//============================================================================== // // TOBESOFT Co., Ltd. // Copyright 2014 TOBESOFT Co., Ltd. // All Rights Reserved. // // NOTICE: TOBESOFT permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file // in accordance with the terms of the license agreement accompanying it. // // Readme URL: http://www.nexacro.co.kr/legal/nexacro-public-license-readme-1.1.html // //============================================================================== if (!nexacro.PopupMenuItem) { nexacro.PopupMenuItem = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.MenuItem.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); this.chkimgctrl = null; this.imgctrl = null; this.expimgelem = null; this.gap = 5; this.chkwidth = 0; this.textwidth = 0; this.hotkeywidth = 0; this.expwidth = 0; this.expheight = 0; this.index = 0; this.datarow = 0; this.notexpand = false; this.value = false; this.expandimage = ""; this.checkimage = ""; this.id = ""; this.enable = true; this.icon = ""; this.userdata = null; this.buttonalign = ""; this._text_elem = null; this._hotkey_txtelem = null; this._hotkey_string = ""; this._accessibility_role = "menuitem"; }; var _pPopupMenuItem = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.MenuItem, nexacro.PopupMenuItem); nexacro.PopupMenuItem.prototype = _pPopupMenuItem; _pPopupMenuItem._type_name = "PopupMenuItem"; _pPopupMenuItem.on_find_CurrentStyle_border = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_itemborder(pseudo); }; _pPopupMenuItem.on_find_CurrentStyle_background = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_itembackground(pseudo); }; _pPopupMenuItem.on_find_CurrentStyle_bordertype = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_itembordertype(pseudo); }; _pPopupMenuItem.on_find_CurrentStyle_gradation = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_itemgradation(pseudo); }; _pPopupMenuItem.on_find_CurrentStyle_padding = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_itempadding(pseudo); }; _pPopupMenuItem.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_itemaccessibility(pseudo); }; _pPopupMenuItem.on_find_CurrentStyle_rtlimagemirroring = function (pseudo) { return; }; _pPopupMenuItem.on_apply_style_color = function (v) { if (this._text_elem) { this._text_elem.setElementColor(v); } if (this._hotkey_txtelem) { this._hotkey_txtelem.setElementColor(v); } }; _pPopupMenuItem.on_apply_style_font = function (v) { if (this._text_elem) { this._text_elem.setElementFont(v); } if (this._hotkey_txtelem) { this._hotkey_txtelem.setElementFont(v); } }; _pPopupMenuItem.on_apply_style_letterspace = function (v) { if (this._text_elem) { this._text_elem.setElementLetterSpace(v); } if (this._hotkey_txtelem) { this._hotkey_txtelem.setElementLetterSpace(v); } }; _pPopupMenuItem.on_apply_style_accessibility = function (accessibility) { var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem && accessibility) { control_elem.setAccessibility(accessibility); this._updateAccessibilityLabel(this); } }; _pPopupMenuItem._getWindowPosition = function () { return nexacro.Component.prototype._getWindowPosition.call(this); }; _pPopupMenuItem.on_create_contents = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { var curstyle = this.currentstyle; if (this.checkimage) { var chkimgctrl = this.chkimgctrl = new nexacro.ImageViewerCtrl("chkimg", "absolute", 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null, this); chkimgctrl.style.set_rtlimagemirroring("true"); this.on_apply_checkimage(); chkimgctrl.createComponent(); } else if (this.icon) { this._load_image(this.icon, "icon"); var imgctrl = this.imgctrl = new nexacro.ImageViewerCtrl("iconimg", "absolute", 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null, this); this.on_apply_icon(); imgctrl.createComponent(); } if (this.text) { var txtelem = this._text_elem = new nexacro.TextBoxElement(control_elem); txtelem.setElementFont(curstyle.font); txtelem.setElementColor(curstyle.color); txtelem.setElementLetterSpace(curstyle.letterspace); } if (this._hotkey_string) { var hotkey_txt_elem = this._hotkey_txtelem = new nexacro.TextBoxElement(control_elem); hotkey_txt_elem.setElementFont(curstyle.font); hotkey_txt_elem.setElementColor(curstyle.color); hotkey_txt_elem.setElementLetterSpace(curstyle.letterspace); } var exp_img_url = this.expandimage; if (exp_img_url) { this._load_image(exp_img_url._value); } } }; _pPopupMenuItem.on_created_contents = function () { var txtelem = this._text_elem; var hotkey_txtelem = this._hotkey_txtelem; var chkimgctrl = this.chkimgctrl; var imgctrl = this.imgctrl; var expimgelem = this.expimgelem; if (chkimgctrl) { chkimgctrl.on_created(); } if (imgctrl) { imgctrl.on_created(); } if (expimgelem) { expimgelem.create(); } if (hotkey_txtelem) { this.on_apply_hotkeytext(); hotkey_txtelem.create(); } if (txtelem) { txtelem.create(); } }; _pPopupMenuItem.on_destroy_contents = function () { if (this.imgctrl) { this.imgctrl.destroy(); this.imgctrl = null; } if (this.chkimgctrl) { this.chkimgctrl.destroy(); this.chkimgctrl = null; } if (this._text_elem) { this._text_elem.destroy(); this._text_elem = null; } if (this._hotkey_txtelem) { this._hotkey_txtelem.destroy(); this._hotkey_txtelem = null; } if (this.expimgelem) { this.expimgelem.destroy(); this.expimgelem = null; } }; _pPopupMenuItem.on_change_containerRect = function (width, height) { var txtelem = this._text_elem, hotkey_txtelem = this._hotkey_txtelem; var text_height = 0, parent_height = 0; if (this.parent && this.parent.text_height) { text_height = this.parent.text_height; } if (this.parent) { parent_height = this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_itemheight(); } }; _pPopupMenuItem._setValue = function (v) { if (this.value != v) { this.value = v; this.on_apply_value(); } }; _pPopupMenuItem.on_apply_value = function () { var checkimage = this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_checkboximage(this._pseudo); this._setCheckimage(checkimage); }; _pPopupMenuItem._setIcon = function (v) { if (this.icon != v) { this.icon = v; this.on_apply_icon(); } }; _pPopupMenuItem.on_apply_icon = function () { if (this.imgctrl) { this.imgctrl.set_image(this.icon); } }; _pPopupMenuItem._setExpandimage = function (v) { if (this.expandimage != v) { this.expandimage = v; this.on_apply_expandimage(); } }; _pPopupMenuItem.on_apply_expandimage = function () { var elem = this.expimgelem; var img_url = this.expandimage; if (elem) { if (!this.notexpand) { if (img_url != "") { this._load_image(img_url); } else { elem = new nexacro.TextBoxElement(control_elem); this.expimgelem = elem; elem.setElementText(">"); elem.setElementFont(this.currentstyle.font); if (this._is_created) { elem.create(); } } } } }; _pPopupMenuItem._setCheckimage = function (v) { if (this.checkimage != v) { this.checkimage = v; this.on_apply_checkimage(); } }; _pPopupMenuItem.on_apply_checkimage = function () { if (this.chkimgctrl) { if (this._isChecked() == true) { this.chkimgctrl.set_image(this.checkimage); } else { this.chkimgctrl.set_image(""); } } }; _pPopupMenuItem._setText = function (v) { if (v != this.text) { this.text = v; this.on_apply_text(); } }; _pPopupMenuItem.on_apply_text = function () { var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem) { var txtelem = this._text_elem; if (!txtelem) { txtelem = new nexacro.TextBoxElement(control_elem); this._text_elem = txtelem; txtelem.setElementSize(this._width, this._client_height); txtelem.setElementColor(this.currentstyle.color); txtelem.setElementFont(this.currentstyle.font); txtelem.setElementLetterSpace(this.curstyle.letterspace); if (this._is_created) { txtelem.create(); } } if (this.text || this.text === "") { txtelem.setElementText(this.text); } } }; _pPopupMenuItem._setHotkey = function (v) { if (v != this._hotkey_string) { this._hotkey_string = v; this.on_apply_hotkeytext(); } }; _pPopupMenuItem.on_apply_hotkeytext = function () { var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem) { var elem = this._hotkey_txtelem; if (!elem) { elem = new nexacro.TextBoxElement(control_elem); this._hotkey_txtelem = elem; elem.setElementSize(this._width, this._client_height); elem.setElementColor(this.currentstyle.color); elem.setElementFont(this.currentstyle.font); elem.setElementLetterSpace(this.currentstyle.letterspace); if (this._is_created) { elem.create(); } } if (this._hotkey_string || this._hotkey_string === "") { elem.setElementText(this._hotkey_string); } } }; _pPopupMenuItem._setUserdata = function (v) { if (v != this.userdata) { this.userdata = v; } }; _pPopupMenuItem.on_apply_mouseover = function (isovered) { if (isovered) { this._stat_change("normal", "mouseover"); } else { this._stat_change("normal", "normal"); } }; _pPopupMenuItem.on_apply_style_rtlimagemirroring = function (rtlimagemirroring) { return; }; _pPopupMenuItem.on_apply_prop_rtldirection = function () { var control_element = this.getElement(); var _rtldirection = this._rtldirection; var chk_img_ctrl = this.chkimgctrl; var img_ctrl = this.imgctrl; var exp_img_elem = this.expimgelem; if (control_element) { control_element.setElementRtlDirection(_rtldirection); if (chk_img_ctrl) { chk_img_ctrl._setRtlDirection(_rtldirection); } if (img_ctrl) { img_ctrl._setRtlDirection(_rtldirection); } if (exp_img_elem) { exp_img_elem.setElementImageMirror(null, true); } } }; _pPopupMenuItem._isChecked = function () { var v = this.value; if (!!v || v.toString().toLowerCase() == "true") { return true; } return false; }; _pPopupMenuItem._verticalAlign = function (valign) { if (this.chkimgctrl) { this.chkimgctrl.set_imagealign("center " + valign.toString()); } }; _pPopupMenuItem._load_image = function (val) { var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem) { if (val) { var expimgelem = this.expimgelem; if (!expimgelem) { expimgelem = new nexacro.ImageElement(control_elem); this.expimgelem = expimgelem; expimgelem.setElementImageUrl(val); expimgelem.setElementImageMirror(null, true); if (this._is_created) { expimgelem.create(); } } else { expimgelem.setElementImageUrl(val); } } } }; _pPopupMenuItem._updateElementPositions = function (txtwidth, hotkeywidth, itemheight, defaultgap) { if (!this._is_created_contents) { return; } var txtelem = this._text_elem; if (txtelem) { var client_width = this._client_width; var adjust_height = this._adjust_height; var client_height = this._client_height; var chkwidth = this.chkwidth, expwidth = this.expwidth, expheight = this.expheight, iconimgwidth = this.iconimgwidth; var halign = "left", valign = "middle"; var img_halign = "lefttext", img_valign = "middle"; var textpos_x, textpos_y, hottextpos_x, expimgpos_x; var _po = 0, _height = itemheight; var imgctrl = this.chkimgctrl; var expimgelem = this.expimgelem, hotkeyelem = this._hotkey_txtelem; textpos_x = chkwidth == 0 ? iconimgwidth : chkwidth; textpos_y = 0; hottextpos_x = chkwidth + iconimgwidth + txtwidth; expimgpos_x = hottextpos_x + hotkeywidth; if (imgctrl) { imgctrl.move(0, 0, chkwidth, client_height, null, null); } if (this.imgctrl) { this.imgctrl.move(0, 0, iconimgwidth, client_height, null, null); } if (!this.notexpand && expimgelem) { var imgpos_x = this._convertLeftForRtlLayout((client_width - expwidth), expwidth); expimgelem.setElementPosition(imgpos_x, ((client_height - expheight) / 2) | 0, true); expimgelem.setElementSize(expwidth, expheight); if (hotkeyelem) { hotkeyelem.setElementVisible(false); } } else if (hotkeyelem) { hotkeyelem.setElementVisible(true); hotkeyelem.setElementPosition(defaultgap, 0, true); hotkeyelem.setElementSize(client_width, client_height); hotkeyelem.setElementAlignXY(halign, valign); hotkeyelem.setElementPaddingXY(hottextpos_x, textpos_y, 0, 0); } if (client_height <= itemheight) { txtelem.setElementPosition(0, 0, true); } txtelem.setElementSize(client_width, client_height); txtelem.setElementAlignXY(halign, valign); txtelem.setElementPaddingXY(textpos_x, textpos_y, 0, 0); } }; _pPopupMenuItem._getWidth = function () { var width = this.chkwidth; if (this.textwidth > 0) { width += (this.textwidth + this.gap); } if (this.hotkeywidth > 0 && this.expwidth > 0) { var maxWidth = Math.max(this.hotkeywidth, this.expwidth); width += (maxWidth + this.gap); } else { if (this.hotkeywidth > 0) { width += (this.hotkeywidth + this.gap); } width += this.expwidth; } return width; }; _pPopupMenuItem._updateAccessibilityLabel = function (item) { var rootComp = this._getRootComponent(this); var dataLen = rootComp._innerdataset.getRowCount(); item._setAccessibilityInfoIndex(item.datarow + 1); item._setAccessibilityInfoCount(dataLen); item._setAccessibilityFlagHasPopup(item.notexpand ? false : true); }; delete _pPopupMenuItem; } if (!nexacro.PopupMenu_Style) { nexacro.PopupMenu_Style = function (target, idx) { nexacro.Style.call(this, target, idx); if (target) { this._target = target; } this.itemalign = null; this.itemheight = null; this.itembackground = null; this.itemborder = null; this.itembordertype = null; this.itemgradation = null; this.itempadding = null; this.checkboximage = null; this.expandimage = null; this.itemaccessibility = null; this.popuptype = null; this.buttonsize = null; this.buttonalign = null; this.autohotkey = null; }; var _pPopupMenuStyle = nexacro.PopupMenu_Style.