//============================================================================== // // TOBESOFT Co., Ltd. // Copyright 2014 TOBESOFT Co., Ltd. // All Rights Reserved. // // NOTICE: TOBESOFT permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file // in accordance with the terms of the license agreement accompanying it. // // Readme URL: http://www.nexacro.co.kr/legal/nexacro-public-license-readme-1.1.html // //============================================================================== if (!nexacro.Component) { nexacro.__position9xObj = function (target) { if (target) { this._target = target; } this.left = 0; this.top = 0; this.right = 0; this.bottom = 0; this.width = 0; this.height = 0; this.x = 0; this.y = 0; this._value = "absolute 0 0 0 0"; }; __pPosition9xObj = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Object, nexacro.__position9xObj); nexacro.__position9xObj.prototype = __pPosition9xObj; __pPosition9xObj.style = "absolute"; __pPosition9xObj.x = 0; __pPosition9xObj.y = 0; __pPosition9xObj._bsize = false; __pPosition9xObj._bmove = false; __pPosition9xObj.toString = function () { return this._value; }; __pPosition9xObj._emptyObject = function () { this._value = "absolute 0 0 0 0"; this.style = "absolute"; this.left = 0; this.right = 0; this.top = 0; this.bottom = 0; this.x = 0; this.y = 0; this.width = 0; this.height = 0; }; __pPosition9xObj._updateValue = function () { this.width = this.right - this.left; this.height = this.bottom - this.top; this.x = this.left; this.y = this.top; this._value = "absolute " + this.left + ' ' + this.top + ' ' + this.right + ' ' + this.bottom; }; __pPosition9xObj._update = function () { this.width = this.right - this.left; this.height = this.bottom - this.top; this.x = this.left; this.y = this.top; var str = "absolute " + this.left + ' ' + this.top + ' ' + this.right + ' ' + this.bottom; if (str != this._value) { this._value = str; if (this._target != null) { this._target._adjustPosition(this.left, this.top, null, null, this.width, this.height, this._target.parent._client_width, this._target.parent._client_height); this._target.on_update_position(this._bsize, this._bmove); this._bsize = false; this._bmove = false; } } }; __pPosition9xObj._set = function (v) { var val = (v == null) ? "" : v.toString().trim(); if (val != this._value) { if (val == "") { this._emptyObject(); } else { var valarr = val.split(/\s+/); switch (valarr.length) { case 4: this.left = parseInt(valarr[0]) | 0; this.top = parseInt(valarr[1]) | 0; this.right = parseInt(valarr[2]) | 0; this.bottom = parseInt(valarr[3]) | 0; break; case 5: this.left = parseInt(valarr[1]) | 0; this.top = parseInt(valarr[2]) | 0; this.right = parseInt(valarr[3]) | 0; this.bottom = parseInt(valarr[4]) | 0; break; default: this._emptyObject(); break; } this._update(); } } }; __pPosition9xObj.set_style = function (v) { if (v != this.style) { if (v == "absolute") { this.style = "absolute"; } } }; __pPosition9xObj.set_left = function (v) { var val = parseInt(v) | 0; if (val > this.right) { this.right = val; } if (val != this.left) { this.left = val; this._bmove = true; this._bsize = true; this._update(); } }; __pPosition9xObj.set_top = function (v) { var val = parseInt(v) | 0; if (val > this.bottom) { this.bottom = val; } if (val != this.top) { this.top = val; this._bmove = true; this._bsize = true; this._update(); } }; __pPosition9xObj.set_right = function (v) { var val = parseInt(v) | 0; if (this.left > val) { this.left = val; } if (val != this.right) { this.right = val; this._bsize = true; this._update(); } }; __pPosition9xObj.set_bottom = function (v) { var val = parseInt(v) | 0; if (this.top > val) { this.top = val; } if (val != this.bottom) { this.bottom = val; this._bsize = true; this._update(); } }; __pPosition9xObj.set_x = function (v) { var val = parseInt(v) | 0; if (val != this.left) { this.left = val; this.right = this.left + this.width; this._bsize = true; this._bmove = true; this._update(); } }; __pPosition9xObj.set_y = function (v) { var val = parseInt(v) | 0; if (val != this.top) { this.top = val; this.bottom = this.top + this.height; this._bsize = true; this._bmove = true; this._update(); } }; __pPosition9xObj.set_width = function (v) { if (v < 0) { v = 0; } var val = this.left + (parseInt(v) | 0); if (val != this.right) { this.right = val; this._bsize = true; this._update(); } }; __pPosition9xObj.set_height = function (v) { if (v < 0) { v = 0; } var val = this.top + (parseInt(v) | 0); if (val != this.bottom) { this.bottom = val; this._bsize = true; this._update(); } }; delete __pPosition9xObj; nexacro.__position29xObj = function (target) { if (target) { this._target = target; } this._value = "absolute l:0 w:0 t:0 h:0"; }; __pPosition29xObj = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Object, nexacro.__position29xObj); nexacro.__position29xObj.prototype = __pPosition29xObj; __pPosition29xObj.style = "absolute"; __pPosition29xObj.left = null; __pPosition29xObj.right = null; __pPosition29xObj.top = null; __pPosition29xObj.bottom = null; __pPosition29xObj.width = null; __pPosition29xObj.height = null; __pPosition29xObj._bsize = false; __pPosition29xObj._bmove = false; __pPosition29xObj.toString = function () { return this._value; }; __pPosition29xObj._emptyObject = function () { this._value = "absolute l:0 t:0 w:0 h:0"; this.style = "absolute"; this.left = null; this.right = null; this.top = null; this.bottom = null; this.width = null; this.height = null; }; __pPosition29xObj._updateValue = function () { var l = this.left, r = this.right, t = this.top, b = this.bottom, w = this.width, h = this.height; var valarr = []; var idx = 0; if (l != undefined) { valarr[idx++] = "l:" + l; } if (r != undefined) { valarr[idx++] = "r:" + r; } if (w != undefined) { valarr[idx++] = "w:" + w; } if (t != undefined) { valarr[idx++] = "t:" + t; } if (b != undefined) { valarr[idx++] = "b:" + b; } if (h != undefined) { valarr[idx++] = "h:" + h; } this._value = "absolute " + valarr[0] + ' ' + valarr[1] + ' ' + valarr[2] + ' ' + valarr[3]; }; __pPosition29xObj.set_left = function (v) { if (this.left != v) { this.left = v; this._target.set_left(v); } }; __pPosition29xObj.set_top = function (v) { if (this.top != v) { this.top = v; this._target.set_top(v); } }; __pPosition29xObj.set_right = function (v) { if (this.right != v) { this.right = v; this._target.set_right(v); } }; __pPosition29xObj.set_bottom = function (v) { if (this.bottom != v) { this.bottom = v; this._target.set_bottom(v); } }; __pPosition29xObj.set_width = function (v) { if (this.width != v) { this.width = v; this._target.set_width(v); } }; __pPosition29xObj.set_height = function (v) { if (this.height != v) { this.height = v; this._target.set_height(v); } }; delete __pPosition29xObj; nexacro.Component = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { this.id = this.name = id || null; if (parent) { this.parent = parent; this._refform = this._findForm(parent); } else { this.parent = null; this._refform = null; } this.position = position ? position : "absolute"; var parent_width = parent ? this.parent._adjust_width : null; var parent_height = parent ? this.parent._adjust_height : null; this._adjustPosition(left, top, right, bottom, width, height, parent_width, parent_height); this.style = this.on_create_custom_style(); this.currentstyle = this.on_create_custom_currentStyle(); this._styles = { }; this._enable_redraw_history = { }; }; var _pComponent = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.EventSinkObject, nexacro.Component); nexacro.Component.prototype = _pComponent; _pComponent._type_name = "Component"; _pComponent.expr = ""; _pComponent.cssclass = ""; _pComponent.visible = true; _pComponent.enable = true; _pComponent.taborder = ""; _pComponent.tabstop = true; _pComponent.hotkey = ""; _pComponent.transparenthittest = false; _pComponent.enableredraw = true; _pComponent.enableevent = true; _pComponent.tooltiptype = "default"; _pComponent.tooltiptext = ""; _pComponent.scrollbars = "none"; _pComponent.hotkey = null; _pComponent.rtldirection = null; _pComponent.positionstep = 0; _pComponent._css_finder = null; _pComponent._ref_css_finder = null; _pComponent._refcssobj = null; _pComponent._refcssid = ""; _pComponent._client_left = 0; _pComponent._client_top = 0; _pComponent._client_width = 0; _pComponent._client_height = 0; _pComponent._adjust_left = -1; _pComponent._adjust_top = -1; _pComponent._adjust_width = -1; _pComponent._adjust_height = -1; _pComponent._client_left_ltr = 0; _pComponent._adjust_left_ltr = -1; _pComponent._is_loading = false; _pComponent._is_created = false; _pComponent._is_alive = true; _pComponent._status = "enable"; _pComponent._selected = false; _pComponent._pushed = false; _pComponent._readonly = false; _pComponent._is_created_contents = false; _pComponent._has_dirty_pos = false; _pComponent._has_dirty_rect = false; _pComponent._pseudo = "normal"; _pComponent._control_pseudo = ""; _pComponent._contents_pseudo = ""; _pComponent._apply_pushed_pseudo = false; _pComponent._apply_client_padding = true; _pComponent._apply_client_border = false; _pComponent._is_component = true; _pComponent._is_subcontrol = false; _pComponent._is_reference_control = true; _pComponent._is_form = false; _pComponent._is_frame = false; _pComponent._is_window = false; _pComponent._is_nc_control = false; _pComponent._is_simple_control = false; _pComponent._is_scrollable = false; _pComponent._is_popup_control = false; _pComponent._is_band_control = false; _pComponent._is_band_vert_paging = false; _pComponent._is_area_scroll = false; _pComponent._is_focus_accept = true; _pComponent._is_comp_focus = false; _pComponent._is_drag = false; _pComponent._control_element = null; _pComponent._zindex = null; _pComponent._bind_event = null; _pComponent._taborder = -1; _pComponent._display_text = ""; _pComponent._real_enable = null; _pComponent._real_visible = false; _pComponent._vml_visible = true; _pComponent._last_focused = null; _pComponent._hotkey = null; _pComponent._track_capture = true; _pComponent._focus_direction = -1; _pComponent._rtldirection = undefined; _pComponent._re_focus = false; _pComponent._scrollbars = 0; _pComponent._scroll_showtype = -1; _pComponent._scroll_top = 0; _pComponent._scroll_left = 0; _pComponent._scroll_height = 0; _pComponent.hscrollbar = null; _pComponent.vscrollbar = null; _pComponent._event_list = { "onclick" : 1, "ondblclick" : 1, "onkillfocus" : 1, "onsetfocus" : 1, "onkeypress" : 1, "onkeydown" : 1, "onkeyup" : 1, "onlbuttondown" : 1, "onlbuttonup" : 1, "onrbuttondown" : 1, "onrbuttonup" : 1, "onmouseenter" : 1, "onmouseleave" : 1, "onmousemove" : 1, "onmousewheel" : 1, "ondrag" : 1, "ondragenter" : 1, "ondragleave" : 1, "ondragmove" : 1, "ondrop" : 1, "onmove" : 1, "onsize" : 1, "ontouchstart" : 1, "ontouchmove" : 1, "ontouchend" : 1, "ontap" : 1, "ondbltap" : 1, "onpinchstart" : 1, "onpinch" : 1, "onpinchend" : 1, "onflingstart" : 1, "onfling" : 1, "onflingend" : 1, "onlongpress" : 1, "onslidestart" : 1, "onslide" : 1, "onslideend" : 1 }; _pComponent.initProperties = function () { }; _pComponent.initEvents = function () { }; _pComponent._resizePopupInbound = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro.Component._default_color = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj("color", "red"); nexacro.Component._default_margin = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj("margin", "0 0 0 0"); nexacro.Component._default_padding = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj("padding", "0 0 0 0"); nexacro.Component._default_font = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj("font", "Dotum,9"); nexacro.Component._default_center_align = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj("align", "center middle"); nexacro.Component._default_left_align = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj("align", "left middle"); nexacro.Component._default_right_align = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj("align", "right middle"); nexacro.Component._default_step_align = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj("align", "center bottom"); nexacro.Component._default_textarea_align = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj("align", "left top"); nexacro.Component._default_align = nexacro.Component._default_center_align; nexacro.Component._default_buttonimg_align = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj("align", "lefttext middle"); nexacro.Component._default_opacity = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj("opacity", "100"); nexacro.Component._default_cursor = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj("cursor", "auto"); nexacro.Component._wait_cursor = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj("cursor", "wait"); nexacro.Component._default_accessibility = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj("accessibility", ""); nexacro.Component._default_shadow = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj("shadow", ""); nexacro.Component._default_rtlimagemirroring = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj("rtlimagemirroring", "false"); nexacro.Component._default_letterspace = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj("letterspace", "0"); nexacro.Component.SCROLLBAR_DEFAULT_SIZE = 17; nexacro.Component._status_table = { "enable_normal" : "normal", "enable_disabled" : "normal", "enable_focused" : "focused", "enable_mouseover" : "mouseover", "enable_selected" : "selected", "enable_pushed" : "pushed", "enable_readonly" : "readonly", "enable_deactivate" : "deactivate", "disable_normal" : "disabled", "disable_disabled" : "disabled", "disable_focused" : "disabled", "disable_mouseover" : "disabled", "disable_selected" : "disabled", "disable_pushed" : "disabled", "disable_readonly" : "disabled", "focus_normal" : "focused", "focus_disabled" : "disabled", "focus_focused" : "focused", "focus_mouseover" : "mouseover", "focus_selected" : "selected", "focus_pushed" : "pushed", "focus_readonly" : "focused", "readonly_normal" : "readonly", "readonly_disabled" : "disabled", "readonly_focused" : "focused", "readonly_mouseover" : "mouseover", "readonly_selected" : "selected", "readonly_pushed" : "pushed", "readonly_readonly" : "readonly" }; _pComponent._width = null; _pComponent._height = null; _pComponent._left = null; _pComponent._top = null; _pComponent._right = null; _pComponent._bottom = null; _pComponent.left = null; _pComponent.top = null; _pComponent.right = null; _pComponent.bottom = null; _pComponent.width = null; _pComponent.height = null; _pComponent._overedobj = null; _pComponent._dragging_cursor = null; _pComponent.__setPosition9x = function (val) { if (val.indexOf(":") >= 0) { var valarr = val.split(/\s+/); var i = 0; var v = "", prestr = ""; var idx = 0; var pos = { left : null, top : null, right : null, bottom : null, width : null, height : null }; var old_left = this._adjust_left; var old_top = this._adjust_top; var old_width = this._adjust_width; var old_height = this._adjust_height; var bsize = false, bmove = false; this.position = "absolute"; if (valarr.length == 5) { this.position = valarr[0]; i = 1; } var valarr_len = valarr.length; for (i; i < valarr_len; i++) { v = valarr[i].toString(); idx = v.indexOf(":"); prestr = v.substring(0, idx); v = v.substring(idx + 1); switch (prestr) { case "l": pos.left = v; break; case "t": pos.top = v; break; case "r": pos.right = v; break; case "b": pos.bottom = v; break; case "w": pos.width = v; break; case "h": pos.height = v; break; } } this._adjustPosition(pos.left, pos.top, pos.right, pos.bottom, pos.width, pos.height, this.parent._client_width, this.parent._client_height); } else { var valarr = val.split(/\s+/); var pos = { left : 0, top : 0, right : 0, bottom : 0 }; var old_left = this._adjust_left; var old_top = this._adjust_top; var old_width = this._adjust_width; var old_height = this._adjust_height; var bsize = false, bmove = false; switch (valarr.length) { case 4: this.position = "absolute"; pos.left = (parseInt(valarr[0]) | 0); pos.top = (parseInt(valarr[1]) | 0); pos.right = (parseInt(valarr[2]) | 0); pos.bottom = (parseInt(valarr[3]) | 0); break; case 5: this.position = (parseInt(valarr[0]) || "absolute"); pos.left = (parseInt(valarr[1]) | 0); pos.top = (parseInt(valarr[2]) | 0); pos.right = (parseInt(valarr[3]) | 0); pos.bottom = (parseInt(valarr[4]) | 0); break; default: this.position = "absolute"; pos.left = 0; pos.top = 0; pos.right = 0; pos.bottom = 0; break; } var w = pos.right - pos.left; var h = pos.bottom - pos.top; this._adjustPosition(pos.left, pos.top, null, null, w, h, this.parent._client_width, this.parent._client_height); } if (this._adjust_width != old_width || this._adjust_height != old_height) { bsize = true; } if (this._adjust_left != old_left || this._adjust_top != old_top) { bmove = true; } this.on_update_position(bsize, bmove); }; _pComponent.