//============================================================================== // // TOBESOFT Co., Ltd. // Copyright 2014 TOBESOFT Co., Ltd. // All Rights Reserved. // // NOTICE: TOBESOFT permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file // in accordance with the terms of the license agreement accompanying it. // // Readme URL: http://www.nexacro.co.kr/legal/nexacro-public-license-readme-1.1.html // //============================================================================== nexacro.TabIndexChangeEventInfo = function (obj, id, postindex, preindex) { this.id = this.eventid = id || "ontabindexchange"; this.fromobject = this.fromreferenceobject = obj; this.postindex = postindex; this.preindex = preindex; }; var _pTabIndexChangeEventInfo = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.ChangeEventInfo); nexacro.TabIndexChangeEventInfo.prototype = _pTabIndexChangeEventInfo; _pTabIndexChangeEventInfo._type_name = "TabIndexChangeEventInfo"; delete _pTabIndexChangeEventInfo; nexacro.TabMouseEventInfo = function (obj, id, index, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { nexacro.MouseEventInfo.call(this, obj, id || "onextrabuttonclick", button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); this.index = index; }; var _pTabMouseEventInfo = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.MouseEventInfo); nexacro.TabMouseEventInfo.prototype = _pTabMouseEventInfo; _pTabMouseEventInfo._type_name = "TabMouseEventInfo"; delete _pTabMouseEventInfo; if (!nexacro.TabComponent) { nexacro.TabComponent = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.Form.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); this.spinupbutton = null; this.spindownbutton = null; this.multiline = false; this.tabindex = -1; this.focusacceptable = false; this.usecontrolkey = true; this.rotatetext = false; this.tabjustify = false; this.selectchangetype = "down"; this.tabposition = "top"; this.extrabutton = null; this._org_status = ""; this._pre_scrollIndex = -1; this._imagewidth = 0; this._imageheight = 0; this._setidx = 0; this._oldtabindex = 0; this._tabpagearea = null; this._css_finder = null; this._tabButtons = []; this._buttonRect = []; this._tabextrabuttons = []; this._tabBorders = []; this._tabButtonBorders = []; this._tabButtonLeftBorders = []; this._buttonWidth = []; this._buttonHeight = []; this._insert_tabpagelist = []; this._scrollIndex = -1; this._lastIndex = -1; this._bSpin = false; this._focusobj = null; this._spinflagup = false; this._spinflagdown = false; this._is_canchange = false; this._is_scrollable = false; this._accessibility_role = "tab"; }; var _pTabComponent = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Form, nexacro.TabComponent); nexacro.TabComponent.prototype = _pTabComponent; _pTabComponent._type_name = "Tabcomponent"; _pTabComponent.on_update_style_cursor = function () { var tabbtns = this._tabButtons; var tabbtnsLen = tabbtns.length; var tabbtn; for (var i = 0; i < tabbtnsLen; i++) { tabbtn = tabbtns[i]; tabbtn.on_update_style_cursor(); } var tabpages = this.tabpages; for (var i = 0, n = tabpages.length; i < n; i++) { tabpages[i].on_update_style_cursor(); } this._tabpagearea.on_apply_style_cursor(this.currentstyle.cursor = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_cursor(this._pseudo)); this.on_apply_style_cursor(this.currentstyle.cursor); }; _pTabComponent.on_change_containerRect = function (width, height) { }; _pTabComponent.set_visible = function (v) { var child_list = this._child_list; if (child_list && child_list.length == 0 && nexacro._toBoolean(v)) { return; } nexacro.Component.prototype.set_visible.call(this, v); }; _pTabComponent.set_multiline = function (v) { this.multiline = nexacro._toBoolean(v); if (this.multiline == false && this._buttonWidth) { var s = 0; var buttonWidth_len = this._buttonWidth.length; for (var i = 0, n = buttonWidth_len; i < n; i++) { s += this._buttonWidth[i]; if (this._orgwidth < s) { break; } } if (n > 0) { this._scrollIndex = this.tabindex - (i - 1); } } this._recalcLayout(); }; _pTabComponent.set_rotatetext = function (v) { this.rotatetext = v; }; _pTabComponent.set_usecontrolkey = function (v) { this.usecontrolkey = v; }; _pTabComponent.set_focusacceptable = function (v) { if (this.focusacceptable != v) { this.focusacceptable = v; } }; _pTabComponent.set_tabindex = function (v) { var idx = parseInt(v) | 0; this._oldtabindex = this.tabindex; this._setidx = idx; this.on_apply_tabindex(); }; _pTabComponent.on_apply_tabindex = function () { var is_apply_focus = false; var form = this._getForm(); if (form._getTabOrderFirst() instanceof nexacro.Tab && this.parent._last_focused && this.parent._last_focused.name == this.name) { is_apply_focus = true; } var ret = this._changeTabIndex(this._setidx, is_apply_focus); if (ret && this.enableevent && this._is_created && this._oldtabindex > -1) { this.on_fire_onchanged(this, this._setidx, this._oldtabindex); } }; _pTabComponent.set_tabjustify = function (v) { v = nexacro._toBoolean(v); if (this.tabjustify != v) { this.tabjustify = v; } else { return; } this.on_apply_tabjustify(); }; _pTabComponent.on_apply_tabjustify = function () { this._recalcLayout(); }; _pTabComponent.set_tabposition = function (v) { this.tabposition = v.toString(); var child_list = this._child_list; var tabpagecnt = child_list.length; for (var i = 0; i < tabpagecnt; i++) { var pagecontrol = child_list[i]; if (pagecontrol != null) { pagecontrol._adjust_width = 0; pagecontrol._adjust_height = 0; } } this.on_apply_tabposition(); }; _pTabComponent.on_apply_tabposition = function () { this._recalcLayout(); }; _pTabComponent.set_selectchangetype = function (v) { this.selectchangetype = v; }; nexacro._is_enable_setting = false; _pTabComponent.set_enable = function (v) { v = nexacro._toBoolean(v); if (this.enable != v) { var _window = this._getWindow(); var newfocus_comp; if (!this._is_subcontrol && !v && this._is_created && this.parent) { if (_window && _window._indexOfCurrentFocusPaths(this) > -1) { var _form = this._getForm(); var cur_tabstop = this.tabstop; this.tabstop = false; newfocus_comp = _form._searchNextTabFocus(); this.tabstop = cur_tabstop; } } var control_elem = this._control_element; this.enable = v; var enable_flag = (this.parent._real_enable && v); if (this._real_enable != enable_flag) { nexacro._is_enable_setting = true; this._setEnable(enable_flag); nexacro._is_enable_setting = false; var parent = this.parent; if (!this._is_subcontrol && this._is_created && parent && parent._is_created) { if (enable_flag) { if (_window && _window._indexOfCurrentFocusPaths(parent) == _window._getCurrentFocusPathsLength() - 1 && !parent._last_focused) { this._on_focus(true); } } else { if (_window && _window._indexOfCurrentFocusPaths(this) > -1) { _window._removeFromCurrentFocusPath(this, false); if (newfocus_comp && newfocus_comp[0]) { newfocus_comp[0]._on_focus(true); } } } } } } }; _pTabComponent.on_notify_spinup_onclick = function (obj, e) { this._spinup(); }; _pTabComponent.on_notify_spindown_onclick = function (obj, e) { this._spindown(); }; _pTabComponent.on_fire_onextrabuttonclick = function (obj, index, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (this.onextrabuttonclick && this.onextrabuttonclick._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.TabMouseEventInfo(this, "onextrabuttonclick", index, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, this, this); return this.onextrabuttonclick._fireEvent(this, evt); } return true; }; _pTabComponent.getOwnerFrame = function () { return this.parent.getOwnerFrame(); }; _pTabComponent._created = function () { this._recalcLayout(); }; _pTabComponent._createSubComp = function () { this.spindownbutton = new nexacro.ButtonCtrl("spindownbutton", this.position, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null, this); this.spinupbutton = new nexacro.ButtonCtrl("spinupbutton", this.position, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null, this); this.spinupbutton.createComponent(); this.spindownbutton.createComponent(); this.spinupbutton.set_visible(false); this.spindownbutton.set_visible(false); this.spinupbutton._setEventHandler("onclick", this.on_notify_spinup_onclick, this); this.spindownbutton._setEventHandler("onclick", this.on_notify_spindown_onclick, this); this._createTabBorder(); }; _pTabComponent._getTabPosition = function () { return this.tabposition.toString(); }; _pTabComponent._isMultiLine = function () { return this.multiline; }; _pTabComponent._isTabButtonJustify = function () { return this.tabjustify; }; _pTabComponent._isRotateText = function () { return this.rotatetext; }; _pTabComponent._isUseCtrlKey = function () { return this.usecontrolkey; }; _pTabComponent._isExtraButton = function () { return nexacro._toBoolean(this.currentstyle.showextrabutton ? this.currentstyle.showextrabutton._value : "false"); }; _pTabComponent._ptInRect = function (rc, nx, ny) { if (rc.left <= nx && rc.right >= nx && rc.top <= ny && rc.bottom >= ny) { return true; } return false; }; _pTabComponent._GetTabIndex = function (nx, ny) { var compMousePoint = []; var scrMousePoint = []; compMousePoint[0] = nx; compMousePoint[1] = ny; var tabpagecnt = this._child_list.length; if (tabpagecnt <= 0) { return; } var index, tabindex = -1; var bmleft = 0, bmright = 0; var buttonmargin = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonmargin(this._pseudo); if (buttonmargin) { bmleft = buttonmargin.left; bmright = buttonmargin.right; } var prop_width = this._client_width; var prop_height = this._client_height; var tabs_width = prop_width - (Math.ceil(this._getToolBarSize()) | 0); var tabs_height = prop_height - (Math.ceil(this._getToolBarSize()) | 0); if (!this._isTabButtonJustify() && !this._isMultiLine() && this._isSpinButtonVisible()) { var spinsize = null; spinsize = this._getSpinSize(); tabs_width -= 2 * spinsize[0] + 2; tabs_height -= 2 * spinsize[1] + 2; } switch (this._getTabPosition()) { case "top": case "bottom": if (this._scrollIndex == -1) { scrMousePoint = compMousePoint; } else { scrMousePoint[0] = compMousePoint[0] + this._buttonRect[this._scrollIndex].left - bmleft; scrMousePoint[1] = compMousePoint[1]; } for (index = 0; index < tabpagecnt; index++) { if (this._ptInRect(this._buttonRect[index], scrMousePoint[0], scrMousePoint[1])) { if (this._isMultiLine()) { tabindex = index; } else if (this._scrollIndex != -1) { if ((this._buttonRect[index].right - this._buttonRect[index].left) <= tabs_width) { tabindex = index; } } else { if (this._buttonRect[index].right <= prop_width) { tabindex = index; } } break; } } break; case "left": case "right": if (this._scrollIndex == -1) { scrMousePoint = compMousePoint; } else { scrMousePoint[0] = compMousePoint[0]; scrMousePoint[1] = compMousePoint[1] + this._buttonRect[this._scrollIndex].top; } for (index = 0; index < tabpagecnt; index++) { if (this._ptInRect(this._buttonRect[index], scrMousePoint[0], scrMousePoint[1])) { if (this._isMultiLine()) { tabindex = index; } else if (this._scrollIndex != -1) { if ((this._buttonRect[index].bottom - this._buttonRect[this._scrollIndex].top) <= tabs_height) { tabindex = index; } } else { if (this._buttonRect[index].bottom <= prop_height) { tabindex = index; } } break; } } break; } return tabindex; }; _pTabComponent._rearrangeBorder = function () { if (this._buttonRect.length - 1 < this.tabindex) { return; } var upleftborder = this._tabBorders[0]; var downrightborder = this._tabBorders[1]; var middlecenterborder = this._tabBorders[2]; if (!upleftborder) { return; } if (!downrightborder) { return; } upleftborder._control_pseudo = ""; downrightborder._control_pseudo = ""; middlecenterborder._control_pseudo = ""; var begin = -1, end = -1; var tabButtons = this._tabButtons; for (var i = 0, len = tabButtons.length; i < len; i++) { if (tabButtons[i] && tabButtons[i].visible) { var tabbutton = tabButtons[i]; tabbutton._setElementBorder(tabbutton.getElement(), tabbutton.currentstyle.border, tabbutton.currentstyle.bordertype); if (begin == -1) { begin = i; end = i; continue; } end = i; } } var tabpos = this._getTabPosition(); var rc; var visible_flag = true; if (this.tabindex >= begin && this.tabindex <= end) { rc = this._buttonRect[this.tabindex]; } else { rc = this._buttonRect[begin]; visible_flag = false; } var type = ""; var buttonborder = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonborder(this._pseudo); var buttonborder_w = 0; if (buttonborder) { buttonborder_w = buttonborder._top_width; } var borderwidth = 0; var border = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_border(this._pseudo); var b_left = 0, b_top = 0, b_right = 0, b_bottom = 0; if (border) { b_left = border._left_width || border._top_width; b_top = border._top_width; b_right = border._right_width || border._top_width; b_bottom = border._bottom_width || border._top_width; } switch (tabpos) { case "top": if (!visible_flag || rc.left < 0 || (rc.left + buttonborder_w - b_left) == 0) { upleftborder.set_visible(false); } else { upleftborder.set_visible(true); } upleftborder.move(0, rc.bottom, rc.left + buttonborder_w, b_top); if (rc.left < 0 || !visible_flag) { downrightborder.move(0, rc.bottom, this._adjust_width - b_right, b_top); } else { downrightborder.move(rc.right - buttonborder_w, rc.bottom, this._adjust_width - rc.right, b_top); } if (!visible_flag) { middlecenterborder.set_visible(false); } else { middlecenterborder.set_visible(true); } middlecenterborder.move((rc.left + buttonborder_w), rc.bottom, ((rc.right - buttonborder_w) - (rc.left + buttonborder_w)), b_top); break; case "bottom": if (!visible_flag || rc.left < 0 || (rc.left + buttonborder_w - b_left == 0)) { upleftborder.set_visible(false); } else { upleftborder.set_visible(true); } upleftborder.move(b_left, rc.top - buttonborder_w, rc.left + buttonborder_w - b_left, b_bottom); if (rc.left < 0 || !visible_flag) { downrightborder.move(b_left, rc.top - buttonborder_w, this._adjust_width - b_left - b_right, b_bottom); } else { downrightborder.move(rc.right - buttonborder_w, rc.top - buttonborder_w, this._adjust_width - rc.right, b_bottom); } if (!visible_flag) { middlecenterborder.set_visible(false); } else { middlecenterborder.set_visible(true); } middlecenterborder.move((rc.left + buttonborder_w), (rc.top - buttonborder_w), ((rc.right - buttonborder_w) - (rc.left + buttonborder_w)), b_bottom); break; case "left": if (!visible_flag || rc.top < 0) { upleftborder.set_visible(false); } else { upleftborder.set_visible(true); } upleftborder.move(rc.right, b_top, b_right, rc.top + buttonborder_w - b_top); if (rc.top < 0 || !visible_flag) { downrightborder.move(rc.right, b_top, b_right, this._adjust_height - b_top - b_bottom); } else { downrightborder.move(rc.right, rc.bottom - buttonborder_w, b_right, this._adjust_height - rc.bottom + buttonborder_w - b_bottom); } if (!visible_flag) { middlecenterborder.set_visible(false); } else { middlecenterborder.set_visible(true); } middlecenterborder.move(rc.right, (rc.top + buttonborder_w), b_right, ((rc.bottom - buttonborder_w) - (rc.top + buttonborder_w))); break; case "right": if (!visible_flag || rc.top < 0) { upleftborder.set_visible(false); } else { upleftborder.set_visible(true); } upleftborder.move(rc.left - b_right, b_top, b_right, rc.top + buttonborder_w - b_top); if (rc.top < 0 || !visible_flag) { downrightborder.move(rc.left - b_right, b_top, b_right, this._adjust_height - b_top - b_bottom); } else { downrightborder.move(rc.left - b_right, rc.bottom - buttonborder_w, b_right, this._adjust_height - rc.bottom + buttonborder_w - b_bottom); } if (!visible_flag) { middlecenterborder.set_visible(false); } else { middlecenterborder.set_visible(true); } middlecenterborder.move((rc.left - b_right), (rc.top + buttonborder_w), b_right, ((rc.bottom - buttonborder_w) - (rc.top + buttonborder_w))); break; } }; _pTabComponent._rearrangeButton = function () { var tabpagecnt = this._child_list.length; if (tabpagecnt <= 0) { return; } if (this._buttonRect.length <= 0) { return; } switch (this._getTabPosition()) { case "top": this._rearrangeTopButton(); break; case "bottom": this._rearrangeBottomButton(); break; case "left": this._rearrangeLeftButton(); break; case "right": this._rearrangeRightButton(); break; } this._resetTabPage(); if (this.enable == false) { if (this.spinupbutton) { this.spinupbutton.set_enable(false); } if (this.spindownbutton) { this.spindownbutton.set_enable(false); } } if (!this._bSpin) { this._scrollIndex = 0; if (this.spindownbutton) { this.spindownbutton.set_visible(false); } if (this.spinupbutton) { this.spinupbutton.set_visible(false); } } var border = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_border(this._pseudo); if (border && border._top_width != 0) { this._rearrangeBorder(); } var buttonWidth = this._buttonWidth; var buttonRect = this._buttonRect; for (var i = 0; i < tabpagecnt; i++) { buttonWidth[i] = buttonRect[i].right - buttonRect[i].left; } }; _pTabComponent._resetTabPage = function () { var child_list = this._child_list; var child_list_len = child_list ? child_list.length : 0; if (child_list_len <= 0 || this._tabButtons.length <= 0) { return; } for (var i = 0; i < child_list_len; i++) { var pagecontrol = child_list[i]; var btncontrol = this._tabButtons[i]; if (pagecontrol != null) { if (!btncontrol) { break; } if (this.enable) { if (pagecontrol.enable) { if (i == this.tabindex) { pagecontrol.set_visible(true); btncontrol._stat_change("select", "selected"); } else { pagecontrol.set_visible(false); btncontrol._pseudo = "normal"; btncontrol._status = "notselect"; btncontrol._stat_change(btncontrol._pseudo, btncontrol._status); } } else { if (i == this.tabindex) { pagecontrol.set_visible(true); } else { pagecontrol.set_visible(false); } btncontrol._pseudo = "disable"; btncontrol._status = "disabled"; btncontrol._stat_change(btncontrol._pseudo, btncontrol._status); } } else { btncontrol._pseudo = "disable"; btncontrol._status = "disabled"; btncontrol._stat_change("disable", "disabled"); } } } }; _pTabComponent._getToolBarSize = function () { return 0; }; _pTabComponent._rearrangeTopButton = function () { var pseudo = this._pseudo; var type = "", radiusX = 0, radiusY = 0; var rtTab = null; var padding = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_padding(pseudo); var buttonborder = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonborder(pseudo); var buttonborder_w = buttonborder ? (buttonborder._left_width + buttonborder._right_width) : 0; var buttonpadding = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonpadding("normal"); var buttonpadding_w = buttonpadding ? (buttonpadding.left + buttonpadding.right) : 0; var bordertype = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_bordertype(pseudo); type = bordertype ? bordertype.type : ""; if (bordertype != null && type == "round") { radiusX = bordertype.radiusx; radiusY = bordertype.radiusy; } var clientWidth = this._adjust_width; var clientHeight = this._adjust_height; var tabpagecnt = this._child_list.length; var total_width = 0; var maxWidth = clientWidth - (Math.ceil(this._getToolBarSize()) | 0) - radiusX; var maxHeight = 0; var bmleft = 0, bmright = 0, bmtop = 0, bmbottom = 0; var btnbuttonmargin = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonmargin(pseudo); if (btnbuttonmargin) { bmleft = btnbuttonmargin.left; bmright = btnbuttonmargin.right; bmbottom = btnbuttonmargin.bottom; bmtop = btnbuttonmargin.top; } var rtButton = [], rtText; for (var i = 0; i < tabpagecnt; i++) { rtText = this._getButtonSize(i); rtButton[i] = rtText; maxHeight = ((rtText.bottom - rtText.top) > maxHeight) ? (rtText.bottom - rtText.top) : maxHeight; } maxHeight += buttonborder ? (buttonborder._top_width + buttonborder._bottom_width) : 0; var buttonRect = this._buttonRect; var isextrabutton = this._isExtraButton(); for (var i = 0; i < tabpagecnt; i++) { rtText = rtButton[i]; var button_rect = buttonRect[i]; if (!button_rect) { break; } button_rect.left = total_width + bmleft; button_rect.bottom = maxHeight; button_rect.right = button_rect.left + (rtText.right - rtText.left) + buttonborder_w; button_rect.top = bmtop; if (isextrabutton) { button_rect.right += maxHeight; } total_width = button_rect.right + bmright; this._buttonRect[i] = button_rect; this._buttonWidth[i] = button_rect.right - button_rect.left; } if ((total_width - bmright) >= maxWidth) { if (this._isMultiLine()) { this._scrollIndex = -1; this._lastIndex = tabpagecnt - 1; var row_cnt = (total_width / maxWidth + 1) | 0; var avrSize = (Math.ceil(total_width / row_cnt) | 0); var count = 0; var fromtab = 0; var tilltab = 0; for (var i = 0; i < row_cnt; i++) { while (count < tabpagecnt) { var button_rect = buttonRect[count]; if (!button_rect) { break; } if (button_rect.right > (total_width / row_cnt) * (i + 1) || count == tabpagecnt - 1) { if (count == tabpagecnt - 1) { tilltab = count; } else if (((total_width / row_cnt) * (i + 1) - button_rect.left) < (button_rect.right - (total_width / row_cnt) * (i + 1))) { tilltab = Math.ceil(count - 1) | 0; } else { tilltab = count; } if (tilltab < 0) { tilltab = 0; } var total_height = 0; var inc_width = 0; var line_width = buttonRect[tilltab].right - (buttonRect[fromtab] ? buttonRect[fromtab].left : 0); for (var j = fromtab; j <= tilltab; j++) { button_rect = buttonRect[j]; if (!button_rect) { break; } button_rect.right = Math.ceil(inc_width + (button_rect.right - button_rect.left) * maxWidth / line_width) | 0; button_rect.left = inc_width; if (button_rect.bottom > total_height) { total_height = button_rect.bottom; } inc_width = button_rect.right; } buttonRect[tilltab].right = maxWidth - 1; for (var j = fromtab; j <= tilltab; j++) { button_rect = buttonRect[j]; if (!button_rect) { break; } button_rect.bottom = total_height; } for (var j = tilltab + 1; j < tabpagecnt; j++) { button_rect = buttonRect[j]; if (!button_rect) { break; } button_rect.bottom = (button_rect.bottom - button_rect.top) + total_height; button_rect.top = total_height; } fromtab = tilltab + 1; break; } count++; } } this._rollButtonUp(); this._bSpin = false; } else { var spinsize = this._getSpinSize(); var rcButton = { left : 0, top : 0, right : 0, bottom : 0 }; rcButton.left = maxWidth - spinsize[0] * 2 - 2; var scrollidx = this._scrollIndex; if (this._scrollIndex < 0 || this._scrollIndex >= this._child_list.length) { scrollidx = this._child_list.length - 1; } var buttonRect_scroll = buttonRect[scrollidx]; if (!buttonRect_scroll) { return; } rcButton.top = buttonRect_scroll.bottom - spinsize[1] - 2; rcButton.right = maxWidth - spinsize[0] - 2; rcButton.bottom = buttonRect_scroll.bottom - 2; if (this.spinupbutton) { this.spinupbutton.move(rcButton.left, rcButton.top, rcButton.right - rcButton.left, rcButton.bottom - rcButton.top); this.spinupbutton.set_visible(true); if (this._scrollIndex <= 0) { this.spinupbutton.set_enable(false); } else { this.spinupbutton.set_enable(true); } } rcButton.left = maxWidth - spinsize[0]; rcButton.top = buttonRect[scrollidx].bottom - spinsize[1] - 2; rcButton.right = maxWidth; rcButton.bottom = buttonRect[scrollidx].bottom - 2; if (this.spindownbutton) { var spinpos = this.spindownbutton.position; if (spinpos.left != rcButton.left || spinpos.right != rcButton.right || spinpos.top != rcButton.top || spinpos.bottom != rcButton.bottom) { this.spindownbutton.move(rcButton.left, rcButton.top, rcButton.right - rcButton.left, rcButton.bottom - rcButton.top); } this.spindownbutton.set_visible(true); if (this._scrollIndex == tabpagecnt - 1) { this.spindownbutton.set_enable(false); } else { this.spindownbutton.set_enable(true); } } this._bSpin = true; } } else { this._lastIndex = tabpagecnt - 1; if (this._isTabButtonJustify()) { var total_buttonWidth = 0; var buttonWidth = this._buttonWidth; var buttonWidth_len = buttonWidth ? buttonWidth.length : 0; for (var i = 0; i < buttonWidth_len; i++) { total_buttonWidth += buttonWidth[i]; } var inc_width = 0; for (var i = 0; i < tabpagecnt; i++) { var button_rect = buttonRect[i]; if (!button_rect) { break; } button_rect.left = inc_width; inc_width = button_rect.right = button_rect.left + (Math.floor(maxWidth * (this._buttonWidth[i] / total_buttonWidth)) | 0); } if (buttonRect && buttonRect.length >= tabpagecnt) { buttonRect[tabpagecnt - 1].right = maxWidth - 1; } } this._bSpin = false; } var iMaxBottom = 0; for (var i = 0; i < tabpagecnt; i++) { var button_rect = buttonRect[i]; if (!button_rect) { break; } if (iMaxBottom < button_rect.bottom) { iMaxBottom = button_rect.bottom; } } var pagerect = { left : 0, top : iMaxBottom, right : clientWidth, bottom : clientHeight }; var btnrect = null; var border = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_border(pseudo); var b_left = 0, b_top = 0, b_right = 0, b_bottom = 0; if (border) { b_left = border._left_width || border._top_width; b_top = border._top_width; b_right = border._right_width || border._top_width; b_bottom = border._bottom_width || border._top_width; } if (this._tabpagearea) { var pageborder = this._tabpagearea.on_find_CurrentStyle_border(this._pseudo); this._tabpagearea.on_apply_style_border(pageborder); this._tabpagearea.move(pagerect.left, pagerect.top, pagerect.right - pagerect.left, pagerect.bottom - pagerect.top); } var margin = this._child_list[0].on_find_CurrentStyle_margin(pseudo); var m_l = 0, m_t = 0, m_r = 0, m_b = 0; if (margin) { m_l = margin.left; m_t = margin.top; m_r = margin.right; m_b = margin.bottom; } pagerect = this._getTabpageClientRectBorder(pagerect, border, bordertype, padding, "top"); var page_l = pagerect.left + b_left + m_l; var page_t = pagerect.top + b_top + m_t; var page_w = pagerect.right - b_right - pagerect.left - b_left - m_r - m_l; var page_h = pagerect.bottom - pagerect.top - b_bottom - b_top - m_b - m_t; var child_list = this._child_list; for (var i = 0; i < tabpagecnt; i++) { var pagecontrol = child_list[i]; if (pagecontrol != null) { var page_ad_w = pagecontrol._adjust_width; var page_ad_h = pagecontrol._adjust_height; if (pagecontrol._adjust_left != page_l || pagecontrol._adjust_top != page_t || pagecontrol._getPosRight() != page_w || pagecontrol._getPosBottom() != page_h) { pagecontrol.move(page_l, page_t, page_w, page_h); } else { pagecontrol.move(page_l, page_t, page_ad_w, page_ad_h); } } } }; _pTabComponent._drawButton = function () { if (this._buttonRect.length <= 0) { return; } switch (this._getTabPosition()) { case "top": case "bottom": this._drawClientTopBottom(); break; case "left": case "right": this._drawClientLeftRight(); break; } }; _pTabComponent._drawClientTopBottom = function () { var tabpagecnt = this._child_list.length; if (tabpagecnt <= 0) { return; } var clientWidth = this._adjust_width; var clientHeight = this._adjust_height; if (clientWidth <= 0 || clientHeight <= 0) { return; } if (this._scrollIndex < 0) { this._scrollIndex = 0; } if (this._scrollIndex >= this._child_list.length) { this._scrollIndex = this._child_list.length - 1; } var buttonmargin = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonmargin(this._pseudo); var bmleft = 0, bmright = 0, bmbottom = 0, bmtop = 0; if (buttonmargin != null || buttonmargin != undefined) { bmleft = buttonmargin.left; bmright = buttonmargin.right; bmtop = buttonmargin.top; bmbottom = buttonmargin.bottom; } var lPassing = this._buttonRect[this._scrollIndex].left - bmleft; var buttonRect = this._buttonRect; var len = buttonRect.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (this._scrollIndex != -1) { buttonRect[i].left -= lPassing; buttonRect[i].right -= lPassing; } } if (this._isMultiLine() || !this._bSpin) { for (var i = 0; i < tabpagecnt; i++) { this._drawTabButton(i); } } else { var border = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_border(this._pseudo); var bmborderleft = 0; if (border) { bmborderleft = border._left_width || border._top_width; } var spinsize = this._getSpinSize(); var tabs_width = clientWidth - (Math.ceil(this._getToolBarSize()) | 0) - (spinsize[0] * 2) - 2; var start = 0, end = 0; this._lastIndex = start = this._scrollIndex; for (var i = tabpagecnt - 1; i >= start; i--) { if (!buttonRect[i]) { break; } if ((buttonRect[i].right - buttonRect[this._scrollIndex].left + bmborderleft) <= tabs_width) { this._lastIndex = end = i; break; } else if (i == this._scrollIndex) { this._lastIndex = end = i; break; } } var tabButtons = this._tabButtons; var tabextrabutton = this._tabextrabuttons; var isextrabutton = this._isExtraButton(); for (var i = 0; i < start; i++) { tabButtons[i].set_visible(false); if (isextrabutton && tabextrabutton[i]) { tabextrabutton[i].set_visible(false); } } for (var i = len - 1; i > end; i--) { tabButtons[i].set_visible(false); if (isextrabutton && tabextrabutton[i]) { tabextrabutton[i].set_visible(false); } } for (var i = end; i >= start; i--) { tabButtons[i].set_visible(true); if (isextrabutton && tabextrabutton[i]) { tabextrabutton[i].set_visible(true); } this._drawTabButton(i); } this._rearrangeBorder(); if (end == tabpagecnt - 1 && this.spindownbutton.enable) { this.spindownbutton.set_enable(false); } if (start == 0 && this.spinupbutton.enable) { this.spinupbutton.set_enable(false); } else if (start != 0 && !this.spinupbutton.enable) { this.spinupbutton.set_enable(true); } } }; _pTabComponent._drawClientLeftRight = function () { var tabpagecnt = this._child_list.length; if (tabpagecnt <= 0) { return; } var clientHeight = this._adjust_height; if (clientHeight <= 0) { return; } if (this._scrollIndex < 0) { this._scrollIndex = 0; } var buttonRect = this._buttonRect; var lPassing = buttonRect[this._scrollIndex].top; var len = buttonRect.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (this._scrollIndex != -1) { buttonRect[i].top -= lPassing; buttonRect[i].bottom -= lPassing; } } if (this._isMultiLine() || !this._bSpin) { for (var i = tabpagecnt - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (i != this.tabindex) { this._drawTabButton(i); } } this._drawTabButton(this.tabindex); } else { var border = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_border(this._pseudo); var bmtop = 0; if (border) { bmtop = border._top_width; } var spinsize = this._getSpinSize(); var tabs_height = clientHeight - (Math.ceil(this._getToolBarSize()) | 0) - (spinsize[1] * 2) - 2; var start = 0, end = 0; this._lastIndex = start = this._scrollIndex; for (var i = tabpagecnt - 1; i >= start; i--) { if ((buttonRect[i].bottom - buttonRect[this._scrollIndex].top + bmtop) <= tabs_height) { this._lastIndex = end = i; break; } } var tabButtons = this._tabButtons; var tabextrabutton = this._tabextrabuttons; var isextrabutton = this._isExtraButton(); for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { tabButtons[i].set_visible(false); if (isextrabutton) { tabextrabutton[i].set_visible(false); } } for (var i = end; i >= start; i--) { this._drawTabButton(i); tabButtons[i].set_visible(true); if (isextrabutton) { tabextrabutton[i].set_visible(true); } } this._rearrangeBorder(); if (end == tabpagecnt - 1 && this.spindownbutton.enable) { this.spindownbutton.set_enable(false); } if (start == 0 && this.spinupbutton.enable) { this.spinupbutton.set_enable(false); } else if (start != 0 && !this.spinupbutton.enable) { this.spinupbutton.set_enable(true); } } }; _pTabComponent._drawTabButton = function (index) { var button_rect = this._buttonRect[index]; if (!button_rect) { return; } if (button_rect.bottom > 0) { if (index < 0 || index >= this._child_list.length) { return; } var btnrect = null; var tabbutton = this._tabButtons[index]; if (tabbutton != null) { btnrect = this._getExtraButtonArea(button_rect); var isextrabutton = this._isExtraButton(); if (isextrabutton) { this._drawExtraButton(btnrect, index, true); } var align = nexacro._getCachedAlignObj("center middle"); tabbutton.on_apply_style_align(align); if (tabbutton.left != button_rect.left || tabbutton.top != button_rect.top || tabbutton.right != button_rect.right || tabbutton.bottom != button_rect.bottom) { tabbutton.move(button_rect.left, button_rect.top, button_rect.right - button_rect.left, button_rect.bottom - button_rect.top); } if (isextrabutton) { var extrabutton_w = this._tabextrabuttons ? (this._tabextrabuttons[index] ? this._tabextrabuttons[index].width : 20) : 20; var right = Math.ceil(button_rect.right - extrabutton_w) | 0; var control = tabbutton._text_elem; if (control) { if (control) { var buttonpadding = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonpadding(tabbutton._pseudo); var p_w = buttonpadding ? (buttonpadding.left + buttonpadding.right) : 0; var p_h = buttonpadding ? (buttonpadding.top + buttonpadding.bottom) : 0; control.setElementSize(right - button_rect.left - p_w, control.height); } } } if (!tabbutton.visible) { tabbutton.set_visible(true); } } } }; _pTabComponent._drawExtraButton = function (rect, idx, showflag) { if (this._tabextrabuttons[idx]) { var width = rect.right - rect.left; var height = rect.bottom - rect.top; var img_width = 12; var img_height = 12; var img_y = Math.ceil(img_height / 2) | 0; var half_height = Math.ceil(height / 2) | 0; if (width <= 0 || height <= 0) { return; } var extrabutton = this._tabextrabuttons[idx]; extrabutton.set_visible(showflag); if (showflag) { extrabutton.move(rect.left, rect.top + half_height - img_y, rect.right - rect.left, img_y * 2); } } }; _pTabComponent._getClientRectPadding = function (rect, buttonpaddingvalue) { var rc = rect; switch (this._getTabPosition()) { case "top": case "bottom": rc.right += buttonpaddingvalue.left + buttonpaddingvalue.right; rc.bottom += buttonpaddingvalue.top + buttonpaddingvalue.bottom; break; case "right": case "left": rc.right += buttonpaddingvalue.left + buttonpaddingvalue.right; rc.bottom += buttonpaddingvalue.top + buttonpaddingvalue.bottom; break; } return rc; }; _pTabComponent._getExtraButtonArea = function (rect) { var btnrect = { left : 0, top : 0, right : 0, bottom : 0 }; var nAreaWidth = rect.right - rect.left; var nAreaHeight = rect.bottom - rect.top; var margin = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_margin(this._pseudo); var nLeftMargin = 0, nRightMargin = 0, nTopMargin = 0, nBottomMargin = 0; if (margin) { nLeftMargin = margin.left; nRightMargin = margin.right; nTopMargin = margin.top; nBottomMargin = margin.bottom; } switch (this._getTabPosition()) { case "top": case "bottom": btnrect.top = rect.top + nTopMargin; btnrect.bottom = rect.bottom - nBottomMargin; btnrect.left = rect.right - nAreaHeight + nLeftMargin; btnrect.right = rect.right - nRightMargin; break; case "left": if (this._isRotateText()) { btnrect.left = rect.left + nLeftMargin; btnrect.right = rect.right - nRightMargin; btnrect.top = rect.top + nTopMargin; btnrect.bottom = rect.top + nAreaWidth - nBottomMargin; } else { btnrect.top = rect.top + nTopMargin; btnrect.bottom = rect.bottom - nBottomMargin; btnrect.left = rect.right - nAreaHeight + nLeftMargin; btnrect.right = rect.right - nRightMargin; } break; case "right": if (this._isRotateText()) { btnrect.left = rect.left + nLeftMargin; btnrect.right = rect.right - nRightMargin; btnrect.bottom = rect.bottom - nBottomMargin; btnrect.top = rect.bottom - nAreaWidth + nTopMargin; } else { btnrect.top = rect.top + nTopMargin; btnrect.bottom = rect.bottom - nBottomMargin; btnrect.left = rect.right - nAreaHeight + nLeftMargin; btnrect.right = rect.right - nRightMargin; } break; } return btnrect; }; _pTabComponent._rearrangeBottomButton = function () { var pseudo = this._pseudo; var border = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_border(pseudo); var bordertype = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_bordertype(pseudo); var padding = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_padding(pseudo); var buttonborder = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonborder(pseudo); var buttonborder_w = buttonborder ? buttonborder._top_width : 0; var buttonpadding = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonpadding("normal"); var buttonpadding_w = buttonpadding ? (buttonpadding.left + buttonpadding.right) : 0; var buttonmargin = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonmargin(pseudo); var bmtop = 0, bmright = 0, bmbottom = 0, bmleft = 0; if (buttonmargin) { bmleft = buttonmargin.left; bmtop = buttonmargin.top; bmright = buttonmargin.right; bmbottom = buttonmargin.bottom; } var borderwidth = 0; var b_left = 0, b_top = 0, b_right = 0, b_bottom = 0; if (border) { b_left = border._left_width || border._top_width; b_top = border._top_width; b_right = border._right_width || border._top_width; b_bottom = border._bottom_width || border._top_width; } var radiusX = 0, radiusY = 0; if (this.bordertype && this.bordertype.type == "round") { radiusX = this.bordertype.radiusx; radiusY = this.bordertype.radiusy; } var clientWidth = this._adjust_width; var clientHeight = this._adjust_height; var tabpagecnt = this._child_list.length; var total_width = 0; var maxWidth = clientWidth - (Math.ceil(this._getToolBarSize()) | 0) - radiusX; var maxHeight = 0; var btnText = []; var rtText; for (var i = 0; i < tabpagecnt; i++) { rtText = this._getButtonSize(i); btnText[i] = rtText; maxHeight = ((rtText.bottom - rtText.top) > maxHeight) ? (rtText.bottom - rtText.top) : maxHeight; } var buttonRect = this._buttonRect; var isextrabutton = this._isExtraButton(); for (var i = 0; i < tabpagecnt; i++) { var button_rect = buttonRect[i]; if (!button_rect) { break; } rtText = btnText[i]; button_rect.left = total_width + bmleft; button_rect.bottom = clientHeight - bmbottom; button_rect.right = button_rect.left + (rtText.right - rtText.left); button_rect.top = button_rect.bottom - maxHeight; if (isextrabutton) { button_rect.right += maxHeight; } total_width = button_rect.right + bmright; this._buttonRect[i] = button_rect; this._buttonWidth[i] = button_rect.right - button_rect.left; } if ((total_width - bmright) >= maxWidth) { if (this._isMultiLine()) { this._scrollIndex = -1; this._lastIndex = tabpagecnt - 1; var row_cnt = (total_width / maxWidth + 1) | 0; var avrSize = Math.ceil(total_width / row_cnt) | 0; var count = 0; var fromtab = 0; var tilltab = 0; for (var i = 0; i < row_cnt; i++) { while (count < tabpagecnt) { var button_rect = buttonRect[count]; if (!button_rect) { break; } if (button_rect.right > Math.ceil(total_width / row_cnt) * (i + 1) || count == tabpagecnt - 1) { if (count == tabpagecnt - 1) { tilltab = count; } else if (((total_width / row_cnt) * (i + 1) - button_rect.left) < (button_rect.right - (total_width / row_cnt) * (i + 1))) { tilltab = count - 1; } else { tilltab = count; } var total_height = clientHeight; var inc_width = 0; var line_width = buttonRect[tilltab].right - buttonRect[fromtab].left; for (var j = fromtab; j <= tilltab; j++) { button_rect = buttonRect[j]; if (!button_rect) { break; } button_rect.right = Math.ceil(inc_width + (button_rect.right - button_rect.left) * maxWidth / line_width) | 0; button_rect.left = inc_width; if (button_rect.top < total_height) { total_height = button_rect.top; } inc_width = button_rect.right; } buttonRect[tilltab].right = maxWidth - 1; for (var j = fromtab; j <= tilltab; j++) { button_rect = buttonRect[j]; if (!button_rect) { break; } button_rect.top = total_height; } for (var j = tilltab + 1; j < tabpagecnt; j++) { button_rect = buttonRect[j]; if (!button_rect) { break; } button_rect.top = total_height - (button_rect.bottom - button_rect.top); button_rect.bottom = total_height; } fromtab = tilltab + 1; break; } count++; } } this._rollButtonUp(); this._bSpin = false; } else { var spinsize; spinsize = this._getSpinSize(); var tabs_width = clientWidth - (Math.ceil(this._getToolBarSize()) | 0) - (spinsize[0] * 2) - 2; var tabindex = this.tabindex; var scrollidx = this._scrollIndex; if (this._scrollIndex < 0 || this._scrollIndex >= this._child_list.length) { scrollidx = this._child_list.length - 1; } var buttonRect_scroll = buttonRect[scrollidx]; if (!buttonRect_scroll) { return; } var rcButton = { left : 0, top : 0, right : 0, bottom : 0 }; rcButton.left = maxWidth - spinsize[0] * 2 - 2; rcButton.top = buttonRect_scroll.top + 2; rcButton.right = maxWidth - spinsize[0] - 2; rcButton.bottom = buttonRect_scroll.top + spinsize[1] + 2; this.spinupbutton.move(rcButton.left, rcButton.top, rcButton.right - rcButton.left, rcButton.bottom - rcButton.top); this.spinupbutton.set_visible(true); if (this._scrollIndex == 0) { this.spinupbutton.set_enable(false); } else { this.spinupbutton.set_enable(true); } rcButton.left = maxWidth - spinsize[0]; rcButton.top = buttonRect[scrollidx].top + 2; rcButton.right = maxWidth; rcButton.bottom = buttonRect[scrollidx].top + spinsize[1] + 2; var spinpos = this.spindownbutton.position; if (spinpos.left != rcButton.left || spinpos.right != rcButton.right || spinpos.top != rcButton.top || spinpos.bottom != rcButton.bottom) { this.spindownbutton.move(rcButton.left, rcButton.top, rcButton.right - rcButton.left, rcButton.bottom - rcButton.top); this.spindownbutton.set_visible(true); if (this._scrollIndex == tabpagecnt - 1) { this.spindownbutton.set_enable(false); } else { this.spindownbutton.set_enable(true); } } this._bSpin = true; } } else { this._scrollIndex = -1; this._lastIndex = tabpagecnt - 1; if (this._isTabButtonJustify()) { var total_buttonWidth = 0; var buttonWidth = this._buttonWidth; var buttonWidth_len = buttonWidth ? buttonWidth.length : 0; for (var i = 0; i < buttonWidth_len; i++) { total_buttonWidth += buttonWidth[i]; } var inc_width = 0; for (var i = 0; i < tabpagecnt; i++) { var button_rect = buttonRect[i]; if (!button_rect) { break; } button_rect.left = inc_width + bmleft; inc_width = button_rect.right = button_rect.left + bmright + (Math.floor(maxWidth * (this._buttonWidth[i] / total_buttonWidth)) | 0); } if (buttonRect && buttonRect.length >= tabpagecnt) { buttonRect[tabpagecnt - 1].right = maxWidth - 1; } } this._bSpin = false; } var iMinTop = clientHeight; for (var i = 0; i < tabpagecnt; i++) { var button_rect = buttonRect[i]; if (!button_rect) { break; } if (iMinTop > button_rect.top) { iMinTop = button_rect.top; } } var pagerect = { left : 0, top : 0, right : clientWidth, bottom : iMinTop }; var btnrect = null; if (this._tabpagearea) { var pageborder = this._tabpagearea.on_find_CurrentStyle_border(this._pseudo); this._tabpagearea.on_apply_style_border(pageborder); this._tabpagearea.move(pagerect.left, pagerect.top, pagerect.right - pagerect.left, pagerect.bottom - pagerect.top); } var margin = this._child_list[0].on_find_CurrentStyle_margin(pseudo); var m_l = 0, m_t = 0, m_r = 0, m_b = 0; if (margin) { m_l = margin.left; m_t = margin.top; m_r = margin.right; m_b = margin.bottom; } pagerect = this._getTabpageClientRectBorder(pagerect, border, bordertype, padding, "bottom"); var page_l = pagerect.left + b_left + m_l; var page_t = pagerect.top + b_top + m_t; var page_w = pagerect.right - b_right - pagerect.left - b_left - m_r - m_l; var page_h = pagerect.bottom - pagerect.top - b_bottom - b_top - m_b - m_t; if (page_h < 0) { page_h = 0; } var child_list = this._child_list; for (var i = 0; i < tabpagecnt; i++) { var pagecontrol = child_list[i]; if (pagecontrol != null) { pagecontrol.move(page_l, page_t, page_w, page_h); } } }; _pTabComponent._getSpinSize = function () { var size = []; size[0] = 14; size[1] = 14; return size; }; _pTabComponent._rearrangeLeftButton = function () { var type = "", radiusX = 0, radiusY = 0; var pseudo = this._pseudo; var border = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_border(pseudo); var bordertype = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_bordertype(pseudo); var padding = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_padding(pseudo); var buttonborder = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonborder(pseudo); var buttonmargin = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonmargin(pseudo); var buttonborder_w = buttonborder ? (buttonborder._top_width + buttonborder._bottom_width) : 0; var buttonpadding = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonpadding("normal"); var buttonpadding_w = buttonpadding ? (buttonpadding.left + buttonpadding.right) : 0; var bmtop = 0, bmright = 0, bmbottom = 0, bmleft = 0; if (buttonmargin) { bmleft = buttonmargin.left; bmtop = buttonmargin.top; bmright = buttonmargin.right; bmbottom = buttonmargin.bottom; } var radiusX = 0, radiusY = 0; if (this.bordertype != null && this.bordertype.type == "round") { radiusX = this.bordertype.radiusx; radiusY = this.bordertype.radiusy; } var clientWidth = this._adjust_width; var clientHeight = this._adjust_height; var tabpagecnt = this._child_list.length; var total_height = 0; var maxWidth = 0, maxHeight = clientHeight - (Math.ceil(this._getToolBarSize()) | 0) - radiusY; var btnWidth = 0; var textwidth, textheight; var btnText = []; var rtText = null; for (var i = 0; i < tabpagecnt; i++) { rtText = this._getButtonSize(i); btnText[i] = rtText; if (this._isRotateText()) { textwidth = rtText.right - rtText.left; textheight = rtText.bottom - rtText.top; rtText.left = rtText.right - textheight; rtText.bottom = rtText.top + textwidth; } maxWidth = ((rtText.right - rtText.left) > maxWidth) ? (rtText.right - rtText.left) : maxWidth; } var max_txt_width = 0, max_txt_height = 0; var buttonRect = this._buttonRect; var isextrabutton = this._isExtraButton(); for (var i = 0; i < tabpagecnt; i++) { var button_rect = buttonRect[i]; if (!button_rect) { break; } rtText = btnText[i]; button_rect.left = bmleft; button_rect.top = total_height + bmtop; button_rect.bottom = button_rect.top + (rtText.bottom - rtText.top) + buttonborder_w; button_rect.right = button_rect.left + maxWidth; if (isextrabutton) { if (this._isRotateText()) { if (max_txt_width < rtText.right - rtText.left) { max_txt_width = rtText.right - rtText.left; total_height = 0; i = -1; continue; } button_rect.bottom += max_txt_width; } else { if (max_txt_height < rtText.bottom - rtText.top) { max_txt_height = rtText.bottom - rtText.top; total_height = 0; i = -1; continue; } button_rect.right += max_txt_height; } } btnWidth = ((button_rect.right - button_rect.left) > btnWidth) ? (button_rect.right - button_rect.left) : btnWidth; total_height = button_rect.bottom + bmbottom; } if ((total_height - bmbottom) >= maxHeight) { if (this._isMultiLine()) { this._scrollIndex = -1; this._lastIndex = tabpagecnt - 1; var row_cnt = (total_height / maxHeight + 1) | 0; var avrSize = Math.ceil(total_height / row_cnt) | 0; var count = 0; var fromtab = 0; var tilltab = 0; for (var i = 0; i < row_cnt; i++) { while (count < tabpagecnt) { var button_rect = buttonRect[count]; if (!button_rect) { break; } if (button_rect.bottom > Math.ceil(total_height / row_cnt) * (i + 1) || count == tabpagecnt - 1) { if (count == tabpagecnt - 1) { tilltab = count; } else if (((total_height / row_cnt) * (i + 1) - button_rect.top) < (button_rect.bottom - (total_height / row_cnt) * (i + 1))) { tilltab = count - 1; } else { tilltab = count; } var total_width = 0; var inc_height = 0; var line_height = buttonRect[tilltab].bottom - buttonRect[fromtab].top; for (var j = fromtab; j <= tilltab; j++) { button_rect = buttonRect[j]; if (!button_rect) { break; } button_rect.bottom = Math.ceil(inc_height + (button_rect.bottom - button_rect.top) * maxHeight / line_height) | 0; button_rect.top = inc_height; if (button_rect.right > total_width) { total_width = button_rect.right; } inc_height = button_rect.bottom; } buttonRect[tilltab].bottom = maxHeight - 1; for (var j = fromtab; j <= tilltab; j++) { button_rect = buttonRect[j]; if (!button_rect) { break; } button_rect.right = total_width; } for (var j = tilltab + 1; j < tabpagecnt; j++) { button_rect = buttonRect[j]; if (!button_rect) { break; } button_rect.right = (button_rect.right - button_rect.left) + total_width; button_rect.left = total_width; } fromtab = tilltab + 1; break; } count++; } } this._rollButtonUp(); this._bSpin = false; } else { this._scrollIndex = 0; var spinsize = null; spinsize = this._getSpinSize(); var tabs_height = clientHeight - (Math.ceil(this._getToolBarSize()) | 0) - (spinsize[1] * 2) - 2; for (var i = 0; i <= this.tabindex; i++) { var button_rect = buttonRect[i]; if (!button_rect) { break; } if ((buttonRect[this.tabindex].bottom - button_rect.top + bmtop) < tabs_height) { this._scrollIndex = i; break; } } var rcButton = { left : 0, top : 0, right : 0, bottom : 0 }; rcButton.left = buttonRect[this._scrollIndex].right - spinsize[0] - 2; rcButton.top = maxHeight - spinsize[1] * 2 - 2; rcButton.right = buttonRect[this._scrollIndex].right - 2; rcButton.bottom = maxHeight - spinsize[1] - 2; this.spinupbutton.move(rcButton.left, rcButton.top, rcButton.right - rcButton.left, rcButton.bottom - rcButton.top); this.spinupbutton.set_visible(true); if (this._scrollIndex == 0) { this.spinupbutton.set_enable(false); } else { this.spinupbutton.set_enable(true); } rcButton.left = buttonRect[this._scrollIndex].right - spinsize[0] - 2; rcButton.top = maxHeight - spinsize[1]; rcButton.right = buttonRect[this._scrollIndex].right - 2; rcButton.bottom = maxHeight; var spindownbutton = this.spindownbutton; var s_right = spindownbutton._adjust_left + spindownbutton._adjust_width; var s_bottom = spindownbutton._adjust_top + spindownbutton._adjust_height; if (spindownbutton._adjust_left != rcButton.left || s_right != rcButton.right || spindownbutton._adjust_top != rcButton.top || s_bottom != rcButton.bottom) { this.spindownbutton.move(rcButton.left, rcButton.top, rcButton.right - rcButton.left, rcButton.bottom - rcButton.top); this.spindownbutton.set_visible(true); if (this._scrollIndex == tabpagecnt - 1) { this.spindownbutton.set_enable(false); } else { this.spindownbutton.set_enable(true); } } this._bSpin = true; } } else { this._scrollIndex = -1; this._lastIndex = tabpagecnt - 1; if (this._isTabButtonJustify()) { var inc_height = 0; for (var i = 0; i < tabpagecnt; i++) { var button_rect = buttonRect[i]; if (!button_rect) { break; } max_txt_height = button_rect.bottom - button_rect.top; button_rect.top = inc_height; inc_height = button_rect.bottom = (Math.floor(button_rect.bottom * maxHeight / total_height) | 0); if (max_txt_height < (button_rect.bottom - button_rect.top)) { button_rect.right = button_rect.right - max_txt_height + (button_rect.bottom - button_rect.top); } } if (buttonRect && buttonRect.length >= tabpagecnt) { buttonRect[tabpagecnt - 1].bottom = maxHeight - 1; } } this._bSpin = false; } var iMaxRight = 0; for (var i = 0; i < tabpagecnt; i++) { var button_rect = buttonRect[i]; if (!button_rect) { break; } if (iMaxRight < button_rect.right) { iMaxRight = button_rect.right; } } var b_left = 0, b_top = 0, b_right = 0, b_bottom = 0; if (border) { b_left = border._left_width || border._top_width; b_top = border._top_width; b_right = border._right_width || border._top_width; b_bottom = border._bottom_width || border._top_width; } var pagerect = { left : iMaxRight, top : 0, right : clientWidth, bottom : clientHeight }; if (this._tabpagearea) { var pageborder = this._tabpagearea.on_find_CurrentStyle_border(this._pseudo); this._tabpagearea.on_apply_style_border(pageborder); this._tabpagearea.move(pagerect.left, pagerect.top, pagerect.right - pagerect.left, pagerect.bottom - pagerect.top); } var margin = this._child_list[0].on_find_CurrentStyle_margin(pseudo); var m_l = 0, m_t = 0, m_r = 0, m_b = 0; if (margin) { m_l = margin.left; m_t = margin.top; m_r = margin.right; m_b = margin.bottom; } pagerect = this._getTabpageClientRectBorder(pagerect, buttonborder, bordertype, padding, "left"); var page_l = pagerect.left + b_left + m_l; var page_t = pagerect.top + b_top + m_t; var page_w = pagerect.right - b_right - pagerect.left - b_left - m_r - m_l; var page_h = pagerect.bottom - pagerect.top - b_bottom - b_top - m_b - m_t; var child_list = this._child_list; for (var i = 0; i < tabpagecnt; i++) { var pagecontrol = child_list[i]; if (pagecontrol != null) { var page_ad_w = pagecontrol._adjust_width; var page_ad_h = pagecontrol._adjust_height; if (pagecontrol._adjust_left != page_l || pagecontrol._adjust_top != page_t || pagecontrol._getPosRight() != page_w || pagecontrol._getPosBottom() != page_h) { pagecontrol.move(page_l, page_t, page_w, page_h); } else { pagecontrol.move(page_l, page_t, page_ad_w, page_ad_h); } } } }; _pTabComponent._rearrangeRightButton = function () { var tabpagecnt = this._child_list.length; var pseudo = this._pseudo; var border = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_border(pseudo); var bordertype = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_bordertype(pseudo); var padding = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_padding(pseudo); var buttonborder = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonborder(pseudo); var buttonmargin = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonmargin(pseudo); var rtText = null; var bmtop = 0, bmright = 0, bmbottom = 0, bmleft = 0; if (buttonmargin != null) { bmleft = buttonmargin.left; bmtop = buttonmargin.top; bmright = buttonmargin.right; bmbottom = buttonmargin.bottom; } var radiusX = 0, radiusY = 0; if (bordertype != null && bordertype.type == "round") { radiusX = bordertype.radiusx; radiusY = bordertype.radiusy; } var borderwidth = 0; if (buttonborder) { borderwidth = buttonborder._top_width + buttonborder._bottom_width; } var b_left = 0, b_top = 0, b_right = 0, b_bottom = 0; if (border) { b_left = border._left_width || border._top_width; b_top = border._top_width; b_right = border._right_width || border._top_width; b_bottom = border._bottom_width || border._top_width; } var clientWidth = this._adjust_width; var clientHeight = this._adjust_height; var total_height = 0; var maxWidth = 0, maxHeight = clientHeight - (Math.ceil(this._getToolBarSize()) | 0) - radiusY; var btnWidth = 0; var textwidth, textheight; var btnRect = []; for (var i = 0; i < tabpagecnt; i++) { rtText = this._getButtonSize(i); btnRect[i] = rtText; if (this._isRotateText()) { textwidth = rtText.right - rtText.left; textheight = rtText.bottom - rtText.top; rtText.right = rtText.left + textheight; rtText.bottom = rtText.top + textwidth; } maxWidth = ((rtText.right - rtText.left) > maxWidth) ? (rtText.right - rtText.left) : maxWidth; } var buttonRect = this._buttonRect; var isextrabutton = this._isExtraButton(); for (var i = 0; i < tabpagecnt; i++) { var button_rect = buttonRect[i]; if (!button_rect) { break; } rtText = btnRect[i]; button_rect.right = clientWidth - bmright; button_rect.left = button_rect.right - (rtText.right - rtText.left); button_rect.top = total_height + bmtop; button_rect.bottom = button_rect.top + (rtText.bottom - rtText.top) + borderwidth; if (isextrabutton) { if (this._isRotateText()) { button_rect.bottom += (rtText.right - rtText.left); } else { button_rect.left -= (rtText.bottom - rtText.top); } } btnWidth = ((button_rect.right - button_rect.left) > btnWidth) ? (button_rect.right - button_rect.left) : btnWidth; total_height = button_rect.bottom + bmbottom; } for (var i = 0; i < tabpagecnt; i++) { var button_rect = buttonRect[i]; if (!button_rect) { break; } button_rect.left = button_rect.right - btnWidth; } if ((total_height - bmbottom) >= maxHeight) { if (this._isMultiLine()) { this._scrollIndex = -1; this._lastIndex = tabpagecnt - 1; var row_cnt = (total_height / maxHeight + 1) | 0; var avrSize = Math.ceil(total_height / row_cnt) | 0; var count = 0; var fromtab = 0; var tilltab = 0; for (var i = 0; i < row_cnt; i++) { while (count < tabpagecnt) { var button_rect = buttonRect[count]; if (!button_rect) { break; } if (button_rect.bottom > (total_height / row_cnt) * (i + 1) || count == tabpagecnt - 1) { if (count == tabpagecnt - 1) { tilltab = count; } else if (((total_height / row_cnt) * (i + 1) - button_rect.top) < (button_rect.bottom - (total_height / row_cnt) * (i + 1))) { tilltab = count - 1; } else { tilltab = count; } var total_width = clientWidth; var inc_height = 0; var line_height = buttonRect[tilltab].bottom - buttonRect[fromtab].top; for (var j = fromtab; j <= tilltab; j++) { button_rect = buttonRect[j]; if (!button_rect) { break; } button_rect.bottom = Math.ceil(inc_height + (button_rect.bottom - button_rect.top) * maxHeight / line_height) | 0; button_rect.top = inc_height; if (button_rect.left < total_width) { total_width = button_rect.left; } inc_height = button_rect.bottom; } buttonRect[tilltab].bottom = maxHeight - 1; for (var j = fromtab; j <= tilltab; j++) { button_rect = buttonRect[j]; if (!button_rect) { break; } button_rect.left = total_width; } for (var j = tilltab + 1; j < tabpagecnt; j++) { button_rect = buttonRect[j]; if (!button_rect) { break; } button_rect.left = total_width - (button_rect.right - button_rect.left); button_rect.right = total_width; } fromtab = tilltab + 1; break; } count++; } } this._rollButtonUp(); this._bSpin = false; } else { this._scrollIndex = 0; var spinsize = null; spinsize = this._getSpinSize(); var tabs_height = clientHeight - (Math.ceil(this._getToolBarSize()) | 0) - (spinsize[1] * 2) - 2; for (var i = 0; i <= this.tabindex; i++) { var button_rect = buttonRect[i]; if (!button_rect) { break; } if ((buttonRect[this.tabindex].bottom - button_rect.top + bmtop) < tabs_height) { this._scrollIndex = i; break; } } var rcButton = { left : 0, top : 0, right : 0, bottom : 0 }; rcButton.left = buttonRect[this._scrollIndex].left + 2; rcButton.top = maxHeight - spinsize[1] * 2 - 2; rcButton.right = buttonRect[this._scrollIndex].left + spinsize[0] + 2; rcButton.bottom = maxHeight - spinsize[1] - 2; this.spinupbutton.move(rcButton.left, rcButton.top, rcButton.right - rcButton.left, rcButton.bottom - rcButton.top); this.spinupbutton.set_visible(true); if (this._scrollIndex == 0) { this.spinupbutton.set_enable(false); } else { this.spinupbutton.set_enable(true); } rcButton.left = buttonRect[this._scrollIndex].left + 2; rcButton.top = maxHeight - spinsize[1]; rcButton.right = buttonRect[this._scrollIndex].left + spinsize[0] + 2; rcButton.bottom = maxHeight; var spindownbutton = this.spindownbutton; var s_right = spindownbutton._adjust_left + spindownbutton._adjust_width; var s_bottom = spindownbutton._adjust_top + spindownbutton._adjust_height; if (spindownbutton._adjust_left != rcButton.left || s_right != rcButton.right || spindownbutton._adjust_top != rcButton.top || s_bottom != rcButton.bottom) { this.spindownbutton.move(rcButton.left, rcButton.top, rcButton.right - rcButton.left, rcButton.bottom - rcButton.top); this.spindownbutton.set_visible(true); if (this._scrollIndex == tabpagecnt - 1) { this.spindownbutton.set_enable(false); } else { this.spindownbutton.set_enable(true); } } this._bSpin = true; } } else { this._scrollIndex = -1; this._lastIndex = tabpagecnt - 1; if (this._isTabButtonJustify()) { var inc_height = 0; for (var i = 0; i < tabpagecnt; i++) { var button_rect = buttonRect[i]; if (!button_rect) { break; } max_txt_height = button_rect.bottom - button_rect.top; button_rect.top = inc_height; inc_height = button_rect.bottom = (Math.floor(button_rect.bottom * maxHeight / total_height) | 0); if (max_txt_height <= (button_rect.bottom - button_rect.top)) { button_rect.left = button_rect.left - (button_rect.bottom - button_rect.top - max_txt_height); } } if (buttonRect && buttonRect.length >= tabpagecnt) { buttonRect[tabpagecnt - 1].bottom = maxHeight - 1; } } this._bSpin = false; } var iMinLeft = clientWidth; for (var i = 0; i < tabpagecnt; i++) { button_rect = buttonRect[i]; if (!button_rect) { break; } if (iMinLeft > button_rect.left) { iMinLeft = button_rect.left; } } var b_left = 0, b_top = 0, b_right = 0, b_bottom = 0; if (border) { b_left = border._left_width || border._top_width; b_top = border._top_width; b_right = border._right_width || border._top_width; b_bottom = border._bottom_width || border._top_width; } var pagerect = { left : 0, top : 0, right : iMinLeft, bottom : clientHeight }; if (this._tabpagearea) { var pageborder = this._tabpagearea.on_find_CurrentStyle_border(this._pseudo); this._tabpagearea.on_apply_style_border(pageborder); this._tabpagearea.move(0, pagerect.top, pagerect.right, pagerect.bottom - pagerect.top); } var margin = this._child_list[0].on_find_CurrentStyle_margin(pseudo); var m_l = 0, m_t = 0, m_r = 0, m_b = 0; if (margin) { m_l = margin.left; m_t = margin.top; m_r = margin.right; m_b = margin.bottom; } pagerect = this._getTabpageClientRectBorder(pagerect, buttonborder, bordertype, padding, "right"); var page_l = pagerect.left + b_left + m_l; var page_t = pagerect.top + b_top + m_t; var page_w = pagerect.right - b_right - pagerect.left - b_left - m_r - m_l; var page_h = pagerect.bottom - pagerect.top - b_bottom - b_top - m_b - m_t; var child_list = this._child_list; for (var i = 0; i < tabpagecnt; i++) { var pagecontrol = child_list[i]; if (pagecontrol != null) { var page_ad_w = pagecontrol._adjust_width; var page_ad_h = pagecontrol._adjust_height; if (pagecontrol._adjust_left != page_l || pagecontrol._adjust_top != page_t || pagecontrol._getPosRight() != page_w || pagecontrol._getPosBottom() != page_h) { pagecontrol.move(page_l, page_t, page_w, page_h); } else { pagecontrol.move(page_l, page_t, page_ad_w, page_ad_h); } } } }; _pTabComponent._getTabpageClientRectBorder = function (rcPage, border, bordertype, padding, tabpos) { if (padding != null) { rcPage.left += Math.ceil(padding.left) | 0; rcPage.top += Math.ceil(padding.top) | 0; rcPage.right -= Math.ceil(padding.right) | 0; rcPage.bottom -= Math.ceil(padding.bottom) | 0; } return rcPage; }; _pTabComponent._setScrollIndex = function (scrollindex) { var childlist = this._child_list; if (scrollindex < 0 || scrollindex >= childlist.length) { return; } this._scrollIndex = scrollindex; if (this.spinupbutton != null && this.spindownbutton != null) { this.spinupbutton.set_enable(this._isSpinUpEnable()); this.spindownbutton.set_enable(this._isSpinDownEnable()); } }; _pTabComponent._changeScrollIndex = function (tabindex) { this._resetScrollIndex(tabindex); if (this.spinupbutton != null && this.spindownbutton != null) { this.spinupbutton.set_enable(this._isSpinUpEnable()); this.spindownbutton.set_enable(this._isSpinDownEnable()); } }; _pTabComponent._setScrollIndexByObj = function (tabpage) { var childlist = this._child_list; for (var scrollindex = 0, n = childlist.length; scrollindex < n; scrollindex++) { var page = childlist[scrollindex]; if (page == tabpage) { if (scrollindex < this._scrollIndex || scrollindex > this._lastIndex) { this._scrollIndex = scrollindex; if (this.spinupbutton != null && this.spindownbutton != null) { this.spinupbutton.set_enable(this._isSpinUpEnable()); this.spindownbutton.set_enable(this._isSpinDownEnable()); } } } } }; _pTabComponent._getButtonSize = function (index) { var pseudo = this._pseudo; var btnpadding = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonpadding("normal"); var btnborder = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonborder(pseudo); var btnbackground = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonbackground(pseudo); var btnmargin = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonmargin(pseudo); var rc = { left : 0, top : 0, right : 0, bottom : 0 }; var strTitle = this._child_list[index].text.toString(); var font = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_font("normal"); if (index == this.tabindex) { var btncontrol = this._tabButtons[index]; if (btncontrol != null && (btncontrol._pseudo == "focused" || btncontrol._pseudo == "selected")) { font = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_font("selected"); } } var bpleft = 0, bpright = 0, bptop = 0, bpbottom = 0; if (btnpadding) { bpleft = btnpadding.left; bpright = btnpadding.right; bptop = btnpadding.top; bpbottom = btnpadding.bottom; } var btnborderwidth = 0; if (btnborder) { btnborderwidth = btnborder._top_width; } if (font) { var multi = false; if (strTitle) { var ret = strTitle.search("\n"); } multi = (ret == -1) ? false : true; var letterspace = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_letterspace(this._pseudo); var size = nexacro._getTextSize2(letterspace, strTitle, font, multi, null, null, this._rtldirection); if (btnbackground && (btnbackground.repeat == "stretch" || btnbackground.repeat == "quad")) { var btn_height = (Math.ceil(size[1]) | 0) + bptop + bpbottom; if (this._imageheight == 0) { rc.right = (Math.ceil(size[0]) | 0) + bpleft + bpright; rc.bottom = btn_height; } else { rc.right = (Math.ceil(size[0]) | 0) + bpleft + bpright; if (btn_height < this._imageheight) { rc.bottom = this._imageheight; } else { rc.bottom = btn_height; } } } else { rc.right = (Math.ceil(size[0]) | 0) + bpleft + bpright + btnborderwidth * 2; rc.bottom = (Math.ceil(size[1]) | 0) + bptop + bpbottom; } return rc; } }; _pTabComponent._rollButtonUp = function () { var tabpagecnt = this._child_list.length; if (tabpagecnt <= 0 || this.tabindex < 0) { return; } var rcRect; var prop_width = this._client_width; var prop_height = this._client_height; var first_index = -1; var idx = 0; var buttonRect = this._buttonRect; var tabPos = this._getTabPosition(); if (tabPos == "top") { for (var i = 1; i < tabpagecnt; i++) { idx = (i + this.tabindex) % tabpagecnt; var button_rect = buttonRect[idx]; if (!button_rect) { break; } if (button_rect.bottom < buttonRect[this.tabindex].bottom) { return; } else if (button_rect.bottom > buttonRect[this.tabindex].bottom) { first_index = (i + this.tabindex) % tabpagecnt; break; } } if (first_index == -1) { return; } var linetop = buttonRect[first_index].top; var max_bottom = 0, bottom_value = 0; for (var i = 0; i < tabpagecnt; i++) { idx = (i + first_index) % tabpagecnt; var button_rect = buttonRect[idx]; if (!button_rect) { break; } if (button_rect.top != linetop) { bottom_value = max_bottom; linetop = button_rect.top; max_bottom = 0; } button_rect.bottom = bottom_value + (button_rect.bottom - button_rect.top); button_rect.top = bottom_value; if (button_rect.bottom > max_bottom) { max_bottom = button_rect.bottom; } } } else if (tabPos == "bottom") { for (var i = 1; i < tabpagecnt; i++) { idx = (i + this.tabindex) % tabpagecnt; var button_rect = buttonRect[idx]; if (!button_rect) { break; } if (button_rect.bottom > buttonRect[this.tabindex].bottom) { return; } else if (button_rect.bottom < buttonRect[this.tabindex].bottom) { first_index = (i + this.tabindex) % tabpagecnt; break; } } if (first_index == -1) { return; } var linebottom = buttonRect[first_index].bottom; var min_top = prop_height; var top_value = prop_height; for (var i = 0; i < tabpagecnt; i++) { idx = (i + first_index) % tabpagecnt; var button_rect = buttonRect[idx]; if (!button_rect) { break; } if (button_rect.bottom != linebottom) { top_value = min_top; linebottom = button_rect.bottom; min_top = prop_height; } button_rect.top = top_value - (button_rect.bottom - button_rect.top); button_rect.bottom = top_value; if (button_rect.top < min_top) { min_top = button_rect.top; } } } else if (tabPos == "left") { for (var i = 1; i < tabpagecnt; i++) { idx = (i + this.tabindex) % tabpagecnt; var button_rect = buttonRect[idx]; if (!button_rect) { break; } if (button_rect.right < buttonRect[this.tabindex].right) { return; } else if (button_rect.right > buttonRect[this.tabindex].right) { first_index = (i + this.tabindex) % tabpagecnt; break; } } if (first_index == -1) { return; } var lineleft = buttonRect[first_index].left; var max_right = 0; var right_value = 0; for (var i = 0; i < tabpagecnt; i++) { idx = (i + first_index) % tabpagecnt; var button_rect = buttonRect[idx]; if (!button_rect) { break; } if (button_rect.left != lineleft) { right_value = max_right; lineleft = button_rect.left; max_right = 0; } button_rect.right = right_value + (button_rect.right - button_rect.left); button_rect.left = right_value; if (button_rect.right > max_right) { max_right = button_rect.right; } } } else if (tabPos == "right") { for (var i = 1; i < tabpagecnt; i++) { idx = (i + this.tabindex) % tabpagecnt; var button_rect = buttonRect[idx]; if (!button_rect) { break; } if (button_rect.right > buttonRect[this.tabindex].right) { return; } else if (button_rect.right < buttonRect[this.tabindex].right) { first_index = (i + this.tabindex) % tabpagecnt; break; } } if (first_index == -1) { return; } var lineright = buttonRect[first_index].right; var min_left = prop_width; var left_value = prop_width; for (var i = 0; i < tabpagecnt; i++) { idx = (i + first_index) % tabpagecnt; var button_rect = buttonRect[idx]; if (!button_rect) { break; } if (button_rect.right != lineright) { left_value = min_left; lineright = button_rect.right; min_left = prop_width; } button_rect.left = left_value - (button_rect.right - button_rect.left); button_rect.right = left_value; if (button_rect.left < min_left) { min_left = button_rect.left; } } } }; _pTabComponent._set_child_focus = function () { var idx = this.tabindex; var child_list = this._child_list; if (child_list && child_list.length > 0) { var tabpage_child_list = child_list[idx]._getSortedDecendants(child_list[idx]); if (tabpage_child_list && tabpage_child_list.length > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < tabpage_child_list.length; i++) { if (tabpage_child_list[i] instanceof nexacro.Grid) { var row = tabpage_child_list[i]._selectinfo.curdsrow; if (row == -1) { row = 0; } tabpage_child_list[i]._selectRow(row, true); } } if (child_list[idx]._last_focused) { child_list[idx]._on_focus(true); } else { tabpage_child_list[0]._on_focus(true); } } } }; _pTabComponent._changeTabIndex = function (index, is_apply_focus) { if (!this._is_created || this.tabindex == index || ((+index) != (+index)) || index < 0 || (this._child_list && index >= this._child_list.length)) { return; } var oldindex = this.tabindex; if (oldindex > -1 && this.enableevent) { this._tabButtons[index]._stat_change("notselect", "normal"); var ret = this.on_fire_canchange(this, index, oldindex); if (ret == false) { this._tabButtons[index]._stat_change("notselect", "normal"); this._tabButtons[oldindex]._setFocus(false); return false; } } var oldtabpage = oldindex > -1 ? this._child_list[oldindex] : undefined; var newtabpage = this._child_list[index]; var oldtabtn = oldindex > -1 ? this._tabButtons[oldindex] : undefined; var newtabbtn = this._tabButtons[index]; if (oldtabpage) { if (oldtabpage.enable) { oldtabtn._stat_change("notselect", "normal"); } else { oldtabtn._stat_change("disable", "disabled"); } oldtabpage.set_visible(false); oldtabtn._setAccessibilityStatSelected(false); } this._oldtabindex = oldindex; this.tabindex = index; if (this._isMultiLine()) { this._rollButtonUp(); } if (newtabpage) { var is_create_tabpage = false; if (!this.preload) { if (newtabpage._isLoaded == false) { if (newtabpage.url != "" && newtabpage.url != undefined) { newtabpage._url = newtabpage.url; newtabpage.on_apply_url(false); newtabpage._isLoaded = true; } } is_create_tabpage = true; } if (!is_create_tabpage && !newtabpage.visible) { newtabpage.set_visible(true); } newtabbtn._setAccessibilityStatSelected(true); if (is_apply_focus) { newtabbtn._on_focus(true); } if (newtabpage.enable) { newtabpage._stat_change(newtabpage._status, newtabpage._pseudo); newtabbtn._stat_change("select", "selected"); } else { newtabpage._stat_change("disable", "disabled"); } } else { if (oldtabpage) { if (oldtabtn.enable) { oldtabtn._stat_change("focus", "focused"); } else { oldtabtn._stat_change("disable", "disabled"); } oldtabpage.set_visible(true); } } var spinsize = this._getSpinSize(); var spincnt = this._isSpinButtonVisible() ? 