//============================================================================== // // TOBESOFT Co., Ltd. // Copyright 2014 TOBESOFT Co., Ltd. // All Rights Reserved. // // NOTICE: TOBESOFT permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file // in accordance with the terms of the license agreement accompanying it. // // Readme URL: http://www.nexacro.co.kr/legal/nexacro-public-license-readme-1.1.html // //============================================================================== if (!nexacro.RadioClickEventInfo) { nexacro.RadioClickEventInfo = function (obj, id, index, itemText, itemValue, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY) { nexacro.ClickEventInfo.call(this, obj, id || "onradioclick", button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY); this.index = index; this.itemtext = itemText; this.itemvalue = itemValue; }; var _pRadioClickEventInfo = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.ClickEventInfo, nexacro.RadioClickEventInfo); nexacro.RadioClickEventInfo.prototype = _pRadioClickEventInfo; _pRadioClickEventInfo._type_name = "RadioClickEventInfo"; delete _pRadioClickEventInfo; } if (!nexacro.Radio) { nexacro.Radio_Style = function (target) { nexacro.Style.call(this); this.buttonalign = null; this.buttonbackground = null; this.buttonbackgroundimagemode = null; this.buttonborder = null; this.buttoncolor = null; this.buttongradation = null; this.buttonimage = null; this.buttonsize = null; this.itembackground = null; this.itemborder = null; this.itembordertype = null; this.itemgradation = null; this.itempadding = null; this.textpadding = null; if (target) { this._target = target; } }; var _pRadioStyle = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Style, nexacro.Radio_Style); nexacro.Radio_Style.prototype = _pRadioStyle; eval(nexacro._createAlignAttributeEvalStr("_pRadioStyle", "buttonalign")); eval(nexacro._createBackgroundAttributeEvalStr("_pRadioStyle", "buttonbackground")); eval(nexacro._createValueAttributeEvalStr("_pRadioStyle", "buttonbackgroundimagemode")); eval(nexacro._createBorderAttributeEvalStr("_pRadioStyle", "buttonborder")); eval(nexacro._createColorAttributeEvalStr("_pRadioStyle", "buttoncolor")); eval(nexacro._createGradationAttributeEvalStr("_pRadioStyle", "buttongradation")); eval(nexacro._createValueAttributeEvalStr("_pRadioStyle", "buttonimage")); eval(nexacro._createValueAttributeEvalStr("_pRadioStyle", "buttonsize")); eval(nexacro._createBackgroundAttributeEvalStr("_pRadioStyle", "itembackground")); eval(nexacro._createBorderAttributeEvalStr("_pRadioStyle", "itemborder")); eval(nexacro._createBordertypeAttributeEvalStr("_pRadioStyle", "itembordertype")); eval(nexacro._createGradationAttributeEvalStr("_pRadioStyle", "itemgradation")); eval(nexacro._createPaddingAttributeEvalStr("_pRadioStyle", "itempadding")); eval(nexacro._createPaddingAttributeEvalStr("_pRadioStyle", "textpadding")); eval(nexacro._createAccessibilityAttributeEvalStr("_pRadioStyle", "accessibility")); eval(nexacro._createAccessibilityAttributeEvalStr("_pRadioStyle", "itemaccessibility")); _pRadioStyle.__custom_emptyObject = function () { this.buttonalign = null; this.buttonbackground = null; this.buttonbackgroundimagemode = null; this.buttonborder = null; this.buttoncolor = null; this.buttongradation = null; this.buttonimage = null; this.buttonsize = null; this.itembackground = null; this.itemborder = null; this.itembordertype = null; this.itemgradation = null; this.itempadding = null; this.textpadding = null; this.accessibility = null; this.itemaccessibility = null; }; _pRadioStyle.__get_custom_style_value = function () { var val = ""; if (this.buttonalign && this.buttonalign._is_empty) { val += "buttonalign:" + this.buttonalign._value + "; "; } if (this.buttonimage && this.buttonimage._is_empty) { val += "buttonimage:" + this.buttonimage._value + "; "; } if (this.textpadding && this.textpadding._is_empty) { val += "textpadding:" + this.textpadding._value + "; "; } if (this.buttonborder && this.buttonborder._is_empty) { val += "buttonborder:" + this.buttonborder._value + "; "; } if (this.buttoncolor && this.buttoncolor._is_empty) { val += "buttoncolor:" + this.buttoncolor._value + "; "; } if (this.buttonsize && this.buttonsize._is_empty) { val += "buttonsize:" + this.buttonsize._value + "; "; } if (this.buttonbackground && this.buttonbackground._is_empty) { val += "buttonbackground:" + this.buttonbackground._value + "; "; } if (this.buttongradation && this.buttongradation._is_empty) { val += "buttongradation:" + this.buttongradation._value + "; "; } if (this.buttonbackgroundimagemode && this.buttonbackgroundimagemode._is_empty) { val += "buttonbackgroundimagemode:" + this.buttonbackgroundimagemode._value + "; "; } if (this.itembackground && this.itembackground._is_empty) { val += "itembackground:" + this.itembackground._value + "; "; } if (this.itemborder && this.itemborder._is_empty) { val += "itemborder:" + this.itemborder._value + "; "; } if (this.itembordertype && this.itembordertype._is_empty) { val += "itembordertype:" + this.itembordertype._value + "; "; } if (this.itemgradation && this.itemgradation._is_empty) { val += "itemgradation:" + this.itemgradation._value + "; "; } if (this.itempadding && this.itempadding._is_empty) { val += "itempadding:" + this.itempadding._value + "; "; } if (this.accessibility && this.accessibility._is_empty) { val += "accessibility:" + this.accessibility._value + "; "; } if (this.itemaccessibility && this.itemaccessibility._is_empty) { val += "itemaccessibility:" + this.itemaccessibility._value + "; "; } return val; }; _pRadioStyle.setStyleValue = function (stylePropID, pseudo, value) { var ret = nexacro.Style.prototype.setStyleValue.call(this, stylePropID, pseudo, value); if (!ret) { if (stylePropID == "buttonsize" && pseudo != "normal") { ret = this._setCustomPseudoStyle(stylePropID, pseudo, value); } } return ret; }; _pRadioStyle._setCustomPseudoStyle = function (stylePropID, pseudo, value) { var obj = null; var comp = this._target; if (!comp) { return false; } if (comp._styles[pseudo]) { obj = comp._styles[pseudo][stylePropID] = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj(stylePropID, value); } else { var newStyle = comp.on_create_custom_style(); obj = newStyle[stylePropID] = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj(stylePropID, value); comp._styles[pseudo] = newStyle; } if (!obj) { return false; } return true; }; nexacro.Radio_CurrentStyle = function () { nexacro.CurrentStyle.call(this); this.buttonalign = null; this.buttonimage = null; this.textpadding = null; this.buttonborder = null; this.buttoncolor = null; this.buttonsize = null; this.buttonbackground = null; this.buttongradation = null; this.buttonbackgroundimagemode = null; this.itembackground = null; this.itemborder = null; this.itembordertype = null; this.itemgradation = null; this.itempadding = null; }; var _pRadioCurrentStyle = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.CurrentStyle, nexacro.Radio_CurrentStyle); nexacro.Radio_CurrentStyle.prototype = _pRadioCurrentStyle; _pRadioCurrentStyle.__get_custom_style_value = _pRadioStyle.__get_custom_style_value; _pRadioCurrentStyle.__custom_emptyObject = _pRadioStyle.__custom_emptyObject; delete _pRadioStyle; delete _pRadioCurrentStyle; nexacro.Radio = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.Component.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); this.pre_index = -1; this.pre_text; this.pre_value; this.datacolumn = ""; this.value = undefined; this.index = -1; this.index_init = -1; this.codecolumn = ""; this.readonly = false; this.innerdataset = null; this.columncount = 0; this.rowcount = 0; this.direction = "horizontal"; this._event_list = { "onclick" : 1, "ondblclick" : 1, "onkeypress" : 1, "onkeydown" : 1, "onkeyup" : 1, "onkillfocus" : 1, "onsetfocus" : 1, "ondrag" : 1, "ondrop" : 1, "ondragenter" : 1, "ondragleave" : 1, "ondragmove" : 1, "ondragend" : 1, "onlbuttondown" : 1, "onlbuttonup" : 1, "onrbuttondown" : 1, "onrbuttonup" : 1, "onmouseenter" : 1, "onmouseleave" : 1, "onmousemove" : 1, "onmove" : 1, "onsize" : 1, "onitemclick" : 1, "onitemchanged" : 1, "canitemchange" : 1, "onmousedown" : 1, "onmouseup" : 1, "ontouchstart" : 1, "ontouchmove" : 1, "ontouchend" : 1, "onflingstart" : 1, "onfling" : 1, "onflingend" : 1, "onpinchstart" : 1, "onpinch" : 1, "onpinchend" : 1, "onlongpress" : 1, "onslidestart" : 1, "onslide" : 1, "onslideend" : 1 }; this._apply_pushed_pseudo = true; this._do_apply_val = true; this._accessibility_role = "radio"; this._want_tab = true; this._want_arrow = false; this._is_first_focus = false; this._is_tab_focus = false; this._accessibility_index = -1; this._items = []; this._exprcache = { }; this._init_value = undefined; }; var _pRadio = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Component, nexacro.Radio); nexacro.Radio.prototype = _pRadio; _pRadio._type_name = "Radio"; _pRadio.on_apply_custom_pseudo = function (pseudo) { var curstyle = this.currentstyle; var buttonalign = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonalign(pseudo); var buttonbackground = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonbackground(pseudo); var buttonbackgroundimagemode = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonbackgroundimagemode(pseudo); var buttonborder = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonborder(pseudo); var buttoncolor = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttoncolor(pseudo); var buttongradation = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttongradation(pseudo); var buttonimage = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonimage(pseudo); var buttonsize = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonsize(pseudo); var itembackground = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_itembackground(pseudo); var itemborder = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_itemborder(pseudo); var itembordertype = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_itembordertype(pseudo); var itemgradation = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_itemgradation(pseudo); var itempadding = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_itempadding(pseudo); var textpadding = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_textpadding(pseudo); var font = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_font(pseudo); var letterspace = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_letterspace(pseudo); var color = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_color(pseudo); var align = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_align(pseudo); var accessibility = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility(pseudo); var itemaccessibility = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_itemaccessibility(pseudo); if (curstyle.font != font) { curstyle.font = font; this.on_apply_style_font(curstyle.font); } if (curstyle.letterspace != letterspace) { curstyle.letterspace = letterspace; this.on_apply_style_letterspace(curstyle.letterspace); } if (curstyle.color != color) { curstyle.color = color; this.on_apply_style_color(curstyle.color); } if (curstyle.align != align) { curstyle.align = align; this.on_apply_style_align(curstyle.align); } if (buttonalign != curstyle.buttonalign) { curstyle.buttonalign = buttonalign; } if (buttonbackground != curstyle.buttonbackground) { curstyle.buttonbackground = buttonbackground; } if (buttonbackgroundimagemode != curstyle.buttonbackgroundimagemode) { curstyle.buttonbackgroundimagemode = buttonbackgroundimagemode; } if (buttonborder != curstyle.buttonborder) { curstyle.buttonborder = buttonborder; } if (buttoncolor != curstyle.buttoncolor) { curstyle.buttoncolor = buttoncolor; } if (buttongradation != curstyle.buttongradation) { curstyle.buttongradation = buttongradation; } if (buttonimage != curstyle.buttonimage) { curstyle.buttonimage = buttonimage; } if (buttonsize != curstyle.buttonsize) { curstyle.buttonsize = buttonsize; } if (itembackground != curstyle.itembackground) { curstyle.itembackground = itembackground; } if (itemborder != curstyle.itemborder) { curstyle.itemborder = itemborder; } if (itembordertype != curstyle.itembordertype) { curstyle.itembordertype = itembordertype; } if (itemgradation != curstyle.itemgradation) { curstyle.itemgradation = itemgradation; } if (itempadding != curstyle.itempadding) { curstyle.itempadding = itempadding; } if (textpadding != curstyle.textpadding) { curstyle.textpadding = textpadding; this.on_apply_style_textpadding(curstyle.textpadding); } if (accessibility != curstyle.accessibility) { curstyle.accessibility = accessibility; this.on_update_style_accessibility(); } if (itemaccessibility != curstyle.itemaccessibility) { this.currentstyle.itemaccessibility = itemaccessibility; this.on_apply_style_itemaccessibility(itemaccessibility); } var rtlimagemirroring = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_rtlimagemirroring(pseudo); if (rtlimagemirroring != curstyle.rtlimagemirroring) { curstyle.rtlimagemirroring = rtlimagemirroring; this.on_apply_style_rtlimagemirroring(rtlimagemirroring); } }; _pRadio.on_create_custom_style = function () { return new nexacro.Radio_Style(this); }; _pRadio.on_create_custom_currentStyle = function () { return new nexacro.Radio_CurrentStyle(); }; _pRadio.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonalign = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("buttonalign", pseudo, "align"); }; _pRadio.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonbackground = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("buttonbackground", pseudo, "background"); }; _pRadio.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonbackgroundimagemode = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("buttonbackgroundimagemode", pseudo); }; _pRadio.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonborder = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("buttonborder", pseudo, "border"); }; _pRadio.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttoncolor = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("buttoncolor", pseudo, "color"); }; _pRadio.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttongradation = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("buttongradation", pseudo, "gradation"); }; _pRadio.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonimage = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("buttonimage", pseudo); }; _pRadio.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonsize = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("buttonsize", pseudo); }; _pRadio.on_find_CurrentStyle_itembackground = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("itembackground", pseudo, "background"); }; _pRadio.on_find_CurrentStyle_itemborder = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("itemborder", pseudo, "border"); }; _pRadio.on_find_CurrentStyle_itembordertype = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("itembordertype", pseudo, "bordertype"); }; _pRadio.on_find_CurrentStyle_itemgradation = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("itemgradation", pseudo, "gradation"); }; _pRadio.on_find_CurrentStyle_itempadding = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("itempadding", pseudo, "padding"); }; _pRadio.on_find_CurrentStyle_itemaccessibility = function (pseudo) { var itemaccessibility = this._find_pseudo_obj("itemaccessibility", pseudo, "accessibility"); return itemaccessibility ? itemaccessibility : nexacro.Component._default_accessibility; }; _pRadio.on_find_CurrentStyle_textpadding = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("textpadding", pseudo, "padding"); }; _pRadio.on_update_style_buttonalign = function () { this.currentstyle.buttonalign = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonalign(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_buttonalign(this.currentstyle.buttonalign); }; _pRadio.on_update_style_buttonimage = function () { this.currentstyle.buttonimage = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonimage(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_buttonimage(this.currentstyle.buttonimage); }; _pRadio.on_update_style_textpadding = function () { this.currentstyle.textpadding = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_textpadding(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_textpadding(this.currentstyle.textpadding); }; _pRadio.on_update_style_buttonborder = function () { this.currentstyle.buttonborder = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonborder(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_buttonborder(this.currentstyle.buttonborder); }; _pRadio.on_update_style_buttoncolor = function () { this.currentstyle.buttoncolor = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttoncolor(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_buttoncolor(this.currentstyle.buttoncolor); }; _pRadio.on_update_style_buttonsize = function () { this.currentstyle.buttonsize = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonsize(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_buttonsize(this.currentstyle.buttonsize); }; _pRadio.on_update_style_buttonbackground = function () { this.currentstyle.buttonbackground = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonbackground(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_buttonbackground(this.currentstyle.buttonbackground); }; _pRadio.on_update_style_buttongradation = function () { this.currentstyle.buttongradation = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttongradation(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_buttongradation(this.currentstyle.buttongradation); }; _pRadio.on_update_style_buttonbackgroundimagemode = function () { this.currentstyle.buttonbackgroundimagemode = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonbackgroundimagemode(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_buttonbackgroundimagemode(this.currentstyle.buttonbackgroundimagemode); }; _pRadio.on_update_style_itembackground = function () { this.currentstyle.itembackground = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_itembackground(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_itembackground(this.currentstyle.itembackground); }; _pRadio.on_update_style_itemborder = function () { this.currentstyle.itemborder = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_itemborder(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_itemborder(this.currentstyle.itemborder); }; _pRadio.on_update_style_itembordertype = function () { this.currentstyle.itembordertype = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_itembordertype(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_itembordertype(this.currentstyle.itembordertype); }; _pRadio.on_update_style_itemgradation = function () { this.currentstyle.itemgradation = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_itemgradation(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_itemgradation(this.currentstyle.itemgradation); }; _pRadio.on_update_style_itempadding = function () { this.currentstyle.itempadding = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_itempadding(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_itempadding(this.currentstyle.itempadding); }; _pRadio.on_update_style_itemaccessibility = function () { this.currentstyle.itemaccessibility = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_itemaccessibility(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_itemaccessibility(this._make_accessibility_value(this.currentstyle.itemaccessibility)); }; _pRadio._search_style_obj = function (propobj, propid, idx) { if (propobj && propobj._bindtype != 0) { return nexacro._getValueForStyleBindExpr(this, propobj, propid, idx); } else { return propobj; } }; _pRadio.on_apply_style_align = function (align) { var radioitems = this._items; if (radioitems) { var item_len = radioitems.length; for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { radioitems[i].on_apply_style_align(align); } } }; _pRadio.on_apply_style_color = function (v) { var radioitems = this._items; if (radioitems) { var item_len = radioitems.length; for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { v = this._search_style_obj(v, "color", i); radioitems[i].on_apply_style_color(v); } } }; _pRadio.on_apply_style_font = function (v) { var radioitems = this._items; if (radioitems) { var item_len = radioitems.length; for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { v = this._search_style_obj(v, "font", i); radioitems[i].on_apply_style_font(v); } } }; _pRadio.on_apply_style_cursor = function (cursor) { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { control_elem.setElementCursor(cursor); var radioitems = this._items; if (radioitems) { var item_len = radioitems.length; for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { radioitems[i].on_apply_style_cursor(cursor); } } } }; _pRadio.on_apply_style_buttonalign = function (v) { var radioitems = this._items; if (radioitems) { var item_len = radioitems.length; for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { radioitems[i].on_apply_style_buttonalign(); } } }; _pRadio.on_apply_style_buttonbackground = function (buttonbackground) { var radioitems = this._items; if (radioitems) { var item_len = radioitems.length; for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { radioitems[i].on_apply_style_buttonbackground(buttonbackground); } } }; _pRadio.on_apply_style_buttonbackgroundimagemode = function (buttonbackgroundimagemode) { var radioitems = this._items; if (radioitems) { var item_len = radioitems.length; for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { radioitems[i].on_apply_style_buttonbackgroundimagemode(buttonbackgroundimagemode); } } }; _pRadio.on_apply_style_buttonborder = function (buttonborder) { var radioitems = this._items; if (radioitems) { var item_len = radioitems.length; for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { radioitems[i].on_apply_style_buttonborder(buttonborder); } } }; _pRadio.on_apply_style_buttoncolor = function (buttoncolor) { var radioitems = this._items; if (radioitems) { var item_len = radioitems.length; for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { radioitems[i].on_apply_style_buttoncolor(buttoncolor); } } }; _pRadio.on_apply_style_buttongradation = function (buttongradation) { var radioitems = this._items; if (radioitems) { var item_len = radioitems.length; for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { radioitems[i].on_apply_style_buttongradation(buttongradation); } } }; _pRadio.on_apply_style_buttonimage = function (buttonimage) { var radioitems = this._items; if (radioitems) { var item_len = radioitems.length; for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { radioitems[i].on_apply_style_buttonimage(buttonimage); } } }; _pRadio.on_apply_style_buttonsize = function (buttonsize) { var radioitems = this._items; if (radioitems) { var item_len = radioitems.length; for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { radioitems[i].on_apply_style_buttonsize(buttonsize); } } }; _pRadio.on_apply_style_textpadding = function (textpadding) { var radioitems = this._items; if (radioitems) { var item_len = radioitems.length; for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { radioitems[i].on_apply_style_textpadding(textpadding); } } }; _pRadio.on_apply_style_itembackground = function (v) { var radioitems = this._items; if (radioitems) { var item_len = radioitems.length; for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { v = this._search_style_obj(v, "background", i); radioitems[i].on_apply_style_background(v); } } }; _pRadio.on_apply_style_itemborder = function (v) { var radioitems = this._items; if (radioitems) { var item_len = radioitems.length; for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { v = this._search_style_obj(v, "border", i); radioitems[i].on_apply_style_border(v); } } }; _pRadio.on_apply_style_itembordertype = function (v) { var radioitems = this._items; if (radioitems) { var item_len = radioitems.length; for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { v = this._search_style_obj(v, "bordertype", i); radioitems[i].on_apply_style_bordertype(v); } } }; _pRadio.on_apply_style_itemgradation = function (v) { var radioitems = this._items; if (radioitems) { var item_len = radioitems.length; for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { v = this._search_style_obj(v, "gradation", i); radioitems[i].on_apply_style_gradation(v); } } }; _pRadio.on_apply_style_itempadding = function (v) { var radioitems = this._items; if (radioitems) { var item_len = radioitems.length; for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { v = this._search_style_obj(v, "padding", i); radioitems[i].on_apply_style_padding(v); } } }; _pRadio.on_apply_style_accessibility = function (accessibility) { if (accessibility) { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { control_elem.setAccessibility(accessibility); } } }; _pRadio.on_apply_style_itemaccessibility = function (itemaccessibility) { var radioitems = this._items; this.currentstyle.itemaccessibility = itemaccessibility; if (radioitems) { var item_len = radioitems.length; for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { if (itemaccessibility) { var accessibility = this._search_style_obj(itemaccessibility, "accessibility", i); if (accessibility) { radioitems[i].style.set_accessibility(accessibility._value); } } } } }; _pRadio.on_apply_style_letterspace = function (letterspace) { var radioitems = this._items; if (radioitems) { var item_len = radioitems.length; for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { letterspace = this._search_style_obj(letterspace, "letterspace", i); radioitems[i].on_apply_style_letterspace(letterspace); } } }; _pRadio.on_apply_style_rtlimagemirroring = function (rtlimagemirroring) { return; }; _pRadio.on_create_contents = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { if (!this.innerdataset) { var text_elem = new nexacro.TextBoxElement(control_elem); this._text_elem = text_elem; var halign = this.currentstyle.align.halign == "" ? "center" : this.currentstyle.align._halign; var valign = this.currentstyle.align.valign == "" ? "middle" : this.currentstyle.align._valign; text_elem.setElementSize(this._client_width, this._client_height); text_elem.setElementFont(this.currentstyle.font); text_elem.setElementColor(this.currentstyle.color); text_elem.setElementAlignXY(halign, valign); text_elem.setElementLetterSpace(this.currentstyle.letterspace); } } }; _pRadio.on_created_contents = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { this.value = this._init_value; var innerdataset = this._innerdataset; var datacolumn = this.datacolumn == "" ? this.codecolumn : this.datacolumn; var codecolumn = this.codecolumn; var text = ""; var code = ""; var radioitem = null; if (innerdataset) { var rows = innerdataset.getRowCount(); var valueproc = false; if (rows > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < rows; i++) { text = innerdataset.getColumn(i, datacolumn); code = innerdataset.getColumn(i, codecolumn); radioitem = new nexacro.RadioItemCtrl("item", "absolute", 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null, this); radioitem.set_text(text); radioitem.set_code(code); radioitem.set_index(i); if (code) { if (code == this.value && valueproc == false) { radioitem.set_value(true); valueproc = true; } } radioitem.createComponent(); if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { radioitem._setAccessibilityInfoCount(rows); radioitem._setAccessibilityInfoIndex(i); } radioitem._setEventHandler("onclick", this.on_notify_item_onclick, this); this._items[i] = radioitem; } this._update_radioitem(); } if (this.index_init > -1 && this.index < 0 && this.value === undefined) { this.index = this.index_init; } this.on_apply_index(this.pre_index, this.index, false); } else { var text_elem = this._text_elem; if (text_elem) { text_elem.create(); this.on_apply_text(); } } this.on_apply_readonly(this.readonly); this.on_apply_value(true); if (this.value !== undefined && this.value != null) { this.applyto_bindSource("value", this.value); } if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { this._want_arrow = nexacro._enableaccessibility; this.on_update_style_accessibility(); this._refreshAccessibilityValue(); } this.on_apply_style_color(this.currentstyle.color); this.on_apply_style_font(this.currentstyle.font); this.on_apply_style_align(this.currentstyle.align); this.on_apply_style_cursor(this.currentstyle.cursor); this.on_apply_style_buttonalign(this.currentstyle.buttonalign); this.on_apply_style_letterspace(this.currentstyle.letterspace); this._setEventHandler("onkeydown", this.on_notify_radio_onkeydown, this); this.on_apply_prop_rtldirection(); } }; _pRadio.on_destroy_contents = function () { var items = this._items; var item_len = items.length; var text_elem = this._text_elem; if (text_elem) { text_elem.destroy(); this._text_elem = null; } for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { items[i].destroy(); items[i] = null; } this._items = null; if (this._innerdataset) { this._innerdataset._removeEventHandler("onvaluechanged", this._callback_onvaluechanged, this); this._innerdataset._removeEventHandler("onrowsetchanged", this._callback_onrowsetchanged, this); this._innerdataset = null; } this._exprcache = null; }; _pRadio.on_change_containerRect = function (_client_width, _client_height) { this._update_radioitem(); }; _pRadio.on_getBindableProperties = function () { return "value"; }; _pRadio.on_apply_prop_enable = function (v) { var radioitems = this._items; if (radioitems) { var item_len = radioitems.length; for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { radioitems[i]._setEnable(v); } } }; _pRadio.on_init_bindSource = function (columnid, propid, ds) { if (propid == "value") { this.value = undefined; var preRadio = this._getItem(this.index); var curRadio = this._getItem(-1); this.index = -1; if (preRadio) { preRadio.set_value(false); } if (curRadio) { curRadio.set_value(true); this.text = curRadio.text; } return true; } }; _pRadio.on_change_bindSource = function (propid, pSendDataset, rowIdx, colIdx, colArrayIdx) { if (propid == "value") { var val = pSendDataset.getColumn(rowIdx, colIdx); this.value = val; var dataset = this._innerdataset; if (!dataset) { return true; } var code = this.codecolumn; var row = dataset.findRow(code, val); var preRadio = this._getItem(this.index); var curRadio = this._getItem(row); this.index = row; if (preRadio) { preRadio.set_value(false); } if (curRadio) { curRadio.set_value(true); this.text = curRadio.text; } return true; } return false; }; _pRadio.on_fire_user_onkeydown = function (keycode, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, fire_comp, refer_comp) { var items = this._items; var accIdx = this._accessibility_index; var index = this.index; var count = items.length; if (keycode == nexacro.Event.KEY_TAB) { if (shift_key) { if (accIdx < 0) { this._want_tab = false; } else { var last_focused = this._last_focused; this._do_defocus(last_focused, true); if (last_focused && last_focused._selected) { last_focused._stat_change("select", "selected"); } this._on_focus(true); this._accessibility_index = -1; } } else { this._want_tab = false; } this._getWindow()._keydown_element._event_stop = true; } else if (keycode == nexacro.Event.KEY_SPACE) { if (!this.readonly) { if (this._accessibility_index > -1) { items[this._accessibility_index]._stat_change("notfocus", "normal"); this.set_index(this._accessibility_index); } } } return nexacro.Component.prototype.on_fire_user_onkeydown.call(this, keycode, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, fire_comp, refer_comp); }; _pRadio.on_fire_sys_onaccessibilitygesture = function (direction, fire_comp, refer_comp) { var ret = false; var items = this._items; if (items && items.length > 0) { if (direction > 0) { this._accessibility_index++; } else { this._accessibility_index--; } if (items[this._accessibility_index]) { ret = true; items[this._accessibility_index]._setAccessibilityNotifyEvent(); } } return ret; }; _pRadio._setAccessibilityNotifyEvent = function (direction) { var items = this._items; if (items && items.length > 0) { var obj = null; if (this._accessibility_index < 0 || this._accessibility_index >= items.length) { if (direction == undefined) { direction = 1; } if (direction > 0) { this._accessibility_index = 0; } else { this._accessibility_index = items.length - 1; } } obj = items[this._accessibility_index]; if (obj) { return obj._setAccessibilityNotifyEvent(); } } else { return nexacro.Component.prototype._setAccessibilityNotifyEvent.call(this, direction); } }; _pRadio._setAccessibilityInfoByHover = function (control) { if (control) { if (control.parent instanceof nexacro.RadioItemCtrl) { control = control.parent; } this._accessibility_index = control.index; return control._setAccessibilityNotifyEvent(); } else { return nexacro.Component.prototype._setAccessibilityNotifyEvent.call(this); } }; _pRadio._getDlgCode = function (keycode, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey) { if (keycode && (keycode == nexacro.Event.KEY_TAB)) { var want_tab = this._getPreCalculateWantTab(keycode, shiftKey); } else { var _want_arrow = this._getPreCalculateWantArrow(keycode); } if (this._is_first_focus) { this._is_first_focus = false; this._is_tab_focus = false; } this._want_arrow = nexacro._enableaccessibility; this._want_tab = true; return { want_tab : want_tab, want_return : false, want_escape : false, want_chars : false, want_arrows : _want_arrow }; }; _pRadio._setFocus = function (bResetScroll, dir) { this._focus_direction = dir; var retn = this.setFocus(bResetScroll); this._focus_direction = -1; return retn; }; _pRadio._on_focus = function (self_flag, evt_name, lose_focus, refer_lose_focus, new_focus, refer_new_focus) { var retn = false; var focusdir = this._focus_direction; if (evt_name == "tabkey") { focusdir = 0; } else if (evt_name == "shifttabkey") { focusdir = 1; } else if (evt_name == "downkey") { focusdir = 2; } else if (evt_name == "upkey") { focusdir = 3; } if (self_flag == false) { this._focus_direction = -1; } if (focusdir >= 0) { retn = nexacro.Component.prototype._on_focus.call(this, self_flag, evt_name, lose_focus, refer_lose_focus, new_focus, refer_new_focus); if (self_flag == false) { this._accessibility_index = -1; if (focusdir < 2) { var items = this._items; if (items && items.length > 0) { var comp; this._is_tab_focus = true; this._is_first_focus = true; if (this.index > -1) { this._accessibility_index = this.index; comp = items[this._accessibility_index]; comp._on_focus(true); comp._stat_change("select", "selected"); } else { if (focusdir == 0) { this._accessibility_index = 0; } else { this._accessibility_index = items.length - 1; } comp = items[this._accessibility_index]; comp._on_focus(true); } } } else if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { if (!this.readonly) { if (focusdir == 2) { if (!this._isAccessibilityEnable()) { var items = this._items; this._is_first_focus = true; if (this.index > -1) { comp = items[this._accessibility_index = this.index]; this.set_index(this._accessibility_index); comp._on_focus(true); } else if (items.length > 0) { var idx = this._getNextAccessibilityOrderIndex(1); if (idx > -1) { this.set_index(idx); this._accessibility_index = idx; var comp = items[idx]; comp._on_focus(true); } } comp._stat_change("select", "selected"); } } else if (focusdir == 3) { if (!this._isAccessibilityEnable()) { var items = this._items; this._is_first_focus = true; if (this.index > -1) { comp = items[this._accessibility_index = this.index]; this.set_index(this._accessibility_index); comp._on_focus(true); } else if (items.length > 0) { var idx = this._getNextAccessibilityOrderIndex(1); if (idx > -1) { this.set_index(idx); this._accessibility_index = idx; var comp = items[idx]; comp._on_focus(true); } } comp._stat_change("select", "selected"); } } } } } } else { retn = nexacro.Component.prototype._on_focus.call(this, self_flag, evt_name, lose_focus, refer_lose_focus, new_focus, refer_new_focus); } return retn; }; _pRadio._on_getAccessibilityAdditionalLabel = function () { if (!this._is_first_focus) { var count = 0; var items = this._items; if (items) { count = items.length; } return (this.index + 1) + " " + count; } return ""; }; _pRadio._on_getAccessibilityAdditionalRole = function () { var _role = ""; if (!this._is_first_focus && this._getAccessibilityRole(this.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility(this._pseudo)) == "radio") { _role = " radio"; } return _role; }; _pRadio.on_get_style_accessibility_label = function () { var label = ""; if (!this._is_first_focus) { label = this.text ? this.text : this.value; } return label; }; _pRadio._getAccessibilityRole = function (accessibility) { var role = nexacro.Component.prototype._getAccessibilityRole.call(this, accessibility); if (nexacro._accessibilitytype == 4) { var control_elem = this.getElement(); var items = this._items; if (control_elem && items.length <= 0) { role = "static"; } } return role; }; _pRadio.set_text = nexacro._emptyFn; _pRadio.on_apply_text = function () { var control_elem = this._control_element; var text_elem = this._text_elem; if (control_elem) { if (!this.innerdataset) { if (this._text_elem) { text_elem.setElementText(this.id); } } else { if (this._text_elem) { text_elem.setElementText(""); } } this._redraw_radioitem(); } }; _pRadio.set_value = function (v) { if (v != this.value) { if (v == undefined || v == null) { v = ""; } else { v = v.toString(); } } var pre_idx = this.index; var pre_val = this.value; this._setValue(v, false); var cur_idx = this.index; var cur_val = v; if (this.applyto_bindSource("value", v) == false) { var preRadio = this._getItem(cur_idx); var curRadio = this._getItem(pre_idx); if (preRadio) { preRadio.set_value(false); } if (curRadio) { curRadio.set_value(true); } this.index = pre_idx; this.value = pre_val; } }; _pRadio.on_apply_value = function (bIndex) { var dataset = this._innerdataset; if (!dataset) { return; } var code = this.codecolumn; var data = this.datacolumn; if (!code && !data) { return; } if (this.value !== undefined && this.value != null) { var row = dataset.findRow(code, this.value); if (bIndex != true) { if (this.index != row) { this._setIndex(row, true); } } } if (bIndex != true) { if (this.value == undefined || this.value === null) { this._setIndex(-1, true); } } }; _pRadio.set_index = function (v) { if (!this.value || this.getElement()) { this._setIndex(v, false); } }; _pRadio.on_apply_index = function (preidx, curidx, bValue) { var dataset = this._innerdataset; if (!dataset) { return; } var code = this.codecolumn; var data = this.datacolumn; if (!code && !data) { return; } var val, preRadioItem, postRadioItem; if (curidx >= 0) { val = dataset.getColumn(curidx, code); if (this.value != val) { if (this.applyto_bindSource("value", val) === false) { postRadioItem = this._getItem(curidx); if (postRadioItem) { postRadioItem.set_value(false); postRadioItem._stat_change("notselect", "normal"); } preRadioItem = this._getItem(this.index); if (preRadioItem) { preRadioItem.set_value(true); this.text = preRadioItem.text; preRadioItem._stat_change("select", "selected"); } this._do_apply_val = false; return; } this._setValue(val, true); } } if (bValue != true) { if (this.index == undefined) { this._setValue(undefined, true); } } if (curidx < 0) { var radio; for (var i = 0, n = this._items.length; i < n; i++) { radio = this._getItem(i); if (radio) { radio.set_value(false); radio._stat_change("notselect", "normal"); } } val = undefined; if (this.applyto_bindSource("value", val) === false) { preRadioItem = this._getItem(this.index); if (preRadioItem) { preRadioItem.set_value(true); this.text = preRadioItem.text; preRadioItem._stat_change("select", "selected"); } this._do_apply_val = false; return; } this._setValue(val, true); } var preRadio = this._getItem(preidx); if (preRadio) { preRadio.set_value(false); preRadio._stat_change("notselect", "normal"); } var curRadio = this._getItem(curidx); if (curRadio) { curRadio.set_value(true); this.text = curRadio.text; curRadio._stat_change("select", "selected"); } else { this.text = ""; } }; _pRadio.set_readonly = function (v) { v = nexacro._toBoolean(v); if (v != this.readonly) { this.readonly = v; this.on_apply_readonly(); } }; _pRadio.on_apply_readonly = function () { var v = this.readonly; if (v) { this._stat_change("readonly", this._pseudo); } else { this._stat_change("writable", this._pseudo == "readonly" ? "normal" : this._pseudo); } var radioitem = null; var items = this._items; var item_len = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { radioitem = this._getItem(i); radioitem.set_readonly(v); } }; _pRadio.set_datacolumn = function (v) { this.datacolumn = v; this.on_apply_datacolumn(); }; _pRadio.on_apply_datacolumn = function () { var data = this.datacolumn == "" ? this.codecolumn : this.datacolumn; var data_val; var innerdataset = this._innerdataset; if (!innerdataset) { return; } var items = this._items; var item_len = items.length; if (this._creating == false) { this._create_radioitem(); } for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { data_val = innerdataset.getColumn(i, data); if (data_val) { items[i].set_text(data_val); if (i == this.index) { this.text = data_val; } } else { items[i].set_text(""); this.text = ""; } } }; _pRadio.set_codecolumn = function (v) { this.codecolumn = v; this.on_apply_codecolumn(); }; _pRadio.on_apply_codecolumn = function () { var code = this.codecolumn; var code_val; var innerdataset = this._innerdataset; if (!innerdataset) { return; } var items = this._items; var item_len = items.length; if (this._creating == false) { this._create_radioitem(); } for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { code_val = innerdataset.getColumn(i, code); if (code_val) { items[i].set_code(code_val); } } this.on_apply_value(false); this.set_index(this.index); if (this.datacolumn == "" && this._control_element) { this.on_apply_datacolumn(); } }; _pRadio.setInnerDataset = function (obj) { if (!obj) { this._innerdataset = null; this.innerdataset = ""; this.on_apply_innerdataset(); } else if (obj instanceof nexacro.Dataset) { this._innerdataset = obj; this.innerdataset = obj.id; this.on_apply_innerdataset(); } }; _pRadio._setInnerDatasetStr = function (str) { if (!str) { this._innerdataset = null; this.innerdataset = ""; } else { str = str.replace("@", ""); this._innerdataset = this._findDataset(str); this.innerdataset = str; } }; _pRadio.getInnerDataset = function () { return this._innerdataset; }; _pRadio.set_innerdataset = function (str) { if (typeof str != "string") { this.setInnerDataset(str); return; } if (str != this.innerdataset) { if (!str) { this._innerdataset = null; this.innerdataset = ""; } else { str = str.replace("@", ""); this._innerdataset = this._findDataset(str); this.innerdataset = str; } this.on_apply_innerdataset(); } else if (this.innerdataset && !this._innerdataset) { this._setInnerDatasetStr(this.innerdataset); this.on_apply_innerdataset(); } return this.innerdataset; }; _pRadio.on_apply_innerdataset = function () { var ds = this._innerdataset; if (ds) { ds._setEventHandler("onvaluechanged", this._callback_onvaluechanged, this); ds._setEventHandler("onrowsetchanged", this._callback_onrowsetchanged, this); } else { var text_elem = this._text_elem; if (!text_elem && this._control_element) { text_elem = new nexacro.TextBoxElement(this._control_element); this._text_elem = text_elem; var curstyle = this.currentstyle; var halign = (curstyle.align.halign == "" ? "center" : curstyle.align._halign); var valign = (curstyle.align.valign == "" ? "middle" : curstyle.align._valign); text_elem.setElementSize(this._client_width, this._client_height); text_elem.setElementFont(curstyle.font); text_elem.setElementColor(curstyle.color); text_elem.setElementAlignXY(halign, valign); text_elem.setElementLetterSpace(curstyle.letterspace); text_elem.create(); } } this.on_apply_text(); }; _pRadio.set_columncount = function (v) { if (v != this.columncount) { this.columncount = v; this.on_apply_columncount(); } }; _pRadio.on_apply_columncount = function () { this._update_radioitem(); }; _pRadio.set_rowcount = function (v) { if (v != this.rowcount) { this.rowcount = v; this.on_apply_rowcount(); } }; _pRadio.on_apply_rowcount = function () { this._update_radioitem(); }; _pRadio.set_direction = function (v) { if (v != this.direction) { if (v.toString() == "") { v = "horizontal"; } this.direction = v; this.on_apply_direction(); } }; _pRadio.on_apply_direction = function () { this._update_radioitem(); }; _pRadio.on_apply_prop_rtldirection = function () { nexacro.Component.prototype.on_apply_prop_rtldirection.call(this); this.on_change_containerRect(this._client_width, this._client_height); var _rtldirection = this._rtldirection; if (this._text_elem) { this._text_elem.setElementRtlDirection(_rtldirection); } var items = this._items; var item_len = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { items[i]._setRtlDirection(_rtldirection); } }; _pRadio.getCount = function () { var item_len = this._items.length; return item_len; }; _pRadio.updateToDataset = function () { var change_val = this.applyto_bindSource("value", this.value); return change_val; }; _pRadio.on_notify_radio_onkeydown = function (obj, e) { var ds = this._innerdataset; if (!ds || this.readonly) { return false; } var row_cnt = ds.getRowCount(); var last_idx = row_cnt - 1; if (row_cnt < 1) { return false; } var items = this._items; var item_len = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { if (items[i].value == true) { this.pre_index = items[i].index; this.pre_value = items[i].code; this.pre_text = items[i].text; } } var E = nexacro.Event; var op = undefined; if (!nexacro._enableaccessibility) { op = (e.keycode == E.KEY_UP) || (e.keycode == E.KEY_LEFT) ? -1 : (e.keycode == E.KEY_DOWN) || (e.keycode == E.KEY_RIGHT) ? 1 : undefined; } else { op = (e.keycode == E.KEY_LEFT) ? -1 : (e.keycode == E.KEY_RIGHT) ? 1 : undefined; } if (op !== undefined) { if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { if (this._accessibility_index == -1 && this.index > -1) { obj.idx = this.index; } else if (this.index == 0 && E.KEY_UP == e.keycode) { var _window = this._getWindow(); _window._removeFromCurrentFocusPath(this, true); if (this._isAccessibilityEnable()) { this._on_focus(true); } this._accessibility_index = -1; return; } else { obj.idx = this._accessibility_index + op; } } else { obj.idx = this.index + op; } if (obj.idx >= row_cnt) { obj.idx = 0; } else if (obj.idx < 0) { obj.idx = last_idx; } var radioitem = this._getItem(obj.idx); var ret = this.on_fire_canitemchange(radioitem, e); if (ret !== false) { this._accessibility_index = obj.idx; if (row_cnt != obj.idx && row_cnt >= obj.idx && 0 <= obj.idx) { this.set_index(obj.idx); if (obj.idx != this.pre_index) { this.on_fire_onitemchanged(radioitem, e); } } if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { radioitem._on_focus(true); radioitem._stat_change("select", "selected"); } } } return false; }; _pRadio.on_notify_item_onclick = function (obj, e) { if (!this.enable || this.readonly == true) { if (nexacro._enableaccessibility && nexacro._accessibilitytype == 5) { obj._setAccessibilityNotifyEvent(); } return false; } var items = this._items; var item_len = items.length; var pre_select_idx = -1; for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { if (items[i].value == true) { this.pre_index = items[i].index; this.pre_value = items[i].code; this.pre_text = items[i].text; pre_select_idx = i; } } var ret = this.on_fire_canitemchange(obj, e); if (ret !== false) { if (pre_select_idx >= 0) { items[this.pre_index].set_value(false); } this.on_fire_onitemclick(obj, e); obj.set_value(true); this.set_index(obj.index); if (this.index != this.pre_index || pre_select_idx < 0) { this.on_fire_onitemchanged(obj, e); } if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { this._accessibility_index = obj.index; obj._on_focus(true); } } }; _pRadio.on_fire_canitemchange = function (obj, e) { if (this.canitemchange && this.canitemchange._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.ItemChangeEventInfo(this, "canitemchange", this.pre_index, this.pre_text, this.pre_value, obj.index, obj.text, obj.code); return this.canitemchange._fireCheckEvent(this, evt); } return; }; _pRadio.on_fire_onitemchanged = function (obj, e) { if (this.onitemchanged && this.onitemchanged._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.ItemChangeEventInfo(this, "onitemchanged", this.pre_index, this.pre_text, this.pre_value, obj.index, obj.text, obj.code); return this.onitemchanged._fireEvent(this, evt); } return false; }; _pRadio.on_fire_onitemclick = function (obj, e) { if (this.onitemclick && this.onitemclick._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.ItemClickEventInfo(this, "onitemclick", obj.index, obj.text, obj.code); return this.onitemclick._fireEvent(this, evt); } return false; }; _pRadio._callback_onvaluechanged = function (obj, e) { this._redraw_radioitem(); }; _pRadio._callback_onload = function (obj, e) { }; _pRadio._callback_onrowsetchanged = function (obj, e) { this._redraw_radioitem(); }; _pRadio._get_contents_rows = function () { var buffer_pages = this._buffer_pages, ret_arr = []; if (buffer_pages) { var rowobjs, rowobj; for (var i = 0, n = buffer_pages.length; i < n; i++) { rowobjs = buffer_pages[i]; if (rowobjs) { ret_arr = ret_arr.concat(rowobjs); } } } return ret_arr; }; _pRadio._setIndex = function (v, bValue) { v = parseInt(v) | 0; if (this.index_init < 0 && this.index < 0 && this._items.length == 0) { this.index_init = v; } if (v > 0 && this._items.length > 0 && (v >= this._items.length)) { v = -1; } else if (this._innerdataset && this._items.length == 0) { if (this._innerdataset.getRowCount() == 0) { v = -1; } } this._do_apply_val = true; this.on_apply_index(this.index, v, bValue); if (this._do_apply_val) { this.index = v; } }; _pRadio._getItem = function (index) { var items = this._items; var item_len = items.length; if (index >= 0 && items.length > 0) { return items[index]; } return null; }; _pRadio._redraw_radioitem = function () { var control = this.getElement(); var innerdataset = this._innerdataset; var radioitem = null; var text = ""; var code = ""; if (control && control.getRootWindowHandle()) { this._delete_radioitem(); if (innerdataset) { var rows = innerdataset.getRowCount(); var datacolumn = this.datacolumn; var codecolumn = this.codecolumn; if (rows > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < rows; i++) { text = innerdataset.getColumn(i, datacolumn == "" ? codecolumn : datacolumn); code = innerdataset.getColumn(i, codecolumn); radioitem = new nexacro.RadioItemCtrl("item", "absolute", 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null, this); radioitem.set_text(text); radioitem.set_code(code); radioitem.set_index(i); radioitem.createComponent(); radioitem.on_created(); radioitem._setEventHandler("onclick", this.on_notify_item_onclick, this); if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { radioitem._setAccessibilityInfoIndex(i); radioitem._setAccessibilityInfoCount(rows); } this._items[i] = radioitem; } this._update_radioitem(); } } this.on_apply_index(this.pre_index, this.index, false); this.on_apply_style_cursor(); this._refreshAccessibilityValue(); } }; _pRadio._delete_radioitem = function () { var items = this._items; var item_len = items.length; for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { items[i].destroy(); items[i] = null; } while (item_len > 0) { items.pop(); item_len--; } }; _pRadio._update_radioitem = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { var innerdataset = this._innerdataset; var items = this._items; var item_len = items.length; if (innerdataset == null || item_len == 0) { return; } var columncount = parseInt(this.columncount) | 0; var rowcount = parseInt(this.rowcount) | 0; var datarowcnt = innerdataset.getRowCount(); var datacolcnt = innerdataset.getColCount(); var colcnt = 1; var rowcnt = datarowcnt; var gogo = "row"; var direction = this.direction.toString(); var width = 0; var height = 0; var max_col = 1; if (columncount == -1 && rowcount == -1) { rowcnt = 1; colcnt = 0; var sum_width = 0; for (var i = 0; i < item_len; i++) { var size = items[i]._getItemRealSize(); sum_width += size.width; if (this._client_width < sum_width) { rowcnt++; sum_width = size.width; colcnt = 1; } else { colcnt++; max_col = max_col > colcnt ? max_col : colcnt; } } colcnt = max_col; var dataidx = 0; var pre_w = 0, pre_h = 0; var size; for (var i = 0; i < rowcnt; i++) { pre_w = 0; for (var j = 0; j < colcnt; j++) { if (datarowcnt <= dataidx) { break; } var radioitem = items[dataidx]; size = radioitem._getItemRealSize(); size.height = this._client_height / rowcnt; radioitem.move(pre_w, pre_h, size.width, size.height); radioitem.setTextOverflow(false); pre_w += size.width; dataidx++; } pre_h += size.height; } } else { if (direction.toLowerCase() == "horizontal") { if (columncount > 0) { colcnt = columncount; } else if ((columncount < 0 && rowcount < 0) || (columncount < 0 && rowcount == 0) || (columncount == 0 && rowcount == 0) || (columncount == 0 && rowcount == datarowcnt)) { colcnt = 1; } else if (columncount < 0 && (columncount < rowcount) && (rowcount > 1)) { colcnt = Math.round(rowcnt / rowcount); } else if (rowcount > 0) { colcnt = Math.ceil(rowcnt / rowcount); if ((colcnt * rowcount) < rowcnt) { colcnt++; rowcnt = (((colcnt * rowcount) - rowcnt) >= colcnt) ? rowcount - 1 : rowcount; } } else { colcnt = rowcnt; } if (colcnt > rowcnt) { colcnt = rowcnt; } gogo = "col"; rowcnt = parseInt(datarowcnt / colcnt) | 0; if ((datarowcnt > colcnt) && (datarowcnt % colcnt) > 0) { rowcnt++; } } else { if (rowcount > 0) { rowcnt = rowcount; } else if (columncount > 0) { rowcnt = parseInt(datarowcnt / columncount); if ((columncount * rowcnt) < datarowcnt) { rowcnt++; colcnt = (((columncount * rowcnt) - datarowcnt) >= rowcnt) ? columncount - 1 : columncount; } } else { rowcnt = 1; } gogo = "row"; colcnt = parseInt(datarowcnt / rowcnt) | 0; if (colcnt <= 0) { colcnt = 1; } if ((datarowcnt > rowcnt) && (datarowcnt % rowcnt) > 0) { colcnt++; } } width = this._client_width / colcnt; height = this._client_height / rowcnt; var dataidx = 0; var radioitem; if (gogo == "col") { for (var i = 0; i < rowcnt; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < colcnt; j++) { if (datarowcnt <= dataidx) { break; } radioitem = this._items[dataidx]; radioitem.move((width * j), (height * i), width, height); radioitem.setTextOverflow(true); dataidx++; } } } else if (gogo == "" || gogo == "row") { var pre_w = 0, pre_h; for (var i = 0; i < colcnt; i++) { pre_h = 0; for (var j = 0; j < rowcnt; j++) { if (datarowcnt <= dataidx) { break; } radioitem = this._items[dataidx]; radioitem.move((width * i), (height * j), width, height); radioitem.setTextOverflow(true); dataidx++; } } } } } }; _pRadio._searchStyleValue = nexacro._emptyFn; _pRadio._exeExprStyle = nexacro._emptyFn; _pRadio._setValue = function (v, bIndex) { if (this.value == v) { return null; } var val = null; if (v == undefined || v == null) { val = ""; } else { val = v.toString(); } this.value = val; if (!this._is_created) { this._init_value = val; } this.on_apply_value(bIndex); }; _pRadio._do_defocus = function (target, bParent) { var _window = this._getWindow(); _window._removeFromCurrentFocusPath(target, true); if (bParent) { _window._removeFromCurrentFocusPath(this, false); } }; _pRadio._getPreCalculateWantTab = function (keycode, shift_key) { var ds = this._innerdataset; if (ds) { if (this.index > -1) { var idx = this.index; if (idx == this._accessibility_index) { return false; } } else { var index = this._accessibility_index; if (shift_key) { if (index < 0) { return false; } } else { var totalcnt = ds.getRowCount(); if (index + 1 > totalcnt) { return false; } } } } return this._want_tab; }; _pRadio._getPreCalculateWantArrow = function (keycode) { var ds = this._innerdataset; if (nexacro._enableaccessibility && (nexacro._accessibilitytype == 4 || nexacro._accessibilitytype == 5)) { return true; } else if (ds) { if (keycode == nexacro.Event.KEY_UP) { return false; } else if (keycode == nexacro.Event.KEY_DOWN) { return false; } } else { return false; } return this._want_arrow; }; _pRadio._getNextAccessibilityOrderIndex = function (direction) { var cur_idx = this._accessibility_index; var ar = this._items; if (direction > 0) { for (var i = cur_idx + direction, n = ar.length; i < n; i++) { if (ar[i]._isAccessibilityEnable()) { return i; } } cur_idx = -1; } else if (direction < 0) { for (var i = cur_idx + direction; i >= 0; i--) { if (ar[i]._isAccessibilityEnable()) { return i; } } cur_idx = this._accessibility_index = -1; } return cur_idx; }; delete _pRadio; nexacro.RadioCtrl = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.Radio.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); this._is_subcontrol = true; this._is_overflow = false; }; var _pRadioCtrl = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Radio, nexacro.RadioCtrl); nexacro.RadioCtrl.prototype = _pRadioCtrl; _pRadioCtrl._type_name = "RadioControl"; nexacro._setForControlStyleFinder(_pRadioCtrl); delete _pRadioCtrl; } ; if (!nexacro.RadioItemCtrl) { nexacro.RadioItem_Style = function (target, id) { nexacro.Style.call(this, target, id); this.buttonalign = null; this.buttonbackground = null; this.buttonbackgroundimagemode = null; this.buttonborder = null; this.buttoncolor = null; this.buttongradation = null; this.buttonimage = null; this.buttonsize = null; this.textpadding = null; }; var _pRadioItemStyle = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Style, nexacro.RadioItem_Style); nexacro.RadioItem_Style.prototype = _pRadioItemStyle; eval(nexacro._createAlignAttributeEvalStr("_pRadioItemStyle", "buttonalign")); eval(nexacro._createBackgroundAttributeEvalStr("_pRadioItemStyle", "buttonbackground")); eval(nexacro._createValueAttributeEvalStr("_pRadioItemStyle", "buttonbackgroundimagemode")); eval(nexacro._createBorderAttributeEvalStr("_pRadioItemStyle", "buttonborder")); eval(nexacro._createColorAttributeEvalStr("_pRadioItemStyle", "buttoncolor")); eval(nexacro._createGradationAttributeEvalStr("_pRadioItemStyle", "buttongradation")); eval(nexacro._createValueAttributeEvalStr("_pRadioItemStyle", "buttonimage")); eval(nexacro._createValueAttributeEvalStr("_pRadioItemStyle", "buttonsize")); eval(nexacro._createPaddingAttributeEvalStr("_pRadioItemStyle", "textpadding")); eval(nexacro._createAccessibilityAttributeEvalStr("_pRadioItemStyle", "accessibility")); _pRadioItemStyle.__custom_emptyObject = function () { this.buttonalign = null; this.buttonbackground = null; this.buttonbackgroundimagemode = null; this.buttonborder = null; this.buttoncolor = null; this.buttongradation = null; this.buttonimage = null; this.buttonsize = null; this.textpadding = null; this.accessibility = null; }; _pRadioItemStyle.__get_custom_style_value = function () { var val = ""; if (this.buttonalign._value.length) { val += "buttonalign:" + this.buttonalign._value + "; "; } if (this.buttonimage._value.length) { val += "buttonimage:" + this.buttonimage._value + "; "; } if (this.textpadding._value.length) { val += "textpadding:" + this.textpadding._value + "; "; } if (this.buttonborder._value.length) { val += "buttonborder:" + this.buttonborder._value + "; "; } if (this.buttoncolor._value.length) { val += "buttoncolor:" + this.buttoncolor._value + "; "; } if (this.buttonsize._value.length) { val += "buttonsize:" + this.buttonsize._value + "; "; } if (this.buttonbackground._value.length) { val += "buttonbackground:" + this.buttonbackground._value + "; "; } if (this.buttongradation._value.length) { val += "buttongradation:" + this.buttongradation._value + "; "; } if (this.buttonbackgroundimagemode._value.length) { val += "buttonbackgroundimagemode:" + this.buttonbackgroundimagemode._value + "; "; } if (this.accessibility._value.length) { val += "accessibility:" + this.accessibility._value + "; "; } return val; }; nexacro.RadioItem_CurrentStyle = function () { nexacro.CurrentStyle.call(this); this.buttonalign = null; this.buttonimage = null; this.textpadding = null; this.buttonborder = null; this.buttoncolor = null; this.buttonsize = null; this.buttonbackground = null; this.buttongradation = null; this.buttonbackgroundimagemode = null; }; var _pRadioItemCurrentStyle = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.CurrentStyle, nexacro.RadioItem_CurrentStyle); nexacro.RadioItem_CurrentStyle.prototype = _pRadioItemCurrentStyle; _pRadioItemCurrentStyle.__get_custom_style_value = _pRadioItemStyle.__get_custom_style_value; _pRadioItemCurrentStyle.__custom_emptyObject = _pRadioItemStyle.__custom_emptyObject; delete _pRadioItemStyle; delete _pRadioItemCurrentStyle; nexacro.RadioItemCtrl = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.StaticCtrl.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); this.radioimg = null; this.value = false; this.index = -1; this.readonly = false; this.code = ""; this._text_elem = null; this._is_reference_control = false; this._accessibility_role = "radioitem"; this._apply_pushed_pseudo = true; }; var _pRadioItemCtrl = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.StaticCtrl, nexacro.RadioItemCtrl); nexacro.RadioItemCtrl.prototype = _pRadioItemCtrl; nexacro._setForControlStyleFinder(_pRadioItemCtrl); _pRadioItemCtrl.on_apply_custom_pseudo = function (pseudo) { if (this._isSelected()) { if (pseudo != "pushed" && pseudo != "disabled") { pseudo = "selected"; } } var curstyle = this.currentstyle; var buttonalign = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonalign(pseudo); var buttonimage = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonimage(pseudo); var textpadding = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_textpadding(pseudo); var buttonborder = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonborder(pseudo); var buttoncolor = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttoncolor(pseudo); var buttonsize = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonsize(pseudo); var buttonbackground = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonbackground(pseudo); var buttongradation = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttongradation(pseudo); var buttonbackgroundimagemode = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonbackgroundimagemode(pseudo); var accessibility = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility(pseudo); if (buttonalign != curstyle.buttonalign) { curstyle.buttonalign = buttonalign; this.on_apply_style_buttonalign(); } if (buttonimage != curstyle.buttonimage) { curstyle.buttonimage = buttonimage; this.on_apply_style_buttonimage(curstyle.buttonimage); } if (textpadding != curstyle.textpadding) { curstyle.textpadding = textpadding; this.on_apply_style_textpadding(curstyle.textpadding); } if (buttonborder != curstyle.buttonborder) { curstyle.buttonborder = buttonborder; if (this.radioimg) { this.radioimg.on_apply_pseudo(pseudo); } } if (buttoncolor != curstyle.buttoncolor) { curstyle.buttoncolor = buttoncolor; if (this.radioimg) { this.radioimg.on_apply_pseudo(pseudo); } } if (buttonsize != curstyle.buttonsize) { curstyle.buttonsize = buttonsize; this.on_apply_style_buttonsize(curstyle.buttonsize); } if (buttonbackground != curstyle.buttonbackground) { curstyle.buttonbackground = buttonbackground; if (this.radioimg) { this.radioimg.on_apply_pseudo(pseudo); } } if (buttongradation != curstyle.buttongradation) { curstyle.buttongradation = buttongradation; if (this.radioimg) { this.radioimg.on_apply_pseudo(pseudo); } } if (buttonbackgroundimagemode != curstyle.buttonbackgroundimagemode) { curstyle.buttonbackgroundimagemode = buttonbackgroundimagemode; if (this.radioimg) { this.radioimg.on_apply_pseudo(pseudo); } } if (accessibility != curstyle.accessibility) { curstyle.accessibility = this._make_accessibility_value(accessibility); this.on_apply_style_accessibility(curstyle.accessibility); } }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_create_custom_style = function () { return new nexacro.RadioItem_Style(this); }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_create_custom_currentStyle = function () { return new nexacro.RadioItem_CurrentStyle(this); }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_background = function (pseudo) { var propobj = this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_itembackground(pseudo); return this.parent._search_style_obj(propobj, "background", this.index); }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonalign = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonalign(pseudo); }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonbackground = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonbackground(pseudo); }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonbackgroundimagemode = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonbackgroundimagemode(pseudo); }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonborder = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonborder(pseudo); }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttoncolor = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttoncolor(pseudo); }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttongradation = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttongradation(pseudo); }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonimage = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonimage(pseudo); }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonsize = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonsize(pseudo); }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_textpadding = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_textpadding(pseudo); }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_align = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_align(pseudo); }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_color = function (pseudo) { var propobj = this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_color(pseudo); return this.parent._search_style_obj(propobj, "color", this.index); }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_font = function (pseudo) { var propobj = this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_font(pseudo); return this.parent._search_style_obj(propobj, "font", this.index); }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_cursor = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_cursor(pseudo); }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility = function (pseudo) { var propobj = this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_itemaccessibility(pseudo); return this.parent._search_style_obj(propobj, "accessibility", this.index); }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_border = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_itemborder(pseudo); }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_bordertype = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_itembordertype(pseudo); }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_padding = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_itempadding(pseudo); }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_gradation = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_itemgradation(pseudo); }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_rtlimagemirroring = function (pseudo) { return; }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_update_style_buttonalign = function () { this.currentstyle.buttonsize = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonalign(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_buttonalign(this.currentstyle.buttonsize); }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_update_style_buttonbackground = function () { this.currentstyle.buttonbackground = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonbackground(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_buttonbackground(this.currentstyle.buttonbackground); }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_update_style_buttonbackgroundimagemode = function () { this.currentstyle.buttonbackgroundimagemode = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonbackgroundimagemode(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_buttonbackgroundimagemode(this.currentstyle.buttonbackgroundimagemode); }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_update_style_buttonborder = function () { this.currentstyle.buttonborder = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonborder(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_buttonborder(this.currentstyle.buttonborder); }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_update_style_buttoncolor = function () { this.currentstyle.buttoncolor = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttoncolor(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_buttoncolor(this.currentstyle.buttoncolor); }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_update_style_buttongradation = function () { this.currentstyle.buttongradation = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttongradation(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_buttongradation(this.currentstyle.buttongradation); }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_update_style_buttonimage = function () { this.currentstyle.buttonimage = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonimage(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_buttonimage(this.currentstyle.buttonimage); }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_update_style_buttonsize = function () { this.currentstyle.buttonsize = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonsize(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_buttonsize(this.currentstyle.buttonsize); }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_update_style_textpadding = function () { this.currentstyle.textpadding = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_textpadding(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_textpadding(this.currentstyle.textpadding); }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_update_style_accessibility = function () { this.on_apply_style_accessibility(this.currentstyle.accessibility = this._make_accessibility_value(this.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility(this._pseudo))); }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_apply_style_align = function (v) { if (this._text_elem && v) { var halign = v.halign == "" ? "left" : v._halign; var valign = v.valign == "" ? "middle" : v._valign; this._text_elem.setElementAlignXY(halign, valign); } }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_apply_style_color = function (v) { if (this._text_elem) { if (v) { this._text_elem.setElementColor(v); } else { this._text_elem.setElementColor(""); } } }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_apply_style_font = function (v) { if (this._text_elem) { this._text_elem.setElementFont(v); } }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_apply_style_letterspace = function (v) { if (this._text_elem) { this._text_elem.setElementLetterSpace(v); } }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_apply_style_cursor = function (v) { this._control_element.setElementCursor(v); if (this.radioimg) { this.radioimg.style.set_cursor(v); } }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_apply_style_buttonalign = function (v) { var pseudo = this._pseudo; if (this._pushed) { pseudo = "pushed"; } var buttonalign = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonalign(pseudo); var buttonsize = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonsize(pseudo); var textpadding = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_textpadding(pseudo); if (buttonalign) { var align_arr = buttonalign.toString().trim().split(" "); var align_len = align_arr.length; var horizon = "left"; var vertical = "middle"; var cl, ct, cr, cb, cw, ch; var tl = 0, tt = 0, tr = 0, tb = 0, tw = 0, th = 0; var btnsize, str, curBtnSize, curTxtPadding; curBtnSize = buttonsize; curTxtPadding = textpadding; if (buttonsize == null) { btnsize = 20; } else { btnsize = parseInt(curBtnSize._value) | 0; } for (var x = 0; x < align_len; x++) { str = align_arr[x].toString(); if (str == "center") { horizon = "center"; } else if (str == "right") { horizon = "right"; } else if (str == "top") { vertical = "top"; } else if (str == "bottom") { vertical = "bottom"; } } var btn_gap = 0; var gap_and_size = btn_gap + btnsize; if (curTxtPadding) { if (curTxtPadding.left) { tl = curTxtPadding.left; } if (curTxtPadding.right) { tr = curTxtPadding.right; } if (curTxtPadding.top) { tt = curTxtPadding.top; } if (curTxtPadding.bottom) { tb = curTxtPadding.bottom; } } if (horizon == "left") { cl = btn_gap; tl += gap_and_size; gap_and_size = 0; } else if (horizon == "right") { cl = this._client_width - gap_and_size; } else if (horizon == "center") { cl = Math.round((this._client_width - btnsize) / 2); } if (vertical == "top") { ct = 0; cb = btnsize; } else if (vertical == "bottom") { ct = this._client_height - btnsize; } else { ct = (this._client_height - btnsize) / 2; } if (this.radioimg) { this.radioimg.move(cl, ct, btnsize, btnsize); } if (this._text_elem) { tw = this._client_width - tr - tl - gap_and_size; th = this._client_height - tb - tt; tw = (tw < 0) ? 0 : tw; th = (th < 0) ? 0 : th; tl = this._convertLeftForRtlLayout(tl, tw); this._text_elem.setElementPosition(tl, tt); this._text_elem.setElementSize(tw, th); this.setTextOverflow(!this._is_overflow); } } }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_apply_style_buttonimage = function (v) { this.on_apply_value(); }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_apply_style_buttonborder = function (v) { if (this.radioimg) { this.radioimg.on_update_style_border(); } }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_apply_style_buttoncolor = function (v) { if (this.radioimg) { this.radioimg.on_update_style_color(); } }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_apply_style_buttonsize = function (v) { this.on_apply_style_buttonalign(); }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_apply_style_buttongradation = function (v) { if (this.radioimg) { this.radioimg.on_update_style_gradation(); } }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_apply_style_buttonbackground = function (v) { var radioimg = this.radioimg; if (radioimg) { if (this.radioimg) { radioimg.on_update_style_background(); } } }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_apply_style_rtlimagemirroring = function (v) { return; }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_apply_style_buttonbackgroundimagemode = function (v) { var radioimg = this.radioimg; var repeat = ""; if (v.toString() == "quad") { repeat = "quad"; } else { repeat = "no-repeat"; } if (radioimg) { radioimg.style.set_background_repeat(repeat); } }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_apply_style_textpadding = function (v) { this.on_apply_style_buttonalign(); }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_apply_style_accessibility = function (accessibility) { if (accessibility) { var control_elem = this.getElement(); control_elem.setAccessibility(accessibility); } }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_apply_prop_enable = function (v) { var radioimg = this.radioimg; if (radioimg) { radioimg._setEnable(v); } }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_apply_prop_rtldirection = function () { var _rtldirection = this._rtldirection; nexacro.Component.prototype.on_apply_prop_rtldirection.call(this); this.on_change_containerRect(this._client_width, this._client_height); var text_elem = this._text_elem; if (text_elem) { text_elem.setElementRtlDirection(_rtldirection); text_elem.setElementPosition(text_elem.left, text_elem.top, true); } if (this.radioimg) { this.radioimg._setRtlDirection(_rtldirection); } }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_create_contents = function () { var control = this.getElement(); if (control) { this.radioimg = new nexacro.ImageRadioCtrl("radioimg", "absolute", 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null, this); this.radioimg.style.set_bordertype("round 50 50"); var p_pseudo = this.parent._pseudo; var text_elem = new nexacro.TextBoxElement(control); this._text_elem = text_elem; var align = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_align(); var halign = align.halign == "" ? "center" : align._halign; var valign = align.valign == "" ? "middle" : align._valign; text_elem.setElementSize(this._client_width, this._client_height); text_elem.setElementColor(this.on_find_CurrentStyle_color(p_pseudo)); text_elem.setElementFont(this.on_find_CurrentStyle_font(p_pseudo)); text_elem.setElementAlignXY(halign, valign); text_elem.setElementLetterSpace(this.currentstyle.letterspace); this.text += ""; text_elem.setElementText(this.text); text_elem.setElementWordWrap("char"); this.radioimg.createComponent(true); } }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_created_contents = function () { var text_elem = this._text_elem; if (text_elem) { text_elem.create(); } this.radioimg.on_created(); }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_destroy_contents = function () { var text_elem = this._text_elem; if (text_elem) { text_elem.destroy(); this._text_elem = null; } if (this.radioimg) { this.radioimg.destroy(); this.radioimg = null; } }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_change_containerRect = function (width, height) { this.on_apply_style_buttonalign(this.currentstyle.buttonalign); this.on_apply_style_buttonimage(this.currentstyle.buttonimage); this.on_apply_style_buttonborder(this.currentstyle.buttonborder); this.on_apply_style_buttonbackground(this.currentstyle.buttonbackground); this.on_apply_style_textpadding(this.currentstyle.textpadding); var text_elem = this._text_elem; var align = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_align(this._pseudo); if (this._text_elem) { width = width - this.radioimg.width; text_elem.setElementSize(width, height); this.on_apply_style_align(align); } }; _pRadioItemCtrl.set_value = function (v) { if (v != this.value) { this.value = v; this.on_apply_value(); } }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_apply_value = function () { if (this.radioimg) { var select = this._isSelected(); var pseudo = this._pseudo; if (this._pushed) { pseudo = "pushed"; } var image = ""; if (this.parent.enable) { if (pseudo == "disabled") { pseudo = "normal"; } image = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonimage(pseudo); } else { image = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonimage("disabled"); } if (select == true && image) { this.radioimg.set_image(image); this.radioimg.set_imagealign("center middle"); if (this._pushed) { this._stat_change("", "pushed"); } else { this._stat_change("", "selected"); } } else { this.radioimg.set_image(""); } this._setAccessibilityStatChecked(select); } }; _pRadioItemCtrl.set_index = function (v) { this.index = v; }; _pRadioItemCtrl.set_readonly = function (v) { v = nexacro._toBoolean(v); if (v != this.readonly) { this.readonly = v; this.on_apply_readonly(); } }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_apply_readonly = function () { var v = this.readonly; if (v) { this._stat_change("readonly", this._pseudo); } else { this._stat_change("writable", this._pseudo == "readonly" ? "normal" : this._pseudo); } }; _pRadioItemCtrl.set_text = function (v) { this.text = v + ""; this.on_apply_text(); }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_apply_text = function () { if (this._text_elem) { this._text_elem.setElementText(this.text + ""); } }; _pRadioItemCtrl.set_code = function (v) { this.code = v; }; _pRadioItemCtrl._on_getAccessibilityAdditionalLabel = function () { var radio = this.parent; if (this._isAccessibilityEnable() && radio && (!radio._is_first_focus || radio._is_tab_focus)) { if (this.index > -1) { return (this.index + 1) + " " + radio._items.length; } } return ""; }; _pRadioItemCtrl._getFormChildById = function (id) { return this.parent._getFormChildById(id); }; _pRadioItemCtrl._getAccessibilityLabel = function (accessibility) { var label = ""; var radio = this.parent; if (radio && radio._is_first_focus) { var p_accessibility = radio.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility(radio._pseudo); label = radio._getAccessibilityParentValue(p_accessibility); } label += " " + nexacro.Component.prototype._getAccessibilityLabel.call(this, accessibility); return label; }; _pRadioItemCtrl._setAccessibilityNotifyEvent = function (direction) { var control_element = this.getElement(); if (control_element && control_element.accessibility_enable) { control_element.setElementAccessibilityNotifyEvent(); var form = this._getForm(); if (form) { var _window = form._getWindow(); _window._accessibility_last_focused_comp = this._getRootComponent(this); } return true; } return false; }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_lbuttondown_basic_action = function (elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, bubble_scope) { var win = this._getWindow(); if (this._apply_pushed_pseudo) { this._stat_change("push", "pushed"); this._is_pushed_area = true; this._is_push = true; } if (this._is_track) { nexacro._setTrackInfo(win, this, win._curWindowX, win._curWindowY); return false; } else { if (this.getOwnerFrame) { if (this instanceof nexacro.ChildFrame) { return false; } var ownerframe = this.getOwnerFrame(); if (ownerframe && ownerframe.form) { var frameform = ownerframe.form; if (frameform && frameform._is_track) { nexacro._setTrackInfo(win, this, win._curWindowX, win._curWindowY); return false; } } } } if (this._is_repeat) { nexacro._setRepeatInfo(this, win, refer_comp, win._curWindowX, win._curWindowY, canvasX, canvasY); return true; } }; _pRadioItemCtrl.on_mousemove_basic_action = function () { if (this._apply_pushed_pseudo && this._is_push) { this._stat_change("push", "pushed"); this._is_pushed_area = true; } else { if (!nexacro.isTouchInteraction) { if (!this._isSelected()) { this._stat_change("", "mouseover"); } if (this._dragging_cursor) { this._dragging_cursor = null; var cursor = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_cursor(this._pseudo); this._updateCursor(cursor); } } } }; _pRadioItemCtrl._isSelected = function () { return this.value; }; _pRadioItemCtrl._getItemRealSize = function () { var buttonalign = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonalign(this._pseudo); var buttonsize = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonsize(this._pseudo); var textpadding = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_textpadding(this._pseudo); var itempadding = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_padding(this._pseudo); var itemborder = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_border(this._pseudo); var width, height; var tl = 0, tt = 0, tr = 0, tb = 0; var ipl = 0, ipt = 0, ipr = 0, ipb = 0; var ibl = 0, ibt = 0, ibr = 0, ibb = 0; var btnsize = 20; if (buttonsize) { btnsize = parseInt(buttonsize._value) | 0; } if (textpadding) { if (textpadding.left) { tl = textpadding.left; } if (textpadding.right) { tr = textpadding.right; } if (textpadding.top) { tt = textpadding.top; } if (textpadding.bottom) { tb = textpadding.bottom; } } if (itempadding) { if (itempadding.left) { ipl = itempadding.left; } if (itempadding.top) { ipt = itempadding.top; } if (itempadding.right) { ipr = itempadding.right; } if (itempadding.bottom) { ipb = itempadding.bottom; } } if (itemborder) { ibl = itemborder._left_width; ibr = itemborder._right_width; ibt = itemborder._top_width; ibb = itemborder._bottom_width; } var text_size = 0; if (this._text_elem) { var font = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_font(this._pseudo); var letterspace = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_letterspace(this._pseudo); text_size = nexacro._getTextSize2(letterspace, this._text_elem.text, font, null, null, null, this._rtldirection); } width = btnsize + tl + tr + text_size[0] + ipl + ipr + ibl + ibr; height = btnsize + tt + tb + text_size[1] + ipt + ipb + ibt + ibb; return { width : Math.ceil(width), height : Math.ceil(height) }; }; _pRadioItemCtrl.setTextOverflow = function (is_default) { var text_elem = this._text_elem; if (text_elem) { this._is_overflow = !is_default; if (is_default) { text_elem.setElementWordWrap("char"); } else { text_elem.setElementTextOverFlow(); } } }; _pRadioItemCtrl._setRtlDirection = function (v) { var rtldirection = this.rtldirection; var _rtldirection = this._rtldirection; if (v == "inherit") { var _parent_rtldirection = this.parent._rtldirection; if (_rtldirection != _parent_rtldirection) { _rtldirection = _parent_rtldirection; } } else if (_rtldirection != v) { if (rtldirection == v) { _rtldirection = v; } else if (!rtldirection || rtldirection == "inherit") { _rtldirection = v; } } if (_rtldirection != this._rtldirection) { this._rtldirection = _rtldirection; this.on_apply_prop_rtldirection(); } }; delete _pRadioItemCtrl; nexacro.ImageRadioCtrl = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.ImageViewerCtrl.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); this._is_reference_control = false; this._apply_pushed_pseudo = true; }; var _pImageRadioCtrl = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.ImageViewerCtrl, nexacro.ImageRadioCtrl); nexacro.ImageRadioCtrl.prototype = _pImageRadioCtrl; _pImageRadioCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_background = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonbackground(this.parent._pseudo); }; _pImageRadioCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonbackgroundimagemode = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonbackgroundimagemode(this.parent._pseudo); }; _pImageRadioCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_image = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonimage(this.parent._pseudo); }; _pImageRadioCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_border = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonborder(this.parent._pseudo); }; _pImageRadioCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_gradation = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttongradation(this.parent._pseudo); }; _pImageRadioCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_rtlimagemirroring = function (pseudo) { return; }; _pImageRadioCtrl.on_fire_onclick = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (!this.parent.enable) { return false; } this.parent.on_fire_onclick(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); }; _pImageRadioCtrl.on_mousemove_basic_action = function () { if (this._apply_pushed_pseudo && this._is_push) { this._stat_change("push", "pushed"); this._is_pushed_area = true; } else { if (!nexacro.isTouchInteraction) { if (!this.parent._isSelected()) { this._stat_change("", "mouseover"); } if (this._dragging_cursor) { this._dragging_cursor = null; var cursor = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_cursor(this._pseudo); this._updateCursor(cursor); } } } }; _pImageRadioCtrl.on_mouseleave_basic_action = function (is_subcontrol_bubble) { if (is_subcontrol_bubble) { if (this._apply_pushed_pseudo && this._is_push) { this._stat_change("notpush", "normal"); this._is_pushed_area = false; } else if (!this.parent._isSelected()) { var tmp_comp = this; var alive = true; while (tmp_comp) { if (tmp_comp._is_alive == false) { alive = false; break; } tmp_comp = tmp_comp.parent; } if (alive) { this._stat_change("", "normal"); } } } else { if (this._apply_pushed_pseudo && this._is_push) { this._stat_change("notpush", "normal"); this._is_pushed_area = false; } else if (this.parent._isSelected()) { this._stat_change("select", "selected"); } else { this._stat_change("", "normal"); } } }; delete _pImageRadioCtrl; } ;