindownbutton = null; this.spinupbutton = null; this.text = ""; this.displaynulltext = ""; this.value = null; this.innerdataset = null; this.datecolumn = ""; this.backgroundcolumn = ""; this.bordercolumn = ""; this.textcolorcolumn = ""; this.type = "normal"; this.autoselect = false; this.autoskip = false; this.dateformat = "yyyy-MM-dd ddd"; this.editformat = "yyyy-MM-dd"; this.useinputpanel = true; this.usecontextmenu = true; this.usesoftkeyboard = true; this.imemode = "none"; this.useime = "global"; this.viewmonthspin = false; this.viewyearspin = false; this.readonly = false; this.locale = ""; this._event_list = { "onclick" : 1, "ondblclick" : 1, "onkeypress" : 1, "onkeydown" : 1, "onkeyup" : 1, "onkillfocus" : 1, "onsetfocus" : 1, "ondrag" : 1, "ondragenter" : 1, "ondragleave" : 1, "ondragmove" : 1, "ondrop" : 1, "ondragend" : 1, "onlbuttondown" : 1, "onlbuttonup" : 1, "onrbuttondown" : 1, "onrbuttonup" : 1, "onmouseenter" : 1, "onmouseleave" : 1, "onmousemove" : 1, "onmove" : 1, "onsize" : 1, "oncloseup" : 1, "ondayclick" : 1, "ondropdown" : 1, "oneditclick" : 1, "canchange" : 1, "cancharchange" : 1, "onchanged" : 1, "onchar" : 1, "ongesture" : 1, "onmonthchange" : 1, "onspin" : 1, "ontextchange" : 1, "ontextchanged" : 1, "ontouchstart" : 1, "ontouchmove" : 1, "ontouchend" : 1, "onflingstart" : 1, "onfling" : 1, "onflingend" : 1, "onpinchstart" : 1, "onpinch" : 1, "onpinchend" : 1, "onlongpress" : 1, "onslidestart" : 1, "onslide" : 1, "onslideend" : 1, "oncontextmenu" : 1 }; this._mask = ""; this._currentformat = "dateformat"; this._innerdataset = null; this._init_popupsize = null; this._caret_pos = { }; this._caret_pos.begin = 0; this._caret_pos.end = 0; this._editformat_info = this._makeFormatInfo(this.editformat, true); this._dateformat_info = this._makeFormatInfo(this.dateformat); this._prevalue = null; this._postvalue = null; this._pretext = ""; this._posttext = ""; this._primitivevalue = null; this._is_primitivevalue = false; this._defaultLocale = "ko_KR"; this._datelistL = ["일요일", "월요일", "화요일", "수요일", "목요일", "금요일", "토요일"]; this._datelistS = ["일", "월", "화", "수", "목", "금", "토"]; this._monthlistL = ["1월", "2월", "3월", "4월", "5월", "6월", "7월", "8월", "9월", "10월", "11월", "12월"]; this._monthlistS = ["1월", "2월", "3월", "4월", "5월", "6월", "7월", "8월", "9월", "10월", "11월", "12월"]; this._localeListL = { "ko_KR" : ["일요일", "월요일", "화요일", "수요일", "목요일", "금요일", "토요일"], "ja_JP" : ["日曜日", "月曜日", "火曜日", "水曜日", "木曜日", "金曜日", "土曜日"], "en_US" : ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"] }; this._localeListS = { "ko_KR" : ["일", "월", "화", "수", "목", "금", "토"], "ja_JP" : ["日", "月", "火", "水", "木", "金", "土"], "en_US" : ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"] }; this._accessibility_role = "calendar"; this._day_click = false; this._flag_update2dataset = false; this._bindsource = false; this._pretype = this.type; this._want_arrows = false; this._has_inputElement = true; this._edit_base_api = null; this._locale = ""; this._is_dropbutton = false; }; var _pCalendar = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Component, nexacro.Calendar); nexacro.Calendar.prototype = _pCalendar; _pCalendar._type_name = "Calendar"; nexacro.Calendar._defaultDaysize = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj("daysize", "26 26"); nexacro.Calendar._defaultPopupsize = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj("popupsize", "192 192"); nexacro.Calendar._defaultPopupalign = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj("align", "left bottom"); nexacro.Calendar._defaultUseTrailngday = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj("usetrailingday", "false"); nexacro.Calendar._defaultButtonsize = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj("buttonsize", -1); nexacro.Calendar._defaultViewyearspin = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj("viewyearspin", "false"); nexacro.Calendar._defaultViewmonthspin = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj("viewmonthspin", "false"); _pCalendar.on_apply_custom_pseudo = function (pseudo) { var curstyle = this.currentstyle; var align = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_align(pseudo); if (curstyle.align != align) { curstyle.align = align; this.on_apply_style_align(align); } var font = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_font(pseudo); if (curstyle.font != font) { curstyle.font = font; this.on_apply_style_font(font); } var letterspace = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_letterspace(pseudo); if (curstyle.letterspace != letterspace) { curstyle.letterspace = letterspace; this.on_apply_style_letterspace(letterspace); } var color = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_color(pseudo); if (curstyle.color != color) { curstyle.color = color; this.on_apply_style_color(color); } var padding = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_padding(pseudo); if (curstyle.padding != padding) { curstyle.padding = padding; this.on_apply_style_padding(padding); } var popupalign = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_popupalign(pseudo); if (curstyle.popupalign != popupalign) { curstyle.popupalign = popupalign; this.on_apply_style_popupalign(popupalign); } var popupbackground = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_popupbackground(pseudo); if (curstyle.popupbackground != popupbackground) { curstyle.popupbackground = popupbackground; this.on_apply_style_popupbackground(popupbackground); } var popupborder = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_popupborder(pseudo); if (curstyle.popupborder != popupborder) { curstyle.popupborder = popupborder; this.on_apply_style_popupborder(popupborder); } var popupbordertype = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_popupbordertype(pseudo); if (curstyle.popupbordertype != popupbordertype) { curstyle.popupbordertype = popupbordertype; this.on_apply_style_popupbordertype(popupbordertype); } var popupgradation = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_popupgradation(pseudo); if (curstyle.popupgradation != popupgradation) { curstyle.popupgradation = popupgradation; this.on_apply_style_popupgradation(popupgradation); } var popupsize = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_popupsize(pseudo); if (curstyle.popupsize != popupsize) { curstyle.popupsize = popupsize; this.on_apply_style_popupsize(popupsize); } var usetrailingday = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_usetrailingday(pseudo); if (curstyle.usetrailingday != usetrailingday) { curstyle.usetrailingday = usetrailingday; } var trailingdaycolor = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_trailingdaycolor(pseudo); if (curstyle.trailingdaycolor != trailingdaycolor) { curstyle.trailingdaycolor = trailingdaycolor; } var buttonsize = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonsize(pseudo); if (curstyle.buttonsize != buttonsize) { curstyle.buttonsize = buttonsize; this.on_apply_style_buttonsize(buttonsize); } var viewyearspin = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_viewyearspin(pseudo); if (curstyle.viewyearspin != viewyearspin) { curstyle.viewyearspin = viewyearspin; } var viewmonthspin = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_viewmonthspin(pseudo); if (curstyle.viewmonthspin != viewmonthspin) { curstyle.viewmonthspin = viewmonthspin; } var popuptype = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_popuptype(pseudo); if (curstyle.popuptype != popuptype) { curstyle.popuptype = popuptype; } var displaynulltextcolor = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_displaynulltextcolor(pseudo); if (curstyle.displaynulltextcolor != displaynulltextcolor) { curstyle.displaynulltextcolor = displaynulltextcolor; this.on_apply_style_displaynulltextcolor(displaynulltextcolor); } }; _pCalendar.on_apply_custom_class = function () { if (this.calendaredit) { this.calendaredit.on_apply_prop_class(); } if (this.dropbutton) { this.dropbutton.on_apply_prop_class(); } if (this.spinupbutton) { this.spinupbutton.on_apply_prop_class(); } if (this.spindownbutton) { this.spindownbutton.on_apply_prop_class(); } }; _pCalendar.on_create_custom_style = function () { return new nexacro.Calendar_Style(this); }; _pCalendar.on_create_custom_currentStyles = function () { return new nexacro.Calendar_CurrentStyle(); }; _pCalendar.on_find_CurrentStyle_daycolor = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("daycolor", pseudo, "color"); }; _pCalendar.on_find_CurrentStyle_daybackground = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("daybackground", pseudo, "background"); }; _pCalendar.on_find_CurrentStyle_dayborder = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("dayborder", pseudo, "border"); }; _pCalendar.on_find_CurrentStyle_daybordertype = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("daybordertype", pseudo, "bordertype"); }; _pCalendar.on_find_CurrentStyle_dayfont = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("dayfont", pseudo, "font"); }; _pCalendar.on_find_CurrentStyle_daygradation = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("daygradation", pseudo, "gradation"); }; _pCalendar.on_find_CurrentStyle_daysize = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("daysize", pseudo); }; _pCalendar.on_find_CurrentStyle_popupalign = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("popupalign", pseudo, "align"); }; _pCalendar.on_find_CurrentStyle_popupbackground = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("popupbackground", pseudo, "background"); }; _pCalendar.on_find_CurrentStyle_popupborder = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("popupborder", pseudo, "border"); }; _pCalendar.on_find_CurrentStyle_popupbordertype = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("popupbordertype", pseudo, "bordertype"); }; _pCalendar.on_find_CurrentStyle_popupgradation = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("popupgradation", pseudo, "gradation"); }; _pCalendar.on_find_CurrentStyle_popupsize = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("popupsize", pseudo) || nexacro.Calendar._defaultPopupsize; }; _pCalendar.on_find_CurrentStyle_usetrailingday = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("usetrailingday", pseudo); }; _pCalendar.on_find_CurrentStyle_trailingdaycolor = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("trailingdaycolor", pseudo, "color"); }; _pCalendar.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonsize = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("buttonsize", pseudo) || nexacro.Calendar._defaultButtonsize; }; _pCalendar.on_find_CurrentStyle_viewyearspin = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("viewyearspin", pseudo) || nexacro.Calendar._defaultViewyearspin; }; _pCalendar.on_find_CurrentStyle_viewmonthspin = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("viewmonthspin", pseudo) || nexacro.Calendar._defaultViewmonthspin; }; _pCalendar.on_find_CurrentStyle_align = function (pseudo, childctrl) { if (childctrl) { return childctrl._find_pseudo_obj("align", pseudo, "align") || this._find_pseudo_obj("align", pseudo, "align"); } return this._find_pseudo_obj("align", pseudo, "align"); }; _pCalendar.on_find_CurrentStyle_background = function (pseudo, childctrl) { if (childctrl) { return childctrl._find_pseudo_obj("background", pseudo, "background") || this._find_pseudo_obj("background", pseudo, "background"); } return this._find_pseudo_obj("background", pseudo, "background"); }; _pCalendar.on_find_CurrentStyle_border = function (pseudo, childctrl) { if (childctrl) { return childctrl._find_pseudo_obj("border", pseudo, "border") || this._find_pseudo_obj("border", pseudo, "border"); } return this._find_pseudo_obj("border", pseudo, "border"); }; _pCalendar.on_find_CurrentStyle_bordertype = function (pseudo, childctrl) { if (childctrl) { return childctrl._find_pseudo_obj("bordertype", pseudo, "bordertype") || this._find_pseudo_obj("bordertype", pseudo, "bordertype"); } return this._find_pseudo_obj("bordertype", pseudo, "bordertype"); }; _pCalendar.on_find_CurrentStyle_color = function (pseudo, childctrl) { if (childctrl) { return childctrl._find_pseudo_obj("color", pseudo, "color") || this._find_pseudo_obj("color", pseudo, "color"); } return this._find_pseudo_obj("color", pseudo, "color"); }; _pCalendar.on_find_CurrentStyle_font = function (pseudo, childctrl) { if (childctrl) { return childctrl._find_pseudo_obj("font", pseudo, "font") || this._find_pseudo_obj("font", pseudo, "font"); } return this._find_pseudo_obj("font", pseudo, "font"); }; _pCalendar.on_find_CurrentStyle_gradation = function (pseudo, childctrl) { if (childctrl) { return childctrl._find_pseudo_obj("gradation", pseudo, "gradation") || this._find_pseudo_obj("gradation", pseudo, "gradation"); } return this._find_pseudo_obj("gradation", pseudo, "gradation"); }; _pCalendar.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility = function (pseudo, childctrl) { if (childctrl) { return childctrl._find_pseudo_obj("accessibility", pseudo, "accessibility") || this._find_pseudo_obj("accessibility", pseudo, "accessibility"); } return this._find_pseudo_obj("accessibility", pseudo, "accessibility") || nexacro.Component._default_accessibility; }; _pCalendar.on_find_CurrentStyle_popuptype = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("popuptype", pseudo); }; _pCalendar.on_find_CurrentStyle_displaynulltextcolor = function (pseudo) { var displaynulltextcolor = this._find_pseudo_obj("displaynulltextcolor", pseudo, "color"); if (!displaynulltextcolor) { displaynulltextcolor = this._find_pseudo_obj("color", pseudo, "color"); } if (!displaynulltextcolor) { displaynulltextcolor = this._find_inherit_pseudo_obj("color", pseudo, "color"); } return (displaynulltextcolor) ? displaynulltextcolor : nexacro.Component._default_color; }; _pCalendar.on_update_style_daycolor = function () { this.on_apply_style_daycolor(this.currentstyle.daycolor = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_daycolor(this._pseudo)); }; _pCalendar.on_update_style_daybackground = function () { this.on_apply_style_daybackground(this.currentstyle.daybackground = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_daybackground(this._pseudo)); }; _pCalendar.on_update_style_dayborder = function () { this.on_apply_style_dayborder(this.currentstyle.dayborder = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_dayborder(this._pseudo)); }; _pCalendar.on_update_style_daybordertype = function () { this.on_apply_style_daybordertype(this.currentstyle.daybordertype = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_daybordertype(this._pseudo)); }; _pCalendar.on_update_style_dayfont = function () { this.on_apply_style_dayfont(this.currentstyle.dayfont = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_dayfont(this._pseudo)); }; _pCalendar.on_update_style_daygradation = function () { this.on_apply_style_daygradation(this.currentstyle.daygradation = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_daygradation(this._pseudo)); }; _pCalendar.on_update_style_daysize = function () { this.on_apply_style_daysize(this.currentstyle.daysize = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_daysize(this._pseudo)); }; _pCalendar.on_update_style_popupalign = function () { this.on_apply_style_popupalign(this.currentstyle.popupalign = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_popupalign(this._pseudo)); }; _pCalendar.on_update_style_popupbackground = function () { this.on_apply_style_popupbackground(this.currentstyle.popupbackground = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_popupbackground(this._pseudo)); }; _pCalendar.on_update_style_popupborder = function () { this.on_apply_style_popupborder(this.currentstyle.popupborder = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_popupborder(this._pseudo)); }; _pCalendar.on_update_style_popupbordertype = function () { this.on_apply_style_popupbordertype(this.currentstyle.popupbordertype = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_popupbordertype(this._pseudo)); }; _pCalendar.on_update_style_popupgradation = function () { this.on_apply_style_popupgradation(this.currentstyle.popupgradation = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_popupgradation(this._pseudo)); }; _pCalendar.on_update_style_popupsize = function () { if (!this._init_popupsize) { this._init_popupsize = this.currentstyle.popupsize; } this.on_apply_style_popupsize(this.currentstyle.popupsize = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_popupsize(this._pseudo)); }; _pCalendar.on_update_style_usetrailingday = function () { this.on_apply_style_usetrailingday(this.currentstyle.usetrailingday = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_usetrailingday(this._pseudo)); }; _pCalendar.on_update_style_trailingdaycolor = function () { this.on_apply_style_trailingdaycolor(this.currentstyle.trailingdaycolor = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_trailingdaycolor(this._pseudo)); }; _pCalendar.on_update_style_buttonsize = function () { this.on_apply_style_buttonsize(this.currentstyle.buttonsize = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonsize(this._pseudo)); }; _pCalendar.on_update_style_viewyearspin = function () { this.on_apply_style_viewyearspin(this.currentstyle.viewyearspin = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_viewyearspin(this._pseudo)); }; _pCalendar.on_update_style_viewmonthspin = function () { this.on_apply_style_viewmonthspin(this.currentstyle.viewmonthspin = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_viewmonthspin(this._pseudo)); }; _pCalendar.on_update_style_popuptype = function () { this.currentstyle.popuptype = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_popuptype(this._pseudo); if (this._getPopupType() == "system" && this.type != "monthonly") { if ((nexacro._isMobile && nexacro._isMobile()) || (nexacro._isHybrid && nexacro._isHybrid()) || (!nexacro._isDesktop() && nexacro.OS == "Android" && nexacro.Browser == "Runtime")) { this.type = "system"; this.on_apply_type(); return; } } }; _pCalendar.on_update_style_displaynulltextcolor = function () { this.on_apply_style_displaynulltextcolor(this.currentstyle.displaynulltextcolor = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_displaynulltextcolor(this._pseudo)); }; _pCalendar.on_apply_style_align = function (v) { var edit = this.calendaredit; if (edit) { edit.style.set_align(v); } }; _pCalendar.on_apply_style_popupalign = function (v) { var popupcalendar = this.popupcalendar; if (popupcalendar) { popupcalendar.on_apply_style_align(v); } }; _pCalendar.on_apply_style_color = function (v) { var edit = this.calendaredit; if (edit) { edit.on_apply_style_color(v); } }; _pCalendar.on_apply_style_popupcolor = function (v) { var popupcalendar = this.popupcalendar; if (popupcalendar) { popupcalendar.on_apply_style_color(v); } }; _pCalendar.on_apply_style_daycolor = function (v) { var popupcalendar = this.popupcalendar; if (popupcalendar) { popupcalendar.on_apply_style_daycolor(v); } }; _pCalendar.on_apply_style_font = function (v) { var edit = this.calendaredit; if (edit) { edit.on_apply_style_font(v); } }; _pCalendar.on_apply_style_popupfont = function (v) { var popupcalendar = this.popupcalendar; if (popupcalendar) { popupcalendar.on_apply_style_font(v); } }; _pCalendar.on_apply_style_dayfont = function (v) { var popupcalendar = this.popupcalendar; if (popupcalendar) { popupcalendar.on_apply_style_dayfont(v); } }; _pCalendar.on_apply_style_popupbackground = function (v) { var popupcalendar = this.popupcalendar; if (popupcalendar) { popupcalendar.on_apply_style_background(v); } }; _pCalendar.on_apply_style_daybackground = function (v) { var popupcalendar = this.popupcalendar; if (popupcalendar) { popupcalendar.on_apply_style_daybackground(v); } }; _pCalendar.on_apply_style_rtlimagemirroring = function (v) { return; }; _pCalendar.on_apply_style_popupborder = function (v) { var popupcalendar = this.popupcalendar; if (popupcalendar) { popupcalendar.on_apply_style_border(v); } }; _pCalendar.on_apply_style_dayborder = function (v) { var popupcalendar = this.popupcalendar; if (popupcalendar) { popupcalendar.on_apply_style_dayborder(v); } }; _pCalendar.on_apply_style_popupbordertype = function (v) { var popupcalendar = this.popupcalendar; if (popupcalendar) { popupcalendar.on_apply_style_bordertype(v); } }; _pCalendar.on_apply_style_daybordertype = function (v) { var popupcalendar = this.popupcalendar; if (popupcalendar) { popupcalendar.on_apply_style_daybordertype(v); } }; _pCalendar.on_apply_style_popupgradation = function (v) { var popupcalendar = this.popupcalendar; if (popupcalendar) { popupcalendar.on_apply_style_gradation(v); } }; _pCalendar.on_apply_style_daygradation = function (v) { var popupcalendar = this.popupcalendar; if (popupcalendar) { popupcalendar.on_apply_style_daygradation(v); } }; _pCalendar.on_apply_style_popupsize = function (v) { var popupcalendar = this.popupcalendar; if (popupcalendar) { if (v) { var arr = v.value.split(/\s+/); var w, h; if (arr.length == 2) { w = parseInt(arr[0], 10); h = parseInt(arr[1], 10); } else { w = parseInt(arr[0], 10); h = parseInt(arr[0], 10); } var pop_control_elem = popupcalendar._control_element; if (this.type == "normal" && pop_control_elem) { pop_control_elem.setElementSize(w, h); popupcalendar._updateClientSize(pop_control_elem); } } } }; _pCalendar.on_apply_style_daysize = function (v) { var popupcalendar = this.popupcalendar; if (popupcalendar) { popupcalendar.on_apply_style_daysize(v); } }; _pCalendar.on_apply_style_usetrailingday = function (v) { var popupcalendar = this.popupcalendar; if (popupcalendar) { popupcalendar.on_apply_style_usetrailingday(v); } }; _pCalendar.on_apply_style_trailingdaycolor = function (v) { var popupcalendar = this.popupcalendar; if (popupcalendar) { popupcalendar.on_apply_style_trailingdaycolor(v); } }; _pCalendar.on_apply_style_buttonsize = function (v) { this._resizeCalendar(); }; _pCalendar.on_apply_style_viewyearspin = function (v) { var popupcalendar = this.popupcalendar; if (popupcalendar) { popupcalendar.on_apply_style_viewyearspin(v); } }; _pCalendar.on_apply_style_viewmonthspin = function (v) { var popupcalendar = this.popupcalendar; if (popupcalendar) { popupcalendar.on_apply_style_viewmonthspin(v); } }; _pCalendar.on_apply_style_accessibility = function (accessibility) { nexacro.Component.prototype.on_apply_style_accessibility.call(this, accessibility); if (this.calendaredit) { this.calendaredit.on_apply_style_accessibility(accessibility); } }; _pCalendar.on_apply_style_displaynulltextcolor = function (v) { if (this.calendaredit) { this.calendaredit.on_apply_style_displaynulltextcolor(v); } }; _pCalendar.on_apply_style_letterspace = function (letterspace) { if (this.calendaredit) { this.calendaredit.on_apply_style_letterspace(letterspace); } }; _pCalendar.on_create_contents = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { if (this._getPopupType() == "system" && this.type != "monthonly") { if ((nexacro._isMobile && nexacro._isMobile()) || (nexacro._isHybrid && nexacro._isHybrid()) || (!nexacro._isDesktop() && nexacro.OS == "Android" && nexacro.Browser == "Runtime")) { this.type = "system"; } } switch (this.type) { case "normal": this._createCalendaredit(); this._createDropbutton(); break; case "spin": this._createCalendaredit(); this._createSpinbutton(); break; case "monthonly": this._createPopupcalendar(); break; case "system": this._createSystemCalendar(); break; } } }; _pCalendar.on_created_contents = function () { this.on_apply_autoskip(); this.on_apply_autoselect(); this.on_apply_locale(); this.on_apply_displaynulltext(); this.on_apply_usecontextmenu(); this.on_apply_style_displaynulltextcolor(this.currentstyle.displaynulltextcolor); this.on_apply_editformat(); this.on_apply_dateformat(); this._currentformat = "dateformat"; if (this.expr) { this.on_apply_expr(); } else { if (!this.value && this._primitivevalue) { this._setValue(this._primitivevalue); } } if (this.cssclass) { this.on_apply_pseudo(); this.on_apply_custom_pseudo(); this.on_apply_prop_class(); } switch (this.type) { case "spin": this._setEventHandlerToCalendarEdit(); this._setEventHandlerToSpinButton(); this.calendaredit.on_created(); this.spinupbutton.on_created(); this.spindownbutton.on_created(); this.calendaredit.style.set_align(this.currentstyle.align); break; case "monthonly": this._setEventHandlerToPopupCalendar(); this.popupcalendar.on_created(); if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { this._want_arrows = true; } this.on_apply_style_popupborder(this.currentstyle.popupborder); break; case "system": if (nexacro._enableaccessibility && nexacro._accessibilitytype == 4) { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { control_elem.setElementAccessibilityHidden(false); } } this._setEventHandlerToCalendarEdit(); this.calendaredit.on_created(); this._setAccessibilityActiveDescendant(this.calendaredit); this.calendaredit.style.set_align(this.currentstyle.align); break; case "normal": default: this._setEventHandlerToCalendarEdit(); this._setEventHandlerToDropButton(); this.calendaredit.on_created(); this.dropbutton.on_created(); this._setAccessibilityActiveDescendant(this.calendaredit); this.calendaredit.style.set_align(this.currentstyle.align); var color = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_color(this._pseudo, this.calendaredit); if (color) { this.on_apply_style_color(color); } this.on_apply_style_popupborder(this.currentstyle.popupborder); this.dropbutton._control_element.setElementAccessibilityHidden(true); } if (!nexacro._isDesktop() && this.calendaredit && this.calendaredit._input_element) { if (this.type == "system") { this.calendaredit._input_element.setElementInputType("date", true, this); } else { this.calendaredit._input_element.setElementInputType("tel"); } this.calendaredit._input_element.setElementInputTypeKeypad("tel"); } this.on_apply_innerdataset(); this.on_apply_style_letterspace(this.currentstyle.letterspace); this.on_apply_prop_rtldirection(); if (nexacro._enableaccessibility && this.calendaredit && this.calendaredit._input_element) { var input_elem = this.calendaredit._input_element; input_elem._setElementInputRole(); input_elem._setElementInputLabel(); } var pThis = this; nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(pThis, function () { pThis._setDefaultCaret(); }); }; _pCalendar.on_destroy_contents = function () { this._destroyControl(); this._destroyInnerdataset(); this._editformat_info = null; this._dateformat_info = null; this._currentformat = ""; this._mask = ""; this._caret_pos = null; this._prevalue = null; this._postvalue = null; this._datelistL = null; this._datelistS = null; this._localeListL = null; this._localeListS = null; }; _pCalendar.on_change_containerRect = function (width, height) { this._resizeCalendar(); }; _pCalendar.on_getBindableProperties = function () { return "value"; }; _pCalendar.on_apply_custom_setfocus = function (evt_name) { var edit = this.calendaredit; var popupcalendar = this.popupcalendar; if (edit) { var edit_api = edit._edit_base_api; if (edit_api && !this._re_focus) { this._currentformat = "editformat"; var val = this.value; var v_str = this._toValueStr(val); var date = ""; this._setMask(this._currentformat, false, this.value); if (nexacro._isNull(val)) { date = val; } else { date = this._makeMaskValue(v_str); } edit_api._setValue(date); if (!edit._input_element._is_mousedown) { edit.setSelect(this._caret_pos.begin, this._caret_pos.end); } } if (!this._is_dropbutton) { edit.on_apply_custom_setfocus(evt_name); } else { this._is_dropbutton = false; edit_api._changeFocusText(edit._input_element); nexacro.Component.prototype.on_apply_custom_setfocus.call(this, evt_name); } edit._stat_change("focus", "focused"); } else if (popupcalendar) { popupcalendar.on_apply_custom_setfocus(evt_name); } }; _pCalendar.on_apply_prop_enable = function (v) { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { if (this.calendaredit) { this.calendaredit._setEnable(v); } if (this.dropbutton) { this.dropbutton._setEnable(v); } if (this.spinupbutton) { this.spinupbutton._setEnable(v); } if (this.spindownbutton) { this.spindownbutton._setEnable(v); } if (this.popupcalendar) { this.popupcalendar._setEnable(v); } } }; _pCalendar.on_init_bindSource = function (columnid, propid, ds) { if (propid == "value") { this._bindsource = false; this._setValue(undefined); return true; } }; _pCalendar.on_change_bindSource = function (propid, ds, row, col, index) { if (propid == "value") { this._bindsource = true; this._currentformat = "editformat"; var col_val = ds.getColumn(row, col); if (col_val) { if (col_val instanceof nexacro.Date) { var v = col_val; } else { if (this.editformat != this._editformat_info.format) { this._editformat_info = this._makeFormatInfo(this.editformat); } var add_info = null; add_info = this._makeValueStrObj(col_val, true); str_val = add_info.full_str; var v = this._makeDateObj(str_val, add_info); } this.set_enable(this.enable); } if (this._is_primitivevalue && !this._is_created) { this._primitivevalue = v; } this._currentformat = "dateformat"; this._setValue(v); return true; } return false; }; _pCalendar.on_get_style_accessibility_label = function () { if (this.type == "monthonly") { return this.text ? this.text : this._getCurrentDate(); } else { return ""; } }; _pCalendar._on_getAccessibilityAdditionalLabel = function () { var accessibility = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility(this._pseudo); if (accessibility) { var edit = this.calendaredit; if (edit) { return edit._edit_base_api._on_getAccessibilityAdditionalLabel(); } } return ""; }; _pCalendar.on_update_position = function (resize_flag, move_flag) { nexacro.Component.prototype.on_update_position.call(this, resize_flag, move_flag); if (this._isPopupVisible()) { if (resize_flag || move_flag) { this._closePopup(); return; } this._update_popupwindow_position(); if (!nexacro._isDesktop() && nexacro.OS == "Android" && nexacro.Browser == "Runtime") { var pThis = this; var _observer = this._popupwindow_position_observer; if (_observer) { if (_observer._interval_timer) { _observer._interval_timer.stop(); delete _observer._interval_timer; _observer._interval_timer = null; } this._popupwindow_position_observer = null; } var control_elem = this._control_element; _observer = this._popupwindow_position_observer = { }; _observer._observed_count = 0; _observer._elem_pos = nexacro._getElementPositionInFrame(control_elem); _observer._interval_timer = new nexacro.CallbackTimer(this, function () { if (++_observer._observed_count >= 50) { _observer._interval_timer.destroy(); delete _observer._interval_timer; _observer._interval_timer = null; return; } var cur_elem_pos = nexacro._getElementPositionInFrame(control_elem); if (_observer._elem_pos.x != cur_elem_pos.x || _observer._elem_pos.y != cur_elem_pos.y) { pThis._update_popupwindow_position(); _observer._observed_count = 50; } }, 100); _observer._interval_timer.start(); } } }; _pCalendar._getDlgCode = function (keycode, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey) { var _want_arrows = this._want_arrows; this._is_first_focus = false; return { want_tab : false, want_return : false, want_escape : false, want_chars : false, want_arrows : _want_arrows }; }; _pCalendar._getAccessibilityReadLabel = function (bwholeread) { var _readlabel = nexacro.Component.prototype._getAccessibilityReadLabel.call(this); if (bwholeread && this.calendaredit._input_element && this._status != "focus") { if (!this.calendaredit._input_element._wantAccessibilityAdditionalLabel || !this.calendaredit._input_element._wantAccessibilityAdditionalLabel()) { _readlabel = this.text + " " + _readlabel; } } return _readlabel; }; _pCalendar._setAccessibilityStatFocus = function (evt_name) { var calendaredit = this.calendaredit; if (calendaredit && calendaredit._input_element) { var role = this._getAccessibilityRole(this.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility(this._pseudo)); if (this._getDescLevel() == "none") { role = "none"; } calendaredit._input_element.setElementAccessibilityRole(role); } return nexacro.Component.prototype._setAccessibilityStatFocus.call(this, evt_name); }; _pCalendar._getAccessibilityRole = function (accessibility) { var role = nexacro.Component.prototype._getAccessibilityRole.call(this, accessibility); return role; }; _pCalendar.set_text = nexacro._emptyFn; _pCalendar.set_autoselect = function (v) { if (v != this.autoselect) { this.autoselect = v; this.on_apply_autoselect(); } }; _pCalendar.on_apply_autoselect = function () { var edit = this.calendaredit; if (edit) { edit.set_autoselect(this.autoselect); } }; _pCalendar.set_autoskip = function (v) { if (v != this.autoskip) { this.autoskip = v; this.on_apply_autoskip(); } }; _pCalendar.on_apply_autoskip = function () { var edit = this.calendaredit; if (edit) { edit.set_autoskip(this.autoskip); } }; _pCalendar.set_displaynulltext = function (v) { if (v === undefined) { return; } v = nexacro._toString(v); v = v.replace(/"/g, "\""); if (v != this.displaynulltext) { this.displaynulltext = v; this.on_apply_displaynulltext(); } }; _pCalendar.on_apply_displaynulltext = function () { if (this.calendaredit) { this.calendaredit.set_displaynulltext(this.displaynulltext); } }; _pCalendar.on_apply_expr = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { var v = this.expr; var expr = v.substring(0, 4); var parser, conv_expr, exprfn; var use_jsdate_fn = false; if (expr == "expr") { expr = v.substr(4).trim(); if (/^expr(\s*):/.test(v)) { expr = expr.substr(1); } else { expr = expr.substring(1, expr.length - 1); } } else { expr = v; } parser = new nexacro.ExprParser(); conv_expr = parser.makeExpr(this, expr); if (conv_expr.substring(0, 4) == "Date") { conv_expr = "new " + conv_expr; use_jsdate_fn = true; } parser = null; exprfn = nexacro._createInlineFunc(conv_expr, ["comp"]); if (exprfn) { var val = exprfn.call(null, this); if (use_jsdate_fn) { this._setValue_JSDate(val); } else { this._setValue(val); } } } }; _pCalendar.set_type = function (v) { if (this._getPopupType() == "system" && v != "monthonly") { if ((nexacro._isMobile && nexacro._isMobile()) || (nexacro._isHybrid && nexacro._isHybrid()) || (!nexacro._isDesktop() && nexacro.OS == "Android" && nexacro.Browser == "Runtime")) { this.type = "system"; this.on_apply_type(); return; } } if (v != this.type) { this._pretype = this.type; if (v === "spin" || v === "monthonly") { this.type = v; } else { this.type = "normal"; } this.on_apply_type(); } }; _pCalendar.on_apply_type = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { var is_change = true; var client_width = this._client_width; var normal_height = Math.round(client_width / 5); if (this._pretype != "monthonly" || this.type == "monthonly") { is_change = false; } this._destroyControl(); switch (this.type) { case "normal": this._createNormaltypeControl(); break; case "spin": this._createSpintypeControl(); break; case "monthonly": var popupsize = this._getPopupSizeArr(); this._createMonthlytypeControl(); this.resize(popupsize.width, popupsize.height); break; case "system": if (nexacro._enableaccessibility && nexacro._accessibilitytype == 4) { control_elem.setElementAccessibilityHidden(false); } this._createSystemtypeControl(); } if (is_change) { this.resize(client_width, normal_height); } this._resizeCalendar(); if (nexacro._enableaccessibility && this.calendaredit && this.calendaredit._input_element) { var input_elem = this.calendaredit._input_element; input_elem._setElementInputRole(); input_elem._setElementInputLabel(); } } }; _pCalendar.set_value = function (v) { if (v && ((typeof v) == "object") && v._type_name != "Date") { return; } if ((v + "") == (this.value + "")) { return; } this._setUserValue(v); }; _pCalendar.on_apply_value = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { var v = this.value; if (this.calendaredit) { if (v == "" && this._currentformat == "dateformat") { var status = true; } else { var status = false; } this._setMask(this._currentformat, status, this.value); if (v == null) { this.calendaredit.set_value(undefined); } else { var v_str = this._toValueStr(v); var date = (this._isEmptyStr(v)) ? "" : this._makeMaskValue(v_str); var edit_api = this.calendaredit._edit_base_api; this.calendaredit.value = edit_api._getValue(); this.calendaredit.set_value(date); } } if (this.popupcalendar) { var date = this._getPickerValue(v); this.popupcalendar.set_value(date); } } this.on_apply_text(); }; _pCalendar.on_apply_fake_value = function (v) { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { if (this.calendaredit) { var value = v; var val_str = this._toValueStr(value); var date = this._makeMaskValue(val_str); this._setMask(this._currentformat, true, value); this.calendaredit.set_value(date, true); } if (this.popupcalendar) { var value = this._makeDateObj(v); var date = this._getPickerValue(value); this.popupcalendar.set_value(date); } } }; _pCalendar.on_apply_text = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { var value = this.value; if (!value) { this.text = ""; } else { this.displaytext = this.text = this._makeCalendarText(value); } this._refreshAccessibilityValue(); } }; _pCalendar.setInnerDataset = function (obj) { if (!obj) { this._innerdataset = null; this.innerdataset = ""; this.on_apply_innerdataset(); } else if (obj instanceof nexacro.Dataset) { this._innerdataset = obj; this.innerdataset = obj.id; this.on_apply_innerdataset(); } }; _pCalendar._setInnerDatasetStr = function (str) { if (!str) { this._innerdataset = null; this.innerdataset = ""; } else { str = str.replace("@", ""); this._innerdataset = this._findDataset(str); this.innerdataset = str; } }; _pCalendar.getInnerDataset = function () { return this._innerdataset; }; _pCalendar.set_innerdataset = function (str) { if (typeof str != "string") { this.setInnerDataset(str); return; } if (str != this.innerdataset) { if (!str) { this._innerdataset = null; this.innerdataset = ""; } else { str = str.replace("@", ""); this._innerdataset = this._findDataset(str); this.innerdataset = str; } this.on_apply_innerdataset(); } else if (this.innerdataset && !this._innerdataset) { this._setInnerDatasetStr(this.innerdataset); this.on_apply_innerdataset(); } return this.innerdataset; }; _pCalendar.on_apply_innerdataset = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { var innerdataset = this._innerdataset; if (innerdataset && this.popupcalendar) { innerdataset._setEventHandler("onvaluechanged", this._callback_onvaluechanged, this); innerdataset._setEventHandler("onrowsetchanged", this._callback_rowsetchanged, this); this.popupcalendar.on_apply_innerdataset(this._innerdataset); } } }; _pCalendar.set_backgroundcolumn = function (v) { if (v != this.backgroundcolumn) { this.backgroundcolumn = v; this.on_apply_backgroundcolumn(); } }; _pCalendar.on_apply_backgroundcolumn = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { if (this.popupcalendar) { this.popupcalendar.on_apply_backgroundcolumn(this.backgroundcolumn); } } }; _pCalendar.set_bordercolumn = function (v) { if (v != this.bordercolumn) { this.bordercolumn = v; this.on_apply_bordercolumn(); } }; _pCalendar.on_apply_bordercolumn = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { if (this.popupcalendar) { this.popupcalendar.on_apply_bordercolumn(this.bordercolumn); } } }; _pCalendar.set_datecolumn = function (v) { if (v != this.datecolumn) { this.datecolumn = v; this.on_apply_datecolumn(); } }; _pCalendar.on_apply_datecolumn = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { if (this.popupcalendar) { this.popupcalendar.on_apply_datecolumn(this.datecolumn); } } }; _pCalendar.set_textcolorcolumn = function (v) { if (v != this.textcolorcolumn) { this.textcolorcolumn = v; this.on_apply_textcolorcolumn(); } }; _pCalendar.on_apply_textcolorcolumn = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { if (this.popupcalendar) { this.popupcalendar.on_apply_textcolorcolumn(this.textcolorcolumn); } } }; _pCalendar.set_dateformat = function (v) { if (v != this.dateformat) { this.dateformat = v; this.on_apply_dateformat(); } }; _pCalendar.on_apply_dateformat = function () { if (this.type == "system") { this._dateformat_info = this._makeFormatInfo("yyyy-MM-dd"); } else { this._dateformat_info = this._makeFormatInfo(this.dateformat); } var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { this.on_apply_value(); } }; _pCalendar.set_editformat = function (v) { if (v != this.editformat) { this.editformat = v; this.on_apply_editformat(); } }; _pCalendar.on_apply_editformat = function () { if (this.type == "system") { this._editformat_info = this._makeFormatInfo("yyyy-MM-dd"); } else { this._editformat_info = this._makeFormatInfo(this.editformat, true); } }; _pCalendar.set_usesoftkeyboard = function (v) { v = nexacro._toBoolean(v); if (v != this.usesoftkeyboard) { this.usesoftkeyboard = v; this.on_apply_usesoftkeyboard(); } }; _pCalendar.on_apply_usesoftkeyboard = function () { var input_elem = this.calendaredit ? this.calendaredit._input_element : null; if (input_elem) { input_elem.setElementUseSoftKeyboard(this.usesoftkeyboard); } }; _pCalendar.set_imemode = function (v) { if (v != this.imemode) { this.imemode = v; } }; _pCalendar.set_locale = function (v) { if (v != this.locale) { this.locale = v; if (this._locale != v) { this._locale = v; this.on_apply_locale(); this.on_apply_dateformat(); this.on_apply_editformat(); } } }; _pCalendar.on_apply_locale = function () { var edit = this.calendaredit; var locale = this._getLocale(); if (edit) { edit._setLocale(locale); } var datepicker = this.popupcalendar; if (datepicker) { datepicker._setLocale(locale); } var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { var popup = this.popupcalendar; var locale_info = nexacro.Locale.getLocaleInfo(locale); this._datelistL = locale_info.weekday_names_long; this._datelistS = locale_info.weekday_names_short; this._monthlistL = locale_info.month_names_long; this._monthlistS = locale_info.month_names_short; this._locale_direction = locale_info.direction; var localeStr = this._datelistS.join(" "); this.on_apply_value(); if (popup) { var weekformat = popup.on_find_CurrentStyle_weekformat(this._pseudo); if (weekformat) { popup.on_apply_style_weekformat(weekformat); } else { popup.on_apply_style_weekformat(localeStr); } } } }; _pCalendar.set_visible = function (v) { if (v === undefined || v === null) { return; } v = nexacro._toBoolean(v); if (this.visible != v) { nexacro.Component.prototype.set_visible.call(this, v); if (!v && this._is_created) { this.closeDropdown(); } } }; _pCalendar.set_readonly = function (v) { v = nexacro._toBoolean(v); if (v != this.readonly) { this.readonly = v; this.on_apply_readonly(); } }; _pCalendar.on_apply_readonly = function () { var v = this.readonly; if (v) { this._stat_change("readonly", this._pseudo); } else { this._stat_change("writable", this._pseudo == "readonly" ? "normal" : this._pseudo); } if (this.calendaredit) { this.calendaredit.set_readonly(v); } if (this.popupcalendar) { this.popupcalendar.set_readonly(v); } }; _pCalendar.set_usecontextmenu = function (v) { v = nexacro._toBoolean(v); if (v != this.usecontextmenu) { this.usecontextmenu = v; this.on_apply_usecontextmenu(); } }; _pCalendar.on_apply_usecontextmenu = function () { var calendaredit = this.calendaredit; if (calendaredit) { calendaredit.set_usecontextmenu(this.usecontextmenu); } }; _pCalendar.set_useime = function (v) { if (v != this.useime) { this.useime = v; } }; _pCalendar.set_useinputpanel = function (v) { if (v != this.useinputpanel) { this.useinputpanel = v; } }; _pCalendar.closeDropdown = function () { if (this.type == "normal") { this._closePopup(); } }; _pCalendar.dropdown = function () { if (this.enable != true || this.readonly == true || this.visible == false || this.type != "normal") { return false; } var pre_value = this._makeDateObj(this.value); var calendaredit = this.calendaredit; var add_info = this._makeValueStrObj(calendaredit.text); var value = add_info.full_str; var post_value = this._makeDateObj(value, add_info); var str_preval = pre_value ? pre_value.toString() : pre_value; var str_postval = post_value ? post_value.toString() : post_value; this._currentformat = "editformat"; if (str_preval != str_postval) { if (!((str_preval === undefined || str_preval === null) && str_postval === "")) { this._setPreValueAndText(pre_value); this._setPostValueAndText(post_value); var ret = this.on_fire_canchange(this, this._pretext, this._prevalue, this._posttext, this._postvalue); if (ret || ret === undefined) { var val_ret = this._setValue(this._postvalue); if (val_ret === false) { this._setValue(this._prevalue); } else { this._fireOnchangedEvent(pre_value, this.value); } } else { this._setValue(this._prevalue); this.setCaretPos(0); } } } if (this.isDropdown()) { return false; } var ret = this.on_fire_ondropdown(this); if (this._getPopupType() == "none" || this.type == "system") { return; } if (ret || ret === undefined) { this._setFocus(false); this._showPopup(); this._resizeDatePicker(true); this._currentformat = "editformat"; var date = this._makeMaskValue(this._toValueStr(this.value)); var calendaredit = this.calendaredit; if (calendaredit) { this._setMask(this._currentformat, true, this.value); calendaredit.set_value(date); var input_elem = this.calendaredit._input_element; if (input_elem) { if (this.autoselect) { input_elem.setElementSetSelect(0, this.text.length); } else { this._setDefaultCaret(); } } } var popupcalendar = this.popupcalendar; if (popupcalendar) { this.on_apply_style_popupborder(this.currentstyle.popupborder); date = this._getPickerValue(this._makeDateObj(this.value)); popupcalendar.set_value(date); popupcalendar._hide_spindate(); } if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { this._want_arrows = true; } } }; _pCalendar.isDropdown = function () { return this._isPopupVisible(); }; _pCalendar.getCaretPos = function () { var ret = -1; if (this.calendaredit && this.readonly == false) { ret = this.calendaredit.getCaretPos(); } return ret; }; _pCalendar.getDay = function () { var ret = 1; if (this.value) { ret = this.value.getDate(); } return ret; }; _pCalendar.getDayOfWeek = function () { var ret = 4; if (this.value) { ret = this.value.getDay(); } return ret; }; _pCalendar.getMonth = function () { var ret = 1; if (this.value) { ret = this.value.getMonth() + 1; } return ret; }; _pCalendar.getSelect = function () { var ret = [0, 0]; if (this.calendaredit) { ret = this.calendaredit.getSelect(); } return ret; }; _pCalendar.getSelectedText = function () { var ret = ""; if (this.calendaredit) { ret = this.calendaredit.getSelectedText(); } return ret; }; _pCalendar.getYear = function () { var ret = 1970; if (this.value) { ret = this.value.getFullYear(); } return ret; }; _pCalendar.isAboveSelected = function () { }; _pCalendar.setCaretPos = function (v) { this._caret_pos.begin = v; this._caret_pos.end = v; if (this.calendaredit) { return this.calendaredit.setCaretPos(v); } }; _pCalendar.setSelect = function (begin, end) { var ret = false; this._caret_pos.begin = begin; this._caret_pos.end = end; if (this.calendaredit) { ret = this.calendaredit.setSelect(begin, end); } return ret; }; _pCalendar.updateToDataset = function () { this._bindsource = false; var ret = this.applyto_bindSource("value", this.value); if (this._flag_update2dataset) { return true; } return ret; }; _pCalendar._getDragData = function () { return this.calendaredit ? this.calendaredit._getDragData() : ""; }; _pCalendar.on_notify_ondayclick = function (obj, e) { if (this.readonly) { return; } var edit = this.calendaredit; if (!(nexacro.isTouchInteraction && nexacro.SupportTouch)) { this.on_apply_custom_setfocus(); } this.on_fire_ondayclick(this, e.date); if (this._dateformat_info == null || this._editformat_info == null) { return; } this._currentformat = "editformat"; var pre_value = this._makeDateObj(this.value); if (e.date instanceof nexacro.Date) { var post_value = e.date; } else { var add_info = this._makeValueStrObj(e.date, true); post_value = this._makeDateObj(add_info.full_str, add_info); } var str_preval = pre_value ? pre_value.toString() : pre_value; var str_postval = post_value ? post_value.toString() : post_value; if (str_preval != str_postval) { this._day_click = true; this._setPreValueAndText(pre_value); this._setPostValueAndText(post_value); var ret = this.on_fire_canchange(this, this._pretext, this._prevalue, this._posttext, this._postvalue); if (ret || ret === undefined) { var val_ret = this._setValue(this._postvalue); if (val_ret === false) { this._setValue(this._prevalue); this.closeDropdown(); } else { this.closeDropdown(); this._fireOnchangedEvent(pre_value, post_value); } this._setDefaultCaret(); } else { this._setValue(this._prevalue); } } else { this.closeDropdown(); this._setDefaultCaret(); } if (this.autoskip && edit) { edit.on_apply_autoskip(); } this._day_click = false; this._currentformat = "editformat"; return ret; }; _pCalendar.on_notify_mobile_ondropdown = function (obj, e) { if (this.readonly == true || this.enable == false) { return false; } if (this._isPopupVisible()) { this.closeDropdown(); } else { this.dropdown(); } return false; }; _pCalendar.on_notify_ondropdown = function (obj, e) { if (this.readonly == true || this.enable == false) { return false; } if (this._isPopupVisible()) { this.closeDropdown(); if (this.calendaredit) { var input_elem = this.calendaredit._input_element; if (input_elem) { if (this.autoselect) { var text = this.text; input_elem.setElementSetSelect(0, text.length); } else { this._setDefaultCaret(); } } } } else { this.dropdown(); } return false; }; _pCalendar.on_notify_oneditclick = function (obj, e) { this.on_fire_oneditclick(obj, e.caretpos, e.button, e.altKey, e.ctrlKey, e.shiftKey, e.screenX, e.screenY, e.canvasX, e.canvasY, e.clientX, e.clientY, e.fromobject, e.fromreferenceobject); }; _pCalendar.on_notify_onlbuttonup = function (obj, e) { nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(this, function () { var edit = this.calendaredit; var input_elem = edit._input_element; var pos = input_elem.getElementCaretPos(); if (pos && pos != -1) { this._caret_pos = pos; if (nexacro._isDesktop() && nexacro.Browser == "Runtime") { if (pos.begin == pos.end) { this.setCaretPos(pos.begin); } } } else { this._caret_pos.begin = 0; this._caret_pos.end = 0; } }); }; _pCalendar.on_notify_onlbuttondown = function (obj, e) { if (this.readonly == true) { return false; } var edit = this.calendaredit; var edit_api = edit._edit_base_api; var input_elem = edit._input_element; var pos = input_elem.getElementCaretPos(); if (pos && pos != -1) { this._caret_pos = pos; } else { this._caret_pos.begin = 0; this._caret_pos.end = 0; } if (this._isPopupVisible()) { this.closeDropdown(); } if (edit && this._currentformat != "editformat") { var status = (this._currentformat == "dateformat" && this.value === "") ? true : false; this._currentformat = "editformat"; this._setMask(this._currentformat, status, this.value); var v_str = this._toValueStr(this.value); var date = this._makeMaskValue(v_str); edit_api._setValue(date); } }; _pCalendar.on_notify_mobile_onlbuttondown = function (obj, e) { if (this.readonly == true) { return false; } var edit = this.calendaredit; var edit_api = edit._edit_base_api; if (this._isPopupVisible()) { this.closeDropdown(); } if (edit && this._currentformat != "editformat") { this._currentformat = "editformat"; this._setMask(this._currentformat, false, this.value); var v_str = this._toValueStr(this.value); var date = this._makeMaskValue(v_str); edit_api._setValue(date); } }; _pCalendar.on_notify_ontextchange = function (obj, e) { if (!this._isValidDate(e.chartext)) { return false; } return this.on_fire_ontextchange(obj, e.chartext, e.pretext, e.posttext, e.preimetext, e.postimetext); }; _pCalendar.on_notify_ontextchanged = function (obj, e) { var cur_text = e.posttext; var text = this._makeNormalValue(cur_text); var value = this._makeDateObj(text); var date = this._getPickerValue(value); if (this.popupcalendar && this.isDropdown()) { this.popupcalendar.set_value(date); } return this.on_fire_ontextchanged(obj, e.pretext, e.posttext); }; _pCalendar.on_notify_onchanged = function (obj, e) { }; _pCalendar.on_notify_onchar = function (obj, e) { return this.on_fire_onchar(obj, e.chartext, e.pretext, e.posttext); }; _pCalendar.on_notify_cancharchange = function (obj, e) { return this.on_fire_cancharchange(obj, e.chartext, e.pretext, e.posttext); }; _pCalendar.on_notify_canchange = function (obj, e) { return this.on_fire_canchange(obj, e.pretext, e.prevalue, e.posttext, e.postvalue); }; _pCalendar.on_notify_oneditkillfocus = function (obj, e) { if (this.readonly == true) { return; } if (this.type == "spin" && e) { if (e.newreferencecomponent == this.spinupbutton || e.newreferencecomponent == this.spindownbutton) { return; } } this._currentformat = "editformat"; var calendaredit = this.calendaredit; var value = this._makeNormalValue1(calendaredit.text); var pre_value = this._makeDateObj(this.value); var post_value = this._makeDateObj(value); var str_preval = pre_value ? pre_value.toString() : pre_value; var str_postval = post_value ? post_value.toString() : post_value; if (str_preval != str_postval) { if ((str_preval === undefined || str_preval === null) && str_postval === "") { return; } this._setPreValueAndText(pre_value); this._setPostValueAndText(post_value); var ret = this.on_fire_canchange(this, this._pretext, this._prevalue, this._posttext, this._postvalue); if (ret || ret === undefined) { var val_ret = this._setValue(this._postvalue); if (val_ret === false) { this._setValue(this._prevalue); return; } } else { this._setValue(this._prevalue); this.setCaretPos(0); return; } this._fireOnchangedEvent(pre_value, this.value); } }; _pCalendar.on_notify_oncloseup = function (obj, e) { var _window = this._getWindow(); if (_window && this._track_capture) { _window._releaseCaptureLock(this); } if (this._day_click) { this.on_fire_oncloseup(this, this._pretext, this._posttext, this._prevalue, this._postvalue); } else { var text = this._changeYearValue(true); var add_info = this._makeValueStrObj(text); var value = add_info.full_str; var pre_value = this._makeDateObj(this.value); var post_value = this._makeDateObj(value, add_info); var str_preval = pre_value ? pre_value.toString() : pre_value; var str_postval = post_value ? post_value.toString() : post_value; this.on_fire_oncloseup(this, str_preval, str_postval, pre_value, post_value); } }; _pCalendar.on_notify_onkeydown = function (obj, e) { var E = nexacro.Event; switch (this.type) { case "normal": if (e.keycode == E.KEY_ESC) { this.closeDropdown(); this._setDefaultCaret(); } else if (e.keycode == E.KEY_ENTER) { this._fireKeydownEvent(); if (this.isDropdown()) { this.popupcalendar.on_fire_sys_onkeydown(e.keycode, e.altKey, e.ctrlKey, e.shiftKey, e.fromobject, e.fromreferenceobject); } this.closeDropdown(); this._setDefaultCaret(); } else if (e.keycode == E.KEY_SPACE) { return false; } else if (e.altKey == true && e.keycode == E.KEY_DOWN) { this.dropdown(); } else { if (this.isDropdown() && (e.keycode >= E.KEY_LEFT && e.keycode <= E.KEY_DOWN)) { this.popupcalendar.on_fire_sys_onkeydown(e.keycode, e.altKey, e.ctrlKey, e.shiftKey, e.fromobject, e.fromreferenceobject); } } break; case "spin": var edit = this.calendaredit; var input_elem = edit._input_element; var pos = input_elem.getElementCaretPos(); if (pos && pos != -1) { this._caret_pos = pos; } else { this._caret_pos = 0; } if (e.keycode == E.KEY_ENTER) { this._fireKeydownEvent(); this._setDefaultCaret(); } else if (e.keycode == E.KEY_UP) { if (!nexacro._enableaccessibility || e.ctrlKey) { this.on_notify_onspinup(obj, e); } } else if (e.keycode == E.KEY_DOWN) { if (!nexacro._enableaccessibility || e.ctrlKey) { this.on_notify_onspindown(obj, e); } } break; case "monthonly": default: break; } return false; }; _pCalendar.on_fire_sys_onkeydown = function (keycode, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, fire_comp, refer_comp) { if (nexacro._enableaccessibility && !ctrl_key && !alt_key && (this.type == "monthonly" || this.isDropdown())) { var datepicker = this.popupcalendar; var header = datepicker._header; var body = datepicker._body; var year = body._year | 0; var month = body._month | 0; var day = body._day | 0; switch (keycode) { case 38: { if (ctrl_key) { year -= 1; } else { day -= 7; if (day <= 0) { month -= 1; if (month <= 0) { if (year <= 0) { year = 9999; } else { year -= 1; } month = 12; } day = this._getEndDay(year, month) + day; } } } break; case 40: { if (ctrl_key) { year += 1; } else { day += 7; var endday = this._getEndDay(year, month); if (day > endday) { month += 1; if (month > 12) { if (year >= 9999) { year = 0; } else { year += 1; } month = 1; } day -= endday; } } } break; } if (keycode == 38 || keycode == 40) { year = body._makeDateText(year, "year"); month = body._makeDateText(month, "month"); day = body._makeDateText(day, "day"); var date = new nexacro.Date(year, month - 1, day); datepicker._hide_spindate(); if (this.type == "monthonly") { datepicker.on_fire_ondayclick(datepicker, date); } else { datepicker.set_value(year + month + day); } date = null; } } }; _pCalendar.on_notify_onspinup = function (obj, e) { if (this.readonly == true) { return false; } this._currentformat = "editformat"; var edit = this.calendaredit; var input_elem = edit._input_element; var value = edit.value; var caret_pos = this._caret_pos; if (!value) { var curr_date = new nexacro.Date(); if (this._isTimeMask()) { curr_date._timeonly = true; } this.on_apply_fake_value(curr_date); this.setCaretPos(0); curr_date = null; return; } var text = input_elem.text; var date = this._makeSpinValue(text, 1, caret_pos.begin); this._setPreValueAndText(this._makeDateObj(value)); this._setPostValueAndText(this._makeDateObj(date)); var add_info = this._makeValueStrObj(date, true); this._setPostValueAndText(this._makeDateObj(date, add_info)); var ret = this.on_fire_onspin(this, this._pretext, this._posttext, this._prevalue, this._postvalue, true); if (ret || ret === undefined) { this.on_apply_fake_value(this._postvalue); } var adjust_caret = 0; if (text.length != input_elem.text.length) { adjust_caret = input_elem.text.length - text.length; } this.setCaretPos(caret_pos.begin + adjust_caret); obj._stat_change("notselect", "normal"); }; _pCalendar.on_notify_mobile_onspinup = function (obj, e) { if (this.readonly == true) { return false; } this._currentformat = "editformat"; var edit = this.calendaredit; var input_elem = edit._input_element; var value = edit.value; var caret_pos = this._caret_pos = { begin : edit._edit_base_api._begin_pos, end : edit._edit_base_api._end_pos }; if (!value) { var curr_date = new nexacro.Date(); if (this._isTimeMask()) { curr_date._timeonly = true; } this.on_apply_fake_value(curr_date); curr_date = null; return; } var text = input_elem.text; var date = this._makeSpinValue(text, 1, caret_pos.begin); this._setPreValueAndText(this._makeDateObj(value)); this._setPostValueAndText(this._makeDateObj(date)); var add_info = this._makeValueStrObj(date, true); this._setPostValueAndText(this._makeDateObj(date, add_info)); var ret = this.on_fire_onspin(this, this._pretext, this._posttext, this._prevalue, this._postvalue, true); if (ret || ret == undefined) { this.on_apply_fake_value(this._postvalue); } obj._stat_change("notselect", "normal"); }; _pCalendar.on_notify_onspindown = function (obj, e) { if (this.readonly == true) { return false; } this._currentformat = "editformat"; var edit = this.calendaredit; var input_elem = edit._input_element; var value = edit.value; var caret_pos = this._caret_pos; if (!value) { var curr_date = new nexacro.Date(); if (this._isTimeMask()) { curr_date._timeonly = true; } this.on_apply_fake_value(curr_date); this.setCaretPos(0); curr_date = null; return; } var text = input_elem.text; var date = this._makeSpinValue(text, -1, caret_pos.begin); this._setPreValueAndText(this._makeDateObj(value)); var add_info = this._makeValueStrObj(date, true); this._setPostValueAndText(this._makeDateObj(date, add_info)); var ret = this.on_fire_onspin(this, this._pretext, this._posttext, this._prevalue, this._postvalue, false); if (ret || ret == undefined) { this.on_apply_fake_value(this._postvalue); } var adjust_caret = 0; if (text.length != input_elem.text.length) { adjust_caret = input_elem.text.length - text.length; } this.setCaretPos(caret_pos.begin + adjust_caret); obj._stat_change("notselect", "normal"); }; _pCalendar.on_notify_mobile_onspindown = function (obj, e) { if (this.readonly == true) { return false; } this._currentformat = "editformat"; var edit = this.calendaredit; var input_elem = edit._input_element; var value = edit.value; var caret_pos = this._caret_pos = { begin : edit._edit_base_api._begin_pos, end : edit._edit_base_api._end_pos }; if (!value) { var curr_date = new nexacro.Date(); if (this._isTimeMask()) { curr_date._timeonly = true; } this.on_apply_fake_value(curr_date); curr_date = null; return; } var text = input_elem.text; var date = this._makeSpinValue(text, -1, caret_pos.begin); this._setPreValueAndText(this._makeDateObj(value)); var add_info = this._makeValueStrObj(date, true); this._setPostValueAndText(this._makeDateObj(date, add_info)); var ret = this.on_fire_onspin(this, this._pretext, this._posttext, this._prevalue, this._postvalue, false); if (ret || ret == undefined) { this.on_apply_fake_value(this._postvalue); } obj._stat_change("notselect", "normal"); }; _pCalendar._callback_onvaluechanged = function (obj, e) { this.on_apply_backgroundcolumn(); this.on_apply_bordercolumn(); this.on_apply_datecolumn(); this.on_apply_textcolorcolumn(); }; _pCalendar._callback_rowsetchanged = function (obj, e) { this.on_apply_backgroundcolumn(); this.on_apply_bordercolumn(); this.on_apply_datecolumn(); this.on_apply_textcolorcolumn(); }; _pCalendar._on_activate = function () { if (!this._is_alive) { return; } var edit = this.calendaredit; if (edit) { var edit_api = edit._edit_base_api; if (edit_api) { this._currentformat = "editformat"; var val = this.value; var v_str = this._toValueStr(val); var date = ""; this._setMask(this._currentformat, false, this.value); if (nexacro._isNull(val)) { date = val; } else { date = this._makeMaskValue(v_str, this.value); } this.on_apply_value(); edit_api._setValue(date); if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { this._setAccessibilityStatFocus(); } } } if (!this._isSelected()) { this._stat_change("focus", "normal"); } }; _pCalendar._on_killfocus = function (new_focus, new_ref_focus) { if (!this._is_alive || application._is_on_alert) { return; } if (this.calendaredit && nexacro.Browser == "Runtime") { this.calendaredit._cancelSelect(); } if (this.type != "monthonly") { var pre_value = this._makeDateObj(this.value); var text = this._changeYearValue(true); if (this.popupcalendar) { this._currentformat = "editformat"; } var add_info = this._makeValueStrObj(text); var value = add_info.full_str; var post_value = this._makeDateObj(value, add_info); var str_preval = pre_value ? pre_value.toString() : pre_value; var str_postval = post_value ? post_value.toString() : post_value; this._currentformat = "dateformat"; if (str_preval != str_postval) { if ((str_preval === undefined || str_preval === null) && str_postval === "") { this.closeDropdown(); if (this.calendaredit) { this.calendaredit._stat_change("notfocus", "normal"); if (nexacro.Browser == "IE" && nexacro.BrowserVersion == 8) { this.calendaredit._is_focusing = false; } } return; } this._setPreValueAndText(pre_value); this._setPostValueAndText(post_value); var ret = this.on_fire_canchange(this, this._pretext, this._prevalue, this._posttext, this._postvalue); if (ret || ret == undefined) { ret = this.applyto_bindSource("value", this._postvalue); if (ret === false) { this.on_apply_value(); } else { this._setValue(this._postvalue); } } else { ret = this.applyto_bindSource("value", this._prevalue); if (ret === false) { this.on_apply_value(); } else { this._setValue(this._prevalue); } return; } this._fireOnchangedEvent(this._prevalue, this.value); } else { this.on_apply_value(); var edit = this.calendaredit; if (edit) { var edit_api = edit._edit_base_api; edit_api._setFocusValue(); } } this.closeDropdown(); } else { if (this.popupcalendar) { var datepicker = this.popupcalendar; datepicker._hide_spindate(); } this.on_apply_value(); } if (this.calendaredit) { this.calendaredit._stat_change("notfocus", "normal"); if (nexacro.Browser == "IE" && nexacro.BrowserVersion == 8) { this.calendaredit._is_focusing = false; } } }; _pCalendar.on_fire_canchange = function (obj, pretext, prevalue, posttext, postvalue) { if (this.canchange && this.canchange._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.ChangeEventInfo(this, "canchange", pretext, prevalue, posttext, postvalue); return this.canchange._fireCheckEvent(this, evt); } return true; }; _pCalendar.on_fire_cancharchange = function (obj, chartext, pretext, posttext) { if (this.cancharchange && this.cancharchange._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.CanCharEventInfo(obj, "cancharchange", chartext, pretext, posttext); return this.cancharchange._fireCheckEvent(this, evt); } return true; }; _pCalendar.on_fire_onchanged = function (obj, pretext, prevalue, posttext, postvalue) { if (this.onchanged && this.onchanged._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.ChangedEventInfo(this, "onchanged", pretext, prevalue, posttext, postvalue); return this.onchanged._fireEvent(this, evt); } return false; }; _pCalendar.on_fire_onchar = function (obj, chartext, pretext, posttext) { if (this.onchar && this.onchar._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.CharEventInfo(this, "onchar", chartext, pretext, posttext); return this.onchar._fireCheckEvent(this, evt); } return true; }; _pCalendar.on_fire_oncloseup = function (obj, pretext, posttext, prevalue, postvalue) { if (this.oncloseup && this.oncloseup._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.CalendarCloseUpEventInfo(this, "oncloseup", pretext, posttext, prevalue, postvalue); return this.oncloseup._fireEvent(this, evt); } return false; }; _pCalendar.on_fire_ondayclick = function (obj, date) { if (this.ondayclick && this.ondayclick._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.CalendarDayClickEventInfo(this, "ondayclick", date); return this.ondayclick._fireEvent(this, evt); } return false; }; _pCalendar.on_fire_ondropdown = function (obj) { if (this.ondropdown && this.ondropdown._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.Event(this, "ondropdown"); return this.ondropdown._fireEvent(this, evt); } return true; }; _pCalendar.on_fire_oneditclick = function (obj, caretpos, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (this.visible && this._isEnable() && this.enableevent) { if (this.oneditclick && this.oneditclick._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.EditClickEventInfo(this, "oneditclick", caretpos, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, this, from_refer_comp); return this.oneditclick._fireEvent(this, evt); } } return false; }; _pCalendar.on_fire_onspin = function (obj, pretext, posttext, prevalue, postvalue, isUp) { if (this.onspin && this.onspin._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.CalendarSpinEventInfo(this, "onspin", pretext, posttext, prevalue, postvalue, isUp); return this.onspin._fireEvent(this, evt); } return true; }; _pCalendar.on_fire_ontextchange = function (obj, chartext, pretext, posttext, preimetext, postimetext) { if (this.ontextchange && this.ontextchange._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.TextChangeEventInfo(this, "ontextchange", chartext, pretext, posttext, preimetext, postimetext); return this.ontextchange._fireCheckEvent(this, evt); } return true; }; _pCalendar.on_fire_ontextchanged = function (obj, pretext, posttext) { if (this.ontextchanged && this.ontextchanged._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.TextChangedEventInfo(this, "ontextchanged", pretext, posttext); return this.ontextchanged._fireEvent(this, evt); } return true; }; _pCalendar.on_fire_sys_onslide = function (elem, touch_manager, touchinfos, xaccvalue, yaccvalue, xdeltavalue, ydeltavalue, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { nexacro.Component.prototype.on_fire_sys_onslide.call(this, elem, touch_manager, touchinfos, xaccvalue, yaccvalue, xdeltavalue, ydeltavalue, from_comp, from_refer_comp); this._update_popupwindow_position(); return (this.popupwindow && this.popupwindow._is_popup()) ? true : false; }; _pCalendar.on_fire_sys_onfling = function (elem, fling_handler, xstartvalue, ystartvalue, xdeltavalue, ydeltavalue, touchlen, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { var ret = nexacro.Component.prototype.on_fire_sys_onfling.call(this, elem, fling_handler, xstartvalue, ystartvalue, xdeltavalue, ydeltavalue, touchlen, from_comp, from_refer_comp); this._update_popupwindow_position(); return ret; }; _pCalendar.on_fire_user_onmousewheel = function (wheelDeltaX, wheelDeltaY, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { nexacro.Component.prototype.on_fire_user_onmousewheel.call(this, wheelDeltaX, wheelDeltaY, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); return (this.popupwindow && this.popupwindow._is_popup()) ? true : false; }; _pCalendar._applyZoomPopup = function () { if (this.popupwindow && this.popupwindow._is_popup()) { this.dropdown(); } }; _pCalendar._createCalendaredit = function () { var calendaredit = new nexacro.CalendarEditCtrl("calendaredit", "absolute", 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null, this); calendaredit.set_readonly(this.readonly); calendaredit.set_type("string"); calendaredit.set_maskchar(" "); calendaredit.set_displaynulltext(this.displaynulltext); calendaredit.createComponent(true); this.calendaredit = calendaredit; this._edit_base_api = calendaredit._edit_base_api; calendaredit = null; this._setMask("dateformat", true, this.value); }; _pCalendar._createDropbutton = function () { var dropbutton = this.dropbutton = new nexacro.CalendarDropButtonCtrl("dropbutton", "absolute", 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null, this); dropbutton.createComponent(true); }; _pCalendar._createSpinbutton = function () { var spinupbutton = new nexacro.CalendarSpinButtonCtrl("spinupbutton", "absolute", 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null, this); var spindownbutton = new nexacro.CalendarSpinButtonCtrl("spindownbutton", "absolute", 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null, this); spinupbutton.createComponent(true); spindownbutton.createComponent(true); this.spinupbutton = spinupbutton; this.spindownbutton = spindownbutton; spinupbutton = spindownbutton = null; }; _pCalendar._createPopupcalendar = function () { var popupcalendar = new nexacro.DatePickerCtrl("popupcalendar", "absolute", 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null, this); popupcalendar.createComponent(true); popupcalendar._setEnable(true); if (this.type == "monthonly") { popupcalendar._is_focus_accept = true; } else { popupcalendar._is_focus_accept = false; } this.popupcalendar = popupcalendar; popupcalendar = null; }; _pCalendar._createPopupwindow = function () { var popupwindow = new nexacro.CalendarPopupWindow("calendarpopup", "absolute", 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null, this); popupwindow.createComponent(true); this.popupwindow = popupwindow; popupwindow = null; }; _pCalendar._createSystemCalendar = function () { var calendaredit = new nexacro.CalendarEditCtrl("calendaredit", "absolute", 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null, this); calendaredit.set_readonly(this.readonly); calendaredit.set_type("string"); calendaredit.set_maskchar(" "); calendaredit.set_displaynulltext(this.displaynulltext); calendaredit.createComponent(true); this.calendaredit = calendaredit; this.calendaredit.setCaretPos(0); calendaredit = null; }; _pCalendar._applyAllProps = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { this.on_apply_editformat(); this.on_apply_value(); this.on_apply_dateformat(); this.on_apply_innerdataset(); this.on_apply_locale(); this.on_apply_readonly(); } }; _pCalendar._applyDatepickerProps = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { var popupcalendar = this.popupcalendar; if (popupcalendar) { popupcalendar._setEnable(true); popupcalendar.set_readonly(this.readonly); var date = this._getPickerValue(this.value); popupcalendar.set_value(date); this.on_apply_style_viewmonthspin(this.on_find_CurrentStyle_viewmonthspin(this._pseudo)); this.on_apply_style_viewyearspin(this.on_find_CurrentStyle_viewyearspin(this._pseudo)); this.on_apply_innerdataset(); } } }; _pCalendar._createNormaltypeControl = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { this._createCalendaredit(); this._createDropbutton(); this._createPopupcalendar(); this._createPopupwindow(); this._setEventHandlerToCalendarEdit(); this._setEventHandlerToDropButton(); this._setEventHandlerToPopupCalendar(); this._applyAllProps(); if (this._is_created) { var popupwindow = this.popupwindow; var popupcalendar = this.popupcalendar; var calendaredit = this.calendaredit; var dropbutton = this.dropbutton; if (calendaredit) { calendaredit.on_created(); calendaredit.style.set_align(this.currentstyle.align); } if (dropbutton) { dropbutton.on_created(); } } } }; _pCalendar._createSpintypeControl = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { this._createCalendaredit(); this._createSpinbutton(); this._setEventHandlerToCalendarEdit(); this._setEventHandlerToSpinButton(); this._applyAllProps(); if (this._is_created) { var calendaredit = this.calendaredit; var spinupbutton = this.spinupbutton; var spindownbutton = this.spindownbutton; if (calendaredit) { calendaredit.on_created(); calendaredit.style.set_align(this.currentstyle.align); } if (spinupbutton) { spinupbutton.on_created(); } if (spindownbutton) { spindownbutton.on_created(); } } } }; _pCalendar._createMonthlytypeControl = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { this._createPopupcalendar(); this._setEventHandlerToPopupCalendar(); this._applyDatepickerProps(); if (this._is_created) { var popupcalendar = this.popupcalendar; if (popupcalendar) { popupcalendar.on_created(); } } } }; _pCalendar._createSystemtypeControl = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { this._createSystemCalendar(); this._setEventHandlerToCalendarEdit(); this._applyAllProps(); if (this._is_created) { var calendaredit = this.calendaredit; if (calendaredit) { calendaredit.on_created(); calendaredit.style.set_align(this.currentstyle.align); if (!nexacro._isDesktop() && calendaredit && calendaredit._input_element) { if (this.type == "system") { calendaredit._input_element.setElementInputType("date", true, this); } else { calendaredit._input_element.setElementInputType("tel"); } calendaredit._input_element.setElementInputTypeKeypad("tel"); } } } } }; _pCalendar._setEventHandlerToCalendarEdit = function () { var calendaredit = this.calendaredit; calendaredit._setEventHandler("oneditclick", this.on_notify_oneditclick, this); calendaredit._setEventHandler("onkeydown", this.on_notify_onkeydown, this); calendaredit._setEventHandler("onlbuttondown", this.on_notify_onlbuttondown, this); calendaredit._setEventHandler("onlbuttonup", this.on_notify_onlbuttonup, this); calendaredit._setEventHandler("ontouchstart", this.on_notify_mobile_onlbuttondown, this); calendaredit._setEventHandler("ontextchange", this.on_notify_ontextchange, this); calendaredit._setEventHandler("ontextchanged", this.on_notify_ontextchanged, this); calendaredit._setEventHandler("cancharchange", this.on_notify_cancharchange, this); calendaredit._setEventHandler("onchar", this.on_notify_onchar, this); }; _pCalendar._setEventHandlerToDropButton = function () { if (!(nexacro.isTouchInteraction && nexacro.SupportTouch)) { this.dropbutton._setEventHandler("onlbuttondown", this.on_notify_ondropdown, this); } if (nexacro.OS != "Windows" || nexacro.Browser != "Runtime") { this.dropbutton._setEventHandler("ontap", this.on_notify_mobile_ondropdown, this); } }; _pCalendar._setEventHandlerToSpinButton = function () { var spinupbutton = this.spinupbutton; var spindownbutton = this.spindownbutton; if (!(nexacro.isTouchInteraction && nexacro.SupportTouch)) { spinupbutton._setEventHandler("onlbuttondown", this.on_notify_onlbuttondown, this); spinupbutton._setEventHandler("onclick", this.on_notify_onspinup, this); spindownbutton._setEventHandler("onlbuttondown", this.on_notify_onlbuttondown, this); spindownbutton._setEventHandler("onclick", this.on_notify_onspindown, this); } else { spinupbutton._setEventHandler("onlbuttondown", this.on_notify_mobile_onlbuttondown, this); spinupbutton._setEventHandler("onclick", this.on_notify_mobile_onspinup, this); spindownbutton._setEventHandler("onlbuttondown", this.on_notify_mobile_onlbuttondown, this); spindownbutton._setEventHandler("onclick", this.on_notify_mobile_onspindown, this); } }; _pCalendar._setEventHandlerToPopupCalendar = function () { var popupcalendar = this.popupcalendar; popupcalendar._setEventHandler("ondayclick", this.on_notify_ondayclick, this); popupcalendar._setEventHandler("oncloseup", this.on_notify_oncloseup, this); }; _pCalendar._setEventHandlerToPopupWindow = function () { }; _pCalendar._destroyControl = function () { if (this.calendaredit) { this.calendaredit.destroy(); this.calendaredit = null; } if (this.dropbutton) { this.dropbutton.destroy(); this.dropbutton = null; } if (this.spinupbutton) { this.spinupbutton.destroy(); this.spinupbutton = null; } if (this.spindownbutton) { this.spindownbutton.destroy(); this.spindownbutton = null; } if (this.popupcalendar) { this.popupcalendar.destroy(); this.popupcalendar = null; } if (this.popupwindow) { this.popupwindow.destroy(); this.popupwindow = null; } }; _pCalendar._destroyInnerdataset = function () { if (this._innerdataset) { this._innerdataset._removeEventHandler("onvaluechanged", this._callback_onvaluechanged, this); this._innerdataset._removeEventHandler("onrowsetchanged", this._callback_rowsetchanged, this); this._innerdataset = null; } }; _pCalendar.on_apply_prop_rtldirection = function () { nexacro.Component.prototype.on_apply_prop_rtldirection.call(this); this.on_change_containerRect(this._client_width, this._client_height); var _rtldirection = this._rtldirection; if (this.calendaredit) { this.calendaredit._setRtlDirection(_rtldirection); } if (this.dropbutton) { this.dropbutton._setRtlDirection(_rtldirection); } if (this.spinupbutton) { this.spinupbutton._setRtlDirection(_rtldirection); } if (this.spindownbutton) { this.spindownbutton._setRtlDirection(_rtldirection); } if (this.popupcalendar) { this.popupcalendar._setRtlDirection(_rtldirection); } if (this.popupwindow) { this.popupwindow._setRtlDirection(_rtldirection); } }; _pCalendar._resizeCalendar = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { var edit = this.calendaredit; var dropbutton = this.dropbutton; var spinupbutton = this.spinupbutton; var spindownbutton = this.spindownbutton; var client_width = this._client_width; var client_height = this._client_height; var client_left = 0; var padding = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_padding(this._pseudo); var buttonsize = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonsize(this._pseudo); var buttonsize_h = client_height; if (buttonsize < 0) { var buttonsize_w = client_height; } else { var buttonsize_w = buttonsize; } switch (this.type) { case "normal": if (!dropbutton) { return; } var dropbutton_margin = dropbutton.on_find_CurrentStyle_margin(this._pseudo); var edit_margin = edit.on_find_CurrentStyle_margin(this._pseudo); buttonsize_w = buttonsize_w - dropbutton_margin.left - dropbutton_margin.right; var button_l = client_width - dropbutton_margin.right - buttonsize_w; var button_t = dropbutton_margin.top; var button_w = buttonsize_w; var button_h = buttonsize_h - dropbutton_margin.top - dropbutton_margin.bottom; var edit_l = edit_margin.left; var edit_t = edit_margin.top; var edit_w = button_l - dropbutton_margin.left - edit_margin.right - 1; var edit_h = client_height - edit_margin.top - edit_margin.bottom; this.dropbutton.move(button_l, button_t, button_w, button_h, null, null); this.calendaredit.move(client_left, edit_t, edit_w, edit_h, null, null); this.calendaredit.set_visible(true); this.dropbutton.set_visible(true); break; case "spin": if (!edit) { return; } var edit_margin = edit.on_find_CurrentStyle_margin(this._pseudo); var spinupbutton_margin = spinupbutton.on_find_CurrentStyle_margin(this._pseudo); var spindownbutton_margin = spindownbutton.on_find_CurrentStyle_margin(this._pseudo); var upbuttonsize_w = buttonsize_w - spinupbutton_margin.left - spinupbutton_margin.right; var downbuttonsize_w = buttonsize_w - spindownbutton_margin.left - spindownbutton_margin.right; if (upbuttonsize_w >= downbuttonsize_w) { buttonsize_w = upbuttonsize_w; } else { buttonsize_w = downbuttonsize_w; } var upbutton_l = client_width - spinupbutton_margin.right - upbuttonsize_w; var upbutton_t = spinupbutton_margin.top; var upbutton_w = upbuttonsize_w; var upbutton_h = (buttonsize_h / 2) - 1; var downbutton_l = client_width - spindownbutton_margin.right - downbuttonsize_w; var downbutton_t = upbutton_t + upbutton_h + spindownbutton_margin.top + 1; var downbutton_w = downbuttonsize_w; var downbutton_h = upbutton_h - spindownbutton_margin.bottom; var edit_l = edit_margin.left; var edit_t = edit_margin.top; var edit_w = client_width - buttonsize_w - 1; var edit_h = client_height - edit_margin.top - edit_margin.bottom; this.spinupbutton.move(upbutton_l, upbutton_t, upbutton_w, upbutton_h, null, null); this.spindownbutton.move(downbutton_l, downbutton_t, downbutton_w, downbutton_h, null, null); this.calendaredit.move(client_left, edit_t, edit_w, edit_h, null, null); this.calendaredit.set_visible(true); this.spinupbutton.set_visible(true); this.spindownbutton.set_visible(true); break; case "monthonly": if (!this.popupcalendar) { return; } this._applyDatepickerProps(); this._resizeDatePicker(false); this.popupcalendar.set_visible(true); break; case "system": if (!edit) { return; } var edit_margin = edit.on_find_CurrentStyle_margin(this._pseudo); var edit_l = edit_margin.left; var edit_t = edit_margin.top; var edit_w = client_width - edit_margin.left - edit_margin.right; var edit_h = client_height - edit_margin.top - edit_margin.bottom; this.calendaredit.move(client_left, edit_t, edit_w, edit_h, null, null); this.calendaredit.set_visible(true); break; } } }; _pCalendar._resizeDatePicker = function (_is_popup) { var popupcalendar = this.popupcalendar; if (!popupcalendar) { return; } var pseudo = this._pseudo; var padding = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_padding(pseudo); var client_width = this._client_width; var client_height = this._client_height; if (_is_popup) { var popupsize = this._getPopupSizeArr(); popupcalendar.resize(popupsize.width, popupsize.height); } else { var picker_l = padding.left; var picker_t = padding.top; var picker_w = client_width - padding.right; var picker_h = client_height + padding.bottom; popupcalendar.move(picker_l, picker_t, picker_w, picker_h, null, null); } }; _pCalendar._update_popupwindow_position = function () { var popupwindow = this.popupwindow; if (popupwindow) { var _window = this._getWindow(); var popupsize = this._getPopupSizeArr(); var popup_control_elem = popupwindow._control_element; var pos = nexacro._getElementPositionInFrame(this._control_element); var scale = this._getCumulativeZoomFactor() / 100.0; var cal_winpos_left = pos.x; var cal_winpos_top = pos.y; var cal_height = this._adjust_height * scale; var popup_left = cal_winpos_left; var popup_top = cal_winpos_top + cal_height; var popup_width = popupsize.width; var popup_height = popupsize.height * scale; var popup_winpos_right = cal_winpos_left + popup_width; var popup_winpos_bottom = cal_winpos_top + cal_height + popup_height; var win_width = _window.clientWidth; var win_height = _window.clientHeight; var width_gap = popup_winpos_right - win_width; if (this._getPopupType() == "center") { var rootframe = this._getOwnerFrame(); if (!rootframe) { return; } var rootwindow = rootframe._getWindow(); rootframe = rootwindow ? rootwindow.frame : null; if (!rootframe) { return; } popup_left = ((rootframe.width / 2) - (popup_control_elem.width / 2)); popup_top = ((rootframe.height / 2) - (popup_control_elem.height / 2)); popup_top = popup_top < 0 ? 0 : popup_top; } if (popup_winpos_right > win_width && cal_winpos_left > width_gap) { popup_left = popup_left - width_gap; } if (cal_winpos_left < 0) { popup_left = -cal_winpos_left; } if (cal_winpos_top > popup_height && cal_winpos_top + cal_height + popup_height > win_height) { popup_top = popup_top - popup_height - cal_height; } popup_control_elem.setElementPosition(popup_left, popup_top); } }; _pCalendar._showPopup = function () { if (this.type != "normal") { return; } var popupcalendar = this.popupcalendar; var popupwindow = this.popupwindow; if (popupwindow == null) { this._createPopupwindow(); popupwindow = this.popupwindow; } if (popupcalendar == null) { this._createPopupcalendar(); this._setEventHandlerToPopupCalendar(); this._applyDatepickerProps(); popupcalendar = this.popupcalendar; } if (!popupwindow._is_created) { popupwindow.on_created(); } if (!popupcalendar._is_created) { popupwindow._attach(popupcalendar); popupcalendar.on_created(); } this.on_apply_prop_rtldirection(); var popupsize = this._getPopupSizeArr(); var pos = nexacro._getElementPositionInFrame(this._control_element); var scale = this._getCumulativeZoomFactor() / 100.0; var cal_winpos_left = pos.x; var cal_winpos_top = pos.y; var cal_height = this._adjust_height * scale; var popup_left = 0; var popup_top = cal_height; var popup_width = popupsize.width; var popup_height = popupsize.height; var popup_winpos_right = cal_winpos_left + popup_width; var popup_winpos_bottom = cal_winpos_top + cal_height + popup_height; var _window = this._getWindow(); var win_width = _window.clientWidth; var win_height = _window.clientHeight; var width_gap = popup_winpos_right - win_width; if (popup_winpos_right > win_width && cal_winpos_left > width_gap) { popup_left = popup_left - width_gap; } if (cal_winpos_left < 0) { popup_left = -cal_winpos_left; } if (cal_winpos_top > popup_height && popup_winpos_bottom > win_height) { popup_top = -(popup_height * scale); } var elem = popupwindow.getElement(); if (elem.setZoom) { elem.setZoom(scale * 100); } else if (nexacro.ScrollableContainerElement.prototype.setZoom) { nexacro.ScrollableContainerElement.prototype.setZoom.call(elem, scale * 100); } if (this._getPopupType() == "center") { this._centerPopup(popupwindow, popup_width, popup_height); } else { popup_left = this._convertLeftForRtlLayout(popup_left, popup_width); if (this._isRtl()) { popup_left = -popup_left; } popupwindow._popupBy(this, popup_left, popup_top, popup_width, popup_height); } var _window = this._getWindow(); if (_window && this._track_capture) { _window._setCaptureLock(this, true, false); } }; _pCalendar._setMask = function (v, bApply, value) { if (this._getPopupType() != "system" && nexacro._enableaccessibility && nexacro._accessibilitytype == 4 && (value == null || value == undefined || value == "")) { return; } var mask = this._makeMask(v, value); if (v == "dateformat" && value == "" && this.displaynulltext != "") { this._mask = this.displaynulltext; } else { if ((v == "dateformat" && this.dateformat == "LONGDATE") || (v == "editformat" && this.editformat == "LONGDATE")) { mask = mask.replace(/\'/g, "\\'"); mask = mask.replace(/a/g, "\\a"); } this._mask = mask; } this._on_apply_mask(this._mask, bApply); }; _pCalendar._on_apply_mask = function (mask, bApply) { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { var edit = this.calendaredit; if (edit) { edit.set_mask(mask, bApply); } } }; _pCalendar._isDateMaskChar = function (ch) { if (ch == "y" || ch == "M" || ch == "d" || ch == "H" || ch == "h" || ch == "m" || ch == "s") { return true; } return false; }; _pCalendar._isDateMaskString = function (str) { if (str === "yyyy" || str === "yy" || str === "MMMM" || str === "MMM" || str === "MM" || str === "M" || str === "dddd" || str === "ddd" || str === "dd" || str === "d") { return true; } return false; }; _pCalendar._isTimeMaskString = function (str) { if (str === "HH" || str === "H" || str === "hh" || str === "h" || str === "mm" || str === "m" || str === "s" || str === "ss" || str === "sss") { return true; } return false; }; _pCalendar._isEmptyStr = function (v) { var str_val = v.toString(); if (str_val === "" || str_val.trim() === "") { return true; } return false; }; _pCalendar._isNullDate = function (v) { if (v === null || v === "null") { return true; } var str_val = v.toString(); if (str_val == "NaN") { return true; } return false; }; _pCalendar._isUndefinedDate = function (v) { if (v === undefined || v === "undefined") { return true; } return false; }; _pCalendar._isPopupVisible = function () { var ret = false; if (this.type != "monthonly") { if (this.popupwindow) { ret = this.popupwindow.visible; } } return ret; }; _pCalendar._validationDateStr = function (v, type) { if (v !== null || v !