//============================================================================== // // TOBESOFT Co., Ltd. // Copyright 2014 TOBESOFT Co., Ltd. // All Rights Reserved. // // NOTICE: TOBESOFT permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file // in accordance with the terms of the license agreement accompanying it. // // Readme URL: http://www.nexacro.co.kr/legal/nexacro-public-license-readme-1.1.html // //============================================================================== if (!nexacro.Form) { nexacro.LayoutChangeEventInfo = function (obj, id, curlayout_name, newlayout_name, cur_width, new_width, cur_height, new_height) { this.id = this.eventid = id || "onlayoutchanged"; this.fromobject = this.fromreferenceobject = obj; this.bubbles = true; this.oldlayout = curlayout_name; this.newlayout = newlayout_name; this.oldlayoutwidth = cur_width; this.newlayoutwidth = new_width; this.oldlayoutheight = cur_height; this.newlayoutheight = new_height; }; var _pLayoutChangeEventInfo = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.LayoutChangeEventInfo); nexacro.LayoutChangeEventInfo.prototype = _pLayoutChangeEventInfo; _pLayoutChangeEventInfo._type_name = "LayoutChangeEventInfo"; delete _pLayoutChangeEventInfo; nexacro.DeviceButtonEventInfo = function (obj, e) { this.eventid = "ondevicebutton"; this.fromobject = obj; this.fromreferenceobject = obj; this.button = e.button; }; var _pDeviceButtonEventInfo = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.DeviceButtonEventInfo); nexacro.DeviceButtonEventInfo.prototype = _pDeviceButtonEventInfo; _pDeviceButtonEventInfo._type_name = "DeviceButtonEventInfo"; delete _pDeviceButtonEventInfo; nexacro.BindItem = function (name, compid, propid, dsid, columnid) { nexacro.Object.call(this); this.name = name || ""; this.compid = compid || ""; this.propid = propid || ""; this.datasetid = dsid || ""; this.columnid = columnid || ""; this._en_type = 1; this._dataset = null; this._comp = null; }; var _pBindItem = nexacro.BindItem.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Object, nexacro.BindItem); _pBindItem._type_name = "BindItem"; _pBindItem.set_name = function (v) { if (v && this.name != v) { this.name = v; } }; _pBindItem.set_compid = function (v) { if (v && this.compid != v) { this.compid = v; } }; _pBindItem.set_propid = function (v) { if (v && this.propid != v) { this.propid = v; } }; _pBindItem.set_datasetid = function (v) { if (v && this.datasetid != v) { this.datasetid = v; } }; _pBindItem.set_columnid = function (v) { if (v && this.columnid != v) { this.columnid = v; } }; _pBindItem.init = function (name, compid, propid, datasetid, columnid) { this.set_name(name); this.set_compid(compid); this.set_propid(propid); this.set_datasetid(datasetid); this.set_columnid(columnid); }; _pBindItem.destroy = function () { this._dataset = null; this._comp = null; nexacro.Object.prototype.destroy.call(this); }; _pBindItem.bind = function () { if (this.parent && !this.parent._is_loading) { if (this.compid == "" || this.propid == "" || this.datasetid == "" || this.columnid == "") { return; } this.parent._bind_manager._setBinditem(this, false); this.parent._bind_manager._notify(this); } }; _pBindItem._checkType = function (propid) { if (typeof propid == "string" && propid == this.propid) { this._en_type = 2; } }; delete _pBindItem; nexacro.BindManager = function (form) { nexacro.Object.call(this); this.datasets = { }; this.exception = ""; this._form = form; }; var _pBindManager = nexacro.BindManager.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Object, nexacro.BindManager); _pBindManager._type_name = "BindManager"; _pBindManager.destroy = function () { this.datasets = null; this._form = null; nexacro.Object.prototype.destroy.call(this); }; _pBindManager.on_changevalue = function (obj, e) { var prop_id = e.propid; var bind_item = this._FindBindItem(obj, prop_id); var val = e.val; if (bind_item && bind_item._en_type == 2) { this.exception = obj; var ds = bind_item._dataset; var row_idx = ds.rowposition; var col = ds._getDataColIndex(bind_item.columnid); if (col !== undefined) { var ret = ds.setColumn(row_idx, col, val); if (ret == true) { var real_value = ds.getColumn(row_idx, col); if (real_value != val) { val = real_value; } this.exception = null; return true; } else { this.exception = null; return false; } } } this.exception = null; return true; }; _pBindManager.on_valuechanged = function (obj, e) { var ds = obj; var row = e.row; var col = e.col; var col_id = e.columnid; var val = e.newvalue; if (ds.rowposition == row || row < 0) { if (col < 0) { return this._notifyAll(ds.name, null, -1, true, null); } else { return this._notifyAll(ds.name, col_id, col, false, val); } } return true; }; _pBindManager.on_load = function (obj, e) { var ds = obj; if (ds.rowcount == 0 && e.reason == 0) { return this._notifyAll(ds.name, null, -1, true, null); } return true; }; _pBindManager._delayBinds = function () { var len = this._form.binds.length; for (var sx = 0; sx < len; sx++) { var bind_item = this._form.binds[sx]; if (bind_item._dataset) { continue; } this._setBinditem(bind_item, false); this._notify(bind_item); } }; _pBindManager._forceBinds = function () { var len = this._form.binds.length; for (var sx = 0; sx < len; sx++) { var bind_item = this._form.binds[sx]; this._setBinditem(bind_item, false); this._notify(bind_item); } }; _pBindManager._setBinditem = function (bind_item, close_flag) { if (!bind_item) { return; } var binds = this._form.binds; var ds_id = bind_item.datasetid; var ds = bind_item._dataset; var comp = bind_item._comp; if (!bind_item._dataset) { ds = this._form._getDatasetObject(bind_item.datasetid); } if (!bind_item._comp) { comp = this._form._findChildObject(bind_item.compid); } if (!ds || !comp) { return; } if (!close_flag) { bind_item._dataset = ds; bind_item._comp = comp; bind_item._checkType(comp.on_getBindableProperties()); if (this.datasets[ds_id]) { var cidx = nexacro._indexOf(this.datasets[ds_id], bind_item); if (cidx > -1) { this.datasets[ds_id].splice(cidx, 1); if (comp._bind_event) { comp._bind_event._removeHandler(this, this.on_changevalue); delete comp._bind_event; comp._bind_event = null; } } this.datasets[ds_id].push(bind_item); } else { this.datasets[ds_id] = []; this.datasets[ds_id].push(bind_item); ds.setEventHandler("onload", this.on_load, this); ds.setEventHandler("onvaluechanged", this.on_valuechanged, this); } if (!comp._bind_event) { comp._bind_event = new nexacro.EventListener("onbinditem"); comp._bind_event._setHandler(this, this.on_changevalue); } } else { if (this.datasets[ds_id]) { var cidx = nexacro._indexOf(this.datasets[ds_id], bind_item); if (cidx > -1) { this.datasets[ds_id].splice(cidx, 1); if (this.datasets[ds_id].length == 0) { ds.removeEventHandler("onload", this.on_load, this); ds.removeEventHandler("onvaluechanged", this.on_valuechanged, this); delete this.datasets[ds_id]; } } } if (comp._bind_event) { comp._bind_event._removeHandler(this, this.on_changevalue); delete comp._bind_event; } } }; _pBindManager._FindBindItem = function (comp, propid) { var binds = this._form.binds; for (var sx = 0, n = binds.length; sx < n; sx++) { var bind_item = binds[sx]; if (bind_item._comp == comp && bind_item.propid == propid && bind_item.datasetid && bind_item.columnid) { return bind_item; } } return null; }; _pBindManager._dettachSBindItem = function (comp) { if (!comp._bind_event) { return; } comp._bind_event._removeHandler(this); var binds = this._form.binds; var cnt = binds.length; for (var i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { if (binds[i]._comp == comp) { var datasetid = binds[i].datasetid; if (this.datasets[datasetid]) { var cidx = nexacro._indexOf(this.datasets[datasetid], binds[i]); if (cidx > -1) { var parent = this.datasets[datasetid][cidx].parent; this.datasets[datasetid][cidx].destroy(); this.datasets[datasetid].splice(cidx, 1); binds[i].parent = parent; } binds[i]._comp = null; } } } }; _pBindManager._notify = function (bindItem) { var ds = bindItem._dataset; var comp = bindItem._comp; if (ds && comp) { var row_idx = ds.rowposition; if (bindItem._en_type == 2) { if (comp.enable) { if (row_idx < 0) { comp._setEnable(false); } else { if (comp._real_enable) { comp._setEnable(true); } } } var col = ds._getDataColIndex(bindItem.columnid); if (col >= 0 && comp.on_change_bindSource) { comp.on_change_bindSource(bindItem.propid, bindItem._dataset, row_idx, col, -1); } } else { if (bindItem.columnid && bindItem.columnid != "") { var col = ds._getDataColIndex(bindItem.columnid); if (col == undefined) { col = -1; } var val = ds.getColumn(row_idx, col); if (bindItem.propid) { if (comp["set_" + bindItem.propid]) { comp["set_" + bindItem.propid](val); } else if (comp.style && comp.style["set_" + bindItem.propid]) { comp.style["set_" + bindItem.propid](val); } } } } } }; _pBindManager._notifyAll = function (ds_id, col_id, col, all_flag, val) { var arr_bind = this.datasets[ds_id]; var bind_item = null; var row_idx = -1; if (!arr_bind) { return true; } for (var sx = 0, n = arr_bind.length; sx < n; sx++) { bind_item = arr_bind[sx]; if (!bind_item._dataset) { continue; } if (bind_item.columnid == "") { continue; } var ds = bind_item._dataset; row_idx = ds.rowposition; var comp = bind_item._comp; if (comp) { if (bind_item._en_type == 2) { if (all_flag) { if (comp.enable && comp._isPropEnable()) { if (row_idx < 0) { comp._setEnable(false); } else { comp._setEnable(true); } } else if (!comp.enable) { if (row_idx >= 0) { comp._setEnable(true); } } col = ds._getDataColIndex(bind_item.columnid); if (col >= 0) { if (comp.on_change_bindSource) { comp.on_change_bindSource(bind_item.propid, bind_item._dataset, row_idx, col, -1); } } else { if (comp.on_init_bindSource) { comp.on_init_bindSource(bind_item.columnid, bind_item.propid, bind_item._dataset); } } } else { if (col >= 0) { if (bind_item.columnid == col_id && comp.on_change_bindSource) { comp.on_change_bindSource(bind_item.propid, bind_item._dataset, row_idx, col, -1); } } else { if (bind_item.columnid == col_id && comp.on_init_bindSource) { comp.on_init_bindSource(bind_item.columnid, bind_item.propid, bind_item._dataset); } } } } else { var val0; if (all_flag) { val0 = ds.getConstColumn(bind_item.columnid); if (val0 == undefined) { col = ds._getDataColIndex(bind_item.columnid); if (col == undefined) { col = -1; } val0 = ds.getColumn(row_idx, col); } } else { if (col_id == bind_item.columnid) { val0 = val; } else { continue; } } if (bind_item.propid) { if (comp["set_" + bind_item.propid]) { comp["set_" + bind_item.propid](val0); } else if (comp.style && comp.style["set_" + bind_item.propid]) { comp.style["set_" + bind_item.propid](val0); } } } } } return true; }; delete _pBindManager; nexacro.FormBase = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.Component.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); this.all = new nexacro.Collection(); this.components = new nexacro.Collection(); this.objects = new nexacro.Collection(); this.binds = new nexacro.Collection(); this._bind_manager = new nexacro.BindManager(this); this._layout_list = new nexacro.Collection(); this.scrollbars = "autoboth"; this.dragscrolltype = "all"; this._css_selectors = { _has_items : false, _has_attr_items : false }; this._cssfinder_cache = { }; this._child_list = []; this._refform = this; this._scrollbars = 3; this._load_manager = new nexacro.LoadManager(this); this._timerManager = new nexacro.TimerManager(this); this._executescriptlist = []; this._includescriptlist = []; this._apply_client_padding = false; this._hotkey_list = []; this._load_callbacklist = []; this._is_form = true; this._is_loaded = false; this._is_completed = false; this._is_async = false; this._is_scrollable = true; this._url = ""; this._base_url = ""; this._last_focused = null; this._hittest_type = ""; this._default_layout = null; this._current_layout_name = "default"; this._cur_real_layout = "default"; this._obj_mousemove = null; this._locale = ""; }; var _pFormBase = nexacro.FormBase.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Component, nexacro.FormBase); _pFormBase._type_name = "FormBase"; _pFormBase.on_create = nexacro._emptyFn; _pFormBase.on_create_control_element = function (parent_elem) { if (!parent_elem) { return null; } var control_elem; if (this._is_scrollable) { control_elem = this.on_create_scrollable_control_element(parent_elem); } else { control_elem = this.on_create_normal_control_element(parent_elem); } return control_elem; }; _pFormBase.createComponent = function (bCreateOnly) { if (this._is_loading) { return; } var parent_elem = null; if (!this._is_window) { parent_elem = this.parent ? this.parent._control_element : null; if (!parent_elem) { return false; } } var control_elem = this._control_element; if (!control_elem) { control_elem = this.on_create_control_element(parent_elem); if (this._is_nc_control) { control_elem._is_nc_element = true; } var pseudo = this._getResultPseudo(this._status, this._pseudo); this._initControl(control_elem, pseudo); if (this._layout_list.length > 0) { this._initLayoutManager(); } this._initStepContents(); this._initContents(control_elem, pseudo); if (this.tooltiptext) { this.on_apply_prop_tooltip(); } if (this.positionstep != null) { this.on_apply_positionstep(this.positionstep); } if (this._hittest_type) { control_elem.setElementHittestType(this._hittest_type); } if (!bCreateOnly && (this._is_window || parent_elem._handle)) { var _window = this._getWindow(); this.on_created(_window); } } else { if (parent_elem && parent_elem._handle) { parent_elem.appendChildElement(control_elem); control_elem.parent = this; if (this._layout_list.length > 0) { this._initLayoutManager(); } this._initStepContents(); var pseudo = this._getResultPseudo(this._status, this._pseudo); this._initControl(control_elem, pseudo); this._initContents(control_elem, pseudo); if (this.tooltiptext) { this.on_apply_prop_tooltip(); } if (!bCreateOnly) { var window = this._getWindow(); this.on_created(window); } } else { var pseudo = this._getResultPseudo(this._status, this._pseudo); this._initControl(control_elem, pseudo); this._initContents(control_elem, pseudo); if (this.tooltiptext) { this.on_apply_prop_tooltip(); } } } return true; }; _pFormBase.on_create_contents = function () { var comps = this.components; var len = comps.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { comps[i].createComponent(true); } }; _pFormBase.on_created_contents = function () { var len = this.objects.length; var i = 0; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { this.objects[i].on_created(); } var comps = this.components; len = comps.length; for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { comps[i].on_created(); } if (this.stepcontrol) { this.stepcontrol.on_created(); } if (this._is_scrollable) { this.resetScroll(); var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem && this.stepcontrol) { control_elem.setElementHScrollPos(control_elem.client_width * control_elem._step_index); } } this.on_apply_prop_rtldirection(); var rtlimagemirroring = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_rtlimagemirroring(this._pseudo); this.on_apply_style_rtlimagemirroring(rtlimagemirroring); control_elem = null; comps = null; var win = this._getWindow(); if (win) { nexacro._refreshWindow(win._handle); } }; _pFormBase.on_destroy_contents = function () { if (this._timerManager) { this._timerManager.destroy(); this._timerManager = null; } if (this._load_manager) { var load_manager = this._load_manager; var tr_list = load_manager.transactionList; if (tr_list) { this._stopTransaction(true); for (var i = tr_list.