__getPosition9x = function (target) { var obj = new nexacro.__position9xObj(target); obj.left = this._adjust_left; obj.top = this._adjust_top; obj.right = this._adjust_left + this._adjust_width; obj.bottom = this._adjust_top + this._adjust_height; obj._updateValue(); return obj; }; _pComponent.__getPosition29x = function (target) { var obj = new nexacro.__position29xObj(target); obj.left = this.left; obj.top = this.top; obj.right = this.right; obj.bottom = this.bottom; obj.width = this.width; obj.height = this.height; obj._updateValue(); return obj; }; _pComponent.set_position = function (v) { if (this.position != v) { this.position = v; this.on_apply_position(v); } }; _pComponent.on_apply_position = function (v) { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { control_elem.setElementPositionBasis(v); } }; _pComponent._adjustPosition = function (left, top, right, bottom, width, height, parentWidth, parentHeight) { var val = null; var _left = left; var _right = right; var bRtl = this._isRtl(this.parent); if (bRtl) { } if (this.parent && this.parent._is_form && this.parent.parent && this.parent.parent._is_frame) { var form = this.parent; var zoom_factor = form.getZoom(); if (zoom_factor != 100) { parentWidth = (parentWidth * 100) / zoom_factor; parentHeight = (parentHeight * 100) / zoom_factor; } } for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) { switch (i) { case 0: val = _left; if (val != null) { if (i % 2 == 0) { val = this._convToPixel(val, parentWidth); } else { val = this._convToPixel(val, parentHeight); } } if (isNumber(val) || val == null) { this.left = left; this._left = val; } break; case 1: val = top; if (val != null) { if (i % 2 == 0) { val = this._convToPixel(val, parentWidth); } else { val = this._convToPixel(val, parentHeight); } } if (isNumber(val) || val == null) { this.top = top; this._top = val; } break; case 2: val = _right; if (val != null) { if (i % 2 == 0) { val = this._convToPixel(val, parentWidth); } else { val = this._convToPixel(val, parentHeight); } } if (isNumber(val) || val == null) { this.right = right; this._right = val; } break; case 3: val = bottom; if (val != null) { if (i % 2 == 0) { val = this._convToPixel(val, parentWidth); } else { val = this._convToPixel(val, parentHeight); } } if (isNumber(val) || val == null) { this.bottom = bottom; this._bottom = val; } break; case 4: val = width; if (val != null) { if (i % 2 == 0) { val = this._convToPixel(val, parentWidth); } else { val = this._convToPixel(val, parentHeight); } } if (isNumber(val) || val == null) { this.width = width; this._width = val; } break; case 5: val = height; if (val != null) { if (i % 2 == 0) { val = this._convToPixel(val, parentWidth); } else { val = this._convToPixel(val, parentHeight); } } if (isNumber(val) || val == null) { this.height = height; this._height = val; } break; } } if (this._width != null || (this._right != null && this._left != null)) { this._adjust_width = this._width != null ? this._width : parentWidth - this._left - this._right; } if (this._height != null || this._bottom != null) { this._adjust_height = this._height != null ? this._height : parentHeight - this._top - this._bottom; } if (this._left != null || this._right != null) { this._adjust_left_ltr = this._adjust_left = this._left != null ? this._left : parentWidth - this._right - this._adjust_width; if (bRtl) { this._adjust_left_ltr = this._right != null ? this._right : parentWidth - this._left - this._adjust_width; } } if (this.top != null || this._bottom != null) { this._adjust_top = this._top != null ? this._top : parentHeight - this._bottom - this._adjust_height; } if (this.left && this.width && this.right) { this._right = 0; this.right = null; } if (this.top && this.height && this.bottom) { this._bottom = 0; this.bottom = null; } }; _pComponent._convToPixel = function (val, parentsize) { if (typeof (val) == "string" && val.indexOf("%") >= 0) { return parseInt(parentsize * (parseFloat(val) / 100)); } return (parseInt(val) | 0); }; _pComponent._setAllZeroPixel = function () { var bmove = false, bsize = false; if (this._adjust_left != 0 || this._adjust_top != 0) { this.left = 0; this.top = 0; bmove = true; } if (this._adjust_width != 0 || this._adjust_height != 0) { this.width = 0; this.height = 0; bsize = true; } this._update_position(bsize, bmove); }; _pComponent.set_left = function (propVal) { if (propVal !== null && propVal !== undefined && isNaN(parseInt(propVal))) { return; } if (this.left != propVal) { this.left = propVal; if (propVal === null || propVal === undefined) { this._left = null; if (this._right && !this._width) { this.set_width(this._adjust_width); } else if (!this._right && this._width) { var right = this._adjust_left + this._adjust_width; this.set_right(this.parent._client_width - right); } return; } if (this.right && this.width) { this.width = null; this._width = null; } this._update_position(false, true); } }; _pComponent.set_top = function (propVal) { if (propVal !== null && propVal !== undefined && isNaN(parseInt(propVal))) { return; } if (this.top != propVal) { this.top = propVal; if (propVal === null || propVal === undefined) { this._top = null; if (this._bottom && !this._height) { this.set_height(this._adjust_height); } else if (!this._bottom && this._height) { var bottom = this._adjust_top + this._adjust_height; this.set_bottom(this.parent._client_height - bottom); } return; } if (this.bottom && this.height) { this.height = null; this._height = null; } this._update_position(false, true); } }; _pComponent.set_right = function (propVal) { if (propVal !== null && propVal !== undefined && isNaN(parseInt(propVal))) { return; } if (this.right != propVal) { this.right = propVal; if (propVal === null || propVal === undefined) { this._right = null; if (this._left && !this._width) { this.set_width(this._adjust_width); } else if (!this._left && this._width) { this.set_left(this._adjust_left); } return; } if (!nexacro._isNull(this.left) && !nexacro._isNull(this.width)) { this.width = null; this._width = null; } this._update_position(true, true); } }; _pComponent.set_bottom = function (propVal) { if (propVal !== null && propVal !== undefined && isNaN(parseInt(propVal))) { return; } if (this.bottom != propVal) { this.bottom = propVal; if (propVal === null || propVal === undefined) { this._bottom = null; if (this._top && !this._height) { this.set_height(this._adjust_height); } else if (!this._top && this._height) { this.set_top(this._adjust_top); } return; } if (!nexacro._isNull(this.top) && !nexacro._isNull(this.height)) { this.height = null; this._height = null; } this._update_position(true, true); } }; _pComponent.set_width = function (propVal) { if (propVal !== null && propVal !== undefined && isNaN(parseInt(propVal))) { return; } if (this.width != propVal) { var pre_width = this.width; this.width = propVal; if (propVal === null || propVal === undefined) { this._width = null; if (this._left > -1 && !this._right) { var right = this._adjust_left + this._adjust_width; this.set_right(this.parent._client_width - right); } else if (!this._left && this._right > -1) { this.set_left(this._adjust_left); } return; } if (!nexacro._isNull(this.left) && !nexacro._isNull(this.right)) { this.right = null; this._right = null; } this._update_position(true, false); if (pre_width == 0 && this.cssclass) { this.on_apply_prop_class(); } } }; _pComponent.set_height = function (propVal) { if (propVal !== null && propVal !== undefined && isNaN(parseInt(propVal))) { return; } if (this.height != propVal) { var pre_height = this.height; this.height = propVal; if (propVal === null || propVal === undefined) { this._height = null; if (this._top && !this._bottom) { var bottom = this._adjust_top + this._adjust_height; this.set_bottom(this.parent._client_height - bottom); } else if (!this._top && this._bottom) { this.set_top(this._adjust_top); } return; } if (!nexacro._isNull(this.top) && !nexacro._isNull(this.bottom)) { this.bottom = null; this._bottom = null; } this._update_position(true, false); if (pre_height == 0 && this.cssclass) { this.on_apply_prop_class(); } } }; _pComponent.getPixelLeft = function () { return this._left; }; _pComponent.getPixelTop = function () { return this._top; }; _pComponent.getPixelRight = function () { return this._right; }; _pComponent.getPixelBottom = function () { return this._bottom; }; _pComponent.getPixelWidth = function () { return this._width; }; _pComponent.getPixelHeight = function () { return this._height; }; _pComponent.getOffsetLeft = function () { return this._adjust_left; }; _pComponent.getOffsetTop = function () { return this._adjust_top; }; _pComponent.getOffsetRight = function () { return this._adjust_left + this._adjust_width; }; _pComponent.getOffsetBottom = function () { return this._adjust_top + this._adjust_height; }; _pComponent.getOffsetWidth = function () { return this._adjust_width; }; _pComponent.getOffsetHeight = function () { return this._adjust_height; }; _pComponent.setOffsetLeft = function (v) { return this.set_left(v); }; _pComponent.setOffsetTop = function (v) { this.set_top(v); }; _pComponent.setOffsetRight = function (v) { this.set_width((v | 0) - this._adjust_left); }; _pComponent.setOffsetBottom = function (v) { this.set_height((v | 0) - this._adjust_top); }; _pComponent.setOffsetWidth = function (v) { this.set_width(v); }; _pComponent.setOffsetHeight = function (v) { this.set_height(v); }; _pComponent._getAccessibilityRole = function (accessibility) { return accessibility.role ? accessibility.role : this._accessibility_role; }; _pComponent._getAccessibilityLabel = function (accessibility) { var label = ""; return (label = this._getLinkedLabel(accessibility.label)) ? label : this.on_get_style_accessibility_label(); }; _pComponent._on_getAccessibilityAdditionalLabel = function () { return ""; }; _pComponent._on_getAccessibilityAdditionalRole = function () { if (this._getAccessibilityRole(this.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility(this._pseudo)) == "heading") { return " heading"; } return ""; }; _pComponent._getAccessibilityDescLevel = function (desclevel) { if (desclevel == "none" || desclevel == "child") { return desclevel; } var comp = this.parent; if (comp && comp._getDescLevel) { return comp._getDescLevel(); } else { return desclevel; } }; _pComponent._getAccessibilityDescription = function (accessibility) { var description = ""; return (description = this._getLinkedDescription(accessibility.description)) ? description : this.on_get_style_accessibility_description(); }; _pComponent._getAccessibilityAction = function (accessibility) { var action = this._getLinkedAction(accessibility.action); return action ? action : (action = this.on_get_style_accessibility_action()) ? action : ""; }; _pComponent._getAccessibilityReadLabel = function () { var control = this.getElement(); if (control && control.accessibility_readlabel) { return control.accessibility_readlabel; } return ""; }; _pComponent.on_get_style_accessibility_label = function () { var label = ""; label = this.text ? this.text : this.value; return label; }; _pComponent.on_get_style_accessibility_description = function () { return this.tooltiptext; }; _pComponent.on_get_style_accessibility_action = function () { return ""; }; _pComponent._getLinkedLabel = function (label) { if (label) { if (label.match("@")) { var linkedId = label.substr(label.search("@") + 1, label.length); var linkedComp = this._getFormChildById(linkedId); if (linkedComp) { var linkedaccessibility = linkedComp.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility(linkedComp._pseudo); return linkedComp._getAccessibilityLabel(linkedaccessibility); } else { return; } } } return label; }; _pComponent._getLinkedDescription = function (description) { if (description) { if (description.match("@")) { var linkedId = description.substr(description.search("@") + 1, description.length); var linkedComp = this._getFormChildById(linkedId); if (linkedComp) { var linkedaccessibility = linkedComp.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility(linkedComp._pseudo); return linkedComp._getAccessibilityDescription(linkedaccessibility); } else { return; } } } return description; }; _pComponent._getDescLevel = function () { if (this != application) { var accessibility = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility(this._pseudo); if (accessibility) { var desclevel = accessibility.desclevel; var comp = this.parent; if (desclevel == "none" || desclevel == "self") { return "none"; } else if (comp && comp._getDescLevel) { return comp._getDescLevel(); } } } return "all"; }; _pComponent._getLinkedAction = function (action) { if (action) { if (action.match("@")) { var linkedId = action.substr(action.search("@") + 1, action.length); var linkedComp = this._getFormChildById(linkedId); if (linkedComp) { var linkedaccessibility = linkedComp.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility(linkedComp._pseudo); return linkedComp._getAccessibilityAction(linkedaccessibility); } else { return; } } } return action; }; _pComponent._getFormChildById = function (id) { return this.parent[id]; }; _pComponent._getAccessibilityParentValue = function (accessibility) { var label = ""; var type = nexacro._accessibilitydescreadtype; if ((type & 0x01) == 0x01) { var _label = this._getAccessibilityLabel(accessibility); if (_label) { label = _label; } } if ((type & 0x02) == 0x02 && this.accessibility_action) { var _action = " " + this._getAccessibilityAction(accessibility); if (_action) { label += _action; } } if ((type & 0x04) == 0x04 && this.accessibility_description) { var _description = " " + this._getAccessibilityDescription(accessibility); if (_description) { label += _description; } } return label; }; _pComponent._make_accessibility_value = function (accessibility) { var desclevel = this._getAccessibilityDescLevel(accessibility.desclevel); var role = "none"; var label = " "; var description = ""; var action = ""; if (accessibility.enable && (desclevel != "none" && desclevel != "child")) { role = this._getAccessibilityRole(accessibility); label = this._getAccessibilityLabel(accessibility); description = this._getAccessibilityDescription(accessibility); action = this._getAccessibilityAction(accessibility); } var enable = accessibility.enable ? "enable" : "disable"; if (!role) { role = "none"; } if (!label) { label = " "; } var val = role + " " + enable + " " + desclevel + " '" + label + "' '" + description + "' '" + action + "'"; var realrole = nexacro._roleList[role]; var cachedAccessibility = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj("accessibility", val); if (!cachedAccessibility._role || cachedAccessibility.desclevel != accessibility.desclevel || cachedAccessibility._role != realrole || cachedAccessibility._label != label || cachedAccessibility._description != description || cachedAccessibility._action != action) { cachedAccessibility._role = nexacro._roleList[role]; cachedAccessibility._label = label; cachedAccessibility._description = description; cachedAccessibility._action = action; cachedAccessibility._desclevel = desclevel; return cachedAccessibility; } else { return cachedAccessibility; } return accessibility; }; _pComponent._refreshAccessibilityValue = function () { if (nexacro._enableaccessibility && (nexacro._accessibilitytype == 4 || nexacro._accessibilitytype == 5)) { var control_elem = this.getElement(); var accessibility = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility(this._pseudo); if (accessibility && control_elem) { accessibility = this._make_accessibility_value(accessibility); control_elem.setAccessibility(accessibility); } } }; _pComponent._setAccessibilityRole = nexacro._emptyFn; _pComponent._setAccessibilityLabel = nexacro._emptyFn; _pComponent._setAccessibilityEnable = nexacro._emptyFn; _pComponent._setAccessibilityDescription = nexacro._emptyFn; _pComponent._setAccessibilityDescLevel = nexacro._emptyFn; _pComponent._setAccessibilityStatDisabled = nexacro._emptyFn; _pComponent._setAccessibilityStatHidden = nexacro._emptyFn; _pComponent._setAccessibilityStatChecked = nexacro._emptyFn; _pComponent._setAccessibilityStatPressed = nexacro._emptyFn; _pComponent._setAccessibilityStatSelected = nexacro._emptyFn; _pComponent._setAccessibilityStatExpanded = nexacro._emptyFn; _pComponent._setAccessibilityFlagHasPopup = nexacro._emptyFn; _pComponent._setAccessibilityFlagFocusable = nexacro._emptyFn; _pComponent._setAccessibilityFlagReadOnly = nexacro._emptyFn; _pComponent._setAccessibilityFlagPassword = nexacro._emptyFn; _pComponent._setAccessibilityFlagMultiSelectable = nexacro._emptyFn; _pComponent._setAccessibilityFlagSelectable = nexacro._emptyFn; _pComponent._setAccessibilityFlagDefaultButton = nexacro._emptyFn; _pComponent._setAccessibilityFlagMultiLine = nexacro._emptyFn; _pComponent._setAccessibilityInfoCount = nexacro._emptyFn; _pComponent._setAccessibilityInfoIndex = nexacro._emptyFn; _pComponent._setAccessibilityInfoValueMax = nexacro._emptyFn; _pComponent._setAccessibilityInfoValueMin = nexacro._emptyFn; _pComponent._setAccessibilityInfoValueCur = nexacro._emptyFn; _pComponent._setAccessibilityInfoLevel = nexacro._emptyFn; _pComponent._setAccessibilityHotKey = nexacro._emptyFn; _pComponent._setAccessibilityActiveDescendant = nexacro._emptyFn; _pComponent._notifyAccessibility = nexacro._emptyFn; _pComponent._setAccessibilityStatFlag = nexacro._emptyFn; _pComponent._isAccessibilityEnable = nexacro._echoFn; _pComponent._isItemAccessibilityEnable = nexacro._echoFn; _pComponent._setAccessibilityValue = nexacro._emptyFn; _pComponent._setAccessibilityStatFocus = nexacro._emptyFn; _pComponent._getNextAccessibilityOrderIndex = nexacro._emptyFn; _pComponent._get_css_typename = function () { return this._type_name; }; _pComponent._get_css_assumedtypename = function () { return this._type_name; }; _pComponent._make_css_finder = function () { var _f; if (this._is_popup_frame) { _f = this; } else { _f = this._refform; } if (!