== undefined) { v = parseInt(v, 10); if (type == "year") { return (v / 10 < 1 ? "000" : v / 100 < 1 ? "00" : v / 1000 < 1 ? "0" : "") + v; } else if (type == "millisec") { return (v / 10 < 1 ? "00" : v / 100 < 1 ? "0" : "") + v; } else { return (v / 10 < 1 ? "0" : "") + v; } } else { return v; } }; _pCalendar._isValidDate = function (ch) { if (ch === "") { return true; } var edit = this.calendaredit; var edit_api = edit._edit_base_api; var _info = this._editformat_info; var format_len = _info.format.length; var e_v = edit_api._getText(); var y = ""; var m = ""; var d = ""; var h = ""; var mm = ""; var s = ""; var y_f = false; var m_f = false; var d_f = false; var h_f = false; var mm_f = false; var s_f = false; for (var i = 0; i < format_len; i++) { var mc = _info.format_info[i].ch; if (mc == "y") { y += e_v.charAt(i); } else if (mc == "M") { m += e_v.charAt(i); } else if (mc == "d") { d += e_v.charAt(i); } else if (mc == "h" || mc == "H") { h += e_v.charAt(i); } else if (mc == "m") { mm += e_v.charAt(i); } else if (mc == "s") { s += e_v.charAt(i); } } y = parseInt(y, 10); m = parseInt(m, 10); d = parseInt(d, 10); h = parseInt(h, 10); mm = parseInt(mm, 10); s = parseInt(s, 10); if (y >= 0) { y_f = true; } if (m >= 0) { m_f = true; } if (d >= 0) { d_f = true; } if (h >= 0) { h_f = true; } if (mm >= 0) { mm_f = true; } if (s >= 0) { s_f = true; } var end_day = 31; if (y && m) { end_day = this._getEndDay(y, m); } else if (!y && m) { var currentDate = new Date(); end_day = this._getEndDay(currentDate.getFullYear(), m); currentDate = null; } if ((m_f && m > 12) || (d_f && d > end_day) || (h_f && h >= 24) || (mm_f && mm >= 60) || (s_f && s >= 60)) { return false; } return true; }; _pCalendar._makeMask = function (v, datevalue) { if (v == "dateformat") { var format = this.dateformat; var _info = this._dateformat_info; } else { var format = this.editformat; var _info = this._editformat_info; } var idx = 0; var mask = ""; var week = 0; var week_str = ""; var week_str_len = 0; var month = 0; var month_str = ""; var month_str_len = 0; var is_rtl_month = false; var is_rtl_date = false; if (datevalue) { week = datevalue.getDay(); month = datevalue.getMonth(); } while (idx < _info.format.length) { var mask_str = ""; var str_len = 0; if (_info._year && _info._year.index == idx) { if (v == "dateformat") { if (is_rtl_month) { if (_info._mon && (_info._year.index > _info._mon.index)) { mask += "~"; } } else if (is_rtl_date) { if (_info._date && (_info._year.index > _info._date.index)) { mask += "~"; } } } mask += this._makeMaskString(_info._year, "year", datevalue); idx += _info._year.length; } else if (_info._mon && _info._mon.index == idx) { str_len = _info._mon.mask.length; if (str_len == 4) { if (datevalue && v == "dateformat") { month_str = this._monthlistL[month]; if (!this._isRtl() && this._locale_direction == "rtl") { is_rtl_month = true; } } else { month_str = "MMMM"; } if (month_str && month_str.length) { month_str_len = month_str.length; } for (var i = 0; i < month_str_len; i++) { mask_str += "^"; } } else { mask_str += this._makeMaskString(_info._mon, "month", datevalue); } mask += mask_str; idx += _info._mon.length; } else if (_info._day && _info._day.index == idx) { mask += this._makeMaskString(_info._day, "day", datevalue); idx += _info._day.length; } else if (_info._date && _info._date.index == idx) { str_len = _info._date.mask.length; if (str_len == 3) { if (datevalue) { week_str = this._datelistS[week]; } else { week_str = "ddd"; } if (week_str && week_str.length) { week_str_len = week_str.length; } for (var i = 0; i < week_str_len; i++) { mask_str += "~"; } } else if (str_len == 4) { if (datevalue && v == "dateformat") { week_str = this._datelistL[week]; if (!this._isRtl() && this._locale_direction == "rtl") { is_rtl_date = true; } } else { week_str = "dddd"; } week_str_len = week_str.length; for (var i = 0; i < week_str_len; i++) { if (week_str.charAt(i) == "-") { mask_str += week_str.charAt(i); } else { mask_str += "^"; } } } mask += mask_str; idx += _info._date.length; } else if (_info._hour && _info._hour.index == idx) { mask += this._makeMaskString(_info._hour, "hour", datevalue); idx += _info._hour.length; } else if (_info._min && _info._min.index == idx) { mask += this._makeMaskString(_info._min, "min", datevalue); idx += _info._min.length; } else if (_info._sec && _info._sec.index == idx) { mask += this._makeMaskString(_info._sec, "sec", datevalue); idx += _info._sec.length; } else if (_info._millisec && _info._millisec.index == idx) { mask += this._makeMaskString(_info._millisec, "millisec", datevalue); idx += _info._millisec.length; } else { var charadd = _info.format_info[idx].ch; mask += charadd; idx++; } } return mask; }; _pCalendar._makeMaskString = function (section, sectionName, datevalue) { var val = datevalue; var tmp_val = null; var str_len = section.length; var maskStr_len = 0; var newStr = ""; var maskchar = ""; var currentformat = this._currentformat; if (sectionName == "year") { maskStr_len = str_len; maskchar = "y"; } else if (sectionName == "month" || sectionName == "day" || sectionName == "min" || sectionName == "sec") { if (val) { if (sectionName == "month") { tmp_val = val.getMonth(); tmp_val += 1; maskchar = "M"; } else if (sectionName == "day") { tmp_val = val.getDate(); maskchar = "d"; } else if (sectionName == "min") { tmp_val = val.getMinutes(); maskchar = "m"; } else if (sectionName == "sec") { tmp_val = val.getSeconds(); maskchar = "s"; } if ((str_len == 1) && (tmp_val < 10) && currentformat == "dateformat") { maskStr_len = 1; } else { maskStr_len = 2; } } else { if (currentformat == "dateformat") { maskStr_len = str_len; } else { maskStr_len = 2; } maskchar = section.mask.charAt(0); } } else if (sectionName == "hour") { if (val) { tmp_val = val.getHours(); if (section.mask === "h") { if (tmp_val > 12 && tmp_val < 24) { tmp_val -= 12; if (tmp_val < 10 && currentformat == "dateformat") { maskStr_len = 1; } else { maskStr_len = 2; } } maskchar = "h"; } else if (section.mask === "H") { if (tmp_val < 10 && currentformat == "dateformat") { maskStr_len = 1; } else { maskStr_len = 2; } maskchar = "H"; } else { maskStr_len = 2; maskchar = section.mask.charAt(0); } } else { maskStr_len = str_len; maskchar = section.mask.charAt(0); } } else if (sectionName == "millisec") { maskStr_len = 3; maskchar = "l"; } for (var i = 0; i < maskStr_len; i++) { newStr += maskchar; } return newStr; }; _pCalendar._makeMaskValue_normal = function (v, format_info, bValueType) { var year = "", month = "", day = "", hour = "", min = "", sec = "", millisec = ""; var mask_value = ""; var _info = null; var is_rtl_month = false; var is_rtl_date = false; if (!nexacro._isNull(format_info) && nexacro._isNull(format_info._year) && nexacro._isNull(format_info._mon)) { day = v.substr(0, 2); hour = v.length >= 3 ? v.substr(2, 2) : "00"; min = v.length >= 5 ? v.substr(4, 2) : "00"; sec = v.length >= 7 ? v.substr(6, 2) : "00"; millisec = v.length >= 10 ? v.substr(9, 3) : "000"; } else if (!nexacro._isNull(format_info) && nexacro._isNull(format_info._year)) { month = v.substr(0, 2); day = v.substr(2, 2); hour = v.length >= 5 ? v.substr(4, 2) : "00"; min = v.length >= 7 ? v.substr(6, 2) : "00"; sec = v.length >= 9 ? v.substr(8, 2) : "00"; millisec = v.length >= 11 ? v.substr(10, 3) : "000"; } else { year = v.substr(0, 4); month = v.substr(4, 2); day = v.substr(6, 2); year = year != "" ? year : "0000"; month = month != "" ? month : "00"; day = day != "" ? day : "00"; hour = v.length >= 9 ? v.substr(8, 2) : "00"; min = v.length >= 11 ? v.substr(10, 2) : "00"; sec = v.length >= 13 ? v.substr(12, 2) : "00"; millisec = v.length >= 15 ? v.substr(14, 3) : "000"; } if (format_info) { _info = format_info; } else { if (this._currentformat == "dateformat") { _info = this._dateformat_info; } else { _info = this._editformat_info; } } for (var i = 0, n = _info.format.length; i < n; i++) { if (_info._year && _info._year.index == i) { if (_info._year.mask === "yy") { year = year.substr(2, 2); } if (this._currentformat == "dateformat") { if (is_rtl_month) { if (_info._mon && (_info._year.index > _info._mon.index)) { year = "\u200e" + year; } } else if (is_rtl_date) { if (_info._date && (_info._year.index > _info._date.index)) { year = "\u200e" + year; } } } mask_value += year; } if (_info._mon && _info._mon.index == i) { if (_info._mon.mask === "M") { if (month.charAt(0) === "0") { if (this._currentformat == "dateformat") { month = month.substr(1, 1); } else { month = month.replace("0", " "); } _info._mon.single_digit = true; } else { _info._mon.single_digit = false; } } else if (_info._mon.mask === "MMMM") { if (this._currentformat == "editformat") { if (!bValueType) { month = "MMMM"; } else { var dateObj = this._getDateObj(v); var m = dateObj.getMonth() + 1; month = nexacro._toString(m).padLeft(4, "0"); } } else { var dateObj = this._getDateObj(v); var m = dateObj.getMonth(); month = this._monthlistL[m]; if (!this._isRtl() && this._locale_direction == "rtl") { is_rtl_month = true; } } } mask_value += month; } if (_info._day && _info._day.index == i) { if (_info._day.mask === "d") { if (day.charAt(0) === "0") { if (this._currentformat == "dateformat") { day = day.substr(1, 1); } else { day = day.replace("0", " "); } _info._day.single_digit = true; } else { _info._day.single_digit = false; } } mask_value += day; } if (_info._date && _info._date.index == i) { var dateObj = this._getDateObj(v); var dateofweek = dateObj.getDay(); var date = this._datelistS[dateofweek]; if (_info._date.mask === "dddd") { if (this._currentformat == "editformat") { date = "dddd"; } else { date = this._datelistL[dateofweek]; if (!this._isRtl() && this._locale_direction == "rtl") { is_rtl_date = true; } } } mask_value += date ? date : ""; } if (_info._hour && _info._hour.index == i) { if (_info._hour.mask === "h" || _info._hour.mask === "hh") { var hh = parseInt(hour); if (hh > 12 && hh < 24) { hh -= 12; hour = nexacro._toString(hh); } } if (!((_info._hour.mask === "h" || _info._hour.mask === "H") && hour.length > 0)) { hour = hour.padLeft(2, "0"); } mask_value += hour; } if (_info._min && _info._min.index == i) { if (_info._min.mask === "m" && min.charAt(0) === "0") { min = min.substr(1, 1); } else { min = min.padLeft(_info._min.length, "0"); } mask_value += min; } if (_info._sec && _info._sec.index == i) { if (_info._sec.mask === "s" && sec.charAt(0) === "0") { sec = sec.substr(1, 1); } else { sec = sec.padLeft(_info._sec.length, "0"); } mask_value += sec; } if (_info._millisec && _info._millisec.index == i) { mask_value += millisec; } } return mask_value; }; _pCalendar._makeMaskValue_timeOnly = function (v, format_info) { var year = month = day = hour = min = sec = millisec = ""; var idx = 0; var mask_value = ""; var _info = null; if (format_info) { _info = format_info; } else { if (this._currentformat == "dateformat") { _info = this._dateformat_info; } else { _info = this._editformat_info; } } for (var i = 0, n = _info.format.length; i < n; i++) { if (_info._year && _info._year.index == i) { year = v.substr(idx, _info._year.length); mask_value += year; idx += _info._year.length; } if (_info._mon && _info._mon.index == i) { month = v.substr(idx, _info._mon.length); mask_value += month; idx += _info._mon.length; } if (_info._day && _info._day.index == i) { day = v.substr(idx, _info._day.length); mask_value += day; idx += _info._day.length; } if (_info._date && _info._date.index == i) { var dateObj = this._getDateObj(v); var dateofweek = dateObj.getDay(); var date = this._datelistS[dateofweek]; if (_info._date.mask === "dddd") { date = this._datelistL[dateofweek]; } mask_value += date ? date : ""; idx += _info._date.length; } if (_info._hour && _info._hour.index == i) { hour = v.substr(idx, _info._hour.length).padLeft(_info._hour.length, "0"); if (_info._hour.mask === "h" || _info._hour.mask === "hh") { var hh = parseInt(hour); if (hh > 12 && hh < 24) { hh -= 12; hour = nexacro._toString(hh); } } if (!((_info._hour.mask === "h" || _info._hour.mask === "H") && hour.length > 0)) { hour = hour.padLeft(2, "0"); } mask_value += hour; idx += _info._hour.length; } if (_info._min && _info._min.index == i) { min = v.substr(idx, _info._min.length); if (_info._min.mask === "m" && min.charAt(0) === "0") { min = min.substr(1, 1); } else { min = min.padLeft(_info._min.length, "0"); } mask_value += min; idx += _info._min.length; } if (_info._sec && _info._sec.index == i) { sec = v.substr(idx, _info._sec.length).padLeft(_info._sec.length, "0"); if (_info._sec.mask === "s" && sec.charAt(0) === "0") { sec = sec.substr(1, 1); } else { sec = sec.padLeft(_info._sec.length, "0"); } mask_value += sec; idx += _info._sec.length; } if (_info._millisec && _info._millisec.index == i) { millisec = v.substr(idx, _info._millisec.length).padLeft(_info._millisec.length, "0"); mask_value += millisec; idx += _info._millisec.length; } } return mask_value; }; _pCalendar._makeMaskValue = function (v, bValueType) { if (this._isUndefinedDate(v)) { return; } if (this._isNullDate(v)) { return ""; } if (this._isEmptyStr(v)) { return ""; } if (this._currentformat == "dateformat") { var _info = this._dateformat_info; } else { var _info = this._editformat_info; } if (_info._year || _info._mon || _info._day) { return this._makeMaskValue_normal(v, _info, bValueType); } else { return this._makeMaskValue_timeOnly(v, _info); } }; _pCalendar._makeSpinValue = function (v, op, pos) { var add_info = this._makeValueStrObj(v); v = add_info.full_str; var mask = this.editformat; var date = this._getSplitDate(v); if (mask == "SHORTDATE" || mask == "LONGDATE") { var locale = this._getLocale(); if (!locale) { locale = nexacro.BrowserLang; } mask = nexacro.Locale._makeDateMaskString(locale, mask); var mon_index = mask.indexOf("M"); var day_index = mask.indexOf("d"); if (mask.slice(mon_index, mon_index + 2) != "MM") { mask = mask.replace("M", "MM"); } if (mask.slice(day_index, day_index + 2) != "dd") { mask = mask.replace("d", "dd"); } if (date.mon == "MM") { date.mon = nexacro._toString(this.value.getMonth() + 1).padLeft(2, "0"); } } if (pos >= 0) { var val1 = mask.substring(pos, pos + 1); var val2 = this._mask.substring(pos, pos + 1); var val3 = this._mask.substring(pos - 1, pos); var matchStr = "yMdHhmsl"; if (!this._isDateMaskChar(val1) && (matchStr.indexOf(val2) >= 0 || matchStr.indexOf(val3) >= 0)) { while (!this._isDateMaskChar(val1)) { pos--; val1 = mask.substring(pos, pos + 1); } val = val1; } else { val = val1; } if (val == "d") { var dddd_pos = mask.indexOf("dddd"); var ddd_pos = mask.indexOf("ddd"); if (dddd_pos >= 0 && pos >= dddd_pos && pos <= (dddd_pos + 3)) { val = ""; } if (ddd_pos >= 0 && pos >= ddd_pos && pos <= (ddd_pos + 2)) { val = ""; } } if (val == "y") { var y = parseInt(date.year, 10) + op; if (y < 0) { y = 9999; } else if (y > 9999) { y = 0; } date.year = this._validationDateStr(y, "year"); var d = "" + this._getEndDay(date.year, date.mon); if (parseInt(date.day, 10) > d) { date.day = "" + d; } } else if (val == "M") { var m = parseInt(date.mon, 10) + op; if (m < 1) { m = 12; } else if (m > 12) { m = 1; } date.mon = this._validationDateStr(m); var d = "" + this._getEndDay(date.year, date.mon); if (parseInt(date.day, 10) > d) { date.day = "" + d; } } else if (val == "d") { var d = parseInt(date.day, 10) + op; var val = parseInt(this._getEndDay(date.year, date.mon), 10); if (d < 1) { date.day = "" + val; } else { if (d > val) { d = 1; } date.day = this._validationDateStr(d); } } else if (val == "H" || val == "h") { var h = parseInt(date.hour, 10) + op; if (h < 0) { h = 23; } else if (h > 23) { h = 0; } date.hour = this._validationDateStr(h); } else if (val == "m") { var m = parseInt(date.min, 10) + op; if (m < 0) { m = 59; } else if (m > 59) { m = 0; } date.min = this._validationDateStr(m); } else if (val == "s") { var s = parseInt(date.sec, 10) + op; if (s < 0) { s = 59; } else if (s > 59) { s = 0; } date.sec = this._validationDateStr(s); } } var _info = this._editformat_info; var return_val = ""; if (_info._year) { date.year ? return_val += this._validationDateStr(date.year, "year") : ""; } if (_info._mon) { date.mon ? return_val += this._validationDateStr(date.mon) : ""; } if (_info._day) { date.day ? return_val += this._validationDateStr(date.day) : ""; } if (_info._hour) { date.hour ? return_val += this._validationDateStr(date.hour) : ""; } if (_info._min) { date.min ? return_val += this._validationDateStr(date.min) : ""; } if (_info._sec) { date.sec ? return_val += this._validationDateStr(date.sec) : ""; } if (_info._millisec) { date.millisec ? return_val += this._validationDateStr(date.millisec, "millisec") : ""; } return return_val; }; _pCalendar._makeNormalValue = function (edit_value) { var _info = this._editformat_info; var adjust_index = 0; var year, mon, day; if (_info._year) { adjust_index = 0; if (_info._mon && _info._year.index > _info._mon.index) { if (_info._mon.length == 1 && !_info._mon.single_digit) { adjust_index++; } } if (_info._day && _info._year.index > _info._day.index) { if (_info._day.length == 1 && !_info._day.single_digit) { adjust_index++; } } year = edit_value.substr(_info._year.index + adjust_index, _info._year.length); } else { year = "0000"; } if (_info._mon) { adjust_index = 0; if (_info._day && _info._mon.index > _info._day.index) { if (_info._day.length == 1 && !_info._day.single_digit) { adjust_index++; } } if (_info._mon.length == 1 && !_info._mon.single_digit) { mon = edit_value.substr(_info._mon.index + adjust_index, 2); } else { mon = edit_value.substr(_info._mon.index + adjust_index, _info._mon.length); } if (_info._mon.length == 4) { mon = mon.substr(2, 2); if (mon == "MM") { var v = this.value; v = v ? (v.getMonth() + 1) : ""; mon = nexacro._toString(v).padLeft(2, "0"); } } else { mon = mon.padLeft(2, "0"); } } else { mon = "01"; } if (_info._day) { adjust_index = 0; if (_info._mon && _info._day.index > _info._mon.index) { if (_info._mon.length == 1 && !_info._mon.single_digit) { adjust_index++; } } if (_info._day.length == 1 && !_info._day.single_digit) { day = edit_value.substr(_info._day.index + adjust_index, 2); } else { day = edit_value.substr(_info._day.index + adjust_index, _info._day.length); } day = day.padLeft(2, "0"); } else { day = "01"; } var hour = _info._hour ? edit_value.substr(_info._hour.index, _info._hour.length).padLeft(2, "0") : "00"; var min = _info._min ? edit_value.substr(_info._min.index, _info._min.length).padLeft(2, "0") : "00"; var sec = _info._sec ? edit_value.substr(_info._sec.index, _info._sec.length).padLeft(2, "0") : "00"; var millisec = _info._millisec ? edit_value.substr(_info._millisec.index, _info._millisec.length).padLeft(3, "0") : "000"; var normal_value = year + mon + day + hour + min + sec + millisec; return normal_value; }; _pCalendar._makeNormalValue1 = function (edit_value) { var _info = this._editformat_info; var adjust_index = 0; var year, mon, day; if (_info._year) { adjust_index = 0; if (_info._mon && _info._year.index > _info._mon.index) { if (_info._mon.length == 1) { adjust_index++; } } if (_info._day && _info._year.index > _info._day.index) { if (_info._day.length == 1) { adjust_index++; } } year = edit_value.substr(_info._year.index + adjust_index, _info._year.length); year = year.trim(); } else { year = ""; } if (_info._mon) { adjust_index = 0; if (_info._day && _info._mon.index > _info._day.index) { if (_info._day.length == 1) { adjust_index++; } } mon = edit_value.substr(_info._mon.index + adjust_index, 2); mon = mon.trim(); if (_info._mon.length == 4) { mon = mon.substr(2, 2); if (mon == "MM") { var v = this.value; v = v ? (v.getMonth() + 1) : ""; mon = nexacro._toString(v).padLeft(2, "0"); } } else if (mon) { mon = mon.padLeft(2, "0"); } } else { mon = ""; } if (_info._day) { adjust_index = 0; if (_info._mon && _info._day.index > _info._mon.index) { if (_info._mon.length == 1) { adjust_index++; } } day = edit_value.substr(_info._day.index + adjust_index, 2); day = day.trim(); if (day) { day = day.padLeft(2, "0"); } } else { day = ""; } var hour = _info._hour ? edit_value.substr(_info._hour.index, _info._hour.length).padLeft(2, "0") : ""; var min = _info._min ? edit_value.substr(_info._min.index, _info._min.length).padLeft(2, "0") : ""; var sec = _info._sec ? edit_value.substr(_info._sec.index, _info._sec.length).padLeft(2, "0") : ""; var millisec = _info._millisec ? edit_value.substr(_info._millisec.index, _info._millisec.length).padLeft(3, "0") : ""; var normal_value = year + mon + day + hour + min + sec + millisec; return (normal_value === "" && this.displaynulltext !