//============================================================================== // // TOBESOFT Co., Ltd. // Copyright 2014 TOBESOFT Co., Ltd. // All Rights Reserved. // // NOTICE: TOBESOFT permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file // in accordance with the terms of the license agreement accompanying it. // // Readme URL: http://www.nexacro.co.kr/legal/nexacro-public-license-readme-1.1.html // //============================================================================== if (!nexacro.ExcelImportObject) { nexacro.ExcelImportEventInfo = function (obj, id, url, refferObj) { this.id = this.eventid = id || "onsuccess"; this.fromobject = obj; this.fromreferenceobject = refferObj; this.url = url; }; var _pExcelImportEventInfo = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.ExcelImportEventInfo, nexacro.ExcelImportEventInfo); nexacro.ExcelImportEventInfo.prototype = _pExcelImportEventInfo; _pExcelImportEventInfo._type_name = "ExcelImportEventInfo"; delete _pExcelImportEventInfo; nexacro.ExcelImportErrorEventInfo = function (obj, id, errortype, errormsg, errorobj, statuscode) { this.id = this.eventid = id || "onerror"; this.fromobject = obj; this.fromreferenceobject = errorobj; this.errortype = errortype; this.errormsg = errormsg; this.statuscode = statuscode; }; var _pExcelImportErrorEventInfo = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.ErrorEventInfo, nexacro.ExcelImportErrorEventInfo); nexacro.ExcelImportErrorEventInfo.prototype = _pExcelImportErrorEventInfo; _pExcelImportErrorEventInfo._type_name = "ExcelImportErrorEventInfo"; delete _pExcelImportErrorEventInfo; nexacro.ExcelImportObject = function (name, parent) { this.id = this.name = name; if (!parent) { parent = this._getForm(); } this.parent = parent; this._handle = null; this.importfilemode = "local"; this._importfilemode = 0; this.commcompress = "none"; this._commcompress = false; this.importtype = nexacro.ImportTypes.EXCEL; this.importurl = ""; this._importurl = ""; this._uploadurl = ""; this._uploadservlet = ""; this._fileurl = ""; this._range = ""; this._applyAllsheet = false; this._responseData = ""; this._responseRVal = null; this._responseLVal = null; this.userawdatevalue = false; this._userawdatevalue = false; this._file_password = null; this._usehtmltag = true; this.usedatevalue = null; this._importSheet = ""; this._importStartCell = null; this._importEndCell = null; this._tran_item = null; this._file_url_ds = null; var unique_id = this._unique_id = this.parent._unique_id + "_" + this.id; if (!nexacro._get_hidden_frame(unique_id, this._handle)) { var ranid = new Date().valueOf().toString(); nexacro._create_hidden_frame(unique_id, ranid, this._uploadComplete, this); nexacro._append_hidden_item(unique_id, "upfile", this._checkUploadFile, this, this._handle); nexacro._append_hidden_textitem(unique_id, "ds_command"); } this.onerror = new nexacro.EventListener("onerror"); this.onsuccess = new nexacro.EventListener("onsuccess"); this._event_list = { "onerror" : 1, "onsuccess" : 1 }; }; var _pExcelImport = nexacro.ExcelImportObject.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.EventSinkObject, nexacro.ExcelImportObject); _pExcelImport._type_name = "ExcelImportObject"; _pExcelImport.on_created = nexacro._emptyFn; _pExcelImport.set_name = function (v) { this.id = this.name = v; }; _pExcelImport.set_importtype = function (v) { switch ((v + "").toUpperCase()) { case "EXCEL": v = 0x0100; break; case "EXCEL97": v = 0x0110; break; case "EXCEL2007": v = 0x0120; break; case "HANCELL2010": v = 0x0400; break; case "HANCELL2014": v = 0x0410; break; case "CSV": v = 0x0500; break; } if (v != this.importtype) { this.importtype = v; } return v; }; _pExcelImport.set_importurl = function (v) { if (v != this.importurl) { this.importurl = v; if (v == null) { this._importurl = ""; } else { var uploadservlet = this._uploadservlet = nexacro._getServiceLocation(v, this.parent._getFormBaseUrl()); var baseurl = uploadservlet.substring(0, uploadservlet.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); this._importurl = baseurl + "XExportImport"; } } return v; }; _pExcelImport.set_commcompress = function (v) { if (v != this.commcompress) { this.commcompress = v; switch (v.toString().toUpperCase()) { case "COMPRESS": this._commcompress = true; break; default: this._commcompress = false; break; } } return v; }; _pExcelImport.set_importfilemode = function (v) { if (this.importfilemode != v) { this.importfilemode = v; this._importfilemode = v == "server" ? 