//============================================================================== // // TOBESOFT Co., Ltd. // Copyright 2014 TOBESOFT Co., Ltd. // All Rights Reserved. // // NOTICE: TOBESOFT permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file // in accordance with the terms of the license agreement accompanying it. // // Readme URL: http://www.nexacro.co.kr/legal/nexacro-public-license-readme-1.1.html // //============================================================================== if (!nexacro.EditBase) { nexacro.EditClickEventInfo = function (obj, id, caretpos, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { nexacro.ClickEventInfo.call(this, obj, id || "oneditclick", button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); this.caretpos = (caretpos == null) ? 0 : caretpos; }; var _pEditClickEventInfo = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.MouseEventInfo, nexacro.EditClickEventInfo); nexacro.EditClickEventInfo.prototype = _pEditClickEventInfo; _pEditClickEventInfo._type_name = "EditClickEventInfo"; delete _pEditClickEventInfo; _pEditClickEventInfo = null; nexacro.CanCharEventInfo = function (obj, id, chartext, pretext, posttext) { this.id = this.eventid = id || "cancharchange"; this.fromobject = this.fromreferenceobject = obj; this.chartext = chartext; this.posttext = posttext; this.pretext = pretext; }; var _pCanCharEventInfo = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.CanCharEventInfo); nexacro.CanCharEventInfo.prototype = _pCanCharEventInfo; _pCanCharEventInfo._type_name = "TextChangeEventInfo"; _pCanCharEventInfo.set_chartext = function (v) { this.chartext = v; }; delete _pCanCharEventInfo; _pCanCharEventInfo = null; nexacro.TextChangeEventInfo = function (obj, id, chartext, pretext, posttext, preimetext, postimetext) { this.id = this.eventid = id || "ontextchange"; this.fromobject = this.fromreferenceobject = obj; this.chartext = chartext; this.posttext = posttext; this.pretext = pretext; this.preimetext = preimetext; this.postimetext = postimetext; }; var _pTextChangeEventInfo = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.TextChangeEventInfo); nexacro.TextChangeEventInfo.prototype = _pTextChangeEventInfo; _pTextChangeEventInfo._type_name = "TextChangeEventInfo"; _pTextChangeEventInfo.set_chartext = function (v) { this.chartext = v; }; delete _pTextChangeEventInfo; _pTextChangeEventInfo = null; nexacro.TextChangedEventInfo = function (obj, id, pretext, posttext) { this.id = this.eventid = id || "ontextchanged"; this.fromobject = this.fromreferenceobject = obj; this.pretext = pretext; this.posttext = posttext; }; var _pTextChangedEventInfo = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.TextChangedEventInfo); nexacro.TextChangedEventInfo.prototype = _pTextChangedEventInfo; _pTextChangedEventInfo._type_name = "TextChangedEventInfo"; delete _pTextChangedEventInfo; nexacro.EditBase = function (comp) { if (comp) { this.comp = comp; } this._init_eventhandler(); this._init(); }; _pEditBase = nexacro.EditBase.prototype; _pEditBase._type_name = "EditBase"; _pEditBase._old_text = ""; _pEditBase._text = ""; _pEditBase._old_value = null; _pEditBase._value = null; _pEditBase._focus_text = ""; _pEditBase._focus_value = null; _pEditBase._strTab = "\t"; _pEditBase._set_old_prop = false; _pEditBase._deleted_char = ""; _pEditBase._is_on_killfocus = false; _pEditBase._is_apply_autoselect = false; _pEditBase._imefirsttxt = ""; _pEditBase._select_text = ""; _pEditBase._compositionstart_value = ""; _pEditBase._compositionend_value = ""; _pEditBase._bChangeFocusText = false; _pEditBase._keycode = 0; _pEditBase._charcode = 0; _pEditBase._altkey = false; _pEditBase._ctrlkey = false; _pEditBase._shiftkey = false; _pEditBase._old_begin_pos = 0; _pEditBase._old_end_pos = 0; _pEditBase._begin_pos = 0; _pEditBase._end_pos = 0; _pEditBase._input_begin_pos = 0; _pEditBase._accept_keyinput_event = true; _pEditBase._accept_focus_event = true; _pEditBase._accept_blur_event = true; _pEditBase._accept_select_event = true; _pEditBase._accept_cut_process = true; _pEditBase._stat_mouse = null; _pEditBase._stat_focus = null; _pEditBase._stat_composition = null; _pEditBase._mouseflag = false; _pEditBase._is_undo = false; _pEditBase._undoStack = null; _pEditBase._textEventInfo = null; _pEditBase._set_timer_by_killfocus = false; _pEditBase._isPasteActionComplete = true; _pEditBase._on_input_mousedown = null; _pEditBase._on_input_mouseup = null; _pEditBase._on_input_mousemove = null; _pEditBase._on_input_touchstart = null; _pEditBase._on_input_touchmove = null; _pEditBase._on_input_touchend = null; _pEditBase._on_input_keydown = null; _pEditBase._on_input_keypress = null; _pEditBase._on_input_keyinput = null; _pEditBase._on_input_keyup = null; _pEditBase._on_input_focus = null; _pEditBase._on_input_blur = null; _pEditBase._on_input_copy = null; _pEditBase._on_input_cut = null; _pEditBase._on_input_paste = null; _pEditBase._on_input_compositionstart = null; _pEditBase._on_input_compositionend = null; _pEditBase._on_input_compositionupdate = null; _pEditBase._on_input_select = null; _pEditBase._on_default_input_keyup = nexacro._emptyFn; _pEditBase._keyup_process_enter = nexacro._emptyFn; _pEditBase._focus_process = nexacro._emptyFn; _pEditBase._blur_process = nexacro._emptyFn; _pEditBase._mouseup_process = nexacro._emptyFn; _pEditBase._mousedown_process = nexacro._emptyFn; _pEditBase.onUpdateStyle = nexacro._emptyFn; _pEditBase.syncValue = nexacro._emptyFn; _pEditBase.insertTabChar = nexacro._emptyFn; _pEditBase.applyInputmode = nexacro._emptyFn; _pEditBase._changeFocusText = nexacro._emptyFn; _pEditBase._setLocale = nexacro._emptyFn; _pEditBase._init_eventhandler = function () { this._on_input_mousedown = this._on_default_input_mousedown; this._on_input_mouseup = this._on_default_input_mouseup; this._on_input_mousemove = this._on_default_input_mousemove; this._on_input_keydown = this._on_default_input_keydown; this._on_input_keypress = this._on_default_input_keypress; this._on_input_keyinput = this._on_default_input_keyinput; this._on_input_keyup = this._on_default_input_keyup; this._on_input_touchstart = this._on_default_input_touchstart; this._on_input_touchmove = this._on_default_input_touchmove; this._on_input_touchend = this._on_default_input_touchend; this._on_input_focus = this._on_default_input_focus; this._on_input_blur = this._on_default_input_blur; this._on_input_copy = this._on_default_input_copy; this._on_input_cut = this._on_default_input_cut; this._on_input_paste = this._on_default_input_paste; this._on_input_compositionstart = this._on_default_input_compositionstart; this._on_input_compositionend = this._on_default_input_compositionend; this._on_input_compositionupdate = this._on_default_input_compositionupdate; this._on_input_select = this._on_default_input_select; }; _pEditBase._init = function () { this._old_text = ""; this._text = ""; this._old_value = null; this._value = null; this._focus_text = ""; this._focus_value = null; this._set_old_prop = false; this._old_begin_pos = 0; this._old_end_pos = 0; this._begin_pos = 0; this._end_pos = 0; this._input_begin_pos = 0; this._accept_focus_event = true; this._accept_blur_event = true; this._set_timer_by_killfocus = false; if (!this._stat_mouse) { this._stat_mouse = new nexacro.EditBase.Status("mouse"); } else { this._stat_mouse.init(); } if (!this._stat_focus) { this._stat_focus = new nexacro.EditBase.Status("focus"); } else { this._stat_focus.init(); } if (!this._stat_composition) { this._stat_composition = new nexacro.EditBase.CompositionStatus("composition"); } else { this._stat_composition.init(); } if (!this._undoStack) { this._undoStack = new nexacro.EditBase.UndoStack(this.comp); } else { this._undoStack.init(); } if (!this._textEventInfo) { this._textEventInfo = new nexacro.EditBase.TextEventInfo(this.comp); } else { this._textEventInfo.init(); } }; _pEditBase._destroy = function () { this.comp = null; this._old_value = null; this._value = null; this._focus_value = null; this._stat_mouse = null; this._stat_focus = null; this._stat_composition = null; if (this._undoStack) { this._undoStack._destroy(); this._undoStack = null; } if (this._textEventInfo) { this._textEventInfo._destroy(); this._textEventInfo = null; } }; _pEditBase._on_getAccessibilityAdditionalLabel = function () { var comp = this.comp; var input_elem = comp._input_element; if (input_elem && input_elem._wantAccessibilityAdditionalLabel) { if (!input_elem._wantAccessibilityAdditionalLabel()) { return ""; } if (comp.text !== undefined && comp.value !== undefined) { return comp.text; } } return ""; }; _pEditBase._on_getAccessibilityWholeLabel = function () { var comp = this.comp; var input_elem = comp._input_element; if (input_elem) { if (comp.text !== undefined && comp.value !== undefined) { return comp.text; } } return ""; }; _pEditBase.setPosition = function () { var comp = this.comp; var elem = comp._input_element; var control = comp._control_element; var container_width = comp._client_width; var container_height = comp._client_height; if (elem && elem._handle) { if (container_width != 0 && container_height != 0) { var p = nexacro._getCachedPaddingObj("0 1 0 1"); var align = comp.on_find_CurrentStyle_align(comp._pseudo); var padding = comp.on_find_CurrentStyle_padding(comp._pseudo); var valign = align.valign; var halign = align.halign; if (valign == "") { valign = nexacro.Component._default_left_align.valign; } elem.setElementPosition(0, 0); control.setElementPadding(padding); elem.setElementPadding(p); elem.setElementSize(container_width, container_height); elem.setElementAlignXY(halign, valign); } } }; _pEditBase.setElementCaretPos = function (start, end, elem) { if (elem && elem._type == "date") { start = 0; end = elem.getElementValue().length; } this._old_begin_pos = this._begin_pos; this._old_end_pos = this._end_pos; this._begin_pos = start; this._end_pos = end; if (!this._is_composition() && !this.comp._input_element._is_ios_composition) { this._input_begin_pos = start; } if (elem) { pos = elem.setElementSetSelect(start, end); } }; if (nexacro.OS == "iOS") { if (nexacro.OSVersion.charAt(0) < 7) { _pEditBase.getCompositionData = function (elem) { var value = elem.getElementValue(); var start = this._input_begin_pos; var end = value.length - this._imefirsttxt.length; var data = value.substr(start, end); return data; }; } else { _pEditBase.getCompositionData = function (elem) { var pos = elem.getElementCaretPos(); if (!pos || pos == -1) { return ""; } var value = elem.getElementValue(); var start = this._input_begin_pos; var end = pos.begin - this._input_begin_pos; var data = value.substr(start, end); return data; }; } } else { _pEditBase.getCompositionData = function (elem) { var pos = elem.getElementCaretPos(); if (!pos || pos == -1) { return ""; } var value = elem.getElementValue(); var start = this._input_begin_pos; var end = pos.begin - this._input_begin_pos; var data = value.substr(start, end); return data; }; } _pEditBase.getInsertText = function (elem) { var insertText = ""; var element_text = elem.getElementValue(); var text = this._text; if (!text) { text = ""; } if (this._pasteAction || this._keycode == 13 || this._stat_composition.getCurrentStatus() == nexacro.EditBase.Status.None) { var len = element_text.length - text.length; insertText = element_text.substr(this._begin_pos, len); } else if (this.getCompositionData(elem)) { insertText = this.getCompositionData(elem); } else { insertText = this._stat_composition.getData(elem); } return insertText; }; _pEditBase.clearBuffer = function (text, begin, end) { if (text === null || text === undefined) { return; } var newText = text.substr(0, begin) + text.substr(end, text.length - end); this._setText(newText); this._setValue(newText); this.setElementCaretPos(begin, begin); }; _pEditBase.restoreBuffer = function (text, begin, end) { if (text === null || text === undefined) { return; } this._setText(text); this._setValue(text); this.setElementCaretPos(begin, end); }; _pEditBase.writeBuffer = function (elem) { var str = this._text; if (str === undefined || str === null) { str = ""; } str = str.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n"); var val = elem.getElementValue(); val = val.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n"); if (elem && val != str) { elem.setElementValue(str); } return str; }; _pEditBase.setValue = function (v) { var elem = this.comp._input_element; if (nexacro._isNull(v) || v === "") { this._setText(""); this._setValue(v); this._undoStack.push(v); if (elem) { if (nexacro.Browser == "Runtime") { this.setElementCaretPos(0, 0, elem); } else { this.setElementCaretPos(0, 0); } } } else { this._setText(v); this._setValue(v); this._undoStack.push(v, v, this._begin_pos, this._end_pos); } if (elem) { if (nexacro.OS == "iOS" && elem) { if (!this.comp.password) { elem.setElementInputType("text", true); elem.setElementInputTypeKeypad(this.comp.inputtype); } } elem.setElementValue(v, true); if (nexacro.Browser == "Gecko") { elem.setElementSetSelect(this._begin_pos, this._end_pos); } } }; _pEditBase._on_default_input_mousedown = function (elem, altkey, ctrlkey, shiftkey) { this._old_text = this._text; this._old_value = this._value; var mouse_stat = this._stat_mouse.getCurrentStatus(); if (mouse_stat == "mousedown") { this._is_apply_autoselect = false; } this._stat_mouse.setStatus(nexacro.EditBase.Status.MouseDown); this._mousedown_process(elem); if (ctrlkey && !this._is_selected()) { this.comp.setSelect(); } }; _pEditBase._on_default_input_mousemove = function (elem) { if (this._text == elem.getElementValue()) { this._setCaret(elem); } }; _pEditBase._on_default_input_mouseup = function (elem, altkey, ctrlkey, shiftkey) { this._stat_mouse.setStatus(nexacro.EditBase.Status.MouseUp); this._mouseup_process(elem); if (this._is_apply_autoselect) { this._is_apply_autoselect = false; elem._event_stop = true; } if (elem.readonly) { elem._deleteCaret(); } }; _pEditBase._on_default_input_touchstart = function (elem) { this._old_text = this._text; this._old_value = this._value; this._mousedown_process(elem); }; _pEditBase._on_default_input_touchmove = function (elem) { }; _pEditBase._on_default_input_touchend = function (elem) { this._stat_mouse.setStatus(nexacro.EditBase.Status.MouseUp); this._setCaret(elem); if (elem.readonly) { elem._deleteCaret(); } }; _pEditBase._on_default_input_select = function (elem) { if (this._accept_select_event === false) { this._accept_select_event = true; return; } if (nexacro.Browser != "Edge") { this._setCaret(elem); } if (this._text && (this._begin_pos != this._end_pos)) { this._select_text = this._text.substring(this._begin_pos, this._end_pos); } }; _pEditBase._on_default_input_focus = function (elem, target) { var mouseflag = false; var mouse_status = this._stat_mouse.getCurrentStatus(); var focus_status = this._stat_focus.getCurrentStatus(); if (mouse_status == nexacro.EditBase.Status.MouseDown && focus_status != nexacro.EditBase.Status.Focus) { mouseflag = true; } if (this._accept_focus_event === false) { this._accept_focus_event = true; this.setElementCaretPos(this._begin_pos, this._end_pos, elem); if (!mouseflag && elem.readonly) { elem._deleteCaret(); } return; } this._focus_process(elem, mouseflag); if (focus_status != nexacro.EditBase.Status.Focus) { if (!this.comp._activate_flag) { this._setFocusValue(); } } if (mouseflag) { if (nexacro.Browser != "Edge" && nexacro.Browser != "IE") { elem._event_stop = true; } } if (!this._is_composition()) { this._compositionend_value = ""; this._stat_composition.init(); } this.comp._activate_flag = false; if (((nexacro.Browser == "Runtime") || (nexacro.Browser != "Runtime" && this._mouseflag && mouse_stat == "mousedown")) && focus_status != nexacro.EditBase.Status.Focus && this._stat_focus.getCurrentStatus() == nexacro.EditBase.Status.Focus) { var win = this.comp._getWindow(); var focus_idx = win ? win._indexOfCurrentFocusPaths(this.comp) : 0; if (focus_idx < 0 && this.comp._is_subcontrol) { focus_idx = win ? win._indexOfCurrentFocusPaths(this.comp.parent) : 0; } if (focus_idx < 0 && (nexacro.Browser == "Runtime" || !application._is_on_alert)) { this.comp._on_focus(true); } } }; _pEditBase._on_default_input_blur = function (elem, target) { if ((!this.comp._input_element.getRootWindowHandle()) || (target === elem._handle && elem.password)) { return true; } if (this._accept_blur_event === false) { this._accept_blur_event = true; return false; } if (this._is_on_killfocus && this._stat_mouse.getCurrentStatus() === nexacro.EditBase.Status.MouseDown) { this._stat_mouse.setStatus(nexacro.EditBase.Status.MouseUp); } this._blur_process(elem); this._stat_focus.setStatus(nexacro.EditBase.Status.Blur); return true; }; if (nexacro.Browser == "IE" && nexacro.BrowserVersion <= 10) { if (nexacro.OSVersion >= 6.0) { if (nexacro.BrowserVersion == 10) { _pEditBase._on_default_input_keyinput = function (elem) { if (this._accept_keyinput_event === false) { this._accept_keyinput_event = true; return false; } if (elem.readonly) { return false; } if (!this.comp) { return false; } var comp = this.comp; var element_value = elem.getElementValue(); var editbase_text = this._text; var editbase_value = this._value; if (!editbase_text) { editbase_text = ""; } if (!editbase_value) { editbase_value = ""; } if (!elem.usemultiline) { editbase_text = editbase_text.replace(/\r\n/g, ""); editbase_text = editbase_text.replace(/\n/g, ""); editbase_value = editbase_value.replace(/\r\n/g, ""); editbase_value = editbase_value.replace(/\n/g, ""); } if (element_value == editbase_text && element_value == editbase_value && (element_value && (comp.maxlength == 0 || comp.maxlength >= element_value.length))) { this._setCaret(elem); return false; } if (element_value == editbase_value && this._is_composition()) { return false; } if (!this._set_old_prop) { this._old_text = this._text; this._old_value = this._value; this._old_begin_pos = this._begin_pos; this._old_end_pos = this._end_pos; } if (this._is_selected() && !this._cutAction) { this.clearBuffer(this._text, this._begin_pos, this._end_pos); this.syncValue(); this._set_old_prop = true; if (this._pasteAction) { this._isPasteActionComplete = false; } return false; } if (this._keycode == nexacro.KeyCode_ImeInput && (this._stat_composition.getCurrentStatus() != nexacro.EditBase.Status.CompositionEnd)) { var data = this.getCompositionData(elem); var pos = elem.getElementCaretPos(); if (!this._is_composition()) { if (data != " ") { this._on_input_compositionstart(data); } } else { if (this._is_hangul(data)) { if (pos.begin != this._begin_pos) { var insertText = data.substr(0, 1); this._on_input_compositionend(insertText); var ret = this._fire_text_event(insertText); data = this.getCompositionData(elem); if (data.length > 0) { this._on_input_compositionstart(data); } } else if (this._compositionend_value === element_value) { this._on_input_compositionend(data); } else { this._on_input_compositionupdate(data); } } else { this._on_input_compositionupdate(data); } } } else if (this._is_composition()) { var data = this.getCompositionData(elem); if (!this._is_hangul(data)) { this._on_input_compositionupdate(data); } else { this._on_input_compositionend(data); } } var insertText = ""; insertText = this.getInsertText(elem); var ret = this._fire_text_event(insertText); this._compositionend_value = element_value; if (!this._is_composition()) { this._compositionend_value = ""; this._stat_composition.init(); } this._set_old_prop = false; this.onUpdateStyle(comp); return ret; }; } else if (nexacro.BrowserVersion == 9) { _pEditBase._on_default_input_keyinput = function (elem) { if (this._accept_keyinput_event === false) { this._accept_keyinput_event = true; return false; } if (elem.readonly) { return false; } if (!this.comp) { return false; } var comp = this.comp; var element_value = elem.getElementValue(); var editbase_text = this._text; var editbase_value = this._value; if (!editbase_text) { editbase_text = ""; } if (!editbase_value) { editbase_value = ""; } if (!elem.usemultiline) { editbase_text = editbase_text.replace(/\r\n/g, ""); editbase_text = editbase_text.replace(/\n/g, ""); editbase_value = editbase_value.replace(/\r\n/g, ""); editbase_value = editbase_value.replace(/\n/g, ""); } if (element_value == editbase_text && element_value == editbase_value && (element_value && (comp.maxlength == 0 || comp.maxlength >= element_value.length))) { this._setCaret(elem); return false; } this._old_text = this._text; this._old_value = this._value; this._old_begin_pos = this._begin_pos; this._old_end_pos = this._end_pos; if (this._is_selected()) { this.clearBuffer(this._text, this._begin_pos, this._end_pos); this.syncValue(); } if (this._keycode == nexacro.KeyCode_ImeInput) { var data = this.getCompositionData(elem); var pos = elem.getElementCaretPos(); if (!this._is_composition()) { if (data != " ") { this._on_input_compositionstart(data); } } else { if (this._is_hangul(data)) { if (pos.begin != this._begin_pos) { var insertText = data.substr(0, 1); this._on_input_compositionend(insertText); var ret = this._fire_text_event(insertText); data = this.getCompositionData(elem); if (data.length > 0) { this._on_input_compositionstart(data); } } else if (this._compositionend_value === element_value) { this._on_input_compositionend(data); } else { this._on_input_compositionupdate(data); } } else { this._on_input_compositionupdate(data); } } } else if (this._is_composition()) { var data = this.getCompositionData(elem); if (!this._is_hangul(data)) { this._on_input_compositionupdate(data); } } var insertText = this.getInsertText(elem); var ret = this._fire_text_event(insertText); this._compositionend_value = element_value; if (!this._is_composition()) { this._compositionend_value = ""; this._stat_composition.init(); } this.onUpdateStyle(comp); return ret; }; } else { _pEditBase._on_default_input_keyinput = function (elem) { if (this._accept_keyinput_event === false) { this._accept_keyinput_event = true; return false; } if (elem.readonly) { return false; } if (!this.comp) { return false; } var comp = this.comp; var element_value = elem.getElementValue(); var editbase_text = this._text; var editbase_value = this._value; if (!editbase_text) { editbase_text = ""; } if (!editbase_value) { editbase_value = ""; } if (!elem.usemultiline) { if (typeof (editbase_text) == "string") { editbase_text = editbase_text.replace(/\r\n/g, ""); editbase_text = editbase_text.replace(/\n/g, ""); } if (typeof (editbase_value) == "string") { editbase_value = editbase_value.replace(/\r\n/g, ""); editbase_value = editbase_value.replace(/\n/g, ""); } } if (element_value == editbase_text && element_value == editbase_value && (element_value && (comp.maxlength == 0 || comp.maxlength >= element_value.length))) { this._setCaret(elem); return false; } if (!this._set_old_prop) { this._old_text = this._text; this._old_value = this._value; this._old_begin_pos = this._begin_pos; this._old_end_pos = this._end_pos; } if (this._is_selected() && !this._cutAction) { this.clearBuffer(this._text, this._begin_pos, this._end_pos); this.syncValue(); this._set_old_prop = true; return; } if (this._keycode == nexacro.KeyCode_ImeInput) { var data = this.getCompositionData(elem); var pos = elem.getElementCaretPos(); if (!this._is_composition()) { if (data && data.charAt(data.length - 1) != " ") { if (this._stat_composition.getCurrentStatus() == nexacro.EditBase.Status.None) { this._on_input_compositionstart(data); } } else { this._on_input_compositionend(data); } } else { if (data && data.length > 0) { if (this._is_hangul(data)) { if (pos.begin != this._begin_pos) { var insertText = data.substr(0, 1); this._on_input_compositionend(insertText); var ret = this._fire_text_event(insertText); var newCompositionText = data.substring(1, data.length); if (newCompositionText.length > 0) { this._on_input_compositionstart(newCompositionText); } } else { this._on_input_compositionupdate(data); } } else { this._on_input_compositionupdate(data); } } else { } } } else if (this._is_composition()) { var data = this.getCompositionData(elem); if (!this._is_hangul(data)) { this._on_input_compositionupdate(data); } } var insertText = this.getInsertText(elem); var ret = this._fire_text_event(insertText); this._compositionend_value = element_value; if (!this._is_composition()) { this._compositionend_value = ""; this._stat_composition.init(); } this._set_old_prop = false; this.onUpdateStyle(comp); return ret; }; } } else { _pEditBase._on_default_input_keyinput = function (elem) { if (this._accept_keyinput_event === false) { this._accept_keyinput_event = true; return false; } if (elem.readonly) { return false; } if (!this.comp) { return false; } var comp = this.comp; var element_value = elem.getElementValue(); var editbase_text = this._text; var editbase_value = this._value; if (!editbase_text) { editbase_text = ""; } if (!editbase_value) { editbase_value = ""; } if (!elem.usemultiline) { editbase_text = editbase_text.replace(/\r\n/g, ""); editbase_text = editbase_text.replace(/\n/g, ""); editbase_value = editbase_value.replace(/\r\n/g, ""); editbase_value = editbase_value.replace(/\n/g, ""); } if (element_value == editbase_text && element_value == editbase_value && (element_value && (comp.maxlength == 0 || comp.maxlength >= element_value.length))) { this._setCaret(elem); return false; } this._old_text = this._text; this._old_value = this._value; this._old_begin_pos = this._begin_pos; this._old_end_pos = this._end_pos; if (this._is_selected()) { this.clearBuffer(this._text, this._begin_pos, this._end_pos); this.syncValue(); } if (this._keycode == nexacro.KeyCode_ImeInput) { var data = this.getCompositionData(elem); if (!this._is_composition()) { if (data != " ") { this._on_input_compositionstart(data); } } else { if (this._is_hangul(data)) { if (this._compositionend_value && (this._compositionend_value.length < element_value.length)) { var insertText = data.substr(0, 1); this._compositionend_value = element_value.substr(0, element_value.length - 1); this._on_input_compositionend(insertText); var ret = this._fire_text_event(insertText); data = data.substr(1, data.length - 1); if (data.length > 0) { this._on_input_compositionstart(data); } } else { this._on_input_compositionupdate(data); } } else { this._on_input_compositionupdate(data); } } } else if (this._is_composition()) { var data = this.getCompositionData(elem); if (!this._is_hangul(data)) { this._on_input_compositionupdate(data); } } var insertText = this.getInsertText(elem); var ret = this._fire_text_event(insertText); this._compositionend_value = element_value; if (!this._is_composition()) { this._compositionend_value = ""; this._stat_composition.init(); } this.onUpdateStyle(comp); return ret; }; } } else if (nexacro.OS == "iOS") { var ver_arr = nexacro.OSVersion.split("."); var major_ver = ver_arr[0]; if (major_ver < 7) { _pEditBase._on_default_input_keyinput = function (elem) { if (this._accept_keyinput_event === false) { this._accept_keyinput_event = true; return false; } if (elem.readonly) { return false; } if (!this.comp) { return false; } var comp = this.comp; var elem_value = elem.getElementValue(); var base_text = this._text; var base_value = this._value; if (this._is_composition() && this._imefirsttxt == elem_value && (elem_value && (comp.maxlength == 0 || comp.maxlength >= elem_value.length))) { return false; } this._old_text = this._text; this._old_value = this._value; this._old_begin_pos = this._begin_pos; this._old_end_pos = this._end_pos; if (this._is_selected()) { this.clearBuffer(this._text, this._begin_pos, this._end_pos); this.syncValue(); } if (this._charcode >= 12593 && this._charcode <= 12643) { if (!this._is_composition()) { this._imefirsttxt = this._text; var data = this.getCompositionData(elem); this._on_input_compositionstart(data); } else { var data = this.getCompositionData(elem); if (this._compositionend_value && (this._compositionend_value.length < elem_value.length)) { var insertText = data.substr(0, 1); var newData_len = data.length - 1; var composition_front = elem_value.substr(0, this._begin_pos); var composition_rear = elem_value.substr(this._begin_pos + newData_len, elem_value.length - 1); this._compositionend_value = composition_front + composition_rear; this._on_input_compositionend(insertText); var ret = this._fire_text_event(insertText); data = data.substr(1, data.length - 1); if (data.length > 0) { this._imefirsttxt = this._compositionend_value; this._on_input_compositionstart(data); } } else { this._on_input_compositionupdate(data); } } } else if (this._is_composition()) { var data = this.getCompositionData(elem); if (!this._is_hangul(data)) { this._on_input_compositionupdate(data); } } var insertText = this.getInsertText(elem); var ret = this._fire_text_event(insertText); this._compositionend_value = elem_value; if (!this._is_composition()) { this._compositionend_value = ""; this._stat_composition.init(); } this.onUpdateStyle(comp); return ret; }; } else { _pEditBase._on_default_input_keyinput = function (elem) { if (this._accept_keyinput_event === false) { this._accept_keyinput_event = true; return false; } if (elem.readonly) { return false; } if (!this.comp) { return false; } var comp = this.comp; var elem_value = elem.getElementValue(); var pos = elem.getElementCaretPos(); var base_text = this._text; var base_value = this._value; if (this._is_composition() && this._imefirsttxt == elem_value && (elem_value && (comp.maxlength == 0 || comp.maxlength >= elem_value.length))) { return false; } this._old_text = this._text; this._old_value = this._value; this._old_begin_pos = this._begin_pos; this._old_end_pos = this._end_pos; if (this._is_selected()) { this.clearBuffer(this._text, this._begin_pos, this._end_pos); this.syncValue(); } if (this._charcode >= 12593 && this._charcode <= 12643) { if (!this._is_composition()) { this._imefirsttxt = this._text; this._input_begin_pos = (!pos || pos == -1) ? 0 : pos.begin - 1; var data = this.getCompositionData(elem); this._on_input_compositionstart(data); } else { var data = this.getCompositionData(elem); if (this._compositionend_value && (this._compositionend_value.length < elem_value.length)) { var insertText = data.substr(0, 1); var newData_len = data.length - 1; var composition_front = elem_value.substr(0, this._begin_pos); var composition_rear = elem_value.substr(this._begin_pos + newData_len, elem_value.length - 1); this._compositionend_value = composition_front + composition_rear; this._on_input_compositionend(insertText); var ret = this._fire_text_event(insertText); data = data.substr(1, data.length - 1); if (data.length > 0) { this._imefirsttxt = this._compositionend_value; this._on_input_compositionstart(data); } } else { this._on_input_compositionupdate(data); } } } else { var data = this._stat_composition.getData(elem); if (this._is_composition() && this._is_hangul(data)) { this._on_input_compositionend(data); } } var insertText = this.getInsertText(elem); var ret = this._fire_text_event(insertText); this._compositionend_value = elem_value; if (!this._is_composition()) { this._compositionend_value = ""; this._stat_composition.init(); } this.onUpdateStyle(comp); return ret; }; } } else { _pEditBase._on_default_input_keyinput = function (elem) { if (this._accept_keyinput_event === false) { this._accept_keyinput_event = true; return false; } if (elem.readonly) { return false; } if (!this.comp) { return false; } var comp = this.comp; var elem_value = elem.getElementValue(); var elem_pos = elem.getElementCaretPos(); var editbase_text = this._text; var editbase_value = this._value; if (!editbase_text) { editbase_text = ""; } if (!editbase_value) { editbase_value = ""; } if (!this._is_composition() && elem_value == editbase_text && elem_value == editbase_value && (elem_value && (comp.maxlength == 0 || comp.maxlength >= this.getLength(elem, editbase_text)))) { this._setCaret(elem); this.onUpdateStyle(comp); return false; } this._old_text = this._text; this._old_value = this._value; this._old_begin_pos = this._begin_pos; this._old_end_pos = this._end_pos; if (this._is_selected()) { this.clearBuffer(this._text, this._begin_pos, this._end_pos); this.syncValue(); } if (this._check_backspace(elem)) { this.restoreBuffer(elem_value, elem_pos.begin, elem_pos.end); } var insertText = this.getInsertText(elem); var ret = this._fire_text_event(insertText); if (!this._is_composition()) { this._stat_composition.init(); } this.onUpdateStyle(comp); return ret; }; } _pEditBase._on_input_keyinput_after = function () { if (this._isPasteActionComplete) { this._pasteAction = false; this._cutAction = false; } }; _pEditBase._on_default_input_copy = function (elem) { if (application._input_paste_comp) { application._input_paste_comp = null; } }; _pEditBase._on_default_input_cut = function (elem) { this._cutAction = true; var pos = elem.getElementCaretPos(); var val = elem.getElementValue(); if (!pos || pos == -1) { this._undoStack.push(val, val, 0, 0); } else { this._begin_pos = pos.begin; this._end_pos = pos.end; this._undoStack.push(val, val, pos.begin, pos.end); } if (application._input_paste_comp) { application._input_paste_comp = null; } if (nexacro.Browser == "Edge" || nexacro.Browser == "IE") { var pThis = this; nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(pThis.comp, function () { pThis._on_input_keyinput(elem); }); } }; _pEditBase._on_default_input_paste = function (elem) { if (application._input_paste_comp) { application._input_paste_comp._setFocus(); } this._pasteAction = true; var pos = elem.getElementCaretPos(); var val = elem.getElementValue(); if (!pos || pos == -1) { this._undoStack.push(val, val, 0, 0); } else { this._undoStack.push(val, val, pos.begin, pos.end); } if (nexacro.Browser == "IE" && nexacro.BrowserVersion < 9) { var pThis = this; nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(pThis.comp, function () { if (!(pThis._ctrlkey && pThis._keycode == 86)) { pThis.setElementCaretPos(pThis._old_begin_pos, pThis._old_begin_pos); } pThis._pasteAction = true; pThis._on_input_keyinput(elem); }); } }; if (nexacro.Browser == "Edge" || nexacro.Browser == "IE" && nexacro.BrowserVersion == 11) { _pEditBase._on_default_input_compositionstart = function (data) { var elem = this.comp._input_element; var val = elem.getElementValue(); if (data == "" || this._is_hangul(data)) { if (this._compositionstart_value.length != val.length) { if (this._stat_composition.getCurrentStatus() == nexacro.EditBase.Status.CompositionUpdate) { var compositionend_char = val.substr(this._input_begin_pos, 1); this._on_default_input_compositionend(compositionend_char); } } } this._stat_composition.setStatus(nexacro.EditBase.Status.CompositionStart, data); }; } else if (nexacro.Browser == "IE" && nexacro.BrowserVersion < 9) { _pEditBase._on_default_input_compositionstart = function (data) { this._compositionstart_value = this._text; this._stat_composition.setStatus(nexacro.EditBase.Status.CompositionStart, data); }; } else if (nexacro.Browser == "Safari") { _pEditBase._on_default_input_compositionstart = function (data) { if (this._is_compositionfocus) { var elem = this.comp._input_element; this._is_compositionfocus = false; this._accept_focus_event = false; this._accept_blur_event = false; elem.setElementBlur(); elem.setElementFocus(); } this._stat_composition.setStatus(nexacro.EditBase.Status.CompositionStart, data); }; } else if (nexacro.OS == "Android") { _pEditBase._on_default_input_compositionstart = function (data) { if (this._keycode == 0) { this._input_begin_pos = this.comp._input_element.getElementCaretPos().begin; } else { this._input_begin_pos = this._begin_pos; } this._compositionstart_value = this._text; this._stat_composition.setStatus(nexacro.EditBase.Status.CompositionStart, data); }; } else { _pEditBase._on_default_input_compositionstart = function (data) { this._input_begin_pos = this._begin_pos; this._compositionstart_value = this._text; this._stat_composition.setStatus(nexacro.EditBase.Status.CompositionStart, data); }; } if (nexacro.Browser == "Edge" || nexacro.Browser == "IE" && nexacro.BrowserVersion == 11) { _pEditBase._on_default_input_compositionupdate = function (data) { var elem = this.comp._input_element; var val = elem.getElementValue(); var pos = elem.getElementCaretPos(); if (data == "" || this._is_hangul(data)) { if (this._compositionstart_value.length != val.length) { if (this._stat_composition.getCurrentStatus() == nexacro.EditBase.Status.CompositionUpdate) { this._on_default_input_compositionstart(data); } } if (this._stat_composition.getCurrentStatus() == nexacro.EditBase.Status.CompositionStart) { this._input_begin_pos = pos.end - data.length; this._compositionstart_value = val; } } this._stat_composition.setStatus(nexacro.EditBase.Status.CompositionUpdate, data); }; } else if (nexacro.Browser == "Safari") { _pEditBase._on_default_input_compositionupdate = function (data) { if (this._is_compositionfocus) { var elem = this.comp._input_element; this._is_compositionfocus = false; this._accept_focus_event = false; this._accept_blur_event = false; elem.setElementBlur(); elem.setElementFocus(); } this._stat_composition.setStatus(nexacro.EditBase.Status.CompositionUpdate, data); }; } else { _pEditBase._on_default_input_compositionupdate = function (data) { this._stat_composition.setStatus(nexacro.EditBase.Status.CompositionUpdate, data); }; } if (nexacro.Browser == "Edge" || (nexacro.Browser == "IE" && (nexacro.BrowserVersion == 11 || (nexacro.BrowserType == "IE10" && nexacro._getRealBrowserVersion() == 11)))) { _pEditBase._on_default_input_compositionend = function (data) { this._compositionstart_value = ""; this._stat_composition.setStatus(nexacro.EditBase.Status.CompositionEnd, data); if (this._bStatChangeOnly) { return; } var elem = this.comp._input_element; var val = elem.getElementValue(); var pos = elem.getElementCaretPos(); var pThis = this; var front_val = val.substr(0, this._input_begin_pos); var input_val = val.substr(this._input_begin_pos, 1); var rear_val = val.substr(pos.end, val.length - pos.end); var newText = front_val + input_val + rear_val; if (data == "" || this._is_hangul(data)) { if (this._accept_keyinput_event) { this._fire_text_event(input_val); this._text = newText; this._value = newText; return true; } else { this._accept_keyinput_event = true; } } }; } else if (nexacro.Browser == "Chrome" && nexacro.BrowserVersion >= 53) { _pEditBase._on_default_input_compositionend = function (data) { this._compositionstart_value = ""; this._stat_composition.setStatus(nexacro.EditBase.Status.CompositionEnd, data); if (this._bStatChangeOnly) { return; } var elem = this.comp._input_element; var val = elem.getElementValue(); var pos = elem.getElementCaretPos(); var pThis = this; var front_val = val.substr(0, this._input_begin_pos); var input_val = val.substr(this._input_begin_pos, data.length); var rear_val = val.substr(pos.end, val.length - pos.end); var newText = front_val + input_val + rear_val; if (this._accept_keyinput_event) { this._fire_text_event(input_val); return true; } else { this._accept_keyinput_event = true; } }; } else { _pEditBase._on_default_input_compositionend = function (data) { this._compositionstart_value = ""; this._stat_composition.setStatus(nexacro.EditBase.Status.CompositionEnd, data); }; } _pEditBase._fire_text_event = function (chartext) { var ret = true; var bInsert = true; var bCut = false; var bCancel = false; var bFilled = false; var comp = this.comp; var elem = comp._input_element; var text = this._cutAction ? this._old_text : this._text; var value = this._value; var autoskip = comp.autoskip; var text_info = this._textEventInfo; var newText = this._get_newText_from_text_event(chartext); if (!text) { text = ""; } var begin_pos = this._input_begin_pos; var end_pos = begin_pos + chartext.length; var old_chartext = chartext; var evt_chartext = chartext; var strFront = newText.substr(0, begin_pos); var strRear = newText.substr(end_pos, newText.length - end_pos); var preImeText = this._stat_composition.getPreviousData(); var postImeText = this._stat_composition.getData(); var preCharEventText = strFront + strRear; this._initinfo_from_text_event(chartext, newText, begin_pos, end_pos); if (this._check_filterable(chartext)) { chartext = this.applyInputmode(chartext); chartext = this._apply_inputfilter(chartext); chartext = this._apply_inputtype(chartext); if (old_chartext.length > 0 && chartext.length == 0) { bCancel = true; chartext = this._select_text; } this._select_text = ""; if (!bCancel) { bInsert = this._check_maxlength_from_text_event(chartext); if (!bInsert) { chartext = ""; newText = comp.text; } else { chartext = this._apply_maxlength_from_text_event(chartext); if (chartext != old_chartext) { bCut = true; } } } newText = strFront + chartext + strRear; if (comp.maxlength > 0 && newText.length > comp.maxlength) { newText = newText.substring(0, comp.maxlength); } } ret = this._after_filterprocess_from_text_event(chartext, newText, bInsert, bCut); if (this._is_composition()) { evt_chartext = ""; } text_info.setTextInfo(evt_chartext, text, ret.newText, preImeText, postImeText, preCharEventText, ret.bInsert, ret.bCut); if (!bCancel) { ret = comp._on_fire_textchangeEventSet(text_info); if (ret.bTextchangeRet) { if (ret.fireCancharEvent) { if (ret.bCancahrchangeRet && ret.bOncharRet) { this._setValue(text_info.posttext); this.syncValue(); if (!this._is_undo) { var undo_pos = begin_pos + chartext.length; this._undoStack.push(this._value, this._value, undo_pos, undo_pos); } } else { if (this._is_hangul(chartext)) { this._cancel_event_char_from_text_event(begin_pos, begin_pos); } else { this._setText(this._old_value); this._setValue(this._old_value); this.syncValue(); elem.setElementValue(this._text); this.setElementCaretPos(begin_pos, begin_pos, elem); } return ret; } } if (text_info.pretext != text_info.posttext) { this._setText(text_info.posttext); this.syncValue(); if (ret.bChangeInputValue) { elem.setElementValue(text_info.posttext); } comp.on_fire_ontextchanged(comp, this._old_text, this._text); } if (evt_chartext != text_info.chartext) { begin_pos += text_info.chartext.length; elem.setElementValue(text_info.posttext); this.setElementCaretPos(begin_pos, begin_pos, elem); } else { begin_pos += chartext.length; this._after_eventset_fired_from_text_event(begin_pos); } } else { this._cancel_event_textchange_from_text_event(begin_pos, end_pos); } } if (!ret.bInsert) { this._not_insert_from_text_event(begin_pos, end_pos); } if (ret.bCut) { this._cut_from_text_event(begin_pos, end_pos); } if (bCancel) { this._cancel_from_text_event(newText, begin_pos, end_pos); } if (autoskip) { this._autoskip_from_text_event(old_chartext); } return ret; }; if (nexacro.Browser == "Edge" || nexacro.Browser == "IE") { if (nexacro.OSVersion >= 6.0) { if (nexacro.SystemLang == "ja") { if (nexacro.BrowserVersion >= 9) { _pEditBase._get_newText_from_text_event = function (chartext) { var elem = this.comp._input_element; if (this._is_hangul(chartext) && this._stat_composition.getCurrentStatus() == nexacro.EditBase.Status.CompositionEnd && (this._compositionend_value && this._compositionend_value.length > 0)) { var newText = this._compositionend_value; } else { var newText = elem.getElementValue(); } return newText; }; _pEditBase._initinfo_from_text_event = nexacro._emptyFn; _pEditBase._check_maxlength_from_text_event = function (chartext) { return this._check_maxlength(); }; _pEditBase._apply_maxlength_from_text_event = function (chartext) { return this._apply_maxlength(chartext); }; _pEditBase._after_filterprocess_from_text_event = function (chartext, newText, bInsert, bCut) { return { newText : newText, bInsert : bInsert, bCut : bCut }; }; _pEditBase._after_eventset_fired_from_text_event = function (pos) { this.setElementCaretPos(pos, pos); }; _pEditBase._cancel_event_char_from_text_event = nexacro._emptyFn; _pEditBase._cancel_event_textchange_from_text_event = function (begin_pos, end_pos) { var elem = this.comp._input_element; this._setText(this._old_text); this._setValue(this._old_value); this.syncValue(); if (this._is_composition()) { this._accept_keyinput_event = false; this._accept_focus_event = false; this._accept_blur_event = false; elem.setElementBlur(); elem.setElementFocus(); } elem.setElementValue(this._text); this.setElementCaretPos(this._old_begin_pos, this._old_end_pos, elem); }; _pEditBase._not_insert_from_text_event = function (begin_pos, end_pos) { var pThis = this; var elem = this.comp._input_element; if (!this._is_on_killfocus) { if (!this._set_timer_by_killfocus) { this._accept_keyinput_event = false; this._accept_focus_event = false; this._accept_blur_event = false; elem.setElementBlur(); if (!this._is_on_killfocus) { elem.setElementFocus(); } this._accept_keyinput_event = false; } elem.setElementValue(this._text); this.setElementCaretPos(begin_pos, begin_pos, elem); } else { this._set_timer_by_killfocus = true; nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(pThis.comp, function () { elem.setElementValue(pThis._text); pThis._set_timer_by_killfocus = false; }); } }; _pEditBase._cut_from_text_event = function (begin_pos, end_pos) { var pThis = this; var elem = this.comp._input_element; this._setText(this._text); this._setValue(this._value); this.syncValue(); if (!this._is_on_killfocus) { this._accept_keyinput_event = false; this._accept_focus_event = false; this._accept_blur_event = false; elem.setElementBlur(); elem.setElementFocus(); elem.setElementValue(this._text); this.setElementCaretPos(begin_pos, begin_pos, elem); } else { this._set_timer_by_killfocus = true; nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(pThis.comp, function () { elem.setElementValue(pThis._text); pThis._set_timer_by_killfocus = false; }); } }; _pEditBase._cancel_from_text_event = function (newText, begin_pos, end_pos) { var pThis = this; var elem = this.comp._input_element; this._setText(newText); this._setValue(newText); this.syncValue(); if (!this._is_on_killfocus) { this._accept_keyinput_event = false; this._accept_focus_event = false; this._accept_blur_event = false; elem.setElementBlur(); elem.setElementFocus(); elem.setElementValue(this._text); this.setElementCaretPos(begin_pos, begin_pos, elem); } else { this._set_timer_by_killfocus = true; nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(pThis.comp, function () { elem.setElementValue(pThis._text); pThis._set_timer_by_killfocus = false; }); } }; _pEditBase._autoskip_from_text_event = function (chartext) { var bFilled = this._check_maxlength(); if (!bFilled) { this._apply_autoskip(); } }; } else { _pEditBase._get_newText_from_text_event = function (chartext) { var elem = this.comp._input_element; if (this._stat_composition.getCurrentStatus() == nexacro.EditBase.Status.CompositionEnd && (this._compositionend_value && this._compositionend_value.length > 0)) { var newText = this._compositionend_value; } else { var newText = elem.getElementValue(); } return newText; }; _pEditBase._initinfo_from_text_event = nexacro._emptyFn; _pEditBase._check_maxlength_from_text_event = function (chartext) { return this._check_maxlength(); }; _pEditBase._apply_maxlength_from_text_event = function (chartext) { return this._apply_maxlength(chartext); }; _pEditBase._after_filterprocess_from_text_event = function (chartext, newText, bInsert, bCut) { if (!chartext && !this._is_composition() && !this._is_undo) { this._text = this._value; return { newText : this._value, bInsert : false, bCut : false }; } return { newText : newText, bInsert : bInsert, bCut : bCut }; }; _pEditBase._after_eventset_fired_from_text_event = function (pos) { this.setElementCaretPos(pos, pos); }; _pEditBase._cancel_event_char_from_text_event = nexacro._emptyFn; _pEditBase._cancel_event_textchange_from_text_event = function (begin_pos, end_pos) { var elem = this.comp._input_element; this._setText(this._old_text); this._setValue(this._old_value); this.syncValue(); if (this._is_composition()) { this._on_input_compositionend(""); this._accept_keyinput_event = false; this._accept_focus_event = false; this._accept_blur_event = false; elem.setElementBlur(); elem.setElementFocus(); } elem.setElementValue(this._text); this.setElementCaretPos(this._old_begin_pos, this._old_end_pos, elem); }; _pEditBase._not_insert_from_text_event = function (begin_pos, end_pos) { var pThis = this; var elem = this.comp._input_element; if (!this._is_on_killfocus) { if (!this._set_timer_by_killfocus) { this._accept_focus_event = false; this._accept_blur_event = false; elem.setElementBlur(); elem.setElementValue(this._text); nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(pThis.comp, function () { pThis._accept_focus_event = false; pThis.setElementCaretPos(begin_pos, begin_pos, elem); }); } } else { this._set_timer_by_killfocus = true; var text = this._text; nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(pThis.comp, function () { elem.setElementValue(text); pThis._set_timer_by_killfocus = false; }); } }; _pEditBase._cut_from_text_event = function (begin_pos, end_pos) { var pThis = this; var elem = this.comp._input_element; this._setText(this._text); this._setValue(this._value); this.syncValue(); if (!this._is_on_killfocus) { this._accept_focus_event = false; this._accept_blur_event = false; elem.setElementBlur(); elem.setElementValue(this._text); nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(pThis.comp, function () { pThis._accept_focus_event = false; pThis.setElementCaretPos(begin_pos, begin_pos, elem); }); } else { this._set_timer_by_killfocus = true; var text = this._text; nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(pThis.comp, function () { elem.setElementValue(text); pThis._set_timer_by_killfocus = false; }); } }; _pEditBase._cancel_from_text_event = function (newText, begin_pos, end_pos) { var pThis = this; var elem = this.comp._input_element; this._setText(newText); this._setValue(newText); this.syncValue(); if (!this._is_on_killfocus) { this._accept_focus_event = false; this._accept_blur_event = false; elem.setElementBlur(); elem.setElementValue(this._text); nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(pThis.comp, function () { pThis._accept_focus_event = false; pThis.setElementCaretPos(begin_pos, begin_pos, elem); }); } else { this._set_timer_by_killfocus = true; var text = this._text; nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(pThis.comp, function () { elem.setElementValue(text); pThis._set_timer_by_killfocus = false; }); } }; _pEditBase._autoskip_from_text_event = function (chartext) { var bFilled = this._check_maxlength(); if (!bFilled) { this._apply_autoskip(); } }; } } else { if (nexacro.BrowserVersion >= 9) { _pEditBase._get_newText_from_text_event = function (chartext) { var elem = this.comp._input_element; if (this._is_hangul(chartext) && this._stat_composition.getCurrentStatus() == nexacro.EditBase.Status.CompositionEnd && (this._compositionend_value && this._compositionend_value.length > 0)) { var newText = this._compositionend_value; } else { var newText = elem.getElementValue(); } return newText; }; _pEditBase._initinfo_from_text_event = nexacro._emptyFn; _pEditBase._check_maxlength_from_text_event = function (chartext) { return this._check_maxlength(); }; _pEditBase._apply_maxlength_from_text_event = function (chartext) { return this._apply_maxlength(chartext); }; _pEditBase._after_filterprocess_from_text_event = function (chartext, newText, bInsert, bCut) { return { newText : newText, bInsert : bInsert, bCut : bCut }; }; _pEditBase._after_eventset_fired_from_text_event = function (pos) { this.setElementCaretPos(pos, pos); }; if (nexacro.BrowserVersion == 11) { _pEditBase._cancel_event_char_from_text_event = function (begin_pos, end_pos) { var elem = this.comp._input_element; this._old_begin_pos = begin_pos; this._old_end_pos = end_pos; var elem = this.comp._input_element; this._setText(this._old_value); this._setValue(this._old_value); this.syncValue(); this._accept_keyinput_event = false; this._accept_blur_event = false; elem.setElementBlur(); var pThis = this; var oldValue = this._old_value; nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(pThis.comp, function () { pThis._setText(oldValue); pThis._setValue(oldValue); pThis.syncValue(); elem.setElementValue(oldValue); pThis.setElementCaretPos(begin_pos, end_pos, elem); }); }; } else { _pEditBase._cancel_event_char_from_text_event = function (begin_pos, end_pos) { this._old_begin_pos = begin_pos; this._old_end_pos = begin_pos; this._cancel_from_text_event(this._old_value, begin_pos, begin_pos); }; } _pEditBase._cancel_event_textchange_from_text_event = function (begin_pos, end_pos) { var elem = this.comp._input_element; this._setText(this._old_text); this._setValue(this._old_value); this.syncValue(); if (this._is_composition()) { this._accept_keyinput_event = false; this._accept_focus_event = false; this._accept_blur_event = false; this._stat_composition.setStatus(nexacro.EditBase.Status.CompositionEnd, ""); elem.setElementBlur(); elem.setElementFocus(); } elem.setElementValue(this._text); this.setElementCaretPos(this._old_begin_pos, this._old_end_pos, elem); }; if (nexacro.Browser == "Edge") { _pEditBase._not_insert_from_text_event = function (begin_pos, end_pos) { var elem = this.comp._input_element; if (this._is_composition()) { this._accept_keyinput_event = false; this._stat_composition.setStatus(nexacro.EditBase.Status.CompositionEnd, ""); } elem.setElementValue(this._text); this.setElementCaretPos(begin_pos, begin_pos, elem); }; } else { _pEditBase._not_insert_from_text_event = function (begin_pos, end_pos) { var elem = this.comp._input_element; if (this._is_composition()) { this._accept_keyinput_event = false; this._accept_focus_event = false; this._accept_blur_event = false; this._stat_composition.setStatus(nexacro.EditBase.Status.CompositionEnd, ""); elem.setElementBlur(); elem.setElementFocus(); } elem.setElementValue(this._text); this.setElementCaretPos(begin_pos, begin_pos, elem); }; } _pEditBase._cut_from_text_event = function (begin_pos, end_pos) { var pThis = this; var elem = this.comp._input_element; this._setText(this._text); this._setValue(this._text); this.syncValue(); if (this._is_composition()) { this._accept_keyinput_event = false; this._accept_focus_event = false; this._accept_blur_event = false; this._stat_composition.setStatus(nexacro.EditBase.Status.CompositionEnd, ""); elem.setElementBlur(); elem.setElementFocus(); } if (this._pasteAction && (nexacro.BrowserVersion == 9 || nexacro.BrowserVersion == 10)) { elem.setElementValue(this._text); nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(pThis.comp, function () { pThis.setElementCaretPos(begin_pos, begin_pos, elem); }); } else { elem.setElementValue(this._text); this.setElementCaretPos(begin_pos, begin_pos, elem); } }; _pEditBase._cancel_from_text_event = function (newText, begin_pos, end_pos) { var elem = this.comp._input_element; this._setText(newText); this._setValue(newText); this.syncValue(); if (nexacro.BrowserVersion == 11) { if (this._is_composition()) { this._accept_keyinput_event = false; this._bStatChangeOnly = true; this._on_input_compositionend(""); this._bStatChangeOnly = false; } } else { this._accept_keyinput_event = false; this._on_input_compositionend(""); } this._accept_focus_event = false; this._accept_blur_event = false; if (nexacro.Browser != "Edge") { elem.setElementBlur(); elem.setElementFocus(); } elem.setElementValue(this._text); this.setElementCaretPos(begin_pos, begin_pos, elem); }; _pEditBase._autoskip_from_text_event = function (chartext) { var bFilled = this._check_maxlength(); if (!bFilled) { this._apply_autoskip(); } }; } else { _pEditBase._get_newText_from_text_event = function (chartext) { var elem = this.comp._input_element; if (this._stat_composition.getCurrentStatus() == nexacro.EditBase.Status.CompositionEnd && (this._compositionend_value && this._compositionend_value.length > 0)) { var newText = this._compositionend_value; } else { var newText = elem.getElementValue(); } return newText; }; _pEditBase._initinfo_from_text_event = nexacro._emptyFn; _pEditBase._check_maxlength_from_text_event = function (chartext) { return this._check_maxlength(); }; _pEditBase._apply_maxlength_from_text_event = function (chartext) { return this._apply_maxlength(chartext); }; _pEditBase._after_filterprocess_from_text_event = function (chartext, newText, bInsert, bCut) { return { newText : newText, bInsert : bInsert, bCut : bCut }; }; _pEditBase._after_eventset_fired_from_text_event = function (pos) { this.setElementCaretPos(pos, pos); }; _pEditBase._cancel_event_char_from_text_event = function (begin_pos, end_pos) { this._old_begin_pos = begin_pos; this._old_end_pos = end_pos; var elem = this.comp._input_element; this._setText(this._old_value); this._setValue(this._old_value); this.syncValue(); this._accept_keyinput_event = false; this._accept_blur_event = false; elem.setElementBlur(); var pThis = this; var oldValue = this._old_value; nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(pThis.comp, function () { pThis._setText(oldValue); pThis._setValue(oldValue); pThis.syncValue(); elem.setElementValue(oldValue); pThis.setElementCaretPos(begin_pos, end_pos, elem); }); }; _pEditBase._cancel_event_textchange_from_text_event = function (begin_pos, end_pos) { var elem = this.comp._input_element; this._setText(this._old_text); this._setValue(this._old_value); this.syncValue(); if (this._is_composition()) { this._on_input_compositionend(""); this._accept_keyinput_event = false; this._accept_focus_event = false; this._accept_blur_event = false; elem.setElementBlur(); elem.setElementFocus(); } elem.setElementValue(this._text); this.setElementCaretPos(this._old_begin_pos, this._old_end_pos, elem); }; _pEditBase._not_insert_from_text_event = function (begin_pos, end_pos) { var elem = this.comp._input_element; if (this._is_composition()) { this._accept_keyinput_event = false; this._accept_focus_event = false; this._accept_blur_event = false; elem.setElementBlur(); elem.setElementFocus(); } elem.setElementValue(this._text); this.setElementCaretPos(this._old_begin_pos, this._old_end_pos, elem); }; _pEditBase._cut_from_text_event = function (begin_pos, end_pos) { var elem = this.comp._input_element; this._setText(this._text); this._setValue(this._value); this.syncValue(); if (this._is_composition()) { this._accept_keyinput_event = false; this._accept_focus_event = false; this._accept_blur_event = false; elem.setElementBlur(); elem.setElementFocus(); } elem.setElementValue(this._text); this.setElementCaretPos(begin_pos, begin_pos, elem); }; _pEditBase._cancel_from_text_event = function (newText) { var elem = this.comp._input_element; this._setText(newText); this._setValue(newText); this.syncValue(); if (this._is_composition()) { this._on_input_compositionend(""); this._accept_keyinput_event = false; this._accept_focus_event = false; this._accept_blur_event = false; elem.setElementBlur(); elem.setElementFocus(); } elem.setElementValue(this._text); this.setElementCaretPos(this._old_begin_pos, this._old_end_pos); }; _pEditBase._autoskip_from_text_event = function (chartext) { var bFilled = this._check_maxlength(); if (!bFilled) { this._apply_autoskip(); } }; } } } else { if (nexacro.SystemLang == "ja") { _pEditBase._get_newText_from_text_event = function (chartext) { var elem = this.comp._input_element; if (this._stat_composition.getCurrentStatus() == nexacro.EditBase.Status.CompositionEnd && (this._compositionend_value && this._compositionend_value.length > 0)) { var newText = this._compositionend_value; } else { var newText = elem.getElementValue(); } return newText; }; _pEditBase._initinfo_from_text_event = function (chartext, text, begin, end) { if (chartext && !this._is_hangul(chartext) && this._stat_composition.getCurrentStatus() == nexacro.EditBase.Status.CompositionEnd) { this._value = text.substr(0, begin) + text.substr(end, text.length - end); } }; _pEditBase._check_maxlength_from_text_event = function (chartext) { return this._check_maxlength(); }; _pEditBase._apply_maxlength_from_text_event = function (chartext) { return this._apply_maxlength(chartext); }; _pEditBase._after_filterprocess_from_text_event = function (chartext, newText, bInsert, bCut) { if (!chartext && !this._is_composition() && !this._is_undo) { this._text = this._value; return { newText : this._value, bInsert : false, bCut : false }; } return { newText : newText, bInsert : bInsert, bCut : bCut }; }; _pEditBase._after_eventset_fired_from_text_event = function (pos) { var elem = this.comp._input_element; if (!this._is_on_killfocus) { this.setElementCaretPos(pos, pos, elem); } }; _pEditBase._cancel_event_char_from_text_event = nexacro._emptyFn; _pEditBase._cancel_event_textchange_from_text_event = function (begin_pos, end_pos) { var elem = this.comp._input_element; this._setText(this._old_text); this._setValue(this._old_value); this.syncValue(); if (this._is_composition()) { this._accept_keyinput_event = false; this._accept_focus_event = false; this._accept_blur_event = false; elem.setElementBlur(); elem.setElementFocus(); } elem.setElementValue(this._text); this.setElementCaretPos(begin_pos, begin_pos, elem); }; _pEditBase._not_insert_from_text_event = function (begin_pos, end_pos) { var elem = this.comp._input_element; this._accept_blur_event = false; this._accept_focus_event = false; elem.setElementBlur(); elem.setElementValue(this._text); if (!this._is_on_killfocus) { this.setElementCaretPos(begin_pos, begin_pos, elem); } }; _pEditBase._cut_from_text_event = function (begin_pos, end_pos) { var elem = this.comp._input_element; this._setText(this._text); this._setValue(this._value); this.syncValue(); this._accept_blur_event = false; this._accept_focus_event = false; elem.setElementBlur(); elem.setElementValue(this._text); if (!this._is_on_killfocus) { this.setElementCaretPos(begin_pos, begin_pos, elem); } }; _pEditBase._cancel_from_text_event = function (newText, begin_pos, end_pos) { var elem = this.comp._input_element; this._setText(newText); this._setValue(newText); this.syncValue(); this._accept_blur_event = false; this._accept_focus_event = false; elem.setElementBlur(); elem.setElementValue(this._text); if (!this._is_on_killfocus) { this.setElementCaretPos(begin_pos, begin_pos, elem); } }; _pEditBase._autoskip_from_text_event = function (chartext) { var bFilled = this._check_maxlength(); if (!bFilled) { this._apply_autoskip(); } }; } else { _pEditBase._get_newText_from_text_event = function (chartext) { var elem = this.comp._input_element; if (this._stat_composition.getCurrentStatus() == nexacro.EditBase.Status.CompositionEnd && (this._compositionend_value && this._compositionend_value.length > 0)) { var newText = this._compositionend_value; } else { var newText = elem.getElementValue(); } return newText; }; _pEditBase._initinfo_from_text_event = function (chartext, text, begin, end) { if (chartext && !this._is_hangul(chartext) && this._stat_composition.getCurrentStatus() == nexacro.EditBase.Status.CompositionEnd) { this._value = text.substr(0, begin) + text.substr(end, text.length - end); } }; _pEditBase._check_maxlength_from_text_event = function (chartext) { return this._check_maxlength(); }; _pEditBase._apply_maxlength_from_text_event = function (chartext) { return this._apply_maxlength2(chartext); }; _pEditBase._after_filterprocess_from_text_event = function (chartext, newText, bInsert, bCut) { return { newText : newText, bInsert : bInsert, bCut : bCut }; }; _pEditBase._after_eventset_fired_from_text_event = function (pos) { if (!this._is_on_killfocus) { this.setElementCaretPos(pos, pos); } }; _pEditBase._cancel_event_char_from_text_event = function (begin_pos, end_pos) { this._old_begin_pos = begin_pos; this._old_end_pos = end_pos; var elem = this.comp._input_element; this._setText(this._old_value); this._setValue(this._old_value); this.syncValue(); this._accept_keyinput_event = false; this._accept_blur_event = false; elem.setElementBlur(); var pThis = this; var oldValue = this._old_value; nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(pThis.comp, function () { pThis._setText(oldValue); pThis._setValue(oldValue); pThis.syncValue(); elem.setElementValue(oldValue); pThis.setElementCaretPos(begin_pos, end_pos, elem); }); }; _pEditBase._cancel_event_textchange_from_text_event = function (begin_pos, end_pos) { var elem = this.comp._input_element; this._setText(this._old_text); this._setValue(this._old_value); this.syncValue(); if (this._is_composition()) { this._accept_keyinput_event = false; this._accept_focus_event = false; this._accept_blur_event = false; elem.setElementBlur(); elem.setElementFocus(); } elem.setElementValue(this._text); this.setElementCaretPos(begin_pos, begin_pos, elem); }; _pEditBase._not_insert_from_text_event = function (begin_pos, end_pos) { var elem = this.comp._input_element; if (!this._is_on_killfocus) { this._accept_keyinput_event = false; this._accept_blur_event = false; this._accept_focus_event = false; this._stat_composition.setStatus(nexacro.EditBase.Status.CompositionEnd, ""); elem.setElementBlur(); elem.setElementFocus(); elem.setElementValue(this._text); this.setElementCaretPos(begin_pos, begin_pos, elem); } else { var pThis = this; nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(pThis.comp, function () { elem.setElementValue(pThis._text); }); } }; _pEditBase._cut_from_text_event = function (begin_pos, end_pos) { var elem = this.comp._input_element; this._setText(this._text); this._setValue(this._value); this.syncValue(); if (!this._is_on_killfocus) { this._accept_blur_event = false; this._accept_focus_event = false; this._stat_composition.setStatus(nexacro.EditBase.Status.CompositionEnd, ""); elem.setElementBlur(); elem.setElementFocus(); elem.setElementValue(this._text); this.setElementCaretPos(begin_pos, begin_pos, elem); } else { var pThis = this; nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(pThis.comp, function () { elem.setElementValue(pThis._text); }); } }; _pEditBase._cancel_from_text_event = function (newText) { var elem = this.comp._input_element; this._setText(newText); this._setValue(newText); this.syncValue(); if (!this._is_on_killfocus) { this._accept_blur_event = false; this._accept_focus_event = false; this._stat_composition.setStatus(nexacro.EditBase.Status.CompositionEnd, ""); elem.setElementBlur(); elem.setElementFocus(); elem.setElementValue(this._text); this.setElementCaretPos(this._old_begin_pos, this._old_end_pos, elem); } else { var pThis = this; nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(pThis.comp, function () { elem.setElementValue(pThis._text); }); } }; _pEditBase._autoskip_from_text_event = function (chartext) { var bFilled = this._check_maxlength(); if (!bFilled) { if (!