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var tr_item = tr_list[i]; if (tr_item._usewaitcursor) { tr_item._hideWaitCursor(this); } tr_item = null; } tr_list = null; } this._load_manager.destroy(); this._load_manager = null; } var binds = this.binds; var len = binds.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var bindname = binds.get_id(i); this._bind_manager._setBinditem(binds.get_item(bindname), true); this[bindname] = null; } var components = this.components; len = components.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var compname = components.get_id(0); if (this[compname]) { if (this[compname]._destroy) { this[compname]._destroy(); this[compname] = null; } } } var objects = this.objects; len = objects.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var objname = objects.get_id(0); if (this[objname]) { if (this[objname].destroy) { this[objname].destroy(); } objects.delete_item(objname); delete this[objname]; this[objname] = null; } } var layouts = this._layout_list; len = layouts.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var layout = layouts.get_id(0); if (layout) { if (layouts[layout].destroy) { layouts[layout].destroy(); } layouts.delete_item(layout); } } if (this._bind_manager) { this._bind_manager.destroy(); this._bind_manager = null; } this.all.clear(); this.all = null; this.components.clear(); this.components = null; this.objects.clear(); this.objects = null; this.binds.clear(); this.binds = null; this._layout_list.clear(); this._layout_list = null; this._css_selectors = null; this._cssfinder_cache = null; this._child_list = null; this._executescriptlist = null; this._includescriptlist = null; this._hotkey_list = null; this._load_callbacklist = null; this._css_finder = null; this._ref_css_finder = null; this._find_csslist = null; if (this._default_layout) { if (this._default_layout.destroy) { this._default_layout.destroy(); } this._default_layout = null; } this._obj_mousemove = null; }; _pFormBase._clearUserFunctions = function () { var objPrototype = null; if (this._type_name == "Div") { objPrototype = nexacro.Div.prototype; } else if (this._type_name == "Tab") { objPrototype = nexacro.Tab.prototype; } else if (this._type_name == "Tabpage") { objPrototype = nexacro.Tabpage.prototype; } else if (this._type_name == "PopupDiv") { objPrototype = nexacro.PopupDiv.prototype; } else if (this instanceof nexacro.Tab) { objPrototype = nexacro.Tab.prototype; } else if (this instanceof nexacro.Tabpage) { objPrototype = nexacro.Tabpage.prototype; } else if (this instanceof nexacro.PopupDiv) { objPrototype = nexacro.PopupDiv.prototype; } else if (this instanceof nexacro.Div) { objPrototype = nexacro.Div.prototype; } else if (this instanceof nexacro.Form) { objPrototype = nexacro.Form.prototype; } else if (this instanceof nexacro.Frame) { objPrototype = nexacro.Frame.prototype; } for (var func in this) { if (typeof this[func] === "function" && objPrototype && !objPrototype[func]) { this[func] = null; } } }; _pFormBase._clear = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { this._is_init = true; this._pseudo = "normal"; this.currentstyle._empty(); this._control_pseudo = ""; this._contents_pseudo = ""; this._clearEventListeners(); if (this._timerManager && this._timerManager.timerList.length > 0) { this._timerManager.clearAll(); } control_elem.clearContents(); if (this.stepcontrol) { this._destroyStepControl(); delete this.stepcontrol; } var binds = this.binds; var len = binds.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var bindname = binds.get_id(i); this._bind_manager._setBinditem(binds.get_item(bindname), true); delete this[bindname]; } var components = this.components; var objects = this.objects; this.all = new nexacro.Collection(); this.components = new nexacro.Collection(); this.objects = new nexacro.Collection(); len = components.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var compname = components.get_id(i); if (this[compname]) { if (this[compname]._destroy) { this[compname]._destroy(); } } } components.clear(); len = objects.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var objname = objects.get_id(i); if (this[objname]) { if (this[objname].destroy) { this[objname].destroy(); } delete this[objname]; } } objects.clear(); this.all.clear(); this.components.clear(); this.objects.clear(); this.binds.clear(); this._hotkey_list = []; if (this._is_scrollable) { this.resetScroll(); } } this._is_created = false; }; _pFormBase._initStepContents = function () { if (this._layout_list.length == 0 && this._default_layout) { var old_stepindex = -1, old_stepcount = 0; var new_stepindex = -1, new_stepcount = 0; new_stepindex = this._default_layout.stepindex; new_stepcount = this._default_layout.stepcount; this._on_prepare_stepcontents(old_stepcount, old_stepindex, new_stepcount, new_stepindex); this._on_refresh_stepcontents(old_stepcount, old_stepindex, new_stepcount, new_stepindex); } }; _pFormBase.on_initEvent = nexacro._emptyFn; _pFormBase._loadInclude = function (mainurl, url, asyncmode) { var suburl = nexacro._getServiceLocation(url); var includeurl = []; includeurl.push(suburl); includeurl.push(".js"); suburl = includeurl.join(""); var len = this._executescriptlist.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (this._executescriptlist[i].url == mainurl) { this._executescriptlist.splice(i, 0, { url : suburl, fn : nexacro._emptyFn }); break; } } var service = nexacro._getServiceObject(url); this._load_manager.loadIncludeModule(suburl, null, asyncmode, service); }; _pFormBase._init = nexacro._emptyFn; _pFormBase.loadIncludeScript = nexacro._emptyFn; _pFormBase.loadPreloadList = nexacro._emptyFn; _pFormBase._excuteScript = function (context) { if (context) { var executescript = context._executescriptlist.shift(); while (executescript) { executescript.fn.call(context); executescript = context._executescriptlist.shift(); } } }; _pFormBase.registerScript = function (filename, fn) { var scriptlist = this._executescriptlist; var len = scriptlist.length; var register_flag = true; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (scriptlist[i].url == filename) { scriptlist[i].fn = fn; register_flag = false; break; } } if (register_flag) { this._executescriptlist.push({ "url" : filename, "fn" : fn }); } }; _pFormBase.addIncludeScript = function (mainurl, url) { if (url) { var val = { target : mainurl, url : url }; var list = this._includescriptlist; for (var i = 0, n = list.length; i < n; i++) { if (nexacro._compare(val, list[i])) { return; } } list.push(val); } }; _pFormBase.loadIncludeScript = function (mainurl) { var includescript; var len = this._includescriptlist.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { includescript = this._includescriptlist[i]; if (includescript.target == mainurl) { this._loadInclude.call(this, mainurl, includescript.url, true); } } }; _pFormBase._make_find_csslist = function () { var css_list = this._find_csslist; if (!css_list) { css_list = []; var pThis = this; var css; while (pThis) { css = pThis._css_selectors; if (css && css._has_items) { css_list.push(css); } if (pThis._is_frame && pThis._is_popup_frame && pThis._window_type != 5) { break; } else if (pThis.parent == null && !pThis._is_application) { pThis = application; } else { pThis = pThis.parent; } } this._find_csslist = css_list; } return css_list; }; _pFormBase._addCss = function (objtype, styleProp, styleobj, pseudoarr) { var type_arr = objtype.split(">"); var cnt = type_arr.length; var css = this._css_selectors; css._has_items = true; var type_id = ""; var ref_id = ""; var cls_name = ""; for (var i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { var type_name = type_arr[i]; if (type_name == "*") { continue; } if (type_name.substr(0, 1) == "#") { ref_id += type_name; } else if (type_name.substr(0, 1) == ".") { if (ref_id == "") { cls_name = type_name; } } else { if (type_name.substr(0, 2) == "*.") { type_name = type_name.substring(1); } if (ref_id == "") { type_id = type_name; } } } if (type_id != "") { var css2 = css[type_id]; if (!css2) { css[type_id] = css2 = { _is_selector : true }; } css = css2; } else if (cls_name != "") { var css2 = css[cls_name]; if (!css2) { css[cls_name] = css2 = { _is_selector : true }; } css = css2; } if (ref_id != "") { var css2 = css[ref_id]; if (!css2) { css[ref_id] = css2 = { _is_selector : true }; } css = css2; } css._has_attr_items = true; var css_item = css[styleProp]; if (!css_item) { css[styleProp] = css_item = { }; } var i = 0; var pseudo_cnt = pseudoarr.length; var cur_pseudo; if (i >= pseudo_cnt) { return; } cur_pseudo = pseudoarr[i++]; css_item[cur_pseudo] = styleobj; if (i >= pseudo_cnt) { return; } cur_pseudo = pseudoarr[i++]; css_item[cur_pseudo] = styleobj; if (i >= pseudo_cnt) { return; } cur_pseudo = pseudoarr[i++]; css_item[cur_pseudo] = styleobj; if (i >= pseudo_cnt) { return; } cur_pseudo = pseudoarr[i++]; css_item[cur_pseudo] = styleobj; if (i >= pseudo_cnt) { return; } cur_pseudo = pseudoarr[i++]; css_item[cur_pseudo] = styleobj; if (i >= pseudo_cnt) { return; } cur_pseudo = pseudoarr[i++]; css_item[cur_pseudo] = styleobj; if (i >= pseudo_cnt) { return; } cur_pseudo = pseudoarr[i++]; css_item[cur_pseudo] = styleobj; }; _pFormBase.create = function () { this.on_create(); }; _pFormBase.initEvent = function () { this.on_initEvent(); }; _pFormBase._on_init = function () { if (this._is_created) { this._clear(); } else { if (this._clear_obj) { this._clear_obj(); } } if (this._is_loading) { this._clearEventListeners(); } this._init(); this.create(); this._is_loading = false; if (this.parent && this.parent.form == this) { this.parent._loadedForm(); } this._excuteScript(this); this.initEvent(); this._is_loaded = true; }; _pFormBase._addPreloadList = function (type, url, id, args) { if (!url) { return; } var fullurl, service; if (type == "data") { service = nexacro._getServiceObject(url, true); fullurl = nexacro._getServiceLocation(url, this._base_url); this._load_manager.addPreloadItem(type, fullurl, id, args, service); } else { service = nexacro._getServiceObject(url); fullurl = nexacro._getFDLLocation(url, this._base_url); this._load_manager.addPreloadItem(type, fullurl, this, null, service); } }; _pFormBase._findForm = function (comp) { return this; }; _pFormBase._getReferenceContext = function () { return this; }; _pFormBase._getDlgCode = function (keycode, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey) { var last_focused_comp = this._getLastFocused(); if (last_focused_comp && last_focused_comp != this) { return last_focused_comp._getDlgCode(keycode, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey); } return { want_tab : false, want_return : false, want_escape : false, want_chars : false, want_arrows : false }; }; _pFormBase.setSize = function (width, height) { if (this._adjust_width != width || this._adjust_height != height) { this._adjustPosition(this.left, this.top, null, null, width, height, this.parent._client_width, this.parent._client_height); var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem) { control_elem.setElementSize(width, height); this._updateClientSize(control_elem); } } }; _pFormBase._waitCursor = function (wait_flag, context) { var ownerframe = this.getOwnerFrame(); if (ownerframe) { ownerframe._waitCursor(wait_flag, context); } }; _pFormBase._destroy = function () { if (!this._is_alive || this._is_destroying) { return; } return this.destroyComponent(); }; _pFormBase.destroy = function () { if (!this._is_alive) { return; } var confirm_message = this._on_beforeclose(); if (this._checkAndConfirmClose(confirm_message) == false) { return false; } if (this._window) { this._window._ignore_close_confirm = true; } this._on_close(); return this.destroyComponent(); }; _pFormBase.loadCss = function (url, base_url, async) { if (url) { if (!base_url) { base_url = this._base_url; } var cssurl = []; cssurl.push(nexacro._getServiceLocation(url, base_url)); cssurl.push(".js"); var service = nexacro._getServiceObject(url); this._load_manager.loadCssModule(cssurl.join(""), null, async, service); } }; _pFormBase.move = function (left, top, width, height, right, bottom, noneUpdate) { var control_elem = this.getElement(); var old_left = this._adjust_left; var old_top = this._adjust_top; var old_width = this._adjust_width; var old_height = this._adjust_height; var bsize = false, bmove = false; var update = false; var parent = this.parent; if (parent) { this._adjustPosition(left, top, right, bottom, width, height, parent._client_width, parent._client_height); } else { this._adjustPosition(left, top, right, bottom, width, height, null, null); } if (this._adjust_width != old_width || this._adjust_height != old_height) { bsize = true; if (old_width == 0 || old_height == 0) { update = true; } } if (this._adjust_left != old_left || this._adjust_top != old_top) { bmove = true; } this.on_update_position(bsize, bmove); if (this._layout_list && this._layout_list.length > 0) { this._checkValidLayout(); } if (update) { this.currentstyle._empty(); this._control_pseudo = ""; } this._updateControl(control_elem); this._updateContents(control_elem); }; _pFormBase.resize = function (w, h) { if (w < 0 || h < 0) { return; } if (w == this._adjust_width && h == this._adjust_height) { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem && control_elem._handle && control_elem._vml_elem) { control_elem._refreshVMLContainerElement(control_elem, control_elem._vml_elem); } return; } var old_width = this._adjust_width; var old_height = this._adjust_height; var bsize = false; if (old_width != this._adjust_left + w || old_height != this._adjust_top + h) { this.width = w; this.height = h; bsize = true; } this._update_position(bsize, false); if (this._layout_list && this._layout_list.length > 0) { this._checkValidLayout(); } }; _pFormBase.confirm = function (strText, strCaption, strType) { var win = this._getWindow(); if (!win) { return; } nexacro._skipDragEventAfterMsgBox = true; return nexacro._confirm(win.frame, strText, strCaption, strType); }; _pFormBase.alert = function (strText, strCaption, strType) { var win = this._getWindow(); if (!win) { return; } nexacro._skipDragEventAfterMsgBox = true; application._is_on_alert = true; nexacro._alert(win.frame, strText, strCaption, strType); application._is_on_alert = false; }; _pFormBase.getOwnerFrame = function () { var frame = null; if (this.parent && !