//============================================================================== // // TOBESOFT Co., Ltd. // Copyright 2014 TOBESOFT Co., Ltd. // All Rights Reserved. // // NOTICE: TOBESOFT permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file // in accordance with the terms of the license agreement accompanying it. // // Readme URL: http://www.nexacro.co.kr/legal/nexacro-public-license-readme-1.1.html // //============================================================================== if (nexacro.Device && nexacro.OS == "Android") { if (!nexacro.Map) { nexacro.MapEventInfo = function (obj, id, centerlocation, coordinates, viewmode, zoomlevel, addresses) { this.id = this.eventid = id; this.fromobject = this.fromreferenceobject = obj; this.centerlocation = centerlocation; this.coordinates = coordinates; this.viewmode = viewmode; this.zoomlevel = zoomlevel; this.addresses = addresses; }; var _pMapEventInfo = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.MapEventInfo); nexacro.MapEventInfo.prototype = _pMapEventInfo; _pMapEventInfo._type_name = "MapEventInfo"; delete _pMapEventInfo; nexacro.MapClickEventInfo = function (obj, id, location) { this.id = this.eventid = id; this.fromobject = this.fromreferenceobject = obj; this.location = location; }; var _pMapClickEventInfo = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.MapClickEventInfo); nexacro.MapClickEventInfo.prototype = _pMapClickEventInfo; _pMapClickEventInfo._type_name = "MapClickEventInfo"; delete _pMapClickEventInfo; nexacro.MapDragEventInfo = function (obj, id, location) { this.id = this.eventid = id; this.fromobject = this.fromreferenceobject = obj; this.location = location; }; var _pMapDragEventInfo = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.MapDragEventInfo); nexacro.MapDragEventInfo.prototype = _pMapDragEventInfo; _pMapDragEventInfo._type_name = "MapDragEventInfo"; delete _pMapDragEventInfo; nexacro.MapErrorEventInfo = function (obj, id, errorcode, errormsg) { this.id = this.eventid = id; this.fromobject = this.fromreferenceobject = obj; this.errortype = "ObjectError"; this.statuscode = errorcode; this.errormsg = errormsg; }; var _pMapErrorEventInfo = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.MapErrorEventInfo); nexacro.MapErrorEventInfo.prototype = _pMapErrorEventInfo; _pMapErrorEventInfo._type_name = "MapErrorEventInfo"; delete _pMapErrorEventInfo; nexacro.Map = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.Component.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); this._ifrm_elem = null; this.window = null; this.document = null; this.centerlocation = { latitude : 0, longitude : 0 }; this.location = { latitude : 0, longitude : 0 }; this.showmode = 0; this.zoomlevel = 15; this.showzoom = true; this.showmode = false; this.shownavigator = false; this.viewmode = 0; this.items = new Array(); this.itemsname = new Array(); this._itemsname = new Array(); this._items = new Array(); this._infowindowname = new Array(); this._infowindow = new Array(); this.bSensor = false; this.bLoaded = false; this._event_list = { "onclick" : 1, "ondblclick" : 1, "onkeypress" : 1, "onkeydown" : 1, "onkeyup" : 1, "onkillfocus" : 1, "onsetfocus" : 1, "ondrag" : 1, "ondragenter" : 1, "ondragleave" : 1, "ondragmove" : 1, "ondrop" : 1, "onlbuttondown" : 1, "onlbuttonup" : 1, "onmouseenter" : 1, "onmouseleave" : 1, "onmousemove" : 1, "onmove" : 1, "onsize" : 1, "onrbuttondown" : 1, "onrbuttonup" : 1, "onload" : 1, "onerror" : 1, "onrecvsuccess" : 1, "oncenterchanged" : 1, "onmapdragstart" : 1, "onmapdrag" : 1, "onmapdragend" : 1 }; this._location = { latitude : 0, longitude : 0 }; this._pixel = { x : 0, y : 0 }; }; var _pMap = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Component, nexacro.Map); nexacro.Map.prototype = _pMap; _pMap._type = "nexacroMap"; _pMap._type_name = "Map"; _pMap.on_create_contents = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { var curstyle = this.currentstyle; this._ifrm_elem = new nexacro.GoogleMapPluginElement(control_elem); this._ifrm_elem.setElementSize(this._client_width, this._client_height); } }; _pMap.on_created_contents = function () { var ifrm_elem = this._ifrm_elem; if (ifrm_elem) { ifrm_elem.create(); ifrm_elem.initEvent(); this.document = ifrm_elem._document; this.window = ifrm_elem._winodw; } }; _pMap.on_destroy_contents = function () { var ifrm_elem = this._ifrm_elem; if (ifrm_elem) { this.window = null; this.document = null; ifrm_elem.destroy(); this._ifrm_elem = null; } this.items = null; this.itemsname = null; this._itemsname = null; this._items = null; this._infowindowname = null; this._infowindow = null; }; _pMap.on_update_position = function (resize_flag, move_flag) { nexacro.Component.prototype.on_update_position.call(this, resize_flag, move_flag); var ifrm_elem = this._ifrm_elem; if (ifrm_elem) { ifrm_elem.on_update_position(); } }; _pMap.on_change_containerRect = function (width, height) { var ifrm_elem = this._ifrm_elem; if (ifrm_elem) { ifrm_elem.setElementSize(width, height); } }; _pMap.on_fire_onload = function (obj, id, centerlocation, coordinates, viewmode, zoomlevel, addresses) { if (this.onload && this.onload._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.MapEventInfo(obj, id, centerlocation, coordinates, viewmode, zoomlevel, addresses); return this.onload._fireEvent(this, evt); } return true; }; _pMap.on_fire_onerror = function (obj, id, errorcode, errormsg) { if (this.onerror && this.onerror._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.MapErrorEventInfo(obj, id, errorcode, errormsg); return this.onerror._fireEvent(this, evt); } return true; }; _pMap.on_fire_onrecvsuccess = function (obj, id, centerlocation, coordinates, viewmode, zoomlevel, addresses) { if (this.onrecvsuccess && this.onrecvsuccess._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.MapEventInfo(obj, id, centerlocation, coordinates, viewmode, zoomlevel, addresses); return this.onrecvsuccess._fireEvent(this, evt); } return true; }; _pMap.on_fire_oncenterchanged = function () { if (this.oncenterchanged && this.oncenterchanged._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.MapEventInfo(obj, id, centerlocation, coordinates, viewmode, zoomlevel, addresses); return this.oncenterchanged._fireEvent(this, evt); } return true; }; _pMap.on_fire_onclick = function (obj, id, location) { if (this.onclick && this.onclick._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.MapClickEventInfo(obj, id, location); return this.onclick._fireEvent(this, evt); } return true; }; _pMap.on_fire_ondrag = function (obj, id, location) { if (this.ondrag && this.ondrag._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.MapDragEventInfo(obj, id, location); return this.ondrag._fireEvent(this, evt); } return true; }; _pMap.on_fire_onmapdragstart = function (obj, id, location) { if (this.onmapdragstart && this.onmapdragstart._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.MapDragEventInfo(obj, id, location); return this.onmapdragstart._fireEvent(this, evt); } return true; }; _pMap.on_fire_onmapdrag = function (obj, id, location) { if (this.onmapdrag && this.onmapdrag._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.MapDragEventInfo(obj, id, location); return this.onmapdrag._fireEvent(this, evt); } return true; }; _pMap.on_fire_onmapdragend = function (obj, id, location) { if (this.onmapdragend && this.onmapdragend._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.MapDragEventInfo(obj, id, location); return this.onmapdragend._fireEvent(this, evt); } return true; }; _pMap.on_apply_custom_setfocus = function (evt_name) { var ifrm_elem = this._ifrm_elem; if (ifrm_elem) { ifrm_elem.setElementFocus(true); } }; _pMap.set_text = function (v) { v = nexacro._toString(v); if (v && v != this.text) { this.text = v; this._display_text = v.replace(/ /g, "\u00a0"); } }; _pMap.set_viewmode = function (v) { if (v == null) { return false; } if (v != null) { this.viewmode = v; var ifrm_elem = this._ifrm_elem; if (ifrm_elem) { var params = '{"value":"' + this.viewmode + '"}'; ifrm_elem.setElementParam("viewmode", params); } } else { return false; } }; _pMap.set_zoomlevel = function (v) { v = parseInt(v, 10) | 0; this.zoomlevel = v; var ifrm_elem = this._ifrm_elem; if (ifrm_elem) { var params = '{"value":"' + this.zoomlevel + '"}'; ifrm_elem.setElementParam("zoomlevel", params); } }; _pMap.set_showzoom = function (v) { if (v == null) { return false; } if (v != null) { if (v == true || (typeof (v) == "string" && v == "true")) { this.showzoom = true; } else if (v == false || (typeof (v) == "string" && v == "false")) { this.showzoom = false; } else { return false; } this.showzoom = v; var ifrm_elem = this._ifrm_elem; if (ifrm_elem) { var params = '{"value":"' + this.showzoom + '"}'; ifrm_elem.setElementParam("showzoom", params); } return true; } }; _pMap.set_shownavigator = function (v) { if (v == null) { return false; } if (v != null) { if (v == true || (typeof (v) == "string" && v == "true")) { this.shownavigator = true; } else if (v == false || (typeof (v) == "string" && v == "false")) { this.shownavigator = false; } else { return false; } var ifrm_elem = this._ifrm_elem; if (ifrm_elem) { var params = '{"value":"' + this.shownavigator + '"}'; ifrm_elem.setElementParam("shownavigator", params); } return true; } }; _pMap.set_showmapscale = function () { }; _pMap.set_showmode = function () { }; _pMap.set_showcompass = function (v) { if (v == null) { return false; } if (v != null) { if (v == true || (typeof (v) == "string" && v == "true")) { this.showcompass = true; } else if (v == false || (typeof (v) == "string" && v == "false")) { this.showcompass = false; } else { return false; } if (this.bLoaded) { var ifrm_elem = this._ifrm_elem; if (ifrm_elem) { var params = '{"value":"' + this.showcompass + '"}'; ifrm_elem.setElementParam("showcompass", params); } } return true; } }; _pMap.set_enable = function (v) { v = nexacro._toBoolean(v); if (this.enable != v) { var control_elem = this._control_element; this.enable = v; if (this._is_created) { var enable_flag = (this.parent._real_enable && v); if (this._ifrm_elem) { this._ifrm_elem.setElementEnable(enable_flag); } } } }; _pMap.set_visible = function (v) { if (v === undefined || v === null) { return; } v = nexacro._toBoolean(v); nexacro.Component.prototype.set_visible.call(this, v); var ifrm_elem = this._ifrm_elem; if (ifrm_elem) { if (ifrm_elem.setElementPluginVisible != null) { ifrm_elem.setElementPluginVisible(v); } } }; _pMap.load = function (bUseSensor, nLatitude, nLongitude, constViewMode, nZoomLevel) { if (nZoomLevel != null) { var strlength = 0; try { strlength = nZoomLevel.toString().split(" ").join(""); } catch (e) { return false; } if (nZoomLevel.length == 0) { return false; } var nzoom = 0; try { nzoom = Number(nZoomLevel.toString()); } catch (e) { return false; } if (nzoom >= 0) { this.zoomlevel = nzoom; } else { return false; } } if ((nLatitude != null) && (nLongitude != null)) { var strlength = 0; try { strlength = nLatitude.toString().split(" ").join(""); } catch (e) { return false; } if (strlength.length == 0) { return false; } try { strlength = nLongitude.toString().split(" ").join(""); } catch (e) { return false; } if (strlength.length == 0) { return false; } var nlat = 0; var nlon = 0; try { nlat = Number(nLatitude.toString()); } catch (e) { return false; } if ((+nlat) != (+nlat)) { return false; } try { nlon = Number(nLongitude.toString()); } catch (e) { return false; } if ((+nlon) != (+nlon)) { return false; } this.centerlocation.latitude = nlat; this.centerlocation.longitude = nlon; _pMap.centerlocation = { latitude : nlat, longitude : nlon }; } if (constViewMode != null) { if (constViewMode == 0 || (typeof (constViewMode) == "string" && constViewMode == "0")) { this.viewmode = 0; } else if (constViewMode == 1 || (typeof (constViewMode) == "string" && constViewMode == "1")) { this.viewmode = 1; } else if (constViewMode == 2 || (typeof (constViewMode) == "string" && constViewMode == "2")) { this.viewmode = 2; } else if (constViewMode == 3 || (typeof (constViewMode) == "string" && constViewMode == "3")) { this.viewmode = 3; } else { return false; } } else { this.viewmode = 0; } if (bUseSensor != null) { if (bUseSensor == true || (typeof (bUseSensor) == "string" && bUseSensor == "true")) { this.bSensor = true; } else if (bUseSensor == false || (typeof (bUseSensor) == "string" && bUseSensor == "false")) { this.bSensor = false; } else { return false; } } else if (bUseSensor == null) { this.bSensor = false; } else { } var params = '{"bUseSensor":"' + this.bSensor + '","nLatitude":"' + this.centerlocation.latitude + '","nLongitude":"' + this.centerlocation.longitude + '","constViewMode":"' + this.viewmode + '","nZoomLevel":"' + this.zoomlevel + '"}'; var ifrm_elem = this._ifrm_elem; if (ifrm_elem) { ifrm_elem._setLoad(params); } this.bLoaded = true; return true; }; _pMap.setMarkerLoc = function (strItemID, lat, lng) { this.items[strItemID].location.latitude = lat; this.items[strItemID].location.longitude = lng; }; _pMap.getAddress = function (nLatitude, nLongitude, nMaxResultCount, strLocale) { if (nLatitude == undefined || nLatitude == null) { return false; } if (nLongitude == undefined || nLongitude == null) { return false; } if (nMaxResultCount < 0) { return false; } if (nMaxResultCount == undefined || nMaxResultCount == null) { nMaxResultCount = 1; } var params = '{"nLatitude":"' + nLatitude + '","nLongitude":"' + nLongitude + '","nMaxResultCount":"' + nMaxResultCount + '","strLocale":"' + strLocale + '"}'; var ifrm_elem = this._ifrm_elem; if (ifrm_elem) { ifrm_elem._getAddress(params); } return true; }; _pMap.getCoordinates = function (straddress) { if (straddress == undefined || straddress == null || straddress == "") { return false; } var ifrm_elem = this._ifrm_elem; if (ifrm_elem) { ifrm_elem._getCoordinates(straddress); } return true; }; var _itemsname = new Array(); var _items = new Array(); var _infowindowname = new Array(); var _infowindow = new Array(); _pMap.addItem = function (strItemID, objComponent) { var ifrm_elem = this._ifrm_elem; if (strItemID == null || objComponent == null) { return false; } if (strItemID == "" || typeof (strItemID) == "undefined" || objComponent == "" || objComponent == "undefined" || strItemID.trim() == "") { return false; } if (typeof (this.items[strItemID]) != "undefined") { this.on_fire_onerror(this, "onerror", "1501", "item is already exist."); return false; } if (objComponent instanceof nexacro.MapMarker || objComponent instanceof nexacro.MapPolyline || objComponent instanceof nexacro.MapPolygon) { this.items[strItemID] = objComponent; this.items.push(strItemID); if (this.bLoaded) { if (objComponent._type == 0 || objComponent._type == 1) { _pMap.addMarker(ifrm_elem, strItemID, objComponent); } else if (objComponent._type == 2) { _pMap.addPolyline(ifrm_elem, strItemID, objComponent); } else if (objComponent._type == 3) { _pMap.addPolygon(ifrm_elem, strItemID, objComponent); } } return true; } else { return false; } }; _pMap.addMarker = function (elem, markName, markObj) { if (markObj.style.image.length > 0) { var _v = markObj.style.image.toString().split(" ").join(""); var img_path = ""; if (_v.substring(0, 9).toLowerCase() == "%userapp%") { img_path = "../" + _v.substring(9, _v.length); } else if (this.datasource.substring(0, 9).toLowerCase() == "%sd_card%") { img_path = "file://mnt/sdcard/NEXACRO/" + _v.substring(9, _v.length); } else { var _filecache = application._getFileCache(_v); if (null != _filecache) { img_path = "../" + _filecache; } else { return false; } } } _itemsname.push(markName); _items[markName] = "marker"; markObj._map = this; markObj._name = markName; var params = '{"itemName":"' + markName + '","nLatitude":"' + markObj.location.latitude + '","nLongitude":"' + markObj.location.longitude + '","text":"' + markObj.text + '","visible":"' + markObj.visible + '","image":"' + markObj.style.image + '","draggable":"' + markObj.draggable + '"}'; if (elem) { elem._setMarker(params); } }; _pMap.addPolygon = function (elem, polygonName, polygonObj) { var _lat_lng_arr, _lat, _lng; var arr_lat = new Array(); var arr_lng = new Array(); _lat_lng_arr = polygonObj.locationdata.toString().split("]"); for (i = 0; i < (_lat_lng_arr.length - 1); i++) { _lat = _lat_lng_arr[i].toString().split(",")[0].split(" ").join().substring(1); _lng = _lat_lng_arr[i].toString().split(",")[1].split(" ").join().substring(1); if (_lat.length > 0 && _lng.length > 0) { arr_lat.push(_lat); arr_lng.push(_lng); } } _itemsname.push(polygonName); _items[polygonName] = "polygon"; polygonObj._map = this; polygonObj._name = polygonName; var params = '{"itemName":"' + polygonName + '","nLatitude":' + JSON.stringify(arr_lat) + ',"nLongitude":' + JSON.stringify(arr_lng) + ',"visible":"' + polygonObj.visible + '","strokepen_color":"' + polygonObj.style.strokepen.color + '","strokepen_width":"' + polygonObj.style.strokepen.width + '","fillbrush_color":"' + polygonObj.style.fillbrush.color + '"}'; if (elem) { elem._setPolygon(params); } }; _pMap.addPolyline = function (elem, polylineName, polylineObj) { var _lat_lng_arr, _lat, _lng; var arr_lat = new Array(); var arr_lng = new Array(); _lat_lng_arr = polylineObj.locationdata.toString().split("]"); for (i = 0; i < (_lat_lng_arr.length - 1); i++) { _lat = _lat_lng_arr[i].toString().split(",")[0].split(" ").join().substring(1); _lng = _lat_lng_arr[i].toString().split(",")[1].split(" ").join().substring(1); if (_lat.length > 0 && _lng.length > 0) { arr_lat.push(_lat); arr_lng.push(_lng); } } _itemsname.push(polylineName); _items[polylineName] = "polyline"; polylineObj._map = this; polylineObj._name = polylineName; var params = '{"itemName":"' + polylineName + '","nLatitude":' + JSON.stringify(arr_lat) + ',"nLongitude":' + JSON.stringify(arr_lng) + ',"visible":"' + polylineObj.visible + '","strokepen_color":"' + polylineObj.style.strokepen.color + '","strokepen_width":"' + polylineObj.style.strokepen.width + '"}'; if (elem) { elem._setPolyline(params); } }; _pMap.removeItem = function (strItemID) { var ifrm_elem = this._ifrm_elem; if (strItemID == null) { return false; } if (strItemID == "" || typeof (strItemID) == "undefined") { return false; } if (typeof (this.items[strItemID]) == "undefined") { this.on_fire_onerror(this, "onerror", "1502", "item is not exist."); return false; } else { delete this.items[strItemID]; for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) { if (this.items[i] == strItemID) { var position = this.items.indexOf(this.items[i]); this.items.splice(position, i + 1); } } if (this.bLoaded) { _pMap._removeItem(ifrm_elem, strItemID); } return true; } }; _pMap._removeItem = function (elem, itemname) { var params = '{"item":"' + _items[itemname] + '","itemname":"' + itemname + '"}'; if (elem) { elem._setRemove(params); } delete _items[itemname]; for (i = 0; i < _itemsname.length; i++) { if (_itemsname[i] == itemname) { _itemsname.splice(i + 1, i + 1); } } return true; }; _pMap.on_load_handler = function (id, centerlocation, coordinates, viewmode, zoomlevel, addresses) { this.on_fire_onload(this, id, centerlocation, coordinates, viewmode, zoomlevel, addresses); }; _pMap.on_error_handler = function (id, code, msg) { this.on_fire_onerror(this, id, code, msg); }; _pMap.on_recvsuccess_handler = function (id, centerlocation, coordinates, viewmode, zoomlevel, addresses) { this.on_fire_onrecvsuccess(this, id, centerlocation, coordinates, viewmode, zoomlevel, addresses); }; _pMap.on_centerchanged_handler = function (id, centerlocation, viewmode, zoomlevel, addresses) { this.on_fire_oncenterchanged(this, id, centerlocation, viewmode, zoomlevel, addresses); }; _pMap.on_click_handler = function (id, location) { this.on_fire_onclick(this, id, location); }; _pMap.on_drag_handler = function (id, location) { this.on_fire_ondrag(this, id, location); }; _pMap.on_mapdragstart_handler = function (id, location) { this.on_fire_onmapdragstart(this, id, location); }; _pMap.on_mapdrag_handler = function (id, location) { this.on_fire_onmapdrag(this, id, location); }; _pMap.on_mapdragend_handler = function (id, location) { this.on_fire_onmapdragend(this, id, location); }; _pMap.callMethod = function (func) { if (this._ifrm_elem) { this._ifrm_elem.callScriptMethod(func); } }; delete _pMap; } if (!nexacro.MapMarker) { nexacro.MapMarker = function (name, obj) { this._id = nexacro.Device.makeID(); nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._id] = this; this.name = name || ""; this._type = 0; this.location = { _MapMarkerID : "", set_parentID : function (_id) { this["_MapMarkerID"] = _id; }, latitude : 0, longitude : 0, set_latitude : function (lat) { var strlength = 0; try { strlength = lat.toString().split(" ").join(""); } catch (e) { return false; } if (strlength.length == 0) { return false; } var nlat = 0; try { nlat = Number(lat.toString()); } catch (e) { return false; } if ((+nlat) != (+nlat)) { return false; } this.latitude = nlat; return true; }, set_longitude : function (lon) { var strlength = 0; try { strlength = lon.toString().split(" ").join(""); } catch (e) { return false; } if (strlength.length == 0) { return false; } var nlon = 0; try { nlon = Number(lon.toString()); } catch (e) { return false; } if ((+nlon) != (+nlon)) { return false; } this.longitude = nlon; return true; }, $s : function (name, fnname, val) { this[name] = val; } }; this.text = ""; this.visible = true; this.draggable = false; this.style = { _MapMarkerID : 0, set_parentID : function (_id) { this._MapMarkerID = _id; }, align : { _MapMarkerID : 0, set_parentID : function (_id) { this._MapMarkerID = _id; }, halign : "center", valign : "middle", set_halign : function (v) { var _v = v.toString().split(" ").join("").toLowerCase(); if (_v == "left" || _v == "center" || _v == "right") { this.halign = _v; return true; } else { return false; } }, set_valign : function (v) { var _v = v.toString().split(" ").join("").toLowerCase(); if (_v == "top" || _v == "middle" || _v == "bottom") { this.valign = _v; return true; } else { return false; } }, $s : function (name, fnname, val) { this[name] = val; } }, image : "", set_align : function (v) { var v_arr = v.split(" "); var ret = true; if (v_arr.length != 2) { return false; } ret = this.align.set_halign(v_arr[0]); if (!ret) { return ret; } ret = this.align.set_valign(v_arr[1]); return ret; }, set_image : function (v) { this._type = 1; this.image = v; return true; }, $s : function (name, fnname, val) { this[name] = val; } }; this._name = null; this.location.set_parentID(this._id); }; var _pMapMarker = nexacro.MapMarker.