//============================================================================== // // TOBESOFT Co., Ltd. // Copyright 2014 TOBESOFT Co., Ltd. // All Rights Reserved. // // NOTICE: TOBESOFT permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file // in accordance with the terms of the license agreement accompanying it. // // Readme URL: http://www.nexacro.co.kr/legal/nexacro-public-license-readme-1.1.html // //============================================================================== if (!nexacro.Frame) { nexacro.Frame_Style = function (target) { nexacro.Style.call(this, target); this.icon = null; this.showzoomcombo = null; this.statusbarheight = null; this.titlebarheight = null; this.openstatuseffect = null; this.moveeffect = null; }; var _pFrameStyle = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Style, nexacro.Frame_Style); nexacro.Frame_Style.prototype = _pFrameStyle; eval(nexacro._createValueAttributeEvalStr("_pFrameStyle", "icon")); eval(nexacro._createValueAttributeEvalStr("_pFrameStyle", "showzoomcombo")); eval(nexacro._createValueAttributeEvalStr("_pFrameStyle", "statusbarheight")); eval(nexacro._createValueAttributeEvalStr("_pFrameStyle", "titlebarheight")); eval(nexacro._createValueAttributeEvalStr("_pFrameStyle", "openstatuseffect")); eval(nexacro._createValueAttributeEvalStr("_pFrameStyle", "moveeffect")); _pFrameStyle.__custom_emptyObject = function () { this.icon = null; this.showzoomcombo = null; this.statusbarheight = null; this.titlebarheight = null; this.openstatuseffect = null; this.moveeffect = null; }; _pFrameStyle.__get_custom_style_value = function () { var val = ""; if (this.icon && !this.icon._is_empty) { val += "icon:" + this.icon._value + "; "; } if (this.showzoomcombo && !this.showzoomcombo._is_empty) { val += "showzoomcombo:" + this.showzoomcombo._value + "; "; } if (this.statusbarheight && !this.statusbarheight._is_empty) { val += "statusbarheight:" + this.statusbarheight._value + "; "; } if (this.titlebarheight && !this.titlebarheight._is_empty) { val += "titlebarheight:" + this.titlebarheight._value + "; "; } if (this.openstatuseffect && !this.openstatuseffect._is_empty) { val += "openstatuseffect:" + this.openstatuseffect._value + "; "; } if (this.moveeffect && !this.moveeffect._is_empty) { val += "moveeffect:" + this.moveeffect._value + "; "; } return val; }; nexacro.Frame_CurrentStyle = function () { nexacro.CurrentStyle.call(this); this.icon = null; this.titlebarheight = null; this.statusbarheight = null; this.showzoomcombo = null; this.openstatuseffect = null; this.moveeffect = null; }; var _pFrameCurrentStyle = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.CurrentStyle, nexacro.Frame_CurrentStyle); nexacro.Frame_CurrentStyle.prototype = _pFrameCurrentStyle; _pFrameCurrentStyle.__custom_emptyObject = _pFrameStyle.__custom_emptyObject; _pFrameCurrentStyle.__get_custom_style_value = _pFrameStyle.__get_custom_style_value; delete _pFrameStyle; delete _pFrameCurrentStyle; nexacro.Frame = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent, is_main) { nexacro.FormBase.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); this.titlebar = null; this.statusbar = null; this.openalign = null; this.openstatus = "normal"; this.showcascadestatustext = false; this.showcascadetitletext = true; this.showstatusbar = false; this.showtitlebar = true; this.showtitleicon = true; this.statustext = ""; this.titletext = ""; this.topmost = false; this._event_list = { "onactivate" : 1, "ondeactivate" : 1, "onbeforeclose" : 1, "onclose" : 1, "onkeydown" : 1, "onkeyup" : 1, "onlbuttondown" : 1, "onlbuttonup" : 1, "onrbuttondown" : 1, "onrbuttonup" : 1, "onmouseenter" : 1, "onmouseleave" : 1, "onmousemove" : 1, "onmousewheel" : 1, "ondrag" : 1, "ondragenter" : 1, "ondragleave" : 1, "ondragmove" : 1, "ondrop" : 1, "onmove" : 1, "onsize" : 1, "ondevicebuttondown" : 1, "ondevicebuttonpush" : 1, "ondevicebuttonup" : 1, "onsyscommand" : 1, "onorientationchange" : 1 }; this._frames = new nexacro.Collection(); this._is_main = is_main; if (parent) { this._is_top_frame = (parent._type_name == "Application"); } this._applied_title_height = -1; this._applied_status_height = -1; this._state_openstatus = 0; this._is_click_openstatus = false; this._is_verticalmin = false; this._restore_position = null; this._starttrack_position = null; this._resizemode = null; this._defaultTitleHeight = 20; this._defaultStatusHeight = 20; this._minWidth = 100; this._minHeight = 100; this._defaultWidth = 100; this._defaultHeight = 100; this._is_frameset = false; this._is_frame = true; this._is_form = false; this._window = null; this._activate = false; this._window_type = -1; this._accessibility_role = "frame"; this._is_closing = false; this._is_destroying = false; }; _pFrame = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.FormBase, nexacro.Frame); nexacro.Frame.prototype = _pFrame; _pFrame._type_name = "Frame"; nexacro.Frame._default_titlebarheight = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj("value", "20"); nexacro.Frame._default_statusbarheight = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj("value", "20"); _pFrame.on_apply_custom_pseudo = function (pseudo) { if (pseudo) { this._pseudo = pseudo; } else if (this._pseudo) { pseudo = this._pseudo; } var curstyle = this.currentstyle; var icon = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_icon(pseudo); var showzoomcombo = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_showzoomcombo(pseudo); var statusbarheight = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_statusbarheight(pseudo); var titlebarheight = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_titlebarheight(pseudo); var openstatuseffect = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_openstatuseffect(pseudo); var moveeffect = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_moveeffect(pseudo); if (icon != curstyle.icon) { curstyle.icon = icon; this.on_apply_style_icon(); } if (showzoomcombo != curstyle.showzoomcombo) { curstyle.showzoomcombo = showzoomcombo; this.on_apply_style_showzoomcombo(); } if (statusbarheight != curstyle.statusbarheight) { curstyle.statusbarheight = statusbarheight; if (this.showstatusbar) { this.on_apply_style_statusbarheight(); } } if (titlebarheight != curstyle.titlebarheight) { curstyle.titlebarheight = titlebarheight; if (this.showtitlebar) { this.on_apply_style_titlebarheight(); } } if (openstatuseffect != curstyle.openstatuseffect) { curstyle.openstatuseffect = openstatuseffect; this.on_apply_style_openstatuseffect(); } if (moveeffect != curstyle.moveeffect) { curstyle.moveeffect = moveeffect; this.on_apply_style_moveeffect(); } }; _pFrame.on_create_custom_style = function () { return new nexacro.Frame_Style(this); }; _pFrame.on_create_custom_currentStyle = function () { return new nexacro.Frame_CurrentStyle(); }; _pFrame.on_find_CurrentStyle_icon = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("icon", pseudo, "value"); }; _pFrame.on_find_CurrentStyle_titlebarheight = function (pseudo) { var titlebarheight = this._find_pseudo_obj("titlebarheight", pseudo, "value"); return titlebarheight ? titlebarheight : nexacro.Frame._default_titlebarheight; }; _pFrame.on_find_CurrentStyle_statusbarheight = function (pseudo) { var statusbarheight = this._find_pseudo_obj("statusbarheight", pseudo, "value"); return statusbarheight ? statusbarheight : nexacro.Frame._default_statusbarheight; }; _pFrame.on_find_CurrentStyle_showzoomcombo = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("showzoomcombo", pseudo, "value"); }; _pFrame.on_find_CurrentStyle_openstatuseffect = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("openstatuseffect", pseudo, "value"); }; _pFrame.on_find_CurrentStyle_moveeffect = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("moveeffect", pseudo, "value"); }; _pFrame.on_update_style_icon = function () { this.on_apply_style_icon(this.currentstyle.icon = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_icon(this._pseudo)); }; _pFrame.on_update_style_titlebarheight = function () { this.on_apply_style_titlebarheight(this.currentstyle.titlebarheight = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_titlebarheight(this._pseudo)); }; _pFrame.on_update_style_statusbarheight = function () { this.on_apply_style_statusbarheight(this.currentstyle.statusbarheight = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_statusbarheight(this._pseudo)); }; _pFrame.on_update_style_showzoomcombo = function () { this.on_apply_style_showzoomcombo(this.currentstyle.showzoomcombo = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_showzoomcombo(this._pseudo)); }; _pFrame.on_update_style_openstatuseffect = function () { this.on_apply_style_openstatuseffect(this.currentstyle.openstatuseffect = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_openstatuseffect(this._pseudo)); }; _pFrame.on_update_style_moveeffect = function () { this.on_apply_style_moveeffect(this.currentstyle.moveeffect = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_moveeffect(this._pseudo)); }; _pFrame.on_apply_style_icon = function () { var v = this.currentstyle.icon; if (this.titlebar) { this.titlebar.on_apply_style_icon(v); } else { if (nexacro.Browser == "Runtime" && this._is_main && this._is_window && v) { var _window = this._getWindow(); if (_window) { nexacro._getImageSize(v._value, this._on_loadicon, this, this._getRefFormBaseUrl(), v._value); } } } }; _pFrame._on_loadicon = function (url, w, h) { if ((w < 1) || (h < 1)) { return; } var frame = this; if (this._is_window) { var _window = this._getWindow(); if (_window) { nexacro._setWindowHandleIcon(_window._handle, url); } } }; _pFrame.on_apply_style_letterspace = function () { var v = this.currentstyle.letterspace; if (this.titlebar) { this.titlebar.on_apply_style_letterspace(v); } if (this.statusbar) { this.statusbar.on_apply_style_letterspace(v); } }; _pFrame.on_apply_style_titlebarheight = function () { var v = this.currentstyle.titlebarheight; var h = nexacro.getStyleValueInt(v, this._defaultTitleHeight); if (this._setTitleBarHeight(h)) { this._updateClientSize(this._control_element); } }; _pFrame.on_apply_style_statusbarheight = function () { var v = this.currentstyle.statusbarheight; var h = nexacro.getStyleValueInt(v, this._defaultStatusHeight); if (this._setStatusBarHeight(h)) { this._updateClientSize(this._control_element); } }; _pFrame.on_apply_style_showzoomcombo = function () { var v = this.currentstyle.showzoomcombo; if (v && this.statusbar) { var show = nexacro._toBoolean(v.value); this.statusbar.set_showzoomcombo(show); } }; _pFrame.on_apply_style_openstatuseffect = function () { var v = this.currentstyle.openstatuseffect; if (v) { var val = v._value; } }; _pFrame.on_apply_style_moveeffect = function () { var v = this.currentstyle.moveeffect; if (v) { var val = v._value; } }; _pFrame._on_window_loaded = nexacro._emptyFn; _pFrame.on_created_contents = function () { this.on_apply_prop_rtldirection(); if (this.titlebar) { this.titlebar.on_created(); } if (this.statusbar) { this.statusbar.on_created(); } this._resetTitleAbsoluteStyle(); }; _pFrame.on_create_control_element = function (parent_elem) { var control_elem = this.on_create_frame_control_element(parent_elem); return control_elem; }; _pFrame.createComponent = function (bCreateOnly) { var parent_elem = null; if (this._is_window == false) { parent_elem = this.parent._control_element; if (!parent_elem) { return false; } } else { if (this._window) { nexacro._checkWindowActive(this._window); } } var control_elem = this._control_element; if (!control_elem) { var control_elem = this.on_create_control_element(parent_elem); var pseudo = this._getResultPseudo(this._status, this._pseudo); this._initControl(control_elem, pseudo); this._initContents(control_elem, pseudo); if (!bCreateOnly && parent_elem && parent_elem._handle) { this.on_created(); } } return true; }; _pFrame.on_create_contents = function () { if (this.titlebar) { this.titlebar.set_titletext(this.titletext); this.on_apply_style_letterspace(); } if (this.statusbar) { this.statusbar.set_statustext(this.statustext); this.on_apply_style_showzoomcombo(); this.on_apply_style_letterspace(); } var flag = false; if (this.showtitlebar) { var theight; if (this._applied_title_height < 0) { var