1 : 0; } return v; }; _pExcelImport.set_userawdatevalue = function (v) { if (this.userawdatevalue != v) { this.userawdatevalue = v; this._userawdatevalue = nexacro._toBoolean(v); } return v; }; _pExcelImport._setImportRange = function (range) { var obj = { }; if (range) { if (range.indexOf("!") > 0) { var rg = range.split("!"); obj["sheet"] = rg[0]; var cells = rg[1]; var temp; if (cells.indexOf(":") > 0) { cells = cells.split(":"); temp = this._getExcelRowCol(cells[0]); obj["startRow"] = temp[1] ? temp[1] : ""; obj["startCol"] = temp[0] ? temp[0] : ""; temp = this._getExcelRowCol(cells[1]); obj["endRow"] = temp[1] ? temp[1] : ""; obj["endCol"] = temp[0] ? temp[0] : ""; } else { temp = this._getExcelRowCol(cells); obj["startRow"] = temp[1] ? temp[1] : ""; obj["startCol"] = temp[0] ? temp[0] : ""; obj["endRow"] = ""; obj["endCol"] = ""; } } } else { obj["sheet"] = ""; obj["startRow"] = ""; obj["startCol"] = ""; obj["endRow"] = ""; obj["endCol"] = ""; } this._range.push(obj); }; _pExcelImport.importData = function (fileurl, range, responseData, userData) { this._file_password = null; this._fileurl = ""; if (arguments.length < 3) { return false; } if (!this.importurl) { return false; } var mode = this.importfilemode.toLowerCase(); if (mode != "server" || !fileurl) { this._importfilemode = 0; } else { this._importfilemode = 1; } if (range) { this._range = range; } else { this._range = ""; } if (responseData) { this._responseLVal = []; this._responseRVal = []; var temp_response = ""; var responseDatas = responseData.split(","); if (responseDatas.length <= 1 && responseDatas[0]) { responseDatas = responseDatas[0].split(" "); } for (var i = 0, r_len = responseDatas.length; i < r_len; i++) { if (responseDatas[i].length) { var responArr = responseDatas[i].match(/[_A-Za-z0-9]+/g); this._responseLVal.push(responArr[0]); if (responArr[1] == null) { responArr[1] = "output" + (i + 1); } this._responseRVal.push(responArr[1]); temp_response += " " + responArr[0] + "=" + responArr[1]; responArr = null; } } this._responseData = temp_response; } if (userData) { var userDatas = nexacro.replaceAll(userData, " ", "").split(","); for (var i = 0, u_len = userDatas.length; i < u_len; i++) { var dataArr = userDatas[i].split("="); if (dataArr[0] == "filepassword") { this._file_password = dataArr[1]; userDatas.splice(i, 1); userData = userDatas.join(","); break; } } } this._user_data = userData; if (!this._importfilemode) { nexacro._findclick(this._unique_id, "upfile", this, this._handle); } else { if (this._checkFileName(fileurl)) { this._fileurl = fileurl; this._requestImport(fileurl); } else { var errormsg = "the file extension is wrong"; var evt = new nexacro.ExcelImportErrorEventInfo(this, "onerror", "ObjectError", errormsg, this, -1); this.on_fire_onerror(this, evt); return false; } } return true; }; _pExcelImport.destroy = function () { var unique_id = this._unique_id; nexacro._remove_hidden_item(unique_id, "upfile", this._handle); nexacro._remove_hidden_item(unique_id, "ds_command", this._handle); nexacro._destroy_hidden_frame(unique_id, this, this._handle); if (this.parent) { this.parent.removeChild(this.id); } this._handle = null; this.parent = null; return true; }; _pExcelImport.on_fire_onerror = function (obj, e) { this._setWaitCursor(false); var event = this.onerror; if (event && event._has_handlers) { event._fireEvent(this, e); } }; _pExcelImport.on_fire_onsuccess = function (obj, e) { this._setWaitCursor(false); var event = this.onsuccess; if (event && event._has_handlers) { event._fireEvent(this, e); } }; _pExcelImport._getExcelRowCol = function (cell) { var strLen = cell.length; var arr = []; for (var i = 0; i < strLen; i++) { if (!isNaN(cell[i])) { arr.push(cell.substring(0, i)); arr.push(cell.substring(i)); break; } } return arr; }; _pExcelImport._transaction = function (id, url, inDatasetsParam, outDatasetsParam, userData, callbackFn, isAsync, datatype, isCompress) { this._load_manager = new nexacro.LoadManager(this); var service = nexacro._getServiceObject(url, true); this._load_manager.loadDataModule(url, id, inDatasetsParam, outDatasetsParam, userData, callbackFn, isAsync, datatype, isCompress, service); }; _pExcelImport._getDataset = function (ds_id) { var form = this.parent; if (!form) { form = this._getForm(); } var r_val = this._responseRVal; var len = r_val.