//============================================================================== // // TOBESOFT Co., Ltd. // Copyright 2014 TOBESOFT Co., Ltd. // All Rights Reserved. // // NOTICE: TOBESOFT permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file // in accordance with the terms of the license agreement accompanying it. // // Readme URL: http://www.nexacro.co.kr/legal/nexacro-public-license-readme-1.1.html // //============================================================================== if (!nexacro.MaskEdit) { nexacro.MaskEdit_Style = function (target) { nexacro.Style.call(this); if (target) { this._target = target; } this.caretcolor = null; this.compositecolor = null; this.displaynulltextcolor = null; }; var _pMaskEditStyle = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Style, nexacro.MaskEdit_Style); nexacro.MaskEdit_Style.prototype = _pMaskEditStyle; eval(nexacro._createColorAttributeEvalStr("_pMaskEditStyle", "caretcolor")); eval(nexacro._createColorAttributeEvalStr("_pMaskEditStyle", "compositecolor")); eval(nexacro._createColorAttributeEvalStr("_pMaskEditStyle", "selectcolor")); eval(nexacro._createColorAttributeEvalStr("_pMaskEditStyle", "selectbackground")); eval(nexacro._createColorAttributeEvalStr("_pMaskEditStyle", "displaynulltextcolor")); _pMaskEditStyle.__custom_emptyObject = function () { this.caretcolor = null; this.compositecolor = null; this.selectcolor = null; this.selectbackground = null; this.displaynulltextcolor = null; }; _pMaskEditStyle.__get_custom_style_value = function () { var val = ""; if (this.caretcolor && !this.caretcolor._is_empty) { val += "caretcolor:" + this.caretcolor._value + "; "; } if (this.compositecolor && !this.compositecolor._is_empty) { val += "compositecolor:" + this.compositecolor._value + "; "; } if (this.selectcolor && !this.selectcolor._is_empty) { val += "selectcolor:" + this.selectcolor._value + "; "; } if (this.selectbackground && !this.selectbackground._is_empty) { val += "selectbackground:" + this.selectbackground._value + "; "; } if (this.displaynulltextcolor && !this.displaynulltextcolor._is_empty) { val += "displaynulltextcolor:" + this.displaynulltextcolor._value + "; "; } return val; }; nexacro.MaskEdit_CurrentStyle = function () { nexacro.CurrentStyle.call(this); this.caretcolor = null; this.compositecolor = null; this.selectcolor = null; this.selectbackground = null; this.displaynulltextcolor = null; }; var _pMaskEditCurrentStyle = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.CurrentStyle, nexacro.MaskEdit_CurrentStyle); nexacro.MaskEdit_CurrentStyle.prototype = _pMaskEditCurrentStyle; _pMaskEditCurrentStyle.__custom_emptyObject = _pMaskEditStyle.__custom_emptyObject; _pMaskEditCurrentStyle.__get_custom_style_value = _pMaskEditStyle.__get_custom_style_value; delete _pMaskEditStyle; delete _pMaskEditCurrentStyle; _pMaskEditStyle = null; _pMaskEditCurrentStyle = null; nexacro.MaskEdit = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.Component.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); this.type = "number"; this.limitbymask = "decimal"; this.trimtype = "none"; this.value = undefined; this.text = ""; this.displaynulltext = ""; this.readonly = false; this.autoselect = false; this.autoskip = false; this.clipmode = "includespace"; this.mask = ""; this.maskchar = "_"; this.updatebindingvalue = "default"; this.usesoftkeyboard = true; this.useinputpanel = true; this.usecontextmenu = true; this._activate_flag = false; this._is_focusing = false; this._event_list = { "onclick" : 1, "ondblclick" : 1, "onkeypress" : 1, "onkeydown" : 1, "onkeyup" : 1, "onkillfocus" : 1, "onsetfocus" : 1, "ondrag" : 1, "ondragenter" : 1, "ondragleave" : 1, "ondragmove" : 1, "ondrop" : 1, "ondragend" : 1, "onlbuttondown" : 1, "onlbuttonup" : 1, "onrbuttondown" : 1, "onrbuttonup" : 1, "onmouseenter" : 1, "onmouseleave" : 1, "onmousemove" : 1, "onmove" : 1, "onsize" : 1, "oneditclick" : 1, "canchange" : 1, "cancharchange" : 1, "onchanged" : 1, "onchar" : 1, "ontextchange" : 1, "ontextchanged" : 1, "oncontextmenu" : 1, "onfling" : 1, "onflingstart" : 1, "onflingend" : 1, "onpinch" : 1, "onpinchstart" : 1, "onpinchend" : 1, "onslide" : 1, "onslidestart" : 1, "onslideend" : 1, "ontouchstart" : 1, "ontouchmove" : 1, "ontouchend" : 1, "onlongpress" : 1 }; this._input_element = null; this._edit_base_api = null; this._accessibility_role = "edit"; this._caret_pos = { begin : -1, end : -1 }; this._setcaret = false; this._textchanging = false; this._dsupdate_in_textchanging = false; this._dsupdate_cancel = false; this._has_inputElement = true; this._locale = ""; }; var _pMaskEdit = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Component, nexacro.MaskEdit); nexacro.MaskEdit.prototype = _pMaskEdit; _pMaskEdit._type_name = "MaskEdit"; _pMaskEdit.on_apply_custom_pseudo = function (pseudo) { if (pseudo) { this._pseudo = pseudo; } else if (this._pseudo) { pseudo = this._pseudo; } var curstyle = this.currentstyle; var align = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_align(pseudo) || nexacro.Component._default_left_align; if (align != curstyle.align) { curstyle.align = align; this.on_apply_style_align(align); } var font = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_font(pseudo); if (font != curstyle.font) { curstyle.font = font; this.on_apply_style_font(font); } var letterspace = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_letterspace(letterspace); if (letterspace != curstyle.letterspace) { curstyle.letterspace = letterspace; this.on_apply_style_letterspace(letterspace); } var color = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_color(pseudo); if (color != curstyle.color) { curstyle.color = color; this.on_apply_style_color(color); } color = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_caretcolor(pseudo); if (color != curstyle.caretcolor) { curstyle.caretcolor = color; this.on_apply_style_caretcolor(color); } color = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_compositecolor(pseudo); if (color != curstyle.compositecolor) { curstyle.compositecolor = color; this.on_apply_style_compositecolor(color); } color = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_selectcolor(pseudo); if (color != curstyle.selectcolor) { curstyle.selectcolor = color; this.on_apply_style_selectcolor(color); } color = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_displaynulltextcolor(pseudo); if (color != curstyle.displaynulltextcolor) { curstyle.displaynulltextcolor = color; this.on_apply_style_displaynulltextcolor(color); } color = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_selectbackground(pseudo); if (color != curstyle.selectbackground) { curstyle.selectbackground = color; this.on_apply_style_selectbackground(color); } var rtlimagemirroring = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_rtlimagemirroring(pseudo); if (rtlimagemirroring != curstyle.rtlimagemirroring) { curstyle.rtlimagemirroring = rtlimagemirroring; this.on_apply_style_rtlimagemirroring(rtlimagemirroring); } }; _pMaskEdit.on_create_custom_style = function () { return new nexacro.MaskEdit_Style(this); }; _pMaskEdit.on_create_custom_currentStyle = function () { return new nexacro.MaskEdit_CurrentStyle(); }; _pMaskEdit.on_find_CurrentStyle_cursor = function (pseudo) { var cursor = ""; if (!this._isEnable() && this.parent && !this.parent._is_application) { if (!this._is_subcontrol) { cursor = this.parent._find_pseudo_obj("cursor", pseudo, "value"); } else { var p = this.parent; while (p && p._is_form) { p = p.parent; } if (p) { cursor = p._find_pseudo_obj("cursor", pseudo, "value"); } else { cursor = null; } } } else { cursor = this._find_pseudo_obj("cursor", pseudo, "value"); } return (cursor) ? cursor : nexacro.Component._default_cursor; }; _pMaskEdit.on_find_CurrentStyle_caretcolor = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("caretcolor", pseudo, "color"); }; _pMaskEdit.on_find_CurrentStyle_compositecolor = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("compositecolor", pseudo, "color"); }; _pMaskEdit.on_find_CurrentStyle_selectcolor = function (pseudo) { var color = this._find_pseudo_obj("selectcolor", pseudo, "color"); if (!color) { if (pseudo == "focused") { color = nexacro.Edit._focused_selectcolor; } else { color = nexacro.Edit._default_selectcolor; } } return color; }; _pMaskEdit.on_find_CurrentStyle_displaynulltextcolor = function (pseudo) { var displaynulltextcolor = this._find_pseudo_obj("displaynulltextcolor", pseudo, "color"); if (!displaynulltextcolor) { displaynulltextcolor = this._find_pseudo_obj("color", pseudo, "color"); } if (!displaynulltextcolor) { displaynulltextcolor = this._find_inherit_pseudo_obj("color", pseudo, "color"); } return (displaynulltextcolor) ? displaynulltextcolor : nexacro.Component._default_color; }; _pMaskEdit.on_find_CurrentStyle_selectbackground = function (pseudo) { var bkcolor = this._find_pseudo_obj("selectbackground", pseudo, "background"); return (bkcolor) ? bkcolor : nexacro.Edit._default_selectbackground; }; _pMaskEdit.on_update_style_cursor = function () { var cursor = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_cursor(this._pseudo); this.currentstyle.cursor = cursor; this.on_apply_style_cursor(cursor); }; _pMaskEdit.on_update_style_caretcolor = function () { var caretcolor = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_caretcolor(this._pseudo); this.currentstyle.caretcolor = caretcolor; this.on_apply_style_caretcolor(caretcolor); }; _pMaskEdit.on_update_style_compositecolor = function () { var compositecolor = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_compositecolor(this._pseudo); this.currentstyle.compositecolor = compositecolor; this.on_apply_style_compositecolor(compositecolor); }; _pMaskEdit.on_update_style_selectcolor = function () { var selectcolor = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_selectcolor(this._pseudo); this.currentstyle.selectcolor = selectcolor; this.on_apply_style_selectcolor(selectcolor); }; _pMaskEdit.on_update_style_displaynulltextcolor = function () { var displaynulltextcolor = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_displaynulltextcolor(this._pseudo); this.currentstyle.displaynulltextcolor = displaynulltextcolor; this.on_apply_style_displaynulltextcolor(displaynulltextcolor); }; _pMaskEdit.on_update_style_selectbackground = function () { var selectbackground = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_selectbackground(this._pseudo); this.currentstyle.selectbackground = selectbackground; this.on_apply_style_selectbackground(selectbackground); }; _pMaskEdit.on_apply_style_color = function (color) { var input_elem = this._input_element; if (input_elem) { input_elem.setElementColor(color); } }; _pMaskEdit.on_apply_style_font = function (font) { if (font == null) { font = nexacro.Component._default_font; } var api = this._edit_base_api; var input_elem = this._input_element; if (input_elem) { input_elem.setElementFont(font); api.setPosition(); api._apply_style(input_elem); } }; _pMaskEdit.on_apply_style_cursor = function (cursor) { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { control_elem.setElementCursor(cursor); var input_elem = this._input_element; if (input_elem) { input_elem.setElementCursor(cursor); } } }; _pMaskEdit.on_apply_style_align = function (align) { if (align == null) { align = nexacro.Component._default_left_align; } var api = this._edit_base_api; var input_elem = this._input_element; if (input_elem) { api.setPosition(); api._apply_style(input_elem); } }; _pMaskEdit.on_apply_style_caretcolor = function (color) { }; _pMaskEdit.on_apply_style_compositecolor = function (color) { }; _pMaskEdit.on_apply_style_selectbackground = function (selectbackground) { var input_elem = this._input_element; if (input_elem) { input_elem.setElementSelectBackgroundColor(selectbackground); } }; _pMaskEdit.on_apply_style_selectcolor = function (selectcolor) { var input_elem = this._input_element; if (input_elem) { input_elem.setElementSelectColor(selectcolor); } }; _pMaskEdit.on_apply_style_displaynulltextcolor = function (displaynulltextcolor) { var input_elem = this._input_element; if (input_elem) { input_elem.setElementDisplayNullTextColor(displaynulltextcolor); } }; _pMaskEdit.on_apply_style_accessibility = function (accessibility) { nexacro.Component.prototype.on_apply_style_accessibility.call(this, accessibility); if (this._input_element) { this._input_element.setElementAccessibilityRole(accessibility.role); } }; _pMaskEdit.on_apply_style_letterspace = function (letterspace) { if (this._input_element) { this._input_element.setElementLetterSpace(letterspace); } }; _pMaskEdit.on_create_contents = function () { var control = this.getElement(); if (control) { var input_elem = this._input_element = new nexacro.InputElement(control); if (this.type == "number") { this._edit_base_api = new nexacro.EditMaskNumber(this); } else { this._edit_base_api = new nexacro.EditMaskString(this); } var curstyle = this.currentstyle; input_elem.setElementSize(this._client_width, this._client_height); input_elem.setElementFont(curstyle.font); input_elem.setElementColor(curstyle.color); input_elem.setElementAlign(curstyle.align); input_elem.setElementSelectColor(curstyle.selectcolor); input_elem.setElementSelectBackgroundColor(curstyle.selectbackground); input_elem.setElementDisplayNullTextColor(curstyle.displaynulltextcolor); } }; _pMaskEdit.on_created_contents = function (doc) { this._default_align = this._default_left_align; var api = this._edit_base_api; var input_elem = this._input_element; if (input_elem) { var curstyle = this.currentstyle; input_elem.setElementInputType(this.type); input_elem.setElementInputTypeKeypad(this.type); this.on_apply_limitbymask(); this.on_apply_trimtype(); this.on_apply_maskchar(); this.on_apply_clipmode(); this.on_apply_mask(); this.on_apply_value(); this.on_apply_locale(); input_elem._is_maskedit = true; input_elem.create(); input_elem.setElementImeMode("disabled"); input_elem.setElementEnable(this._isEnable()); input_elem.setElementReadonly(this.readonly); input_elem._bindEvent(input_elem); if (api) { api.setPosition(); } if (nexacro._isDesktop() && ((nexacro.Browser == "Chrome" || nexacro.Browser == "Safari"))) { this.setCaretPos(0); } if (nexacro._enableaccessibility && nexacro._accessibilitytype == 4) { input_elem._setElementInputLabel(); } this.on_apply_prop_rtldirection(); this.on_apply_displaynulltext(); this.on_apply_style_letterspace(curstyle.letterspace); if (curstyle && curstyle.cursor) { this.on_apply_style_cursor(curstyle.cursor); } } }; _pMaskEdit.on_destroy_contents = function () { var input_elem = this._input_element; if (input_elem) { input_elem._unBindEvent(); input_elem.destroy(); this._input_element = null; } var api = this._edit_base_api; if (api) { api._destroy(); this._edit_base_api = null; } if (application._input_paste_comp == this) { application._input_paste_comp = null; } this._caret_pos = null; }; _pMaskEdit.on_change_containerRect = function (width, height) { var input_elem = this._input_element; var api = this._edit_base_api; if (input_elem && api) { api.setPosition(); api._apply_style(input_elem); } }; _pMaskEdit.on_getBindableProperties = function () { return "value"; }; _pMaskEdit.on_apply_prop_enable = function (v) { var input_elem = this._input_element; if (input_elem) { input_elem.setElementEnable(v); this.on_apply_style_cursor(this.currentstyle.cursor); } }; _pMaskEdit.on_apply_custom_setfocus = function (evt_name) { var input_elem = this._input_element; var api = this._edit_base_api; if (input_elem && api) { if (nexacro.Browser == "IE" && nexacro.BrowserVersion == 8) { if (this.displaynulltext && this._is_focusing) { return; } } this._is_focusing = true; if (!