_f) { return null; } else { if (_f._is_frame) { if (_f._is_popup_frame) { _f = this; } else { _f = application; } } else { while (_f && !_f._is_form) { if (_f._is_application) { break; } _f = _f.parent; if (!_f) { return null; } } } } var ref_finder = this._ref_css_finder; if (!ref_finder) { this._makeCssRefInfo(); } var finder = this._css_finder; if (!finder) { var selectors = []; var flist = _f._find_csslist; if (!flist) { flist = _f._make_find_csslist(); } var cnt = flist.length; var cls_name = ""; var type_name = this._get_css_typename(); var assumed_name = this._get_css_assumedtypename(); var type_name2 = ""; if (type_name != assumed_name) { type_name2 = assumed_name; } var cls_flag = false, id_flag = false; var type_flag = false, type_flag2 = false; var css; var css_id; var css_type; var css_cls; var css_typecls; var refid = this._refcssid; if (this._refcssid) { for (var i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { css = flist[i]; css_id = css[refid]; if (css_id) { selectors.push(css_id); id_flag = true; } } } cls_name = this.cssclass; if (cls_name) { cls_name = "." + cls_name; if (type_name2) { var typecls_name2 = type_name2 + cls_name; for (var i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { css = flist[i]; css_typecls = css[typecls_name2]; if (css_typecls) { selectors.push(css_typecls); type_flag2 = true; cls_flag = true; } } } if (type_name) { var typecls_name = type_name + cls_name; for (var i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { css = flist[i]; css_typecls = css[typecls_name]; if (css_typecls) { selectors.push(css_typecls); type_flag = true; cls_flag = true; } } } for (var i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { css = flist[i]; css_cls = css[cls_name]; if (css_cls) { selectors.push(css_cls); cls_flag = true; } } } if (type_name2) { for (var i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { css = flist[i]; css_type = css[type_name2]; if (css_type) { selectors.push(css_type); type_flag2 = true; } } } if (type_name) { for (var i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { css = flist[i]; css_type = css[type_name]; if (css_type) { selectors.push(css_type); type_flag = true; } } } var finder_name = ""; if (cls_flag || id_flag || type_flag || type_flag2) { if (type_name2) { finder_name += type_name2; } else { finder_name += type_name; } if (id_flag) { finder_name += "_" + refid; this._cssfind_useid = true; } if (cls_flag) { finder_name += "_" + this.cssclass; } } if (!finder_name) { finder = { }; finder._finder_name = type_name; } else { finder = _f._cssfinder_cache[finder_name]; if (!finder) { finder = { }; var pseudo, pitem; var len = selectors.length; for (var i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var sel = selectors[i]; for (var attr in sel) { if (!sel.hasOwnProperty(attr)) { continue; } var item = sel[attr]; if (item._is_selector) { continue; } for (pseudo in item) { if (!item.hasOwnProperty(pseudo)) { continue; } pitem = item[pseudo]; if (!finder[pseudo]) { finder[pseudo] = { }; } finder[pseudo][attr] = pitem; } } } finder._finder_name = finder_name; finder._find_selectors = selectors; _f._cssfinder_cache[finder_name] = finder; } } this._css_finder = finder; } if (!ref_finder) { var parent = this._refcssobj; var id_name = this._refcssid; if (parent && parent._is_component && id_name) { if (!this._is_frame || (this._is_frame && !this._is_popup_frame)) { this._ref_css_finder = parent._make_refcss_finder(id_name, 4); } } } return finder; }; _pComponent._make_refcss_finder = function (refid, recursive) { var _f; if (this._is_popup_frame) { _f = this; } else { _f = this._refform; } if (!_f) { return null; } this._makeCssRefInfo(); var id_name = this._refcssid; var _refid = refid; var prefid = id_name ? (id_name + refid) : refid; var pref_finder = null; var parent = this._refcssobj; if (recursive-- > 0 && parent && parent._is_component && id_name) { if (!this._is_frame || (this._is_frame && !this._is_popup_frame)) { pref_finder = parent._make_refcss_finder(prefid, recursive); } } var finder = this._css_finder; var ref_name; if (!pref_finder) { if (!finder) { finder = this._make_css_finder(); } if (this._cssfind_useid) { ref_name = finder._finder_name + "_" + prefid; } else { ref_name = finder._finder_name + "_" + _refid; } } else { if (this._cssfind_useid) { ref_name = pref_finder._finder_name + "_" + prefid; } else { ref_name = pref_finder._finder_name + "_" + _refid; } } var ref_finder = _f._cssfinder_cache[ref_name]; if (!ref_finder) { var sub_selectors = []; if (pref_finder) { var pref_selectors = pref_finder._find_selectors; if (pref_selectors) { var css; var cnt = pref_selectors.length; for (var i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { css = pref_selectors[i]; sub_selectors.push(css); } } } if (id_name) { var flist = _f._find_csslist; if (!flist) { flist = _f._make_find_csslist(); } var css; var css_pid; var cnt = flist.length; for (var i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { css = flist[i]; if (css_pid = css[prefid]) { sub_selectors.push(css_pid); } } } var selectors = finder._find_selectors; if (selectors) { var css, css2; var cnt = selectors.length; for (var i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { css = selectors[i]; if (css2 = css[refid]) { sub_selectors.push(css2); } } } var pseudo, pitem; var len = sub_selectors.length; if (len > 0) { ref_finder = { }; for (var i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var sel = sub_selectors[i]; for (var attr in sel) { if (attr.charAt(0) == '$') { continue; } var item = sel[attr]; if (item._is_selector) { continue; } for (pseudo in item) { if (!item.hasOwnProperty(pseudo)) { continue; } pitem = item[pseudo]; if (!ref_finder[pseudo]) { ref_finder[pseudo] = { }; } ref_finder[pseudo][attr] = pitem; } } } if (this._cssfind_useid && this._is_component && this._is_subcontrol) { ref_name = finder._finder_name + "_" + "#" + this.parent.id + prefid; } ref_finder._finder_name = ref_name; ref_finder._find_selectors = sub_selectors; _f._cssfinder_cache[ref_name] = ref_finder; } } return ref_finder; }; _pComponent._find_comp_pseudo_obj = function (styleProp, pseudo, returnType) { var r; var finder = this._css_finder; do { if (pseudo != "normal") { var po = this._styles[pseudo]; if (po && (r = po[styleProp]) && (!r._is_empty)) { break; } var find_readonly = (this._readonly && pseudo != "readonly"); if (find_readonly) { var ro = this._styles["readonly"]; if (ro && (r = ro[styleProp]) && (!r._is_empty)) { break; } } var no = this.style; if ((r = no[styleProp]) && (!r._is_empty)) { break; } if (!finder) { finder = this._make_css_finder(); } var ref_finder = this._ref_css_finder; var ref_finder_pseudo = (ref_finder ? ref_finder[pseudo] : null); if (ref_finder_pseudo && (r = ref_finder_pseudo[styleProp]) && (!r._is_empty)) { break; } var finder_pseudo = (finder ? finder[pseudo] : null); if (finder_pseudo && (r = finder_pseudo[styleProp]) && (!r._is_empty)) { break; } if (find_readonly) { ref_finder_pseudo = (ref_finder ? ref_finder["readonly"] : null); if (ref_finder_pseudo && (r = ref_finder_pseudo[styleProp]) && (!r._is_empty)) { break; } finder_pseudo = (finder ? finder["readonly"] : null); if (finder_pseudo && (r = finder_pseudo[styleProp]) && (!r._is_empty)) { break; } } ref_finder_pseudo = (ref_finder ? ref_finder["normal"] : null); if (ref_finder_pseudo && (r = ref_finder_pseudo[styleProp]) && (!r._is_empty)) { break; } finder_pseudo = (finder ? finder["normal"] : null); if (finder_pseudo && (r = finder_pseudo[styleProp]) && (!r._is_empty)) { break; } } else { if (this._readonly) { var ro = this._styles["readonly"]; if (ro && (r = ro[styleProp]) && (!r._is_empty)) { break; } } var no = this.style; if ((r = no[styleProp]) && (!r._is_empty)) { break; } if (!finder) { finder = this._make_css_finder(); } var ref_finder = this._ref_css_finder; var ref_finder_pseudo, finder_pseudo; if (this._readonly) { ref_finder_pseudo = (ref_finder ? ref_finder["readonly"] : null); if (ref_finder_pseudo && (r = ref_finder_pseudo[styleProp]) && (!r._is_empty)) { break; } finder_pseudo = (finder ? finder["readonly"] : null); if (finder_pseudo && (r = finder_pseudo[styleProp]) && (!r._is_empty)) { break; } } ref_finder_pseudo = (ref_finder ? ref_finder["normal"] : null); if (ref_finder_pseudo && (r = ref_finder_pseudo[styleProp]) && (!r._is_empty)) { break; } finder_pseudo = (finder ? finder["normal"] : null); if (finder_pseudo && (r = finder_pseudo[styleProp]) && (!r._is_empty)) { break; } } } while (false); if (r && !r._is_empty) { var foundType = r._type_name.toLowerCase(); if (returnType && foundType != returnType) { r = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj(returnType, r._value); } return r; } return null; }; _pComponent._find_comp_pseudo_obj_from_finder = function (styleProp, pseudo, returnType) { var r; var finder = this._css_finder; do { if (pseudo != "normal") { if (!finder) { finder = this._make_css_finder(); } var ref_finder = this._ref_css_finder; var ref_finder_pseudo = (ref_finder ? ref_finder[pseudo] : null); if (ref_finder_pseudo && (r = ref_finder_pseudo[styleProp]) && (!r._is_empty)) { break; } var finder_pseudo = (finder ? finder[pseudo] : null); if (finder_pseudo && (r = finder_pseudo[styleProp]) && (!r._is_empty)) { break; } if (this._readonly && pseudo != "readonly") { ref_finder_pseudo = (ref_finder ? ref_finder["readonly"] : null); if (ref_finder_pseudo && (r = ref_finder_pseudo[styleProp]) && (!r._is_empty)) { break; } finder_pseudo = (finder ? finder["readonly"] : null); if (finder_pseudo && (r = finder_pseudo[styleProp]) && (!r._is_empty)) { break; } } ref_finder_pseudo = (ref_finder ? ref_finder["normal"] : null); if (ref_finder_pseudo && (r = ref_finder_pseudo[styleProp]) && (!r._is_empty)) { break; } finder_pseudo = (finder ? finder["normal"] : null); if (finder_pseudo && (r = finder_pseudo[styleProp]) && (!r._is_empty)) { break; } } else { if (!finder) { finder = this._make_css_finder(); } var ref_finder = this._ref_css_finder; var ref_finder_pseudo, finder_pseudo; if (this._readonly) { ref_finder_pseudo = (ref_finder ? ref_finder["readonly"] : null); if (ref_finder_pseudo && (r = ref_finder_pseudo[styleProp]) && (!r._is_empty)) { break; } finder_pseudo = (finder ? finder["readonly"] : null); if (finder_pseudo && (r = finder_pseudo[styleProp]) && (!r._is_empty)) { break; } } ref_finder_pseudo = (ref_finder ? ref_finder["normal"] : null); if (ref_finder_pseudo && (r = ref_finder_pseudo[styleProp]) && (!r._is_empty)) { break; } finder_pseudo = (finder ? finder["normal"] : null); if (finder_pseudo && (r = finder_pseudo[styleProp]) && (!r._is_empty)) { break; } } } while (false); if (r && !r._is_empty) { var foundType = r._type_name.toLowerCase(); if (returnType && foundType != returnType) { r = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj(returnType, r._value); } return r; } return null; }; _pComponent._makeCssRefInfo = function () { if (!this._refcssobj) { var comp = this.parent; if (comp && comp._is_component) { this._refcssobj = comp; } } if (!this._refcssid && this.id) { this._refcssid = "#" + this.id; } return this._refcssobj; }; _pComponent._find_ctrl_pseudo_obj = _pComponent._find_comp_pseudo_obj; _pComponent._find_typedctrl_pseudo_obj = _pComponent._find_comp_pseudo_obj; _pComponent._contains = function (oDescendant) { while (oDescendant) { if (oDescendant == this) { return true; } oDescendant = oDescendant.parent; } return false; }; _pComponent._getRootComponent = function (component) { var comp = component; while (comp && (comp._is_subcontrol || !comp._is_component)) { if (comp == comp.parent) { return null; } comp = comp.parent; } return comp; }; _pComponent._getPopupRootComponent = function (component) { var comp = component; while (comp && (comp._is_subcontrol || !comp._is_component) && !comp.popupwindow) { if (comp == comp.parent) { return null; } comp = comp.parent; } return comp; }; _pComponent._getElementRootControl = function (element) { var control_elem = element; while (control_elem && !control_elem.linkedcontrol) { control_elem = control_elem.parent; } var comp = control_elem.linkedcontrol; while (comp && !comp._is_subcontrol) { if (comp == comp.parent) { break; } comp = comp.parent; } return comp; }; _pComponent._getMainForm = function () { var comp = this; while (comp) { if (comp._is_frame) { return comp.form; } if (!comp._is_form && comp._refform) { comp = comp._refform; } else if (comp.parent) { comp = comp.parent; } else { if (comp._is_form) { return comp; } return null; } } return null; }; _pComponent._getRootWindowComponent = function (component) { var comp = component ? component : this; while (comp) { if (comp._is_window) { return comp; } if (comp._isPopupVisible()) { return comp; } if (comp == comp.parent) { break; } comp = comp.parent; } return null; }; _pComponent._isPopupVisible = function () { return false; }; _pComponent._closePopup = function () { var popup = this.popupwindow; if (popup) { popup._closePopup(); } }; _pComponent._getReferenceComponent = function (component) { var comp = component; while (comp && !comp._is_reference_control) { if (comp == comp.parent) { return null; } comp = comp.parent; } return comp; }; _pComponent._getReferenceContext = function () { return this._refform; }; _pComponent._centerPopup = function (win, w, h) { var rootframe = this._getOwnerFrame(); if (!rootframe) { return; } var rootwindow = rootframe._getWindow(); rootframe = rootwindow ? rootwindow.frame : null; if (!rootframe) { return; } var pos = nexacro._getElementPositionInFrame(rootframe.getElement()); var l = ((rootframe.width / 2) - (w / 2)); var t = ((rootframe.height / 2) - (h / 2)); t = t < 0 ? 