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.EventSinkObject, nexacro.MapMarker); _pMapMarker._type_name = "MapMarker"; _pMapMarker.set_location = function (v) { if (v != null) { var _v_arr = v.split(","); if (_v_arr.length != 2) { return false; } var lat = _v_arr[0]; var lon = _v_arr[1]; var strlength = 0; try { strlength = lat.toString().split(" ").join(""); } catch (e) { return false; } if (strlength.length == 0) { return false; } try { strlength = lon.toString().split(" ").join(""); } catch (e) { return false; } if (strlength.length == 0) { return false; } var nlat = 0; var nlon = 0; try { nlat = Number(lat.toString()); } catch (e) { return false; } if ((+nlat) != (+nlat)) { return false; } try { nlon = Number(lon.toString()); } catch (e) { return false; } if ((+nlon) != (+nlon)) { return false; } this.location.latitude = nlat; this.location.longitude = nlon; } else { return false; } return true; }; _pMapMarker.set_text = function (v) { this.text = v; return true; }; _pMapMarker.set_draggable = function (v) { if (v == null) { return false; } else if (v) { if (v == true || (typeof (v) == "string" && v == "true")) { this.draggable = true; } else if (v == false || (typeof (v) == "string" && v == "false")) { this.draggable = false; } } else { return false; } }; _pMapMarker.set_visible = function (v) { if (v == true || (typeof (v) == "string" && v == "true")) { this.visible = true; } else if (v == false || (typeof (v) == "string" && v == "false")) { this.visible = false; } else { return false; } return true; }; _pMapMarker.set_style = function (v) { var v_arr = v.split(";"); var i = 0; var _v_arr; var ret = true; for (i = 0; i < v_arr.length; i++) { _v_arr = v_arr[i].split(":"); if (_v_arr.length != 2) { return false; } switch (_v_arr[0].split(" ").join("").toLowerCase()) { case "align": ret = this.style.set_align(_v_arr[1]); break; case "image": ret = this.style.set_image(_v_arr[1]); break; default: ret = false; break; } if (!ret) { return ret; } } return ret; }; delete _pMapMarker; } if (!nexacro.MapPolyline) { nexacro.MapPolyline = function (name, obj) { this._id = nexacro.Device.makeID(); nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._id] = this; this.name = name || ""; this._type = 2; this.locationdata = ""; this.visible = true; this.style = { _MapMarkerID : 0, set_parentID : function (_id) { this._MapMarkerID = _id; }, strokepen : { _MapMarkerID : 0, set_parentID : function (_id) { this._MapMarkerID = _id; }, width : "", color : "", set_width : function (v) { var nWidth = 0; try { nWidth = Number(v.toString()); } catch (e) { return false; } if ((+nWidth) != (+nWidth)) { return false; } this.width = nWidth; return true; }, set_color : function (v) { if (typeof (nexacro._xreNamedColorList[v]) != "undefined") { this.color = nexacro._xreNamedColorList[v] + "FF"; } else { this.color = v; } this.color = v; return true; }, $s : function (name, fnname, val) { this[name] = val; } }, set_strokepen : function (v) { var v_arr = v.split(" "); var ret = true; if (v_arr.length != 2) { ret = false; } else { ret = this.strokepen.set_width(v_arr[0]); if (!ret) { return ret; } ret = this.strokepen.set_color(v_arr[1]); } return ret; }, $s : function (name, fnname, val) { this[name] = val; } }; this._name = null; this.style.set_parentID(this._id); this.style.strokepen.set_parentID(this._id); }; var _pMapPolyline = nexacro.MapPolyline.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.EventSinkObject, nexacro.MapPolyline); _pMapPolyline._type_name = "MapPolyline"; _pMapPolyline.set_locationdata = function (v) { var _lat_lng_arr; _lat_lng_arr = v.toString().split("]"); if (!(_lat_lng_arr.length >= 2)) { return false; } this.locationdata = v; return true; }; _pMapPolyline.set_visible = function (v) { if (v == true || (typeof (v) == "string" && v == "true")) { this.visible = true; } else if (v == false || (typeof (v) == "string" && v == "false")) { this.visible = false; } else { return false; } return true; }; _pMapPolyline.set_style = function (v) { var v_arr = v.split(";"); var i = 0; var _v_arr; var ret = true; for (i = 0; i < v_arr.length; i++) { _v_arr = v_arr[i].split(":"); if (_v_arr.length != 2) { return false; } switch (_v_arr[0].split(" ").join("").toLowerCase()) { case "strokepen": ret = this.style.set_strokepen(_v_arr[1]); break; default: ret = false; break; } if (!ret) { return ret; } } return ret; }; delete _pMapPolyline; } if (!nexacro.MapPolygon) { nexacro.MapPolygon = function (name, obj) { this._id = nexacro.Device.makeID(); nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._id] = this; this.name = name || ""; this._type = 3; this.locationdata = ""; this.visible = true; this.style = { _MapMarkerID : 0, set_parentID : function (_id) { this._MapMarkerID = _id; }, strokepen : { _MapMarkerID : 0, set_parentID : function (_id) { this._MapMarkerID = _id; }, width : "", color : "", set_width : function (v) { var nWidth = 0; try { nWidth = Number(v.toString()); } catch (e) { return false; } if ((+nWidth) != (+nWidth)) { return false; } this.width = nWidth; return true; }, set_color : function (v) { if (typeof (nexacro._xreNamedColorList[v]) != "undefined") { this.color = nexacro._xreNamedColorList[v] + "FF"; } else { this.color = v; } this.color = v; return true; }, $s : function (name, fnname, val) { this[name] = val; } }, set_strokepen : function (v) { var v_arr = v.split(" "); var ret = true; if (v_arr.length != 2) { ret = false; } else { ret = this.strokepen.set_width(v_arr[0]); if (!ret) { return ret; } ret = this.strokepen.set_color(v_arr[1]); } return ret; }, fillbrush : { _MapMarkerID : 0, set_parentID : function (_id) { this._MapMarkerID = _id; }, color : "", set_color : function (v) { if (typeof (nexacro._xreNamedColorList[v]) != "undefined") { this.color = nexacro._xreNamedColorList[v] + "FF"; } else { this.color = v; } this.color = v; return true; }, $s : function (name, fnname, val) { this[name] = val; } }, set_fillbrush : function (v) { return this.fillbrush.set_color(v); }, $s : function (name, fnname, val) { this[name] = val; } }; this._name = null; this.style.set_parentID(this._id); this.style.strokepen.set_parentID(this._id); this.style.fillbrush.set_parentID(this._id); }; var _pMapPolygon = nexacro.MapPolygon.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.EventSinkObject, nexacro.MapPolygon); _pMapPolygon._type_name = "MapPolygon"; _pMapPolygon.set_locationdata = function (v) { var _lat_lng_arr; _lat_lng_arr = v.toString().split("]"); if (!(_lat_lng_arr.length >= 2)) { return false; } this.locationdata = v; return true; }; _pMapPolygon.set_visible = function (v) { if (v == true || (typeof (v) == "string" && v == "true")) { this.visible = true; } else if (v == false || (typeof (v) == "string" && v == "false")) { this.visible = false; } else { return false; } return true; }; _pMapPolygon.set_style = function (v) { var v_arr = v.split(";"); var i = 0; var _v_arr; var ret = true; for (i = 0; i < v_arr.length; i++) { _v_arr = v_arr[i].split(":"); if (_v_arr.length != 2) { return false; } switch (_v_arr[0].split(" ").join("").toLowerCase()) { case "strokepen": ret = this.style.set_strokepen(_v_arr[1]); break; case "fillbrush": ret = this.style.set_fillbrush(_v_arr[1]); break; default: ret = false; break; } if (!ret) { return ret; } } return ret; }; delete _pMapPolygon; } } else if (nexacro.Device || nexacro.Browser != "Runtime" && !(nexacro.Browser == "IE" && nexacro.BrowserVersion <= 8)) { if (!nexacro.Map) { nexacro.MapEventInfo = function (obj, id, centerlocation, viewmode, zoomlevel, addresses, coordinates) { this.id = this.eventid = id; this.fromobject = this.fromreferenceobject = obj; this.centerlocation = centerlocation; this.viewmode = viewmode; this.zoomlevel = zoomlevel; this.addresses = addresses; this.coordinates = coordinates; }; var _pMapEventInfo = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.MapEventInfo); nexacro.MapEventInfo.prototype = _pMapEventInfo; _pMapEventInfo._type_name = "MapEventInfo"; delete _pMapEventInfo; nexacro.MapErrorEventInfo = function (obj, id, errorcode, errormsg) { this.id = this.eventid = id; this.fromobject = this.fromreferenceobject = obj; this.errortype = "ObjectError"; this.statuscode = errorcode; this.errormsg = errormsg; }; var _pMapErrorEventInfo = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.MapErrorEventInfo); nexacro.MapErrorEventInfo.prototype = _pMapErrorEventInfo; _pMapErrorEventInfo._type_name = "MapErrorEventInfo"; delete _pMapErrorEventInfo; nexacro.MapClickEventInfo = function (obj, id, location) { this.id = this.eventid = id; this.fromobject = this.fromreferenceobject = obj; this.location = location; }; nexacro.MapDragEventInfo = function (obj, id, location) { this.id = this.eventid = id; this.fromobject = this.fromreferenceobject = obj; this.location = location; }; var _pMapDragEventInfo = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.MapDragEventInfo); nexacro.MapDragEventInfo.prototype = _pMapDragEventInfo; _pMapDragEventInfo._type_name = "MapDragEventInfo"; delete _pMapDragEventInfo; nexacro.Map_Style = function (target, idx) { nexacro.Style.call(this, target, idx); if (target) { this._target = target; } this.zoomalign = { halign : "", valign : "" }; this.zoomalign.halign = "left"; this.zoomalign.valign = "top"; }; var _pMapStyle = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Style, nexacro.Map_Style); nexacro.Map_Style.prototype = _pMapStyle; _pMapStyle._type_name = "MapStyle"; eval(nexacro._createAlignAttributeEvalStr("_pMapStyle", "modealign")); eval(nexacro._createAlignAttributeEvalStr("_pMapStyle", "zoomalign")); eval(nexacro._createAlignAttributeEvalStr("_pMapStyle", "navigatoralign")); eval(nexacro._createAlignAttributeEvalStr("_pMapStyle", "mapscalealign")); _pMapStyle.set_zoomalign.valign = function (v) { _pMap.set_zoomalign("valign", v); }; _pMapStyle.findCurrentZoomalign = function (pseudo) { }; _pMapStyle.