//============================================================================== // // TOBESOFT Co., Ltd. // Copyright 2014 TOBESOFT Co., Ltd. // All Rights Reserved. // // NOTICE: TOBESOFT permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file // in accordance with the terms of the license agreement accompanying it. // // Readme URL: http://www.nexacro.co.kr/legal/nexacro-public-license-readme-1.1.html // //============================================================================== if (nexacro.Browser == "Runtime") { if (!nexacro.Element) { nexacro.__setLastFocusedElement = function (elem) { if (elem) { var win = elem.linkedcontrol ? elem.linkedcontrol._getWindow() : (elem._parent_elem ? elem._parent_elem.linkedcontrol._getWindow() : null); if (win) { var root_win = win; while (true) { if (root_win instanceof nexacro.PopupWindow) { if (root_win == root_win.parent) { break; } root_win = root_win.parent; } else { break; } } if (!root_win) { root_win = win; } root_win._last_focused_elem = elem; } } }; nexacro.Element = function (parent_elem) { this.parent = parent_elem; this._parent_elem = parent_elem; }; var _pElement = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Object, nexacro.Element); nexacro.Element.prototype = _pElement; _pElement._type_name = "Element"; _pElement.left = 0; _pElement.top = 0; _pElement.width = 0; _pElement.height = 0; _pElement.visible = true; _pElement.mirror = false; _pElement._rtldirection = "inherit"; _pElement.letterspace = 0; _pElement._handle = null; _pElement._owner_elem = null; _pElement._is_nc_element = false; _pElement.clearContents = nexacro._emptyFn; _pElement.create = function () { var _owner_elem = (this._is_nc_element) ? this._parent_elem : this._parent_elem.getContainerElement(this.position_step); if (_owner_elem && _owner_elem._handle && !this._handle) { this._owner_elem = _owner_elem; var _win_handle = _owner_elem.getRootWindowHandle(); var _handle = nexacro.__createElementHandle(this, _win_handle, this.left, this.top, this.width, this.height); if (!this.visible) { nexacro.__setElementHandleVisible(_handle, false); } if (this.font) { var font = this.font; nexacro.__setElementHandleFont(_handle, font.face, font.size, font._bold, font._italic, font._underline, font._strikeout, font._antialias); } if (this.color) { nexacro.__setElementHandleColor(_handle, this.color._syscolor); } if (this.letterspace) { nexacro.__setElementHandleLetterSpace(_handle, this.letterspace); } if (this.mirror) { nexacro.__setElementHandleMirror(_handle, this.mirror); } if (this._rtldirection) { nexacro.__setElementHandleRtlDirection(_handle, this._rtldirection); } this._handle = _handle; nexacro.__appendElementHandle(_owner_elem._handle, _handle); } }; _pElement.destroy = function () { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { var _owner_handle = null; if (this._owner_elem && this._owner_elem._handle) { _owner_handle = this._owner_elem._handle; } if (!this._owner_elem || _owner_handle) { nexacro.__destroyElementHandle(_owner_handle, _handle); } this._owner_elem = null; this._handle = null; } this.parent = null; this._parent_elem = null; }; _pElement._destroyElementHandle = function () { var _handle = this._handle; var _owner_elem = this._owner_elem; if (_handle) { var _owner_handle = null; if (_owner_elem && _owner_elem._handle) { _owner_handle = _owner_elem._handle; } if (!this._owner_elem || _owner_handle) { nexacro.__destroyElementHandle(_owner_handle, _handle); } } this._owner_elem = null; this._handle = null; }; _pElement._appendToContainer = function (_owner_elem) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle && _owner_elem._handle && this._owner_elem == null) { this._owner_elem = _owner_elem; nexacro.__appendElementHandle(_owner_elem._handle, _handle); } }; _pElement._removeFromContainer = function () { var _owner_elem = this._owner_elem; if (_owner_elem) { this._owner_elem = null; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle && _owner_elem._handle) { nexacro.__unlinkElementHandle(_owner_elem._handle, _handle); } } }; _pElement.getContainerElement = function () { return this; }; _pElement.getRootWindowHandle = function () { if (this._owner_elem) { return this._owner_elem.getRootWindowHandle(); } return null; }; _pElement._getWindowHandle = function () { return this.getRootWindowHandle(); }; _pElement._getElementBaseUrl = function () { var tmp = this; while (tmp && !tmp._is_form) { tmp = tmp.parent; } if (tmp && tmp._is_form) { return tmp._getFormBaseUrl(); } return ""; }; _pElement._getElementRtlDirection = function () { var elem = this._parent_elem; var rtldirection = this._rtldirection; while (elem) { if (elem._rtldirection && elem._rtldirection != "inherit") { rtldirection = elem._rtldirection; break; } elem = elem._parent_elem; } return rtldirection; }; _pElement._getParentLetterSpace = function () { var elem = this._parent_elem; while (elem) { if (elem.letterspace) { return elem.letterspace; } elem = elem._parent_elem; } return 0; }; _pElement.hasSetSelectionRange = nexacro._emptyFn; _pElement.setElementPosition = function (left, top, bForce) { if (this.left != left || this.top != top || bForce) { this.left = left; this.top = top; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { var owner_elem = this._owner_elem; var bMirror = false; if (owner_elem) { left = this._adjustRtlLayoutLeft(left, this.width); } nexacro.__setElementHandlePosition(_handle, left, top); } } }; _pElement._adjustRtlLayoutLeft = function (left, width) { var newLeft = left; var owner_elem = this._owner_elem; var parent_width = owner_elem._inner_width ? owner_elem._inner_width : owner_elem.width; if (this._isRtl()) { if (this instanceof nexacro.ControlElementBase && owner_elem instanceof nexacro.ScrollableContainerElement) { parent_width = Math.max(parent_width, this._parent_elem.container_maxwidth); } else if (this instanceof nexacro.ContainerElement && owner_elem instanceof nexacro.ScrollableContainerElement) { parent_width = owner_elem.parent.container_maxwidth; } else if (this instanceof nexacro.ScrollableContainerElement) { if (this._parent_elem.parent instanceof nexacro.TextArea) { } else { this.setElementHScrollPos(this._scroll_left, true); } } newLeft = parent_width - width - left; } delete owner_elem; owner_elem = null; return newLeft; }; _pElement.setElementSize = function (width, height) { if (this.width != width || this.height != height) { this.width = width; this.height = height; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleSize(_handle, width, height); } if (this._isRtl()) { this.setElementPosition(this.left, this.top, true); } } }; _pElement.setElementLetterSpace = function (letterspace) { if (this.letterspace != letterspace) { this.letterspace = letterspace; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleLetterSpace(_handle, letterspace); } } }; _pElement.setElementVisible = function (visible) { if (this.visible != visible) { this.visible = visible; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleVisible(_handle, visible); } } }; _pElement.setElementImageMirror = function (rtlimagemirroring, bChangeRtlDirection) { var v = this.mirror; if (rtlimagemirroring) { v = nexacro._toBoolean(rtlimagemirroring._value); } if (this.mirror != v || bChangeRtlDirection) { this.mirror = v; var background = this.background; var image = this.image; if (background && background.image) { var handle = this._handle; if (handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleMirror(handle, this.mirror && this._isRtl()); } if (this._client_element) { handle = this._client_element._handle; if (handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleMirror(handle, this.mirror && this._isRtl()); } } } } }; _pElement.setElementRtlDirection = function (rtldirection) { if (this._rtldirection != rtldirection) { this._rtldirection = rtldirection; this._bChangeRtl = true; if (rtldirection == "rtl") { if (this.align) { this.align._createRtlValue(); } if (this.shadow) { this.shadow._createRtlValue(); } if (this.border) { this.border._createRtlValue(); } if (this.bordertype) { this.bordertype._createRtlValue(); } if (this.padding) { this.padding._createRtlValue(); } if (this.gradation) { this.gradation._createRtlValue(); } } var handle = this._handle; if (handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleRtlDirection(handle, rtldirection); } if (this.align) { this.setElementAlign(this.align); } if (this.halign && this.valign) { this.setElementAlignXY(this.halign, this.valign); } if (this.shadow) { this.setElementShadow(this.shadow); } if (this.border) { this.setElementBorder(this.border, this.bordertype); } if (this.bordertype) { this.setElementBorder(this.border, this.bordertype); } if (this.padding) { this.setElementPadding(this.padding); } if (this.gradation) { this.setElementBackground(this.background, this.gradation); } this._bChangeRtl = false; } }; _pElement._isRtl = function (bSelf) { var elem = this._parent_elem; if (bSelf) { elem = this; } var rtldirection = this._rtldirection; while (elem) { if (elem._rtldirection && elem._rtldirection != "inherit") { rtldirection = elem._rtldirection; break; } elem = elem._parent_elem; } return rtldirection == "rtl"; }; _pElement.setElementEnable = nexacro._emptyFn; _pElement.setElementTabIndex = nexacro._emptyFn; _pElement.setElementAlign = nexacro._emptyFn; _pElement.setElementAlignXY = nexacro._emptyFn; _pElement.setElementPadding = nexacro._emptyFn; _pElement.setElementPaddingXY = nexacro._emptyFn; _pElement.setElementFont = nexacro._emptyFn; _pElement.setElementColor = nexacro._emptyFn; _pElement.setElementCursor = nexacro._emptyFn; delete _pElement; nexacro.TextBoxElement = function (parent_elem) { this.parent = parent_elem; this._parent_elem = parent_elem; }; var _pTextBoxElement = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Element, nexacro.TextBoxElement); nexacro.TextBoxElement.prototype = _pTextBoxElement; _pTextBoxElement._type_name = "TextBoxElement"; _pTextBoxElement.font = null; _pTextBoxElement.color = null; _pTextBoxElement.cursor = null; _pTextBoxElement.align = null; _pTextBoxElement.halign = "left"; _pTextBoxElement.valign = "top"; _pTextBoxElement.padding = null; _pTextBoxElement.padding_left = 0; _pTextBoxElement.padding_top = 0; _pTextBoxElement.padding_right = 0; _pTextBoxElement.padding_bottom = 0; _pTextBoxElement.text = ""; _pTextBoxElement.linespace = 0; _pTextBoxElement.letterspace = 0; _pTextBoxElement.wordwrap = "none"; _pTextBoxElement.decoration = ""; _pTextBoxElement._use_newline = true; _pTextBoxElement._cell_node = null; _pTextBoxElement.create = function () { var _owner_elem = this._parent_elem.getContainerElement(this.position_step); if (_owner_elem && _owner_elem._handle && !this._handle) { this._owner_elem = _owner_elem; var _win_handle = _owner_elem.getRootWindowHandle(); var _handle = nexacro.__createTextElementHandle(this, _win_handle, this.left, this.top, this.width, this.height); var bRtl = this._isRtl(); if (!this.visible) { nexacro.__setElementHandleVisible(_handle, false); } if (this.letterspace) { nexacro.__setElementHandleLetterSpace(_handle, this.letterspace); } if (this.font) { var font = this.font; nexacro.__setElementHandleFont(_handle, font.face, font.size, font._bold, font._italic, font._underline, font._strikeout, font._antialias); } if (this.color) { nexacro.__setElementHandleColor(_handle, this.color._syscolor); } if (this.align) { var _align = this.align._getStyleObject(bRtl); nexacro.__setElementHandleAlign(_handle, _align.halign, _align.valign); } else if (this.halign && this.valign) { var _halign = this.halign; if (bRtl) { _halign = this.halign == "left" ? "right" : (this.halign == "right" ? "left" : this.halign); } nexacro.__setElementHandleAlign(_handle, _halign, this.valign); } if (this.padding) { var _padding = this.padding._getStyleObject(bRtl); nexacro.__setElementHandlePadding(_handle, _padding.left, _padding.top, _padding.right, _padding.bottom); } else if (this.padding_left || this.padding_top || this.padding_right || this.padding_bottom) { if (bRtl) { nexacro.__setElementHandlePadding(_handle, this.padding_right, this.padding_top, this.padding_left, this.padding_bottom); } else { nexacro.__setElementHandlePadding(_handle, this.padding_left, this.padding_top, this.padding_right, this.padding_bottom); } } if (this.decoration) { nexacro.__setElementHandleDecorateText(_handle, this.decoration); } if (this.linespace > 0) { nexacro.__setElementHandleLineSpace(_handle, this.linespace); } if (this.wordwrap != "none") { nexacro.__setElementHandleWordWrap(_handle, this.wordwrap); } if (this.text) { nexacro.__setElementHandleText(_handle, this.text, this._use_newline, this.wordwrap); } this._handle = _handle; nexacro.__appendElementHandle(_owner_elem._handle, _handle); } }; _pTextBoxElement.setParentElement = function (parent_elem) { this.parent = parent_elem; this._parent_elem = parent_elem; }; _pTextBoxElement.setElementFont = function (font) { this.font = font; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleFont(_handle, font.face, font.size, font._bold, font._italic, font._underline, font._strikeout, font._antialias); } }; _pTextBoxElement.setElementColor = function (color) { this.color = color; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleColor(_handle, color._syscolor); } }; _pTextBoxElement.setElementAlign = function (align) { var _align = align ? align._getStyleObject(this._isRtl()) : null; this.align = align; this.halign = align._halign; this.valign = align._valign; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle && _align) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAlign(_handle, _align._halign, _align._valign); } }; _pTextBoxElement.setElementAlignXY = function (halign, valign) { var _halign = halign; if (this._isRtl()) { _halign = halign == "left" ? "right" : (halign == "right" ? "left" : halign); } this.align = null; this.halign = halign; this.valign = valign; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAlign(_handle, _halign, valign); } }; _pTextBoxElement.setElementPadding = function (padding) { this.padding = padding; this.padding_left = 0; this.padding_top = 0; this.padding_right = 0; this.padding_bottom = 0; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandlePadding(_handle, padding.left, padding.top, padding.right, padding.bottom); } }; _pTextBoxElement.setElementPaddingXY = function (left, top, right, bottom) { this.padding = null; this.padding_left = left; this.padding_top = top; this.padding_right = right; this.padding_bottom = bottom; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { var size_width = this.width - left - right; var size_height = this.height - top - bottom; if (this._isRtl()) { nexacro.__setElementHandlePadding(_handle, right, top, left, bottom); } else { nexacro.__setElementHandlePadding(_handle, left, top, right, bottom); } } }; _pTextBoxElement.setElementText = function (text) { if (this.text != text) { if (text == null) { this.text = ""; } else { this.text = text.replace(/\r\n|\r|\n/g, "\r\n"); } var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleText(_handle, this.text, this._use_newline, this.wordwrap); } } }; _pTextBoxElement.setElementLineSpace = function (linespace) { if (this.linespace != linespace) { this.linespace = linespace; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleLineSpace(_handle, linespace); } } }; _pTextBoxElement.setElementLetterSpace = function (letterspace) { if (this.letterspace != letterspace) { this.letterspace = letterspace; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleLetterSpace(_handle, letterspace); } } }; _pTextBoxElement.setElementDecorateText = function (text) { if (this.decoration != text) { if (text == null) { this.decoration = ""; } else { this.decoration = text.replace(/\r\n|\r|\n/g, "\r\n"); } var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleDecorateText(_handle, this.decoration); } } }; _pTextBoxElement.setElementUseNewLine = function (use_newline) { if (this._use_newline != use_newline) { this._use_newline = use_newline; var _cell_node = this._cell_node; if (_cell_node) { if (this.wordwrap != "none") { return; } this.__setElementHandleText(_cell_node, this.text, this._use_newline, this.wordwrap); } } }; _pTextBoxElement.setElementWordWrap = function (wordwrap) { if (wordwrap == true || wordwrap == "true") { wordwrap = "char"; } else if (wordwrap == false || wordwrap == "false") { wordwrap = "none"; } if (this.wordwrap != wordwrap) { this.wordwrap = wordwrap; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleWordWrap(_handle, wordwrap); } } }; _pTextBoxElement._setElementTextRtlDirection = function (rtldirection) { var handle = this._handle; if (handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleRtlDirection(handle, rtldirection); } }; _pTextBoxElement.setElementTextOverFlow = nexacro._emptyFn; delete _pTextBoxElement; nexacro.ImageElement = function (parent_elem) { this.parent = parent_elem; this._parent_elem = parent_elem; }; var _pImageElement = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Element, nexacro.ImageElement); nexacro.ImageElement.prototype = _pImageElement; _pImageElement._type_name = "ImageElement"; _pImageElement.imageurl = ""; _pImageElement.image_width = 0; _pImageElement.image_height = 0; _pImageElement._img_sizereq = false; _pImageElement.create = function () { var _owner_elem = this._parent_elem.getContainerElement(this.position_step); if (_owner_elem && _owner_elem._handle && !this._handle) { this._owner_elem = _owner_elem; var _win_handle = _owner_elem.getRootWindowHandle(); var _handle = nexacro.__createImageElementHandle(this, _win_handle, this.left, this.top, this.width, this.height, true); if (!this.visible) { nexacro.__setElementHandleVisible(_handle, false); } if (this.align) { var align = this.align; nexacro.__setElementHandleAlign(_handle, align.halign, align.valign); } else if (this.halign && this.valign) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAlign(_handle, this.halign, this.valign); } if (this.imageurl && !this._img_sizereq) { nexacro.__setElementHandleImageUrl(_handle, this.imageurl); } if (this.mirror) { nexacro.__setElementHandleMirror(_handle, this.mirror && this._isRtl()); } this._handle = _handle; nexacro.__appendElementHandle(_owner_elem._handle, _handle); } }; _pImageElement.setElementAlign = function (align) { var _align = align ? align._getStyleObject(this._isRtl()) : null; this.align = align; this.halign = align._halign; this.valign = align._valign; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAlign(_handle, _align._halign, _align._valign); } }; _pImageElement.setElementAlignXY = function (halign, valign) { var _halign = halign; if (this._isRtl()) { _halign = this.halign == "left" ? "right" : (this.halign == "right" ? "left" : this.halign); } this.align = null; this.halign = halign; this.valign = valign; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAlign(_handle, _halign, valign); } }; _pImageElement.setElementImageUrl = function (url) { if (this.imageurl != url) { if (url && url.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase() == "url(") { url = url.substring(5, url.length - 2); if (this.imageurl == url) { return; } } var temp_url = url; if (url && !nexacro._isAbsolutePath(url)) { var base_url = this._parent_elem._getElementBaseUrl(); url = nexacro._getImageLocation(url, base_url); if (this.imageurl == url) { return; } } this.imageurl = url; if (url) { var size = nexacro._getImageSize(url, this._on_loadImg, this, undefined, temp_url); this._img_sizereq = true; if (size) { this._img_sizereq = false; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleImageUrl(_handle, url); } } } else { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleImageUrl(_handle, url); } } } }; _pImageElement.setElementImageBase64 = function (url) { if (this.imageurl != url) { this.imageurl = url; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { var comma_idx = url.indexOf(","); if (comma_idx > -1) { var tmp = url.slice(comma_idx + 1, url.legnth); url = "data:image;base64," + tmp; } nexacro.__setElementHandleImageUrl(_handle, url); } } }; _pImageElement._on_loadImg = function (imgurl, w, h) { var _handle = this._handle; if (this.imageurl == imgurl) { this._img_sizereq = false; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleImageUrl(_handle, imgurl); } } }; _pImageElement.setElementImageMirror = function (rtlimagemirroring, bChangeRtlDirection) { var v = this.mirror; if (rtlimagemirroring) { v = nexacro._toBoolean(rtlimagemirroring._value); } if (this.mirror != v || bChangeRtlDirection) { this.mirror = v; if (!this.mirror && bChangeRtlDirection) { this.mirror = bChangeRtlDirection; } var handle = this._handle; if (handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleMirror(handle, this.mirror && this._isRtl()); } } }; _pImageElement.setElementHandleImageObject = function (_unique_id) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleImageObject(_handle, _unique_id); } }; _pImageElement.destroy = function (_owner_handle, _unique_id) { if (arguments.length == 0) { nexacro.Element.prototype.destroy.call(this); } else { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__destroyElementHandle(_owner_handle, _unique_id); this._owner_elem = null; this._handle = null; } } }; _pImageElement.getImageCount = function () { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { return nexacro.__getImageElementHandleImageCount(_handle); } }; _pImageElement.setImageIndex = function (nIndex) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setImageElementHandleImageIndex(_handle, nIndex); } }; delete _pImageElement; nexacro.AlignImageElement = function (parent_elem) { this.parent = parent_elem; this._parent_elem = parent_elem; }; var _pAlignImageElement = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Element, nexacro.AlignImageElement); nexacro.AlignImageElement.prototype = _pAlignImageElement; _pAlignImageElement._type_name = "AlignImageElement"; _pAlignImageElement.align = null; _pAlignImageElement.halign = ""; _pAlignImageElement.valign = ""; _pAlignImageElement.imageurl = ""; _pAlignImageElement._img_sizereq = false; _pAlignImageElement.create = function () { var _owner_elem = this._parent_elem.getContainerElement(this.position_step); if (_owner_elem && _owner_elem._handle && !this._handle) { this._owner_elem = _owner_elem; var _win_handle = _owner_elem.getRootWindowHandle(); var _handle = nexacro.__createImageElementHandle(this, _win_handle, this.left, this.top, this.width, this.height); if (!this.visible) { nexacro.__setElementHandleVisible(_handle, false); } if (this.align) { var align = this.align; nexacro.__setElementHandleAlign(_handle, align.halign, align.valign); } else if (this.halign && this.valign) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAlign(_handle, this.halign, this.valign); } if (this.imageurl && !this._img_sizereq) { nexacro.__setElementHandleImageUrl(_handle, this.imageurl); } if (this.mirror) { nexacro.__setElementHandleMirror(_handle, this.mirror); } this._handle = _handle; nexacro.__appendElementHandle(_owner_elem._handle, _handle); } }; _pAlignImageElement.setElementAlign = function (align) { var _align = align ? align._getStyleObject(this._isRtl()) : null; this.align = align; this.halign = align._halign; this.valign = align._valign; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle && _align) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAlign(_handle, _align._halign, _align._valign); } }; _pAlignImageElement.setElementAlignXY = function (halign, valign) { var _halign = halign; if (this._isRtl()) { _halign = this.halign == "left" ? "right" : (this.halign == "right" ? "left" : this.halign); } this.align = null; this.halign = halign; this.valign = valign; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAlign(_handle, _halign, valign); } }; _pAlignImageElement.setElementImageUrl = function (url) { if (this.imageurl != url) { if (url && url.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase() == "url(") { url = url.substring(5, url.length - 2); if (this.imageurl == url) { return; } } var _temp_url = url; if (url && !nexacro._isAbsolutePath(url)) { var base_url = this._parent_elem._getElementBaseUrl(); url = nexacro._getImageLocation(url, base_url); if (this.imageurl == url) { return; } } this.imageurl = url; if (url) { var size = nexacro._getImageSize(url, this._on_loadImg, this, undefined, _temp_url); this._img_sizereq = true; if (size) { this._img_sizereq = false; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleImageUrl(_handle, url); } } } else { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleImageUrl(_handle, url); } } } }; _pAlignImageElement._on_loadImg = function (imgurl, w, h) { var _handle = this._handle; if (this.imageurl == imgurl) { this._img_sizereq = false; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleImageUrl(_handle, imgurl); } } }; _pAlignImageElement.setElementImageMirror = function (rtlimagemirroring, bChangeRtlDirection) { var v = this.mirror; if (rtlimagemirroring) { v = nexacro._toBoolean(rtlimagemirroring._value); } if (this.mirror != v || bChangeRtlDirection) { this.mirror = v; if (!this.mirror && bChangeRtlDirection) { this.mirror = bChangeRtlDirection; } var handle = this._handle; if (handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleMirror(handle, this.mirror && this._isRtl()); } } }; delete _pAlignImageElement; nexacro.InputElement = function (parent_elem) { this.parent = parent_elem; this._parent_elem = parent_elem; }; var _pInputElement = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Element, nexacro.InputElement); nexacro.InputElement.prototype = _pInputElement; _pInputElement._type_name = "InputElement"; _pInputElement.enable = true; _pInputElement.tabindex = -1; _pInputElement.font = null; _pInputElement.color = null; _pInputElement.cursor = null; _pInputElement.align = null; _pInputElement.halign = ""; _pInputElement.valign = ""; _pInputElement.padding = null; _pInputElement.padding_left = 0; _pInputElement.padding_top = 0; _pInputElement.padding_right = 0; _pInputElement.padding_bottom = 0; _pInputElement.useime = "global"; _pInputElement.imemode = "auto"; _pInputElement.inputtype = "normal"; _pInputElement.readonly = false; _pInputElement.maxlength = -1; _pInputElement.password = false; _pInputElement.text = ""; _pInputElement.value = ""; _pInputElement.displaynulltext = ""; _pInputElement.color = null; _pInputElement.caretcolor = null; _pInputElement.selectcolor = null; _pInputElement.selectbackground = null; _pInputElement.compositecolor = null; _pInputElement.tabindentsize = 4; _pInputElement.usesoftkeyboard = true; _pInputElement.usemultiline = false; _pInputElement.linespace = 0; _pInputElement.letterspace = 0; _pInputElement.wordwrap = "none"; _pInputElement._is_focused = false; _pInputElement.autoselect = false; _pInputElement._is_maskedit = false; _pInputElement._isPreventDefault = function (comp, evtname) { comp = comp._getFromComponent(comp); if (comp) { return (comp[evtname] && comp[evtname].defaultprevented); } return false; }; _pInputElement._wantAccessibilityAdditionalLabel = function () { return true; }; _pInputElement.create = function () { var _owner_elem = this._parent_elem.getContainerElement(this.position_step); if (_owner_elem && _owner_elem._handle && !this._handle) { this._owner_elem = _owner_elem; var _win_handle = _owner_elem.getRootWindowHandle(); var _handle = nexacro.__createInputElementHandle(this, _win_handle, this.left, this.top, this.width, this.height, this.usemultiline, this._is_maskedit); if (!this.visible) { nexacro.__setElementHandleVisible(_handle, false); } if (!this.enable) { nexacro.__setElementHandleEnable(_handle, false); } if (this.readonly) { nexacro.__setElementHandleReadOnly(_handle, true); } if (this.tabindex >= 0) { nexacro.__setElementHandleTabIndex(_handle, this.tabindex); } if (this.letterspace) { nexacro.__setElementHandleLetterSpace(_handle, this.letterspace); } if (this.font) { var font = this.font; nexacro.__setElementHandleFont(_handle, font.face, font.size, font._bold, font._italic, font._underline, font._strikeout, font._antialias); } if (this.color) { nexacro.__setElementHandleColor(_handle, this.color._syscolor); } if (this.cursor) { nexacro.__setElementHandleCursor(_handle, this.cursor.value); } if (this.align) { var align = this.align; nexacro.__setElementHandleAlign(_handle, align.halign, align.valign); } else if (this.halign && this.valign) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAlign(_handle, this.halign, this.valign); } if (this.padding) { var padding = this.padding; nexacro.__setElementHandlePadding(_handle, padding.left, padding.top, padding.right, padding.bottom); } else if (this.padding_left || this.padding_top || this.padding_right || this.padding_bottom) { nexacro.__setElementHandlePadding(_handle, this.padding_left, this.padding_top, this.padding_right, this.padding_bottom); } if (this.caretcolor) { nexacro.__setInputElementHandleCaretColor(_handle, this.caretcolor._syscolor); } if (this.selectcolor) { nexacro.__setInputElementHandleSelectColor(_handle, this.selectcolor._syscolor); } if (this.selectbackground) { nexacro.__setInputElementHandleSelectBackgroundColor(_handle, this.selectbackground._syscolor); } if (this.compositecolor) { nexacro.__setInputElementHandleCompositeColor(_handle, this.compositecolor._syscolor); } if (!this.usemultiline && this.password) { nexacro.__setInputElementHandleUsePassword(_handle, true); } if (this.usemultiline) { if (this.linespace > 0) { nexacro.__setElementHandleLineSpace(_handle, this.linespace); } if (this.wordwrap != "none") { nexacro.__setElementHandleWordWrap(_handle, this.wordwrap); } } if (this.tabindentsize > 4) { nexacro.__setElementHandleTabIndentSize(_handle, this.tabindentsize); } if (this.imemode) { nexacro.__setInputElementHandleImeMode(_handle, this.imemode); } if (this.inputtype) { nexacro.__setInputElementHandleInputType(_handle, this.inputtype); } if (this.text) { nexacro.__setElementHandleValue(_handle, this.text); } else if (this.displaynulltext) { nexacro.__setElementHandleNullTextColor(_handle, this.displaynulltextcolor._syscolor); nexacro.__setElementHandleValue(_handle, this.displaynulltext, true); } this._handle = _handle; nexacro.__appendElementHandle(_owner_elem._handle, _handle); } }; _pInputElement.setElementEnable = function (enable) { if (this.enable != enable) { this.enable = enable; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleEnable(_handle, enable); } } }; _pInputElement.setElementTabIndex = function (tabindex) { if (this.tabindex != tabindex) { this.tabindex = tabindex; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleTabIndex(_handle, tabindex); } } }; _pInputElement.setElementFont = function (font) { this.font = font; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleFont(_handle, font.face, font.size, font._bold, font._italic, font._underline, font._strikeout, font._antialias); } }; _pInputElement.setElementColor = function (color) { this.color = color; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleColor(_handle, color._syscolor); } }; _pInputElement.setElementCursor = function (cursor) { this.cursor = cursor; var _handle = this._handle; var _parent_handle = this._parent_elem ? this._parent_elem._handle : null; if (_handle && _parent_handle) { if (cursor && !cursor._is_empty) { nexacro.__setElementHandleCursor(_parent_handle, cursor.value); nexacro.__setElementHandleCursor(_handle, cursor.value); } else { nexacro.__setElementHandleCursor(_parent_handle, cursor); nexacro.__setElementHandleCursor(_handle, cursor); } } }; _pInputElement.setElementAlign = function (align) { var _align = align ? align._getStyleObject(this._isRtl()) : null; this.align = align; this.halign = align._halign; this.valign = align._valign; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle && _align) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAlign(_handle, _align._halign, _align._valign); } }; _pInputElement.setElementAlignXY = function (halign, valign) { var _halign = halign; if (this._isRtl()) { _halign = this.halign == "left" ? "right" : (this.halign == "right" ? "left" : this.halign); } this.align = null; this.halign = halign; this.valign = valign; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAlign(_handle, _halign, valign); } }; _pInputElement.setElementPadding = function (padding) { this.padding = padding; this.padding_left = 0; this.padding_top = 0; this.padding_right = 0; this.padding_bottom = 0; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle && padding) { var bRtl = this._isRtl(); var _padding = padding; _padding = padding ? padding._getStyleObject(bRtl ^ this.mirror) : null; nexacro.__setElementHandlePadding(_handle, _padding.left, padding.top, _padding.right, padding.bottom); } }; _pInputElement.setElementPaddingXY = function (left, top, right, bottom) { this.padding = null; this.padding_left = left; this.padding_top = top; this.padding_right = right; this.padding_bottom = bottom; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandlePadding(_handle, left, top, right, bottom); } }; _pInputElement.setElementValue = function (value) { var _handle = this._handle; var comp = this._parent_elem.linkedcontrol; var api = comp._edit_base_api; var bValChange = (this.value === value) ? false : true; var bEmpString = (value == "") ? true : false; this.value = value; if (api) { this.text = api._text; } else { this.text = value; } if (_handle) { var input_value = nexacro.