== "") ? "" : normal_value; }; _pCalendar._makeCalendarText = function (value) { if (!value) { return ""; } var val_str = value.toString(); var oldformat = this._currentformat; this._currentformat = "dateformat"; var date = this._makeMaskValue(val_str); var mask = this._makeMask("dateformat", this._makeDateObj(value)); var txt_idx = 0; var return_txt = ""; var matchStr = "yMdHhmsl"; this._currentformat = oldformat; for (var i = 0, n = mask.length; i < n; i++) { var mask_ch = mask.charAt(i); if (matchStr.indexOf(mask_ch) >= 0) { return_txt += date.charAt(txt_idx); txt_idx++; } else { if (mask_ch === "~" || mask_ch === "^") { return_txt += date.charAt(txt_idx); txt_idx++; } else { return_txt += mask_ch; } } } return return_txt; }; _pCalendar._makeValueStrObj = function (edit_str, _is_fullvalue) { var value_str = ""; var empty_year = false, empty_mon = false, empty_day = false, empty_hour = false, empty_min = false, empty_sec = false, empty_milesec = false, year_same = true; var add_year = "", add_mon = "", add_day = ""; var editformat_info = this._editformat_info; if (editformat_info) { if (editformat_info._year || editformat_info._mon || editformat_info._day) { if (editformat_info._hour || editformat_info._min || editformat_info._sec || editformat_info._millisec) { var _info = this._makeFormatInfo("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss sss"); } else { var _info = this._makeFormatInfo("yyyy-MM-dd"); } value_str = this._makeNormalValue1(edit_str); if (_is_fullvalue) { if (!editformat_info._year) { empty_year = true; add_year = edit_str.substr(0, 4); edit_str = edit_str.substr(add_year.length); } value_str = this._makeMaskValue(edit_str); } } else { var empty_date = true; var _info = this._makeFormatInfo("HH:mm:ss sss"); if (_is_fullvalue && edit_str.length > 9) { add_year = edit_str.substr(0, 4); add_mon = edit_str.substr(4, 2); add_day = edit_str.substr(6, 2); value_str = this._makeMaskValue_normal(edit_str); } else { if (edit_str.indexOf(":") > 0) { value_str = this._makeNormalValue1(edit_str); } else { value_str = this._makeMaskValue_timeOnly(edit_str); } } } if (editformat_info._year && editformat_info._year.index > 0) { return { full_str : (_is_fullvalue) ? edit_str : value_str, add_year : add_year, add_mon : add_mon, add_day : add_day }; } var valueformat_info = _info; var editinfo_list = editformat_info.format_list; var valueinfo_list = valueformat_info.format_list; var pre_value = this._makeDateObj(this.value); var preval_str = pre_value ? pre_value.toString() : pre_value; var value_mask = null, edit_mask = null, diff_len = 0, list_idx = 0; for (i = 0, n = valueinfo_list.length; i < n; i++) { value_mask = valueinfo_list[i].mask; if (!editinfo_list[list_idx]) { if (value_mask.charAt(0) == 'M') { empty_mon = true; if (empty_year) { diff_len = 0; } else { diff_len = year_same ? value_str.length : value_str.length + add_year.length; } if (_is_fullvalue) { add_mon = edit_str.substr(diff_len, 2); } else { add_mon = preval_str ? preval_str.substr(diff_len, 2) : "00"; } } else if (value_mask.charAt(0) == 'd') { empty_day = true; diff_len = empty_mon ? diff_len + 2 : value_str.length; if (_is_fullvalue) { add_day = edit_str.substr(diff_len, 2); } else { add_day = preval_str ? preval_str.substr(diff_len, 2) : "00"; } } else if (value_mask.charAt(0) == 'H') { empty_hour = true; } else if (value_mask.charAt(0) == 'm') { empty_min = true; } else if (value_mask.charAt(0) == 's') { empty_sec = true; } else if (value_mask == 'sss') { empty_milesec = true; } list_idx++; } else { edit_mask = editinfo_list[list_idx].mask; if (value_mask.charAt(0) != edit_mask.charAt(0)) { if (!empty_year && value_mask.charAt(0) == 'y') { empty_year = true; if (_is_fullvalue) { add_year = edit_str.substr(0, 4); } else { add_year = preval_str ? preval_str.substr(0, 4) : "0000"; } } } else { if (!empty_year && value_mask.charAt(0) == 'y' && value_mask.length > edit_mask.length) { year_same = false; if (_is_fullvalue) { add_year = edit_str.substr(0, 2); } else { var post_year = this._postvalue ? nexacro._toString(this._postvalue.getFullYear()) : preval_str; diff_len = value_mask.length - edit_mask.length; add_year = (post_year && post_year.length > 0) ? post_year.substr(0, diff_len) : "20"; } } list_idx++; } } } if (!this._isUndefinedDate(value_str) && !this._isNullDate(value_str) && !this._isEmptyStr(value_str)) { if (empty_date) { add_year = add_year ? add_year : "0000"; add_mon = add_mon ? add_mon : "01"; add_day = add_day ? add_day : "01"; } else { if (!year_same || empty_year) { if (!empty_year) { value_str = add_year + value_str; } } else { add_year = ""; } if (empty_mon) { value_str = value_str + add_mon; } else { add_mon = ""; } if (empty_day) { value_str = value_str + add_day; } else { add_day = ""; } } } else { add_year = ""; add_mon = ""; add_day = ""; } } return { full_str : value_str, add_year : add_year, add_mon : add_mon, add_day : add_day }; }; _pCalendar._makeDateObj = function (v, add_info) { if (this._isUndefinedDate(v)) { return; } if (this._isNullDate(v)) { return null; } if (this._isEmptyStr(v)) { return ""; } if (v._type_name == "Date") { return v; } if (this._currentformat == "dateformat") { var _info = this._dateformat_info; } else { var _info = this._editformat_info; } var ret = new Object(); var year = mon = day = hour = min = sec = millisec = ""; var idx = 0; var mask_value = ""; var date = null; var val = v; var v = this._makeMaskValue(v, true); var len = 0; for (var i = 0, n = _info.format.length; i < n; i++) { if (_info._year && _info._year.index == i) { year = v.substr(idx, _info._year.length); idx += _info._year.length; } if (_info._mon && _info._mon.index == i) { len = _info._mon.length; if (len == 1) { if (this._currentformat == "dateformat" && _info._mon.single_digit) { mon = v.substr(idx, len); } else { mon = v.substr(idx, 2); len = 2; } } else if (len == 2) { mon = v.substr(idx, len); } else { var dateObj = this._getDateObj(val); mon = dateObj.getMonth(); month = this._monthlistL[mon]; mon = mon + 1; len = month.length; } idx += len; } if (_info._day && _info._day.index == i) { len = _info._day.length; if ((_info._day.length == 1 && !_info._day.single_digit) || this._currentformat == "editformat") { day = v.substr(idx, 2); len = 2; } else { day = v.substr(idx, _info._day.length); } idx += len; } if (_info._date && _info._date.index == i) { len = _info._date.length; if (this._currentformat == "editformat") { date = v.substr(idx, len); } else { var dateObj = this._getDateObj(val); var dateofweek = dateObj.getDay(); date = this._datelistS[dateofweek]; if (_info._date.mask === "dddd") { date = this._datelistL[dateofweek]; } len = date.length; } idx += len; } if (_info._hour && _info._hour.index == i) { hour = v.substr(idx, _info._hour.length).padLeft(_info._hour.length, "0"); if (_info._hour.mask === "hh") { var hh = parseInt(hour); if (hh > 12 && hh < 24) { hh -= 12; hour = nexacro._toString(hh); hour = hour.padLeft(2, "0"); } } idx += _info._hour.length; } if (_info._min && _info._min.index == i) { min = v.substr(idx, _info._min.length).padLeft(_info._min.length, "0"); idx += _info._min.length; } if (_info._sec && _info._sec.index == i) { sec = v.substr(idx, _info._sec.length).padLeft(_info._sec.length, "0"); idx += _info._sec.length; } if (_info._millisec && _info._millisec.index == i) { millisec = v.substr(idx, _info._millisec.length).padLeft(_info._millisec.length, "0"); idx += _info._millisec.length; } } if (!add_info) { var add_info = this._makeValueStrObj(val); } year = (add_info.add_year.length < 4) ? add_info.add_year + year : add_info.add_year; mon = (mon && mon.length >= 0) ? mon : add_info.add_mon; day = (day && day.length >= 0) ? day : add_info.add_day; ret.year = parseInt(year, 10); ret.mon = parseInt(mon, 10); ret.day = parseInt(day, 10); ret.hour = parseInt(hour, 10); ret.min = parseInt(min, 10); ret.sec = parseInt(sec, 10); ret.millisec = parseInt(millisec, 10); if ((ret.year != undefined || ret.year > 0) && (ret.mon > 0 && ret.mon <= 12)) { ret.mon -= 1; } else { ret.mon = 0; } if (!(ret.day >= 1 && ret.day <= 31)) { ret.day = 1; } if (!(_info._hour || _info._min || _info._sec || _info._millisec)) { if (ret.day) { date = new nexacro.Date(ret.year, ret.mon, ret.day); } else { date = new nexacro.Date(ret.year, ret.mon); } date._timecheck = false; } else { date = new nexacro.Date(ret.year, ret.mon, ret.day, ret.hour, ret.min, ret.sec, ret.millisec); if (this._isTimeMask()) { date._timeonly = true; } } ret = null; try { return date; } finally { date = null; } }; _pCalendar._isTimeMask = function () { var _info; if (this._currentformat == "dateformat") { _info = this._dateformat_info; } else { _info = this._editformat_info; } if (_info._year || _info._mon || _info._day) { return false; } if (_info._hour || _info._min || _info._sec || _info._millisec) { return true; } return false; }; _pCalendar._toValueStr = function (v) { var str_v = ""; if (this._isUndefinedDate(v)) { return; } if (this._isNullDate(v)) { return null; } else if (this._isEmptyStr(v)) { return ""; } else if (typeof v != "object") { str_v = v; } else { str_v = v.toString(); } if (this._currentformat == "dateformat") { var _info = this._dateformat_info; } else { var _info = this._editformat_info; } var year = ""; var month = ""; var day = ""; var hour = ""; var min = ""; var sec = ""; var millisec = ""; var idx = 0; var mask_value = ""; if (!this._isTimeMask()) { if (_info._year) { year = str_v.substr(idx, 4); mask_value += year; } idx += 4; if (_info._mon) { month = str_v.substr(idx, 2); mask_value += month; } idx += 2; if (_info._day) { day = str_v.substr(idx, 2); mask_value += day; } idx += 2; } else if (v instanceof nexacro.Date || str_v.length > 9) { idx = str_v.length - 9; } if (_info._hour) { hour = str_v.substr(idx, 2); mask_value += hour; } idx += 2; if (_info._min) { min = str_v.substr(idx, 2); mask_value += min; } idx += 2; if (_info._sec) { sec = str_v.substr(idx, 2); mask_value += sec; } idx += 2; if (_info._millisec) { millisec = str_v.substr(idx, 3); mask_value += millisec; } return mask_value; }; _pCalendar._makeFormatInfo = function (format, is_editformat) { var pass_char = null; if (format == "SHORTDATE" || format == "LONGDATE") { var locale = this._getLocale(); if (!locale) { locale = nexacro.BrowserLang; } format = nexacro.Locale._makeDateMaskString(locale, format); if (locale.indexOf("lt") == 0 || locale.indexOf("lv") == 0 || locale.indexOf("sv") == 0) { pass_char = []; pass_char[0] = { c : "\\m", r : "m" }; pass_char[1] = { c : "\\d", r : "d" }; pass_char[2] = { c : "\\a", r : "a" }; } if (is_editformat) { var mon_index = format.indexOf("M"); var day_index = format.indexOf("d"); if (format.slice(mon_index, mon_index + 4) == "MMMM") { format = format.replace("MMMM", "MM"); } else if (format.slice(mon_index, mon_index + 3) == "MMM") { foramt = format.replace("MMM", "MM"); } else if (format.slice(mon_index, mon_index + 2) != "MM") { } if (format.slice(day_index, day_index + 4) == "dddd") { day_index = format.slice(day_index + 4, format.length - 4).indexOf("d") + 4; } else if (format.slice(day_index, day_index + 3) == "ddd") { day_index = format.slice(day_index + 3, format.length - 3).indexOf("d") + 3; } else if (format.slice(day_index, day_index + 2) != "dd") { } mon_index = day_index = null; } } var format_real = format; var format_len = format_real.length; var char_info = []; var format_info = []; if (pass_char) { for (var i = 0, n = pass_char.length; i < n; i++) { format_real = format_real.replace(pass_char[i].c, pass_char[i].r); } } for (var i = 0; i < format_len; i++) { char_info = { ch : format_real.charAt(i), idx : i }; format_info[i] = char_info; } if (pass_char) { for (var i = 0, n = pass_char.length; i < n; i++) { format = format.replace(pass_char[i].c, "x"); } } var y_exp = /y{2,4}/g; var M_exp = /M{4}|M{1,2}/g; var d_exp = /d{1,2}/g; var date_exp = /d{3,4}/g; var h_exp = /H{1,2}|h{1,2}/g; var m_exp = /m{1,2}/g; var s_exp = /s{1,2}/g; var ms_exp = /s{3}/g; var year_format = y_exp.exec(format); var mon_format = M_exp.exec(format); var date_format = date_exp.exec(format); if (date_format) { if (date_format[0].length == 3) { var replace_str = " "; } else if (date_format[0].length == 4) { var replace_str = " "; } format = format.replace(/d{3,4}/g, replace_str); } var day_format = d_exp.exec(format); var hour_format = h_exp.exec(format); var min_format = m_exp.exec(format); var sec_format = s_exp.exec(format); var millisec_format = ms_exp.exec(format); var year = null; var mon = null; var day = null; var date = null; var hour = null; var min = null; var sec = null; var millisec = null; var list = []; if (year_format) { year = { mask : year_format[0], index : year_format.index, length : year_format[0].length }; list.push(year); } if (mon_format) { mon = { mask : mon_format[0], index : mon_format.index, length : mon_format[0].length, single_digit : true }; list.push(mon); } if (day_format) { day = { mask : day_format[0], index : day_format.index, length : day_format[0].length, single_digit : true }; list.push(day); } if (date_format) { date = { mask : date_format[0], index : date_format.index, length : date_format[0].length }; } if (hour_format) { hour = { mask : hour_format[0], index : hour_format.index, length : hour_format[0].length }; list.push(hour); } if (min_format) { min = { mask : min_format[0], index : min_format.index, length : min_format[0].length }; list.push(min); } if (sec_format) { sec = { mask : sec_format[0], index : sec_format.index, length : sec_format[0].length }; list.push(sec); } if (millisec_format) { millisec = { mask : millisec_format[0], index : millisec_format.index, length : millisec_format[0].length }; list.push(millisec); } list.sort(function (a, b) { return a.index - b.index; }); return { format : format_real, format_info : format_info, format_list : list, _year : year, _mon : mon, _day : day, _date : date, _hour : hour, _min : min, _sec : sec, _millisec : millisec }; }; _pCalendar._getEndDay = function (y, m) { var endDayN = new Array(31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31); var endDayL = new Array(31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31); var ret = ""; var year = parseInt(y); var month = parseInt(m); if (year == 0) { ret = endDayN[month - 1]; return ret; } if ((year % 4) == 0 && (year % 100) != 0 || (year % 400) == 0) { ret = endDayL[month - 1]; } else { ret = endDayN[month - 1]; } endDayN = endDayL = null; return ret; }; _pCalendar._getDateObj = function (v) { if (!v) { return new nexacro.Date(); } v = v.replace(/-/g, ""); var year = parseInt(v.substr(0, 4), 10); var month = parseInt(v.substr(4, 2), 10) - 1; var day = parseInt(v.substr(6, 2), 10); return new nexacro.Date(year, month, day); }; _pCalendar._getPopupSizeArr = function () { var popupsize; if (this.type == "normal") { popupsize = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_popupsize(this._pseudo); } else { popupsize = this._init_popupsize; if (!popupsize) { popupsize = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_popupsize(this._pseudo); } } var str = popupsize.value; var arr = str.split(/\s+/); if (arr.length == 2) { return { width : parseInt(arr[0], 10), height : parseInt(arr[1], 10) }; } else { return { width : parseInt(arr[0], 10), height : parseInt(arr[0], 10) }; } }; _pCalendar._getPickerValue = function (v) { var date = v ? v : new Date(); var year = date.getFullYear() + ""; year = this._validationDateStr(year, "year"); var month = date.getMonth() + 1; month = this._validationDateStr(month); var day = date.getDate(); day = this._validationDateStr(day); return year + month + day; }; _pCalendar._getSplitDate = function (v) { if (this._isTimeMask()) { var hour = v.substr(0, 2); hour = hour ? hour : "NaN"; var min = v.substr(2, 2); min = min ? min : "NaN"; var sec = v.substr(4, 2); sec = sec ? sec : "NaN"; var millisec = v.substr(6, 3); millisec = millisec ? millisec : "NaN"; } else { var year = v.substr(0, 4); year = year ? year : "NaN"; var mon = v.substr(4, 2); mon = mon ? mon : "NaN"; var day = v.substr(6, 2); day = day ? day : "NaN"; var hour = v.substr(8, 2); hour = hour ? hour : "NaN"; var min = v.substr(10, 2); min = min ? min : "NaN"; var sec = v.substr(12, 2); sec = sec ? sec : "NaN"; var millisec = v.substr(14, 3); millisec = millisec ? millisec : "NaN"; } return { year : year, mon : mon, day : day, hour : hour, min : min, sec : sec, millisec : millisec }; }; _pCalendar._changeYearValue = function (origin_year) { var _info = this._editformat_info; var edit = this.calendaredit; var edit_api = edit._edit_base_api; var text = edit_api._getText(); if (_info._year) { var adjust_index = 0; if ((_info._mon && _info._year.index > _info._mon.index) || (_info._day && _info._year.index > _info._day.index)) { if (_info._mon && _info._mon.length == 1 && !_info._mon.single_digit) { adjust_index++; } if (_info._day && _info._day.length == 1 && !