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Style, nexacro.PopupMenu_Style); eval(nexacro._createAlignAttributeEvalStr("_pPopupMenuStyle", "itemalign")); eval(nexacro._createValueAttributeEvalStr("_pPopupMenuStyle", "itemheight")); eval(nexacro._createBackgroundAttributeEvalStr("_pPopupMenuStyle", "itembackground")); eval(nexacro._createBorderAttributeEvalStr("_pPopupMenuStyle", "itemborder")); eval(nexacro._createBordertypeAttributeEvalStr("_pPopupMenuStyle", "itembordertype")); eval(nexacro._createGradationAttributeEvalStr("_pPopupMenuStyle", "itemgradation")); eval(nexacro._createPaddingAttributeEvalStr("_pPopupMenuStyle", "itempadding")); eval(nexacro._createValueAttributeEvalStr("_pPopupMenuStyle", "checkboximage")); eval(nexacro._createValueAttributeEvalStr("_pPopupMenuStyle", "expandimage")); eval(nexacro._createAccessibilityAttributeEvalStr("_pPopupMenuStyle", "itemaccessibility")); eval(nexacro._createValueAttributeEvalStr("_pPopupMenuStyle", "popuptype")); eval(nexacro._createValueAttributeEvalStr("_pPopupMenuStyle", "buttonsize")); eval(nexacro._createValueAttributeEvalStr("_pPopupMenuStyle", "buttonalign")); eval(nexacro._createValueAttributeEvalStr("_pPopupMenuStyle", "autohotkey")); _pPopupMenuStyle.__custom_emptyObject = function () { this.itemalign = null; this.itemheight = null; this.itembackground = null; this.itemborder = null; this.itembordertype = null; this.itemgradation = null; this.itempadding = null; this.checkboximage = null; this.expandimage = null; this.itemaccessibility = null; this.popuptype = null; this.buttonsize = null; this.buttonalign = null; this.autohotkey = null; }; _pPopupMenuStyle.__get_custom_style_value = function () { var val = ""; var itemalign = this.itemalign; if (itemalign && itemalign._value.length) { val += "itemalign:" + itemalign._value + "; "; } var itemheight = this.itemheight; if (itemheight && itemheight._value.length) { val += "itemheight:" + itemheight._value + "; "; } var itembackground = this.itembackground; if (itembackground && itembackground._value.length) { val += "itembackground:" + itembackground._value + "; "; } var itemborder = this.itemborder; if (itemborder && itemborder._value.length) { val += "itemborder:" + itemborder._value + "; "; } var itembordertype = this.itembordertype; if (itembordertype && itembordertype._value.length) { val += "itembordertype:" + itembordertype._value + "; "; } var itemgradation = this.itemgradation; if (itemgradation && itemgradation._value.length) { val += "itemgradation:" + itemgradation._value + "; "; } var itempadding = this.itempadding; if (itempadding && itempadding._value.length) { val += "itempadding:" + itempadding._value + "; "; } var checkboximage = this.checkboximage; if (checkboximage && checkboximage._value.length) { val += "checkboximage:" + checkboximage._value + "; "; } var expandimage = this.expandimage; if (expandimage && this.expandimage._value.length) { val += "expandimage:" + expandimage._value + "; "; } var itemaccessibility = this.itemaccessibility; if (itemaccessibility && itemaccessibility._value.length) { val += "itemaccessibility:" + itemaccessibility._value + "; "; } var popuptype = this.popuptype; if (popuptype && popuptype._value.length) { val += "itemaccessibility:" + popuptype._value + "; "; } var buttonsize = this.buttonsize; if (buttonsize && buttonsize._value.length) { val += "buttonsize:" + buttonsize._value + "; "; } var buttonalign = this.buttonalign; if (buttonalign && buttonalign._value.length) { val += "buttonalign:" + buttonalign._value + "; "; } var autohotkey = this.autohotkey; if (autohotkey && autohotkey._value.length) { val += "autohotkey:" + autohotkey._value + "; "; } return val; }; nexacro.PopupMenu_CurrentStyle = function () { nexacro.CurrentStyle.call(this); this.itemalign = null; this.itemheight = null; this.itembackground = null; this.itemborder = null; this.itembordertype = null; this.itemgradation = null; this.itempadding = null; this.checkboximage = null; this.expandimage = null; this.itemaccessibility = null; this.popuptype = null; this.buttonsize = null; this.buttonalign = null; this.autohotkey = null; }; var _pPopupMenuCurrentStyle = nexacro.PopupMenu_CurrentStyle.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.CurrentStyle, nexacro.PopupMenu_CurrentStyle); _pPopupMenuCurrentStyle.__custom_emptyObject = _pPopupMenuStyle.__custom_emptyObject; _pPopupMenuCurrentStyle.__get_custom_style_value = _pPopupMenuStyle.__get_custom_style_value; delete _pPopupMenuStyle; delete _pPopupMenuCurrentStyle; } if (!nexacro.PopupMenu) { nexacro.MenuCloseUpEventInfo = function (obj, id, isselect) { this.id = this.eventid = id || "oncloseup"; this.fromobject = obj; this.fromreferenceobject = obj; this.isselect = isselect; }; var _pMenuCloseUpEventInfo = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.MenuCloseUpEventInfo); nexacro.MenuCloseUpEventInfo.prototype = _pMenuCloseUpEventInfo; _pMenuCloseUpEventInfo._type_name = "MenuCloseUpEventInfo"; delete _pMenuCloseUpEventInfo; nexacro.MenuClickEventInfo = function (obj, id, itemid, itemuserdata, index, level) { this.eventid = id || "onmenuclick"; this.id = itemid; this.fromobject = this.fromreferenceobject = obj; this.index = index; this.level = level; this.userdata = itemuserdata; }; var _pMenuClickEventInfo = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.MenuClickEventInfo); nexacro.MenuClickEventInfo.prototype = _pMenuClickEventInfo; _pMenuClickEventInfo._type_name = "MenuClickEventInfo"; delete _pMenuClickEventInfo; nexacro.PopupMenu = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.PopupComponent.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); this.datarow = 0; this.level = 0; this.selfpopup = true; this.beforeindex = -1; this.innerdataset = ""; this.captioncolumn = ""; this.checkboxcolumn = ""; this.enablecolumn = ""; this.hotkeycolumn = ""; this.iconcolumn = ""; this.idcolumn = ""; this.levelcolumn = ""; this.userdatacolumn = ""; this._popupmenu = null; this._hot_key_list = []; this._items = []; this._attached_comp = this; this._is_subcontrol = false; this._previousitem = 0; this._popupitemindex = -1; this._popupitempreviousindex = -1; this._closeflag = true; this._want_tab = true; this._selected_itemindex = -1; this._last_mouseleave_iteminfo = { bindindex : -1, index : -1, level : -1 }; this._iconImage_width = 0; this._iconImage_height = 0; this._innerdataset = ""; this._lineItems = []; this.spinupbutton = null; this.spindownbutton = null; this._spin_height = 20; this._scrollIndex = 0; this._buttonRect = []; this._buttonRect_elem = []; this._accessibility_role = "menu"; this._want_arrow = true; this._event_list = { "onclick" : 1, "ondblclick" : 1, "onkeypress" : 1, "onkeydown" : 1, "onkeyup" : 1, "onkillfocus" : 1, "onsetfocus" : 1, "ondrag" : 1, "ondragenter" : 1, "ondragleave" : 1, "ondragmove" : 1, "ondrop" : 1, "onlbuttondown" : 1, "onlbuttonup" : 1, "onmouseenter" : 1, "onmouseleave" : 1, "onmousemove" : 1, "onmove" : 1, "onsize" : 1, "onrbuttondown" : 1, "onrbuttonup" : 1, "onmenuclick" : 1, "onpopup" : 1, "onmousedown" : 1, "onmouseup" : 1, "ontouchstart" : 1, "ontouchmove" : 1, "ontouchend" : 1, "onflingstart" : 1, "onfling" : 1, "onflingend" : 1, "onpinchstart" : 1, "onpinch" : 1, "onpinchend" : 1, "onlongpress" : 1, "onslidestart" : 1, "onslide" : 1, "onslideend" : 1, "oncloseup" : 1 }; }; var _pPopupMenu = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.PopupComponent, nexacro.PopupMenu); nexacro.PopupMenu.prototype = _pPopupMenu; _pPopupMenu._type_name = "PopupMenu"; nexacro.PopupMenu._default_buttonsize = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj("buttonsize", -1); nexacro.PopupMenu._default_buttonalign = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj("buttonalign", "auto"); _pPopupMenu.on_create_custom_style = function () { return new nexacro.PopupMenu_Style(this); }; _pPopupMenu.on_create_custom_currentStyle = function () { return new nexacro.PopupMenu_CurrentStyle(); }; _pPopupMenu.on_apply_custom_pseudo = function (pseudo) { var curstyle = this.currentstyle; var font = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_font(pseudo); if (curstyle.font != font) { curstyle.font = font; this.on_apply_style_font(font); } var letterspace = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_letterspace(pseudo); if (curstyle.letterspace != letterspace) { curstyle.letterspace = letterspace; this.on_apply_style_letterspace(letterspace); } var color = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_color(pseudo); if (curstyle.color != color) { curstyle.color = color; this.on_apply_style_color(color); } var itemalign = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_itemalign(pseudo); if (itemalign && curstyle.itemalign != itemalign) { curstyle.itemalign = itemalign; this.on_apply_style_itemalign(itemalign); } var itemheight = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_itemheight(pseudo); if (itemheight && curstyle.itemheight != itemheight) { curstyle.itemheight = itemheight; this.on_apply_style_itemheight(itemheight); } var itemborder = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_itemborder(pseudo); if (itemborder && this._compareitemBorder(curstyle.itemborder, itemborder)) { curstyle.itemborder = itemborder; this.on_apply_style_itemborder(itemborder); } var itembordertype = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_itembordertype(pseudo); if (itembordertype && curstyle.itembordertype != itembordertype) { curstyle.itembordertype = itembordertype; this.on_apply_style_itembordertype(itembordertype); } var itemgradation = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_itemgradation(pseudo); if (itemgradation && curstyle.itemgradation != itemgradation) { curstyle.itemgradation = itemgradation; this.on_apply_style_itemgradation(itemgradation); } var itempadding = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_itempadding(pseudo); if (itempadding && this._compareitemPadding(curstyle.itempadding, itempadding)) { curstyle.itempadding = itempadding; this.on_apply_style_itempadding(itempadding); } var checkboximage = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_checkboximage(pseudo); if (checkboximage && curstyle.checkboximage != checkboximage) { curstyle.checkboximage = checkboximage; this.on_apply_style_checkboximage(checkboximage); } var expandimage = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_expandimage(pseudo); if (expandimage && curstyle.expandimage != expandimage) { curstyle.expandimage = expandimage; this.on_apply_style_expandimage(expandimage); } var itemaccessibility = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_itemaccessibility(pseudo); if (itemaccessibility && curstyle.itemaccessibility != itemaccessibility) { curstyle.itemaccessibility = itemaccessibility; this.on_apply_style_itemaccessibility(itemaccessibility); } var popuptype = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_popuptype(pseudo); if (popuptype && curstyle.popuptype != popuptype) { curstyle.popuptype = popuptype; } var rtlimagemirroring = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_rtlimagemirroring(pseudo); if (rtlimagemirroring != curstyle.rtlimagemirroring) { curstyle.rtlimagemirroring = rtlimagemirroring; this.on_apply_style_rtlimagemirroring(rtlimagemirroring); } var buttonsize = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonsize(pseudo); if (buttonsize != curstyle.buttonsize) { curstyle.buttonsize = buttonsize; this.on_apply_style_buttonsize(buttonsize); } var buttonalign = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonalign(pseudo); if (buttonalign != curstyle.buttonalign) { curstyle.buttonalign = buttonalign; this.on_apply_style_buttonalign(buttonalign); } var autohotkey = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_autohotkey(pseudo); if (autohotkey != curstyle.autohotkey) { curstyle.autohotkey = autohotkey; } if (this.spinupbutton) { this.spinupbutton._control_pseudo = ""; this.spinupbutton._contents_pseudo = ""; this.spinupbutton.on_apply_pseudo(pseudo); } if (this.spindownbutton) { this.spindownbutton._control_pseudo = ""; this.spindownbutton._contents_pseudo = ""; this.spindownbutton.on_apply_pseudo(pseudo); } }; _pPopupMenu._compareitemPadding = function (curpadding, padding) { if (!curpadding) { return true; } if (curpadding.top != padding.top || curpadding.left != padding.left || curpadding.right != padding.right || curpadding.bottom != padding.bottom) { return true; } return false; }; _pPopupMenu._compareitemBorder = function (curborder, border) { if (!curborder) { return true; } if (curborder._value != border._value) { return true; } return false; }; _pPopupMenu.on_find_CurrentStyle_popuptype = function (pseudo) { if (this.parent instanceof nexacro.Menu || this.parent instanceof