(this.parent instanceof nexacro.Frame)) { frame = this.parent.getOwnerFrame(); } else { frame = this.parent; } return frame; }; _pFormBase.lookup = function (name) { for (var f = this; (f != null); f = (f.opener || f.parent)) { if (name in f) { return f[name]; } } }; _pFormBase.lookupSetter = function (name, fnname) { if (!fnname) { fnname = "set_" + name; } for (var f = this; (f != null); f = (f.opener || f.parent)) { var fn = f[fnname]; if (fn) { return new nexacro.SetterBinder(f, name, fn); } if (name in f) { return new nexacro.PropBinder(f, name); } } return null; }; _pFormBase.lookupFunc = function (name) { for (var f = this; (f != null); f = (f.opener || f.parent)) { var fn = f[name]; if (fn) { return new nexacro.FuncBinder(f, fn); } } return null; }; _pFormBase.getLayoutInfo = function (name, key) { var layout = this._layout_list[name]; if (layout) { return layout[key]; } return; }; _pFormBase._on_activate = function () { if (this.visible && this._isEnable() && this.enableevent) { this.on_fire_onactivate(); } }; _pFormBase._on_deactivate = function () { if (this.visible && this._isEnable() && this.enableevent) { this.on_fire_ondeactivate(); } }; _pFormBase.on_fire_onactivate = function () { if (this.onactivate && this.onactivate._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.ActivateEventInfo(this, "onactivate", true, this, this); this.onactivate._fireEvent(this, evt); } }; _pFormBase.on_fire_ondeactivate = function () { if (this.ondeactivate && this.ondeactivate._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.ActivateEventInfo(this, "ondeactivate", false, this, this); this.ondeactivate._fireEvent(this, evt); } }; _pFormBase._on_beforeclose = function (root_closing_comp) { if (!this._is_alive || (this._is_form && !this._is_loaded)) { return; } if (!root_closing_comp) { root_closing_comp = this; } var msg = ""; var components = this.components; var len = components.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var comp = components[i]; if (!(comp instanceof nexacro.FormBase)) { continue; } var comp_msg = comp._on_beforeclose(root_closing_comp); msg = this._appendBeforeCloseMsg(msg, comp_msg); } var self_msg = this._on_bubble_beforeclose(root_closing_comp); msg = this._appendBeforeCloseMsg(msg, self_msg); return msg; }; _pFormBase._on_bubble_beforeclose = function (root_closing_comp, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp) { var first_call = false; if (event_bubbles === undefined) { first_call = true; fire_comp = this; if (!refer_comp) { refer_comp = this; } } var msg = ""; if (this.visible && this._isEnable()) { if (this.enableevent) { if (first_call) { event_bubbles = false; } msg = this.on_fire_onbeforeclose(this, fire_comp, refer_comp, root_closing_comp); } } var bubbled_msg = ""; if ((!this.onbeforeclose || (this.onbeforeclose && !this.onbeforeclose.stoppropagation)) && event_bubbles !== true && this.parent && !this.parent._is_application) { bubbled_msg = this.parent._on_bubble_beforeclose(root_closing_comp, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp); } return this._appendBeforeCloseMsg(msg, bubbled_msg); }; _pFormBase._on_close = function () { if (!this._is_alive || (this._is_form && !this._is_loaded)) { return true; } var components = this.components; var len = components.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var comp = components[i]; if (!(comp instanceof nexacro.FormBase)) { continue; } comp._on_close(); } this._on_bubble_close(); }; _pFormBase._on_bubble_close = function (event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp) { var first_call = false; if (event_bubbles === undefined) { first_call = true; fire_comp = this; if (!refer_comp) { refer_comp = this; } } if (this.visible && this._isEnable()) { if (this.enableevent) { if (first_call) { event_bubbles = false; } this.on_fire_onclose(this, fire_comp, refer_comp); } } var parent = this.parent; if (parent) { if ((!this.onclose || (this.onclose && !this.onclose.stoppropagation)) && event_bubbles !== true && !parent._is_application) { return parent._on_bubble_close(event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp); } } }; _pFormBase.on_fire_onbeforeclose = function (obj, from_comp, refer_comp, root_closing_comp) { if (this.onbeforeclose && this.onbeforeclose._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.CloseEventInfo(obj, "onbeforeclose", from_comp, refer_comp, root_closing_comp); return this.onbeforeclose._fireEvent(this, evt); } }; _pFormBase.on_fire_onclose = function (obj, from_comp, refer_comp) { if (this.onclose && this.onclose._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.CloseEventInfo(obj, "onclose", from_comp, refer_comp); return this.onclose._fireEvent(this, evt); } return true; }; _pFormBase.loadForm = function (formurl, async, reload, baseurl) { if (this._load_manager) { var url = nexacro._getFDLLocation(formurl, baseurl); this._url = url; this._base_url = nexacro._getBaseUrl(url); if (this._load_manager) { this._load_manager.clearAllLoad(); } this._clearUserFunctions(); this._is_loading = true; if (this.parent._is_frame && this.parent.form == this) { application._registerLoadforms(this); } this._clearCssInfo(); var service = nexacro._getServiceObject(formurl); var ret = this._load_manager.loadMainModule(url, undefined, async, reload, service); } }; _pFormBase.getParentContext = function () { }; _pFormBase._getFormBaseUrl = function () { return this._base_url; }; _pFormBase._clearCssInfo = function (exceptcssselector) { this._css_finder = null; this._ref_css_finder = null; this._cssfinder_cache = { }; this._find_csslist = null; var comps = this.components; var comp_len = comps.length; for (var i = 0; i < comp_len; i++) { if (comps[i]._is_form) { comps[i]._clearCssInfo(exceptcssselector); } } if (!exceptcssselector) { this._css_selectors = null; this._css_selectors = { _has_items : false, _has_attr_items : false }; } }; _pFormBase._findChildObject = function (queryid) { var npos = queryid.indexOf("."); if (npos > 0) { var querythis = queryid.substring(0, npos).trim(); querythis = this[querythis]; if (querythis) { return querythis._findChildObject(queryid.substring(npos + 1, queryid.length).trim()); } } else { return this[queryid]; } }; _pFormBase._getDatasetObject = function (queryid) { var _ds = this[queryid]; var p = (this.opener || this.parent); if (_ds == null && p && p != application) { _ds = p._getDatasetObject(queryid); } if (_ds == null) { _ds = application[queryid]; } return _ds; }; _pFormBase._checkContainerTabFocus = function () { if (this._is_form && nexacro._enableaccessibility && this._isAccessibilityEnable() == true) { return true; } return false; }; _pFormBase._checkContainerHeadingFocus = function () { if (this._is_form && nexacro._enableaccessibility && this._isAccessibilityEnable() == true && this._isAccessibilityRoleHeading()) { return true; } return false; }; _pFormBase._getTabOrderLast = function (bAccessibility, bEditable, edittype, bComposite) { var ar = this._getSortedDecendants(this, true, bAccessibility); var child; for (var i = ar.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { child = ar[i]; if (bEditable) { if (child._isEditableComponent(edittype)) { return child; } else if (bComposite && child._is_form) { var comp = child._getTabOrderLast(bAccessibility, bEditable, edittype, bComposite); if (comp) { return comp; } } } else if (bAccessibility) { if (child._isAccessibilityEnable()) { return child; } else if (child._is_form && child._child_list.length) { var comp = child._getTabOrderLast(true); if (comp) { return comp; } } } else if (child.on_get_prop_tabstop()) { return child; } } return null; }; _pFormBase._getHeadingOrderLast = function () { var ar = this._getSortedDecendants(this, true, true); var child; for (var i = ar.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { child = ar[i]; if (child._isAccessibilityRoleHeading()) { return child; } else if (child._is_form) { var comp = child._getHeadingOrderLast(); if (comp) { return comp; } } } return null; }; _pFormBase._getTabOrderFirst = function (bAccessibility, bEditable, edittype, bComposite) { var ar = this._getSortedDecendants(this, true, bAccessibility); var child; for (var i = 0, n = ar.length; i < n; i++) { child = ar[i]; if (bEditable) { if (child._isEditableComponent(edittype)) { return child; } else if (bComposite && child._is_form) { var comp = child._getTabOrderFirst(bAccessibility, bEditable, edittype, bComposite); if (comp) { return comp; } } } else if (bAccessibility) { if (child._isAccessibilityEnable()) { return child; } else if (child._is_form && child._child_list.length) { var comp = child._getTabOrderFirst(true); if (comp) { return comp; } } } else if (child.on_get_prop_tabstop()) { return child; } } return null; }; _pFormBase._getHeadingOrderFirst = function () { var ar = this._getSortedDecendants(this, true, true); var child; for (var i = 0, n = ar.length; i < n; i++) { child = ar[i]; if (child._isAccessibilityRoleHeading()) { return child; } else if (child._is_form) { var comp = child._getHeadingOrderFirst(); if (comp) { return comp; } } } return null; }; _pFormBase._getTabOrderNext = function (current, direction, bAccessibility, bEditable, edittype, bhotkey, bComposite, bfocus, bNoComposite) { if (current && current._is_form && direction > 0 && !bhotkey && (bNoComposite == undefined || bNoComposite)) { var current_first_child = current._getTabOrderFirst(bAccessibility, bEditable, edittype); if (nexacro._enableaccessibility && nexacro._accessibilitytype == 5) { var _window = this._getWindow(); if ((current_first_child != null) && (!current._contains(_window._accessibility_last_focused_comp) || current == _window._accessibility_last_focused_comp)) { return current_first_child; } } else if (!bfocus && current._last_focused == null && current_first_child != null) { return current_first_child; } } var ar = this._getSortedDecendants(this, true, bAccessibility); var cur_idx = nexacro._indexOf(ar, current._getRootComponent(current)); if (cur_idx < 0) { return null; } var child; if (direction > 0) { for (var i = cur_idx + direction, ar_len = ar.length; i < ar_len; i++) { child = ar[i]; if (bEditable) { if (child._isEditableComponent(edittype)) { return child; } else if (bComposite && child._is_form) { var comp = child._getTabOrderFirst(bAccessibility, bEditable, edittype, bComposite); if (comp) { return comp; } } } else if (bAccessibility) { if (child._isAccessibilityEnable()) { return child; } else if (child._is_form && child._child_list.length) { var comp = child._getTabOrderFirst(true); if (comp) { return comp; } } else if (child._isItemAccessibilityEnable()) { return child; } } else if (child.on_get_prop_tabstop()) { return child; } } } else if (direction < 0) { for (var i = cur_idx + direction; i >= 0; i--) { child = ar[i]; if (bEditable) { if (child._isEditableComponent(edittype)) { return child; } else if (bComposite && child._is_form) { var comp = child._getTabOrderLast(bAccessibility, bEditable, edittype, bComposite); if (comp) { return comp; } } } else if (bAccessibility) { if (child._isAccessibilityEnable()) { return child; } else if (child._is_form && child._child_list.length) { var comp = child._getTabOrderLast(true); if (comp) { return comp; } } else if (child._isItemAccessibilityEnable()) { return child; } } else if (child.on_get_prop_tabstop()) { return child; } } } if (bEditable) { if (direction > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < cur_idx - direction; i++) { child = ar[i]; if (bEditable) { if (child._isEditableComponent(edittype)) { return child; } else if (bComposite && child._is_form) { var comp = child._getTabOrderFirst(bAccessibility, bEditable, edittype, bComposite); if (comp) { return comp; } } } } } else if (direction < 0) { for (var i = ar.length - 1; i > cur_idx; i--) { child = ar[i]; if (bEditable) { if (child._isEditableComponent(edittype)) { return child; } else if (bComposite && child._is_form) { var comp = child._getTabOrderLast(bAccessibility, bEditable, edittype, bComposite); if (comp) { return comp; } } } } } } return null; }; _pFormBase._getHeadingOrderNext = function (current, direction) { if (current && current._is_form) { if (current._last_focused) { var comp = current._getHeadingOrderNext(current._last_focused, direction); if (comp) { return comp; } else { current._last_focused = null; } } else if (current._last_focused == null) { if (direction == 1) { var comp = current._getHeadingOrderFirst(true); } else { var comp = current._getHeadingOrderLast(true); } if (comp) { return comp; } } } var ar = this._getSortedDecendants(this, true, true, null); var cur_idx = nexacro._indexOf(ar, current._getRootComponent(current)); if (cur_idx < 0) { return null; } var child; if (direction > 0) { for (var i = cur_idx + direction, n = ar.length; i < n; i++) { child = ar[i]; if (child._isAccessibilityRoleHeading()) { return child; } else if (child && child._is_form) { var current_first_child = child._getHeadingOrderFirst(true); if (current_first_child) { return current_first_child; } } } } else if (direction < 0) { for (var i = cur_idx + direction; i >= 0; i--) { child = ar[i]; if (child._isAccessibilityRoleHeading()) { return child; } else if (child && child._is_form) { var current_first_child = child._getHeadingOrderLast(true); if (current_first_child) { return current_first_child; } } } } return null; }; _pFormBase._getSortedDecendants = function (p, include_not_tabstop, bAccessibility) { if (include_not_tabstop === undefined) { include_not_tabstop = false; } var ar = []; var comps = p.components; if (comps) { var comp_len = comps.length; for (var i = 0; i < comp_len; i++) { var comp = comps[i]; if (!comp || !comp._is_created || !comp.visible || ((comp._isEnable && !comp._isEnable() || !comp.enable) && (!nexacro._enableaccessibility || nexacro._accessibilitytype != 5)) || comp._popup) { continue; } if (!bAccessibility && !include_not_tabstop && !comp.on_get_prop_tabstop()) { continue; } var tabidx = comp._taborder; if (tabidx < 0) { tabidx = 0; } var j = ar.length; while (j > 0 && ar[j - 1]._taborder > tabidx) { ar[j] = ar[j - 1]; j--; } ar[j] = comp; } } return ar; }; _pFormBase.addLayout = function (name, obj) { if (!obj) { return; } if (name == "default") { this._default_layout = obj; } else if (application._screeninfo == null || (obj.screenid == "")) { this._layout_list.add_item(name, obj); } else if (application._curscreen) { if (!obj.screenid || obj.screenid == "") { this._layout_list.add_item(name, obj); return; } var screenid_list = obj.screenid.split(','); var cnt = screenid_list.length; for (var i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { if (application._curscreen.name == screenid_list[i]) { this._layout_list.add_item(name, obj); break; } } } }; _pFormBase._setPos = function (left, top) { if (this._adjust_left != left || this._adjust_top != top) { this._adjust_left = this.left = left; this._adjust_top = this.top = top; if (this.parent) { this._adjustPosition(this.left, this.top, this.right, this.bottom, this.width, this.height, this.parent._client_width, this.parent._client_height); } else { this._adjustPosition(this.left, this.top, this.right, this.bottom, this.width, this.height, 0, 0); } this.on_update_position(false, true); } }; _pFormBase._setSize = function (width, height) { if (this._adjust_width != width || this._adjust_height != height) { this._adjust_width = this.width = width; this._adjust_height = this.height = height; if (this.parent) { this._adjustPosition(this.left, this.top, this.right, this.bottom, this.width, this.height, this.parent._client_width, this.parent._client_height); } else { this._adjustPosition(this.left, this.top, this.right, this.bottom, this.width, this.height, 0, 0); } this.on_update_position(true, false); } }; _pFormBase._initLayoutManager = function () { var layout_name = "default"; var layout_list_len = this._layout_list.length; if (layout_list_len > 0) { var old_layout_name = this._current_layout_name; this._current_layout_name = ""; this._cur_real_layout = ""; var xy = { cx : this._adjust_width, cy : this._adjust_height }; var idx = application.getLayoutManager().checkValid(this, xy); layout_list_len = this._layout_list.length; if (this._layout_list[layout_list_len - 1].name != "default") { if (this._default_layout.screenid == "" || this._default_layout.screenid.indexOf(application._curscreen.name) >= 0) { this._layout_list.add_item("default", this._default_layout); layout_list_len = this._layout_list.length; } } if (idx >= 0) { var ret; var old_layout = this._layout_list[old_layout_name]; var new_layout = this._layout_list[idx]; var oldwidth = 0, oldheight = 0; oldwidth = old_layout ? old_layout.width : 0; oldheight = old_layout ? old_layout.height : 0; if (old_layout_name != new_layout.name) { ret = this.on_fire_canlayoutchange(this, "canlayoutchange", old_layout_name, new_layout.name, oldwidth, new_layout.width, oldheight, new_layout.height); } if (ret === true || ret === undefined) { application.getLayoutManager().loadLayout(this, null, new_layout); if (old_layout_name != new_layout.name) { this.on_fire_onlayoutchanged(this, "onlayoutchanged", old_layout_name, new_layout.name, oldwidth, new_layout.width, oldheight, new_layout.height); } this._current_layout_name = new_layout.name; this._cur_real_layout = new_layout.name; } else { if (old_layout_name) { layout_name = old_layout_name; } this._current_layout_name = layout_name; this._cur_real_layout = layout_name; } } } else if (layout_list_len <= 0 && this._default_layout) { application.getLayoutManager().loadLayout(this, null, this._default_layout, this._default_layout); this._current_layout_name = layout_name; this._cur_real_layout = layout_name; } }; _pFormBase._checkValidLayout = function () { var pManager = application.getLayoutManager(); if (pManager) { var old_layout_name = this._current_layout_name; var new_layout = null; var xy = { cx : this._adjust_width, cy : this._adjust_height }; var new_idx = pManager.checkValid(this, xy); if (new_idx > -1) { new_layout = this._layout_list[new_idx]; } else { return pManager.getCurrentLayout(this); } if (new_layout && old_layout_name != new_layout.name) { var len = this.all.