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (r_val[i] == ds_id) { return form[this._responseLVal[i]]; } } return null; }; _pExcelImport._waitCursor = nexacro._emptyFn; _pExcelImport._setParamter = nexacro._emptyFn; _pExcelImport._getDatasetObject = function (queryid) { var _ds = this[queryid]; if (_ds == null && this.parent && this.parent != application) { _ds = this.parent._getDatasetObject(queryid); } if (_ds == null) { _ds = application[queryid]; } return _ds; }; _pExcelImport._getForm = function () { var form = null; var main_frame = application.mainframe; if (main_frame) { var frame = main_frame.getActiveFrame(); while (frame && !frame.form) { if (!frame.getActiveFrame) { return null; } frame = frame.getActiveFrame(); } form = frame.form; } return form; }; _pExcelImport._isPopupFrame = function () { return false; }; _pExcelImport._makeImportFormat = function () { var str = ""; str += ""; var sheets = this._range; if (sheets.indexOf(",") < 0) { sheets = nexacro.replaceAll(sheets, "][", ","); } sheets = sheets.split(","); var properties = ""; for (var i = 0, s_len = sheets.length; i < s_len; i++) { sheets[i] = nexacro.replaceAll(sheets[i], "[", ""); sheets[i] = nexacro.replaceAll(sheets[i], "]", ""); str += " 0) { var range_arr = range.split("!"); if (range_arr[1].indexOf(":") > 0) { var sheet = range_arr[0]; var range = range_arr[1].split(":"); var start_row = range[0].match(/[0-9]+/); var start_col = range[0].match(/[A-Z]+/); var body_start_row = +start_row + 1; var end_row = range[1].match(/[0-9]+/); var end_col = range[1].match(/[A-Z]+/); str += 'command=\"getsheetdata\" output=\"' + this._responseRVal + '\" head=\"' + sheet + '!' + start_col + start_row + ':' + end_col + start_row + '\" body=\"' + sheet + '!' + start_col + (+start_row + 1) + ':' + end_col + end_row + '\" />'; } else { str += 'command=\"getsheetdata\" output=\"' + this._responseRVal + '\" Body=\"' + sheets[i] + '\" />'; } } else { str += 'command=\"getsheetdata\" output=\"' + this._responseRVal + '\" Body=\"' + sheets[i] + '\" />'; } } else { properties = sheets[i].split(";"); var tmp_num = 1; var flag = false; var property = ""; for (var j = 0, p_len = properties.length; j < p_len; j++) { if (!properties[j].length) { continue; } property = properties[j].split("="); var property_name = property[0].toLowerCase(); if (property_name != "command") { if (j == 0) { str += 'command=\"getsheetdata\" '; } if (property_name == "output") { flag = true; } } str += property_name + "=\"" + property[1] + "\" "; } if (!flag) { str += 'output=\"output' + tmp_num + '\" '; tmp_num++; } str += "/>"; } } str += ""; str += ""; return str; }; _pExcelImport._requestImport = function (fileUrl) { var ds_command = new Dataset("COMMAND"); this._ds_command = ds_command; ds_command.addColumn("command", "String", 32); ds_command.addColumn("type", "int", 32); ds_command.addColumn("url", "String", 256); ds_command.addColumn("format", "String", 256); ds_command.addColumn("filemode", "String", 256); ds_command.addColumn("password", "String", 256); ds_command.addColumn("rawdatevalue", "String", 256); ds_command.addColumn("usehtmltag", "String", 256); ds_command.addRow(); ds_command.setColumn(0, "command", "import"); ds_command.setColumn(0, "type", this._importType); ds_command.setColumn(0, "url", encodeURIComponent(fileUrl)); ds_command.setColumn(0, "format", this._makeImportFormat()); ds_command.setColumn(0, "filemode", this._importfilemode ? "server" : "local"); ds_command.setColumn(0, "password", this._file_password); ds_command.setColumn(0, "rawdatevalue", this._userawdatevalue); ds_command.setColumn(0, "usehtmltag", this._usehtmltag); if (this._ds_response) { delete this._ds_response; } var datasets = this._responseLVal; for (var i = 0, d_len = datasets.length; i < d_len; i++) { var reponseDS = this.parent[datasets[i]]; if (reponseDS) { } else { var errormsg = "Dataset is null"; var evt = new nexacro.ExcelImportErrorEventInfo(this, "onerror", "ObjectError", errormsg, this, -2011); this.on_fire_onerror(this, evt); return; } } this._file_url_ds = new Dataset("_file_url_ds", this); var tran_item = this._tran_item = new nexacro.TransactionItem(this._importurl, this, this.id, "COMMAND=_ds_command", this._responseData + ", _file_url_ds=IMPORTFILES", this._user_data, 0, true); var send_data = tran_item._sendData; nexacro._setImportCommand(this._unique_id, "ds_command", this, this._handle, send_data); nexacro._submit(this._unique_id, this._uploadservlet, this._handle, send_data, fileUrl); }; if (nexacro.Browser == "Runtime") { _pExcelImport._uploadComplete = function (status, data, url, errcode, httpcode, errmsg) { var evt, error_info, fileUrl, unique_id = this._unique_id, code = -1, msg = "", result = null; if (status < 0) { application._onHttpSystemError(this, true, this, errcode, url, httpcode, url, null); var errormsg = nexacro._GetSystemErrorMsg(this, errcode); evt = new nexacro.ExcelImportErrorEventInfo(this, "onerror", "ObjectError", errormsg, this, 9901); this.on_fire_onerror(this, evt); } else { if (data) { if (data.indexOf("