//============================================================================== // // TOBESOFT Co., Ltd. // Copyright 2014 TOBESOFT Co., Ltd. // All Rights Reserved. // // NOTICE: TOBESOFT permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file // in accordance with the terms of the license agreement accompanying it. // // Readme URL: http://www.nexacro.co.kr/legal/nexacro-public-license-readme-1.1.html // //============================================================================== if (!nexacro.ExcelExportObject) { nexacro.ExcelExportProgressEventInfo = function (obj, id, itemindex, itemtype, recordindex, errorobj) { this.id = this.eventid = id || "onprogress"; this.fromobject = obj; this.fromreferenceobject = errorobj; this.itemindex = itemindex; this.itemtype = itemtype; this.recordindex = recordindex; }; var _pExportEventInfo = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.ExcelExportProgressEventInfo); nexacro.ExcelExportProgressEventInfo.prototype = _pExportEventInfo; _pExportEventInfo._type_name = "ExcelExportProgressEventInfo"; delete _pExportEventInfo; nexacro.ExcelExportEventInfo = function (obj, id, url, errorobj) { this.id = this.eventid = id || "onsuccess"; this.fromobject = obj; this.fromreferenceobject = errorobj; this.url = url; }; var _pExcelExportEventInfo = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.ExcelExportEventInfo); nexacro.ExcelExportEventInfo.prototype = _pExcelExportEventInfo; _pExcelExportEventInfo._type_name = "ExcelExportEventInfo"; delete _pExcelExportEventInfo; nexacro.ExcelExportErrorEventInfo = function (obj, id, errortype, errormsg, errorobj, statuscode) { this.id = this.eventid = id || "onerror"; this.fromobject = obj; this.fromreferenceobject = errorobj; this.errortype = errortype; this.errormsg = errormsg; this.statuscode = statuscode; }; var _pExportErrorEventInfo = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.ErrorEventInfo, nexacro.ExcelExportErrorEventInfo); nexacro.ExcelExportErrorEventInfo.prototype = _pExportErrorEventInfo; _pExportErrorEventInfo._type_name = "ExcelExportErrorEventInfo"; delete _pExportErrorEventInfo; nexacro.ExcelExportObject = function (name, parent) { this.id = this.name = name; if (!parent) { parent = application.getActiveForm(); if (!parent) { var currwin = application.mainframe._window; var cur_focus_paths = currwin.getCurrentFocusPaths(); var cur_focus_paths_len = (cur_focus_paths ? cur_focus_paths.length : 0); for (var i = 0; i < cur_focus_paths_len; i++) { var _comp = cur_focus_paths[i]; if (!_comp) { continue; } if (_comp._is_form) { parent = _comp; break; } } } } this.parent = parent; this.activepagename = ""; this.exportactivemode = "noactive"; this.exporteventtype = "itemrecord"; this.exportfilename = ""; this.exportmessagealert = ""; this.exportmessagecomplete = ""; this.exportmessageprocess = ""; this.exportmessageready = ""; this.exportopenmode = "noopen"; this._exporttype = nexacro.ExportTypes.EXCEL; this.exporttype = nexacro.ExportTypes.EXCEL; this.exportuitype = "none"; this.templatefilename = ""; this.commdataformat = ""; this.commcompress = "none"; this.exporturl = ""; this._exportuitype = 0; this._exporturl = ""; this._commcompress = false; this._commdataformat = 2; this._grids = []; this._dataset = []; this._xml = []; this._allRowCount = 0; this._progress_pos = 0; this._uniqueIndex = 0; this._fileURL = ""; this._itemsIndex = 0; this._argsParam = null; this._argsDsParam = null; this._is_orgval = false; this._file_password = null; this._exportBar; this._tempSaveMethod = null; this.onsuccess = new nexacro.EventListener("onsuccess"); this.onprogress = new nexacro.EventListener("onprogress"); this.onerror = new nexacro.EventListener("onerror"); this._handle = null; nexacro._create_filedownload_handle(this.on_complete_download, this); this._event_list = { "onsuccess" : 1, "onerror" : 1, "onprogress" : 1 }; }; var _pExcelExport = nexacro.ExcelExportObject.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.EventSinkObject, nexacro.ExcelExportObject); _pExcelExport._type_name = "ExportObject"; _pExcelExport.excelTypeTable = { EXCEL : 0x0100, EXCEL97 : 0x0110, EXCEL2007 : 0x0120, HANCELL2010 : 0x0400, HANCELL2014 : 0x0410, CSV : 0x0500, 256 : 0x0100, 272 : 0x0110, 288 : 0x0120, 1024 : 0x0400, 1040 : 0x0410, 1280 : 0x0500 }; _pExcelExport.on_created = nexacro._emptyFn; _pExcelExport.set_templatefilename = function (v) { if (v != this.templatefilename) { this.templatefilename = v; } return v; }; _pExcelExport.set_commdataformat = function (v) { if (v != this.commdataformat) { this.commdataformat = v; switch (v.toString().toUpperCase()) { case "XML": this._commdataformat = 0; break; case "BINARY": this._commdataformat = 1; break; default: this._commdataformat = 2; break; } } return v; }; _pExcelExport.set_commcompress = function (v) { if (v != this.commcompress) { this.commcompress = v; switch (v.toString().toUpperCase()) { case "COMPRESS": this._commcompress = true; break; default: this._commcompress = false; break; } } return v; }; _pExcelExport.set_exporturl = function (v) { if (v != this.exporturl) { this.exporturl = v; this._exporturl = nexacro._getServiceLocation(v, this.parent._getFormBaseUrl()); } return v; }; _pExcelExport.set_name = function (v) { this.id = this.name = v; }; _pExcelExport.set_exporttype = function (v) { if (v != this.exporttype) { this.exporttype = v; var export_type = this.excelTypeTable[(v + "").toUpperCase()]; if (!export_type) { export_type = 256; } this._exporttype = export_type; } return v; }; _pExcelExport.set_activepagename = function (v) { if (v != this.activepagename) { this.activepagename = v; } return v; }; _pExcelExport.set_exportactivemode = function (v) { if (v != this.exportactivemode) { this.exportactivemode = v; } return v; }; _pExcelExport.set_exporteventtype = function (v) { if (v != this.exporteventtype) { this.exporteventtype = v; } return v; }; _pExcelExport.set_exportopenmode = function (v) { if (v != this.exportopenmode) { this.exportopenmode = v; } return v; }; _pExcelExport.set_exportfilename = function (v) { if (v != this.exportfilename) { this.exportfilename = v; } return v; }; _pExcelExport.set_exportmessagealert = function (v) { if (v != this.exportmessagealert) { this.exportmessagealert = v; } return v; }; _pExcelExport.set_exportuitype = function (v) { if (v != this.exportuitype) { this.exportuitype = v; switch (v) { case "exportprogress": this._exportuitype = 1; break; case "statusbar": this._exportuitype = 2; break; default: this._exportuitype = 0; break; } } return v; }; _pExcelExport.set_exportmessageready = function (v) { if (v != this.exportmessageready) { this.exportmessageready = v; } return v; }; _pExcelExport.set_exportmessageprocess = function (v) { if (v != this.exportmessageprocess) { this.exportmessageprocess = v; } return v; }; _pExcelExport.set_exportmessagecomplete = function (v) { if (v != this.exportmessagecomplete) { this.exportmessagecomplete = v; } return v; }; _pExcelExport.addExportItem = function (type, item, range) { var size = -1; var eItem; if (arguments.length == 2) { if (type && item && item instanceof nexacro.ExportItem) { eItem = item; eItem.parent = this; eItem._setEventHandler("onprogress", this.on_notify_onprogress, this); eItem._setEventHandler("onsuccess", this.on_notify_onsuccess, this); eItem._setEventHandler("onerror", this.on_notify_onerror, this); } else { return -1; } } else { if (type && item && type == this._getItemType(item)) { eItem = new nexacro.ExportItem(this.id + "item" + this._uniqueIndex++, this); eItem._setEventHandler("onprogress", this.on_notify_onprogress, this); eItem._setEventHandler("onsuccess", this.on_notify_onsuccess, this); eItem._setEventHandler("onerror", this.on_notify_onerror, this); var len = arguments.length; switch (len) { case 11: arguments[10] && eItem.set_acceptstyle(arguments[10]); case 10: arguments[9] && eItem.set_exportsize(arguments[9]); case 9: arguments[8] && eItem["set_exceptstyle"](arguments[8]); case 8: arguments[7] && eItem["set_exportimage"](arguments[7]); case 7: arguments[6] && eItem["set_exportvalue"](arguments[6]); case 6: arguments[5] && eItem["set_exportmerge"](arguments[5]); case 5: arguments[4] && eItem["set_exportselect"](arguments[4]); case 4: arguments[3] && eItem["set_exporthead"](arguments[3]); case 3: arguments[2] && eItem["set_range"](arguments[2]); case 2: arguments[1] && eItem["set_source"](arguments[1]); break; } } else { return -1; } } switch (type) { case nexacro.ExportItemTypes.GRID: eItem.set_type(type); size = this._grids.push(eItem) - 1; break; case nexacro.ExportItemTypes.DATA: break; case nexacro.ExportItemTypes.XML: break; } return size; }; _pExcelExport.clear = function () { var count = 0; count += this._grids.length; count += this._dataset.length; count += this._xml.length; this._grids = []; this._dataset = []; this._xml = []; return count; }; _pExcelExport.clearExportItems = function (type) { var length; switch (type) { case nexacro.ExportItemTypes.GRID: length = this._grids.length; this._grids.length = 0; this._grids = []; break; } if (length == 0) { this._uniqueIndex = 0; } return length; }; _pExcelExport.count = function () { var count = 0; count += this._grids.length; count += this._dataset.length; count += this._xml.length; return count; }; _pExcelExport.countExportItems = function (type) { var count = 0; switch (type) { case nexacro.ExportItemTypes.GRID: count += this._grids.length; break; } return count; }; _pExcelExport.delExportItem = function (type, index) { var isDelete = false; switch (type) { case nexacro.ExportItemTypes.GRID: if (this._grids.splice(index, 1).length > 0) { isDelete = true; } break; } return isDelete; }; _pExcelExport.getExportItem = function (type, index) { var item = null; switch (type) { case nexacro.ExportItemTypes.GRID: item = this._grids[index]; break; } return item ? item : null; }; _pExcelExport.setExportItem = function (type, index, item) { if (!item || !