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (this.all[i]._is_form && this.all[i]._layout_list.length > 0) { this.all[i]._checkValidLayout(xy); } } var old_layout = this._layout_list[old_layout_name]; var oldwidth = 0, oldheight = 0; oldwidth = old_layout ? old_layout.width : 0; oldheight = old_layout ? old_layout.height : 0; var ret = this.on_fire_canlayoutchange(this, "canlayoutchange", old_layout_name, new_layout.name, oldwidth, new_layout.width, oldheight, new_layout.height); if (ret === true || ret === undefined) { if (new_layout.name != "default") { pManager.changeLayout(this, this._default_layout); } pManager.changeLayout(this, new_layout); this.on_fire_onlayoutchanged(this, "onlayoutchanged", old_layout_name, new_layout.name, oldwidth, new_layout.width, oldheight, new_layout.height); } if (this._is_scrollable) { this.resetScroll(); } return new_layout; } } }; _pFormBase._on_prepare_stepcontents = function (old_stepcount, old_stepindex, new_stepcount, new_stepindex) { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { if (this._is_created && (old_stepcount > 0 || new_stepcount > 0)) { var comps = this.components; var comp_len = comps.length; for (var i = 0; i < comp_len; i++) { var comp_elem = comps[i].getElement(); control_elem.removeChildElement(comp_elem); } } control_elem.setElementStepCount(new_stepcount); control_elem.setElementStepIndex(new_stepindex); if (new_stepindex > -1 && control_elem._step_count > new_stepindex) { control_elem.setElementHScrollPos(control_elem.client_width * new_stepindex); } } if (this.stepcontrol) { this._destroyStepControl(); } }; _pFormBase._on_refresh_stepcontents = function (old_stepcount, old_stepindex, new_stepcount, new_stepindex) { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { if (this._is_created && (old_stepcount > 0 || new_stepcount > 0)) { var comps = this.components; var comp_len = comps.length; for (var i = 0; i < comp_len; i++) { var comp_elem = comps[i].getElement(); control_elem.appendChildElement(comp_elem); } } } if (new_stepcount > 0) { if (!this.stepcontrol) { this._createStepControl(new_stepcount, new_stepindex); } if (this._is_created) { this.stepcontrol.on_created(); } } }; _pFormBase._createStepControl = function (stepcnt, stepidx) { if (!this.stepcontrol) { var step_ctrl = new nexacro.StepCtrl("stepcontrol", "absolute", 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null, this); step_ctrl.createComponent(true); step_ctrl.set_stepcount(stepcnt); step_ctrl.set_stepindex(stepidx); step_ctrl._setRtlDirection(this._rtldirection); this.stepcontrol = step_ctrl; this._updateStepControlSize(); this._setEventHandler("onstepchanged", this._on_stepchanged, this); } }; _pFormBase._destroyStepControl = function () { var step_ctrl = this.stepcontrol; if (step_ctrl) { step_ctrl.destroy(); this.stepcontrol = null; } }; _pFormBase._updateStepControlSize = function () { var step_ctrl = this.stepcontrol; if (step_ctrl) { this.on_update_style_stepalign(); } }; _pFormBase._on_stepchanged = function (obj, e) { var stepcontrol = this.stepcontrol; var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (stepcontrol && control_elem) { var zoomFactor = this.getZoom() / 100; var client_width = control_elem.client_width / zoomFactor; var is_invalid_pos = (control_elem.scroll_left != (client_width * stepcontrol.stepindex)); if (!is_invalid_pos) { return; } this._createStepChangeAnimation(stepcontrol.stepindex, 400); } }; _pFormBase.on_fire_sys_onslidestart = function (elem, touch_manager, touchinfos, xaccvalue, yaccvalue, xdeltavalue, ydeltavalue, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (this.stepcontrol && this._stepchange_info) { this._on_cancel_stepchange_animation(); } return nexacro.Component.prototype.on_fire_sys_onslidestart.call(this, elem, touch_manager, touchinfos, xaccvalue, yaccvalue, xdeltavalue, ydeltavalue, from_comp, from_refer_comp); }; _pFormBase.on_fire_sys_onslideend = function (elem, touch_manager, touchinfos, xaccvalue, yaccvalue, xdeltavalue, ydeltavalue, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (touch_manager && touch_manager._scroll_comp == this) { var control_elem = this.getElement(); var stepcontrol = this.stepcontrol; if (!control_elem || !stepcontrol) { return; } var zoomFactor = this.getZoom() / 100; var client_width = control_elem.client_width / zoomFactor; var is_invalid_pos = (control_elem.scroll_left != (client_width * stepcontrol.stepindex)); if (!is_invalid_pos) { return; } var duration = 400; var target_pos = control_elem.scroll_left - (client_width / 2); var flinginfo = touch_manager.checkFling(); if (flinginfo) { var flingfactor = 3; var flingdistance = flinginfo.xstartvalue | 0; if (flingdistance < -(client_width / flingfactor)) { flingdistance = -(client_width / flingfactor); } if (flingdistance > (client_width / flingfactor)) { flingdistance = (client_width / flingfactor); } target_pos -= flingdistance; } var target_index = nexacro.round(target_pos / (client_width) + 0.5); var ret = stepcontrol.set_stepindex(target_index); if (!ret) { control_elem.setElementHScrollPos(client_width * stepcontrol.stepindex); } touch_manager._fling_blocked = true; } else { return nexacro.Component.prototype.on_fire_sys_onslideend.call(this, elem, touch_manager, touchinfos, xaccvalue, yaccvalue, xdeltavalue, ydeltavalue, from_comp, from_refer_comp); } return false; }; _pFormBase._createStepChangeAnimation = function (target_index, duration) { if (this._stepchange_info) { this._on_cancel_stepchange_animation(); } var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { var info = { }; info.is_alive = true; info.target_index = target_index; info.starttime = new Date().getTime(); info.duration = duration; var zoomFactor = this.getZoom() / 100; var hscroll_step = control_elem.hscroll_limit / (control_elem._step_count - 1); info.startpos = control_elem.scroll_left; info.endpos = hscroll_step * target_index; if (this.style.stepshowtype == "action") { var stepcontrol = this.stepcontrol; if (stepcontrol) { stepcontrol.set_visible(true); } } var pThis = this; info.timer = new nexacro.AnimationFrame(this, function () { pThis._on_stepchange_animation(); }); info.timer.start(); this._stepchange_info = info; } }; _pFormBase._on_stepchange_animation = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (!control_elem) { return; } var info = this._stepchange_info; if (info && info.is_alive) { var t = new Date().getTime() - info.starttime; var d = info.duration; var q = t / d - 1; var c = Math.min((q * q * q + 1), 1); var curpos = info.startpos + ((info.endpos - info.startpos) * c); control_elem.setElementHScrollPos(curpos); if (t >= info.duration) { this._on_end_stepchange_animation(); } else { info.timer.start(); } } }; _pFormBase._on_end_stepchange_animation = function () { var info = this._stepchange_info; if (!info) { return; } info.is_alive = false; if (info.timer) { info.timer.stop(); } var control_elem = this.getElement(); var stepcontrol = this.stepcontrol; if (control_elem && stepcontrol) { var new_index = info.target_index; delete info; control_elem.setElementStepIndex(new_index); var hscroll_step = control_elem.hscroll_limit / (control_elem._step_count - 1); control_elem.setElementHScrollPos(hscroll_step * new_index); var comps = this.components; var comp_len = comps.length; for (var i = 0; i < comp_len; i++) { comps[i].on_apply_positionstep(comps[i].positionstep); } this.on_apply_style_stepshowtype(this.style.stepshowtype); this._stepchange_info = null; } }; _pFormBase._on_cancel_stepchange_animation = function () { var info = this._stepchange_info; if (!info) { return; } info.is_alive = false; if (info.timer) { info.timer.stop(); } delete info; this._stepchange_info = null; }; _pFormBase._searchNextComponent = function (current, bSearchFromFirst, opt_force_cycle, bAccessibility, bhotkey) { var opt_cycle = (opt_force_cycle == undefined) ? (application._tabkeycirculation == 0) : opt_force_cycle; var opt_container_focus = nexacro._enableaccessibility && (nexacro._accessibilitytype != 5); var temp, ret, next; var my_tapstop_childs = this._getSortedDecendants(this, undefined, bAccessibility); var my_tabstop_child_cnt = my_tapstop_childs ? my_tapstop_childs.length : 0; if (my_tabstop_child_cnt > 0 && current && !bSearchFromFirst) { next = this._getTabOrderNext(current, true, bAccessibility, undefined, undefined, bhotkey, undefined, true); if (opt_cycle && !next && this._isPopupVisible()) { next = this._getTabOrderFirst(bAccessibility); } if (!next) { var parent = this.parent; var parent_tabstop_childs = parent._getSortedDecendants(this.parent, undefined, bAccessibility); var parent_tabstop_child_cnt = parent_tabstop_childs ? parent_tabstop_childs.length : 0; if (!opt_cycle && (parent._is_frame || this._is_window)) { ret = [null, this, 1]; } else if (parent._is_form && parent_tabstop_child_cnt > 0) { ret = parent._searchNextComponent(this, false, undefined, bAccessibility, bhotkey); } else { next = this._getTabOrderFirst(bAccessibility); } } } else { next = this._getTabOrderFirst(bAccessibility); if (!next) { if (this.parent._is_form) { ret = this.parent._searchNextComponent(this, undefined, undefined, bAccessibility, bhotkey); } else { ret = null; } } } if (next && !ret) { var next_tabstop_childs = (next._is_form ? next._getSortedDecendants(next, undefined, bAccessibility) : null); var next_tabstop_child_cnt = next_tabstop_childs ? next_tabstop_childs.length : 0; if (next._is_form && bAccessibility && next._checkContainerTabFocus() == true) { ret = [next]; } else if (next._is_form && next_tabstop_child_cnt > 0) { ret = next._searchNextComponent(null, true, undefined, bAccessibility, bhotkey); } else { ret = [next]; } } return ret; }; _pFormBase._searchNextTabFocus = function (current, bSearchFromFirst, opt_force_cycle, bAccessibility, bhotkey) { var opt_cycle = (opt_force_cycle == undefined) ? (application._tabkeycirculation == 0) : opt_force_cycle; var opt_container_focus = nexacro._enableaccessibility && (nexacro._accessibilitytype != 5); var temp, ret, next; var my_tapstop_childs = this._getSortedDecendants(this, undefined, bAccessibility); var my_tabstop_child_cnt = my_tapstop_childs ? my_tapstop_childs.length : 0; if (my_tabstop_child_cnt > 0 && current && !bSearchFromFirst) { next = this._getTabOrderNext(current, true, bAccessibility, undefined, undefined, bhotkey); if (opt_cycle && !next && this._isPopupVisible()) { next = this._getTabOrderFirst(bAccessibility); } if (!next) { var parent = this.parent; var parent_tabstop_childs = parent._getSortedDecendants(this.parent, undefined, bAccessibility); var parent_tabstop_child_cnt = parent_tabstop_childs ? parent_tabstop_childs.length : 0; if (!opt_cycle && (parent._is_frame || this._is_window)) { ret = [null, this, 1]; } else if (parent._is_form && parent_tabstop_child_cnt > 0) { ret = parent._searchNextTabFocus(this, false, undefined, bAccessibility, bhotkey); } else { next = this._getTabOrderFirst(bAccessibility); } } } else { next = this._getTabOrderFirst(bAccessibility); if (!next) { if (this.parent._is_form) { ret = this.parent._searchNextTabFocus(this, undefined, undefined, bAccessibility, bhotkey); } else { ret = null; } } } if (next && !ret) { var next_tabstop_childs = (next._is_form ? next._getSortedDecendants(next, undefined, bAccessibility) : null); var next_tabstop_child_cnt = next_tabstop_childs ? next_tabstop_childs.length : 0; if (next._is_form && bAccessibility && next._checkContainerTabFocus() == true) { ret = [next]; } else if (next._is_form && next_tabstop_child_cnt > 0) { ret = next._searchNextTabFocus(null, true, undefined, bAccessibility, bhotkey); } else { ret = [next]; } } return ret; }; _pFormBase._searchNextHeadingFocus = function (current, bSearchFromFirst, opt_force_cycle) { var opt_cycle = (opt_force_cycle == undefined) ? (application._tabkeycirculation == 0) : opt_force_cycle; var opt_container_focus = nexacro._enableaccessibility; var temp, ret, next; var my_tapstop_childs = this._getSortedDecendants(this, undefined, true); var my_tabstop_child_cnt = my_tapstop_childs ? my_tapstop_childs.length : 0; if (my_tabstop_child_cnt > 0 && current && !bSearchFromFirst) { next = this._getHeadingOrderNext(current, 1); if (opt_cycle && !next && this._isPopupVisible()) { next = this._getHeadingOrderFirst(); } if (!next) { var parent = this.parent; var parent_tabstop_childs = parent._getSortedDecendants(this.parent, undefined, true); var parent_tabstop_child_cnt = parent_tabstop_childs ? parent_tabstop_childs.length : 0; if (!opt_cycle && (parent._is_frame || this._is_window)) { ret = [null, this, 1]; } else if (parent._is_form && parent_tabstop_child_cnt > 0) { ret = parent._searchNextHeadingFocus(this); } else { next = this._getHeadingOrderFirst(); } } } else { next = this._getHeadingOrderFirst(); if (!next) { if (this.parent._is_form) { ret = this.parent._searchNextHeadingFocus(this); } else { ret = null; } } } if (next && !ret) { var next_tabstop_childs = (next._is_form ? next._getSortedDecendants(next, undefined, true) : null); var next_tabstop_child_cnt = next_tabstop_childs ? next_tabstop_childs.length : 0; if (next._is_form && next._checkContainerHeadingFocus() == true) { ret = [next]; } else if (next._is_form && next_tabstop_child_cnt > 0) { ret = next._searchNextHeadingFocus(null, true); } else { ret = [next]; } } return ret; }; _pFormBase._searchPrevTabFocus = function (current, bSearchFromLast, opt_force_cycle, bAccessibility, bhotkey) { var opt_cycle = (opt_force_cycle == undefined) ? (application._tabkeycirculation == 0) : opt_force_cycle; var opt_container_focus = nexacro._enableaccessibility && (nexacro._accessibilitytype != 5); var temp, ret, next; var my_tapstop_childs = this._getSortedDecendants(this, undefined, bAccessibility); var my_tabstop_child_cnt = my_tapstop_childs ? my_tapstop_childs.length : 0; if (my_tabstop_child_cnt && current && !bSearchFromLast) { next = this._getTabOrderNext(current, -1, bAccessibility, undefined, undefined, bhotkey); if (opt_cycle && !next && this._isPopupVisible()) { next = this._getTabOrderLast(bAccessibility); } if (!next) { var parent_tabstop_childs = this.parent._getSortedDecendants(this.parent, undefined, bAccessibility); var parent_tabstop_child_cnt = parent_tabstop_childs ? parent_tabstop_childs.length : 0; var parent_comps = this.parent.components; if (opt_cycle == false && (this.parent._is_frame || this._is_window)) { ret = [null, this, -1]; } else if (bAccessibility && this._checkContainerTabFocus() == true && this.parent._is_form) { ret = [this]; } else if (this.parent._is_form && parent_tabstop_child_cnt > 0) { ret = this.parent._searchPrevTabFocus(this, undefined, undefined, bAccessibility, bhotkey); } else { next = this._getTabOrderLast(bAccessibility); } } } else { if (!bSearchFromLast) { if (this instanceof nexacro.PopupDiv) { next = this._getTabOrderLast(bAccessibility); } else if (this.parent._is_form) { ret = this.parent._searchPrevTabFocus(this, undefined, undefined, bAccessibility, bhotkey); } else { ret = null; } } if (!ret) { next = this._getTabOrderLast(bAccessibility); if (!next && ret !