//============================================================================== // // TOBESOFT Co., Ltd. // Copyright 2014 TOBESOFT Co., Ltd. // All Rights Reserved. // // NOTICE: TOBESOFT permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file // in accordance with the terms of the license agreement accompanying it. // // Readme URL: http://www.nexacro.co.kr/legal/nexacro-public-license-readme-1.1.html // //============================================================================== if (!nexacro.FileUpload) { nexacro.FileUploadItemEventInfo = function (obj, id, idx) { this.id = this.eventid = id || "onfileuploaditem"; this.fromobject = this.fromreferenceobject = obj; this.index = idx; }; var _pEventFileUploadItemEventInfo = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.FileUploadItemEventInfo); nexacro.FileUploadItemEventInfo.prototype = _pEventFileUploadItemEventInfo; _pEventFileUploadItemEventInfo._type_name = "FileUploadItemEventInfo"; delete _pEventFileUploadItemEventInfo; nexacro.FileUploadMouseEventInfo = function (obj, id, strButton, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey, index, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { this.id = this.eventid = id || "onmouse"; this.fromobject = from_comp; this.fromreferenceobject = from_refer_comp; this.altKey = altKey || false; this.ctrlKey = ctrlKey || false; this.shiftKey = shiftKey || false; this.button = strButton || ""; this.index = obj.index; this.screenX = screenX || -1; this.screenY = screenY || -1; this.canvasX = canvasX || -1; this.canvasY = canvasY || -1; this.clientX = clientX || -1; this.clientY = clientY || -1; }; var _pFileUploadMouseEventInfo = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.FileUploadMouseEventInfo); nexacro.FileUploadMouseEventInfo.prototype = _pFileUploadMouseEventInfo; _pFileUploadMouseEventInfo._type_name = "FileUploadMouseEventInfo"; delete _pFileUploadMouseEventInfo; nexacro.FileUploadLoadEventInfo = function (obj, id, dsArray, code, msg, url) { this.id = this.eventid = id || "onsuccess"; this.fromobject = this.fromreferenceobject = obj; this.datasets = dsArray; this.errorcode = code; this.errormsg = msg; this.url = url; }; var _pFileUploadLoadEventInfo = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.FileUploadLoadEventInfo); nexacro.FileUploadLoadEventInfo.prototype = _pFileUploadLoadEventInfo; _pFileUploadLoadEventInfo._type_name = "FileUploadLoadEventInfo"; delete _pFileUploadLoadEventInfo; nexacro.FileUploadItemChangeEventInfo = function (obj, id, index, oldvalue, newvalue, value2) { this.id = this.eventid = id || "onitemchanged"; this.fromobject = this.fromreferenceobject = obj; this.index = obj.index; this.oldvalue = obj.oldvalue; this.newvalue = obj.value; this.newarrayvalue = value2; }; var _pFileUploadItemChangeEventInfo = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.FileUploadItemChangeEventInfo); nexacro.FileUploadItemChangeEventInfo.prototype = _pFileUploadItemChangeEventInfo; _pFileUploadItemChangeEventInfo._type_name = "FileUploadItemChangeEventInfo"; delete _pFileUploadItemChangeEventInfo; nexacro.FileUploadErrorEventInfo = function (obj, id, errortype, errormsg, errorobj, statuscode, requesturi, locationuri, index) { nexacro.ErrorEventInfo.call(this, obj, id, errortype, errormsg, errorobj, statuscode, requesturi, locationuri); this.index = index; }; var _pFileUploadErrorEventInfo = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.ErrorEventInfo, nexacro.FileUploadErrorEventInfo); nexacro.FileUploadErrorEventInfo.prototype = _pFileUploadErrorEventInfo; _pFileUploadErrorEventInfo._type_name = "FileUploadErrorEventInfo"; delete _pFileUploadErrorEventInfo; nexacro.FileUpload_Style = function (target) { nexacro.Style.call(this); if (target) { this._target = target; } this.itemheight = null; this.buttonbackground = null; this.buttonborder = null; this.buttonbordertype = null; this.buttongradation = null; this.buttonpadding = null; this.buttonmargin = null; this.buttonfont = null; this.buttoncolor = null; this.buttonsize = null; this.buttontext = null; this.editbackground = null; this.editborder = null; this.editbordertype = null; this.editgradation = null; this.editpadding = null; this.editmargin = null; this.editfont = null; this.editcolor = null; this.editaccessibility = null; this.buttonaccessibility = null; }; var _pFileUploadStyle = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Style, nexacro.FileUpload_Style); nexacro.FileUpload_Style.prototype = _pFileUploadStyle; _pFileUploadStyle._type_name = "FileUploadStyle"; eval(nexacro._createValueAttributeEvalStr("_pFileUploadStyle", "itemheight")); eval(nexacro._createValueAttributeEvalStr("_pFileUploadStyle", "buttonsize")); eval(nexacro._createValueAttributeEvalStr("_pFileUploadStyle", "buttontext")); eval(nexacro._createColorAttributeEvalStr("_pFileUploadStyle", "editcolor")); eval(nexacro._createColorAttributeEvalStr("_pFileUploadStyle", "buttoncolor")); eval(nexacro._createBorderAttributeEvalStr("_pFileUploadStyle", "editborder")); eval(nexacro._createBorderAttributeEvalStr("_pFileUploadStyle", "buttonborder")); eval(nexacro._createBordertypeAttributeEvalStr("_pFileUploadStyle", "editbordertype")); eval(nexacro._createBordertypeAttributeEvalStr("_pFileUploadStyle", "buttonbordertype")); eval(nexacro._createBackgroundAttributeEvalStr("_pFileUploadStyle", "editbackground")); eval(nexacro._createBackgroundAttributeEvalStr("_pFileUploadStyle", "buttonbackground")); eval(nexacro._createGradationAttributeEvalStr("_pFileUploadStyle", "editgradation")); eval(nexacro._createGradationAttributeEvalStr("_pFileUploadStyle", "buttongradation")); eval(nexacro._createPaddingAttributeEvalStr("_pFileUploadStyle", "editpadding")); eval(nexacro._createPaddingAttributeEvalStr("_pFileUploadStyle", "buttonpadding")); eval(nexacro._createMarginAttributeEvalStr("_pFileUploadStyle", "editmargin")); eval(nexacro._createMarginAttributeEvalStr("_pFileUploadStyle", "buttonmargin")); eval(nexacro._createFontAttributeEvalStr("_pFileUploadStyle", "editfont")); eval(nexacro._createFontAttributeEvalStr("_pFileUploadStyle", "buttonfont")); eval(nexacro._createAccessibilityAttributeEvalStr("_pFileUploadStyle", "editaccessibility")); eval(nexacro._createAccessibilityAttributeEvalStr("_pFileUploadStyle", "buttonaccessibility")); _pFileUploadStyle.__custom_emptyObject = function () { this.itemheight = null; this.buttonbackground = null; this.buttonborder = null; this.buttonbordertype = null; this.buttongradation = null; this.buttonpadding = null; this.buttonmargin = null; this.buttonfont = null; this.buttoncolor = null; this.buttonsize = null; this.buttontext = null; this.editbackground = null; this.editborder = null; this.editbordertype = null; this.editgradation = null; this.editpadding = null; this.editmargin = null; this.editfont = null; this.editcolor = null; this.editaccessibility = null; this.buttonaccessibility = null; }; _pFileUploadStyle.__get_custom_style_value = function () { var val = ""; if (this.itemheight && this.itemheight._is_empty) { val += "itemheight" + this.itemheight._value + "; "; } if (this.buttonsize && this.buttonsize._is_empty) { val += "buttonsize" + this.buttonsize._value + "; "; } if (this.buttontext && this.buttontext._is_empty) { val += "buttontext" + this.buttontext._value + "; "; } if (this.buttonbackground && this.buttonbackground._is_empty) { val += "buttonbackground" + this.buttonbackground._value + "; "; } if (this.buttonborder && this.buttonborder._is_empty) { val += "buttonborder" + this.buttonborder._value + "; "; } if (this.buttonbordertype && this.buttonbordertype._is_empty) { val += "buttonbordertype" + this.buttonbordertype._value + "; "; } if (this.buttongradation && this.buttongradation._is_empty) { val += "buttongradation" + this.buttongradation._value + "; "; } if (this.buttonpadding && this.buttonpadding._is_empty) { val += "buttonpadding" + this.buttonpadding._value + "; "; } if (this.buttonmargin && this.buttonmargin._is_empty) { val += "buttonmargin" + this.buttonmargin._value + "; "; } if (this.buttonfont && this.buttonfont._is_empty) { val += "buttonfont" + this.buttonfont._value + "; "; } if (this.buttoncolor && this.buttoncolor._is_empty) { val += "buttoncolor" + this.buttoncolor._value + "; "; } if (this.editbackground && this.editbackground._is_empty) { val += "editbackground" + this.editbackground._value + "; "; } if (this.editborder && this.editborder._is_empty) { val += "editborder" + this.editborder._value + "; "; } if (this.editbordertype && this.editbordertype._is_empty) { val += "editbordertype" + this.editbordertype._value + "; "; } if (this.editgradation && this.editgradation._is_empty) { val += "editgradation" + this.editgradation._value + "; "; } if (this.editpadding && this.editpadding._is_empty) { val += "editpadding" + this.editpadding._value + "; "; } if (this.editmargin && this.editmargin._is_empty) { val += "editmargin" + this.editmargin._value + "; "; } if (this.editfont && this.editfont._is_empty) { val += "editfont" + this.editfont._value + "; "; } if (this.editcolor && this.editcolor._is_empty) { val += "editcolor" + this.editcolor._value + "; "; } if (this.editaccessibility && this.editaccessibility._is_empty) { val += "editaccessibility" + this.editaccessibility._value + "; "; } if (this.buttonaccessibility && this.buttonaccessibility._is_empty) { val += "buttonaccessibility" + this.buttonaccessibility._value + "; "; } return val; }; nexacro.FileUpload_CurrentStyle = function () { nexacro.CurrentStyle.call(this); this.itemheight = null; this.buttonbackground = null; this.buttonborder = null; this.buttonbordertype = null; this.buttongradation = null; this.buttonpadding = null; this.buttonmargin = null; this.buttonfont = null; this.buttoncolor = null; this.buttonsize = null; this.buttontext = null; this.editbackground = null; this.editborder = null; this.editbordertype = null; this.editgradation = null; this.editpadding = null; this.editmargin = null; this.editfont = null; this.editcolor = null; this.editaccessibility = null; this.buttonaccessibility = null; }; var _pFileUploadCurrentStyle = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.CurrentStyle, nexacro.FileUpload_CurrentStyle); nexacro.FileUpload_CurrentStyle.prototype = _pFileUploadCurrentStyle; _pFileUploadCurrentStyle.