//============================================================================== // // TOBESOFT Co., Ltd. // Copyright 2014 TOBESOFT Co., Ltd. // All Rights Reserved. // // NOTICE: TOBESOFT permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file // in accordance with the terms of the license agreement accompanying it. // // Readme URL: http://www.nexacro.co.kr/legal/nexacro-public-license-readme-1.1.html // //============================================================================== if (!nexacro.ImageViewer) { nexacro.ImageAlign = function (valign, halign, target) { nexacro.Object.call(this); this.align = new nexacro.Style_align(valign, halign); this.valign = this.align.valign; this.halign = this.align.halign; this._target = target; }; var _pImageAlign = nexacro.ImageAlign.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Object, nexacro.ImageAlign); _pImageAlign._type_name = "ImageAlign"; _pImageAlign.set_halign = function (v) { if (this.align.set_halign(v)) { this.halign = this.align.halign; this._target.on_apply_imagealign(this.align); } }; _pImageAlign.set_valign = function (v) { if (this.align.set_valign(v)) { this.valign = this.align.valign; this._target.on_apply_imagealign(this.align); } }; _pImageAlign.destroy = function () { this.align = null; this.valign = null; this.halign = null; this._target = null; }; delete _pImageAlign; nexacro.ImageViewer = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.Component.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); this.text = ""; this.image = ""; this.imagealign = new nexacro.ImageAlign("middle", "center", this); this.imagewidth = 0; this.imageheight = 0; this.stretch = "none"; this.repeatcount = -1; this.resampling = 0; this._text_elem = null; this._img_elem = null; this._prewidth = 0; this._preheight = 0; this._img_type = "url"; this._accessibility_role = "image"; }; var _pImageViewer = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Component, nexacro.ImageViewer); nexacro.ImageViewer.prototype = _pImageViewer; _pImageViewer._type_name = "ImageViewer"; _pImageViewer.on_apply_custom_pseudo = function (pseudo) { var curstyle = this.currentstyle; var font = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_font(pseudo); if (curstyle.font != font) { curstyle.font = font; this.on_apply_style_font(font); } var letterspace = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_letterspace(pseudo); if (curstyle.letterspace != letterspace) { curstyle.letterspace = letterspace; this.on_apply_style_letterspace(letterspace); } var color = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_color(pseudo); if (curstyle.color != color) { curstyle.color = color; this.on_apply_style_color(color); } var align = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_align(pseudo); if (curstyle.align != align) { curstyle.align = align; this.on_apply_style_align(align); } var rtlimagemirroring = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_rtlimagemirroring(pseudo); if (rtlimagemirroring != curstyle.rtlimagemirroring) { curstyle.rtlimagemirroring = rtlimagemirroring; this.on_apply_style_rtlimagemirroring(rtlimagemirroring); } }; _pImageViewer.on_apply_style_color = function (color) { if (this._text_elem) { this._text_elem.setElementColor(color); } }; _pImageViewer.on_apply_style_font = function (font) { if (this._text_elem) { this._text_elem.setElementFont(font); } }; _pImageViewer.on_apply_style_align = function (align) { if (this._text_elem) { var halign = align.halign == "" ? "center" : align._halign; var valign = align.valign == "" ? "middle" : align._valign; this._text_elem.setElementAlignXY(halign, valign); halign = valign = null; } }; _pImageViewer.on_find_CurrentStyle_rtlimagemirroring = function (pseudo) { var rtlimagemirroring = this._find_pseudo_obj("rtlimagemirroring", pseudo, "rtlimagemirroring"); return rtlimagemirroring ? rtlimagemirroring : nexacro.Component._default_rtlimagemirroring; }; _pImageViewer.on_update_style_rtlimagemirroring = function () { var rtlimagemirroring = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_rtlimagemirroring(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_rtlimagemirroring(this.currentstyle.rtlimagemirroring = rtlimagemirroring); }; _pImageViewer.on_apply_style_rtlimagemirroring = function (rtlimagemirroring) { var