2 : 0; var clientWidth = this._client_width - spinsize[0] * spincnt; var tabs_width = clientWidth - (Math.ceil(this._getToolBarSize()) | 0) - (spinsize[0] * spincnt) - 2; if (this._tabButtons.length - 1 == index && this.spindownbutton.enable == true) { this.spindownbutton.set_enable(false); this.spinupbutton.set_enable(true); } else if (index == 0 && this.spinupbutton.enable == true) { this.spinupbutton.set_enable(false); this.spindownbutton.set_enable(true); } else { if (!this.spinupbutton.enable) { this.spinupbutton.set_enable(true); } if (!this.spindownbutton.enable) { this.spindownbutton.set_enable(true); } } if (index < this._scrollIndex || (this._lastIndex != -1 && index > this._lastIndex)) { var margin = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonmargin(this._pseudo); var button_margin = margin.left + margin.right; var total_width = 0; this._scrollIndex = 0; var buttonRect = this._buttonRect; for (var i = index; i >= 0; i--) { var button_rect = buttonRect[i]; total_width += (Math.ceil(button_rect.right - button_rect.left) | 0) + button_margin; if (total_width > clientWidth) { this._scrollIndex = i + 1; this._lastIndex = index; break; } } } this._rearrangeButton(); this._drawButton(); this._rearrangeBorder(); var lastfocus = this._find_lastFocused(); if (lastfocus == this) { if (this._isBtnFocusAcceptable() && this._focusobj instanceof nexacro.TabButtonCtrl) { this._focusobj._setFocus(false); } else { this._set_child_focus(); } } if (nexacro._accessibilitywholereadtype > 1) { newtabpage._playAccessibilityWholeReadLabel("wholeread"); } return true; }; _pTabComponent._resetLastIndex = function () { this._lastIndex = -1; var tabpagecnt = this._child_list.length; if (tabpagecnt <= 0 || this._isMultiLine()) { return; } var prop_width = this._client_width; var prop_height = this._client_height; var buttonmargin = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonmargin(this._pseudo); var bmtop = 0, bmright = 0, bmbottom = 0, bmleft = 0; if (buttonmargin != null) { bmleft = buttonmargin.left; bmtop = buttonmargin.top; bmright = buttonmargin.right; bmbottom = buttonmargin.bottom; } var buttonpadding = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonpadding(this._pseudo); var bptop = 0, bpright = 0, bpbottom = 0, bpleft = 0; if (buttonpadding) { bpleft = buttonpadding.left; bptop = buttonpadding.top; bpright = buttonpadding.right; bpbottom = buttonpadding.bottom; } var rect; var spinsize; spinsize = this._getSpinSize(); var tabs_width = prop_width - (Math.ceil(this._getToolBarSize()) | 0) - 2 * spinsize[0] - 2; var tabs_height = prop_height - (Math.ceil(this._getToolBarSize()) | 0) - 2 * spinsize[1] - 2; var scrollpos = 0, lastpos = 0; switch (this._getTabPosition()) { case "top": case "bottom": var buttonWidth = this._buttonWidth; var extrabutton_size = 0; var isextrabutton = this._isExtraButton(); for (var tabcnt = this._scrollIndex; tabcnt < tabpagecnt; tabcnt++) { lastpos += buttonWidth[tabcnt]; extrabutton_size = isextrabutton ? this.extrabutton._client_width : 0; if (lastpos + (bmleft + bmright) * tabcnt + (bpleft + bpright) * tabcnt + extrabutton_size * tabcnt > tabs_width) { break; } this._lastIndex = tabcnt; } break; case "left": case "right": var buttonHeight = this._buttonHeight; for (var tabcnt = this._scrollIndex; tabcnt < tabpagecnt; tabcnt++) { lastpos += Math.ceil(buttonHeight[tabcnt]) | 0; if (lastpos + (bmtop + bmbottom) * tabcnt + (bptop + bpbottom) * tabcnt > tabs_height) { break; } this._lastIndex = tabcnt; } break; } }; _pTabComponent._resetScrollIndex = function (tabindex) { this._scrollIndex = -1; this._lastIndex = -1; var tabpagecnt = this._child_list.length; if (tabpagecnt <= 0 || this._isMultiLine()) { return; } if (!this._buttonRect || this._buttonRect.length == 0 || this._buttonRect.length != this._child_list.length) { return; } var prop_width = this._client_width; var prop_height = this._client_height; var buttonmargin = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonmargin(this._pseudo); var bmtop = 0, bmright = 0, bmbottom = 0, bmleft = 0; if (buttonmargin != null) { bmleft = buttonmargin.left; bmtop = buttonmargin.top; bmright = buttonmargin.right; bmbottom = buttonmargin.bottom; } var rect; var spinsize; spinsize = this._getSpinSize(); var tabs_width = prop_width - Math.ceil(this._getToolBarSize()) - 2 * spinsize[0] - 2; var tabs_height = prop_height - Math.ceil(this._getToolBarSize()) - 2 * spinsize[1] - 2; var scrollpos = 0, lastpos; var buttonRect = this._buttonRect; switch (this._getTabPosition()) { case "top": case "bottom": for (var scrollindex = 0; scrollindex < tabpagecnt && this._scrollIndex == -1; scrollindex++) { for (var tabcnt = scrollindex; tabcnt < tabpagecnt; tabcnt++) { scrollpos = buttonRect[scrollindex].left; lastpos = buttonRect[tabcnt].right; lastpos -= scrollpos; if (lastpos + bmleft > tabs_width) { if (this._scrollIndex != -1) { return; } if (this._isSpinButtonVisible()) { break; } } if (tabcnt == tabindex) { this._scrollIndex = scrollindex; } this._lastIndex = tabcnt; } } break; case "left": case "right": for (var scrollindex = 0; scrollindex < tabpagecnt && this._scrollIndex == -1; scrollindex++) { for (var tabcnt = scrollindex; tabcnt < tabpagecnt; tabcnt++) { scrollpos = buttonRect[scrollindex].top; lastpos = buttonRect[tabcnt].bottom; lastpos -= scrollpos; if (lastpos + bmtop > tabs_height) { if (this._scrollIndex != -1) { return; } break; } if (tabcnt == tabindex) { this._scrollIndex = scrollindex; } this._lastIndex = tabcnt; } } break; } }; _pTabComponent._getTabIndex = function () { return this.tabindex; }; _pTabComponent._getButtonRect = function (index, bBorder) { if (index != -1) { if (this._buttonRect == null) { return; } var button_rect = this._buttonRect[index]; var buttonmargin = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonmargin(this._pseudo); var bmtop = 0, bmright = 0, bmbottom = 0, bmleft = 0; var nOffsetX = 0, nOffsetY = 0; if (buttonmargin != null) { bmleft = buttonmargin.left; bmtop = buttonmargin.top; bmright = buttonmargin.right; bmbottom = buttonmargin.bottom; } if (this._scrollIndex >= 0) { var buttonWidth = this._buttonWidth; var off = 0; switch (this._getTabPosition()) { case "top": case "bottom": { if (this._spinflagup) { nOffsetX = buttonWidth[this._scrollIndex] + bmright; } else if (this._spinflagdown) { nOffsetX = buttonWidth[this._scrollIndex - 1] + bmright; } break; } case "left": case "right": { nOffsetY = this._buttonHeight[this._scrollIndex]; break; } } } if (this._spinflagup) { button_rect.left += nOffsetX; button_rect.right += nOffsetX; button_rect.top += nOffsetY; button_rect.bottom += nOffsetY; } else if (this._spinflagdown) { button_rect.left -= nOffsetX; button_rect.right -= nOffsetX; button_rect.top -= nOffsetY; button_rect.bottom -= nOffsetY; } } else { var len = this._child_list.length; for (var idx = 0; idx < len; idx++) { this._getButtonRect(idx); } } }; _pTabComponent._isBtnFocusAcceptable = function () { return nexacro._toBoolean(this.focusacceptable); }; _pTabComponent._spinup = function () { if (this._isSpinUpEnable()) { this._getButtonRect(-1, true); this._scrollIndex--; this._resetLastIndex(); this.spinupbutton.set_enable(this._isSpinUpEnable()); this.spindownbutton.set_enable(this._isSpinDownEnable()); this._spinflagup = true; this._getButtonRect(-1, true); this._spinflagup = false; this._drawButton(); this._rearrangeBorder(); if (this._isBtnFocusAcceptable() && this._setFocusTabButton) { this._setFocusTabButton(this._scrollIndex, this._scrollIndex + 1); } } }; _pTabComponent._spindown = function () { if (this._isSpinDownEnable()) { this._getButtonRect(-1, true); this._scrollIndex++; this._resetLastIndex(); this.spinupbutton.set_enable(this._isSpinUpEnable()); this.spindownbutton.set_enable(this._isSpinDownEnable()); this._spinflagdown = true; this._getButtonRect(-1, true); this._spinflagdown = false; this._drawButton(); this._rearrangeBorder(); if (this._isBtnFocusAcceptable() && this._setFocusTabButton) { this._setFocusTabButton(this._scrollIndex, this._scrollIndex - 1); } } }; _pTabComponent._isSpinUpEnable = function () { if (this._scrollIndex > 0 && this._isMultiLine() != true) { return true; } else { return false; } }; _pTabComponent._isSpinDownEnable = function () { if (this._lastIndex < this._child_list.length - 1 && this._isMultiLine() != true) { return true; } else { return false; } }; _pTabComponent._isSpinButtonVisible = function () { if (this.spindownbutton.visible || this.spinupbutton.visible) { return true; } else { return false; } }; _pTabComponent._recalcLayout = function () { if (this._org_status == "notfocus") { this._pre_scrollIndex = this._scrollIndex; } else { this._pre_scrollIndex = -1; } this._rearrangeButton(); this._drawButton(); var bckscrollIndex = this._scrollIndex; this._resetScrollIndex(this.tabindex); if (this._pre_scrollIndex != -1) { this._setScrollIndex(this._pre_scrollIndex); } else if (bckscrollIndex != this._scrollIndex) { this._setScrollIndex(bckscrollIndex); } this._rearrangeButton(); }; _pTabComponent._keydown_filter = function (elem, keycode, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp) { var tabpagecnt = this._child_list.length; if (tabpagecnt <= 0) { return false; } var tabindex = this._getTabIndex(); var oldindex = this.tabindex; var resetindex = -1; switch (keycode) { case 9: if (ctrl_key == true && this.usecontrolkey) { { if (shift_key != true) { if (tabindex < tabpagecnt - 1) { resetindex = tabindex + 1; } else { resetindex = 0; } } else { if (tabindex > 0) { resetindex = tabindex - 1; } else { resetindex = tabpagecnt - 1; } } if (this._focusobj instanceof nexacro.TabButtonCtrl) { this._setTabFocusObj(this._tabButtons[resetindex]); } else if (this._focusobj instanceof nexacro.Tabpage) { this._setTabFocusObj(this._child_list[resetindex]); } break; } } else { if (this._focusobj instanceof nexacro.TabComponent) { if (shift_key == false) { if (this._isBtnFocusAcceptable() == true) { this._setTabFocusObj(this._tabButtons[tabindex]); this._setFocusTabButton(); } else { var obj = this._child_list[tabindex]; var page_first_comp = this._getTabFocusObj()._getTabOrderFirst(); if (page_first_comp) { if (obj instanceof nexacro.Form && obj._last_focused) { var win = this._getWindow(); win._removeFromCurrentFocusPath(obj._last_focused); } page_first_comp._setFocus(false, 0); } this._setTabFocusObj(obj); } } else { var newfocus_comp = this.parent._searchPrevTabFocus(this); if (newfocus_comp) { if (newfocus_comp[0] == null) { if (newfocus_comp[2] == 1) { var text = application.accessibilitylastovertext; nexacro.__notifyAccessibility(this._control_element, text); } else if (newfocus_comp[2] == -1) { var text = application.accessibilityfirstovertext; nexacro.__notifyAccessibility(this._control_element, text); } } else { if (newfocus_comp[0] instanceof nexacro.Form && newfocus_comp[0]._last_focused) { var win = this._getWindow(); win._removeFromCurrentFocusPath(newfocus_comp[0]._last_focused); } newfocus_comp[0]._setFocus(true, 1, true); } } } } else if (this._focusobj instanceof nexacro.TabButtonCtrl) { if (shift_key == false) { var tabpage = this._child_list[tabindex]; if (tabpage) { var newfocus_comp = tabpage._getTabOrderFirst(); if (newfocus_comp) { newfocus_comp._setFocus(true, 0, true); this._setFocusTabButton(-1, this.tabindex); } this._setTabFocusObj(tabpage); } } else { return false; } } else if (this._focusobj instanceof nexacro.Tabpage) { var page_last_comp = this._focusobj._getLastFocused(); var page_first_comp = this._focusobj._getTabOrderFirst(); var dlgc = undefined; if (page_last_comp) { dlgc = page_last_comp._getDlgCode(keycode, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key); } if (!dlgc || (dlgc.want_tab == false)) { if (shift_key == false) { if (page_last_comp == null && page_first_comp) { page_first_comp._setFocus(true, 0); } else { var page_next_comp = this._focusobj._searchNextTabFocus(page_last_comp); if (page_next_comp && page_next_comp[0]) { page_next_comp[0]._setFocus(true, 0); } } } else { if (page_last_comp == null) { if (this._isBtnFocusAcceptable()) { this._setTabFocusObj(this._tabButtons[tabindex]); } else { this._setTabFocusObj(this); } this._focusobj._setFocus(true, 1); } else if (page_last_comp == page_first_comp) { if (this._isBtnFocusAcceptable()) { this._setTabFocusObj(this._tabButtons[tabindex]); } else { this._setTabFocusObj(this); } this._focusobj._setFocus(true, 1); } else { var page_prev_comp = this._focusobj._searchPrevTabFocus(page_last_comp); if (page_prev_comp && page_prev_comp[0]) { page_prev_comp[0]._setFocus(true, 1); } } } } } return true; } break; case 8: if (ctrl_key == true && this.usecontrolkey) { this.on_fire_onextrabuttonclick(this, tabindex, "", false, false, false, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, this, this); return true; } break; case 38: { if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { var focusobj = this._focusobj; var newcomp; if (focusobj instanceof nexacro.TabButtonCtrl) { if (this._isAccessibilityEnable()) { newcomp = this; } if (newcomp) { newcomp._setFocus(true, 3, true); this._setTabFocusObj(newcomp); } else { return false; } } else if (focusobj instanceof nexacro.Tabpage) { var page_last_comp = focusobj._getLastFocused(); if (page_last_comp) { var dlg = page_last_comp._getDlgCode(keycode, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key); if (dlg.want_arrows == false) { newcomp = focusobj._searchPrevTabFocus(focusobj._last_focused, undefined, undefined, true)[0]; if (newcomp) { if (newcomp == focusobj) { var win = newcomp._getWindow(); win._removeFromCurrentFocusPath(newcomp); newcomp._setFocus(true, 3, true); this._setTabFocusObj(newcomp); } else { newcomp._setFocus(true, 3, true); } } else { return false; } } } else { if (focusobj.parent._isBtnFocusAcceptable()) { newcomp = focusobj.parent._tabButtons[focusobj.parent.tabindex]; } else { newcomp = focusobj.parent; } if (newcomp) { newcomp._setFocus(true, 3, true); this._setTabFocusObj(newcomp); } else { return false; } } } return true; } } break; case 40: { if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { var focusobj = this._focusobj; var newcomp; var newcompobj = null; if (focusobj instanceof nexacro.Tab) { if (this._isBtnFocusAcceptable()) { newcomp = this._tabButtons[this.tabindex]; } else { newcomp = this.tabpages[this.tabindex]; if (newcomp._last_focused) { newcomp._last_focused = null; } if (!newcomp._isAccessibilityEnable()) { newcompobj = newcomp._searchNextTabFocus(focusobj._last_focused, undefined, undefined, true); } } } else if (focusobj instanceof nexacro.TabButtonCtrl) { newcomp = this.tabpages[this.tabindex]; if (newcomp._last_focused) { newcomp._last_focused = null; } if (!newcomp._isAccessibilityEnable()) { newcompobj = newcomp._searchNextTabFocus(focusobj._last_focused, undefined, undefined, true); } } else if (focusobj instanceof nexacro.Tabpage) { var page_last_comp = focusobj._getLastFocused(); var dlgc = undefined; if (page_last_comp) { dlgc = page_last_comp._getDlgCode(keycode, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key); } if (!dlgc || dlgc.want_arrows == false) { newcompobj = focusobj._searchNextTabFocus(focusobj._last_focused, undefined, undefined, true); } } if (newcompobj && newcompobj[0]) { newcomp = newcompobj[0]; newcomp._setFocus(true, 2, true); } else { if (newcomp) { newcomp._setFocus(true, 2, true); this._setTabFocusObj(newcomp); } } return true; } } break; case 39: if (this._isBtnFocusAcceptable() && ctrl_key == false) { var focusobj = this._focusobj; if (focusobj instanceof nexacro.TabButtonCtrl) { if (tabindex < tabpagecnt - 1) { resetindex = tabindex + 1; } else { resetindex = 0; } this._setTabFocusObj(this._tabButtons[resetindex]); } } break; case 37: if (this._isBtnFocusAcceptable() && ctrl_key == false) { var focusobj = this._focusobj; if (focusobj instanceof nexacro.TabButtonCtrl) { if (tabindex > 0) { resetindex = tabindex - 1; } else { resetindex = tabpagecnt - 1; } this._setTabFocusObj(this._tabButtons[resetindex]); } } break; default: break; } if (resetindex > -1) { if (this._changeTabIndex(resetindex, true) == true) { if (this.enableevent) { this.on_fire_onchanged(this, resetindex, oldindex); } if (this._setFocusTabButton) { this._setFocusTabButton(resetindex, oldindex); } this._changeScrollIndex(resetindex); } } }; _pTabComponent._setElementBorder = function (control, border, bordertype, btabborder) { if (!border) { return; } var b = border.clone(); var position = this._getTabPosition(); b._linecnt = 1; b._copytoSubObjects(); b._linecnt = 4; { if (position == "top") { b.set_top_width("0"); } else if (position == "bottom") { b.set_bottom_width("0"); } else if (position == "left") { b.set_left_width("0"); } else if (position == "right") { b.set_right_width("0"); } control.setElementBorder(b, bordertype); } }; delete _pTabComponent; } if (!nexacro.Tab_Style) { nexacro.Tab_Style = function (target, id) { nexacro.Style.call(this, target, id); this.buttonbackground = null; this.buttongradation = null; this.buttonborder = null; this.buttonbordertype = null; this.buttonpadding = null; this.buttonmargin = null; this.showextrabutton = null; this.focusborder = null; }; var _pTabStyle = nexacro.Tab_Style.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Style, nexacro.Tab_style); eval(nexacro._createBackgroundAttributeEvalStr("_pTabStyle", "buttonbackground")); eval(nexacro._createGradationAttributeEvalStr("_pTabStyle", "buttongradation")); eval(nexacro._createBorderAttributeEvalStr("_pTabStyle", "buttonborder")); eval(nexacro._createBordertypeAttributeEvalStr("_pTabStyle", "buttonbordertype")); eval(nexacro._createPaddingAttributeEvalStr("_pTabStyle", "buttonpadding")); eval(nexacro._createMarginAttributeEvalStr("_pTabStyle", "buttonmargin")); eval(nexacro._createValueAttributeEvalStr("_pTabStyle", "showextrabutton")); eval(nexacro._createValueAttributeEvalStr("_pTabStyle", "focusborder")); _pTabStyle.__custom_emptyObject = function () { this.buttonbackground = null; this.buttongradation = null; this.buttonborder = null; this.buttonbordertype = null; this.buttonpadding = null; this.buttonmargin = null; this.showextrabutton = null; this.focusborder = null; }; _pTabStyle.__get_custom_style_value = function () { var val = ""; if (this.buttonbackground && this.buttonbackground._value.length) { val += "buttonbackground:" + this.buttonbackground._value + "; "; } if (this.buttongradation && this.buttongradation._value.length) { val += "buttongradation:" + this.buttongradation._value + "; "; } if (this.buttonborder && this.buttonborder._value.length) { val += "buttonborder:" + this.buttonborder._value + "; "; } if (this.buttonbordertype && this.buttonbordertype._value.length) { val += "buttonbordertype:" + this.buttonbordertype._value + "; "; } if (this.buttonpadding && this.buttonpadding._value.length) { val += "buttonpadding:" + this.buttonpadding._value + "; "; } if (this.buttonmargin && this.buttonmargin._value.length) { val += "buttonmargin:" + this.buttonmargin._value + "; "; } if (this.showextrabutton && this.showextrabutton._value.length) { val += "showextrabutton:" + this.showextrabutton._value + "; "; } if (this.focusborder && this.focusborder._value.length) { val += "focusborder:" + this.focusborder._value + "; "; } return val; }; _pTabStyle._update_background = function (idx) { var target = this._target; if (target) { if (idx == 1) { target.on_update_style_buttonbackground(); } else { target.on_update_style_background(); } if (this.buttonbackground && this.buttonbackground.image && target.imagewidth == 0 && target.imageheight == 0) { target._getImgSize(); } } }; _pTabStyle._update_border = function (idx) { if (this._target) { if (idx == 1) { this._target.on_update_style_buttonborder(); } else { this._target.on_update_style_border(); } } }; _pTabStyle._update_bordertype = function (idx) { if (this._target) { if (idx == 1) { this._target.on_update_style_buttonbordertype(); } else { this._target.on_update_style_bordertype(); } } }; _pTabStyle._update_gradation = function (idx) { if (this._target) { if (idx == 1) { this._target.on_update_style_buttongradation(); } else { this._target.on_update_style_gradation(); } } }; _pTabStyle._update_style_padding = function (idx) { if (this._target) { if (idx == 1) { this._target.on_update_style_buttonpadding(); } else { this._target.on_update_style_padding(); } } }; delete _pTabStyle; nexacro.Tab_CurrentStyle = function () { nexacro.CurrentStyle.call(this); this.buttonbackground = null; this.buttongradation = null; this.buttonborder = null; this.buttonbordertype = null; this.buttonpadding = null; this.buttonmargin = null; this.showextrabutton = null; this.focusborder = null; }; var _pTabCurrentStyle = nexacro.Tab_CurrentStyle.