_info._day.single_digit) { adjust_index++; } } var year_str = text.substr(_info._year.index + adjust_index, _info._year.length); var year_trim = year_str.trim(); var year = parseInt(year_trim, 10); var year_len = year_trim.length; var value = edit_api._getValue(); var val_trim = value ? value.trim() : ""; if (val_trim) { if (year_trim === "") { if (this._prevalue) { var fullyear = this._prevalue.getFullYear(); text = text.replace(year_str, fullyear); } else { text = text.replace(year_str, "0000"); } } else if (year_trim.length != 4) { if (!origin_year) { if (year_len === 1) { year = "000" + year; } else if (year_len === 2) { year = "00" + year; } else if (year_len === 3) { year = "0" + year; } text = text.replace(year_str, year); } } } } if (_info._mon) { if (_info._mon.mask == "MMMM" && this.value) { var m = this.value.getMonth() + 1; m = nexacro._toString(m).padLeft(4, "0"); text = text.replace(_info._mon.mask, m); } } return text; }; _pCalendar._setDefaultCaret = function () { var edit = this.calendaredit; if (edit && nexacro._checkActiveElement(edit._input_element)) { this.setCaretPos(0); } }; _pCalendar._setPreValueAndText = function (pre_value) { var pre_str = ""; if (pre_value) { pre_str = pre_value.toString(); } this._prevalue = pre_value; this._pretext = this._makeCalendarText(pre_str); }; _pCalendar._setPostValueAndText = function (post_value) { var post_str = ""; if (post_value) { post_str = post_value.toString(); } this._postvalue = post_value; this._posttext = this._makeCalendarText(post_str); }; _pCalendar._setValue = function (v, user_set) { if (!this._is_created && !this._is_primitivevalue) { this._primitivevalue = v; this._is_primitivevalue = true; this._bindsource = false; return; } if (this._bindsource) { this.value = v; this._bindsource = false; this.on_apply_value(); } else { var date_obj; var currentformat = this._currentformat; if (this._isUndefinedDate(v)) { date_obj = v; } else if (this._isNullDate(v)) { date_obj = null; } else if (this._isEmptyStr(v)) { date_obj = ""; } else { if (this._is_primitivevalue) { this._is_primitivevalue = false; } else { this._currentformat = "editformat"; } date_obj = this._makeDateObj(v); } this._currentformat = currentformat; this._bindsource = false; var ret = this.applyto_bindSource("value", date_obj); if (ret == false) { currentformat = this._currentformat; this._currentformat = "dateformat"; this.on_apply_fake_value(this.value); this._currentformat = currentformat; return false; } if (this._bind_event && this.value && date_obj.valueOf() != this.value.valueOf()) { this._currentformat = currentformat; return ret; } this.value = date_obj; this._currentformat = currentformat; this.on_apply_value(); return ret; } }; _pCalendar._setUserValue = function (v) { if (!this._is_created && !this._is_primitivevalue) { this._primitivevalue = v; this._is_primitivevalue = true; return; } var date_obj; var format_temp = this.editformat; var currentformat = this._currentformat; if (this._isUndefinedDate(v)) { date_obj = v; } else if (this._isNullDate(v)) { date_obj = null; } else if (this._isEmptyStr(v)) { date_obj = ""; } else { this._currentformat = "editformat"; var _info = this._editformat_info; if (_info._year || _info._mon || _info._day) { if (_info._hour || _info._min || _info._sec || _info._millisec) { this.set_editformat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss sss"); } else { this.set_editformat("yyyy-MM-dd"); } } else { this.set_editformat("HH:mm:ss sss"); } date_obj = this._makeDateObj(v); } this._currentformat = currentformat; this._bindsource = false; var ret = this.applyto_bindSource("value", date_obj); if (ret === false) { currentformat = this._currentformat; this._currentformat = "dateformat"; this.on_apply_fake_value(this.value); this._currentformat = currentformat; return false; } this.value = date_obj; this._currentformat = currentformat; this.set_editformat(format_temp); this.on_apply_value(); }; _pCalendar._setValue_JSDate = function (date_obj) { var date_str = date_obj.toString(); var newDate = new nexacro.Date(date_str); this._setValue(newDate); }; _pCalendar._setValue_JSDate = function (date_obj) { var date_str = date_obj.toString(); var newDate = new nexacro.Date(date_str); this._setValue(newDate); }; _pCalendar._closePopup = function () { if (this.type == "system") { nexacro._closeSystemCalendar(); return; } var popupcalendar = this.popupcalendar; var popupwindow = this.popupwindow; if (popupwindow) { popupwindow._closePopup(); } if (nexacro._enableaccessibility && this.type != "monthonly") { this._want_arrows = false; } }; _pCalendar._fireKeydownEvent = function () { var edit = this.calendaredit; var edit_ctrl = edit._edit_base_api; if (edit && edit.value != undefined) { var focus_value = edit_ctrl._getFocusText(); var current_value = edit_ctrl._getText(); if (focus_value != current_value && focus_value != current_value.trim()) { var prevalue = this._makeNormalValue1(focus_value); prevalue = this._makeDateObj(prevalue); var add_info = this._makeValueStrObj(current_value); var value = add_info.full_str; value = this._makeDateObj(value, add_info); this._currentformat = "editformat"; this._setPreValueAndText(prevalue); this._setPostValueAndText(value); var ret = this.on_fire_canchange(this, this._pretext, this._prevalue, this._posttext, this._postvalue); if (ret || ret == undefined) { this._setValue(this._postvalue); } else { this._setValue(this._prevalue); return; } this._fireOnchangedEvent(this._prevalue, this.value); } } }; _pCalendar._fireOnchangedEvent = function (prevalue, postvalue) { prevalue = prevalue ? prevalue.toString() : prevalue; postvalue = postvalue ? postvalue.toString() : postvalue; if (prevalue != postvalue) { this._flag_update2dataset = true; this.on_fire_onchanged(this, this._pretext, this._prevalue, this._posttext, this._postvalue); this._flag_update2dataset = false; var edit = this.calendaredit; if (edit) { var edit_api = edit._edit_base_api; edit_api._setFocusValue(); } } }; _pCalendar._getCurrentDate = function () { var currentDate = new Date(); year = currentDate.getFullYear(); month = currentDate.getMonth() + 1; day = currentDate.getDate(); currentDate = null; return year + " " + month + " " + day; }; _pCalendar._getRange = function (pos, formatinfo) { var ret = ""; var list_len = formatinfo.format_list.length; var tmp_idx = 0; for (var i = 0; i < list_len; i++) { var format_obj = formatinfo.format_list[i]; var start = format_obj.index; var end = format_obj.index + format_obj.length; if (start <= pos && end >= pos) { ret = format_obj; break; } } return ret; }; delete _pCalendar; _pCalendar = null; nexacro.CalendarDropButtonCtrl = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.ImageButtonCtrl.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); }; var _pCalendarDropButtonCtrl = nexacro.CalendarDropButtonCtrl.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.ImageButtonCtrl, nexacro.CalendarDropButtonCtrl); _pCalendarDropButtonCtrl.on_apply_custom_setfocus = function (evt_name) { var parent = this.parent; if (parent) { var edit = parent.calendaredit; if (edit) { if (!(nexacro.isTouchInteraction && nexacro.SupportTouch)) { edit.on_apply_custom_setfocus(evt_name); } else { nexacro.Component.prototype.on_apply_custom_setfocus.call(this, evt_name); } } } }; _pCalendarDropButtonCtrl.on_tap_basic_action = function (elem, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp) { if (!nexacro._enableaccessibility) { this.parent._is_dropbutton = true; } return nexacro.Component.prototype.on_tap_basic_action.call(this, elem, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp); }; _pCalendarDropButtonCtrl.on_tap_basic_action = function (elem, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp) { if (!nexacro._enableaccessibility) { this.parent._is_dropbutton = true; } return nexacro.Component.prototype.on_tap_basic_action.call(this, elem, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp); }; _pCalendarDropButtonCtrl._on_drag = function (elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp) { }; _pCalendarDropButtonCtrl.on_fire_onclick = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (nexacro.isTouchInteraction && nexacro.SupportTouch && !application.enabletouchevent) { var evt = new nexacro.EventInfo(this, "ondropdown"); this.parent.on_notify_mobile_ondropdown(this, evt); } return this.parent.on_fire_onclick(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); }; _pCalendarDropButtonCtrl.on_fire_ondblclick = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { return this.parent.on_fire_ondblclick(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, this.parent, from_refer_comp); }; delete _pCalendarDropButtonCtrl; nexacro.CalendarSpinButtonCtrl = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.ImageButtonCtrl.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); }; var _pCalendarSpinButtonCtrl = nexacro.CalendarSpinButtonCtrl.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.ImageButtonCtrl, nexacro.CalendarSpinButtonCtrl); _pCalendarSpinButtonCtrl.on_apply_custom_setfocus = function (evt_name) { var parent = this.parent; if (parent) { var edit = parent.calendaredit; if (edit) { if (!(nexacro.isTouchInteraction && nexacro.SupportTouch)) { edit.on_apply_custom_setfocus(evt_name); } else { nexacro.Component.prototype.on_apply_custom_setfocus.call(this, evt_name); } } } }; _pCalendarSpinButtonCtrl.on_tap_basic_action = function (elem, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp) { if (!nexacro._enableaccessibility) { this.parent._is_dropbutton = true; } return nexacro.Component.prototype.on_tap_basic_action.call(this, elem, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp); }; _pCalendarSpinButtonCtrl.on_tap_basic_action = function (elem, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp) { if (!nexacro._enableaccessibility) { this.parent._is_dropbutton = true; } return nexacro.Component.prototype.on_tap_basic_action.call(this, elem, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp); }; _pCalendarSpinButtonCtrl._on_drag = function (elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp) { }; _pCalendarSpinButtonCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_cursor = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_cursor(pseudo) || this._find_inherit_pseudo_obj("cursor", pseudo) || nexacro.Component._default_cursor; }; delete _pCalendarSpinButtonCtrl; nexacro.CalendarEditCtrl = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.MaskEditCtrl.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); this._event_list["oneditclick"] = 1; this._accessibility_role = "calendar"; }; var _pCalendarEditCtrl = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.MaskEditCtrl, nexacro.CalendarEditCtrl); nexacro.CalendarEditCtrl.prototype = _pCalendarEditCtrl; _pCalendarEditCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_align = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_align(pseudo, this) || nexacro.Component._default_align; }; _pCalendarEditCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_font = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_font(pseudo, this) || nexacro.Component._default_font; }; _pCalendarEditCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_color = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_color(pseudo, this) || nexacro.Component._default_color; }; _pCalendarEditCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility(pseudo, this) || nexacro.Component._default_accessibility; }; _pCalendarEditCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_background = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_background(pseudo, this); }; _pCalendarEditCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_border = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_border(pseudo, this); }; _pCalendarEditCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_bordertype = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_bordertype(pseudo, this); }; _pCalendarEditCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_gradation = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_gradation(pseudo, this); }; _pCalendarEditCtrl.on_create_contents = function () { var control = this.getElement(); if (control) { var input_elem = this._input_element = new nexacro.InputElement(control); this._edit_base_api = new nexacro.EditMaskDate(this); var curstyle = this.currentstyle; input_elem.setElementSize(this._client_width, this._client_height); input_elem.setElementFont(curstyle.font); input_elem.setElementColor(curstyle.color); input_elem.setElementAlign(curstyle.align); input_elem.setElementSelectColor(curstyle.selectcolor); input_elem.setElementSelectBackgroundColor(curstyle.selectbackground); input_elem.setElementDisplayNullTextColor(curstyle.displaynulltextcolor); this.set_enable(this.parent.enable); } }; _pCalendarEditCtrl._getFormChildById = function (id) { return this.parent._getFormChildById(id); }; _pCalendarEditCtrl._getFromComponent = function (comp) { var parent = comp.parent; if (parent && parent._isPopupVisible()) { return parent; } else { return nexacro.Component.prototype._getFromComponent.call(this, comp); } }; _pCalendarEditCtrl._getAccessibilityRole = function (accessibility) { var calendar = this.parent; if (calendar) { var accessibility = calendar.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility(calendar._pseudo); return calendar._getAccessibilityRole(accessibility); } return nexacro.Component.prototype._getAccessibilityRole.call(this, accessibility); }; _pCalendarEditCtrl._getAccessibilityLabel = function (accessibility) { var calendar = this.parent; if (calendar) { var accessibility = calendar.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility(calendar._pseudo); return calendar._getAccessibilityLabel(accessibility); } return nexacro.Component.prototype._getAccessibilityLabel.call(this, accessibility); }; _pCalendarEditCtrl._getAccessibilityDescription = function (accessibility) { var calendar = this.parent; if (calendar) { var accessibility = calendar.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility(calendar._pseudo); return calendar._getAccessibilityDescription(accessibility); } return nexacro.Component.prototype._getAccessibilityDescription.call(this, accessibility); }; _pCalendarEditCtrl._getAccessibilityAction = function (accessibility) { var calendar = this.parent; if (calendar) { var accessibility = calendar.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility(calendar._pseudo); return calendar._getAccessibilityAction(accessibility); } return nexacro.Component.prototype._getAccessibilityAction.call(this, accessibility); }; _pCalendarEditCtrl._on_getAccessibilityAdditionalLabel = function () { if (nexacro.OS == "iOS" && nexacro.OSVersion >= 8) { return this.value ? this.text : ""; } }; _pCalendarEditCtrl.set_value = function (v, apply_fake) { v = nexacro._toString(v); if (v && v !== undefined && v != "") { v = v.replace(/"/g, "\""); } if (v != this.value) { var form = this._getRootForm(); var api = this._edit_base_api; if (!this.applyto_bindSource("value", v)) { return; } if (nexacro.Browser == "Edge" || nexacro.Browser == "IE") { if (api) { var old_keyinput_event = api._accept_keyinput_event; api._accept_keyinput_event = false; this._setValue(v); api._accept_keyinput_event = old_keyinput_event; } else { this._setValue(v); } if (nexacro.BrowserVersion <= 8) { if (form && form._bFireLoadEvent) { this._recreateInputElement(); } } } else { this._setValue(v); } if (api && !apply_fake) { api._setFocusValue(); } } this._setAccessibilityValue(this.value); if (this._is_created && nexacro._enableaccessibility && nexacro._accessibilitytype == 4) { var input_elem = this._input_element; input_elem._setElementInputLabel(); } }; _pCalendarEditCtrl.on_apply_type = function () { var control = this.getElement(); if (control) { this._edit_base_api = null; this._edit_base_api = new nexacro.EditMaskDate(this); this._input_element.setElementInputType(this.type); this._input_element.setElementInputTypeKeypad(this.type); } }; _pCalendarEditCtrl._accept_keydown_event = function (keyCode) { var pThis = this.parent; if (pThis && (keyCode >= 37 && keyCode <= 40)) { if (pThis.isDropdown()) { return false; } else { if (nexacro.Browser == "Chrome") { if (keyCode == 38 || keyCode == 40) { return false; } } } } return true; }; _pCalendarEditCtrl._on_input_keyinput = function (elem) { var api = this._edit_base_api; if (api) { if (nexacro.Browser == "IE" && nexacro.BrowserVersion == 8) { if (api._is_selected()) { api._on_input_keyinput(elem); api._on_input_keyinput_after(); } } api._on_input_keyinput(elem); api._on_input_keyinput_after(); var calendar = this.parent; if (calendar && calendar.type == "system") { calendar._setValue(api._getValue()); } } }; delete _pCalendarEditCtrl; nexacro.CalendarPopupWindow = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.PopupComponent.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); this._is_subcontrol = true; }; var _pCalendarPopupWindow = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.PopupComponent, nexacro.CalendarPopupWindow); nexacro.CalendarPopupWindow.prototype = _pCalendarPopupWindow; _pCalendarPopupWindow._type_name = "CalendarPopupWindow"; _pCalendarPopupWindow._getMainFrame = function () { var form = this; while (form && form instanceof nexacro.MainFrame) { form = form.parent; } return form; }; delete _pCalendarPopupWindow; nexacro.CalendarCtrl = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.Calendar.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); this._is_subcontrol = true; this._value; }; var _pCalendarCtrl = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Calendar, nexacro.CalendarCtrl); nexacro.CalendarCtrl.prototype = _pCalendarCtrl; _pCalendarCtrl._type_name = "CalendarControl"; nexacro._setForControlStyleFinder(_pCalendarCtrl); _pCalendarCtrl._setValueCtrl = function (fire_event) { this._currentformat = "editformat"; var edit = this.calendaredit; var edit_ctrl = edit._edit_base_api; if (edit && edit.value != undefined) { var focus_value = edit_ctrl._getFocusText(); var current_value = edit_ctrl._getText(); if (focus_value != current_value && focus_value != current_value.trim()) { var text = this._changeYearValue(true); var add_info = this._makeValueStrObj(text); var value = add_info.full_str; var pre_value = this._makeDateObj(focus_value); var post_value = this._makeDateObj(value, add_info); this._setPreValueAndText(pre_value); this._setPostValueAndText(post_value, add_info); if (fire_event) { var ret = this.on_fire_canchange(this, this._pretext, this._prevalue, this._posttext, this._postvalue); if (ret || ret == undefined) { this._setValue(this._postvalue); } else { this._setValue(this._prevalue); return; } this._fireOnchangedEvent(this._prevalue, this.value); } else { this._setValue(this._postvalue); } } } }; _pCalendarCtrl.on_created_contents = function () { nexacro.Calendar.prototype.on_created_contents.call(this); if (nexacro._enableaccessibility && nexacro._accessibilitytype == 4) { this._control_element.setElementAccessibilityHidden(true); } }; delete _pCalendarCtrl; } ;