nexacro.PopupMenu) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_popuptype(pseudo); } return this._find_pseudo_obj("popuptype", pseudo); }; _pPopupMenu.on_find_CurrentStyle_itemalign = function (pseudo) { if (this.parent instanceof nexacro.Menu || this.parent instanceof nexacro.PopupMenu) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_itemalign(pseudo); } return this._find_pseudo_obj("itemalign", pseudo, "align"); }; _pPopupMenu.on_find_CurrentStyle_itemheight = function (pseudo) { if (this.parent instanceof nexacro.Menu) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_popupitemheight(pseudo); } else if (this.parent instanceof nexacro.PopupMenu) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_itemheight(pseudo); } return this._find_pseudo_obj("itemheight", pseudo); }; _pPopupMenu.on_find_CurrentStyle_itembackground = function (pseudo) { if (this.parent instanceof nexacro.Menu) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_popupitembackground(pseudo); } else if (this.parent instanceof nexacro.PopupMenu) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_itembackground(pseudo); } return itembackground = this._find_pseudo_obj("itembackground", pseudo, "background"); }; _pPopupMenu.on_find_CurrentStyle_itemborder = function (pseudo) { if (this.parent instanceof nexacro.Menu) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_popupitemborder(pseudo); } else if (this.parent instanceof nexacro.PopupMenu) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_itemborder(pseudo); } return this._find_pseudo_obj("itemborder", pseudo, "border"); }; _pPopupMenu.on_find_CurrentStyle_itembordertype = function (pseudo) { if (this.parent instanceof nexacro.Menu) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_popupitembordertype(pseudo); } else if (this.parent instanceof nexacro.PopupMenu) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_itembordertype(pseudo); } return this._find_pseudo_obj("itembordertype", pseudo, "bordertype"); }; _pPopupMenu.on_find_CurrentStyle_itemgradation = function (pseudo) { if (this.parent instanceof nexacro.Menu) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_popupitemgradation(pseudo); } else if (this.parent instanceof nexacro.PopupMenu) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_itemgradation(pseudo); } return this._find_pseudo_obj("itemgradation", pseudo, "gradation"); }; _pPopupMenu.on_find_CurrentStyle_itempadding = function (pseudo) { if (this.parent instanceof nexacro.Menu) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_popupitempadding(pseudo); } else if (this.parent instanceof nexacro.PopupMenu) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_itempadding(pseudo); } return this._find_pseudo_obj("itempadding", pseudo, "padding"); }; _pPopupMenu.on_find_CurrentStyle_checkboximage = function (pseudo) { if (this.parent instanceof nexacro.Menu || this.parent instanceof nexacro.PopupMenu) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_checkboximage(pseudo); } return this._find_pseudo_obj("checkboximage", pseudo); }; _pPopupMenu.on_find_CurrentStyle_expandimage = function (pseudo) { if (this.parent instanceof nexacro.Menu || this.parent instanceof nexacro.PopupMenu) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_expandimage(pseudo); } return this._find_pseudo_obj("expandimage", pseudo); }; _pPopupMenu.on_find_CurrentStyle_popupitembackground = function (pseudo) { if (this.parent instanceof nexacro.PopupMenu) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_popupitembackground(pseudo); } return this.parent._find_pseudo_obj("popupitembackground", pseudo, "background"); }; _pPopupMenu.on_find_CurrentStyle_popupitempadding = function (pseudo) { if (this.parent instanceof nexacro.PopupMenu) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_popupitempadding(pseudo); } return this.parent._find_pseudo_obj("popupitempadding", pseudo, "padding"); }; _pPopupMenu.on_find_CurrentStyle_background = function (pseudo) { if (this.parent instanceof nexacro.Menu) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_popupbackground(pseudo); } else if (this.parent instanceof nexacro.PopupMenu) { if (this.selfpopup) { var p = this; while (p._is_subcontrol != false) { p = p.parent; } return p._find_pseudo_obj("background", pseudo, "background"); } else { return this._getMenuObj()._find_pseudo_obj("popupbackground", pseudo, "background"); } } return this._find_pseudo_obj("background", pseudo, "background"); }; _pPopupMenu.on_find_CurrentStyle_font = function (pseudo) { if (this.parent instanceof nexacro.Menu) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_popupfont(pseudo); } else if (this.parent instanceof nexacro.PopupMenu) { if (this.selfpopup) { var p = this; while (p._is_subcontrol != false) { p = p.parent; } return p._find_inherit_pseudo_obj("font", pseudo, "font"); } else { return this._getMenuObj()._find_pseudo_obj("popupfont", pseudo, "font"); } } return this._find_inherit_pseudo_obj("font", pseudo, "font"); }; _pPopupMenu.on_find_CurrentStyle_letterspace = function (pseudo) { if (this.parent instanceof nexacro.Menu) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_letterspace(pseudo); } else if (this.parent instanceof nexacro.PopupMenu) { if (this.selfpopup) { var p = this; while (p._is_subcontrol != false) { p = p.parent; } return p._find_inherit_pseudo_obj("letterspace", pseudo, "letterspace"); } else { return this._getMenuObj()._find_pseudo_obj("letterspace", pseudo, "letterspace"); } } return this._find_inherit_pseudo_obj("letterspace", pseudo, "letterspace"); }; _pPopupMenu.on_find_CurrentStyle_color = function (pseudo) { if (this.parent instanceof nexacro.Menu) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_popupcolor(pseudo); } else if (this.parent instanceof nexacro.PopupMenu) { if (this.selfpopup) { var p = this; while (p._is_subcontrol != false) { p = p.parent; } return p._find_inherit_pseudo_obj("color", pseudo, "color") || this._defaultcolor; } else { return this._getMenuObj()._find_pseudo_obj("popupcolor", pseudo, "color") || this._defaultcolor; } } return this._find_inherit_pseudo_obj("color", pseudo, "color") || this._defaultcolor; }; _pPopupMenu.on_find_CurrentStyle_border = function (pseudo) { if (this.parent instanceof nexacro.Menu) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_popupborder(pseudo); } else if (this.parent instanceof nexacro.PopupMenu) { if (this.selfpopup) { var p = this; while (p._is_subcontrol != false) { p = p.parent; } return p._find_pseudo_obj("border", pseudo, "border"); } else { return this._getMenuObj()._find_pseudo_obj("popupborder", pseudo, "border"); } } return this._find_pseudo_obj("border", pseudo, "border"); }; _pPopupMenu.on_find_CurrentStyle_bordertype = function (pseudo) { if (this.parent instanceof nexacro.Menu) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_popupbordertype(pseudo); } else if (this.parent instanceof nexacro.PopupMenu) { if (this.selfpopup) { var p = this; while (p._is_subcontrol != false) { p = p.parent; } return p._find_pseudo_obj("bordertype", pseudo, "bordertype"); } else { return this._getMenuObj()._find_pseudo_obj("popupbordertype", pseudo, "bordertype"); } } return this._find_pseudo_obj("bordertype", pseudo, "bordertype"); }; _pPopupMenu.on_find_CurrentStyle_padding = function (pseudo) { if (this.parent instanceof nexacro.Menu) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_popuppadding(); } else if (this.parent instanceof nexacro.PopupMenu) { if (this.selfpopup) { var p = this; while (p._is_subcontrol != false) { p = p.parent; } return p._find_pseudo_obj("padding", pseudo, "padding"); } else { return this._getMenuObj()._find_pseudo_obj("popuppadding", pseudo, "padding"); } } return this._find_pseudo_obj("padding", pseudo, "padding"); }; _pPopupMenu.on_find_CurrentStyle_itemaccessibility = function (pseudo) { if (this.parent instanceof nexacro.Menu || this.parent instanceof nexacro.PopupMenu) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_itemaccessibility(pseudo) || nexacro.Component._default_accessibility; } return this._find_pseudo_obj("itemaccessibility", pseudo, "accessibility") || nexacro.Component._default_accessibility; }; _pPopupMenu.on_find_CurrentStyle_cusor = function (pseudo) { return nexacro.Component.prototype.on_find_CurrentStyle_cusor.call(this._getRootComponent(this)); }; _pPopupMenu.on_find_CurrentStyle_opacity = function (pseudo) { return nexacro.Component.prototype.on_find_CurrentStyle_opacity.call(this._getRootComponent(this)); }; _pPopupMenu.on_find_CurrentStyle_rtlimagemirroring = function (pseudo) { return; }; _pPopupMenu.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonsize = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("buttonsize", pseudo) || nexacro.PopupMenu._default_buttonsize; }; _pPopupMenu.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonalign = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("buttonalign", pseudo) || nexacro.PopupMenu._default_buttonalign; }; _pPopupMenu.on_find_CurrentStyle_autohotkey = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("autohotkey", pseudo) || nexacro.Menu._default_autohotkey; }; _pPopupMenu.on_apply_custom_class = function () { if (this._popupmenu) { this._popupmenu.on_apply_prop_class(); } }; _pPopupMenu.on_apply_style_color = function (color) { var items = this._items; if (items) { var len = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { color = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_color(items[i]._pseudo); items[i].on_apply_style_color(color); } } }; _pPopupMenu.on_apply_style_font = function (font) { var items = this._items; if (items) { var len = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { font = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_font(items[i]._pseudo); items[i].on_apply_style_font(font); } } }; _pPopupMenu.on_apply_style_letterspace = function (letterspace) { var items = this._items; if (items) { var len = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { letterspace = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_letterspace(items[i]._pseudo); items[i].on_apply_style_letterspace(letterspace); } } }; _pPopupMenu.on_apply_style_cursor = function (cursor) { var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem) { control_elem.setElementCursor(cursor); } var items = this._items; if (items) { var len = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { items[i].on_apply_style_cursor(cursor); } } }; _pPopupMenu.on_apply_style_opacity = function (opacity) { nexacro.Component.prototype.on_apply_style_opacity.call(this); var popupmenu = this._popupmenu; if (popupmenu) { popupmenu.on_apply_style_opacity(opacity); } }; _pPopupMenu.on_apply_style_padding = function (padding) { nexacro.Component.prototype.on_apply_style_padding.call(this); var popupmenu = this._popupmenu; if (popupmenu) { popupmenu.on_apply_style_padding(padding); } }; _pPopupMenu.on_apply_style_itemalign = function (itemalign) { var items = this._items; if (items) { var len = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { itemalign = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_itemalign(items[i]._pseudo); items[i].on_apply_style_align(itemalign); } } }; _pPopupMenu.on_apply_style_itembackground = function (itembackground) { var items = this._items; if (items) { var len = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { itembackground = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_itembackground(items[i]._pseudo); items[i].on_apply_style_background(itembackground); } } }; _pPopupMenu.on_apply_style_itemborder = function (itemborder) { var items = this._items; if (items) { var len = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { itemborder = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_itemborder(items[i]._pseudo); items[i].on_apply_style_border(itemborder); } } }; _pPopupMenu.on_apply_style_itembordertype = function (itembordertype) { var items = this._items; if (items) { var len = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { itembordertype = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_itembordertype(items[i]._pseudo); items[i].on_apply_style_bordertype(itembordertype); } } }; _pPopupMenu.on_apply_style_itemgradation = function (itemgradation) { var items = this._items; if (items) { var len = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { itemgradation = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_itemgradation(items[i]._pseudo); items[i].on_apply_style_gradation(itemgradation); } } }; _pPopupMenu.on_apply_style_itempadding = function (itempadding) { var items = this._items; if (items) { var len = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { itempadding = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_itempadding(items[i]._pseudo); items[i].on_apply_style_padding(itempadding); } this._reCalcSize(); this._calcSpinButton(); this._updateMenuItemPosition(); } }; _pPopupMenu.on_apply_style_itemheight = nexacro._emptyFn; _pPopupMenu.on_apply_style_checkboximage = function (checkboximage) { if (!checkboximage) { checkboximage = this.currentstyle.checkboximage; } this._load_image(checkboximage, "chk"); var items = this._items; if (items) { var len = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { items[i]._setCheckimage(checkboximage._value); } } if (this._popupmenu) { this._popupmenu.style.set_checkboximage(checkboximage); } this._reCalcSize(); this._calcSpinButton(); this._updateMenuItemPosition(); }; _pPopupMenu.on_apply_style_expandimage = function (expandimage) { if (!expandimage) { expandimage = this.currentstyle.expandimage; } var img_url = this._load_image(expandimage, "exp"); var items = this._items; if (items) { var len = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { items[i]._setExpandimage(img_url); } } if (this._popupmenu) { this._popupmenu.style.set_expandimage(expandimage); } }; _pPopupMenu.on_apply_style_itemaccessibility = function (itemaccessibility) { var items = this._items; if (items) { var len = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { items[i].on_apply_style_accessibility(itemaccessibility); } } }; _pPopupMenu.on_apply_style_rtlimagemirroring = function (rtlimagemirroring) { return; }; _pPopupMenu.on_apply_prop_rtldirection = function () { nexacro.Component.prototype.on_apply_prop_rtldirection.call(this); var _rtldirection = this._rtldirection; var len = this._items.length; var item = null; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { item = this._getItem(i); item._setRtlDirection(_rtldirection); } var popupmenu = this._popupmenu; if (popupmenu) { popupmenu._setRtlDirection(_rtldirection); } }; _pPopupMenu.on_apply_style_buttonsize = function (buttonsize) { if (buttonsize && buttonsize._value != -1) { this._spin_height = parseInt(buttonsize._value); } else { this._spin_height = 20; } this._reCalcSize(); this._calcSpinButton(); this._updateMenuItemPosition(); }; _pPopupMenu.on_apply_style_buttonalign = function (buttonalign) { if (buttonalign) { var align = buttonalign._value; if (align == "none") { this._spin_height = 0; } else { var buttonsize = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonsize(this._pseudo); if (buttonsize && buttonsize._value != -1) { this._spin_height = parseInt(buttonsize._value); } else { this._spin_height = 20; } } } this._reCalcSize(); this._calcSpinButton(); this._updateMenuItemPosition(); }; _pPopupMenu.on_apply_style_autohotkey = nexacro._emptyFn; _pPopupMenu.on_update_style_color = function () { if (!this._is_subcontrol) { this.currentstyle.color = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_color(this._pseudo); } var items = this._items; if (items) { var len = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { items[i].on_update_style_color(); } } if (this._popupmenu) { this._popupmenu.on_update_style_color(); } }; _pPopupMenu.on_update_style_font = function () { if (!this._is_subcontrol) { this.currentstyle.font = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_font(this._pseudo); } var items = this._items; if (items) { var len = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { items[i].on_update_style_font(); } } var popupmenu = this._popupmenu; if (popupmenu) { popupmenu.on_update_style_font(); } }; _pPopupMenu.on_update_style_align = function () { if (!this._is_subcontrol) { this.currentstyle.align = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_align(this._pseudo); } var items = this._items; if (items) { var len = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { items[i].on_update_style_align(); } } var popupmenu = this._popupmenu; if (popupmenu) { popupmenu.on_update_style_align(); } }; _pPopupMenu.on_update_style_border = function () { this.on_apply_style_border(this.currentstyle.border = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_border(this._pseudo)); var popupmenu = this._popupmenu; if (popupmenu) { popupmenu.on_update_style_border(); } }; _pPopupMenu.on_update_style_bordertype = function () { this.on_apply_style_bordertype(this.currentstyle.bordertype = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_bordertype(this._pseudo)); var popupmenu = this._popupmenu; if (popupmenu) { popupmenu.on_update_style_bordertype(); } }; _pPopupMenu.on_update_style_background = function () { this.on_apply_style_background(this.currentstyle.background = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_background(this._pseudo)); var popupmenu = this._popupmenu; if (popupmenu) { popupmenu.on_update_style_background(); } }; _pPopupMenu.on_update_style_gradation = function () { this.on_apply_style_gradation(this.currentstyle.gradation = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_gradation(this._pseudo)); var popupmenu = this._popupmenu; if (popupmenu) { popupmenu.on_update_style_gradation(); } }; _pPopupMenu.on_update_style_opacity = function () { this.on_apply_style_opacity(this.currentstyle.opacity = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_opacity(this._pseudo)); var popupmenu = this._popupmenu; if (popupmenu) { popupmenu.on_update_style_opacity(); } }; _pPopupMenu.on_update_style_shadow = function () { this.on_apply_style_shadow(this.currentstyle.shadow = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_shadow(this._pseudo)); var popupmenu = this._popupmenu; if (popupmenu) { popupmenu.on_update_style_shadow(); } }; _pPopupMenu.on_update_style_cursor = function () { this.on_apply_style_cursor(this.currentstyle.cursor = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_cursor(this._pseudo)); var popupmenu = this._popupmenu; if (popupmenu) { popupmenu.on_update_style_cursor(); } }; _pPopupMenu.on_update_style_padding = function () { nexacro.Component.prototype.on_update_style_padding.call(this); var popupmenu = this._popupmenu; if (popupmenu) { popupmenu.on_update_style_padding(); } }; _pPopupMenu.on_update_style_popuptype = function () { this.currentstyle.popuptype = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_popuptype(this._pseudo); var popupmenu = this._popupmenu; if (popupmenu) { popupmenu.on_update_style_popuptype(); } }; _pPopupMenu.on_update_style_itemalign = function () { this.on_apply_style_itemalign(this.currentstyle.itemalign = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_itemalign(this._pseudo)); }; _pPopupMenu.on_update_style_itemheight = function () { this.on_apply_style_itemheight(this.currentstyle.itemheight = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_itemheight(this._pseudo)); var popupmenu = this._popupmenu; if (popupmenu) { popupmenu.on_update_style_itemheight(); } }; _pPopupMenu.on_update_style_itembackground = function () { this.on_apply_style_itembackground(this.currentstyle.itembackground = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_itembackground(this._pseudo)); var popupmenu = this._popupmenu; if (popupmenu) { popupmenu.on_update_style_itembackground(); } }; _pPopupMenu.on_update_style_itemborder = function () { this.on_apply_style_itemborder(this.currentstyle.itemborder = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_itemborder(this._pseudo)); var popupmenu = this._popupmenu; if (popupmenu) { popupmenu.on_update_style_itemborder(); } }; _pPopupMenu.on_update_style_itembordertype = function () { this.on_apply_style_itembordertype(this.currentstyle.itembordertype = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_itembordertype(this._pseudo)); var popupmenu = this._popupmenu; if (popupmenu) { popupmenu.on_update_style_itembordertype(); } }; _pPopupMenu.on_update_style_itemgradation = function () { this.on_apply_style_itemgradation(this.currentstyle.itemgradation = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_itemgradation(this._pseudo)); var popupmenu = this._popupmenu; if (popupmenu) { popupmenu.on_update_style_itemgradation(); } }; _pPopupMenu.on_update_style_itempadding = function () { this.on_apply_style_itempadding(this.currentstyle.itempadding = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_itempadding(this._pseudo)); var popupmenu = this._popupmenu; if (popupmenu) { popupmenu.on_update_style_itempadding(); } }; _pPopupMenu.on_update_style_checkboximage = function () { this.on_apply_style_checkboximage(this.currentstyle.checkboximage = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_checkboximage(this._pseudo)); var popupmenu = this._popupmenu; if (popupmenu) { popupmenu.on_update_style_checkboximage(); } }; _pPopupMenu.on_update_style_expandimage = function () { this.on_apply_style_expandimage(this.currentstyle.expandimage = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_expandimage(this._pseudo)); var popupmenu = this._popupmenu; if (popupmenu) { popupmenu.on_update_style_expandimage(); } }; _pPopupMenu.on_update_style_itemaccessibility = function () { this.on_apply_style_itemaccessibility(this.currentstyle.itemaccessibility = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_itemaccessibility(this._pseudo)); var popupmenu = this._popupmenu; if (popupmenu) { popupmenu.on_update_style_itemaccessibility(); } }; _pPopupMenu.on_update_style_buttonsize = function () { this.on_apply_style_buttonsize(this.currentstyle.buttonsize = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonsize(this._pseudo)); }; _pPopupMenu.on_update_style_buttonalign = function () { this.on_apply_style_buttonalign(this.currentstyle.buttonalign = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonalign(this._pseudo)); }; _pPopupMenu.on_update_style_autohotkey = function () { this.on_apply_style_autohotkey(this.currentstyle.autohotkey = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_autohotkey(this._pseudo)); }; _pPopupMenu.on_create_contents = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { this._createPopupMenu(); } if (!this._is_subcontrol) { var curstyle = this.currentstyle; if (curstyle.checkboximage) { this._load_image(curstyle.checkboximage, "chk"); } if (curstyle.expandimage) { this._load_image(curstyle.expandimage, "exp"); } } if (this._innerdataset && this.enablecolumn) { this.on_apply_enablecolumn(); } }; _pPopupMenu.on_created_contents = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { if (!this._innerdataset && this.innerdataset) { this._innerdataset = this._findDataset(this.innerdataset); this.on_apply_innerdataset(); } var items = this._lineItems; if (items) { var len = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { items[i].on_created(); } } if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { this.on_apply_style_itemaccessibility(this.on_find_CurrentStyle_itemaccessibility(this._pseudo)); this._setAccessibilityInfoLevel(this.level); } this.on_apply_prop_rtldirection(); } }; _pPopupMenu.on_destroy_contents = function () { var items = this._items; var len = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { items[i].destroyComponent(); items[i] = null; } this._items = []; if (this._popupmenu) { this._popupmenu.destroy(); this._popupmenu = null; } }; _pPopupMenu.set_captioncolumn = function (v) { if (v != this.captioncolumn) { this.captioncolumn = v; var popupmenu = this._popupmenu; if (popupmenu) { popupmenu.set_captioncolumn(v); } this.on_apply_captioncolumn(); } }; _pPopupMenu.on_apply_captioncolumn = function () { var ds = this._innerdataset; if (ds) { this._createPopupMenu(); var items = this._items; if (items) { var len = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { items[i]._setText(ds.getColumn(items[i].datarow, this.captioncolumn) || ""); } } } }; _pPopupMenu.set_checkboxcolumn = function (v) { if (v != this.checkboxcolumn) { this.checkboxcolumn = v; var popupmenu = this._popupmenu; if (popupmenu) { popupmenu.set_checkboxcolumn(v); } this.on_apply_checkboxcolumn(); } }; _pPopupMenu.on_apply_checkboxcolumn = function () { var ds = this._innerdataset; if (ds) { this._createPopupMenu(); var items = this._items; if (items) { var len = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { items[i]._setValue(ds.getColumn(items[i].datarow, this.checkboxcolumn) || false); } } } }; _pPopupMenu.set_enablecolumn = function (v) { if (v != this.enablecolumn) { this.enablecolumn = v; var popupmenu = this._popupmenu; if (popupmenu) { popupmenu.set_enablecolumn(v); } this.on_apply_enablecolumn(); } }; _pPopupMenu.on_apply_enablecolumn = function () { var ds = this._innerdataset; if (ds) { this._createPopupMenu(); var items = this._items; if (items) { var len = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var enabletext = ds.getColumn(items[i].datarow, this.enablecolumn); enabletext = enabletext == false || enabletext == "false" ? false : true; items[i].set_enable(enabletext); } } } }; _pPopupMenu.set_hotkeycolumn = function (v) { if (v != this.hotkeycolumn) { this.hotkeycolumn = v; var popupmenu = this._popupmenu; if (popupmenu) { popupmenu.set_hotkeycolumn(v); } this.on_apply_hotkeycolumn(); } }; _pPopupMenu.on_apply_hotkeycolumn = function () { var ds = this._innerdataset; if (ds) { this._createPopupMenu(); var items = this._items; if (items) { var len = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { items[i]._setHotkey(ds.getColumn(items[i].datarow, this.hotkeycolumn) || ""); } } } }; _pPopupMenu.set_iconcolumn = function (v) { if (v != this.iconcolumn) { this.iconcolumn = v; if (this._popupmenu) { this._popupmenu.set_iconcolumn(v); } this.on_apply_iconcolumn(); } }; _pPopupMenu.on_apply_iconcolumn = function () { var ds = this._innerdataset; if (ds) { this._createPopupMenu(); var items = this._items; if (items) { var len = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { items[i]._setIcon(ds.getColumn(items[i].datarow, this.iconcolumn) || ""); } } } }; _pPopupMenu.set_idcolumn = function (v) { if (v != this.idcolumn) { this.idcolumn = v; if (this._popupmenu) { this._popupmenu.set_idcolumn(v); } this.on_apply_idcolumn(); } }; _pPopupMenu.on_apply_idcolumn = function () { var ds = this._innerdataset; if (ds) { this._createPopupMenu(); var items = this._items; if (items) { var len = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { items[i].id = ds.getColumn(items[i].datarow, this.idcolumn) || ""; } } } }; _pPopupMenu.set_levelcolumn = function (v) { if (v != this.levelcolumn) { this.levelcolumn = v; this.on_apply_levelcolumn(); } }; _pPopupMenu.on_apply_levelcolumn = function () { var ds = this._innerdataset; if (ds) { this._createPopupMenu(); var items = this._items; if (items) { var len = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { items[i].level = ds.getColumn(items[i].datarow, this.levelcolumn) || -1; } } } }; _pPopupMenu.set_userdatacolumn = function (v) { if (v != this.userdatacolumn) { this.userdatacolumn = v; var popupmenu = this._popupmenu; if (popupmenu) { popupmenu.set_userdatacolumn(v); } this.on_apply_userdatacolumn(); } }; _pPopupMenu.on_apply_userdatacolumn = function () { var ds = this._innerdataset; if (ds) { this._createPopupMenu(); var items = this._items; if (items) { var len = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { items[i].userdata = ds.getColumn(items[i].datarow, this.userdatacolumn) || null; } } } }; _pPopupMenu.setInnerDataset = function (obj) { if (!obj) { this._innerdataset = null; this.innerdataset = ""; this.on_apply_innerdataset(); } else if (obj instanceof nexacro.Dataset) { this._innerdataset = obj; this.innerdataset = obj.id; this.on_apply_innerdataset(); } }; _pPopupMenu._setInnerDatasetStr = function (str) { if (!str) { this._innerdataset = null; this.innerdataset = ""; } else { str = str.replace("@", ""); this._innerdataset = this._findDataset(str); this.innerdataset = str; } }; _pPopupMenu.getInnerDataset = function () { return this._innerdataset; }; _pPopupMenu.set_innerdataset = function (str) { if (typeof str != "string") { this.setInnerDataset(str); return; } if (str != this.innerdataset) { if (!str) { this._innerdataset = null; this.innerdataset = ""; } else { str = str.replace("@", ""); this._innerdataset = this._findDataset(str); this.innerdataset = str; } this.on_apply_innerdataset(); } else if (this.innerdataset && !this._innerdataset) { this._setInnerDatasetStr(this.innerdataset); this.on_apply_innerdataset(); } }; _pPopupMenu.on_apply_innerdataset = function () { var ds = this._innerdataset; if (ds) { var callback = this._callbackFromDataset; ds._setEventHandler("onrowposchanged", callback, this); ds._setEventHandler("oncolumnchanged", callback, this); ds._setEventHandler("onrowsetchanged", callback, this); } this._createPopupMenu(); this.beforeindex = -1; this.beforevalue = ""; this.beforeText = ""; }; _pPopupMenu.on_fire_user_onlbuttondown = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (this.onlbuttondown && this.onlbuttondown._has_handlers) { var refer_comp = from_refer_comp._overedobj || from_refer_comp; var evt = new nexacro.MenuMouseEventInfo(this, "onlbuttondown", refer_comp.id, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, refer_comp.parent.level, refer_comp.index, refer_comp._bindindex); return this.onlbuttondown._fireUserEvent(this, evt); } return false; }; _pPopupMenu.on_fire_user_onlbuttonup = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (this.onlbuttonup && this.onlbuttonup._has_handlers) { var refer_comp = from_refer_comp._overedobj || from_refer_comp; var evt = new nexacro.MenuMouseEventInfo(button, "onlbuttonup", refer_comp.id, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, refer_comp.parent.level, refer_comp.index, refer_comp._bindindex); return this.onlbuttonup._fireUserEvent(this, evt); } return false; }; _pPopupMenu.on_fire_user_onmousedown = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (this.onmousedown && this.onmousedown._has_handlers) { var refer_comp = from_refer_comp._overedobj || from_refer_comp; var evt = new nexacro.MenuMouseEventInfo(this, "onmousedown", refer_comp.id, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, refer_comp.parent.level, refer_comp.index, refer_comp._bindindex); return this.onmousedown._fireUserEvent(this, evt); } return false; }; _pPopupMenu.on_fire_user_onmouseup = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (this.onmouseup && this.onmouseup._has_handlers) { var refer_comp = from_refer_comp._overedobj || from_refer_comp; var evt = new nexacro.MenuMouseEventInfo(this, "onmouseup", refer_comp.id, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, refer_comp.parent.level, refer_comp.index, refer_comp._bindindex); return this.onmouseup._fireUserEvent(this, evt); } return false; }; _pPopupMenu.on_fire_user_onmouseenter = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (this.onmouseenter && this.onmouseenter._has_handlers) { var refer_comp = from_refer_comp._overedobj || from_refer_comp; var evt = new nexacro.MenuMouseEventInfo(this, "onmouseenter", refer_comp.id, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, refer_comp.parent.level, refer_comp.index, refer_comp._bindindex); return this.onmouseenter._fireUserEvent(this, evt); } }; _pPopupMenu.on_fire_user_onmouseleave = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (this.onmouseleave && this.onmouseleave._has_handlers) { var iteminfo = this._last_mouseleave_iteminfo; var refer_comp = from_refer_comp._overedobj || from_refer_comp; var evt = new nexacro.MenuMouseEventInfo(this, "onmouseleave", refer_comp.id, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, iteminfo.level, iteminfo.index, iteminfo.bindindex); return this.onmouseleave._fireUserEvent(this, evt); } return false; }; _pPopupMenu.on_fire_user_onmousemove = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (this.onmousemove && this.onmousemove._has_handlers) { var refer_comp = from_refer_comp._overedobj || from_refer_comp; var evt = new nexacro.MenuMouseEventInfo(this, "onmousemove", refer_comp.id, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, from_comp.parent.level, refer_comp.index, refer_comp._bindindex); return this.onmousemove._fireUserEvent(this, evt); } return false; }; _pPopupMenu.on_fire_user_ondrag = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, refer_comp, self_refer_comp) { if (this.ondrag && this.ondrag._has_handlers) { var dragData = this._getDragData(); var self_refer = self_refer_comp._overedobj || self_refer_comp; var evt = new nexacro.MenuDragEventInfo(this, "ondrag", refer_comp.id, dragData, null, this, self_refer_comp, from_comp, refer_comp, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, self_refer_comp.parent.level, self_refer.index, self_refer._bindindex); return [this.ondrag._fireUserEvent(this, evt), this, self_refer_comp, dragData, evt.userdata]; } return [false]; }; _pPopupMenu.on_fire_user_ondrop = function (src_comp, src_refer_comp, dragdata, userdata, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (this.ondrop && this.ondrop._has_handlers) { var refer_comp = from_refer_comp._overedobj || from_refer_comp; var evt = new nexacro.MenuDragEventInfo(this, "ondrop", refer_comp.id, dragdata, userdata, src_comp, src_refer_comp, from_comp, from_refer_comp, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_refer_comp.parent.level, refer_comp.index, refer_comp._bindindex); return this.ondrop._fireUserEvent(this, evt); } return false; }; _pPopupMenu.on_fire_user_ondragenter = function (src_comp, src_refer_comp, dragdata, userdata, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (this.ondragenter && this.ondragenter._has_handlers) { var refer_comp = from_refer_comp._overedobj || from_refer_comp; var evt = new nexacro.MenuDragEventInfo(this, "ondragenter", refer_comp.id, dragdata, userdata, src_comp, src_refer_comp, from_comp, from_refer_comp, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_refer_comp.parent.level, refer_comp.index, refer_comp._bindindex); return this.ondragenter._fireUserEvent(this, evt); } return false; }; _pPopupMenu.on_fire_user_ondragleave = function (src_comp, src_refer_comp, dragdata, userdata, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (this.ondragleave && this.ondragleave._has_handlers) { var iteminfo = this._last_mouseleave_iteminfo; var evt = new nexacro.MenuDragEventInfo(this, "ondragleave", refer_comp.id, dragdata, userdata, src_comp, src_refer_comp, from_comp, from_refer_comp, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, iteminfo.level, iteminfo.index, iteminfo.bindindex); return this.ondragleave._fireUserEvent(this, evt); } return false; }; _pPopupMenu.on_fire_user_ondragmove = function (src_comp, src_refer_comp, dragdata, userdata, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (this.ondragmove && this.ondragmove._has_handlers) { var refer_comp = from_refer_comp._overedobj || from_refer_comp; var evt = new nexacro.MenuDragEventInfo(this, "ondragmove", refer_comp.id, dragdata, userdata, src_comp, src_refer_comp, from_comp, from_refer_comp, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_refer_comp.parent.level, refer_comp.index, refer_comp._bindindex); return this.ondragmove._fireUserEvent(this, evt); } return false; }; _pPopupMenu.on_fire_user_onkeydown = function (keycode, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, fire_comp, refer_comp) { var pThis = this._popupmenu_find(this); var item = this._item_find(pThis); var popupvisible = this._popupmenu_visible(this); var item_len = item.length - 1; var pitemindex, nitemindex = this._popupitemindex; var popuptype = this._getPopupType(); var rootComp = this._getRootComponent(this); var E = nexacro.Event; switch (keycode) { case E.KEY_TAB: if (!popupvisible) { if (!shift_key && this._popupitemindex == item_len || shift_key && this._popupitemindex < 0) { this._want_tab = false; this._closePopup(); } else { pThis._item_focus(item[pThis._popupitemindex], false); if (shift_key == false) { this._popupitemindex++; } else { this._popupitemindex--; } if (item[this._popupitemindex]) { rootComp._menuitemonmouseenter = item[this._popupitemindex]; this._item_focus(item[this._popupitemindex], true); } else { this._do_defocus(this._last_focused, true); this._on_focus(true); } } this.parent._getWindow()._keydown_element._event_stop = true; break; } else { if (!shift_key && pThis._popupitemindex == item_len || shift_key && pThis._popupitemindex == 0) { pThis._item_focus(item[pThis._popupitemindex], false); pThis._closePopup(); var pThis = this._popupmenu_find(this); var item = this._item_find(pThis); pThis._item_focus(item[pThis._previousitem], true); pThis._popupitemindex = pThis._previousitem; } else { pThis._item_focus(item[pThis._popupitemindex], false); if (shift_key) { pThis._popupitemindex--; } else { pThis._popupitemindex++; } rootComp._menuitemonmouseenter = item[pThis._popupitemindex]; pThis._item_focus(item[pThis._popupitemindex], true); } this.parent._getWindow()._keydown_element._event_stop = true; break; } default: break; } return nexacro.Component.prototype.on_fire_user_onkeydown.call(this, keycode, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, fire_comp, refer_comp); }; _pPopupMenu.on_fire_sys_onkeydown = function (keycode, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, fire_comp, refer_comp) { if (this._is_subcontrol == false) { var pThis = this._popupmenu_find(this); var item = this._item_find(pThis); var item_len = item.length - 1; var pitemindex, nitemindex = this._popupitemindex; var popuptype = this._getPopupType(); var rootComp = this._getRootComponent(this); var E = nexacro.Event; switch (keycode) { case E.KEY_UP: this._popupitemindex = rootComp._popupitemindex; this._item_focus(item[this._popupitemindex], false); this._popupitemindex--; if (this._popupitemindex < 0) { this._popupitemindex = item_len; } rootComp._menuitemonmouseenter = item[this._popupitemindex]; pThis._previousitem = this._popupitemindex; pThis._item_focus(item[this._popupitemindex], true); break; case E.KEY_DOWN: this._popupitemindex = rootComp._popupitemindex; this._item_focus(item[this._popupitemindex], false); this._popupitemindex++; if (this._popupitemindex > item_len) { this._popupitemindex = 0; } rootComp._menuitemonmouseenter = item[this._popupitemindex]; pThis._previousitem = this._popupitemindex; pThis._item_focus(item[this._popupitemindex], true); break; case E.KEY_LEFT: if ((pThis.parent instanceof nexacro.PopupMenu) == false) { break; } else { pThis._closePopup(); this._popupitemindex = pThis.parent._previousitem; var item = this._item_find(pThis.parent); rootComp._menuitemonmouseenter = item[this._popupitemindex]; item[this._popupitemindex].parent._item_focus(item[this._popupitemindex], true); item[this._popupitemindex].parent._popupitemindex = this._popupitemindex; } break; case E.KEY_RIGHT: if (popuptype == "none" || this._popupitemindex == -1) { break; } this._popupitemindex = rootComp._popupitemindex; var popupexpand = this._popupmenuitem_extend(item[this._popupitemindex]); if (popupexpand == false) { pThis._previousitem = this._popupitemindex; pThis.on_notify_menuitem_onmouseenter(item[this._popupitemindex]); this._item_focus(item[this._popupitemindex], false); this._popupitemindex = 0; var rThis = this._popupmenu_find(this); var item = this._item_find(pThis); rootComp._menuitemonmouseenter = item[this._popupitemindex]; rThis._item_focus(item[this._popupitemindex], true); rThis._popupitemindex = this._popupitemindex; } break; case E.KEY_ENTER: if (popuptype == "none") { break; } var rThis = rootComp._menuitemonmouseenter.parent; if (pThis instanceof nexacro.Menu) { pThis.on_notify_menuitem_onlbuttondown(rootComp._menuitemonmouseenter); } else { var popupexpand = this._popupmenuitem_extend(rootComp._menuitemonmouseenter); if (!popupexpand) { this._item_focus(rootComp._menuitemonmouseenter, false); } rThis.on_notify_menuitem_onlbuttondown(rootComp._menuitemonmouseenter); var eThis = this._popupmenu_find(this); var item = this._item_find(eThis); this._popupitemindex = 0; rootComp._menuitemonmouseenter = item[this._popupitemindex]; eThis._item_focus(item[this._popupitemindex], true); eThis._popupitemindex = this._popupitemindex; this._popupitempreviousindex = this._popupitemindex; } break; default: break; } return nexacro.Component.prototype.on_fire_sys_onkeydown.call(this, keycode, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, fire_comp, refer_comp); } }; _pPopupMenu._do_defocus = function (target, bParent) { var _window = this._getWindow(); _window._removeFromCurrentFocusPath(target, true); if (bParent) { _window._removeFromCurrentFocusPath(this, false); } }; _pPopupMenu.on_notify_menuitem_onclick = function (obj, e) { var popuptype = this._getPopupType(); this._previousitem = obj.index; if (obj.enable == false || popuptype == "none") { return; } if (obj.notexpand == true) { if (this.parent && this.parent.enable == true) { if (this.parent instanceof nexacro.Menu) { { this.parent.on_notify_menuitem_onclick(obj, e); } } else if (!(this.parent instanceof nexacro.PopupMenu)) { if (this.onmenuclick && this.onmenuclick._has_handlers) { var rootComp = this._getRootComponent(obj); this.on_fire_onitemclick(rootComp, "onmenuclick", obj.id, obj.userdata, obj.index, obj.parent.level); this._popupitemindex = -1; } } else { this.parent.on_notify_menuitem_onclick(obj, e); } this._closeAllPopup(); } } }; _pPopupMenu.on_notify_menuitem_onmouseenter = function (obj, e) { var popupmenu = this._popupmenu; var pobj = this._getRootComponent(obj); pobj._popupitemindex = obj.index; pobj._menuitemonmouseenter = obj; if (popupmenu && popupmenu._is_popup()) { if (this.beforeindex != obj.index) { popupmenu.cancelPopup(); this._closeflag = true; this._showPopup(obj); } } else { if (this._getPopupType() != "none") { this._closeflag = true; this._showPopup(obj); } } this.beforeindex = obj.index; if (!nexacro._enableaccessibility) { var item = this._items; var pitem = this.parent._items; this._item_focus(item[obj.index], true); if (this._popupitempreviousindex == -1 || this._popupitemindex == -1) { this._popupitempreviousindex = 0; this._popupitemindex = 0; } if (item.length <= this._popupitemindex) { this._popupitemindex = item.length - 1; this._popupitempreviousindex = this._popupitemindex; } if (item[this._popupitemindex]) { this._item_focus(item[this._popupitemindex], false); } if (item[this._previousitem]) { this._item_focus(item[this._previousitem], false); } if (pitem && pitem[this.parent._previousitem]) { this._item_focus(pitem[this.parent._previousitem], true); } if (popupmenu && popupmenu._is_popup() == true) { this._popupitemindex = -1; } else { this._popupitemindex = obj.index; } this._previousitem = obj.index; } }; _pPopupMenu.on_notify_menuitem_onmouseleave = function (obj, e) { var rootCom = this._getRootComponent(this); rootCom._last_mouseleave_iteminfo.index = obj.index; rootCom._last_mouseleave_iteminfo.bindindex = obj._bindindex; rootCom._last_mouseleave_iteminfo.level = obj.parent.level; }; _pPopupMenu.on_notify_menuitem_onlbuttondown = function (obj, e) { this._item_focus(this._items[this._previousitem], false); this._item_focus(this._items[this._selected_itemindex], false); this._menuitemonmouseenter = obj; this._previousitem = obj.index; var popupmenu = this._popupmenu; if (popupmenu) { if (popupmenu._is_popup()) { if (this.beforeindex != obj.index) { this.beforeindex = obj.index; } popupmenu.cancelPopup(); this._menuitemindex = obj.index; this._popupitemindex = -1; } } if (!obj.notexpand) { this._closeflag = true; this._showPopup(obj); if (this._getRootComponent(obj) instanceof nexacro.Menu) { this._getRootComponent(obj)._popupitemindex = obj.index; } } this._item_focus(obj, true); }; _pPopupMenu.on_fire_onitemclick = function (obj, id, itemid, itemuserdata, index, level) { this._selected_itemindex = index; var evt = new nexacro.MenuClickEventInfo(obj, id, itemid, itemuserdata, index, level); this.onmenuclick._fireEvent(this, evt); }; _pPopupMenu.cancelPopup = function () { this._closePopup(); if (nexacro._enableaccessibility == false) { var rootComp = this._getRootComponent(this); if (rootComp instanceof nexacro.Menu) { var items = rootComp._items; for (var i = 0, n = items.length; i < n; i++) { this._item_focus(items[i], false); } } } }; _pPopupMenu.isPopup = function () { return this._is_popup(); }; _pPopupMenu.trackPopup = function (x, y, align, bcapture) { if (this.isPopup()) { return; } this._selected_itemindex = -1; this._track_capture = bcapture === false ? false : true; this._destroySpinButton(); this._createSpinbutton(); var alignPosition = this._getAlignPosition(x, y, align); if (!this._is_root_comp_menu()) { this._adjust_left = alignPosition[0]; this._adjust_top = alignPosition[1]; } this._reCalcSize(); this.on_created(); this._adjustPopupPosition(+x, +y, align); this._calcSpinButton(); this._updateMenuItemPosition(); this._closeflag = true; this.setFocus(); }; _pPopupMenu.trackPopupByComponent = function (obj, x, y, align, bcapture) { if (this.isPopup()) { return; } this._selected_itemindex = -1; this._track_capture = bcapture === false ? false : true; this._destroySpinButton(); this._createSpinbutton(); this._reCalcSize(); this.on_created(); this._track_on = true; var alignPosition = this._getAlignPosition(x, y, align); this._calcSpinButton(); this._updateMenuItemPosition(); var popup_left = alignPosition[0] < 0 ? 0 : alignPosition[0]; var org_popup_top = alignPosition[1] < 0 ? 0 : alignPosition[1]; var popup_top = org_popup_top; var popup_width = this._width; var popup_height = this._height; var popup_winpos_right = popup_left + popup_width; var popup_winpos_bottom = popup_top + popup_height + (obj._adjust_top); var _window = this._getWindow(); var win_width = _window.clientWidth; var win_height = _window.clientHeight; var frame = application.mainframe; var statusbar_height = 0; var titlebar_height = 0; if (frame && nexacro.Browser == "Runtime") { var frame_border = frame.currentstyle.border; var border_width = frame_border._top_width + frame_border._bottom_width; statusbar_height = frame.statusbar ? frame.statusbar._client_height : 0; titlebar_height = frame.titlebar ? frame.titlebar._client_height : 0; win_height = win_height - (titlebar_height + statusbar_height) - border_width; } var width_gap = popup_winpos_right - win_width; if (popup_winpos_right > win_width && popup_left > width_gap) { popup_left = popup_left - width_gap; } if (popup_winpos_bottom > win_height) { var form = this._getRootForm(); var pos = form.vscrollbar ? form.vscrollbar.pos : 0; var max_pos = form.vscrollbar ? form.vscrollbar.max : 0; popup_top = (win_height - obj._adjust_top - obj._adjust_height) - popup_height + popup_top + pos; if (popup_top < 0) { var p = nexacro._getElementPositionInFrame(obj.getElement()); if (max_pos > 0) { popup_top = (win_height - popup_height - p.y) + statusbar_height; } else { popup_top = -(org_popup_top + popup_height) + (win_height - obj._adjust_top); } } } this._track_on = true; var scale = this._getCumulativeZoomFactor() / 100.0; var elem = this.getElement(); if (elem.setZoom) { elem.setZoom(scale * 100); } else if (nexacro.ScrollableContainerElement.prototype.setZoom) { nexacro.ScrollableContainerElement.prototype.setZoom.call(elem, scale * 100); } this._popupBy(obj, popup_left, popup_top, this._width, this._height); this._closeflag = true; this.setFocus(); }; _pPopupMenu.on_change_containerRect = function () { }; _pPopupMenu._getDlgCode = function (keycode, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey) { var want_arrow = this._want_arrow; var want_tab = this._want_tab; this._want_tab = true; return { want_tab : want_tab, want_return : true, want_escape : false, want_chars : false, want_arrows : want_arrow }; }; _pPopupMenu._get_apply_padding_size = function () { var padding = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_padding(this._pseudo); var padding_l = 0, padding_r = 0, padding_b = 0, padding_t = 0; if (padding) { padding_l = padding.left; padding_r = padding.right; padding_b = padding.bottom; padding_t = padding.top; } var _width = this._width + (padding_l + padding_r); var _height = this._height + (padding_t + padding_b); return { width : _width, height : _height }; }; _pPopupMenu._loaded_expImage = function (imgurl, w, h) { this._expImage_width = w; this._expImage_height = h; if (this._is_popup()) { var _control_element = this.getElement(); if (_control_element) { this._reCalcSize(); this._updateMenuItemPosition(); var size = this._get_apply_padding_size(); _control_element.setElementSize(size.width, size.height); } } }; _pPopupMenu._loaded_chkImage = function (imgurl, w, h) { this._chkImage_width = w; this._chkImage_height = h; if (this._is_popup()) { var _control_element = this.getElement(); if (_control_element) { this._reCalcSize(); this._updateMenuItemPosition(); var size = this._get_apply_padding_size(); _control_element.setElementSize(size.width, size.height); } } }; _pPopupMenu._loaded_iconImage = function (imgurl, w, h) { this._iconImage_width = w; this._iconImage_height = h; if (this._is_popup()) { var _control_element = this.getElement(); if (_control_element) { this._reCalcSize(); this._updateMenuItemPosition(); var size = this._get_apply_padding_size(); _control_element.setElementSize(size.width, size.height); } } }; _pPopupMenu._load_image = function (image, strflag) { var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem) { var val = (image && image != "") ? image._value : ""; if (val) { val = nexacro._getURIValue(val); val = nexacro._getImageLocation(val, this._getRefFormBaseUrl()); var size; if (strflag == "exp") { size = nexacro._getImageSize(val, this._loaded_expImage, this, undefined, (image ? image._value : "")); if (size) { this._expImage_width = size.width; this._expImage_height = size.height; } } else if (strflag == "chk") { size = nexacro._getImageSize(val, this._loaded_chkImage, this, undefined, (image ? image._value : "")); if (size) { this._chkImage_width = size.width; this._chkImage_height = size.height; } } else if (strflag == "icon") { size = nexacro._getImageSize(val, this._loaded_iconImage, this, undefined, (image ? image._value : "")); if (size) { this._iconImage_width = size.width; this._iconImage_height = size.height; } } return val; } } }; _pPopupMenu._getMaxTextSize = function (column) { var size = []; size[0] = 0; size[1] = 0; var ds = this._innerdataset; if (ds) { var items = this._items; if (items) { var len = items.length; var font = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_font(this._pseudo); var letterspace = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_letterspace(this._pseudo); for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var text = ds.getColumn(items[i].datarow, column); if (text === undefined) { break; } var size2 = nexacro._getTextSize2(letterspace, text, font, null, null, null, items[i]._rtldirection); size[0] = size2[0] > size[0] ? size2[0] : size[0]; size[1] = size2[1] > size[1] ? size2[1] : size[1]; } } } return size; }; _pPopupMenu._getItem = function (index) { var items = this._items; var item_len = items.length; if (index >= 0 && items.length > 0) { return items[index]; } return null; }; _pPopupMenu._createPopupMenu = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { this._deletePopupMenu(); var ds = this._innerdataset; if (ds && this.levelcolumn && this.captioncolumn && this.idcolumn) { var top = 0; var height = 0; if (this.currentstyle.itemheight && this.currentstyle.itemheight._value != "") { height = parseInt(this.currentstyle.itemheight._value, 10) | 0; } var index = 0, len = ds.getRowCount(); var datarow = this.datarow; for (var rowlength = datarow; rowlength < len; rowlength++) { var level = ds.getColumn(rowlength, this.levelcolumn); var id = ds.getColumn(rowlength, this.idcolumn); var hotkey = ds.getColumn(rowlength, this.hotkeycolumn); if (!this._is_subcontrol && hotkey) { if (rowlength == len - 1 || level >= ds.getColumn(rowlength + 1, this.levelcolumn)) { this._set_hotkey(id, hotkey); } } if (level == this.level) { var text = ds.getColumn(rowlength, this.captioncolumn); if (text == "-") { var lineItem = new nexacro.StaticCtrl("-", "absolute", 0, top, 0, 1, null, null, this); lineItem.style.set_background("black"); lineItem.createComponent(); lineItem._bLine = true; top += 1; this._lineItems.push(lineItem); continue; } var popupmenuitem = new nexacro.PopupMenuItem("popup", "absolute", 0, top, 0, height, null, null, this); popupmenuitem._is_subcontrol = true; top += height; popupmenuitem._bindindex = rowlength; popupmenuitem.index = index++; popupmenuitem.datarow = rowlength; popupmenuitem.level = level; var enable = ds.getColumn(rowlength, this.enablecolumn); popupmenuitem.set_enable(enable == false || enable == "false" ? false : true); if (text) { popupmenuitem._setText(text); } var checkimg = ds.getColumn(rowlength, this.checkboxcolumn); if (checkimg) { popupmenuitem._setValue(nexacro._toBoolean(checkimg)); } if (id) { popupmenuitem.id = id; } if (hotkey) { popupmenuitem._setHotkey(hotkey); } var userdata = ds.getColumn(rowlength, this.userdatacolumn); popupmenuitem.userdata = userdata; if (userdata) { popupmenuitem._setUserdata(userdata); } var icon = ds.getColumn(rowlength, this.iconcolumn); if (icon) { if (!nexacro._toBoolean(checkimg) && !popupmenuitem.imgctrl) { var imgctrl = popupmenuitem.imgctrl = new nexacro.ImageViewerCtrl("imgctrl", "absolute", 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null, popupmenuitem); popupmenuitem._setIcon(icon); popupmenuitem.imgctrl.createComponent(); } } if (rowlength == ds.getRowCount() - 1) { popupmenuitem.notexpand = true; } else { level = ds.getColumn(rowlength + 1, this.levelcolumn); if (level <= this.level) { popupmenuitem.notexpand = true; } else { popupmenuitem._setExpandimage(this.on_find_CurrentStyle_expandimage(this._pseudo)); } } popupmenuitem._setEventHandler("onlbuttonup", this.on_notify_menuitem_onclick, this); popupmenuitem._setEventHandler("onlbuttondown", this.on_notify_menuitem_onlbuttondown, this); if (!(nexacro.isTouchInteraction && nexacro.SupportTouch)) { popupmenuitem._setEventHandler("onmouseenter", this.on_notify_menuitem_onmouseenter, this); var rootCom = this._getRootComponent(this); if (rootCom.onmouseleave) { popupmenuitem._setEventHandler("onmouseleave", this.on_notify_menuitem_onmouseleave, this); } } popupmenuitem.createComponent(); this._items.push(popupmenuitem); this._lineItems.push(popupmenuitem); popupmenuitem._real_visible = false; popupmenuitem._setRtlDirection(this._rtldirection); } else if (level < this.level) { break; } } } } }; _pPopupMenu._deletePopupMenu = function () { if (!this._is_subcontrol) { var list = this._hot_key_list; var len = list.length; var _form = this._getMainForm(); for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { nexacro._unregisterHotkeyComp(_form, this, list[i].key); } this._hot_key_list = []; } var items = this._items; if (items) { var len = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { items[i].destroyComponent(); items[i] = null; } this._items = []; } var lineitems = this._lineItems; if (lineitems) { var len = lineitems.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { lineitems[i].destroyComponent(); lineitems[i] = null; } this._lineItems = []; } if (this._popupmenu) { this._popupmenu.destroyComponent(); this._popupmenu = null; } this._buttonRect = []; this._buttonRect_elem = []; this._scrollIndex = 0; this._is_spin_visible = false; }; _pPopupMenu._createSpinbutton = function () { if (!this.spinupbutton) { this.spinupbutton = new nexacro.ImageButtonCtrl("spinupbutton", this.position, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null, this); this.spinupbutton.createComponent(); this.spinupbutton.set_visible(false); this.spinupbutton._setEventHandler("onclick", this.on_notify_spinup_onclick, this); this.spinupbutton.on_created(); this.spinupbutton._is_focus_accept = false; } if (!this.spindownbutton) { this.spindownbutton = new nexacro.ImageButtonCtrl("spindownbutton", this.position, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null, this); this.spindownbutton.createComponent(); this.spindownbutton.set_visible(false); this.spindownbutton._setEventHandler("onclick", this.on_notify_spindown_onclick, this); this.spindownbutton.on_created(); this.spindownbutton._is_focus_accept = false; } this._is_spin_visible = false; this._scrollIndex = 0; }; _pPopupMenu._destroySpinButton = function () { if (this.spinupbutton) { this.spinupbutton.destroy(); this.spinupbutton = null; } if (this.spindownbutton) { this.spindownbutton.destroy(); this.spindownbutton = null; } }; _pPopupMenu._showPopup = function (obj) { if (this._getPopupType() == "none") { return; } if (this._innerdataset && this.levelcolumn && this.captioncolumn && this.idcolumn && obj.notexpand == false && this.visible) { var popupmenu = this._popupmenu; if (!popupmenu) { popupmenu = this._popupmenu = new nexacro.PopupMenuCtrl("popup", "absolute", 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null, this); popupmenu._scrollIndex = 0; popupmenu.level = this.level + 1; popupmenu.datarow = obj.datarow + 1; popupmenu.selfpopup = this.selfpopup; popupmenu._closeflag = this._closeflag; popupmenu._is_subcontrol = true; popupmenu._track_capture = false; popupmenu.parentPopupMenu = this; popupmenu._is_loading = true; popupmenu.setInnerDataset(this._innerdataset); popupmenu.set_captioncolumn(this.captioncolumn); popupmenu.set_checkboxcolumn(this.checkboxcolumn); popupmenu.set_hotkeycolumn(this.hotkeycolumn); popupmenu.set_idcolumn(this.idcolumn); popupmenu.set_levelcolumn(this.levelcolumn); popupmenu.set_userdatacolumn(this.userdatacolumn); popupmenu.set_enablecolumn(this.enablecolumn); popupmenu.set_iconcolumn(this.iconcolumn); popupmenu._is_loading = true; if (this.currentstyle.checkboximage) { popupmenu.style.set_checkboximage(this.currentstyle.checkboximage._value); } if (this.currentstyle.expandimage) { popupmenu.style.set_expandimage(this.currentstyle.expandimage._value); } popupmenu.createComponent(); popupmenu.currentstyle.popuptype = this.currentstyle.popuptype; popupmenu._setRtlDirection(this._rtldirection); popupmenu._trackPopup(obj, "horizontal"); } else { popupmenu.datarow = obj.datarow + 1; if (this.selfpopup == true) { popupmenu.style = this.style; popupmenu.currentstyle = this.currentstyle; } if (this._closeflag) { popupmenu._trackPopup(obj, "horizontal"); } } } }; _pPopupMenu._set_hotkey = function (id, hotkey) { var hkey = this.hotkey; var _hkey = this._hotkey; this._hotkey = null; this.set_hotkey(hotkey); var item_hk = this._hotkey; this.hotkey = hkey ? hkey : null; this._hotkey = _hkey ? _hkey : null; var list = { id : id, key : item_hk }; this._hot_key_list.push(list); }; _pPopupMenu._processHotkey = function (keycode, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey, obj) { var autohotkey = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_autohotkey(this.pseudo); if (autohotkey && nexacro._toBoolean(autohotkey._value)) { var list = this._hot_key_list; var len = list.length; var key = null; var modifykey = null; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { key = list[i].key; if (key._keycode == keycode) { modifykey = key._modifierkey; if (altKey == ((modifykey & 0x02) == 0x02) && ctrlKey == ((modifykey & 0x01) == 0x01) && shiftKey == ((modifykey & 0x04) == 0x04)) { this.on_fire_onitemclick(this, "onmenuclick", list[i].id, "", list[i].index, list.level); return; } } } } nexacro.Component.prototype._processHotkey.call(this, keycode, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey, obj); }; _pPopupMenu._adjustPopupPosition = function (x, y, align, obj) { var alignPosition = this._getAlignPosition(x, y, align); var popup_left = alignPosition[0] < 0 ? 0 : alignPosition[0]; var popup_top = alignPosition[1] < 0 ? 0 : alignPosition[1]; var popup_width = this._width; var popup_height = this._height; var popup_winpos_right = popup_left + popup_width; var popup_winpos_bottom = popup_top + popup_height; var _window = this._getWindow(); var win_width = _window.clientWidth; var win_height = _window.clientHeight; var width_gap = popup_winpos_right - win_width; if (popup_winpos_right > win_width && popup_left > width_gap) { popup_left = popup_left - width_gap; } if (popup_winpos_bottom > win_height) { popup_top = win_height - popup_height; } this._track_on = true; var scale = this._getCumulativeZoomFactor() / 100.0; var elem = this.getElement(); if (elem.setZoom) { elem.setZoom(scale * 100); } else if (nexacro.ScrollableContainerElement.prototype.setZoom) { nexacro.ScrollableContainerElement.prototype.setZoom.call(elem, scale * 100); } this._popup(popup_left, popup_top, popup_width, popup_height); }; _pPopupMenu._callbackFromDataset = function (obj, e) { this._createPopupMenu(); }; _pPopupMenu._getMainFrame = function () { var pThis = this; while (pThis && !pThis._is_main) { pThis = pThis.parent; } return pThis; }; _pPopupMenu._trackPopup = function (obj, direction, x, y) { this._createPopupMenu(); this._reCalcSize(); this.on_created(); var _left, _top, _width, _height; var parent = this.parent; var mainframe = this._getMainFrame(); var s = nexacro._getElementPositionInFrame(mainframe.getElement()); var padding = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_padding(this._pseudo); var padding_l = 0, padding_r = 0, padding_b = 0, padding_t = 0; if (padding) { padding_l = padding.left; padding_r = padding.right; padding_b = padding.bottom; padding_t = padding.top; } var scale = this._getCumulativeZoomFactor() / 100.0; var p_width, p_height, p; var popup_width = this._width; var popup_height = this._height; var curr_frame = mainframe; if (!curr_frame) { var win = this._getWindow(); var frame = win.frame; var childframe = frame; if (frame instanceof nexacro.MainFrame) { childframe = frame.frame; } if (!childframe) { childframe = frame; } curr_frame = childframe; } var bodyWidth = s.x + curr_frame._adjust_width; var bodyHeight = s.y + curr_frame._adjust_height; _width = popup_width + padding_l + padding_r; _height = popup_height + padding_b + padding_t; if (direction == "horizontal") { p = nexacro._getElementPositionInFrame(parent.getElement()); var mainframe = this.getMainframe(); if (mainframe) { var control_elem = mainframe._control_element; if (this._attached_comp._isRtl()) { p.x = control_elem.client_width - parent._width - p.x; } } p_width = parent._client_width; p_height = parent._client_height; _left = p_width; _top = 0; if (!y) { var tmp = p.y + obj._adjust_top + popup_height; if (tmp > bodyHeight) { _top = bodyHeight - tmp; } _top = _top * scale; } else { _top = y; } if (!x) { var px = p.x; var px_width = px + p_width; if (px_width + popup_width > bodyWidth) { if (px - popup_width > 0) { _left = -popup_width; } } _left = _left * scale; } else { _left = x; } } else { p = nexacro._getElementPositionInFrame(obj.getElement()); var mainframe = this.getMainframe(); if (mainframe) { var control_elem = mainframe._control_element; if (this._attached_comp._isRtl()) { p.x = control_elem.client_width - parent._width - p.x; } } p_width = 0; p_height = obj._adjust_height; _left = 0, _top = p_height; if (!y) { var tmp = p.y + p_height + popup_height; if (tmp > bodyHeight) { if (s.y < (p.y - popup_height)) { _top = -popup_height; } else { _top = 10; } } _top = _top * scale; } else { _top = y; } if (!x) { var px = p.x; if (px + popup_width > bodyWidth) { _left = bodyWidth - px - popup_width; } _left = _left * scale; } else { _left = x; } } var elem = this.getElement(); if (elem.setZoom) { elem.setZoom(scale * 100); } else if (nexacro.ScrollableContainerElement.prototype.setZoom) { nexacro.ScrollableContainerElement.prototype.setZoom.call(elem, scale * 100); } if (this._getPopupType() == "center") { var left = (curr_frame._adjust_width / 2) - (_width / 2); var top = (curr_frame._adjust_height / 2) - (_height / 2); this._adjustPopupPosition(left, top); } else { this._track_on = true; this._popupBy(obj, _left, _top, _width, _height); } this._destroySpinButton(); this._createSpinbutton(); this._calcSpinButton(); this._updateMenuItemPosition(); this.on_apply_pseudo(); }; _pPopupMenu._getMenuObj = function () { var p = this.parent; while (!