__getElementHandleValue(_handle); var bTxtChange = (this.text == input_value) ? false : true; if (bValChange || bTxtChange || bEmpString) { this._updateInputValue(); } } }; _pInputElement._updateInputValue = function () { var _handle = this._handle; var comp = this._parent_elem.linkedcontrol; var api = comp._edit_base_api; if (this.value !== undefined && this.value !== null) { nexacro.__setElementHandleValue(_handle, this.text); } else if (!this._is_focused && this.displaynulltext && this.displaynulltext.length > 0) { nexacro.__setElementHandleValue(_handle, this.displaynulltext, true); } else { if (api && (api._type_name == "EditMaskString" || api._type_name == "EditMaskNumber" || api._type_name == "EditMaskDate")) { nexacro.__setElementHandleValue(_handle, this.text); } else { nexacro.__setElementHandleValue(_handle, ""); } } }; _pInputElement._setElementInputRtlDirection = function (rtldirection) { var handle = this._handle; if (handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleRtlDirection(handle, rtldirection); } }; _pInputElement.setElementDisplayNullText = function (text) { var nulltext_change = false; if (this.displaynulltext != text) { nulltext_change = true; this.displaynulltext = text; } var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle && nulltext_change && nexacro._isNull(this.value) && !this._is_focused) { nexacro.__setElementHandleNullTextColor(_handle, this.displaynulltextcolor._syscolor); nexacro.__setElementHandleValue(_handle, this.displaynulltext, true); } }; _pInputElement.setElementMaxLength = function (length) { if (this.maxlength != length) { this.maxlength = length; } }; _pInputElement.setElementReadonly = function (readonly) { if (this.readonly != readonly) { this.readonly = readonly; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleReadOnly(_handle, readonly); } } }; _pInputElement.setElementCaretColor = function (color) { this.caretcolor = color; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setInputElementHandleCaretColor(_handle, color._syscolor); } }; _pInputElement.setElementSelectColor = function (color) { this.selectcolor = color; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setInputElementHandleSelectColor(_handle, color._syscolor); } }; _pInputElement.setElementDisplayNullTextColor = function (color) { this.displaynulltextcolor = color; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleNullTextColor(_handle, color._syscolor); } }; _pInputElement.setElementSelectBackgroundColor = function (color) { this.selectbackground = color; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setInputElementHandleSelectBackgroundColor(_handle, color._syscolor); } }; _pInputElement.setElementCompositeColor = function (color) { this.compositecolor = color; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setInputElementHandleCompositeColor(_handle, color._syscolor); } }; _pInputElement.setElementTabindentSize = function (indent) { this.tabindentsize = indent; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleTabIndentSize(_handle, indent); } }; _pInputElement.setElementLineSpace = function (linespace) { }; _pInputElement.setElementLetterSpace = function (letterspace) { if (this.letterspace != letterspace) { this.letterspace = letterspace; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleLetterSpace(_handle, letterspace); } } }; _pInputElement.setElementLetterSpace = function (letterspace) { if (this.letterspace != letterspace) { this.letterspace = letterspace; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleLetterSpace(_handle, letterspace); } } }; _pInputElement.setElementLetterSpace = function (letterspace) { if (this.letterspace != letterspace) { this.letterspace = letterspace; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleLetterSpace(_handle, letterspace); } } }; _pInputElement.setElementWordWrap = function (wordwrap) { }; _pInputElement.setElementPassword = function (password) { if (this.password != password) { this.password = password; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle && !this.usemultiline) { if (password == true) { nexacro.__setInputElementHandleSetIme(_handle, "none", "none"); } else { nexacro.__setInputElementHandleSetIme(_handle, this.useime, this.imemode); } nexacro.__setInputElementHandleUsePassword(_handle, password); } } }; _pInputElement.setElementUseSoftKeyboard = function (usesoftkeyboard) { if (this.usesoftkeyboard != usesoftkeyboard) { this.usesoftkeyboard = usesoftkeyboard; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setInputElementUseSoftKeyboard(_handle, usesoftkeyboard); } } }; _pInputElement.setElementUseIme = function (useime) { if (this.useime != useime) { this.useime = useime; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setInputElementHandleUseIme(_handle, useime); } } }; _pInputElement.setElementImeMode = function (imemode) { if (this.imemode != imemode) { this.imemode = imemode; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setInputElementHandleImeMode(_handle, imemode); } } }; _pInputElement.setElementInputType = function (inputtype, usedatepicker, target) { if (this.inputtype != inputtype) { this.inputtype = inputtype; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setInputElementHandleInputType(_handle, inputtype); } } if (target) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setInputElementHandleUseDatePicker(_handle, usedatepicker, target); } } }; _pInputElement.setElementInputTypeKeypad = function (type) { }; _pInputElement.setInputElementCompositeClear = function () { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setInputElementCompositeClear(_handle); } }; _pInputElement.setElementFocus = function () { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { if (!this._is_focused) { this._is_focused = true; if (!this.value) { var comp = (this._parent_elem ? this._parent_elem.linkedcontrol : null); var api = comp._edit_base_api; if (api && (api._type_name == "EditMaskString" || api._type_name == "EditMaskNumber" || api._type_name == "EditMaskDate")) { nexacro.__setElementHandleValue(_handle, this.text); } else { nexacro.__setElementHandleValue(_handle, ""); } } nexacro.__setElementHandleFocus(_handle); nexacro.__setLastFocusedElement(this); } else { } } }; _pInputElement.setElementBlur = function () { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle && this._is_focused) { this._is_focused = false; if (!this.value) { nexacro.__setElementHandleValue(_handle, this.displaynulltext, true); } nexacro.__setInputElementHandleBlur(_handle); } }; _pInputElement.setElementSetSelect = function (start, end) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { var val = this.getElementValue(); var len = val.length; end = (end == -1 ? len : end); var range = end - start; if (range == len && len > 0) { nexacro.__setInputElementHandleSetSelect(_handle, start, end, true); } else { nexacro.__setInputElementHandleSetSelect(_handle, start, end, false); } } }; _pInputElement.getElementCaretPos = function () { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { var pos = nexacro.__getInputElementHandleCaretPos(_handle); if (pos) { return { begin : pos[0], end : pos[1] }; } } return -1; }; _pInputElement.getElementSelectionRange = function () { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { return nexacro.__getInputElementHandleSelectionRange(_handle); } return [0, 0]; }; _pInputElement.getCaretLine = function () { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { return nexacro.__getInputElementHandleCaretLine(_handle); } return 0; }; _pInputElement.getScrollLeft = function () { var _handle = this._handle; var scrollLeft = 0; if (_handle) { scrollLeft = nexacro.__getInputElementHandleScrollLeft(_handle); scrollLeft = nexacro.__convertScrollLeftByRtl(this, scrollLeft); } return scrollLeft; }; _pInputElement.setScrollLeft = function (v) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { var scrollLeft = nexacro.__convertScrollLeftByRtl(this, v); nexacro.__setInputElementHandleScrollLeft(_handle, scrollLeft); } }; _pInputElement.getScrollTop = function () { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { return nexacro.__getInputElementHandleScrollTop(_handle); } return 0; }; _pInputElement.setScrollTop = function (v) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setInputElementHandleScrollTop(_handle, v); } }; _pInputElement.getScrollWidth = function () { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { return nexacro.__getInputElementHandleScrollWidth(_handle); } return 0; }; _pInputElement.getScrollHeight = function () { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { return nexacro.__getInputElementHandleScrollHeight(_handle); } return 0; }; _pInputElement.getElementValue = function () { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { return nexacro.__getElementHandleValue(_handle); } return ""; }; _pInputElement.setElementAccessibilityRole = function (role) { }; _pInputElement._checkActiveElement = function (role) { var _handle = this._handle; var isActive = true; if (_handle) { isActive = nexacro._checkActiveElement(this); } return isActive; }; _pInputElement._setCutAction = nexacro._emptyFn; _pInputElement._deleteCaret = nexacro._emptyFn; _pInputElement._setElementInputRole = nexacro._emptyFn; _pInputElement._setElementInputLabel = nexacro._emptyFn; _pInputElement._on_sys_keyinput = function (keycode, altkey, ctrlkey, shiftkey) { var comp = (this._parent_elem ? this._parent_elem.linkedcontrol : null); if (comp) { comp._on_input_keyinput(this); return true; } return false; }; _pInputElement._on_sys_keypress = function (keycode, charcode, altkey, ctrlkey, shiftkey) { var comp = (this._parent_elem ? this._parent_elem.linkedcontrol : null); if (comp) { var _win = comp._getWindow(); if (_win._keydown_element == null || _win._keydown_element._handle == null) { return false; } var bRet = comp._on_input_keypress(this, keycode, charcode, altkey, ctrlkey, shiftkey); if (bRet != false) { return true; } } return false; }; _pInputElement._on_sys_keydown = function (keycode, altkey, ctrlkey, shiftkey) { var comp = (this._parent_elem ? this._parent_elem.linkedcontrol : null); if (comp) { var _win = comp._getWindow(); nexacro._syshandler_onkeydown_forward(_win, this, keycode, altkey, ctrlkey, shiftkey); if (this._isPreventDefault(comp, "onkeydown")) { return false; } var bRet = comp._on_input_keydown(this, keycode, altkey, ctrlkey, shiftkey); if (keycode == nexacro.Event.KEY_DELETE || keycode == nexacro.Event.KEY_BACKSPACE) { comp._on_input_keypress(this, keycode, keycode, altkey, ctrlkey, shiftkey); } if (bRet != false) { return true; } } return false; }; _pInputElement._on_sys_keyup = function (keycode, altkey, ctrlkey, shiftkey) { var comp = (this._parent_elem ? this._parent_elem.linkedcontrol : null); if (comp) { var _win = comp._getWindow(); if (this._isPreventDefault(comp, "onkeyup")) { return false; } comp._on_input_keyup(this, keycode, altkey, ctrlkey, shiftkey); nexacro._syshandler_onkeyup_forward(_win, this, keycode, altkey, ctrlkey, shiftkey); if (this._isPreventDefault(comp, "onkeyup")) { return false; } } return false; }; _pInputElement._on_sys_compositionstart = function (data) { var comp = (this._parent_elem ? this._parent_elem.linkedcontrol : null); if (comp) { comp._on_input_compositionstart(data); } return false; }; _pInputElement._on_sys_compositionupdate = function (data) { var comp = (this._parent_elem ? this._parent_elem.linkedcontrol : null); if (comp) { comp._on_input_compositionupdate(data); } return false; }; _pInputElement._on_sys_compositionend = function (data) { var comp = (this._parent_elem ? this._parent_elem.linkedcontrol : null); if (comp) { comp._on_input_compositionend(data); } return false; }; _pInputElement._on_sys_focus = function () { var comp = (this._parent_elem ? this._parent_elem.linkedcontrol : null); if (comp) { if (comp._on_input_focus) { comp._on_input_focus(this); } var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle && !this._is_focused) { this._is_focused = true; } } return false; }; _pInputElement._on_sys_blur = function () { var comp = (this._parent_elem ? this._parent_elem.linkedcontrol : null); if (comp) { if (comp._on_input_blur) { comp._on_input_blur(this, this._handle); } var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle && this._is_focused) { this._is_focused = false; if (nexacro._isNull(this.value) && this.displaynulltext) { nexacro.__setElementHandleValue(_handle, this.displaynulltext, true); } } } return false; }; _pInputElement._on_sys_lbuttondown = function (keycode, altkey, ctrlkey, shiftkey) { var comp = (this._parent_elem ? this._parent_elem.linkedcontrol : null); if (comp) { comp._on_input_mousedown(this, altkey, ctrlkey, shiftkey); } return false; }; _pInputElement._on_sys_lbuttonup = function (keycode, altkey, ctrlkey, shiftkey) { var comp = (this._parent_elem ? this._parent_elem.linkedcontrol : null); if (comp) { comp._on_input_mouseup(this, altkey, ctrlkey, shiftkey); } return false; }; _pInputElement._on_sys_rbuttondown = function (keycode, altkey, ctrlkey, shiftkey) { var comp = (this._parent_elem ? this._parent_elem.linkedcontrol : null); if (comp) { comp._on_input_mousedown(this); } return false; }; _pInputElement._on_sys_rbuttonup = function (button, altkey, ctrlkey, shiftkey, windowX, windowY, screenX, screenY) { var comp = (this._parent_elem ? this._parent_elem.linkedcontrol : null); if (comp) { var _win = comp._getWindow(); nexacro._syshandler_onrbuttonup_forward(_win, this, button, altkey, ctrlkey, shiftkey, windowX, windowY, screenX, screenY); comp._on_input_mouseup(this); return true; } return false; }; _pInputElement._on_sys_mousemove = function (keycode, altkey, ctrlkey, shiftkey) { var comp = (this._parent_elem ? this._parent_elem.linkedcontrol : null); if (comp) { comp._on_input_mousemove(this); } return false; }; _pInputElement._on_sys_cut = function () { var comp = (this._parent_elem ? this._parent_elem.linkedcontrol : null); if (comp) { comp._on_input_cut(this); } return false; }; _pInputElement._on_sys_copy = nexacro._emptyFn; _pInputElement._on_sys_paste = function () { var comp = (this._parent_elem ? this._parent_elem.linkedcontrol : null); if (comp) { comp._on_input_paste(this); } return false; }; _pInputElement._on_sys_contextmenu = function () { var comp = (this._parent_elem ? this._parent_elem.linkedcontrol : null); if (comp) { var _win = comp._getWindow(); nexacro._syshandler_oncontextmenu_forward(_win, this); return comp._on_contextmenu(this); } return false; }; _pInputElement._on_sys_select = function () { var comp = (this._parent_elem ? this._parent_elem.linkedcontrol : null); if (comp) { return comp._on_input_select(this); } return false; }; _pInputElement._setElementInputRole = nexacro._emptyFn; _pInputElement._bindEvent = function () { var input = this._handle; nexacro._observeInputEvent(input, "input", "oninput", this._on_sys_keyinput); nexacro._observeInputEvent(input, "keydown", "onkeydown", this._on_sys_keydown); nexacro._observeInputEvent(input, "keyup", "onkeyup", this._on_sys_keyup); nexacro._observeInputEvent(input, "keypress", "onkeypress", this._on_sys_keypress); nexacro._observeInputEvent(input, "compositionstart", "oncompositionstart", this._on_sys_compositionstart); nexacro._observeInputEvent(input, "compositionupdate", "oncompositionupdate", this._on_sys_compositionupdate); nexacro._observeInputEvent(input, "compositionend", "oncompositionend", this._on_sys_compositionend); nexacro._observeInputEvent(input, "focus", "onfocus", this._on_sys_focus); nexacro._observeInputEvent(input, "blur", "onblur", this._on_sys_blur); nexacro._observeInputEvent(input, "lbuttondown", "onlbuttondown", this._on_sys_lbuttondown); nexacro._observeInputEvent(input, "lbuttonup", "onlbuttonup", this._on_sys_lbuttonup); nexacro._observeInputEvent(input, "rbuttondown", "onrbuttondown", this._on_sys_rbuttondown); nexacro._observeInputEvent(input, "rbuttonup", "onrbuttonup", this._on_sys_rbuttonup); nexacro._observeInputEvent(input, "mousemove", "onmousemove", this._on_sys_mousemove); if (nexacro.SupportTouch) { nexacro._observeInputEvent(input, "touchstart", "ontouchstart", this._on_sys_lbuttondown); nexacro._observeInputEvent(input, "touchend", "ontouchend", this._on_sys_lbuttonup); nexacro._observeInputEvent(input, "touchmove", "ontouchmove", this._on_sys_mousemove); } nexacro._observeInputEvent(input, "cut", "oncut", this._on_sys_cut); nexacro._observeInputEvent(input, "paste", "onpaste", this._on_sys_paste); nexacro._observeInputEvent(input, "contextmenu", "oncontextmenu", this._on_sys_contextmenu); nexacro._observeInputEvent(input, "select", "onselect", this._on_sys_select); }; _pInputElement._unBindEvent = function () { var input = this._handle; nexacro._stopInputObserving(input, "input", "oninput", this._on_sys_keyinput); nexacro._stopInputObserving(input, "keydown", "onkeydown", this._on_sys_keydown); nexacro._stopInputObserving(input, "keyup", "onkeyup", this._on_sys_keyup); nexacro._stopInputObserving(input, "keypress", "onkeypress", this._on_sys_keypress); nexacro._stopInputObserving(input, "compositionstart", "oncompositionstart", this._on_sys_compositionstart); nexacro._stopInputObserving(input, "compositionupdate", "oncompositionupdate", this._on_sys_compositionupdate); nexacro._stopInputObserving(input, "compositionend", "oncompositionend", this._on_sys_compositionend); nexacro._stopInputObserving(input, "focus", "onfocus", this._on_sys_focus); nexacro._stopInputObserving(input, "blur", "onblur", this._on_sys_blur); nexacro._stopInputObserving(input, "lbuttondown", "onlbuttondown", this._on_sys_lbuttondown); nexacro._stopInputObserving(input, "lbuttonup", "onlbuttonup", this._on_sys_lbuttonup); nexacro._stopInputObserving(input, "rbuttondown", "onrbuttondown", this._on_sys_rbuttondown); nexacro._stopInputObserving(input, "rbuttonup", "onrbuttonup", this._on_sys_rbuttonup); nexacro._stopInputObserving(input, "mousemove", "onmousemove", this._on_sys_mousemove); if (nexacro.SupportTouch) { nexacro._stopInputObserving(input, "touchstart", "ontouchstart", this._on_sys_lbuttondown); nexacro._stopInputObserving(input, "touchend", "ontouchend", this._on_sys_lbuttonup); nexacro._stopInputObserving(input, "touchmove", "ontouchmove", this._on_sys_mousemove); } nexacro._stopInputObserving(input, "cut", "oncut", this._on_sys_cut); nexacro._stopInputObserving(input, "paste", "onpaste", this._on_sys_paste); nexacro._stopInputObserving(input, "contextmenu", "oncontextmenu", this._on_sys_contextmenu); nexacro._stopInputObserving(input, "select", "onselect", this._on_sys_select); }; delete _pInputElement; nexacro.TextAreaElement = function (parent_elem) { this.parent = parent_elem; this._parent_elem = parent_elem; }; var _pTextAreaElement = new nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.InputElement, nexacro.TextAreaElement); nexacro.TextAreaElement.prototype = _pTextAreaElement; _pTextAreaElement._type_name = "TextAreaElement"; _pTextAreaElement.usemultiline = true; _pTextAreaElement.setElementLineSpace = function (linespace) { if (this.linespace != linespace) { this.linespace = linespace; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleLineSpace(_handle, linespace); } } }; _pTextAreaElement.setElementLetterSpace = function (letterspace) { if (this.letterspace != letterspace) { this.letterspace = letterspace; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleLetterSpace(_handle, letterspace); } } }; _pTextAreaElement.setElementWordWrap = function (wordwrap) { if (wordwrap == true || wordwrap == "true") { wordwrap = "char"; } else if (wordwrap == false || wordwrap == "false") { wordwrap = "none"; } if (this.wordwrap != wordwrap) { this.wordwrap = wordwrap; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleWordWrap(_handle, wordwrap); } } }; _pTextAreaElement._on_sys_scroll = function (posTop, posLeft) { var container = this._parent_elem.getContainerElement(this.position_step); if (container) { var comp = container._parent_elem.linkedcontrol; var _win = comp._getWindow(); if (_win && _win._cur_ldown_elem) { var hscrollbar = container.parent._hscroll_control; if (hscrollbar && !hscrollbar._is_tracking) { hscrollbar.set_pos(posLeft); } var vscrollbar = container.parent._vscroll_control; if (vscrollbar && !vscrollbar._is_tracking) { vscrollbar.set_pos(posTop); } } } }; _pTextAreaElement._bindEvent = function () { var input = this._handle; nexacro.InputElement.prototype._bindEvent.call(this); nexacro._observeInputEvent(input, "scroll", "onscroll", this._on_sys_scroll); }; _pTextAreaElement._unbindEvent = function () { var input = this._handle; nexacro.InputElement.prototype._unBindEvent.call(this); nexacro._stopInputObserving(input, "scroll", "onscroll", this._on_sys_scroll); }; delete _pTextAreaElement; nexacro.ControlElementBase = function (parent_elem) { this.parent = parent_elem; this._parent_elem = parent_elem; }; var _pControlElementBase = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Element, nexacro.ControlElementBase); nexacro.ControlElementBase.prototype = _pControlElementBase; _pControlElementBase._type_name = "ControlElementBase"; _pControlElementBase.enable = true; _pControlElementBase.tabindex = -1; _pControlElementBase.zindex = -1; _pControlElementBase.font = null; _pControlElementBase.color = null; _pControlElementBase.cursor = null; _pControlElementBase.client_left = 0; _pControlElementBase.client_top = 0; _pControlElementBase.client_width = 0; _pControlElementBase.client_height = 0; _pControlElementBase.border = null; _pControlElementBase.bordertype = null; _pControlElementBase.background = null; _pControlElementBase.gradation = null; _pControlElementBase.opacity = 0; _pControlElementBase.padding = null; _pControlElementBase.padding_left = 0; _pControlElementBase.padding_top = 0; _pControlElementBase.padding_right = 0; _pControlElementBase.padding_bottom = 0; _pControlElementBase.position_step = undefined; _pControlElementBase.accessibility_role = ""; _pControlElementBase.accessibility_enable = false; _pControlElementBase.accessibility_label = ""; _pControlElementBase.accessibility_desclevel = ""; _pControlElementBase.accessibility_description = ""; _pControlElementBase.accessibility_action = ""; _pControlElementBase._accessibility_value = undefined; _pControlElementBase._accessibility_stat_disabled = undefined; _pControlElementBase._accessibility_stat_hidden = undefined; _pControlElementBase._accessibility_stat_checked = undefined; _pControlElementBase._accessibility_stat_pressed = undefined; _pControlElementBase._accessibility_stat_selected = undefined; _pControlElementBase._accessibility_stat_expanded = undefined; _pControlElementBase._accessibility_stat_autocomplete = undefined; _pControlElementBase._accessibility_flag_haspopup = undefined; _pControlElementBase._accessibility_flag_focusable = undefined; _pControlElementBase._accessibility_flag_readonly = undefined; _pControlElementBase._accessibility_flag_password = undefined; _pControlElementBase._accessibility_flag_multiselectable = undefined; _pControlElementBase._accessibility_flag_selectable = undefined; _pControlElementBase._accessibility_flag_defaultbutton = undefined; _pControlElementBase._accessibility_flag_multiline = undefined; _pControlElementBase._accessibility_prop_itemcount = undefined; _pControlElementBase._accessibility_prop_itemindex = undefined; _pControlElementBase._accessibility_prop_valuemax = undefined; _pControlElementBase._accessibility_prop_valuemin = undefined; _pControlElementBase._accessibility_prop_hotkey = undefined; _pControlElementBase._dom_border = null; _pControlElementBase._inner_left = 0; _pControlElementBase._inner_top = 0; _pControlElementBase._inner_width = 0; _pControlElementBase._inner_height = 0; _pControlElementBase._node_width = 0; _pControlElementBase._node_height = 0; _pControlElementBase._background_style = 0; _pControlElementBase._node_opacity_str = ""; _pControlElementBase._node_opacity = 100; _pControlElementBase._node_bkcolor = ""; _pControlElementBase._node_gradation = ""; _pControlElementBase._node_bkurl = ""; _pControlElementBase._node_bkrepeat = ""; _pControlElementBase._node_bkpos = ""; _pControlElementBase.linkedcontrol = null; _pControlElementBase._client_element = null; _pControlElementBase._vml_elem = null; _pControlElementBase._bkimg_elem = null; _pControlElementBase._append_flag = false; _pControlElementBase._is_window_element = false; _pControlElementBase._img_sizereq = false; _pControlElementBase._img_url = ""; _pControlElementBase._hittest_type = ""; _pControlElementBase.create = nexacro._emptyFn; _pControlElementBase.destroy = nexacro._emptyFn; _pControlElementBase.clearContents = nexacro._emptyFn; _pControlElementBase.setElementStepCount = nexacro._emptyFn; _pControlElementBase.setElementStepIndex = nexacro._emptyFn; _pControlElementBase.setLinkedControl = function (control) { if (!this.linkedcontrol && control) { this.parent = control; this.linkedcontrol = control; } }; _pControlElementBase.setElementPositionStep = function (position_step) { if (this.position_step != position_step || position_step == -1) { this.position_step = position_step; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle && this._parent_elem) { var old_owner_elem = this._owner_elem; var _owner_elem = this._parent_elem.getContainerElement(position_step); if (old_owner_elem && old_owner_elem._handle && _owner_elem && _owner_elem._handle) { nexacro.__unlinkElementHandle(old_owner_elem._handle, _handle); nexacro.__appendElementHandle(_owner_elem._handle, _handle); this._owner_elem = _owner_elem; } } } }; _pControlElementBase.setElementEnable = function (enable) { if (this.enable != enable) { this.enable = enable; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleEnable(_handle, enable); } } }; _pControlElementBase.setElementTabIndex = function (tabindex) { if (this.tabindex != tabindex) { this.tabindex = tabindex; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleTabIndex(_handle, tabindex); } } }; _pControlElementBase.setElementZIndex = function (zindex) { if (this.zindex != zindex) { this.zindex = zindex; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleZindex(_handle, zindex); } } }; _pControlElementBase.setElementFont = function (font) { this.font = font; if (this._client_element) { this._client_element.setElementFont(font); } }; _pControlElementBase.setElementColor = function (color) { this.color = color; var _handle = this._handle; if (this._client_element) { this._client_element.setElementColor(color); } }; _pControlElementBase.setElementCursor = function (cursor) { this.cursor = cursor; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { if (cursor && !cursor._is_empty) { nexacro.__setElementHandleCursor(_handle, cursor.value); } else { nexacro.__setElementHandleCursor(_handle, cursor); } } }; _pControlElementBase.setElementToolTip = function (tooltiptext, tooltiptype) { if (tooltiptext === undefined) { tooltiptext = ""; } if (this.tooltiptext != tooltiptext || this.tooltiptype != tooltiptype) { this.tooltiptext = tooltiptext; this.tooltiptype = tooltiptype; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleToolTip(_handle, tooltiptext, tooltiptype); } } }; _pControlElementBase.setElementShadow = function (shadow) { this.shadow = shadow; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { var _shadow = shadow ? shadow._getStyleObject(this._isRtl()) : null; nexacro.__setElementHandleShadow(_handle, _shadow.type, _shadow._syscolor, _shadow.factor, _shadow._offset_x, _shadow._offset_y); } }; _pControlElementBase.setElementFocus = function () { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleFocus(_handle); nexacro.__setLastFocusedElement(this); } }; _pControlElementBase._isVML = function () { return false; }; _pControlElementBase.setElementOpacity = function (opacity) { var _handle = this._handle; this.opacity = parseInt(opacity.value); if (_handle) { var val = (this.opacity >= 100) ? 100 : (this.opacity <= 0) ? 0 : this.opacity; nexacro.__setElementHandleOpacity(_handle, val); } }; _pControlElementBase.setElementAlign = nexacro._emptyFn; _pControlElementBase.setElementAlignXY = nexacro._emptyFn; _pControlElementBase.setElementPadding = nexacro._emptyFn; _pControlElementBase.setElementPaddingXY = nexacro._emptyFn; _pControlElementBase.setElementHittestType = function (httype) { if (this._hittest_type != httype) { this._hittest_type = httype; if (this._handle) { nexacro.__setElementHittestValue(this._handle, httype); } } }; _pControlElementBase.setElementSize = function (width, height) { if (this.width != width || this.height != height) { this.width = width; this.height = height; var _handle = this._handle; this._setControlSize(_handle, width, height); this._updateClientSize(); if (this._isRtl()) { this.setElementPosition(this.left, this.top, true); } } }; _pControlElementBase.setElementBorder = function (border, bordertype) { this.border = border; this.bordertype = bordertype; var _handle = this._handle; this._setControlBorder(_handle, border, bordertype); this._updateClientSize(); }; _pControlElementBase.setElementBackground = function (background, gradation) { this.background = background; this.gradation = gradation; var bRtl = this._isRtl(); var _gradation = gradation; var _background = background; _gradation = gradation ? gradation._getStyleObject(bRtl) : null; _background = (background && background != "none") ? background._getStyleObject(bRtl) : null; if (background && background.image) { var bkimgurl = background.image; if (bkimgurl && bkimgurl.