(item instanceof nexacro.ExportItem)) { return false; } var reVal = false; switch (type) { case nexacro.ExportItemTypes.GRID: if (index > -1 && index < this._grids.length) { item.parent = this; this._grids[index] = item; reVal = true; } break; } return reVal; }; _pExcelExport.exportItems = function (type) { var g_len = -1; if (!this.exporturl) { return g_len; } switch (type) { case nexacro.ExportItemTypes.GRID: var grid_items = this._grids; var g_len = this._gCount = grid_items.length; this._allCount = g_len; if (g_len > 0) { if (this.exportmessagealert != "") { alert(this.exportmessagealert); } grid_items[0]._gridItemExport(this); } break; } return g_len; }; _pExcelExport.exportData = function (argsParam, argsDsParam, bOrgValue) { this._argsParam = argsParam; this._argsDsParam = argsDsParam; this._is_orgval = bOrgValue ? true : false; if (argsParam) { this._file_password = null; var userDatas = argsParam.split(","); for (var i = 0, u_len = userDatas.length; i < u_len; i++) { var dataArr = userDatas[i].split("="); if (dataArr[0] == "filepassword") { this._file_password = dataArr[1]; userDatas.splice(i, 1); argsParam = userDatas.join(","); break; } } this._argsParam = argsParam; } var ret = -1; if (!this.exporturl) { return ret; } var grid_items = this._grids; var g_len = this._gCount = grid_items.length; this._allCount = g_len; if (this._allCount > 0 && this.exportmessagealert != "") { alert(this.exportmessagealert); } var i; for (i = 0; i < g_len; i++) { this._allRowCount += grid_items[i].source._getGridRowCount(); } if (g_len > 0) { grid_items[0]._gridItemExport(this); } return this.count(); }; _pExcelExport.destroy = function () { if (this._exportBar) { this._exportBar.destroy(); this._exportBar = null; } this._excel_suppress_info = null; this._merge_datas = null; this._grids.length = 0; this._dataset.length = 0; this._xml.length = 0; this.parent.removeChild(this.id); this.parent = null; return true; }; _pExcelExport.on_fire_onprogress = function (obj, e) { var event = this.onprogress; if (event && event._has_handlers) { event._fireEvent(this, e); } }; _pExcelExport.on_fire_onsuccess = function (obj, e) { var event = this.onsuccess; if (event && event._has_handlers) { event._fireEvent(this, e); } }; _pExcelExport.on_fire_onerror = function (obj, e) { var event = this.onerror; var ret; if (event && event._has_handlers) { ret = event._fireEvent(this, e); } return ret; }; _pExcelExport.on_notify_onprogress = function (obj, e) { this.on_fire_onprogress(obj, e); return false; }; _pExcelExport.on_notify_onsuccess = function (obj, e) { this.on_fire_onsuccess(obj, e); return false; }; _pExcelExport.on_notify_onerror = function (obj, e) { this.on_fire_onerror(obj, e); return false; }; _pExcelExport.on_complete_download = function (status, data, url, errcode, httpcode, errmsg) { if (status < 0) { } else { if (this.exportactivemode == "active") { nexacro._execShell(data); } } }; _pExcelExport._getItemType = function (item) { var rt; switch (item && item._type_name) { case "Grid": rt = nexacro.ExportItemTypes.GRID; break; case "Dataset": break; case "Xml": break; } return rt; }; _pExcelExport._getProcessStr = function (item, itemrecord, totalrecord) { var str = ""; str = this.exportmessageprocess.replace("%d", item); str = str.replace("%d", itemrecord); str = str.replace("%d", totalrecord); return str; }; _pExcelExport._getForm = function () { if (this.parent instanceof nexacro.Form) { return this.parent; } return null; }; _pExcelExport._getExportBar = function (uiType) { var form = this._getForm(); var pbar_name = "_exportBar"; var obj = form[pbar_name]; if (obj) { obj.destroy(); } obj = new nexacro.ExportProgress(pbar_name, "absolute", 0, 0, 10, 10, null, null, form); form.addChild(obj.name, obj); obj._uitype = uiType; if (obj.createComponent(true)) { obj.on_created(); } return obj; }; delete _pExcelExport; nexacro.ExportItem = function (name, parent) { this.id = this.name = name; this.parent = parent || null; this.acceptstyle = ""; this.exceptstyle = ""; this.exporthead = "allband"; this._exporthead = ""; this.exportimage = "none"; this.exportmerge = "suppress"; this._exportmerge = 1; this.exportselect = "allrecord"; this.exportvalue = "allstyle"; this.exportsize = "width"; this.range = ""; this.source = ""; this.type = ""; this._applyA = true; this._applyB = true; this._applyC = true; this._applyF = true; this._applyHead = true; this._applySumm = true; this._applyL = false; this._d_BLColor = ""; this._seq = 1; this._preStartRow = 0; this._startRow = 0; this._eof = false; this._instanceId = ""; this._a_ct = 0; this._bg_ct = 0; this._c_ct = 0; this._f_ct = 0; this._l_ct = 0; this._t_ct = 0; this._sm_ct = 0; this._g_ct = 0; this._s_ct = 0; this._stylecache = { }; this._selectcount = 0; this._merge_datas = null; this._excel_suppress_info = { }; this._gridTempInfo = null; this._tmpSuppressInfos; this._event_list = { "onsuccess" : 1, "onprogress" : 1, "onerror" : 1 }; }; var _pItem = nexacro.ExportItem.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.EventSinkObject, nexacro.ExportItem); _pItem._type_name = "ExportItem"; _pItem._suppress_align_table = { "first" : "top", "first,over" : "top", "middle" : "middle", "middle,over" : "middle", "last" : "bottom", "last,over" : "bottom" }; _pItem.set_acceptstyle = function (v) { if (v != this.acceptstyle) { this.acceptstyle = v; switch (v.toLowerCase()) { case "cellline": this._applyL = true; break; } } return v; }; _pItem.set_exceptstyle = function (v) { if (v != this.exceptstyle) { this.exceptstyle = v; var except = v.replace(/ /g, "").split(","); var eLen = except.length; for (var i = 0; i < eLen; i++) { switch (except[i].toLowerCase()) { case "align": this._applyA = false; break; case "background": this._applyB = false; break; case "color": this._applyC = false; break; case "font": this._applyF = false; break; } } } return v; }; _pItem.set_exporthead = function (v) { if (v != this.exporthead) { this.exporthead = v; var except = v.replace(/ /g, "").split(","); var eLen = except.length; for (var i = 0; i < eLen; i++) { switch (except[i].toLowerCase()) { case "nohead": this._applyHead = false; break; case "nosumm": this._applySumm = false; break; default: this._applySumm = true; this._applySumm = true; break; } } } if (!this._applyHead || !this._applySumm) { if (!this._applyHead && !this._applySumm) { this._exporthead = "nohead, nosumm"; } else if (!this._applyHead) { this._exporthead = "nohead"; } else { this._exporthead = "nosumm"; } } else { this._exporthead = "allband"; } return v; }; _pItem.set_exportimage = function (v) { if (v != this.exportimage) { this.exportimage = v; } return v; }; _pItem.set_exportmerge = function (v) { if (v != this.exportmerge) { this.exportmerge = v; switch (v) { case "nosuppress": this._exportmerge = 0; break; case "merge": this._exportmerge = 2; break; default: this._exportmerge = 1; break; } } return v; }; _pItem.set_exportselect = function (v) { if (v != this.exportselect) { this.exportselect = v; } return v; }; _pItem.set_exportvalue = function (v) { if (v != this.exportvalue) { this.exportvalue = v; } return v; }; _pItem.set_range = function (v) { if (v != this.range) { this.range = v; } return v; }; _pItem.set_source = function (v) { if (v != this.source) { this.source = v; } return v; }; _pItem.set_type = function (v) { if (v != this.type) { this.type = v; } return v; }; _pItem.set_exportsize = function (v) { if (v != this.exportsize) { this.exportsize = v; } return v; }; _pItem.on_fire_onprogress = function (obj, itemindex, itemtype, recordindex) { var event = this.parent.onprogress; if (event && event._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.ExcelExportProgressEventInfo(obj, "onprogress", itemindex, itemtype, recordindex, this); event._fireEvent(this, evt); } }; _pItem.on_fire_onsuccess = function (obj, referObj, url) { var event = this.parent.onsuccess; if (event && event._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.ExcelExportEventInfo(obj, "onsuccess", url, this); event._fireEvent(this, evt); } }; _pItem.on_fire_onerror = function (obj, errortype, errormsg, statuscode) { var event = this.parent.onerror; if (event && event._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.ExcelExportErrorEventInfo(obj, "onerror", errortype, errormsg, this, statuscode); event._fireEvent(this, evt); } }; _pItem._getWindow = function () { var form = this.parent.parent; if (form._is_form) { return form._getWindow(); } return null; }; _pItem._getWindowHandle = function () { var form = this.parent.parent; if (form._is_form) { return form._getWindowHandle(); } return null; }; _pItem._getCellStyle = function (cell, rowIdx, odd, sn, pseudo) { var cellStyleinfo; var selected = pseudo == "selected" ? true : false; switch (sn) { case "align": cellStyleinfo = cell._query_pseudo_align(rowIdx, cell.displaytype, pseudo); break; case "background": cellStyleinfo = cell._query_pseudo_background(rowIdx, odd, selected, pseudo); break; case "border": cellStyleinfo = cell._query_pseudo_border(rowIdx, false, "normal", 0); break; case "color": cellStyleinfo = cell._query_pseudo_color(rowIdx, odd, selected, pseudo); break; case "font": cellStyleinfo = cell._query_pseudo_font(rowIdx, selected, pseudo); break; case "gradation": cellStyleinfo = cell._query_pseudo_gradation(rowIdx, odd, selected, pseudo); break; } return cellStyleinfo; }; _pItem._getCellText = function (source, rowidx, cellidx) { var celltext; if (source && source instanceof nexacro.Grid) { var band; if (rowidx == -1) { band = "head"; } else if (rowidx == -2) { band = "summ"; } else { band = "body"; } var export_obj = this.parent; var display_type = source.getCellProperty(band, cellidx, "displaytype"); if (source.getSubCellCount(band, cellidx)) { if (export_obj._is_orgval && display_type == "number") { celltext = source.getSubCellValue(rowidx, cellidx, 0); } else { celltext = source.getSubCellText(rowidx, cellidx, 0); } } else { if (export_obj._is_orgval && display_type == "number") { celltext = source.getCellValue(rowidx, cellidx); } else { celltext = source.getCellText(rowidx, cellidx); } } } return celltext; }; _pItem._find_styleName = function (dataset, type, value, count, startRow) { var style_name = ""; var s_type = ""; var r_count = 0; var finded_row = -1; if (value) { finded_row = dataset.findRow("value", value, startRow); if (finded_row > -1) { s_type = dataset.getColumn(finded_row, 0); if (s_type == type) { style_name = dataset.getColumn(finded_row, 1); } else { return this._find_styleName(dataset, type, value, count, finded_row + 1); } } else { r_count = dataset.getRowCount(); style_name = type + ++count; dataset.addRow(); dataset.setColumn(r_count, "type", type); dataset.setColumn(r_count, "name", style_name); dataset.setColumn(r_count, "value", value); } } return [style_name, count]; }; _pItem._getFitValue = function (obj) { if (!obj) { return; } var val_a = []; var value = obj._value; val_a = value.split(" "); return val_a.join(","); }; _pItem._getFitFontValue = function (obj) { if (!obj) { return; } var str, type = obj.type.split(" ").join(","); str = type + "," + obj.size + "," + obj.face; return str; }; _pItem._getHEXtoRGB = function (color) { var rgb; if (typeof color == "object") { rgb = this._getHexColor(color._value.split(" ")[0]); } else { rgb = this._getHexColor(color); } var style_a = []; if (rgb === "") { rgb = color._value; } else { if (rgb.indexOf("#") > -1) { style_a.push(parseInt(rgb.substring(1, 3), 16)); style_a.push(parseInt(rgb.substring(3, 5), 16)); style_a.push(parseInt(rgb.substring(5, 7), 16)); rgb = style_a.join(","); } else { var start = rgb.indexOf("("); var end = rgb.indexOf(")"); style_a = rgb.substring(start + 1, end - 1).split(","); style_a.pop(); rgb = style_a.join(","); } } return rgb; }; _pItem._makeforDsStyle = function (ds_style, align, background, color, font, line, cell_type, row_merge, col_merge) { var rt; var cellStyleinfo = ""; if (this._applyA) { rt = this._find_styleName(ds_style, "align", align, this._a_ct); style_name = rt[0]; this._a_ct = rt[1]; cellStyleinfo += "align:" + style_name + ","; } if (this._applyB) { rt = this._find_styleName(ds_style, "background", background, this._bg_ct); style_name = rt[0]; this._bg_ct = rt[1]; cellStyleinfo += "background:" + style_name + ","; } if (this._applyC) { rt = this._find_styleName(ds_style, "color", color, this._c_ct); style_name = rt[0]; this._c_ct = rt[1]; cellStyleinfo += "color:" + style_name + ","; } if (this._applyF) { rt = this._find_styleName(ds_style, "font", font, this._f_ct); style_name = rt[0]; this._f_ct = rt[1]; cellStyleinfo += "font:" + style_name + ","; } rt = this._find_styleName(ds_style, "line", line, this._l_ct); style_name = rt[0]; this._l_ct = rt[1]; cellStyleinfo += "line:" + style_name + ","; rt = this._find_styleName(ds_style, "type", cell_type, this._t_ct); style_name = rt[0]; this._t_ct = rt[1]; cellStyleinfo += "type:" + style_name; if (row_merge > 1) { rt = this._find_styleName(ds_style, "rowsuppress", row_merge, this._sm_ct); style_name = rt[0]; this._sm_ct = rt[1]; cellStyleinfo += ",rowsuppress:" + style_name; } if (col_merge > 1) { rt = this._find_styleName(ds_style, "colsuppress", col_merge, this._sm_ct); style_name = rt[0]; this._sm_ct = rt[1]; cellStyleinfo += ",colsuppress:" + style_name; } rt = this._find_styleName(ds_style, "style", cellStyleinfo, this._s_ct); style_name = rt[0]; this._s_ct = rt[1]; return style_name; }; _pItem._checkExpr = function (obj) { if (obj && obj._bindtype != 0) { return true; } return false; }; _pItem._checkGradation = function (background) { if (background._value.match(/@gradation/)) { return true; } return false; }; _pItem._getHexColor = function (color) { var v = nexacro._xreNamedColorList[color]; if (v) { return v; } len = color.length; if (color.substring(0, 1) == '#') { if (len == 7) { return color; } if (len == 9) { return color.substr(0, 7); } } if (color.substring(0, 2) == "0x") { if (len == 8) { return "#" + color.substring(2); } if (len == 10) { return "#" + color.substring(2, 8); } } return ""; }; _pItem._getGradationColor = function (gradation) { var gColor; var gColor2; var gArr = []; if (gradation) { gColor = gradation._value; if (gColor != "") { gColor = this._getHexColor(gradation.start_color); gColor2 = this._getHexColor(gradation.end_color); if (gColor.indexOf("#") > -1) { var name = gColor + gColor2; if (this._stylecache[name]) { return this._stylecache[name]; } else { gArr.push(Math.round((parseInt(gColor.substring(1, 3), 16) + parseInt(gColor2.substring(1, 3), 16)) / 2)); gArr.push(Math.round((parseInt(gColor.substring(3, 5), 16) + parseInt(gColor2.substring(3, 5), 16)) / 2)); gArr.push(Math.round((parseInt(gColor.substring(5), 16) + parseInt(gColor2.substring(5), 16)) / 2)); gColor = gArr.join(","); this._stylecache[name] = gColor; } } return gColor; } } return ""; }; _pItem._getCellBodyStyle = function (cell, idx, t) { var align, background, background2, color, color2, font, line, gradation, gradation2, c_style, c_style2, _background2, _color2; var str = ""; var ds_style = this._ds_style; var flag = false; var viewType = cell.displaytype._value; align = cell._stylecache["alignnormal" + viewType]; background = cell._stylecache["backgroundfalsefalsenormal"]; color = cell._stylecache["colorfalsefalsenormal"]; font = cell._stylecache["fontfalsenormal"]; if (this._applyL) { line = cell._stylecache["linefalsebothn"]; if (!line) { line = cell.style.line; if (!line) { line = cell._query_pseudo_border(0, false, "normal", 0); } } } background2 = cell._stylecache["backgroundtruefalsenormal"]; color2 = cell._stylecache["colortruefalsenormal"]; if (!align && !background && !color && !font) { background2 = cell.style.background2; if (!background2) { background2 = cell._query_pseudo_background(0, true, false, "normal"); } color2 = cell.style.color2; if (!color2) { color2 = cell._query_pseudo_color(0, true, false, "normal"); } } if (!align) { align = cell.style.align; if (!align) { align = cell._query_pseudo_align(0, viewType, "normal"); } } if (!background) { background = cell.style.background; if (!background) { background = cell._query_pseudo_background(0, false, false, "normal"); } } if (!color) { color = cell.style.color; if (!color) { color = cell._query_pseudo_color(0, false, false, "normal"); } } if (!font) { font = cell.style.font; if (!font) { font = cell._query_pseudo_font(0, false, "normal"); } } var _align = align ? align._getStyleObject(this.source._isRtl()) : null; _align = this._getFitValue(_align); if (this._checkGradation(background)) { gradation = cell._stylecache["gradationfalsefalsenormal"]; if (!gradation) { gradation = cell.style.gradation; if (!gradation) { gradation = cell._query_pseudo_gradation(0, false, false, "normal"); } } var _background = this._getGradationColor(gradation); } else { var _background = this._getHEXtoRGB(background); } var _color = this._getHEXtoRGB(color); var _font = this._getFitFontValue(font); var _linestyle = "empty:empty:empty:empty"; var linecolor = { vertical : "empty", horizon : "empty" }; if (this._applyL && line) { if (line.right_style != "none" && line._right_width != 0) { linecolor.vertical = this._getHEXtoRGB(line.right_color) + (line.right_style == "solid" ? "" : "," + line.right_style); linecolor.horizon = this._getHEXtoRGB(line.bottom_color) + (line.bottom_style == "solid" ? "" : "," + line.bottom_style); if (this._applyHead) { _linestyle = (cell._col == 0 ? linecolor.vertical : "empty") + ":" + "empty" + ":"; } else { _linestyle = (cell._col == 0 ? linecolor.vertical : "empty") + ":" + (cell._row == 0 ? linecolor.horizon : "empty") + ":"; } _linestyle += linecolor.vertical + ":" + linecolor.horizon; } } if (this._checkExpr(align)) { _align = undefined; } else { this._stylecache[idx + "align"] = _align; } if (this._checkExpr(background)) { _background = undefined; } else { this._stylecache[idx + "background0"] = _background; } if (this._checkExpr(color)) { _color = undefined; } else { this._stylecache[idx + "color0"] = _color; } if (this._checkExpr(font)) { _font = undefined; } else { this._stylecache[idx + "font"] = _font; } if (this._checkExpr(line)) { _line = undefined; } else { this._stylecache[idx + "line"] = _linestyle; } if (background2) { if (this._checkGradation(background2)) { gradation2 = cell._stylecache["gradationtruefalsenormal"]; if (!gradation2) { gradation2 = cell.style.gradation2; if (!gradation2) { gradation2 = cell._query_pseudo_gradation(0, true, false, "normal"); } } var _background2 = this._getGradationColor(gradation2); } else { var _background2 = this._getHEXtoRGB(background2); } if (this._checkExpr(background2)) { _background2 = undefined; } else { this._stylecache[idx + "background1"] = _background2; } if (_background != _background2) { flag = true; } } else { this._stylecache[idx + "background1"] = _background2 = _background; } if (color2) { var _color2 = this._getHEXtoRGB(color2); if (this._checkExpr(color2)) { _color2 = undefined; } else { this._stylecache[idx + "color1"] = _color2; } if (_color != _color2) { flag = true; } } else { this._stylecache[idx + "color1"] = _color2 = _color; } var cell_type = this._getFixedCellType(cell, 0); c_style = this._makeforDsStyle(ds_style, _align, _background, _color, _font, _linestyle, cell_type); if (flag) { c_style2 = this._makeforDsStyle(ds_style, _align, _background2, _color2, _font, _linestyle, cell_type); } subCell = cell._subcells; subL = subCell.length; if (subL) { var subCellFormat = ""; for (var i = 0; i < subL; i++) { subCellFormat += this._modifyFormat(subCell[i], c_style, c_style2, 0, cell); } return subCellFormat; } else { return this._modifyFormat(cell, c_style, c_style2, 0, undefined, undefined, t); } }; _pItem._getFixedCellType = function (cell, rowidx) { var cell_type = cell._getDisplaytype(rowidx); var displaytype = ""; switch (cell_type) { case "number": var format = cell._getAttrValue(cell.mask, rowidx); if (format != null && format.length != 0) { displaytype = format; } break; case "date": case "time": case "datetime": cell_type = "date"; var format = cell._getAttrValue(cell.mask, rowidx); if (format == null || format.length == 0 || !format.match(/LONGDATE|SHORTDATE|[yMdHhms]/)) { format = "yyyy-MM-dd"; } else { var locale = cell._getAttrValue(cell.locale, rowidx); if (!locale) { locale = cell.grid._getLocale(); } if (format == "SHORTDATE") { format = nexacro.Locale._makeDateMaskString(locale, format); if (format == "") { format = nexacro.Locale._default_shortdate_format; } } else if (format == "LONGDATE") { format = nexacro.Locale._makeDateMaskString(locale, "SHORTDATE"); if (format == "") { format = nexacro.Locale._default_longdate_format; } } } displaytype = format; break; case "image": if (this.exportimage.toLowerCase() == "image") { displaytype += "image"; } cell_type = "text"; break; case "text": if (cell._getAttrValue(cell.displaytype, rowidx) == "normal") { cell_type = "normal"; } else { cell_type = "text"; } break; default: cell_type = "text"; break; } return cell_type + (displaytype ? ":" + displaytype : ""); }; _pItem._modifyFormat = function (cell, style1, style2, rowidx, mainCell, fake_merge_value, t) { var text, temp_str, str; temp_str = str = ""; var subcells = cell._subcells; var subLen = subcells ? subcells.length : 0; var rowspan = 1; var colspan = 1; var _colspan = cell._colspan; var _rowspan = cell._rowspan; var row = cell._row; var col = t !