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.CurrentStyle, nexacro.Tab_CurrentSTyle); _pTabCurrentStyle.__get_custom_style_value = function () { var val = ""; if (this.buttonbackground && this.buttonbackground._value.length) { val += "buttonbackground:" + this.buttonbackground._value + "; "; } if (this.buttongradation && this.buttongradation._value.length) { val += "buttongradation:" + this.buttongradation._value + "; "; } if (this.buttonbordertype && this.buttonbordertype._value.length) { val += "buttonbordertype:" + this.buttonbordertype._value + "; "; } if (this.buttonborder && this.buttonborder._value.length) { val += "buttonborder:" + this.buttonborder._value + "; "; } if (this.buttonpadding && this.buttonpadding._value.length) { val += "buttonpadding:" + this.buttonpadding._value + "; "; } if (this.buttonmargin && this.buttonmargin._value.length) { val += "buttonmargin:" + this.buttonmargin._value + "; "; } if (this.showextrabutton && this.showextrabutton._value.length) { val += "showextrabutton:" + this.showextrabutton._value + "; "; } if (this.focusborder && this.focusborder._value.length) { val += "focusborder:" + this.focusborder._value + "; "; } return val; }; _pTabCurrentStyle.__custom_emptyObject = function () { this.buttonbackground = null; this.buttongradation = null; this.buttonborder = null; this.buttonbordertype = null; this.buttonpadding = null; this.buttonmargin = null; this.showextrabutton = null; this.focusborder = null; }; delete _pTabCurrentStyle; } if (!nexacro.Tab) { nexacro.Tab = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.TabComponent.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); this.preload = false; this.tabpages = new nexacro.Collection(); this._event_list = { "onclick" : 1, "ondblclick" : 1, "onkeypress" : 1, "onkeydown" : 1, "onkeyup" : 1, "onkillfocus" : 1, "onsetfocus" : 1, "ondrag" : 1, "ondragenter" : 1, "ondragleave" : 1, "ondragmove" : 1, "ondrop" : 1, "onlbuttondown" : 1, "onlbuttonup" : 1, "onmouseenter" : 1, "onmouseleave" : 1, "onmousemove" : 1, "onmove" : 1, "onsize" : 1, "onrbuttondown" : 1, "onrbuttonup" : 1, "onchanged" : 1, "onspin" : 1, "canchange" : 1, "oneditclick" : 1, "onextrabuttonclick" : 1, "onmouseup" : 1, "onmousedown" : 1, "ontouchstart" : 1, "ontouchmove" : 1, "ontouchend" : 1, "ontap" : 1, "ondbltap" : 1, "onpinchstart" : 1, "onpinch" : 1, "onpinchend" : 1, "onflingstart" : 1, "onfling" : 1, "onflingend" : 1, "onlongpress" : 1, "onslidestart" : 1, "onslide" : 1, "onslideend" : 1, "onzoom" : 1 }; this._tabbutton_obj = null; if (right) { this._orgwidth = right - left; } else { this._orgwidth = width; } if (bottom) { this._orgheight = bottom - top; } else { this._orgheight = height; } }; var _pTab = nexacro.Tab.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.TabComponent, nexacro.Tab); _pTab._type_name = "Tab"; nexacro.Tab._default_showextrabutton = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj("showextrabutton", "false"); _pTab.killTimer = null; _pTab.setTimer = null; _pTab.loadStyle = null; _pTab.setWaitCursor = null; _pTab._accessibility_tabindex = -1; _pTab._accessibility_is_next = false; _pTab.on_create_custom_style = function () { return new nexacro.Tab_Style(this); }; _pTab.on_create_custom_currentStyle = function () { return new nexacro.Tab_CurrentStyle(); }; _pTab.on_apply_custom_pseudo = function (pseudo) { var curr_style = this.currentstyle; var change = false; var font = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_font(pseudo); if (curr_style.font != font) { curr_style.font = font; change = true; } var letterspace = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_letterspace(pseudo); if (curr_style.letterspace != letterspace) { curr_style.letterspace = letterspace; change = true; } var color = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_color(pseudo); if (curr_style.color != color) { curr_style.color = color; change = true; } var btn_bk = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonbackground(pseudo); if (curr_style.buttonbackground != btn_bk) { curr_style.buttonbackground = btn_bk; change = true; } var btn_gradation = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttongradation(pseudo); if (curr_style.buttongradation != btn_gradation) { curr_style.buttongradation = btn_gradation; change = true; } var btn_border = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonborder(pseudo); if (curr_style.buttonborder != btn_border) { curr_style.buttonborder = btn_border; change = true; } var btn_bordertype = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonbordertype(pseudo); if (curr_style.buttonbordertype != btn_bordertype) { curr_style.buttonbordertype = btn_bordertype; change = true; } var btn_margin = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonmargin(pseudo); if (curr_style.buttonmargin != btn_margin) { curr_style.buttonmargin = btn_margin; change = true; } if (change) { this._updateAllTabButton(pseudo); } var btn_padding = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonpadding(pseudo); if (curr_style.buttonpadding != btn_padding) { curr_style.buttonpadding = btn_padding; this.on_apply_style_buttonpadding(btn_padding); } var showextrabutton = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_showextrabutton(pseudo); if (curr_style.showextrabutton != showextrabutton) { curr_style.showextrabutton = showextrabutton; this.on_apply_style_showextrabutton(showextrabutton); } var focusborder = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_focusborder(pseudo); if (curr_style.focusborder != focusborder) { curr_style.focusborder = focusborder; this.on_apply_style_focusborder(focusborder); } }; _pTab._updateAllTabButton = function (pseudo) { var button = this._tabButtons; var child_list = this._child_list; var len = button.length; pseudo = (pseudo == null || pseudo == "focused") ? "normal" : pseudo; if (pseudo == "mouseover") { return; } for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var pagecontrol = child_list[i]; if (pagecontrol.enable) { this._tabButtons[i]._updateAll(pseudo); } else { this._tabButtons[i]._status = "disable"; this._tabButtons[i]._updateAll("disabled"); } } }; _pTab.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonbackground = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("buttonbackground", pseudo, "background"); }; _pTab.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttongradation = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("buttongradation", pseudo, "gradation"); }; _pTab.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonborder = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("buttonborder", pseudo, "border"); }; _pTab.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonbordertype = function (pseudo) { var bordertype = this._find_pseudo_obj("buttonbordertype", pseudo, "bordertype"); return (bordertype) ? bordertype : null; }; _pTab.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonpadding = function (pseudo) { var padding = this._find_pseudo_obj("buttonpadding", pseudo, "padding"); return (padding) ? padding : nexacro.Component._default_padding; }; _pTab.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonmargin = function (pseudo) { var margin = this._find_pseudo_obj("buttonmargin", pseudo, "margin"); return (margin) ? margin : nexacro.Component._default_margin; }; _pTab.on_find_CurrentStyle_showextrabutton = function (pseudo) { var showextrabutton = this._find_pseudo_obj("showextrabutton", pseudo); return (showextrabutton) ? showextrabutton : nexacro.Tab._default_showextrabutton; }; _pTab.on_find_CurrentStyle_focusborder = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("focusborder", pseudo, "border"); }; _pTab.on_find_CurrentStyle_border = function (pseudo) { var border = this._find_pseudo_obj("border", pseudo, "border"); if (this._tabpagearea && border) { var b = border.clone(); b._linecnt = 4; b.set_top_width("0"); b.set_right_width("0"); b.set_bottom_width("0"); b.set_left_width("0"); this.getElement().setElementBorder(b, this.currentstyle.bordertype); } return border; }; _pTab.on_update_style_buttonbackground = function () { this.on_apply_style_buttonbackground(this.currentstyle.buttonbackground = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonbackground(this._pseudo)); }; _pTab.on_update_style_buttongradation = function () { this.on_apply_style_buttongradation(this.currentstyle.buttongradation = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttongradation(this._pseudo)); }; _pTab.on_update_style_buttonborder = function () { this.on_apply_style_buttonborder(this.currentstyle.buttonborder = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonborder(this._pseudo)); }; _pTab.on_update_style_buttonbordertype = function () { this.on_apply_style_buttonbordertype(this.currentstyle.buttonbordertype = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonbordertype(this._pseudo)); }; _pTab.on_update_style_buttonpadding = function () { this.on_apply_style_buttonpadding(this.currentstyle.buttonpadding = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonpadding(this._pseudo)); }; _pTab.on_update_style_buttonmargin = function () { this.on_apply_style_buttonmargin(this.currentstyle.buttonmargin = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonmargin(this._pseudo)); }; _pTab.on_update_style_showextrabutton = function () { this.on_apply_style_showextrabutton(this.currentstyle.showextrabutton = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_showextrabutton(this._pseudo)); }; _pTab.on_update_style_focusborder = function () { this.on_apply_style_focusborder(this.currentstyle.focusborder = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_focusborder(this._pseudo)); }; _pTab.on_update_style_font = function () { var tabbtn = null; var len = this._tabButtons.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { tabbtn = this._tabButtons[i]; tabbtn.on_apply_style_font(this.style.font); } }; _pTab.on_update_style_letterspace = function () { var tabbtn = null; var len = this._tabButtons.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { tabbtn = this._tabButtons[i]; tabbtn.on_apply_style_letterspace(this.style.letterspace); } this._updateAllTabButton(); this._recalcLayout(); }; _pTab.on_update_style_rtlimagemirroring = function () { return; }; _pTab.on_apply_style_buttonbackground = function (v) { this._updateAllTabButton(); }; _pTab.on_apply_style_buttongradation = function (v) { this._updateAllTabButton(); }; _pTab.on_apply_style_buttonborder = function (v) { this._updateAllTabButton(); this._recalcLayout(); }; _pTab.on_apply_style_buttonbordertype = function (v) { this._updateAllTabButton(); }; _pTab.on_apply_style_buttonpadding = function (v) { this._updateAllTabButton(); this._recalcLayout(); }; _pTab.on_apply_style_buttonmargin = function (v) { this._updateAllTabButton(); }; _pTab.on_apply_style_showextrabutton = function (v) { var isextrabutton = this._isExtraButton(); if (isextrabutton && this._tabextrabuttons.length <= 0) { var len = this._tabButtons.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var extrabutton = this._createtabextrabutton(i); extrabutton.createComponent(); } } else if (!isextrabutton) { var extButton = this._tabextrabuttons; var len = 0; if (extButton) { len = extButton.length; } for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { extButton[i].set_visible(false); } } this._recalcLayout(); }; _pTab.on_apply_style_focusborder = function (v) { if (this._isBtnFocusAcceptable()) { this._setFocusTabButton(); } }; _pTab.on_apply_style_color = function (v) { this._updateAllTabButton(); }; _pTab.on_apply_prop_enable = function (v) { var buttons = this._tabButtons; var pages = this._child_list; var extrabuttons = this._tabextrabuttons; var enable = v; if (v == undefined) { enable = this.enable; } var len = buttons.length; if (len > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { buttons[i].enable = enable; buttons[i]._setEnable(enable); if (this.tabindex == i && enable == true) { if (buttons[i]._pseudo != "selected") { buttons[i]._stat_change("focus", "focused"); } } pages[i].set_enable(enable); if (extrabuttons.length > 0) { extrabuttons[i]._setEnable(enable); } } } if (!enable) { if (this.spinupbutton) { this.spinupbutton.set_enable(enable); } if (this.spindownbutton) { this.spinupbutton.set_enable(enable); } } }; _pTab.on_create_contents = function () { var control = this.getElement(); control.setElementSize(this._adjust_width, this._adjust_height); }; _pTab.on_created_contents = function () { var control = this.getElement(); if (control) { this._getImgSize(); this._tabpagearea = new nexacro.TabPageArea("tabpagearea", this.position, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null, this); this._tabpagearea.createComponent(); this._createSubComp(); this.on_apply_style_buttonbordertype(this.currentstyle.buttonbordertype); this.on_apply_style_buttonbackground(this.currentstyle.buttonbackground); this.on_apply_addChild(); this._is_created = true; var tabpagelist = this._insert_tabpagelist; var len = tabpagelist.length; if (len > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var info = tabpagelist[i]; this.insertTabpage(info.id, info.index, info.url, info.text); } tabpagelist = []; this._insert_tabpagelist = []; } this.on_apply_tabindex(); this.on_apply_prop_rtldirection(); this.on_apply_style_letterspace(this.currentstyle.letterspace); } }; _pTab.on_destroy_contents = function () { if (this._timerManager) { this._timerManager.destroy(); this._timerManager = null; } if (this._load_manager) { var load_manager = this._load_manager; var tr_list = load_manager.transactionList; if (tr_list) { for (var i = tr_list.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var tr_item = tr_list[i]; if (tr_item._usewaitcursor) { tr_item._hideWaitCursor(this); } tr_item = null; } tr_list = null; } this._load_manager.destroy(); this._load_manager = null; } if (this._bind_manager) { this._bind_manager.destroy(); this._bind_manager = null; } if (this._tabpagearea) { this._tabpagearea.destroy(); this._tabpagearea = null; } if (this.spindownbutton) { this.spindownbutton.destroy(); this.spindownbutton = null; } if (this.spinupbutton) { this.spinupbutton.destroy(); this.spinupbutton = null; } var comps = this._tabButtons; var comp; var len = comps.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { comp = comps[i]; if (comp) { comp.destroy(); comps[i] = null; } } comps = this._tabButtonBorders; len = comps.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { comp = comps[i]; if (comp) { comp.destroy(); comps[i] = null; } } comps = this._tabButtonLeftBorders; len = comps.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { comp = comps[i]; if (comp) { comp.destroy(); comps[i] = null; } } comps = this._tabBorders; len = comps.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { comp = comps[i]; if (comp) { comp.destroy(); comps[i] = null; } } comps = this._tabextrabuttons; len = comps.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { comp = comps[i]; if (comp) { comp.destroy(); comps[i] = null; } } comps = this.components; len = comps.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var compname = comps.get_id(0); if (this[compname]) { this[compname]._is_loaded = false; if (this[compname].destroy) { this[compname].destroy(); } } } var tabpages = this.tabpages; var len = tabpages.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { tabpages[i] = null; } this.tabpages = null; tabpages = null; this._insert_tabpagelist = []; delete this._tabButtons; delete this._tabButtonBorders; delete this._tabButtonLeftBorders; delete this._tabBorders; delete this._tabextrabuttons; if (this._tabbutton_obj) { this._tabbutton_obj = null; } this._buttonWidth = null; this._buttonRect = null; this._buttonHeight = null; this._layout_list.clear(); this._layout_list = null; this.binds = null; this.objects = null; this._find_csslist = null; this._css_selectors = null; this._cssfinder_cache = null; this._child_list = null; this._executescriptlist = null; this._includescriptlist = null; this._hotkey_list = null; this._load_callbacklist = null; this.all.clear(); this.all = null; this.components.clear(); this.components = null; }; _pTab.on_change_containerRect = function (width, height) { this._recalcLayout(); this._stat_change(this._status, this._pseudo); }; _pTab.on_apply_custom_setfocus = function (evt_name) { nexacro.Component.prototype.on_apply_custom_setfocus.call(this, evt_name); if (!this._focusobj) { if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { if (this._isAccessibilityEnable()) { this._setTabFocusObj(this); } else { if (this._isBtnFocusAcceptable()) { this._setTabFocusObj(this._tabButtons[this.tabindex]); } else { this._setTabFocusObj(this._child_list[this.tabindex]); if (this._focusobj._isAccessibilityEnable()) { this._focusobj._setFocus(false); } else { var page_first_comp = this._focusobj._getTabOrderFirst(); if (page_first_comp) { page_first_comp._setFocus(false); } } } } } else { if (this._isBtnFocusAcceptable()) { this._setTabFocusObj(this._tabButtons[this.tabindex]); this._setFocusTabButton(); } else { this._setTabFocusObj(this._child_list[this.tabindex]); } } } }; _pTab._stat_change = function (status, pseudo) { this._org_status = status; this.on_change_status(status, pseudo); if (this._tabpagearea && this.currentstyle.border) { var b = this.currentstyle.border.clone(); b._linecnt = 4; b.set_top_width("0"); b.set_right_width("0"); b.set_bottom_width("0"); b.set_left_width("0"); this.getElement().setElementBorder(b, this.currentstyle.bordertype); } }; _pTab.set_preload = function (v) { if (v === false || v == "false") { this.preload = false; } else { this.preload = true; } }; _pTab.set_tabpages = function (v) { }; _pTab.on_fire_user_onmousedown = function (button, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (this.onmousedown && this.onmousedown._has_handlers) { var rootComp = this._getRootComponent(from_comp); if (from_comp instanceof nexacro.Tabpage) { rootComp = from_comp; } var evt = new nexacro.MouseEventInfo(rootComp, "onmousedown", button, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); return this.onmousedown._fireUserEvent(this, evt); } return false; }; _pTab.on_fire_sys_onmousedown = function (button, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (this.onmousedown && this.onmousedown._has_handlers) { var rootComp = this._getRootComponent(from_comp); if (from_comp instanceof nexacro.Tabpage) { rootComp = from_comp; } var evt = new nexacro.MouseEventInfo(rootComp, "onmousedown", button, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); return this.onmousedown._fireSysEvent(this, evt); } return false; }; _pTab.on_fire_user_onmouseup = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (this.onmouseup && this.onmouseup._has_handlers) { var rootComp = this._getRootComponent(from_comp); if (from_comp instanceof nexacro.Tabpage) { rootComp = from_comp; } var evt = new nexacro.MouseEventInfo(rootComp, "onmouseup", button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); return this.onmouseup._fireUserEvent(this, evt); } return false; }; _pTab.on_fire_sys_onmouseup = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (this.onmouseup && this.onmouseup._has_handlers) { var rootComp = this._getRootComponent(from_comp); if (from_comp instanceof nexacro.Tabpage) { rootComp = from_comp; } var evt = new nexacro.MouseEventInfo(rootComp, "onmouseup", button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); return this.onmouseup._fireSysEvent(this, evt); } return false; }; _pTab._on_killfocus = function (new_focus, new_ref_focus) { if (new_focus === this) { return; } if (new_focus == null && new_ref_focus == null) { return; } this._focusobj = null; var btnborders = this._tabButtonBorders; for (i = 0, n = btnborders.length; i < n; i++) { btnborders[i].set_visible(false); } if (this._focusobj instanceof nexacro.TabButtonCtrl) { this._setFocusTabButton(-1, this.tabindex); } }; _pTab.on_fire_user_onkeydown = function (key_code, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { var ret = false; if (this.onkeydown && this.onkeydown._has_handlers) { var page = this._child_list[this.tabindex]; var evt = new nexacro.KeyEventInfo(this, "onkeydown", alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, key_code, page, page); ret = this.onkeydown._fireUserEvent(this, evt); } if (!this.onkeydown || (this.onkeydown && !this.onkeydown.defaultprevented)) { if (key_code == nexacro.Event.KEY_TAB) { if (this._keydown_filter(null, key_code, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, undefined, from_comp, from_refer_comp)) { this._getWindow()._keydown_element._event_stop = true; return true; } } else if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { if (key_code == nexacro.Event.KEY_DOWN || key_code == nexacro.Event.KEY_UP) { if (this._keydown_filter(null, key_code, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, undefined, from_comp, from_refer_comp)) { return true; } } } } return ret; }; _pTab.on_fire_sys_onkeydown = function (key_code, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (this.onkeydown && this.onkeydown._has_handlers) { var page = this._child_list[this.tabindex]; var evt = new nexacro.KeyEventInfo(this, "onkeydown", alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, key_code, page, page); return this.onkeydown._fireSysEvent(this, evt); } return false; }; _pTab.on_fire_user_onkeyup = function (key_code, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (this.onkeyup && this.onkeyup._has_handlers) { var page = this._child_list[this.tabindex]; var evt = new nexacro.KeyEventInfo(page, "onkeyup", alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, key_code, from_comp, from_refer_comp); return this.onkeyup._fireUserEvent(this, evt); } return false; }; _pTab.on_fire_sys_onkeyup = function (key_code, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (this.onkeyup && this.onkeyup._has_handlers) { var page = this._child_list[this.tabindex]; var evt = new nexacro.KeyEventInfo(page, "onkeyup", alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, key_code, from_comp, from_refer_comp); return this.onkeyup._fireSysEvent(this, evt); } return false; }; _pTab._on_lbuttondown = function (elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp) { this._tabbutton_obj = null; return nexacro.Component.prototype._on_lbuttondown.call(this, elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp); }; _pTab._on_btn_lbuttondown = function (obj, elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp) { this._tabbutton_obj = obj; nexacro._skipDragEventAfterMsgBox = false; var ret = this._on_bubble_lbuttondown(elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, true); var pThis = this._getFromComponent(this); if (!pThis.onlbuttondown || (pThis.onlbuttondown && !pThis.onlbuttondown.defaultprevented)) { this.on_lbuttondown_default_action(elem, this._focus_refer_comp, canvasX, canvasY, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY); ret = this._on_bubble_lbuttondown(elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, false); } this._setTabFocusObj(this._tabButtons[obj._index]); if (this._isBtnFocusAcceptable() && this._child_list[obj._index]) { this._child_list[obj._index]._last_focused = null; } return ret; }; _pTab._on_btn_touchstart = function (obj, touch_manager, touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp) { this._tabbutton_obj = obj; var ret = nexacro.Component.prototype._on_touchstart.call(this, touch_manager, touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp); this._setTabFocusObj(obj); if (this._isBtnFocusAcceptable() && this._child_list[obj._index]) { this._child_list[obj._index]._last_focused = null; } return ret; }; _pTab._on_focus = function (self_flag, evt_name, lose_focus, refer_lose_focus, new_focus, refer_new_focus) { var focusdir = this._focus_direction; if (evt_name == "tabkey") { focusdir = 0; } else if (evt_name == "shifttabkey") { focusdir = 1; } else if (evt_name == "downkey") { focusdir = 2; } else if (evt_name == "upkey") { focusdir = 3; } nexacro.Component.prototype._on_focus.call(this, self_flag, evt_name, lose_focus, refer_lose_focus, new_focus, refer_new_focus); if (focusdir == 2) { if (!this._isAccessibilityEnable()) { var focus_comp; if (this._isBtnFocusAcceptable()) { focus_comp = this._tabButtons[this.tabindex]; focus_comp._setFocus(true); } else { focus_comp = this.tabpages[this.tabindex]; if (focus_comp._isAccessibilityEnable()) { focus_comp._setFocus(true); } else { focus_comp = focus_comp._searchNextTabFocus(null, undefined, undefined, true); if (focus_comp) { focus_comp[0]._setFocus(true); focus_comp = focus_comp[0]; } else { focus_comp = this; } } } if (focus_comp) { this._setTabFocusObj(focus_comp); } } } }; _pTab.on_get_prop_tabstop = function () { if (!this.tabstop) { return false; } else { var my_tabstop_childs = this._getSortedDecendants(this); if (my_tabstop_childs && my_tabstop_childs.length > 0) { return true; } } return false; }; _pTab._setTabFocusObj = function (focusobj) { this._focusobj = focusobj; }; _pTab._getTabFocusObj = function () { return this._focusobj; }; _pTab._getTabOrderNext = function (current, direction, bAccessibility, bEditable, edittype, bhotkey, bComposite) { if (direction > 0) { return nexacro.FormBase.prototype._getTabOrderNext.call(this, current, direction, bAccessibility, bEditable, edittype, bhotkey, bComposite); } else if (direction < 0) { if (this._isBtnFocusAcceptable()) { return this._tabButtons[this.tabindex]; } return this.tabpages[this.tabindex]; } }; _pTab._getTabOrderFirst = function () { if (nexacro._enableaccessibility && nexacro._accessibilitytype == 5 && this._accessibility_is_next) { this._accessibility_is_next = false; return null; } if (this._isBtnFocusAcceptable()) { return this._tabButtons[this.tabindex]; } return this.tabpages[this.tabindex]; }; _pTab._on_btn_mousemove = function (obj, elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp) { var ret = nexacro.Component.prototype._on_mousemove.call(this._tabButtons[obj._index], elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp); }; _pTab.on_touchstart_basic_action = function (touch_manager, changedtouchinfos) { nexacro.Component.prototype.on_touchstart_basic_action.call(this, touch_manager, changedtouchinfos); if (!this.visible || this._isEnable() == false) { return ret; } if (this._isBtnFocusAcceptable()) { this._setFocusTabButton(); } }; _pTab.on_fire_user_onlbuttondown = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (this.onlbuttondown && this.onlbuttondown._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.TabMouseEventInfo(this, "onlbuttondown", this.tabindex, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); return this.onlbuttondown._fireUserEvent(this, evt); } return false; }; _pTab.on_lbuttondown_default_action = function (elem, refer_comp, canvasX, canvasY, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY) { var ret = nexacro.Component.prototype.on_lbuttondown_default_action.call(this, elem, refer_comp, canvasX, canvasY); if (!this.visible || this._isEnable() == false) { return ret; } var tabbutton_obj = this._tabbutton_obj; if (tabbutton_obj) { if (this.selectchangetype == "down") { var idx = tabbutton_obj._index; if (tabbutton_obj instanceof nexacro.TabExtraButtonCtrl) { idx = this._getExtrabuttonIdx(tabbutton_obj); if (this._tabButtons[idx]) { this._tabButtons[idx]._setFocus(); } if (idx >= 0) { var clientXY = this._getClientXY(canvasX, canvasY); this.on_fire_onextrabuttonclick(tabbutton_obj, idx, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientXY[0], clientXY[1], this, this); } } oldindex = this.tabindex; this._iscanchange = this._changeTabIndex(idx, true); if (this._iscanchange == true) { if (this.enableevent && oldindex != this.tabindex) { this.on_fire_onchanged(tabbutton_obj, idx, oldindex); } } this._tabbutton_obj = null; } } if (this._isBtnFocusAcceptable()) { this._setFocusTabButton(); } return ret; }; _pTab.on_fire_user_onlbuttonup = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, from_elem) { if (this.onlbuttonup && this.onlbuttonup._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.TabMouseEventInfo(this, "onlbuttonup", this.tabindex, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); return this.onlbuttonup._fireUserEvent(this, evt); } return false; }; _pTab.on_fire_user_onrbuttondown = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (this.onrbuttondown && this.onrbuttondown._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.TabMouseEventInfo(this, "onrbuttondown", this.tabindex, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); return this.onrbuttondown._fireUserEvent(this, evt); } return false; }; _pTab.on_fire_user_onrbuttonup = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, from_elem) { if (this.onrbuttonup && this.onrbuttonup._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.TabMouseEventInfo(this, "onrbuttonup", this.tabindex, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); return this.onrbuttonup._fireUserEvent(this, evt); } return false; }; _pTab._onclick_basic_action = function (obj, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, fire_comp, refer_comp) { if (button == "touch" || this.selectchangetype == "up") { var idx = obj._index; if (obj instanceof nexacro.TabExtraButtonCtrl) { idx = this._getExtrabuttonIdx(obj); if (idx >= 0) { this.on_fire_onextrabuttonclick(obj, idx, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, -1, -1, fire_comp, refer_comp); } } oldindex = this.tabindex; this._iscanchange = this._changeTabIndex(idx, true); if (this._iscanchange == true) { if (this.enableevent && oldindex != this.tabindex) { this.on_fire_onchanged(obj, idx, oldindex); } } this._tabbutton_obj = null; } }; _pTab.on_fire_canchange = function (obj, postindex, preindex) { this._is_canchange = true; if (this.canchange && this.canchange._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.TabIndexChangeEventInfo(obj, "canchange", postindex, preindex); this._is_canchange = this.canchange._fireCheckEvent(this, evt); return this._is_canchange; } return true; }; _pTab.on_fire_onchanged = function (obj, postindex, preindex) { if (this.onchanged && this.onchanged._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.TabIndexChangeEventInfo(this, "onchanged", postindex, preindex); return this.onchanged._fireEvent(this, evt); } return true; }; _pTab.getParentContext = function () { return this.parent; }; _pTab.insertTabpage = function (strID, nIndex, strURL, strText) { if (!this._is_created) { var info = { }; info.id = strID; info.index = nIndex; info.url = strURL; info.text = strText; this._insert_tabpagelist.push(info); return -1; } var _nIndex = parseInt(nIndex) | 0; var count = this._child_list.length; var oldtabidx = 0; for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { var pChild = this._child_list[i]; if (strID == pChild.text) { return -1; } } var pTabPage = new nexacro.Tabpage(strID, this); this._createTabpage(_nIndex, strID, pTabPage); if (pTabPage == null) { return -1; } if (_nIndex >= count) { _nIndex = -1; } oldtabidx = this.tabindex; if (this[strID]) { if (this[strID].name == pTabPage.name) { return -1; } } if (_nIndex == -1) { this[strID] = pTabPage; this.all.add_item(strID, pTabPage); this.components.add_item(strID, pTabPage); this.tabpages.add_item(strID, pTabPage); this._child_list.push(pTabPage); this.tabindex = _nIndex = this._child_list.length - 1; this._tabpagearea.set_visible(true); this._tabBorders[0].set_visible(true); this._tabBorders[1].set_visible(true); this._tabBorders[2].set_visible(true); } else { this[strID] = pTabPage; this.all.add_item(strID, pTabPage); var tabbuttonborders = this._tabButtonBorders; var tabextrabuttons = this._tabextrabuttons; var bextra = tabextrabuttons.length > 0 ? true : false; for (i = this._child_list.length; i > nIndex; i--) { this._child_list[i] = this._child_list[i - 1]; this._child_list[i]._index = i; this._buttonRect[i] = this._buttonRect[i - 1]; this._tabButtons[i] = this._tabButtons[i - 1]; this._tabButtons[i]._index += 1; if (bextra) { tabextrabuttons[i] = tabextrabuttons[i - 1]; if (tabextrabuttons[i]) { tabextrabuttons[i]._index += 1; } } this._buttonWidth[i] = this._buttonWidth[i - 1]; this._buttonHeight[i] = this._buttonHeight[i - 1]; tabbuttonborders[i] = tabbuttonborders[i - 1]; if (tabextrabuttons[i]) { tabbuttonborders[i]._index += 1; } } if (bextra) { tabextrabuttons[i] = null; } this._child_list[nIndex] = pTabPage; this.tabpages.insert_item(nIndex, strID, pTabPage); this.tabindex = _nIndex; } if (strURL) { pTabPage.set_url(strURL); } if (parseInt(this.tabindex) == _nIndex) { var oldtab = this._child_list[oldtabidx]; if (oldtab) { oldtab.set_visible(false); } pTabPage.set_visible(true); } else { pTabPage.set_visible(false); } var tabbutton = this._tabButtons[_nIndex] = this._createTabbutton(_nIndex); tabbutton.createComponent(); pTabPage._index = _nIndex; if (strText) { pTabPage.set_text(strText); } else { pTabPage.set_text(strID); } this._buttonRect[_nIndex] = this._getButtonSize(_nIndex); this._buttonHeight[_nIndex] = this._buttonRect[_nIndex].bottom - this._buttonRect[_nIndex].top; this._buttonWidth[_nIndex] = this._buttonRect[_nIndex].right - this._buttonRect[_nIndex].left; if (this._tabButtons.length == 1) { this.tabindex = 0; this._tabButtons[0]._stat_change("focus", "focused"); } var buttonmargin = null; var right = 0; buttonmargin = this.currentstyle.buttonmargin; if (buttonmargin) { right = buttonmargin.right; } for (var i = this._child_list.length - 1; i > _nIndex; i--) { this._buttonRect[i].left += this._buttonWidth[_nIndex] + right; this._buttonRect[i].right += this._buttonWidth[_nIndex] + right; } if (this._isExtraButton()) { var extrabutton = this._createtabextrabutton(_nIndex); extrabutton.createComponent(); this.on_apply_style_showextrabutton(this.currentstyle.showextrabutton); } this.extrabutton = this._tabextrabuttons ? this._tabextrabuttons[0] : null; if (this._child_list.length == 1) { this.set_visible(true); } this._rearrangeButton(); var total = 0; var total_width = this._adjust_width; if (this.spinupbutton.visible) { total_width = this.spinupbutton.left; } if (nIndex < 0 || this._buttonRect[_nIndex].right > total_width) { total = 0; this._lastIndex = _nIndex; total = this._buttonRect[_nIndex].right; if (total > total_width) { this._resetScrollIndex(_nIndex); } } this._drawButton(); return _nIndex; }; _pTab.removeTabpage = function (nIndex) { var idx = parseInt(nIndex) | 0; var child_list = this._child_list; var len = child_list.length; if (len == 0) { return -1; } if (len > 0) { var tabpage = child_list[idx]; if (!tabpage) { return -1; } var confirm_message = tabpage._on_beforeclose(); if (tabpage._checkAndConfirmClose(confirm_message) == false) { return -1; } if (tabpage == this._last_focused) { this._last_focused = null; } tabpage._on_close(); if (idx + 1 != len) { child_list[idx + 1].set_visible(true); } this[tabpage.id] = null; delete this[tabpage.id]; this.all.delete_item(tabpage.id); this.components.delete_item(tabpage.id); this.tabpages.delete_item(tabpage.id); if (child_list[idx] != undefined) { child_list[idx].destroy(); delete child_list[idx]; } var tabButtons = this._tabButtons; if (tabButtons[idx] != undefined) { if (tabButtons[idx] == this._tabbutton_obj) { this._tabbutton_obj = null; } if (tabButtons[idx] == this._last_focused) { this._last_focused = null; } tabButtons[idx].destroy(); delete tabButtons[idx]; } var tabextrabuttons = this._tabextrabuttons; if (tabextrabuttons[idx] != undefined) { if (tabextrabuttons[idx] == this._tabbutton_obj) { this._tabbutton_obj = null; } if (tabextrabuttons[idx] == this._last_focused) { this._last_focused = null; } tabextrabuttons[idx].parent = null; tabextrabuttons[idx].destroy(); tabextrabuttons[idx] = null; delete tabextrabuttons[idx]; } var tabbuttonborders = this._tabButtonBorders; if (tabbuttonborders[idx] != undefined) { tabbuttonborders[idx].parent = null; tabbuttonborders[idx].destroy(); tabbuttonborders[idx] = null; delete tabbuttonborders[idx]; } var tabButtonleftborders = this._tabButtonLeftBorders; if (tabButtonleftborders[idx] != undefined) { tabButtonleftborders[idx].parent = null; tabButtonleftborders[idx].destroy(); delete tabButtonleftborders[idx]; } child_list.splice(idx, 1); tabButtons.splice(idx, 1); var bextra = false; if (tabextrabuttons.length > 0) { tabextrabuttons.splice(idx, 1); bextra = true; } this._buttonRect.splice(idx, 1); this._buttonWidth.splice(idx, 1); this._buttonHeight.splice(idx, 1); tabbuttonborders.splice(idx, 1); len = child_list.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { tabButtons[i]._index = i; child_list[i]._index = i; if (bextra) { tabextrabuttons[i]._index = i; } tabbuttonborders[i]._index = i; } if (tabextrabuttons[idx] != undefined) { this._tabbutton_obj = null; } } if (this._scrollIndex != 0) { this._scrollIndex--; } if (this._lastIndex != 0) { this._lastIndex--; } if (idx != 0 && this.tabindex == idx && this.tabindex == this._tabButtons.length) { this.tabindex = idx - 1; } else if (this.tabindex > idx) { this.tabindex -= 1; } var newtabpage = child_list[this.tabindex]; if (newtabpage) { if (!this.preload) { if (newtabpage._isLoaded == false) { if (newtabpage.url != "" && newtabpage.url != undefined) { newtabpage._url = newtabpage.url; newtabpage.on_apply_url(false); newtabpage._isLoaded = true; } } this._createTabpage(this.tabindex, newtabpage.id, newtabpage); } } if (idx != 0 && this.tabindex == idx - 1) { tabButtons[idx - 1]._stat_change("focus", "focused"); } this.extrabutton = this._tabextrabuttons ? this._tabextrabuttons[0] : null; this._rearrangeButton(); this._drawButton(); if (child_list.length == 0) { this.set_visible(false); } return 0; }; _pTab.exchangeTabpage = function (nFromIndex, nToIndex) { var buttonmargin = this.currentstyle.buttonmargin; var child_list = this._child_list; if (child_list[nToIndex] && child_list[nFromIndex]) { var temp = child_list[nFromIndex]; child_list[nFromIndex] = child_list[nToIndex]; child_list[nToIndex] = temp; var tabButtons = this._tabButtons; temp = tabButtons[nFromIndex]; tabButtons[nFromIndex] = tabButtons[nToIndex]; tabButtons[nToIndex] = temp; var buttonRect = this._buttonRect; temp = buttonRect[nFromIndex]; buttonRect[nFromIndex] = buttonRect[nToIndex]; buttonRect[nToIndex] = temp; var start = nFromIndex > nToIndex ? nToIndex : nFromIndex; var end = nFromIndex > nToIndex ? nFromIndex : nToIndex; var fromrc = this._buttonRect[start]; var torc = this._buttonRect[end]; fromrc.left = torc.left; fromrc.right = fromrc.left + this._buttonWidth[end]; var gap = buttonRect[start].right - buttonRect[start + 1].left + buttonmargin.right; if (gap != buttonmargin.right) { for (var i = start + 1; i <= end; i++) { buttonRect[i].left += gap; buttonRect[i].right += gap; } } torc.left = buttonRect[end - 1].right + buttonmargin.right; torc.right = torc.left + this._buttonWidth[start]; if (buttonRect[end + 1]) { gap = buttonRect[end].right - buttonRect[end + 1].left + buttonmargin.right; if (gap != buttonmargin.right) { var len = buttonRect.length; for (var i = end + 1; i < len; i++) { buttonRect[i].left += gap; buttonRect[i].right += gap; } } } var tabextrabuttons = this._tabextrabuttons; temp = tabextrabuttons[nFromIndex]; tabextrabuttons[nFromIndex] = tabextrabuttons[nToIndex]; tabextrabuttons[nToIndex] = temp; var buttonWidth = this._buttonWidth; temp = buttonWidth[nFromIndex]; buttonWidth[nFromIndex] = buttonWidth[nToIndex]; buttonWidth[nToIndex] = temp; var buttonHeight = this._buttonHeight; temp = buttonHeight[nFromIndex]; buttonHeight[nFromIndex] = buttonHeight[nToIndex]; buttonHeight[nToIndex] = temp; if (this.tabindex == nFromIndex) { this.tabindex = nToIndex; } else if (this.tabindex == nToIndex) { this.tabindex = nFromIndex; } this.extrabutton = this._tabextrabuttons ? this._tabextrabuttons[0] : null; this._rearrangeButton(); this._drawButton(); } }; _pTab.moveTabpage = function (nFromIndex, nToIndex) { var child_list = this._child_list; var len = child_list.length; if (nToIndex < 0 || len <= nToIndex || len <= nFromIndex || nFromIndex < 0) { return -1; } if (nFromIndex == nToIndex) { return -1; } var tabindex = this.tabindex; var tabpage = null, tabbutton = null, buttonrc = null, buttonwidth = null, buttonheight = null; tabpage = child_list[tabindex]; var idxtabpage = tabpage.id; var totabpage = child_list[nToIndex]; var fromtabpage = child_list[nFromIndex]; var tabButtons = this._tabButtons; var tobutton = tabButtons[nToIndex]; var frombutton = tabButtons[nFromIndex]; var buttonRect = this._buttonRect; var tobuttonrc = buttonRect[nToIndex]; var frombuttonrc = buttonRect[nFromIndex]; var buttonWidth = this._buttonWidth; var tobuttonwidth = buttonWidth[nToIndex]; var frombuttonwidth = buttonWidth[nFromIndex]; var buttonHeight = this._buttonHeight; var tobuttonheight = buttonHeight[nToIndex]; var frombuttonheight = buttonHeight[nFromIndex]; if (nFromIndex < nToIndex) { for (var i = nFromIndex + 1; i < len; i++) { child_list[i - 1] = child_list[i]; child_list[i - 1]._index = i - 1; tabButtons[i - 1] = tabButtons[i]; tabButtons[i - 1]._index = i - 1; buttonRect[i - 1] = buttonRect[i]; buttonWidth[i - 1] = buttonWidth[i]; buttonHeight[i - 1] = buttonHeight[i]; if (i == nToIndex) { child_list[i] = fromtabpage; child_list[i]._index = i; tabButtons[i] = frombutton; tabButtons[i]._index = i; buttonRect[i] = frombuttonrc; buttonWidth[i] = frombuttonwidth; buttonHeight[i] = frombuttonheight; break; } } } else { for (var i = nFromIndex; i > nToIndex; i--) { child_list[i] = child_list[i - 1]; child_list[i]._index = i; tabButtons[i] = tabButtons[i - 1]; tabButtons[i]._index = i; buttonRect[i] = buttonRect[i - 1]; buttonWidth[i] = buttonWidth[i - 1]; buttonHeight[i] = buttonHeight[i - 1]; } child_list[i] = fromtabpage; child_list[i]._index = i; tabButtons[i] = frombutton; tabButtons[i]._index = i; buttonRect[i] = frombuttonrc; buttonWidth[i] = frombuttonwidth; buttonHeight[i] = frombuttonheight; } this.components = child_list; len = child_list.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (idxtabpage == child_list[i].id) { this.tabindex = i; } } this._scrollIndex = 0; var spinsize = this._getSpinSize(); var s = 2 * spinsize[0] + 2; var spinsize = this._getSpinSize(); var s = 2 * spinsize[0] + 2; var buttonSize = 0; var viewCount = 0; for (var i = 0, n = buttonWidth.length; i < n; i++) { buttonSize += buttonWidth[i]; s += buttonSize; if (this._orgwidth < buttonSize) { if (this._orgwidth < s) { viewCount = i - 1; break; } } viewCount = i; } if (viewCount >= this.tabindex) { this._scrollIndex = 0; } else { this._scrollIndex = this.tabindex - (this._scrollIndex + viewCount); } this.extrabutton = this._tabextrabuttons ? this._tabextrabuttons[0] : null; this._rearrangeButton(); this._drawButton(); return 0; }; _pTab.getTabpageCount = function () { return this._child_list.length; }; _pTab.getIndex = function (nXPos, nYPos) { var tabindex = this._GetTabIndex(parseInt(nXPos, 10), parseInt(nYPos, 10)); return tabindex; }; _pTab.addChild = function (id, obj) { var ret = -1; if (id && id.length <= 0) { return -1; } if (!obj) { return -1; } if (this[id]) { return -1; } if (!(obj instanceof nexacro.Tabpage)) { return -1; } obj._refform = this; obj._index = this._child_list ? this._child_list.length : 0; this[id] = obj; this.all.add_item(id, obj); ret = this.components.add_item(id, obj); this.tabpages = this.components; this._child_list.push(obj); if (this.preload || this._child_list[this._setidx] == obj) { obj._url = obj.url; obj.on_apply_url(obj.async); } if (!obj._url) { obj._is_loaded = true; } }; _pTab._on_beforeclose = function (root_closing_comp) { if (!this._is_alive) { return; } if (!root_closing_comp) { root_closing_comp = this; } var msg = ""; var tabpages = this.tabpages; var len = tabpages.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var tabpage = tabpages[i]; if (!tabpage._isLoaded) { continue; } var tabpage_msg = tabpage._on_beforeclose(root_closing_comp); msg = this._appendBeforeCloseMsg(msg, tabpage_msg); } return msg; }; _pTab._on_close = function () { if (!this._is_alive) { return; } var tabpages = this.tabpages; var len = tabpages.