(nexacro.Browser == "Gecko" && input_elem._is_mousedown)) { api._changeFocusText(input_elem); api._bChangeFocusText = true; var text = this.text; var pThis = this; input_elem.setElementFocus(); if (nexacro.OS == "iOS" && input_elem._keypad_type == "change" && !this.readonly) { setTimeout(function () { api._text = text; input_elem.setElementInputType("text", true); if (pThis.autoselect) { var selecttext = api._select_text = api._text; api._is_apply_autoselect = true; api.setElementCaretPos(0, selecttext.length, input_elem); } input_elem.setElementInputTypeKeypad("changed"); }, 500); } } else { api._bChangeFocusText = false; } } }; _pMaskEdit.on_init_bindSource = function (columnid, propid, ds) { if (propid == "value") { var api = this._edit_base_api; if (api) { if (api._undoStack) { api._undoStack.init(); } } this._setValue(undefined); return true; } }; _pMaskEdit.on_change_bindSource = function (propid, ds, row, col, index) { if (propid == "value") { var v = ds.getColumn(row, col); var api = this._edit_base_api; var input_elem = this._input_element; if (api) { var focus_val = api._getFocusValue(); if (input_elem) { if (v === this.value && v === api._value && v === input_elem.value) { if (focus_val != v) { api._setFocusValue(); } return true; } } if (api._undoStack) { api._undoStack.init(); } } this._setValue(v); if (api && input_elem) { if (focus_val != v) { api._setFocusValue(); } } return true; } return false; }; _pMaskEdit.on_get_style_accessibility_label = function () { var label = ""; return label; }; _pMaskEdit._on_getAccessibilityAdditionalLabel = function () { if (this._edit_base_api) { return this._edit_base_api._on_getAccessibilityAdditionalLabel(); } return ""; }; _pMaskEdit._getAccessibilityReadLabel = function (bwholeread) { var _readlabel = nexacro.Component.prototype._getAccessibilityReadLabel.call(this); if (bwholeread && this._input_element && this._status != "focus") { if (!this._input_element._wantAccessibilityAdditionalLabel || !this._input_element._wantAccessibilityAdditionalLabel()) { _readlabel = this.text + " " + _readlabel; } } return _readlabel; }; _pMaskEdit._getAccessibilityRole = function (accessibility) { var role = nexacro.Component.prototype._getAccessibilityRole.call(this, accessibility); if (nexacro._accessibilitytype == 4) { return ""; } else { return role; } }; _pMaskEdit._setAccessibilityStatFocus = function (evt_name) { if (this._input_element) { var role = this._getAccessibilityRole(this.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility(this._pseudo)); if (this._getDescLevel() == "none") { role = "none"; } this._input_element.setElementAccessibilityRole(role); } return nexacro.Component.prototype._setAccessibilityStatFocus.call(this, evt_name); }; _pMaskEdit._setAccessibilityNotifyEvent = function (direction) { if (this._edit_base_api) { this._edit_base_api._setAccessibilityNotifyLabel(); } return nexacro.Component.prototype._setAccessibilityNotifyEvent.call(this, direction); }; _pMaskEdit.on_apply_prop_rtldirection = function () { nexacro.Component.prototype.on_apply_prop_rtldirection.call(this); var api = this._edit_base_api; if (api) { api.setPosition(); } if (this._input_element) { this._input_element.setElementRtlDirection(this._rtldirection); } }; _pMaskEdit.set_text = function (v, checkbind) { }; _pMaskEdit.set_value = function (v) { v = nexacro._toString(v); if (v && v !== undefined && v != "") { v = v.replace(/"/g, "\""); } if (v != this.value) { var form = this._getRootForm(); var api = this._edit_base_api; if (!this.applyto_bindSource("value", v)) { return; } if (nexacro.Browser == "Edge" || nexacro.Browser == "IE") { if (api) { var old_keyinput_event = api._accept_keyinput_event; api._accept_keyinput_event = false; this._setValue(v); api._accept_keyinput_event = old_keyinput_event; } else { this._setValue(v); } if (nexacro.BrowserVersion <= 8) { if (form && form._bFireLoadEvent) { this._recreateInputElement(); } } } else { this._setValue(v); } if (api) { api._setFocusValue(); } } }; _pMaskEdit.on_apply_value = function () { var api = this._edit_base_api; if (api) { api.setValue(this.value); api.syncValue(); } this._refreshAccessibilityValue(); }; _pMaskEdit.set_displaynulltext = function (v) { var isNull = nexacro._isNull(v); if (isNull) { v = ""; } else { v = nexacro._toString(v); v = v.replace(/"/g, "\""); } if (v != this.displaynulltext) { this.displaynulltext = v; this.on_apply_displaynulltext(); } }; _pMaskEdit.on_apply_displaynulltext = function () { var input_elem = this._input_element; if (input_elem) { input_elem.setElementDisplayNullText(this.displaynulltext); } }; _pMaskEdit.set_readonly = function (v) { v = nexacro._toBoolean(v); if (v != this.readonly) { this.readonly = v; this.on_apply_readonly(); } }; _pMaskEdit.on_apply_readonly = function () { var v = this.readonly; if (v) { this._stat_change("readonly", this._pseudo); } else { this._stat_change("writable", this._pseudo == "readonly" ? "normal" : this._pseudo); } var input_elem = this._input_element; if (input_elem) { input_elem.setElementReadonly(v); } }; _pMaskEdit.set_autoselect = function (v) { v = nexacro._toBoolean(v); if (v != this.autoselect) { this.autoselect = v; } }; _pMaskEdit.set_autoskip = function (v) { v = nexacro._toBoolean(v); if (v != this.autoskip) { this.autoskip = v; } }; _pMaskEdit.on_apply_autoskip = function () { var root_comp = this._getRootComponent(this); var next_comp = this._refform.getNextComponent(root_comp, true); if (next_comp) { next_comp.setFocus(); var api = next_comp._edit_base_api ? next_comp._edit_base_api : null; if (api) { if (!next_comp.autoselect) { next_comp.setCaretPos(0); } } } }; _pMaskEdit.set_clipmode = function (v) { v = nexacro._toString(v); if (v != this.clipmode) { this.clipmode = v; this.on_apply_clipmode(); } }; _pMaskEdit.on_apply_clipmode = function () { var api = this._edit_base_api; if (api && this.type == "string") { if (this.clipmode == "includespace") { api._FillMaskChar = " "; } else { api._FillMaskChar = undefined; } } }; _pMaskEdit.set_limitbymask = function (v) { v = nexacro._toString(v); if (v != this.limitbymask) { this.limitbymask = v; this.on_apply_limitbymask(); } }; _pMaskEdit.on_apply_limitbymask = function () { var api = this._edit_base_api; if (api && this.type == "number") { if (this.limitbymask == "both") { api._nLimitType = 3; } else if (this.limitbymask == "integer") { api._nLimitType = 1; } else if (this.limitbymask == "decimal") { api._nLimitType = 2; } else { api._nLimitType = 0; } } }; _pMaskEdit.set_mask = function (v, bApply) { v = nexacro._toString(v); if (v != this.mask) { this.mask = v; this.on_apply_mask(); if (bApply !== false) { this.on_apply_value(); } } }; _pMaskEdit.on_apply_mask = function () { var api = this._edit_base_api; if (api) { var strMask = this.mask; if (!strMask) { strMask = ""; } api.setMask(strMask); } }; _pMaskEdit.set_maskchar = function (v) { v = nexacro._toString(v); if (v == "") { v = "_"; } if (v != this.maskchar) { this.maskchar = v; this.on_apply_maskchar(); this.on_apply_value(); } }; _pMaskEdit.on_apply_maskchar = function () { var api = this._edit_base_api; if (api && this.type == "string") { var maskchar = this.maskchar; if (maskchar && maskchar.length > 0) { api._cMaskChar = maskchar; } else { api._cMaskChar = undefined; } } }; _pMaskEdit.set_trimtype = function (v) { v = nexacro._toString(v); if (v != this.trimtype) { this.trimtype = v; this.on_apply_trimtype(); } }; _pMaskEdit.on_apply_trimtype = function () { var api = this._edit_base_api; if (api && this.type == "string") { if (this.trimtype == "left") { api._nTrimType = 1; } else if (this.trimtype == "right") { api._nTrimType = 2; } else if (this.trimtype == "both") { api._nTrimType = 3; } else { api._nTrimType = 0; } } }; _pMaskEdit.set_type = function (v) { v = nexacro._toString(v); if (v != this.type) { this.type = v; this.on_apply_type(); this.on_apply_limitbymask(); this.on_apply_trimtype(); this.on_apply_maskchar(); this.on_apply_clipmode(); this.on_apply_displaynulltext(); this.on_apply_mask(); this.on_apply_value(); } }; _pMaskEdit.on_apply_type = function () { var control = this.getElement(); if (control) { if (this.type == "number") { this._edit_base_api = null; this._edit_base_api = new nexacro.EditMaskNumber(this); } else { this._edit_base_api = null; this._edit_base_api = new nexacro.EditMaskString(this); } this._input_element.setElementInputType(this.type); this._input_element.setElementInputTypeKeypad(this.type); } }; _pMaskEdit.set_usesoftkeyboard = function (v) { v = nexacro._toBoolean(v); if (v != this.usesoftkeyboard) { this.usesoftkeyboard = v; this.on_apply_usesoftkeyboard(); } }; _pMaskEdit.on_apply_usesoftkeyboard = function () { var input_elem = this._input_element; if (input_elem) { input_elem.setElementUseSoftKeyboard(this.usesoftkeyboard); } }; _pMaskEdit.set_useinputpanel = function (v) { }; _pMaskEdit.set_updatebindingvalue = function (v) { }; _pMaskEdit.set_usecontextmenu = function (v) { v = nexacro._toBoolean(v); if (this.usecontextmenu != v) { this.usecontextmenu = v; } }; _pMaskEdit.set_locale = function (v) { if (v != this.locale) { this.locale = v; if (this._locale != v) { this._locale = v; this.on_apply_locale(); } } }; _pMaskEdit.on_apply_locale = function () { var api = this._edit_base_api; if (api) { var locale = this._getLocale(); api._setLocale(locale); this.on_apply_value(); } }; _pMaskEdit.getLength = function () { var input_elem = this._input_element; if (input_elem) { var api = this._edit_base_api; var v = api.getValue(); if (v) { var len = v.length; if (this.type == "number") { if (-1 != v.indexOf("-", 0)) { len -= 1; } if (-1 != v.indexOf(".", 0)) { len -= 1; } } return len; } else { return -1; } } return -1; }; _pMaskEdit.getCaretPos = function () { if (this.readonly) { return -1; } var input_elem = this._input_element; if (input_elem) { if (!input_elem._checkActiveElement()) { return -1; } var pos = input_elem.getElementCaretPos(); if (pos && pos != -1) { return pos.begin; } } return -1; }; _pMaskEdit.getInputElementAttribute = function (attribute) { var input_elem = this._input_element; if (input_elem) { return input_elem.getInputElementAttribute(attribute); } return undefined; }; _pMaskEdit.setInputElementAttribute = function (attribute, attrvalue) { var input_elem = this._input_element; if (input_elem) { return input_elem.setInputElementAttribute(attribute, attrvalue); } return false; }; _pMaskEdit.setCaretPos = function (v) { var api = this._edit_base_api; var input_elem = this._input_element; if (input_elem) { if (arguments.length == 0) { v = 0; } else { v = nexacro._toInt(v); if (v == -1) { if (v) { v = this.text.length; } else { v = 0; } } } input_elem.setElementSetSelect(v, v); api._begin_pos = api._end_pos = v; this._caret_pos.begin = v; this._caret_pos.end = v; this._setcaret = true; return true; } return false; }; _pMaskEdit.getSelect = function () { var input_elem = this._input_element; if (input_elem) { var api = this._edit_base_api; var start = api._begin_pos !