0 : t; h = h > rootframe.height ? rootframe.height : h; win._popup((l + pos.x), (t + pos.y), w, h); }; _pComponent._getPopupType = function () { var popuptype = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_popuptype(this._pseudo); if (!popuptype) { return nexacro._getLocalStorage("popuptype", "normal"); } return popuptype._value; }; _pComponent._getDlgCode = function (keycode, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey) { return { want_tab : false, want_return : false, want_escape : false, want_chars : false, want_arrows : false, want_touchstart : false, want_touchmove : false }; }; _pComponent.set_scrollbars = function (v) { if (v != this.scrollbars || !this._is_created) { switch (v) { case "none": this._scrollbars = 0; break; case "autovert": this._scrollbars = 1; break; case "autohorz": this._scrollbars = 2; break; case "autoboth": this._scrollbars = 3; break; case "fixedvert": this._scrollbars = 4; break; case "fixedhorz": this._scrollbars = 8; break; case "fixedboth": this._scrollbars = 12; break; case "alwaysvert": this._scrollbars = 16; break; case "alwayshorz": this._scrollbars = 32; break; default: this._scrollbars = 3; v = "autoboth"; } this.scrollbars = v; if (this._control_element && this._is_created) { this._onResetScrollBar(); } } return v; }; _pComponent.on_vscroll = function (obj, e) { if (this.onvscroll && this.onvscroll._has_handlers) { e.fromobject = this; this.onvscroll._fireEvent(this, e); } return true; }; _pComponent.on_hscroll = function (obj, e) { if (this.onhscroll && this.onhscroll._has_handlers) { e.fromobject = this; this.onhscroll._fireEvent(this, e); } return true; }; _pComponent._onRecalcScrollSize = nexacro._emptyFn; _pComponent._onResetScrollBar = function () { if (!this._is_scrollable) { return; } var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem) { var new_hbar = false; var new_vbar = false; var scroll_default_size = nexacro.Component.SCROLLBAR_DEFAULT_SIZE; var hscroll_size = scroll_default_size; var vscroll_size = scroll_default_size; var show_type = 0; var bShowVScroll = false; var bShowHScroll = false; switch (this._scrollbars) { case 0: break; case 1: bShowVScroll = true; show_type = 1; break; case 2: bShowHScroll = true; show_type = 1; break; case 3: bShowVScroll = true; bShowHScroll = true; show_type = 1; break; case 4: bShowVScroll = true; show_type = 2; break; case 8: bShowHScroll = true; show_type = 2; break; case 12: bShowVScroll = true; bShowHScroll = true; show_type = 2; break; case 16: bShowVScroll = true; bShowHScroll = true; show_type = 31; break; case 32: bShowVScroll = true; bShowHScroll = true; show_type = 32; break; } if (bShowHScroll && !this.hscrollbar) { this.hscrollbar = this._createHScrollBar(scroll_default_size); if (this.hscrollbar.scrollbarsize > 0) { hscroll_size = this.hscrollbar.scrollbarsize; this.hscrollbar.resize(this._client_width, hscroll_size); } new_hbar = true; } else if (bShowHScroll && this.hscrollbar) { if (this.hscrollbar.scrollbarsize > 0) { hscroll_size = this.hscrollbar.scrollbarsize; this.hscrollbar.resize(this._client_width, hscroll_size); control_elem._hscroll_height = hscroll_size; } } else if (!bShowHScroll && this.hscrollbar) { this.hscrollbar.destroy(); this.hscrollbar = null; } if (bShowVScroll && !this.vscrollbar) { this.vscrollbar = this._createVScrollBar(scroll_default_size); if (this.vscrollbar.scrollbarsize > 0) { vscroll_size = this.vscrollbar.scrollbarsize; this.vscrollbar.resize(vscroll_size, this._client_height); } new_vbar = true; } else if (bShowVScroll && this.vscrollbar) { if (this.vscrollbar.scrollbarsize > 0) { vscroll_size = this.vscrollbar.scrollbarsize; this.vscrollbar.resize(vscroll_size, this._client_height); control_elem._vscroll_width = vscroll_size; } } else if (!bShowVScroll && this.vscrollbar) { this.vscrollbar.destroy(); this.vscrollbar = null; } control_elem.setScrollControls(this.hscrollbar, this.vscrollbar, hscroll_size, vscroll_size, show_type); if (new_hbar) { this.hscrollbar.createComponent(); } if (new_vbar) { this.vscrollbar.createComponent(); } if (control_elem._handle) { if (this.hscrollbar && !this.hscrollbar._is_created) { this.hscrollbar.on_created(); } if (this.vscrollbar && !this.vscrollbar._is_created) { this.vscrollbar.on_created(); } } this._updateClientSize(control_elem); } }; _pComponent._cancelEvent = function (target_comp) { }; _pComponent._createVScrollBar = function (scroll_size) { var vscrollbar = new nexacro.ScrollBarCtrl("vscrollbar", "absolute", 0, 0, scroll_size, this._client_width, null, null, this); vscrollbar._setDirection("vert"); vscrollbar._setEventHandler("onscroll", this.on_vscroll, this); vscrollbar.on_update_style_scrollbarsize(); return vscrollbar; }; _pComponent._createHScrollBar = function (scroll_size) { var hscrollbar = new nexacro.ScrollBarCtrl("hscrollbar", "absolute", 0, 0, this._client_width, scroll_size, null, null, this); hscrollbar._setDirection("horz"); hscrollbar._setEventHandler("onscroll", this.on_hscroll, this); hscrollbar.on_update_style_scrollbarsize(); return hscrollbar; }; _pComponent._isWheelScrollable = function (delta) { var control_elem = this._control_element; if (!control_elem) { return false; } var st = control_elem.scroll_top; var sh = control_elem.container_maxheight; var ch = this._client_height; if ((st + ch >= sh && delta < 0) || (st == 0 && delta > 0)) { return false; } return true; }; _pComponent._getResultPseudo = function (status, pseudo) { if (pseudo == "") { pseudo = "normal"; } return nexacro.Component._status_table[status + "_" + pseudo]; }; _pComponent.getCurrentPseudo = function () { return this._pseudo; }; _pComponent.setCurrentPseudo = function (pseudo) { var prevPseudo = this._getResultPseudo(this._status, pseudo); if (prevPseudo) { this._stat_change(this.status, pseudo); } return prevPseudo; }; _pComponent._stat_change = function (status, pseudo) { this.on_change_status(status, pseudo); }; _pComponent.on_change_status = function (status, pseudo) { var ps; switch (status) { case "enable": if (this._status != "focus") { if (this._readonly) { this._status = "readonly"; } else { this._status = "enable"; } } break; case "disable": this._status = "disable"; break; case "focus": if (this._status != "disable") { this._status = "focus"; } break; case "notfocus": if (this._status != "disable") { if (this._readonly) { this._status = "readonly"; } else { this._status = "enable"; } } break; case "select": this._selected = true; break; case "notselect": this._selected = false; break; case "push": this._pushed = true; break; case "notpush": this._pushed = false; if (this._selected && pseudo == "normal") { pseudo = "selected"; } break; case "readonly": if (!this._readonly) { this._readonly = true; this._control_pseudo = ""; this._contents_pseudo = ""; } if (this._status == "enable") { this._status = "readonly"; } break; case "writable": if (this._readonly) { this._readonly = false; this._control_pseudo = ""; this._contents_pseudo = ""; } if (this._status == "readonly") { this._status = "enable"; } break; } this.on_apply_pseudo(pseudo); this._setAccessibilityStatFlag(this._status, pseudo); }; _pComponent.on_apply_custom_pseudo = function (pseudo) { }; _pComponent.on_apply_pseudo = function (pseudo, is_only_contents) { var form = this.parent; var enable = (nexacro._is_enable_setting) ? this.enable : this.enable && this._real_enable; if (form && !form._is_application && this._getWindow() == form._getWindow()) { while (form != null) { if (!form._is_frame || (form._is_frame && !form._is_popup_frame)) { if (form._is_subcontrol == false) { if (form._real_enable == false || form.enable == false) { enable = false; break; } } if (form.parent && !form.parent._is_application && form._getWindow() != form.parent._getWindow()) { break; } form = form.parent; } else { break; } } } if (this._setEnable(enable)) { return; } this._pseudo = pseudo = this._getResultPseudo(this._status, pseudo); var control_elem = this._control_element; if (this.visible && control_elem) { if (!is_only_contents) { this._updateControl(control_elem, pseudo); } this._updateContents(control_elem, pseudo); } }; _pComponent._find_pseudo_obj = _pComponent._find_comp_pseudo_obj; _pComponent.on_create_custom_style = function () { return new nexacro.Style(this); }; _pComponent.on_create_custom_currentStyle = function () { return new nexacro.CurrentStyle(this); }; _pComponent._updateCurrentStyle = function (styleProp) { var cur = this._find_pseudo_obj(styleProp, this._pseudo); if (cur) { if (cur != this.currentstyle[styleProp]) { this.currentstyle[styleProp] = cur; return true; } } return false; }; _pComponent.on_find_CurrentStyle_background = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("background", pseudo, "background"); }; _pComponent.on_find_CurrentStyle_border = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("border", pseudo, "border"); }; _pComponent.on_find_CurrentStyle_bordertype = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("bordertype", pseudo, "bordertype"); }; _pComponent.on_find_CurrentStyle_gradation = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("gradation", pseudo, "gradation"); }; _pComponent.on_find_CurrentStyle_opacity = function (pseudo) { var opacity = this._find_pseudo_obj("opacity", pseudo, "opacity"); return (opacity) ? opacity : nexacro.Component._default_opacity; }; _pComponent.on_find_CurrentStyle_shadow = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("shadow", pseudo, "shadow"); }; _pComponent.on_find_CurrentStyle_cursor = function (pseudo) { var cursor = ""; if (!this._isEnable() && this.parent && !this.parent._is_application) { if (!this._is_subcontrol) { cursor = this.parent._find_pseudo_obj("cursor", pseudo, "cursor"); } else { var p = this.parent; while (p && p._is_form) { p = p.parent; } if (p) { cursor = p._find_pseudo_obj("cursor", pseudo, "cursor"); } else { cursor = null; } } } else { cursor = this._find_pseudo_obj("cursor", pseudo, "cursor"); } return (cursor) ? cursor : nexacro.Component._default_cursor; }; _pComponent.on_find_CurrentStyle_margin = function (pseudo) { var margin = this._find_pseudo_obj("margin", pseudo, "margin"); return (margin) ? margin : nexacro.Component._default_margin; }; _pComponent.on_find_CurrentStyle_padding = function (pseudo) { var padding = this._find_pseudo_obj("padding", pseudo, "padding"); return (padding) ? padding : nexacro.Component._default_padding; }; _pComponent.on_find_CurrentStyle_align = function (pseudo) { var align = this._find_pseudo_obj("align", pseudo, "align"); return (align) ? align : nexacro.Component._default_align; }; _pComponent.on_find_CurrentStyle_font = function (pseudo) { var font = this._find_pseudo_obj("font", pseudo, "font"); if (!font) { font = this._find_inherit_pseudo_obj("font", pseudo, "font"); } return (font) ? font : nexacro.Component._default_font; }; _pComponent.on_find_CurrentStyle_color = function (pseudo) { var color = this._find_pseudo_obj("color", pseudo, "color"); if (!color) { color = this._find_inherit_pseudo_obj("color", pseudo, "color"); } return (color) ? color : nexacro.Component._default_color; }; _pComponent.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility = function (pseudo) { var accessibility = this._find_pseudo_obj("accessibility", pseudo, "accessibility"); return accessibility ? accessibility : nexacro.Component._default_accessibility; }; _pComponent.on_find_CurrentStyle_rtlimagemirroring = function (pseudo) { return; }; _pComponent.on_find_CurrentStyle_letterspace = function (pseudo) { var letterspace = this._find_pseudo_obj("letterspace", pseudo, "letterspace"); return letterspace ? letterspace : nexacro.Component._default_letterspace; }; _pComponent._find_inherit_pseudo_obj = function (styleProp, pseudo, returnType) { var obj = this._find_pseudo_obj(styleProp, pseudo, returnType); if (!obj) { var refcssobj = this._refcssobj; if (!refcssobj) { refcssobj = this._makeCssRefInfo(); } if (refcssobj && refcssobj._is_component) { obj = refcssobj._find_inherit_pseudo_obj(styleProp, pseudo, returnType); } } if (obj && !obj._is_empty) { var foundType = obj._type_name.toLowerCase(); if (returnType && foundType != returnType) { obj = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj(returnType, obj._value); } } return obj; }; _pComponent.on_find_CurrentStyle_glow = function () { }; _pComponent.on_find_CurrentStyle_blur = function () { }; _pComponent.on_update_style_margin = function () { this.on_apply_style_margin(this.currentstyle.margin = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_margin(this._pseudo)); }; _pComponent.on_update_style_border = function () { this.on_apply_style_border(this.currentstyle.border = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_border(this._pseudo)); }; _pComponent.on_update_style_bordertype = function () { this.on_apply_style_bordertype(this.currentstyle.bordertype = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_bordertype(this._pseudo)); }; _pComponent.on_update_style_background = function () { this.on_apply_style_background(this.currentstyle.background = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_background(this._pseudo)); }; _pComponent.on_update_style_gradation = function () { this.on_apply_style_gradation(this.currentstyle.gradation = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_gradation(this._pseudo)); }; _pComponent.on_update_style_opacity = function () { this.on_apply_style_opacity(this.currentstyle.opacity = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_opacity(this._pseudo)); }; _pComponent.on_update_style_shadow = function () { this.on_apply_style_shadow(this.currentstyle.shadow = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_shadow(this._pseudo)); }; _pComponent.on_update_style_cursor = function () { this.on_apply_style_cursor(this.currentstyle.cursor = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_cursor(this._pseudo)); }; _pComponent.on_update_style_padding = function () { var padding = this.currentstyle.padding = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_padding(this._pseudo); if (this._apply_client_padding) { var control_elem = this._control_element; control_elem.setElementPadding(padding); this._updateClientSize(control_elem); } else { this.on_apply_style_padding(padding); } }; _pComponent.on_update_style_align = function () { this.on_apply_style_align(this.currentstyle.align = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_align(this._pseudo)); }; _pComponent.on_update_style_font = function () { this.on_apply_style_font(this.currentstyle.font = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_font(this._pseudo)); }; _pComponent.on_update_style_color = function () { this.on_apply_style_color(this.currentstyle.color = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_color(this._pseudo)); }; _pComponent.on_update_style_accessibility = function () { var accessibility = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_accessibility(this.currentstyle.accessibility = this._make_accessibility_value(accessibility)); }; _pComponent.on_update_style_rtlimagemirroring = function () { return; }; _pComponent.on_update_style_letterspace = function () { var letterspace = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_letterspace(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_letterspace(this.currentstyle.letterspace = letterspace); }; _pComponent.on_update_style_glow = function () { }; _pComponent.on_update_style_blur = function () { }; _pComponent.on_apply_style_margin = function (margin) { if (!this._isEnableRedraw()) { return; } var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem && this._margin != margin) { this._margin = margin; this._adjustPosition(this.left, this.top, this.right, this.bottom, this.width, this.height, this.parent._client_width, this.parent._client_height); control_elem.setElementVisible(this.visible); control_elem.setElementPosition(this._adjust_left, this._adjust_top); control_elem.setElementSize(this._adjust_width, this._adjust_height); } }; _pComponent.on_apply_style_border = function (border) { if (!this._isEnableRedraw()) { return; } var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem) { var curstyle = this.currentstyle; control_elem.setElementBorder(border, curstyle.bordertype); control_elem.setElementBackground(curstyle.background, curstyle.gradation); this._updateClientSize(control_elem); if (this._is_form) { this._onResetScrollBar(); } } }; _pComponent.on_apply_style_bordertype = function (bordertype) { if (!this._isEnableRedraw()) { return; } var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem) { var curstyle = this.currentstyle; control_elem.setElementBorder(curstyle.border, bordertype); control_elem.setElementBackground(curstyle.background, curstyle.gradation); this._updateClientSize(control_elem); if (this._is_form) { this._onResetScrollBar(); } } }; _pComponent.on_apply_style_background = function (background) { if (!this._isEnableRedraw()) { return; } var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem) { control_elem.setElementBackground(background, this.currentstyle.gradation); } }; _pComponent.on_apply_style_gradation = function (gradation) { if (!this._isEnableRedraw()) { return; } var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem) { control_elem.setElementBackground(this.currentstyle.background, gradation); } }; _pComponent.on_apply_style_opacity = function (opacity) { if (!this._isEnableRedraw()) { return; } var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem) { control_elem.setElementOpacity(opacity); } }; _pComponent.on_apply_style_shadow = function (shadow) { if (!this._isEnableRedraw()) { return; } var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem) { shadow = (shadow == undefined) ? nexacro.Component._default_shadow : shadow; control_elem.setElementShadow(shadow); } }; _pComponent.on_apply_style_cursor = function (cursor) { var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem) { control_elem.setElementCursor(cursor); } }; _pComponent.on_apply_style_control_padding = function (padding) { if (!this._isEnableRedraw()) { return; } var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem && padding) { control_elem.setElementPadding(padding); } }; _pComponent.on_apply_style_accessibility = function (accessibility) { var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem && accessibility) { control_elem.setAccessibility(accessibility); } }; _pComponent.on_apply_style_rtlimagemirroring = function (rtlimagemirroring) { return; }; _pComponent.on_apply_style_letterspace = function (letterspace) { var elem = this._text_elem; if (elem && letterspace) { elem.setElementLetterSpace(letterspace); } }; _pComponent.on_apply_style_padding = function (padding) { }; _pComponent.on_apply_style_align = function (align) { }; _pComponent.on_apply_style_font = function (font) { }; _pComponent.on_apply_style_color = function (color) { }; _pComponent.on_apply_style_glow = function (glow) { }; _pComponent.on_apply_style_blur = function (blur) { }; _pComponent.on_apply_custom_class = function () { }; _pComponent.on_apply_text = function () { }; _pComponent.on_apply_expr = function () { }; _pComponent.on_apply_prop_enable = function (v) { if (this._is_scrollable == true) { if (this.vscrollbar) { this.vscrollbar._setEnable(v); } if (this.hscrollbar) { this.hscrollbar._setEnable(v); } } }; _pComponent.on_apply_prop_class = function () { this.currentstyle._empty(); this._css_finder = null; this._ref_css_finder = null; this._control_pseudo = ""; this._contents_pseudo = ""; this._cssfinder_cache = { }; var pseudo = (!this._pseudo) ? "normal" : this._pseudo; if (this.vscrollbar) { this.vscrollbar.on_apply_prop_class(); } if (this.hscrollbar) { this.hscrollbar.on_apply_prop_class(); } this._onResetScrollBar(); this.on_apply_pseudo(pseudo); this.on_apply_custom_class(pseudo); }; _pComponent.on_apply_prop_taborder = function () { if (this.tabstop) { this._setAccessibilityFlagFocusable(this._taborder >= 0 ? true : false); } }; _pComponent.on_apply_custom_setfocus = function (evt_name) { var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem) { var selffocus = ((evt_name == "lbutton") ? false : nexacro._enableaccessibility); control_elem.setElementFocus(selffocus); } }; _pComponent.on_apply_prop_tooltip = function () { var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem && !this._is_subcontrol) { control_elem.setElementToolTip(this.tooltiptext, this.tooltiptype); } }; _pComponent.on_apply_prop_rtldirection = function () { var control_elem = this._control_element; var _rtldirection = this._rtldirection; if (control_elem) { control_elem.setElementRtlDirection(_rtldirection); control_elem.setElementPosition(control_elem.left, control_elem.top, true); } if (this.vscrollbar) { this.vscrollbar._setRtlDirection(this._rtldirection); } if (this.hscrollbar) { this.hscrollbar._setRtlDirection(this._rtldirection); } }; _pComponent.on_apply_locale = nexacro._emptyFn; _pComponent.on_create_contents = function () { }; _pComponent.on_created_contents = function () { }; _pComponent.on_destroy_contents = function () { }; _pComponent.on_created = function (_window) { if (!this._is_loading) { var parent_elem = null; if (!this._is_window) { parent_elem = this.parent ? this.parent._control_element : null; if (!parent_elem) { return false; } } if (!_window) { _window = this._getWindow(); } var control_elem = this._control_element; var enable = this._isEnable(); if ((this._real_enable == null && enable == false) || (this._real_enable && this._real_enable != enable)) { this._real_enable = enable; this._stat_change(enable ? "enable" : "disable", this._pseudo); this.on_apply_prop_enable(enable); } else { this._real_enable = enable; } if (control_elem) { control_elem.create(_window); if (!control_elem._handle) { return; } } if (!this._is_subcontrol) { this._registerHotkey(); } if (this._is_created != true) { this.on_created_contents(); } this._is_created = true; if (this._is_subcontrol) { nexacro._addSubComponent(this); } this._orientation = nexacro._getMobileOrientation(); } }; _pComponent.on_change_containerPos = function (left, top) { }; _pComponent.on_change_containerRect = function (width, height) { }; _pComponent.on_create_normal_control_element = function (parent_elem) { var control_elem = new nexacro.ControlElement(parent_elem); control_elem.setLinkedControl(this); this._control_element = control_elem; return control_elem; }; _pComponent.on_create_scrollable_control_element = function (parent_elem) { var is_form = this._is_form; if (nexacro.OS == "iOS" && nexacro._isHybrid()) { is_form = false; } var control_elem = new nexacro.ScrollableControlElement(parent_elem, is_form); control_elem.setLinkedControl(this); this._control_element = control_elem; return control_elem; }; _pComponent.on_create_frame_control_element = function (parent_elem) { var control_elem = new nexacro.FrameControlElement(parent_elem); control_elem.setLinkedControl(this); this._control_element = control_elem; return control_elem; }; _pComponent.on_create_tablecell_control_element = function (parent_elem) { var control_elem = new nexacro.CellControlElement(parent_elem); control_elem.setLinkedControl(this); this._control_element = control_elem; return control_elem; }; _pComponent.on_create_simple_control_element = function (parent_elem) { var control_elem = new nexacro.SimpleControlElement(parent_elem); control_elem.setLinkedControl(this); this._control_element = control_elem; return control_elem; }; _pComponent.on_create_popup_control_element = function (parent_elem) { var control_elem = new nexacro.PopupControlElement(parent_elem); control_elem.setLinkedControl(this); this._control_element = control_elem; return control_elem; }; _pComponent.on_create_popupscrollable_control_element = function (parent_elem) { var control_elem = new nexacro.PopupScrollableControlElement(parent_elem); control_elem.setLinkedControl(this); this._control_element = control_elem; return control_elem; }; _pComponent.on_create_band_control_element = function (parent_elem) { var control_elem = new nexacro.BandControlElement(parent_elem, this._is_band_vert_paging); control_elem.setLinkedControl(this); this._control_element = control_elem; return control_elem; }; _pComponent.on_create_area_scroll_control_element = function (parent_elem) { var control_elem = new nexacro.ScrollableAreaControlElement(parent_elem); control_elem.setLinkedControl(this); this._control_element = control_elem; return control_elem; }; _pComponent.on_create_control_element = function (parent_elem) { var control_elem = null; if (this._is_simple_control) { control_elem = this.on_create_simple_control_element(parent_elem); } else if (this._is_tablecell) { control_elem = this.on_create_tablecell_control_element(parent_elem); } else if (this._is_frame) { control_elem = this.on_create_frame_control_element(parent_elem); } else if (this._is_scrollable) { control_elem = this.on_create_scrollable_control_element(parent_elem); } else if (this._is_band_control) { control_elem = this.on_create_band_control_element(parent_elem); } else if (this._is_area_scroll) { this._is_scrollable = true; control_elem = this.on_create_area_scroll_control_element(parent_elem); } else if (this._is_popup_control) { control_elem = this.on_create_popup_control_element(parent_elem); } else { control_elem = this.on_create_normal_control_element(parent_elem); } return control_elem; }; _pComponent.createComponent = function (bCreateOnly) { var parent_elem = null; if (!this._is_window) { parent_elem = this.parent ? this.parent._control_element : null; if (!parent_elem) { return false; } } var control_elem = this._control_element; if (!control_elem) { control_elem = this.on_create_control_element(parent_elem); if (this._is_nc_control) { control_elem._is_nc_element = true; } var pseudo = this._getResultPseudo(this._status, this._pseudo); this._initControl(control_elem, pseudo); this._initContents(control_elem, pseudo); if (this.text || this.expr) { this.on_apply_text(); } if (this._taborder >= 0) { this.on_apply_prop_taborder(); } if (this.tooltiptext) { this.on_apply_prop_tooltip(); } this.on_apply_positionstep(this.positionstep); if (!bCreateOnly && parent_elem && parent_elem._handle) { var window = this._getWindow(); this.on_created(window); } } return true; }; _pComponent.destroyComponent = function () { if (!this._is_alive) { return; } this._is_alive = false; if (!this._is_subcontrol) { this._unregisterHotkey(); } if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { if (application._accessibilityHistoryList) { application._remove_accessibility_history(this); } } this._clearEventListeners(); if (this.parent && this.parent._overedobj && this.parent._overedobj == this) { this.parent._overedobj = null; } if (this.parent && this.parent.removeChild) { this.parent.removeChild(this.id); } else { var win = this._getWindow(); if (win) { win._removeFromCurrentFocusPath(this); } } if (this._control_element) { this._control_element.destroy(); this._control_element = null; } if (this.vscrollbar) { this.vscrollbar.destroy(); this.vscrollbar = null; } if (this.hscrollbar) { this.hscrollbar.destroy(); this.hscrollbar = null; } this.on_destroy_contents(); if (this._subctrlitems) { nexacro._deleteAllSubComponent(this); } if (this._is_subcontrol && this.parent && this.parent._subctrlitems) { nexacro._deleteSubComponent(this, this.parent); } this._is_created = false; if (this._refform) { this._refform = null; } if (this.parent) { this.parent = null; } if (this._refobj) { this._refobj = null; } if (this.hotkey) { this.hotkey = null; } if (this.rtldirection) { this.rtldirection = null; } if (this._refcssobj) { this._refcssobj = null; } if (this._overedobj) { this._overedobj = null; } if (this._event_list) { this._event_list = null; } if (this._last_focused) { this._last_focused = null; } this._delete_style(); if (this.currentstyle) { this.currentstyle._empty(); this.currentstyle = null; } this._css_finder = null; this._ref_css_finder = null; this._enable_redraw_history = null; return true; }; _pComponent._delete_style = function () { if (this.style) { this.style.destroy(); this.style = null; } if (this._styles) { var styles = this._styles; for (var pseudo in styles) { var style = styles[pseudo]; if (style.destroy) { style.destroy(); style = null; } } this._styles = null; } }; _pComponent._initControl = function (control_elem, pseudo) { var visible = this.visible; if (!this.visible) { control_elem.setElementVisible(false); } else { control_elem.setElementVisible(true); } var margin = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_margin(pseudo); var curstyle = this.currentstyle; if (margin && margin != curstyle.margin) { curstyle.margin = margin; this._margin = margin; } if (this.parent) { this._adjustPosition(this.left, this.top, this.right, this.bottom, this.width, this.height, this.parent._client_width || this.parent._init_width, this.parent._client_height || this.parent._init_height); } else { this._adjustPosition(this.left, this.top, this.right, this.bottom, this.width, this.height, 0, 0); } control_elem.setElementPosition(this._adjust_left, this._adjust_top); control_elem.setElementSize(this._adjust_width, this._adjust_height); this._updateControl(control_elem, pseudo); }; _pComponent._isEnableRedraw = function () { var comp = this._getFromComponent(this); if (!comp.enableredraw) { if (!comp._enable_redraw_history["common_updatestyle"]) { comp._enable_redraw_history["common_updatestyle"] = []; } this._is_applyenableredraw = false; comp._enable_redraw_history["common_updatestyle"].push(this); } return comp.enableredraw; }; _pComponent._updateCursor = function (cursor) { if (nexacro._cur_track_info || nexacro._cur_extra_track_info) { return; } var curstyle = this.currentstyle; if (!cursor) { cursor = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_cursor(this._pseudo); } curstyle.cursor = cursor; this._control_element.setElementCursor(cursor); cursor = null; }; _pComponent._updateControl = function (control_elem, pseudo) { if (!this._isEnableRedraw()) { return; } if (nexacro._cur_track_info && pseudo == "mouseover") { return; } var apply_element = false; if (this._adjust_width != 0 && this._adjust_height != 0) { apply_element = true; } if (control_elem && this._control_pseudo != pseudo) { this._control_pseudo = pseudo; var curstyle = this.currentstyle; var border = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_border(pseudo); var bordertype = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_bordertype(pseudo); var background = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_background(pseudo); var gradation = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_gradation(pseudo); var background_flag = (background != curstyle.background); var bordertype_flag = (bordertype != curstyle.bordertype); var border_flag = (border != curstyle.border); var gradation_flag = (gradation != curstyle.gradation); if (border_flag || bordertype_flag || background_flag || gradation_flag) { this._apply_client_border = border_flag; curstyle.bordertype = bordertype; curstyle.border = border; curstyle.background = background; curstyle.gradation = gradation; if (apply_element) { control_elem.setElementBorder(border, bordertype); control_elem.setElementBackground(background, gradation); } } border = bordertype = background = gradation = null; background_flag = bordertype_flag = border_flag = gradation_flag = null; var opacity = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_opacity(pseudo); if (opacity && opacity != curstyle.opacity) { curstyle.opacity = opacity; if (apply_element) { control_elem.setElementOpacity(opacity); } } opacity = null; var shadow = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_shadow(pseudo); if (shadow && shadow != curstyle.shadow) { curstyle.shadow = shadow; if (apply_element) { control_elem.setElementShadow(shadow); } } shadow = null; if (!nexacro._cur_track_info && !nexacro._cur_extra_track_info) { var cursor = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_cursor(pseudo); if (cursor && cursor != curstyle.cursor) { curstyle.cursor = cursor; if (apply_element) { control_elem.setElementCursor(cursor); } } cursor = null; } if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { var accessibility = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility(pseudo); if (accessibility && accessibility != curstyle.accessibility) { curstyle.accessibility = this._make_accessibility_value(accessibility); if (apply_element) { control_elem.setAccessibility(curstyle.accessibility); } } accessibility = null; } if (this._apply_client_padding) { var padding = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_padding(pseudo); if (padding && padding != curstyle.padding) { curstyle.padding = padding; if (apply_element) { control_elem.setElementPadding(padding); } } padding = null; } if (apply_element) { this._updateClientSize(control_elem); } curstyle = null; return true; } return false; }; _pComponent._initContents = function (control_elem, pseudo) { if (this._contents_pseudo != pseudo) { this._contents_pseudo = pseudo; var curstyle = this.currentstyle; this.on_apply_custom_pseudo(pseudo); this.on_create_contents(); this._is_created_contents = true; if (this._has_dirty_pos) { this.on_change_containerPos(this._adjust_left, this._adjust_top); this._has_dirty_pos = false; } if (this._has_dirty_rect) { this.on_change_containerRect(this._client_width, this._client_height); this._has_dirty_rect = false; } } this._is_loading = false; }; _pComponent._updateContents = function (control_elem, pseudo) { if (!this._isEnableRedraw()) { return; } if (nexacro._cur_track_info && pseudo == "mouseover") { return; } if (this._contents_pseudo != pseudo && this._adjust_width != 0 && this._adjust_height != 0) { this._contents_pseudo = pseudo; this.on_apply_custom_pseudo(pseudo); } }; _pComponent._updateClientSize = function (control_elem) { var client_left = control_elem.client_left; var client_top = control_elem.client_top; var client_width = control_elem.client_width; var client_height = control_elem.client_height; if (this._client_left != client_left || this._client_top != client_top) { this._client_left = client_left; this._client_top = client_top; if (this._is_created_contents) { this.on_change_containerPos(client_left, client_top); } else { this._has_dirty_pos = true; } } if (this._client_width != client_width || this._client_height != client_height) { this._client_width = client_width; this._client_height = client_height; if (this._is_created_contents) { this.on_change_containerRect(client_width, client_height); nexacro._redrawVMLBorder(this); } else { this._has_dirty_rect = true; } } }; _pComponent._applyZoomPopup = nexacro._emptyFn; _pComponent.on_update_position = function (resize_flag, move_flag) { var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem) { var bForce = this._bChangeRtl; if (control_elem._isRtl()) { if (resize_flag || move_flag) { bForce = true; } } control_elem.setElementPosition(this._adjust_left, this._adjust_top, bForce); if (!isNaN(this._adjust_width) || !isNaN(this._adjust_height)) { control_elem.setElementSize(this._adjust_width, this._adjust_height); } this._updateClientSize(control_elem); if (move_flag) { this.on_fire_onmove(this._adjust_left, this._adjust_top); } if (resize_flag) { this.on_fire_onsize(this._adjust_width, this._adjust_height); } } }; _pComponent._applysetPosition = function (left, top, width, height) { var old_left = this._adjust_left; var old_top = this._adjust_top; var old_width = this._adjust_width; var old_height = this._adjust_height; this._adjustPosition(left, top, null, null, width, height, this.parent._client_width, this.parent._client_height); var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem) { control_elem.setElementPosition(this._adjust_left, this._adjust_top); control_elem.setElementSize(this._adjust_width, this._adjust_height); this._updateClientSize(control_elem); if (old_left != this._adjust_left || old_top != this._adjust_top) { this.on_fire_onmove(this._adjust_left, this._adjust_top); } if (old_width != this._adjust_width || old_height != this._adjust_height) { this.on_fire_onsize(this._adjust_width, this._adjust_height); } } }; _pComponent.set_positionstep = function (v) { if (v === "" || v === null || v === undefined) { v = 0; } else { v = parseInt(v) | 0; } if (this.positionstep !