== undefined ? t : cell._col; var _row = row; var _col = col; text = rowidx < 0 ? cell._getDisplayText(rowidx) : cell.text._value; text = nexacro._encodeXml(text); if (mainCell) { row = _row + mainCell._row; col = _col + mainCell._col; } else { rowspan = _rowspan; colspan = _colspan; } str += "'; } } else { for (var fcLen = f_cols.length, i = fcLen - 1; i >= 0; i--) { str += ''; } } str += ""; for (var i = 0, frLen = f_hrows ? f_hrows.length : 0; i < frLen; i++) { str += ''; } for (var i = 0, frLen = f_brows ? f_brows.length : 0; i < frLen; i++) { str += ''; } for (var i = 0, frLen = f_srows ? f_srows.length : 0; i < frLen; i++) { str += ''; } str += ""; if (hLen > 0 && this._applyHead) { str += ""; for (var i = 0, t = hLen - 1; i < hLen; i++, t--) { cell = hCells[i]; background = this._getCellStyle(cell, -1, false, "background", "normal"); if (this._checkGradation(background)) { gradation = this._getCellStyle(cell, -1, false, "gradation", "normal"); bg = this._getGradationColor(gradation); } else { bg = this._getHEXtoRGB(background); } var _align = this._getCellStyle(cell, -1, false, "align", "normal"); _align = _align ? _align._getStyleObject(bRtl) : null; align = this._getFitValue(_align); font = this._getFitFontValue(this._getCellStyle(cell, -1, false, "font", "normal")); color = this._getHEXtoRGB(this._getCellStyle(cell, -1, false, "color", "normal")); linecolor = { vertical : "empty", horizon : "empty" }; if (this._applyL) { line = this._getCellStyle(cell, -1, false, "border", "normal"); if (line) { if (line.right_style != "none" && line._right_width != 0) { linecolor.vertical = this._getHEXtoRGB(line.right_color) + (line.right_style == "solid" ? "" : "," + line.right_style); } if (line.bottom_style != "none" && line._bottom_width != 0) { linecolor.horizon = this._getHEXtoRGB(line.bottom_color) + (line.bottom_style == "solid" ? "" : "," + line.bottom_style); } } } var cell_type = this._getFixedCellType(cell, -1); subCell = cell._subcells; subL = subCell.length; if (subL) { for (var j = 0; j < subL; j++) { linestyle = this._getSubCellLine(subCell[j], linecolor, linecolor, cell._rowspan - 1, cell._colspan - 1); style = this._makeforDsStyle(ds_style, align, bg, color, font, linestyle, cell_type); str += this._modifyFormat(subCell[j], style, null, -1, cell); } } else { linestyle = (cell._col == 0 ? linecolor.vertical : "empty") + ":" + (cell._row == 0 ? linecolor.horizon : "empty") + ":"; linestyle += linecolor.vertical + ":" + linecolor.horizon; var need_merge_cell = false; var fake_value = null; var row_suppress_count = 0; var col_suppress_count = 0; if (this._exportmerge == 1) { if (!!grid._checkFakeMerge(cell, -1)) { linestyle = this._makeFakeLine(cell._fakemerge_infos[1], linecolor, true); fake_value = ""; var merge_data = this._merge_datas && this._merge_datas[-1 + "_" + i]; if (merge_data) { if (merge_data.isFakeStart) { fake_value = nexacro._encodeXml(cell._getDisplayText(-1)); if (align != "left,top") { var temp_align = align.split(","); var merge_str = merge_data[temp_align[1]] + "_" + merge_data[temp_align[0]]; if (this._merge_datas[merge_str]) { this._merge_datas[merge_str].disPlayText = fake_value; this._merge_datas[merge_str].showText = true; } else { this._merge_datas[merge_str] = { disPlayText : fake_value, showText : true }; } } fake_value = ""; } else if (merge_data.showText) { fake_value = merge_data.disPlayText; } } } } else if (this._exportmerge == 2) { var merge_data = this._merge_datas && this._merge_datas[-1 + "_" + i]; if (merge_data) { if (merge_data.isFakeStart) { fake_value = "rowspan=\"" + merge_data.rowspan + "\" colspan=\"" + merge_data.colspan + "\" "; } else { need_merge_cell = true; } } } if (!need_merge_cell) { style = this._makeforDsStyle(ds_style, align, bg, color, font, linestyle, cell_type); if (!bRtl) { str += this._modifyFormat(cell, style, null, -1, false, fake_value); } else { str += this._modifyFormat(cell, style, null, -1, false, fake_value, t); } } } } str += ""; } if (bLen > 0) { str += ""; for (var i = 0, t = bLen - 1; i < bLen; i++, t--) { cell = bCells[i]; if (!bRtl) { str += this._getCellBodyStyle(cell, i); } else { str += this._getCellBodyStyle(cell, i, t); } } str += ""; } if (sLen > 0 && this._applySumm) { str += ""; for (var i = 0, t = sLen - 1; i < sLen; i++, t--) { cell = sCells[i]; background = this._getCellStyle(cell, -2, false, "background", "normal"); if (this._checkGradation(background)) { gradation = this._getCellStyle(cell, -2, false, "gradation", "normal"); bg = this._getGradationColor(gradation); } else { bg = this._getHEXtoRGB(background); } var _align = this._getCellStyle(cell, -2, false, "align", "normal"); _align = _align ? _align._getStyleObject(bRtl) : null; align = this._getFitValue(_align); font = this._getFitFontValue(this._getCellStyle(cell, -2, false, "font", "normal")); color = this._getHEXtoRGB(this._getCellStyle(cell, -2, false, "color", "normal")); linecolor = { vertical : "empty", horizon : "empty" }; if (this._applyL) { line = this._getCellStyle(cell, -2, false, "border", "normal"); if (line) { if (line.right_style != "none" && line._right_width != 0) { linecolor.vertical = this._getHEXtoRGB(line.right_color) + (line.right_style == "solid" ? "" : "," + line.right_style); } if (line.top_style != "none" && line._top_width != 0) { linecolor.horizon = this._getHEXtoRGB(line.top_color) + (line.top_style == "solid" ? "" : "," + line.top_style); } } } var cell_type = this._getFixedCellType(cell, -2); subCell = cell._subcells; subL = subCell.length; if (subL) { for (var j = 0; j < subL; j++) { linestyle = this._getSubCellLine(subCell[j], linecolor, linecolor, cell._rowspan - 1, cell._colspan - 1); style = this._makeforDsStyle(ds_style, align, bg, color, font, linestyle, cell_type); str += this._modifyFormat(subCell[j], style, null, -2, cell); } } else { var need_merge_cell = false; linestyle = linecolor.vertical + ":" + linecolor.horizon + ":" + linecolor.vertical + ":" + linecolor.horizon; var fake_value = null; if (this._exportmerge == 1) { if (!!grid._checkFakeMerge(cell, -2)) { linestyle = this._makeFakeLine(cell._fakemerge_infos[0], linecolor); fake_value = ""; var merge_data = this._merge_datas && this._merge_datas[-2 + "_" + i]; if (merge_data) { if (merge_data.isFakeStart) { fake_value = nexacro._encodeXml(cell._getDisplayText(-2)); if (align != "left,top") { var temp_align = align.split(","); var merge_str = merge_data[temp_align[1]] + "_" + merge_data[temp_align[0]]; if (this._merge_datas[merge_str]) { this._merge_datas[merge_str].disPlayText = fake_value; this._merge_datas[merge_str].showText = true; } else { this._merge_datas[merge_str] = { disPlayText : fake_value, showText : true }; } fake_value = ""; } } else if (merge_data.showText) { fake_value = merge_data.disPlayText; } } } } else if (this._exportmerge == 2) { if (!!grid._checkFakeMerge(cell, -2)) { var merge_data = this._merge_datas && this._merge_datas[-2 + "_" + i]; if (merge_data) { if (merge_data.isFakeStart) { fake_value = "rowspan=\"" + merge_data.rowspan + "\" colspan=\"" + merge_data.colspan + "\" "; } else { need_merge_cell = true; } } } } if (!need_merge_cell) { style = this._makeforDsStyle(ds_style, align, bg, color, font, linestyle, cell_type); if (!bRtl) { str += this._modifyFormat(cell, style, null, -2, false, fake_value); } else { str += this._modifyFormat(cell, style, null, -2, false, fake_value, t); } } } } str += ""; } str += ""; return str; }; _pItem._getForm = function () { return this.parent.parent; }; _pItem._eventExport = function (exportObj, type, row_index, selectCnt) { var eventtype = exportObj.exporteventtype; var itemIndex = exportObj._itemsIndex; var exportbar = exportObj._exportBar; if (eventtype != "none") { var row_num = row_index + 1; var processStr = ""; var is_end = row_num == this._bodyRowCnt; var progress_pos = exportObj._progress_pos + row_num; if (eventtype == "item" && is_end) { this.on_fire_onprogress(exportObj, itemIndex, this.type, selectCnt == null ? row_index : selectCnt); if (exportbar) { processStr = exportObj._getProcessStr(itemIndex + 1, progress_pos, exportObj._allRowCount); exportbar._set_text(processStr); exportbar._set_pos((itemIndex + 1) / exportObj._allCount * 100); } } else if (eventtype == "itemrecord") { this.on_fire_onprogress(exportObj, itemIndex, this.type, selectCnt == null ? row_index : selectCnt); if (exportbar) { processStr = exportObj._getProcessStr(itemIndex + 1, row_num, this._bodyRowCnt); exportbar._set_text(processStr); exportbar._set_pos(row_num / this._bodyRowCnt * 100); } } else if (eventtype == "totalrecord") { this.on_fire_onprogress(exportObj, itemIndex, this.type, selectCnt == null ? row_index : selectCnt); if (exportbar) { processStr = exportObj._getProcessStr(itemIndex + 1, progress_pos, exportObj._allRowCount); exportbar._set_text(processStr); exportbar._set_pos(progress_pos / exportObj._allRowCount * 100); } } if (progress_pos == exportObj._allRowCount && exportObj.exportmessagecomplete != "") { if (exportbar) { exportbar._set_text(exportObj.exportmessagecomplete); } } if (is_end && exportbar) { exportObj._progress_pos = progress_pos; } } }; _pItem._updateBarPos = function (exportObj, eventtype) { if (eventtype != "none" && exportObj._exportuitype) { var itemIndex = exportObj._itemsIndex; var exportbar = exportObj._exportBar; exportObj._progress_pos += this._startRow - this._preStartRow; var processStr = ""; var is_end = this._startRow == this._bodyRowCnt; if (eventtype == "item" && is_end) { processStr = exportObj._getProcessStr(itemIndex + 1, exportObj._progress_pos, exportObj._allRowCount); exportbar._set_text(processStr); exportbar._set_pos((itemIndex + 1) / exportObj._allCount * 100); } else if (eventtype == "itemrecord") { processStr = exportObj._getProcessStr(itemIndex + 1, this._startRow, this._bodyRowCnt); exportbar._set_text(processStr); exportbar._set_pos(this._startRow / this._bodyRowCnt * 100); } else if (eventtype == "totalrecord") { processStr = exportObj._getProcessStr(itemIndex + 1, exportObj._progress_pos, exportObj._allRowCount); exportbar._set_text(processStr); exportbar._set_pos(exportObj._progress_pos / exportObj._allRowCount * 100); } if (exportObj._progress_pos == exportObj._allRowCount && exportObj.exportmessagecomplete != "") { exportbar._set_text(exportObj.exportmessagecomplete); } } }; _pItem._rollbackSuppressInfo = function () { var cells = this.source._curFormat._bodycells; var supLen = this._tmpSuppressInfos && this._tmpSuppressInfos.length; for (var i = 0; i < supLen; i++) { cells[i]._suppress_infos = this._tmpSuppressInfos.shift(); } }; _pItem._gridSuppressUpdate = function (grid, rowcount) { var cells = grid._curFormat._bodycells; var cLen = cells.length; this._tmpSuppressInfos = []; for (var i = 0; i < cLen; i++) { this._tmpSuppressInfos.push(cells[i]._suppress_infos); } grid._analyzeSuppress(true); for (var i = 0; i < rowcount; i++) { grid._suppressUpdateRow(i, 0, rowcount - 1, true); } }; _pItem._gridExportContinue = function (exportObj) { var grid = this.source; var ds_command = this._ds_command; ds_command.setColumn(0, "command", "export"); ds_command.setColumn(0, "type", exportObj._exporttype); ds_command.setColumn(0, "item", grid.id); ds_command.setColumn(0, "seq", this._seq); ds_command.setColumn(0, "startrow", this._startRow); ds_command.setColumn(0, "instanceid", this._instanceId); ds_command.setColumn(0, "url", exportObj._fileURL); ds_command.setColumn(0, "summarytype", grid.summarytype); ds_command.setColumn(0, "range", this.range); ds_command.setColumn(0, "exportsize", this.exportsize); ds_command.setColumn(0, "exporthead", this._exporthead); ds_command.setColumn(0, "exportimage", this.exportimage); ds_command.setColumn(0, "exportfilename", exportObj.exportfilename); ds_command.setColumn(0, "format", ""); ds_command.setColumn(0, "password", exportObj._file_password); var ds_style = this._ds_style; var ds_style2 = this._ds_style2; if (!ds_style2) { var ds_style2 = new Dataset("STYLE2"); this._ds_style2 = ds_style2; ds_style2.addColumn("type", "String", 10); ds_style2.addColumn("name", "String", 32); ds_style2.addColumn("value", "String", 1024); } else { this._ds_style2.clearData(); } delete this._ds_cell; var ds = new Dataset("CELL"); this._ds_cell = ds; var bodycntcell = grid.getCellCount("body"); var bodycntrow = this._bodyRowCnt; var style_name; var rt; if (this._exportmerge && grid._is_use_suppress && bodycntrow >= grid._bodyBand._get_rows().length) { this._gridSuppressUpdate(grid, bodycntrow); } var export_param = null; var export_dsparam = null; if (bodycntcell > 0) { var kk = 0; var selectedrow = 0; for (var jj = 0; jj < bodycntcell; jj++) { ds.addColumn("Column" + jj, "String", 256); } var partitionRow = this._partitionRow + this._startRow; if (partitionRow >= bodycntrow) { partitionRow = bodycntrow; this._eof = true; export_param = this.parent._argsParam; export_dsparam = this.parent._argsDsParam; } var cells = grid._curFormat._bodycells; var is_selected; var rr = 0; var subcnt; for (var k = this._startRow; k < partitionRow; k++) { subcnt = 0; var val; var selectChk = false; for (var j = 0; j < bodycntcell; j++) { selectChk = selectChk || grid.isSelectedCell(j, "body", k, -9); } var is_selectRec = this.exportselect == "selectrecord"; if (selectChk || !is_selectRec) { var idx = ds.addRow(); if (is_selectRec) { this._eventExport(exportObj, this.type, k, this._selectcount++); } else { this._eventExport(exportObj, this.type, k); } } else { continue; } var odd = k % 2; var cc = 0; is_selected = false; var activate_select_style = (this.exportvalue == "selectstyle"); for (var j = 0; j < bodycntcell; j++) { is_selected = grid.isSelectedCell(j, "body", k, -9); if (is_selected) { var emptyCellFlag = false; } else { if (is_selectRec) { emptyCellFlag = true; } } var backgroundCell; var alignCell; var fontCell; var colorCell; var lineCell; var bodyBand = grid._bodyBand; var cell = cells[j]; var suppress_infos = cell._suppress_infos; var cellStyle = ""; var _pseudo = "normal"; var cacheA = this._stylecache[j + "align"]; var cacheL = this._stylecache[j + "line"]; var cacheB, cacheC, cacheF; if (is_selected && activate_select_style) { _pseudo = "selected"; cacheB = ""; cacheC = ""; cacheF = ""; } else { if (emptyCellFlag) { cacheB = "255,255,255"; cacheC = "255,255,255"; var d_BLColor = this._d_BLColor; cacheL = d_BLColor + ":" + d_BLColor + ":" + d_BLColor + ":" + d_BLColor; sFlag = true; } else { cacheB = this._stylecache[j + "background" + odd]; cacheC = this._stylecache[j + "color" + odd]; } cacheF = this._stylecache[j + "font"]; } var sFlag = false; if (cacheB) { backgroundCell = cacheB; } else { sFlag = true; backgroundCell = nexacro._nvl(this._getHEXtoRGB(this._getCellStyle(cell, k, odd, "background", _pseudo)), ""); } if (cacheA) { alignCell = cacheA; } else { sFlag = true; alignCell = nexacro._nvl(this._getFitValue(this._getCellStyle(cell, k, odd, "align", _pseudo)), ""); } if (cacheC) { colorCell = cacheC; } else { sFlag = true; colorCell = nexacro._nvl(this._getHEXtoRGB(this._getCellStyle(cell, k, odd, "color", _pseudo)), ""); } if (cacheF) { fontCell = cacheF; } else { sFlag = true; fontCell = nexacro._nvl(this._getFitFontValue(this._getCellStyle(cell, k, odd, "font", _pseudo)), ""); } var is_line_changed, d_BLColor, right_linecolor, bottom_linecolor, linecolor; is_line_changed = false, right_linecolor = null, bottom_linecolor = null; var row_suppress_count = 0; var col_suppress_count = 0; switch (this._exportmerge) { case 0: break; case 1: if (cell.suppress > 0) { sFlag = is_line_changed = true; if (suppress_infos[k].border_proc) { bottom_linecolor = "empty"; } } grid._checkFakeMerge(cell, k); if (cell._fakemerge_infos) { var fake_border_str = cell._fakemerge_infos[k + 2]; if (fake_border_str) { sFlag = is_line_changed = true; switch (fake_border_str) { case "bottomfake": bottom_linecolor = "empty"; break; case "rightbottomfake": right_linecolor = bottom_linecolor = "empty"; break; case "rightfake": right_linecolor = "empty"; break; } } } break; case 2: if (cell.suppress > 0) { sFlag = is_line_changed = true; var column_suppress = j + "count"; var excel_suppress_info = this._excel_suppress_info; if (!excel_suppress_info[column_suppress]) { excel_suppress_info[column_suppress] = 0; alignCell = alignCell.split(",")[0] + ", " + this._suppress_align_table[cell.suppressalign]; } if (suppress_infos[k].border_proc) { this._excel_suppress_info[column_suppress]++; } else { row_suppress_count = ++excel_suppress_info[column_suppress]; excel_suppress_info[column_suppress] = 0; } } var merge_data = this._merge_datas && this._merge_datas[k + "_" + j]; if (merge_data && merge_data.isFakeEnd) { sFlag = is_line_changed = true; row_suppress_count = merge_data.rowspan; col_suppress_count = merge_data.colspan; } break; } if (!is_line_changed && cacheL) { lineCell = cacheL; } else { if (this._applyL) { sFlag = true; var line = this._getCellStyle(cell, k, odd, "border", _pseudo); if (line.right_style != "none" && line._right_width != 0) { linecolor = this._getHEXtoRGB(line.right_color) + (line.right_style == "solid" ? "" : "," + line.right_style); if (!right_linecolor) { right_linecolor = linecolor; } } else { right_linecolor = "empty"; } if (line.bottom_style != "none" && line._bottom_width != 0) { linecolor = this._getHEXtoRGB(line.bottom_color) + (line.bottom_style == "solid" ? "" : "," + line.bottom_style); if (!bottom_linecolor) { bottom_linecolor = linecolor; } } else { bottom_linecolor = "empty"; } } else { bottom_linecolor = right_linecolor = "empty"; } lineCell = "empty:empty:" + right_linecolor + ":" + bottom_linecolor; } if (this._applyA) { rt = this._find_styleName(ds_style, "align", alignCell, this._a_ct); style_name = rt[0]; if (this._a_ct != rt[1]) { rt = this._find_styleName(ds_style2, "align", alignCell, this._a_ct); } this._a_ct = rt[1]; cellStyle += "align:" + style_name + ","; } if (this._applyB) { rt = this._find_styleName(ds_style, "background", backgroundCell, this._bg_ct); style_name = rt[0]; if (this._bg_ct != rt[1]) { rt = this._find_styleName(ds_style2, "background", backgroundCell, this._bg_ct); } this._bg_ct = rt[1]; cellStyle += "background:" + style_name + ","; } if (this._applyC) { rt = this._find_styleName(ds_style, "color", colorCell, this._c_ct); style_name = rt[0]; if (this._c_ct != rt[1]) { rt = this._find_styleName(ds_style2, "color", colorCell, this._c_ct); } this._c_ct = rt[1]; cellStyle += "color:" + style_name + ","; } if (this._applyF) { rt = this._find_styleName(ds_style, "font", fontCell, this._f_ct); style_name = rt[0]; if (this._f_ct != rt[1]) { rt = this._find_styleName(ds_style2, "font", fontCell, this._f_ct); } this._f_ct = rt[1]; cellStyle += "font:" + style_name + ","; } rt = this._find_styleName(ds_style, "line", lineCell, this._l_ct); style_name = rt[0]; if (this._l_ct != rt[1]) { rt = this._find_styleName(ds_style2, "line", lineCell, this._l_ct); } this._l_ct = rt[1]; cellStyle += "line:" + style_name + ","; var cell_type = this._getFixedCellType(cell, k); rt = this._find_styleName(ds_style, "type", cell_type, this._t_ct); style_name = rt[0]; if (this._t_ct != rt[1]) { rt = this._find_styleName(ds_style2, "type", cell_type, this._t_ct); } this._t_ct = rt[1]; cellStyle += "type:" + style_name; var longdate_flag = false; if (cell_type.indexOf("date") > -1 && (this._checkExpr(cell.locale) || this._checkExpr(cell.mask) || cell.mask == "LONGDATE")) { sFlag = true; if (cell.mask == "LONGDATE") { longdate_flag = true; } } if (row_suppress_count) { rt = this._find_styleName(ds_style, "rowsuppress", row_suppress_count, this._sm_ct); style_name = rt[0]; if (this._sm_ct != rt[1]) { rt = this._find_styleName(ds_style2, "rowsuppress", row_suppress_count, this._sm_ct); } this._sm_ct = rt[1]; cellStyle += ",rowsuppress:" + style_name; } if (col_suppress_count) { rt = this._find_styleName(ds_style, "colsuppress", col_suppress_count, this._sm_ct); style_name = rt[0]; if (this._sm_ct != rt[1]) { rt = this._find_styleName(ds_style2, "colsuppress", col_suppress_count, this._sm_ct); } this._sm_ct = rt[1]; cellStyle += ",colsuppress:" + style_name; } rt = this._find_styleName(ds_style, "style", cellStyle, this._s_ct); style_name = rt[0]; if (this._s_ct != rt[1]) { rt = this._find_styleName(ds_style2, "style", cellStyle, this._s_ct); } this._s_ct = rt[1]; var display_text = this._getCellText(grid, k, j); val = emptyCellFlag ? "" : display_text; if (longdate_flag) { cell.mask = "SHORTDATE"; val = cell._getDisplayText_date(k); cell.mask = "LONGDATE"; } var displaytype = grid.getCellProperty("body", j, "displaytype"); if (displaytype == "image") { var expImg = this.exportimage.toLowerCase(); if (expImg == "url" || expImg == "image") { var path = this._getCellText(grid, k, j); if (path) { var url = nexacro._getURIValue(path); val = nexacro._getImageLocation(url, this._getForm()._getFormBaseUrl()); } else { val = path; } } else { val = ""; } } var delimiter = String.fromCharCode(29); if (this._exportmerge == 1) { if (cell.suppress > 0) { if (suppress_infos[k].text_proc) { val = ""; } } if (!!grid._checkFakeMerge(cell, k)) { val = ""; var merge_data = this._merge_datas && this._merge_datas[k + "_" + j]; if (merge_data) { if (merge_data.isFakeStart) { if (alignCell == "left,top") { val = display_text; } else { var temp_align = alignCell.split(","); var merge_str = merge_data[temp_align[1]] + "_" + merge_data[temp_align[0]]; if (this._merge_datas[merge_str]) { this._merge_datas[merge_str].disPlayText = display_text; this._merge_datas[merge_str].showText = true; } else { this._merge_datas[merge_str] = { disPlayText : display_text, showText : true }; } } } else if (merge_data.showText) { val = merge_data.disPlayText; } } } } if (exportObj._is_orgval) { val = nexacro._isNumber(val) ? val : nexacro._isDecimal(val) ? val : nexacro._nvl(val, ""); } else { val = nexacro._nvl(val, ""); } ds.setColumn(idx, "Column" + (j + subcnt), val + delimiter + (sFlag || (is_selected && activate_select_style) ? style_name : "")); if (cell._subcells.length) { var subCell = cell._subcells; var subL = subCell.length; var rsp = cell._rowspan - 1; var csp = cell._colspan - 1; var subline = ""; var line = this._getCellStyle(cell, k, odd, "border", _pseudo); var d_BLColor = this._d_BLColor; if (this._applyL) { linecolor = this._getHEXtoRGB(line.right_color) + (line.right_style == "solid" ? "" : "," + line.right_style); } else { linecolor = d_BLColor; } var lLine; var tLine; var rLine; var bLine; for (var i = 0; i < subL; i++) { var sbc = subCell[i]._col; var sbr = subCell[i]._row; if (sbc == csp) { rLine = linecolor; } else { rLine = "empty"; } if (sbc == 0) { lLine = d_BLColor; } else { lLine = "empty"; } if (sbr == rsp) { bLine = linecolor; } else { bLine = "empty"; } if (sbr == 0) { tLine = d_BLColor; } else { tLine = "empty"; } subline = lLine + ":" + tLine + ":" + rLine + ":" + bLine; var cell_type = this._getFixedCellType(subCell[i], 0); style_name = this._makeforDsStyle(ds_style, alignCell, backgroundCell, colorCell, fontCell, subline, cell_type); if (i != 0) { ds.addColumn("Column" + (jj + subcnt), "String", 256); subcnt++; } var val = subCell[i]._getDisplayText(k); if (exportObj._is_orgval) { var cellinfo = subCell[i]._refobj; if (cellinfo && cellinfo._getDisplaytype(k) == "number") { val = cellinfo._getValue(k); } } ds.setColumn(idx, "Column" + (j + subcnt), val + delimiter + style_name); } } } rr++; } this._preStartRow = this._startRow; this._startRow = partitionRow; } ds_command.setColumn(0, "eof", this._eof); if (this._ds_response) { delete this._ds_response; } this._ds_response = new Dataset("RESPONSE"); this._rollbackSuppressInfo(); if (export_dsparam != undefined) { this._transaction(this.id, exportObj._exporturl, "COMMAND=_ds_command STYLE=_ds_style2 CELL=_ds_cell" + " " + export_dsparam, "_ds_response=RESPONSE", export_param, "_exportCallback", true, exportObj._commdataformat, exportObj._commcompress); } else { this._transaction(this.id, exportObj._exporturl, "COMMAND=_ds_command STYLE=_ds_style2 CELL=_ds_cell", "_ds_response=RESPONSE", export_param, "_exportCallback", true, exportObj._commdataformat, exportObj._commcompress); } this._updateBarPos(exportObj, exportObj.exporteventtype); }; _pItem._exportCallback = function (svcid, errstatus, message) { var grid = this.source; var exportObj = this.parent; var exportbar = exportObj._exportBar; if (errstatus < 0) { message = nexacro._decodeXml(message); this.on_fire_onerror(exportObj, "ObjectError", message, errstatus); nexacro._stopTransaction(this, 0); if (exportbar) { exportbar._hide(); exportbar._set_pos(0); exportbar._set_text(""); } if (grid._hasTree && this._gridTempInfo && exportObj._tempSaveMethod) { nexacro.Grid.prototype._recreate_contents_all = exportObj._tempSaveMethod; exportObj._tempSaveMethod = null; grid.set_treeinitstatus(this._gridTempInfo["treeinitstatus"]); grid._treeIndexes = this._gridTempInfo["treeIndexes"]; grid._treeStates = this._gridTempInfo["treeStates"]; grid.enableevent = this._gridTempInfo["enableevent"]; this._gridTempInfo = null; } } else { var item_id = this._ds_response.getColumn(0, "item"); this._instanceId = this._ds_response.getColumn(0, "instanceid"); var excelURL = this._ds_response.getColumn(0, "url"); if (excelURL != null && excelURL != "") { exportObj._fileURL = excelURL; } var itemIndex = exportObj._itemsIndex; var is_finish = itemIndex + 1 == exportObj._allCount; var is_end = this._startRow == this._bodyRowCnt; this._seq++; if (is_end) { if (grid._hasTree && this._gridTempInfo && exportObj._tempSaveMethod) { nexacro.Grid.prototype._recreate_contents_all = exportObj._tempSaveMethod; exportObj._tempSaveMethod = null; grid.set_treeinitstatus(this._gridTempInfo["treeinitstatus"]); grid._treeIndexes = this._gridTempInfo["treeIndexes"]; grid._treeStates = this._gridTempInfo["treeStates"]; grid.enableevent = this._gridTempInfo["enableevent"]; this._gridTempInfo = null; } if (is_finish) { if (exportbar) { exportbar._hide(); exportbar._set_pos(0); exportbar._set_text(""); } this._tmpSuppressInfos = null; exportObj._fileURL = ""; exportObj._allRowCount = 0; exportObj._progress_pos = 0; exportObj._itemsIndex = 0; var exportfilename_; if (excelURL != null && excelURL != "") { var index_ = excelURL.lastIndexOf("/"); if (index_ == -1) { index_ = excelURL.lastIndexOf("\\"); } if (index_ != -1) { exportfilename_ = excelURL.substring(index_ + 1); } } this.on_fire_onsuccess(exportObj, this, excelURL); switch (exportObj.exporttype) { case nexacro.ExportTypes.EXCEL: case nexacro.ExportTypes.EXCEL97: exportfilename_ = exportObj.exportfilename; exportfilename_ += ".xls"; break; case nexacro.ExportTypes.EXCEL2007: exportfilename_ = exportObj.exportfilename; exportfilename_ += ".xlsx"; break; case nexacro.ExportTypes.HANCELL2010: case nexacro.ExportTypes.HANCELL2014: exportfilename_ = exportObj.exportfilename; exportfilename_ += ".cell"; break; case nexacro.ExportTypes.CSV: exportfilename_ = exportObj.exportfilename; exportfilename_ += ".csv"; break; } excelURL = encodeURI(excelURL); nexacro._download(excelURL, exportObj._handle, exportfilename_, "undefined", exportObj.exportactivemode); } else { exportObj._itemsIndex++; if (exportObj._itemsIndex == exportObj._gCount) { } else { exportObj._grids[exportObj._itemsIndex]._gridItemExport(exportObj); } } this._instanceId = ""; this._startRow = 0; this._seq = 1; this._eof = false; this._selectcount = 0; } else { this._gridExportContinue(exportObj); } } }; _pItem._makeMergeDatas = function (grid, format_body_rowcount, col_len) { var row_len = format_body_rowcount; var merge_datas = this._merge_datas = { }; var merge_end_row, merge_end_col, row_merge_count, col_merge_count; var fake_mergecell, end_row, last_row, end_subrow, start_subrow, temp; last_row = end_row = end_subrow = start_subrow = temp = 0; var rowspan, colspan, top_row, middle_row, bottom_row, left_col, center_col, right_col, start_col, end_col, start_row; var rowcount = grid._getGridRowCount() - 1; for (var i = 0, len = grid._fake_mergecell_arr.length; i < len; i++) { fake_mergecell = grid._fake_mergecell_arr[i]; if (fake_mergecell.start_subrow != null) { start_subrow = fake_mergecell.start_subrow; } if (fake_mergecell.end_subrow != null) { end_subrow = fake_mergecell.end_subrow; } if (fake_mergecell.end_row > rowcount) { last_row = end_row = rowcount; end_subrow = row_len - 1; } else { last_row = end_row = fake_mergecell.end_row; end_subrow = fake_mergecell.end_subrow; } if (fake_mergecell.start_row == -1) { row_len = grid._curFormat._headrows ? grid._curFormat._headrows.length : 0; end_row = start_row = 0; } else if (fake_mergecell.start_row == -2) { row_len = grid._curFormat._summrows ? grid._curFormat._summrows.length : 0; end_row = start_row = 0; } else { start_row = fake_mergecell.start_row; } rowspan = (row_len * end_row + fake_mergecell.end_subrow) - (row_len * start_row + start_subrow) + 1; colspan = fake_mergecell.end_column - fake_mergecell.start_column + 1; var temp = ((row_len * start_row + start_subrow + 1) + (row_len * end_row + fake_mergecell.end_subrow + 1)) / 2 << 0; top_row = fake_mergecell.start_row; middle_row = (temp - 1) / row_len << 0; bottom_row = last_row; start_col = col_len * start_subrow + fake_mergecell.start_column; end_col = col_len * fake_mergecell.end_subrow + fake_mergecell.end_column; left_col = ((temp - 1) % row_len * col_len + fake_mergecell.start_column) << 0; center_col = ((temp - 1) % row_len * col_len + (fake_mergecell.start_column + fake_mergecell.end_column) / 2) << 0; right_col = ((temp - 1) % row_len * col_len + fake_mergecell.end_column) << 