__custom_emptyObject = function () { this.modealign = null; this.navigatoralign = null; this.mapscalealign = null; }; _pMapStyle.__get_custom_style_value = function () { var val = ""; if (this.modealign._value.length) { val += "modealign:" + this.buttonalign._value + "; "; } if (this.zoomalign._value.length) { val += "zoomalign:" + this.buttonalign._value + "; "; } if (this.navigatoralign._value.length) { val += "navigatoralign:" + this.buttonalign._value + "; "; } if (this.mapscalealign._value.length) { val += "mapscalealign:" + this.buttonalign._value + "; "; } return val; }; nexacro.Map_CurrentStyle = function () { this.modealign = null; this.zoomalign = null; this.zoomalign = { align : "test1", valign : "to44p" }; this.navigatoralign = null; this.mapscalealign = null; }; var _pMapCurrentStyle = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.CurrentStyle, nexacro.Map_CurrentStyle); nexacro.Map_CurrentStyle.prototype = _pMapCurrentStyle; _pMapCurrentStyle.__custom_emptyObject = _pMapStyle.__custom_emptyObject; _pMapCurrentStyle.__get_custom_style_value = _pMapStyle.__get_custom_style_value; delete _pMapStyle; delete _pMapCurrentStyle; nexacro.googlemaps_loaded = false; nexacro.googlemaps_callback = function () { nexacro.googlemaps_loaded = true; }; nexacro.load_googlemaps = function () { if (nexacro.googlemaps_loaded) { return; } var script = document.createElement("script"); script.type = "text/javascript"; script.src = "http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?v=3.9&sensor=true&callback=nexacro.googlemaps_callback"; document.body.appendChild(script); }; nexacro.Map = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.Component.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); this._id = nexacro.Device.makeID(); nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._id] = this; this.name = id || ""; this.centerlocation = { latitude : 0, longitude : 0 }; this.location = { latitude : 0, longitude : 0 }; this.coordinates = { latitude : 0, longitude : 0 }; this._map_elem = null; this._google_map = null; this.maptype = 0; this.viewmode = 0; this.zoomlevel = 15; this.zoomalign_halign = "left"; this.zoomalign_valign = "top"; this.showmode = false; this.showzoom = false; this.shownavigator = false; this.showmapscale = false; this.enableevent = true; this.items = new Array(); this.itemsname = new Array(); this._itemsname = new Array(); this._items = new Array(); this._infowindowname = new Array(); this._infowindow = new Array(); this.bSensor = false; this.bLoaded = false; this.enable = true; this.draggable = false; this.googleloaded = null; this._event_list = { "onclick" : 1, "ondblclick" : 1, "onkeypress" : 1, "onkeydown" : 1, "onkeyup" : 1, "onkillfocus" : 1, "onsetfocus" : 1, "ondragstart" : 1, "ondrag" : 1, "ondragenter" : 1, "ondragleave" : 1, "ondragmove" : 1, "ondragend" : 1, "ondrop" : 1, "onlbuttondown" : 1, "onlbuttonup" : 1, "onmouseenter" : 1, "onmouseleave" : 1, "onmousemove" : 1, "onmove" : 1, "onsize" : 1, "onrbuttondown" : 1, "onrbuttonup" : 1, "onload" : 1, "onrecvsuccess" : 1, "onoverlayclick" : 1, "oncenterchanged" : 1, "onviewmodechanged" : 1, "onzoomchanged" : 1, "onmapdragstart" : 1, "onmapdrag" : 1, "onmapdragend" : 1, "onerror" : 1 }; nexacro.load_googlemaps(); }; var _pMap = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Component, nexacro.Map); nexacro.Map.prototype = _pMap; _pMap._type_name = "Map"; _pMap.centerlocation = { latitude : 0, longitude : 0 }; nexacro.Map._default_text_align = nexacro.Component._default_align; nexacro.Map._default_image_align = nexacro.Component._default_buttonimg_align; _pMap.on_apply_custom_pseudo = function (pseudo) { }; _pMap.set_draggable = function (v) { if (v == null) { return false; } else if (v) { if (v == true || (typeof (v) == "string" && v == "true")) { this.draggable = true; } else if (v == false || (typeof (v) == "string" && v == "false")) { this.draggable = false; } } else { return false; } }; _pMap.set_zoomalign = function (name, val) { if (name == "halign") { this.zoomalign_halign = val; } else if (name == "valign") { this.zoomalign_valign = val; } else { return false; } var __zoomalign = google.maps.ControlPosition.LEFT_TOP; __zoomalign = this._getalign(this.zoomalign_halign, this.zoomalign_valign); this.zoomalign = __zoomalign; this._google_map_option_test = { zoomControlOptions : { position : this.zoomalign, style : google.maps.ZoomControlStyle.DEFAULT } }; return true; }; _pMap._getalign = function (h, v) { if (h == "left") { if (v == "top") { return google.maps.ControlPosition.TOP_LEFT; } else if (v == "middle") { return google.maps.ControlPosition.LEFT; } else if (v == "bottom") { return google.maps.ControlPosition.LEFT_BOTTOM; } } else if (h == "center") { if (v == "top") { return google.maps.ControlPosition.TOP; } else if (v == "bottom") { return google.maps.ControlPosition.BOTTOM; } } else if (h == "right") { if (v == "top") { return google.maps.ControlPosition.TOP_LEFT; } else if (v == "middle") { return google.maps.ControlPosition.RIGHT; } else if (v == "bottom") { return google.maps.ControlPosition.RIGHT_BOTTOM; } } }; var _itemsname = new Array(); var _items = new Array(); var _infowindowname = new Array(); var _infowindow = new Array(); _pMap.set_viewmode = function (v) { if (v == null) { return false; } if (v != null) { this.viewmode = v; if (this.bLoaded) { this._google_map_option = { mapTypeId : this._getMapType(this.viewmode) }; this._google_map.setOptions(this._google_map_option); } return true; } else { return false; } }; _pMap.set_showmode = function (v) { if (v == null) { return false; } if (v != null) { if (v == true || (typeof (v) == "string" && v == "true")) { this.showmode = true; } else if (v == false || (typeof (v) == "string" && v == "false")) { this.showmode = false; } else { return false; } if (this.bLoaded) { var myLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng(37.5640, 126.9751); this._google_map_option_test = { mapTypeControl : this.showmode, mapTypeControlOptions : { style : google.maps.MapTypeControlStyle.DEFAULT, position : this.modealign } }; this._google_map.setOptions(this._google_map_option_test); } return true; } }; _pMap.set_showmapscale = function (v) { if (v == null) { return false; } if (v != null) { if (v == true || (typeof (v) == "string" && v == "true")) { this.showmapscale = true; } else if (v == false || (typeof (v) == "string" && v == "false")) { this.showmapscale = false; } else { return false; } if (this.bLoaded) { this._google_map_option_test = { mapTypeControl : this.showmapscale }; this._google_map.setOptions(this._google_map_option_test); } return true; } }; _pMap.set_showmapscale = function (v) { if (v == null) { return false; } if (v != null) { if (v == true || (typeof (v) == "string" && v == "true")) { this.showmapscale = true; } else if (v == false || (typeof (v) == "string" && v == "false")) { this.showmapscale = false; } else { return false; } if (this.bLoaded) { this._google_map_option_test = { scaleControl : this.showmapscale }; this._google_map.setOptions(this._google_map_option_test); } return true; } }; _pMap.set_shownavigator = function (v) { if (v == null) { return false; } if (v != null) { if (v == true || (typeof (v) == "string" && v == "true")) { this.shownavigator = true; } else if (v == false || (typeof (v) == "string" && v == "false")) { this.shownavigator = false; } else { return false; } if (this.bLoaded) { var myLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng(37.5640, 126.9751); this._google_map_option_test = { panControl : this.shownavigator }; this._google_map.setOptions(this._google_map_option_test); } return true; } }; _pMap._set_option = function () { var _mapType = this._getMapType(); var myOptions = { center : new google.maps.LatLng(this.centerlocation.latitude, this.centerlocation.longitude), mapTypeId : _mapType, zoom : this.zoomlevel, disableDefaultUI : true, mapTypeControl : this.showmode, mapTypeControlOptions : { style : google.maps.MapTypeControlStyle.DEFAULT, position : this.modealign }, scaleControl : this.showmapscale, scaleControlOptions : { position : this.mapscalealign }, panControl : this.shownavigator, panControlOptions : { position : this.navigatoralign }, zoomControl : this.showzoom, zoomControlOptions : { position : this.zoomalign, style : google.maps.ZoomControlStyle.SMALL } }; return myOptions; }; _pMap._getMapType = function (v) { var __maptype = google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP; switch (v) { default: case 0: __maptype = google.maps.MapTypeId.ROADMAP; break; case 1: __maptype = google.maps.MapTypeId.SATELLITE; break; case 2: __maptype = google.maps.MapTypeId.HYBRID; break; case 3: __maptype = google.maps.MapTypeId.TERRAIN; break; } return __maptype; }; _pMap.map_starter = function (v) { var map_type = this._getMapType(); this._google_map.setOptions(this.setOptions()); }; _pMap.set_zoomlevel = function (v) { this.zoomlevel = Number(v.toString()); }; _pMap.set_enable = function (v) { if (v == null) { return false; } else if (v) { if (v == true || (typeof (v) == "string" && v == "true")) { this.enable = true; } else if (v == false || (typeof (v) == "string" && v == "false")) { this.enable = false; } if (this.bLoaded) { this._google_map_option = { draggable : this.enable }; this._google_map.setOptions(this._google_map_option); } return true; } else { return false; } }; _pMap.set_visible = function (v) { if (v === undefined || v === null) { return; } v = nexacro._toBoolean(v); nexacro.Component.prototype.set_visible.call(this, v); var map_elem = this._map_elem; if (map_elem) { map_elem.setElementVisible(v); } }; _pMap.set_showzoom = function (v) { if (v == null) { return false; } if (v) { if (v == true || (typeof (v) == "string" && v == "true")) { this.showzoom = true; } else if (v == false || (typeof (v) == "string" && v == "false")) { this.showzoom = false; } else { return false; } if (this.bLoaded) { var myLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng(37.5640, 126.9751); this._google_map_option_test = { center : google.maps.LatLng(this.centerlocation.latitude, this.centerlocation.longitude), zoomControl : this.showzoom }; this._google_map.setOptions(this._google_map_option_test); } return true; } }; _pMap.on_create_custom_style = function () { return new nexacro.Map_Style(this); }; _pMap.on_create_custom_currentStyle = function () { return new nexacro.Map_CurrentStyle(); }; _pMap.on_apply_text = function () { var control_elem = this._control_element; if (this._control_element) { var text_elem = this._text_elem; if (!text_elem) { var text_elem = new nexacro.TextBoxElement(control_elem); this._text_elem = text_elem; text_elem.setElementSize(this._client_width, this._client_height); text_elem.setElementColor(this.currentstyle.color); text_elem.setElementFont(this.currentstyle.font); text_elem.setElementAlign(this.currentstyle.align); if (this._is_created) { text_elem.create(); } } if (this.text != "") { text_elem.setElementText(this.text); this._text_width = -1; this._text_height = -1; if (this._img_elem) { this._updateElementPositions(this.currentstyle.align, this.currentstyle.imagealign); } } else { text_elem.setElementText(""); this._text_width = 0; this._text_height = 0; if (this._img_elem) { this._updateElementPositions(this.currentstyle.align, this.currentstyle.imagealign); } } } }; _pMap.on_apply_expr = function () { var control = this.getElement(); var expr = this.expr; if (control && expr.length > 0) { expr = expr.trim().split(":"); var len = expr.length; var parser = new nexacro.ExprParser(); var conv_expr, exprfn; var str; if (len == 1) { str = expr[0]; } else { if (expr[0].trim().toUpperCase() != "EXPR") { str = expr.join(":"); } else { str = expr.slice(1).join(":"); } } conv_expr = parser.makeExpr(this, str); exprfn = nexacro._createInlineFunc(conv_expr, []); if (exprfn) { try { this.set_text(exprfn.call(this)); } catch (e) { return; } } } }; _pMap.on_apply_prop_taborder = function () { var textElem = this._text_elem; if (textElem) { if (this.tabstop) { textElem.setElementTabIndex(this._taborder); } else { textElem.setElementTabIndex(-1); } } }; _pMap.on_create_contents = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { var curstyle = this.currentstyle; var map_elem = this._map_elem = new nexacro.Element(control_elem); map_elem.setElementSize(this._client_width, this._client_height); map_elem.setElementFont(curstyle.font); map_elem.setElementColor(curstyle.color); map_elem.setElementAlign(curstyle.align); } }; _pMap.on_created_contents = function () { var map_elem = this._map_elem; if (map_elem) { map_elem.create(); } if (this.expr) { this.on_apply_expr(); } }; _pMap.on_destroy_contents = function () { var map_elem = this._map_elem; if (map_elem) { map_elem.destroy(); this._map_elem = null; } }; _pMap.__onTextchanged = function (obj, e) { }; _pMap.load = function (bUseSensor, nLatitude, nLongitude, constViewMode, nZoomLevel) { if (this.googlelaoded == null) { clearInterval(this.googleloaded); } if (nexacro.googlemaps_loaded == false) { this.googleloaded = setInterval(this.load.bind(this, bUseSensor, nLatitude, nLongitude, constViewMode, nZoomLevel), 200); return; } this._id = nexacro.Device.makeID(); var parentMap = nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._id] = this; if (arguments.length == 5) { var strlength = 0; try { strlength = nZoomLevel.toString().split(" ").join(""); } catch (e) { return false; } if (nZoomLevel.length == 0) { return false; } var nzoom = 0; try { nzoom = Number(nZoomLevel.toString()); } catch (e) { return false; } if (nzoom >= 0) { this.zoomlevel = nzoom; } else { return false; } } if (arguments.length >= 4) { if (constViewMode == 0 || (typeof (constViewMode) == "string" && constViewMode == "0")) { this.viewmode = 0; } else if (constViewMode == 1 || (typeof (constViewMode) == "string" && constViewMode == "1")) { this.viewmode = 1; } else if (constViewMode == 2 || (typeof (constViewMode) == "string" && constViewMode == "2")) { this.viewmode = 2; } else if (constViewMode == 3 || (typeof (constViewMode) == "string" && constViewMode == "3")) { this.viewmode = 3; } else { return false; } } if (arguments.length >= 3) { var strlength = 0; try { strlength = nLatitude.toString().split(" ").join(""); } catch (e) { return false; } if (strlength.length == 0) { return false; } try { strlength = nLongitude.toString().split(" ").join(""); } catch (e) { return false; } if (strlength.length == 0) { return false; } var nlat = 0; var nlon = 0; try { nlat = Number(nLatitude.toString()); } catch (e) { return false; } if ((+nlat) != (+nlat)) { return false; } try { nlon = Number(nLongitude.toString()); } catch (e) { return false; } if ((+nlon) != (+nlon)) { return false; } this.centerlocation.latitude = nlat; this.centerlocation.longitude = nlon; _pMap.centerlocation = { latitude : nlat, longitude : nlon }; } if (arguments.length >= 1) { if (bUseSensor == true || (typeof (bUseSensor) == "string" && bUseSensor == "true")) { this.bSensor = true; } else if (bUseSensor == false || (typeof (bUseSensor) == "string" && bUseSensor == "false")) { this.bSensor = false; } else { return false; } if (constViewMode == null) { this.viewmode = 0; } } else if (arguments.length == 0) { this.bSensor = false; } else { return false; } var map_elem = this._map_elem; if (map_elem) { map_elem.create(); } if (this.bSensor) { if (navigator.geolocation) { browserSupportFlag = true; navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function (position) { initialLocation = new google.maps.LatLng(position.coords.latitude, position.coords.longitude); google_map.setCenter(initialLocation); }, function () { parentMap._apply_onerror({ errorcode : "1503", errormsg : "Device provider disable" }); }); } else if (google.gears) { var geo = google.gears.factory.create('beta.geolocation'); geo.getCurrentPosition(function (position) { initialLocation = new google.maps.LatLng(position.latitude, position.longitude); myLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng(position.latitude, position.longitude); google_map.setCenter(initialLocation); }, function () { parentMap._apply_onerror({ errorcode : "1503", errormsg : "Device provider disable" }); }); } } else { var myLatlng = new google.maps.LatLng(this.centerlocation.latitude, this.centerlocation.longitude); } this._google_map_option = { center : myLatlng, panControl : this.shownavigator, zoomControl : this.showzoom, mapTypeControl : this.showmode, scaleControl : this.showmapscale, zoom : this.zoomlevel, disableDefaultUI : true, draggable : this.enable, mapTypeId : _pMap._getMapType(this.viewmode) }; var google_map = new google.maps.Map(map_elem._handle, this._google_map_option); this._google_map = google_map; _pMap._google_map = this._google_map; for (var i = 0; i < this.itemsname.length; i++) { if (this.items[this.itemsname[i]]._type == 0 || this.items[this.itemsname[i]]._type == 1) { _pMap.addMarker(this.itemsname[i], this.items[this.itemsname[i]]); } else if (this.items[this.itemsname[i]]._type == 2) { _pMap.addPolyline(this.itemsname[i], this.items[this.itemsname[i]]); } else if (this.items[this.itemsname[i]]._type == 3) { _pMap.addPolygon(this.itemsname[i], this.items[this.itemsname[i]]); } } google.maps.event.addListener(google_map, 'click', function (e) { if (parentMap.onclick && parentMap.onclick._has_handlers && parentMap.enableevent) { parentMap.location.latitude = e.latLng.lat(); parentMap.location.longitude = e.latLng.lng(); var evt = new nexacro.MapClickEventInfo(parentMap, "onclick", parentMap.location); parentMap.onclick._fireEvent(this, evt); } for (var i = 0; i < _infowindowname.length; i++) { var markerName = _infowindowname[i]; _infowindow[markerName].close(); } return true; }); google.maps.event.addListenerOnce(google_map, 'tilesloaded', function () { parentMap.bLoaded = true; parentMap._apply_onload(); google.maps.event.addListenerOnce(google_map, 'tilesloaded', function () { }); }); google.maps.event.addListener(google_map, 'dragstart', function (e) { }); google.maps.event.addListener(google_map, 'mouseout', function (e) { }); google.maps.event.addListener(google_map, 'dragenter', function (e) { }); google.maps.event.addListener(google_map, 'drag', function (e) { }); google.maps.event.addListener(google_map, 'dragend', function (e) { }); google.maps.event.addListener(google_map, 'center_changed', function (e) { if (parentMap.oncenterchanged && parentMap.oncenterchanged._has_handlers && parentMap.enableevent) { parentMap.centerlocation.latitude = google_map.getCenter().lat(); parentMap.centerlocation.longitude = google_map.getCenter().lng(); var evt = new nexacro.MapEventInfo(parentMap, "oncenterchanged", parentMap.centerlocation, parentMap.viewmode, parentMap.zoomlevel, parentMap.addresses, parentMap.coordinates); parentMap.oncenterchanged._fireEvent(this, evt); } return true; }); google.maps.event.addListener(google_map, 'maptypeid_changed', function (e) { if (parentMap.onviewmodechanged && parentMap.onviewmodechanged._has_handlers && parentMap.enableevent) { var evt = new nexacro.MapEventInfo(parentMap, "onviewmodechanged", parentMap.centerlocation, parentMap.viewmode, parentMap.zoomlevel, parentMap.addresses, parentMap.coordinates); parentMap.onviewmodechanged._fireEvent(this, evt); } return true; }); google.maps.event.addListener(google_map, 'zoom_changed', function (e) { if (parentMap.onzoomchanged && parentMap.onzoomchanged._has_handlers && parentMap.enableevent) { parentMap.zoomlevel = google_map.getZoom(); var evt = new nexacro.MapEventInfo(parentMap, "onzoomchanged", parentMap.centerlocation, parentMap.viewmode, parentMap.zoomlevel, parentMap.addresses, parentMap.coordinates); parentMap.onzoomchanged._fireEvent(this, evt); } return true; }); return true; }; _pMap.setMarkerLoc = function (strItemID, lat, lng) { this.items[strItemID].location.latitude = lat; this.items[strItemID].location.longitude = lng; }; _pMap.getAddress = function (nLatitude, nLongitude, nMaxResultCount, strLocale) { if (nLatitude == undefined || nLatitude == null) { return false; } if (nLongitude == undefined || nLongitude == null) { return false; } if (nMaxResultCount < 0) { return false; } if (nMaxResultCount == undefined || nMaxResultCount == null) { nMaxResultCount = 1; } var params = '{"nLatitude":"' + nLatitude + '","nLongitude":"' + nLongitude + '","nMaxResultCount":"' + nMaxResultCount + '","strLocale":"' + strLocale + '"}'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"NexacroMap", "method":"getAddress", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); return true; }; _pMap.getCoordinates = function (straddress) { if (straddress == undefined || straddress == null || straddress == "") { return false; } var params = '{"straddress":"' + straddress + '"}'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"NexacroMap", "method":"getCoordinates", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); return true; }; _pMap.addItem = function (strItemID, objComponent) { this._id = nexacro.Device.makeID(); var parentMap = nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._id] = this; if (strItemID == null || objComponent == null) { return false; } if (strItemID == "" || typeof (strItemID) == "undefined" || objComponent == "" || objComponent == "undefined" || strItemID.trim() == "") { return false; } if (typeof (this.items[strItemID]) != "undefined") { this._apply_onerror({ errorcode : "1501", errormsg : "item is already exist." }); return false; } if (objComponent instanceof nexacro.MapMarker || objComponent instanceof nexacro.MapPolyline || objComponent instanceof nexacro.MapPolygon) { this.items[strItemID] = objComponent; this.items.push(strItemID); if (this.bLoaded) { if (objComponent._type == 0 || objComponent._type == 1) { _pMap.addMarker(strItemID, objComponent, parentMap, this); } else if (objComponent._type == 2) { _pMap.addPolyline(strItemID, objComponent); } else if (objComponent._type == 3) { _pMap.addPolygon(strItemID, objComponent); } } return true; } else { return false; } }; _pMap.setMarkerOptions = function (markName, markObj) { if (typeof (_infowindow[markName]) == "undefined") { var temp_infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content : "" }); _infowindowname.push(markName); _infowindow[markName] = temp_infowindow; } var markerOpt; if (markObj.style.image.length > 0) { var _v = markObj.style.image.toString().split(" ").join(""); var img_path = ""; if (_v.substring(0, 9).toLowerCase() == "%userapp%") { img_path = "../" + _v.substring(9, _v.length); } else { img_path = _v; } markerOpt = { position : new google.maps.LatLng(markObj.location.latitude, markObj.location.longitude), title : markObj.text, visible : markObj.visible, icon : img_path, draggable : markObj.draggable }; } else { markerOpt = { position : new google.maps.LatLng(markObj.location.latitude, markObj.location.longitude), title : markObj.text, visible : markObj.visible, draggable : markObj.draggable }; } var contentString = "
" + markObj.text + "
"; _infowindow[markName].setContent(contentString); google.maps.event.addListener(_items[markName], 'click', function (e) { if (_items[markName].title.length > 0) { _infowindow[markName].open(_pMap._google_map, _items[markName]); } }); google.maps.event.addListener(_items[markName], 'drag', function (e) { }); google.maps.event.addListener(_pMap._google_map, 'click', function (e) { _infowindow[markName].close(); }); if (!markerOpt.visible && _infowindow[markName] != null) { _infowindow[markName].close(); } _items[markName].setOptions(markerOpt); }; _pMap.addMarker = function (markName, markObj, parentMap, obj) { if (typeof (_infowindow[markName]) == "undefined") { var temp_infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ content : "" }); _infowindowname.push(markName); _infowindow[markName] = temp_infowindow; } var contentString = "
" + markObj.text + "
"; _infowindow[markName].setContent(contentString); var marker; if (markObj.style.image.length > 0) { var _v = markObj.style.image.toString().split(" ").join(""); var img_path = ""; if (_v.substring(0, 9).toLowerCase() == "%userapp%") { img_path = nexacro.System.userapppath + _v.substring(9, _v.length); } else { img_path = _v; } marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position : new google.maps.LatLng(markObj.location.latitude, markObj.location.longitude), title : markObj.text, visible : markObj.visible, icon : img_path, draggable : markObj.draggable }); } else { marker = new google.maps.Marker({ position : new google.maps.LatLng(markObj.location.latitude, markObj.location.longitude), title : markObj.text, visible : markObj.visible, draggable : markObj.draggable }); } google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'dragstart', function (e) { if (parentMap.onmapdragstart && parentMap.onmapdragstart._has_handlers && parentMap.enableevent) { markObj.location.latitude = marker.getPosition().lat(); markObj.location.longitude = marker.getPosition().lng(); var evt = new nexacro.MapDragEventInfo(parentMap, "onmapdragstart", markObj.location); parentMap.onmapdragstart._fireEvent(obj, evt); } }); google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'drag', function (e) { if (parentMap.onmapdrag && parentMap.onmapdrag._has_handlers && parentMap.enableevent) { markObj.location.latitude = marker.getPosition().lat(); markObj.location.longitude = marker.getPosition().lng(); var evt = new nexacro.MapDragEventInfo(parentMap, "onmapdrag", markObj.location); parentMap.onmapdrag._fireEvent(obj, evt); } }); google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'dragend', function (e) { if (parentMap.onmapdragend && parentMap.onmapdragend._has_handlers && parentMap.enableevent) { markObj.location.latitude = marker.getPosition().lat(); markObj.location.longitude = marker.getPosition().lng(); var evt = new nexacro.MapDragEventInfo(parentMap, "onmapdragend", markObj.location); parentMap.onmapdragend._fireEvent(obj, evt); } }); google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'click', function (e) { if (marker.title.length > 0) { _infowindow[markName].open(_pMap._google_map, marker); } _pMap.gmap_onoverlayclick(markObj, e.latLng.lat(), e.latLng.lng(), e.pixel.x, e.pixel.y); }); google.maps.event.addListener(marker, 'drag', function (e) { }); marker.setMap(_pMap._google_map); _pMap._google_map.setCenter(marker.getPosition()); _itemsname.push(markName); _items[markName] = marker; markObj._map = this; markObj._name = markName; }; _pMap.addPolygon = function (polygonName, polygonObj) { var _path = new Array(); var _lat_lng_arr, _lat, _lng; _lat_lng_arr = polygonObj.locationdata.toString().split("]"); for (var i = 0; i < (_lat_lng_arr.length - 1); i++) { _lat = _lat_lng_arr[i].toString().split(",")[0].split(" ").join().substring(1); _lng = _lat_lng_arr[i].toString().split(",")[1].split(" ").join().substring(1); if (_lat.length > 0 && _lng.length > 0) { _path.push(new google.maps.LatLng(Number(_lat), Number(_lng))); } } var _color_stroke; if (typeof (nexacro._xreNamedColorList[polygonObj.style.strokepen.color]) != "undefined") { _color_stroke = nexacro._xreNamedColorList[polygonObj.style.strokepen.color] + "FF"; } else { _color_stroke = polygonObj.style.strokepen.color; } var _color_fill; if (typeof (nexacro._xreNamedColorList[polygonObj.style.fillbrush.color]) != "undefined") { _color_fill = nexacro._xreNamedColorList[polygonObj.style.fillbrush.color] + "FF"; } else { _color_fill = polygonObj.style.fillbrush.color; } var _alpha_stroke_1; var _alpha_stroke = 1.0; if (_color_stroke.length > 7) { _alpha_stroke_1 = parseInt(_color_stroke.substring(7), 16); _alpha_stroke = _alpha_stroke_1 / 255.0; } var _alpha_fill_1; var _alpha_fill = 1.0; if (_color_fill.length > 7) { _alpha_fill_1 = parseInt(_color_fill.substring(7), 16); _alpha_fill = _alpha_fill_1 / 255.0; } var polygonPath = new google.maps.Polygon({ paths : _path, strokeColor : _color_stroke.substring(0, 7), strokeOpacity : _alpha_stroke, strokeWeight : polygonObj.style.strokepen.width, fillColor : _color_fill.substring(0, 7), fillOpacity : _alpha_fill, visible : polygonObj.visible }); polygonPath.setMap(_pMap._google_map); _itemsname.push(polygonName); _items[polygonName] = polygonPath; polygonObj._map = this; polygonObj._name = polygonName; google.maps.event.addListener(_items[polygonName], 'click', function (e) { _pMap.gmap_onoverlayclick(polygonObj, e.latLng.lat(), e.latLng.lng(), 0, 0); }); }; _pMap.setPolylineOptions = function (polylineName, polylineObj) { var _path = new Array(); var _lat_lng_arr, _lat, _lng; _lat_lng_arr = polylineObj.locationdata.toString().split("]"); for (var i = 0; i < (_lat_lng_arr.length - 1); i++) { _lat = _lat_lng_arr[i].toString().split(",")[0].split(" ").join().substring(1); _lng = _lat_lng_arr[i].toString().split(",")[1].split(" ").join().substring(1); if (_lat.length > 0 && _lng.length > 0) { _path.push(new google.maps.LatLng(Number(_lat), Number(_lng))); } } var _color; if (typeof (this.parent.nexacro._xreNamedColorList[polylineObj.style.strokepen.color]) != "undefined") { _color = this.parent.nexacro._xreNamedColorList[polylineObj.style.strokepen.color] + "FF"; } else { _color = polylineObj.style.strokepen.color; } var _alpha_1; var _alpha = 1.0; if (_color.length > 7) { var _alpha_1 = parseInt(_color.substring(7), 16); var _alpha = _alpha_1 / 255.0; } var polyLineOpt = { path : _path, strokeColor : _color.substring(0, 7), strokeOpacity : _alpha, strokeWeight : polylineObj.style.strokepen.width, visible : polylineObj.visible }; google.maps.event.addListener(_items[polylineName], 'click', function (e) { __parent.gmap_onoverlayclick(_items[polylineName], e.latLng.lat(), e.latLng.lng(), 0, 0); }); _items[polylineName].setOptions(polyLineOpt); }; _pMap.addPolyline = function (polylineName, polylineObj) { var _path = new Array(); var _lat_lng_arr, _lat, _lng; _lat_lng_arr = polylineObj.locationdata.toString().split("]"); for (var i = 0; i < (_lat_lng_arr.length - 1); i++) { _lat = _lat_lng_arr[i].toString().split(",")[0].split(" ").join().substring(1); _lng = _lat_lng_arr[i].toString().split(",")[1].split(" ").join().substring(1); if (_lat.length > 0 && _lng.length > 0) { _path.push(new google.maps.LatLng(Number(_lat), Number(_lng))); } } var _color; if (typeof (nexacro._xreNamedColorList[polylineObj.style.strokepen.color]) != "undefined") { _color = nexacro._xreNamedColorList[polylineObj.style.strokepen.color] + "FF"; } else { _color = polylineObj.style.strokepen.color; } var _alpha_1; var _alpha = 1.0; if (_color.length > 7) { var _alpha_1 = parseInt(_color.substring(7), 16); var _alpha = _alpha_1 / 255.0; } var polyLinePath = new google.maps.Polyline({ path : _path, strokeColor : _color.substring(0, 7), strokeOpacity : _alpha, strokeWeight : polylineObj.style.strokepen.width, visible : polylineObj.visible }); polyLinePath.setMap(_pMap._google_map); _itemsname.push(polylineName); _items[polylineName] = polyLinePath; polylineObj._map = this; polylineObj._name = polylineName; google.maps.event.addListener(_items[polylineName], 'click', function (e) { _pMap.gmap_onoverlayclick(polylineObj, e.latLng.lat(), e.latLng.lng(), 0, 0); }); }; _pMap.setPolygonOptions = function (polygonName, polygonObj) { var _path = new Array(); var _lat_lng_arr, _lat, _lng, i; _lat_lng_arr = polygonObj.locationdata.toString().split("]"); for (i = 0; i < (_lat_lng_arr.length - 1); i++) { _lat = _lat_lng_arr[i].toString().split(",")[0].split(" ").join().substring(1); _lng = _lat_lng_arr[i].toString().split(",")[1].split(" ").join().substring(1); if (_lat.length > 0 && _lng.length > 0) { _path.push(new google.maps.LatLng(Number(_lat), Number(_lng))); } } var _color_stroke; if (typeof (this.parent.nexacro._xreNamedColorList[polygonObj.style.strokepen.color]) != "undefined") { _color_stroke = this.parent.nexacro._xreNamedColorList[polygonObj.style.strokepen.color] + "FF"; } else { _color_stroke = polygonObj.style.strokepen.color; } var _color_fill; if (typeof (this.parent.nexacro._xreNamedColorList[polygonObj.style.fillbrush.color]) != "undefined") { _color_fill = this.parent.nexacro._xreNamedColorList[polygonObj.style.fillbrush.color] + "FF"; } else { _color_fill = polygonObj.style.fillbrush.color; } var _alpha_stroke_1; var _alpha_stroke = 1.0; if (_color_stroke.length > 7) { _alpha_stroke_1 = parseInt(_color_stroke.substring(7), 16); _alpha_stroke = _alpha_stroke_1 / 255.0; } var _alpha_fill_1; var _alpha_fill = 1.0; if (_color_fill.length > 7) { _alpha_fill_1 = parseInt(_color_fill.substring(7), 16); _alpha_fill = _alpha_fill_1 / 255.0; } var polygonOpt = { paths : _path, strokeColor : _color_stroke.substring(0, 7), strokeOpacity : _alpha_stroke, strokeWeight : polygonObj.style.strokepen.width, fillColor : _color_fill.substring(0, 7), fillOpacity : _alpha_fill, visible : polygonObj.visible }; google.maps.event.addListener(_items[polygonName], 'click', function (e) { __parent.gmap_onoverlayclick(_items[polygonName], e.latLng.lat(), e.latLng.lng(), 0, 0); }); _items[polygonName].setOptions(polygonOpt); }; _pMap.removeItem = function (strItemID) { if (strItemID == null) { return false; } if (strItemID == "" || typeof (strItemID) == "undefined") { return false; } if (typeof (this.items[strItemID]) == "undefined") { this._apply_onerror({ errorcode : "1502", errormsg : "item is not exist." }); return false; } else { delete this.items[strItemID]; for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++) { if (this.items[i] == strItemID) { var position = this.items.indexOf(this.items[i]); this.items.splice(position, i + 1); } } if (this.bLoaded) { _pMap._removeItem(strItemID); } return true; } }; _pMap._removeItem = function (itemname) { _items[itemname].setMap(null); if (typeof (_items[itemname].title) != "undefined") { delete _infowindow[itemname]; for (i = 0; i < _infowindow.length; i++) { if (_infowindowname[i] == itemname) { _infowindowname.splice(i + 1, i + 1); } } } delete _items[itemname]; for (i = 0; i < _itemsname.length; i++) { if (_itemsname[i] == itemname) { _itemsname.splice(i + 1, i + 1); } } return true; }; _pMap.gmap_ondrag = function (lat, lng) { this.on_fire_ondragstart(this, new nexacro.MapDragEventInfo("ondrag")); }; _pMap.gmap_ondragenter = function (objData) { this._fire_ondragenter(this, new nexacro.MapDragEventInfo("ondragenter")); }; _pMap.gmap_ondragmove = function (lat, lng) { this._location.latitude = lat; this._location.longitude = lng; this.centerlocation.latitude = this._location.latitude; this.centerlocation.longitude = this._location.longitude; }; _pMap.gmap_ondragleave = function (objData) { this._fire_ondragleave(this, new nexacro.MapDragEventInfo("ondragleave")); }; _pMap.gmap_dragend = function (lat, lng) { this._location.latitude = lat; this._location.longitude = lng; }; _pMap.gmap_onclick = function (lat, lng, x, y) { this._location.latitude = lat; this._location.longitude = lng; this._pixel.x = x; this._pixel.y = y; this.kindClick = "normalclick"; }; _pMap.gmap_onoverlayclick = function (fromobj, lat, lng, x, y) { this._location.latitude = lat; this._location.longitude = lng; this._pixel.x = x; this._pixel.y = y; this.overlayfromobj = fromobj; this.kindClick = "overlayclick"; }; _pMap._on_click = function (elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY) { }; _pMap._on_sys_click = function (node, e, bubble) { var e = e.changedTouches ? e.changedTouches[0] : e; nexacro.ajaxlog("_on_sys_click" + e.screenX + "," + e.screenY + ":" + node + ":" + e + ":" + bubble + "]"); if (this.$IsReadyFireEvent() && this.$isEnable() && this.enableevent) { if (this.kindClick == "normalclick") { this._fire_onclick(node._comp, e); } else { if (this.kindClick == "overlayclick" && typeof (this.overlayfromobj) != "undefined") { this._fire_onoverlayclick(node._comp, e); } } } return true; }; _pMap._fire_onclick = function (obj, e) { if (this.onclick._has_handlers) { this.bClicked = false; var evt = new nexacro.MapClickEventInfo(this, obj, "onclick", e, this._location, this._pixel); return this.onclick._fireEvent(this, evt); } else { this.bClicked = true; } return false; }; _pMap._fire_onoverlayclick = function (obj, e) { if (this.onoverlayclick && this.onoverlayclick._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.MapClickEventInfo(this, this.overlayfromobj, "onoverlayclick", e, this._location, this._pixel); return this.onoverlayclick._fireEvent(this, evt); } }; _pMap._apply_onload = function () { if (this.enable == false) { } else if (this.enable == true) { } this.on_fire_onload(this); }; _pMap.on_fire_onload = function (obj) { if (this.onload && this.onload._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.MapEventInfo(obj, "onload", this.centerlocation, this.viewmode, this.zoomlevel, this.addresses, this.coordinates); return this.onload._fireEvent(this, evt); } return true; }; _pMap._onrecvsuccess = function (objData) { if (objData.latitude == undefined || objData.latitude == null || objData.latitude == "" || objData.longitude == undefined || objData.longitude == null || objData.longitude == "") { this.on_fire_onrecvsuccess(this, objData.eventid, objData.addresses, this.coordinates); } else { this.coordinates.latitude = objData.latitude; this.coordinates.longitude = objData.longitude; this.on_fire_onrecvsuccess(this, objData.eventid, objData.addresses, this.coordinates); } }; _pMap.on_fire_onrecvsuccess = function (obj, id, addresses, coordinates) { var evt = new nexacro.MapEventInfo(obj, id, this.centerlocation, this.viewmode, this.zoomlevel, addresses, this.coordinates); return this.onrecvsuccess._fireEvent(this, evt); }; _pMap._apply_onerror = function (objData) { var _objData = eval(objData); this.on_fire_onerror(this, _objData); }; _pMap.on_fire_onerror = function (obj, e) { if (this.onerror && this.onerror._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.MapErrorEventInfo(this, "onerror", e.errorcode, e.errormsg); return this.onerror._fireEvent(this, evt); } return true; }; _pMap.on_change_containerRect = function (width, height) { var map_elem = this._map_elem; if (map_elem) { map_elem.setElementSize(width, height); } }; _pMap.__onDragEnter = function (obj, e) { console.debug("__ondragEnter"); }; delete _pMap; } if (!nexacro.MapMarker) { nexacro.MapMarker = function (name, obj) { this._id = nexacro.Device.makeID(); nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._id] = this; this.name = name || ""; this._type = 0; this.enableevent = true; this.location = { _MapMarkerID : 0, set_parentID : function (_id) { this._MapMarkerID = _id; }, latitude : 0, longitude : 0, set_latitude : function (lat) { var strlength = 0; try { strlength = lat.toString().split(" ").join(""); } catch (e) { return false; } if (strlength.length == 0) { return false; } var nlat = 0; try { nlat = Number(lat.toString()); } catch (e) { return false; } if ((+nlat) != (+nlat)) { return false; } this.latitude = nlat; var __parent = nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._MapMarkerID]; if (__parent._map != null) { __parent._map.setMarkerOptions(__parent._name, __parent); } return true; }, set_longitude : function (lon) { var strlength = 0; try { strlength = lon.toString().split(" ").join(""); } catch (e) { return false; } if (strlength.length == 0) { return false; } var nlon = 0; try { nlon = Number(lon.toString()); } catch (e) { return false; } if ((+nlon) != (+nlon)) { return false; } this.longitude = nlon; var __parent = nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._MapMarkerID]; if (__parent._map != null) { __parent._map.setMarkerOptions(__parent._name, __parent); } return true; }, $s : function (name, fnname, val) { var fn = this[fnname]; if (fn) { return fn.call(this, val); } return (this[name] = val); } }; this.text = ""; this.visible = true; this.draggable = false; this.style = { _MapMarkerID : 0, set_parentID : function (_id) { this._MapMarkerID = _id; }, align : { _MapMarkerID : 0, set_parentID : function (_id) { this._MapMarkerID = _id; }, halign : "center", valign : "middle", set_halign : function (v) { var _v = v.toString().split(" ").join("").toLowerCase(); if (_v == "left" || _v == "center" || _v == "right") { this.halign = _v; var __parent = nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._MapMarkerID]; if (__parent._map != null) { __parent._map.setMarkerOptions(__parent._name, __parent); } return true; } else { return false; } }, set_valign : function (v) { var _v = v.toString().split(" ").join("").toLowerCase(); if (_v == "top" || _v == "middle" || _v == "bottom") { this.valign = _v; var __parent = nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._MapMarkerID]; if (__parent._map != null) { __parent._map.setMarkerOptions(__parent._name, __parent); } return true; } else { return false; } }, $s : function (name, fnname, val) { var fn = this[fnname]; if (fn) { return fn.call(this, val); } return (this[name] = val); } }, image : "", set_align : function (v) { var v_arr = v.split(" "); var ret = true; if (v_arr.length != 2) { return false; } ret = this.align.set_halign(v_arr[0]); if (!ret) { return ret; } ret = this.align.set_valign(v_arr[1]); var __parent = nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._MapMarkerID]; if (__parent._map != null) { __parent._map.setMarkerOptions(__parent._name, __parent); } return ret; }, set_image : function (v) { this._type = 1; this.image = v; var __parent = nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._MapMarkerID]; if (__parent._map != null) { __parent._map.setMarkerOptions(__parent._name, __parent); } return true; }, $s : function (name, fnname, val) { var fn = this[fnname]; if (fn) { return fn.call(this, val); } return (this[name] = val); } }; this._map = null; this._name = null; this.location.set_parentID(this._id); this.style.set_parentID(this._id); this.style.align.set_parentID(this._id); }; var _pMapMarker = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.EventSinkObject, nexacro.MapMarker); nexacro.MapMarker.prototype = _pMapMarker; _pMapMarker._type_name = "MapMarker"; _pMapMarker.set_location = function (v) { if (v != null) { var _v_arr = v.split(","); if (_v_arr.length != 2) { return false; } var lat = _v_arr[0]; var lon = _v_arr[1]; var strlength = 0; try { strlength = lat.toString().split(" ").join(""); } catch (e) { return false; } if (strlength.length == 0) { return false; } try { strlength = lon.toString().split(" ").join(""); } catch (e) { return false; } if (strlength.length == 0) { return false; } var nlat = 0; var nlon = 0; try { nlat = Number(lat.toString()); } catch (e) { return false; } if ((+nlat) != (+nlat)) { return false; } try { nlon = Number(lon.toString()); } catch (e) { return false; } if ((+nlon) != (+nlon)) { return false; } this.location.latitude = nlat; this.location.longitude = nlon; } else { return false; } if (this._map != null) { this._map.setMarkerOptions(this._name, this); } return true; }; _pMapMarker.set_text = function (v) { this.text = v.replace(new RegExp('\r?\n', 'g'), '