(p instanceof nexacro.Menu)) { p = p.parent; } return p; }; _pPopupMenu.iconimgwidth = 0; _pPopupMenu._is_root_comp_menu = function () { var is_root_menu = false; var comp = this.parent; while (comp) { if (comp instanceof nexacro.Menu || comp instanceof nexacro.Form) { if (comp instanceof nexacro.Menu) { is_root_menu = true; } break; } comp = comp.parent; } return is_root_menu; }; _pPopupMenu._reCalcSize = function () { var ds = this._innerdataset; if (ds && this.captioncolumn) { var items = this._items; if (!items || items.length == 0) { return; } var len = items.length; var size = this._getMaxTextSize(this.captioncolumn); this.text_height = size[1]; var textwidth = size[0]; var hotkeywidth = 0; var rootComp = this._getRootComponent(this); var chkimgwidth = 0, expimgwidth = 0, expimgheight = 0, iconimgwidth = 0; var curstyle = this.currentstyle; var h = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_itemheight(this._pseudo); var item_h = h ? parseInt(h._value, 10) : 20; var _expandimage = rootComp.on_find_CurrentStyle_expandimage(this._pseudo); if (_expandimage) { expimgwidth = rootComp._expImage_width ? rootComp._expImage_width : item_h; expimgheight = rootComp._expImage_height ? rootComp._expImage_height : item_h; if (expimgwidth == undefined) { expimgwidth = 0; } if (expimgheight == undefined) { expimgheight = 0; } } if (this.hotkeycolumn) { size = this._getMaxTextSize(this.hotkeycolumn); hotkeywidth = size[0]; } for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (items[i].value) { if (curstyle.checkboximage) { chkimgwidth = item_h; } break; } } for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (items[i].icon) { iconimgwidth = item_h; break; } } var itempadding = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_itempadding(this._pseudo); var border = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_border(this._pseudo); var itempadding_l = 0, itempadding_r = 0; if (itempadding) { itempadding_l = itempadding.left; itempadding_r = itempadding.right; } var border_left = 0, border_top = 0, border_right = 0, border_bottom = 0; if (border) { border_left = border._left_width; border_top = border._top_width; border_right = border._right_width; border_bottom = border._bottom_width; } var _default_gap = 20; var width = itempadding_l + chkimgwidth + iconimgwidth + textwidth + (hotkeywidth == 0 ? 0 : _default_gap + hotkeywidth) + item_h + expimgwidth + itempadding_r; var lineCnt = 0; for (var i = 0, n = this._lineItems.length; i < n; i++) { var item = this._lineItems[i]; if (item._bLine) { lineCnt++; } } var height = (item_h * len) + lineCnt; var mainframe = this._getMainFrame(); var curr_frame = mainframe; if (!curr_frame) { var win = this._getWindow(); var frame = win.frame; var childframe = frame; if (frame instanceof nexacro.MainFrame) { childframe = frame.frame; } if (!childframe) { childframe = frame; } curr_frame = childframe; } var bodyHeight = curr_frame._adjust_height; var resize_height = height + border_top + border_bottom; var menu_bottom = 0; var comp = this.parent; var form = comp._getForm(); var form_top = 0; while (form) { if (form._is_form) { form_top += form._adjust_top; } form = form.parent; if (form instanceof nexacro.ChildFrame || form instanceof nexacro.MainFrame) { break; } } var is_root_menu = false; while (comp) { if (comp instanceof nexacro.Menu || comp instanceof nexacro.Form) { if (comp instanceof nexacro.Menu) { is_root_menu = true; } menu_bottom = form_top + comp._adjust_top + comp._adjust_height; break; } comp = comp.parent; } if (!is_root_menu) { menu_bottom = resize_height; if (menu_bottom > bodyHeight) { resize_height = bodyHeight; } } else { if (resize_height > (bodyHeight - menu_bottom)) { if (form_top + comp._adjust_top < (bodyHeight - menu_bottom)) { resize_height = bodyHeight - menu_bottom; } else { if (form_top + comp._adjust_top < resize_height) { resize_height = form_top + comp._adjust_top; } } } } this._width = width + border_left + border_right; if (!this.visible) { this.resize(this._width, resize_height); } var _item_top = 0; var _buttonRect = this._buttonRect; var _buttonRect_elem = this._buttonRect_elem; var _buttonRect_line = this._buttonRect_line; if (_buttonRect[0]) { for (var i = 0; i < this._scrollIndex; i++) { _item_top -= _buttonRect[i].height; } if (this._is_spin_visible) { if (this._scrollIndex == 0) { _item_top = this._spin_height; } else { _item_top = -this._spin_height * this._scrollIndex; } } } var spin_flag = false; for (var i = 0, n = this._lineItems.length; i < n; i++) { var item = this._lineItems[i]; if (item._bLine) { var rect = { left : 0, top : 0, right : 0, bottom : 0, width : 0, height : 0 }; rect.left = 0; rect.top = _item_top; rect.right = this._width; rect.bottom = _item_top + 1; rect.width = this._width; rect.height = 1; _buttonRect[i] = rect; var rect1 = { textWidth : 0, hotkeyWidth : 0, itemHeight : 0, defaultGap : 0 }; rect1.textWidth = textwidth; rect1.hotkeyWidth = hotkeywidth; rect1.itemHeight = item_h; rect1.defaultGap = _default_gap; _buttonRect_elem[i] = rect1; _item_top += 1; } else { item.chkwidth = chkimgwidth; item.iconimgwidth = iconimgwidth; item.textwidth = textwidth; item.hotkeywidth = hotkeywidth; item.expwidth = expimgwidth; item.expheight = expimgheight; var rect = { left : 0, top : 0, right : 0, bottom : 0, width : 0, height : 0 }; rect.left = 0; rect.top = _item_top; rect.right = this._width; rect.bottom = _item_top + item_h; rect.width = this._width; rect.height = item_h; _buttonRect[i] = rect; var rect1 = { textWidth : 0, hotkeyWidth : 0, itemHeight : 0, defaultGap : 0 }; rect1.textWidth = textwidth; rect1.hotkeyWidth = hotkeywidth; rect1.itemHeight = item_h; rect1.defaultGap = _default_gap; _buttonRect_elem[i] = rect1; if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { item._updateAccessibilityLabel(item); } _item_top += item_h; if (!spin_flag && this._scrollIndex > 0 && _item_top >= 0) { spin_flag = true; _item_top += item_h; } } } } }; _pPopupMenu._calcSpinButton = function () { if (!this.spindownbutton && !this.spinupbutton) { return; } var itempadding = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_itempadding(this._pseudo); var border = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_border(this._pseudo); var gap_height = (itempadding ? itempadding.bottom : 0) + (border ? border._bottom_width : 0); var _buttonRect = this._buttonRect; var len = _buttonRect.length; if (this._spin_height > 0 && len > 0 && _buttonRect[len - 1].bottom - gap_height > this._adjust_height || this._is_spin_visible) { this.spinupbutton.set_visible(true); this.spinupbutton.move(0, 0, this._client_width, this._spin_height); var bottom = 0; var spindownbutton_top = 0; var top = this._spin_height; var _items = this._lineItems; var len = _items ? _items.length : 0; if (this._is_spin_visible) { top = 0; } for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var buttonRect = _buttonRect[i]; if (buttonRect.bottom > this._adjust_height - this._spin_height * (top == 0 ? 1 : 2)) { if (bottom == 0) { bottom = this._adjust_height; } } if (bottom == 0) { buttonRect.top += top; buttonRect.bottom += top; } else { buttonRect.top = bottom; buttonRect.bottom = bottom + top; } } this.spindownbutton.set_visible(true); this.spindownbutton.move(0, this._adjust_height - this._spin_height - gap_height, this._client_width, this._spin_height); this._is_spin_visible = true; } else { this._is_spin_visible = false; this.spinupbutton.set_visible(false); this.spindownbutton.set_visible(false); } }; _pPopupMenu._updateMenuItemPosition = function () { var _buttonRect = this._buttonRect; var _buttonRect_elem = this._buttonRect_elem; var _lineitems = this._lineItems; var len = _lineitems ? _lineitems.length : 0; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var lineitem = _lineitems[i]; var buttonRect = _buttonRect[i]; lineitem.move(buttonRect.left, buttonRect.top, buttonRect.width, buttonRect.height); var buttonRect_elem = _buttonRect_elem[i]; if (lineitem instanceof nexacro.PopupMenuItem) { lineitem._updateElementPositions(buttonRect_elem.textWidth, buttonRect_elem.hotkeyWidth, buttonRect_elem.itemHeight, buttonRect_elem.defaultGap); } } }; _pPopupMenu._getAlignPosition = function (x, y, align) { if (align) { var width = this._width; var height = this._height; var popup_align = align.split(/\s+/); var align_len = popup_align.length; var horizon = parseInt(x, 10) | 0; var vertical = parseInt(y, 10) | 0; switch (align_len) { case 0: break; case 1: if (popup_align[0] == "left") { x = horizon - width; } else if (popup_align[0] == "center") { x = horizon - (width / 2); } else if (popup_align[0] == "top") { y = vertical - height; } else if (popup_align[0] == "middle") { y = vertical - (height / 2); } break; case 2: if (popup_align[0] == "left" || popup_align[0] == "center" || popup_align[0] == "right") { if (popup_align[0] == "left") { x = horizon - width; } else if (popup_align[0] == "center") { x = horizon - (width / 2); } } else if (popup_align[0] == "top" || popup_align[0] == "middle" || popup_align[0] == "bottom") { if (popup_align[0] == "top") { y = vertical - height; } else if (popup_align[0] == "middle") { y = vertical - (height / 2); } } if (popup_align[1] == "left" || popup_align[1] == "center" || popup_align[1] == "right") { if (popup_align[1] == "left") { x = horizon - width; } else if (popup_align[1] == "center") { x = horizon - (width / 2); } } else if (popup_align[1] == "top" || popup_align[1] == "middle" || popup_align[1] == "bottom") { if (popup_align[1] == "top") { y = vertical - height; } else if (popup_align[1] == "middle") { y = vertical - (height / 2); } } break; default: break; } } return [x, y]; }; _pPopupMenu.set_visible = function (v) { if (this._track_on) { nexacro.PopupComponent.prototype.set_visible.apply(this, arguments); } }; _pPopupMenu._closePopup = function () { var popupmenu = this._popupmenu; if (popupmenu) { popupmenu._closePopup(); popupmenu._destroySpinButton(); } var _window = this._getWindow(); if (_window && this._track_capture) { _window._releaseCaptureLock(this); } var items = this._item_find(this); if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { this._item_focus(items[this._popupitemindex], false); this._popupitemindex = -1; } else { var itemLen = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < itemLen; i++) { this._item_focus(items[i], false); } this._popupitemindex = -1; } this.set_visible(false); this._track_on = false; this._closeflag = false; }; _pPopupMenu.closePopup = _pPopupMenu._closePopup; _pPopupMenu._closeAllPopup = function () { this._closePopup(); var parent = this.parent; if (parent) { if (parent instanceof nexacro.Menu) { if (parent._is_menu_click) { parent._is_menu_click = false; } } } }; _pPopupMenu.on_fire_oncloseup = function (obj) { if (this.oncloseup && this.oncloseup._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.MenuCloseUpEventInfo(obj, "oncloseup", (this._selected_itemindex >= 0)); evt.eventid = "oncloseup"; return this.oncloseup._fireEvent(this, evt); } return false; }; _pPopupMenu.on_notify_spinup_onclick = function (obj, e) { this._spinup(); }; _pPopupMenu.on_notify_spindown_onclick = function (obj, e) { this._spindown(); }; _pPopupMenu._spinup = function () { if (this._scrollIndex > 0) { this._scrollIndex--; this._reCalcSize(); this._calcSpinButton(); this._updateMenuItemPosition(); } }; _pPopupMenu._spindown = function () { var _buttonRect = this._buttonRect; var len = _buttonRect ? _buttonRect.length : 0; if (len == 0) { return; } if (_buttonRect[len - 1].bottom > this._client_height) { this._scrollIndex++; this._reCalcSize(); this._calcSpinButton(); this._updateMenuItemPosition(); } }; _pPopupMenu._item_focus = function (obj, bflag) { if (obj) { if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { if (bflag) { if (obj instanceof nexacro.PopupMenuItem) { obj._on_focus(false); } else { obj._on_focus(true); } } else { var _window = this._getWindow(); if (_window) { _window._removeFromCurrentFocusPath(obj, true); } } } if (obj.on_apply_mouseover) { obj.on_apply_mouseover(bflag); } } }; _pPopupMenu._popupmenu_visible = function (obj) { if (obj._popupmenu == null || obj._popupmenu.visible == false) { return false; } return true; }; _pPopupMenu._item_find = function (obj) { if (obj._popupmenu == null || obj._popupmenu.visible == false) { return obj._items; } return obj._popupmenu._items; }; _pPopupMenu._popupmenu_find = function (obj) { var pThis = obj; while (pThis) { if (pThis._popupmenu === null || pThis._popupmenu.visible == false) { break; } var pThis = pThis._popupmenu; } return pThis; }; _pPopupMenu._popupmenuitem_extend = function (obj) { return obj.notexpand; }; _pPopupMenu._popupmenuitem_find = function (obj) { var pThis = obj._overedobj; while (pThis) { if (pThis._overedobj === null) { break; } var pThis = pThis._overedobj; } return pThis; }; delete _pPopupMenu; nexacro.PopupMenuCtrl = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.PopupMenu.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); this._is_subcontrol = true; this.level = 1; this._previousitem = 0; }; var _pPopupMenuCtrl = nexacro.PopupMenuCtrl.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.PopupMenu, nexacro.PopupMenuCtrl); nexacro._setForControlStyleFinder(_pPopupMenuCtrl); delete _pPopupMenuCtrl; }