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase() == "url(") { bkimgurl = bkimgurl.substring(5, bkimgurl.length - 2); } if (bkimgurl && !nexacro._isAbsolutePath(bkimgurl)) { var base_url = this._getElementBaseUrl(); bkimgurl = nexacro._getImageLocation(bkimgurl, base_url); } if (this._img_url != bkimgurl) { this._img_url = bkimgurl; var imgsize = nexacro._getImageSize(bkimgurl, this._on_notify_imgsize, this, undefined, background.image); if (bkimgurl.substring(0, 10).toLowerCase() == "data:image") { this._img_sizereq = false; } else { this._img_sizereq = true; } if (imgsize && this._img_sizereq) { this._img_sizereq = false; } } } var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { this._setControlBackground(_handle, _background, _gradation); } }; _pControlElementBase.setElementAccessibilityRole = function (role) { var accrole = nexacro._roleList[role]; if (this.accessibility_role != accrole) { this.accessibility_role = accrole; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityRole(_handle, accrole); } } }; _pControlElementBase.setElementAccessibilityLabel = function (label) { if (this.accessibility_label != label) { this.accessibility_label = label; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityLabel(_handle, label); } } }; _pControlElementBase.setElementAccessibilityEnable = function (enable) { if (this.accessibility_enable != enable) { this.accessibility_enable = enable; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityEnable(_handle, enable); } } }; _pControlElementBase.setElementAccessibilityDescription = function (desc) { if (this.accessibility_description != desc) { this.accessibility_description = desc; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityDescription(_handle, desc); } } }; _pControlElementBase.setElementAccessibilityAction = function (action) { if (this.accessibility_action != action) { this.accessibility_action = action; } }; _pControlElementBase.setElementAccessibilityDescLevel = function (desclevel) { if (this.accessibility_desclevel != desclevel) { this.accessibility_desclevel = desclevel; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityDescLevel(_handle, desclevel); } } }; _pControlElementBase.setElementAccessibilityValue = function (value) { }; _pControlElementBase.setElementAccessibilityStatDisabled = function (disabled) { if (this._accessibility_stat_disabled != disabled) { this._accessibility_stat_disabled = disabled; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityStatDisabled(_handle, disabled); } } }; _pControlElementBase.setElementAccessibilityStatHidden = function (hidden) { if (this._accessibility_stat_hidden != hidden) { this._accessibility_stat_hidden = hidden; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityStatHidden(_handle, hidden); } } }; _pControlElementBase.setElementAccessibilityHidden = function (hidden) { }; _pControlElementBase.setElementAccessibilityStatChecked = function (checked) { if (this._accessibility_stat_checked != checked) { this._accessibility_stat_checked = checked; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityStatChecked(_handle, checked); } } }; _pControlElementBase.setElementAccessibilityStatPressed = function (pressed) { if (this._accessibility_stat_pressed != pressed) { this._accessibility_stat_pressed = pressed; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityStatPressed(_handle, pressed); } } }; _pControlElementBase.setElementAccessibilityStatSelected = function (selected) { if (this._accessibility_stat_selected != selected) { this._accessibility_stat_selected = selected; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityStatSelected(_handle, selected); } } }; _pControlElementBase.setElementAccessibilityStatExpanded = function (expanded) { if (this._accessibility_stat_expanded != expanded) { this._accessibility_stat_expanded = expanded; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityStatExpanded(_handle, expanded); } } }; _pControlElementBase.setElementAccessibilityStatAutoComplete = function (autocomplete) { }; _pControlElementBase.setElementAccessibilityFlagHasPopup = function (haspopup) { if (this._accessibility_flag_haspopup != haspopup) { this._accessibility_flag_haspopup = haspopup; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityStatHasPopup(_handle, haspopup); } } }; _pControlElementBase.setElementAccessibilityFlagFocusable = function (focusable) { if (this._accessibility_flag_focusable != focusable) { this._accessibility_flag_focusable = focusable; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityFlagFocusable(_handle, focusable); } } }; _pControlElementBase.setElementAccessibilityFlagReadOnly = function (readonly) { if (this._accessibility_flag_readonly != readonly) { this._accessibility_flag_readonly = readonly; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityFlagReadOnly(_handle, readonly); } } }; _pControlElementBase.setElementAccessibilityFlagPassword = function (password) { if (this._accessibility_flag_password != password) { this._accessibility_flag_password = password; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityFlagPassword(_handle, password); } } }; _pControlElementBase.setElementAccessibilityFlagMultiSelectable = function (multiselectable) { if (this._accessibility_flag_multiselectable != multiselectable) { this._accessibility_flag_multiselectable = multiselectable; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityFlagMultiSelectable(_handle, multiselectable); } } }; _pControlElementBase.setElementAccessibilityFlagSelectable = function (selectable) { if (this._accessibility_flag_selectable != selectable) { this._accessibility_flag_selectable = selectable; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityFlagSelectable(_handle, selectable); } } }; _pControlElementBase.setElementAccessibilityFlagDefaultButton = function (defaultbutton) { if (this._accessibility_flag_defaultbutton != defaultbutton) { this._accessibility_flag_defaultbutton = defaultbutton; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityStatDefaultButton(_handle, defaultbutton); } } }; _pControlElementBase.setElementAccessibilityFlagMultiLine = function (multiline) { if (this._accessibility_flag_multiline != multiline) { this._accessibility_flag_multiline = multiline; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityFlagMultiLine(_handle, multiline); } } }; _pControlElementBase.setElementAccessibilityInfoCount = function (count) { if (this._accessibility_prop_infocount != count) { this._accessibility_prop_infocount = count; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityInfoCount(_handle, count); } } }; _pControlElementBase.setElementAccessibilityInfoIndex = function (index) { if (this._accessibility_prop_infoindex != index) { this._accessibility_prop_infoindex = index; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityInfoIndex(_handle, index); } } }; _pControlElementBase.setElementAccessibilityInfoValueMax = function (valuemax) { if (this._accessibility_prop_infovaluemax != valuemax) { this._accessibility_prop_infovaluemax = valuemax; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityInfoValueMax(_handle, valuemax); } } }; _pControlElementBase.setElementAccessibilityInfoValueMin = function (valuemin) { if (this._accessibility_prop_infovaluemin != valuemin) { this._accessibility_prop_infovaluemin = valuemin; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityInfoValueMin(_handle, valuemin); } } }; _pControlElementBase.setElementAccessibilityInfoValueCur = function (valuecur) { if (this._accessibility_prop_infovaluecur != valuecur) { this._accessibility_prop_infovaluecur = valuecur; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityInfoValueCur(_handle, valuecur); } } }; _pControlElementBase.setElementAccessibilityInfoLevel = function (level) { if (this._accessibility_prop_infolevel != level) { this._accessibility_prop_infolevel = level; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityInfoLevel(_handle, level); } } }; _pControlElementBase.setElementAccessibilityHotKey = function (hotkey) { if (this._accessibility_prop_hotkey != hotkey) { this._accessibility_prop_hotkey = hotkey; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityHotKey(_handle, hotkey); } } }; _pControlElementBase.setElementAccessibilityActiveDescendant = function (activedescendant_elem) { this._accessibility_prop_activedescendant = activedescendant_elem.linkedcontrol._unique_id; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityActiveDescendant(_handle, activedescendant_elem.linkedcontrol._unique_id); } }; _pControlElementBase.setElementAccessibilityStatFocus = function (label) { var notifyvalue; if (label) { notifyvalue = label; } else { var readlabel = this._makeAccessibilityLabelbyReadtype(this); this.accessibility_readlabel = readlabel; notifyvalue = readlabel; } var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__notifyAccessibility(_handle, notifyvalue, "focus"); } }; _pControlElementBase.setElementAccessibilityNotifyEvent = function () { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityNotifyEvent(_handle); } return true; }; _pControlElementBase._refreshForeground = function (_handle) { if (!this.visible) { nexacro.__setElementHandleVisible(_handle, false); } if (!this.enable) { nexacro.__setElementHandleEnable(_handle, false); } if (this.tabindex >= -1) { nexacro.__setElementHandleTabIndex(_handle, this.tabindex); } if (this.zindex >= 0) { nexacro.__setElementHandleZindex(_handle, this.zindex); } if (this.cursor) { nexacro.__setElementHandleCursor(_handle, this.cursor.value); } if (this.tooltiptext) { nexacro.__setElementHandleToolTip(_handle, this.tooltiptext, this.tooltiptype); } if (this.shadow) { var shadow = this.shadow; nexacro.__setElementHandleShadow(_handle, shadow.type, shadow._syscolor, shadow.factor, shadow._offset_x, shadow._offset_y); } if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { if (this.accessibility_role) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityRole(_handle, this.accessibility_role); } if (this.accessibility_enable) { if (this.accessibility_enable) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityEnable(_handle, this.accessibility_enable); } if (this.accessibility_desclevel) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityDescLevel(_handle, this.accessibility_desclevel); } if (this.accessibility_description) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityDescription(_handle, this.accessibility_description); } var readlabel = this._makeAccessibilityLabelbyReadtype(this); if (readlabel != this.accessibility_readlabel) { this.accessibility_readlabel = readlabel; nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityLabel(_handle, this.accessibility_readlabel); } } else { nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityEnable(_handle, this.accessibility_enable); } if (this._accessibility_stat_disabled) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityStatDisabled(_handle, this._accessibility_stat_disabled); } if (this._accessibility_stat_hidden) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityStatHidden(_handle, this._accessibility_stat_hidden); } if (this._accessibility_stat_checked) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityStatChecked(_handle, this._accessibility_stat_checked); } if (this._accessibility_stat_pressed) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityStatPressed(_handle, this._accessibility_stat_pressed); } if (this._accessibility_stat_selected) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityStatSelected(_handle, this._accessibility_stat_selected); } if (this._accessibility_stat_expanded) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityStatExpanded(_handle, this._accessibility_stat_expanded); } if (this._accessibility_flag_haspopup) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityStatHasPopup(_handle, this._accessibility_flag_haspopup); } if (this._accessibility_flag_focusable) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityFlagFocusable(_handle, this._accessibility_flag_focusable); } if (this._accessibility_flag_readonly) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityFlagReadOnly(_handle, this._accessibility_flag_readonly); } if (this._accessibility_flag_password) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityFlagPassword(_handle, this._accessibility_flag_password); } if (this._accessibility_flag_multiselectable) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityFlagMultiSelectable(_handle, this._accessibility_flag_multiselectable); } if (this._accessibility_flag_selectable) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityFlagSelectable(_handle, this._accessibility_flag_selectable); } if (this._accessibility_flag_defaultbutton) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityStatDefaultButton(_handle, this._accessibility_flag_defaultbutton); } if (this._accessibility_flag_multiline) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityFlagMultiLine(_handle, this._accessibility_flag_multiline); } if (this._accessibility_prop_hotkey) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityHotKey(_handle, this._accessibility_prop_hotkey); } if (this._accessibility_prop_itemcount) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityInfoCount(_handle, this._accessibility_prop_itemcount); } if (this._accessibility_prop_itemindex) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityInfoIndex(_handle, this._accessibility_prop_itemindex); } if (this._accessibility_prop_valuemax) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityInfoValueMax(_handle, this._accessibility_prop_valuemax); } if (this._accessibility_prop_valuemin) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityInfoValueMin(_handle, this._accessibility_prop_valuemin); } } nexacro.AccessibilityUtil.supportMobileApplicationAccessibility(this); }; _pControlElementBase._setControlSize = function (_handle, width, height) { var inner_width = width; var inner_height = height; var border = this.border; if (border && !border._is_real_empty()) { inner_width = width - border._getBorderWidth(); inner_height = height - border._getBorderHeight(); if (inner_width < 0) { inner_width = 0; } if (inner_height < 0) { inner_height = 0; } } if (this._inner_width != inner_width || this._inner_height != inner_height) { this._inner_width = inner_width; this._inner_height = inner_height; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleSize(_handle, width, height); } } if (this._is_window_element) { var _win_handle = this.getRootWindowHandle(); nexacro._setWindowHandleBorder(_win_handle, this.border, this.bordertype); } }; _pControlElementBase._setControlBorder = function (_handle, border, bordertype) { var bRtl = this._isRtl(true); var _border = border; var _bordertype = bordertype; _border = border ? border._getStyleObject(bRtl ^ this.mirror) : null; _bordertype = bordertype ? bordertype._getStyleObject(bRtl) : null; if (_handle) { if (_bordertype) { var radiusx = (_bordertype._radiusx < 0) ? 0 : _bordertype._radiusx; var radiusy = (_bordertype._radiusy < 0) ? 0 : _bordertype._radiusy; nexacro.__setElementHandleBordertype(_handle, _bordertype.type, radiusx, radiusy, _bordertype._lefttop, _bordertype._righttop, _bordertype._leftbottom, _bordertype._rightbottom); } else { nexacro.__setElementHandleBordertype(_handle, "", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); } } var inner_width = this.width; var inner_height = this.height; if (_border && !_border._is_real_empty()) { if (_handle) { if (_border._linecnt == 1) { var top_width = _border.top_style ? _border._top_width : 0; top_width = top_width < 0 ? 0 : top_width; nexacro.__setElementHandleBorder(_handle, _border.top_style, top_width, _border._top_syscolor); } else { var left_width, top_width, right_width, bottom_width; if (_border._linecnt == 2) { top_width = _border.top_style ? _border._top_width : 0; right_width = _border.right_style ? _border._right_width : 0; left_width = right_width; bottom_width = top_width; } else if (_border._linecnt == 3) { top_width = _border.top_style ? _border._top_width : 0; bottom_width = _border.bottom_style ? _border._bottom_width : 0; right_width = _border.right_style ? _border._right_width : 0; left_width = right_width; } else { top_width = _border.top_style ? _border._top_width : 0; bottom_width = _border.bottom_style ? _border._bottom_width : 0; left_width = _border.left_style ? _border._left_width : 0; right_width = _border.right_style ? _border._right_width : 0; } top_width = top_width < 0 ? 0 : top_width; bottom_width = bottom_width < 0 ? 0 : bottom_width; left_width = left_width < 0 ? 0 : left_width; right_width = right_width < 0 ? 0 : right_width; nexacro.__setElementHandleBorderTop(_handle, _border.top_style, top_width, _border._top_syscolor); nexacro.__setElementHandleBorderBottom(_handle, _border.bottom_style, bottom_width, _border._bottom_syscolor); nexacro.__setElementHandleBorderLeft(_handle, _border.left_style, left_width, _border._left_syscolor); nexacro.__setElementHandleBorderRight(_handle, _border.right_style, right_width, _border._right_syscolor); } } inner_width = this.width - _border._getBorderWidth(); inner_height = this.height - _border._getBorderHeight(); if (inner_width < 0) { inner_width = 0; } if (inner_height < 0) { inner_height = 0; } } else { nexacro.__setElementHandleBorder(_handle, "none", 0, 0); } if (this._inner_width != inner_width || this._inner_height != inner_height) { this._inner_width = inner_width; this._inner_height = inner_height; } if (this._is_window_element) { var _win_handle = this.getRootWindowHandle(); nexacro._setWindowHandleBorder(_win_handle, _border, _bordertype); } }; _pControlElementBase._on_notify_imgsize = function (img_url, img_width, img_height) { if (!(img_width && img_height)) { return; } if (img_url != this._img_url) { return; } this._img_sizereq = false; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { var bRtl = this._isRtl(); var _gradation = this.gradation; var _background = this.background; _gradation = this.gradation ? this.gradation._getStyleObject(bRtl) : null; _background = (this.background && this.background != "none") ? this.background._getStyleObject(bRtl) : null; this._setControlBackground(_handle, _background, _gradation); } }; _pControlElementBase._setControlBackground = function (_handle, background, gradation) { if (background) { if (background.color == "@gradation" && gradation) { nexacro.__setElementHandleBackgroundColor(_handle, 0); nexacro.__setElementHandleBackgroundGradation(_handle, gradation.style, gradation._start_x, gradation._start_y, gradation._start_syscolor, gradation._end_x, gradation._end_y, gradation._end_syscolor, gradation._sysvalue); } else { nexacro.__setElementHandleBackgroundColor(_handle, background._syscolor); nexacro.__setElementHandleBackgroundGradation(_handle, "", 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""); } var bkimgurl = background.image; if (bkimgurl && !this._img_sizereq) { if (bkimgurl && bkimgurl.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase() == "url(") { bkimgurl = bkimgurl.substring(5, bkimgurl.length - 2); } if (bkimgurl && !nexacro._isAbsolutePath(bkimgurl)) { var base_url = this._getElementBaseUrl(); bkimgurl = nexacro._getImageLocation(bkimgurl, base_url); } var bkrepeat = background.repeat; var pos_x = background.position_x; var pos_y = background.position_y; var edge_x = background.imageedge_x; var edge_y = background.imageedge_y; nexacro.__setElementHandleBackgroundImage(_handle, bkimgurl, bkrepeat, pos_x, pos_y, edge_x, edge_y); } else { nexacro.__setElementHandleBackgroundImage(_handle, "", false, 0, 0, 0, 0); } } }; _pControlElementBase._isVML = function () { return false; }; _pControlElementBase._setDOMQuadImage = nexacro._emptyFn; _pControlElementBase._setDOMEdgeImage = nexacro._emptyFn; _pControlElementBase.setAccessibility = function (accessibility) { var role = accessibility._role; var enable = accessibility.enable; var desclevel = accessibility._desclevel ? accessibility._desclevel : accessibility.desclevel; var label = (accessibility._label ? accessibility._label : accessibility.label); var description = accessibility._description ? accessibility._description : accessibility.description; var action = accessibility._action ? accessibility._action : accessibility.action; var handle = this._handle; if (handle) { if (role != this.accessibility_role && role != "none") { this.accessibility_role = role; nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityRole(handle, role); } if (desclevel != this.accessibility_desclevel) { this.accessibility_desclevel = desclevel; var nLevel = { "none" : 0, "self" : 1, "child" : 2, "all" : 3 }; nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityDescLevel(handle, nLevel[desclevel]); } if (enable == true && (desclevel != "none" && desclevel != "child")) { if (label != this.accessibility_label) { this.accessibility_label = label; } if (description != this.accessibility_description) { this.accessibility_description = description; nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityDescription(handle, description); } if (action != this.accessibility_action) { this.accessibility_action = action; } var readlabel = this._makeAccessibilityLabelbyReadtype(); if (readlabel != this.accessibility_readlabel) { this.accessibility_readlabel = readlabel; nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityLabel(handle, readlabel); } } else { this.accessibility_label = label; this.accessibility_description = description; nexacro.__setElementHandleAccessibilityEnable(handle, enable); } this.accessibility_enable = enable; } else { this.accessibility_role = role; this.accessibility_desclevel = desclevel; this.accessibility_label = label; this.accessibility_action = action; this.accessibility_description = description; this.accessibility_enable = enable; } }; _pControlElementBase.notifyAccessibility = function (label, notifyevent) { var handle = this._handle; if (handle) { var readlabel = this._makeAccessibilityLabelbyReadtype(this); this.accessibility_readlabel = readlabel; nexacro.__notifyAccessibility(handle, label ? label : this.accessibility_readlabel, notifyevent ? notifyevent : "notify"); } }; _pControlElementBase._makeAccessibilityLabelbyReadtype = function () { var label = ""; if (this.accessibility_desclevel != "none" && this.accessibility_desclevel != "child") { if ((nexacro._accessibilitydescreadtype & 0x01) == 0x01) { label = nexacro.AccessibilityUtil.getAccessibilityLabel(this); } if ((nexacro._accessibilitydescreadtype & 0x02) == 0x02 && this.accessibility_action) { label += " " + nexacro.AccessibilityUtil.getAccessibilityAction(this); } if ((nexacro._accessibilitydescreadtype & 0x04) == 0x04 && this.accessibility_description) { label += " " + nexacro.AccessibilityUtil.getAccessibilityDescription(this); } if (nexacro.AccessibilityUtil.getAccessibilityAdditionalLabel) { label += " " + nexacro.AccessibilityUtil.getAccessibilityAdditionalLabel(this); } } return label; }; nexacro.SimpleControlElement = function (parent_elem) { this.parent = parent_elem; this._parent_elem = parent_elem; }; var _pSimpleControlElement = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.ControlElementBase, nexacro.SimpleControlElement); nexacro.SimpleControlElement.prototype = _pSimpleControlElement; _pSimpleControlElement._type_name = "SimpleControlElement"; _pSimpleControlElement.create = function () { var _owner_elem = (this._is_nc_element) ? this._parent_elem : this._parent_elem.getContainerElement(this.position_step); if (_owner_elem && _owner_elem._handle && !this._handle) { this._owner_elem = _owner_elem; var _win_handle = _owner_elem.getRootWindowHandle(); var _handle = nexacro.__createControlElementHandle(this, _win_handle, this.left, this.top, this.width, this.height); this.linkedcontrol._unique_id = this.linkedcontrol.parent._unique_id + '_' + this.linkedcontrol.id; nexacro.__setElementHandleId(_handle, this.linkedcontrol._unique_id); this._handle = _handle; nexacro.__appendElementHandle(_owner_elem._handle, _handle); if (this.border || this.bordertype) { this._setControlBorder(_handle, this.border, this.bordertype); } if (this.background) { this._setControlBackground(_handle, this.background, this.gradation); } if (this.opacity) { nexacro.__setElementHandleOpacity(_handle, this.opacity); } if (this._hittest_type) { nexacro.__setElementHittestValue(_handle, this._hittest_type); } if (this.mirror) { nexacro.__setElementHandleMirror(_handle, this.mirror); } this._refreshForeground(_handle); } }; _pSimpleControlElement.destroy = function () { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { var _owner_handle = null; if (this._owner_elem && this._owner_elem._handle) { _owner_handle = this._owner_elem._handle; } if (!this._owner_elem || _owner_handle) { nexacro.__destroyElementHandle(_owner_handle, _handle); } this._owner_elem = null; this._handle = null; } this.parent = null; this._parent_elem = null; this.linkedcontrol = null; }; _pSimpleControlElement._updateClientSize = function () { this.client_left = this._inner_left; this.client_top = this._inner_top; this.client_width = this._inner_width; this.client_height = this._inner_height; }; _pSimpleControlElement.setElementPadding = function (padding) { }; _pSimpleControlElement.setElementPaddingXY = function (left, top, right, bottom) { }; _pSimpleControlElement.appendChildElement = function (child_elem) { if (this._handle) { if (child_elem._parent_elem != this) { if (child_elem._handle) { var old_win_handle = child_elem.getRootWindowHandle(); var new_win_handle = this.getRootWindowHandle(); if (old_win_handle != new_win_handle) { child_elem._parent_elem = this; child_elem._destroyElementHandle(); } else { child_elem._parent_elem = this; } } else { child_elem._parent_elem = this; } } if (!child_elem._handle) { child_elem.create(); } else { child_elem._appendToContainer(this); } } }; _pSimpleControlElement.removeChildElement = function (child_elem) { if (child_elem._owner_elem == this) { child_elem._removeFromContainer(); } }; _pSimpleControlElement.moveToNextElement = function (cur_elem, target_elem) { if (cur_elem && target_elem && cur_elem._owner_elem == this && target_elem._owner_elem == this && cur_elem._handle && target_elem._handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleMoveToNext(cur_elem._handle, target_elem._handle); } }; _pSimpleControlElement.moveToPrevElement = function (cur_elem, target_elem) { if (cur_elem && target_elem && cur_elem._owner_elem == this && target_elem._owner_elem == this && cur_elem._handle && target_elem._handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleMoveToPrev(cur_elem._handle, target_elem._handle); } }; _pSimpleControlElement.sendToBackElement = function (cur_elem) { if (cur_elem && cur_elem._owner_elem == this && cur_elem._handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleSendToBack(cur_elem._handle); } }; _pSimpleControlElement.bringToFrontElement = function (cur_elem) { if (cur_elem && cur_elem._owner_elem == this && cur_elem._handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleBringToFront(cur_elem._handle); } }; nexacro.ControlElement = function (parent_elem) { this.parent = parent_elem; this._parent_elem = parent_elem; var client_element = new nexacro.ContainerElement(this); this._client_element = client_element; }; var _pControlElement = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.ControlElementBase, nexacro.ControlElement); nexacro.ControlElement.prototype = _pControlElement; _pControlElement._type_name = "ControlElement"; _pControlElement.create = function () { var _owner_elem = (this._is_nc_element) ? this._parent_elem : this._parent_elem.getContainerElement(this.position_step); if (_owner_elem && _owner_elem._handle) { if (!this._handle) { this._owner_elem = _owner_elem; var _win_handle = _owner_elem.getRootWindowHandle(); var _handle = nexacro.__createControlElementHandle(this, _win_handle, this.left, this.top, this.width, this.height); this.linkedcontrol._unique_id = this.linkedcontrol.parent._unique_id + '_' + this.linkedcontrol.id; nexacro.__setElementHandleId(_handle, this.linkedcontrol._unique_id); this._handle = _handle; nexacro.__appendElementHandle(_owner_elem._handle, _handle); if (this.border || this.bordertype) { this._setControlBorder(_handle, this.border, this.bordertype); } if (this.background) { this._setControlBackground(_handle, this.background, this.gradation); } if (this.opacity) { nexacro.__setElementHandleOpacity(_handle, this.opacity); } if (this._hittest_type) { nexacro.__setElementHittestValue(_handle, this._hittest_type); } if (this._rtldirection) { nexacro.__setElementHandleRtlDirection(_handle, this._rtldirection); } this._refreshForeground(_handle); } if (this._handle && !this._client_element._handle) { this._client_element.create(); } if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleMirror(_handle, this.mirror); } } }; _pControlElement.destroy = function () { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { var _owner_handle = null; if (this._owner_elem && this._owner_elem._handle) { _owner_handle = this._owner_elem._handle; } if (!this._owner_elem || _owner_handle) { nexacro.AccessibilityUtil.unsupportMobileApplicationAccessibility(this); nexacro.__destroyElementHandle(_owner_handle, _handle); } this._owner_elem = null; this._handle = null; this._client_element.destroy(); this._client_element = null; } this.parent = null; this._parent_elem = null; this.linkedcontrol = null; }; _pControlElement.clearContents = function () { if (this._handle) { this._client_element.clearContents(); } }; _pControlElement.getContainerElement = function () { return this._client_element; }; _pControlElement._updateClientSize = function () { var client_left = this._inner_left; var client_top = this._inner_top; var client_width = this._inner_width; var client_height = this._inner_height; var padding = this.padding; if (this.padding) { client_left += padding.left; client_top += padding.top; client_width -= (padding.left + padding.right); client_height -= (padding.top + padding.bottom); if (client_width < 0) { client_width = 0; } if (client_height < 0) { client_height = 0; } } else if (this.padding_left || this.padding_top || this.padding_right || this.padding_bottom) { client_left += this.padding_left; client_top += this.padding_top; client_width -= (this.padding_left + this.padding_right); client_height -= (this.padding_top + this.padding_bottom); if (client_width < 0) { client_width = 0; } if (client_height < 0) { client_height = 0; } } var client_element = this._client_element; if (client_element) { if (this.client_left != client_left || this.client_top != client_top || this._bChangeRtl) { this.client_left = client_left; this.client_top = client_top; client_element.setElementPosition(client_left, client_top, this._bChangeRtl); } if (this.client_width != client_width || this.client_height != client_height) { this.client_width = client_width; this.client_height = client_height; client_element.setElementSize(client_width, client_height); } } else { this.client_left = client_left; this.client_top = client_top; this.client_width = client_width; this.client_height = client_height; } }; _pControlElement.getZoom = function () { if (this._zoomFactor) { return this._zoomFactor; } return 100; }; _pControlElement.setZoom = function (zoomFactor) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { if (zoomFactor < 0) { zoomFactor = 0; } this._zoomFactor = zoomFactor; nexacro.__setElementHandleScale(_handle, zoomFactor); } }; _pControlElement._changeDOMObjectVisibility = nexacro._emptyFn; _pControlElement.setElementPadding = function (padding) { this.padding = padding; this.padding_left = 0; this.padding_top = 0; this.padding_right = 0; this.padding_bottom = 0; this._updateClientSize(); }; _pControlElement.setElementPaddingXY = function (left, top, right, bottom) { this.padding = null; this.padding_left = left; this.padding_top = top; this.padding_right = right; this.padding_bottom = bottom; this._updateClientSize(); }; _pControlElement.appendChildElement = function (child_elem) { if (this._handle) { if (child_elem._parent_elem != this) { if (child_elem._handle) { var old_win_handle = child_elem.getRootWindowHandle(); var new_win_handle = this._client_element.getRootWindowHandle(); if (old_win_handle != new_win_handle) { child_elem._parent_elem = this; child_elem._destroyElementHandle(); } else { child_elem._parent_elem = this; } } else { child_elem._parent_elem = this; } } if (!child_elem._handle) { child_elem.create(); } else { child_elem._appendToContainer(this._client_element); } } }; _pControlElement.removeChildElement = function (child_elem) { if (child_elem._parent_elem == this) { child_elem._removeFromContainer(); } }; _pControlElement.sendToBackElement = function (cur_elem) { this._client_element.sendToBackElement(cur_elem); }; _pControlElement.bringToFrontElement = function (cur_elem) { this._client_element.bringToFrontElement(cur_elem); }; _pControlElement.moveToNextElement = function (cur_elem, target_elem) { this._client_element.moveToNextElement(cur_elem, target_elem); }; _pControlElement.moveToPrevElement = function (cur_elem, target_elem) { this._client_element.moveToPrevElement(cur_elem, target_elem); }; _pControlElementBase.saveToImage = function (fileName, fileType, compressOption) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { return nexacro.__saveToImageFile(_handle, fileName, fileType, compressOption); } }; _pControlElementBase.saveToImageFile = function (fileName, fileType, compressOption) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { return nexacro.__saveToImageFile(_handle, fileName, fileType, compressOption); } }; _pControlElementBase.saveToImageObject = function () { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { return nexacro.__saveToImageObject(_handle); } }; nexacro.FrameControlElement = function (parent_elem) { this.parent = parent_elem; this._parent_elem = parent_elem; var client_element = new nexacro.ContainerElement(this); this._client_element = client_element; this._border_elems = new nexacro.Collection(); }; var _pFrameControlElement = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.ControlElementBase, nexacro.FrameControlElement); nexacro.FrameControlElement.prototype = _pFrameControlElement; _pFrameControlElement._type_name = "FrameControlElement"; _pFrameControlElement._title_control = null; _pFrameControlElement._menubar_control = null; _pFrameControlElement._status_control = null; _pFrameControlElement._title_height = 0; _pFrameControlElement._menu_height = 0; _pFrameControlElement._status_height = 0; _pFrameControlElement._title_top = 0; _pFrameControlElement._title_width = 0; _pFrameControlElement._menu_top = 0; _pFrameControlElement._menu_width = 0; _pFrameControlElement._status_top = 0; _pFrameControlElement._status_width = 0; _pFrameControlElement._resizable = false; _pFrameControlElement._win_handle = null; _pFrameControlElement.create = function () { if (!this._handle) { if (this._parent_elem == null) { var _win = this.linkedcontrol._getWindow(); var _win_handle = this._win_handle = _win._handle; this._owner_elem = _win; this._is_window_element = true; this.left = 0; this.top = 0; this.width = _win.clientWidth; this.height = _win.clientHeight; var _handle = nexacro.__createControlElementHandle(this, _win_handle, this.left, this.top, this.width, this.height); this.linkedcontrol._unique_id = this.linkedcontrol.id; nexacro.__setElementHandleId(_handle, this.linkedcontrol._unique_id); if (this.parent) { var left = this._adjustRtlLayoutLeft(this.left, this.width); } nexacro.__setElementHandlePosition(_handle, left, this.top); this._handle = _handle; nexacro.__appendElementHandle(this._owner_elem._handle, _handle); if (this.border || this.bordertype) { this._setControlBorder(_handle, this.border, this.bordertype); } if (this.background) { this._setControlBackground(_handle, this.background, this.gradation); } if (this.opacity) { nexacro.__setElementHandleOpacity(_handle, this.opacity); } if (this._hittest_type) { nexacro.__setElementHittestValue(_handle, this._hittest_type); } this._refreshForeground(_handle); this._client_element.create(); } else { var _owner_elem = (this._is_nc_element) ? this._parent_elem : this._parent_elem.getContainerElement(); if (_owner_elem && _owner_elem._handle && !this._handle) { this._owner_elem = _owner_elem; var _win_handle = _owner_elem.getRootWindowHandle(); var _handle = nexacro.__createControlElementHandle(this, _win_handle, this.left, this.top, this.width, this.height); this.linkedcontrol._unique_id = this.linkedcontrol.parent._unique_id + '_' + this.linkedcontrol.id; nexacro.__setElementHandleId(_handle, this.linkedcontrol._unique_id); if (this.parent) { var left = this._adjustRtlLayoutLeft(this.left, this.width); } nexacro.__setElementHandlePosition(_handle, left, this.top); this._handle = _handle; nexacro.__appendElementHandle(_owner_elem._handle, _handle); if (this.border || this.bordertype) { this._setControlBorder(_handle, this.border, this.bordertype); } if (this.background) { this._setControlBackground(_handle, this.background, this.gradation); } if (this.opacity) { nexacro.__setElementHandleOpacity(_handle, this.opacity); } if (this._hittest_type) { nexacro.__setElementHittestValue(_handle, this._hittest_type); } this._refreshForeground(_handle); if (this._client_element) { this._client_element.create(); } } } if (this._resizable) { this._createBorderElements(); this._updateBorderElementsPosition(); } } else { } }; _pFrameControlElement.destroy = function () { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { var _owner_handle = null; if (this._owner_elem && this._owner_elem._handle) { _owner_handle = this._owner_elem._handle; } if (!this._owner_elem || _owner_handle) { nexacro.