img_elem = this._img_elem; if (img_elem && rtlimagemirroring) { img_elem.setElementImageMirror(rtlimagemirroring); } }; _pImageViewer.on_apply_prop_rtldirection = function () { nexacro.Component.prototype.on_apply_prop_rtldirection.call(this); this.on_change_containerRect(this._client_width, this._client_height); var img_elem = this._img_elem; if (img_elem) { img_elem.setElementImageMirror(this.currentstyle.rtlimagemirroring, true); } }; _pImageViewer.on_create_contents = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { if (this.text) { var text_elem = this._text_elem = new nexacro.TextBoxElement(control_elem); var halign = this.currentstyle.align.halign == "" ? "center" : this.currentstyle.align._halign; var valign = this.currentstyle.align.valign == "" ? "middle" : this.currentstyle.align._valign; text_elem.setElementSize(this._client_width, this._client_height); text_elem.setElementColor(this.currentstyle.color); text_elem.setElementFont(this.currentstyle.font); text_elem.setElementAlignXY(halign, valign); text_elem.setElementLetterSpace(this.currentstyle.letterspace); text_elem = halign = valign = null; } } control_elem = null; }; _pImageViewer.on_destroy_contents = function () { if (this._text_elem) { this._text_elem.destroy(); this._text_elem = null; } if (this._img_elem) { this._img_elem.destroy(); this._img_elem = null; } if (this.imagealign) { this.imagealign.destroy(); this.imagealign = null; } }; _pImageViewer.on_created_contents = function () { var _text_elem = this._text_elem; this._load_image(this.image); var _img_elem = this._img_elem; if (_text_elem) { var client_width = this._client_width; var client_height = this._client_height; _text_elem.setElementSize(client_width, client_height); _text_elem.create(); } if (this.expr) { this.on_apply_expr(); } this.on_apply_prop_rtldirection(); if (_img_elem) { var rtlimagemirroring = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_rtlimagemirroring(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_rtlimagemirroring(rtlimagemirroring); } _text_elem = null; }; _pImageViewer.on_fire_onsize = function (width, height) { if (this._text_elem) { var halign = this.currentstyle.align.halign == "" ? "center" : this.currentstyle.align._halign; var valign = this.currentstyle.align.valign == "" ? "middle" : this.currentstyle.align._valign; this._text_elem.setElementAlignXY(halign, valign); } this.on_apply_imagealign(); return nexacro.Component.prototype.on_fire_onsize.call(this, width, height); }; _pImageViewer.on_change_containerRect = function (width, height) { var textElem = this._text_elem; var imgElem = this._img_elem; if (textElem) { textElem.setElementSize(width, height); if (imgElem) { this._updateElementPositions(); } } else if (imgElem) { this._updateElementPositions(); } var pseudo = this._pseudo; var align = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_align(pseudo); this.on_apply_style_align(align); textElem = null; imgElem = null; }; _pImageViewer.on_apply_text = function () { var expr = this.expr; if (expr && expr.length > 0) { expr = expr.trim().split(":"); var len = expr.length; var parser = new nexacro.ExprParser(); var conv_expr, exprfn; var str; if (len == 1) { str = expr[0]; } else { if (expr[0].trim().toUpperCase() != "EXPR") { str = expr.join(":"); } else { str = expr.slice(1).join(":"); } } conv_expr = parser.makeExpr(this, str); exprfn = nexacro._createInlineFunc(conv_expr, ["comp"]); if (exprfn) { try { var val = nexacro._toString(exprfn.call(null, this)); if (val != this.displaytext) { this.displaytext = val; } } catch (e) { return; } } parser = null; } else { this.displaytext = this.text; } expr = null; if (!this._text_elem && this.displaytext) { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { var text_elem = this._text_elem = new nexacro.TextBoxElement(control_elem); var halign = this.currentstyle.align.halign == "" ? "center" : this.currentstyle.align._halign; var valign = this.currentstyle.align.valign == "" ? "middle" : this.currentstyle.align._valign; text_elem.setElementSize(this._client_width, this._client_height); text_elem.setElementColor(this.currentstyle.color); text_elem.setElementFont(this.currentstyle.font); text_elem.setElementAlignXY(halign, valign); text_elem.setElementLetterSpace(this.currentstyle.letterspace); text_elem.create(); text_elem = halign = valign = null; } control_elem = null; } if (this._text_elem) { this._text_elem.setElementText(this.displaytext); } this._refreshAccessibilityValue(); }; _pImageViewer.on_apply_expr = function () { this.on_apply_text(); }; _pImageViewer.set_image = function (v) { if (v) { if (v instanceof nexacro.Image) { if ((v._handle_id) && nexacro.Browser == "Runtime" && (((typeof v._handle_id) == "number") || (v._handle_id instanceof nexacro.Decimal))) { var image = this.image; var elem = this.getElement(); var img_elem = this._img_elem; var image_handleid = image._handle_id; if (image_handleid && ((typeof image_handleid) == "number")) { img_elem.destroy(null, image_handleid); } if (!img_elem) { this._img_elem = img_elem = new nexacro.ImageElement(elem); } if (!img_elem._handle) { img_elem.create(); } img_elem.setElementHandleImageObject(v._handle_id); this.image = v; this._img_type = "url"; this._load_image(v._handle_id); return true; } else { v = v._base64str; this._img_type = "base64"; } } else { v = v.toString(); var isBase64 = nexacro._checkBase64String(v); if (isBase64) { if (v.substring(0, 10).toLowerCase() == "data:image") { if (v.substring(0, 17).toLowerCase() != "data:image;base64") { var comma_idx = v.indexOf(","); if (comma_idx > -1) { var tmp = v.slice(comma_idx + 1, v.legnth); v = "data:image;base64," + tmp; } } } else { v = "data:image;base64," + v; } this._img_type = "base64"; } else { this._img_type = "url"; } } } else { v = ""; this._img_type = "url"; } if (this.image != v) { this.image = v; this.on_apply_image(); } }; _pImageViewer.on_apply_image = function () { this._load_image(this.image); }; _pImageViewer.set_imagewidth = function (v) { }; _pImageViewer.set_imageheight = function (v) { }; _pImageViewer.set_stretch = function (v) { if (v != this.stretch) { this.stretch = v; this.on_apply_stretch(); } }; _pImageViewer.on_apply_stretch = function () { this._updateElementPositions(); }; _pImageViewer.set_repeatcount = function (v) { if (v != this.repeatcount) { this.repeatcount = v; } }; _pImageViewer.set_imagealign = function (v) { if (this.imagealign.align.valueOf() != v) { if (this.imagealign.align._setValue(v)) { this.imagealign.halign = this.imagealign.align.halign; this.imagealign.valign = this.imagealign.align.valign; this.on_apply_imagealign(); } } }; _pImageViewer.on_apply_imagealign = function () { if (this._img_elem) { this._updateElementPositions(); } }; _pImageViewer.on_apply_repeatcount = function () { }; _pImageViewer.set_resampling = function (v) { }; _pImageViewer.repeatStart = function (nCount) { this.repeatcount = parseInt(nCount) | 0; }; _pImageViewer.repeatStop = function () { return; }; _pImageViewer.getImageCount = function () { var img_elem = this._img_elem; if (img_elem) { return img_elem.getImageCount(); } return 0; }; _pImageViewer.setImageIndex = function (nIndex) { var img_elem = this._img_elem; if (img_elem) { img_elem.setImageIndex(parseInt(nIndex) | 0); } }; _pImageViewer._on_loadImg = function (imgurl, w, h) { this.imagewidth = this._prewidth = w; this.imageheight = this._preheight = h; this._img_load_completed(imgurl); }; _pImageViewer._img_load_completed = function (url, visible) { var img_elem = this._img_elem; var val = this.image; if (img_elem) { if (!val) { this._img_elem.setElementVisible(false); this._img_elem.setElementImageUrl(""); this._updateElementPositions(); this.imagewidth = 0; this.imageheight = 0; if (this._text_elem) { var halign = this.currentstyle.align.halign == "" ? "center" : this.currentstyle.align._halign; var valign = this.currentstyle.align.valign == "" ? "middle" : this.currentstyle.align._valign; this._text_elem.setElementAlignXY(halign, valign); } } else { var img_type = this._img_type; val = val.toString(); if (visible == undefined) { visible = true; } if (img_type == "url") { if (val.