== undefined ? api._begin_pos : 0; var end = api._end_pos !== undefined ? api._end_pos : 0; return [start, end]; } else { return [0, 0]; } }; _pMaskEdit.setSelect = function (start, end) { var input_elem = this._input_element; if (input_elem) { var api = this._edit_base_api; var txt = this.text ? this.text : ""; var txt_len = txt.length; if (nexacro._isNull(start) || start === "") { start = 0; } if (nexacro._isNull(end) || end === "") { end = -1; } if (!nexacro._isNumber(start)) { start = nexacro._toInt(start); } if (!nexacro._isNumber(end)) { end = nexacro._toInt(end); } if (start == -1) { start = txt_len; } if (end == -1) { end = txt_len; } if (start > end) { var tmp = start; start = end; end = tmp; } api._begin_pos = start; api._end_pos = end; this._caret_pos.begin = start; this._caret_pos.end = end; this._setcaret = true; input_elem.setElementSetSelect(start, end); return true; } return false; }; _pMaskEdit.getSelectedText = function () { var input_elem = this._input_element; if (input_elem) { var api = this._edit_base_api; var start = api._begin_pos !== undefined ? api._begin_pos : 0; var end = api._end_pos !== undefined ? api._end_pos : 0; var txt = api._getText(); if (txt && (start != end)) { return txt.substring(start, end); } else { return ""; } } return ""; }; _pMaskEdit.isAboveSelected = function () { }; _pMaskEdit.updateToDataset = function () { var ret = this.applyto_bindSource("value", this.value); if (this._textchanging) { this._dsupdate_in_textchanging = true; if (!ret) { this._dsupdate_cancel = true; } else { this._dsupdate_cancel = false; } } else { this._dsupdate_in_textchanging = false; } return ret; }; _pMaskEdit._on_activate = function () { var input_elem = this._input_element; var api = this._edit_base_api; if (api) { api._changeFocusText(input_elem); api._bChangeFocusText = true; } if (!this._isSelected()) { this._stat_change("focus", "normal"); } this._activate_flag = true; }; _pMaskEdit._on_killfocus = function (obj, fromObj) { if (!this._is_alive) { return; } var api = this._edit_base_api; var elem = this._input_element; this._is_focusing = false; if (api && elem) { var focus_text = api._getFocusText(); var focus_val = api._getFocusValue(); var cur_text = this.text; var cur_val = this.value; if (this._activate_flag) { this._activate_flag = false; } if (nexacro.Browser == "Edge" || nexacro.Browser == "IE") { if (!elem._is_focused) { if (focus_text != cur_text || focus_val != cur_val) { this.applyto_bindSource("value", this.value); } return; } if (api._is_composition()) { var data = api._stat_composition.getData(); api._on_input_compositionend(data); if (!api._is_hangul(data)) { api._fire_text_event(data); } } } api._is_on_killfocus = true; this._on_input_blur(elem); api._is_on_killfocus = false; if (focus_text != cur_text || focus_val != cur_val || (application._is_input_paste && this == application._input_paste_comp)) { application._is_input_paste = false; application._input_paste_comp = null; var win = this._getWindow(); if (win && win._is_active_window != true && !obj) { elem.setElementValue(api._value, false, true); return; } var ret = this._on_fire_changeEventSet(focus_text, focus_val, cur_text, cur_val); if (!ret) { return; } } else if (focus_val === undefined && focus_text == cur_text && !this._isPasswordUsed(api)) { api._setValue(undefined); api._setText(focus_text); api.syncValue(); elem.setElementValue(api._value); } else { elem.setElementValue(api._value, false, true); } this._cancelSelect(); } }; _pMaskEdit._cancelSelect = function () { var api = this._edit_base_api; if (nexacro.Browser == "Edge" || nexacro.Browser == "IE") { if (api._is_selected()) { if (this.visible) { var form = this._getRootForm(); var form_elem = form.getElement(); if (form.vscrollbar) { form_elem._recover_vpos = form.vscrollbar.pos; } if (form.hscrollbar) { form_elem._recover_hpos = form.hscrollbar.pos; } var input_handle = this._input_element._input_handle; var _doc = this._input_element.getRootWindowHandle(); nexacro._inputsetCaretPos(input_handle, _doc); if (nexacro.BrowserVersion <= 8) { form_elem._recover_vpos = undefined; form_elem._recover_hpos = undefined; } } else { this.setCaretPos(api._begin_pos); } } } else if (nexacro.Browser == "Runtime") { if (api._is_selected() && this.autoselect == true) { this.setCaretPos(api._begin_pos); } } }; _pMaskEdit._on_click = function (elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY) { if (!this._is_alive) { return; } if (this._isEnable() && this.enableevent) { var caretPos = this.getCaretPos(); var clientXY = this._getClientXY(canvasX, canvasY); this.on_fire_oneditclick(this, caretPos, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientXY[0], clientXY[1], this, this); } }; _pMaskEdit._on_input_keyinput = function (elem) { var api = this._edit_base_api; if (api) { api._on_input_keyinput(elem); api._on_input_keyinput_after(); } }; _pMaskEdit._on_input_focus = function (elem, target) { var api = this._edit_base_api; if (api) { api._on_input_focus(elem); } }; _pMaskEdit._on_input_blur = function (elem, target) { var api = this._edit_base_api; if (api) { api._on_input_blur(elem); } }; _pMaskEdit._on_input_keypress = function (elem, keyCode, charCode, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey) { var bRet = false; var api = this._edit_base_api; if (api) { bRet = api._on_input_keypress(elem, keyCode, charCode, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey); } return bRet; }; _pMaskEdit._on_input_keydown = function (elem, keyCode, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey) { var bRet = false; var api = this._edit_base_api; if (api) { bRet = api._on_input_keydown(elem, keyCode, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey); } return bRet; }; _pMaskEdit._on_input_keyup = function (elem, keyCode, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey) { var bRet = false; var api = this._edit_base_api; if (api) { bRet = api._on_input_keyup(elem, keyCode, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey); } return bRet; }; _pMaskEdit._on_input_mousedown = function (elem, altkey, ctrlkey, shiftkey) { var api = this._edit_base_api; if (api) { api._on_input_mousedown(elem, altkey, ctrlkey, shiftkey); } }; _pMaskEdit._on_input_mouseup = function (elem, altkey, ctrlkey, shiftkey) { var api = this._edit_base_api; if (api) { api._on_input_mouseup(elem, altkey, ctrlkey, shiftkey); } }; _pMaskEdit._on_input_touchstart = function (elem) { var api = this._edit_base_api; if (api) { api._on_input_touchstart(elem); } }; _pMaskEdit._on_input_touchmove = function (elem) { var api = this._edit_base_api; if (api) { api._on_input_touchmove(elem); } }; _pMaskEdit._on_input_touchend = function (elem) { var api = this._edit_base_api; if (api) { api._on_input_touchend(elem); } }; _pMaskEdit._on_input_mousemove = function (elem) { var api = this._edit_base_api; if (api) { api._on_input_mousemove(elem); } }; _pMaskEdit._on_input_select = function (elem) { var api = this._edit_base_api; if (api) { api._on_input_select(elem); } }; _pMaskEdit._on_input_copy = function (elem) { var api = this._edit_base_api; if (api) { api._on_input_copy(elem); } }; _pMaskEdit._on_input_cut = function (elem) { var api = this._edit_base_api; if (api) { api._on_input_cut(elem); } }; _pMaskEdit._on_input_paste = function (elem) { var api = this._edit_base_api; if (api) { api._on_input_paste(elem); } }; _pMaskEdit._on_input_compositionstart = function (data) { var api = this._edit_base_api; if (api) { api._on_input_compositionstart(data); } }; _pMaskEdit._on_input_compositionupdate = function (data) { var api = this._edit_base_api; if (api) { api._on_input_compositionupdate(data); } }; _pMaskEdit._on_input_compositionend = function (data) { var api = this._edit_base_api; if (api) { api._on_input_compositionend(data); } }; _pMaskEdit.on_fire_cancharchange = function (obj, chartext, pretext, posttext) { if (this.cancharchange && this.cancharchange._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.CanCharEventInfo(obj, "cancharchange", chartext, pretext, posttext); return this.cancharchange._fireCheckEvent(this, evt); } return true; }; _pMaskEdit.on_fire_canchange = function (obj, pretext, prevalue, posttext, postvalue) { if (this.canchange && this.canchange._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.ChangeEventInfo(obj, "canchange", pretext, prevalue, posttext, postvalue); return this.canchange._fireCheckEvent(this, evt); } return true; }; _pMaskEdit.on_fire_oneditclick = function (obj, caretpos, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (this.oneditclick && this.oneditclick._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.EditClickEventInfo(obj, "oneditclick", caretpos, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); return this.oneditclick._fireEvent(this, evt); } return true; }; _pMaskEdit.on_fire_onchanged = function (obj, pretext, prevalue, posttext, postvalue) { if (this.onchanged && this.onchanged._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.ChangeEventInfo(obj, "onchanged", pretext, prevalue, posttext, postvalue); return this.onchanged._fireEvent(this, evt); } }; _pMaskEdit.on_fire_ontextchanged = function (obj, pretext, posttext) { if (this.ontextchanged && this.ontextchanged._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.TextChangedEventInfo(this, "ontextchanged", pretext, posttext); return this.ontextchanged._fireEvent(this, evt); } return true; }; _pMaskEdit.on_fire_ontextchange = function (event_info, obj) { var ret = true; var api = this._edit_base_api; var api_ret = { value : null, text : "", begin_pos : this._input_begin_pos, bChange : false }; var evt = new nexacro.TextChangeEventInfo(this, "ontextchange", event_info.chartext, event_info.pretext, event_info.posttext, event_info.preimetext, event_info.postimetext); if (obj) { obj.evt = evt; } if (this.ontextchange && this.ontextchange._has_handlers) { ret = this.ontextchange._fireCheckEvent(this, evt); if (ret && event_info.chartext != evt.chartext) { api._setValue(api._old_value); api._setText(api._old_text); api.setElementCaretPos(api._old_begin_pos, api._old_end_pos); if (this.type == "number") { api_ret = api._apply_filter(evt.chartext); if (api_ret.bChange) { api._setValue(api_ret.value); api._setText(api_ret.text); api.setElementCaretPos(api_ret.caret, api_ret.caret); } event_info.setTextInfo(evt.chartext, api._old_text, api._text, "", ""); } else if (this.type == "string") { var inputInfo = api.inputText(chartext); event_info.setTextInfo(evt.chartext, api._old_text, inputInfo.newText, "", ""); } } } return ret; }; _pMaskEdit.on_fire_onchar = function (event_info, obj) { var ret = true; var api = this._edit_base_api; var api_ret = { value : null, text : "", begin_pos : this._input_begin_pos, bChange : false }; var evt = new nexacro.TextChangeEventInfo(this, "onchar", event_info.chartext, event_info.prechareventtext, event_info.posttext); if (obj) { obj.evt = evt; } if (this.onchar && this.onchar._has_handlers) { ret = this.onchar._fireCheckEvent(this, evt); if (ret && event_info.chartext != evt.chartext) { api._setValue(api._old_value); api._setText(api._old_text); api.setElementCaretPos(api._old_begin_pos, api._old_end_pos); if (this.type == "number") { api_ret = api._apply_filter(evt.chartext); if (api_ret.bChange) { api._setValue(api_ret.value); api._setText(api_ret.text); api.setElementCaretPos(api_ret.caret, api_ret.caret); } event_info.setTextInfo(evt.chartext, api._old_text, api._text, "", ""); } else if (this.type == "string") { var inputInfo = api.inputText(evt.chartext); event_info.setTextInfo(evt.chartext, api._old_text, inputInfo.newText, "", ""); } } } return ret; }; _pMaskEdit._on_fire_changeEventSet = function (pretext, prevalue, posttext, postvalue) { var api = this._edit_base_api; var elem = this._input_element; this._textchanging = true; var ret = this.on_fire_canchange(this, pretext, prevalue, posttext, postvalue); if (!ret) { if (this.type == "string") { if (!prevalue) { api._setMaskedValue(api.makeMaskedValue("")); } else { api._setMaskedValue(api.makeMaskedValue(prevalue)); } } api._setText(pretext); api._setValue(prevalue); api.syncValue(); api._setFocusValue(); elem.setElementValue(api._value); this._init_bind_flag(); return false; } if (this.type == "string") { var newval = api.getValue(); if (!newval) { api._setMaskedValue(api.makeMaskedValue("")); } else { api._setMaskedValue(api.makeMaskedValue(newval)); } api._setText(api.makeText(api._strMaskedValue)); api._setValue(api.makeValue(api._strMaskedValue)); api.syncValue(); } elem.setElementValue(api._value); if (this._dsupdate_cancel || (!this._dsupdate_in_textchanging && !this.applyto_bindSource("value", this.value))) { if (this.type == "string") { if (!prevalue) { api._setMaskedValue(api.makeMaskedValue("")); } else { api._setMaskedValue(api.makeMaskedValue(prevalue)); } } api._setText(pretext); api._setValue(prevalue); api.syncValue(); api._setFocusValue(); elem.setElementValue(api._value); this._init_bind_flag(); return false; } api._setFocusValue(); this._init_bind_flag(); this.on_fire_onchanged(this, pretext, prevalue, this.text, this.value); api._setFocusValue(); return true; }; _pMaskEdit._init = function () { var api = this._edit_base_api; if (api) { api._init(); } this.set_value(undefined); }; _pMaskEdit._init_bind_flag = function () { this._textchanging = false; this._dsupdate_in_textchanging = false; this._dsupdate_cancel = false; }; _pMaskEdit._getDragData = function () { return this.getSelectedText(); }; _pMaskEdit._setValue = function (v) { if (nexacro._isNull(v)) { this.text = ""; } else { this.text = nexacro._toString(v); } this.value = v; this.on_apply_value(); }; _pMaskEdit._accept_keydown_event = function (keyCode) { return true; }; _pMaskEdit._recreateInputElement = function () { var input_elem = this._input_element; if (input_elem) { input_elem._destroyInputHandle(); input_elem._input_handle = input_elem._createInputHandle(); input_elem._bindEvent(input_elem); } }; _pMaskEdit._isPasswordUsed = function (api) { var len = api && api._bufPass ? api._bufPass.length : 0; while (len--) { if (api._bufPass[len] == true) { return true; } } return false; }; _pMaskEdit._set_editbase_focusstat = function (stat) { var api = this._edit_base_api; if (api) { switch (stat) { case "focus": api._stat_focus.setStatus(nexacro.EditBase.Status.Focus); break; case "blur": api._stat_focus.setStatus(nexacro.EditBase.Status.Blur); break; default: api._stat_focus.setStatus(stat); break; } ; } }; delete _pMaskEdit; _pMaskEdit = null; nexacro.MaskEditCtrl = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.MaskEdit.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); this._is_subcontrol = true; }; var _pMaskEditCtrl = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.MaskEdit, nexacro.MaskEditCtrl); nexacro.MaskEditCtrl.prototype = _pMaskEditCtrl; _pMaskEditCtrl._type_name = "MaskEditControl"; nexacro._setForControlStyleFinder(_pMaskEditCtrl); delete _pMaskEditCtrl; _pMaskEditCtrl = null; } ;