'); if (this._map != null) { this._map.setMarkerOptions(this._name, this); } return true; }; _pMapMarker.set_draggable = function (v) { if (v == null) { return false; } else if (v) { if (v == true || (typeof (v) == "string" && v == "true")) { this.draggable = true; } else if (v == false || (typeof (v) == "string" && v == "false")) { this.draggable = false; } } else { return false; } }; _pMapMarker.set_visible = function (v) { if (v == true || (typeof (v) == "string" && v == "true")) { this.visible = true; } else if (v == false || (typeof (v) == "string" && v == "false")) { this.visible = false; } else { return false; } if (this._map != null) { this._map.setMarkerOptions(this._name, this); } return true; }; _pMapMarker.set_style = function (v) { var v_arr = v.split(";"); var i = 0; var _v_arr; var ret = true; for (i = 0; i < v_arr.length; i++) { _v_arr = v_arr[i].split(":"); if (_v_arr.length != 2) { return false; } switch (_v_arr[0].split(" ").join("").toLowerCase()) { case "align": ret = this.style.set_align(_v_arr[1]); break; case "image": ret = this.style.set_image(_v_arr[1]); break; default: ret = false; break; } if (!ret) { return ret; } } if (this._map != null) { this._map.setMarkerOptions(this._name, this); } return ret; }; delete _pMapMarker; } if (!nexacro.MapPolyline) { nexacro.MapPolyline = function (name, obj) { this._id = nexacro.Device.makeID(); nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._id] = this; this.name = name || ""; this._type = 2; this.locationdata = ""; this.visible = true; this.enableevent = true; this.style = { _MapMarkerID : 0, set_parentID : function (_id) { this._MapMarkerID = _id; }, strokepen : { _MapMarkerID : 0, set_parentID : function (_id) { this._MapMarkerID = _id; }, width : "", color : "", set_width : function (v) { var nWidth = 0; try { nWidth = Number(v.toString()); } catch (e) { return false; } if ((+nWidth) != (+nWidth)) { return false; } this.width = nWidth; var __parent = nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._MapMarkerID]; if (__parent._map != null) { __parent._map.setPolylineOptions(__parent._name, __parent); } return true; }, set_color : function (v) { this.color = v; var __parent = nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._MapMarkerID]; if (__parent._map != null) { __parent._map.setPolylineOptions(__parent._name, __parent); } return true; }, $s : function (name, fnname, val) { var fn = this[fnname]; if (fn) { return fn.call(this, val); } return (this[name] = val); } }, set_strokepen_width : function (v) { var ret = true; ret = this.strokepen.set_width(v); var __parent = nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._MapMarkerID]; if (__parent._map != null) { __parent._map.setPolylineOptions(__parent._name, __parent); } return ret; }, set_strokepen_color : function (v) { var ret = true; ret = this.strokepen.set_color(v); var __parent = nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._MapMarkerID]; if (__parent._map != null) { __parent._map.setPolylineOptions(__parent._name, __parent); } return ret; }, $s : function (name, fnname, val) { var fn = this[fnname]; if (fn) { return fn.call(this, val); } return (this[name] = val); } }; this._map = null; this._name = null; this.style.set_parentID(this._id); this.style.strokepen.set_parentID(this._id); }; var _pMapPolyline = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.EventSinkObject, nexacro.MapPolyline); nexacro.MapPolyline.prototype = _pMapPolyline; _pMapPolyline._type_name = "MapPolyline"; _pMapPolyline.set_locationdata = function (v) { var _lat_lng_arr; _lat_lng_arr = v.toString().split("]"); if (!(_lat_lng_arr.length >= 2)) { return false; } this.locationdata = v; if (this._map != null) { this._map.setPolylineOptions(this._name, this); } return true; }; _pMapPolyline.set_visible = function (v) { if (v == true || (typeof (v) == "string" && v == "true")) { this.visible = true; } else if (v == false || (typeof (v) == "string" && v == "false")) { this.visible = false; } else { return false; } if (this._map != null) { this._map.setPolylineOptions(this._name, this); } return true; }; _pMapPolyline.set_style = function (v) { var v_arr = v.split(";"); var i = 0; var _v_arr; var ret = true; for (i = 0; i < v_arr.length; i++) { _v_arr = v_arr[i].split(":"); if (_v_arr.length != 2) { return false; } switch (_v_arr[0].split(" ").join("").toLowerCase()) { case "strokepen": ret = this.style.set_strokepen(_v_arr[1]); break; default: ret = false; break; } if (!ret) { return ret; } } if (this._map != null) { this._map.setPolylineOptions(this._name, this); } return ret; }; delete _pMapPolyline; } if (!nexacro.MapPolygon) { nexacro.MapPolygon = function (name, obj) { this._id = nexacro.Device.makeID(); nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._id] = this; this.name = name || ""; this._type = 3; this.locationdata = ""; this.visible = true; this.enableevent = true; this.style = { _MapMarkerID : 0, set_parentID : function (_id) { this._MapMarkerID = _id; }, strokepen : { _MapMarkerID : 0, set_parentID : function (_id) { this._MapMarkerID = _id; }, width : "", color : "", set_width : function (v) { var nWidth = 0; try { nWidth = Number(v.toString()); } catch (e) { return false; } if ((+nWidth) != (+nWidth)) { return false; } this.width = nWidth; var __parent = nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._MapMarkerID]; if (__parent._map != null) { __parent._map.setPolygonOptions(__parent._name, __parent); } return true; }, set_color : function (v) { this.color = v; var __parent = nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._MapMarkerID]; if (__parent._map != null) { __parent._map.setPolygonOptions(__parent._name, __parent); } return true; }, $s : function (name, fnname, val) { var fn = this[fnname]; if (fn) { return fn.call(this, val); } return (this[name] = val); } }, set_strokepen : function (v) { var v_arr = v.split(" "); var ret = true; if (v_arr.length != 2) { ret = false; } else { ret = this.strokepen.set_width(v_arr[0]); if (!ret) { return ret; } ret = this.strokepen.set_color(v_arr[1]); } var __parent = nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._MapMarkerID]; if (__parent._map != null) { __parent._map.setPolygonOptions(__parent._name, __parent); } return ret; }, fillbrush : { _MapMarkerID : 0, set_parentID : function (_id) { this._MapMarkerID = _id; }, color : "", set_color : function (v) { this.color = v; var __parent = nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._MapMarkerID]; if (__parent._map != null) { __parent._map.setPolygonOptions(__parent._name, __parent); } return true; }, $s : function (name, fnname, val) { var fn = this[fnname]; if (fn) { return fn.call(this, val); } return (this[name] = val); } }, set_fillbrush : function (v) { return this.fillbrush.set_color(v); }, $s : function (name, fnname, val) { var fn = this[fnname]; if (fn) { return fn.call(this, val); } return (this[name] = val); } }; this._map = null; this._name = null; this.style.set_parentID(this._id); this.style.strokepen.set_parentID(this._id); this.style.fillbrush.set_parentID(this._id); }; var _pMapPolygon = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.EventSinkObject, nexacro.MapPolygon); nexacro.MapPolygon.prototype = _pMapPolygon; _pMapPolygon._type_name = "MapPolygon"; _pMapPolygon.set_locationdata = function (v) { var _lat_lng_arr; _lat_lng_arr = v.toString().split("]"); if (!(_lat_lng_arr.length >= 2)) { return false; } this.locationdata = v; if (this._map != null) { this._map.setPolygonOptions(this._name, this); } return true; }; _pMapPolygon.set_visible = function (v) { if (v == true || (typeof (v) == "string" && v == "true")) { this.visible = true; } else if (v == false || (typeof (v) == "string" && v == "false")) { this.visible = false; } else { return false; } if (this._map != null) { this._map.setPolygonOptions(this._name, this); } return true; }; _pMapPolygon.set_style = function (v) { var v_arr = v.split(";"); var i = 0; var _v_arr; var ret = true; for (i = 0; i < v_arr.length; i++) { _v_arr = v_arr[i].split(":"); if (_v_arr.length != 2) { return false; } switch (_v_arr[0].split(" ").join("").toLowerCase()) { case "strokepen": ret = this.style.set_strokepen(_v_arr[1]); break; case "fillbrush": ret = this.style.set_fillbrush(_v_arr[1]); break; default: ret = false; break; } if (!ret) { return ret; } } if (this._map != null) { this._map.setPolygonOptions(this._name, this); } return ret; }; delete _pMapPolygon; } } else { if (!nexacro.Map) { nexacro.Map = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.Component.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); }; var _pMap = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Component, nexacro.Map); nexacro.Map.prototype = _pMap; _pMap._type = "nexacroMap"; _pMap._type_name = "Map"; _pMap.set_text = function (v) { }; _pMap.set_viewmode = function (v) { }; _pMap.set_zoomlevel = function (v) { }; _pMap.set_showzoom = function (v) { }; _pMap.set_shownavigator = function (v) { }; _pMap.set_showcompass = function (v) { }; _pMap.set_enable = function (v) { }; _pMap.set_visible = function (v) { }; _pMap.set_showmapscale = function (v) { }; _pMap.set_centerlocation = function (v) { }; _pMap.set_showmode = function (v) { }; _pMap.set_zoomalign = function (v) { }; _pMap.set_navigatoralign = function (v) { }; _pMap.set_mapscalealign = function (v) { }; _pMap.set_draggable = function (v) { }; _pMap.load = function (bUseSensor, nLatitude, nLongitude, constViewMode, nZoomLevel) { }; _pMap.setMarkerLoc = function (strItemID, lat, lng) { }; _pMap.getAddress = function (nLatitude, nLongitude, nMaxResultCount, strLocale) { }; _pMap.getCoordinates = function (straddress) { }; _pMap.addItem = function (strItemID, objComponent) { }; _pMap.setMarkerOptions = function (markName, markObj) { }; _pMap.addMarker = function (elem, markName, markObj) { }; _pMap.addPolyline = function (elem, polylineName, polylineObj) { }; _pMap.removeItem = function (strItemID) { }; _pMap._removeItem = function (elem, itemname) { }; delete _pMap; } if (!nexacro.MapMarker) { nexacro.MapMarker = function (name, obj) { }; var _pMapMarker = nexacro.MapMarker.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.EventSinkObject, nexacro.MapMarker); _pMapMarker._type_name = "MapMarker"; _pMapMarker.set_location = function (v) { }; _pMapMarker.set_text = function (v) { }; _pMapMarker.set_draggable = function (v) { }; _pMapMarker.set_visible = function (v) { }; _pMapMarker.set_style = function (v) { }; delete _pMapMarker; } if (!nexacro.MapPolyline) { } if (!nexacro.MapPolygon) { } }