__destroyElementHandle(_owner_handle, _handle); } this._owner_elem = null; this._win_handle = null; this._handle = null; this._destroyBorderElements(); if (this._client_element) { this._client_element.destroy(); } this._client_element = null; this._title_control = null; this._menubar_control = null; this._status_control = null; } this.parent = null; this._parent_elem = null; this.linkedcontrol = null; }; _pFrameControlElement.clearContents = function () { if (this._handle) { this._client_element.clearContents(); } }; _pFrameControlElement.getContainerElement = function () { return this._client_element; }; _pFrameControlElement.getRootWindowHandle = function () { if (this._is_window_element) { return this._win_handle; } else if (this._owner_elem) { return this._owner_elem.getRootWindowHandle(); } else if (this._parent && this._parent.getRootWindowHandle) { return this._parent.getRootWindowHandle(); } return null; }; _pFrameControlElement._updateClientSize = function () { var client_left = this._inner_left; var client_top = this._inner_top; var client_width = this._inner_width; var client_height = this._inner_height; var title_control = this._title_control; if (title_control) { if (!this._is_verticalmin && (this.client_left != client_left || this._title_top != client_top || this._title_width != client_width)) { this._title_top = client_top; this._title_width = client_width; title_control.move(client_left, client_top, client_width, this._title_height); } else if (this._is_verticalmin && (this.client_left != client_left || this._title_top != client_top || this._title_width != client_width)) { this._title_top = client_top; this._title_width = client_width; title_control.move(client_left, client_top, client_width, client_height); } if (this._is_verticalmin != true) { client_top += this._title_height; client_height -= this._title_height; if (client_height < 0) { client_height = 0; } } else { client_left += this._title_width; client_width -= this._title_width; if (client_width < 0) { client_width = 0; } } } else { this._title_top = client_top; } var menubar_control = this._menubar_control; if (menubar_control) { var menu_top = client_top; if (this.client_left != client_left || this._menu_top != client_top || this._menu_width != client_width) { this._menu_top = client_top; this._menu_width = client_width; menubar_control.move(client_left, client_top, client_width, this._menu_height); } client_top += this._menu_height; client_height -= this._menu_height; if (client_height < 0) { client_height = 0; } } else { this._menu_top = client_top; } var status_control = this._status_control; if (status_control) { if (this._status_height > 0) { client_height -= this._status_height; if (client_height < 0) { client_height = 0; } } var status_top = client_top + client_height; if (this.client_left != client_left || this._status_top != status_top || this._status_width != client_width) { this._status_top = status_top; this._status_width = client_width; status_control.move(client_left, status_top, client_width, this._status_height); } } else { this._status_top = client_top + client_height; } var client_element = this._client_element; if (client_element) { if (this.client_left != client_left || this.client_top != client_top) { this.client_left = client_left; this.client_top = client_top; client_element.setElementPosition(client_left, client_top); } if (this.client_width != client_width || this.client_height != client_height) { this.client_width = client_width; this.client_height = client_height; client_element.setElementSize(client_width, client_height); } } this.client_left = client_left; this.client_top = client_top; this.client_width = client_width; this.client_height = client_height; this._updateBorderElementsPosition(); }; _pFrameControlElement.appendChildElement = function (child_elem) { if (this._handle) { if (!this._client_element) { return; } if (child_elem._parent_elem == this._client_element) { child_elem._is_nc_element = true; } else { if (child_elem._handle) { if (child_elem._doc != this._doc) { child_elem._parent_elem = this._client_element; child_elem._destroyDOMHandle(); } else { child_elem._parent_elem = this._client_element; } } else { child_elem._parent_elem = this._client_element; } } child_elem._is_nc_element = true; child_elem.setElementPosition(0, 0); child_elem.setElementSize(this.client_width, this.client_height); if (this.font) { child_elem.setElementFont(this.font); } if (this.color) { child_elem.setElementColor(this.color); } if (this.align) { child_elem.setElementAlign(this.align); } else if (this.halign || this.valign) { child_elem.setElementAlignXY(this.halign, this.valign); } if (!child_elem._handle) { child_elem.create(); } else { child_elem._appendToContainer(this._client_element); } } }; _pFrameControlElement.removeChildElement = function (child_elem) { if (child_elem._parent_elem == this) { child_elem._removeFromContainer(); } }; _pFrameControlElement.sendToBackElement = function (target_elem) { if (target_elem && target_elem._owner_elem && target_elem._owner_elem._owner_elem == this && target_elem._handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleSendToBack(target_elem._handle); if (target_elem._border_elems) { for (var i = 0; i < target_elem._border_elems.length; i++) { nexacro.__setElementHandleSendToBack(target_elem._border_elems[i]._handle); } } } }; _pFrameControlElement.bringToFrontElement = function (cur_elem) { if (cur_elem && cur_elem._owner_elem && cur_elem._owner_elem._owner_elem == this && cur_elem._handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleBringToFront(cur_elem._handle); if (cur_elem._border_elems) { for (var i = 0; i < cur_elem._border_elems.length; i++) { nexacro.__setElementHandleBringToFront(cur_elem._border_elems[i]._handle); } } } }; _pFrameControlElement.moveToNextElement = function (cur_elem, target_elem) { var client_element = this.getContainerElement(cur_elem.position_step); client_element.moveToNextElement(cur_elem, target_elem); }; _pFrameControlElement.moveToPrevElement = function (cur_elem, target_elem) { var client_element = this.getContainerElement(cur_elem.position_step); client_element.moveToPrevElement(cur_elem, target_elem); }; _pFrameControlElement.setTitleBarControl = function (title_control, title_height) { if (this._title_control != title_control) { if (title_control) { title_control._is_nc_control = true; this._title_control = title_control; this._title_height = parseInt(title_height) | 0; this._title_width = 0; } else { this._title_control = null; this._title_height = 0; this._title_width = 0; } this._updateClientSize(); } else if (title_control) { this._title_height = parseInt(title_height) | 0; this._title_width = 0; this._updateClientSize(); } }; _pFrameControlElement.setStatusBarControl = function (status_control, status_height) { if (this._status_control != status_control) { if (status_control) { status_control._is_nc_control = true; this._status_control = status_control; this._status_height = parseInt(status_height) | 0; this._status_width = 0; } else { this._status_control = null; this._status_height = 0; this._status_width = 0; } this._updateClientSize(); } else if (status_control) { this._status_height = parseInt(menu_height) | 0; this._status_width = 0; this._updateClientSize(); } }; _pFrameControlElement._createBorderElements = function () { var parent_elem = this._parent_elem; if (this._border_elems.length > 0) { return; } var name_table = Array("lt", "t", "rt", "l", "r", "lb", "b", "rb"); for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { var border_elem = new nexacro.FrameResizeBorderElement(parent_elem); this._border_elems.add_item(name_table[i], border_elem); } for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { var border_elem = this._border_elems[i]; border_elem.linkedcontrol = this.linkedcontrol; border_elem.create(); } this._setResizable(this._resizable); }; _pFrameControlElement._destroyBorderElements = function () { for (var i = 0; i < this._border_elems.length; i++) { this._border_elems[i].destroy(); this._border_elems[i] = null; } }; _pFrameControlElement.setElementPosition = function (x, y) { nexacro.ControlElementBase.prototype.setElementPosition.call(this, x, y); this._updateBorderElementsPosition(); }; _pFrameControlElement.setElementSize = function (w, h) { nexacro.ControlElementBase.prototype.setElementSize.call(this, w, h); this._updateBorderElementsPosition(); if (this._is_window_element) { var border = this.border; var bordertype = this.bordertype; var win = this.linkedcontrol._getWindow(); var win_handle = win._handle; nexacro.__updateWindowHandleRegion(win_handle, border ? border._getBorderLeftWidth() : 0, border ? border._getBorderTopWidth() : 0, border ? border._getBorderRightWidth() : 0, border ? border._getBorderBottomWidth() : 0, bordertype ? bordertype.type : "normal", bordertype ? bordertype.radiusx : 0, bordertype ? bordertype.radiusy : 0, bordertype ? bordertype.lefttop : true, bordertype ? bordertype.righttop : true, bordertype ? bordertype.leftbottom : true, bordertype ? bordertype.rightbottom : true, w, h); } }; _pFrameControlElement._updateBorderElementsPosition = function () { if (this._border_elems.length == 0) { return; } var border = this.border; var lw, tw, rw, bw; if (border) { if (border._linecnt == 1) { lw = tw = rw = bw = border._getBorderLeftWidth(); } else { lw = border._getBorderLeftWidth(); tw = border._getBorderTopWidth(); rw = border._getBorderRightWidth(); bw = border._getBorderBottomWidth(); } } else { lw = tw = rw = bw = 0; } var inner_width = this._inner_width; var inner_height = this._inner_height; if (lw < 5) { var lx = 5 - lw; lw += lx; inner_width -= lx; } if (tw < 5) { var tx = 5 - tw; tw += tx; inner_height -= tx; } if (rw < 5) { var rx = 5 - rw; rw += rx; inner_width -= rx; } if (bw < 5) { var bx = 5 - bw; bw += bx; inner_height -= bx; } var left = this.left; var top = this.top; var right = left + this.width; var bottom = top + this.height; var x = left; var y = top; for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { this._border_elems[i].setElementPosition(x, y); switch (i) { case 0: x += lw; break; case 1: x += inner_width; break; case 2: x = left; y += tw; break; case 3: x += (lw + inner_width); break; case 4: x = left; y += inner_height; break; case 5: x += lw; break; case 6: x += inner_width; break; case 7: break; } } for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (i == 0 || i == 3 || i == 5) { x = lw; } if (i == 1 || i == 6) { x = inner_width; } if (i == 2 || i == 4 || i == 7) { x = rw; } if (i < 3) { y = tw; } else if (i < 5) { y = inner_height; } else { y = bw; } this._border_elems[i].setElementSize(x, y); } }; _pFrameControlElement._setResizable = function (resizable) { this._resizable = resizable; if (this._handle) { if (this._border_elems.length == 0) { if (resizable) { this._createBorderElements(); this._updateBorderElementsPosition(); } else { return; } } var is_apply; if (nexacro.System.navigatorname == "nexacro") { is_apply = (this._is_window_element && resizable); } else { is_apply = (this._is_window_element && resizable); if (this._getWindowHandle() == nexacro._getMainWindowHandle()) { is_apply = false; } } var cursor_table = Array("nw", "n", "ne", "w", "e", "sw", "s", "se"); var hittest_table = Array("topleft", "top", "topright", "left", "right", "bottomleft", "bottom", "bottomright"); for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { var border_elem = this._border_elems[i]; border_elem._is_track = resizable; var cursor; if (resizable) { cursor = new nexacro.Style_value(cursor_table[i] + "-resize"); } else { cursor = new nexacro.Style_value("arrow"); } if (is_apply) { border_elem.setElementHittestType("resizingborder_" + hittest_table[i]); } else { border_elem.setElementHittestType("fixedborder"); } border_elem.setElementCursor(cursor); } } if (this._status_control) { this._status_control._setResizable(resizable); } }; nexacro.FrameResizeBorderElement = function (parent_elem) { this.parent = parent_elem; this._parent_elem = parent_elem; }; var _pFrameResizeBorderElement = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.SimpleControlElement, nexacro.FrameResizeBorderElement); nexacro.FrameResizeBorderElement.prototype = _pFrameResizeBorderElement; _pFrameResizeBorderElement._type_name = "FrameResizeBorderElement"; _pFrameResizeBorderElement._win_handle = null; _pFrameResizeBorderElement.create = function () { var _owner_elem; var _win_handle; if (this._parent_elem == null) { var _win = this.linkedcontrol._getWindow(); _owner_elem = _win; _win_handle = this._win_handle = _win._handle; this.left = 0; this.top = 0; this.width = 0; this.height = 0; } else { _owner_elem = (this._is_nc_element) ? this._parent_elem : this._parent_elem.getContainerElement(); _win_handle = _owner_elem.getRootWindowHandle(); } if (_owner_elem && _owner_elem._handle && !this._handle) { this._owner_elem = _owner_elem; var _handle = nexacro.__createControlElementHandle(this, _win_handle, this.left, this.top, this.width, this.height); _handle._linked_element = this; var handle_style = _handle.style; this._handle = this._dest_handle = _handle; nexacro.__appendElementHandle(this._owner_elem._handle, _handle); if (this.border || this.bordertype) { this._setControlBorder(_handle, this.border, this.bordertype); } if (this.background) { this._setControlBackground(_handle, this.background, this.gradation); } if (this.opacity) { nexacro.__setElementHandleOpacity(_handle, this.opacity); } if (this._hittest_type) { nexacro.__setElementHittestValue(_handle, this._hittest_type); } this._refreshForeground(_handle); if (this._client_element) { this._client_element.create(); } } }; _pFrameResizeBorderElement.destroy = function () { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { var _owner_handle = null; if (this._owner_elem && this._owner_elem._handle) { _owner_handle = this._owner_elem._handle; } if (!this._owner_elem || _owner_handle) { nexacro.__destroyElementHandle(_owner_handle, _handle); } this._owner_elem = null; this._win_handle = null; this._handle = null; } this.parent = null; this._parent_elem = null; this.linkedcontrol = null; }; _pFrameResizeBorderElement.getRootWindowHandle = function () { if (this._is_window_element) { return this._win_handle; } else if (this._owner_elem) { return this._owner_elem.getRootWindowHandle(); } return null; }; _pFrameResizeBorderElement._on_starttrack = function () { this.linkedcontrol._on_border_starttrack(this.cursor); }; _pFrameResizeBorderElement._on_endtrack = function (x, y, dragdata) { this.linkedcontrol._on_border_endtrack(x, y, dragdata); }; _pFrameResizeBorderElement._on_movetrack = function (x, y, dragdata) { this.linkedcontrol._on_border_movetrack(x, y, dragdata); }; delete _pFrameResizeBorderElement; nexacro.ModalOverlayElement = function (parent_elem) { this._parent = parent_elem; this._parent_elem = parent_elem; }; var _pModalOverlayElement = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.ControlElement, nexacro.ModalOverlayElement); nexacro.ModalOverlayElement.prototype = _pModalOverlayElement; _pModalOverlayElement._type_name = "ModalOverlayElement"; _pModalOverlayElement.create = function (zindex, color, ref_dest_handle) { if (this._parent_elem && !this._handle) { var _win = this.linkedcontrol._getWindow(); this._win_handle = _win._handle; this.left = 0; this.top = 0; this.width = _win.clientWidth; this.height = _win.clientHeight; var _handle = this._handle = this._dest_handle = nexacro.__createControlElementHandle(this, this._win_handle, this.left, this.top, this.width, this.height); _handle._linked_element = this; var handle_style = _handle.style; nexacro.__setElementHandleZindex(_handle, zindex); this.setElementColor(color); var _win = this.linkedcontrol._getWindow(); var _owner_elem = _win; if (ref_dest_handle) { nexacro.__insertElementHandle(_owner_elem._handle, _handle, ref_dest_handle); } else { nexacro.__appendElementHandle(_owner_elem._handle, _handle); } this._refreshForeground(_handle); } }; _pModalOverlayElement.destroy = function () { if (!this._handle) { return; } var _win = this.linkedcontrol._getWindow(); var _owner_elem = _win; nexacro.__destroyElementHandle(_owner_elem._handle, this._handle); this._handle = null; }; _pModalOverlayElement.setElementColor = function (color) { nexacro.__setElementHandleBackgroundColor(this._handle, color ? color._syscolor : 0); }; _pModalOverlayElement.getContainerElement = function () { return this; }; _pModalOverlayElement.getRootWindowHandle = function () { return this._win_handle; }; delete _pModalOverlayElement; nexacro.ScrollableControlElement = function (parent_elem) { this.parent = parent_elem; this._parent_elem = parent_elem; var client_element = new nexacro.ScrollableContainerElement(this); this._client_element = client_element; }; var _pScrollableControlElement = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.ControlElementBase, nexacro.ScrollableControlElement); nexacro.ScrollableControlElement.prototype = _pScrollableControlElement; _pScrollableControlElement._type_name = "ScrollableControlElement"; _pScrollableControlElement._zoomFactor = 100; _pScrollableControlElement.scroll_left = 0; _pScrollableControlElement.scroll_top = 0; _pScrollableControlElement.container_maxwidth = 0; _pScrollableControlElement.container_maxheight = 0; _pScrollableControlElement._hscroll_visible = false; _pScrollableControlElement._vscroll_visible = false; _pScrollableControlElement._hscroll_height = 0; _pScrollableControlElement._vscroll_width = 0; _pScrollableControlElement._hscroll_left = 0; _pScrollableControlElement._hscroll_top = 0; _pScrollableControlElement._hscroll_width = 0; _pScrollableControlElement._vscroll_left = 0; _pScrollableControlElement._vscroll_top = 0; _pScrollableControlElement._vscroll_height = 0; _pScrollableControlElement.hscroll_limit = 0; _pScrollableControlElement.vscroll_limit = 0; _pScrollableControlElement._scroll_showtype = -1; _pScrollableControlElement._scrollview_width_top = 0; _pScrollableControlElement._step_count = 0; _pScrollableControlElement._step_index = -1; _pScrollableControlElement._init_left = 0; _pScrollableControlElement._init_top = 0; _pScrollableControlElement._init_width = 0; _pScrollableControlElement._init_height = 0; _pScrollableControlElement._hscroll_control = null; _pScrollableControlElement._vscroll_control = null; _pScrollableControlElement._resizebutton_element = null; _pScrollableControlElement._step_containers = null; _pScrollableControlElement._scroll_overlap = false; _pScrollableControlElement.create = function () { var _owner_elem = (this._is_nc_element) ? this._parent_elem : this._parent_elem.getContainerElement(this.position_step); if (_owner_elem && _owner_elem._handle) { if (!this._handle) { this._owner_elem = _owner_elem; var _win_handle = _owner_elem.getRootWindowHandle(); var _handle = nexacro.__createScrollableControlElementHandle(this, _win_handle, this.left, this.top, this.width, this.height); this.linkedcontrol._unique_id = this.linkedcontrol.parent._unique_id + '_' + this.linkedcontrol.id; nexacro.__setElementHandleId(_handle, this.linkedcontrol._unique_id); this._handle = _handle; nexacro.__appendElementHandle(_owner_elem._handle, _handle); if (this._init_width > 0 || this._init_height > 0) { nexacro.__setElementHandleInitPosSize(_handle, this._init_left, this._init_top, this._init_width, this._init_height); } if (this.border || this.bordertype) { this._setControlBorder(_handle, this.border, this.bordertype); } if (this.background) { this._setControlBackground(_handle, this.background, this.gradation); } if (this.opacity) { nexacro.__setElementHandleOpacity(_handle, this.opacity); } if (this._hittest_type) { nexacro.__setElementHittestValue(_handle, this._hittest_type); } this._refreshForeground(_handle); } if (this._handle && !this._client_element._handle) { this._client_element.create(); } if (this._handle) { var step_count = this._step_count; if (step_count > 0) { this._step_containers = []; for (var i = 0; i < step_count; i++) { var step_client = new nexacro.ContainerElement(this._client_element); step_client.setElementPosition(i * this.client_width, 0); step_client.setElementSize(this.client_width, this.client_height); step_client.create(); this._step_containers.push(step_client); } if (this._scroll_showtype >= 0) { this._updateClientSize(); } } } } }; _pScrollableControlElement.destroy = function () { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { var _owner_handle = null; if (this._owner_elem && this._owner_elem._handle) { _owner_handle = this._owner_elem._handle; } if (!this._owner_elem || _owner_handle) { nexacro.__destroyElementHandle(_owner_handle, _handle); } this._owner_elem = null; this._handle = null; this._client_element.destroy(); var step_containers = this._step_containers; if (step_containers) { var step_count = step_containers.length; for (var i = 0; i < step_count; i++) { var step_client = step_containers[i]; step_client.destroy(); } this._step_containers = null; } this._hscroll_control = null; this._vscroll_control = null; } this.parent = null; this._parent_elem = null; this.linkedcontrol = null; }; _pScrollableControlElement.clearContents = function () { if (this._handle) { this._client_element.clearContents(); var step_containers = this._step_containers; if (step_containers) { var step_count = step_containers.length; for (var i = 0; i < step_count; i++) { var step_client = step_containers[i]; step_client.destroy(); } this._step_containers = null; } } }; _pScrollableControlElement.getContainerElement = function (position_step) { var step_count = this._step_count; var step_index = this._step_index; var step_containers = this._step_containers; if (step_count > 0 && step_containers && step_count > position_step) { if (position_step < 0 || position_step == null) { position_step = (step_index > -1 ? step_index : 0); } return step_containers[position_step]; } else { return this._client_element; } }; _pScrollableControlElement.setElementStepCount = function (count) { if (this._step_count != count) { var step_count = this._step_count; var step_containers = this._step_containers; if (step_containers && this._step_count) { for (var i = 0; i < step_count; i++) { var step_client = step_containers[i]; step_client.destroy(); } this._step_containers = null; } this._step_count = count; if (this._handle && count > 0) { this._step_containers = []; for (var i = 0; i < count; i++) { var step_client = new nexacro.ContainerElement(this._client_element); step_client.setElementPosition(i * this.client_width, 0); step_client.setElementSize(this.client_width, this.client_height); step_client.create(); this._step_containers.push(step_client); } } if (this._scroll_showtype >= 0) { this._updateClientSize(); } } }; _pScrollableControlElement.setElementStepIndex = function (index) { if (this._step_index != index) { if (this._step_count > 0) { if (index > -1 && this._step_count > index) { this._step_index = index; } } else { this._step_index = index; } } }; _pScrollableControlElement.getZoom = function () { return this._zoomFactor; }; _pScrollableControlElement.setZoom = function (zoomFactor) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { if (zoomFactor < 0) { zoomFactor = 0; } this._zoomFactor = zoomFactor; var client = this.getContainerElement(); nexacro.__setElementHandleScale(client._handle, this._zoomFactor); this._updateClientSize(); } }; _pScrollableControlElement.setElementRtlDirection = function (rtldirection) { nexacro.Element.prototype.setElementRtlDirection.call(this, rtldirection); var step_count = this._step_count; var step_containers = this._step_containers; if (step_containers && this._step_count) { this.container_maxwidth = step_count * this.client_width; for (var i = 0; i < step_count; i++) { var step_client = step_containers[i]; step_client.setElementPosition(i * this.client_width, 0, true); } this._client_element.setElementHScrollPos(this.client_width * this._step_index, true); } else if (this.parent instanceof nexacro.TextArea) { } else { this._client_element.setElementHScrollPos(this._client_element._scroll_left, true); } }; _pScrollableControlElement.setElementPadding = function (padding) { this.padding = padding; this.padding_left = 0; this.padding_top = 0; this.padding_right = 0; this.padding_bottom = 0; this._updateClientSize(); }; _pScrollableControlElement._updateClientSize = function () { var client_left = this._inner_left; var client_top = this._inner_top; var client_width = this._inner_width; var client_height = this._inner_height; var padding = this.padding; if (padding) { client_left += padding.left; client_top += padding.top; client_width -= (padding.left + padding.right); client_height -= (padding.top + padding.bottom); if (client_width < 0) { client_width = 0; } if (client_height < 0) { client_height = 0; } } else if (this.padding_left || this.padding_top || this.padding_right || this.padding_bottom) { client_left += this.padding_left; client_top += this.padding_top; client_width -= (this.padding_left + this.padding_right); client_height -= (this.padding_top + this.padding_bottom); if (client_width < 0) { client_width = 0; } if (client_height < 0) { client_height = 0; } } var client_element = this._client_element; if (!client_element || client_width == 0 || client_height == 0) { return; } var zoomFactor = this._zoomFactor / 100; var scroll_showtype = this._scroll_showtype; var hscroll_hidden = false; var zclient_width = client_width / zoomFactor; var zclient_height = client_height / zoomFactor; var container_maxwidth = this.container_maxwidth; var container_maxheight = this.container_maxheight; var vscroll_control = this._vscroll_control; var hscroll_control = this._hscroll_control; var vscroll_width = this._vscroll_width; var step_count = this._step_count; var step_index = this._step_index; var step_containers = this._step_containers; if (step_count > 0 && step_containers) { hscroll_hidden = true; } if (scroll_showtype > 0) { var hscroll_visible = false; var vscroll_visible = false; var hscroll_limit = 0; var vscroll_limit = 0; if (scroll_showtype == 1) { if (vscroll_control && container_maxheight > zclient_height) { vscroll_visible = true; client_width -= vscroll_width; zclient_width = client_width / zoomFactor; vscroll_limit = container_maxheight - zclient_height; } if (step_count > 0 && step_containers) { container_maxwidth = step_count * zclient_width; } if (hscroll_control && container_maxwidth > zclient_width) { if (!hscroll_hidden) { hscroll_visible = true; client_height -= this._hscroll_height; zclient_height = client_height / zoomFactor; } if (vscroll_control && container_maxheight > zclient_height) { if (!vscroll_visible) { vscroll_visible = true; client_width -= vscroll_width; zclient_width = client_width / zoomFactor; } vscroll_limit = container_maxheight - zclient_height; } hscroll_limit = container_maxwidth - zclient_width; } } else if (scroll_showtype == 2) { if (vscroll_control) { vscroll_visible = true; client_width -= vscroll_width; zclient_width = client_width / zoomFactor; vscroll_limit = this.container_maxheight + this._hscroll_height - zclient_height; } if (step_count > 0 && step_containers) { container_maxwidth = step_count * zclient_width; } if (hscroll_control) { if (!hscroll_hidden) { hscroll_visible = true; client_height -= this._hscroll_height; zclient_height = client_height / zoomFactor; } hscroll_limit = container_maxwidth - zclient_width; } } else if (scroll_showtype == 31) { if (vscroll_control) { vscroll_visible = true; client_width -= vscroll_width; zclient_width = client_width / zoomFactor; vscroll_limit = this.container_maxheight - zclient_height; } if (step_count > 0 && step_containers) { container_maxwidth = step_count * zclient_width; } if (hscroll_control && container_maxwidth > zclient_width) { if (!hscroll_hidden) { hscroll_visible = true; client_height -= this._hscroll_height; zclient_height = client_height / zoomFactor; } if (vscroll_control && this.container_maxheight > zclient_height) { if (!vscroll_visible) { vscroll_visible = true; client_width -= vscroll_width; zclient_width = client_width / zoomFactor; } vscroll_limit = this.container_maxheight - zclient_height; } hscroll_limit = container_maxwidth - zclient_width; } } else if (scroll_showtype == 32) { if (vscroll_control && this.container_maxheight > zclient_height) { vscroll_visible = true; client_width -= vscroll_width; zclient_width = client_width / zoomFactor; vscroll_limit = this.container_maxheight + this._hscroll_height - zclient_height; } if (step_count > 0 && step_containers) { container_maxwidth = step_count * zclient_width; } if (hscroll_control) { if (!hscroll_hidden) { hscroll_visible = true; client_height -= this._hscroll_height; zclient_height = client_height / zoomFactor; } hscroll_limit = container_maxwidth - zclient_width; } } this.container_maxwidth = container_maxwidth; var reset_vlimit = false; var reset_hlimit = false; if (this.hscroll_limit != hscroll_limit) { reset_hlimit = true; this.hscroll_limit = hscroll_limit; } if (this.vscroll_limit != vscroll_limit) { reset_vlimit = true; this.vscroll_limit = vscroll_limit; } var reset_vscroll = false; var reset_hscroll = false; var reset_vscroll_enable = false; var reset_hscroll_enable = false; if (this.scroll_top > vscroll_limit) { reset_vscroll = true; this.scroll_top = vscroll_limit; } if (this.scroll_left > hscroll_limit) { reset_hscroll = true; this.scroll_left = hscroll_limit; } if (this.client_left != client_left || this.client_top != client_top || this._bChangeRtl) { this.client_left = client_left; this.client_top = client_top; client_element.setElementPosition(client_left, client_top, this._bChangeRtl); } if (this.client_width != zclient_width || this.client_height != zclient_height || client_element.width != zclient_width || client_element.height != zclient_height) { this.client_width = client_width; this.client_height = client_height; client_element.setElementSize(client_width, client_height); if (step_count > 0 && step_containers) { for (var i = 0; i < step_count; i++) { var step_client_element = step_containers[i]; step_client_element.setElementPosition(zclient_width * i, 0); step_client_element.setElementSize(client_width, client_height); } var step_scroll_left = client_width * step_index; if (this.scroll_left != step_scroll_left) { reset_hscroll = true; this.scroll_left = step_scroll_left; } } } if (reset_hscroll) { client_element.setElementHScrollPos(this.scroll_left, true); } if (reset_vscroll) { client_element.setElementVScrollPos(this.scroll_top); } if (vscroll_control) { if (vscroll_control.parent.enable != vscroll_control.enable) { reset_vscroll_enable = true; } if (vscroll_visible) { if (!this._vscroll_visible) { this._vscroll_visible = true; vscroll_control.set_visible(true); } if (this._vscroll_left != (client_left + client_width) || this._vscroll_top != client_top || this._vscroll_height != client_height || reset_vlimit) { this._vscroll_left = (client_left + client_width); this._vscroll_top = client_top; this._vscroll_height = client_height; vscroll_control._setScrollInfo(this._vscroll_left, client_top, vscroll_width, this._vscroll_height, 0, this.vscroll_limit, 30, client_height, client_height, true, this.scroll_top); } else if (reset_vscroll) { vscroll_control._setScrollPos(this.scroll_top); } if (reset_vscroll_enable) { vscroll_control._setEnable(vscroll_control.parent.enable); } } else { if (this._vscroll_left != (client_left + client_width) || this._vscroll_top != client_top || this._vscroll_height != client_height || reset_vlimit) { this._vscroll_left = (client_left + client_width); this._vscroll_top = client_top; this._vscroll_height = client_height; vscroll_control._setScrollInfo(this._vscroll_left - this._vscroll_width, client_top, this._vscroll_width, this._vscroll_height, 0, this.vscroll_limit, 30, zclient_height, zclient_height, false, this.scroll_top); } else if (reset_vscroll) { vscroll_control._setScrollPos(this.scroll_top); } if (reset_vscroll_enable) { vscroll_control._setEnable(vscroll_control.parent.enable); } if (this._vscroll_visible) { this._vscroll_visible = false; vscroll_control.set_visible(false); } } } if (hscroll_control) { if (hscroll_control.parent.enable != hscroll_control.enable) { reset_hscroll_enable = true; } if (hscroll_visible) { if (!this._hscroll_visible) { this._hscroll_visible = true; hscroll_control.set_visible(true); } if (this._hscroll_left != client_left || this._hscroll_top != (client_top + client_height) || this._hscroll_width != client_width || reset_hlimit) { this._hscroll_left = client_left; this._hscroll_top = (client_top + client_height); this._hscroll_width = client_width; hscroll_control._setScrollInfo(client_left, this._hscroll_top, this._hscroll_width, this._hscroll_height, 0, this.hscroll_limit, 30, zclient_width, zclient_width, true, this.scroll_left); } else if (reset_hscroll) { hscroll_control._setScrollPos(this.scroll_left); } if (reset_hscroll_enable) { hscroll_control._setEnable(hscroll_control.parent.enable); } } else { if (this._hscroll_left != client_left || this._hscroll_top != (client_top + client_height) || this._hscroll_width != client_width || reset_hlimit) { this._hscroll_left = client_left; this._hscroll_top = (client_top + client_height); this._hscroll_width = client_width; hscroll_control._setScrollInfo(client_left, this._hscroll_top - this._hscroll_height, this._hscroll_width, this._hscroll_height, 0, this.hscroll_limit, 30, zclient_width, zclient_width, false, this.scroll_left); } else if (reset_hscroll) { hscroll_control._setScrollPos(this.scroll_left); } if (reset_hscroll_enable) { hscroll_control._setEnable(hscroll_control.parent.enable); } if (this._hscroll_visible) { this._hscroll_visible = false; hscroll_control.set_visible(false); } } } } else { if (step_count > 0 && step_containers) { container_maxwidth = step_count * this.client_width * zoomFactor / 100; var hscroll_limit = 0; if (container_maxwidth > client_width) { hscroll_limit = container_maxwidth - client_width; } if (this.hscroll_limit != hscroll_limit) { this.hscroll_limit = hscroll_limit; } } if (this.client_left != client_left || this.client_top != client_top) { this.client_left = client_left; this.client_top = client_top; client_element.setElementPosition(client_left, client_top); } if (this.client_width != zclient_width || this.client_height != zclient_height || client_element.width != zclient_width || client_element.height != zclient_height) { this.client_width = client_width; this.client_height = client_height; client_element.setElementSize(client_width, client_height); if (step_count > 0 && step_containers && step_count > step_index) { for (var i = 0; i < step_count; i++) { var step_client_element = step_containers[i]; step_client_element.setElementPosition(zclient_width * i, 0); step_client_element.setElementSize(client_width, client_height); } } } } }; _pScrollableControlElement.appendChildElement = function (child_elem) { if (this._handle) { if (child_elem._parent_elem != this) { if (child_elem._handle) { var old_win_handle = child_elem.getRootWindowHandle(); var new_win_handle = this._client_element.getRootWindowHandle(); if (old_win_handle != new_win_handle) { child_elem._parent_elem = this; child_elem._destroyElementHandle(); } else { child_elem._parent_elem = this; } } else { child_elem._parent_elem = this; } } if (!child_elem._handle) { child_elem.create(); } else { var client_element = this.getContainerElement(child_elem.position_step); child_elem._appendToContainer(client_element); } } }; _pScrollableControlElement.removeChildElement = function (child_elem) { if (child_elem._parent_elem == this) { child_elem._removeFromContainer(); } }; _pScrollableControlElement.sendToBackElement = function (cur_elem) { var client_element = this.getContainerElement(cur_elem.position_step); client_element.sendToBackElement(cur_elem); }; _pScrollableControlElement.bringToFrontElement = function (cur_elem) { var client_element = this.getContainerElement(cur_elem.position_step); client_element.bringToFrontElement(cur_elem); }; _pScrollableControlElement.moveToNextElement = function (cur_elem, target_elem) { var client_element = this.getContainerElement(cur_elem.position_step); client_element.moveToNextElement(cur_elem, target_elem); }; _pScrollableControlElement.moveToPrevElement = function (cur_elem, target_elem) { var client_element = this.getContainerElement(cur_elem.position_step); client_element.moveToPrevElement(cur_elem, target_elem); }; _pScrollableControlElement.bringToFrontUseZIndex = function () { var parent = this._parent_elem; if (parent) { if (!this.visible) { this.setElementVisible(true); } parent.bringToFrontElement(this); } }; _pScrollableControlElement.sendToBackUseZIndex = function () { var parent = this._parent_elem; if (parent) { if (!this.visible) { this.setElementVisible(true); } parent.sendToBackElement(this); } }; _pScrollableControlElement.setScrollControls = function (hscroll_control, vscroll_control, hscroll_height, vscroll_width, scroll_showtype) { var recalc = false; if (this._scroll_showtype != scroll_showtype) { this._scroll_showtype = scroll_showtype; recalc = true; } if (this._hscroll_control != hscroll_control) { if (hscroll_control) { this._hscroll_visible = true; hscroll_control._is_nc_control = true; this._hscroll_control = hscroll_control; if (this._hscroll_height != hscroll_height) { this._hscroll_height = hscroll_height; recalc = true; } } else { this._hscroll_control = null; if (this._hscroll_height) { this._hscroll_height = 0; recalc = true; } this._hscroll_left = 0; this._hscroll_top = 0; this._hscroll_width = 0; } } if (this._vscroll_control != vscroll_control) { if (vscroll_control) { this._vscroll_visible = true; vscroll_control._is_nc_control = true; this._vscroll_control = vscroll_control; if (this._vscroll_width != vscroll_width) { this._vscroll_width = vscroll_width; recalc = true; } } else { this._vscroll_control = null; if (this._vscroll_width) { this._vscroll_width = 0; recalc = true; } this._vscroll_left = 0; this._vscroll_top = 0; this._vscroll_height = 0; } } if (recalc) { this._updateClientSize(); } }; _pScrollableControlElement.setElementHScrollPos = function (hpos, bForce) { if (hpos < 0) { hpos = 0; } if (hpos > this.hscroll_limit) { hpos = this.hscroll_limit; } if (this.scroll_left != hpos || bForce) { this.scroll_left = hpos; if (this._client_element) { this._client_element.setElementHScrollPos(hpos, bForce); } if (this._hscroll_control) { this._hscroll_control._setScrollPos(this.scroll_left); } if (nexacro._enableaccessibility && nexacro._accessibilitytype == 5) { this._refreshForeground(this._handle); } } }; _pScrollableControlElement.setElementVScrollPos = function (vpos) { if (vpos < 0) { vpos = 0; } if (vpos > this.vscroll_limit) { vpos = this.vscroll_limit; } if (this.scroll_top != vpos) { this.scroll_top = vpos; if (this._client_element) { this._client_element.setElementVScrollPos(vpos); } if (this._vscroll_control) { this._vscroll_control._setScrollPos(this.scroll_top); } if (nexacro._enableaccessibility && nexacro._accessibilitytype == 5) { this._refreshForeground(this._handle); } } }; _pScrollableControlElement.setElementScrollPos = function (hpos, vpos) { if (hpos < 0) { hpos = 0; } if (vpos < 0) { vpos = 0; } if (hpos > this.hscroll_limit) { hpos = this.hscroll_limit; } if (vpos > this.vscroll_limit) { vpos = this.vscroll_limit; } if (this.scroll_left != hpos || this.scroll_top != vpos) { this.scroll_left = hpos; this.scroll_top = vpos; if (this._client_element) { this._client_element.setElementScrollPos(hpos, vpos); } if (this._hscroll_control) { this._hscroll_control._setScrollPos(this.scroll_left); } if (this._vscroll_control) { this._vscroll_control._setScrollPos(this.scroll_top); } if (nexacro._enableaccessibility && nexacro._accessibilitytype == 5) { this._refreshForeground(this._handle); } } }; _pScrollableControlElement.setElementScrollMaxSize = function (width, height) { if (this.container_maxwidth != width || this.container_maxheight != height) { this.container_maxwidth = width; this.container_maxheight = height; if (this._scroll_showtype >= 0) { this._updateClientSize(); } var client_element = this._client_element; if (client_element && client_element._handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleMaxSize(client_element._handle, width, height); } return true; } return false; }; _pScrollableControlElement.setElementScrollbarSize = function (width, height) { if (this._vscroll_width != width || this._hscroll_height != height) { this._vscroll_width = width; this._hscroll_height = height; if (this._scroll_showtype >= 0) { this._updateClientSize(); } return true; } return false; }; _pScrollableControlElement.setElementInitPosSize = function (init_left, init_top, init_width, init_height) { this._init_left = init_left; this._init_top = init_top; this._init_width = init_width; this._init_height = init_height; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleInitPosSize(_handle, left, top, init_width, init_height); } }; delete _pControlElementBase; delete _pSimpleControlElement; delete _pControlElement; delete _pFrameControlElement; delete _pScrollableControlElement; nexacro.ContainerElement = function (parent_elem) { this.parent = parent_elem; this._parent_elem = parent_elem; }; var _pContainerElement = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Element, nexacro.ContainerElement); nexacro.ContainerElement.prototype = _pContainerElement; _pContainerElement._type_name = "ContainerElement"; _pContainerElement.font = null; _pContainerElement.color = null; _pContainerElement._is_nc_element = true; _pContainerElement.create = function () { var _owner_elem = this._parent_elem; if (_owner_elem && _owner_elem._handle && !this._handle) { this._owner_elem = _owner_elem; var _win_handle = _owner_elem.getRootWindowHandle(); var _handle = nexacro.__createContainerElementHandle(this, _win_handle, this.left, this.top, this.width, this.height); if (this.letterspace) { nexacro.__setElementHandleLetterSpace(_handle, this.letterspace); } if (this.font) { var font = this.font; nexacro.__setElementHandleFont(_handle, font.face, font.size, font._bold, font._italic, font._underline, font._strikeout, font._antialias); } if (this.color) { nexacro.__setElementHandleColor(_handle, this.color._syscolor); } this._handle = _handle; nexacro.__appendElementHandle(_owner_elem._handle, _handle); } }; _pContainerElement.destroy = function () { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { var _owner_handle = null; if (this._owner_elem && this._owner_elem._handle) { _owner_handle = this._owner_elem._handle; } if (!this._owner_elem || _owner_handle) { nexacro.__destroyElementHandle(_owner_handle, _handle); } this._owner_elem = null; this._handle = null; } this.parent = null; this._parent_elem = null; }; _pContainerElement.clearContents = function () { var _handle = this._handle; var _owner_elem = this._owner_elem; if (_handle) { _handle._linked_element = null; if (_owner_elem && _owner_elem._handle) { nexacro.__destroyElementHandle(_owner_elem._handle, _handle); } this._owner_elem = null; this._handle = null; } }; _pContainerElement.appendChildElement = function (child_elem) { if (this._handle) { if (child_elem._parent_elem != this.parent_elem) { if (child_elem._handle) { var old_doc = child_elem.getRootWindowHandle(); var new_doc = this.getRootWindowHandle(); if (old_doc != new_doc) { child_elem._parent_elem = this.parent_elem; child_elem._removeFromContainer(); } else { child_elem._parent_elem = this.parent_elem; } } else { child_elem._parent_elem = this.parent_elem; } } if (!child_elem._handle) { child_elem.create(); } else { child_elem._appendToContainer(this); } } }; _pContainerElement.removeChildElement = function (child_elem) { if (child_elem._owner_elem == this) { child_elem._removeFromContainer(); } }; _pContainerElement.moveToNextElement = function (cur_elem, target_elem) { if (cur_elem && target_elem && cur_elem._owner_elem == this && target_elem._owner_elem == this && cur_elem._handle && target_elem._handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleMoveToNext(cur_elem._handle, target_elem._handle); } }; _pContainerElement.moveToPrevElement = function (cur_elem, target_elem) { if (cur_elem && target_elem && cur_elem._owner_elem == this && target_elem._owner_elem == this && cur_elem._handle && target_elem._handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleMoveToPrev(cur_elem._handle, target_elem._handle); } }; _pContainerElement.sendToBackElement = function (cur_elem) { if (cur_elem && cur_elem._owner_elem == this && cur_elem._handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleSendToBack(cur_elem._handle); } }; _pContainerElement.bringToFrontElement = function (cur_elem) { if (cur_elem && cur_elem._owner_elem == this && cur_elem._handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleBringToFront(cur_elem._handle); } }; _pContainerElement.setElementFont = function (font) { this.font = font; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleFont(_handle, font.face, font.size, font._bold, font._italic, font._underline, font._strikeout, font._antialias); } }; _pContainerElement.setElementColor = function (color) { this.color = color; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleColor(_handle, color._syscolor); } }; delete _pContainerElement; nexacro.ScrollableContainerElement = function (parent_elem) { this.parent = parent_elem; this._parent_elem = parent_elem; }; var _pScrollableContainerElement = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.ContainerElement, nexacro.ScrollableContainerElement); nexacro.ScrollableContainerElement.prototype = _pScrollableContainerElement; _pScrollableContainerElement._type_name = "ScrollableContainerElement"; _pScrollableContainerElement._scroll_left = 0; _pScrollableContainerElement._scroll_top = 0; _pScrollableContainerElement.create = function () { var _owner_elem = this._parent_elem; if (_owner_elem && _owner_elem._handle && !this._handle) { this._owner_elem = _owner_elem; var _win_handle = _owner_elem.getRootWindowHandle(); var _handle = nexacro.__createScrollableContainerElementHandle(this, _win_handle, this.left, this.top, this.width, this.height); if (this.letterspace) { nexacro.__setElementHandleLetterSpace(_handle, this.letterspace); } if (this.font) { var font = this.font; nexacro.__setElementHandleFont(_handle, font.face, font.size, font._bold, font._italic, font._underline, font._strikeout, font._antialias); } if (this.color) { nexacro.__setElementHandleColor(_handle, this.color._syscolor); } if (this._scroll_left != 0 || this._scroll_top != 0) { nexacro.__setElementHandleOffset(_handle, this._scroll_left, this._scroll_top); } this._handle = _handle; nexacro.__appendElementHandle(_owner_elem._handle, _handle); } }; _pScrollableContainerElement.destroy = function () { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { _handle._linked_element = null; var _owner_handle = null; if (this._owner_elem && this._owner_elem._handle) { _owner_handle = this._owner_elem._handle; } if (!this._owner_elem || _owner_handle) { nexacro.__destroyElementHandle(_owner_handle, _handle); } this._owner_elem = null; this._handle = null; } this.parent = null; this._parent_elem = null; }; _pScrollableContainerElement.clearContents = function () { var _handle = this._handle; var _owner_elem = this._owner_elem; if (_handle) { _handle._linked_element = null; if (_owner_elem && _owner_elem._handle) { nexacro.__destroyElementHandle(_owner_elem._handle, _handle); } this._owner_elem = null; this._handle = null; } }; _pScrollableContainerElement.setElementVScrollPos = function (vpos) { if (this._scroll_top != vpos || this.parent._reset_scrollpos) { this._scroll_top = vpos; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleVScrollPos(_handle, vpos); } } }; _pScrollableContainerElement.setElementHScrollPos = function (hpos, bForce) { if (this._scroll_left != hpos || this.parent._reset_scrollpos || this.parent._bChangeRtl || bForce) { this._scroll_left = hpos; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { hpos = nexacro.__convertScrollLeftByRtl(this, hpos); nexacro.__setElementHandleHScrollPos(_handle, hpos); } } }; _pScrollableContainerElement.setElementScrollPos = function (hpos, vpos) { if (this._scroll_left != hpos || this._scroll_top != vpos || this.parent._reset_scrollpos) { this._scroll_left = hpos; this._scroll_top = vpos; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { hpos = nexacro.__convertScrollLeftByRtl(this, hpos); nexacro.__setElementHandleOffset(_handle, hpos, vpos); } } }; _pScrollableContainerElement.getZoom = function () { return this._zoomFactor; }; _pScrollableContainerElement.setZoom = function (zoomFactor) { if (this._handle) { this._zoomFactor = zoomFactor; nexacro.__setElementHandleScale(this._handle, zoomFactor); } }; delete _pScrollableContainerElement; nexacro.PopupControlElement = function (parent_elem) { this.parent = parent_elem; this._parent_elem = parent_elem; var client_element = new nexacro.ContainerElement(this); this._client_element = client_element; }; var _pPopupControlElement = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.ControlElement, nexacro.PopupControlElement); nexacro.PopupControlElement.prototype = _pPopupControlElement; _pPopupControlElement._type_name = "PopupControlElement"; _pPopupControlElement._win_handle = null; _pPopupControlElement.create = function (_window) { if (this._parent_elem == null) { if (!this._handle) { var linkedcontrol = this.linkedcontrol; var _win = linkedcontrol._getWindow(); var _win_handle = this._win_handle = _win._handle; var _owner_elem = _win; var _handle = nexacro.__createControlElementHandle(this, _win_handle, this.left, this.top, this.width, this.height); linkedcontrol._unique_id = linkedcontrol.parent._unique_id + '_' + linkedcontrol.id; nexacro.__setElementHandleId(_handle, linkedcontrol._unique_id); this._handle = _handle; if (linkedcontrol._findOwnerElementHandle) { var owner_elem_info = linkedcontrol._findOwnerElementHandle(); if (owner_elem_info.is_append) { nexacro.__appendElementHandle(owner_elem_info.owner_handle, _handle); } else { nexacro.__insertElementHandle(owner_elem_info.owner_handle, _handle, owner_elem_info.ref_handle); } } else { nexacro.__appendElementHandle(_win_handle, _handle); } if (this.border || this.bordertype) { this._setControlBorder(_handle, this.border, this.bordertype); } if (this.background) { this._setControlBackground(_handle, this.background, this.gradation); } if (this.opacity) { nexacro.__setElementHandleOpacity(_handle, this.opacity); } if (this._hittest_type) { nexacro.__setElementHittestValue(_handle, this._hittest_type); } this._refreshForeground(_handle); } if (this._handle && !this._client_element._handle) { this._client_element.create(); } } }; _pPopupControlElement.destroy = function () { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { var _owner_handle = null; if (this._owner_elem && this._owner_elem._handle) { _owner_handle = this._owner_elem._handle; } if (!this._owner_elem || _owner_handle) { nexacro.__destroyElementHandle(_owner_handle, _handle); } this._owner_elem = null; this._win_handle = null; this._handle = null; this._client_element.destroy(); } this.parent = null; this._parent_elem = null; this.linkedcontrol = null; }; _pPopupControlElement.getRootWindowHandle = function () { return this._win_handle; }; _pPopupControlElement.setElementPosition = function (left, top, bForce) { if (this.left != left || this.top != top || bForce) { this.left = left; this.top = top; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { var parent = this.parent; var bMirror = false; if (parent) { left = this._adjustRtlLayoutLeft(left, this.width); } nexacro.__setElementHandlePosition(_handle, left, top); } } }; _pPopupControlElement._adjustRtlLayoutLeft = function (left, width) { var newLeft = left; var frame = this.parent.getMainframe(); var parent_width = frame._control_element.client_width; if (this._isRtl()) { newLeft = parent_width - width - left; } return newLeft; }; _pPopupControlElement._isRtl = function (bSelf) { var comp = this.parent._getRootComponent(this.parent); var elem = comp.getElement(); if (bSelf) { elem = this; } var rtldirection = this._rtldirection; while (elem) { if (elem._rtldirection && elem._rtldirection != "inherit") { rtldirection = elem._rtldirection; break; } elem = elem._parent_elem; } return rtldirection == "rtl"; }; delete _pPopupControlElement; nexacro.PopupScrollableControlElement = function (parent_elem) { this.parent = parent_elem; this._parent_elem = parent_elem; var client_element = new nexacro.ScrollableContainerElement(this); this._client_element = client_element; }; var _pPopupScrollableControlElement = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.ScrollableControlElement, nexacro.PopupScrollableControlElement); nexacro.PopupScrollableControlElement.prototype = _pPopupScrollableControlElement; _pPopupScrollableControlElement._type_name = "PopupScrollableControlElement"; _pPopupScrollableControlElement._win_handle = null; _pPopupScrollableControlElement.create = function (_window) { if (this._parent_elem == null) { if (!this._handle) { var linkedcontrol = this.linkedcontrol; var _win = linkedcontrol._getWindow(); var _win_handle = this._win_handle = _win._handle; var _owner_elem = _win; var _handle = nexacro.__createScrollableControlElementHandle(this, _win_handle, this.left, this.top, this.width, this.height); linkedcontrol._unique_id = linkedcontrol.parent._unique_id + '_' + linkedcontrol.id; nexacro.__setElementHandleId(_handle, linkedcontrol._unique_id); this._handle = _handle; if (linkedcontrol._findOwnerElementHandle) { var owner_elem_info = linkedcontrol._findOwnerElementHandle(); if (owner_elem_info.is_append) { nexacro.__appendElementHandle(owner_elem_info.owner_handle, _handle); } else { nexacro.__insertElementHandle(owner_elem_info.owner_handle, _handle, owner_elem_info.ref_handle); } } else { nexacro.__appendElementHandle(_win_handle, _handle); } if (this.border || this.bordertype) { this._setControlBorder(_handle, this.border, this.bordertype); } if (this.background) { this._setControlBackground(_handle, this.background, this.gradation); } if (this.opacity) { nexacro.__setElementHandleOpacity(_handle, this.opacity); } if (this._hittest_type) { nexacro.__setElementHittestValue(_handle, this._hittest_type); } this._refreshForeground(_handle); } if (this._handle && !this._client_element._handle) { this._client_element.create(); } } }; _pPopupScrollableControlElement.destroy = function () { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { var _owner_handle = null; if (this._owner_elem && this._owner_elem._handle) { _owner_handle = this._owner_elem._handle; } if (!this._owner_elem || _owner_handle) { nexacro.__destroyElementHandle(_owner_handle, _handle); } this._owner_elem = null; this._win_handle = null; this._handle = null; this._client_element.destroy(); this._hscroll_control = null; this._vscroll_control = null; } this.parent = null; this._parent_elem = null; this.linkedcontrol = null; }; _pPopupScrollableControlElement.clearContents = function () { if (this._handle) { this._client_element.clearContents(); } }; _pPopupScrollableControlElement.getRootWindowHandle = function () { return this._win_handle; }; _pPopupScrollableControlElement.setElementPosition = function (left, top, bForce) { if (this.left != left || this.top != top || bForce) { this.left = left; this.top = top; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { var parent = this.parent; var bMirror = false; if (parent) { left = this._adjustRtlLayoutLeft(left, this.width); } nexacro.__setElementHandlePosition(_handle, left, top); } } }; _pPopupScrollableControlElement._adjustRtlLayoutLeft = function (left, width) { var newLeft = left; var frame = this.parent.getMainframe(); var parent_width = frame._control_element.width; if (this._isRtl()) { newLeft = parent_width - width - left; } return newLeft; }; delete _pPopupScrollableControlElement; nexacro.TextElement = function (parent_elem) { this.parent = parent_elem; this._parent_elem = parent_elem; }; var _pTextElement = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Element, nexacro.TextElement); nexacro.TextElement.prototype = _pTextElement; _pTextElement._type_name = "TextElement"; _pTextElement.font = null; _pTextElement.color = null; _pTextElement.align = null; _pTextElement.halign = ""; _pTextElement.valign = ""; _pTextElement.padding = null; _pTextElement.padding_left = 0; _pTextElement.padding_top = 0; _pTextElement.padding_right = 0; _pTextElement.padding_bottom = 0; _pTextElement.text = ""; _pTextElement.linespace = 0; _pTextElement.letterspace = 0; _pTextElement.wordwrap = "none"; _pTextElement.decoration = ""; _pTextElement._use_newline = true; _pTextElement.create = function () { var _owner_elem = this._parent_elem.getContainerElement(this.position_step); if (_owner_elem && _owner_elem._handle && !this._handle) { this._owner_elem = _owner_elem; var _win_handle = _owner_elem.getRootWindowHandle(); var _handle = nexacro.__createTextElementHandle(this, _win_handle, this.left, this.top, this.width, this.height); if (!this.visible) { nexacro.__setElementHandleVisible(_handle, false); } if (this.letterspace) { nexacro.__setElementHandleLetterSpace(_handle, this.letterspace); } if (this.font) { var font = this.font; nexacro.__setElementHandleFont(_handle, font.face, font.size, font._bold, font._italic, font._underline, font._strikeout, font._antialias); } if (this.color) { nexacro.__setElementHandleColor(_handle, this.color._syscolor); } if (this.align) { var align = this.align; nexacro.__setElementHandleAlign(_handle, align.halign, align.valign); } else if (this.halign && this.valign) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAlign(_handle, this.halign, this.valign); } if (this.padding) { var padding = this.padding; nexacro.__setElementHandlePadding(_handle, padding.left, padding.top, padding.right, padding.bottom); } else if (this.padding_left || this.padding_top || this.padding_right || this.padding_bottom) { nexacro.__setElementHandlePadding(_handle, this.padding_left, this.padding_top, this.padding_right, this.padding_bottom); } if (this.decoration) { nexacro.__setElementHandleDecorateText(_handle, this.decoration); } if (this.linespace > 0) { nexacro.__setElementHandleLineSpace(_handle, this.linespace); } if (this.wordwrap != "none") { nexacro.__setElementHandleWordWrap(_handle, this.wordwrap); } if (this.text) { nexacro.__setElementHandleText(_handle, this.text, this._use_newline, this.wordwrap); } var size = nexacro._getTextSize(this.letterspace || this._getParentLetterSpace(), this.text, this.font, this._use_newline); nexacro.__setElementHandleSize(_handle, size[0], size[1]); this._handle = _handle; nexacro.__appendElementHandle(_owner_elem._handle, _handle); } }; _pTextElement.setElementFont = function (font) { this.font = font; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleFont(_handle, font.face, font.size, font._bold, font._italic, font._underline, font._strikeout, font._antialias); var size = nexacro._getTextSize(this.letterspace || this._getParentLetterSpace(), this.text, this.font, this._use_newline); nexacro.__setElementHandleSize(_handle, size[0], size[1]); } }; _pTextElement.setElementColor = function (color) { this.color = color; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleColor(_handle, color._syscolor); } }; _pTextElement.setElementPadding = function (padding) { this.padding = padding; this.padding_left = 0; this.padding_top = 0; this.padding_right = 0; this.padding_bottom = 0; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandlePadding(_handle, padding.left, padding.top, padding.right, padding.bottom); } }; _pTextElement.setElementPaddingXY = function (left, top, right, bottom) { this.padding = null; this.padding_left = left; this.padding_top = top; this.padding_right = right; this.padding_bottom = bottom; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandlePadding(_handle, left, top, right, bottom); } }; _pTextElement.setElementAlign = function (align) { this.align = align; this.halign = align._halign; this.valign = align._valign; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAlign(_handle, align._halign, align._valign); } }; _pTextElement.setElementAlignXY = function (halign, valign) { var _halign = halign; if (this._isRtl()) { _halign = this.halign == "left" ? "right" : (this.halign == "right" ? "left" : this.halign); } this.align = null; this.halign = halign; this.valign = valign; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAlign(_handle, _halign, valign); } }; _pTextElement.setElementText = function (text) { if (this.text != text) { if (text == null) { this.text = ""; } else { this.text = text.replace(/\r\n|\r|\n/g, "\r\n"); } var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleText(_handle, this.text, this._use_newline, this.wordwrap); var size = nexacro._getTextSize(this.letterspace || this._getParentLetterSpace(), this.text, this.font, this._use_newline); nexacro.__setElementHandleSize(_handle, size[0], size[1]); } } }; _pTextElement.setElementLetterSpace = function (letterspace) { if (this.letterspace != letterspace) { this.letterspace = letterspace; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleLetterSpace(_handle, letterspace); } } }; _pTextElement.setElementLineSpace = function (linespace) { if (this.linespace != linespace) { this.linespace = linespace; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleLineSpace(_handle, linespace); } } }; _pTextElement.setElementDecorateText = function (text) { if (this.decoration != text) { this.decoration = text; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleDecorateText(_handle, text); } } }; _pTextElement.setElementUseNewLine = function (use_newline) { if (this._use_newline != use_newline) { this._use_newline = use_newline; var _cell_node = this._cell_node; if (_cell_node) { if (this.wordwrap != "none") { return; } this.__setElementHandleText(cell_node, this.text, this._use_newline, this.wordwrap); } } }; _pTextElement.setElementWordWrap = function (wordwrap) { if (wordwrap == true || wordwrap == "true") { wordwrap = "char"; } else if (wordwrap == false || wordwrap == "false") { wordwrap = "none"; } if (this.wordwrap != wordwrap) { this.wordwrap = wordwrap; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleWordWrap(_handle, this.wordwrap); } } }; _pTextElement.setElementPosition = function (left, top) { if (this.left != left || this.top != top) { this.left = left; this.top = top; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { var owner_elem = this._owner_elem; var bMirror = false; if (owner_elem) { left = this._adjustRtlLayoutLeft(left, this.width); } nexacro.__setElementHandlePosition(_handle, left, top); } } }; delete _pTextElement; nexacro.PluginElement = function (parent_elem) { this.parent = parent_elem; this._parent_elem = parent_elem; this._params = new nexacro.Collection(); this._events = new nexacro.Collection(); }; var _pPluginElement = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Element, nexacro.PluginElement); nexacro.PluginElement.prototype = _pPluginElement; _pPluginElement._type_name = "PluginElement"; _pPluginElement._plugin_object = null; _pPluginElement.license = ""; _pPluginElement.lpkpath = ""; _pPluginElement.classid = ""; _pPluginElement.codebase = ""; _pPluginElement.code = ""; _pPluginElement.archive = ""; _pPluginElement.mimetype = ""; _pPluginElement.pluginsrc = ""; _pPluginElement.plugintype = ""; _pPluginElement.pluginpage = ""; _pPluginElement.pluginname = ""; _pPluginElement.windowed = false; _pPluginElement.popupstyle = false; _pPluginElement.adjustalpha = false; _pPluginElement.usepersistdata = false; _pPluginElement.enable = true; _pPluginElement.font = null; _pPluginElement.color = null; _pPluginElement.cursor = null; _pPluginElement.align = null; _pPluginElement.padding = null; _pPluginElement.color = null; _pPluginElement.component = null; _pPluginElement._params = null; _pPluginElement._events = null; _pPluginElement.create = function () { if (!this._handle) { var _win_handle = null; var _owner_elem = null; var _linked_comp = null; if (this._parent_elem) { _owner_elem = this._parent_elem.getContainerElement(this.position_step); if (_owner_elem && _owner_elem._handle) { this._owner_elem = _owner_elem; _win_handle = _owner_elem.getRootWindowHandle(); } _linked_comp = this._parent_elem.linkedcontrol; } var _handle = nexacro.__createPluginElementHandle(this, _win_handle, this.left, this.top, this.width, this.height); if (this.classid) { nexacro.__setPluginElementHandleClassId(_handle, this.classid); } if (this.adjustalpha) { nexacro.__setPluginElementHandleAdjustAlpha(_handle, this.adjustalpha); } if (this.pluginname) { nexacro.__setPluginElementHandlePluginName(_handle, this.pluginname); } if (this.mimetype) { nexacro.__setPluginElementHandleMIMEType(_handle, this.mimetype); } if (this.pluginsrc) { nexacro.__setPluginElementHandlePluginSrc(_handle, this.pluginsrc); } if (this.pluginpage) { nexacro.__setPluginElementHandlePluginPage(_handle, this.pluginpage); } if (this.code) { nexacro.__setPluginElementHandleCode(_handle, this.code); } if (this.codebase) { nexacro.__setPluginElementHandleCodebase(_handle, this.codebase); } var params = this._params; var param_cnt = (params ? params.length : 0); for (var i = 0; i < param_cnt; i++) { nexacro.__setPluginElementHandleAttribute(_handle, params.get_id(i), params.get_item(i)); } if (this.mimetype && this.classid == "") { var events = this._events; var event_cnt = events.length; for (var i = 0; i < event_cnt; i++) { this.addEventHandler(events.get_id(i), events.get_item(i)); } } if (this.license || this.lpkpath) { nexacro.__setPluginElementHandleLicense(_handle, this.license, this.lpkpath); } if (!this.visible || (_linked_comp && _linked_comp.visible == false)) { nexacro.__setElementHandleVisible(_handle, false); if (this.visible) { this.visible = false; } } if (!this.enable || (_linked_comp && _linked_comp.enable == false)) { nexacro.__setElementHandleEnable(_handle, false); if (this.enable) { this.enable = false; } } if (this.windowed) { nexacro.__setPluginElementHandleWindowed(_handle, this.windowed); if (this.popupstyle) { nexacro.__setPluginElementHandlePopupstyle(_handle, this.popupstyle); } } if (this.letterspace) { nexacro.__setElementHandleLetterSpace(_handle, this.letterspace); } if (this.font) { var font = this.font; nexacro.__setElementHandleFont(_handle, font.face, font.size, font._bold, font._italic, font._underline, font._strikeout, font._antialias); } if (this.color) { nexacro.__setElementHandleColor(_handle, this.color._syscolor); } if (this.align) { var align = this.align; nexacro.__setElementHandleAlign(_handle, align.halign, align.valign); } if (this.padding) { var padding = this.padding; nexacro.