__custom_emptyObject = _pFileUploadStyle.__custom_emptyObject; _pFileUploadCurrentStyle.__get_custom_style_value = _pFileUploadStyle.__get_custom_style_value; delete _pFileUploadStyle; delete _pFileUploadCurrentStyle; nexacro.FileUpload = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.Component.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); this.scrollbars = "autoboth"; this.filecolumn = ""; this.innerdataset = null; this._innerdataset = null; this.text = ""; this.index = -1; this.async = "false"; this.retry = 3; this.timeout = 30; this.itemheight = 18; this.itemcount = 1; this.uploadurl = ""; this.multiselect = false; this._multiselect = false; this.filelist = []; this.filedialogpath = ""; this.openedpath = ""; this._is_scrollable = true; this._scrollbars = 3; this._items = []; this._handle = null; this._last_id = -1; this._editFlag = null; this._buttonFlag = true; this._set_focus_dir = -1; this._want_tab = true; this._want_arrow = false; this.filepathedits = new nexacro.Collection(); this.filefindbuttons = new nexacro.Collection(); this._onPopupWin = false; this._accessibility_role = "fileupload"; this._first_focus = false; this._event_list = { "onclick" : 1, "ondblclick" : 1, "onkeypress" : 1, "onkeydown" : 1, "onkeyup" : 1, "onkillfocus" : 1, "onsetfocus" : 1, "ondrag" : 1, "ondrop" : 1, "ondragenter" : 1, "ondragleave" : 1, "ondragmove" : 1, "onlbuttondown" : 1, "onlbuttonup" : 1, "onrbuttondown" : 1, "onrbuttonup" : 1, "onmousedown" : 1, "onmouseup" : 1, "onmouseenter" : 1, "onmouseleave" : 1, "onmousemove" : 1, "onmousewheel" : 1, "onmove" : 1, "onsize" : 1, "onsuccess" : 1, "onerror" : 1, "onappenditem" : 1, "ondeleteitem" : 1, "onitemclick" : 1, "onfindclick" : 1, "onitemchanged" : 1, "ontouchstart" : 1, "ontouchmove" : 1, "ontouchend" : 1, "onpinchstart" : 1, "onpinch" : 1, "onpinchend" : 1, "onflingstart" : 1, "onfling" : 1, "onflingend" : 1, "onlongpress" : 1, "onslidestart" : 1, "onslide" : 1, "onslideend" : 1 }; }; var _pFileUpload = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Component, nexacro.FileUpload); nexacro.FileUpload.prototype = _pFileUpload; _pFileUpload._type_name = "FileUpload"; _pFileUpload._defaultButtontext = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj("buttontext", "find"); _pFileUpload._defaultButtonsize = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj("buttonsize", "18"); _pFileUpload._defaultItemheight = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj("itemheight", "18"); _pFileUpload.on_apply_custom_pseudo = function (pseudo) { var curstyle = this.currentstyle; var padding = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_padding(pseudo); if (padding != curstyle.padding) { curstyle.padding = padding; this.on_apply_style_padding(padding); } var align = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_align(pseudo); if (align != curstyle.align) { curstyle.align = align; this.on_apply_style_align(align); } var font = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_font(pseudo); if (font != curstyle.font) { curstyle.font = font; this.on_apply_style_font(font); } var letterspace = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_letterspace(pseudo); if (letterspace != curstyle.letterspace) { curstyle.letterspace = letterspace; this.on_apply_style_letterspace(letterspace); } var color = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_color(pseudo); if (color != curstyle.color) { curstyle.color = color; this.on_apply_style_color(color); } var rtlimagemirroring = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_rtlimagemirroring(pseudo); if (rtlimagemirroring != curstyle.rtlimagemirroring) { curstyle.rtlimagemirroring = rtlimagemirroring; this.on_apply_style_rtlimagemirroring(rtlimagemirroring); } var editbackground = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_editbackground(pseudo); if (editbackground != curstyle.editbackground) { curstyle.editbackground = editbackground; this.on_apply_style_editbackground(editbackground); } var editborder = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_editborder(pseudo); if (editborder != curstyle.editborder) { curstyle.editborder = editborder; this.on_apply_style_editborder(editborder); } var editbordertype = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_editbordertype(pseudo); if (editbordertype != curstyle.editbordertype) { curstyle.editbordertype = editbordertype; this.on_apply_style_editbordertype(editbordertype); } var editgradation = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_editgradation(pseudo); if (editgradation != curstyle.editgradation) { curstyle.editgradation = editgradation; this.on_apply_style_editgradation(editgradation); } var editpadding = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_editpadding(pseudo); if (editpadding != curstyle.editpadding) { curstyle.editpadding = editpadding; this.on_apply_style_editpadding(editpadding); } var editmargin = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_editmargin(pseudo); if (editmargin != curstyle.editmargin) { curstyle.editmargin = editmargin; this.on_apply_style_editmargin(editmargin); } var editfont = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_editfont(pseudo); if (editfont != curstyle.editfont) { curstyle.editfont = editfont; this.on_apply_style_editfont(editfont); } var editcolor = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_editcolor(pseudo); if (editcolor != curstyle.editcolor) { curstyle.editcolor = editcolor; this.on_apply_style_editcolor(editcolor); } var buttonbackground = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonbackground(pseudo); if (buttonbackground != curstyle.buttonbackground) { curstyle.buttonbackground = buttonbackground; this.on_apply_style_buttonbackground(buttonbackground); } var buttonborder = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonborder(pseudo); if (buttonborder != curstyle.buttonborder) { curstyle.buttonborder = buttonborder; this.on_apply_style_buttonborder(buttonborder); } var buttonbordertype = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonbordertype(pseudo); if (buttonbordertype != curstyle.buttonbordertype) { curstyle.buttonbordertype = buttonbordertype; this.on_apply_style_buttonbordertype(buttonbordertype); } var buttongradation = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttongradation(pseudo); if (buttongradation != curstyle.buttongradation) { curstyle.buttongradation = buttongradation; this.on_apply_style_buttongradation(buttongradation); } var buttonpadding = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonpadding(pseudo); if (buttonpadding != curstyle.buttonpadding) { curstyle.buttonpadding = buttonpadding; this.on_apply_style_buttonpadding(buttonpadding); } var buttonmargin = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonmargin(pseudo); if (buttonmargin != curstyle.buttonmargin) { curstyle.buttonmargin = buttonmargin; this.on_apply_style_buttonmargin(buttonmargin); } var buttonfont = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonfont(pseudo); if (buttonfont != curstyle.buttonfont) { curstyle.buttonfont = buttonfont; this.on_apply_style_buttonfont(buttonfont); } var buttoncolor = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttoncolor(pseudo); if (buttoncolor != curstyle.buttoncolor) { curstyle.buttoncolor = buttoncolor; this.on_apply_style_buttoncolor(buttoncolor); } var buttonsize = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonsize(pseudo); if (buttonsize != curstyle.buttonsize) { curstyle.buttonsize = buttonsize; this.on_apply_style_buttonsize(buttonsize); } var buttontext = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttontext(pseudo); if (buttontext != curstyle.buttontext) { curstyle.buttontext = buttontext; this.on_apply_style_buttontext(buttontext); } var itemheight = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_itemheight(pseudo); if (itemheight != curstyle.itemheight) { curstyle.itemheight = itemheight; this.on_apply_style_itemheight(itemheight); } var editaccessibility = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_editaccessibility(pseudo); if (editaccessibility != curstyle.editaccessibility) { curstyle.editaccessibility = editaccessibility; this.on_find_CurrentStyle_editaccessibility(editaccessibility); } var buttonaccessibility = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonaccessibility(pseudo); if (buttonaccessibility != curstyle.buttonaccessibility) { curstyle.buttonaccessibility = buttonaccessibility; this.on_apply_style_buttonaccessibility(buttonaccessibility); } }; _pFileUpload.on_create_custom_style = function () { return new nexacro.FileUpload_Style(this); }; _pFileUpload.on_create_custom_currentStyles = function () { return new nexacro.FileUpload_CurrentStyle(); }; _pFileUpload.on_find_CurrentStyle_editbackground = function (pseudo) { var editbackground = this._find_pseudo_obj("editbackground", pseudo, "background"); return editbackground; }; _pFileUpload.on_find_CurrentStyle_editborder = function (pseudo) { var editborder = this._find_pseudo_obj("editborder", pseudo, "border"); return editborder; }; _pFileUpload.on_find_CurrentStyle_editbordertype = function (pseudo) { var editbordertype = this._find_pseudo_obj("editbordertype", pseudo, "bordertype"); return editbordertype; }; _pFileUpload.on_find_CurrentStyle_editgradation = function (pseudo) { var editgradation = this._find_pseudo_obj("editgradation", pseudo, "gradation"); return editgradation; }; _pFileUpload.on_find_CurrentStyle_editpadding = function (pseudo) { var editpadding = this._find_pseudo_obj("editpadding", pseudo, "padding"); return editpadding; }; _pFileUpload.on_find_CurrentStyle_editmargin = function (pseudo) { var editmargin = this._find_pseudo_obj("editmargin", pseudo, "margin"); return editmargin; }; _pFileUpload.on_find_CurrentStyle_editfont = function (pseudo) { var editfont = this._find_pseudo_obj("editfont", pseudo, "font"); return editfont; }; _pFileUpload.on_find_CurrentStyle_editcolor = function (pseudo) { var editcolor = this._find_pseudo_obj("editcolor", pseudo, "color"); return editcolor; }; _pFileUpload.