//============================================================================== // // TOBESOFT Co., Ltd. // Copyright 2014 TOBESOFT Co., Ltd. // All Rights Reserved. // // NOTICE: TOBESOFT permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file // in accordance with the terms of the license agreement accompanying it. // // Readme URL: http://www.nexacro.co.kr/legal/nexacro-public-license-readme-1.1.html // //============================================================================== if (!nexacro.NormalDataset) { nexacro.NormalDataset = function (id, parent) { nexacro.Dataset.call(this, id, parent); this.url = ""; this.arguments = ""; this.serverdatasetid = ""; this.firefirstcount = 0; this.firenextcount = 0; this.preload = false; this._is_preloaded = false; }; var _pNormalDataset = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Dataset, nexacro.NormalDataset); nexacro.NormalDataset.prototype = _pNormalDataset; nexacro.NormalDataset.ROWTYPE_EMPTY = 0; nexacro.NormalDataset.ROWTYPE_NORMAL = 1; nexacro.NormalDataset.ROWTYPE_INSERT = 2; nexacro.NormalDataset.ROWTYPE_UPDATE = 4; nexacro.NormalDataset.ROWTYPE_DELETE = 8; nexacro.NormalDataset.ROWTYPE_GROUP = 16; nexacro.NormalDataset.REASON_LOAD = 0; nexacro.NormalDataset.REASON_LOADPROCESS = 1; nexacro.NormalDataset.REASON_RESET = 2; nexacro.NormalDataset.REASON_LOADCONTENT = 3; nexacro.NormalDataset.REASON_ASSIGN = 10; nexacro.NormalDataset.REASON_COPY = 11; nexacro.NormalDataset.REASON_APPEND = 12; nexacro.NormalDataset.REASON_MERGE = 13; nexacro.NormalDataset.REASON_DELETE = 20; nexacro.NormalDataset.REASON_DELETEALL = 22; nexacro.NormalDataset.REASON_CLEARDATA = 23; nexacro.NormalDataset.REASON_CLEAR = 24; nexacro.NormalDataset.REASON_SORTGROUP = 30; nexacro.NormalDataset.REASON_FILTER = 31; nexacro.NormalDataset.REASON_MOVE = 32; nexacro.NormalDataset.REASON_EXCHANGE = 33; nexacro.NormalDataset.REASON_CHANGELAYOUT = 34; nexacro.NormalDataset.REASON_CHANGESTATUS = 40; nexacro.NormalDataset.REASON_ENABLEEVENT = 41; nexacro.NormalDataset.REASON_ROWCHANGE = 51; nexacro.NormalDataset.REASON_ROWINDEXCHANGE = 52; nexacro.NormalDataset.REASON_ROWOBJECTCHANGE = 53; nexacro.NormalDataset.REASON_BINDSOURCE = 90; _pNormalDataset.on_created = function () { if (this.url == "" || this.preload == false) { if (this.colcount > 0) { this._endLoad(0, "SUCCESS", 3); } } if (!nexacro.isDesignMode && this.preload && !this._is_preloaded) { if (this.url && this.parent) { var bLoaded = false; var keys = []; keys.push("__preload"); keys.push(this.url); keys.push(this.id); keys.push(this.serverdatasetid); var svcid = keys.join('_'); var url = nexacro._getServiceLocation(this.url); var loadmanager = this.parent._load_manager; if (loadmanager) { var data = loadmanager.getPreloadDataModule(this.id); if (data) { var outds = this.id + "=" + this.serverdatasetid; var tritem = new nexacro.TransactionItem(url, this.parent, svcid, "", outds, "", 0, true); tritem._usewaitcursor = false; tritem._loadFromData(data); this._is_preloaded = true; } } } } this._defaultKeyStr = this.keystring; this._defaultFilterStr = this.filterstr; }; _pNormalDataset.destroy = function () { nexacro.Dataset.prototype.destroy.call(this); this._refform = null; }; _pNormalDataset.set_url = function (v) { this.url = v; }; _pNormalDataset.set_arguments = function (v) { this.arguments = v; }; _pNormalDataset.set_firefirstcount = function (v) { v = parseInt(v) | 0; if (isFinite(v)) { this.firefirstcount = v; } }; _pNormalDataset.set_firenextcount = function (v) { v = parseInt(v) | 0; if (isFinite(v)) { this.firenextcount = v; } }; _pNormalDataset.set_preload = function (v) { this.preload = v; }; _pNormalDataset.set_serverdatasetid = function (v) { this.serverdatasetid = v; }; _pNormalDataset.load = function (async, datatype) { var baseurl; if (this._refform) { baseurl = this._refform._getRefFormBaseUrl(); } var url = nexacro._getServiceLocation(this.url, baseurl); if (url.length && this.parent) { var svcid = "__normaldataset_loadurl_" + this.id; var loadmanager = this.parent._load_manager; if (loadmanager) { var serverdatasetid = this.serverdatasetid; if (serverdatasetid == null || serverdatasetid.length == 0) { serverdatasetid = "output"; } var outds = this.id + "=" + serverdatasetid; var service = nexacro._getServiceObject(this.url, true); loadmanager.loadDataModule(url, svcid, "", outds, this.arguments, null, async, datatype, false, service); } } else { this._endLoad(-1, "empty url", 3); } }; _pNormalDataset.on_preload_data = function (url, errstatus, data, fireerrorcode, returncode, requesturi, locationuri) { if (errstatus != 0) { application._onHttpSystemError(this, true, this, fireerrorcode, url, returncode, requesturi, locationuri); } else if (data && !this._is_preloaded) { var keys = []; keys.push("__preload"); keys.push(this.url); keys.push(this.id); keys.push(this.serverdatasetid); var svcid = keys.join('_'); var outds = this.id + "=" + this.serverdatasetid; var tritem = new nexacro.TransactionItem(this.url, this.parent, svcid, "", outds, "", 0, true); tritem._usewaitcursor = false; tritem._loadFromData(data); this._is_preloaded = true; } }; delete _pNormalDataset; }