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase() == "url(") { val = val.substring(5, val.length - 2); } val = nexacro._getImageLocation(val, this._getRefFormBaseUrl()); if (val == url) { img_elem.setElementVisible(visible); img_elem.setElementImageUrl(val); } else { nexacro._releaseImageUrl(url); } } else { img_elem.setElementVisible(visible); img_elem.setElementImageBase64(url); } this._updateElementPositions(); } } img_elem = null; }; _pImageViewer._load_image = function (image) { var val = image.toString(); var elem = this.getElement(); var curstyle = this.currentstyle; if (val && elem) { var img_elem = this._img_elem; var text_elem = this._text_elem; var img_type = this._img_type; if (img_type == "url") { val = nexacro._getURIValue(val); val = nexacro._getImageLocation(val, this._getRefFormBaseUrl()); } if (!img_elem) { this._img_elem = img_elem = new nexacro.ImageElement(elem); } if (!img_elem._handle) { img_elem.create(); } var image_size = nexacro._getImageSize(val, this._on_loadImg, this, undefined, image.toString()); if (image_size) { this._prewidth = image_size.width; this._preheight = image_size.height; this._img_load_completed(val); } if (text_elem) { elem.moveToNextElement(img_elem, text_elem); } img_elem = null; text_elem = null; img_size = null; } else { if (this._img_elem) { this._img_elem.setElementVisible(false); this._img_elem.setElementImageUrl(""); this._updateElementPositions(); this.imagewidth = 0; this.imageheight = 0; if (this._text_elem) { var halign = curstyle.align.halign == "" ? "center" : curstyle.align._halign; var valign = curstyle.align.valign == "" ? "middle" : curstyle.align._valign; this._text_elem.setElementAlignXY(halign, valign); } } } curstyle = null; }; _pImageViewer._updateElementPositions = function () { if (this.imagealign.align == null) { return; } this._resizeImage(); var _img_elem = this._img_elem; if (_img_elem) { var halign = this.imagealign.align.halign; var valign = this.imagealign.align.valign; var client_width = this._client_width; var client_height = this._client_height; var tw, th; var imgw = this.imagewidth; var imgh = this.imageheight; var pos; var imgpos_x, imgpos_y; switch (halign) { case "left": imgpos_x = 0; break; case "right": pos = client_width - imgw; imgpos_x = pos; break; default: pos = Math.floor((client_width - imgw) / 2); imgpos_x = pos; break; } switch (valign) { case "top": imgpos_y = 0; textpos_y = -1; break; case "bottom": pos = client_height - imgh; imgpos_y = pos; break; default: pos = Math.floor((client_height - imgh) / 2); imgpos_y = pos; break; } imgpos_x = this._convertLeftForRtlLayout(imgpos_x, imgw); _img_elem.setElementPosition(imgpos_x, imgpos_y); _img_elem.setElementSize(imgw, imgh); } _img_elem = null; }; _pImageViewer._resizeImage = function () { var _img_elem = this._img_elem; var _stretch = this.stretch; var _img = this.image; if (!_img_elem || _stretch == null) { return; } var spanWidth = this._client_width; var spanHeight = this._client_height; if (_stretch == "fit" || _img._handle_id) { if (this._prewidth == 0 && this._preheight == 0) { _img_elem.image_width = this.imagewidth = 0; _img_elem.image_height = this.imageheight = 0; } else { _img_elem.image_width = this.imagewidth = spanWidth; _img_elem.image_height = this.imageheight = spanHeight; } } else if (_stretch == "fixaspectratio") { var width = 0, height = 0; if (this.imagewidth == 0 && this.imageheight == 0) { var _imageWidth = this._prewidth; var _imageHeight = this._preheight; } else { var _imageWidth = this.imagewidth = this._prewidth; var _imageHeight = this.imageheight = this._preheight; } var widthPer = spanWidth / _imageWidth; var heightPer = spanHeight / _imageHeight; if (widthPer <= heightPer) { width = spanWidth; height = Math.floor(_imageHeight * widthPer); } else { width = Math.floor(_imageWidth * heightPer); height = spanHeight; } _img_elem.image_width = this.imagewidth = width; _img_elem.image_height = this.imageheight = height; } else { _img_elem.image_width = this.imagewidth = this._prewidth; _img_elem.image_height = this.imageheight = this._preheight; } _img_elem.setElementSize(this.imagewidth, this.imageheight); this.stretch = _stretch; _stretch = null; _img_elem = null; }; delete _pImageViewer; _pImageViewer = null; nexacro.ImageViewerCtrl = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.ImageViewer.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); this._is_subcontrol = true; }; var _pImageViewerCtrl = nexacro.ImageViewerCtrl.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.ImageViewer, nexacro.ImageViewerCtrl); _pImageViewerCtrl._type_name = "ImageViewerControl"; nexacro._setForControlStyleFinder(_pImageViewerCtrl); delete _pImageViewerCtrl; _pImageViewerCtrl = null; }