(chartext != "" && !this._is_hangul(chartext))) { this._accept_keyinput_event = false; } this._apply_autoskip(); } }; } } } else if (nexacro.Browser == "Chrome") { _pEditBase._get_newText_from_text_event = function (chartext) { var elem = this.comp._input_element; var newText = elem.getElementValue(); return newText; }; _pEditBase._initinfo_from_text_event = nexacro._emptyFn; _pEditBase._check_maxlength_from_text_event = function (chartext) { return this._check_maxlength(); }; _pEditBase._apply_maxlength_from_text_event = function (chartext) { return this._apply_maxlength(chartext); }; _pEditBase._after_filterprocess_from_text_event = function (chartext, newText, bInsert, bCut) { return { newText : newText, bInsert : bInsert, bCut : bCut }; }; _pEditBase._after_eventset_fired_from_text_event = function (pos) { this.setElementCaretPos(pos, pos); }; _pEditBase._cancel_event_char_from_text_event = function (begin_pos, end_pos) { var elem = this.comp._input_element; this._setText(this._old_value); this._setValue(this._old_value); this.syncValue(); elem.setElementValue(this._text); this.setElementCaretPos(begin_pos, end_pos, elem); }; _pEditBase._cancel_event_textchange_from_text_event = function (begin_pos, end_pos) { var elem = this.comp._input_element; if (this._is_composition()) { this._stat_composition.setStatus(nexacro.EditBase.Status.CompositionEnd, ""); } this._setText(this._old_text); this._setValue(this._old_value); this.syncValue(); elem.setElementValue(this._text); this.setElementCaretPos(this._old_begin_pos, this._old_end_pos, elem); }; _pEditBase._not_insert_from_text_event = function () { var elem = this.comp._input_element; if (this._is_composition()) { this._stat_composition.setStatus(nexacro.EditBase.Status.CompositionEnd, ""); } elem.setElementValue(this._text); this.setElementCaretPos(this._begin_pos, this._end_pos, elem); }; _pEditBase._cut_from_text_event = function () { var elem = this.comp._input_element; if (this._is_composition()) { this._stat_composition.setStatus(nexacro.EditBase.Status.CompositionEnd, ""); } this._setText(this._text); this._setValue(this._value); this.syncValue(); elem.setElementValue(this._text); this.setElementCaretPos(this._begin_pos, this._end_pos, elem); }; _pEditBase._cancel_from_text_event = function (newText) { var elem = this.comp._input_element; if (this._is_composition()) { this._stat_composition.setStatus(nexacro.EditBase.Status.CompositionEnd, ""); } this._setText(newText); this._setValue(newText); this.syncValue(); elem.setElementValue(this._text); this.setElementCaretPos(this._old_begin_pos, this._old_end_pos, elem); if (this._is_selected()) { this._select_text = this._text.substring(this._begin_pos, this._end_pos); } }; _pEditBase._autoskip_from_text_event = function (chartext) { var bFilled = this._check_maxlength(); if (!bFilled) { this._apply_autoskip(); } }; } else if (nexacro.Browser == "Gecko") { _pEditBase._get_newText_from_text_event = function (chartext) { var elem = this.comp._input_element; var newText = elem.getElementValue(); return newText; }; _pEditBase._initinfo_from_text_event = nexacro._emptyFn; _pEditBase._check_maxlength_from_text_event = function (chartext) { return this._check_maxlength(); }; _pEditBase._apply_maxlength_from_text_event = function (chartext) { return this._apply_maxlength(chartext); }; _pEditBase._after_filterprocess_from_text_event = function (chartext, newText, bInsert, bCut) { return { newText : newText, bInsert : bInsert, bCut : bCut }; }; _pEditBase._after_eventset_fired_from_text_event = function (pos) { this.setElementCaretPos(pos, pos); }; _pEditBase._cancel_event_char_from_text_event = function (begin_pos, end_pos) { var elem = this.comp._input_element; this._old_begin_pos = begin_pos; this._old_end_pos = end_pos; this._cancel_from_text_event(this._old_value); }; _pEditBase._cancel_event_textchange_from_text_event = function (begin_pos, end_pos) { var elem = this.comp._input_element; this._setText(this._old_text); this._setValue(this._old_value); this.syncValue(); this._accept_focus_event = false; this._accept_blur_event = false; elem.setElementBlur(); elem.setElementFocus(); elem.setElementValue(this._text); this.setElementCaretPos(this._old_begin_pos, this._old_end_pos, elem); }; _pEditBase._not_insert_from_text_event = function () { var elem = this.comp._input_element; this._accept_focus_event = false; this._accept_blur_event = false; if (this._is_composition()) { elem.setElementBlur(); elem.setElementFocus(); } elem.setElementValue(this._text); this.setElementCaretPos(this._begin_pos, this._end_pos, elem); }; _pEditBase._cut_from_text_event = function () { var elem = this.comp._input_element; this._setText(this._text); this._setValue(this._value); this.syncValue(); this._accept_focus_event = false; this._accept_blur_event = false; if (this._is_composition()) { elem.setElementBlur(); elem.setElementFocus(); } elem.setElementValue(this._text); this.setElementCaretPos(this._begin_pos, this._end_pos, elem); }; _pEditBase._cancel_from_text_event = function (newText) { if (!this._accept_cut_process) { this._accept_cut_process = true; return; } var elem = this.comp._input_element; this._setText(newText); this._setValue(newText); this.syncValue(); this._accept_focus_event = false; this._accept_blur_event = false; if (this._is_composition()) { this._accept_keyinput_event = false; this._accept_cut_process = false; elem.setElementBlur(); elem.setElementFocus(); } if (this._old_begin_pos != this._old_end_pos) { this._accept_select_event = false; } elem.setElementValue(this._text); this.setElementCaretPos(this._old_begin_pos, this._old_end_pos, elem); if (this._is_selected()) { this._select_text = this._text.substring(this._begin_pos, this._end_pos); } this._accept_cut_process = true; }; _pEditBase._autoskip_from_text_event = function (chartext) { var bFilled = this._check_maxlength(); if (!bFilled) { this._apply_autoskip(); } }; } else { if (nexacro.OS == "iOS") { _pEditBase._get_newText_from_text_event = function (chartext) { var elem = this.comp._input_element; var newText = elem.getElementValue(); if (this._is_hangul(chartext) && this._stat_composition.getCurrentStatus() == nexacro.EditBase.Status.CompositionEnd && (this._compositionend_value && this._compositionend_value.length > 0)) { newText = this._compositionend_value; } return newText; }; } else { _pEditBase._get_newText_from_text_event = function (chartext) { var elem = this.comp._input_element; var newText = elem.getElementValue(); return newText; }; } _pEditBase._initinfo_from_text_event = nexacro._emptyFn; _pEditBase._check_maxlength_from_text_event = function (chartext) { return this._check_maxlength(); }; _pEditBase._apply_maxlength_from_text_event = function (chartext) { return this._apply_maxlength(chartext); }; _pEditBase._after_filterprocess_from_text_event = function (chartext, newText, bInsert, bCut) { return { newText : newText, bInsert : bInsert, bCut : bCut }; }; _pEditBase._after_eventset_fired_from_text_event = function (pos) { this.setElementCaretPos(pos, pos); }; if (nexacro.Browser == "Safari") { _pEditBase._cancel_event_char_from_text_event = function (begin_pos, end_pos) { var elem = this.comp._input_element; this._setText(this._old_value); this._setValue(this._old_value); this.syncValue(); this._accept_focus_event = false; this._accept_blur_event = false; this._accept_keyinput_event = false; elem.setElementBlur(); elem.setElementValue(""); elem.setElementFocus(); elem.setElementValue(this._text); this.setElementCaretPos(begin_pos, end_pos, elem); }; } else if (nexacro.Browser == "MobileSafari") { _pEditBase._cancel_event_char_from_text_event = function (begin_pos, end_pos) { var elem = this.comp._input_element; this._setText(this._old_value); this._setValue(this._old_value); this.syncValue(); this._accept_keyinput_event = false; this._on_default_input_compositionend(""); this.setElementCaretPos(0, 0, elem); elem.setElementValue("", true); this._old_begin_pos = begin_pos; this._old_end_pos = end_pos; this._begin_pos = begin_pos; this._end_pos = end_pos; this._input_begin_pos = begin_pos; var pThis = this; var oldValue = this._old_value; nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(pThis.comp, function () { pThis._setText(oldValue); pThis._setValue(oldValue); pThis.syncValue(); pThis._old_value = oldValue; pThis._old_text = oldValue; elem.setElementValue(oldValue, true); pThis.setElementCaretPos(begin_pos, end_pos, elem); pThis._compositionend_value = elem.getElementValue(); }); }; } else { _pEditBase._cancel_event_char_from_text_event = function (begin_pos, end_pos) { var elem = this.comp._input_element; this._old_begin_pos = begin_pos; this._old_end_pos = end_pos; this._cancel_from_text_event(this._old_value); }; } _pEditBase._cancel_event_textchange_from_text_event = function (begin_pos, end_pos) { var elem = this.comp._input_element; if (this._is_composition()) { this._stat_composition.setStatus(nexacro.EditBase.Status.CompositionEnd, ""); elem.setInputElementCompositeClear(); } this._setText(this._old_text); this._setValue(this._old_value); this.syncValue(); elem.setElementValue(this._text); this.setElementCaretPos(this._old_begin_pos, this._old_end_pos, elem); }; _pEditBase._not_insert_from_text_event = function () { var elem = this.comp._input_element; if (this._is_composition()) { this._stat_composition.setStatus(nexacro.EditBase.Status.CompositionEnd, ""); elem.setInputElementCompositeClear(); } this._filteredtext = true; elem.setElementValue(this._text); this.setElementCaretPos(this._old_begin_pos, this._old_end_pos, elem); }; _pEditBase._cut_from_text_event = function () { var elem = this.comp._input_element; if (this._is_composition()) { this._stat_composition.setStatus(nexacro.EditBase.Status.CompositionEnd, ""); elem.setInputElementCompositeClear(); } this._filteredtext = true; this._setText(this._text); this._setValue(this._value); this.syncValue(); elem.setElementValue(this._text); this.setElementCaretPos(this._begin_pos, this._end_pos, elem); }; _pEditBase._cancel_from_text_event = function (newText) { var elem = this.comp._input_element; if (this._is_composition()) { this._stat_composition.setStatus(nexacro.EditBase.Status.CompositionEnd, ""); elem.setInputElementCompositeClear(); } this._filteredtext = true; this._setText(newText); this._setValue(newText); this.syncValue(); elem.setElementValue(this._text); this.setElementCaretPos(this._old_begin_pos, this._old_end_pos, elem); }; _pEditBase._autoskip_from_text_event = function (chartext) { var bFilled = this._check_maxlength(); if (!bFilled) { this._apply_autoskip(); } }; } ; _pEditBase._is_composition = function () { return (this._stat_composition.getCurrentStatus() == nexacro.EditBase.Status.CompositionStart || this._stat_composition.getCurrentStatus() == nexacro.EditBase.Status.CompositionUpdate); }; _pEditBase._is_selected = function () { return this._begin_pos != this._end_pos; }; _pEditBase._is_cleared = function (elem) { var cur_text = elem.getElementValue(); if (cur_text == "" && cur_text != this._text) { return true; } return false; }; _pEditBase._check_filterable = function (data) { if (data == null) { return false; } if (this._is_hangul(data) || !this._is_composition()) { return true; } return false; }; _pEditBase._set_enable = function (v) { if (this.comp && this.comp._input_element) { this.comp._input_element.setElementEnable(v); } }; _pEditBase._setText = function (v) { if (!nexacro._isNull(v)) { if (!(typeof v == "string")) { v = nexacro._toString(v); } v = v.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n"); } else { v = ""; } this._text = v; }; _pEditBase._setValue = function (v) { if (!nexacro._isNull(v)) { if (!(typeof v == "string")) { v = nexacro._toString(v); } } this._value = v; }; _pEditBase._getText = function () { return this._text; }; _pEditBase._getValue = function () { return this._value; }; _pEditBase._getFocusText = function () { return this._focus_text; }; _pEditBase._getFocusValue = function () { return this._focus_value; }; _pEditBase._setCaret = function (elem) { var pos = elem.getElementCaretPos(); if (pos && pos != -1) { this._old_begin_pos = this._begin_pos; this._old_end_pos = this._end_pos; this._begin_pos = pos.begin; this._end_pos = pos.end; if (!this._is_composition() && !elem._is_ios_composition) { this._input_begin_pos = pos.begin; } } }; if (nexacro.Browser == "Edge" || nexacro.Browser == "IE") { _pEditBase._apply_autoselect = function (elem) { var comp = this.comp; if (comp.autoselect) { var text = this._select_text = this._text; this.setElementCaretPos(0, text.length, elem); this.onUpdateStyle(comp); } }; } else if (nexacro.OS == "Android") { _pEditBase._apply_autoselect = function (elem) { var comp = this.comp; if (comp.autoselect) { var pThis = this; var text = this._select_text = this._text; this._is_apply_autoselect = true; nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(pThis.comp, function () { pThis.setElementCaretPos(0, text.length, elem); }, 0); } }; } else { _pEditBase._apply_autoselect = function (elem, mflag) { var comp = this.comp; if (comp.autoselect) { var text = this._select_text = this._text; this._is_apply_autoselect = true; this.setElementCaretPos(0, text.length, elem); } }; } if (nexacro.Browser == "Edge" || nexacro.Browser == "Safari" || nexacro.Browser == "MobileSafari" || nexacro.Browser == "IE") { _pEditBase._apply_autoskip = function () { var pThis = this; nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(pThis.comp, function () { pThis.comp.on_apply_autoskip(); }, 0); }; } else { _pEditBase._apply_autoskip = function () { var comp = this.comp; comp.on_apply_autoskip(); }; } _pEditBase.applyInputmode = function (v) { if (!v) { return v; } var gbn = this.comp.inputmode; if (gbn) { switch (gbn.toLowerCase()) { case "upper": v = v.toUpperCase(); break; case "lower": v = v.toLowerCase(); break; default: break; } } return v; }; _pEditBase._setFocusValue = function () { this._focus_text = this._text; this._focus_value = this._value; }; _pEditBase._calcCaret = function (pos, halign, pretext, posttext) { if (pos && pos != -1) { var begin = pos.begin; var pre_len = pretext.length; var post_len = posttext.length; if (pre_len > post_len) { var diff_len = pre_len - post_len; var is_odd = diff_len % 2 ? true : false; if (halign == "center") { if (is_odd) { var post_caret = begin - diff_len; if (post_caret < 0) { begin = 0; } else if (post_caret >= post_len) { begin = post_len; } else { begin = post_caret + 1; } } else { var correct_caret = diff_len / 2; var post_caret = begin - correct_caret; if (post_caret <= 0) { begin = 0; } else if (post_caret >= post_len) { begin = post_len; } else { begin = post_caret; } } } else if (halign == "right") { if ((begin - diff_len) <= 0) { begin = 0; } else { begin -= diff_len; } } } else if (pre_len < post_len) { begin = pos.begin; } } else { var begin = 0; } return { begin : begin, end : begin }; }; if (nexacro.Browser == "IE" && nexacro.BrowserVersion <= 10) { _pEditBase._apply_style = function (elem) { var comp = this.comp; if (comp && comp._is_created) { var bWidthChange = (elem.width <= 0) ? false : true; var cur_width = elem.width; elem.setElementSize((cur_width > 0) ? cur_width = cur_width - 1 : cur_width, elem.height); nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(this.comp, function () { elem.setElementSize(bWidthChange ? cur_width + 1 : cur_width, elem.height); }, 0); } }; } else { _pEditBase._apply_style = nexacro._emptyFn; } _pEditBase._apply_elementtype = function (elem) { if (elem && !elem.password) { elem.setElementInputType(this.comp.inputtype); } }; _pEditBase._check_backspace = function (elem) { var elem_value = elem.getElementValue(); if (elem_value.length == (this._text.length - 1)) { if (this._keycode == 0) { if (!this._cutAction && !this._pasteAction && !this._is_composition()) { return true; } } } return false; }; _pEditBase._setAccessibilityNotifyLabel = function () { var comp = this.comp; if (comp) { comp._refreshAccessibilityValue(); var accessibility = comp.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility(comp._pseudo); var label = comp._getAccessibilityLabel(accessibility); if (comp.value == null && comp.displaynulltext.length > 0) { label = label + " " + comp.displaynulltext; comp._setAccessibilityLabel(label); } return label; } return null; }; _pEditBase._setAccessibilityNotifyLabel = function () { var comp = this.comp; if (comp) { comp._refreshAccessibilityValue(); var accessibility = comp.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility(comp._pseudo); var label = comp._getAccessibilityLabel(accessibility); if (comp.value == null && comp.displaynulltext.length > 0) { label = label + " " + comp.displaynulltext; comp._setAccessibilityLabel(label); } return label; } return null; }; _pEditBase._setAccessibilityNotifyLabel = function () { var comp = this.comp; if (comp) { comp._refreshAccessibilityValue(); var accessibility = comp.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility(comp._pseudo); var label = comp._getAccessibilityLabel(accessibility); if (comp.value == null && comp.displaynulltext.length > 0) { label = label + " " + comp.displaynulltext; comp._setAccessibilityLabel(label); } return label; } return null; }; delete _pEditBase; _pEditBase = null; nexacro.EditNormal = function (comp) { nexacro.EditBase.call(this, comp); if (comp) { this.comp = comp; } this._pre_char = ""; this._typeRegex = undefined; this._typeRegex1 = undefined; }; _pEditNormal = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.EditBase, nexacro.EditNormal); nexacro.EditNormal.prototype = _pEditNormal; _pEditNormal._type_name = "EditNormal"; _pEditNormal._filterRegexMap = { alpha : "a-zA-Z", comma : ",", digit : "0-9", symbol : "!\"#$%&'()*\\/;:<=>?@\\[\\\\\\]\\^_`{|}~'\\\\\\u20a9", sign : "+\\-", space : " \t", dot : "." }; _pEditNormal._typeRegexMap = { alpha : "a-zA-Z", comma : ",", digit : "0-9", dot : ".", english : "a-zA-Z", symbol : "!\"#$%&+,.'()*\\-/;:<=>?@[\\\\\\]\\^_`{|}~'\\u20a9", number : "0-9\\-.,", numberandenglish : "0-9\\-.,\\a-zA-Z", sign : "+\\-", space : " \t", half : "\\uff61-\\uff9f\\uffe8-\\uffee\\!\"#$%&'()*+,\\-./;:<=>?@[\\\\\\]\\^_`{|}~'\\a-zA-Z\\0-9+", full : "\\uff01-\\uff60\\uffe0-\\uffe6" }; _pEditNormal._destroy = function () { this._filterRegexMap = null; this._typeRegexMap = null; this._typeRegex = null; this._typeRegex1 = null; nexacro.EditBase.prototype._destroy.call(this); }; _pEditNormal.getWCharLen = function (v) { var c = v.charCodeAt(0); if (((c & 0xff80) == 0) || c == 0x20a9) { return 1; } else if ((c & 0xff00) < 0x0800) { return 2; } else { return 3; } }; _pEditNormal._is_hangul = function (v) { var r = new RegExp("[\\uac00-\\ud7af\\u3130-\\u318f\\u1100-\\u11ff]"); if (r.test(v)) { return true; } return false; }; _pEditNormal._is_english = function (v) { var r = new RegExp("[\\u0041-\\u007a]"); if (r.test(v)) { return true; } return false; }; _pEditNormal._is_half_japaness = function (v) { var r = new RegExp("[\\uff61-\\uff9f]"); if (r.test(v)) { return true; } return false; }; _pEditNormal.setInputfilter = function (strInputfilter) { var arr = strInputfilter.split(","); var buffer = ""; var len = arr.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var regex = this._filterRegexMap[arr[i]]; if (regex) { buffer += regex; } } if (buffer.length) { this._filterRegex = new RegExp("[" + buffer + "]"); } else { this._filterRegex = undefined; } }; _pEditNormal.setInputType = function (v) { var arr = v.split(/\s*,\s*/); var buffer = ""; var len = arr.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var regex = this._typeRegexMap[arr[i]]; if (regex) { buffer += regex; } } if (buffer.length) { this._typeRegex = new RegExp("[" + buffer + "]"); if (v.indexOf("full") != -1) { var f = this._typeRegexMap["half"]; this._typeRegex1 = new RegExp("[" + f + "]"); } } else { this._typeRegex = undefined; this._typeRegex1 = undefined; } }; _pEditNormal.syncValue = function () { var comp = this.comp; var elem = comp._input_element; comp.value = this._value; if (comp.password) { comp.text = this._text.replace(/./gi, "*"); if (elem) { elem.setElementPassword(comp.password); } } else { comp.text = this._text; } }; _pEditNormal.setSelectText = function (elem, v) { if (v && v.length > 0) { var comp = this.comp; var start = this._begin_pos !== undefined ? this._begin_pos : 0; var end = this._end_pos !== undefined ? this._end_pos : 0; if (start == end) { return ""; } var curTxt = this._text; if (comp.maxlength && !((+comp.maxlength) != (+comp.maxlength))) { var ret = this.getLength(elem, curTxt); if (comp.maxlength <= ret) { return ""; } } var curArr = curTxt.split(""); var ret = []; var c = ""; for (var i = 0, n = v.length; i < n; i++) { c = v.charAt(i); if (this._filterRegex) { if (this._filterRegex.test(c)) { continue; } } if (this._typeRegex) { if (!this._typeRegex.test(c)) { if (comp.inputtype == "full") { if (this.getWCharLen(c) == 1 || this._typeRegex1.test(c)) { continue; } } else { continue; } } if (comp.inputtype != "full" && this.getWCharLen(c) > 1) { continue; } } ret.push(c); } var selText = comp.getSelectedText(); var str = ret.join(""); if (str.length > 0) { var newText = curTxt.substring(0, start) + str + curTxt.substr(end); if (this._text != newText) { this._setText(newText); this.writeBuffer(elem); this._setValue(this._text); this.syncValue(); this._begin_pos = start; this._end_pos = start + str.length; elem.setElementSetSelect(this._begin_pos, this._end_pos); } return selText; } } return ""; }; _pEditNormal.applyInputmode = function (v) { if (!v) { return v; } var gbn = this.comp.inputmode; var text = ""; var i = 0; var v_len = v.length; if (gbn) { switch (gbn.toLowerCase()) { case "upper": { for (i = 0; i < v_len; i++) { var c = v.charAt(i); var len = this.getWCharLen(c); if (len == 1) { c = c.toUpperCase(); } text += c; } } break; case "lower": { for (i = 0; i < v_len; i++) { var c = v.charAt(i); var len = this.getWCharLen(c); if (len == 1) { c = c.toLowerCase(); } text += c; } } break; default: { text = v; } break; } } return text; }; _pEditNormal.setLengthunit = function (v) { this._lengthunit = v; }; _pEditNormal.getLength = function (elem, str, bStr, checkLen, unitGbn) { if (str === undefined) { return 0; } if (unitGbn === undefined) { unitGbn = this._lengthunit; } if (bStr) { if (unitGbn == "utf8") { return this.utf8ByteCount(elem, str, bStr, checkLen); } else if (unitGbn == "ascii") { return this.asciiByteCount(elem, str, bStr, checkLen); } else { var comp = this.comp; if (checkLen === undefined) { checkLen = comp.maxlength; } var ret = str; if (checkLen < str.length) { ret = ret.substring(0, checkLen); } return { "len" : str.length, "str" : ret }; } } else { if (unitGbn == "utf8") { return this.utf8ByteCount(elem, str); } else if (unitGbn == "ascii") { return this.asciiByteCount(elem, str); } else { return str.length; } } }; _pEditNormal.utf8Len = function (codePoint) { if (codePoint >= 0xD800 && codePoint <= 0xDFFF) { throw new Error("Illegal argument: " + codePoint); } if (codePoint < 0) { throw new Error("Illegal argument: " + codePoint); } if (codePoint <= 0x7F) { return 1; } if (codePoint <= 0x7FF) { return 2; } if (codePoint <= 0xFFFF) { return 3; } if (codePoint <= 0x1FFFFF) { return 4; } if (codePoint <= 0x3FFFFFF) { return 5; } if (codePoint <= 0x7FFFFFFF) { return 6; } throw new Error("Illegal argument: " + codePoint); }; _pEditNormal.isHighSurrogate = function (codeUnit) { return codeUnit >= 0xD800 && codeUnit <= 0xDBFF; }; _pEditNormal.isLowSurrogate = function (codeUnit) { return codeUnit >= 0xDC00 && codeUnit <= 0xDFFF; }; _pEditNormal.toCodepoint = function (highCodeUnit, lowCodeUnit) { if (!this.isHighSurrogate(highCodeUnit)) { throw new Error("Illegal argument: " + highCodeUnit); } if (!this.isLowSurrogate(lowCodeUnit)) { throw new Error("Illegal argument: " + lowCodeUnit); } highCodeUnit = (0x3FF & highCodeUnit) << 10; var u = highCodeUnit | (0x3FF & lowCodeUnit); return u + 0x10000; }; _pEditNormal.utf8ByteCount = function (elem, str, bRetStr, checkLen) { if (str === undefined) { return 0; } var count = 0; if (bRetStr) { var comp = this.comp; if (checkLen === undefined) { checkLen = comp.maxlength; } var stopPos = str.length; for (var i = 0, n = str.length; i < n; i++) { var ch = str.charCodeAt(i); if (this.isHighSurrogate(ch)) { var high = ch; var low = str.charCodeAt(++i); count += this.utf8Len(this.toCodepoint(high, low)); } else { count += this.utf8Len(ch); } if (checkLen == count) { stopPos = i; break; } else if (checkLen < count) { stopPos = i - 1; break; } } return { "len" : count, "str" : str.substring(0, stopPos + 1) }; } for (var i = 0, n = str.length; i < n; i++) { var ch = str.charCodeAt(i); if (this.isHighSurrogate(ch)) { var high = ch; var low = str.charCodeAt(++i); count += this.utf8Len(this.toCodepoint(high, low)); } else { count += this.utf8Len(ch); } } return count; }; _pEditNormal.asciiByteCount = function (elem, str, bRetStr, checkLen) { if (str === undefined) { return 0; } var j = 0, val; if (bRetStr) { var comp = this.comp; if (checkLen === undefined) { checkLen = comp.maxlength; } var stopPos = str.length; for (var i = 0, n = str.length; i < n; i++) { val = str.charCodeAt(i); var char = str.substr(i, 1); if (val > 255 && !this._is_half_japaness(char)) { j++; if (checkLen >= j) { stopPos = i - 1; } } j++; if (checkLen >= j) { stopPos = i; } } return { "len" : j, "str" : str.substring(0, stopPos + 1) }; } else { for (var i = 0, n = str.length; i < n; i++) { val = str.charCodeAt(i); var char = str.substr(i, 1); if (val > 255 && !this._is_half_japaness(char)) { j++; } j++; } return j; } }; _pEditNormal.deleteChar = function (bBack) { var text = this._text ? this._text : ""; var begin_pos = this._begin_pos; var end_pos = this._end_pos; if (bBack) { if (begin_pos == end_pos) { begin_pos--; } } else { if (begin_pos == end_pos) { end_pos++; } } var strFront = text.substr(0, begin_pos); var strRear = text.substr(end_pos, text.length - end_pos); var newText = strFront + strRear; this._setText(newText); this._setValue(newText); this.setElementCaretPos(begin_pos, begin_pos); }; _pEditNormal._on_default_input_keydown = function (elem, keyCode, altkey, ctrlkey, shiftkey) { var comp = this.comp; if (!comp) { return false; } var readonly = comp.readonly; var ret = true; if (readonly == true) { this.onUpdateStyle(comp); if (ctrlkey && keyCode == 67 || ctrlkey && keyCode == 65) { return true; } return false; } if (this._check_maxlength()) { this._setCaret(elem); } if (keyCode == nexacro.KeyCode_ImeInput) { if (nexacro.Browser == "Edge" || nexacro.Browser == "IE") { if (nexacro.OSVersion < 6.0 && !this._is_composition()) { this._input_begin_pos = this._old_begin_pos; } } } else { if (this._is_composition() && (keyCode == 8 || keyCode == 46 || keyCode == 32 || (keyCode >= 33 && keyCode <= 40))) { if (this._is_hangul(this.getCompositionData(elem))) { this._on_input_compositionend(""); this._stat_composition.init(); this._compositionend_value = ""; } } if (!shiftkey) { var pos = elem.getElementCaretPos(); if (pos != -1) { if (keyCode == 37) { if (pos.begin > 0) { this._input_begin_pos = this._begin_pos = this._end_pos = elem.getElementCaretPos().begin - 1; } } else if (keyCode == 39) { if (pos.begin < this._text.length) { this._input_begin_pos = this._begin_pos = this._end_pos = elem.getElementCaretPos().begin + 1; } } } } if (keyCode == 9) { if (this._is_composition()) { var data = this.getCompositionData(elem); this._on_input_compositionend(data); this._fire_text_event(data); } if (comp.acceptstab || (ctrlkey && !comp.acceptstab)) { this.insertTabChar(elem); this._on_input_keyinput(elem); elem._event_stop = true; return false; } } if (ctrlkey && (keyCode == 90)) { this._is_undo = true; this._undoStack.doUndo(); this._setCaret(elem); this._on_input_keyinput(elem); this._is_undo = false; elem._event_stop = true; return false; } else if (ctrlkey && (keyCode == 89)) { this._is_undo = true; this._undoStack.doRedo(); this._setCaret(elem); this._on_input_keyinput(elem); this._is_undo = false; elem._event_stop = true; return false; } } if (keyCode == 229) { this._accept_select_event = false; } this.onUpdateStyle(comp); this._keycode = keyCode; this._altkey = altkey; this._ctrlkey = ctrlkey; this._shiftkey = shiftkey; }; _pEditNormal._on_default_input_keypress = function (elem, keyCode, charCode, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey) { var k = charCode || keyCode; var ret = true; var bEvtRet; var bFireEvt = false; var bPrevent = false; var bMaxlength = false; var comp = this.comp; var cur_text = elem.getElementValue(); var text = this._text ? this._text : ""; var text_info = this._textEventInfo; var begin_pos = this._input_begin_pos; var end_pos = this._end_pos; var undo_pos = begin_pos; this._charcode = charCode; if (!comp) { return false; } if (elem.readonly) { if (k == nexacro.Event.KEY_BACKSPACE) { elem._event_stop = true; } return false; } var iospos = this._begin_pos - 1 >= 0 ? this._begin_pos - 1 : 0; var ioschartext = text.substr(iospos, 1); var _is_enter_hangul = false; if (k == nexacro.Event.KEY_ENTER && this._is_hangul(ioschartext) && this._begin_pos > 0) { _is_enter_hangul = true; } if (k == nexacro.Event.KEY_BACKSPACE || (k == nexacro.Event.KEY_DELETE && k == this._keycode) || (nexacro.Browser == "MobileSafari" && k == 127)) { this.deleteChar(k == 8 ? true : false); this._select_text = ""; text_info.setTextInfo("", text, this._text, "", "", text); undo_pos = this._begin_pos; bFireEvt = true; } else if (k != nexacro.KeyCode_ImeInput && (k != nexacro.Event.KEY_ENTER || _is_enter_hangul) && charCode != 0) { if (elem.password && elem.maxlength > 0 || _is_enter_hangul) { var chartext = String.fromCharCode(k); if (_is_enter_hangul) { chartext = ioschartext; } var old_chartext = chartext; chartext = this.applyInputmode(chartext); chartext = this._apply_inputfilter(chartext); chartext = this._apply_inputtype(chartext); if (old_chartext != chartext && chartext.length == 0) { bFireEvt = false; } else { if (_is_enter_hangul) { var strFront = text.substr(0, iospos); var strRear = text.substr(this._end_pos, text.length - this._end_pos); var preCharEventText = strFront + strRear; var newText = strFront + ioschartext + strRear; text_info.setTextInfo(ioschartext, text, newText, "", "", text); undo_pos = iospos; bFireEvt = true; this._compositionend_value = newText; this._on_input_compositionend(ioschartext); if (nexacro.Browser == "MobileSafari") { } } else { var strFront = text.substr(0, begin_pos); var strRear = text.substr(end_pos, text.length - end_pos); var preCharEventText = strFront + strRear; var newText = strFront + chartext + strRear; text_info.setTextInfo("", text, newText, "", "", text); undo_pos = begin_pos + text_info.chartext.length; if (newText.length > elem.maxlength) { bMaxlength = true; } bFireEvt = true; if (nexacro.Browser == "MobileSafari") { this._accept_keyinput_event = false; } } } } if ((nexacro.Browser == "Edge" || nexacro.Browser == "IE") && keyCode == 27) { if (cur_text != text) { text_info.setTextInfo("", text, cur_text, "", "", text); bFireEvt = true; } } } if (bFireEvt) { bEvtRet = comp.on_fire_ontextchange(text_info); if (bEvtRet) { bEvtRet = comp.on_fire_cancharchange(comp, text_info.chartext, text_info.pretext, text_info.posttext); if (bEvtRet) { bEvtRet = comp.on_fire_onchar(text_info); if (bEvtRet) { if (bMaxlength) { bEvtRet = false; } else if (text_info.pretext != text_info.posttext) { this._setText(text_info.posttext); this._setValue(text_info.posttext); this.setElementCaretPos(this._begin_pos, this._begin_pos); this.syncValue(); if (!this._is_undo) { this._undoStack.push(this._value, this._text, undo_pos, undo_pos); } comp._textchanging = true; comp.on_fire_ontextchanged(comp, text_info.pretext, text_info.posttext); comp._textchanging = false; } else { if (_is_enter_hangul) { this._setText(text_info.posttext); this._setValue(text_info.posttext); this.setElementCaretPos(this._begin_pos, this._begin_pos); this.syncValue(); if (!this._is_undo) { this._undoStack.push(this._value, this._text, undo_pos, undo_pos); } comp._textchanging = true; comp.on_fire_ontextchanged(comp, text_info.pretext, text_info.posttext); comp._textchanging = false; } else { ret = false; bPrevent = true; } } } } } if (!bEvtRet) { ret = false; bPrevent = true; this._setText(text); this._setValue(text); this.syncValue(); this.setElementCaretPos(this._old_begin_pos, this._old_end_pos); } if (elem.password && elem.maxlength > 0 && comp.autoskip) { this._autoskip_from_text_event(chartext); } } else if ((nexacro.OS == "iOS" && ((this.comp.inputtype == "number" && !(keyCode == nexacro.Event.KEY_ENTER)) || (charCode >= 12593 && charCode <= 12643))) || keyCode == nexacro.Event.KEY_SPACE) { bPrevent = this._check_keypressPrevent(keyCode); if (bPrevent) { ret = false; } } if (bPrevent) { elem._event_stop = true; } this.onUpdateStyle(this.comp); return ret; }; _pEditNormal._on_default_input_keyup = function (elem, keycode, altkey, ctrlkey, shiftkey) { var comp = this.comp; var k = keycode; var curTxt = this._val; var pos = elem.getElementCaretPos(); this._accept_select_event = true; this._altkey = altkey; this._ctrlkey = ctrlkey; this._shiftkey = shiftkey; if (!shiftkey && (k >= 37 && k <= 40)) { this._select_text = ""; } if ((nexacro.Browser == "Edge" || nexacro.Browser == "IE") && nexacro.BrowserVersion >= 9 && (k == 8 || k == 46)) { this._text = elem.getElementValue(); } if ((k == 0 || k == 13) || (ctrlkey && k == 90)) { if (!curTxt || (curTxt && !this._is_hangul(curTxt.charAt(this._begin_pos)))) { if (nexacro.Browser == "Edge" || nexacro.Browser == "IE") { if (this._is_composition()) { var data = this.getCompositionData(elem); this._on_input_compositionend(data); this._fire_text_event(data); this.onUpdateStyle(this.comp); } } } } if (k == 13) { this._keyup_process_enter(elem); } if (k == 27) { if (nexacro.Browser == "Edge" || nexacro.Browser == "IE") { if (this._is_composition()) { var data = this._stat_composition.getData(); if (this._is_hangul(data)) { this._on_input_compositionend(""); } else { this._on_input_compositionend(""); data = ""; } this._fire_text_event(data); } } } if (k == 8) { if ((nexacro.Browser == "Edge" || nexacro.Browser == "IE") && nexacro.OSVersion >= 6.0) { if (this._is_composition() && (pos.begin != this._begin_pos)) { if ((this._compositionstart_value == this._text) && (this.getCompositionData(elem) == "")) { this._on_input_compositionend(""); this._fire_text_event(""); } } } else { if (this._is_composition()) { if ((this._compositionstart_value == this._text) && (this.getCompositionData(elem) == "")) { this._on_input_compositionend(""); this._fire_text_event(""); } } } } if (nexacro.Browser == "IE" && nexacro.OSVersion < 6.0) { var data = this.getCompositionData(elem); if ((keycode == 121 || keycode == 120) && this._is_composition() && !this._is_hangul(data)) { this._on_input_compositionupdate(data); } else { var pThis = this; nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(pThis.comp, function () { pThis._setCaret(elem); }, 0); } } else if (nexacro.OS == "iOS") { if (this._filteredtext) { this._filteredtext = false; this.setElementCaretPos(this._begin_pos, this._end_pos, elem); } else { this._setCaret(elem); } } else { var bInsert = this._check_maxlength_from_text_event(); if (!bInsert) { var maxlength = this.comp.maxlength; if (maxlength && this._text.length > maxlength) { if (!(this._is_composition() && !this._is_hangul(this.getCompositionData(elem)))) { var text = this._text.substr(0, maxlength); elem.setElementValue(text); } } } this._setCaret(elem); } if (!this._is_composition()) { this._compositionend_value = ""; this._stat_composition.init(); } this._charcode = 0; }; _pEditNormal._check_maxlength = function () { var comp = this.comp; var elem = comp._input_element; var value = this._value; if (!value) { value = ""; } if (comp.maxlength > 0) { if (value.length) { var str = this.getLength(elem, value, true); if (comp.maxlength <= str.len) { return false; } } } return true; }; _pEditNormal._check_maxlength2 = function (insertText) { if (!insertText || insertText.length == 0) { return true; } var comp = this.comp; var elem = comp._input_element; var value = elem.getElementValue(); if (!value) { value = ""; } if (comp.maxlength > 0) { var begin_pos = this._input_begin_pos; var end_pos = begin_pos + insertText.length; value = value.substr(0, begin_pos) + value.substr(end_pos, value.length - end_pos); if (value.length) { var str = this.getLength(elem, value, true); if (comp.maxlength <= str.len) { return false; } } } return true; }; _pEditNormal._apply_maxlength = function (insertText) { var comp = this.comp; var elem = comp._input_element; var text = insertText; var value = this._value; if (!value) { value = ""; } if (comp.maxlength > 0) { var str = this.getLength(elem, value, true); if (comp.maxlength > str.len) { text = this.getLength(elem, insertText, true, comp.maxlength - str.len).str; } } return text; }; _pEditNormal._apply_maxlength2 = function (insertText) { var comp = this.comp; var elem = comp._input_element; var text = insertText; var value = elem.getElementValue(); if (!value) { value = ""; } if (comp.maxlength > 0) { var begin_pos = this._input_begin_pos; var end_pos = begin_pos + insertText.length; value = value.substr(0, begin_pos) + value.substr(end_pos, value.length - end_pos); var str = this.getLength(elem, value, true); if (comp.maxlength > str.len) { text = this.getLength(elem, insertText, true, comp.maxlength - str.len).str; } } return text; }; _pEditNormal._apply_inputfilter = function (v) { if (!v) { v = ""; } var len = v ? v.length : 0; var valArr = v.split(""); var text = []; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var c = valArr[i]; if (this._filterRegex) { if (this._filterRegex.test(c)) { continue; } } text.push(c); } text = text.join(""); return text; }; _pEditNormal._apply_inputtype = function (v) { if (!v) { v = ""; } v = v.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n"); var inputtype = this.comp.inputtype; var len = v ? v.length : 0; var valArr = v.split(""); var text = []; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var c = valArr[i]; if (c != '\n' && this._typeRegex) { if (!this._typeRegex.test(c)) { if (inputtype.indexOf("full") != -1) { if (this.getWCharLen(c) == 1 || (this._typeRegex1 && this._typeRegex1.test(c))) { continue; } } else { continue; } } if ((inputtype.indexOf("full") == -1) && this.getWCharLen(c) > 1) { if (!(this._is_half_japaness(c))) { continue; } } } text.push(c); } text = text.join(""); return text; }; _pEditNormal._focus_process = function (elem, mflag) { var comp = this.comp; var win = comp._getWindow(); var cur_text = elem.getElementValue(); this._setText(cur_text); if (win && win._keydown_element && comp._setcaret) { this.setElementCaretPos(comp._caret_pos.begin, comp._caret_pos.end, elem); comp._setcaret = false; } if (nexacro.Browser == "Safari") { if (this._is_composition()) { this._is_compositionfocus = true; } else { this._is_compositionfocus = false; } } this._apply_autoselect(elem, mflag); this._stat_focus.setStatus(nexacro.EditBase.Status.Focus); }; _pEditNormal._blur_process = function (elem) { if (this._is_composition()) { if (this.getCompositionData(elem)) { var data = this.getCompositionData(elem); } else { var data = this._stat_composition.getData(elem); if (data == elem.getElementValue()) { data = ""; } } var proc_fire_text_event = this._on_input_compositionend(data); elem.setInputElementCompositeClear(); if (!proc_fire_text_event) { this._fire_text_event(data); } this._stat_composition.init(); this._compositionend_value = ""; this.onUpdateStyle(this.comp); } if (nexacro.OS == "iOS" && (elem._keypad_type == "change" || elem._keypad_type == "changed")) { elem.setElementInputTypeKeypad(elem._orgtype); elem._tap_blocked = false; elem._is_longpressed = false; } this._setCaret(elem); if (nexacro.Browser == "Gecko") { if (this._is_composition()) { if (this._is_on_killfocus) { elem.setElementBlur(); } } } }; _pEditNormal._mouseup_process = function (elem) { var caret = elem.getElementCaretPos(); if (this._is_composition() || (caret.begin != this._begin_pos && caret.end != this._end_pos)) { elem._useTimer = false; this._setCaret(elem); if (nexacro.Browser == "Edge" && caret.begin == caret.end) { this.comp._setcaret = false; } } else if (nexacro._isDesktop() && nexacro.Browser == "Runtime") { elem._useTimer = false; this._setCaret(elem); if (this._text) { if (this._begin_pos == this._end_pos) { this._select_text = ""; } else { this._select_text = this._text.substring(this._begin_pos, this._end_pos); } } } else { elem._useTimer = true; var pThis = this; nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(pThis.comp, function () { if (nexacro.Browser == "IE" && nexacro.BrowserVersion <= 9) { var cur_text = elem.getElementValue(); if (cur_text == "" && cur_text != pThis._text) { pThis._setText(cur_text); pThis._setValue(cur_text); pThis.syncValue(); } } pThis._setCaret(elem); if (pThis._text) { if (pThis._begin_pos == pThis._end_pos) { pThis._select_text = ""; } else { pThis._select_text = pThis._text.substring(pThis._begin_pos, pThis._end_pos); } } }); } }; _pEditNormal._mousedown_process = function (elem) { if (nexacro.Browser == "Edge" || nexacro.Browser == "IE") { if (this._is_composition()) { var data = this._stat_composition.getData(); this._on_input_compositionend(data); this._fire_text_event(data); this._compositionend_value = ""; this._stat_composition.init(); } } }; _pEditNormal._keyup_process_enter = function (elem) { var focus_text = this._getFocusText(); var focus_val = this._getFocusValue(); var cur_text = this._getText(); var cur_val = this._getValue(); if (focus_text != cur_text) { this.comp._on_fire_changeEventSet(focus_text, focus_val, cur_text, cur_val); } }; _pEditNormal._check_keypressPrevent = function (keyCode) { var ret = false; var chartext = String.fromCharCode(keyCode); var old_chartext = chartext; chartext = this._apply_inputfilter(chartext); chartext = this._apply_inputtype(chartext); if (old_chartext != chartext) { ret = true; } return ret; }; delete _pEditNormal; _pEditNormal = null; nexacro.MultilineEdit = function (comp) { nexacro.EditBase.call(this, comp); if (comp) { this.comp = comp; } }; _pMultilineEdit = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.EditNormal, nexacro.MultilineEdit); nexacro.MultilineEdit.prototype = _pMultilineEdit; _pMultilineEdit._type_name = "MultilineEdit"; _pMultilineEdit.setPosition = function () { var comp = this.comp; var elem = comp._input_element; var control = comp._control_element; var container_width = comp._client_width; var container_height = comp._client_height; if (container_width == 0 || container_height == 0) { return; } if (elem && elem._handle) { var p = nexacro._getCachedPaddingObj("0 1 0 1"); var align = comp.on_find_CurrentStyle_align(comp._pseudo); var padding = comp.on_find_CurrentStyle_padding(comp._pseudo); var valign = nexacro.Component._default_textarea_align.valign; var halign = align.halign; if ((comp.wordwrap == "none" || comp.wordwrap == "false" || comp.wordwrap == false) && (comp._scrollbars == 2 || comp._scrollbars == 3 || comp._scrollbars == 8 || comp._scrollbars == 12 || comp._scrollbars == 32)) { halign = nexacro.Component._default_textarea_align.halign; } elem.setElementPosition(0, 0, true); elem.setElementSize(container_width, container_height); if (padding && (padding.top || padding.right || padding.bottom || padding.left)) { elem.setElementPadding(padding); } else { elem.setElementPadding(p); } elem.setElementAlignXY(halign, valign); } }; _pMultilineEdit.onUpdateStyle = function (comp) { this.setPosition(); if (nexacro.SystemLang == "ja") { if (nexacro.Browser == "IE" && nexacro.BrowserVersion == 11) { comp._update_scroll(); } } if (comp._refform) { nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(comp, function () { comp._update_scroll(); }); } else { comp._update_scroll(); } }; _pMultilineEdit.onResetHScroll = function (comp) { comp._reset_hscroll(); }; _pMultilineEdit.insertTabChar = function (elem) { var newText = elem.getElementValue(); var begin_pos = this._begin_pos; var end_pos = this._end_pos; var strFront = newText.substr(0, this._begin_pos); var strRear = newText.substr(this._end_pos, newText.length - this._end_pos); newText = strFront + this._strTab + strRear; begin_pos = begin_pos + this._strTab.length; this._text = newText; elem.setElementValue(newText); this.setElementCaretPos(begin_pos, begin_pos, elem); }; _pMultilineEdit._keyup_process_enter = function (elem) { return; }; _pMultilineEdit._on_getAccessibilityAdditionalLabel = function (direction) { var comp = this.comp; var input_elem = comp._input_element; if (input_elem && input_elem._wantAccessibilityAdditionalLabel) { if (!input_elem._wantAccessibilityAdditionalLabel()) { return ""; } if (comp.text !== undefined && comp.value !== undefined) { if (!direction) { direction = 0; } return comp._getCaretLineString(null, direction); } } return ""; }; delete _pMultilineEdit; _pMultilineEdit = null; nexacro.EditMaskString = function (comp) { nexacro.EditBase.call(this, comp); if (comp) { this.comp = comp; } this._mask_PassWDST = "{"; this._mask_PassWDED = "}"; this._mask_MARKCHAR = "_"; this._mask_PASSCHAR = "*"; this._chkEmpty = String.fromCharCode(0x08); this._isPWInput = false; this._cPassChar = null; this._cMaskChar = null; this._value = null; this._text = ""; this._strMaskedValue = []; this._bufMask = []; this._bufPass = []; this._strMask = []; this._keypress = false; }; _pEditMaskString = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.EditBase, nexacro.EditMaskString); nexacro.EditMaskString.prototype = _pEditMaskString; _pEditMaskString._type_name = "EditMaskString"; _pEditMaskString._maskChr = { "@" : /[\u0020-\u00ff]/, "#" : /[0-9]/, "*" : /[a-zA-Z]/, "9" : /[a-zA-Z0-9]/, "A" : /[A-Z]/, "a" : /[a-z]/, "Z" : /[A-Z0-9]/, "z" : /[a-z0-9]/, "!" : /[0-9]/ }; if (nexacro.OS != "iOS") { _pEditMaskString._on_default_input_compositionstart = nexacro._emptyFn; _pEditMaskString._on_default_input_compositionupdate = nexacro._emptyFn; _pEditMaskString._on_default_input_compositionend = nexacro._emptyFn; } _pEditMaskString._init = function () { nexacro.EditBase.prototype._init.call(this); if (!this._cPassChar) { this._cPassChar = this._mask_PASSCHAR; } if (!this._cMaskChar) { this._cMaskChar = this._mask_MARKCHAR; } this._value = null; this._text = ""; this._strMaskedValue = []; this._bufMask = []; this._bufPass = []; this._strMask = []; }; _pEditMaskString._destroy = function () { this._cPassChar = null; this._cMaskChar = null; this._strMaskedValue = null; this._bufMask = null; this._bufPass = null; this._strMask = null; this._maskChr = null; nexacro.EditBase.prototype._destroy.call(this); }; _pEditMaskString.setMask = function (strMask) { this._init(); var bQuote = false; var bEscape = false; var bPasswd = false; var nLen = strMask.length; var cMasks = strMask.split(""); var defs = this._maskChr; var Mask = 0; var i = 0; var nIdx = 0; for (i = 0; i < nLen; i++) { Mask = 0; if (bEscape == false && cMasks[i] == "'") { if (bQuote == false) { bQuote = true; } else { bQuote = false; } continue; } if (bEscape == false && cMasks[i] == "\\" && !bQuote) { bEscape = true; continue; } else if (bEscape) { bEscape = false; } else if (bQuote == false) { if (defs[cMasks[i]]) { Mask = defs[cMasks[i]]; } if (cMasks[i] == this._mask_PassWDST) { bPasswd = true; continue; } if (cMasks[i] == this._mask_PassWDED) { bPasswd = false; continue; } } this._bufMask[nIdx] = Mask; this._bufPass[nIdx] = bPasswd; this._strMask[nIdx] = cMasks[i]; nIdx++; } this._nMaxedLength = strMask.length; }; _pEditMaskString.setValue = function (strValue) { var elem = this.comp._input_element; if (nexacro._isNull(strValue)) { this._setValue(strValue); this._setMaskedValue(this.makeMaskedValue("")); this._setText(this.makeText(this._strMaskedValue)); } else { this._setValue(strValue.toString()); this._setMaskedValue(this.makeMaskedValue(this._value)); this._setText(this.makeText(this._strMaskedValue)); } this._undoStack.push(this._value, this._text); if (elem) { elem.setElementValue(this._value, true); } }; _pEditMaskString.isFilled = function () { var bufMask = this._bufMask; var nLen = bufMask.length; var val = this._strMaskedValue; if (nLen == 0) { return false; } for (var i = 0; i < nLen; i++) { if (bufMask[i] != 0 && val[i] == this._chkEmpty) { return false; } } return true; }; _pEditMaskString.inputText = function (txt) { var isMax = false; var nLeft = this._begin_pos; var nRight = this._end_pos; var strText = this._text; var strMaskedValue = this._strMaskedValue.concat(); if (nLeft != nRight) { } else { nLeft = this.findNextPos(strMaskedValue, nLeft - 1); } if (this._nMaxedLength <= nLeft) { isMax = true; } var nNewLeft = nLeft; var nLen = txt.length; var tmpArr = txt.split(""); if (!isMax) { for (var i = 0; i < nLen; i++) { nNewLeft = this.onInputChar(strMaskedValue, tmpArr[i], nNewLeft); } strText = this.makeText(strMaskedValue); } return { newText : strText, newMaskedValue : strMaskedValue, end : nNewLeft }; }; _pEditMaskString.onInputChar = function (strMaskedValue, c, nPos) { var bUse = true; var Mask = this._bufMask[nPos]; var strMask = this._strMask[nPos]; if (Mask !== undefined && Mask != 0) { if (strMask == "A" || strMask == "Z") { c = c.toUpperCase(); } else if (strMask == "a" || strMask == "z") { c = c.toLowerCase(); } if (!Mask.test(c)) { bUse = false; } } else { return nPos; } if (bUse) { strMaskedValue[nPos] = c; nPos = this.findNextPos(strMaskedValue, nPos); } return nPos; }; _pEditMaskString.deleteChar = function (bBack) { var text = this._text; var begin = this._begin_pos; var end = this._end_pos; if (bBack) { if (end == begin && begin != 0) { begin--; } this.clearBuffer2(this._text, this._strMaskedValue, begin, end); } else { if (end == begin && end < text.length) { end++; } this.clearBuffer2(this._text, this._strMaskedValue, begin, end); } }; _pEditMaskString.syncValue = function () { var comp = this.comp; comp.value = this._value; comp.text = this._text; }; _pEditMaskString.getValue = function () { if (!this._value) { return; } var str = this._value; if (this._nTrimType) { if (this._nTrimType == 1) { str = str.replace(/^\s+/, ""); } else if (this._nTrimType == 2) { str = str.replace(/\s+$/, ""); } else if (this._nTrimType == 3) { str = str.replace(/^\s+/, ""); str = str.replace(/\s+$/, ""); } return str; } return str; }; _pEditMaskString.makeMaskedValue = function (strValue) { var strMask = this._strMask; var bufMask = this._bufMask; var defs = this._maskChr; strValue = strValue.split(""); var maskLen = strMask.length; var nLen = strValue.length; var bOverlappedValue = false; var strMaskedValue = []; var Mask; var c, i, j; if (nLen == maskLen) { for (i = 0; i < nLen; i++) { if (bufMask[i] == 0 && strValue[i] == strMask[i]) { continue; } else if (bufMask[i] == 0) { break; } } if (i == strValue.length) { bOverlappedValue = true; } } for (i = 0, j = 0; i < maskLen; i++) { c = strMask[i]; Mask = bufMask[i]; if (Mask != 0 && defs[c]) { do { c = strValue[j]; j++; } while (c && !Mask.test(c) && !