== null) { if (bAccessibility && opt_container_focus && this._checkContainerTabFocus() == true) { ret = [this]; } else if (this.parent._is_form) { ret = this.parent._searchPrevTabFocus(this, undefined, undefined, bAccessibility, bhotkey); } else { ret = null; } } } } if (next && !ret) { var next_tabstop_childs = (next._is_form ? next._getSortedDecendants(next, undefined, bAccessibility) : null); var next_tabstop_child_cnt = next_tabstop_childs ? next_tabstop_childs.length : 0; if (next._is_form && next_tabstop_child_cnt > 0) { ret = next._searchPrevTabFocus(null, true, undefined, bAccessibility, bhotkey); } else { ret = [next]; } } return ret; }; _pFormBase._searchPrevHeadingFocus = function (current, bSearchFromLast, opt_force_cycle) { var opt_cycle = (opt_force_cycle == undefined) ? (application._tabkeycirculation == 0) : opt_force_cycle; var opt_container_focus = nexacro._enableaccessibility; var temp, ret, next; var my_tapstop_childs = this._getSortedDecendants(this, undefined, true); var my_tabstop_child_cnt = my_tapstop_childs ? my_tapstop_childs.length : 0; if (my_tabstop_child_cnt && current && !bSearchFromLast) { next = this._getHeadingOrderNext(current, -1); if (opt_cycle && !next && this._isPopupVisible()) { next = this._getHeadingOrderLast(); } if (!next) { var parent_tabstop_childs = this.parent._getSortedDecendants(this.parent, undefined, true); var parent_tabstop_child_cnt = parent_tabstop_childs ? parent_tabstop_childs.length : 0; var parent_comps = this.parent.components; if (opt_cycle == false && (this.parent._is_frame || this._is_window)) { ret = [null, this, -1]; } else if (opt_container_focus && this._type_name == "Tabpage") { ret = [this.parent]; } else if (opt_container_focus && this._checkContainerHeadingFocus() == true) { ret = [this]; } else if (this.parent._is_form && parent_tabstop_child_cnt > 0) { ret = this.parent._searchPrevHeadingFocus(this); } else { next = this._getHeadingOrderLast(); } } } else { if (!bSearchFromLast) { if (this.parent._is_form) { ret = this.parent._searchPrevTabFocus(this); } else { ret = null; } } if (!ret) { next = this._getTabOrderLast(); if (!next && ret !== null) { if (this.parent._is_form) { ret = this.parent._searchPrevHeadingFocus(this); } else { ret = null; } } } } if (next && !ret) { var next_tabstop_childs = (next._is_form ? next._getSortedDecendants(next, undefined, true) : null); var next_tabstop_child_cnt = next_tabstop_childs ? next_tabstop_childs.length : 0; if (next._is_form && next_tabstop_child_cnt > 0) { ret = next._searchPrevHeadingFocus(null, true); } else { ret = [next]; } } return ret; }; _pFormBase._processArrowKey = function (bdown, newfocus_comp) { if (newfocus_comp[0] instanceof nexacro.Form && newfocus_comp[0]._last_focused) { var win = this._getWindow(); win._removeFromCurrentFocusPath(newfocus_comp[0]._last_focused); } var dir = 2; if (!bdown) { dir = 3; } newfocus_comp[0]._setFocus(true, dir, false); if (application.accessibilityfirstovertext && newfocus_comp[0] == this._getTabOrderFirst()) { var comp = newfocus_comp[0]; var _label = comp._getAccessibilityReadLabel() + " " + application.accessibilityfirstovertext; comp.getElement().notifyAccessibility(_label, "focus"); } else if (application.accessibilitylastovertext && newfocus_comp[0] == this._getTabOrderLast()) { var comp = newfocus_comp[0]; var _label = comp._getAccessibilityReadLabel() + " " + application.accessibilitylastovertext; comp.getElement().notifyAccessibility(_label, "focus"); } }; _pFormBase._processHotkey = function (keycode, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey, obj) { var parent = null; if (obj) { parent = obj.parent; } var _form = this._getMainForm(); var hotkey_list = _form ? _form._hotkey_list : this._hotkey_list; for (var i = 0, n = hotkey_list.length; i < n; i++) { var hotkey_info = hotkey_list[i]; if (hotkey_info[1] == keycode && hotkey_info[2] == altKey && hotkey_info[3] == ctrlKey && hotkey_info[4] == shiftKey) { var comp = hotkey_info[0]; if (comp.parent instanceof nexacro.Tabpage) { if (comp.parent._index != comp.parent.parent.tabindex) { continue; } } if (obj && comp && comp.parent) { if (obj.name != comp.name || obj.parent.name != comp.parent.name) { var ctflag = false; for (var j = (i + 1), n = hotkey_list.length; j < n; j++) { if ((obj.name == hotkey_list[j][0].name && obj.parent.name == hotkey_list[j][0].parent.name) || (hotkey_list[j][0].parent && obj.parent == hotkey_list[j][0].parent && hotkey_list[j][0].enable)) { i = (j - 1); j = hotkey_list.length; ctflag = true; } } if (ctflag) { continue; } } } if (!comp.enable || (comp._isEnable && !comp._isEnable())) { continue; } var p = comp.parent; do { if (p instanceof nexacro.FormBase) { break; } p = p.parent; } while (p); if (!p.enable) { return true; } comp._on_hotkey(keycode, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey); return true; } } if (this._is_frame && this._is_window && (this._window_type == 1 || this._window_type == 4)) { return; } var owner_frame = this.getOwnerFrame(); if (owner_frame) { return owner_frame._processHotkey(keycode, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey); } }; _pFormBase._appendBeforeCloseMsg = function (current_message, new_message) { if (typeof (new_message) == "boolean") { new_message = nexacro._toString(new_message); } if (new_message === undefined || new_message == "" || new_message === null) { return current_message; } if (current_message === undefined || current_message === null) { current_message = ""; } else if (current_message != "") { current_message += "\n"; } return (current_message + new_message); }; _pFormBase._checkAndConfirmClose = function (confirm_message) { if (confirm_message === undefined || confirm_message == "" || confirm_message === null) { return true; } if (this._window && this._window._ignore_close_confirm) { return true; } return nexacro._confirm(this, confirm_message); }; _pFormBase._onResetScrollBar = function () { if (!this._is_scrollable) { return; } var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem) { var new_hbar = false; var new_vbar = false; var scroll_default_size = nexacro.Component.SCROLLBAR_DEFAULT_SIZE; var hscroll_size = scroll_default_size; var vscroll_size = scroll_default_size; var show_type = 0; var bShowVScroll = false; var bShowHScroll = false; var scrollbars = this._scrollbars; if (this.getStepCount() > 0 && (scrollbars == 0 || scrollbars == 1 || scrollbars == 4 || scrollbars == 16)) { scrollbars = 2; } switch (scrollbars) { case 0: break; case 1: bShowVScroll = true; show_type = 1; break; case 2: bShowHScroll = true; show_type = 1; break; case 3: bShowVScroll = true; bShowHScroll = true; show_type = 1; break; case 4: bShowVScroll = true; show_type = 2; break; case 8: bShowHScroll = true; show_type = 2; break; case 12: bShowVScroll = true; bShowHScroll = true; show_type = 2; break; case 16: bShowVScroll = true; bShowHScroll = true; show_type = 31; break; case 32: bShowVScroll = true; bShowHScroll = true; show_type = 32; break; } if (bShowHScroll && !this.hscrollbar) { this.hscrollbar = this._createHScrollBar(scroll_default_size); if (this.hscrollbar.scrollbarsize > 0) { hscroll_size = this.hscrollbar.scrollbarsize; this.hscrollbar.resize(control_elem.client_width, hscroll_size); } new_hbar = true; } else if (bShowHScroll && this.hscrollbar) { if (this.hscrollbar.scrollbarsize > 0) { hscroll_size = this.hscrollbar.scrollbarsize; this.hscrollbar.resize(control_elem.client_width, hscroll_size); control_elem._hscroll_height = hscroll_size; } } else if (!bShowHScroll && this.hscrollbar) { this.hscrollbar.destroy(); this.hscrollbar = null; } if (bShowVScroll && !this.vscrollbar) { this.vscrollbar = this._createVScrollBar(scroll_default_size); if (this.vscrollbar.scrollbarsize > 0) { vscroll_size = this.vscrollbar.scrollbarsize; this.vscrollbar.resize(vscroll_size, control_elem.client_height); } new_vbar = true; } else if (bShowVScroll && this.vscrollbar) { if (this.vscrollbar.scrollbarsize > 0) { vscroll_size = this.vscrollbar.scrollbarsize; this.vscrollbar.resize(vscroll_size, control_elem.client_height); control_elem._vscroll_width = vscroll_size; } } else if (!bShowVScroll && this.vscrollbar) { this.vscrollbar.destroy(); this.vscrollbar = null; } control_elem.setScrollControls(this.hscrollbar, this.vscrollbar, hscroll_size, vscroll_size, show_type); if (new_hbar || this.getStepCount() > 0) { this.hscrollbar.createComponent(); } if (new_vbar) { this.vscrollbar.createComponent(); } if (control_elem._handle) { if (this.hscrollbar && !this.hscrollbar._is_created) { this.hscrollbar.on_created(); } if (this.vscrollbar && !this.vscrollbar._is_created) { this.vscrollbar.on_created(); } } this._updateClientSize(control_elem); } }; delete _pFormBase; nexacro.Form_Style = function (target) { nexacro.Style.call(this, target); }; var _pFormStyle = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Style, nexacro.Form_Style); nexacro.Form_Style.prototype = _pFormStyle; eval(nexacro._createAlignAttributeEvalStr("_pFormStyle", "stepalign")); eval(nexacro._createValueAttributeEvalStr("_pFormStyle", "stepshowtype")); _pFormStyle.__custom_emptyObject = function () { this.stepalign = null; this.stepshowtype = null; }; _pFormStyle.__get_custom_style_value = function () { var val = ""; if (this.stepalign && !this.stepalign._is_empty) { val += "stepalign:" + this.stepalign._value + "; "; } if (this.stepshowtype && !this.stepshowtype._is_empty) { val += "stepshowtype:" + this.stepshowtype._value + "; "; } return val; }; nexacro.Form_CurrentStyle = function () { nexacro.CurrentStyle.call(this); this.stepalign = null; this.stepshowtype = null; }; var _pFormCurrentStyle = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.CurrentStyle, nexacro.Form_CurrentStyle); nexacro.Form_CurrentStyle.prototype = _pFormCurrentStyle; _pFormCurrentStyle.__custom_emptyObject = _pFormStyle.__custom_emptyObject; _pFormCurrentStyle.__get_custom_style_value = _pFormStyle.__get_custom_style_value; delete _pFormStyle; delete _pFormCurrentStyle; nexacro.Form = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.FormBase.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent, true); this.inheritanceid = ""; this.layout = ""; this.opener = null; this.resizebutton = null; this.statustext = ""; this.titletext = ""; this.classname = ""; this.cachelevel = ""; this.version = ""; this.layoutautofittype = undefined; this.locale = ""; this._event_list = { "onclick" : 1, "ondblclick" : 1, "onkillfocus" : 1, "onsetfocus" : 1, "onkeypress" : 1, "onkeydown" : 1, "onkeyup" : 1, "onlbuttondown" : 1, "onlbuttonup" : 1, "onrbuttondown" : 1, "onrbuttonup" : 1, "onmouseenter" : 1, "onmouseleave" : 1, "onmousemove" : 1, "onmousewheel" : 1, "ondrag" : 1, "ondragenter" : 1, "ondragleave" : 1, "ondragmove" : 1, "ondrop" : 1, "onmove" : 1, "onsize" : 1, "ontouch" : 1, "onvscroll" : 1, "onhscroll" : 1, "onactivate" : 1, "onbeforeclose" : 1, "onclose" : 1, "ondeactivate" : 1, "onsyscommand" : 1, "ontimer" : 1, "oninit" : 1, "onload" : 1, "canlayoutchange" : 1, "canstepchange" : 1, "onlayoutchanged" : 1, "onstepchanged" : 1, "ondevicebuttonup" : 1, "ontouchstart" : 1, "ontouchmove" : 1, "ontouchend" : 1, "ontap" : 1, "ondbltap" : 1, "onpinchstart" : 1, "onpinch" : 1, "onpinchend" : 1, "onflingstart" : 1, "onfling" : 1, "onflingend" : 1, "onlongpress" : 1, "onslidestart" : 1, "onslide" : 1, "onslideend" : 1, "onzoom" : 1, "onorientationchange" : 1 }; this._url = ""; this._init_width = 0; this._init_height = 0; this._defaultbutton = null; this._escapebutton = null; this._accessibility_role = "form"; this._zoomFactor = undefined; this._autofittedZoomFactor = undefined; this._is_init = true; this._is_closing = false; }; var _pForm = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.FormBase, nexacro.Form); nexacro.Form.prototype = _pForm; _pForm._type_name = "Form"; nexacro.Form_default_stepshowtype = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj("stepshowtype", "always"); _pForm.on_create_custom_style = function () { return new nexacro.Form_Style(this); }; _pForm.on_create_custom_currentStyle = function () { return new nexacro.Form_CurrentStyle(); }; _pForm.on_apply_custom_pseudo = function (pseudo) { var curstyle = this.currentstyle; var stepalign = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_stepalign(pseudo); if (curstyle.stepalign != stepalign) { curstyle.stepalign = stepalign; this.on_apply_style_stepalign(stepalign); } var stepshowtype = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_stepshowtype(pseudo); if (curstyle.stepshowtype != stepshowtype) { curstyle.stepshowtype = stepshowtype; this.on_apply_style_stepshowtype(stepshowtype); } }; _pForm.on_apply_custom_css = function (pseudo) { var components = this.components; if (components) { for (var i = 0, n = components.length; i < n; i++) { var comp = components[i]; comp.on_apply_prop_class(comp[i], pseudo); } } }; _pForm.on_find_CurrentStyle_stepalign = function (pseudo) { var align = this._find_pseudo_obj("stepalign", pseudo, "align"); return align ? align : nexacro.Component._default_step_align; }; _pForm.on_find_CurrentStyle_stepshowtype = function (pseudo) { var stepshowtype = this._find_pseudo_obj("stepshowtype", pseudo, "value"); return stepshowtype || nexacro.Form_default_stepshowtype; }; _pForm.on_update_style_stepalign = function () { var align = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_stepalign(this._pseudo); this.currentstyle.stepalign = align; this.on_apply_style_stepalign(align); }; _pForm.on_update_style_stepshowtype = function () { var showtype = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_stepshowtype(this._pseudo); this.currentstyle.stepshowtype = showtype; this.on_apply_style_stepshowtype(showtype); }; _pForm.on_apply_style_stepalign = function (stepalign) { var control_elem = this.getElement(); var step_ctrl = this.stepcontrol; if (control_elem && step_ctrl) { var form_border = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_border(this._pseudo); var border_left = (form_border) ? form_border._left_width : 0; var border_top = (form_border) ? form_border._top_width : 0; var border_right = (form_border) ? form_border._right_width : 0; var border_bottom = (form_border) ? form_border._bottom_width : 0; var form_width = this._adjust_width - border_left - border_right; var form_height = this._adjust_height - border_top - border_bottom; var btn_size = step_ctrl._getButtonSize(); var btn_area = step_ctrl._getButtonAreaSize(step_ctrl.stepcount, btn_size); var halign = stepalign.halign; var valign = stepalign.valign; var left, top; switch (halign) { case "left": left = 0; break; case "center": left = (form_width - btn_area.width) / 2; break; case "right": left = form_width - btn_area.width; break; } switch (valign) { case "top": top = 0; break; case "middle": top = (form_height - btn_area.height) / 2; break; case "bottom": top = form_height - btn_area.height; break; } step_ctrl.move(left, top, btn_area.width, btn_area.height, null, null); } }; _pForm.on_apply_style_stepshowtype = function (stepshowtype) { var stepcontrol = this.stepcontrol; if (stepcontrol && stepshowtype) { var type = stepshowtype.value; switch (type) { case "action": stepcontrol.set_visible(false); break; case "always": default: stepcontrol.set_visible(true); break; } } }; _pForm.on_get_style_accessibility_label = function () { return this.titletext; }; _pForm.on_get_prop_tabstop = function () { return this.tabstop; }; _pForm.on_created = function (_window) { var ret = nexacro.FormBase.prototype.on_created.call(this, _window); return ret; }; _pForm.on_update_position = function (resize_flag, move_flag) { var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem) { var bForce = false; if (this._isRtl(this.parent) && this._left != null) { bForce = true; } control_elem.setElementPosition(this._adjust_left, this._adjust_top, bForce); if (resize_flag) { var val = this._calcScrollMaxSize(); control_elem.container_maxwidth = val.w; control_elem.container_maxheight = val.h; } control_elem.setElementSize(this._adjust_width, this._adjust_height); this._updateClientSize(control_elem); if (move_flag) { this.on_fire_onmove(this._adjust_left, this._adjust_top); } if (resize_flag) { this.on_fire_onsize(this._adjust_width, this._adjust_height); } } }; _pForm.on_change_containerRect = function (width, height) { var _move_scroll = false; var comps = this.components; if (nexacro.OS == "Android" && this.vscrollbar && this.vscrollbar.visible) { _move_scroll = true; var comp_bottom; var comp_scroll_pos; var last_comp = this._getLastFocused(); var form_bottom = this.getOffsetBottom(); } for (var i = 0, n = comps.length; i < n; i++) { var comp = comps[i]; var control_elem = comp.getElement(); if (control_elem) { if (_move_scroll && comp instanceof nexacro.Edit) { comp_bottom = comp.getOffsetBottom(); comp_scroll_pos = comp_bottom - form_bottom; if (this.vscrollbar.pos < comp_scroll_pos && form_bottom < comp_bottom && last_comp == comp) { this.vscrollbar.set_pos(comp_scroll_pos); } } comp._bChangeRtl = this._bChangeRtl; comp.move(comp.left, comp.top, comp.width, comp.height, comp.right, comp.bottom); comp._bChangeRtl = false; } } if (this.stepcontrol) { this._updateStepControlSize(); } this._onRecalcScrollSize(); }; _pForm._on_load = function (obj, url) { if (!this._load_callbacklist) { return; } var parent_foraddcallback = this.parent; if (this.parent && this.parent.form == this) { parent_foraddcallback = application; } if (parent_foraddcallback && parent_foraddcallback._addLoadCallbacklist) { var pthis = this; var ret = parent_foraddcallback._addLoadCallbacklist({ target : pthis, callback : pthis._on_loadcallback, url : this.url }); if (!ret) { this._on_loadcallback(obj, url); } } }; _pForm._addLoadCallbacklist = function (item) { if (!this._is_loaded && this._url && this._url.length > 0) { if (!this.parent._load_callbacklist) { this.parent._load_callbacklist = []; } this._load_callbacklist.push(item); return true; } return false; }; _pForm._on_loadcallback = function (obj, url) { var callbacklist = this._load_callbacklist; var n = callbacklist.length; if (n > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { var item = callbacklist[i]; var target = item.target; var url = item.url; if (target._is_alive != false) { item.callback.call(target, target, url); } } callbacklist.splice(0, n); } var binds = this.binds; if (binds) { for (var i = 0, len = binds.length; i < len; i++) { binds[i].bind(); } } this.on_fire_oninit(this); this.createComponent(true); var _window; if (!this._is_created) { _window = this._getWindow(); this.on_created(_window); } var ret = this.on_fire_onload(obj, url); if (!(this instanceof nexacro.Tabpage)) { this._on_activate(); } var parent = this.parent; if (parent) { if (parent._is_frame && parent.form == this) { parent._createdForm(); application._notifyLoadforms(this); } else { if (!_window) { _window = this._getRootWindow(); } if (_window && _window.frame && _window.frame._activate == true) { var cur_focus_paths = _window.getCurrentFocusPaths(); if (cur_focus_paths && nexacro._indexOf(cur_focus_paths, this) > -1) { if (this instanceof nexacro.Tabpage) { this._on_activate(); } if (nexacro._enableaccessibility && nexacro._accessibilitywholereadtype > 1) { this._setFocus(); this._playAccessibilityWholeReadLabel("wholeread"); } else { this._on_focus(true); } } else if (nexacro._enableaccessibility && nexacro._accessibilitywholereadtype > 1 && this instanceof nexacro.Div) { this._playAccessibilityWholeReadLabel("wholeread"); } } } } this._refreshAccessibilityValue(); return ret; }; _pForm.set_opener = nexacro._emptyFn; _pForm.set_inheritanceid = function (v) { }; _pForm.set_layout = function (v) { }; _pForm.set_statustext = function (v) { if (this.parent && this.parent._is_frame) { if (this.statustext != v) { this.statustext = v; this.parent._applyStatusText(); } } }; _pForm.set_titletext = function (v) { this._setAccessibilityLabel(v); if (this.parent && this.parent._is_frame) { if (this.titletext != v) { this.titletext = v; this.parent._applyTitleText(); } } }; _pForm.set_classname = function (v) { return; }; _pForm.set_cachelevel = function (v) { }; _pForm.set_version = function (v) { ; }; _pForm.set_dragscrolltype = function (v) { var enums = ["none", "vert", "horz", "both", "all"]; if (this.dragscrolltype != v) { if (nexacro._indexOf(enums, v) >= 0) { this.dragscrolltype = v; } else { } } }; _pForm.set_layoutautofittype = function (v) { return; }; _pForm.on_apply_prop_enable = function (v) { nexacro.Component.prototype.on_apply_prop_enable.call(this, v); var comps = this.components; var root_form = this._getRootForm(); var binds = root_form.binds; for (var i = 0, n = comps.length; i < n; i++) { var comp = comps[i]; if (binds) { var skip = false; for (var idx = 0, bind_len = binds.length; idx < bind_len; idx++) { var item_comp = binds[idx]._comp; if (item_comp == comp && binds[idx]._en_type == 2) { skip = true; var dataset = binds[idx]._dataset; if (dataset.rowposition != -1) { comp._setEnable(v); } break; } } if (!skip) { comp._setEnable(v); } } else { comp._setEnable(v); } } }; _pForm.on_apply_prop_rtldirection = function () { this._bChangeRtl = true; nexacro.Component.prototype.on_apply_prop_rtldirection.call(this); var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem) { this.on_change_containerRect(control_elem.client_width, control_elem.client_height); } var comps = this.components; var _rtldirection = this._rtldirection; for (var i = 0, n = comps.length; i < n; i++) { var comp = comps[i]; if (comp._is_form) { comp.on_apply_prop_rtldirection(_rtldirection); } comp._setRtlDirection(_rtldirection); } if (this.vscrollbar) { this.vscrollbar._setRtlDirection(_rtldirection); } if (this.hscrollbar) { this.hscrollbar._setRtlDirection(_rtldirection); } if (this.stepcontrol) { this.stepcontrol._setRtlDirection(_rtldirection); } this._bChangeRtl = false; }; _pForm.set_locale = function (v) { if (v != this.locale) { this.locale = v; if (this._locale != v) { this._locale = v; this.on_apply_locale(); } } }; _pForm.on_apply_locale = function () { var comps = this.components; for (var i = 0, n = comps.length; i < n; i++) { var comp = comps[i]; comp._setLocale(this._locale); } }; _pForm.on_fire_sys_onrbuttonup = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { var ret = nexacro.Component.prototype.on_fire_sys_onrbuttonup.call(this, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); if (application._quickview_mode && ret !== true && this.parent instanceof nexacro.ChildFrame) { if (from_refer_comp && !from_refer_comp._input_element) { return nexacro._showQuickviewMenu(this, screenX, screenY); } } return ret; }; _pForm.on_fire_oninit = function (obj) { if (this._is_init && this.oninit && this.oninit._has_handlers) { this._is_init = false; var evt = new nexacro.Event(obj, "oninit"); return this.oninit._fireEvent(this, evt); } return true; }; _pForm.on_fire_canstepchange = function (obj) { if (this.canstepchange && this.canstepchange._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.StepChangeEventInfo(obj, "canstepchange", obj._prestepindex, obj._poststepindex); return this.canstepchange._fireCheckEvent(this, evt); } }; _pForm.on_fire_onstepchanged = function (obj) { if (this.onstepchanged && this.onstepchanged._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.StepChangeEventInfo(obj, "onstepchanged", obj._prestepindex, obj._poststepindex); return this.onstepchanged._fireEvent(this, evt); } }; _pForm.on_fire_canlayoutchange = function (obj, eventid, curlayoutname, newlayoutname, curlayoutwidth, newlayoutwidth, curlayoutheight, newlayoutheight) { if (this.canlayoutchange && this.canlayoutchange._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.LayoutChangeEventInfo(obj, eventid, curlayoutname, newlayoutname, curlayoutwidth, newlayoutwidth, curlayoutheight, newlayoutheight); return this.canlayoutchange._fireCheckEvent(this, evt); } return true; }; _pForm.on_fire_onlayoutchanged = function (obj, eventid, curlayoutname, newlayoutname, curlayoutwidth, newlayoutwidth, curlayoutheight, newlayoutheight) { if (this.onlayoutchanged && this.onlayoutchanged._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.LayoutChangeEventInfo(obj, eventid, curlayoutname, newlayoutname, curlayoutwidth, newlayoutwidth, curlayoutheight, newlayoutheight); return this.onlayoutchanged._fireEvent(this, evt); } return true; }; _pForm.on_fire_onbeforelayoutchange = function (obj, eventid, curlayout, newlayout) { if (this.onbeforelayoutchange && this.onbeforelayoutchange._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.LayoutChangeEventInfo(obj, eventid, curlayout, newlayout); return this.onbeforelayoutchange._fireEvent(this, evt); } return true; }; _pForm.on_fire_onload = function (obj, url) { if (this.onload && this.onload._has_handlers) { this._bFireLoadEvent = true; var evt = new nexacro.LoadEventInfo(obj, "onload", url); var ret = this.onload._fireEvent(this, evt); this._bFireLoadEvent = false; evt.destroy(); evt = null; return ret; } return true; }; _pForm.on_fire_ondevicebuttonup = function (obj, e) { if (this.ondevicebuttonup && this.ondevicebuttonup._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.DeviceButtonEventInfo(obj, e); return this.ondevicebuttonup._fireEvent(this, evt); } return true; }; _pForm._on_devicebuttonup = function (e) { var ret = this.on_fire_ondevicebuttonup(this, e); if (!ret && this.parent && this.parent instanceof nexacro.Form) { return this.parent._on_devicebuttonup(e); } return ret; }; _pForm.on_fire_user_onkeydown = function (keycode, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, fire_comp, refer_comp) { if (!this._is_alive) { return; } var focusedComp = refer_comp; if (!focusedComp) { focusedComp = this.getFocus(); } if (!focusedComp) { focusedComp = this; } if (focusedComp) { focusedComp = focusedComp._getRootComponent(focusedComp); } var dlgc = focusedComp._getDlgCode(keycode, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key); if (keycode == nexacro.Event.KEY_TAB) { if (dlgc.want_tab == false) { var newfocus_comp; var root_window = this._getRootWindow(); if (root_window._keydown_element) { root_window._keydown_element._event_stop = true; } if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { var ret = nexacro.Component.prototype.on_fire_user_onkeydown.call(this, keycode, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, this, this._last_focused); } if (!shift_key) { newfocus_comp = this._searchNextTabFocus(this._last_focused, undefined, undefined, false); } else { newfocus_comp = this._searchPrevTabFocus(this._last_focused, undefined, undefined, false); } if (newfocus_comp && newfocus_comp[0]) { if (newfocus_comp[0] instanceof nexacro.Form && newfocus_comp[0]._last_focused) { var win = this._getWindow(); win._removeFromCurrentFocusPath(newfocus_comp[0]._last_focused); } newfocus_comp[0]._setFocus(true, (!shift_key ? 