__setElementHandlePadding(_handle, padding.left, padding.top, padding.right, padding.bottom); } this._handle = _handle; this.initEvent(); if (_owner_elem && _owner_elem._handle) { nexacro.__appendElementHandle(_owner_elem._handle, _handle); } nexacro.__createdPluginElementHandle(_handle); this._plugin_object = new nexacro.PluginObject; if (this._plugin_object) { this._plugin_object._handle = nexacro.__getPluginElementHandleObject(this._handle); } } }; _pPluginElement.destroy = function () { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { var _owner_handle = null; if (this._owner_elem && this._owner_elem._handle) { _owner_handle = this._owner_elem._handle; } if (!this._owner_elem || _owner_handle) { nexacro.__destroyElementHandle(_owner_handle, this._handle); } this._owner_elem = null; this._handle = null; } this.parent = null; this._parent_elem = null; var params = this._params; if (params) { params.destroy(); this._params = null; } var events = this._events; if (events) { events.destroy(); this._events = null; } var plugin_object = this._plugin_object; if (plugin_object) { plugin_object.destroy(); this._plugin_object = null; } }; _pPluginElement.initEvent = function () { if (this._handle) { nexacro._observeWrapperEvent(this._handle, null, "on_plugin_event", this.on_plugin_event, -1, null); } }; _pPluginElement.on_plugin_event = function () { var comp = (this._parent_elem ? this._parent_elem.linkedcontrol : null); if (comp) { var length = arguments.length; if (length > 0) { var evt_id = arguments[0]; if (comp[evt_id]) { var listener = comp[evt_id]; if (listener) { var j; var params = []; for (var i = 1, j = 0; i < length; i++, j++) { params[j] = arguments[i]; } if (listener._firePluginEvent) { listener._firePluginEvent.apply(listener, params); } } } } } }; _pPluginElement.on_update_position = function () { if (this._handle) { nexacro.__updatePluginElementHandlePosition(this._handle); } }; _pPluginElement.setElementFocus = function () { if (this._handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleFocus(this._handle); nexacro.__setLastFocusedElement(this); } }; _pPluginElement.setElementPluginPosition = function (left, top) { if (this._handle) { this.setElementPosition(left, top); } }; _pPluginElement.setElementLicense = function (license) { if (this.license != license) { this.license = license; } }; _pPluginElement.setElementLicenseFile = function (lpkpath) { if (!this._handle && this.lpkpath != lpkpath) { this.lpkpath = lpkpath; } }; _pPluginElement.setElementMIMEType = function (_type) { if (this.mimetype != _type) { this.mimetype = _type; } }; _pPluginElement.setElementClassId = function (classid) { if (this.classid != classid) { this.classid = classid; } }; _pPluginElement.setElementCodebase = function (codebase) { if (this.codebase != codebase) { this.codebase = codebase; if (this._handle) { nexacro.__setPluginElementHandleCodebase(this._handle, this.codebase); } } }; _pPluginElement.setElementCode = function (code) { if (this.code != code) { this.code = code; } }; _pPluginElement.setElementArchive = function (archive) { if (this.archive != archive) { this.archive = archive; } }; _pPluginElement.setElementAdjustAlpha = function (adjustalpha) { if (this.adjustalpha != adjustalpha) { this.adjustalpha = adjustalpha; } }; _pPluginElement.setElementUsePersistData = function (usepersistdata) { if (this.usepersistdata != usepersistdata) { this.usepersistdata = usepersistdata; } }; _pPluginElement.getElementData = function () { return this.data; }; _pPluginElement.setElementData = function (value) { if (this.data != value) { this.data = value; } }; _pPluginElement.getElementParam = function (name) { if (this._plugin_object) { return this._plugin_object.getProperty(name); } else { var params = this._params; return params.get_item(name); } }; _pPluginElement.setElementParam = function (name, value) { if (this._plugin_object) { if (name && value) { this._plugin_object.setProperty(name, value); } } else { var params = this._params; if (params.get_item(name)) { params.set_item(name, value); } else { params.add_item(name, value); } } }; _pPluginElement.setElementPluginSrc = function (src) { if (this.pluginsrc != src) { this.pluginsrc = src; } }; _pPluginElement.setElementPluginPage = function (pluginpage) { if (this.pluginpage != pluginpage) { this.pluginpage = pluginpage; } }; _pPluginElement.setElementWindowed = function (windowed) { if (this.windowed != windowed) { this.windowed = windowed; if (this._handle) { } } }; _pPluginElement.setElementEnable = function (enable) { if (this.enable != enable) { this.enable = enable; if (this._handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleEnable(this._handle, enable); } } }; _pPluginElement.setElementPluginVisible = function (visible) { if (this._handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleVisible(this._handle, visible); } }; _pPluginElement.setElementPopupStyle = function (popupstyle) { if (this.popupstyle != popupstyle) { this.popupstyle = popupstyle; } }; _pPluginElement.setElementpluginname = function (pluginname) { if (this.pluginname != pluginname) { this.pluginname = pluginname; } }; _pPluginElement.callMethod = function () { if (arguments.length < 1) { return; } if (this._plugin_object) { return this._plugin_object.callMethod.apply(this._plugin_object, arguments); } }; _pPluginElement.getPluginObject = function () { if (this._plugin_object) { return this._plugin_object; } return null; }; _pPluginElement.install = function () { if (this._handle && this.codebase) { nexacro.__callPluginElementHandleInstall(this._handle); } }; _pPluginElement.isInstalled = function () { if (this._handle) { return nexacro.__getPluginElementHandleIsInstalled(this._handle); } return false; }; _pPluginElement.isLoaded = function () { if (this._handle) { return nexacro.__isPluginElementHandleLoaded(this._handle); } return false; }; _pPluginElement.addEventHandler = function (name, callback) { if (this._handle && this.classid == "" && this.mimetype) { var nameFromToStringRegex = /^function\s?([^\s(]*)/; var paramsFromToStringRegex = /\(\)|\(.+\)/; var params = callback.toString().match(paramsFromToStringRegex)[0]; var eventValue = name + params; var callfunc; var parentFrame, parentFrame2; parentFrame = this.component.parent; if (parentFrame) { callfunc = "." + this.component.id + '["' + name + '"]; \n'; callfunc += 'if (eventFn) eventFn._firePluginEvent' + params + ';'; do { if (parentFrame instanceof nexacro.MainFrame) { callfunc = 'var eventFn = application.mainframe' + callfunc; break; } if (parentFrame instanceof nexacro.ChildFrame) { parentFrame2 = parentFrame.parent; if (parentFrame2) { if (parentFrame2._is_frameset || parentFrame2._frames) { var frmidx; var frmlen = parentFrame2._frames.length; for (frmidx = 0; frmidx < frmlen; frmidx++) { if (parentFrame2._frames[frmidx] == parentFrame) { callfunc = '._frames[' + frmidx + ']' + callfunc; break; } } if (parentFrame._is_popup_frame) { callfunc = 'var eventFn = application.mainframe' + callfunc; break; } } else if (parentFrame2 instanceof nexacro.MainFrame) { callfunc = '.frame' + callfunc; } else if (parentFrame2 instanceof nexacro.Form) { callfunc = '.' + parentFrame.id + callfunc; } } } if (parentFrame2._is_frameset) { parentFrame2 = parentFrame.parent; if (parentFrame2 && parentFrame2._frames) { var frmidx; var frmlen = parentFrame2._frames.length; for (frmidx = 0; frmidx < frmlen; frmidx++) { if (parentFrame2._frames[frmidx] == parentFrame) { callfunc = '._frames[' + frmidx + ']' + callfunc; break; } } } } else if (parentFrame instanceof nexacro.Div) { callfunc = '.' + parentFrame.id + callfunc; } else if (parentFrame instanceof nexacro.Form) { callfunc = '.form' + callfunc; } parentFrame = parentFrame.parent; } while (parentFrame); } callfunc = 'callback = function' + params + '\n{\n' + callfunc + "\n}"; nexacro.__appendGlobalScript(name, eval(callfunc)); } else { this._events.add_item(name, callback); } }; _pPluginElement.removeEventHandler = function (name, callback) { if (this._handle && this.classid == "" && this.mimetype) { nexacro.__removeGlobalScript(name); } else { this._events.delete_item(name); } }; _pPluginElement.updateWindow = function () { if (this.windowed == true) { nexacro.__updatePluginElementHandleWindow(this._handle); } }; _pPluginElement.getProperty = _pPluginElement.getElementParam; _pPluginElement.setProperty = _pPluginElement.setElementParam; _pPluginElement.setElementPluginMIMEType = nexacro._emptyFn; _pPluginElement._setElementFocus = _pPluginElement.setElementFocus; delete _pPluginElement; nexacro.PluginObject = function () { }; var _pPluginObject = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Object, nexacro.PluginObject); nexacro.PluginObject.prototype = _pPluginObject; _pPluginObject._type_name = "PluginObject"; _pPluginObject._handle = null; _pPluginObject.getProperty = function (name) { if (this._handle) { if (name) { var value = nexacro.__getPluginObjectHandleAttribute(this._handle, name); if (value != null && typeof (value) == "object") { var pobject = new nexacro.PluginObject; pobject._handle = value; return pobject; } return value; } } }; _pPluginObject.setProperty = function (name, value) { if (this._handle) { if (name) { nexacro.__setPluginObjectHandleAttribute(this._handle, name, value); } } }; _pPluginObject.callMethod = function () { if (arguments.length < 1) { return; } if (this._handle) { Array.prototype.unshift.call(arguments, this._handle); var value = nexacro.__callPluginObjectHandleMethod.apply(nexacro, arguments); if (value != null && typeof (value) == "object") { var pobject = new nexacro.PluginObject; pobject._handle = value; return pobject; } return value; } }; _pPluginObject.callScriptMethod = function () { if (arguments.length < 1) { return; } if (this._handle) { Array.prototype.unshift.call(arguments, this._handle); var value = nexacro.__callPluginObjectHandleScriptMethod.apply(nexacro, arguments); if (value != null && typeof (value) == "object") { var pobject = new nexacro.PluginObject; pobject._handle = value; return pobject; } return value; } }; _pPluginObject.destroy = function () { if (this._handle) { nexacro.__destroyPluginObjectHandle(this._handle); this._handle = null; } }; delete _pPluginObject; nexacro.WebBrowserPluginElement = function (parent_elem) { this.parent = parent_elem; this._parent_elem = parent_elem; this._parent_elem.windowed = true; this._params = new nexacro.Collection(); this._events = new nexacro.Collection(); }; var _pWebBrowserPluginElement = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.PluginElement, nexacro.WebBrowserPluginElement); nexacro.WebBrowserPluginElement.prototype = _pWebBrowserPluginElement; _pWebBrowserPluginElement._type_name = "WebBrowserPluginElement"; _pWebBrowserPluginElement.windowed = true; _pWebBrowserPluginElement.classid = "{8856F961-340A-11D0-A96B-00C04FD705A2}"; _pWebBrowserPluginElement.pluginname = "WebBrowser"; _pWebBrowserPluginElement.src = ""; _pWebBrowserPluginElement.initEvent = function () { if (this._handle) { nexacro._observeWrapperEvent(this._handle, null, "on_plugin_event", this.on_plugin_event); } }; _pWebBrowserPluginElement.on_plugin_event = function (evt_id, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg8, arg9) { var comp = (this._parent_elem ? this._parent_elem.linkedcontrol : null); if (comp) { if (evt_id == "DocumentComplete") { var locationURL = this.getElementParam("LocationURL"); if (locationURL == arg1) { evt_id = "onloadcompleted"; if (comp.on_load_handler) { var _win = comp._getWindow(); var cur_focus_paths = _win.getCurrentFocusPaths(); var pThis = comp; while (pThis && pThis._is_nc_control) { pThis = pThis.parent; } if (!pThis) { return; } var focuspath_index = -1; var len = 0; if (cur_focus_paths) { focuspath_index = nexacro._indexOf(cur_focus_paths, pThis); len = cur_focus_paths.length; } if (focuspath_index < 0 && len > 0) { cur_focus_paths[len - 1].on_apply_custom_setfocus(); } nexacro.__restorePluginElementHandleWindowFocus(this._handle); return comp.on_load_handler(arg1); } } } else if (evt_id == "TitleChange") { comp.on_fire_onusernotify(comp, arg0); } if (comp[evt_id]) { var listener = comp[evt_id]; if (listener) { return listener._fireEvent(this, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg8, arg9); } } } }; _pWebBrowserPluginElement._getDoc = function () { return null; }; _pWebBrowserPluginElement._setUrl = function (url) { if (this._plugin_object) { this._setSharedVariablesToCookie(url); this._plugin_object.callMethod("Navigate", url); } }; _pWebBrowserPluginElement._setGo = function () { if (this._plugin_object) { this._plugin_object.callMethod("Refresh"); } }; _pWebBrowserPluginElement._setBack = function () { if (this._plugin_object) { var state = this._plugin_object.callMethod("GoBack"); if (state) { return state.toLowerCase() == "true" ? true : false; } } }; _pWebBrowserPluginElement._setForward = function () { if (this._plugin_object) { var state = this._plugin_object.callMethod("GoForward"); if (state) { return state.toLowerCase() == "true" ? true : false; } } }; _pWebBrowserPluginElement.getProperty = function (name) { if (this._plugin_object) { if (name == "window") { var doc = this._plugin_object.getProperty("document"); if (doc) { return doc.getProperty("parentWindow"); } } return this._plugin_object.getProperty(name); } else { var params = this._params; return params.get_item(name); } }; _pWebBrowserPluginElement.callMethod = function () { if (arguments.length < 1) { return; } if (this._plugin_object) { return nexacro._pluginCallMethod(this, arguments); } }; _pWebBrowserPluginElement._setSharedVariablesToCookie = function (url) { var cookievar = application._cookie_variables; var cookievarCnt = 0; if (cookievar) { cookievarCnt = cookievar.length; } var cookies = ""; for (var i = 0; i < cookievarCnt; i++) { var cookieid = cookievar[i]; var curCookie = nexacro._getCookie(cookieid); cookies += (cookieid + '=' + curCookie + ';'); } if (cookievarCnt) { nexacro._setSharedVariablesToCookie(url, cookies); } }; delete _pWebBrowserPluginElement; nexacro.MediaPlayerPluginElement = function (parent_elem) { this.parent = parent_elem; this._parent_elem = parent_elem; this._parent_elem.windowed = true; this._params = new nexacro.Collection(); this._events = new nexacro.Collection(); }; var _pMediaPlayerPluginElement = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.PluginElement, nexacro.MediaPlayerPluginElement); nexacro.MediaPlayerPluginElement.prototype = _pMediaPlayerPluginElement; _pMediaPlayerPluginElement._type_name = "MediaPlayerPluginElement"; _pMediaPlayerPluginElement.windowed = true; _pMediaPlayerPluginElement.classid = "{6bf52a52-394a-11d3-b153-00c04f79faa6}"; _pMediaPlayerPluginElement.initEvent = function () { if (this._handle) { nexacro._observeWrapperEvent(this._handle, null, "on_plugin_event", this.on_plugin_event); } }; _pMediaPlayerPluginElement.on_plugin_event = function (evt_id, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg8, arg9) { var comp = (this._parent_elem ? this._parent_elem.linkedcontrol : null); if (comp) { if (evt_id == "PlayStateChange") { var state = null; if (arg0 == 3) { state = "play"; } else if (arg0 == 2) { state = "pause"; } else if (arg0 == 1) { state = "stop"; } if (state) { comp._on_statuschanged(state); } } else if (evt_id == "OpenStateChange") { var getpro = this._plugin_object.getProperty("controls"); if (getpro) { var getitem = getpro.getProperty("currentItem"); if (getitem) { var width = getitem.getProperty("imagesourcewidth"); var height = getitem.getProperty("imagesourceheight"); var duration = getitem.getProperty("duration"); if (width > 0 && height > 0) { comp.size = width + " * " + height; } else { comp.size = "0 * 0"; } comp.duration = duration > 0 ? duration : 0; getitem.destroy(); } getpro.destroy(); } } else if (evt_id == "PositionChange") { comp._on_currenttimechanged(arg1); } else if (evt_id == "MediaError") { var getpro = this._plugin_object.getProperty("error"); if (getpro) { var getitem = getpro.getProperty("Item"); var errormsg = "error"; var statuscode = arg0; if (getitem) { errormsg = getitem.getProperty("errorDescription"); statuscode = getitem.getProperty("errorCode"); getitem.destroy(); } getpro.destroy(); comp._on_error("NativeError", errormsg, statuscode); } } if (comp[evt_id]) { var listener = comp[evt_id]; if (listener) { return listener._fireEvent(this, arg0, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4, arg5, arg6, arg8, arg9); } } } }; _pMediaPlayerPluginElement._setMediaMute = function (name, value) { if (this._plugin_object) { var getpro = this._plugin_object.getProperty("settings"); if (getpro) { getpro.setProperty("mute", value); getpro.destroy(); } } }; _pMediaPlayerPluginElement._setMediaControl = function (name, value) { if (this._plugin_object) { var varset = "none"; if (value == true) { varset = "full"; } this._plugin_object.setProperty("uiMode", varset); } }; _pMediaPlayerPluginElement._setMediaUrl = function (name, value) { if (this._plugin_object) { this._plugin_object.setProperty("url", value); } }; _pMediaPlayerPluginElement._setMediaCurrentTime = function (name, value) { if (this._plugin_object) { var getpro = this._plugin_object.getProperty("controls"); if (getpro) { getpro.setProperty("currentPosition", value); getpro.destroy(); } } }; _pMediaPlayerPluginElement._setMediaLoop = function (name, value) { if (this._plugin_object) { var getpro = this._plugin_object.getProperty("settings"); if (getpro) { getpro.callMethod("setMode", "loop", value); getpro.destroy(); } } }; _pMediaPlayerPluginElement._setMediaAutoPlay = function (name, value) { if (this._plugin_object) { var getpro = this._plugin_object.getProperty("settings"); if (getpro) { getpro.setProperty("autostart", value); getpro.destroy(); } } }; _pMediaPlayerPluginElement._setMediaVolume = function (name, value) { if (this._plugin_object) { var getpro = this._plugin_object.getProperty("settings"); if (getpro) { getpro.setProperty("volume", value); getpro.destroy(); } } }; _pMediaPlayerPluginElement._setMediaEnable = function (name, value) { if (this.enable != value) { this.enable = value; if (this._handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleEnable(this._handle, value); } } }; _pMediaPlayerPluginElement._setMediaAdjustAlpha = function (value) { this.adjustalpha = value; if (this._handle) { nexacro.__setPluginElementHandleAdjustAlpha(this._handle, this.adjustalpha); } }; _pMediaPlayerPluginElement._play = function () { if (this._plugin_object) { var controls = this._plugin_object.getProperty("controls"); if (controls) { controls.callMethod("play"); controls.destroy(); } } }; _pMediaPlayerPluginElement._pause = function () { if (this._plugin_object) { var controls = this._plugin_object.getProperty("controls"); if (controls) { controls.callMethod("pause"); controls.destroy(); } } }; _pMediaPlayerPluginElement._rewind = function () { if (this._plugin_object) { var controls = this._plugin_object.getProperty("controls"); if (controls) { controls.callMethod("fastReverse"); controls.destroy(); } } }; _pMediaPlayerPluginElement._stop = function () { if (this._plugin_object) { var controls = this._plugin_object.getProperty("controls"); if (controls) { controls.callMethod("stop"); controls.destroy(); } } }; _pMediaPlayerPluginElement.destroy = function () { nexacro.PluginElement.prototype.destroy.call(this); }; delete _pMediaPlayerPluginElement; nexacro.GoogleMapPluginElement = function (parent_elem) { this.parent = parent_elem; this._parent_elem = parent_elem; this._parent_elem.windowed = true; this._params = new nexacro.Collection(); this._events = new nexacro.Collection(); }; var _pGoogleMapPluginElement = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.PluginElement, nexacro.GoogleMapPluginElement); nexacro.GoogleMapPluginElement.prototype = _pGoogleMapPluginElement; _pGoogleMapPluginElement._type_name = "GoogleMapElement"; _pGoogleMapPluginElement.pluginname = "GoogleMap"; _pGoogleMapPluginElement.destroy = function () { nexacro.PluginElement.prototype.destroy.call(this); }; _pGoogleMapPluginElement._setLoad = function (params) { if (this._plugin_object) { this.callMethod("load", params); } }; _pGoogleMapPluginElement._setDestroy = function (params) { if (this._plugin_object) { this.callMethod("destroy", params); } }; _pGoogleMapPluginElement._getAddress = function (params) { if (this._plugin_object) { this.callMethod("getAddress", params); } }; _pGoogleMapPluginElement._getCoordinates = function (params) { if (this._plugin_object) { this.callMethod("getCoordinates", params); } }; _pGoogleMapPluginElement._setRemove = function (params) { if (this._plugin_object) { this.callMethod("removeItem", params); } }; _pGoogleMapPluginElement._setMarker = function (params) { if (this._plugin_object) { this.callMethod("Marker", params); } }; _pGoogleMapPluginElement._setPolyline = function (params) { if (this._plugin_object) { this.callMethod("Polyline", params); } }; _pGoogleMapPluginElement._setPolygon = function (params) { if (this._plugin_object) { this.callMethod("Polygon", params); } }; _pGoogleMapPluginElement.initEvent = function () { if (this._handle) { nexacro._observeWrapperEvent(this._handle, null, "on_plugin_event", this.on_plugin_event, -1, null); } }; _pGoogleMapPluginElement.on_plugin_event = function (evt_id, args) { var comp = (this._parent_elem ? this._parent_elem.linkedcontrol : null); if (comp) { var objArgs = eval("(" + args + ")"); if (evt_id == "GoogleMap") { if (objArgs.eventid == "onload") { if (comp.on_load_handler) { return comp.on_load_handler(objArgs.eventid, objArgs.centerlocation, objArgs.coordinates, objArgs.viewmode, objArgs.zoomlevel, objArgs.addresses); } } else if (objArgs.eventid == "onerror") { if (comp.on_error_handler) { return comp.on_error_handler(objArgs.eventid, objArgs.errorcode, objArgs.errormsg); } } else if (objArgs.eventid == "onrecvsuccess") { if (comp.on_recvsuccess_handler) { return comp.on_recvsuccess_handler(objArgs.eventid, objArgs.centerlocation, objArgs.coordinates, objArgs.viewmode, objArgs.zoomlevel, objArgs.addresses); } } else if (objArgs.eventid == "onclick") { if (comp.on_click_handler) { return comp.on_click_handler(objArgs.eventid, objArgs.location); } } else if (objArgs.eventid == "ondrag") { if (comp.on_drag_handler) { return comp.on_drag_handler(objArgs.eventid, objArgs.location); } } else if (objArgs.eventid == "onmapdragstart") { if (comp.on_mapdragstart_handler) { return comp.on_mapdragstart_handler(objArgs.eventid, objArgs.location); } } else if (objArgs.eventid == "onmapdrag") { if (comp.on_mapdrag_handler) { return comp.on_mapdrag_handler(objArgs.eventid, objArgs.location); } } else if (objArgs.eventid == "onmapdragend") { if (comp.on_mapdragend_handler) { return comp.on_mapdragend_handler(objArgs.eventid, objArgs.location); } } } } }; delete _pGoogleMapPluginElement; nexacro.CanvasElement = function (parent_elem) { this.parent = parent_elem; this._parent_elem = parent_elem; }; var _pCanvasElement = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Element, nexacro.CanvasElement); nexacro.CanvasElement.prototype = _pCanvasElement; _pCanvasElement._type_name = "CanvasElement"; _pCanvasElement.lineOffset = 0.5; _pCanvasElement.scale = 10; _pCanvasElement.half_scale = 5; _pCanvasElement.scalex = 0; _pCanvasElement.scaley = 0; _pCanvasElement.fillStyle = null; _pCanvasElement.strokeColor = "#000000"; _pCanvasElement.lineCap = 'butt'; _pCanvasElement.lineJoin = 'miter'; _pCanvasElement.lineWidth = 1; _pCanvasElement.miterLimit = 10; _pCanvasElement.shadowColor = null; _pCanvasElement.shadowOffsetX = 0; _pCanvasElement.shadowOffsetY = 0; _pCanvasElement.shadowBlur = 0; _pCanvasElement.font = null; _pCanvasElement.textAlign = "left"; _pCanvasElement.textBaseline = 0; _pCanvasElement.globalAlpha = 1; _pCanvasElement.globalCompositeOperation = 1; _pCanvasElement._fillStyle_rgb = "#000000"; _pCanvasElement.strokeStyle_rgb = "#000000"; _pCanvasElement.shadowColor_rgb = "#000000"; _pCanvasElement.create = function () { var _owner_elem = (this._is_nc_element) ? this._parent_elem : this._parent_elem.getContainerElement(this.position_step); if (_owner_elem && _owner_elem._handle) { var _handle = this._handle; if (!_handle) { this._owner_elem = _owner_elem; var _win_handle = _owner_elem.getRootWindowHandle(); _handle = nexacro.__createCanvasElementHandle(this, _win_handle, this.left, this.top, this.width, this.height); if (!this.font) { this.font = new nexacro.Style_font("8px Arial"); nexacro.__setCanvasElementHandleFont(_handle, this.font.face, this.font.size, this.font._bold, this.font._italic, this.font._underline, this.font._strikeout, this.font._antialias); } if (!this.visible) { nexacro.__setElementHandleVisible(_handle, false); } this._handle = _handle; nexacro.__appendElementHandle(_owner_elem._handle, _handle); } } }; _pCanvasElement.destroy = function () { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { var _owner_handle = null; if (this._owner_elem && this._owner_elem._handle) { _owner_handle = this._owner_elem._handle; } if (!this._owner_elem || _owner_handle) { nexacro.__destroyElementHandle(_owner_handle, _handle); } this._owner_elem = null; this._handle = null; } this.parent = null; this._parent_elem = null; }; _pCanvasElement.setElementFillStyle = function (fillstyle) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle && fillstyle) { this.fillStyle = fillstyle; if (fillstyle instanceof nexacro.Style_color) { nexacro.__setCanvasElementHandleFillColor(_handle, nexacro._getWebColorFromXreColor(fillstyle.value)); } else { nexacro.__setCanvasFillGradation(_handle, fillstyle.style, fillstyle._start_x, fillstyle._start_y, nexacro._getWebColorFromXreColor(fillstyle.start_color), fillstyle._end_x, fillstyle._end_y, nexacro._getWebColorFromXreColor(fillstyle.end_color), fillstyle._sysvalue); } } }; _pCanvasElement.setElementFont = function (font) { if (!font) { return; } this.font = font; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setCanvasElementHandleFont(_handle, font.face, font.size, font._bold, font._italic, font._underline, font._strikeout, font._antialias); } }; _pCanvasElement.setElementGlobalAlpha = function (alpha) { if (alpha < 0) { alpha = 0; } if (alpha > 1) { alpha = 1; } this.globalAlpha = alpha; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setCanvasElementHandleGlobalAlpha(_handle, alpha); } }; _pCanvasElement.setElementGlobalCompositeOperation = function (operation) { this.globalCompositeOperation = operation; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setCanvasElementHandleGlobalCompositoperation(_handle, operation); } }; _pCanvasElement.setElementLineCap = function (captype) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { this.lineCap = captype; nexacro.__setCanvasElementHandleLineCap(_handle, captype); } }; _pCanvasElement.setElementLineJoin = function (jointype) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { this.lineJoin = jointype; nexacro.__setCanvasElementHandleLineJoin(_handle, jointype); } }; _pCanvasElement.setElementLineWidth = function (size) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle && isFinite(size)) { this.lineWidth = size; this.lineOffset = Math.round(size / 2); nexacro.__setCanvasElementHandleLineWidth(_handle, size); } }; _pCanvasElement.setElementMiterLimit = function (size) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { this.miterLimit = size; nexacro.__setCanvasElementHandleMiterLimit(_handle, size); } }; _pCanvasElement.setElementShadowBlur = function (fact) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { this.shadowBlur = fact; nexacro.__setCanvasElementHandleShadowBlur(_handle, fact); } }; _pCanvasElement.setElementShadowColor = function (color) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { this.shadowColor = color; nexacro.__setCanvasElementHandleShadowColor(_handle, nexacro._getWebColorFromXreColor(color.value)); } }; _pCanvasElement.setElementShadowOffsetX = function (sx) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { this.shadowOffsetX = sx; nexacro.__setCanvasElementHandleShadowOffsetx(_handle, sx); } }; _pCanvasElement.setElementShadowOffsetY = function (sy) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { this.shadowOffsetY = sy; nexacro.__setCanvasElementHandleShadowOffsety(_handle, sy); } }; _pCanvasElement.setElementStrokeStyle = function (color) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle && color) { this.strokeStyle = color; nexacro.__setCanvasElementHandleStrokeColor(_handle, nexacro._getWebColorFromXreColor(color.value)); } }; _pCanvasElement.setElementTextAlign = function (textalign) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { this.textAlign = textalign; nexacro.__setCanvasElementHandleTextAlign(_handle, textalign); } }; _pCanvasElement.setElementTextBaseline = function (basealign) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { this.textBaseline = basealign; nexacro.__setCanvasElementHandleTextBaseline(_handle, basealign); } }; _pCanvasElement.arc = function (x, y, r, start_rad, end_rad, counterclockwise) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__plotCanvasElementHandleArcPath(_handle, x, y, r, start_rad, end_rad, counterclockwise); } }; _pCanvasElement.arcTo = function (x, y, x2, y2, r) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__plotCanvasElementHandleArcToPath(_handle, x, y, x2, y2, r); } }; _pCanvasElement.beginPath = function () { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__plotCanvasElementHandleBeginPath(_handle); } }; _pCanvasElement.bezierCurveTo = function (p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, x, y) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__plotCanvasElementHandleBezierCurveToPath(_handle, p1x, p1y, p2x, p2y, x, y); } }; _pCanvasElement.clearRect = function (x, y, dx, dy) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__clearCanvasElementHandleRect(_handle, x, y, dx, dy); } }; _pCanvasElement.clip = function () { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__clipCanvasElementHandle(_handle); } }; _pCanvasElement.closePath = function () { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__plotCanvasElementHandleClosePath(_handle); } }; _pCanvasElement.createImageData = function (iWidth, iHeight) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { return nexacro.__createCanvasElementHandleImageData(_handle, iWidth, iHeight); } }; _pCanvasElement.drawImage = function (_image_handle, x, y, imgwidth, imgheight) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { var absoluteUrl = _image_handle.src; if (absoluteUrl && absoluteUrl.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase() == "url(") { absoluteUrl = absoluteUrl.substring(5, absoluteUrl.length - 2); } if (absoluteUrl && !nexacro._isAbsolutePath(absoluteUrl)) { var base_url = this._parent_elem._getElementBaseUrl(); absoluteUrl = nexacro._getImageLocation(absoluteUrl); } nexacro.__drawCanvasElementHandleImage(_handle, absoluteUrl, x, y, imgwidth, imgheight); } }; _pCanvasElement.fill = function () { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__fillCanvasElementHandlePath(_handle); } }; _pCanvasElement.fillRect = function (x, y, dx, dy) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__fillCanvasElementHandleRect(_handle, x, y, dx, dy); } }; _pCanvasElement.fillText = function (text, x, y, maxwidth) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { var font = this.font; if (font) { nexacro.__setCanvasElementHandleFont(_handle, font.face, font.size, font._bold, font._italic, font._underline, font._strikeout, font._antialias); } var color = this.fillStyle; if (color) { nexacro.__setCanvasElementHandleFillColor(_handle, nexacro._getWebColorFromXreColor(color.value)); } nexacro.__fillCanvasElementHandleText(_handle, text, x, y, maxwidth); } }; _pCanvasElement.getImageData = function (sx, sy, width, height) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { return nexacro.__getCanvasElementHandleImageData(_handle, sx, sy, width, height); } }; _pCanvasElement.isPointInPath = function (x, y) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { return nexacro.__isPointInCanvasElementHandlePath(_handle, x, y); } }; _pCanvasElement.lineTo = function (x, y) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__plotCanvasElementHandleLineToPath(_handle, x, y); } }; _pCanvasElement.moveTo = function (x, y) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__plotCanvasElementHandleMoveToPath(_handle, x, y); } }; _pCanvasElement.putImageData = function (_image_handle, sx, sy, ix, iy, iwidth, iheight) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__putCanvasElementHandleImageData(_handle, _image_handle, sx, sy, ix, iy, iwidth, iheight); } }; _pCanvasElement.quadraticCurveTo = function (cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__plotCanvasElementHandleQuadraticCurveToPath(_handle, cp1x, cp1y, cp2x, cp2y); } }; _pCanvasElement.rect = function (x, y, dx, dy) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__plotCanvasElementHandleRectPath(_handle, x, y, dx, dy); } }; _pCanvasElement.rotate = function (angle) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__rotateCanvasElementHandle(_handle, angle); } }; _pCanvasElement.rotate2 = function (radian) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { var angle = radian * Math.PI / 180; nexacro.__rotateCanvasElementHandle(_handle, angle); } }; _pCanvasElement.scale = function (dx, dy) { var _handle = this._handle; this.scalex = dx; this.scaley = dy; if (_handle) { nexacro.