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var tabpage = tabpages[i]; if (!tabpage._isLoaded) { var comp_list = tabpage._child_list; var comp_len = comp_list ? comp_list.length : 0; for (var j = 0; j < comp_len; j++) { var comp = comp_list[j]; if (comp._on_close) { comp._on_close(); } } continue; } tabpage._on_close(); } }; _pTab.on_apply_addChild = function () { var id, obj; var comps = this.components; var len = comps.length; var pseudo = this._pseudo; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var tabbutton = this._createTabbutton(i); tabbutton.createComponent(); this._tabButtonBorders[i].createComponent(); } this._rearrangeButton(); if (this._child_list[0]) { this._child_list[0]._on_activate(); } this._drawButton(); var isextrabutton = this._isExtraButton(); for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { obj = comps[i]; id = obj.id; if (isextrabutton) { var extrabutton = this._createtabextrabutton(i); extrabutton.createComponent(); this.on_apply_style_showextrabutton(this.currentstyle.showextrabutton); } if (this._setidx == i) { if (obj.url != "" && obj.url != undefined) { obj._url = obj.url; obj._isLoaded = true; } obj.set_visible(true); this._createTabpage(i, id, obj); obj.initProperties(); } else { { this._createTabpage(i, id, obj); } obj.set_visible(false); } } this.extrabutton = this._tabextrabuttons ? this._tabextrabuttons[0] : null; }; _pTab._getExtrabuttonIdx = function (extrBtnObj) { var btns = this._tabextrabuttons; var len = btns.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (btns[i] == extrBtnObj) { return i; } } return -1; }; _pTab._saveImageSize = function (imgurl, w, h) { this._imagewidth = w; this._imageheight = h; this._rearrangeButton(); this._drawButton(); }; _pTab._getImgSize = function () { var back = this._find_pseudo_obj("buttonbackground", this._pseudo, "background"); if (!back) { return; } var imagesize = null; imagesize = nexacro._getImageSize(back.image, this._saveImageSize, this, undefined, back.image); if (imagesize) { this._imagewidth = imagesize.width; this._imageheight = imagesize.height; } }; _pTab._getDlgCode = function (keycode, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey) { var focusobj = this._focusobj; if (focusobj && !(focusobj instanceof nexacro.TabComponent)) { return focusobj._getDlgCode(keycode, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey); } else { return { want_tab : shiftKey ? false : true, want_return : false, want_escape : false, want_chars : false, want_arrows : keycode == nexacro.Event.KEY_UP ? false : true }; } }; _pTab._createTabBorder = function () { var leftborder = new nexacro.TabBorderCtrl("tableftborder", this.position, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null, this); this._tabBorders[0] = leftborder; leftborder._is_subcontrol = true; var rightborder = new nexacro.TabBorderCtrl("tabrightborder", this.position, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null, this); this._tabBorders[1] = rightborder; rightborder._is_subcontrol = true; var centerborder = new nexacro.TabBorderCtrl("tabcenterborder", this.position, 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null, this); this._tabBorders[2] = centerborder; centerborder._is_subcontrol = true; leftborder.createComponent(); rightborder.createComponent(); centerborder.createComponent(); }; _pTab._createTabbutton = function (idx) { if (idx < 0) { idx = this._child_list.length - 1; } var btnOrgWidth = 0; var tabpage = this._child_list[idx]; var tabWidth = 0; var buttonmargin = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonmargin(this._pseudo); if (idx == 0) { tabWidth = 0; } else { tabWidth = this._buttonRect[idx - 1].right + buttonmargin.right; } var rc = this._getButtonSize(idx); switch (this._getTabPosition()) { case "top": this._buttonRect[idx] = { left : tabWidth, top : 0, right : tabWidth + rc.right, bottom : rc.bottom }; break; case "left": this._buttonRect[idx] = { left : tabWidth, top : 0, right : tabWidth + rc.right, bottom : rc.bottom }; break; case "bottom": this._buttonRect[idx] = { left : tabWidth, top : 0, right : tabWidth + rc.right, bottom : rc.bottom }; break; case "right": this._buttonRect[idx] = { left : tabWidth, top : 0, right : tabWidth + rc.right, bottom : rc.bottom }; break; } var btn = new nexacro.TabButtonCtrl(tabpage.id + "_tabbutton", this.position, 0, 0, 1, 1, null, null, this); var rc = this._buttonRect[idx]; var l = rc.left; var t = rc.top; var r = rc.right; var b = rc.bottom; var rctemp = { left : l, top : t, right : r, bottom : b }; this._buttonWidth[idx] = rctemp.right - rctemp.left; this._buttonHeight[idx] = rctemp.bottom - rctemp.top; this._tabButtons[idx] = btn; btn.selected = true; btn._is_subcontrol = true; btn._index = idx; btn.set_text(tabpage.text); var button_rect = this._buttonRect[idx]; this._tabButtonBorders[idx] = new nexacro.TabButtonBorderCtrl(tabpage.id + "tabbuttonborder", this.position, button_rect.left, button_rect.top, button_rect.width, button_rect.height, null, null, this); this._tabButtonBorders[idx]._index = idx; this._tabButtonBorders[idx].set_visible(false); this._tabButtonLeftBorders[idx] = new nexacro.TabButtonBorderCtrl("tabbuttonleftborder", this.position, button_rect.left, button_rect.top, button_rect.width, button_rect.height, null, null, this); this._tabButtonLeftBorders[idx].createComponent(); this._tabButtonLeftBorders[idx].set_visible(false); return btn; }; _pTab._setFocusTabButton = function (newindex, oldindex) { if (newindex == null) { newindex = this.tabindex; } if (oldindex == null) { oldindex = this._oldtabindex; } if (this._tabButtonBorders[oldindex] != null) { this._tabButtonBorders[oldindex].set_visible(false); } if (this._tabButtonBorders[newindex] != null) { if (newindex == this.tabindex) { this._tabButtonBorders[newindex].set_visible(true); var bordertype = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonbordertype(this._pseudo); if (bordertype) { this._tabButtonBorders[newindex].style.set_bordertype(bordertype); } if (this.style.focusborder) { this._tabButtonBorders[newindex].style.set_border(this.style.focusborder._value); } if (this._buttonRect[newindex] != null) { var rc = this._buttonRect[newindex]; var border = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonborder(this._pseudo); var addsize = 1; if (border) { addsize += border._top_width; } var left = rc.left + addsize; var top = rc.top + addsize; var width = rc.right - left - addsize; var height = rc.bottom - top - addsize; this._tabButtonBorders[newindex].move(left, top, width, height); } } else { this._tabButtonBorders[newindex].set_visible(false); } } }; _pTab._createtabextrabutton = function (idx) { var extrabtn = null; if (this._tabextrabuttons[idx]) { extrabtn = this._tabextrabuttons[idx]; } else { extrabtn = new nexacro.TabExtraButtonCtrl("extrabutton", this.position, 0, 0, 20, 10, null, null, this); this._tabextrabuttons[idx] = extrabtn; extrabtn._is_subcontrol = true; extrabtn._index = idx; extrabtn.set_visible(false); } this._buttonWidth[idx] += extrabtn._client_width; extrabtn.parent = this; return extrabtn; }; _pTab._createTabpage = function (idx, id, obj) { if (obj == null) { return obj; } obj._refobj = this; obj._index = idx; obj._applyClientPadding = false; obj._preLoad(this.preload); if (!obj._control_element) { obj.createComponent(); } obj.on_apply_prop_tooltip(); obj.set_visible(false); }; _pTab._checkContainerTabFocus = function () { if (nexacro._enableaccessibility && this._isAccessibilityEnable() == true) { return true; } return this._isBtnFocusAcceptable(); }; _pTab._on_getAccessibilityAdditionalLabel = function () { return this.tabindex + " " + this.tabpages.length; }; _pTab.on_fire_sys_onaccessibilitygesture = function (direction, fire_comp, refer_comp) { var next_obj = null; var tabindex = this._getTabIndex(); if (direction) { if (this._accessibility_tabindex == tabindex) { next_obj = this._child_list[tabindex]; } else { this._accessibility_tabindex++; if (this._accessibility_tabindex < this.tabpages.length) { next_obj = this._tabButtons[this._accessibility_tabindex]; } else { this._accessibility_tabindex = -1; this._accessibility_is_next = true; next_obj = this.parent._searchNextTabFocus(this, undefined, undefined, true)[0]; } } } else { if (this._accessibility_tabindex == tabindex) { this._accessibility_tabindex--; next_obj = this._tabButtons[this._accessibility_tabindex]; } else { this._accessibility_tabindex--; if (this._accessibility_tabindex >= 0) { if (this._accessibility_tabindex == tabindex) { next_obj = this._child_list[tabindex]; } else { next_obj = this._tabButtons[this._accessibility_tabindex]; } } } } if (next_obj) { next_obj._setAccessibilityNotifyEvent(direction); return true; } return false; }; _pTab._setRtlDirectionOfComps = function (comps) { var _rtldirection = this._rtldirection; var len = comps.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var comp = comps[i]; if (comp) { comp._setRtlDirection(_rtldirection); } } }; _pTab.on_apply_prop_rtldirection = function () { nexacro.Component.prototype.on_apply_prop_rtldirection.call(this); this.on_change_containerRect(this._client_width, this._client_height); var _rtldirection = this._rtldirection; if (this._tabpagearea) { this._tabpagearea._setRtlDirection(_rtldirection); } if (this.spinupbutton) { this.spinupbutton._setRtlDirection(_rtldirection); } if (this.spindownbutton) { this.spindownbutton._setRtlDirection(_rtldirection); } this._setRtlDirectionOfComps(this.tabpages); this._setRtlDirectionOfComps(this._tabButtons); this._setRtlDirectionOfComps(this._tabButtonBorders); this._setRtlDirectionOfComps(this._tabButtonLeftBorders); this._setRtlDirectionOfComps(this._tabBorders); this._setRtlDirectionOfComps(this._tabextrabuttons); if (this.extrabutton) { this.extrabutton._setRtlDirection(_rtldirection); } }; delete _pTab; } if (!nexacro.TabExtraButtonCtrl) { nexacro.TabExtraButtonCtrl = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.ButtonCtrl.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); this._index = 0; this._is_reference_control = false; this._accessibility_role = "tabitem"; }; var _pTabExtraButtonCtrl = nexacro.TabExtraButtonCtrl.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.ButtonCtrl, nexacro.TabExtraButtonCtrl); _pTabExtraButtonCtrl._on_lbuttondown = function (elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp) { if (!this._is_alive) { return; } this.on_lbuttondown_basic_action(elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, this, this); var tab = this.parent; if (tab) { return this.parent._on_btn_lbuttondown(this, elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX + this._adjust_left, canvasY, screenX + this._adjust_left, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp); } return; }; _pTabExtraButtonCtrl.on_click_basic_action = function (elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY) { if (!this._is_alive) { return; } var tab = this.parent; if (tab) { tab._onclick_basic_action(this, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX + this._adjust_left, canvasY, screenX + this._adjust_left, screenY + this._adjust_top, tab, tab); } return; }; _pTabExtraButtonCtrl._on_touchstart = function (touch_manager, touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp) { if (!this._is_alive) { return; } this.on_touchstart_basic_action(touch_manager, changedtouchinfos, refer_comp); return this.parent._on_btn_touchstart(this, touch_manager, touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp); }; _pTabExtraButtonCtrl._on_mousemove = function (elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp) { if (!this._is_alive) { return; } this.on_mousemove_basic_action(); return this.parent._on_btn_mousemove(this, elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp); }; delete _pTabExtraButtonCtrl; } if (!nexacro.TabButtonCtrl) { nexacro.TabButtonCtrl = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.ButtonCtrl.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); this._iscanchange = true; this._index = 0; this._is_reference_control = false; this._accessibility_role = "tabitem"; }; var _pTabButtonCtrl = nexacro.TabButtonCtrl.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.ButtonCtrl, nexacro.TabButtonCtrl); _pTabButtonCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_align = function (pseudo) { var align = this._find_pseudo_obj("align", pseudo, "align"); if (!align) { align = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj("align", "center middle"); } return align; }; _pTabButtonCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_background = function (pseudo) { return this.parent._find_pseudo_obj("buttonbackground", pseudo, "background"); }; _pTabButtonCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_gradation = function (pseudo) { return this.parent._find_pseudo_obj("buttongradation", pseudo, "gradation"); }; _pTabButtonCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_border = function (pseudo) { return this.parent._find_pseudo_obj("buttonborder", pseudo, "border"); }; _pTabButtonCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_bordertype = function (pseudo) { return this.parent._find_pseudo_obj("buttonbordertype", pseudo, "bordertype"); }; _pTabButtonCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_padding = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonpadding(pseudo); }; _pTabButtonCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_margin = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonmargin(pseudo); }; _pTabButtonCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_color = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_color(pseudo); }; _pTabButtonCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_cursor = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_cursor(pseudo); }; _pTabButtonCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_font = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_font(pseudo); }; _pTabButtonCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_letterspace = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_letterspace(pseudo); }; _pTabButtonCtrl.on_apply_style_border = function (border) { var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem) { var curstyle = this.currentstyle; this._setElementBorder(this.getElement(), border, curstyle.bordertype); control_elem.setElementBackground(curstyle.background, curstyle.gradation); this._updateClientSize(control_elem); } }; _pTabButtonCtrl.on_apply_style_color = function (color) { if (this._text_elem) { this._text_elem.setElementColor(color); } }; _pTabButtonCtrl.on_apply_style_align = function (align) { if (this._text_elem && align) { var halign = align.halign == "" ? "center" : align._halign; var valign = align.valign == "" ? "middle" : align._valign; if (this._img_elem && this.currentstyle.imagealign) { this._updateElementPositions(align, this.currentstyle.imagealign); } else { this._text_elem.setElementAlignXY(halign, valign); nexacro._updateTextElementPositions(this); } } else { this.currentstyle.align = ""; } }; _pTabButtonCtrl.on_apply_style_font = function (font) { if (this._text_elem) { this._text_elem.setElementFont(font); if (this._img_elem && this.currentstyle.align && this.currentstyle.imagealign) { this._updateElementPositions(this.currentstyle.align, this.currentstyle.imagealign); } } }; _pTabButtonCtrl.on_apply_style_letterspace = function (letterspace) { if (this._text_elem) { this._text_elem.setElementLetterSpace(letterspace); if (this._img_elem && this.currentstyle.align && this.currentstyle.imagealign) { this._updateElementPositions(this.currentstyle.align, this.currentstyle.imagealign); } } }; _pTabButtonCtrl.on_apply_style_rtlimagemirroring = function (rtlimagemirroring) { return; }; _pTabButtonCtrl.on_change_status = function (status, pseudo) { var objTab = this.parent; if ((pseudo == "normal" || pseudo == "mouseover" || pseudo == "pushed") && (objTab._tabButtons && objTab._tabButtons[objTab.tabindex] && this.name == objTab._tabButtons[objTab.tabindex].name)) { status = "select"; } if (status == "") { this._status = "enable"; } switch (status) { case "enable": if (this._status != "focus") { if (this._readonly) { this._status = "readonly"; } else { this._status = "enable"; } } break; case "disable": this._status = "disable"; this.enable = false; break; case "focus": if (this._status != "disable") { this._status = "focus"; } break; case "notfocus": if (this._status != "disable") { if (this._readonly) { this._status = "readonly"; } else { this._status = "enable"; } } break; case "select": this._selected = true; if (this._status != "disable" || this._use_enable) { this._status = "enable"; pseudo = "selected"; } break; case "notselect": this._selected = false; if (this._status != "disable") { this._status = "enable"; } break; case "push": this._pushed = true; break; case "notpush": this._pushed = false; if (this._selected && pseudo == "normal") { pseudo = "selected"; } break; case "readonly": if (!this._readonly) { this._readonly = true; this._control_pseudo = ""; this._contents_pseudo = ""; } if (this._status == "enable") { this._status = "readonly"; } break; case "writable": if (this._readonly) { this._readonly = false; this._control_pseudo = ""; this._contents_pseudo = ""; } if (this._status == "readonly") { this._status = "enable"; } break; } this.on_apply_pseudo(pseudo); this._setElementBorder(this.getElement(), this.currentstyle.border, this.currentstyle.bordertype); this.parent._drawButton(); }; _pTabButtonCtrl._setElementBorder = function (control, border, bordertype) { if (!border) { return; } if (nexacro.Browser == "IE" && nexacro.BrowserVersion < 9) { return; } var b = border.clone(); b._linecnt = 4; var position = this.parent._getTabPosition(); if (position == "top") { b.set_bottom_width("0"); } else if (position == "bottom") { b.set_top_width("0"); } else if (position == "left") { b.set_right_width("0"); } else if (position == "right") { b.set_left_width("0"); } control.setElementBorder(b, bordertype); }; _pTabButtonCtrl._setElementPosition = function (control, l, t, w, h, noStep) { if (this._popup) { l = 0; t = 0; } if (w < 0) { w = 0; } if (h < 0) { h = 0; } control.setElementPosition(l, t); control.setElementSize(w, h); this._updateClientSize(control); }; _pTabButtonCtrl._getDlgCode = function (keycode, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey) { var _want_arrow = true; if (keycode == nexacro.Event.KEY_UP) { var _tab = this.parent; if (!_tab._isAccessibilityEnable()) { _want_arrow = false; } } return { want_tab : shiftKey ? false : true, want_return : false, want_escape : false, want_chars : false, want_arrows : _want_arrow }; }; _pTabButtonCtrl._updateAll = function (pseudo) { this._control_pseudo = ""; this._contents_pseudo = ""; this._stat_change(this._status, pseudo); }; _pTabButtonCtrl.on_apply_custom_setfocus = function (evt_name) { if (this.parent._isBtnFocusAcceptable()) { nexacro.Component.prototype.on_apply_custom_setfocus.call(this, evt_name); } else { this.parent.tabpages[this._index].on_apply_custom_setfocus(evt_name); } }; _pTabButtonCtrl._setAccessibilityNotifyEvent = function (direction) { var tab_comp = this.parent; if (tab_comp._accessibility_tabindex < 0 && tab_comp._tabButtons && tab_comp._tabButtons.length > 0) { if (direction) { tab_comp._accessibility_tabindex = 0; } else { tab_comp._accessibility_tabindex = tab_comp.tabpages.length - 1; } return tab_comp._tabButtons[tab_comp._accessibility_tabindex]._setAccessibilityNotifyEvent(direction); } else { tab_comp._accessibility_tabindex = this._index; return nexacro.Component.prototype._setAccessibilityNotifyEvent.call(this, direction); } }; _pTabButtonCtrl._on_sys_lbuttondown = function (node, e) { var ret = this._on_lbuttondown(node, e); return ret; }; _pTabButtonCtrl._on_lbuttondown = function (elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp) { if (!this._is_alive) { return; } this._on_focus(true); var ret = this.parent._on_btn_lbuttondown(this, elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX + this._adjust_left, canvasY, screenX + this._adjust_left, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp); return ret; }; _pTabButtonCtrl.on_click_basic_action = function (elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY) { if (!this._is_alive) { return; } var tab = this.parent; if (tab) { tab._onclick_basic_action(this, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, tab, tab); } return; }; _pTabButtonCtrl._on_focus = function (self_flag, evt_name, lose_focus, refer_lose_focus, new_focus, refer_new_focus) { if (this.parent && this.parent._focusobj) { var lastfocus = this.parent._focusobj._last_focused; if (lastfocus) { var prev_tabpage = lastfocus.parent; if (prev_tabpage && prev_tabpage instanceof nexacro.Tabpage) { if (prev_tabpage._index != this._index && lastfocus.visible == true) { var page_last_comp = this.parent._focusobj._getLastFocused(); var page_next_comp = this.parent._focusobj._searchNextTabFocus(page_last_comp); if (page_next_comp && page_next_comp[0]) { this.parent._tabButtons[prev_tabpage._index]._setFocus(true); } } } } } nexacro.Component.prototype._on_focus.call(this, self_flag, evt_name, lose_focus, refer_lose_focus, new_focus, refer_new_focus); this._setTabFocusObj(this); if (this.parent._isBtnFocusAcceptable()) { this.parent._child_list[this._index]._last_focused = null; } }; _pTabButtonCtrl._on_touch_lbuttondown = function (elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, isTap) { if (!this._is_alive) { return; } this._on_focus(true); var ret = this.parent._on_btn_lbuttondown(this, elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX + this._adjust_left, canvasY, screenX + this._adjust_left, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp); return ret; }; _pTabButtonCtrl._setTabFocusObj = function (focusobj) { if (!this._is_alive) { return; } this.parent._focusobj = focusobj; }; _pTabButtonCtrl._getTabFocusObj = function () { if (!this._is_alive) { return; } return this.parent._focusobj; }; _pTabButtonCtrl.on_fire_sys_onkeydown = function (key_code, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (this.parent._keydown_filter(null, key_code, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, undefined, from_comp, from_refer_comp)) { return true; } if (this.parent.onkeydown && this.parent.onkeydown._has_handlers) { var page = this.parent._child_list[this.tabindex]; var evt = new nexacro.KeyEventInfo(this, "onkeydown", alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, key_code, page, page); this._on_focus(true); return this.parent.onkeydown._fireSysEvent(this, evt); } return true; }; delete _pTabButtonCtrl; } if (!nexacro.TabPageArea) { nexacro.TabPageArea = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.DivCtrl.