0; if (fake_mergecell.start_row < 0) { middle_row = fake_mergecell.start_row; } merge_datas[top_row + "_" + start_col] = { isFakeStart : true, left : left_col, center : center_col, right : right_col, top : top_row, middle : middle_row, bottom : bottom_row, rowspan : rowspan, colspan : colspan }; merge_datas[bottom_row + "_" + end_col] = { isFakeEnd : true, rowspan : rowspan, colspan : colspan }; } }; _pItem._gridItemExport = function (exportObj) { var uiType = exportObj._exportuitype; if (exportObj.exporteventtype != "none" && uiType) { var exportbar = exportObj._exportBar; if (!exportbar || exportbar._uitype != uiType) { exportbar = exportObj._exportBar = exportObj._getExportBar(uiType); var str = exportObj._getProcessStr(exportObj.count(), exportObj._allRowCount, exportObj._allRowCount); str = nexacro._getLongerStr(str, exportObj.exportmessagecomplete, exportObj.exportmessageready); var tSize = nexacro._getTextSize(str, exportbar.currentstyle.font); exportbar._textWidth = tSize[0]; exportbar._textHeight = tSize[1]; } if (exportObj._itemsIndex == 0 && exportObj.exportmessageready != "") { exportbar._set_text(exportObj.exportmessageready); } exportbar._show(); } var grid = this.source; var cur_fomat_col_len = grid._curFormat._cols ? grid._curFormat._cols.length : 0; var cur_fomat_row_len = grid._curFormat._bodyrows ? grid._curFormat._bodyrows.length : 0; if (grid._hasTree) { this._gridTempInfo = { }; exportObj._tempSaveMethod = nexacro.Grid.prototype._recreate_contents_all; nexacro.Grid.prototype._recreate_contents_all = nexacro._emptyFn; this._gridTempInfo["enableevent"] = grid.enableevent; grid.enableevent = false; this._gridTempInfo["treeIndexes"] = grid._treeIndexes.slice(0); this._gridTempInfo["treeStates"] = grid._treeStates.slice(0); this._gridTempInfo["treeinitstatus"] = grid.treeinitstatus; grid.set_treeinitstatus("expand,all"); } if (grid._is_use_fakemerge) { this._makeMergeDatas(grid, cur_fomat_row_len, cur_fomat_col_len); } var ds_style = new Dataset("STYLE"); this._ds_style = ds_style; ds_style.addColumn("type", "String", 10); ds_style.addColumn("name", "String", 32); ds_style.addColumn("value", "String", 1024); var ds_command = new Dataset("COMMAND"); this._ds_command = ds_command; ds_command.addColumn("command", "String", 32); ds_command.addColumn("type", "int", 32); ds_command.addColumn("item", "String", 256); ds_command.addColumn("seq", "int"); ds_command.addColumn("startrow", "int", 32); ds_command.addColumn("eof", "boolean", 32); ds_command.addColumn("instanceid", "String", 256); ds_command.addColumn("url", "String", 256); ds_command.addColumn("summarytype", "String", 256); ds_command.addColumn("range", "String", 32); ds_command.addColumn("exportsize", "String", 32); ds_command.addColumn("exporthead", "String", 32); ds_command.addColumn("exportimage", "String", 32); ds_command.addColumn("exportfilename", "String", 32); ds_command.addColumn("format", "String", 1024 * 1024); ds_command.addColumn("password", "String", 256); ds_command.addRow(); ds_command.setColumn(0, "command", "export"); ds_command.setColumn(0, "type", exportObj._exporttype); ds_command.setColumn(0, "item", grid.id); ds_command.setColumn(0, "seq", this._seq); ds_command.setColumn(0, "startrow", this._startRow); ds_command.setColumn(0, "instanceid", this._instanceId); ds_command.setColumn(0, "url", exportObj._fileURL); ds_command.setColumn(0, "summarytype", grid.summarytype); ds_command.setColumn(0, "range", this.range); var is_selectRec = this.exportselect == "selectrecord"; var is_show_head = grid.selecttype != ("area" || "multiarea" || "treecell") ? true : false; if (is_show_head) { if (is_selectRec) { if (this._exporthead == "") { this._exporthead = "nohead, nosumm"; this._applyHead = false; this._applySumm = false; } this._exportmerge = false; } } else { this._exporthead = "nohead, nosumm"; this._applyHead = false; this._applySumm = false; } ds_command.setColumn(0, "exportsize", this.exportsize); ds_command.setColumn(0, "exporthead", this._exporthead); ds_command.setColumn(0, "exportimage", this.exportimage); ds_command.setColumn(0, "exportfilename", exportObj.exportfilename); var madeformat = nexacro._replaceAll(this._makeFormat(grid), " ", ""); ds_command.setColumn(0, "format", madeformat); ds_command.setColumn(0, "password", exportObj._file_password); var ds = new Dataset("CELL"); this._ds_cell = ds; var bodycntcell = grid.getCellCount("body"); var bodycntrow = this._bodyRowCnt = grid._getGridRowCount(); var style_name; var rt; if (this._exportmerge && grid._is_use_suppress && bodycntrow >= grid._bodyBand._get_rows().length) { this._gridSuppressUpdate(grid, bodycntrow); } var export_param = null; var export_dsparam = null; if (bodycntcell > 0) { var kk = 0; var str_lenth = ""; var b_row = bodycntrow / 5; for (var jj = 0; jj < bodycntcell; jj++) { ds.addColumn("Column" + jj, "String", 256); str_lenth += this._getCellText(grid, 0, jj); str_lenth += this._getCellText(grid, b_row * 2, jj); str_lenth += this._getCellText(grid, b_row * 3, jj); str_lenth += this._getCellText(grid, b_row * 4, jj); str_lenth += this._getCellText(grid, bodycntrow - 1, jj); } str_lenth = str_lenth.length + 1; var partRowCount = this._partitionRow = parseInt(23000 / str_lenth); if (partRowCount == 0 && str_lenth > 0) { partRowCount = this._partitionRow = 1; } if (partRowCount >= bodycntrow) { partRowCount = bodycntrow; this._eof = true; export_param = this.parent._argsParam; export_dsparam = this.parent._argsDsParam; } else { partRowCount = parseInt(partRowCount / 2); } var cells = grid._curFormat._bodycells; var activate_select_style = (this.exportvalue == "selectstyle"); var is_selected; var subcnt; for (var k = 0; k < partRowCount; k++) { subcnt = 0; var val; var selectChk = false; for (var j = 0; j < bodycntcell; j++) { selectChk = selectChk || grid.isSelectedCell(j, "body", k, -9); } if (selectChk || !is_selectRec) { var idx = ds.addRow(); if (is_selectRec) { this._eventExport(exportObj, this.type, k, this._selectcount++); } else { this._eventExport(exportObj, this.type, k); } } else { continue; } var odd = k % 2; is_selected = false; for (var j = 0; j < bodycntcell; j++) { is_selected = grid.isSelectedCell(j, "body", k, -9); if (is_selected) { var emptyCellFlag = false; } else { if (is_selectRec) { emptyCellFlag = true; } } var backgroundCell, alignCell, fontCell, colorCell, lineCell; var bodyBand = grid._bodyBand; var cell = cells[j]; var suppress_infos = cell._suppress_infos; var style_name = ""; var _pseudo = "normal"; var sFlag = false; var cacheA = this._stylecache[j + "align"]; var cacheL = this._stylecache[j + "line"]; var cacheB, cacheC, cacheF; if (is_selected && activate_select_style) { _pseudo = "selected"; cacheB = ""; cacheC = ""; cacheF = ""; } else { if (emptyCellFlag) { cacheB = "255,255,255"; cacheC = "255,255,255"; var d_BLColor = this._d_BLColor; cacheL = d_BLColor + ":" + d_BLColor + ":" + d_BLColor + ":" + d_BLColor; sFlag = true; } else { cacheB = this._stylecache[j + "background" + odd]; cacheC = this._stylecache[j + "color" + odd]; } cacheF = this._stylecache[j + "font"]; } if (cacheB) { backgroundCell = cacheB; } else { sFlag = true; backgroundCell = nexacro._nvl(this._getHEXtoRGB(this._getCellStyle(cell, k, odd, "background", _pseudo)), ""); } if (cacheA) { alignCell = cacheA; } else { sFlag = true; alignCell = nexacro._nvl(this._getFitValue(this._getCellStyle(cell, k, odd, "align", _pseudo)), ""); } if (cacheC) { colorCell = cacheC; } else { sFlag = true; colorCell = nexacro._nvl(this._getHEXtoRGB(this._getCellStyle(cell, k, odd, "color", _pseudo)), ""); } if (cacheF) { fontCell = cacheF; } else { sFlag = true; fontCell = nexacro._nvl(this._getFitFontValue(this._getCellStyle(cell, k, odd, "font", _pseudo)), ""); } var is_line_changed, d_BLColor, right_linecolor, bottom_linecolor, linecolor; is_line_changed = false, right_linecolor = null, bottom_linecolor = null; var row_suppress_count = 0; var col_suppress_count = 0; switch (this._exportmerge) { case 0: break; case 1: if (cell.suppress > 0) { sFlag = is_line_changed = true; if (suppress_infos[k].border_proc) { bottom_linecolor = "empty"; } } grid._checkFakeMerge(cell, k); if (cell._fakemerge_infos) { var fake_border_str = cell._fakemerge_infos[k + 2]; if (fake_border_str) { sFlag = is_line_changed = true; switch (fake_border_str) { case "bottomfake": bottom_linecolor = "empty"; break; case "rightbottomfake": right_linecolor = bottom_linecolor = "empty"; break; case "rightfake": right_linecolor = "empty"; break; } } } break; case 2: if (cell.suppress > 0) { sFlag = is_line_changed = true; var column_suppress = j + "count"; var excel_suppress_info = this._excel_suppress_info; if (!excel_suppress_info[column_suppress]) { excel_suppress_info[column_suppress] = 0; alignCell = alignCell.split(",")[0] + ", " + this._suppress_align_table[cell.suppressalign]; } if (suppress_infos[k].border_proc) { this._excel_suppress_info[column_suppress]++; } else { row_suppress_count = ++excel_suppress_info[column_suppress]; excel_suppress_info[column_suppress] = 0; } } var merge_data = this._merge_datas && this._merge_datas[k + "_" + j]; if (merge_data && merge_data.isFakeEnd) { sFlag = is_line_changed = true; row_suppress_count = merge_data.rowspan; col_suppress_count = merge_data.colspan; } break; } if (!is_line_changed && cacheL) { lineCell = cacheL; } else { if (this._applyL) { sFlag = true; var line = this._getCellStyle(cell, k, odd, "border", _pseudo); if (line.right_style != "none" && line._right_width != 0) { linecolor = this._getHEXtoRGB(line.right_color) + (line.right_style == "solid" ? "" : "," + line.right_style); if (!right_linecolor) { right_linecolor = linecolor; } } else { right_linecolor = "empty"; } if (line.bottom_style != "none" && line._bottom_width != 0) { linecolor = this._getHEXtoRGB(line.bottom_color) + (line.bottom_style == "solid" ? "" : "," + line.bottom_style); if (!bottom_linecolor) { bottom_linecolor = linecolor; } } else { bottom_linecolor = "empty"; } } else { bottom_linecolor = right_linecolor = "empty"; } lineCell = "empty:empty:" + right_linecolor + ":" + bottom_linecolor; } var cell_type = this._getFixedCellType(cell, k); style_name = this._makeforDsStyle(ds_style, alignCell, backgroundCell, colorCell, fontCell, lineCell, cell_type, row_suppress_count, col_suppress_count); var longdate_flag = false; if ((cell_type.indexOf("date") > -1 || cell_type.indexOf("number") > -1) && (this._checkExpr(cell.locale) || this._checkExpr(cell.mask) || cell.mask == "LONGDATE")) { sFlag = true; if (cell.mask == "LONGDATE") { longdate_flag = true; } } var display_text = this._getCellText(grid, k, j); val = emptyCellFlag ? "" : display_text; if (longdate_flag) { cell.mask = "SHORTDATE"; val = cell._getDisplayText_date(k); cell.mask = "LONGDATE"; } var displaytype = grid.getCellProperty("body", j, "displaytype"); if (displaytype == "image") { var expImg = this.exportimage.toLowerCase(); if (expImg == "url" || expImg == "image") { var path = this._getCellText(grid, k, j); if (path) { var url = nexacro._getURIValue(path); val = nexacro._getImageLocation(url, this._getForm()._getFormBaseUrl()); } else { val = path; } } else { val = ""; } } var delimiter = String.fromCharCode(29); if (this._exportmerge == 1) { if (cell.suppress > 0) { if (suppress_infos[k].text_proc) { val = ""; } } if (!!grid._checkFakeMerge(cell, k)) { val = ""; var merge_data = this._merge_datas && this._merge_datas[k + "_" + j]; if (merge_data) { if (merge_data.isFakeStart) { if (alignCell == "left,top") { val = display_text; } else { var temp_align = alignCell.split(","); var merge_str = merge_data[temp_align[1]] + "_" + merge_data[temp_align[0]]; if (this._merge_datas[merge_str]) { this._merge_datas[merge_str].disPlayText = display_text; this._merge_datas[merge_str].showText = true; } else { this._merge_datas[merge_str] = { disPlayText : display_text, showText : true }; } } } else if (merge_data.showText) { val = merge_data.disPlayText; } } } } if (exportObj._is_orgval) { val = nexacro._isNumber(val) ? val : nexacro._isDecimal(val) ? val : nexacro._nvl(val, ""); } else { val = nexacro._nvl(val, ""); } ds.setColumn(idx, "Column" + (j + subcnt), val + delimiter + (sFlag || (is_selected && activate_select_style) ? style_name : "")); if (cell._subcells.length) { var subCell = cell._subcells; var subL = subCell.length; var rsp = cell._rowspan - 1; var csp = cell._colspan - 1; var subline = ""; var line = this._getCellStyle(cell, k, odd, "border", _pseudo); var d_BLColor = this._d_BLColor; if (this._applyL) { linecolor = this._getHEXtoRGB(line.right_color) + (line.right_style == "solid" ? "" : "," + line.right_style); } else { linecolor = d_BLColor; } var lLine; var tLine; var rLine; var bLine; for (var i = 0; i < subL; i++) { var sbc = subCell[i]._col; var sbr = subCell[i]._row; if (sbc == csp) { rLine = linecolor; } else { rLine = "empty"; } if (sbc == 0) { lLine = d_BLColor; } else { lLine = "empty"; } if (sbr == rsp) { bLine = linecolor; } else { bLine = "empty"; } if (sbr == 0) { tLine = d_BLColor; } else { tLine = "empty"; } subline = lLine + ":" + tLine + ":" + rLine + ":" + bLine; var cell_type = this._getFixedCellType(subCell[i], 0); style_name = this._makeforDsStyle(ds_style, alignCell, backgroundCell, colorCell, fontCell, subline, cell_type); if (i != 0) { ds.addColumn("Column" + (jj + subcnt), "String", 256); subcnt++; } var val = subCell[i]._getDisplayText(k); if (exportObj._is_orgval) { var cellinfo = subCell[i]._refobj; if (cellinfo && cellinfo._getDisplaytype(k) == "number") { val = cellinfo._getValue(k); } } ds.setColumn(idx, "Column" + (j + subcnt), val + delimiter + style_name); } } } } this._preStartRow = this._startRow; this._startRow = partRowCount; } else { this._eof = true; export_param = this.parent._argsParam; export_dsparam = this.parent._argsDsParam; } ds_command.setColumn(0, "eof", this._eof); if (this._ds_response) { delete this._ds_response; } this._ds_response = new Dataset("RESPONSE"); this._rollbackSuppressInfo(); if (export_dsparam != undefined) { this._transaction(this.id, exportObj._exporturl, "COMMAND=_ds_command STYLE=_ds_style CELL=_ds_cell" + " " + export_dsparam, "_ds_response=RESPONSE", export_param, "_exportCallback", true, exportObj._commdataformat, exportObj._commcompress); } else { this._transaction(this.id, exportObj._exporturl, "COMMAND=_ds_command STYLE=_ds_style CELL=_ds_cell", "_ds_response=RESPONSE", export_param, "_exportCallback", true, exportObj._commdataformat, exportObj._commcompress); } return true; }; _pItem._transaction = function (id, url, inDatasetsParam, outDatasetsParam, argsParam, callbackFn, isAsync, datatype, isCompress) { this._load_manager = new nexacro.LoadManager(this); var service = nexacro._getServiceObject(url, true); this._load_manager.loadDataModule(url, id, inDatasetsParam, outDatasetsParam, argsParam, callbackFn, isAsync, datatype, isCompress, service); }; _pItem._stopTransaction = function () { nexacro.Form.prototype._stopTransaction.apply(this, arguments); }; _pItem._getDatasetObject = function (queryid) { var _ds = this[queryid]; var form = this.parent.parent; if (_ds == null && form) { _ds = form._getDatasetObject(queryid); } if (_ds == null) { _ds = application[queryid]; } return _ds; }; _pItem._waitCursor = nexacro._emptyFn; _pItem._removeUrl = function (v) { if (v && v.length) { var index = v.indexOf("'"); var end = -1; if (index > -1) { end = v.lastIndexOf("'"); v = v.substring(index + 1, end); } index = v.indexOf("("); if (index > -1) { end = v.lastIndexOf(")"); v = v.substring(index + 1, end); } } return v; }; delete _pItem; nexacro.ExportProgress = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.PopupComponent.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); this._uitype = 0; this.visible = false; this.progressbar = null; }; var _pExportProgress = nexacro.ExportProgress.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.PopupComponent, nexacro.ExportProgress); _pExportProgress._type_name = "ExportProgress"; _pExportProgress.on_apply_style_color = nexacro._emptyFn; _pExportProgress.on_apply_style_font = nexacro._emptyFn; _pExportProgress.on_apply_style_align = nexacro._emptyFn; _pExportProgress.on_create_contents = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { switch (this._uitype) { case 1: this.progressbar = new nexacro.ProgressBarCtrl("progressbar", "absolute", 0, 0, 1, 1, null, null, this); this.progressbar.createComponent(); this.progressbar._setRtlDirection(this._rtldirection); break; case 2: this.progressbar = application.mainframe.statusbar; break; } } }; _pExportProgress.on_created_contents = function () { switch (this._uitype) { case 1: if (this.progressbar) { this.progressbar.on_created(); } case 2: break; } }; _pExportProgress.on_change_containerRect = function (width, height) { switch (this._uitype) { case 1: this.progressbar.move(null, null, width, 20, 0, 0); case 2: break; } }; _pExportProgress.on_destroy_contents = function () { switch (this._uitype) { case 1: this.progressbar.destroy(); case 2: this.progressbar = null; break; } }; _pExportProgress.set_visible = function (v) { if (this.visible != v) { this.visible = v; var control_elem = this._control_element; control_elem.setElementVisible(v); if (this.visible) { var pseudo = this._getResultPseudo(this._status, this._pseudo); this._updateControl(control_elem, pseudo); this._updateContents(control_elem, pseudo); } if (this.visible) { nexacro._resetVML(this); } } }; _pExportProgress._getWindow = function () { return nexacro.Component.prototype._getWindow.call(this); }; _pExportProgress.on_fire_onlbuttondown = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { return true; }; _pExportProgress._on_keydown = function (elem, keycode, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey) { if (keycode == nexacro.Event.KEY_TAB) { elem._event_stop = true; } else if (keycode == nexacro.Event.KEY_ESC) { nexacro._stopTransaction(this, 2); } return true; }; _pExportProgress._show = function () { if (!this._is_created || !this.parent) { return; } var _window = this._getWindow(); if (_window) { var left, top, width, height; left = _window.getLeft(); top = _window.getTop(); if (_window.frame) { var frame = _window.frame; width = frame.getOffsetWidth(); height = frame.getOffsetHeight(); } else { width = _window.getClientWidth(); height = _window.getClientHeight(); } var capture_comp = _window._getCaptureComp(true, true, this); if (capture_comp != this) { _window._setCaptureLock(this, true, true); } var cpd = this.currentstyle.padding; var pWidth = 0; var pHeight = 0; var _left = 0; var _top = 0; if (this._uitype == 1) { pWidth = (this._textWidth < 100 ? 100 : this._textWidth) + cpd.left + cpd.right; pHeight = this._textHeight + cpd.top + cpd.bottom + 22; _left = Math.round((width - pWidth) / 2); _top = Math.round((height - pHeight) / 2); } this._adjustPosition(_left, _top, null, null, pWidth, pHeight); this.on_update_position(true, true); var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem) { control_elem.setElementPosition(_left, _top); control_elem.setElementSize(pWidth, pHeight); this._updateClientSize(control_elem); } this.set_visible(true); } }; _pExportProgress._hide = function () { var _window = this.parent._getWindow(); if (_window) { _window._releaseCaptureLock(this); if (nexacro._resize_popup_inbound == true) { var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem) { control_elem.setElementSize(1, 1); this._updateClientSize(control_elem); } } } if (this._is_created && this._is_alive) { this.set_visible(false); } }; nexacro._getLongerStr = function (str1, str2, str3) { var len = arguments.length; if (len < 2) { return; } var str = arguments[0]; for (var i = 1; i < len; i++) { if (str.length < arguments[i].length) { str = arguments[i]; } } return str; }; _pExportProgress._set_text = function (v) { switch (this._uitype) { case 1: this.progressbar.set_text(v); break; case 2: var form = this._getForm(); form.set_statustext(v); break; } }; _pExportProgress._set_pos = function (v) { switch (this._uitype) { case 1: this.progressbar.set_pos(v); break; case 2: var comp = this; while (comp && !comp._is_top_frame) { if (comp._is_frame) { comp.statusbar && comp.statusbar.progressbar.set_pos(v); } comp = comp.parent; } break; } }; delete _pExportProgress; }