//============================================================================== // // TOBESOFT Co., Ltd. // Copyright 2014 TOBESOFT Co., Ltd. // All Rights Reserved. // // NOTICE: TOBESOFT permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file // in accordance with the terms of the license agreement accompanying it. // // Readme URL: http://www.nexacro.co.kr/legal/nexacro-public-license-readme-1.1.html // //============================================================================== if (!nexacro.WebBrowser) { nexacro.WebLoadCompEventInfo = function (obj, url, id) { this.id = this.eventid = id || "onloadcompleted"; this.fromobject = this.fromreferenceobject = obj; this.url = url; }; var _pWebLoadCompEventInfo = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.WebLoadCompEventInfo); nexacro.WebLoadCompEventInfo.prototype = _pWebLoadCompEventInfo; _pWebLoadCompEventInfo._type_name = "WebLoadCompEventInfo"; delete _pWebLoadCompEventInfo; nexacro.WebUserNotifyEventInfo = function (obj, userdata, id) { this.id = this.eventid = id || "onusernotify"; this.fromobject = this.fromreferenceobject = obj; this.userdata = userdata; }; var _pWebUserNotifyEventInfo = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.WebUserNotifyEventInfo); nexacro.WebUserNotifyEventInfo.prototype = _pWebUserNotifyEventInfo; _pWebUserNotifyEventInfo._type_name = "WebUserNotifyEventInfo"; delete _pWebUserNotifyEventInfo; nexacro.WebBrowser = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.Component.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); this._ifrm_elem = null; this.window = null; this.document = null; this.url = ""; this._url = ""; this._blockLoadFlag = false; this._current_url = ""; this._event_list = { "onclick" : 1, "ondblclick" : 1, "onkeypress" : 1, "onkeydown" : 1, "onkeyup" : 1, "onkillfocus" : 1, "onsetfocus" : 1, "ondrag" : 1, "ondragenter" : 1, "ondragleave" : 1, "ondragmove" : 1, "ondrop" : 1, "onlbuttondown" : 1, "onlbuttonup" : 1, "onmouseenter" : 1, "onmouseleave" : 1, "onmousemove" : 1, "onmove" : 1, "onsize" : 1, "onrbuttondown" : 1, "onrbuttonup" : 1, "onloadcompleted" : 1, "onusernotify" : 1 }; this._accessibility_role = "webbrowser"; }; var _pWebBrowser = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Component, nexacro.WebBrowser); nexacro.WebBrowser.prototype = _pWebBrowser; _pWebBrowser._type_name = "WebBrowser"; _pWebBrowser.on_get_style_accessibility_label = function () { return this.id; }; _pWebBrowser.on_create_contents = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { var curstyle = this.currentstyle; this._ifrm_elem = new nexacro.WebBrowserPluginElement(control_elem); this._ifrm_elem.setElementSize(this._client_width, this._client_height); } }; _pWebBrowser.on_created_contents = function () { var ifrm_elem = this._ifrm_elem; if (ifrm_elem) { ifrm_elem.component = this; ifrm_elem.create(); ifrm_elem.initEvent(); this.document = ifrm_elem._document; this.window = ifrm_elem._winodw; nexacro._observeSysEvent(ifrm_elem._handle, "mouseover", "onmouseover", this._webbrowser_mouseover); } if (!(nexacro.OS == "Android" && nexacro.Browser == "Runtime")) { if (this._url === "") { this._url = "about:blank"; } } this.on_apply_style_url(); this._setAccessibilityOutfocusAction(); }; _pWebBrowser.on_destroy_contents = function () { var ifrm_elem = this._ifrm_elem; if (ifrm_elem) { nexacro._stopSysObserving(ifrm_elem._handle, "mouseover", "onmouseover", this._webbrowser_mouseover); this.window = null; this.document = null; ifrm_elem.destroy(); this._ifrm_elem = null; } var text_elem = this._text_elem; if (text_elem) { text_elem.destroy(); this._text_elem = null; } }; _pWebBrowser.on_update_position = function (resize_flag, move_flag) { nexacro.Component.prototype.on_update_position.call(this, resize_flag, move_flag); var ifrm_elem = this._ifrm_elem; if (ifrm_elem) { ifrm_elem.on_update_position(); } }; _pWebBrowser.on_change_containerRect = function (width, height) { var ifrm_elem = this._ifrm_elem; if (ifrm_elem) { ifrm_elem.setElementSize(width, height); } }; _pWebBrowser.on_fire_onloadcompleted = function (obj, url) { if (this.onloadcompleted && this.onloadcompleted._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.WebLoadCompEventInfo(obj, url); evt.eventid = "onloadcompleted"; return this.onloadcompleted._fireEvent(this, evt); } return true; }; _pWebBrowser.on_fire_onusernotify = function (obj, userdata) { if (this.onusernotify && this.onusernotify._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.WebUserNotifyEventInfo(obj, userdata); evt.eventid = "onusernotify"; return this.onusernotify._fireEvent(this, evt); } return true; }; _pWebBrowser._getDlgCode = function (keycode, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey) { var _ifrm_elem = this._ifrm_elem; if (_ifrm_elem) { if ((!_ifrm_elem._prev_outfocus_message_elem || (_ifrm_elem._prev_outfocus_message_elem._killfocus_flag == true && keycode == nexacro.Event.KEY_UP)) || (!_ifrm_elem._next_outfocus_message_elem || (_ifrm_elem._next_outfocus_message_elem._killfocus_flag == true && keycode == nexacro.Event.KEY_DOWN))) { this._want_arrow = false; } else { this._want_arrow = true; } } return { want_tab : true, want_return : true, want_escape : false, want_chars : false, want_arrows : this._want_arrow }; }; _pWebBrowser.on_fire_user_onkeydown = function (keycode, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, fire_comp, refer_comp) { var E = nexacro.Event; if (keycode == E.KEY_TAB) { this._getWindow()._keydown_element._event_stop = false; } else if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { var ifrm_elem = this._ifrm_elem; if (ifrm_elem) { if (keycode == E.KEY_UP) { if (ifrm_elem._prev_outfocus_message_elem._killfocus_flag == true) { ifrm_elem._prev_outfocus_message_elem._killfocus_flag = false; } else { try { ifrm_elem._hanle.contentDocument.body.focus(); } catch (e) { } } } else if (keycode == E.KEY_DOWN) { if (ifrm_elem._next_outfocus_message_elem._killfocus_flag == true) { ifrm_elem._next_outfocus_message_elem._killfocus_flag = false; } else { try { ifrm_elem._handle.contentDocument.body.focus(); } catch (e) { } } } } } return nexacro.Component.prototype.on_fire_user_onkeydown.call(this, keycode, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, fire_comp, refer_comp); }; _pWebBrowser.on_apply_custom_setfocus = function (evt_name) { if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { nexacro.Component.prototype.on_apply_custom_setfocus.call(this, evt_name); } var ifrm_elem = this._ifrm_elem; if (ifrm_elem) { ifrm_elem._setElementFocus(); } }; _pWebBrowser._webbrowser_mouseover = function (evt) { nexacro._cur_drag_info = null; nexacro._cur_track_info = null; }; _pWebBrowser.set_text = function (v) { v = nexacro._toString(v); if (v && v != this.text) { this.text = v; this._display_text = v.replace(/ /g, "\u00a0"); } }; _pWebBrowser.set_enable = function (v) { v = nexacro._toBoolean(v); if (this.enable != v) { var control_elem = this._control_element; this.enable = v; if (this._is_created) { var enable_flag = (this.parent._real_enable && v); if (this._real_enable != enable_flag) { this._real_enable = enable_flag; this._stat_change(enable_flag ? "enable" : "disable", this._pseudo); this.on_apply_prop_enable(this._real_enable); if (this._ifrm_elem) { this._ifrm_elem.setElementEnable(enable_flag); } } } } }; _pWebBrowser.set_visible = function (v) { if (v === undefined || v === null) { return; } v = nexacro._toBoolean(v); nexacro.Component.prototype.set_visible.call(this, v); var ifrm_elem = this._ifrm_elem; if (ifrm_elem) { ifrm_elem.setElementVisible(v); } }; _pWebBrowser.set_cookiesynctype = function (v) { }; _pWebBrowser.set_url = function (v) { if (v == undefined) { return; } var val = v.toString(); if (val != "about:blank" && val.match(/http:\/\/|https:\/\//gi) == null) { val = "http://" + val; } this._url = val; this.url = v; this.on_apply_style_url(); }; _pWebBrowser.on_apply_style_url = function () { if (this._url === "http://" || this._url === "https://" || this._url === "") { return; } if (nexacro._enableaccessibility && nexacro._accessibilitytype == 4) { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { if (this._url == "about:blank") { if (!this._text_elem) { this._text_elem = new nexacro.TextBoxElement(this.getElement()); this._text_elem.setElementSize(this._client_width, this._client_height); } this._text_elem.create(); this._text_elem._setElementAccessibilityRole(); this._text_elem._setElementAccessibilityLabel(); } else { if (this._text_elem) { this._text_elem.destroy(); this._text_elem = null; } } } } var ifrm_elem = this._ifrm_elem; if (ifrm_elem) { this._blockLoadFlag = false; ifrm_elem._setUrl(this._url); } }; _pWebBrowser.on_apply_style_accessibility = function (accessibility) { nexacro.Component.prototype.on_apply_style_accessibility.call(this, accessibility); this._setAccessibilityOutfocusAction(accessibility); }; _pWebBrowser.stoploading = function () { ; }; _pWebBrowser.reload = function () { var ifrm_elem = this._ifrm_elem; if (ifrm_elem) { if (this._isCrossDomain(this._current_url)) { var tmp_url = this._url; ifrm_elem._setUrl(""); ifrm_elem._setUrl(tmp_url); } else { ifrm_elem._setGo(); } } }; _pWebBrowser.goback = function () { var ifrm_elem = this._ifrm_elem; if (ifrm_elem) { if (!this._isCrossDomain(this._current_url)) { return ifrm_elem._setBack(); } } }; _pWebBrowser.goforward = function () { var ifrm_elem = this._ifrm_elem; if (ifrm_elem) { if (!this._isCrossDomain(this._current_url)) { return ifrm_elem._setForward(); } } }; _pWebBrowser.on_load_handler = function (docurl) { if (this._blockLoadFlag) { return; } this._current_url = docurl; this.document = this._ifrm_elem._getDoc(); if (docurl != "about:blank") { this._blockLoadFlag = true; this.on_fire_onloadcompleted(this, docurl == "" ? this.url : docurl); } }; _pWebBrowser.getProperty = function (prop) { var ifrm_elem = this._ifrm_elem; if (ifrm_elem) { return ifrm_elem.getProperty(prop); } }; _pWebBrowser.setProperty = function (prop, value) { var ifrm_elem = this._ifrm_elem; if (ifrm_elem) { ifrm_elem.setProperty(prop, value); } }; _pWebBrowser.callMethod = function (func) { var ifrm_elem = this._ifrm_elem; if (ifrm_elem) { nexacro.WebBrowserPluginElement.prototype.callMethod.apply(ifrm_elem, arguments); } }; _pWebBrowser.addEventHandler = function (evt_id, func, target) { if (evt_id in this._event_list == false) { this._event_list[evt_id] = 1; } nexacro.Component.prototype.addEventHandler.call(this, evt_id, func, target); }; _pWebBrowser.removeEventHandler = function (evt_id, func, target) { nexacro.Component.prototype.removeEventHandler.call(this, evt_id, func, target); }; _pWebBrowser._isCrossDomain = function (target) { if (target == "") { return true; } var base = this._getRefFormBaseUrl(); if (base.match(/^(file):\/\//)) { return false; } var regExp = /^(https?):\/\/([^:\/\s]+)(:([^\/]*))?((\/[^\s/\/]+)*)?\/?([^#\s\?]*)(\?([^#\s]*))?(#(\w*))?$/; var u1 = target.match(regExp); var u2 = base.match(regExp); if (!u1 || !u2) { return true; } if (u1[2] != u2[2]) { return true; } return false; }; _pWebBrowser._setAccessibilityOutfocusAction = function () { var accessibility = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility("enable"); if (accessibility) { var _ifrm_elem = this._ifrm_elem; if (_ifrm_elem) { if (_ifrm_elem._prev_outfocus_message_elem) { _ifrm_elem._prev_outfocus_message_elem.setElementText(accessibility.action); } if (_ifrm_elem._next_outfocus_message_elem) { _ifrm_elem._next_outfocus_message_elem.setElementText(accessibility.action); } } } }; _pWebBrowser.updateWindow = function () { var ifrm_elem = this._ifrm_elem; if (ifrm_elem) { ifrm_elem.updateWindow(); } }; delete _pWebBrowser; }