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); this._is_reference_control = false; }; var _pTabPageArea = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.DivCtrl, nexacro.TabPageArea); nexacro.TabPageArea.prototype = _pTabPageArea; _pTabPageArea._type_ame = "TabPageArea"; _pTabPageArea.on_find_CurrentStyle_cursor = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_cursor(pseudo); }; _pTabPageArea.on_find_CurrentStyle_border = function (pseudo) { var border = this.parent._find_pseudo_obj("border", pseudo, "border"); var b = border.clone(); var position = this.parent._getTabPosition(); b._linecnt = 4; if (position == "top") { b.set_top_width("0"); } else if (position == "bottom") { b.set_bottom_width("0"); } else if (position == "left") { b.set_left_width("0"); } else if (position == "right") { b.set_right_width("0"); } return b; }; _pTabPageArea.on_find_CurrentStyle_bordertype = function (pseudo) { return this.parent._find_pseudo_obj("bordertype", pseudo, "bordertype"); }; _pTabPageArea.resetScroll = function () { this._onRecalcScrollSize(); this._onResetScrollBar(); }; _pTabPageArea._onRecalcScrollSize = function (fromComp) { var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem && this._is_scrollable) { var w = 0, h = 0; if (!fromComp) { var comps = this.components; for (var i = 0, n = comps.length; i < n; i++) { var comp = comps[i]; if (comp && comp.visible) { w = Math.max(w, comp.getOffsetRight()); h = Math.max(h, comp.getOffsetBottom()); } } control_elem.setElementScrollMaxSize(w, h); } else if (fromComp.visible) { var curMaxWidth = control_elem.container_maxwidth; var curMaxHeight = control_elem.container_maxheight; var offsetRight = fromComp.getOffsetRight(); var offsetBottom = fromComp.getOffsetBottom(); if (curMaxWidth < offsetRight || curMaxHeight < offsetBottom) { w = Math.max(curMaxWidth, offsetRight); h = Math.max(curMaxHeight, offsetBottom); control_elem.setElementScrollMaxSize(w, h); } } } }; _pTabPageArea.on_apply_prop_rtldirection = function () { nexacro.Component.prototype.on_apply_prop_rtldirection.call(this); this.on_change_containerRect(this._client_width, this._client_height); this.resetScroll(); }; delete _pTabPageArea; } if (!nexacro.Tabpage) { nexacro.Tabpage = function (id, parent) { nexacro.Div.call(this, id, "absolute", 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null, parent); this._isSelfstyle = true; this._isLoaded = false; this.enableflag = true; this._index = 0; this.text = ""; this._url = ""; this._is_reference_control = false; this._accessibility_role = "tabpage"; this._want_tab = false; this._want_arrow = true; this._apply_client_padding = false; }; var _pTabPage = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Div, nexacro.Tabpage); nexacro.Tabpage.prototype = _pTabPage; _pTabPage._type_name = "Tabpage"; _pTabPage.bringToFront = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { control_elem.bringToFrontUseZIndex(); } control_elem = null; return; }; _pTabPage.sendToBack = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { control_elem.sendToBackUseZIndex(); } control_elem = null; return; }; _pTabPage.bringToPrev = null; _pTabPage.moveToNext = null; _pTabPage.moveToPrev = null; _pTabPage.sendToNext = null; _pTabPage.on_find_CurrentStyle_background = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("background", pseudo, "background"); }; _pTabPage.on_find_CurrentStyle_gradation = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("gradation", pseudo, "gradation"); }; _pTabPage.on_find_CurrentStyle_margin = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("margin", pseudo, "margin"); }; _pTabPage.on_find_CurrentStyle_padding = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("padding", pseudo, "padding"); }; _pTabPage.on_get_style_accessibility_label = function () { return this.text; }; _pTabPage.addChild = function (id, obj) { var ret = -1; if (id && id.length <= 0) { return -1; } if (!obj) { return -1; } if (this[id]) { return -1; } if (!obj._type_name) { return -1; } obj.parent = this; obj._refform = this; this[id] = obj; this.all.add_item(id, obj); if (obj._is_component) { ret = this.components.add_item(id, obj); this._child_list.push(obj); } else if (obj instanceof nexacro.BindItem) { ret = this.binds.add_item(id, obj); } else { ret = this.objects.add_item(id, obj); } return ret; }; _pTabPage.on_apply_prop_rtldirection = function () { nexacro.Component.prototype.on_apply_prop_rtldirection.call(this); this.on_change_containerRect(this._client_width, this._client_height); var _rtldirection = this._rtldirection; var child_list = this._child_list; var len = child_list.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var comp = child_list[i]; comp._setRtlDirection(_rtldirection); } }; _pTabPage.set_url = function (v) { if (v != this.url) { this.url = v; if ((this.parent instanceof nexacro.TabComponent) && this.parent._is_created == true) { if (v.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase() == "url(") { v = v.substring(4, v.length - 1); } this._url = v; this.on_apply_url(this.async); } } }; _pTabPage.on_apply_url = function (bsync) { if (this._url && this._url.length > 0) { this._urlloading = true; this._setstylecomplete = false; application.getLayoutManager().clearLayout(this); var _parent = this.parent; while (!_parent._url) { _parent = _parent.parent; } if (this._apply_client_padding) { this._delete_text(); } this.loadForm(this._url, bsync, true, _parent._url); this._isLoaded = true; } else { this.on_apply_emptyurl(); this.on_apply_applystyletype(); } }; _pTabPage.set_text = function (v) { var text = nexacro._toString(v); if (this.text == text) { return; } this.text = text; var TabComp = this.parent; var btn = null; if (TabComp) { if (TabComp._tabButtons.length > 0) { btn = TabComp._tabButtons[this._index]; if (btn && btn.id != this.id) { btn.set_text(this.text); TabComp._recalcLayout(); } } } }; nexacro._is_enable_setting = false; _pTabPage.set_enable = function (v) { v = nexacro._toBoolean(v); var _window = this._getWindow(); var newfocus_comp; if (!this._is_subcontrol && !v && this._is_created && this.parent) { if (_window && _window._indexOfCurrentFocusPaths(this) > -1) { var _form = this._getForm(); var cur_tabstop = this.tabstop; this.tabstop = false; newfocus_comp = _form._searchNextTabFocus(); this.tabstop = cur_tabstop; } } var control_elem = this._control_element; this.enable = v; if (this._is_created) { var enable_flag = (this.parent._real_enable && v); if (this._real_enable != enable_flag) { nexacro._is_enable_setting = true; this._setEnable(enable_flag); nexacro._is_enable_setting = false; var parent = this.parent; if (!this._is_subcontrol && this._is_created && parent && parent._is_created) { if (enable_flag) { if (_window && _window._indexOfCurrentFocusPaths(parent) == _window._getCurrentFocusPathsLength() - 1 && !parent._last_focused) { this._on_focus(true); } } else { if (_window && _window._indexOfCurrentFocusPaths(this) > -1) { _window._removeFromCurrentFocusPath(this, false); if (newfocus_comp && newfocus_comp[0]) { newfocus_comp[0]._on_focus(true); } } } } } } else { this._resetTabPage(v); } }; _pTabPage.on_apply_text = function () { }; _pTabPage.on_apply_prop_tooltip = function () { var control = this.getElement(); if (control) { control.setElementToolTip(this.tooltiptext); } }; _pTabPage.on_apply_prop_enable = function (v) { nexacro.Form.prototype.on_apply_prop_enable.call(this, v); this._resetTabPage(v); }; _pTabPage._resetTabPage = function (v) { var TabComp = this.parent; if (TabComp) { var child_list = TabComp._child_list; var tab_index = this._index; if (TabComp._tabButtons.length > 0) { var pagecontrol = child_list[tab_index]; var btncontrol = TabComp._tabButtons[tab_index]; if (btncontrol && btncontrol.id != this.id) { if (pagecontrol != null) { if (TabComp.enable) { if (v) { if (tab_index == TabComp.tabindex) { btncontrol._use_enable = true; pagecontrol.set_visible(true); btncontrol._stat_change("select", "selected"); btncontrol._use_enable = null; } else { pagecontrol.set_visible(false); btncontrol._pseudo = "normal"; btncontrol._status = "notselect"; btncontrol._stat_change(btncontrol._pseudo, btncontrol._status); } } else { btncontrol._pseudo = "disable"; btncontrol._status = "disabled"; btncontrol._stat_change(btncontrol._pseudo, btncontrol._status); } } else { btncontrol._pseudo = "disable"; btncontrol._status = "disabled"; btncontrol._stat_change("disable", "disabled"); } } } } } }; _pTabPage.set_visible = function (v, skip_focus) { if (v === undefined || v === null) { return; } var control_elem = this._control_element; v = nexacro._toBoolean(v); if (this.visible != v) { this.visible = v; if (control_elem) { if (!this.visible) { this.sendToBack(); } else { this.bringToFront(); } this._setAccessibilityStatHidden(v); if (this.visible) { nexacro._resetVML(this); this._on_activate(); if (!this._is_subcontrol && this._is_created && this.parent && this.parent._is_created && !skip_focus) { if (this.parent._focusobj instanceof nexacro.Tabpage) { this._on_focus(true); } } } } } }; _pTabPage.on_fire_onclick = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (this.onclick && this.onclick._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.ClickEventInfo(this, "onclick", button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); return this.onclick._fireEvent(this, evt); } return false; }; _pTabPage._on_focus = function (self_flag, evt_name, lose_focus, refer_lose_focus, new_focus, refer_new_focus) { nexacro.Component.prototype._on_focus.call(this, self_flag, evt_name, lose_focus, refer_lose_focus, new_focus, refer_new_focus); this._setTabFocusObj(this); }; _pTabPage._setTabFocusObj = function (focusobj) { this.parent._focusobj = focusobj; }; _pTabPage._getTabFocusObj = function () { return this.parent._focusobj; }; _pTabPage._preLoad = function (flag) { this.preload = flag; }; _pTabPage._loadURL = function () { if (this.parent.preload != true) { return; } this.on_apply_url(true); }; _pTabPage._getDlgCode = function (keycode, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey) { var _want_tab = true; var _want_arrow = this._want_arrow; if (keycode == nexacro.Event.KEY_TAB) { if (shiftKey) { var page_last_comp = this._getLastFocused(); var page_first_comp = this._getTabOrderFirst(); if (page_last_comp == null) { if (!this.parent._isBtnFocusAcceptable()) { _want_tab = false; } } else if (page_last_comp == page_first_comp) { if (!this.parent._isBtnFocusAcceptable()) { _want_tab = false; } } } else { if (!this._getLastFocused() && !this._getTabOrderFirst()) { _want_tab = false; } } } return { want_tab : _want_tab, want_return : false, want_escape : false, want_chars : false, want_arrows : _want_arrow }; }; _pTabPage._on_bubble_dragenter = function (elem, from_comp, src_comp, src_refer_comp, dragdata, userdata, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, bubble_scope) { if (!this._is_alive) { return; } if (event_bubbles === undefined) { var is_subcontrol_bubble; if (!refer_comp) { this._dragenter_first_comp = this; refer_comp = this; if (!refer_comp._is_reference_control) { refer_comp = this._getReferenceComponent(refer_comp); } } if (this._is_subcontrol) { is_subcontrol_bubble = true; if (from_comp && this._contains(from_comp)) { return; } if (from_comp == this) { this.on_dragenter_basic_action(); } } else { is_subcontrol_bubble = false; from_comp = this._getRootComponent(from_comp); if (from_comp && this._contains(from_comp)) { return; } if (this.visible && this._isEnable()) { this.on_dragenter_basic_action(); var clientXY = this._getClientXY(canvasX, canvasY); if (bubble_scope) { event_bubbles = this.on_fire_user_ondragenter(src_comp, src_refer_comp, dragdata, userdata, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientXY[0], clientXY[1], this, refer_comp); } else { event_bubbles = this.on_fire_sys_ondragenter(src_comp, src_refer_comp, dragdata, userdata, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientXY[0], clientXY[1], this, refer_comp); } } } if ((!this.ondragenter || (this.ondragenter && !this.ondragenter.stoppropagation)) && event_bubbles !== true && this.parent && !this.parent._is_application) { var canvas = this._getRecalcCanvasXY(elem, canvasX, canvasY); canvasX = canvas[0]; canvasY = canvas[1]; if (is_subcontrol_bubble) { return this.parent._on_bubble_dragenter(elem, from_comp, src_comp, src_refer_comp, dragdata, userdata, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, null, refer_comp, bubble_scope); } else { } } } else { if (this.visible && this._isEnable()) { var clientXY = this._getClientXY(canvasX, canvasY); if (bubble_scope) { event_bubbles = this.on_fire_user_ondragenter(src_comp, src_refer_comp, dragdata, userdata, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientXY[0], clientXY[1], fire_comp, refer_comp); } else { event_bubbles = this.on_fire_sys_ondragenter(src_comp, src_refer_comp, dragdata, userdata, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientXY[0], clientXY[1], fire_comp, refer_comp); } this._stat_change("", "mouseover"); } if ((!this.ondragenter || (this.ondragenter && !this.ondragenter.stoppropagation)) && event_bubbles !== true && this.parent && !this.parent._is_application) { canvasX += this._adjust_left - this._scroll_left || 0; canvasY += this._adjust_top - this._scroll_top || 0; return this.parent._on_bubble_dragenter(elem, from_comp, src_comp, src_refer_comp, dragdata, userdata, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, false, fire_comp, refer_comp, bubble_scope); } } }; _pTabPage._on_bubble_dragleave = function (elem, to_comp, src_comp, src_refer_comp, dragdata, userdata, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, bubble_scope) { if (!this._is_alive) { return; } if (event_bubbles === undefined) { var is_subcontrol_bubble; if (!refer_comp) { refer_comp = this; if (!refer_comp._is_reference_control) { refer_comp = this._getReferenceComponent(refer_comp); } } if (this._is_subcontrol) { is_subcontrol_bubble = true; if (to_comp && this._contains(to_comp)) { return; } if (fire_comp == this) { this.on_dragleave_basic_action(); } } else { is_subcontrol_bubble = false; to_comp = this._getRootComponent(to_comp); if (to_comp && this._contains(to_comp)) { return; } if (this.visible && this._isEnable()) { this.on_dragleave_basic_action(); var clientXY = this._getClientXY(canvasX, canvasY); if (bubble_scope) { event_bubbles = this.on_fire_user_ondragleave(src_comp, src_refer_comp, dragdata, userdata, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientXY[0], clientXY[1], this, refer_comp); } else { event_bubbles = this.on_fire_sys_ondragleave(src_comp, src_refer_comp, dragdata, userdata, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientXY[0], clientXY[1], this, refer_comp); } } } if ((!this.ondragleave || (this.ondragleave && !this.ondragleave.stoppropagation)) && event_bubbles !== true && this.parent && !this.parent._is_application) { var canvas = this._getRecalcCanvasXY(elem, canvasX, canvasY); canvasX = canvas[0]; canvasY = canvas[1]; if (is_subcontrol_bubble) { return this.parent._on_bubble_dragleave(elem, to_comp, src_comp, src_refer_comp, dragdata, userdata, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, null, refer_comp, bubble_scope); } else { } } } else { if (this.visible && this._isEnable()) { var clientXY = this._getClientXY(canvasX, canvasY); if (bubble_scope) { event_bubbles = this.on_fire_user_ondragleave(src_comp, src_refer_comp, dragdata, userdata, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientXY[0], clientXY[1], fire_comp, refer_comp); } else { event_bubbles = this.on_fire_sys_ondragleave(src_comp, src_refer_comp, dragdata, userdata, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientXY[0], clientXY[1], fire_comp, refer_comp); } if (!to_comp || !this._contains(to_comp)) { this._stat_change("", "normal"); } } if ((!this.ondragleave || (this.ondragleave && !this.ondragleave.stoppropagation)) && event_bubbles !== true && this.parent && !this.parent._is_application) { canvasX += this._adjust_left - this._scroll_left || 0; canvasY += this._adjust_top - this._scroll_top || 0; return this.parent._on_bubble_dragleave(elem, to_comp, src_comp, src_refer_comp, dragdata, userdata, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, false, fire_comp, refer_comp, bubble_scope); } } }; _pTabPage.on_fire_sys_onaccessibilitygesture = function (direction, fire_comp, refer_comp) { var next_obj = null; var tab_comp = this.parent; var index = tab_comp._getTabIndex(); var button_len = tab_comp._tabButtons.length; var _window = this._getWindow(); var last_notify = _window._accessibility_last_focused_comp; if (direction) { next_obj = this._searchNextTabFocus(last_notify, undefined, undefined, true)[0]; if (next_obj.parent != fire_comp) { index++; tab_comp._accessibility_tabindex = index; next_obj = (button_len > index) ? tab_comp._tabButtons[index] : next_obj; } } else { next_obj = this._searchPrevTabFocus(last_notify, undefined, undefined, true)[0]; if (next_obj == fire_comp) { next_obj = tab_comp._tabButtons[index]; } } if (next_obj) { next_obj._setAccessibilityNotifyEvent(direction); return true; } return false; }; _pTabPage._setAccessibilityNotifyEvent = function (direction) { var next_obj = null; var index = this._index; var tab_comp = this.parent; var tabindex = tab_comp._getTabIndex(); if (direction) { if (index != tabindex) { next_obj = tab_comp._tabButtons[index]; } else { next_obj = this._getTabOrderFirst(true, false); } } else { if (index != tabindex) { next_obj = tab_comp._tabButtons[index]; } else { next_obj = this._getTabOrderLast(true, false); } } if (next_obj) { next_obj._setAccessibilityNotifyEvent(direction); } }; delete _pTabPage; nexacro.TabpageCtrl = function (id, parent) { nexacro.Tabpage.call(this, id, parent); this._is_subcontrol = true; }; var _pTabpageCtrl = nexacro.TabpageCtrl.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Tabpage, nexacro.TabpageCtrl); nexacro._setForControlStyleFinder(_pTabpageCtrl); delete _pTabpageCtrl; } if (!nexacro.TabBorderCtrl) { nexacro.TabBorderCtrl = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.Component.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); this._is_subcontrol = true; }; var _pTabBorderCtrl = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Component, nexacro.TabBorderCtrl); nexacro.TabBorderCtrl.prototype = _pTabBorderCtrl; _pTabBorderCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_border = function (pseudo) { var border = this.parent._find_pseudo_obj("border", pseudo, "border"); var b = border.clone(); var position = this.parent._getTabPosition(); b._linecnt = 1; b._copytoSubObjects(); b._linecnt = 4; if (this.name == "tableftborder") { if (position == "top" || position == "left") { b.set_bottom_width("0"); b.set_right_width("0"); } else if (position == "bottom") { b.set_top_width("0"); b.set_right_width("0"); } else if (position == "right") { b.set_left_width("0"); b.set_bottom_width("0"); } } else if (this.name == "tabcenterborder") { if (position == "top") { b.set_bottom_width("0"); b.set_left_width("0"); if (this.parent._tabButtons && this.parent._tabButtons.length > 0 && this.parent.tabindex > -1) { var buttonbackground = this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonbackground("selected"); var border_color = buttonbackground ? buttonbackground.color : null; if (border_color) { b.set_top_color(border_color); b.set_right_color(border_color); } } } else if (position == "bottom" || position == "right") { b.set_top_width("0"); b.set_left_width("0"); if (this.parent._tabButtons && this.parent._tabButtons.length > 0 && this.parent.tabindex > -1) { var buttonbackground = this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonbackground("selected"); var border_color = buttonbackground ? buttonbackground.color : null; if (border_color) { b.set_bottom_color(border_color); b.set_right_color(border_color); } } } else if (position == "left") { b.set_top_width("0"); b.set_right_width("0"); if (this.parent._tabButtons && this.parent._tabButtons.length > 0 && this.parent.tabindex > -1) { var buttonbackground = this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonbackground("selected"); var border_color = buttonbackground ? buttonbackground.color : null; if (border_color) { b.set_bottom_color(border_color); b.set_left_color(border_color); } } } } else { if (position == "top") { b.set_bottom_width("0"); b.set_left_width("0"); } else if (position == "bottom" || position == "right") { b.set_top_width("0"); b.set_left_width("0"); } else if (position == "left") { b.set_top_width("0"); b.set_right_width("0"); } } return b; }; _pTabBorderCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_bordertype = function () { var b_type = this.parent._find_pseudo_obj("bordertype", this.pseudo, "bordertype"); if (!b_type) { return null; } var bordertype = b_type.clone(); var position = this.parent._getTabPosition(); bordertype.set_lefttop(false); bordertype.set_leftbottom(false); bordertype.set_righttop(false); bordertype.set_rightbottom(false); return bordertype; }; delete _pTabBorderCtrl; } if (!nexacro.TabButtonBorderCtrl) { nexacro.TabButtonBorderCtrl = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { this._index = -1; nexacro.Component.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); this._is_subcontrol = true; }; var _pTabButtonBorderCtrl = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Component, nexacro.TabButtonBorderCtrl); nexacro.TabButtonBorderCtrl.prototype = _pTabButtonBorderCtrl; _pTabButtonBorderCtrl._setElementBorder = function (control, border, bordertype) { var b = border.clone(); b._linecnt = 1; b._copytoSubObjects(); b._linecnt = 4; var topcolor = nexacro._getWebColorFromXreColor(border.top_color); if (border.top_width && topcolor != "") { } else if (border.top_width != "") { b.set_top_width("0"); } b.set_bottom_width("0"); b.set_left_width("0"); b.set_right_width("0"); control.setElementBorder(b, bordertype); }; _pTabButtonBorderCtrl._on_sys_lbuttondown = function (node, e) { var ret = this._on_lbuttondown(node, e); return ret; }; _pTabButtonBorderCtrl._on_lbuttondown = function (elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp) { var parent = this.parent; var ret = parent._on_btn_lbuttondown(parent._tabButtons[this._index], parent._tabButtons[this._index]._text_elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp); parent._tabButtons[this._index]._on_focus(true); return ret; }; delete _pTabButtonBorderCtrl; }