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonbackground = function (pseudo) { var buttonbackground = this._find_pseudo_obj("buttonbackground", pseudo, "background"); return buttonbackground; }; _pFileUpload.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonborder = function (pseudo) { var buttonborder = this._find_pseudo_obj("buttonborder", pseudo, "border"); return buttonborder; }; _pFileUpload.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonbordertype = function (pseudo) { var buttonbordertype = this._find_pseudo_obj("buttonbordertype", pseudo, "bordertype"); return buttonbordertype; }; _pFileUpload.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttongradation = function (pseudo) { var buttongradation = this._find_pseudo_obj("buttongradation", pseudo, "gradation"); return buttongradation; }; _pFileUpload.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonpadding = function (pseudo) { var buttonpadding = this._find_pseudo_obj("buttonpadding", pseudo, "padding"); return buttonpadding; }; _pFileUpload.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonmargin = function (pseudo) { var buttonmargin = this._find_pseudo_obj("buttonmargin", pseudo, "margin"); return buttonmargin; }; _pFileUpload.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonfont = function (pseudo) { var buttonfont = this._find_pseudo_obj("buttonfont", pseudo, "font"); return buttonfont; }; _pFileUpload.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttoncolor = function (pseudo) { var buttoncolor = this._find_pseudo_obj("buttoncolor", pseudo, "color"); return buttoncolor; }; _pFileUpload.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonsize = function (pseudo) { var buttonsize = this._find_pseudo_obj("buttonsize", pseudo); return buttonsize ? buttonsize : this._defaultButtonsize; }; _pFileUpload.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttontext = function (pseudo) { var buttontext = this._find_pseudo_obj("buttontext", pseudo); return buttontext ? buttontext : this._defaultButtontext; }; _pFileUpload.on_find_CurrentStyle_itemheight = function (pseudo) { var itemheight = this._find_pseudo_obj("itemheight", pseudo); return itemheight ? itemheight : this._defaultItemheight; }; _pFileUpload.on_find_CurrentStyle_editaccessibility = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("editaccessibility", pseudo, "accessibility") || nexacro.Component._default_accessibility; }; _pFileUpload.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonaccessibility = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("buttonaccessibility", pseudo, "accessibility") || nexacro.Component._default_accessibility; }; _pFileUpload.on_update_style_editbackground = function () { var editbackground = this.currentstyle.editbackground = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_editbackground(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_editbackground(editbackground); }; _pFileUpload.on_update_style_editborder = function () { var editborder = this.currentstyle.editborder = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_editborder(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_editborder(editborder); }; _pFileUpload.on_update_style_editbordertype = function () { var editbordertype = this.currentstyle.editbordertype = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_editbordertype(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_editbordertype(editbordertype); }; _pFileUpload.on_update_style_editgradation = function () { var editgradation = this.currentstyle.editgradation = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_editgradation(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_editgradation(editgradation); }; _pFileUpload.on_update_style_editpadding = function () { var editpadding = this.currentstyle.editpadding = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_editpadding(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_editpadding(editpadding); }; _pFileUpload.on_update_style_editmargin = function () { var editmargin = this.currentstyle.editmargin = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_editmargin(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_editmargin(editmargin); }; _pFileUpload.on_update_style_editfont = function () { var editfont = this.currentstyle.editfont = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_editfont(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_editfont(editfont); }; _pFileUpload.on_update_style_editcolor = function () { var editcolor = this.currentstyle.editcolor = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_editcolor(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_editcolor(editcolor); }; _pFileUpload.on_update_style_buttonbackground = function () { var buttonbackground = this.currentstyle.buttonbackground = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonbackground(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_buttonbackground(buttonbackground); }; _pFileUpload.on_update_style_buttonborder = function () { var buttonborder = this.currentstyle.buttonborder = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonborder(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_buttonborder(buttonborder); }; _pFileUpload.on_update_style_buttonbordertype = function () { var buttonbordertype = this.currentstyle.buttonbordertype = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonbordertype(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_buttonbordertype(buttonbordertype); }; _pFileUpload.on_update_style_buttongradation = function () { var buttongradation = this.currentstyle.buttongradation = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttongradation(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_buttongradation(buttongradation); }; _pFileUpload.on_update_style_buttonpadding = function () { var buttonpadding = this.currentstyle.buttonpadding = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonpadding(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_buttonpadding(buttonpadding); }; _pFileUpload.on_update_style_buttonmargin = function () { var buttonmargin = this.currentstyle.buttonmargin = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonmargin(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_buttonmargin(buttonmargin); }; _pFileUpload.on_update_style_buttonfont = function () { var buttonfont = this.currentstyle.buttonfont = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonfont(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_buttonfont(buttonfont); }; _pFileUpload.on_update_style_buttoncolor = function () { var buttoncolor = this.currentstyle.buttoncolor = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttoncolor(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_buttoncolor(buttoncolor); }; _pFileUpload.on_update_style_buttonsize = function () { var buttonsize = this.currentstyle.buttonsize = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonsize(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_buttonsize(buttonsize); }; _pFileUpload.on_update_style_buttontext = function () { var buttontext = this.currentstyle.buttontext = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttontext(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_buttontext(buttontext); }; _pFileUpload.on_update_style_itemheight = function () { var itemheight = this.currentstyle.itemheight = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_itemheight(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_itemheight(itemheight); }; _pFileUpload.on_update_style_editaccessibility = function () { var editaccessibility = this.currentstyle.editaccessibility = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_editaccessibility(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_editaccessibility(editaccessibility); }; _pFileUpload.on_update_style_buttonaccessibility = function () { var buttonaccessibility = this.currentstyle.buttonaccessibility = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonaccessibility(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_buttonaccessibility(buttonaccessibility); }; _pFileUpload.on_apply_style_padding = function (padding) { var items = this._items; var item_len = items.length; var item_width = this._client_width - padding.right; var item_height = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_itemheight(this._pseudo); for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { items[i].move(padding.left, (itemheight * i + padding.top), item_width, (item_height * (i + 1) + padding.top), null, null); } }; _pFileUpload.on_apply_style_cursor = function (cursor) { var control_elem = this._control_element; var items = this._items; var item_len = items.length; if (control_elem) { control_elem.setElementCursor(cursor); for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { items[i].on_apply_style_cursor(cursor); } } }; _pFileUpload.on_apply_style_editbackground = function (editbackground) { var items = this._items; var item_len = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { if (items[i].fileitemedit) { items[i].fileitemedit.currentstyle.background = editbackground; items[i].fileitemedit.on_apply_style_background(editbackground); } } }; _pFileUpload.on_apply_style_editborder = function (editborder) { var items = this._items; var item_len = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { if (items[i].fileitemedit) { items[i].fileitemedit.currentstyle.border = editborder; items[i].fileitemedit.on_apply_style_border(editborder); } } }; _pFileUpload.on_apply_style_editbordertype = function (editbordertype) { var items = this._items; var item_len = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { if (items[i].fileitemedit) { items[i].fileitemedit.currentstyle.bordertype = editbordertype; items[i].fileitemedit.on_apply_style_bordertype(editbordertype); } } }; _pFileUpload.on_apply_style_editgradation = function (editgradation) { var items = this._items; var item_len = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { if (items[i].fileitemedit) { items[i].fileitemedit.currentstyle.gradation = editgradation; items[i].fileitemedit.on_apply_style_gradation(editgradation); } } }; _pFileUpload.on_apply_style_editpadding = function (editpadding) { var items = this._items; var item_len = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { if (items[i].fileitemedit) { items[i].fileitemedit.currentstyle.padding = editpadding; items[i].fileitemedit.on_update_style_padding(editpadding); } } }; _pFileUpload.on_apply_style_editmargin = function (editmargin) { var items = this._items; var item_len = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { if (items[i].fileitemedit) { items[i].fileitemedit.currentstyle.margin = editmargin; items[i].fileitemedit.on_apply_style_margin(editmargin); } } }; _pFileUpload.on_apply_style_editfont = function (editfont) { var items = this._items; var item_len = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { if (items[i].fileitemedit) { items[i].fileitemedit.on_apply_style_font(editfont); } } }; _pFileUpload.on_apply_style_editcolor = function (editcolor) { var items = this._items; var item_len = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { if (items[i].fileitemedit) { items[i].fileitemedit.on_apply_style_color(editcolor); } } }; _pFileUpload.on_apply_style_buttonbackground = function (buttonbackground) { var items = this._items; var item_len = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { if (items[i].fileitembutton) { items[i].fileitembutton.currentstyle.background = buttonbackground; items[i].fileitembutton.on_apply_style_background(buttonbackground); } } }; _pFileUpload.on_apply_style_buttonborder = function (buttonborder) { var items = this._items; var item_len = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { if (items[i].fileitembutton) { items[i].fileitembutton.currentstyle.border = buttonborder; items[i].fileitembutton.on_apply_style_border(buttonborder); } } }; _pFileUpload.on_apply_style_buttonbordertype = function (buttonbordertype) { var items = this._items; var item_len = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { if (items[i].fileitembutton) { items[i].fileitembutton.currentstyle.bordertype = buttonbordertype; items[i].fileitembutton.on_apply_style_bordertype(buttonbordertype); } } }; _pFileUpload.on_apply_style_buttongradation = function (buttongradation) { var items = this._items; var item_len = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { if (items[i].fileitembutton) { items[i].fileitembutton.currentstyle.gradation = buttongradation; items[i].fileitembutton.on_apply_style_gradation(buttongradation); } } }; _pFileUpload.on_apply_style_buttonpadding = function (buttonpadding) { var items = this._items; var item_len = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { if (items[i].fileitembutton) { items[i].fileitembutton.currentstyle.padding = buttonpadding; items[i].fileitembutton.on_update_style_padding(buttonpadding); } } }; _pFileUpload.on_apply_style_buttonmargin = function (buttonmargin) { var items = this._items; var item_len = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { if (items[i].fileitembutton) { items[i].fileitembutton.currentstyle.margin = buttonmargin; items[i].fileitembutton.on_apply_style_margin(buttonmargin); } } }; _pFileUpload.on_apply_style_buttonfont = function (buttonfont) { var items = this._items; var item_len = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { if (items[i].fileitembutton) { items[i].fileitembutton.on_apply_style_font(buttonfont); } } }; _pFileUpload.on_apply_style_buttoncolor = function (buttoncolor) { var items = this._items; var item_len = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { if (items[i].fileitembutton) { items[i].fileitembutton.on_apply_style_color(buttoncolor); } } }; _pFileUpload.on_apply_style_buttonsize = function (buttonsize) { this.on_change_containerRect(); }; _pFileUpload.on_apply_style_buttontext = function (buttontext) { if (buttontext == null) { buttontext = this._defaultButtontext; } var items = this._items; var item_len = items.length; if (items == null) { return; } for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { items[i].on_apply_style_buttontext(buttontext); } }; _pFileUpload.on_apply_style_itemheight = function (itemheight) { this.on_change_containerRect(); this.resetScroll(); }; _pFileUpload.on_apply_style_align = function (align) { var items = this._items; var item_len = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { if (items[i].fileitemedit) { items[i].fileitemedit.style.set_align(align); } } }; _pFileUpload.on_apply_style_editaccessibility = function (editaccessibility) { var iLen = this._items.length; var item = null; var control_elem = null; if (editaccessibility) { for (var i = 0; i < iLen; i++) { item = this._getItem(i); if (item.fileitemedit) { item.fileitemedit.on_apply_style_accessibility(editaccessibility); } } } }; _pFileUpload.on_apply_style_buttonaccessibility = function (buttonaccessibility) { var iLen = this._items.length; var item = null; if (buttonaccessibility) { for (var i = 0; i < iLen; i++) { item = this._getItem(i); if (item.fileitembutton) { item.fileitembutton.on_apply_style_accessibility(buttonaccessibility); } } } }; _pFileUpload.on_apply_style_letterspace = function (letterspace) { var items = this._items; var item_len = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { if (items[i].fileitembutton) { items[i].fileitembutton.on_apply_style_letterspace(letterspace); } if (items[i].fileitemedit) { items[i].fileitemedit.on_apply_style_letterspace(letterspace); } } }; _pFileUpload.on_apply_style_rtlimagemirroring = function (rtlimagemirroring) { return; }; _pFileUpload.on_create_contents = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { var items = this._items; var itemcount = this.itemcount; for (var i = 0; i < itemcount; i++) { var item = this._createFileItem(i, 0, 0, 0, 0); this.filepathedits.add_item(item.id, item.fileitemedit); this.filefindbuttons.add_item(item.id, item.fileitembutton); items[i] = item; } } }; _pFileUpload.on_created_contents = function () { var ranid = new Date().valueOf().toString(); nexacro._create_hidden_frame(this._unique_id, ranid, this.on_load, this); ranid = null; this.on_apply_index(); this.on_apply_innerdataset(); this.on_apply_filecolumn(); this.on_apply_prop_enable(this._isEnable()); if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { this.on_apply_style_editaccessibility(this.currentstyle.editaccessibility = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_editaccessibility(this._pseudo)); this.on_apply_style_buttonaccessibility(this.currentstyle.buttonaccessibility = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonaccessibility(this._pseudo)); } var items = this._items; var itemcount = this.itemcount; for (var i = 0; i < itemcount; i++) { items[i].on_created(); items[i]._setEventHandler("onfindclick", this.on_notify_onfindclick, this); items[i]._setEventHandler("onitemclick", this.on_notify_onitemclick, this); if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { items[i]._setAccessibilityInfoIndex(i + 1); items[i]._setAccessibilityInfoCount(itemcount); } } ; this._onRecalcScrollSize(); this._onResetScrollBar(); this._updateClientSize(this._control_element); this.on_apply_style_buttontext(this.currentstyle.buttontext); this.on_apply_style_letterspace(this.currentstyle.letterspace); this.on_change_containerRect(); this.on_apply_prop_rtldirection(); }; _pFileUpload.on_destroy_contents = function () { var name = this.name; var items = this._items; var item_len = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { items[i].destroy(); } this.filelist = null; this._items = null; this.filepathedits.clear(); this.filepathedits = null; this.filefindbuttons.clear(); this.filefindbuttons = null; if (this._is_created && this._unique_id) { nexacro._destroy_hidden_frame(this._unique_id, this, this._handle); } }; _pFileUpload.on_change_containerRect = function (width, height) { var items = this._items; var item_len = items.length; if (item_len <= 0) { return; } var pseudo = this._pseudo; var client_width = this._client_width; var client_left = this._client_left; var client_top = this._client_top; var item_left, item_top; var itemheight = parseInt(this.on_find_CurrentStyle_itemheight(pseudo), 10); var buttonsize = parseInt(this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonsize(pseudo), 10); var padding = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_padding(pseudo); var draw_width = buttonsize + padding.left + padding.right; var item_width = client_width; if (draw_width > client_width) { item_left = client_left - padding.left; } else { item_left = client_left - padding.left; } for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { item_top = itemheight * i; items[i].move(item_left, item_top, item_width, itemheight, null, null); items[i].on_apply_style_itemheight(itemheight); items[i].on_apply_style_buttonsize(buttonsize); } }; _pFileUpload.resetScroll = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { this._onRecalcScrollSize(); this._updateClientSize(control_elem); } }; _pFileUpload._onRecalcScrollSize = function (fromComp) { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { var pseudo = this._pseudo; var vscroll = this.vscrollbar; var hscroll = this.hscrollbar; var height = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_itemheight(pseudo); var border = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_border(pseudo); var padding = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_padding(pseudo); var scrollHeight = this.itemcount * height; var scrollWidth = this._client_width; if (scrollHeight > this._client_height) { if (vscroll) { scrollWidth -= vscroll._adjust_width; } else { scrollWidth -= nexacro.Component.SCROLLBAR_DEFAULT_SIZE; } } control_elem.setElementScrollMaxSize(scrollWidth, scrollHeight); } }; _pFileUpload.on_hscroll = function (obj, e) { if (this.onhscroll && this.onhscroll._has_handlers) { e.fromobject = this; this.onhscroll._fireEvent(this, e); } var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem) { control_elem.setElementHScrollPos(e.pos); } return true; }; _pFileUpload.on_vscroll = function (obj, e) { if (this.onvscroll && this.onvscroll._has_handlers) { e.fromobject = this; this.onvscroll._fireEvent(this, e); } var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem) { control_elem.setElementVScrollPos(e.pos); } return true; }; _pFileUpload.set_multiselect = function (v) { if (v != this.multiselect) { this.multiselect = v; v = nexacro._toBoolean(v); if (v != this._multiselect) { this._multiselect = v; this.on_apply_multiselect(v); } } }; if (nexacro.Browser == "IE" && nexacro.BrowserVersion < 10) { _pFileUpload.on_apply_multiselect = nexacro._emptyFn; } else { _pFileUpload.on_apply_multiselect = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { var items = this._items; var item_len = items.length; var multi_select = this._multiselect; var comp_name = this._unique_id; var handle = this._handle; for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { nexacro._setMultipleFile(comp_name, items[i].name, multi_select, items[i]); } } }; } _pFileUpload.set_uploadurl = function (v) { if (v != this.uploadurl) { this.uploadurl = v; } }; _pFileUpload.set_itemcount = function (v) { var val = parseInt(v) | 0; if (val != this.itemcount) { this._old_itemcount = this.itemcount; this.itemcount = val; this.on_apply_itemcount(); } }; _pFileUpload.on_apply_itemcount = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { var pseudo = this._pseudo; var old_itemcnt = this._old_itemcount; var itemcnt = this.itemcount; var items = this._items; var item_len = items.length; var client_left = this._client_left; var client_top = this._client_top; var client_width = this._client_width; var itemheight = parseInt(this.on_find_CurrentStyle_itemheight(pseudo), 10); var buttonsize = parseInt(this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonsize(pseudo), 10); var buttontext = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttontext(pseudo); while (item_len && old_itemcnt > itemcnt) { old_itemcnt--; items.pop().destroy(); } for (var i = item_len; i < itemcnt; i++) { var item_left = client_left; var item_top = client_top + (itemheight * i); var item_width = client_width; var item = this._createFileItem(i, item_left, item_top, item_width, itemheight); this.filepathedits.add_item(item.id, item.fileitemedit); this.filefindbuttons.add_item(item.id, item.fileitembutton); this._items[i] = item; } this.on_change_containerRect(); this.on_apply_style_buttontext(buttontext); this.resetScroll(); } }; _pFileUpload.set_itemheight = function (v) { var val = parseInt(v) | 0; if (val != this.itemheight) { this.itemheight = val; this.on_apply_itemheight(val); } }; _pFileUpload.on_apply_itemheight = function (itemheight) { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { this.style.set_itemheight(itemheight); } }; _pFileUpload.set_timeout = function (v) { if (v != this.timeout) { this.timeout = v; } }; _pFileUpload.set_retry = function (v) { if (v != this.retry) { this.retry = v; } }; _pFileUpload.set_async = function (v) { if (v != this.async) { this.async = v; } }; _pFileUpload.set_index = function (v) { if (v != this.index) { this.index = v; this.on_apply_index(v); this._setAccessibilityStatSelected(v); } ; }; _pFileUpload.on_apply_index = function (index) { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { var item = this._items[index]; if (item) { if (this._editFlag) { item.fileitemedit.setFocus(false); } if (this._buttonFlag) { item.fileitembutton.setFocus(false); } this.value = item.value; } } }; _pFileUpload.set_text = function (v) { }; _pFileUpload._setText = function (v) { if (v != this.text) { this.text = v; } return this.text; }; _pFileUpload.on_apply_text = function (text) { }; _pFileUpload.set_value = function (v) { }; _pFileUpload._setValue = function (v) { if (v != this.value) { this.value = v; } }; _pFileUpload.on_apply_value = function (value) { }; _pFileUpload.setInnerDataset = function (obj) { if (!obj) { this._innerdataset = null; this.innerdataset = ""; this.on_apply_innerdataset(); } else if (obj instanceof nexacro.Dataset) { this._innerdataset = obj; this.innerdataset = obj.id; this.on_apply_innerdataset(); } }; _pFileUpload._setInnerDatasetStr = function (str) { if (!str) { this._innerdataset = null; this.innerdataset = ""; } else { str = str.replace("@", ""); this._innerdataset = this._findDataset(str); this.innerdataset = str; } }; _pFileUpload.getInnerDataset = function () { return this._innerdataset; }; _pFileUpload.set_innerdataset = function (str) { if (typeof str != "string") { this.setInnerDataset(str); return; } if (str != this.innerdataset) { if (!str) { this._innerdataset = null; this.innerdataset = ""; } else { str = str.replace("@", ""); this._innerdataset = this._findDataset(str); this.innerdataset = str; } this.on_apply_innerdataset(); } else if (this.innerdataset && !this._innerdataset) { this._setInnerDatasetStr(this.innerdataset); this.on_apply_innerdataset(); } return this.innerdataset; }; _pFileUpload.on_apply_innerdataset = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { this.on_apply_filecolumn(); } }; _pFileUpload.set_filecolumn = function (v) { if (v != this.filecolumn) { this.filecolumn = v; this.on_apply_filecolumn(v); } }; _pFileUpload.on_apply_filecolumn = function (filecolumn) { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem && this._innerdataset) { var items = this._items; for (var i = 0, n = items.length; i < n; i++) { var filecolumn = this._innerdataset.getColumn(i, filecolumn); if (filecolumn) { items[i].set_value(filecolumn); filecolumn = 0; } } } }; _pFileUpload.on_apply_prop_rtldirection = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { var items = this._items; for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { items[i]._setRtlDirection(this._rtldirection); } if (this.vscrollbar) { this.vscrollbar._setRtlDirection(this._rtldirection); } if (this.hscrollbar) { this.hscrollbar._setRtlDirection(this._rtldirection); } } }; _pFileUpload.set_filedialogpath = function (v) { this.filedialogpath = v; }; _pFileUpload.set_openedpath = function (v) { }; _pFileUpload.upload = function (v) { var ret = false; var uploadurl; if (v == undefined) { if (this.uploadurl) { uploadurl = nexacro._getServiceLocation(this.uploadurl); } } else { uploadurl = nexacro._getServiceLocation(v); } if (uploadurl) { var items = this._items; var len = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (items[i].value) { ret = true; nexacro._submit(this._unique_id, uploadurl, this._handle, null, items[i].value); break; } } } return ret; }; _pFileUpload.appendItem = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { var pseudo = this._pseudo; var itemcount = this.itemcount; var client_left = this._client_left; var client_top = this._client_top; var client_width = this._client_width; var itemheight = parseInt(this.on_find_CurrentStyle_itemheight(pseudo), 10); var buttonsize = parseInt(this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonsize(pseudo), 10); var buttontext = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttontext(pseudo); var padding = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_padding(pseudo); var item_left = client_left + padding.left; var item_top = client_top + (itemheight * itemcount) + padding.top; var item_width = client_width - padding.right; var id = itemcount; var item = this._createFileItem(id, item_left, item_top, item_width, itemheight); this.filepathedits.add_item(item.id, item.fileitemedit); this.filefindbuttons.add_item(item.id, item.fileitembutton); this._items[id] = item; this.itemcount++; if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { item._setAccessibilityInfoIndex(id); item._setAccessibilityInfoCount(id + 1); } this.on_change_containerRect(); this.on_apply_style_buttontext(buttontext); this.resetScroll(); this.on_fire_onappenditem(this, id); } }; _pFileUpload.deleteItem = function (idx) { var cur_index = this.index; var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { idx = parseInt(idx, 10); var items = this._items; if (this.itemcount <= idx) { return; } var iCount = this.itemcount; var iCnt = iCount - 1; for (var i = idx + 1; i < iCount; i++) { if (cur_index == i) { this.index--; } items[i].index--; if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { items[i]._setAccessibilityInfoIndex(i); items[i]._setAccessibilityInfoCount(iCnt); } } items[idx].destroy(); this._upadteFileList(); items.splice(idx, 1); if (cur_index == idx) { this.index = -1; this.value = undefined; } this.itemcount--; this.on_change_containerRect(); this.resetScroll(); this.on_fire_ondeleteitem(this, idx); } }; _pFileUpload.getItemCount = function (isValue) { var elem = this.getElement(); if (elem) { isValue = nexacro._toBoolean(isValue); var cnt = 0; var idx = 0; var itemval_check; var items = this._items; var item_len = items.length; while (idx < item_len) { if (isValue == true) { if (items[idx].value) { cnt++; } } else { return item_len; } ++idx; } return cnt; } }; _pFileUpload.getItemIndex = function (obj) { var elem = this.getElement(); if (elem) { if (typeof obj == "object") { var idx = 0; var items = this._items; while (idx < items.length) { if (obj == items[idx].fileitembutton) { return idx; } if (obj == items[idx].fileitemedit) { return idx; } ++idx; } return -1; } } }; _pFileUpload._getItem = function (index) { if (index >= 0 && this._items.length > 0) { return this._items[index]; } return null; }; _pFileUpload.hasValue = function (nIndex) { var elem = this.getElement(); if (elem) { var idx = 0; var items = this._items; if (nIndex == -1) { while (idx < items.length) { if (items[idx].value) { ++cnt; } ++idx; } if (cnt == items.length) { return true; } return false; } if (nIndex < items.length && items[nIndex].value) { return true; } return false; } }; _pFileUpload.getValue = function (idx) { var elem = this.getElement(); if (elem) { var items = this._items; if (items && idx >= 0 && idx < items.length) { return items[idx].value; } return ""; } }; _pFileUpload.on_notify_onfindclick = function (obj, e) { var bHandled = false; var index = nexacro._indexOf(this._items, obj); if (this._isEnable() && this.enableevent) { bHandled = this.on_fire_onfindclick(obj, index); if (bHandled) { try { nexacro._findclick(this._unique_id, obj.name, obj, this._handle, this.filedialogpath); } catch (e) { var errorobj = nexacro.MakeError("ObjectError", this, "comp_incorrect_file"); this.on_fire_onerror(this, errorobj.name, errorobj.message, obj, null, null, null, index); } } } return bHandled; }; _pFileUpload.on_notify_onitemclick = function (obj, e) { if (this.visible && this._isEnable() && this.enableevent) { this.on_fire_onitemclick(obj, obj.index); } }; _pFileUpload._on_getAccessibilityAdditionalLabel = function () { if (this._first_focus == false) { var count = 0; var items = this._items; if (items) { count = items.length; } return (+this.index) + 1 + " " + count; } return ""; }; _pFileUpload._isAccessibilityEnable = function () { return true; }; _pFileUpload.on_get_style_accessibility_label = function () { var label = ""; return label; }; _pFileUpload.on_fire_sys_onaccessibilitygesture = function (direction, fire_comp, refer_comp) { var idx = this.index; var items = this._items; while (true) { if (direction) { if (!this._buttonFlag && items[idx].fileitembutton._isAccessibilityEnable()) { this._editFlag = false; this._buttonFlag = true; } else { if (items[++idx]) { this._editFlag = true; this._buttonFlag = false; if (!items[idx].fileitemedit._isAccessibilityEnable()) { continue; } } else { this._editFlag = false; this._buttonFlag = false; return this._want_arrow = false; } } } else { if (!this._editFlag && items[idx].fileitemedit._isAccessibilityEnable()) { this._editFlag = true; this._buttonFlag = false; } else { if (items[--idx]) { this._editFlag = false; this._buttonFlag = true; if (!items[idx].fileitembutton._isAccessibilityEnable()) { continue; } } else { this._editFlag = false; this._buttonFlag = false; return this._want_arrow = false; } } } break; } if (items[idx]) { if (this._editFlag) { items[idx].fileitemedit._setAccessibilityNotifyEvent(); } else if (this._buttonFlag) { items[idx].fileitembutton._setAccessibilityNotifyEvent(); } this.index = idx; this.value = items[idx].value; return this._want_arrow = true; } else { return this._want_arrow = false; } }; _pFileUpload._setAccessibilityNotifyEvent = function (direction) { this._editFlag = false; this._buttonFlag = false; var idx = 0; var items = this._items; var itemLen = items.length; if (itemLen) { if (direction) { idx = 0; if (items[idx] && items[idx].fileitemedit._isAccessibilityEnable()) { this._editFlag = true; } else if (items[idx] && items[idx].fileitembutton._isAccessibilityEnable()) { this._buttonFlag = true; } } else { idx = itemLen - 1; if (items[idx] && items[idx].fileitembutton._isAccessibilityEnable()) { this._buttonFlag = true; } else if (items[idx] && items[idx].fileitemedit._isAccessibilityEnable()) { this._editFlag = true; } } if (this._buttonFlag || this._editFlag) { if (this._editFlag) { items[idx].fileitemedit._setAccessibilityNotifyEvent(); } else if (this._buttonFlag) { items[idx].fileitembutton._setAccessibilityNotifyEvent(); } this.index = idx; this.value = items[idx].value; return this._want_arrow = true; } } this._want_arrow = false; return nexacro.Component.prototype._setAccessibilityNotifyEvent.call(this, direction); }; _pFileUpload._setAccessibilityInfoByHover = function (control) { if (control) { this._editFlag = false; this._buttonFlag = false; var item = control.parent; if (control instanceof nexacro.FileItemEditCtrl) { this._editFlag = true; } else if (control instanceof nexacro.FileItemButtonCtrl) { this._buttonFlag = true; } this.index = item.index; this._want_arrow = true; control._setAccessibilityNotifyEvent(); return true; } return false; }; _pFileUpload.on_fire_onerror = function (obj, errortype, errormsg, errorobj, statuscode, requesturi, locationuri, index) { if (this.onerror && this.onerror._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.FileUploadErrorEventInfo(obj, "onerror", errortype, errormsg, errorobj, statuscode, requesturi, locationuri, index); return this.onerror._fireEvent(this, evt); } return true; }; _pFileUpload.on_fire_user_onlbuttondown = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (this.onlbuttondown && this.onlbuttondown._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.FileUploadMouseEventInfo(this, "onlbuttondown", button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, this.index, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); return this.onlbuttondown._fireEvent(this, evt); } return false; }; _pFileUpload.on_fire_user_onlbuttonup = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, from_elem) { if (this.onlbuttonup && this.onlbuttonup._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.FileUploadMouseEventInfo(this, "onlbuttonup", button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, this.index, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); return this.onlbuttonup._fireUserEvent(this, evt); } return false; }; _pFileUpload.on_fire_onfindclick = function (obj, index) { var bCheck = true; if (this.onfindclick && this.onfindclick._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.FileUploadItemEventInfo(this, "onfindclick", index); bCheck = this.onfindclick._fireCheckEvent(this, evt); } return bCheck; }; _pFileUpload.on_fire_onitemclick = function (obj, index) { if (this.onitemclick && this.onitemclick._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.FileUploadItemEventInfo(this, "onitemclick", index); this.onitemclick._fireEvent(this, evt); } }; _pFileUpload.on_fire_onappenditem = function (obj, index) { if (this.onappenditem && this.onappenditem._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.FileUploadItemEventInfo(obj, "onappenditem", index); this.onappenditem._fireEvent(this, evt); } }; _pFileUpload.on_fire_ondeleteitem = function (obj, index) { if (this.ondeleteitem && this.ondeleteitem._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.FileUploadItemEventInfo(obj, "ondeleteitem", index); this.ondeleteitem._fireEvent(this, evt); } }; _pFileUpload.on_fire_onitemchanged = function (obj, index, oldvalue, newvalue, value2) { if (this.onitemchanged && this.onitemchanged._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.FileUploadItemChangeEventInfo(obj, "onitemchanged", index, oldvalue, newvalue, value2); return this.onitemchanged._fireEvent(this, evt); } }; _pFileUpload.on_fire_onsuccess = function (ds, code, msg, url) { application._endCommProgress(); if (this.onsuccess && this.onsuccess._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.FileUploadLoadEventInfo(this, "onsuccess", ds, code, msg, url); return this.onsuccess._fireEvent(this, evt); } }; _pFileUpload._getDlgCode = function (keycode, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey) { var want_tab = this._want_tab; this._want_tab = true; return { want_tab : want_tab, want_return : true, want_escape : false, want_chars : false, want_arrows : this._want_arrow }; }; _pFileUpload.on_fire_user_onkeydown = function (keycode, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, fire_comp, refer_comp) { var items = this._items; var tab_flag = false; var idx = this.index; var E = nexacro.Event; if (keycode == E.KEY_TAB) { if ((shift_key && idx == 0) || (!shift_key && idx == items.length - 1)) { this._want_tab = false; this.set_index(-1); } else { if (shift_key) { idx--; } else { idx++; } this.set_index(idx); } this._getWindow()._keydown_element._event_stop = true; } else { if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { var focus_up = keycode == E.KEY_UP && ctrl_key; var focus_down = keycode == E.KEY_DOWN && ctrl_key; if (items[idx]) { this._find_item_pseudo(items[idx]); } var accessibility = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility(this._pseudo); if (idx < 0) { editaccessibility = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_editaccessibility(items[0].fileitemedit._pseudo); buttonaccessibility = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonaccessibility(items[0].fileitembutton._pseudo); } else { editaccessibility = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_editaccessibility(items[idx].fileitemedit._pseudo); buttonaccessibility = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonaccessibility(items[idx].fileitembutton._pseudo); } if (focus_up || focus_down) { var _window = this._getWindow(); if ((focus_up && idx < 0) || (focus_down && this._buttonFlag && idx == items.length - 1)) { this._want_arrow = false; } else { while ((editaccessibility && editaccessibility.enable) || (buttonaccessibility && buttonaccessibility.enable)) { if (focus_up) { if (!this._editFlag && editaccessibility && editaccessibility.enable) { this.index = -1; this._editFlag = true; this._buttonFlag = false; } else { idx--; if (buttonaccessibility && buttonaccessibility.enable) { if (idx < 0 && accessibility && accessibility.enable) { this._editFlag = false; this._buttonFlag = false; _window._removeFromCurrentFocusPath(this, false); this._setFocus(false); } else { this.index = -1; this._editFlag = false; this._buttonFlag = true; } } else { if (idx > 0) { this._buttonFlag = false; continue; } else { this._want_arrow = false; if (accessibility && accessibility.enable) { this._editFlag = false; this._buttonFlag = false; _window._removeFromCurrentFocusPath(this, false); this._setFocus(false); } } } } } else if (focus_down) { if (!this._editFlag && editaccessibility && editaccessibility.enable) { idx++; this._editFlag = true; this._buttonFlag = false; } else { if (buttonaccessibility && buttonaccessibility.enable) { this.index = -1; this._editFlag = false; this._buttonFlag = true; } else { if (idx < items.length - 1) { this._editFlag = false; continue; } else { this._want_arrow = false; break; } } } } this.set_index(idx); this._want_arrow = true; this._getWindow()._keydown_element._event_stop = true; break; } } } else { this._want_arrow = false; } } } return nexacro.Component.prototype.on_fire_user_onkeydown.call(this, keycode, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, fire_comp, refer_comp); }; _pFileUpload._find_item_pseudo = function (item) { this._editFlag = (item.fileitemedit._pseudo == "focused"); this._buttonFlag = (item.fileitembutton._pseudo == "focused"); }; _pFileUpload._on_focus = function (self_flag, evt_name, lose_focus, refer_lose_focus, new_focus, refer_new_focus) { nexacro.Component.prototype._on_focus.call(this, self_flag, evt_name, lose_focus, refer_lose_focus, new_focus, refer_new_focus); var items = this._items; var itemLen = items.length; var focus_dir = null; var idx = 0; if (itemLen) { this._want_tab = true; focus_dir = evt_name == "shifttabkey"; if (evt_name == "shifttabkey" || evt_name == "tabkey") { this._editFlag = false; this._buttonFlag = true; if (focus_dir) { idx = this.index < 0 ? itemLen - 1 : this.index; } else { idx = this.index < 0 ? 