__scaleCanvasElementHandle(_handle, dx, dy); } }; _pCanvasElement.setTransform = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setCanvasElementHandleTransform(_handle, a, b, c, d, e, f); } }; _pCanvasElement.stroke = function () { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__strokeCanvasElementHandlePath(_handle); } }; _pCanvasElement.strokeRect = function (x, y, dx, dy) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__strokeCanvasElementHandleRect(_handle, x, y, dx, dy); } }; _pCanvasElement.strokeText = function (text, tx, ty, maxwidth) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__strokeCanvasElementHandleText(_handle, text, tx, ty, maxwidth); } }; _pCanvasElement.transform = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__transformCanvasElementHandle(_handle, a, b, c, d, e, f); } }; _pCanvasElement.translate = function (x, y) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__translateCanvasElementHandle(_handle, x, y); } }; _pCanvasElement.arc2 = function (x, y, r, start_deg, end_deg, counterclockwise) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { var start_rad = start_deg * Math.PI / 180; var end_rad = end_deg * Math.PI / 180; nexacro.__plotCanvasElementHandleArcPath(_handle, x, y, r, start_rad, end_rad, counterclockwise); } }; _pCanvasElement.circle = function (x, y, r) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__plotCanvasElementHandleArcPath(_handle, x, y, r, 0, 2 * Math.PI, true); } }; _pCanvasElement.drawStrokeArc = function (x, y, r, start_deg, end_deg, counterclockwise) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { this.arc(x, y, r, start_deg, end_deg, counterclockwise); nexacro.__strokeCanvasElementHandlePath(_handle); nexacro.__plotCanvasElementHandleBeginPath(_handle); } }; _pCanvasElement.drawStrokeArc2 = function (x, y, r, start_deg, end_deg, counterclockwise) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { this.arc2(x, y, r, start_deg, end_deg, counterclockwise); nexacro.__strokeCanvasElementHandlePath(_handle); nexacro.__plotCanvasElementHandleBeginPath(_handle); } }; _pCanvasElement.drawStrokeCircle = function (x, y, r) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__plotCanvasElementHandleArcPath(_handle, x, y, r, 0, 2 * Math.PI, true); nexacro.__strokeCanvasElementHandlePath(_handle); nexacro.__plotCanvasElementHandleBeginPath(_handle); } }; _pCanvasElement.drawStrokeHalfRect = function (x, y, w, h) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { this.halfRect(x, y, w, h); nexacro.__strokeCanvasElementHandlePath(_handle); nexacro.__plotCanvasElementHandleBeginPath(_handle); } }; _pCanvasElement.drawStrokeLine = function (x1, y1, x2, y2) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__plotCanvasElementHandleMoveToPath(_handle, x1, y1); nexacro.__plotCanvasElementHandleLineToPath(_handle, x2, y2); this.drawStroke(); } }; _pCanvasElement.drawStrokeVLine = function (x, y1, y2) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__plotCanvasElementHandleMoveToPath(_handle, x, y1); nexacro.__plotCanvasElementHandleLineToPath(_handle, x, y2); this.drawStroke(); } }; _pCanvasElement.drawStrokeHLine = function (y, x1, x2) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__plotCanvasElementHandleMoveToPath(_handle, x1, y); nexacro.__plotCanvasElementHandleLineToPath(_handle, x2, y); this.drawStroke(); } }; _pCanvasElement.drawStrokeInsetArc = function (x, y, r, start_deg, end_deg, counterclockwise) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { var gap = this.lineOffset; start_deg = start_deg * (Math.PI / 180); end_deg = end_deg * (Math.PI / 180); nexacro.__plotCanvasElementHandleArcPath(_handle, x, y, r - gap, start_deg, end_deg, counterclockwise); nexacro.__strokeCanvasElementHandlePath(_handle); nexacro.__plotCanvasElementHandleBeginPath(_handle); } }; _pCanvasElement.drawStrokeInsetCircle = function (x, y, r) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { var gap = this.lineOffset; nexacro.__plotCanvasElementHandleArcPath(_handle, x, y, r - gap, 0, 2 * Math.PI, true); nexacro.__strokeCanvasElementHandlePath(_handle); nexacro.__plotCanvasElementHandleBeginPath(_handle); } }; _pCanvasElement.drawStrokeInsetRect = function (x, y, w, h) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { this.insetRect(x, y, w, h); nexacro.__strokeCanvasElementHandlePath(_handle); nexacro.__plotCanvasElementHandleBeginPath(_handle); } }; _pCanvasElement.drawStrokeRect = function (x, y, w, h) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__plotCanvasElementHandleRectPath(_handle, x, y, w, h); nexacro.__strokeCanvasElementHandlePath(_handle); nexacro.__plotCanvasElementHandleBeginPath(_handle); } }; _pCanvasElement.drawFillRect = function (x, y, dx, dy) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__plotCanvasElementHandleRectPath(_handle, x, y, dx, dy); nexacro.__fillCanvasElementHandlePath(_handle); nexacro.__plotCanvasElementHandleBeginPath(_handle); } }; _pCanvasElement.drawFillText = function (text, x, y, maxwidth) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { var font = this.font; if (font) { nexacro.__setCanvasElementHandleFont(_handle, font.face, font.size, font._bold, font._italic, font._underline, font._strikeout, font._antialias); } var color = this.fillStyle; if (color) { nexacro.__setCanvasElementHandleFillColor(_handle, nexacro._getWebColorFromXreColor(color.value)); } nexacro.__fillCanvasElementHandleText(_handle, text, x, y, maxwidth); nexacro.__plotCanvasElementHandleBeginPath(_handle); } }; _pCanvasElement.endDraw = function () { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__plotCanvasElementHandleBeginPath(_handle); nexacro.__plotCanvasElementHandleClosePath(_handle); } }; _pCanvasElement.drawFill = function () { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__fillCanvasElementHandlePath(_handle); nexacro.__plotCanvasElementHandleBeginPath(_handle); } }; _pCanvasElement.drawStroke = function () { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__strokeCanvasElementHandlePath(_handle); nexacro.__plotCanvasElementHandleBeginPath(_handle); } }; _pCanvasElement.drawFillArc = function (x, y, r, start_rad, end_rad, counterclockwise) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { this.arc(x, y, r, start_rad, end_rad, counterclockwise); nexacro.__plotCanvasElementHandleClosePath(_handle); nexacro.__fillCanvasElementHandlePath(_handle); nexacro.__plotCanvasElementHandleBeginPath(_handle); } }; _pCanvasElement.drawFillArc2 = function (x, y, r, start_deg, end_deg, counterclockwise) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { this.arc2(x, y, r, start_deg, end_deg, counterclockwise); nexacro.__plotCanvasElementHandleClosePath(_handle); nexacro.__fillCanvasElementHandlePath(_handle); nexacro.__plotCanvasElementHandleBeginPath(_handle); } }; _pCanvasElement.drawFillCircle = function (x, y, r) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__plotCanvasElementHandleArcPath(_handle, x, y, r, 0, 2 * Math.PI, true); nexacro.__fillCanvasElementHandlePath(_handle); nexacro.__plotCanvasElementHandleBeginPath(_handle); } }; _pCanvasElement.halfRect = function (x, y, w, h) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__plotCanvasElementHandleMoveToPath(_handle, x, y); nexacro.__plotCanvasElementHandleLineToPath(_handle, x, y + h); nexacro.__plotCanvasElementHandleLineToPath(_handle, x + w, y + h); nexacro.__plotCanvasElementHandleLineToPath(_handle, x + w, y); } }; _pCanvasElement.hline = function (y, x1, x2) { this.moveTo(x1, y); this.lineTo(x2, y); }; _pCanvasElement.vline = function (x, y1, y2) { this.moveTo(x, y1); this.lineTo(x, y2); }; _pCanvasElement.insetRect = function (x, y, w, h) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { if (w == 0 || h == 0) { return; } var gap = this.lineOffset; var wgap = (w > 0) ? gap : -gap; var hgap = (h > 0) ? gap : -gap; nexacro.__plotCanvasElementHandleMoveToPath(_handle, x + wgap, y + hgap); nexacro.__plotCanvasElementHandleLineToPath(_handle, x + wgap, y + h - hgap); nexacro.__plotCanvasElementHandleLineToPath(_handle, x + w - wgap, y + h - hgap); nexacro.__plotCanvasElementHandleLineToPath(_handle, x + w - wgap, y + hgap); nexacro.__plotCanvasElementHandleClosePath(_handle); } }; _pCanvasElement.save = function () { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__saveCanvasElementHandle(_handle); } }; _pCanvasElement.restore = function () { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { return nexacro.__restoreCanvasElementHandle(_handle); } }; _pCanvasElement.drawBorder = function (x, y, width, height, border, bordertype) { if (border && !border._is_empty) { if (border._linecnt == 1) { if (border.width && border.color != "" && border.color != "transparent") { var color = new nexacro.Style_color(border.color); this.setElementStrokeStyle(color); this.setElementLineWidth(border.width); this.drawStrokeInsetRect(x, y, width, height); } } else if (border._linecnt == 2) { if (border.top._isValid()) { this._setLineStyle(border.top); var offset = border.top._width / 2; this.moveTo(x, y + offset); this.lineTo(x + width, y + offset); this.moveTo(x, y + height - offset); this.lineTo(x + width, y + height - offset); this.stroke(); } if (border.right._isValid()) { this._setLineStyle(border.right); var offset = border.right._width / 2; this.moveTo(x + width - offset, y); this.lineTo(x + width - offset, y + height); this.moveTo(x + offset, y); this.lineTo(x + offset, y + height); this.stroke(); } } else if (border._linecnt == 3) { if (border.top._isValid()) { this._setLineStyle(border.top); var offset = border.top._width / 2; this.moveTo(x, y + offset); this.lineTo(x + width, y + offset); this.stroke(); } if (border.right._isValid()) { this._setLineStyle(border.right); var offset = border.right._width / 2; this.moveTo(x + width - offset, y); this.lineTo(x + width - offset, y + height); this.moveTo(x + offset, y); this.lineTo(x + offset, y + height); this.stroke(); } if (border.bottom._isValid()) { this._setLineStyle(border.bottom); var offset = border.bottom._width / 2; this.moveTo(x, y + width - offset); this.lineTo(x + width, y + width - offset); this.stroke(); } } else { if (border.top._isValid()) { this._setLineStyle(border.top); var offset = border.top._width / 2; this.moveTo(x, y + offset); this.lineTo(x + width, y + offset); this.stroke(); } if (border.right._isValid()) { this._setLineStyle(border.right); var offset = border.right._width / 2; this.moveTo(x + width - offset, y); this.lineTo(x + width - offset, y + height); this.stroke(); } if (border.bottom._isValid()) { this._setLineStyle(border.bottom); var offset = border.bottom._width / 2; this.moveTo(x, y + width - offset); this.lineTo(x + width, y + width - offset); this.stroke(); } if (border.left._isValid()) { this._setLineStyle(border.left); var offset = border.left._width / 2; this.moveTo(x + offset, y); this.lineTo(x + offset, y + height); this.stroke(); } } } }; _pCanvasElement.toDataURL = function () { }; _pCanvasElement._setLineStyle = function (line) { if (line && line._isValid()) { this.setElementStrokeStyle(line.color); this.setElementLineWidth(line.width); } }; _pCanvasElement._setPenStyle = function (pen) { if (pen && pen._isValid()) { this.setElementStrokeStyle(pen.color); this.setElementLineWidth(pen.width); } }; _pCanvasElement._moveCanvas = function (left, top, width, height) { this.left = left || 0; this.top = top || 0; this.width = width || 0; this.height = height || 0; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleSize(_handle, width, height); nexacro.__setElementHandlePosition(_handle, left, top); } }; _pCanvasElement = null; nexacro.GridScrollableControlElement = function (parent_elem) { this.parent = parent_elem; this._parent_elem = parent_elem; this._target_vscroll_elements = null; this._target_hscroll_elements = null; var client_element = new nexacro.ContainerElement(this); this._client_element = client_element; }; var _pGridScrollableControlElement = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.ControlElementBase, nexacro.GridScrollableControlElement); nexacro.GridScrollableControlElement.prototype = _pGridScrollableControlElement; _pGridScrollableControlElement._type_name = "GridScrollableControlElement"; _pGridScrollableControlElement.scroll_left = 0; _pGridScrollableControlElement.scroll_top = 0; _pGridScrollableControlElement.container_maxwidth = 0; _pGridScrollableControlElement.container_maxheight = 0; _pGridScrollableControlElement._hscroll_visible = false; _pGridScrollableControlElement._vscroll_visible = false; _pGridScrollableControlElement._hscroll_height = 0; _pGridScrollableControlElement._vscroll_width = 0; _pGridScrollableControlElement._hscroll_left = 0; _pGridScrollableControlElement._hscroll_top = 0; _pGridScrollableControlElement._hscroll_width = 0; _pGridScrollableControlElement._vscroll_left = 0; _pGridScrollableControlElement._vscroll_top = 0; _pGridScrollableControlElement._vscroll_height = 0; _pGridScrollableControlElement.hscroll_limit = 0; _pGridScrollableControlElement.vscroll_limit = 0; _pGridScrollableControlElement._scroll_showtype = -1; _pGridScrollableControlElement._scrollview_width_top = 0; _pGridScrollableControlElement._hscroll_control = null; _pGridScrollableControlElement._vscroll_control = null; _pGridScrollableControlElement._resizebutton_element = null; _pGridScrollableControlElement._scroll_overlap = false; _pGridScrollableControlElement.create = function () { var _owner_elem = (this._is_nc_element) ? this._parent_elem : this._parent_elem.getContainerElement(this.position_step); if (_owner_elem && _owner_elem._handle) { if (!this._handle) { this._owner_elem = _owner_elem; var _win_handle = _owner_elem.getRootWindowHandle(); var _handle = nexacro.__createControlElementHandle(this, _win_handle, this.left, this.top, this.width, this.height); this.linkedcontrol._unique_id = this.linkedcontrol.parent._unique_id + '_' + this.linkedcontrol.id; nexacro.__setElementHandleId(_handle, this.linkedcontrol._unique_id); this._handle = _handle; nexacro.__appendElementHandle(_owner_elem._handle, _handle); if (this.border || this.bordertype) { this._setControlBorder(_handle, this.border, this.bordertype); } if (this.background) { this._setControlBackground(_handle, this.background, this.gradation); } if (this.opacity) { nexacro.__setElementHandleOpacity(_handle, this.opacity); } if (this._hittest_type) { nexacro.__setElementHittestValue(_handle, this._hittest_type); } this._refreshForeground(_handle); } if (this._handle && !this._client_element._handle) { this._client_element.create(); } } }; _pGridScrollableControlElement.destroy = function () { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { var _owner_handle = null; if (this._owner_elem && this._owner_elem._handle) { _owner_handle = this._owner_elem._handle; } if (!this._owner_elem || _owner_handle) { nexacro.__destroyElementHandle(_owner_handle, _handle); } this._owner_elem = null; this._handle = null; this._client_element.destroy(); this.linkedcontrol = null; this._target_vscroll_elements = null; this._target_hscroll_elements = null; this._hscroll_control = null; this._vscroll_control = null; } this.parent = null; this._parent_elem = null; this.linkedcontrol = null; }; _pGridScrollableControlElement.clearContents = function () { if (this._handle) { this._client_element.clearContents(); } }; _pGridScrollableControlElement.getContainerElement = function () { return this._client_element; }; _pGridScrollableControlElement.setVertScrollElements = function (elems) { this._target_vscroll_elements = elems; }; _pGridScrollableControlElement.setHorzScrollElements = function (elems) { this._target_hscroll_elements = elems; }; _pGridScrollableControlElement.setContainerVScrollPos = function (pos) { var vert_elems = this._target_vscroll_elements; if (vert_elems) { if (nexacro._isArray(vert_elems)) { var elem; for (var i = 0, n = vert_elems.length; i < n; i++) { elem = vert_elems[i]; elem.setElementVScrollPos(pos); } } else { vert_elems.setElementVScrollPos(pos); } if (nexacro._enableaccessibility && nexacro._accessibilitytype == 5) { this._refreshForeground(this._handle); } } }; _pGridScrollableControlElement.setContainerHScrollPos = function (pos) { var horz_elems = this._target_hscroll_elements; if (horz_elems) { if (nexacro._isArray(horz_elems)) { var elem; for (var i = 0, n = horz_elems.length; i < n; i++) { elem = horz_elems[i]; elem.setElementHScrollPos(pos); } } else { horz_elems.setElementHScrollPos(pos); } if (nexacro._enableaccessibility && nexacro._accessibilitytype == 5) { this._refreshForeground(this._handle); } } }; _pGridScrollableControlElement.setContainerMaxHeight = function (height) { var vert_elems = this._target_vscroll_elements; if (vert_elems) { this.container_maxheight = height; if (nexacro._isArray(vert_elems)) { var elem; for (var i = 0, n = vert_elems.length; i < n; i++) { elem = vert_elems[i]; elem._setContainerMaxHeight(height); } } else { vert_elems._setContainerMaxHeight(height); } } }; _pGridScrollableControlElement.setContainerMaxWidth = function (width) { var horz_elems = this._target_hscroll_elements; if (horz_elems) { this.container_maxwidth = width; if (nexacro._isArray(horz_elems)) { var elem; for (var i = 0, n = horz_elems.length; i < n; i++) { elem = horz_elems[i]; elem._setContainerMaxWidth(width); } } else { horz_elems._setContainerMaxWidth(width); } } }; _pGridScrollableControlElement._updateClientSize = function () { var client_left = this._inner_left; var client_top = this._inner_top; var client_width = this._inner_width; var client_height = this._inner_height; var client_element = this._client_element; if (this._scroll_showtype > 0) { var v_elements = this._target_vscroll_elements, v_element = v_elements, h_elements = this._target_hscroll_elements, h_element = h_elements; 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vscroll_limit = maxheight - v_client_height; } h_client_width = (h_element) ? h_element._calculateClientWidth(client_width - this.client_width) : client_width - this.client_width; if (this._hscroll_control && maxwidth > h_client_width) { hscroll_visible = true; client_height -= this._hscroll_height; v_client_height = (v_element) ? v_element._calculateClientHeight(client_height - this.client_height) : client_height - this.client_height; if (this._vscroll_control && maxheight > v_client_height) { if (!vscroll_visible) { vscroll_visible = true; client_width -= this._vscroll_width; h_client_width -= this._vscroll_width; } vscroll_limit = maxheight - v_client_height; } hscroll_limit = maxwidth - h_client_width; } } else if (scroll_showtype == 2) { if (this._vscroll_control) { vscroll_visible = true; client_width -= this._vscroll_width; vscroll_limit = maxheight + this._hscroll_height - v_client_height; } if (step_count > 0 && step_containers) { maxwidth = step_count * this.client_width; } h_client_width = (h_element) ? h_element._calculateClientWidth(client_width - this.client_width) : client_width - this.client_width; if (this._hscroll_control) { if (!hscroll_hidden) { hscroll_visible = true; client_height -= this._hscroll_height; } hscroll_limit = maxwidth - h_client_width; } } else if (scroll_showtype == 31) { if (this._vscroll_control) { vscroll_visible = true; client_width -= this._vscroll_width; vscroll_limit = maxheight - v_client_height; } if (step_count > 0 && step_containers) { maxwidth = step_count * this.client_width; } h_client_width = (h_element) ? h_element._calculateClientWidth(client_width - this.client_width) : client_width - this.client_width; if (this._hscroll_control && maxwidth > h_client_width) { hscroll_visible = true; client_height -= this._hscroll_height; v_client_height = (v_element) ? v_element._calculateClientHeight(client_height - this.client_height) : client_height - this.client_height; if (this._vscroll_control && maxheight > v_client_height) { if (!vscroll_visible) { vscroll_visible = true; client_width -= this._vscroll_width; h_client_width = (h_element) ? h_element._calculateClientWidth(-this._vscroll_width) : -this._vscroll_width; } vscroll_limit = maxheight - v_client_height; } hscroll_limit = maxwidth - h_client_width; } } else if (scroll_showtype == 32) { if (this._vscroll_control && maxheight > v_client_height) { vscroll_visible = true; client_width -= this._vscroll_width; vscroll_limit = maxheight + this._hscroll_height - v_client_height; } if (step_count > 0 && step_containers) { maxwidth = step_count * this.client_width; } h_client_width = (h_element) ? h_element._calculateClientWidth(client_width - this.client_width) : client_width - this.client_width; if (this._hscroll_control) { if (!hscroll_hidden) { hscroll_visible = true; client_height -= this._hscroll_height; } hscroll_limit = maxwidth - h_client_width; } } if (hscroll_limit < 0) { hscroll_limit = 0; } if (vscroll_limit < 0) { vscroll_limit = 0; } var reset_vlimit = false; var reset_hlimit = false; if (this.hscroll_limit != hscroll_limit) { reset_hlimit = true; this.hscroll_limit = hscroll_limit; } if (this.vscroll_limit != vscroll_limit) { reset_vlimit = true; this.vscroll_limit = vscroll_limit; } var reset_vscroll = false; var reset_hscroll = false; var reset_vscroll_enable = false; var reset_hscroll_enable = false; if (scrollTop > vscroll_limit) { reset_vscroll = true; scrollTop = vscroll_limit; } if (scrollLeft > hscroll_limit) { reset_hscroll = true; scrollLeft = hscroll_limit; } if (this.client_left != client_left || this.client_top != client_top || this._bChangeRtl) { this.client_left = client_left; this.client_top = client_top; client_element.setElementPosition(client_left, client_top, this._bChangeRtl); } if (this.client_width != client_width || this.client_height != client_height) { this.client_width = client_width; this.client_height = client_height; client_element.setElementSize(client_width, client_height); } if (reset_hscroll) { this.setElementHScrollPos(scrollLeft); } if (reset_vscroll) { this.setElementVScrollPos(scrollTop); } if (this._vscroll_control) { if (this._vscroll_control.parent.enable != this._vscroll_control.enable) { reset_vscroll_enable = true; } if (vscroll_visible) { if (this._vscroll_left != (client_left + client_width) || this._vscroll_top != client_top || this._vscroll_height != client_height || reset_vlimit) { this._vscroll_left = (client_left + client_width); this._vscroll_top = client_top; this._vscroll_height = client_height; this._vscroll_control._setScrollInfo(this._vscroll_left, client_top, this._vscroll_width, this._vscroll_height, 0, this.vscroll_limit, 30, v_client_height, v_client_height, true, scrollTop); } else { this._vscroll_control._setScrollInfo(this._vscroll_left, client_top, this._vscroll_width, this._vscroll_height, 0, this.vscroll_limit, 30, v_client_height, v_client_height, true, scrollTop); if (reset_vscroll) { this._vscroll_control._setScrollPos(scrollTop); } } if (reset_vscroll_enable) { this._vscroll_control._setEnable(this._vscroll_control.parent.enable); } if (!this._vscroll_visible) { this._vscroll_visible = true; this._vscroll_control.set_visible(true); } } else { if (this._vscroll_visible) { this._vscroll_visible = false; this._vscroll_control.set_visible(false); } if (this._vscroll_left != (client_left + client_width) || this._vscroll_top != client_top || this._vscroll_height != client_height || reset_vlimit) { this._vscroll_left = (client_left + client_width); this._vscroll_top = client_top; this._vscroll_height = client_height; this._vscroll_control._setScrollInfo(this._vscroll_left, client_top, this._vscroll_width, this._vscroll_height, 0, this.vscroll_limit, 30, v_client_height, v_client_height, false, scrollTop); } else if (reset_vscroll) { this._vscroll_control._setScrollPos(scrollTop); } if (reset_vscroll_enable) { this._vscroll_control._setEnable(this._vscroll_control.parent.enable); } } } if (this._hscroll_control) { if (this._hscroll_control.parent.enable != this._hscroll_control.enable) { reset_hscroll_enable = true; } if (hscroll_visible) { if (this._hscroll_left != client_left || this._hscroll_top != (client_top + client_height) || this._hscroll_width != client_width || reset_hlimit) { this._hscroll_left = client_left; this._hscroll_top = (client_top + client_height); this._hscroll_width = client_width; this._hscroll_control._setScrollInfo(client_left, this._hscroll_top, this._hscroll_width, this._hscroll_height, 0, this.hscroll_limit, 30, h_client_width, h_client_width, true, scrollLeft); } else if (reset_hscroll) { this._hscroll_control._setScrollPos(scrollLeft); } if (reset_hscroll_enable) { this._hscroll_control._setEnable(this._hscroll_control.parent.enable); } if (!this._hscroll_visible) { this._hscroll_visible = true; this._hscroll_control.set_visible(true); } } else { if (this._hscroll_visible) { this._hscroll_visible = false; this._hscroll_control.set_visible(false); } if (this._hscroll_left != client_left || this._hscroll_top != (client_top + client_height) || this._hscroll_width != client_width || reset_hlimit) { this._hscroll_left = client_left; this._hscroll_top = (client_top + client_height); this._hscroll_width = client_width; this._hscroll_control._setScrollInfo(client_left, this._hscroll_top, this._hscroll_width, this._hscroll_height, 0, this.hscroll_limit, 30, h_client_width, h_client_width, false, scrollLeft); } else if (reset_hscroll) { this._hscroll_control._setScrollPos(scrollLeft); } if (reset_hscroll_enable) { this._hscroll_control._setEnable(this._hscroll_control.parent.enable); } } } } else { if (this.client_left != client_left || this.client_top != client_top) { this.client_left = client_left; this.client_top = client_top; client_element.setElementPosition(client_left, client_top); } if (this.client_width != client_width || this.client_height != client_height) { this.client_width = client_width; this.client_height = client_height; client_element.setElementSize(client_width, client_height); } } }; _pGridScrollableControlElement.appendChildElement = function (child_elem) { if (this._handle) { if (child_elem._parent_elem != this) { if (child_elem._handle) { var old_win_handle = child_elem.getRootWindowHandle(); var new_win_handle = this._client_element.getRootWindowHandle(); if (old_win_handle != new_win_handle) { child_elem._parent_elem = this; child_elem._destroyElementHandle(); } else { child_elem._parent_elem = this; } } else { child_elem._parent_elem = this; } } if (!child_elem._handle) { child_elem.create(); } else { child_elem._appendToContainer(this._client_element); } } }; _pGridScrollableControlElement.removeChildElement = function (child_elem) { if (child_elem._parent_elem == this) { child_elem._removeFromContainer(); } }; _pGridScrollableControlElement.sendToBackElement = function (cur_elem) { this._client_element.sendToBackElement(cur_elem); }; _pGridScrollableControlElement.bringToFrontElement = function (cur_elem) { this._client_element.bringToFrontElement(cur_elem); }; _pGridScrollableControlElement.moveToNextElement = function (cur_elem, target_elem) { this._client_element.moveToNextElement(cur_elem, target_elem); }; _pGridScrollableControlElement.moveToPrevElement = function (cur_elem, target_elem) { this._client_element.moveToPrevElement(cur_elem, target_elem); }; _pGridScrollableControlElement.setScrollControls = function (hscroll_control, vscroll_control, hscroll_height, vscroll_width, scroll_showtype) { var recalc = false; if (this._scroll_showtype != scroll_showtype) { this._scroll_showtype = scroll_showtype; recalc = true; } if (this._hscroll_control != hscroll_control) { if (hscroll_control) { this._hscroll_visible = true; hscroll_control._is_nc_control = true; this._hscroll_control = hscroll_control; if (this._hscroll_height != hscroll_height) { this._hscroll_height = hscroll_height; recalc = true; } } else { this._hscroll_control = null; if (this._hscroll_height) { this._hscroll_height = 0; recalc = true; } this._hscroll_left = 0; this._hscroll_top = 0; this._hscroll_width = 0; } } if (this._vscroll_control != vscroll_control) { if (vscroll_control) { this._vscroll_visible = true; vscroll_control._is_nc_control = true; this._vscroll_control = vscroll_control; if (this._vscroll_width != vscroll_width) { this._vscroll_width = vscroll_width; recalc = true; } } else { this._vscroll_control = null; if (this._vscroll_width) { this._vscroll_width = 0; recalc = true; } this._vscroll_left = 0; this._vscroll_top = 0; this._vscroll_height = 0; } } if (recalc) { this._updateClientSize(); } }; _pGridScrollableControlElement._arrangeBandOrder = nexacro._emptyFn; _pGridScrollableControlElement.setElementHScrollPos = function (hpos) { var h_element = this._target_hscroll_elements; if (h_element) { if (nexacro._isArray(h_element)) { h_element = h_element[0]; } if (hpos < 0) { hpos = 0; } if (hpos > this.hscroll_limit) { hpos = this.hscroll_limit; } var scrollLeft = h_element._getScrollLeft(); if (scrollLeft != hpos || this._reset_scrollpos) { this.scroll_left = hpos; this.linkedcontrol._scroll_left = hpos; this.setContainerHScrollPos(hpos); if (this._hscroll_control) { this._hscroll_control._setScrollPos(hpos); } } } }; _pGridScrollableControlElement.setElementVScrollPos = function (vpos) { var v_element = this._target_vscroll_elements; if (v_element) { if (nexacro._isArray(v_element)) { v_element = v_element[0]; } if (vpos < 0) { vpos = 0; } if (vpos > this.vscroll_limit) { vpos = this.vscroll_limit; } var scrollTop = v_element._getScrollTop(); this.scroll_top = vpos; if (scrollTop != vpos || this._reset_scrollpos) { this.linkedcontrol._scroll_top = vpos; this.setContainerVScrollPos(vpos); if (this._vscroll_control && !this._vscroll_control._no_set_scrollinfo) { this._vscroll_control._setScrollPos(vpos); } } } }; _pGridScrollableControlElement.setElementScrollPos = function (hpos, vpos) { var v_element = this._target_vscroll_element; var h_element = this._target_hscroll_element; if (h_element) { if (nexacro._isArray(h_element)) { h_element = h_element[0]; } if (hpos < 0) { hpos = 0; } if (hpos > this.hscroll_limit) { hpos = this.hscroll_limit; } var scrollLeft = h_element._getScrollLeft(); if (scrollLeft != hpos) { this.scroll_left = hpos; this.linkedcontrol._scroll_left = hpos; this.setContainerHScrollPos(hpos); if (this._hscroll_control && !this._hscroll_control._no_set_scrollinfo) { this._hscroll_control._setScrollPos(hpos); } } } if (v_element) { if (nexacro._isArray(v_element)) { v_element = v_element[0]; } if (vpos < 0) { vpos = 0; } if (vpos > this.vscroll_limit) { vpos = this.vscroll_limit; } var scrollTop = v_element._getScrollTop(); if (scrollTop != vpos) { this.scroll_top = vpos; this.linkedcontrol._scroll_top = vpos; this.setContainerVScrollPos(vpos); if (this._vscroll_control && !this._vscroll_control._no_set_scrollinfo) { this._vscroll_control._setScrollPos(vpos); } } } }; _pGridScrollableControlElement._setInnerElementScrollMaxSize = nexacro._emptyFn; _pGridScrollableControlElement.setElementScrollMaxSize = function (width, height) { var v_element = this._target_vscroll_elements; if (nexacro._isArray(v_element)) { v_element = v_element[0]; } var h_element = this._target_hscroll_elements; if (nexacro._isArray(h_element)) { h_element = h_element[0]; } var maxheight = (v_element) ? v_element._getContainerMaxHeight() : 0; var maxwidth = (h_element) ? h_element._getContainerMaxWidth() : 0; var retn = false; if (maxwidth != width || maxheight != height) { if (maxheight != height) { this.setContainerMaxHeight(height); } if (maxwidth != width) { this.setContainerMaxWidth(width); } retn = true; } if (v_element && this._scroll_showtype >= 0) { this._updateClientSize(); } return retn; }; _pGridScrollableControlElement.setElementScrollMaxHeight = function (width, update) { var h_element = this._target_hscroll_elements; if (h_element) { if (nexacro._isArray(h_element)) { h_element = h_element[0]; } var maxwidth = h_element._getContainerMaxWidth(); if (maxwidth != width) { if (maxwidth != width) { this.setContainerMaxWidth(width); } if (update && this._scroll_showtype >= 0) { this._updateClientSize(); } return true; } } return false; }; _pGridScrollableControlElement._setScrollMaxHeight = function (height, update) { var v_element = this._target_vscroll_elements; if (v_element) { if (nexacro._isArray(v_element)) { v_element = v_element[0]; } var maxheight = v_element._getContainerMaxHeight(); if (maxheight != height) { if (maxheight != height) { this.setContainerMaxHeight(height); } if (update && this._scroll_showtype >= 0) { this._updateClientSize(); } return true; } } return false; }; _pGridScrollableControlElement.setElementScrollbarSize = function (width, height) { if (this._vscroll_width != width || this._hscroll_height != height) { this._vscroll_width = width; this._hscroll_height = height; if (this._scroll_showtype >= 0) { this._updateClientSize(); } return true; } return false; }; delete _pGridScrollableControlElement; nexacro.GridBandControlElement = function (parent_elem, type) { this.parent = parent_elem; this._parent_elem = parent_elem; this._type = type; this._client_element = new nexacro.GridBandContainerElement(this); this._client_element_fix = null; this._fix_height = 0; this.container_maxwidth = 0; this.container_maxheight = 0; }; var _pGridBandControlElement = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.ControlElement, nexacro.GridBandControlElement); nexacro.GridBandControlElement.prototype = _pGridBandControlElement; _pGridBandControlElement._type_name = "GridBandControlElement"; _pGridBandControlElement.scroll_left = 0; _pGridBandControlElement.scroll_top = 0; _pGridBandControlElement.create = function () { nexacro.ControlElement.prototype.create.call(this); if (this._client_element_fix) { this._client_element_fix.create(); } }; _pGridBandControlElement.destroy = function () { if (this._client_element_fix) { this._client_element_fix.destroy(); this._client_element_fix = null; } return nexacro.ControlElement.prototype.destroy.call(this); }; _pGridBandControlElement._setFixArea = function (height) { this._fix_height = height; if (!this._client_element_fix) { this._client_element_fix = new nexacro.GridBandContainerElement(this, true); } if (this._handle && !this._client_element_fix._handle) { this._client_element_fix.create(); } this._updateClientSize(); }; _pGridBandControlElement.getContainerElement = function (is_fixed) { if (is_fixed) { return this._client_element_fix; } return this._client_element; }; _pGridBandControlElement._setContainerMaxHeight = function (height) { if (this._type == "body") { if (this.container_maxheight != height) { this.container_maxheight = height; } } }; _pGridBandControlElement._resetExtendContainer = function () { }; _pGridBandControlElement._calculateClientHeight = function (change_height) { var c_height = this.client_height + change_height + ((this.border) ? this.border._getBorderHeight() : 0); return c_height; }; _pGridBandControlElement.setElementBorder = function (border, bordertype) { this.border = border; this.bordertype = bordertype; this._setControlBorder(this._handle, border, bordertype, true); this._updateClientSize(); this._client_element._adjustPos(); }; _pGridBandControlElement._getContainerMaxHeight = function () { if (this._type == "body") { return this.container_maxheight; } else { return this.client_height; } }; _pGridBandControlElement._getScrollLeft = function () { return this.scroll_left; }; _pGridBandControlElement._getScrollTop = function () { if (this._type == "body") { return this.scroll_top; } else { return 0; } }; _pGridBandControlElement._updateClientSize = function () { var client_left = 0; var client_top = 0; var client_width = this._inner_width; var client_height = this._inner_height; var border = this.border; if (border && !border._is_real_empty()) { client_width += border._getBorderWidth(); client_height += border._getBorderHeight(); } var fix_height = this._fix_height; client_top += fix_height; client_height -= fix_height; var client_element_fix = this._client_element_fix; if (client_element_fix) { client_element_fix.setElementPosition(client_left, 0, this._bChangeRtl); client_element_fix.setElementSize(client_width, fix_height); } var client_element = this._client_element; if (client_element) { if (this.client_left != client_left || this.client_top != client_top || this._bChangeRtl) { this.client_left = client_left; this.client_top = client_top; client_element.setElementPosition(client_left, client_top, this._bChangeRtl); } if (this.client_width != client_width || this.client_height != client_height) { this.client_width = client_width; this.client_height = client_height; client_element.setElementSize(client_width, client_height); } } else { this.client_left = client_left; this.client_top = client_top; this.client_width = client_width; this.client_height = client_height; } }; _pGridBandControlElement.setElementVScrollPos = function (vpos) { if (this._type == "body") { this._client_element.setElementVScrollPos(vpos); this.scroll_top = vpos; } }; _pGridBandControlElement._setOnScrollCallbackFunc = function (target, func) { if (this._type == "body") { this._client_element._callback_onscroll = func; this._client_element._grid = target; } }; _pGridBandControlElement._getExtendContainerCount = function () { return 0; }; delete _pGridBandControlElement; nexacro.GridBandContainerElement = function (parent_elem) { this.parent = parent_elem; this._parent_elem = parent_elem; this._callback_onscroll = null; }; var _pGridBandContainerElement = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.ScrollableContainerElement, nexacro.GridBandContainerElement); nexacro.GridBandContainerElement.prototype = _pGridBandContainerElement; _pGridBandContainerElement._type_name = "GridBandContainerElement"; _pGridBandContainerElement._container_maxwidth = 0; _pGridBandContainerElement._container_maxheight = 0; _pGridBandContainerElement.setElementVScrollPos = function (vpos) { if (this._scroll_top != vpos || this.parent._reset_scrollpos) { this._scroll_top = vpos; if (!this.parent._no_setscroll) { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleVScrollPos(_handle, vpos); if (this._callback_onscroll) { this._callback_onscroll.call(this._grid); } } } } }; _pGridBandContainerElement._adjustPos = function () { nexacro.