== v) { this._beforepositionstep = this.positionstep; this.positionstep = v; this.on_apply_positionstep(v); } }; _pComponent.on_apply_positionstep = function (index) { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { if (index == null) { index = 0; } control_elem.setElementPositionStep(index); } }; _pComponent.set_style = function (v) { v = nexacro._decodeXml(v); var blocks = v.split("}"); var s = blocks[0].trim(); var _styles = this._styles = { }; blocks.pop(); var i, len = blocks.length; var definition_block, pseudo, normal_style; definition_block = s.split("{"); normal_style = definition_block[0].substring(0, definition_block[0].lastIndexOf(";") + 1).trim(); if (normal_style.length == 0) { normal_style = definition_block[0].substring(0, definition_block[0].length).trim(); } var change = (this.style._value != normal_style); if (change) { this.style._setValue(normal_style); } if (len > 0) { for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { definition_block = blocks[i].split("{"); pseudo = definition_block[0].substring(definition_block[0].lastIndexOf(":") + 1).trim(); var style2 = this.on_create_custom_style(); style2._setValue(definition_block[1]); _styles[pseudo] = style2; } } if (change) { this.currentstyle._empty(); this._control_pseudo = ""; this._contents_pseudo = ""; this.on_apply_pseudo(this._pseudo); } return this.style._value; }; _pComponent.set_name = function (v) { this.name = v; }; _pComponent.set_text = function (v) { var val = nexacro._toString(v); if (val != this.text) { this.text = val; this._display_text = val; this.on_apply_text(); } }; _pComponent.set_expr = function (v) { var val = nexacro._toString(v); if (val != this.expr) { this.expr = val; this.on_apply_expr(); } }; _pComponent.set_cssclass = function (cssname) { if (cssname != this.cssclass) { this.cssclass = cssname; if (this.parent) { if (this._is_created) { this.on_apply_prop_class(); } } } }; _pComponent.set_visible = function (v) { if (v === undefined || v === null) { return; } var control_elem = this._control_element; v = nexacro._toBoolean(v); if (this.visible != v) { var _window = this._getWindow(); var newfocus_comp; if (!v && this._is_created && this.parent) { if (_window && _window._indexOfCurrentFocusPaths(this) > -1) { var _form = this._getForm(); var cur_tabstop = this.tabstop; this.tabstop = false; newfocus_comp = _form._searchNextTabFocus(_form._last_focused); this.tabstop = cur_tabstop; } } this.visible = v; if (control_elem) { control_elem.setElementVisible(v); this._setAccessibilityStatHidden(!v); if (this.visible) { nexacro._resetVML(this); var parent = this.parent; if (!this._is_subcontrol && this._is_created && parent && parent._is_created) { if (_window && _window._focus_list && _window._indexOfCurrentFocusPaths(parent) == _window._getCurrentFocusPathsLength() - 1) { var _form = this._getForm(); if (!_form || (_form && !_form._last_focused)) { this._on_focus(true); } } } this.on_apply_pseudo(this._pseudo); } else { var parent = this.parent; if (!this._is_subcontrol && parent) { if (_window && _window._indexOfCurrentFocusPaths(this) > -1) { _window._removeFromCurrentFocusPath(this, false); if (newfocus_comp && newfocus_comp[0]) { newfocus_comp[0]._on_focus(true); } } } } } } }; nexacro._is_enable_setting = false; _pComponent.set_enable = function (v) { v = nexacro._toBoolean(v); if (this.enable != v) { var _window = this._getWindow(); var newfocus_comp; if (!this._is_subcontrol && !v && this._is_created && this.parent) { if (_window && _window._indexOfCurrentFocusPaths(this) > -1) { var _form = this._getForm(); var cur_tabstop = this.tabstop; this.tabstop = false; newfocus_comp = _form._searchNextTabFocus(); this.tabstop = cur_tabstop; } } var control_elem = this._control_element; this.enable = v; if (this._is_created) { var enable_flag = v; if (this.parent && this.parent._real_enable) { enable_flag = this.parent._real_enable && v; } if (this._real_enable != enable_flag) { nexacro._is_enable_setting = true; this._setEnable(enable_flag); nexacro._is_enable_setting = false; var parent = this.parent; if (!this._is_subcontrol && this._is_created && parent && parent._is_created) { if (enable_flag) { if (_window && _window._indexOfCurrentFocusPaths(parent) == _window._getCurrentFocusPathsLength() - 1 && !parent._last_focused) { this._on_focus(true); } } else { if (_window && _window._indexOfCurrentFocusPaths(this) > -1) { _window._removeFromCurrentFocusPath(this, false); if (newfocus_comp && newfocus_comp[0]) { newfocus_comp[0]._on_focus(true); } } } } } } } }; _pComponent._is_enable_changing = false; _pComponent._setEnable = function (v) { if (this._is_enable_changing) { return false; } var enable_flag = (v && this.enable); if (this._real_enable != enable_flag) { var control_elem = this._control_element; this._real_enable = enable_flag; if (enable_flag) { this._status = "enable"; this._pseudo = "normal"; } else { this._status = "disable"; this._pseudo = "disabled"; } this._is_enable_changing = true; this._stat_change(this._status, this._pseudo); this._is_enable_changing = false; this.on_apply_prop_enable(this._real_enable); return true; } return false; }; _pComponent.set_taborder = function (v) { if (v >= 0 && v !== this.taborder) { this.taborder = v; this._taborder = ((+v) != (+v)) ? -1 : parseInt(v); this.on_apply_prop_taborder(); } return v; }; _pComponent.set_tabstop = function (v) { v = nexacro._toBoolean(v); if (this.tabstop) { if (!v) { this.tabstop = v; this.on_apply_prop_taborder(); } } else { if (v) { this.tabstop = v; this.on_apply_prop_taborder(); } } return v; }; _pComponent.on_get_prop_tabstop = function () { return this.tabstop; }; _pComponent._isFocusAcceptable = function () { return this._is_focus_accept; }; _pComponent.set_tooltiptext = function (v) { if (v != this.tooltiptext) { if (!v) { v = ""; } this.tooltiptext = v; this.on_apply_prop_tooltip(); } return v; }; _pComponent.set_tooltiptype = function (v) { if (v != this.tooltiptype) { this.tooltiptype = v; this.on_apply_prop_tooltip(); } return v; }; _pComponent.set_enableevent = function (v) { this.enableevent = nexacro._toBoolean(v); return v; }; _pComponent.set_enableredraw = function (v) { this.enableredraw = nexacro._toBoolean(v); if (this.enableredraw) { this.on_apply_enableredraw(); } return v; }; _pComponent.on_apply_enableredraw = function () { if (this._enable_redraw_history["common_updatestyle"]) { var comps = this._enable_redraw_history["common_updatestyle"]; var comps_len = comps.length; for (var i = 0; i < comps_len; i++) { var comp = comps[i]; if (comp._is_applyenableredraw) { continue; } comp._control_pseudo = ""; comp._contents_pseudo = ""; comp.on_apply_pseudo(comp._pseudo); comp._is_applyenableredraw = true; } this._enable_redraw_history["common_updatestyle"] = []; } this._enable_redraw_history = { }; }; _pComponent.set_transparenthittest = function (v) { }; _pComponent._on_last_lbuttonup = nexacro._emptyFn; _pComponent._on_last_keyup = nexacro._emptyFn; _pComponent.set_hotkey = function (v) { var cur_hotkey = this._hotkey; if (cur_hotkey) { this._unregisterHotkey(); } var hotkey = new nexacro.HotKey(v); if (hotkey._isEmpty()) { this.hotkey = null; this._hotkey = null; delete hotkey; } else { this.hotkey = hotkey._toString(); this._hotkey = hotkey; if (this._is_created) { this._registerHotkey(); } } }; _pComponent.set_rtldirection = function (v) { var rtldirection = this.rtldirection; if (rtldirection != v) { this.rtldirection = v; this._setRtlDirection(v); } return v; }; _pComponent.set_locale = nexacro._emptyFn; _pComponent._registerHotkey = function () { var hotkey = this._hotkey; if (!hotkey || hotkey._is_registered) { return; } this._setAccessibilityHotKey(this.hotkey); var _form = this._getMainForm(); if (this._is_frame || this == _form) { var owner_frame = this.getOwnerFrame(); if (owner_frame) { nexacro._registerHotkeyComp(owner_frame, this, hotkey); } } else { if (_form) { nexacro._registerHotkeyComp(_form, this, hotkey); } } }; _pComponent._unregisterHotkey = function () { var hotkey = this._hotkey; if (!hotkey || !hotkey._is_registered) { return; } var _form = this._getMainForm(); if (this._is_frame || this == _form) { var owner_frame = this.getOwnerFrame(); if (owner_frame) { nexacro._unregisterHotkeyComp(owner_frame, this, hotkey); } } else { if (_form) { nexacro._unregisterHotkeyComp(_form, this, hotkey); } else { delete this._hotkey; this._hotkey = null; } } }; _pComponent._processHotkey = function (keycode, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey) { var _form = this._getMainForm(); if (!this._is_frame && this != _form) { if (_form) { return _form._processHotkey(keycode, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey, this); } } }; _pComponent._on_hotkey = function (keycode, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey) { this.setFocus(); }; _pComponent._saveScrollPos = function () { }; _pComponent._applyScrollPos = function () { }; _pComponent.bringToFront = function () { if (this.parent) { var parent = this.parent; var parent_child_list = parent._child_list; var child_list = this._child_list; var len = parent_child_list.length; var last_Idx = len - 1; var cur_Index = nexacro._indexOf(parent_child_list, this); if (cur_Index >= 0 && cur_Index < last_Idx) { parent_child_list.splice(cur_Index, 1); parent_child_list.splice(last_Idx, 0, this); var parent_elem = parent.getElement(); var cur_elem = this._control_element; if (child_list != null || child_list != undefined) { for (var i = 0, n = child_list.length; i < n; i++) { var comp = child_list[i]; comp._saveScrollPos(); } } parent_elem.bringToFrontElement(cur_elem); if (child_list != null || child_list != undefined) { for (var i = 0, n = child_list.length; i < n; i++) { var comp = child_list[i]; comp._applyScrollPos(); } } } } }; _pComponent.bringToPrev = function () { if (this.parent) { var parent = this.parent; var parent_child_list = parent._child_list; var child_list = this._child_list; var len = parent_child_list.length; var last_Idx = len - 1; var cur_Index = nexacro._indexOf(parent_child_list, this); if (cur_Index >= 0 && cur_Index < last_Idx) { if (child_list != null || child_list != undefined) { for (var i = 0, n = child_list.length; i < n; i++) { var comp = child_list[i]; comp._saveScrollPos(); } } this.moveToPrev(parent_child_list[cur_Index + 1]); if (child_list != null || child_list != undefined) { for (var i = 0, n = child_list.length; i < n; i++) { var comp = child_list[i]; comp._applyScrollPos(); } } } } }; _pComponent.moveToNext = function (objOrId) { if (this.parent) { var parent = this.parent; var target = (nexacro._isString(objOrId)) ? parent[objOrId] : objOrId; if (target == null) { return; } var child_list = parent._child_list; var cur_idx = nexacro._indexOf(child_list, this); var target_idx = nexacro._indexOf(child_list, target); if (cur_idx < 0 || target_idx < 0) { return; } if (cur_idx > -1 && target_idx > -1 && cur_idx != target_idx - 1) { child_list.splice(cur_idx, 1); var idx = nexacro._indexOf(child_list, target); child_list.splice(idx, 0, this); var parent_elem = parent.getElement(); parent_elem.moveToNextElement(this._control_element, target.getElement()); } } }; _pComponent.moveToPrev = function (objOrId) { if (this.parent) { var parent = this.parent; var target = (nexacro._isString(objOrId)) ? parent[objOrId] : objOrId; if (target == null) { return; } var child_list = parent._child_list; var cur_idx = nexacro._indexOf(child_list, this); var target_idx = nexacro._indexOf(child_list, target); if (cur_idx < 0 || target_idx < 0) { return; } if (cur_idx > -1 && target_idx > -1 && cur_idx != target_idx + 1) { child_list.splice(cur_idx, 1); var index = nexacro._indexOf(child_list, target); child_list.splice(index + 1, 0, this); var parent_elem = parent.getElement(); parent_elem.moveToPrevElement(this._control_element, target.getElement()); } } }; _pComponent.sendToBack = function () { if (this.parent) { var parent = this.parent; var child_list = parent._child_list; var cur_idx = nexacro._indexOf(child_list, this); if (cur_idx > 0) { child_list.splice(cur_idx, 1); child_list.splice(0, 0, this); var parent_elem = parent.getElement(); parent_elem.sendToBackElement(this._control_element); } } }; _pComponent.sendToNext = function () { if (this.parent) { var p = this.parent; var child_list = p._child_list; var cur_idx = nexacro._indexOf(child_list, this); if (cur_idx > 0) { this.moveToNext(child_list[cur_idx - 1]); } } }; _pComponent.create = function () { this.initProperties(); this.initEvents(); }; _pComponent._destroy = function () { return this.destroy(); }; _pComponent.destroy = function () { if (!this._is_alive) { return; } return this.destroyComponent(); }; _pComponent.init = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom) { if (id) { this.id = this.name = id; } this.position = position ? position : "absolute"; var old_left = this._adjust_left; var old_top = this._adjust_top; var old_width = this._adjust_width; var old_height = this._adjust_height; var bsize = false, bmove = false; if (arguments.length >= 6) { this._adjustPosition(left, top, right, bottom, width, height, this.parent ? this.parent._client_width : 0, this.parent ? this.parent._client_height : 0); if (this._adjust_width != old_width || this._adjust_height != old_height) { bsize = true; } if (this._adjust_left != old_left || this._adjust_top != old_top) { bmove = true; } this.on_update_position(bsize, bmove); } }; _pComponent._getPosRight = function () { return this._adjust_left + this._adjust_width; }; _pComponent._getPosBottom = function () { return this._adjust_top + this._adjust_height; }; _pComponent.move = function (left, top, width, height, right, bottom) { var old_left = this._adjust_left; var old_top = this._adjust_top; var old_width = this._adjust_width; var old_height = this._adjust_height; var bsize = false, bmove = false; var update = false; if (width == null && right == null) { width = this.width; right = this.right; } if (height == null && bottom == null) { height = this.height; bottom = this.bottom; } this._adjustPosition(left, top, right, bottom, width, height, this.parent._client_width, this.parent._client_height); if (this._adjust_width != old_width || this._adjust_height != old_height) { bsize = true; if (old_width == 0 || old_height == 0) { update = true; } } if (this._adjust_left != old_left || this._adjust_top != old_top || (this._isRtl(this.parent) && this._left != null)) { bmove = true; } if (this._isPopupVisible && this._isPopupVisible()) { var orientation = nexacro._getMobileOrientation(); if (this._orientation != orientation) { this._orientation = orientation; bsize = true; } } this.on_update_position(bsize, bmove); if (this._control_element) { if (update) { this.currentstyle._empty(); this._control_pseudo = ""; this._contents_pseudo = ""; } var pseudo = this._getResultPseudo(this._status, this._pseudo); this._updateControl(this._control_element, pseudo); this._updateContents(this._control_element, pseudo); } }; _pComponent.move_default = null; _pComponent._setFocus = function (bResetScroll, calledby, block_inner_focus) { if (calledby > -1 || calledby < 4) { this._focus_direction = calledby; } else { this._focus_direction = -1; } if (block_inner_focus == true) { this._block_inner_focus = true; this.setFocus(bResetScroll); this._block_inner_focus = false; } else { return this.setFocus(bResetScroll); } }; _pComponent.setFocus = function (bResetScroll, bInnerFocus) { var win = this._getRootWindow(); if (!this.getElement()) { return; } var is_active_layer = win._isActiveLayerComponent(this); if (!is_active_layer) { return; } if (!this._isVisible() || !this._isEnable() || !this.enableevent || !this._isFocusAcceptable()) { return; } if (bResetScroll === undefined) { bResetScroll = true; } var bContainerFocus; if (bInnerFocus === undefined) { bContainerFocus = nexacro._enableaccessibility; } else { bContainerFocus = !bInnerFocus; } var block_inner, from_child = false; if (bContainerFocus) { if (this instanceof nexacro.Form) { if (this._block_inner_focus) { block_inner = true; } this._block_inner_focus = true; if (this._last_focused) { if (win._indexOfCurrentFocusPaths(this._last_focused) >= 0) { from_child = true; win._removeFromCurrentFocusPath(this._last_focused); } else { this._last_focused = null; } } } } var focus_direction = this._focus_direction; if (bResetScroll) { var c = this, c_temp, target_comp = this; if (!this._block_inner_focus) { while (c) { c_temp = c._getLastFocused(); if (!c_temp) { c_temp = c._getTabOrderFirst(); } if (c_temp) { target_comp = c_temp; } c = c_temp; } target_comp._resetScrollPos(target_comp, target_comp._adjust_left, target_comp._adjust_top, target_comp._adjust_left + target_comp._adjust_width, target_comp._adjust_top + target_comp._adjust_height, focus_direction); } else { nexacro.Component.prototype._resetScrollPos.call(this, this, this._adjust_left, this._adjust_top, this._adjust_left + this._adjust_width, this._adjust_top + this._adjust_height, focus_direction); } } var last_focused = this._find_lastFocused(this); var evt_name = "focus"; if (focus_direction == 0) { evt_name = "tabkey"; } else if (focus_direction == 1) { evt_name = "shifttabkey"; } else if (focus_direction == 2) { evt_name = "downkey"; } else if (focus_direction == 3) { evt_name = "upkey"; } this._focus_direction = -1; var form = this._getRootForm(); form._is_comp_focus = true; this._on_focus(true, evt_name); form._is_comp_focus = false; if (from_child) { this.on_apply_custom_setfocus(); } if (this._block_inner_focus && !block_inner) { this._block_inner_focus = false; } return last_focused; }; _pComponent.redraw = function () { }; _pComponent.resize = function (w, h) { if (w < 0 || h < 0) { return; } if (w == this._adjust_width && h == this._adjust_height) { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem && control_elem._handle && control_elem._vml_elem) { control_elem._refreshVMLContainerElement(control_elem, control_elem._vml_elem); } return; } var old_width = this._adjust_width; var old_height = this._adjust_height; var bsize = false; if (old_width != this._adjust_left + w || old_height != this._adjust_top + h) { this.width = w; this.height = h; bsize = true; } this._update_position(bsize, false); }; _pComponent._update_position = function (bsize, bmove) { var old_left = this._adjust_left; var old_top = this._adjust_top; var old_width = this._adjust_width; var old_height = this._adjust_height; var update = false; if (this.parent) { this._adjustPosition(this.left, this.top, this.right, this.bottom, this.width, this.height, this.parent._client_width, this.parent._client_height); } else { this._adjustPosition(this.left, this.top, this.right, this.bottom, this.width, this.height, 0, 0); } if (this._adjust_width != old_width || this._adjust_height != old_height) { bsize = true; if (old_width == 0 || old_height == 0) { update = true; } } if (this._adjust_left != old_left || this._adjust_top != old_top) { bmove = true; } this.on_update_position(bsize, bmove); if (update) { this.currentstyle._empty(); this.on_apply_pseudo(this._pseudo); } }; _pComponent._on_afterHideWaitComp = function (pseudo) { if (this._pseudo != pseudo) { this._stat_change(this._status, pseudo); } }; _pComponent.saveToImage = function (fileName, fileType, compressOption) { if (this._control_element) { return this._control_element.saveToImageFile(fileName, fileType, compressOption); } }; _pComponent.saveToImageFile = function (fileName, fileType, compressOption) { if (this._control_element) { return this._control_element.saveToImageFile(fileName, fileType, compressOption); } }; _pComponent.saveToImageObject = function () { if (this._control_element) { return this._control_element.saveToImageObject(); } }; _pComponent.applyto_bindSource = function (propid, Val) { if (!this._bind_event) { return true; } var evt = { propid : propid, val : Val }; var ret = this._bind_event._fireEvent(this, evt); return ret; }; _pComponent.on_getBindableProperties = function () { }; _pComponent.show = function () { var parent = this.parent; if (parent) { var control_element = this._control_element; if (!control_element) { if (this.createComponent(true)) { this.on_created(); } } else { } var form = this._getRootForm(); if (form && form._bind_manager) { form._bind_manager._delayBinds(); } } }; _pComponent._resizeBorder = function () { var width = this._adust_width; var height = this._adjust_height; var cur_border = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_border(this._pseudo); if (cur_border) { var new_border = nexacro._cloneStyleObject(cur_border); var update_flag = false; if (width < (new_border.left_width + new_border.right_width)) { new_border.left_width = width; new_border.right_width = 0; update_flag = true; } if (height < (new_border.top_width + new_border.bottom_width)) { new_border.top_width = height; new_border.bottom_width = 0; update_flag = true; } if (update_flag) { this._control_element.setElementBorder(new_border, this.currentstyle.bordertype); } } }; _pComponent._isVisible = function () { var form = this; while (form != null) { if (form._is_frame && form._is_popup_frame) { break; } if (form.visible == false) { return false; } form = form.parent; } return true; }; _pComponent._isEnable = function () { var form = this; while (form != null) { if (form._is_frame && form._is_popup_frame) { break; } if (form._real_enable == false || form.enable == false) { return false; } form = form.parent; } return true; }; _pComponent._isPropEnable = function () { var form = this; while (form != null) { if (form._is_frame && form._is_popup_frame) { break; } if (form.enable == false) { return false; } form = form.parent; } return true; }; _pComponent._isAccessibilityRoleHeading = function () { if (this._getAccessibilityRole(this.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility(this._pseudo)) == "heading") { return true; } else { return false; } }; _pComponent._isEditableComponent = function (edittype) { if (this.readonly !== undefined) { if (edittype && edittype.match(this._type_name)) { if (this._type_name == "Edit") { var obj = edittype.split(","); for (var i = 0, n = obj.length; i < n; i++) { if (obj[i].trim() == this._type_name) { return true; } } } else { return true; } } else if (edittype == "All" || edittype == "") { return true; } else { return false; } } return false; }; _pComponent._getForm = function () { return this._refform; }; _pComponent._getRootForm = function () { var form = this._refform; while ((form && form._is_form == false) || (form && form._is_form && (form instanceof nexacro.Div || form instanceof nexacro.Tabpage || form instanceof nexacro.Tab))) { form = form.parent; } return form; }; _pComponent._findDataset = function (id) { if (id && id.length > 0) { var ds = this[id]; if (ds && (ds._type_name == "Dataset")) { return ds; } if (this._refform) { var ds = this._refform.lookup(id); if (ds && (ds._type_name == "Dataset")) { return ds; } } } return undefined; }; _pComponent._findForm = function (comp) { var form = comp; while (form && form._is_form == false) { form = form.parent; } return form; }; _pComponent._getOwnerFrame = function () { var form = this; while (form && !form._is_frame) { form = form.parent; } return form; }; _pComponent._getWindow = function () { var parent = this.parent; if (parent) { return parent._getWindow(); } var form = this._refform; if (form && form != this) { return form._getWindow(); } return nexacro._findWindow(nexacro._getMainWindowHandle()); }; _pComponent._getRootWindow = function () { var _window = this._getWindow(); while (_window) { if (_window.frame) { return _window; } _window = _window.parent; } return this._getWindow(); }; _pComponent._getWindowHandle = function () { var _window = this._getWindow(); if (_window) { return _window._handle; } return null; }; _pComponent._getLastFocused = function () { return this._last_focused; }; _pComponent._find_lastFocused = function () { var form = this._getMainForm(); if (!form) { return null; } var last_focus = form._last_focused; while (last_focus && last_focus._is_form) { var child_last_focus = last_focus._getLastFocused(); if (!child_last_focus) { break; } last_focus = child_last_focus; } return last_focus; }; _pComponent._getDragData = function () { if (this.text) { return this.text; } return null; }; _pComponent.getElement = function () { return this._control_element; }; _pComponent.getMainframe = function () { if (nexacro._is_attach_childframe) { return this._getWindow().frame; } return application.mainframe; }; _pComponent._getScrollable = function (hscroll, vscroll, x, y) { if (!this._is_scrollable) { return false; } var ret, pos, v = this.vscrollbar; if (vscroll && v && v.enable) { pos = v.pos + y; if (pos < v._max && pos >= v._min) { ret = { y : true }; } } var h = this.hscrollbar; if (hscroll && h && h.enable) { pos = h.pos + x; if (pos < h._max && pos > h._min) { if (ret) { ret.x = true; } else { ret = { x : true }; } } } return ret; }; _pComponent._getRefFormBaseUrl = function () { if (this._refform) { return this._refform._getFormBaseUrl(); } }; _pComponent._getScreenPosition = function () { var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem) { var border = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_border(this._pseudo); var elem_pos = nexacro._getElementScreenPosition(control_elem); var screenLeft = elem_pos.x; var screenTop = elem_pos.y; return { x : screenLeft, y : screenTop }; } return { x : 0, y : 0 }; }; _pComponent._getWindowPosition = function () { var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem) { var border = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_border(this._pseudo); var elem_pos = nexacro._getElementXYInWindow(control_elem._handle); var windowLeft = elem_pos[0] - (border ? border._getBorderLeftWidth() : 0); var windowTop = elem_pos[1] - (border ? border._getBorderTopWidth() : 0); return { x : windowLeft, y : windowTop }; } return { x : 0, y : 0 }; }; _pComponent._isRtl = function (comp) { if (!comp) { comp = this; } return comp._rtldirection == "rtl"; }; _pComponent._setRtlDirection = function (v) { var rtldirection = this.rtldirection; var _rtldirection = this._rtldirection; if (v == "inherit") { var _parent_rtldirection = this.parent._rtldirection; if (_rtldirection != _parent_rtldirection) { _rtldirection = _parent_rtldirection; } } else if (_rtldirection != v) { if (rtldirection == v) { _rtldirection = v; } else if (!rtldirection || rtldirection == "inherit") { _rtldirection = v; } } if (_rtldirection != this._rtldirection) { this._rtldirection = _rtldirection; this.on_apply_prop_rtldirection(); } }; _pComponent._convertLeftForRtlLayout = function (left, width) { return left; }; _pComponent._setLocale = function (v) { if (!this.locale) { this._locale = v; this.on_apply_locale(); } }; _pComponent._getLocale = function () { if (this._locale === undefined) { return undefined; } var locale = nexacro.System.locale; var _parent = this; while (_parent) { if (_parent._locale) { locale = _parent._locale; break; } _parent = _parent.parent; } return locale; }; _pComponent._getCumulativeZoomFactor = function () { var comp = this; var zoomfactor = 100; while (comp && !(comp instanceof nexacro.Frame)) { if (comp.getZoom) { var value = comp.getZoom(); if (value != 100) { zoomfactor *= (value / 100.0); } } comp = comp.parent; } return zoomfactor; }; _pComponent._getFixedOffsetValue = function () { var r = 0, b = 0; if (this.right != null) { r = 0; } else if (this.width != null) { var val = this.width; if (typeof (val) == "string" && val.indexOf("%") >= 0) { if (parseFloat(val) <= 100) { r = 0; } else { r = this.getOffsetRight(); } } else { r = this.getOffsetRight(); } } if (this.bottom != null) { b = 0; } else if (this.height != null) { var val = this.height; if (typeof (val) == "string" && val.indexOf("%") >= 0) { if (parseFloat(val) <= 100) { b = 0; } else { b = this.getOffsetBottom(); } } else { b = this.getOffsetBottom(); } } return { right : r, bottom : b }; }; _pComponent._setAccessibilityNotifyEvent = function (direction) { var control_element = this.getElement(); if (control_element && control_element.accessibility_enable) { if (direction !== undefined) { this._resetScrollPos(this, this._adjust_left, this._adjust_top, this._adjust_left + this._adjust_width, this._adjust_top + this._adjust_height, (direction > 0) ? 0 : 1); } control_element.setElementAccessibilityNotifyEvent(); var form = this._getForm(); if (form) { var _window = form._getWindow(); _window._accessibility_last_focused_comp = this._getRootComponent(this); } return true; } return false; }; _pComponent._setAccessibilityInfoByHover = function () { return this._setAccessibilityNotifyEvent(); }; _pComponent._clearAccessibilityInfoByHover = nexacro._emptyFn; delete _pComponent; } if (!nexacro.PopupComponent) { nexacro.PopupComponent = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.Component.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); this.visible = false; this._is_window = true; this._attached_comp = null; this._is_subcontrol = true; this._call_comp = null; }; var _pPopupComponent = nexacro.PopupComponent.