0 : 1), true); } else if (newfocus_comp && newfocus_comp[2] == -1) { var comp = this._last_focused; if (comp) { comp.getElement().notifyAccessibility(application.accessibilityfirstovertext); } } else if (newfocus_comp && newfocus_comp[2] == 1) { var comp = this._last_focused; if (comp) { comp.getElement().notifyAccessibility(application.accessibilitylastovertext); } } return true; } } else if (keycode == nexacro.Event.KEY_RETURN) { if (dlgc.want_return == false) { if (this instanceof nexacro.Form) { var is_popup = focusedComp._isPopupVisible(); if (!is_popup && this._defaultbutton && this._defaultbutton.enableevent && this._defaultbutton._isEnable()) { this._defaultbutton.click(); } } } } else if (keycode == nexacro.Event.KEY_ESC) { if (nexacro._stopTransaction(this, 1) <= 0 && dlgc.want_escape == false) { if (this instanceof nexacro.Form) { if (this._escapebutton && this._escapebutton.enableevent && this._escapebutton._isEnable()) { this._escapebutton.click(); } } } } else if (nexacro._enableaccessibility && keycode == nexacro.Event.KEY_DOWN) { if (dlgc.want_arrows == false) { var ret = nexacro.Component.prototype.on_fire_user_onkeydown.call(this, keycode, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, this, this._last_focused); var newfocus_comp = this._searchNextTabFocus(this._last_focused, undefined, undefined, true); if (newfocus_comp && newfocus_comp[0]) { if (newfocus_comp[0] instanceof nexacro.Form && newfocus_comp[0]._last_focused) { var win = this._getWindow(); win._removeFromCurrentFocusPath(newfocus_comp[0]._last_focused); } newfocus_comp[0]._setFocus(true, 2, true); } var root_window = this._getRootWindow(); root_window._keydown_element._event_stop = true; return true; } } else if (nexacro._enableaccessibility && keycode == nexacro.Event.KEY_UP) { if (dlgc.want_arrows == false) { var ret = nexacro.Component.prototype.on_fire_user_onkeydown.call(this, keycode, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, this, this._last_focused); var newfocus_comp = this._searchPrevTabFocus(this._last_focused, undefined, undefined, true); if (newfocus_comp && newfocus_comp[0]) { if (newfocus_comp[0] instanceof nexacro.Form && newfocus_comp[0]._last_focused) { var win = this._getWindow(); win._removeFromCurrentFocusPath(newfocus_comp[0]._last_focused); } newfocus_comp[0]._setFocus(true, 3, true); } var root_window = this._getRootWindow(); root_window._keydown_element._event_stop = true; return true; } } var ret = nexacro.Component.prototype.on_fire_user_onkeydown.call(this, keycode, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, this, refer_comp); if (!this.onkeydown || (this.onkeydown && !this.onkeydown.defaultprevented)) { if (keycode == nexacro.Event.KEY_LEFT || keycode == nexacro.Event.KEY_RIGHT) { if (this.hscrollbar && this.hscrollbar.visible && ctrl_key == true) { if (dlgc.want_arrows == false) { var line = this.hscrollbar.line; if (line <= 0) { line = this.hscrollbar._linedown; } if (keycode == nexacro.Event.KEY_LEFT) { line *= -1; } this.hscrollbar.set_pos(this.hscrollbar.pos + line); return true; } } } else if (keycode == nexacro.Event.KEY_UP || keycode == nexacro.Event.KEY_DOWN) { if (this.vscrollbar && this.vscrollbar.visible && ctrl_key == true) { if (dlgc.want_arrows == false) { var line = this.vscrollbar.line; if (line <= 0) { line = this.vscrollbar._linedown; } if (keycode == nexacro.Event.KEY_UP) { line *= -1; } this.vscrollbar.set_pos(this.vscrollbar.pos + line); return true; } } } } return ret; }; _pForm._on_activate = function () { if (!this.parent) { return; } var owner_frame = this.getOwnerFrame(); if (!owner_frame || !owner_frame._activate) { return; } nexacro.FormBase.prototype._on_activate.call(this); }; _pForm._on_deactivate = function () { if (!this.parent) { return; } var owner_frame = this.getOwnerFrame(); if (!owner_frame || !owner_frame._activate) { return; } nexacro.FormBase.prototype._on_deactivate.call(this); }; _pForm.on_vscroll = function (obj, e) { if (this.onvscroll && this.onvscroll._has_handlers) { e.fromobject = this; this.onvscroll._fireEvent(this, e); } var control_elem = this._control_element; var limit_pos = 0; if (control_elem) { limit_pos = control_elem.vscroll_limit; control_elem.setElementVScrollPos(e.pos); } if (e.pos >= limit_pos) { return true; } if ((nexacro.OS == "iOS" && !nexacro._isHybrid()) || (nexacro.Browser == "IE" || nexacro.Browser == "Edge" || nexacro.Browser == "MobileSafari")) { var comp = this._last_focused; while (comp) { if (comp instanceof nexacro.Form) { comp = comp._last_focused; } else { break; } } if (comp && (comp._has_inputElement || comp instanceof nexacro.Grid)) { var edit_base = null; if (comp instanceof nexacro.Grid) { edit_base = comp._tempEditor ? comp._tempEditor._edit_base_api : null; } else { edit_base = comp._edit_base_api; } if (edit_base && !edit_base._is_composition()) { if (nexacro.OSVersion >= 10 && (nexacro.Browser == "Edge" || nexacro.Browser == "IE") && (comp instanceof nexacro.TextArea)) { if (e.pos >= limit_pos) { return true; } edit_base.comp._input_element._refreshElement1(); edit_base.comp._input_element.setElementSetSelect(edit_base._begin_pos, edit_base._end_pos); } else { edit_base.comp._input_element._refreshElement(); } } } } return true; }; _pForm.on_hscroll = function (obj, e) { if (this.onhscroll && this.onhscroll._has_handlers) { e.fromobject = this; this.onhscroll._fireEvent(this, e); } var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem) { control_elem.setElementHScrollPos(e.pos); } if (nexacro.OS == "iOS" || (nexacro.Browser == "IE" || nexacro.Browser == "Edge" || nexacro.Browser == "MobileSafari")) { var comp = this._last_focused; while (comp) { if (comp instanceof nexacro.Form) { comp = comp._last_focused; } else { break; } } if (comp && (comp._has_inputElement || comp instanceof nexacro.Grid)) { var edit_base = null; if (comp instanceof nexacro.Grid) { edit_base = comp._tempEditor ? comp._tempEditor._edit_base_api : null; } else { edit_base = comp._edit_base_api; } if (edit_base && !edit_base._is_composition()) { edit_base.comp._input_element._refreshElement(); } } } return true; }; _pForm._on_orientationchange = function (orientation) { this.on_fire_onorientationchange(orientation); }; _pForm.on_fire_onorientationchange = function (orientation) { if (this.onorientationchange && this.onorientationchange._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.OrientationChangeEventInfo(this, "onorientationchange", orientation); this.onorientationchange._fireEvent(this, evt); } }; _pForm.on_fire_sys_onaccessibilitygesture = function (direction, fire_comp, refer_comp) { if (!this._is_alive) { return; } var _window = this._getWindow(); var accessibility_focus_comp = refer_comp; var comp = null; if (!accessibility_focus_comp) { accessibility_focus_comp = this.getFocus(); } if (!accessibility_focus_comp) { accessibility_focus_comp = this; } if (accessibility_focus_comp) { accessibility_focus_comp = accessibility_focus_comp._getRootComponent(accessibility_focus_comp); } if (!direction) { comp = this._searchPrevTabFocus(_window._accessibility_last_focused_comp, undefined, undefined, true); while (comp && comp[0] && comp[0]._is_form) { if (comp[0] == this) { var new_comp = comp[0].parent._searchPrevTabFocus(comp[0], undefined, undefined, true); } if (new_comp && new_comp[0]) { if (comp[0] == new_comp[0]) { comp = new_comp; break; } comp = new_comp; } else { break; } } } else { comp = this._searchNextTabFocus(_window._accessibility_last_focused_comp, undefined, undefined, true); while (comp && comp[0] && comp[0]._is_form) { var my_tapstop_childs = this._getSortedDecendants(comp[0], undefined, true); var my_tapstop_childs_cnt = my_tapstop_childs ? my_tapstop_childs.length : 0; if (my_tapstop_childs_cnt == 0) { break; } var new_comp = this._searchNextTabFocus(comp[0], undefined, undefined, true); if (comp[0] == new_comp[0]) { comp = new_comp; break; } comp = new_comp; } } if (comp && comp[0]) { comp[0]._setAccessibilityNotifyEvent(direction); return true; } return false; }; _pForm.addChild = function (id, obj) { var ret = -1; if (id && id.length <= 0) { return -1; } if (!obj) { throw nexacro.MakeReferenceError(this, "reference_not_define", id); } if (this[id]) { throw nexacro.MakeNativeError(this, "native_exist_id", id); } obj.parent = this; obj._refform = this; this[id] = obj; this.all.add_item(id, obj); obj.id = id; if (this.visible && !this._real_visible) { obj._real_visible = false; } else { obj._real_visible = this.visible; } if (obj._is_component) { ret = this.components.add_item(id, obj); this._child_list.push(obj); if (obj._is_alive && obj._is_created && this._is_created) { this._control_element.appendChildElement(obj.getElement()); } obj._setRtlDirection(this._rtldirection); } else if (obj instanceof nexacro.BindItem) { ret = this.binds.add_item(id, obj); } else { ret = this.objects.add_item(id, obj); } return ret; }; _pForm.resetScroll = function () { this._onRecalcScrollSize(); this._onResetScrollBar(); }; _pForm.close = function (arg) { if (this._is_closing) { return; } this._is_closing = true; if (!this.parent || !this.parent._is_frame) { return; } this.setWaitCursor(false, null); var childframe = this.parent; var confirm_message = childframe._on_beforeclose(); if (childframe._checkAndConfirmClose(confirm_message) == false) { this._is_closing = false; return false; } if (childframe._window) { childframe._window._ignore_close_confirm = true; } childframe._on_close(); if (typeof (arg) == "object") { arg = null; } if (this.parent) { this.parent._closeForm(arg); } this._is_closing = false; }; _pForm.getFirstComponent = function (no_composite_flag) { if (no_composite_flag !== true) { no_composite_flag = false; } var first = this._getTabOrderFirst(false, false); if (no_composite_flag) { if (first._is_form) { return first._getTabOrderFirst(false, false); } } return first; }; _pForm.getLastComponent = function (no_composite_flag) { if (no_composite_flag !== true) { no_composite_flag = false; } var last = this._getTabOrderLast(false, false); if (no_composite_flag) { if (last._is_form) { return last._getTabOrderLast(false, false); } } return last; }; _pForm.getNextComponent = function (comp, no_composite_flag) { if (no_composite_flag !== true) { no_composite_flag = false; } var pThis = comp.parent; var next = pThis._getTabOrderNext(comp, 1, false, false, undefined, undefined, undefined, undefined, no_composite_flag); if (!next) { next = pThis._searchNextComponent(comp, undefined, undefined, false)[0]; } return next; }; _pForm.getPrevComponent = function (comp, no_composite_flag) { if (no_composite_flag !== true) { no_composite_flag = false; } var pThis = comp.parent; var prev = pThis._getTabOrderNext(comp, -1, false, false); if (no_composite_flag) { pThis = prev; if (prev._is_form) { var prev_c = prev._getTabOrderNext(comp, -1, false, false); if (prev_c) { return prev_c; } prev_c = prev._getTabOrderLast(false, false); if (prev_c) { return prev_c; } } } return prev; }; _pForm.getFirstAccessibilityComponent = function (no_composite_flag) { if (no_composite_flag !== true) { no_composite_flag = false; } var first = this._getTabOrderFirst(true, false); if (!first._isAccessibilityEnable()) { first = this.getNextAccessibilityComponent(first, no_composite_flag); } if (no_composite_flag) { if (first._is_form) { return first._getTabOrderFirst(true, false); } } return first; }; _pForm.getLastAccessibilityComponent = function (no_composite_flag) { if (no_composite_flag !== true) { no_composite_flag = false; } var last = this._getTabOrderLast(true, false); if (!last._isAccessibilityEnable()) { last = this.getPrevAccessibilityComponent(last, no_composite_flag); } if (no_composite_flag) { if (last._is_form) { return last._getTabOrderLast(true, false); } } return last; }; _pForm.getNextAccessibilityComponent = function (comp, no_composite_flag) { if (no_composite_flag !== true) { no_composite_flag = false; } if (comp) { var pThis = comp.parent; var next = pThis._getTabOrderNext(comp, 1, true, false); if (next == undefined && !nexacro._enableaccessibility) { next = pThis.getFirstComponent(no_composite_flag); } if (no_composite_flag) { pThis = next; if (next._is_form) { var next_c = next._getTabOrderNext(comp, 1, true, false); if (next_c) { return next_c; } next_c = next._getTabOrderFirst(true, false); if (next_c) { return next_c; } } } return next; } return undefined; }; _pForm.getPrevAccessibilityComponent = function (comp, no_composite_flag) { if (no_composite_flag !== true) { no_composite_flag = false; } if (comp) { var pThis = comp.parent; var prev = pThis._getTabOrderNext(comp, -1, true, false); if (prev == undefined && !nexacro._enableaccessibility) { prev = pThis.getLastComponent(no_composite_flag); } if (no_composite_flag) { pThis = prev; if (prev._is_form) { var prev_c = prev._getTabOrderNext(comp, -1, true, false); if (prev_c) { return prev_c; } prev_c = prev._getTabOrderLast(true, false); if (prev_c) { return prev_c; } } } return prev; } return undefined; }; _pForm.getNextEditableComponent = function (comp, edittype, no_composite_flag) { if (no_composite_flag !== true) { no_composite_flag = false; } if (comp) { var pThis = comp.parent; var next = pThis._getTabOrderNext(comp, 1, false, true, edittype, undefined, no_composite_flag); if (next == undefined) { next = pThis._getTabOrderNext(comp, 1, false, true, "All", undefined, no_composite_flag); } if (next == undefined) { next = pThis.getFirstEditableComponent(edittype, no_composite_flag); } return next; } return undefined; }; _pForm.getPrevEditableComponent = function (comp, edittype, no_composite_flag) { if (no_composite_flag !== true) { no_composite_flag = false; } if (comp) { var pThis = comp.parent; var prev = pThis._getTabOrderNext(comp, -1, false, true, edittype, undefined, no_composite_flag); if (prev == undefined) { prev = pThis._getTabOrderNext(comp, -1, false, true, "All", undefined, no_composite_flag); } if (prev == undefined) { prev = pThis.getLastEditableComponent(edittype, no_composite_flag); } return prev; } return undefined; }; _pForm.getFirstEditableComponent = function (edittype, no_composite_flag) { if (no_composite_flag !== true) { no_composite_flag = false; } var first = this._getTabOrderFirst(false, true, edittype, no_composite_flag); if (!first) { first = this._getTabOrderFirst(false, true, "All", no_composite_flag); } return first; }; _pForm.getLastEditableComponent = function (edittype, no_composite_flag) { if (no_composite_flag !== true) { no_composite_flag = false; } var last = this._getTabOrderLast(false, true, edittype, no_composite_flag); if (!last) { last = this._getTabOrderLast(false, true, "All", no_composite_flag); } return last; }; _pForm._getNextHeadingComponent = function (current) { var arcomp = this._searchNextHeadingFocus(current); if (arcomp) { return arcomp[0]; } }; _pForm._getPrevHeadingComponent = function (current) { var arcomp = this._searchPrevHeadingFocus(current); if (arcomp) { return arcomp[0]; } }; _pForm.getFocus = function () { var last_focus = this._find_lastFocused(); if (last_focus == null) { return this; } return last_focus; }; _pForm.getZoom = function () { var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem && control_elem.getZoom) { return (this._zoomFactor !== undefined) ? this._zoomFactor : control_elem.getZoom(); } return 100; }; _pForm.setZoom = function (v) { var prevZoomFactor = this.getZoom(); if (typeof v == "string" && v.charAt(v.length - 1) == "%") { v = v.slice(0, v.length - 1); } var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem) { this._zoomFactor = v; control_elem.container_maxwidth = 0; control_elem.container_maxheight = 0; control_elem.setElementScrollMaxSize(0, 0); this._client_width = 0; this._client_height = 0; this._updateClientSize(control_elem); control_elem.setZoom(v); nexacro._applyZoomEdge(control_elem, v); var popups = nexacro._current_popups; var len = popups.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (this._contains(popups[i])) { popups[i].parent._applyZoomPopup(); } } } return prevZoomFactor; }; _pForm.go = function (v) { if (this._url != v) { if (this._url != "") { var confirm_message = this._on_beforeclose(); if (this._checkAndConfirmClose(confirm_message) == false) { return; } this._on_close(); } this._url = v; this._base_url = nexacro._getBaseUrl(v); this._apply_formurl(); } }; _pForm.hasPopupFrame = function () { return false; }; _pForm.insertChild = function (idx, id, obj) { if (id && id.length <= 0) { return -1; } if (!obj) { return -1; } if (this[id]) { return -1; } obj.parent = this; obj._refform = this; this[id] = obj; this.all.add_item(id, obj); obj.id = id; if (obj._is_component) { ret = this.components.insert_item(idx, id, obj); this._child_list.push(obj); } else if (obj instanceof nexacro.BindItem) { ret = this.binds.insert_item(idx, id, obj); } else { ret = this.objects.insert_item(idx, id, obj); } return ret; }; _pForm.isValidObject = function (target) { if (typeof target == "string") { if (this[target]) { return true; } } else if (target instanceof Object) { var len = this.all.