(c == this._FillMaskChar) && !(c == "\u200e")); if (nexacro._isNull(c) || (c == this._FillMaskChar)) { c = this._chkEmpty; } } else if (bOverlappedValue && strMask[i] == c) { j++; } strMaskedValue[i] = c; } return strMaskedValue; }; _pEditMaskString.makeText = function (strMaskedValue) { var i; var strText = []; var c; var Mask, Pass, strMask; var nLen = this._strMask.length; for (i = 0; i < nLen; i++) { c = strMaskedValue[i]; Mask = this._bufMask[i]; Pass = this._bufPass[i]; strMask = this._strMask[i]; if (Mask != 0) { if (nexacro._isNull(c) || c == this._chkEmpty || c == this._FillMaskChar) { c = this._cMaskChar; } else if (Pass) { c = this._cPassChar; this._isPWInput = true; } else if (strMask == "A" || strMask == "Z") { c = c.toUpperCase(); } else if (strMask == "a" || strMask == "z") { c = c.toLowerCase(); } } strText[i] = c; } return strText.join(""); }; _pEditMaskString.makeValue = function (strMaskedValue) { var i, j; var c; var Mask; var nLen = this._strMask.length; var strValue = []; for (i = 0, j = 0; i < nLen; i++) { Mask = this._bufMask[i]; if (Mask != 0) { c = strMaskedValue[i]; if (!nexacro._isNull(c) && c != this._chkEmpty) { strValue[j] = c; j++; } else if (!nexacro._isNull(this._FillMaskChar)) { strValue[j] = this._FillMaskChar; j++; } } } var newStr = strValue.join(""); if (this._nTrimType) { if (this._nTrimType == 1) { newStr = newStr.replace(/^\s+/, ""); } else if (this._nTrimType == 2) { newStr = newStr.replace(/\s+$/, ""); } else if (this._nTrimType == 3) { newStr = newStr.replace(/^\s+/, ""); newStr = newStr.replace(/\s+$/, ""); } } return newStr; }; _pEditMaskString.findFirstInputPos = function (strMaskedValue) { var i; var nLen = this._strMask.length; var c; var bHasSpace = false; for (i = 0; i < nLen; i++) { var Mask = this._bufMask[i]; if (Mask != 0) { bHasSpace = true; c = strMaskedValue[i]; if (c == this._chkEmpty || nexacro._isNull(c)) { return i; } } } if (bHasSpace) { return this.findPrevPos(strMaskedValue, nLen) + 1; } return 0; }; _pEditMaskString.findNextPos = function (strMaskedValue, nPos) { var i; var nLen = this._strMask.length; var Mask; for (i = nPos + 1; i < nLen; i++) { Mask = this._bufMask[i]; if (Mask != 0) { return i; } } for (i = 0; i < nLen; i++) { if (this._bufMask[i] != 0) { return this.findPrevPos(strMaskedValue, nLen) + 1; } } return nLen; }; _pEditMaskString.findPrevPos = function (strMaskedValue, nPos) { var i; var nLen = this._strMask.length; var Mask; for (i = nPos - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Mask = this._bufMask[i]; if (Mask != 0) { return i; } } for (i = nLen - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (this._bufMask[i] != 0) { return this.findFirstInputPos(strMaskedValue); } } return 0; }; _pEditMaskString.writeBuffer = function (elem) { var str; if (this._text) { str = this._text; } else { str = ""; } var comp = this.comp; var displaynulltext = comp.displaynulltext; var val = elem.getElementValue(); if (elem && val != str) { elem.setElementValue(str); } return str; }; _pEditMaskString.clearBuffer = function (strText, begin, end) { var newText = strText.substr(0, begin) + strText.substr(end, strText.length - end); this._setMaskedValue(this.makeMaskedValue(newText)); this._setText(newText); this._setValue(newText); this.setElementCaretPos(begin, begin); }; _pEditMaskString.clearBuffer2 = function (strText, strMaskedValue, begin, end) { var nCaret = -1; var Mask; var cMask; var strDeleted = []; for (var nPos = begin; nPos < end; nPos++) { Mask = this._bufMask[nPos]; cMask = this._strMask[nPos]; if (Mask != 0 && cMask != "^") { strDeleted.push(strMaskedValue[nPos]); strMaskedValue[nPos] = this._chkEmpty; strText[nPos] = this._cMaskChar; if (nCaret == -1) { nCaret = nPos; } } else { if ((end - begin) < 2) { var nDelLength = 0; var nCurrentPos = nPos; while (this._bufMask[nCurrentPos] == 0 || this._strMask[nCurrentPos] == "^") { nCurrentPos--; nDelLength++; } strDeleted.push(strMaskedValue[nPos - nDelLength]); strMaskedValue[nPos - nDelLength] = this._chkEmpty; strText[nPos - nDelLength] = this._cMaskChar; if (nCaret == -1) { nCaret = nPos - nDelLength; } } else { strDeleted.push(strMaskedValue[nPos]); if (nCaret == -1) { nCaret = nPos; } } } } if (nCaret == -1) { nCaret = begin; } this._deleted_char = strDeleted.join(""); this._setMaskedValue(strMaskedValue); this._setText(this.makeText(this._strMaskedValue)); if (strText != this._text) { this._setValue(this.makeValue(this._strMaskedValue)); } this.setElementCaretPos(nCaret, nCaret); }; _pEditMaskString._setMaskedValue = function (v) { this._strMaskedValue = v; }; _pEditMaskString._set_old_info = function () { this._old_text = this._text; this._old_value = this._value; this._oldMaskedValue = this._strMaskedValue; this._old_begin_pos = this._begin_pos; this._old_end_pos = this._end_pos; }; _pEditMaskString._apply_input_filter = function (txt) { var isChange = false; var isMax = false; var nLeft = this._begin_pos; var nRight = this._end_pos; var strText = this._text; var strMaskedValue = this._strMaskedValue.concat(); if (nLeft != nRight) { } else { nLeft = this.findNextPos(strMaskedValue, nLeft - 1); } if (this._nMaxedLength <= nLeft) { isMax = true; } var nNewLeft = nLeft; var nLen = txt.length; var tmpArr = txt.split(""); if (!isMax) { for (var i = 0; i < nLen; i++) { nNewLeft = this.onInputChar(strMaskedValue, tmpArr[i], nNewLeft); } strText = this.makeText(strMaskedValue); } for (var i = 0, n = strMaskedValue.length; i < n; i++) { if (strMaskedValue[i] != this._strMaskedValue[i]) { isChange = true; break; } } if (isChange) { this._setMaskedValue(strMaskedValue); this._setText(this.makeText(this._strMaskedValue)); this._setValue(this.makeValue(this._strMaskedValue)); } this.setElementCaretPos(nNewLeft, nNewLeft); }; _pEditMaskString._check_value = function () { var maskedValue = this._strMaskedValue; var bufMask = this._bufMask; var bNull = true; for (var i = 0, n = maskedValue.length; i < n; i++) { if (bufMask[i] != 0 && maskedValue[i] != this._chkEmpty) { bNull = false; } } return bNull; }; _pEditMaskString.getInsertText = function (elem) { var insertText = ""; var element_text = elem.getElementValue(); var text = this._text; if (!text) { text = ""; } var old_text = this._text; var cur_text = elem.getElementValue(); var str_mask = this._strMask; var len = element_text.length - text.length; var deleted_char_length = this._deleted_char.length; if (this._pasteAction) { if (len == 0) { var bFind = false; for (var i = 0, n = element_text.length; i < n; i++) { if (!bFind && element_text[i] != text[i]) { insertText += element_text[i]; bFind = true; } else if (bFind) { insertText += element_text[i]; } } } else if (len < 0) { var strFront = text.substr(0, this._begin_pos); var strRear = text.substr(this._begin_pos + deleted_char_length, text.length - (this._begin_pos + deleted_char_length)); insertText = element_text.substr(strFront.length, element_text.length - (strFront.length + strRear.length)); } else { insertText = element_text.substr(this._begin_pos, len + deleted_char_length); } } else if (this._keycode == 13 || this._stat_composition.getCurrentStatus() == nexacro.EditBase.Status.None) { if (len == 0) { var bFind = false; for (var i = 0, n = element_text.length; i < n; i++) { if (element_text[i] != text[i]) { insertText += element_text[i]; bFind = true; } else if (bFind) { break; } } } else if (len < 0) { var strFront = text.substr(0, this._begin_pos); var strRear = text.substr(this._begin_pos + deleted_char_length, text.length - (this._begin_pos + deleted_char_length)); insertText = element_text.substr(strFront.length, element_text.length - (strFront.length + strRear.length)); } else { insertText = element_text.substr(this._begin_pos, len); } } else { insertText = this._stat_composition.getData(elem); } return insertText; }; if (nexacro.Browser == "Edge" || nexacro.Browser == "IE") { _pEditMaskString._setElementValue = function (elem, begin, end, caretApply, valApply) { if (valApply) { elem.setElementValue(this._text, true); } else { elem.setElementValue(this._text); } if (caretApply) { this.setElementCaretPos(begin, end, elem); } else { this.setElementCaretPos(begin, end); } }; } else if (nexacro.Browser == "Safari" || nexacro.Browser == "MobileSafari") { _pEditMaskString._setElementValue = function (elem, begin, end, bApply) { elem.setElementValue(this._text); if (bApply) { var pThis = this; this.setElementCaretPos(begin, end, elem); nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(this.comp, function () { pThis._accept_focus_event = false; pThis.setElementCaretPos(begin, end, elem); }); } else { this.setElementCaretPos(begin, end); } }; } else { _pEditMaskString._setElementValue = function (elem, begin, end, bApply) { elem.setElementValue(this._text); if (bApply) { this.setElementCaretPos(begin, end, elem); } else { this.setElementCaretPos(begin, end); } }; } _pEditMaskString._changeFocusText = function (elem) { var cur_val = this._value; var cur_text = elem.getElementValue(); var cur_pos = elem.getElementCaretPos(); if (!cur_val) { this._setMaskedValue(this.makeMaskedValue("")); } else { this._setMaskedValue(this.makeMaskedValue(cur_val)); } var focus_text = this.makeText(this._strMaskedValue); this._setText(focus_text); this.syncValue(); if (cur_text != focus_text) { if (nexacro.Browser == "IE" && nexacro.BrowserVersion == 8) { this._accept_blur_event = false; } elem.setElementValue(cur_val); if (nexacro.Browser == "Gecko") { this.setElementCaretPos(cur_pos.begin, cur_pos.end, elem); } } }; _pEditMaskString._check_backspace = function (elem) { var elem_value = elem.getElementValue(); if (this._select_text.length == 0 && (elem_value.length == (this._text.length - 1))) { if (!this._cutAction && !this._pasteAction && !this._is_composition()) { return true; } } return false; }; _pEditMaskString._mousedown_process = function (elem) { this._oldMaskedValue = this._strMaskedValue.concat(); }; _pEditMaskString._mouseup_process = function (elem) { if (this._is_composition()) { this._setCaret(elem); } else { var pThis = this; nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(pThis.comp, function () { pThis._setCaret(elem); if (nexacro.Browser == "IE" && nexacro.BrowserVersion <= 9) { var cur_text = elem.getElementValue(); if (cur_text == "" && cur_text != pThis._text) { pThis._setMaskedValue(pThis.makeMaskedValue(cur_text)); pThis._setText(pThis.makeText(pThis._strMaskedValue)); if (pThis._value) { pThis._setValue(pThis.makeValue(pThis._strMaskedValue)); } pThis.syncValue(); pThis._setElementValue(elem, pThis._begin_pos, pThis._end_pos); pThis.setElementCaretPos(pThis._begin_pos, pThis._begin_pos, elem); } } if (pThis._text) { if (pThis._begin_pos == pThis._end_pos) { pThis._select_text = ""; } else { pThis._select_text = pThis._text.substring(pThis._begin_pos, pThis._end_pos); } } }); } }; _pEditMaskString._focus_process = function (elem, mflag) { var comp = this.comp; var win = comp._getWindow(); var cur_text = elem.getElementValue(); if (!this._bChangeFocusText) { this._changeFocusText(elem); this._bChangeFocusText = true; } else { this._setText(cur_text); } if (win && win._keydown_element && comp._setcaret) { this.setElementCaretPos(comp._caret_pos.begin, comp._caret_pos.end, elem); comp._setcaret = false; } this._apply_autoselect(elem, mflag); this._stat_focus.setStatus(nexacro.EditBase.Status.Focus); }; _pEditMaskString._blur_process = function (elem) { var cur_text = elem.getElementValue(); if (!this._value) { this._setMaskedValue(this.makeMaskedValue("")); } else { this._setMaskedValue(this.makeMaskedValue(this._value)); } var blur_text = this.makeText(this._strMaskedValue); this._setText(blur_text); this.syncValue(); this._bChangeFocusText = false; if (cur_text != blur_text || !this._value) { elem.setElementValue(this._value); } }; _pEditMaskString._keyup_process_enter = function (elem) { var focus_text = this._getFocusText(); var focus_val = this._getFocusValue(); var cur_text = this._getText(); var cur_val = this._getValue(); if (focus_text != cur_text || focus_val != cur_val) { if (nexacro.OSVersion >= 6.0 && nexacro.Browser == "IE" && nexacro.BrowserVersion <= 10) { this._accept_keyinput_event = false; } this.comp._on_fire_changeEventSet(focus_text, focus_val, cur_text, cur_val); this.setElementCaretPos(this._begin_pos, this._begin_pos, elem); } }; _pEditMaskString._on_default_input_keydown = function (elem, keyCode, altkey, ctrlkey, shiftkey) { var comp = this.comp; this._setCaret(elem); this._keycode = keyCode; this._altkey = altkey; this._ctrlkey = ctrlkey; this._shiftkey = shiftkey; if (ctrlkey && (keyCode == 90)) { this._is_undo = true; this._undoStack.doUndo(); this._setCaret(elem); this._on_input_keyinput(elem); this._is_undo = false; elem._event_stop = true; return; } else if (ctrlkey && (keyCode == 89)) { this._is_undo = true; this._undoStack.doRedo(); this._setCaret(elem); this._on_input_keyinput(elem); this._is_undo = false; elem._event_stop = true; return; } if (!comp._accept_keydown_event(keyCode)) { elem._event_stop = true; } }; _pEditMaskString._on_default_input_keypress = function (elem, keyCode, charCode, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey) { var ret = true; var k = charCode || keyCode; var comp = this.comp; if (!comp) { return false; } if (elem.readonly) { if (k == nexacro.Event.KEY_BACKSPACE) { elem._event_stop = true; } return false; } if (k == nexacro.Event.KEY_BACKSPACE || (k == nexacro.Event.KEY_DELETE && k == this._keycode) || (nexacro.Browser == "MobileSafari" && k == 127)) { var preValue = this._value; var preText = this._text; var delInfo = this.deleteChar(k == 8 ? true : false); var postText = this._text; var text_info = this._textEventInfo; text_info.setTextInfo("", preText, postText, "", "", preText); ret = comp.on_fire_ontextchange(text_info); if (ret) { ret = comp.on_fire_cancharchange(comp, text_info.chartext, text_info.pretext, text_info.posttext); if (ret) { ret = comp.on_fire_onchar(text_info); } if (ret) { this.syncValue(); this._setElementValue(elem, this._begin_pos, this._end_pos, true, true); if (text_info.pretext != text_info.posttext) { if (!this._is_undo) { this._undoStack.push(this._value, this._text, this._begin_pos, this._begin_pos); } comp._textchanging = true; comp.on_fire_ontextchanged(comp, text_info.pretext, text_info.posttext); comp._textchanging = false; } } } if (!ret) { this._setMaskedValue(this._oldMaskedValue); this._setText(preText); this._setValue(preValue); this.syncValue(); this.setElementCaretPos(this._begin_pos, this._end_pos); } this._select_text = ""; elem._event_stop = true; } else if (nexacro.OS == "iOS") { this._keypress = true; } return ret; }; _pEditMaskString._on_default_input_keyup = function (elem, keycode, altkey, ctrlkey, shiftkey) { var comp = this.comp; this._altkey = altkey; this._ctrlkey = ctrlkey; this._shiftkey = shiftkey; if (!shiftkey && (keycode >= 37 && keycode <= 40)) { this._select_text = ""; } if (keycode == 13) { this._keyup_process_enter(elem); return; } this._setCaret(elem); }; if (nexacro.Browser == "Edge" || nexacro.Browser == "IE") { if (nexacro.BrowserVersion == 10) { _pEditMaskString._on_default_input_keyinput = function (elem) { if (this._accept_keyinput_event === false) { this._accept_keyinput_event = true; return false; } if (elem.readonly) { return false; } if (!this.comp) { return false; } var elem_value = elem.getElementValue(); var text = this._text; if (!text) { text = ""; } var insertText = ""; if (elem_value == text) { this._setCaret(elem); return false; } this._set_old_info(); if (this._is_selected()) { this.clearBuffer2(this._text, this._strMaskedValue, this._begin_pos, this._end_pos); if (!this._cutAction) { if (this._pasteAction) { this._isPasteActionComplete = false; } return; } } insertText = this.getInsertText(elem); this._fire_text_event(insertText); if (!this._is_composition()) { this._stat_composition.init(); } this._isPasteActionComplete = true; }; } else if (nexacro.BrowserVersion >= 9) { _pEditMaskString._on_default_input_keyinput = function (elem) { if (this._accept_keyinput_event === false) { this._accept_keyinput_event = true; return false; } if (elem.readonly) { return false; } if (!this.comp) { return false; } var elem_value = elem.getElementValue(); var text = this._text; if (!text) { text = ""; } var insertText = ""; if (elem_value == text) { this._setCaret(elem); return false; } this._set_old_info(); if (this._is_selected()) { this.clearBuffer2(this._text, this._strMaskedValue, this._begin_pos, this._end_pos); } if (this._is_cleared(elem) && !this._cutAction) { this.clearBuffer(elem_value, this._begin_pos, this._end_pos); } insertText = this.getInsertText(elem); this._fire_text_event(insertText); if (!this._is_composition()) { this._stat_composition.init(); } }; } else { _pEditMaskString._on_default_input_keyinput = function (elem) { if (this._accept_keyinput_event === false) { this._accept_keyinput_event = true; return false; } if (elem.readonly) { return false; } if (!this.comp) { return false; } var elem_value = elem.getElementValue(); var text = this._text; if (!text) { text = ""; } var insertText = ""; if (elem_value == text) { this._setCaret(elem); return false; } this._set_old_info(); if (this._is_selected()) { this.clearBuffer2(this._text, this._strMaskedValue, this._begin_pos, this._end_pos); if (!this._cutAction) { return; } } if (this._is_cleared(elem) && !this._cutAction) { this.clearBuffer(elem_value, this._begin_pos, this._end_pos); } insertText = this.getInsertText(elem); this._fire_text_event(insertText); if (!this._is_composition()) { this._stat_composition.init(); } }; } } else if (nexacro.OS == "iOS") { _pEditMaskString._on_default_input_keyinput = function (elem) { if (this._accept_keyinput_event === false) { this._accept_keyinput_event = true; return false; } if (elem.readonly) { return false; } if (!this.comp) { return false; } var elem_value = elem.getElementValue(); var elem_pos = elem.getElementCaretPos(); var text = this._text; if (!text) { text = ""; } var insertText = ""; if (elem_value == text) { this._setCaret(elem); return false; } this._set_old_info(); if (this._is_selected()) { this.clearBuffer2(this._text, this._strMaskedValue, this._begin_pos, this._end_pos); } if (this._check_backspace(elem)) { this.clearBuffer2(elem_value, this._strMaskedValue, elem_pos.begin, elem_pos.begin + 1); } if (elem._type == "date") { insertText = elem_value; } else { insertText = this.getInsertText(elem); if (this._is_composition()) { if (this._keypress) { insertText = insertText.substr(insertText.length - 1, 1); this._keypress = false; } else { insertText = ""; } } } this._fire_text_event(insertText); if (!this._is_composition()) { this._stat_composition.init(); } }; } else { _pEditMaskString._on_default_input_keyinput = function (elem) { if (this._accept_keyinput_event === false) { this._accept_keyinput_event = true; return false; } if (elem.readonly) { return false; } if (!this.comp) { return false; } var elem_value = elem.getElementValue(); var elem_pos = elem.getElementCaretPos(); var text = this._text; if (!text) { text = ""; } var insertText = ""; if (elem_value == text) { this._setCaret(elem); return false; } this._set_old_info(); if (this._is_selected()) { this.clearBuffer2(this._text, this._strMaskedValue, this._begin_pos, this._end_pos); } if (this._check_backspace(elem)) { this.clearBuffer2(elem_value, this._strMaskedValue, elem_pos.begin, elem_pos.begin + 1); } if (elem._type == "date") { insertText = elem_value; } else { insertText = this.getInsertText(elem); } this._fire_text_event(insertText); if (!this._is_composition()) { this._stat_composition.init(); } }; } _pEditMaskString._fire_text_event = function (chartext) { var comp = this.comp; var elem = comp._input_element; var elem_value = elem.getElementValue(); var text_info = this._textEventInfo; var autoskip = comp.autoskip; var bFilled = false; if (this._is_undo) { this._setMaskedValue(this.makeMaskedValue(elem_value)); this._setText(this.makeText(this._strMaskedValue)); this._setValue(this.makeValue(this._strMaskedValue)); } else { this._apply_input_filter(chartext); } text_info.setTextInfo(chartext, this._old_text, this._text, "", "", this._old_text); var ret = comp.on_fire_ontextchange(text_info); if (ret) { ret = comp.on_fire_cancharchange(comp, text_info.chartext, text_info.pretext, text_info.posttext, text_info.pretext); if (ret) { ret = comp.on_fire_onchar(text_info); if (ret) { if (text_info.pretext != text_info.posttext || this._isPWInput) { this._isPWInput = false; this.syncValue(); if (!this._is_undo) { this._undoStack.push(this._value, this._text, this._begin_pos, this._begin_pos); } this._setElementValue(elem, this._begin_pos, this._end_pos, true); comp.on_fire_ontextchanged(comp, this._old_text, this._text); } else { this._setElementValue(elem, this._begin_pos, this._end_pos, true); } } } } if (!ret) { if (this._is_composition()) { this._stat_composition.setStatus(nexacro.EditBase.Status.CompositionEnd, ""); } this._setMaskedValue(this._oldMaskedValue); this._setText(this._old_text); this._setValue(this._old_value); this.syncValue(); this._setElementValue(elem, this._old_begin_pos, this._old_end_pos, true); return; } if (this._is_composition()) { this._stat_composition.setStatus(nexacro.EditBase.Status.CompositionEnd, ""); } if (autoskip) { bFilled = this.isFilled(); if (bFilled) { this._apply_autoskip(); } } }; delete _pEditMaskString; _pEditMaskString = null; nexacro.EditMaskNumber = function (comp) { nexacro.EditBase.call(this, comp); if (comp) { this.comp = comp; } this._dispComponent = false; this._dispComma = false; this._nMin = 0; this._nMax = 0; this._nDecimalMin = -1; this._nDecimalMax = 0; this._default_grouping = [3]; this._default_decimal_point = "."; this._default_thousands_sep = ","; this._default_positive_sign = ""; this._default_negative_sign = "-"; this._default_positive_sign_posn = 1; this._default_negative_sign_posn = 1; this._positive_sign = this._default_positive_sign; this._negative_sign = this._default_negative_sign; this._positive_sign_posn = this._default_positive_sign_posn; this._negative_sign_posn = this._default_negative_sign_posn; this._grouping = this._default_grouping; this._strPoint = this._default_decimal_point; this._strSeparator = this._default_thousands_sep; this._nSignType = 3; this._keypress = false; }; _pEditMaskNumber = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.EditBase, nexacro.EditMaskNumber); nexacro.EditMaskNumber.prototype = _pEditMaskNumber; _pEditMaskNumber._type_name = "EditMaskNumber"; _pEditMaskNumber._init = function () { nexacro.EditBase.prototype._init.call(this); this._dispComponent = false; this._dispComma = false; this._nMin = 0; this._nMax = 0; this._nDecimalMin = -1; this._nDecimalMax = 0; }; _pEditMaskNumber.isFilled = function () { var nLength = this._text.length; var nPoint = this._text.indexOf(this._strPoint); if (this._nDecimalMax == -1) { return false; } else if (this._nDecimalMax == 0) { if (this._nMax > 0 && (this._nMax <= nLength)) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { if (nPoint == -1) { return false; } if ((nLength - nPoint - 1) >= this._nDecimalMax) { return true; } } return false; }; _pEditMaskNumber.filterChar = function (c) { if (this.isDigit(c)) { return c; } else if (c == this._strPoint) { return c; } else if (c == this._strSeparator) { return c; } else if (c == '-' && (this._nSignType == 3 || this._nSignType == 0)) { return c; } else if (c == '+' && (this._nSignType == 3 || this._nSignType == 1)) { return c; } return ""; }; _pEditMaskNumber.setMask = function (strMask) { var strSMask = this.trimLeft(strMask); var cSignMask = strSMask.charAt(0); if (cSignMask == '!') { this._nSignType = 2; } else if (cSignMask == '+') { this._nSignType = 1; } else if (cSignMask == '-') { this._nSignType = 0; } else { this._nSignType = 3; } if (strMask.length <= 0) { this._nMin = 0; this._nMax = 0; this._nDecimalMax = -1; this._nDecimalMin = 0; return; } this._nMin = 0; this._nMax = 0; this._nDecimalMax = 0; this._nDecimalMin = 0; this._dispComma = (strMask.indexOf(",") >= 0); var c; var bFindPoint = false; for (var i = 0, n = strMask.length; i < n; i++) { c = strMask.charAt(i); if (c == '.') { bFindPoint = true; } else if (c == '#' || c == '0' || c == '9' || c == ',') { if (bFindPoint) { this._nDecimalMax++; if (c == '0') { this._nDecimalMin = this._nDecimalMax; } } else { if (c == '0' || (this._nMin > 0 && c != ',')) { this._nMin++; } this._nMax++; } } } }; _pEditMaskNumber.setDisplayMask = function (strMask) { var c, i; var bFindNineMask = false; var bFindPoint = false; var strMaskLen = strMask.length; var strSMask = this.trimLeft(strMask); var cSignMask = strSMask.charAt(0); var intNineMaskCnt = 0; var decNineMaskCnt = 0; this._init(); this._dispComponent = true; if (cSignMask == '!') { this._nSignType = 2; } else if (cSignMask == '+') { this._nSignType = 1; } else if (cSignMask == '-') { this._nSignType = 0; } else { this._nSignType = 3; } if (strMask.length <= 0) { this._dispComma = true; this._nDecimalMax = -1; this._nDecimalMin = 0; } else { this._dispComma = (strMask.indexOf(this._default_thousands_sep) >= 0); for (i = 0; i < strMaskLen; i++) { c = strMask.charAt(i); if (c == this._default_decimal_point) { bFindPoint = true; } else if (c == "#" || c == "0" || c == "9") { if (bFindPoint) { this._nDecimalMax++; if (c == "0") { this._nDecimalMin = this._nDecimalMax; } else if (c == "9") { decNineMaskCnt++; } } else { if (c == "9") { intNineMaskCnt++; this._nMin = 1; } else if (c == "0" || this._nMin > 0) { this._nMin++; } this._nMax++; } } } } }; _pEditMaskNumber.syncValue = function () { var comp = this.comp; comp.value = this._value; comp.text = this._text; }; _pEditMaskNumber.getValue = function () { return this._value; }; _pEditMaskNumber.setValue = function (strValue) { var elem = this.comp ? this.comp._input_element : null; if (nexacro._isNull(strValue)) { this._setValue(strValue); this._setText(this.makeText("", false)); } else { strValue = strValue.toString(); this._setValue(this.normalizeValue(strValue, true, true)); this._setText(this.makeText(this._value, false)); } this._undoStack.push(this._value, this._text); if (elem) { if (nexacro.OS == "iOS" && elem) { elem.setElementInputType("text", true); elem.setElementInputTypeKeypad(this.comp.type); } elem.setElementValue(this._value, true); } }; _pEditMaskNumber.deleteChar = function (bBack) { var text = this._text; var begin_pos = this._begin_pos; var end_pos = this._end_pos; var ret = { }; if (bBack) { if (end_pos == begin_pos && begin_pos != 0) { begin_pos--; var delText = text.charAt(begin_pos); if (delText == this._strSeparator) { begin_pos--; } } this.clearBuffer(text, begin_pos, end_pos); } else { if (end_pos == begin_pos && begin_pos != text.length) { var delText = text.charAt(end_pos); if (delText == this._strSeparator) { end_pos++; } end_pos++; } this.clearBuffer(text, begin_pos, end_pos); } }; _pEditMaskNumber.makeText = function (strValue, bEditing) { if (bEditing === undefined) { bEditing = true; } var nSign = 0; var nSignPos = -1; var bPoint = false; var nDecimalLen = 0; var nIntegerLen = 0; var strText = strValue; var ret = this.split(strText); nSign = ret.sign; bPoint = ret.pointexist; var strNumber = ret.numVal; var strDecimal = ret.decVal; nIntegerLen = strNumber.length; nDecimalLen = strDecimal ? strDecimal.length : 0; if (this._nMin > nIntegerLen) { var tmpStr = ""; for (var i = 0, n = this._nMin - nIntegerLen; i < n; i++) { tmpStr += "0"; } if (!bEditing) { strNumber = tmpStr + strNumber; } } if (this._nDecimalMin > nDecimalLen) { var tmpStr = ""; for (var i = 0, n = this._nDecimalMin - nDecimalLen; i < n; i++) { tmpStr += "0"; } if (!bEditing) { strDecimal = strDecimal + tmpStr; } } else if (this._nDecimalMax != -1 && this._nDecimalMax < nDecimalLen) { if (!bEditing && (this._nLimitType != 3 + 1 || this._nDecimalMax == 0)) { strDecimal = strDecimal.substring(0, this._nDecimalMax) + strDecimal.substr(nDecimalLen, strDecimal.length); } } if (this._dispComma) { strNumber = this.applyComma(strNumber); } if (nSign < 0) { strSign = this._negative_sign; nSignPos = this._negative_sign_posn; } else if (nSign > 0) { strSign = this._positive_sign; nSignPos = this._negative_sign_posn; } else { strSign = ""; } if (strDecimal.length > 0) { strNumber += this._strPoint; strNumber += strDecimal; } else { if (bEditing && bPoint && this._nDecimalMax > 0) { strNumber += this._strPoint; } else if (!bEditing && bPoint) { var nLen = strNumber.length; this._begin_pos = (this._begin_pos > nLen) ? nLen : this._begin_pos; this._end_pos = (this._end_pos > nLen) ? nLen : this._begin_pos; } } switch (nSignPos) { case 0: strNumber = "(" + strNumber + ")"; break; case 1: case 3: case 4: strNumber = strSign + strNumber; break; case 2: strNumber += strSign; break; default: strNumber = strSign + strNumber; break; } return strNumber; }; _pEditMaskNumber.makeDisplayText = function (strValue, bApplyLocale) { var ret = this.split(strValue, bApplyLocale); var i, zeroLen; var tmpStr = ""; var nSignPos = -1; var nSign = ret.sign; var bPoint = ret.pointexist; var strInteger = ret.numVal; var strDecimal = ret.decVal; var nIntegerLen = strInteger.length; var nDecimalLen = strDecimal ? strDecimal.length : 0; if (this._nMin > nIntegerLen) { zeroLen = this._nMin - nIntegerLen; for (i = 0; i < zeroLen; i++) { tmpStr += "0"; } strInteger = tmpStr + strInteger; } else if (this._nMin == 0 && this._nMin != this._nMax) { if (strInteger == "0") { strInteger = ""; } } if (this._nDecimalMin > nDecimalLen) { tmpStr = ""; zeroLen = this._nDecimalMin - nDecimalLen; for (i = 0; i < zeroLen; i++) { tmpStr += "0"; } strDecimal = strDecimal + tmpStr; } else if (this._nDecimalMax != -1 && this._nDecimalMax < nDecimalLen) { if ((this._nLimitType != 3 + 1 || this._nDecimalMax == 0)) { strDecimal = strDecimal.substring(0, this._nDecimalMax) + strDecimal.substr(nDecimalLen, strDecimal.length); } } if (this._dispComma) { strInteger = this.applyComma(strInteger); } if (strDecimal.length > 0) { strInteger += this._strPoint; strInteger += strDecimal; } if (nSign < 0) { strSign = this._negative_sign; nSignPos = this._negative_sign_posn; } else if (nSign > 0) { strSign = this._positive_sign; nSignPos = this._negative_sign_posn; } else { strSign = ""; } switch (nSignPos) { case 0: strInteger = "(" + strInteger + ")"; break; case 1: case 3: case 4: strInteger = strSign + strInteger; break; case 2: strInteger += strSign; break; default: strInteger = strSign + strInteger; break; } return strInteger; }; _pEditMaskNumber.normalizeValue = function (strValue, bTrim, bValue) { if (strValue.length <= 0) { return strValue; } if (this._dispComponent && isFinite(strValue) == false) { return strValue; } if (bTrim === undefined) { bTrim = true; } strValue = this.removeMask(strValue, bValue); if (strValue.charAt(strValue.length - 1) == this._strPoint) { strValue = strValue + "0"; } if (bTrim) { var bSign = (strValue.charAt(0) == '-') ? 1 : 0; while (strValue.charAt(0 + bSign) == '0' && strValue.charAt(1 + bSign) != this._strPoint && strValue.length != (1 + bSign)) { strValue = strValue.substring(0, 0 + bSign) + strValue.substr(0 + bSign + 1, strValue.length); } var nPoint = strValue.indexOf(this._strPoint); if (nPoint >= 0) { var i; for (i = strValue.length - 1; i > nPoint + 1; i--) { if (strValue.charAt(i) != '0') { break; } } strValue = strValue.substring(0, i + 1); } } if (strValue.charAt(0) == '+') { strValue = strValue.substr(1); } else if (strValue.length <= 0 || parseFloat(strValue) == 0.0) { if (strValue.charAt(0) == '-') { strValue = strValue.substr(1); } } strValue = strValue.replace(this._strPoint, this._default_decimal_point); return strValue; }; _pEditMaskNumber.split = function (strText, bApplyLocale) { var nBegin = 0; var nSign; if ((nBegin = strText.indexOf('+')) >= 0) { nSign = +1; nBegin = 1; } else if ((nBegin = strText.indexOf('-')) >= 0) { nSign = -1; nBegin = 1; } else { nSign = 0; nBegin = 0; } var nPoint; if (bApplyLocale) { nPoint = strText.indexOf(this._strPoint, nBegin); } else { nPoint = strText.indexOf(this._default_decimal_point, nBegin); } var strNumber = "", bPoint, strDecimal = ""; if (nPoint < 0) { strNumber = strText.substr(nBegin); bPoint = false; } else { strNumber = strText.substr(nBegin, nPoint - nBegin); strDecimal = strText.substr(nPoint + 1); bPoint = true; } return { "sign" : nSign, "pointexist" : bPoint, "numVal" : strNumber, "decVal" : strDecimal }; }; _pEditMaskNumber.writeBuffer = function (elem) { var str = this._text; var comp = this.comp; var displaynulltext = comp.displaynulltext; var val = elem.getElementValue(); if (elem && val != str) { elem.setElementValue(str); var elem_val = elem.getElementValue(); } return str; }; _pEditMaskNumber.clearBuffer = function (text, begin, end) { var tmpText = text.substr(0, begin) + text.substr(end, text.length - end); var intText = tmpText; var decText = ""; var newValue = this.normalizeValue(tmpText, false); var point_idx = tmpText.indexOf(this._strPoint); if (point_idx > 0) { intText = tmpText.substring(0, point_idx); decText = tmpText.substring(point_idx + 1, tmpText.length); } var intValue = this.normalizeValue(intText, false); var newText = this.makeText(intValue, true); if (intText.length != newText.length) { var tmp = intText.length - newText.length; if (begin != 0) { begin = begin - tmp; } } if (point_idx > 0) { newText = newText + this._strPoint + decText; } this._setText(newText); this._setValue(newValue); this.setElementCaretPos(begin, begin); }; _pEditMaskNumber.clearBuffer2 = function (str, start, end) { if (start == end) { return { "text" : str, "end" : end }; } if (start > end) { var tmpVal = start; start = end; end = tmpVal; } var strTemp = str.substr(start, end - start); var strPost = str.substring(0, start) + str.substring(end); var pstrDeleted = strTemp; if (strTemp.indexOf(this._strPoint) > 0) { strTemp = this.makeText(this.normalizeValue(strPost)); end = this.findIndex(strPost, strTemp, start, true); strPost = strTemp; if (end < 0) { end = 0; } else if (strTemp.length < end) { end = strTemp.length; } } else if (this._is_selected() && pstrDeleted == this._strSeparator) { end = start; strPost = str; } else { var nPoint = strPost.indexOf(this._strPoint); if (nPoint < 0) { nPoint = strPost.length; } if (start <= nPoint) { strTemp = this.makeText(this.normalizeValue(strPost)); end = this.findIndex(strPost, strTemp, start, false); strPost = strTemp; } else { end = start; var nAppendCount = this._nDecimalMin - (strPost.length - (nPoint + 1)); var addstr = ""; if (nAppendCount > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < nAppendCount; i++) { addstr += "0"; } } strPost += addstr; } } return { "text" : strPost, "end" : end, "pstrDeleted" : pstrDeleted }; }; _pEditMaskNumber.isDigit = function (c) { if (!this._digit) { this._digit = /[0-9]/; } if (this._digit.test(c)) { return true; } return false; }; _pEditMaskNumber.isPlusSign = function (c) { if (c == "+") { return true; } return false; }; _pEditMaskNumber.isMinusSign = function (c) { if (c == "-") { return true; } return false; }; _pEditMaskNumber.isComma = function (c) { if (c == this._strPoint) { return true; } return false; }; _pEditMaskNumber.isSign = function (c) { if (this.isPlusSign(c) || this.isMinusSign(c)) { return true; } return false; }; _pEditMaskNumber.trim = function (str) { return str.replace(/^\s\s*/, '').replace(/\s\s*$/, ''); }; _pEditMaskNumber.trimLeft = function (str) { return str.replace(/^\s\s*/, ''); }; _pEditMaskNumber.trimRight = function (str) { return str.replace(/\s\s*$/, ''); }; _pEditMaskNumber.removeMask = function (str, bValue) { str = this.trim(str); var ntxtLen = str.length; var i; var bPoint = false; var bInside = false; var buf = []; if (bValue) { for (i = 0; i < ntxtLen; i++) { var c = str.charAt(i); if ((c == '+' || c == '-') && (bInside === false)) { buf.push(c); bInside = true; } else if (this.isDigit(c)) { buf.push(c); bInside = true; } else if (c == this._default_decimal_point && bPoint === false) { buf.push(c); bPoint = true; bInside = true; } else if (c != this._default_thousands_sep) { if (!this._pasteAction) { return ""; } } } } else { for (i = 0; i < ntxtLen; i++) { var c = str.charAt(i); if ((c == '+' || c == '-') && (bInside === false)) { buf.push(c); bInside = true; } else if (this.isDigit(c)) { buf.push(c); bInside = true; } else if (c == this._strPoint) { if (bPoint === false) { buf.push(c); bPoint = true; bInside = true; } } else if (c != this._strSeparator) { if (!this._pasteAction) { return ""; } } } } return buf.join(""); }; _pEditMaskNumber.applyComma = function (strNumber) { var grouping = this._grouping; var thousands_sep = this._strSeparator; if (thousands_sep.length > 0) { var dec_buf = strNumber.split(""); var dec_size = strNumber.length; var out_size = (thousands_sep.length + 1) * strNumber.length; var out_buf = []; var cur_group = 0, d_size = dec_size; var endpos = out_size; var groupingIdx = 0; while (grouping[groupingIdx] && d_size > 0) { var g = grouping[groupingIdx]; if (g == "\\") { groupingIdx++; g = parseInt(grouping[groupingIdx]) | 0; } if (g > 0) { cur_group = g; while (g-- > 0 && d_size > 0) { out_buf[--endpos] = dec_buf[--d_size]; } if (d_size > 0) { out_buf[--endpos] = thousands_sep; } } else if (g == 0 && d_size > cur_group) { g = cur_group; while (g-- > 0) { out_buf[--endpos] = dec_buf[--d_size]; } if (d_size > 0) { out_buf[--endpos] = thousands_sep; } } else if (g == 0 && d_size <= cur_group && d_size > 0) { g = d_size; while (g-- > 0) { out_buf[--endpos] = dec_buf[--d_size]; } } else { break; } if (grouping.length == 2 && groupingIdx == 0) { groupingIdx++; } } return out_buf.slice(endpos, out_size + endpos).join(""); } return strNumber; }; _pEditMaskNumber.findIndex = function (strSource, strTarget, nPos, bDeleteComma) { var nFindPos = 0; var nSource = strSource.indexOf(this._strPoint); var nTarget = strTarget.indexOf(this._strPoint); if (nSource < 0) { nSource = strSource.length - 1; } if (nTarget < 0) { nTarget = strTarget.length - 1; } if (bDeleteComma) { var regexpr = new RegExp(this._strSeparator, "g"); var xstrSource = strSource; if (this._dispComma) { xstrSource = xstrSource.replace(regexpr, ""); } var xstrTarget = strTarget.substring(0, nTarget + 1); if (this._dispComma) { xstrTarget = xstrTarget.replace(regexpr, ""); } xstrTarget.replace(this._strPoint, ""); var nFixPos = nPos + xstrTarget.length - xstrSource.length; if (this._dispComma) { var nCount = nSource - nPos; for (var i = nPos; i < nSource; i++) { if (strSource.charAt(i) == this._strSeparator) { nCount--; } if (strTarget.charAt(i) == this._strSeparator) { nCount++; } } nFindPos = nTarget - nCount; if (strTarget.indexOf(this._strPoint) >= 0) { nFindPos = nTarget; } } else { nFindPos = nFixPos; } } else { if (nPos == nSource) { nFindPos = nTarget; } else if (this._dispComma) { var nCount = nSource - nPos; for (var i = nPos; i < nSource; i++) { if (strSource.charAt(i) == this._strSeparator) { nCount--; } if (strTarget.charAt(i) == this._strSeparator) { nCount++; } } nFindPos = nTarget - nCount; } else { nFindPos = nTarget - (nSource - nPos); } } return nFindPos; }; _pEditMaskNumber.onInputDigit = function (strText, xchNum, nCaret) { var nPoint = strText.indexOf(this._strPoint); var bPoint = nPoint >= 0; if (!bPoint) { nPoint = strText.length; } var origin_caret = nCaret; if (nPoint < nCaret) { if (!this.isLimit(strText)) { strText = strText.substring(0, nCaret) + xchNum + strText.substr(nCaret, strText.length); nCaret++; } } else { if (!this.isLimit(strText)) { if (this._dispComma) { strText = strText.substring(0, nCaret) + xchNum + strText.substr(nCaret, strText.length); nCaret++; nPoint++; var nOldLength = strText.length; var nIndex = strText.indexOf("-"); var strSign = ""; if (0 <= nIndex) { strSign += "-"; } if (strSign != "") { strText = this.normalizeValue(strText); if (strText.charAt(1) == 0) { strText = strSign + strText; } strText = this.makeText(strText); } else { strText = this.makeText(this.normalizeValue(strText)); } var nNewLength = strText.length; nPoint = strText.indexOf(this._strPoint); if (nOldLength != nNewLength) { nCaret++; } } else { strText = strText.substring(0, nCaret) + xchNum + strText.substr(nCaret, strText.length); nCaret++; nPoint++; } } } if (nPoint > this._nMin && nPoint > 1) { if (strText.charAt(0) == '0') { if (strText.charAt(1) == this._strSeparator) { strText = strText.substr(2); nCaret -= 2; } else if ((this._nMin <= 0) && (strText.charAt(1) != this._strPoint)) { strText = strText.substr(1); nCaret--; } } else if (strText.charAt(0) == '+' || strText.charAt(0) == '-') { if (strText.charAt(1) == '0' && strText.charAt(2) == '0') { strText = strText.substring(0, 1) + strText.substr(2, strText.length); nCaret--; } } } var elem = this.comp._input_element; var elem_val = elem.getElementValue(); var elem_val1 = this.makeText(this.normalizeValue(elem_val)); if (this._text && elem_val.length == this._text.length) { if (!this._pasteAction) { var ch = this._text.charAt(origin_caret); var digit = this.isDigit(ch); if (!digit) { strText = this._text.substring(0, origin_caret + 1) + xchNum + this._text.substr(origin_caret + 2, this._text.length); nCaret = origin_caret + 2; } else { strText = elem_val1; nCaret = origin_caret + 1; } } } return { "text" : strText, "pos" : nCaret }; }; _pEditMaskNumber.isLimit = function (strText) { var nLength = strText.length; var nPoint = strText.indexOf(this._strPoint); var nIntLength = 0; var nDecLength = 0; if (nPoint != -1) { nIntLength = nPoint; nDecLength = nLength - (nPoint + 1); } var bSign = (strText.charAt(0) == '-' || strText.charAt(0) == '+') ? true : false; if (bSign) { nLength--; if (this._end_pos <= nPoint) { nIntLength--; } } if (this._nLimitType == 3) { if (this._nDecimalMax == 0 || nPoint == -1) { return (nLength >= this._nMax); } if (this._nMax > 0 && this._nDecimalMax > 0) { if (this._end_pos <= nPoint) { return (nIntLength >= this._nMax); } else if (this._end_pos > nPoint) { return (nDecLength >= this._nDecimalMax); } else { return false; } } } else if (this._nLimitType == 2) { if (this._nMax > 0 && this._nDecimalMax > 0) { if (this._begin_pos > nPoint) { return (nDecLength >= this._nDecimalMax); } } } else if (this._nLimitType == 1) { if (this._nDecimalMax == 0 || nPoint == -1) { return (nLength >= this._nMax); } if (this._nMax > 0 && this._nDecimalMax > 0) { if (this._end_pos <= nPoint) { return (nIntLength >= this._nMax); } else { return false; } } } else if (this._nLimitType == 0) { return false; } return false; }; _pEditMaskNumber._set_old_info = function () { this._old_text = this._text; this._old_value = this._value; this._old_begin_pos = this._begin_pos; this._old_end_pos = this._end_pos; }; _pEditMaskNumber._is_maskchar = function (c) { if (this.isDigit(c) || c == this._strPoint) { return c; } else if (this.isSign(c) && (this._nSignType == 3 || this._nSignType == 0)) { return c; } else if (this.isSign(c) && (this._nSignType == 3 || this._nSignType == 1)) { return c; } return ""; }; _pEditMaskNumber._apply_filter = function (ch) { var bChange = false; var ret = { value : null, text : "", begin_pos : this._input_begin_pos, bChange : false }; var filterChar = this._is_maskchar(ch); if (this.isSign(filterChar)) { ret = this._apply_sign_filter(filterChar, (this._value ? this._value : ""), this._text, this._input_begin_pos); } else if (this.isComma(filterChar)) { ret = this._apply_comma_filter(filterChar, (this._value ? this._value : ""), this._text, this._input_begin_pos); } else if (this.isDigit(filterChar)) { ret = this._apply_digit_filter(filterChar, (this._value ? this._value : ""), this._text, this._input_begin_pos); } return ret; }; _pEditMaskNumber._apply_sign_filter = function (c, value, text, begin_pos) { var firstText = text.charAt(0); if (this.isPlusSign(c) && (this._nSignType == 1 || this._nSignType == 3)) { if (this.isPlusSign(firstText)) { value = this.normalizeValue(text, true); text = this.makeText(value); begin_pos -= 1; } else if (this.isMinusSign(firstText)) { value = this.normalizeValue(text.substr(1), true); text = c + this.makeText(value); } else { text = c + this.makeText(value); begin_pos += 1; } } else if (this.isMinusSign(c) && (this._nSignType == 0 || this._nSignType == 3)) { if (this.isMinusSign(firstText)) { value = this.normalizeValue(text.substr(1), true); text = this.makeText(value); begin_pos -= 1; } else if (this.isPlusSign(firstText)) { value = this.normalizeValue(text.substr(1), true); text = c + this.makeText(value); } else { value = c + this.normalizeValue(text, true); text = this.makeText(value); begin_pos += 1; } } return { value : value, text : text, caret : begin_pos, bChange : true }; }; _pEditMaskNumber._apply_comma_filter = function (c, value, text, begin_pos) { var bNormalize = true; var comma_idx = value.indexOf(this._default_decimal_point); if (comma_idx == -1) { var bInput = true; var dec_begin_pos = this._input_begin_pos; var intText = text.substr(0, dec_begin_pos); var decText = text.substr(dec_begin_pos); var decLen = decText.length; if (this._nDecimalMax == 0) { bInput = false; } else if (text.indexOf(c) > -1) { bInput = false; } else if (this._nLimitType == 2 || this._nLimitType == 3) { bInput = (decLen <= this._nDecimalMax) ? true : false; } if (bInput) { text = intText + c + decText; if (decLen == 0) { bNormalize = false; } } } if (bNormalize) { value = this.normalizeValue(text, false); } if (comma_idx > -1 || (comma_idx == -1 && bInput)) { begin_pos = text.indexOf(c) + 1; } return { value : value, text : text, caret : begin_pos, bChange : true }; }; _pEditMaskNumber._apply_digit_filter = function (c, value, text, begin_pos) { var ret = this.onInputDigit(text, c, begin_pos); var text = ret.text; return { value : this.normalizeValue(text), text : text, caret : ret.pos, bChange : true }; }; _pEditMaskNumber._setLocale = function (locale) { var locale_info = nexacro.Locale.getLocaleInfo(locale); this._strPoint = locale_info.decimal_point; if (locale_info.thousands_sep) { this._strSeparator = locale_info.thousands_sep; } else { this._strSeparator = this._default_thousands_sep; } if (!locale_info.grouping || locale_info.grouping[0] == 0) { this._grouping = this._default_grouping; } else { this._grouping = locale_info.grouping; } if (locale_info.positive_sign) { this._positive_sign = locale_info.positive_sign; } else { this._positive_sign = this._default_positive_sign; } if (locale_info.negative_sign) { this._negative_sign = locale_info.negative_sign; } else { this._negative_sign = this._default_negative_sign; } if (locale_info.p_sign_posn != undefined || locale_info.p_sign_posn != null) { this._positive_sign_posn = locale_info.p_sign_posn; } else { this._positive_sign_posn = this._default_positive_sign_posn; } if (locale_info.n_sign_posn != undefined || locale_info.n_sign_posn != null) { this._negative_sign_posn = locale_info.n_sign_posn; } else { this._negative_sign_posn = this._default_negative_sign_posn; } }; _pEditMaskNumber.getInsertText = function (elem) { var insertText = ""; var element_text = elem.getElementValue(); var text = this._text; if (!text) { text = ""; } var old_text = this._text; var cur_text = elem.getElementValue(); if (this._pasteAction || this._keycode == 13 || this._stat_composition.getCurrentStatus() == nexacro.EditBase.Status.None) { var len = element_text.length - text.length; if (len == 0) { var bFind = false; for (var i = 0, n = element_text.length; i < n; i++) { if (element_text[i] != text[i]) { insertText += element_text[i]; bFind = true; } else if (bFind) { break; } } } else { var old_pos = this._old_begin_pos; var pos = this._begin_pos; if (old_pos != pos) { insertText = element_text.substr(old_pos, len - (old_pos - pos)); } else { insertText = element_text.substr(this._begin_pos, len); } } } else { insertText = this._stat_composition.getData(elem); } return insertText; }; if (nexacro.Browser == "Edge" || nexacro.Browser == "IE") { _pEditMaskNumber._setElementValue = function (elem, begin, end, caretApply, valApply) { if (valApply) { elem.setElementValue(this._text, true); } else { elem.setElementValue(this._text); } if (caretApply) { this.setElementCaretPos(begin, end, elem); } else { this.setElementCaretPos(begin, end); } }; } else if (nexacro.Browser == "Safari") { _pEditMaskNumber._setElementValue = function (elem, begin, end, bApply) { elem.setElementValue(this._text); if (bApply) { var pThis = this; nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(this.comp, function () { pThis._accept_focus_event = false; pThis.setElementCaretPos(begin, end, elem); }); } else { this.setElementCaretPos(begin, end); } }; } else { _pEditMaskNumber._setElementValue = function (elem, begin, end, bApply) { elem.setElementValue(this._text); if (bApply) { this.setElementCaretPos(begin, end, elem); } else { this.setElementCaretPos(begin, end); } }; } _pEditMaskNumber._changeFocusText = function (elem) { var cur_val = this._value; var cur_text = elem.getElementValue(); var cur_pos = elem.getElementCaretPos(); var focus_text = ""; if (!cur_val) { focus_text = this.makeText("", true); } else { if (elem.readonly) { focus_text = this.makeText(cur_val, false); } else { focus_text = this.makeText(cur_val, true); } } this._setText(focus_text); this.syncValue(); if (elem && cur_text != focus_text) { if (nexacro.Browser == "IE" && nexacro.BrowserVersion == 8) { this._accept_blur_event = false; } elem.setElementValue(cur_val); if (nexacro.Browser == "Gecko") { this.setElementCaretPos(cur_pos.begin, cur_pos.end, elem); } } }; _pEditMaskNumber._check_keypressPrevent = function (keyCode) { var ret = false; var filter_ret = { value : null, text : "", begin_pos : this._input_begin_pos, bChange : false }; var chartext = String.fromCharCode(keyCode); var old_chartext = chartext; filter_ret = this._apply_filter(chartext); if (!filter_ret.bChange) { ret = true; } return ret; }; _pEditMaskNumber._check_backspace = function (elem) { var elem_value = elem.getElementValue(); if (elem_value.length == (this._text.length - 1)) { if (!this._cutAction && !this._pasteAction && !this._is_composition()) { return true; } } return false; }; _pEditMaskNumber._mouseup_process = function (elem) { if (this._is_composition()) { this._setCaret(elem); } else { var pThis = this; nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(pThis.comp, function () { pThis._setCaret(elem); if (nexacro.Browser == "IE" && nexacro.BrowserVersion <= 9) { var cur_text = elem.getElementValue(); if (cur_text == "" && cur_text != pThis._text) { pThis._setText(pThis.makeText(cur_text, true)); if (pThis._value) { pThis._setValue(pThis.normalizeValue(pThis._text)); } pThis.syncValue(); pThis._setElementValue(elem, pThis._begin_pos, pThis._end_pos); pThis.setElementCaretPos(pThis._begin_pos, pThis._begin_pos, elem); } } if (pThis._text) { if (pThis._begin_pos == pThis._end_pos) { pThis._select_text = ""; } else { pThis._select_text = pThis._text.substring(pThis._begin_pos, pThis._end_pos); } } }); } }; _pEditMaskNumber._focus_process = function (elem, mflag) { var comp = this.comp; var win = comp._getWindow(); var cur_text = elem.getElementValue(); if (!this._bChangeFocusText) { this._changeFocusText(elem); this._bChangeFocusText = true; } else { this._setText(cur_text); } if (win && win._keydown_element && comp._setcaret) { this.setElementCaretPos(comp._caret_pos.begin, comp._caret_pos.end, elem); comp._setcaret = false; } this._apply_autoselect(elem, mflag); this._stat_focus.setStatus(nexacro.EditBase.Status.Focus); }; _pEditMaskNumber._blur_process = function (elem) { var cur_text = elem.getElementValue(); if (!this._value) { var blur_text = this.makeText("", false); } else { var blur_text = this.makeText(this._value, false); } this._setText(blur_text); this.syncValue(); this._bChangeFocusText = false; if (cur_text != blur_text || !this._value) { elem.setElementValue(this._value, true); } }; _pEditMaskNumber._keyup_process_enter = function (elem) { var focus_text = this._getFocusText(); var focus_val = this._getFocusValue(); var cur_text = this._getText(); var cur_val = this._getValue(); if (focus_text != cur_text || focus_val != cur_val) { if (nexacro.OSVersion >= 6.0 && nexacro.Browser == "IE" && nexacro.BrowserVersion <= 10) { this._accept_keyinput_event = false; } this.comp._on_fire_changeEventSet(focus_text, focus_val, cur_text, cur_val); this.setElementCaretPos(this._begin_pos, this._begin_pos, elem); } }; _pEditMaskNumber._on_default_input_keydown = function (elem, keyCode, altkey, ctrlkey, shiftkey) { this._setCaret(elem); this._keycode = keyCode; this._altkey = altkey; this._ctrlkey = ctrlkey; this._shiftkey = shiftkey; if (ctrlkey && (keyCode == 90)) { this._is_undo = true; this._undoStack.doUndo(); this._setCaret(elem); this._on_input_keyinput(elem); this._is_undo = false; elem._event_stop = true; return; } else if (ctrlkey && (keyCode == 89)) { this._is_undo = true; this._undoStack.doRedo(); this._setCaret(elem); this._on_input_keyinput(elem); this._is_undo = false; elem._event_stop = true; return; } }; _pEditMaskNumber._on_default_input_keypress = function (elem, keyCode, charCode, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey) { var ret = true; var k = charCode || keyCode; var comp = this.comp; var text_info = this._textEventInfo; var evt_fire = false; if (!comp) { return false; } if (elem.readonly) { if (k == nexacro.Event.KEY_BACKSPACE) { elem._event_stop = true; } return false; } this._set_old_info(); if (keyCode == nexacro.Event.KEY_SPACE) { if (nexacro._isNull(this._value)) { var text = this.makeText("", false); } else { var text = this.makeText(this._value, false); } this._filteredtext = false; text_info.setTextInfo("", this._old_text, text, "", "", this._old_text); evt_fire = true; } if (k == nexacro.Event.KEY_BACKSPACE || (k == nexacro.Event.KEY_DELETE && k == this._keycode) || (nexacro.Browser == "MobileSafari" && k == 127)) { this.deleteChar(k == 8 ? true : false); text_info.setTextInfo("", this._old_text, this._text, "", "", this._old_text); evt_fire = true; } if (evt_fire) { ret = comp.on_fire_ontextchange(text_info); if (ret) { ret = comp.on_fire_cancharchange(comp, text_info.chartext, text_info.pretext, text_info.posttext); if (ret) { ret = comp.on_fire_onchar(text_info); } if (ret) { this._setText(text_info.posttext); this._setValue(this.normalizeValue(text_info.posttext)); this.syncValue(); if (nexacro.OSVersion >= 6.0 && nexacro.Browser == "IE" && (nexacro.BrowserVersion == 10 || nexacro.BrowserVersion == 9)) { this._accept_keyinput_event = false; } elem.setElementValue(this._text, true); this.setElementCaretPos(this._end_pos, this._end_pos, elem); if (text_info.pretext != text_info.posttext) { if (!this._is_undo) { this._undoStack.push(this._value, this._text, this._end_pos, this._end_pos); } comp._textchanging = true; comp.on_fire_ontextchanged(comp, text_info.pretext, text_info.posttext); comp._textchanging = false; } } } if (!ret) { this._setText(this._old_text); this._setValue(this.normalizeValue(this._old_text)); this.syncValue(); this.setElementCaretPos(this._old_begin_pos, this._old_end_pos); } this._select_text = ""; elem._event_stop = true; } else if (nexacro.OS == "iOS") { bPrevent = this._check_keypressPrevent(keyCode); if (bPrevent) { elem._event_stop = true; } this._keypress = true; } return ret; }; _pEditMaskNumber._on_default_input_keyup = function (elem, keycode, altkey, ctrlkey, shiftkey) { var comp = this.comp; this._altkey = altkey; this._ctrlkey = ctrlkey; this._shiftkey = shiftkey; if (!shiftkey && (keycode >= 37 && keycode <= 40)) { this._select_text = ""; } if (keycode == 13) { this._keyup_process_enter(elem); return; } if (nexacro.OS == "iOS" || nexacro.OS == "Android") { if (this._filteredtext) { this._filteredtext = false; this.setElementCaretPos(this._begin_pos, this._end_pos, elem); } else { this._setCaret(elem); } } else { this._setCaret(elem); } }; if (nexacro.Browser == "Edge" || nexacro.Browser == "IE") { if (nexacro.BrowserVersion == 10) { _pEditMaskNumber._on_default_input_keyinput = function (elem) { if (this._accept_keyinput_event === false) { this._accept_keyinput_event = true; return false; } if (elem.readonly) { return false; } if (!this.comp) { return false; } var elem_value = elem.getElementValue(); var text = this._text; if (!text) { text = ""; } var insertText = ""; if (elem_value == text) { this._setCaret(elem); return false; } if (!this._set_old_prop) { this._set_old_info(); } if (this._is_selected()) { this.clearBuffer(text, this._begin_pos, this._end_pos); this._set_old_prop = true; if (!this._cutAction) { if (this._pasteAction) { this._isPasteActionComplete = false; } return; } } insertText = this.getInsertText(elem); this._fire_text_event(insertText); if (!this._is_composition()) { this._stat_composition.init(); } this._set_old_prop = false; }; } else if (nexacro.BrowserVersion >= 9) { _pEditMaskNumber._on_default_input_keyinput = function (elem) { if (this._accept_keyinput_event === false) { this._accept_keyinput_event = true; return false; } if (elem.readonly) { return false; } if (!this.comp) { return false; } var elem_value = elem.getElementValue(); var text = this._text; if (!text) { text = ""; } var insertText = ""; if (elem_value == text) { this._setCaret(elem); return false; } this._set_old_info(); if (this._is_selected()) { this.clearBuffer(text, this._begin_pos, this._end_pos); } if (this._is_cleared(elem) && !this._cutAction) { this.clearBuffer(elem_value, this._begin_pos, this._end_pos); } insertText = this.getInsertText(elem); this._fire_text_event(insertText); if (!this._is_composition()) { this._stat_composition.init(); } }; } else { _pEditMaskNumber._on_default_input_keyinput = function (elem) { if (this._accept_keyinput_event === false) { this._accept_keyinput_event = true; return false; } if (elem.readonly) { return false; } if (!this.comp) { return false; } var elem_value = elem.getElementValue(); var text = this._text; if (!text) { text = ""; } var insertText = ""; if (elem_value == text) { this._setCaret(elem); return false; } if (!this._set_old_prop) { this._set_old_info(); } if (this._is_selected()) { this.clearBuffer(text, this._begin_pos, this._end_pos); this._set_old_prop = true; return; } if (this._is_cleared(elem) && !this._cutAction) { this.clearBuffer(elem_value, this._begin_pos, this._end_pos); } insertText = this.getInsertText(elem); this._fire_text_event(insertText); if (!this._is_composition()) { this._stat_composition.init(); } this._set_old_prop = false; }; } } else if (nexacro.OS == "iOS") { _pEditMaskNumber._on_default_input_keyinput = function (elem) { if (this._accept_keyinput_event === false) { this._accept_keyinput_event = true; return false; } if (elem.readonly) { return false; } if (!this.comp) { return false; } var elem_value = elem.getElementValue(); var elem_pos = elem.getElementCaretPos(); var text = this._text; if (!text) { text = ""; } var insertText = ""; if (elem_value == text) { this._setCaret(elem); return false; } this._set_old_info(); if (this._is_selected()) { this.clearBuffer(text, this._begin_pos, this._end_pos); } if (this._check_backspace(elem)) { this.clearBuffer(elem_value, elem_pos.begin, elem_pos.end); } insertText = this.getInsertText(elem); if (this._is_composition()) { if (this._keypress) { insertText = insertText.substr(insertText.length - 1, 1); this._keypress = false; } else { insertText = ""; } } this._fire_text_event(insertText); if (!this._is_composition()) { this._stat_composition.init(); } }; } else { _pEditMaskNumber._on_default_input_keyinput = function (elem) { if (this._accept_keyinput_event === false) { this._accept_keyinput_event = true; return false; } if (elem.readonly) { return false; } if (!this.comp) { return false; } var elem_value = elem.getElementValue(); var elem_pos = elem.getElementCaretPos(); var text = this._text; if (!text) { text = ""; } var insertText = ""; if (elem_value == text) { this._setCaret(elem); return false; } this._set_old_info(); if (this._is_selected()) { this.clearBuffer(text, this._begin_pos, this._end_pos); } if (this._check_backspace(elem)) { this.clearBuffer(elem_value, elem_pos.begin, elem_pos.end); } insertText = this.getInsertText(elem); this._fire_text_event(insertText); if (!this._is_composition()) { this._stat_composition.init(); } }; } _pEditMaskNumber._fire_text_event = function (chartext) { var comp = this.comp; var elem = comp._input_element; var elem_value = elem.getElementValue(); var text_info = this._textEventInfo; var autoskip = comp.autoskip; var bFilter = false; var bFilled = false; var changeChartext = false; var ret = { value : null, text : "", begin_pos : this._input_begin_pos, bChange : false }; if (this._is_undo) { this._setText(elem_value); this._setValue(this.normalizeValue(this._text)); } else if (this._pasteAction) { var i = 0; while (i < chartext.length) { var ch = chartext.charAt(i); ret = this._apply_filter(ch); if (ret.bChange) { this._setValue(ret.value); this._setText(ret.text); this.setElementCaretPos(ret.caret, ret.caret); } i++; } if (elem_value != this._text) { this.setValue(this._text); } } else { ret = this._apply_filter(chartext); if (ret.bChange) { this._setValue(ret.value); this._setText(ret.text); this.setElementCaretPos(ret.caret, ret.caret); } } if (elem_value != this._text) { bFilter = true; this._filteredtext = true; } text_info.setTextInfo(chartext, this._old_text, this._text, "", "", this._old_text); var ret = comp.on_fire_ontextchange(text_info); if (ret) { ret = comp.on_fire_cancharchange(comp, text_info.chartext, text_info.pretext, text_info.posttext, text_info.pretext); if (ret) { ret = comp.on_fire_onchar(text_info); if (ret) { if (elem_value != text_info.posttext) { changeChartext = true; } if (text_info.pretext != text_info.posttext) { this.syncValue(); if (!this._is_undo) { this._undoStack.push(this._value, this._text, this._begin_pos, this._begin_pos); } this.setElementCaretPos(this._begin_pos, this._end_pos, elem); comp.on_fire_ontextchanged(comp, this._old_text, this._text); } } } } if (!ret) { if (this._is_composition()) { this._stat_composition.setStatus(nexacro.EditBase.Status.CompositionEnd, ""); } this._setText(this._old_text); this._setValue(this._old_value); this.syncValue(); this._setElementValue(elem, this._old_begin_pos, this._old_end_pos, true); return; } if (bFilter || changeChartext) { if (this._is_composition()) { this._stat_composition.setStatus(nexacro.EditBase.Status.CompositionEnd, ""); } this.syncValue(); this._setElementValue(elem, this._begin_pos, this._end_pos, true); } if (autoskip) { bFilled = this.isFilled(); if (bFilled) { this._apply_autoskip(); } } }; delete _pEditMaskNumber; _pEditMaskNumber = null; nexacro.EditMaskDate = function (comp) { nexacro.EditMaskString.call(this, comp); }; _pEditMaskDate = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.EditMaskString, nexacro.EditMaskDate); nexacro.EditMaskDate.prototype = _pEditMaskDate; _pEditMaskDate._type_name = "EditMaskDate"; _pEditMaskDate._maskChr = { "y" : /[0-9]/, "M" : /[0-9]/, "d" : /[0-9]/, "h" : /[0-9]/, "H" : /[0-9]/, "m" : /[0-9]/, "s" : /[0-9]/, "l" : /[0-9]/, "~" : /[uAC00-\uFAFF]/, "^" : /[uAC00-\uFAFF]/ }; delete _pEditMaskDate; _pEditMaskDate = null; nexacro.EditBase.Status = function (id) { this.id = id; this.init(); }; var _pEditBaseStatus = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Object, nexacro.EditBase.Status); nexacro.EditBase.Status.prototype = _pEditBaseStatus; _pEditBaseStatus._type_name = "EditBaseStatus"; _pEditBaseStatus._prev_stat = ""; _pEditBaseStatus._curr_stat = ""; _pEditBaseStatus.init = function () { this._prev_stat = nexacro.EditBase.Status.None; this._curr_stat = nexacro.EditBase.Status.None; }; _pEditBaseStatus.setStatus = function (status) { this._prev_stat = this._curr_stat; this._curr_stat = status; }; _pEditBaseStatus.getCurrentStatus = function () { return this._curr_stat; }; _pEditBaseStatus.getPreviousStatus = function () { return this._prev_stat; }; delete _pEditBaseStatus; _pEditBaseStatus = null; nexacro.EditBase.CompositionStatus = function (id) { nexacro.EditBase.Status.call(this, id); }; var _pEditBaseCompositionStatus = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.EditBase.Status, nexacro.EditBase.CompositionStatus); nexacro.EditBase.CompositionStatus.prototype = _pEditBaseCompositionStatus; _pEditBaseCompositionStatus._type_name = "EditBaseCompositionStatus"; _pEditBaseCompositionStatus._prev_stat = ""; _pEditBaseCompositionStatus._curr_stat = ""; _pEditBaseCompositionStatus._prev_data = ""; _pEditBaseCompositionStatus._curr_data = ""; _pEditBaseCompositionStatus.init = function () { this._prev_stat = nexacro.EditBase.Status.None; this._curr_stat = nexacro.EditBase.Status.None; this._prev_data = ""; this._curr_data = ""; }; _pEditBaseCompositionStatus.setStatus = function (status, data) { this._prev_stat = this._curr_stat; this._curr_stat = status; this._prev_data = this._curr_data; this._curr_data = data; }; _pEditBaseCompositionStatus.getData = function () { return this._curr_data; }; _pEditBaseCompositionStatus.getPreviousData = function () { return this._prev_data; }; delete _pEditBaseCompositionStatus; _pEditBaseCompositionStatus = null; nexacro.EditBase.Status.None = "none"; nexacro.EditBase.Status.MouseDown = "mousedown"; nexacro.EditBase.Status.MouseUp = "mouseup"; nexacro.EditBase.Status.Click = "click"; nexacro.EditBase.Status.Select = "select"; nexacro.EditBase.Status.MouseMove = "mousemove"; nexacro.EditBase.Status.MouseDrag = "drag"; nexacro.EditBase.Status.MouseDragMove = "dragmove"; nexacro.EditBase.Status.MouseDrop = "drop"; nexacro.EditBase.Status.NoSelectDrag = "noselectdrag"; nexacro.EditBase.Status.Focus = "focus"; nexacro.EditBase.Status.Blur = "blur"; nexacro.EditBase.Status.CompositionStart = "start"; nexacro.EditBase.Status.CompositionUpdate = "update"; nexacro.EditBase.Status.CompositionEnd = "end"; nexacro.EditBase.UndoStack = function (comp) { this.init(); this.comp = comp; }; var _pEditBaseUndoStack = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Object, nexacro.EditBase.UndoStack); nexacro.EditBase.UndoStack.prototype = _pEditBaseUndoStack; _pEditBaseUndoStack._type_name = "EditBaseUndoStack"; _pEditBaseUndoStack.undoStack = [{ value : 0, selectionStart : 0, selectionEnd : 0 }]; _pEditBaseUndoStack.comp = null; _pEditBaseUndoStack.undoPosition = 0; _pEditBaseUndoStack.init = function () { this.undoStack = [{ value : 0, text : 0, selectionStart : 0, selectionEnd : 0 }]; this.undoPosition = 0; }; _pEditBaseUndoStack._destroy = function () { this.comp = null; this.undoStack = null; }; _pEditBaseUndoStack.push = function (value, text, start, end) { if (!text) { if (!value) { text = ""; } else { text = value; } } var undoItem = { value : value, text : text, selectionStart : start, selectionEnd : end }; var curUndoItem = this.undoStack[this.undoPosition]; if (curUndoItem.value === value) { this.refreshUndoItem(undoItem); } else { this.undoStack.length = ++this.undoPosition; this.undoStack.push(undoItem); } }; _pEditBaseUndoStack.restoreUndoItem = function (item) { var elem = this.comp._input_element; if (elem) { elem.text = item.text; elem.value = item.value; elem._updateInputValue(); elem.setElementSetSelect(item.selectionStart, item.selectionEnd); } }; _pEditBaseUndoStack.refreshUndoItem = function (item) { var bChange = false; var curUndoItem = this.undoStack[this.undoPosition]; if (curUndoItem.value !== item.value || curUndoItem.text !== item.text || curUndoItem.selectionStart !== item.selectionStart || curUndoItem.selectionEnd !== item.selectionEnd) { bChange = true; } if (bChange) { this.undoStack[this.undoPosition] = item; } }; _pEditBaseUndoStack.doUndo = function () { if (this.comp && this.comp.readonly) { return; } if (this.undoPosition > 1) { this.restoreUndoItem(this.undoStack[--this.undoPosition]); } }; _pEditBaseUndoStack.doRedo = function () { if (this.comp && this.comp.readonly) { return; } if (this.undoPosition < this.undoStack.length - 1) { this.restoreUndoItem(this.undoStack[++this.undoPosition]); } }; delete _pEditBaseUndoStack; _pEditBaseUndoStack = null; nexacro.EditBase.TextEventInfo = function (comp) { this.init(); this.comp = comp; }; var _pEditBaseTextEventInfo = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Object, nexacro.EditBase.TextEventInfo); nexacro.EditBase.TextEventInfo.prototype = _pEditBaseTextEventInfo; _pEditBaseTextEventInfo._type_name = "EditBaseTextEventInfo"; _pEditBaseTextEventInfo.init = function () { this.chartext = null; this.pretext = null; this.posttext = null; this.preimetext = null; this.postimetext = null; this.prechareventtext = null; this.bInsert = true; this.bCut = false; }; _pEditBaseTextEventInfo._destroy = function () { this.comp = null; this.chartext = null; this.pretext = null; this.posttext = null; this.preimetext = null; this.postimetext = null; this.prechareventtext = null; this.bInsert = true; this.bCut = false; }; _pEditBaseTextEventInfo.setTextInfo = function (chartext, pretext, posttext, preimetext, postimetext, prechareventtext, bInsert, bCut) { this.chartext = chartext; this.pretext = pretext; this.posttext = posttext; this.preimetext = preimetext; this.postimetext = postimetext; this.prechareventtext = prechareventtext; this.bInsert = bInsert; this.bCut = bCut; }; delete _pEditBaseTextEventInfo; _pEditBaseTextEventInfo = null; }