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Component, nexacro.PopupComponent); _pPopupComponent._type_name = "PopupComponent"; _pPopupComponent._is_popup_control = true; _pPopupComponent._is_selfclose = true; _pPopupComponent._default_zindex = nexacro._zindex_popup; _pPopupComponent._track_capture = true; _pPopupComponent.on_create_control_element = function (parent_elem) { var control_elem = this.on_create_popup_control_element(parent_elem); if (control_elem && this._default_zindex > 0) { control_elem.setElementZIndex(this._default_zindex); } return control_elem; }; _pPopupComponent.on_created = function (_window) { if (!this._is_created) { nexacro.Component.prototype.on_created.call(this, _window); } var control_elem = this._control_element; if (!this.visible && control_elem) { control_elem.setElementPosition(0, 0); control_elem.setElementSize(1, 1); } }; _pPopupComponent.destroyComponent = function () { this._is_alive = false; if (this.visible) { nexacro._removePopupComponent(this); this.visible = false; } if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { if (application._accessibilityHistoryList && !this._is_subcontrol) { application._remove_accessibility_history(this); } } var _window = this._getWindow(); if (_window && this._track_capture) { _window._releaseCaptureLock(this); _window._releaseCaptureLock(this._attached_comp); this._track_capture = false; } if (this._subctrlitems) { nexacro._deleteAllSubComponent(this); } if (this._is_subcontrol && this.parent && this.parent._subctrlitems) { nexacro._deleteSubComponent(this, this.parent); } if (this.parent && this.parent.removeChild) { this.parent.removeChild(this.id); } if (this._control_element) { this._control_element.destroy(); this._control_element = null; } this._clearEventListeners(); this.on_destroy_contents(); this._is_created = false; return true; }; _pPopupComponent.on_change_containerRect = function (container_width, container_height) { var comp = this._attached_comp; if (comp) { var old_left = comp._adjust_left; var old_top = comp._adjust_top; var old_width = comp._adjust_width; var old_height = comp._adjust_height; var bsize = false, bmove = false; var update = false; comp._adjustPosition(0, 0, null, null, container_width, container_height, this._client_width, this._client_height); if (comp._adjust_width != old_width || comp._adjust_height != old_height) { bsize = true; if (old_width == 0 || old_height == 0) { update = true; } } if (comp._adjust_left != old_left || comp._adjust_top != old_top) { bmove = true; } if (comp._isPopupVisible && comp._isPopupVisible()) { bsize = true; } comp.on_update_position(bsize, bmove); if (comp._control_element) { if (update) { comp.currentstyle._empty(); comp._control_pseudo = ""; comp._contents_pseudo = ""; } var pseudo = comp._getResultPseudo(comp._status, comp._pseudo); comp._updateControl(comp._control_element, pseudo); comp._updateContents(comp._control_element, pseudo); } } }; _pPopupComponent._contains = function (oDescendant) { while (oDescendant) { if (oDescendant == this._attached_comp) { return true; } oDescendant = oDescendant.parent; } return false; }; _pPopupComponent.set_visible = function (v) { if (this.visible != v) { this.visible = v; var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem) { control_elem.setElementVisible(v); if (this.visible) { if (!this._is_subcontrol) { if (this.parent._last_focused) { this._call_comp = this.parent._last_focused; } else { this._call_comp = this.parent; } } var pseudo = this._getResultPseudo(this._status, this._pseudo); this._updateControl(control_elem, pseudo); this._updateContents(control_elem, pseudo); } else { if (this instanceof nexacro.WaitComponent) { var pseudo = this._getResultPseudo(this._status, this._pseudo); this._updateControl(control_elem, pseudo); } control_elem.setElementPosition(0, 0); control_elem.setElementSize(1, 1); } if (nexacro._enableaccessibility && this._attached_comp) { this._attached_comp._setAccessibilityStatExpanded(v); this._attached_comp._setAccessibilityStatHidden(v); } if (this.visible) { nexacro._resetVML(this); } if (this._is_selfclose) { if (!v) { var _attached_comp = this._attached_comp; if (_attached_comp && _attached_comp.on_fire_oncloseup) { _attached_comp.on_fire_oncloseup(_attached_comp); } nexacro._removePopupComponent(this); var _window = this._getWindow(); _window._removeFromCurrentFocusPath(this, false); if (!this._is_subcontrol) { this._call_comp._on_focus(true); } } else { nexacro._appendPopupComponent(this); } } } } }; _pPopupComponent._attach = function (comp) { this._attached_comp = comp; nexacro._addSubComponent(this, comp); var contrl_element = this._control_element; if (comp && comp != this && comp._control_element && contrl_element) { var sub_control_element = comp._control_element; if (sub_control_element) { var sub_parent = sub_control_element._parent_elem; if (comp._is_created && sub_parent != contrl_element) { sub_control_element._removeFromContainer(); } sub_control_element._parent_elem = contrl_element; } if (comp._is_created) { sub_control_element._appendToContainer(contrl_element); } } }; _pPopupComponent._detach = function (comp) { if (this._attached_comp == comp && comp != this) { this._attached_comp = null; var contrl_element = this._control_element; var sub_control_element = comp._control_element; if (sub_control_element && contrl_element) { if (comp._is_created) { sub_control_element._removeFromContainer(); } sub_control_element._parent_elem = null; } } }; _pPopupComponent._is_popup = function (comp) { return this.visible; }; _pPopupComponent._popup = function (left, top, width, height) { if (!this._attached_comp) { return; } var _window = this._getWindow(); if (_window && this._track_capture) { _window._setCaptureLock(this._attached_comp, true, false); } var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem) { var mainframe = this.getMainframe(); if (mainframe) { left = mainframe._convertLeftForRtlLayout(left, width); } control_elem.setElementPosition(left, top); control_elem.setElementSize(width, height); this._updateClientSize(control_elem); } this.set_visible(true); }; _pPopupComponent._popupBy = function (from_comp, left, top, width, height) { if (!this._attached_comp || !from_comp) { return; } var win_left, win_top; var p = nexacro._getElementPositionInFrame(from_comp.getElement()); var mainframe = this.getMainframe(); if (mainframe) { var control_elem = mainframe._control_element; if (this._attached_comp._isRtl()) { p.x = control_elem.client_width - from_comp._adjust_width - p.x; } } var border = from_comp.on_find_CurrentStyle_border(from_comp._pseudo); var elem_pos = { x : p.x, y : p.y }; var _window = this._getWindow(); win_left = elem_pos.x + left - (_window ? _window._custom_node_left : 0); win_top = elem_pos.y + top - (_window ? _window._custom_node_top : 0); var m_c_width = _window.clientWidth; var m_c_height = _window.clientHeight; if (win_left + width > m_c_width) { var left_width = win_left - width; if (left_width > 0) { win_left = left_width; } else { win_left = m_c_width - width; } } if (win_top + height > m_c_height) { var t_temp = m_c_height - height; if (t_temp < 0) { win_top = 0; height = m_c_height; } else { win_top = t_temp; } } if (_window && this._track_capture) { _window._setCaptureLock(this._attached_comp, true, false); } var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem) { control_elem.setElementPosition(win_left, win_top); control_elem.setElementSize(width, height); this._updateClientSize(control_elem); } this.set_visible(true); }; _pPopupComponent._closePopup = function () { var _window = this._getWindow(); if (_window && this._track_capture) { _window._releaseCaptureLock(this._attached_comp); } this.set_visible(false); }; _pPopupComponent._findOwnerElementHandle = function () { var ret = { }; ret.owner_handle = null; ret.is_append = true; ret.ref_handle = null; var win = this._getWindow(); if (win) { var layer_info; if (this instanceof nexacro.WaitComponent) { layer_info = { }; layer_info.popup_zindex = nexacro._zindex_waitcursor; } else { layer_info = win._getComponentLayerInfo(this); } if (layer_info.is_modal) { var frame = layer_info.frame; var overlay_elem = frame._modal_overlay_elem; ret.owner_handle = overlay_elem._handle; ret.is_append = true; } else { if (layer_info.ref_first_modal_frame) { var frame = layer_info.ref_first_modal_frame; ret.owner_handle = win._dest_handle; ret.is_append = false; ret.ref_handle = frame._modal_overlay_elem._handle; } else { ret.owner_handle = win._dest_handle; ret._is_append = true; } } } return ret; }; delete _pPopupComponent; } if (!nexacro.WaitComponent) { nexacro.WaitComponent = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.PopupComponent.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); this.visible = false; this._img_elem = null; this._image_width = 0; this._image_height = 0; this._context_list = []; this._is_subcontrol = false; this._is_focus_accept = false; }; var _pWaitComponent = nexacro.WaitComponent.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.PopupComponent, nexacro.WaitComponent); _pWaitComponent._type_name = "WaitComponent"; _pWaitComponent._is_popup_control = true; _pWaitComponent._is_selfclose = false; _pWaitComponent._default_zindex = nexacro._zindex_waitcursor; _pWaitComponent.on_create_contents = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { this._img_elem = new nexacro.ImageElement(control_elem); } }; _pWaitComponent.on_created_contents = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { var img_elem = this._img_elem; if (img_elem) { img_elem.setElementVisible(true); img_elem.create(); } } if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { var curstyle = this.currentstyle; var accessibility = nexacro.Component._default_accessibility; if (accessibility && accessibility != curstyle.accessibility) { curstyle.accessibility = this._make_accessibility_value(accessibility); control_elem.setAccessibility(curstyle.accessibility); } if (nexacro._accessibilitytype == 4) { if (control_elem && control_elem._handle) { nexacro.__setDOMNodeAccessibilityHidden(control_elem._handle, true); } } } }; _pWaitComponent.on_change_containerRect = function (container_width, container_height) { var img_elem = this._img_elem; if (img_elem) { var left = Math.round((container_width - this._image_width) / 2); var top = Math.round((container_height - this._image_height) / 2); img_elem.setElementPosition(left, top); img_elem.setElementSize(this._image_width, this._image_height); } }; _pWaitComponent._getAccessibilityLabel = function (accessibility) { return "Wait Cursor"; }; _pWaitComponent._on_loadimage = function (imgurl, w, h) { if (!this._is_alive) { return; } var img_elem = this._img_elem; if (img_elem && w > 0 && h > 0) { this._image_width = w; this._image_height = h; var bw = this._adjust_width; var bh = this._adjust_height; var left = Math.round((bw - w) / 2); var top = Math.round((bh - h) / 2); img_elem.setElementPosition(left, top); img_elem.setElementSize(w, h); img_elem.setElementImageUrl(imgurl); } }; _pWaitComponent.setImage = function (imageurl) { var img_elem = this._img_elem; if (img_elem) { var imagesize = nexacro._getImageSize(imageurl, this._on_loadimage, this); if (imagesize) { this._image_width = imagesize.width; this._image_height = imagesize.height; var bw = this._adjust_width; var bh = this._adjust_height; var left = Math.round((bw - imagesize.width) / 2); var top = Math.round((bh - imagesize.height) / 2); img_elem.setElementPosition(left, top); img_elem.setElementSize(imagesize.width, imagesize.height); img_elem.setElementImageUrl(imageurl); } } }; _pWaitComponent._updateControl = function (control_elem, pseudo) { if (control_elem) { this._control_pseudo = pseudo; if (this._control_pseudo != pseudo) { if (nexacro.Browser == "Runtime") { var background = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj("background", "#ffffff01"); control_elem.setElementBackground(background, null); } } return true; } return false; }; _pWaitComponent.on_destroy_contents = function () { if (this._img_elem) { this._img_elem.destroy(); this._img_elem = null; } }; _pWaitComponent.show = function () { if (!this._is_created || !this.parent) { return; } var _window = this._getWindow(); if (_window) { var left, top, width, height; left = _window.getLeft(); top = _window.getTop(); if (_window.frame) { var frame = _window.frame; width = frame.getOffsetWidth(); height = frame.getOffsetHeight(); } else { width = _window.getClientWidth(); height = _window.getClientHeight(); } _window._setCaptureLock(this, true, true); this._adjustPosition(0, 0, null, null, width, height, width, height); this.on_update_position(true, true); var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem) { control_elem.setElementPosition(0, 0); control_elem.setElementSize(width, height); this._updateClientSize(control_elem); var cursor = nexacro.Component._wait_cursor; var curstyle = this.currentstyle; if (cursor && curstyle.cursor != cursor) { curstyle.cursor = cursor; control_elem.setElementCursor(cursor); } } this.set_visible(true); } }; _pWaitComponent.hide = function () { var _window = this._getWindow(); if (_window) { _window._releaseCaptureLock(this); var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem) { control_elem.setElementSize(1, 1); this._updateClientSize(control_elem); } } if (this._is_created && this._is_alive) { var form = this.parent; while (form) { if (form._is_form) { break; } form = form._last_focused; } this.set_visible(false); var hover_elem = nexacro._getHoverElement(_window); var hover_comp = _window.findComponent(hover_elem, 0, 0)[0]; if (form) { var last_focus = form._last_focused; var cursor; if (last_focus) { if (form._obj_mousemove && (form._obj_mousemove != last_focus)) { last_focus._on_afterHideWaitComp("normal"); if (form._obj_mousemove instanceof nexacro.WaitComponent) { cursor = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj("cursor", "arrow"); } else { cursor = form._obj_mousemove.currentstyle.cursor; } } else { var is_contain = false; var temp = hover_comp; while (temp) { if (temp == last_focus) { is_contain = true; break; } temp = temp.parent; } if (is_contain) { last_focus._on_afterHideWaitComp(last_focus._pseudo); cursor = last_focus.currentstyle ? last_focus.currentstyle.cursor : null; } else { last_focus._on_afterHideWaitComp("normal"); if (hover_comp) { hover_comp._on_afterHideWaitComp("mouseover"); cursor = hover_comp ? hover_comp.currentstyle ? hover_comp.currentstyle.cursor : null : null; } } } var curstyle = this.currentstyle; if (cursor != curstyle.cursor) { curstyle.cursor = cursor; this._control_element.setElementCursor(cursor); } } else { cursor = hover_comp ? hover_comp.currentstyle ? hover_comp.currentstyle.cursor : null : null; var curstyle = this.currentstyle; if (cursor != curstyle.cursor) { curstyle.cursor = cursor; this._control_element.setElementCursor(cursor); } } } } }; _pWaitComponent._addContext = function (context) { if (context) { this._context_list.push(context); } }; _pWaitComponent._removeContext = function (context) { if (!context) { return; } var idx = nexacro._indexOf(this._context_list, context); if (idx >= 0) { this._context_list[idx] = null; delete this._context_list[idx]; this._context_list.shift(); } }; _pWaitComponent.on_fire_onlbuttondown = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { return true; }; _pWaitComponent._on_keydown = function (elem, keycode, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey) { if (keycode == nexacro.Event.KEY_TAB) { elem._event_stop = true; } else if (keycode == nexacro.Event.KEY_ESC) { elem._event_stop = true; var context_list = this._context_list; var len = context_list.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var context = context_list[i]; if (context instanceof nexacro.Form) { context._stopTransaction(); } } } return true; }; delete _pWaitComponent; } if (!nexacro.CanvasComponent) { nexacro.CanvasComponent = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.Component.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); this.id = this.name = id || null; this.enableevent = false; this._apply_client_padding = false; this._canvas = null; this._drawn = false; this._control_element = null; this._inner_elem = null; }; var _pCanvasComponent = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Component, nexacro.CanvasComponent); nexacro.CanvasComponent.prototype = _pCanvasComponent; _pCanvasComponent._type_name = "CanvasComp"; _pCanvasComponent.on_create_contents = function () { var control = this.getElement(); var tcanvas = new nexacro.CanvasElement(control); if (tcanvas) { tcanvas.setElementPosition(0, 0); tcanvas.setElementSize(this._client_width, this._client_height); } this._canvas = tcanvas; }; if (nexacro.Browser == "IE" && nexacro.BrowserVersion < 9) { _pCanvasComponent.on_created_contents = function () { var pCanvas = this._canvas; if (pCanvas) { pCanvas.create(); } this.ondraw(pCanvas); }; } else { _pCanvasComponent.on_created_contents = function () { var pCanvas = this._canvas; if (pCanvas) { pCanvas.create(); } this.ondraw(pCanvas); }; } _pCanvasComponent._initInner = function () { this.on_apply_pseudo(); this.on_apply_custom_pseudo(); }; _pCanvasComponent.on_destroy_contents = function () { if (this._canvas) { this._canvas.destroy(); this._canvas = null; } }; _pCanvasComponent.on_change_containerRect = function (width, height) { if (this._canvas) { this._canvas._moveCanvas(0, 0, width, height); this._drawn = false; this.ondraw(this._canvas); } }; _pCanvasComponent.ondraw = function (canvas) { }; _pCanvasComponent.redraw = function () { this.ondraw(this._canvas); }; delete _pCanvasComponent; nexacro.CanvasCtrl = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.CanvasComponent.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); this._is_subcontrol = true; }; var _pCanvasCtrl = nexacro.CanvasCtrl.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.CanvasComponent, nexacro.CanvasCtrl); nexacro._setForControlStyleFinder(_pCanvasCtrl); delete _pCanvasCtrl; }