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (this.all[i] == target) { return true; } } } else { if (nexacro._indexOf(this.all, target) > -1) { return true; } } return false; }; _pForm.killTimer = function (nTimerID) { this._timerManager.deleteTimer(nTimerID); }; _pForm.setTimer = function (nTimerID, nElapse) { var timer = new nexacro.EventTimer(this, nTimerID, nElapse); timer.start(); }; _pForm.loadStyle = function (url, bclear) { if ((typeof (url) != "string") || url.length == 0) { return; } bclear = bclear == false ? false : true; var exceptcssselector = true; if (bclear) { exceptcssselector = false; } this._clearCssInfo(exceptcssselector); var base_url = this._base_url; var cssurl = []; cssurl.push(nexacro._getServiceLocation(url, base_url)); cssurl.push(".js"); var service = nexacro._getServiceObject(url); this._load_manager.reloadCssModule(cssurl.join(""), null, false, service); this._apply_formstyle(this); }; _pForm.reload = function () { var _win = this._getRootWindow(); _win._removeFromCurrentFocusPath(this._last_focused, true); var _win = this._getWindow(); _win.clearCurrentFocusPaths(); this._last_focused = null; this._url = this.parent._formurl; this._base_url = nexacro._getBaseUrl(this._url); this._zoomFactor = 100; this._apply_formurl(); }; _pForm.removeChild = function (id) { if (!id || id.length <= 0) { return null; } if (!this[id]) { return null; } var obj = this[id]; if (obj._is_component) { var is_focused = false; var _window = this._getWindow(); if (_window) { is_focused = (_window._indexOfCurrentFocusPaths(obj) > -1); } if (this._defaultbutton == obj) { this._defaultbutton = null; } if (this._escapebutton == obj) { this._escapebutton = null; } if (this._is_alive && obj._control_element) { obj._control_element._removeFromContainer(); } if (this._bind_manager) { this._bind_manager._dettachSBindItem(obj); } if (this._overedobj == obj) { this._overedobj = null; } this.components.delete_item(id); var cidx = nexacro._indexOf(this._child_list, obj); if (cidx > -1) { this._child_list.splice(cidx, 1); } if (is_focused && this._is_alive) { if (obj instanceof nexacro.Form) { obj._on_deactivate(); } _window._removeFromCurrentFocusPath(obj, true); _window._last_focused_elem = this._control_element; this._on_focus(true); } } else if (obj instanceof nexacro.BindItem) { this._bind_manager._setBinditem(obj, true); this.binds.delete_item(id); } else { this.objects.delete_item(id); } obj.parent = null; delete this[id]; this.all.delete_item(id); return obj; }; _pForm.setWaitCursor = function (wait_flag, forcely_flag) { var wait = wait_flag; var forcely = forcely_flag; if (wait == undefined) { wait = true; } if (forcely == undefined) { forcely = false; } if (!forcely && !application.usewaitcursor) { return; } var window = this._getWindow(); if (window) { if (wait_flag || nexacro._getLocalStorage("_com_waiting", false)) { window._cancelEvent(); } } this._waitCursor(wait, null); }; _pForm.sleep = function (nMilliseconds) { nexacro._sleep(nMilliseconds); }; _pForm.transaction = function (id, url, inDatasetsParam, outDatasetsParam, argsParam, callbackFn, isAsync, datatype, isCompress) { var window = this._getWindow(); if (window) { var elem = window._cur_ldown_elem || window._keydown_element; var comp = window.findComponent(elem, 0, 0); if (comp && comp[0]) { var comp_org = comp[0]._getRootComponent(comp[0]); comp_org._cancelEvent(comp[0]); } } var realurl = nexacro._getServiceLocation(url, this._base_url); var service = nexacro._getServiceObject(url, true); this._load_manager.loadDataModule(realurl, id, inDatasetsParam, outDatasetsParam, argsParam, callbackFn, isAsync, datatype, isCompress, service); }; _pForm.cancelTransaction = function (id) { if (!this._load_manager) { return -1; } var datalist = this._load_manager.dataList; if (!datalist) { return -1; } var canceledCnt = 0; if (id != undefined) { var datalistid = (typeof id == "string") ? id.split(",") : id; if (datalistid.length > 0) { var datalistfilter = []; for (var k = 0, n = datalist.length; k < n; k++) { datalistfilter[k] = datalist[k].url; } var datalistfiltered = []; for (var j = 0, n = datalistfilter.length; n > j; j++) { var datalistfound = false; for (var i = 0, n = datalistid.length; n > i; i++) { if (datalistid[i] == datalistfilter[j]) { datalistfound = true; break; } } if (!datalistfound) { datalistfiltered.push(datalistfilter[j]); } } for (var j = datalistfiltered.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) { for (var i = datalist.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (datalist[i].url == datalistfiltered[j]) { datalist = nexacro._removedatalist(datalist, i); } } } } } this._stopTransaction(true); }; _pForm.updateWindow = function () { }; _pForm.getStepCount = function () { var step_ctrl = this.stepcontrol; if (step_ctrl) { return step_ctrl.stepcount; } }; _pForm.setStepIndex = function (index) { var step_ctrl = this.stepcontrol; if (step_ctrl) { return step_ctrl.set_stepindex(index); } }; _pForm.applyChange = function () { var comp = this._last_focused; if (!comp) { return; } comp.applyto_bindSource("value", comp.value); var binds = this.binds; var len = binds.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var bind_item = binds[i]; if (bind_item._comp == comp && bind_item.propid == "value") { this._bind_manager._notify(bind_item); return; } } }; _pForm._setFormPosition = function (left, top, width, height) { this._init_width = width; this._init_height = height; }; _pForm._resetScrollPos = function (target_comp, left, top, right, bottom, focus_direction) { if (this._is_frame || !this._control_element) { return; } var hscroll = this.hscrollbar; var vscroll = this.vscrollbar; var client_width, client_height; client_width = this._client_width; client_height = this._client_height; var hpos = 0; var vpos = 0; if (hscroll && hscroll.visible) { hpos = hscroll.pos; if (left - hpos < client_width && right - hpos > client_width) { if (focus_direction == 1 && right - left > client_width) { hscroll.set_pos(right - client_width); } else { hscroll.set_pos(left); } } else if (hpos > left) { if (focus_direction == 1 && right - left > client_width) { hscroll.set_pos(right - client_width); } else { hscroll.set_pos(left); } } else if (left - hpos > client_width) { if (focus_direction == 1 && right - left > client_width) { hscroll.set_pos(right - client_width); } else { hscroll.set_pos(left); } } hpos = hscroll.pos; } if (vscroll && vscroll.visible) { vpos = vscroll.pos; if (top - vpos < client_height && bottom - vpos > client_height) { if (focus_direction == 1 && bottom - top > client_height) { vscroll.set_pos(bottom - client_height); } else { vscroll.set_pos(top); } } else if (vpos > top) { if (focus_direction == 1 && bottom - top > client_height) { vscroll.set_pos(bottom - client_height); } else { vscroll.set_pos(top); } } else if (top - vpos > client_height) { if (focus_direction == 1 && bottom - top > client_height) { vscroll.set_pos(bottom - client_height); } else { vscroll.set_pos(top); } } vpos = vscroll.pos; } left = this._adjust_left + left - hpos; top = this._adjust_top + top - vpos; right = this._adjust_left + right - hpos; bottom = this._adjust_top + bottom - vpos; if (!this._is_popup_control && this.parent && this.parent != this) { this.parent._resetScrollPos(this, left, top, right, bottom, focus_direction); } }; _pForm._setDragMove = function (v, is_windowframe) { this._is_track = v; if (v && is_windowframe) { this._hittest_type = "caption"; } else { this._hittest_type = "none"; } if (this._control_element) { this._control_element.setElementHittestType(this._hittest_type); } }; _pForm._on_starttrack = function () { if (!this._is_alive) { return; } var ownerframe = this.getOwnerFrame(); if (ownerframe) { ownerframe._on_titlebar_starttrack(); } }; _pForm._on_endtrack = function (x, y, dragdata) { if (!this._is_alive) { return; } var ownerframe = this.getOwnerFrame(); if (ownerframe) { ownerframe._on_titlebar_endtrack(x, y, dragdata); } }; _pForm._on_movetrack = function (x, y, dragdata, windowX, windowY) { if (!this._is_alive) { return; } var ownerframe = this.getOwnerFrame(); if (ownerframe) { ownerframe._on_titlebar_movetrack(x, y, dragdata, windowX, windowY); } }; _pForm._setSize = function (width, height) { var control_elem = this.getElement(); var w = this._adjust_width; var h = this._adjust_height; var left = this._adjust_left; var top = this._adjust_top; if (w != width || h != height) { var update = false; if (w == 0 || h == 0) { update = true; } this.width = this._adjust_width = width; this.height = this._adjust_height = height; if (this.parent) { this._adjustPosition(this.left, this.top, this.right, this.bottom, this.width, this.height, this.parent._client_width, this.parent._client_height); } else { this._adjustPosition(this.left, this.top, this.right, this.bottom, this.width, this.height, 0, 0); } if (this._layout_list && this._layout_list.length > 0) { var layout = this._checkValidLayout(); if (layout) { control_elem = layout._form.getElement(); if (control_elem) { control_elem.setElementSize(width, height); this._updateClientSize(control_elem); } } } this.on_update_position(true, false); if (control_elem && update) { this.currentstyle._empty(); this._control_pseudo = ""; var pseudo = this._getResultPseudo(this._status, this._pseudo); this._updateControl(control_elem, pseudo); this._updateContents(control_elem, pseudo); } } }; _pForm._stopTransaction = function (is_cancel) { if (!this._load_manager) { return -1; } var datalist = this._load_manager.dataList; if (!datalist) { return -1; } var trlist = this._load_manager.transactionList; var idx = 0; var pre_len = datalist.length; var canceledCnt = 0; while (idx < datalist.length) { var dataitem = datalist[idx]; if (!dataitem) { idx++; continue; } var dataitem_handle = dataitem._handle; if (!dataitem_handle) { idx++; continue; } if (dataitem._is_cancel || dataitem._is_process) { idx++; pre_len = datalist.length; continue; } if (!is_cancel) { dataitem_handle._user_aborted = false; var tritem = trlist[idx]; if (tritem) { var ret = tritem.on_error(-1, "comm_stop_transaction_byesc", nexacro._communicationStatusTable["stop"], ""); if (ret) { dataitem._is_process = true; dataitem_handle._user_aborted = undefined; idx++; continue; } } } dataitem_handle._user_aborted = true; dataitem._is_cancel = true; if (nexacro.Browser == "Runtime") { nexacro._cancelLoad(dataitem_handle); } else { nexacro._cancelLoad(dataitem_handle); if (tritem) { tritem.on_error(0, "comm_cancel_byuser"); } } dataitem_handle = null; dataitem = null; canceledCnt++; if (pre_len == datalist.length) { idx++; } else { idx = 0; pre_len = datalist.length; } } return canceledCnt; }; _pForm._onRecalcScrollSize = function (fromComp) { var control_elem = this._control_element; if (this._is_scrollable && control_elem) { var ret = false; var w = 0, h = 0; if (!fromComp) { var comps = this.components; var zoom_factor = this.getZoom() / 100; var org_maxwidth = this._client_width / zoom_factor; var org_maxheight = this._client_height / zoom_factor; for (var i = 0, n = comps.length; i < n; i++) { var comp = comps[i]; if (comp && comp.visible) { var offsetright = comp.getOffsetRight(); var offsetbottom = comp.getOffsetBottom(); var applywidht = 1; if (comp.right) { var val = comp.right; if (typeof (val) == "string" && val.indexOf("%") >= 0) { if (parseFloat(val) >= 0) { applywidht = 0; } } else { if (parseInt(val) >= 0) { applywidht = 0; } } } if (applywidht || w < offsetright) { w = Math.max(w, offsetright); } var applyheight = 1; if (comp.bottom) { var val = comp.bottom; if (typeof (val) == "string" && val.indexOf("%") >= 0) { if (parseFloat(val) >= 0) { applyheight = 0; } } else { if (parseInt(val) >= 0) { applyheight = 0; } } } if (applyheight || h < offsetbottom) { h = Math.max(h, offsetbottom); } } } if (org_maxwidth || org_maxheight) { if (org_maxwidth <= -1) { w = -1; } if (org_maxheight <= -1) { h = -1; } } control_elem.setElementScrollMaxSize(w, h); } else if (fromComp.visible) { var curMaxWidth = control_elem.container_maxwidth; var curMaxHeight = control_elem.container_maxheight; var offsetRight = fromComp.getOffsetRight(); var offsetBottom = fromComp.getOffsetBottom(); if (curMaxWidth < offsetRight || curMaxHeight < offsetBottom) { w = Math.max(curMaxWidth, offsetRight); h = Math.max(curMaxHeight, offsetBottom); ret = control_elem.setElementScrollMaxSize(w, h); } } } }; _pForm._calcScrollMaxSize = function () { var control_elem = this._control_element; if (this._is_scrollable && control_elem) { var _w = 0, _h = 0; var comps = this.components; for (var i = 0, n = comps.length; i < n; i++) { var comp = comps[i]; if (comp && comp.visible) { var offsets = comp._getFixedOffsetValue(); _w = Math.max(_w, offsets.right); _h = Math.max(_h, offsets.bottom); } } return { w : _w, h : _h }; } return { w : -1, h : -1 }; }; _pForm._dragEnd = function (info) { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { var stepcontrol = this.stepcontrol; if (stepcontrol) { var step_count = control_elem._step_count; var step_index = control_elem._step_index; var direction = info.direction; if (step_count > 0) { var new_index = -1; if (direction == "L") { new_index = step_index + 1; } else if (direction == "R") { new_index = step_index - 1; } if (new_index < 0 || new_index >= step_count) { return; } stepcontrol.set_stepindex(new_index); } } } }; _pForm._getDefaultButton = function () { var comps = this.components; if (comps) { var comp; for (var i = 0, n = comps.length; i < n; i++) { comp = comps[i]; if (comp._is_form) { var btn = comp._getDefaultButton(); if (btn) { return btn; } } else if (nexacro._toBoolean(comp.defaultbutton)) { return comp; } } } return null; }; _pForm._getEscapeButton = function () { var comps = this.components; if (comps) { var comp; for (var i = 0, n = comps.length; i < n; i++) { comp = comps[i]; if (comp._is_form) { var btn = comp._getEscapeButton(); if (btn) { return btn; } } else if (nexacro._toBoolean(comp.escapebutton)) { return comp; } } } return null; }; _pForm._apply_formurl = function () { this._clear(); if (this._url) { this.loadForm(this._url, true, true); this.set_visible(true); } }; _pForm._apply_formstyle = function (obj) { var comps = obj.components; for (var i = 0, n = comps.length; i < n; i++) { var comp = comps[i]; if (comp) { comp.currentstyle._empty(); comp._control_pseudo = ""; comp._contents_pseudo = ""; comp._css_finder = null; comp._ref_css_finder = null; if (comp._is_form) { comp.on_apply_pseudo(""); this._apply_formstyle(comp); } else { comp.on_apply_pseudo(""); comp.on_apply_custom_class(); } } } if (this.vscrollbar) { this.vscrollbar.on_apply_prop_class(); } if (this.hscrollbar) { this.hscrollbar.on_apply_prop_class(); } this._onResetScrollBar(); this._control_pseudo = ""; this._contents_pseudo = ""; this.on_apply_pseudo(""); }; _pForm._apply_stepcount = function () { var stepctrl = this.stepcontrol; if (stepctrl) { this._on_prepare_stepcontents(stepctrl._prestepcount, stepctrl._prestepindex, stepctrl.stepcount, stepctrl.stepindex); this._on_refresh_stepcontents(stepctrl._prestepcount, stepctrl._prestepindex, stepctrl.stepcount, stepctrl.stepindex); } }; _pForm._getAccessibilityWholeReadLabel = function () { var readlabel = ""; var ar = this._getSortedDecendants(this, true, true); for (var i = 0, n = ar.length; i < n; i++) { comp = ar[i]; if (comp._isAccessibilityEnable()) { var label = comp._getAccessibilityReadLabel(true); if (label) { label.trim(); if (label && label.length > 0) { readlabel += label + " "; } } } } return readlabel; }; _pForm._playAccessibilityWholeReadLabel = function (type) { var control = this.getElement(); if (control) { var label = this._getAccessibilityWholeReadLabel(); control.notifyAccessibility(label, type); } }; delete _pForm; }