0 : this.index; this._first_focus = true; } this.index = -1; } else { focus_dir = evt_name == "upkey"; if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { this._editFlag = false; this._buttonFlag = false; this._want_arrow = true; var accessibility = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility(this._pseudo); var editaccessibility = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_editaccessibility(this._pseudo); var buttonaccessibility = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonaccessibility(this._pseudo); if (focus_dir) { this.index = -1; idx = itemLen - 1; if (buttonaccessibility && buttonaccessibility.enable) { this._buttonFlag = true; } else if (editaccessibility && editaccessibility.enable) { this._editFlag = true; } } else { idx = -1; if (accessibility && accessibility.enable == false) { idx = 0; this.index = -1; if (editaccessibility && editaccessibility.enable) { this._editFlag = true; } else if (buttonaccessibility && buttonaccessibility.enable) { this._buttonFlag = true; } this._first_focus = (this._editFlag || this._buttonFlag) ? true : false; } } } } this.set_index(idx); if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { this._first_focus = false; } } }; _pFileUpload.on_apply_custom_setfocus = function (evt_name) { var enableaccessibility = nexacro._enableaccessibility; var selffocus = ((evt_name == "lbutton") ? false : enableaccessibility); var items = this._items; if (items.length < -1 || enableaccessibility) { var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem) { control_elem.setElementFocus(selffocus); } } else { var item = items[this.index]; if (item) { item.fileitembutton._control_element.setElementFocus(selffocus); } } }; _pFileUpload._setParamter = nexacro._emptyFn; _pFileUpload._getDataset = nexacro._emptyFn; if (nexacro.Browser == "Runtime") { _pFileUpload._addCookieToGlobalVariable = function (cookieStr) { if (application && cookieStr) { var cookielist = cookieStr.split("; "); var cookievarCnt = cookielist.length; var sep_pos; var cookie_id, cookie_value; for (var i = 0; i < cookievarCnt; i++) { sep_pos = cookielist[i].indexOf("="); if (sep_pos <= 0) { continue; } cookie_id = cookielist[i].substr(0, sep_pos); cookie_value = cookielist[i].substr(sep_pos + 1); application._addVariable(cookie_id, cookie_value, true); } } }; _pFileUpload.on_load = function (status, data, url, errcode, httpcode, errmsg, cookies) { if (cookies) { this._addCookieToGlobalVariable(cookies); } var result, fstr, code = -1, msg = "fail to get", xmldoc = nexacro._getXMLDocument(this._unique_id, data, url); if (status < 0) { application._onHttpSystemError(this, true, this, errcode, url, httpcode, url, null); errmsg = nexacro._GetSystemErrorMsg(this, errcode); this.on_fire_onerror(this, "ObjectError", errmsg, this, httpcode, null, null, -1); } else { if (data) { fstr = data.substring(0, 3); if (fstr != "SSV") { fstr = "XML"; } if (fstr == "XML") { result = nexacro.Deserializer["XML"](xmldoc); } else { result = nexacro.Deserializer["SSV"](data); } var error_info = result[0]; if (error_info) { code = error_info["ErrorCode"]; msg = error_info["ErrorMsg"]; } if (code < 0) { this.on_fire_onerror(this, "ObjectError", msg, this, 9901, null, null, -1); } else { this.on_fire_onsuccess(result[1], code, msg, url); } } else { } } }; } else { _pFileUpload.on_load = function () { var result, fstr, url, code = -1, msg = "", data = ""; try { var xmldoc = nexacro._getXMLDocument(this._unique_id); url = xmldoc.URL ? xmldoc.URL : xmldoc.url; if (url == "about:blank") { return; } this.context = this.parent; if (nexacro._getContentType(xmldoc) == "XML") { fstr = "XML"; } else { data = nexacro._getDataFromDOM(xmldoc, this); data = data.trim(); fstr = data.substring(0, 3); } if (fstr == "XML") { result = nexacro.Deserializer["XML"](xmldoc); } else if (fstr == "SSV") { result = nexacro.Deserializer["SSV"](data); } else { } if (result) { var error_info = result[0]; if (error_info["ErrorCode"] != null) { code = error_info["ErrorCode"]; } if (error_info["ErrorMsg"] != null) { msg = error_info["ErrorMsg"]; } } else { msg = data; } if (code < 0) { this.on_fire_onerror(this, "ObjectError", "failed to get", this, 9901, null, null, -1); } else { this.on_fire_onsuccess(result[1], code, msg, url); } delete this.context; } catch (e) { this.on_fire_onerror(this, "ObjectError", "failed to get", this, 9901, null, null, -1); } }; } _pFileUpload._createFileItem = function (id, left, top, width, height) { var unique = this.itemcount < 1 ? this._last_id = 0 : ++this._last_id; var name = "upfile" + unique; var item = new nexacro.FileItemCtrl(name, "absolute", left, top, width, height, null, null, this); item.index = id; item.set_name(name); item.createComponent(); item.on_created(); item._setEventHandler("onfindclick", this.on_notify_onfindclick, this); item._setEventHandler("onitemclick", this.on_notify_onitemclick, this); return item; }; _pFileUpload.on_apply_prop_enable = function (v) { nexacro.Component.prototype.on_apply_prop_enable.call(this, v); var items = this._items; var item_len = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { items[i]._setEnable(v); items[i].fileitemedit._setEnable(v); items[i].fileitembutton._setEnable(v); } }; _pFileUpload._isPopupFrame = function () { return this._onPopupWin; }; _pFileUpload._upadteFileList = function () { var file_list = this.filelist = []; var items = this._items; var item_len = items.length; var v_file, files, file; for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { var item = items[i]; files = item._files; if (files) { var files_len = files.length; for (var j = 0; j < files_len; j++) { var list_len = file_list.length; v_file = new nexacro.VirtualFile("uploadfile" + list_len); file = files[j]; v_file._setRefFile(file); file_list[list_len] = v_file; } } } }; delete _pFileUpload; nexacro.FileUploadCtrl = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.FileUpload.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); this._is_subcontrol = true; }; var _pFileUploadCtrl = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.FileUpload, nexacro.FileUploadCtrl); nexacro.FileUploadCtrl.prototype = _pFileUploadCtrl; nexacro._setForControlStyleFinder(_pFileUploadCtrl); delete _pFileUploadCtrl; nexacro.FileItem = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.Component.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); this.fileitemedit = null; this.fileitembutton = null; this.selected = false; this.itemheight = 18; this.buttontext = "find"; this.buttonsize = 18; this.name = ""; this.oldvalue = ""; this.value = ""; this.index = 0; this.components = []; this._accessibility_role = "none"; this._event_list = { "onfindclick" : 1, "onitemclick" : 1 }; }; var _pFileItem = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Component, nexacro.FileItem); nexacro.FileItem.prototype = _pFileItem; _pFileItem._type_name = "FileItem"; _pFileItem.on_apply_style_itemheight = function () { this.on_change_containerRect(this._client_width, this._client_height); }; _pFileItem.on_apply_style_buttonsize = function () { this.on_change_containerRect(this._client_width, this._client_height); }; _pFileItem.on_apply_style_buttontext = function (buttontext) { if (this.fileitembutton) { this.fileitembutton.set_text(buttontext); } }; _pFileItem.on_create_contents = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { this.fileitemedit = new nexacro.FileItemEditCtrl("fileitemedit", "absolute", 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null, this); this.fileitembutton = new nexacro.FileItemButtonCtrl("fileitembutton", "absolute", 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null, this); this.fileitemedit.set_readonly("true"); this.fileitemedit.style.set_align(this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_align()); this.fileitembutton.set_text("find"); this.fileitemedit.createComponent(); this.fileitembutton.createComponent(); } }; _pFileItem.on_created_contents = function () { var parent = this.parent; nexacro._append_hidden_item(parent._unique_id, this.name, this.on_fileinput_onchange, this, parent._handle, this.parent._multiselect); this.fileitemedit.on_created(); this.fileitembutton.on_created(); this.fileitemedit._setEventHandler("oneditclick", this.on_notify_fileitem_oneditclick, this); this.fileitembutton._setEventHandler("onclick", this.on_notify_fileitem_onfindclick, this); this.fileitemedit._setEventHandler("onlbuttondown", this.on_notify_fileitem_oneditlbuttondown, this); this.fileitembutton._setEventHandler("onlbuttondown", this.on_notify_fileitem_onfindlbuttondown, this); if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { this.components.push(this.fileitemedit); this.components.push(this.fileitembutton); } this._setAccessibilityActiveDescendant(this.fileitembutton); this.on_apply_prop_rtldirection(); }; _pFileItem.on_destroy_contents = function () { if (this.fileitemedit) { this.parent.filepathedits.delete_item(this.id); this.fileitemedit.destroy(); this.fileitemedit = null; } if (this.fileitembutton) { this.parent.filefindbuttons.delete_item(this.id); this.fileitembutton.destroy(); this.fileitembutton = null; } if (this._files) { this._files = null; } this.components = null; var parent = this.parent; nexacro._remove_hidden_item(parent._unique_id, this.name, parent._handle); if (this._input_node) { this._input_node = null; } }; _pFileItem.on_change_containerRect = function (width, height) { var button_width = parseInt(this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonsize(this._pseudo), 10); var height = parseInt(this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_itemheight(this._pseudo), 10); var idx = parseInt(this.index, 10); var edit_l = this._client_left; var edit_t = this._client_top; var edit_w = this._client_width - button_width; var edit_h = height; var button_l = edit_l + edit_w; var button_t = edit_t; var button_w = button_width; var button_h = edit_h; if (this.fileitemedit) { this.fileitemedit.move(edit_l, edit_t, edit_w, edit_h, null, null); } if (this.fileitembutton) { this.fileitembutton.move(button_l, button_t, button_w, button_h, null, null); } }; _pFileItem.set_value = function (v) { if (v != this.value) { this.oldvalue = this.value; this.value = v; this.on_apply_value(v); this.parent.set_index(this.index); this.parent._setText(v); this.parent._setValue(v); return true; } return false; }; _pFileItem.on_apply_value = function (v) { if (this.fileitemedit) { this.fileitemedit.set_value(v); } }; _pFileItem.set_name = function (v) { if (v != this.name) { this.name = v; } }; _pFileItem.set_selected = function (v) { if (v != this.selected) { this.selected = v; this.on_apply_selected(v); } }; _pFileItem.on_apply_selected = function (isSelected) { if (isSelected) { this._stat_change("select", "selected"); } else { this._stat_change("notselect", "normal"); } }; _pFileItem.on_notify_fileitem_oneditclick = function (obj, e) { this.parent.set_index(this.index); if (this.onitemclick && this.onitemclick._has_handlers) { this.onitemclick._fireEvent(this, e); } return false; }; _pFileItem.on_notify_fileitem_onfindclick = function (obj, e) { this.parent.set_index(this.index); if (this.onfindclick && this.onfindclick._has_handlers) { this.onfindclick._fireEvent(this, e); } return false; }; _pFileItem.on_notify_fileitem_oneditlbuttondown = function (obj, e) { this._accessibility_find_focus_flag(true, false); this.parent.set_index(this.index); }; _pFileItem.on_notify_fileitem_onfindlbuttondown = function (obj, e) { this._accessibility_find_focus_flag(false, true); this.parent.set_index(this.index); }; _pFileItem._accessibility_find_focus_flag = function (editflag, buttonflag) { if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { this.parent._editFlag = editflag; this.parent._buttonFlag = buttonflag; } }; _pFileItem.on_apply_prop_rtldirection = function () { var _rtldirection = this._rtldirection = this.parent._rtldirection; nexacro.Component.prototype.on_apply_prop_rtldirection.call(this); this.on_change_containerRect(this._client_width, this._client_height); var itemedit = this.fileitemedit; var itembutton = this.fileitembutton; if (itemedit) { itemedit._setRtlDirection(_rtldirection); } if (itembutton) { itembutton._setRtlDirection(_rtldirection); } }; _pFileItem.on_fileinput_onchange = function (value, value2) { if (value2) { var filename = value2[0]; var nIdx = filename.lastIndexOf("\\"); if (nIdx > 0) { this.parent.openedpath = filename.substring(0, nIdx + 1); } } if (this.set_value(value)) { this.parent.on_fire_onitemchanged(this, this.index, this.oldvalue, this.value, value2); } }; _pFileItem._isPopupFrame = function () { return this.parent._onPopupWin; }; _pFileItem._changeFiles = function (files) { this._files = files; this.parent._upadteFileList(); }; delete _pFileItem; nexacro.FileItemCtrl = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.FileItem.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); this._is_subcontrol = true; }; var _pFileItemCtrl = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.FileItem, nexacro.FileItemCtrl); nexacro.FileItemCtrl.prototype = _pFileItemCtrl; _pFileItemCtrl._type_name = "FileItemControl"; delete _pFileItemCtrl; nexacro.FileItemEditCtrl = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.EditCtrl.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); this._edit = null; }; var _pFileItemEditCtrl = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.EditCtrl, nexacro.FileItemEditCtrl); nexacro.FileItemEditCtrl.prototype = _pFileItemEditCtrl; _pFileItemEditCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_background = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.parent._find_pseudo_obj("editbackground", pseudo, "background"); }; _pFileItemEditCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_gradation = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.parent._find_pseudo_obj("editgradation", pseudo, "gradation"); }; _pFileItemEditCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_border = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.parent._find_pseudo_obj("editborder", pseudo, "border"); }; _pFileItemEditCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_bordertype = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.parent._find_pseudo_obj("editbordertype", pseudo, "bordertype"); }; _pFileItemEditCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_padding = function (pseudo) { var padding = this.parent.parent._find_pseudo_obj("editpadding", pseudo, "padding"); return (padding) ? padding : this._defaultPadding; }; _pFileItemEditCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_margin = function (pseudo) { var margin = this.parent.parent._find_pseudo_obj("editmargin", pseudo, "margin"); return (margin) ? margin : this._defaultMargin; }; _pFileItemEditCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_font = function (pseudo) { var font = this.parent.parent._find_pseudo_obj("editfont", pseudo, "font") || this._find_inherit_pseudo_obj("font", pseudo, "font") || nexacro.Component._default_font; return font; }; _pFileItemEditCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_color = function (pseudo) { var color = this.parent.parent._find_pseudo_obj("editcolor", pseudo, "color") || this._find_inherit_pseudo_obj("color", pseudo, "color") || nexacro.Component._default_color; return color; }; _pFileItemEditCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_editaccessibility(pseudo); }; _pFileItemEditCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_rtlimagemirroring = function (pseudo) { return; }; _pFileItemEditCtrl._getAccessibilityLabel = function (accessibility) { var label = ""; if (this.parent.parent._first_focus) { var comp = this.parent.parent; label = comp._control_element._makeAccessibilityLabelbyReadtype(); } label += " " + nexacro.Component.prototype._getAccessibilityLabel.call(this, accessibility); return label; }; delete _pFileItemEditCtrl; nexacro.FileItemButtonCtrl = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.Button.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); this._is_subcontrol = true; this._button = null; }; var _pFileItemButtonCtrl = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Button, nexacro.FileItemButtonCtrl); nexacro.FileItemButtonCtrl.prototype = _pFileItemButtonCtrl; _pFileItemButtonCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_background = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.parent._find_pseudo_obj("buttonbackground", pseudo, "background"); }; _pFileItemButtonCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_gradation = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.parent._find_pseudo_obj("buttongradation", pseudo, "gradation"); }; _pFileItemButtonCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_border = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.parent._find_pseudo_obj("buttonborder", pseudo, "border"); }; _pFileItemButtonCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_bordertype = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.parent._find_pseudo_obj("buttonbordertype", pseudo, "bordertype"); }; _pFileItemButtonCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_padding = function (pseudo) { var padding = this.parent.parent._find_pseudo_obj("buttonpadding", pseudo, "padding"); return (padding) ? padding : this._defaultPadding; }; _pFileItemButtonCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_margin = function (pseudo) { var margin = this.parent.parent._find_pseudo_obj("buttonmargin", pseudo, "margin"); return (margin) ? margin : this._defaultMargin; }; _pFileItemButtonCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_font = function (pseudo) { var font = this.parent.parent._find_pseudo_obj("buttonfont", pseudo, "font") || this._find_inherit_pseudo_obj("font", pseudo, "font") || nexacro.Component._default_font; return font; }; _pFileItemButtonCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_color = function (pseudo) { var color = this.parent.parent._find_pseudo_obj("buttoncolor", pseudo, "color") || this._find_inherit_pseudo_obj("color", pseudo, "color") || nexacro.Component._default_color; return color; }; _pFileItemButtonCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonaccessibility(pseudo); }; _pFileItemButtonCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_rtlimagemirroring = function (pseudo) { return; }; _pFileItemButtonCtrl._getAccessibilityLabel = function (accessibility) { var label = ""; if (this.parent.parent._first_focus) { var comp = this.parent.parent; label = comp._control_element._makeAccessibilityLabelbyReadtype(); } label += " " + nexacro.Component.prototype._getAccessibilityLabel.call(this, accessibility); return label; }; _pFileItemButtonCtrl.on_fire_sys_onkeyup = function (key_code, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { var ret = nexacro.Component.prototype.on_fire_onkeyup.call(this, key_code, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, from_comp, from_refer_comp); if (key_code == 13 || key_code == 32) { this.click(); } return ret; }; delete _pFileItemButtonCtrl; } ;