__setElementHandleBackgroundColor(this._handle, 0); this.setElementPosition(this.left, this.top); }; _pGridBandContainerElement.setElementPosition = function (left, top) { var border = this.parent.border; this.left = left; this.top = top; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { if (border) { left = left - border._left_width; top = top - border._top_width; } var owner_elem = this._owner_elem; var bMirror = false; if (owner_elem) { left = this._adjustRtlLayoutLeft(left, this.width); } nexacro.__setElementHandlePosition(_handle, left, top); } }; _pGridBandContainerElement.create = function () { var retn = nexacro.ScrollableContainerElement.prototype.create.call(this); this._adjustPos(); return retn; }; delete _pGridBandContainerElement; nexacro.GridRowControlElement = function (parent_elem) { this.parent = parent_elem; this._parent_elem = parent_elem; this._client_left_element = null; this._client_body_element = new nexacro.GridAreaContainerElement(this, "body"); this._client_right_element = null; this._left_width = 0; this._right_width = 0; this._body_width = 0; this._body_scroll_maxwidth = 0; this.scroll_left = 0; }; var _pGridRowControlElement = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.ControlElement, nexacro.GridRowControlElement); nexacro.GridRowControlElement.prototype = _pGridRowControlElement; _pGridRowControlElement._type_name = "GridRowControlElement"; _pGridRowControlElement.create = function () { var _owner_elem = (this._is_nc_element) ? this._parent_elem : this._parent_elem.getContainerElement(this.linkedcontrol._fixed); if (_owner_elem && _owner_elem._handle) { if (!this._handle) { this._owner_elem = _owner_elem; var _win_handle = _owner_elem.getRootWindowHandle(); var _handle = nexacro.__createControlElementHandle(this, _win_handle, this.left, this.top, this.width, this.height); this.linkedcontrol._unique_id = this.linkedcontrol.parent._unique_id + '_' + this.linkedcontrol.id; nexacro.__setElementHandleId(_handle, this.linkedcontrol._unique_id); this._handle = _handle; nexacro.__appendElementHandle(_owner_elem._handle, _handle); if (this.border || this.bordertype) { this._setControlBorder(_handle, this.border, this.bordertype); } if (this.background) { this._setControlBackground(_handle, this.background, this.gradation); } if (this.opacity) { nexacro.__setElementHandleOpacity(_handle, this.opacity); } if (this._hittest_type) { nexacro.__setElementHittestValue(_handle, this._hittest_type); } this._refreshForeground(_handle); } if (this._handle) { if (!this._client_body_element._handle) { this._client_body_element.create(); } if (this._client_left_element && !this._client_left_element._handle) { this._client_left_element.create(); } if (this._client_right_element && !this._client_right_element._handle) { this._client_right_element.create(); } this._client_element = this._client_body_element; } } }; _pGridRowControlElement.destroy = function () { var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { var _owner_handle = null; if (this._owner_elem && this._owner_elem._handle) { _owner_handle = this._owner_elem._handle; } if (!this._owner_elem || _owner_handle) { nexacro.__destroyElementHandle(_owner_handle, _handle); } this._owner_elem = null; this._handle = null; this._client_body_element.destroy(); if (this._client_left_element) { this._client_left_element.destroy(); } if (this._client_right_element) { this._client_right_element.destroy(); } this._client_body_element = null; this._client_left_element = null; this._client_right_element = null; this._client_element = null; } this.parent = null; this._parent_elem = null; this.linkedcontrol = null; }; _pGridRowControlElement.clearContents = function () { if (this._handle) { this._client_body_element.clearContents(); if (this._client_left_element) { this._client_left_element.clearContents(); } if (this._client_right_element) { this._client_right_element.clearContents(); } } }; _pGridRowControlElement.getContainerElement = function (area) { if (area == "left") { return this._client_left_element; } else if (area == "right") { return this._client_right_element; } return this._client_body_element; }; _pGridRowControlElement.setArea = function (leftwidth, rightwidth) { if (leftwidth > 0 && !this._client_left_element) { this._client_left_element = new nexacro.GridAreaContainerElement(this, "left"); } if (rightwidth > 0 && !this._client_right_element) { this._client_right_element = new nexacro.GridAreaContainerElement(this, "right"); } this._left_width = leftwidth; if (this._client_left_element) { this._client_left_element.setElementPosition(this.client_left, this.client_top, this._bChangeRtl || this._isRtl()); this._client_left_element.setElementSize(leftwidth, this.client_height); } this._right_width = rightwidth; if (this._client_right_element) { this._client_right_element.setElementPosition(this.client_width - rightwidth, this.client_top, this._bChangeRtl || this._isRtl()); this._client_right_element.setElementSize(rightwidth, this.client_height); } this._body_width = this.client_width - leftwidth - rightwidth; this._client_body_element.setElementPosition(leftwidth, this.client_top, this._bChangeRtl || this._isRtl()); this._client_body_element.setElementSize(this._body_width, this.height); }; _pGridRowControlElement._updateClientSize = function () { this.client_left = this._inner_left; this.client_top = this._inner_top; this.client_width = this._inner_width; this.client_height = this._inner_height; this.setArea(this._left_width, this._right_width); }; _pGridRowControlElement._setContainerMaxWidth = function (width) { if (this._body_scroll_maxwidth != width) { this._body_scroll_maxwidth = width; } }; _pGridRowControlElement._calculateClientWidth = function (change_width) { var c_width = this._body_width + change_width; return c_width; }; _pGridRowControlElement._getContainerMaxWidth = function () { return this._body_scroll_maxwidth; }; _pGridRowControlElement._getScrollLeft = function () { return this.scroll_left; }; _pGridRowControlElement.setElementHScrollPos = function (hpos) { this._client_body_element.setElementHScrollPos(hpos); this.scroll_left = hpos; }; _pGridRowControlElement.setElementRtlDirection = function (rtldirection) { nexacro.Element.prototype.setElementRtlDirection.call(this, rtldirection); this._bChangeRtl = true; this._updateClientSize(); this._bChangeRtl = false; }; delete _pGridRowControlElement; nexacro.GridAreaContainerElement = function (parent_elem, areatype) { this.parent = parent_elem; this._parent_elem = parent_elem; this._areatype = areatype; }; var _pGridAreaContainerElement = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.ScrollableContainerElement, nexacro.GridAreaContainerElement); nexacro.GridAreaContainerElement.prototype = _pGridAreaContainerElement; _pGridAreaContainerElement._type_name = "GridAreaContainerElement"; _pGridAreaContainerElement._container_maxwidth = 0; _pGridAreaContainerElement._container_maxheight = 0; _pGridAreaContainerElement.setElementHScrollPos = function (hpos, bForce) { if (this._scroll_left != hpos || this.parent._reset_scrollpos || this.parent._bChangeRtl || bForce) { this._scroll_left = hpos; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { hpos = nexacro.__convertScrollLeftByRtl(this._parent_elem._parent_elem, hpos); nexacro.__setElementHandleHScrollPos(_handle, hpos); } } }; delete _pGridAreaContainerElement; nexacro.GridCellControlElement = function (parent_elem, area, mode, padding) { this.parent = parent_elem; this._parent_elem = parent_elem; this._area = area; this._expand_width = 0; this._expand_ctrl = null; this._mode = ""; this._changeMode(mode, padding); }; var _pGridCellControlElement = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.ControlElement, nexacro.GridCellControlElement); nexacro.GridCellControlElement.prototype = _pGridCellControlElement; _pGridCellControlElement._type_name = "GridCellControlElement"; _pGridCellControlElement._changeMode = function (mode, padding) { mode = (mode) ? mode : "text"; if (this._mode !== mode) { var prev = this._client_element; var textchange = false; if (this._mode.indexOf("text") >= 0 && mode.indexOf("text") >= 0) { textchange = true; } if (mode == "text") { this._client_element = new nexacro.GridCellTextSimpleContainerElement(this); } else if (mode == "expandtext") { this._client_element = new nexacro.GridCellTextContainerElement(this); } else { this._client_element = new nexacro.GridCellContainerElement(this); } var client_element = this._client_element; if (prev) { if (textchange) { client_element.font = prev.font; client_element.letterspace = prev.letterspace; client_element.color = prev.color; client_element.cursor = prev.cursor; client_element.align = prev.align; client_element.halign = prev.halign; client_element.valign = prev.valign; client_element.text = prev.text; client_element.linespace = prev.linespace; client_element.wordwrap = prev.wordwrap; client_element.decoration = prev.decoration; client_element._cell_node = prev._cell_node; client_element._use_newline = prev._use_newline; } if (this.linkedcontrol._subComp) { this.linkedcontrol._subComp.destroy(); this.linkedcontrol._subComp = null; } prev.destroy(); } if (this._handle && !client_element._handle) { client_element.create(); } client_element.setElementSize(this.client_width, this.client_height); client_element.setElementPosition(this.client_left, this.client_top, true); this._mode = mode; } else { } return this._client_element; }; _pGridCellControlElement.create = function () { var _owner_elem = (this._is_nc_element) ? this._parent_elem : this._parent_elem.getContainerElement(this._area); if (_owner_elem && _owner_elem._handle) { if (!this._handle) { this._owner_elem = _owner_elem; var _win_handle = _owner_elem.getRootWindowHandle(); var _handle = nexacro.__createControlElementHandle(this, _win_handle, this.left, this.top, this.width, this.height); this.linkedcontrol._unique_id = this.linkedcontrol.parent._unique_id + '_' + this.linkedcontrol.id; nexacro.__setElementHandleId(_handle, this.linkedcontrol._unique_id); this._handle = _handle; nexacro.__appendElementHandle(_owner_elem._handle, _handle); if (this.border || this.bordertype) { this._setControlBorder(_handle, this.border, this.bordertype); } if (this.background) { this._setControlBackground(_handle, this.background, this.gradation); } if (this.opacity) { nexacro.__setElementHandleOpacity(_handle, this.opacity); } if (this._hittest_type) { nexacro.__setElementHittestValue(_handle, this._hittest_type); } this._refreshForeground(_handle); } if (this._handle && !this._client_element._handle) { this._client_element.create(); } } }; _pGridCellControlElement._setExpandControl = function (expand_ctrl, expand_width) { this._expand_ctrl = expand_ctrl; this._expand_width = expand_width; this._updateClientSize(); }; _pGridCellControlElement._updateClientSize = function () { var client_left = this._inner_left; var client_top = this._inner_top; var client_width = this._inner_width; var client_height = this._inner_height; var padding = this.padding; if (this.padding) { client_left += padding.left; client_top += padding.top; client_width -= (padding.left + padding.right); client_height -= (padding.top + padding.bottom); if (client_width < 0) { client_width = 0; } if (client_height < 0) { client_height = 0; } } else if (this.padding_left || this.padding_top || this.padding_right || this.padding_bottom) { client_left += this.padding_left; client_top += this.padding_top; client_width -= (this.padding_left + this.padding_right); client_height -= (this.padding_top + this.padding_bottom); if (client_width < 0) { client_width = 0; } if (client_height < 0) { client_height = 0; } } if (this._expand_ctrl && this._expand_ctrl.visible == true) { client_width -= this._expand_width; if (client_width < 0) { client_width = 0; } } var client_element = this._client_element; if (client_element) { if (this.client_left != client_left || this.client_top != client_top) { this.client_left = client_left; this.client_top = client_top; client_element.setElementPosition(client_left, client_top); } if (this.client_width != client_width || this.client_height != client_height) { this.client_width = client_width; this.client_height = client_height; client_element.setElementSize(client_width, client_height); } } else { this.client_left = client_left; this.client_top = client_top; this.client_width = client_width; this.client_height = client_height; } }; _pGridCellControlElement._setDisplay = nexacro._emptyFn; _pGridCellControlElement.setContainerVisible = function (v) { if (this._client_element) { this._client_element.setElementVisible(v); } }; _pGridCellControlElement._adjustRtlLayoutLeft = function (left, width) { var newLeft = left; if (this._isRtl()) { var parent_width = Math.max(this._parent_elem.width, this._parent_elem._body_scroll_maxwidth); newLeft = parent_width - width - left; } return newLeft; }; delete _pGridCellControlElement; nexacro.GridCellContainerElement = function (parent_elem) { this.parent = parent_elem; this._parent_elem = parent_elem; }; var _pGridCellContainerElement = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.ContainerElement, nexacro.GridCellContainerElement); nexacro.GridCellContainerElement.prototype = _pGridCellContainerElement; _pGridCellContainerElement._type_name = "GridCellContainerElement"; _pGridCellContainerElement.create = function () { var _owner_elem = this._parent_elem; if (_owner_elem && _owner_elem._handle && !this._handle) { this._owner_elem = _owner_elem; var _win_handle = _owner_elem.getRootWindowHandle(); var _handle = nexacro.__createContainerElementHandle(this, _win_handle, this.left, this.top, this.width, this.height); if (this.letterspace) { nexacro.__setElementHandleLetterSpace(_handle, this.letterspace); } if (this.font) { var font = this.font; nexacro.__setElementHandleFont(_handle, font.face, font.size, font._bold, font._italic, font._underline, font._strikeout, font._antialias); } if (this.color) { nexacro.__setElementHandleColor(_handle, this.color._syscolor); } if (!this.visible) { nexacro.__setElementHandleVisible(_handle, false); } this._handle = _handle; nexacro.__appendElementHandle(_owner_elem._handle, _handle); } }; delete _pGridCellContainerElement; } nexacro.GridCellTextContainerElement = function (parent_elem) { this.parent = parent_elem; this._parent_elem = parent_elem; }; var _pGridCellTextContainerElement = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.TextBoxElement, nexacro.GridCellTextContainerElement); nexacro.GridCellTextContainerElement.prototype = _pGridCellTextContainerElement; _pGridCellTextContainerElement._type_name = "GridCellTextContainerElement"; _pGridCellTextContainerElement._is_nc_element = true; _pGridCellTextContainerElement.create = function () { var _owner_elem = this._parent_elem; if (_owner_elem && _owner_elem._handle && !this._handle) { this._owner_elem = _owner_elem; var _win_handle = _owner_elem.getRootWindowHandle(); var _handle = nexacro.__createTextElementHandle(this, _win_handle, this.left, this.top, this.width, this.height); var bRtl = this._isRtl(true); if (!this.visible) { nexacro.__setElementHandleVisible(_handle, false); } if (this.letterspace) { nexacro.__setElementHandleLetterSpace(_handle, this.letterspace); } if (this.font) { var font = this.font; nexacro.__setElementHandleFont(_handle, font.face, font.size, font._bold, font._italic, font._underline, font._strikeout, font._antialias); } if (this.color) { nexacro.__setElementHandleColor(_handle, this.color._syscolor); } if (this.align) { var align = this.align; nexacro.__setElementHandleAlign(_handle, align.halign, align.valign); } else if (this.halign && this.valign) { var _halign = this.halign; if (bRtl) { _halign = this.halign == "left" ? "right" : (this.halign == "right" ? "left" : this.halign); } nexacro.__setElementHandleAlign(_handle, _halign, this.valign); } if (this.padding) { var padding = this.padding; nexacro.__setElementHandlePadding(_handle, padding.left, padding.top, padding.right, padding.bottom); } else if (this.padding_left || this.padding_top || this.padding_right || this.padding_bottom) { nexacro.__setElementHandlePadding(_handle, this.padding_left, this.padding_top, this.padding_right, this.padding_bottom); } if (this.decoration) { nexacro.__setElementHandleDecorateText(_handle, this.decoration); } if (this.linespace > 0) { nexacro.__setElementHandleLineSpace(_handle, this.linespace); } if (this.wordwrap != "none") { nexacro.__setElementHandleWordWrap(_handle, this.wordwrap); } if (this.text) { nexacro.__setElementHandleText(_handle, this.text); } this._handle = _handle; nexacro.__appendElementHandle(_owner_elem._handle, _handle); } }; _pGridCellTextContainerElement.clearContents = function () { var _handle = this._handle; var _owner_elem = this._owner_elem; if (_handle) { _handle._linked_element = null; if (_owner_elem && _owner_elem._handle) { nexacro.__destroyElementHandle(_owner_elem._handle, _handle); } this._owner_elem = null; this._handle = null; } }; _pGridCellTextContainerElement.appendChildElement = function (child_elem) { if (this._handle) { if (child_elem._parent_elem != this.parent_elem) { if (child_elem._handle) { var old_doc = child_elem.getRootWindowHandle(); var new_doc = this.getRootWindowHandle(); if (old_doc != new_doc) { child_elem._parent_elem = this.parent_elem; child_elem._removeFromContainer(); } else { child_elem._parent_elem = this.parent_elem; } } else { child_elem._parent_elem = this.parent_elem; } } if (!child_elem._handle) { child_elem.create(); } else { child_elem._appendToContainer(this); } } }; _pGridCellTextContainerElement.removeChildElement = function (child_elem) { if (child_elem._owner_elem == this) { child_elem._removeFromContainer(); } }; _pGridCellTextContainerElement.moveToNextElement = function (cur_elem, target_elem) { if (cur_elem && target_elem && cur_elem._owner_elem == this && target_elem._owner_elem == this && cur_elem._handle && target_elem._handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleMoveToNext(cur_elem._handle, target_elem._handle); } }; _pGridCellTextContainerElement.moveToPrevElement = function (cur_elem, target_elem) { if (cur_elem && target_elem && cur_elem._owner_elem == this && target_elem._owner_elem == this && cur_elem._handle && target_elem._handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleMoveToPrev(cur_elem._handle, target_elem._handle); } }; _pGridCellTextContainerElement.sendToBackElement = function (cur_elem) { if (cur_elem && cur_elem._owner_elem == this && cur_elem._handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleSendToBack(cur_elem._handle); } }; _pGridCellTextContainerElement.bringToFrontElement = function (cur_elem) { if (cur_elem && cur_elem._owner_elem == this && cur_elem._handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleBringToFront(cur_elem._handle); } }; _pGridCellTextContainerElement.setElementTextVisible = function (visible) { var _handle = this._handle; visible = visible && this.visible; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleVisible(_handle, visible); } }; delete _pGridCellTextContainerElement; nexacro.GridCellTextSimpleContainerElement = function (parent_elem) { this.parent = parent_elem; this._parent_elem = parent_elem; }; var _pGridCellTextSimpleContainerElement = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.GridCellTextContainerElement, nexacro.GridCellTextSimpleContainerElement); nexacro.GridCellTextSimpleContainerElement.prototype = _pGridCellTextSimpleContainerElement; _pGridCellTextSimpleContainerElement._type_name = "GridCellTextSimpleContainerElement"; delete _pGridCellTextSimpleContainerElement; nexacro.EventPassOverlayElement = function (parent_elem, elements) { this.parent = parent_elem; this._parent_elem = parent_elem; this.width = parent_elem.width; this.height = parent_elem.height; this.pointer_events = "none"; this._target_elements = elements; this.image_url = ""; this._image_width = 0; this._image_height = 0; }; var _pEventPassOverlayElement = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.TextBoxElement, nexacro.EventPassOverlayElement); nexacro.EventPassOverlayElement.prototype = _pEventPassOverlayElement; _pEventPassOverlayElement._type_name = "EventPassOverlayElement"; _pEventPassOverlayElement.create = function () { var _owner_elem = this._parent_elem.getContainerElement(this.position_step); if (_owner_elem && _owner_elem._handle && !this._handle) { this._owner_elem = _owner_elem; var _win_handle = _owner_elem.getRootWindowHandle(); var _control_handle = nexacro.__createControlElementHandle(this, _win_handle, this.left, this.top, this.width, this.height); var _handle = nexacro.__createTextElementHandle(this, _win_handle, 0, 0, this.width, this.height); if (!this.visible) { nexacro.__setElementHandleVisible(_control_handle, false); } if (this.letterspace) { nexacro.__setElementHandleLetterSpace(_handle, this.letterspace); } if (this.font) { var font = this.font; nexacro.__setElementHandleFont(_handle, font.face, font.size, font._bold, font._italic, font._underline, font._strikeout, font._antialias); } if (this.color) { nexacro.__setElementHandleColor(_handle, this.color._syscolor); } if (this.align) { var align = this.align; nexacro.__setElementHandleAlign(_handle, align.halign, align.valign); } else if (this.halign && this.valign) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAlign(_handle, this.halign, this.valign); } if (this.decoration) { nexacro.__setElementHandleDecorateText(_handle, this.decoration); } if (this.linespace > 0) { nexacro.__setElementHandleLineSpace(_handle, this.linespace); } if (this.wordwrap != "none") { nexacro.__setElementHandleWordWrap(_handle, this.wordwrap); } if (this.text) { nexacro.__setElementHandleText(_handle, this.text, this._use_newline, this.wordwrap); } if (this.image_url) { var _image_handle = this._image_handle = nexacro.__createImageElementHandle(this, _win_handle, 0, 0, this._image_width, this._image_height, true); nexacro.__setElementHandleImageUrl(_image_handle, this.image_url); nexacro.__appendElementHandle(_control_handle, _image_handle); } this._handle = _handle; this._control_handle = _control_handle; nexacro.__appendElementHandle(_control_handle, _handle); nexacro.__appendElementHandle(_owner_elem._handle, _control_handle); } }; _pEventPassOverlayElement.destroy = function () { this._destroyElementHandle(); this.parent = null; this._parent_elem = null; }; _pEventPassOverlayElement._destroyElementHandle = function () { var _control_handle = this._control_handle; if (_control_handle) { if (this._handle) { nexacro.__destroyElementHandle(_control_handle, this._handle); this._handle = null; } if (this._image_handle) { nexacro.__destroyElementHandle(_control_handle, this._image_handle); this._image_handle = null; } if (this._owner_elem) { var _owner_handle = this._owner_elem._handle; if (_owner_handle) { nexacro.__destroyElementHandle(_owner_handle, _control_handle); } _owner_handle = null; this._owner_elem = null; } _control_handle = null; this._control_handle = null; } }; _pEventPassOverlayElement.setElementVisible = function (visible) { if (this.visible != visible) { this.visible = visible; var _control_handle = this._control_handle; if (_control_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleVisible(_control_handle, visible); } } }; _pEventPassOverlayElement.setElementPosition = function (left, top) { if (this.left != left || this.top != top) { this.left = left; this.top = top; var _control_handle = this._control_handle; if (_control_handle) { var owner_elem = this._owner_elem; var bMirror = false; if (owner_elem) { left = this._adjustRtlLayoutLeft(left, this.width); } nexacro.__setElementHandlePosition(_control_handle, left, top); } } }; _pEventPassOverlayElement.setElementSize = function (width, height) { if (this.width != width || this.height != height) { this.width = width; this.height = height; var _control_handle = this._control_handle; if (_control_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleSize(_control_handle, width, height); nexacro.__setElementHandleSize(this._handle, width, height); } } }; _pEventPassOverlayElement.setElementCursor = function (cursor) { var _control_handle = this._control_handle; if (_control_handle) { if (cursor && !cursor._is_empty) { nexacro.__setElementHandleCursor(_control_handle, cursor.value); } else { nexacro.__setElementHandleCursor(_control_handle, cursor); } } }; _pEventPassOverlayElement.setSelectEventPassElement = function (clientX, clientY) { var elements = this._target_elements, len = elements.length, elem = elements[0]; if (len > 1) { var comp = null, over_comp = null; var elem_pos = null; var left = 0, top = 0, right = 0, bottom = 0; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { elem_pos = nexacro._getElementXYInWindow(elements[i]._handle); left = elem_pos[0]; top = elem_pos[1]; right = left + elem.width; bottom = top + elem.height; if (left <= clientX && clientX <= right && top <= clientY && clientY <= bottom) { elem = elements[i]; over_comp = elem.linkedcontrol; } comp = elements[i].linkedcontrol; if (comp) { comp._applyMouseLeaveEvent(); } } } if (over_comp) { over_comp._applyMouseOverEvent(); } return elem; }; _pEventPassOverlayElement.setElementToolTip = function (tooltiptext, tooltiptype) { if (tooltiptext === undefined) { tooltiptext = ""; } if (this.tooltiptext != tooltiptext || this.tooltiptype != tooltiptype) { this.tooltiptext = tooltiptext; this.tooltiptype = tooltiptype; var _control_handle = this._control_handle; if (_control_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleToolTip(_control_handle, tooltiptext, tooltiptype); } } }; _pEventPassOverlayElement.setTargetElements = function (elements) { this._target_elements = elements; }; _pEventPassOverlayElement._setNodeAlignPos = function (node, width, height) { if (node) { var top = 0; var left = (width - this._image_width) / 2; var valign = this.valign ? this.valign : this.align.valign; if (valign == "bottom") { top = height - this._image_height; } else if (valign == "middle") { top = (height - this._image_height) / 2; } nexacro.__setElementHandlePosition(node, left, top); } }; _pEventPassOverlayElement.updateCellNodeClient = function (left, top, width, height, cell_hpos, left_padding) { var _control_handle = this._control_handle; if (_control_handle) { left_padding = (left_padding > 0) ? left_padding : 0; if (cell_hpos > left_padding) { cell_hpos = cell_hpos - left_padding; left = -cell_hpos; width += cell_hpos; } var owner_elem = this._owner_elem; var bMirror = false; if (owner_elem) { left = this._adjustRtlLayoutLeft(left, this.width); } nexacro.__setElementHandlePosition(_control_handle, left, top); nexacro.__setElementHandleSize(_control_handle, width, height); nexacro.__setElementHandleSize(this._handle, width, height); this._setNodeAlignPos(this._image_handle, width, height); } }; _pEventPassOverlayElement.setElementAlignXY = function (halign, valign) { var _halign = halign; if (this._isRtl()) { _halign = this.halign == "left" ? "right" : (this.halign == "right" ? "left" : this.halign); } this.align = null; this.halign = halign; this.valign = valign; var _handle = this._handle; if (_handle) { nexacro.__setElementHandleAlign(_handle, _halign, valign); } this._setNodeAlignPos(this._image_handle, this.width, this.height); }; _pEventPassOverlayElement.setElementImageUrl = function (image_url) { if (image_url) { var image_url = nexacro._getURIValue(image_url); var temp_url = image_url; if (image_url && !nexacro._isAbsolutePath(image_url)) { var base_url = this._getElementBaseUrl(); image_url = nexacro._getImageLocation(image_url, base_url); } if (this.image_url != image_url) { var _image_handle = this._image_handle; if (!_image_handle) { var _win_handle = this._owner_elem.getRootWindowHandle(); _image_handle = this._image_handle = nexacro.__createImageElementHandle(this, _win_handle, 0, 0, this._image_width, this._image_height, true); nexacro.__appendElementHandle(this._control_handle, _image_handle); } this.image_url = image_url; if (image_url) { var size = nexacro._getImageSize(image_url, this._on_loadImg, this, undefined, temp_url); this._img_sizereq = true; if (size) { this._img_sizereq = false; this._image_width = size.width; this._image_height = size.height; nexacro.__setElementHandleImageUrl(_image_handle, image_url); nexacro.__setElementHandleSize(_image_handle, size.width, size.height); } } else { nexacro.__setElementHandleImageUrl(_image_handle, image_url); } } } }; _pEventPassOverlayElement._on_loadImg = nexacro._emptyFn; _pEventPassOverlayElement.updateElementLineHeight = nexacro._emptyFn; _pEventPassOverlayElement.setElementPadding = nexacro._emptyFn; _pEventPassOverlayElement.setElementPaddingXY = nexacro._emptyFn; delete _pEventPassOverlayElement; }