cur_titleheight = parseInt(this.currentstyle.titlebarheight) | 0; if (cur_titleheight < 0) { theight = this._defaultTitleHeight; } else { theight = cur_titleheight; } } else { theight = this._applied_title_height; } flag = this._setTitleBarHeight(theight); } if (this.showstatusbar) { var sheight; if (this._applied_status_height < 0) { var cur_statusheight = parseInt(this.currentstyle.statusbarheight) | 0; if (cur_statusheight < 0) { sheight = this._defaultStatusHeight; } else { sheight = cur_statusheight; } } else { sheight = this._applied_status_height; } flag = (this._setStatusBarHeight(sheight) || flag); } if (flag) { this._updateClientSize(this._control_element); } if (!application._is_loaded) { this._on_focus(true, this); } }; _pFrame.on_created = function (_window) { var is_created = this._is_created; nexacro.FormBase.prototype.on_created.call(this, _window); if (this.form) { if (this.form._control_element) { this.form._on_load(this, this._url); } } if (!is_created && this._state_openstatus != 0) { var cur_enableevent = this.enableevent; var cur_openstatus = this.openstatus; var cur_state_openstatus = this._state_openstatus; this.enableevent = false; this.openstatus = "normal"; this._state_openstatus = 0; this.on_syscommand(this._control_element, cur_openstatus); this.enableevent = cur_enableevent; } if (this._control_element) { this._control_element._setResizable(this._canDragResize()); } if (this._is_window) { this._applyTitleText(); this._applyStatusText(); } }; _pFrame.on_destroy_contents = function () { if (this.statusbar) { this.statusbar.destroyComponent(); this.statusbar = null; } if (this.titlebar) { this.titlebar.destroyComponent(); this.titlebar = null; } }; _pFrame.createTitleBar = function () { var titlebar; if (this._isTopFrame()) { titlebar = new nexacro.MainTitleBarCtrl("titlebar", "absolute", 0, 0, this._adjust_width, 0, null, null, this); } else { titlebar = new nexacro.ChildTitleBarCtrl("titlebar", "absolute", 0, 0, this._adjust_width, 0, null, null, this); } return titlebar; }; _pFrame.createStatusBar = function () { var statusbar; if (this._isTopFrame()) { statusbar = new nexacro.MainStatusBarCtrl("statusbar", "absolute", 0, 0, this._adjust_width, 0, null, null, this); } else { statusbar = new nexacro.ChildStatusBarCtrl("statusbar", "absolute", 0, 0, this._adjust_width, 0, null, null, this); } return statusbar; }; _pFrame._stat_change = function (status, pseudo) { if (status == "activate") { if (pseudo == "activate" || pseudo === true) { this._change_state_activate(true); } else if (pseudo == "deactivate" || pseudo === false) { this._change_state_activate(false); } return; } nexacro.FormBase.prototype._stat_change.call(this, status, pseudo); if (status == "focus" && (pseudo == "focused" || pseudo == "pushed") && !this._activate) { this._change_state_activate(true); } }; _pFrame.setFocus = function (bResetScroll) { var win = this._window; if (this._is_window && win && win._handle) { win._setFocus(); } else { if (this.form) { this.form._setFocus(); } } }; _pFrame._update_position = function (bsize, bmove) { var old_left = this._left; var old_top = this._top; var old_width = this._adjust_width; var old_height = this._adjust_height; var update = false; if (this.parent) { this._adjustPosition(this.left, this.top, this.right, this.bottom, this.width, this.height, this.parent._client_width, this.parent._client_height); } else { this._adjustPosition(this.left, this.top, this.right, this.bottom, this.width, this.height, 0, 0); } if (this._adjust_width != old_width || this._adjust_height != old_height) { bsize = true; if (old_width == 0 || old_height == 0) { update = true; } } if (this._left != old_left || this._top != old_top) { bmove = true; } this.on_update_position(bsize, bmove); if (update) { this.currentstyle._empty(); this.on_apply_pseudo(); } }; _pFrame._adjustPosition = function (left, top, right, bottom, width, height, parentWidth, parentHeight) { var val = null; if (this._is_window) { if (this._window) { var id = nexacro._is_attach_childframe ? this._getWindow()._custom_node_id : null; width = parentWidth = width ? width : nexacro._getWindowHandleClientWidth(this._window._handle, id); height = parentHeight = height ? height : nexacro._getWindowHandleClientHeight(this._window._handle, id); } } var _left = left; var _right = right; var bRtl = this._isRtl(this.parent); if (bRtl) { } for (var i = 0; i < 6; i++) { switch (i) { case 0: val = _left; if (_left != null) { if (i % 2 == 0) { val = this._convToPixel(_left, parentWidth); } else { val = this._convToPixel(_left, parentHeight); } } this.left = left; this._left = val; this._adjust_left = val; break; case 1: val = top; if (top != null) { if (i % 2 == 0) { val = this._convToPixel(top, parentWidth); } else { val = this._convToPixel(top, parentHeight); } } this.top = top; this._top = val; this._adjust_top = val; break; case 2: val = _right; if (_right != null) { if (i % 2 == 0) { val = this._convToPixel(_right, parentWidth); } else { val = this._convToPixel(_right, parentHeight); } } this.right = right; this._right = val; break; case 3: val = bottom; if (bottom != null) { if (i % 2 == 0) { val = this._convToPixel(bottom, parentWidth); } else { val = this._convToPixel(bottom, parentHeight); } } this.bottom = bottom; this._bottom = val; break; case 4: val = width; if (width != null) { if (i % 2 == 0) { val = this._convToPixel(width, parentWidth); } else { val = this._convToPixel(width, parentHeight); } } this.width = width; this._width = val; break; case 5: val = height; if (height != null) { if (i % 2 == 0) { val = this._convToPixel(height, parentWidth); } else { val = this._convToPixel(height, parentHeight); } } this.height = height; this._height = val; break; } } var old_width = this._adjust_width; var old_height = this._adjust_height; this._adjust_width = this._width != null ? this._width : parentWidth - this._left - this._right; this._adjust_height = this._height != null ? this._height : parentHeight - this._top - this._bottom; if (this._is_window) { this._adjust_top = this._adjust_left = 0; } else { this._adjust_left_ltr = this._adjust_left = this._left != null ? this._left : parentWidth - this._right - this._adjust_width; this._adjust_top = this._top != null ? this._top : parentHeight - this._bottom - this._adjust_height; if (bRtl) { this._adjust_left_ltr = this._right != null ? this._right : parentWidth - this._left - this._adjust_width; } } }; _pFrame._waitCursor = function (wait_flag, context) { var owner_frame = this.getOwnerFrame(); if (owner_frame) { owner_frame._waitCursor(wait_flag, context); } }; _pFrame.on_get_style_accessibility_label = function () { return this._getTitleText(this.showcascadetitletext); }; _pFrame.on_update_position = function (resize_flag, move_flag) { var ret = nexacro.FormBase.prototype.on_update_position.call(this, resize_flag, move_flag); if (this._is_window && nexacro.Browser == "Runtime") { var _window = this._window; if (_window) { if (resize_flag) { _window.setSize(this._adjust_width, this._adjust_height); } if (move_flag) { _window.moveTo(this._left, this._top); } } } return ret; }; _pFrame.set_left = function (propVal) { if (!this._canMove()) { return; } return nexacro.FormBase.prototype.set_left.call(this, propVal); }; _pFrame.set_top = function (propVal) { if (!this._canMove()) { return; } return nexacro.FormBase.prototype.set_top.call(this, propVal); }; _pFrame.set_right = function (propVal) { if (!this._canMove()) { return; } return nexacro.FormBase.prototype.set_right.call(this, propVal); }; _pFrame.set_bottom = function (propVal) { if (!this._canMove()) { return; } return nexacro.FormBase.prototype.set_bottom.call(this, propVal); }; _pFrame.set_width = function (propVal) { if (!this._canResize()) { return; } return nexacro.FormBase.prototype.set_width.call(this, propVal); }; _pFrame.set_height = function (propVal) { if (!this._canResize()) { return; } return nexacro.FormBase.prototype.set_height.call(this, propVal); }; _pFrame.set_openstatus = function (v) { if (this.openstatus != v) { switch (v) { case "minimize": this.on_syscommand(this._control_element, v); break; case "maximize": this.on_syscommand(this._control_element, v); break; case "normal": if (this._state_openstatus == 2 || this._state_openstatus == 3) { v = "restore"; } this.on_syscommand(this._control_element, v); break; } } return this.openstatus; }; _pFrame.set_showcascadestatustext = function (v) { var showcascadestatustext = nexacro._toBoolean(v); if (this.showcascadestatustext != showcascadestatustext) { this.showcascadestatustext = showcascadestatustext; this._applyStatusText(); } }; _pFrame.set_showcascadetitletext = function (v) { var showcascadetitletext = nexacro._toBoolean(v); if (this.showcascadetitletext != showcascadetitletext) { this.showcascadetitletext = showcascadetitletext; this._applyTitleText(); } }; _pFrame.set_showstatusbar = function (v) { var showstatusbar = nexacro._toBoolean(v); if (this.showstatusbar != showstatusbar) { this.showstatusbar = showstatusbar; this.showStatusbar(showstatusbar); } }; _pFrame.set_showtitlebar = function (v) { var showtitlebar = nexacro._toBoolean(v); if (this.showtitlebar != showtitlebar) { this.showtitlebar = showtitlebar; this.showTitlebar(showtitlebar); } }; _pFrame.set_showtitleicon = function (v) { var showtitleicon = nexacro._toBoolean(v); if (this.showtitleicon != showtitleicon) { this.showtitleicon = showtitleicon; } }; _pFrame.set_statustext = function (v) { if (this.statustext != v) { this.statustext = v; this._applyStatusText(); } }; _pFrame.set_titletext = function (v) { if (this.titletext != v) { this.titletext = v; this._applyTitleText(); } }; _pFrame.set_topmost = function (v) { var topmost = nexacro._toBoolean(v); if (this.topmost != topmost) { this.topmost = topmost; } }; _pFrame.set_visible = function (v) { nexacro.FormBase.prototype.set_visible.call(this, v); v = nexacro._toBoolean(v); var parent = this.parent; if (parent && parent._is_frameset && this._state_openstatus == 3 && !v) { var nextframe = parent._getNextOrderFrame(this); if (nextframe) { nextframe._change_state_OpenStatus(3); } } }; _pFrame.alert = function (strText, strCaption, strType) { nexacro._alert(this, strText, strCaption, strType); }; _pFrame.confirm = function (strText, strCaption, strType) { return nexacro._confirm(this, strText, strCaption, strType); }; _pFrame.getHandle = function () { return -1; }; _pFrame.getOwnerFrame = function () { if (this.parent && this.parent._is_frame) { return this.parent; } return null; }; _pFrame.addChild = function (id, obj) { var ret = -1; if (id && id.length <= 0) { return -1; } if (!obj) { throw nexacro.MakeReferenceError(this, "reference_not_define", id); } if (this[id]) { throw nexacro.MakeNativeError(this, "native_exist_id", id); } if (!obj._is_frame) { throw nexacro.MakeTypeError(this, "type_invalid", id); } obj.parent = this; this[id] = obj; this.all.add_item(id, obj); var idx = this._frames.add_item(id, obj); obj._setRtlDirection(this._rtldirection); if (obj._control_element) { obj._control_element._appendToContainer(this._control_element); } if (this._is_frameset) { this.frames.add_item(id, obj); this._zorderMap.add_item(id, obj); if (this._max_frame && obj._state_openstatus == 3) { this._max_frame._change_state_OpenStatus(0); } if (this._state_openstatus == 2 || this._is_autorecalc_frame == true) { if (this._control_element) { this.on_change_containerRect(this._control_element.client_width, this._control_element.client_height); } } } return idx; }; _pFrame.insertChild = function (idx, id, obj) { if (id && id.length <= 0) { return -1; } if (!obj) { throw nexacro.MakeReferenceError(this, "reference_not_define", id); } if (this[id]) { throw nexacro.MakeNativeError(this, "native_exist_id", id); } if (!obj._is_frame) { throw nexacro.MakeTypeError(this, "type_invalid", id); } obj.parent = this; this[id] = obj; this.all.add_item(id, obj); var idx = this._frames.insert_item(idx, id, obj); if (this._is_frameset) { this.frames.insert_item(idx, id, obj); if (this._is_autorecalc_frame == true) { if (this._control_element) { this.on_change_containerRect(this._control_element.client_width, this._control_element.client_height); } } } return idx; }; _pFrame.removeChild = function (id) { if (id && id.length <= 0) { return null; } if (!this[id]) { return null; } var obj = this[id]; if (obj) { var is_focused = false; var _window = this._getWindow(); if (_window) { is_focused = (_window._indexOfCurrentFocusPaths(obj) > -1); } var nextframe = null; if (this._is_frameset) { nextframe = this._getNextOrderFrame(obj); } if (obj._is_frame && obj._activate == true) { obj._change_state_activate(false); if (this._is_alive && _window.id == obj._getWindow().id) { _window._removeFromCurrentFocusPath(obj, true); _window._last_focused_elem = this._control_element; } } this._frames.remove_item(id); delete this[id]; this.all.remove_item(id); if (this._is_frameset) { this.frames.remove_item(id); this._zorderMap.remove_item(id); } if (this._is_alive && obj._control_element) { obj._control_element._removeFromContainer(); } if (this._is_frameset) { var maximized = false; if (this._max_frame == obj) { this._max_frame = null; maximized = true; } if (this._active_frame == obj) { this._active_frame = null; } if (maximized && nextframe) { nextframe._change_state_OpenStatus(3); } } if (this._is_frameset && (this._state_openstatus == 2 || this._is_autorecalc_frame == true)) { if (this._control_element) { this.on_change_containerRect(this._control_element.client_width, this._control_element.client_height); } } if (nextframe) { nextframe.setFocus(); } this._applyTitleText(); } return obj; }; _pFrame.showTitlebar = function (bshow) { if (bshow) { var v = this.currentstyle.titlebarheight; var h = nexacro.getStyleValueInt(v, this._defaultTitleHeight); if (this._setTitleBarHeight(h)) { this._updateClientSize(this._control_element); } } else { if (this._setTitleBarHeight(0)) { this._updateClientSize(this._control_element); } } this._applyDragMoveType(); }; _pFrame.showStatusbar = function (bshow) { if (bshow) { var v = this.currentstyle.statusbarheight; var h = nexacro.getStyleValueInt(v, this._defaultStatusHeight); if (this._setStatusBarHeight(h)) { this._updateClientSize(this._control_element); } } else { if (this._setStatusBarHeight(0)) { this._updateClientSize(this._control_element); } } }; _pFrame.move = function (left, top, width, height, right, bottom) { if (!this._canMove()) { return; } this._move(left, top, width, height, right, bottom); }; _pFrame._move = function (left, top, width, height, right, bottom) { var old_left = this._left; var old_top = this._top; var old_width = this._adjust_width; var old_height = this._adjust_height; var bsize = false, bmove = false; var update = false; if (this.parent) { this._adjustPosition(left, top, right, bottom, width, height, this.parent._client_width, this.parent._client_height); } else { this._adjustPosition(left, top, right, bottom, width, height, null, null); } if (this._adjust_width != old_width || this._adjust_height != old_height) { bsize = true; if (old_width == 0 || old_height == 0) { update = true; } } if (this._left != old_left || this._top != old_top) { bmove = true; } this.on_update_position(bsize, bmove); if (this._control_element) { if (update) { this.currentstyle._empty(); this._control_pseudo = ""; } var pseudo = this._getResultPseudo(this._status, this._pseudo); this._updateControl(this._control_element, pseudo); this._updateContents(this._control_element, pseudo); } }; _pFrame.resize = function (w, h) { if (!this._canResize()) { return; } return nexacro.FormBase.prototype.resize.call(this, w, h); }; _pFrame._on_titlebar_dblclick = function (obj, e) { if (this.resizable == false || this._is_window) { return; } switch (this._state_openstatus) { case 0: this.on_maxbutton_click(); break; case 2: case 3: this.on_normalbutton_click(); break; } }; _pFrame._on_titlebar_starttrack = function () { if (!this._canDragMove()) { this._starttrack_position = null; return false; } this._starttrack_position = { left : this._adjust_left, top : this._adjust_top, width : this._adjust_width, height : this._adjust_height }; var owner_frame = this.getOwnerFrame(); if (owner_frame && owner_frame._is_frameset) { owner_frame._on_child_starttrack(this); } }; _pFrame._on_titlebar_endtrack = function (x, y, dragdata) { if (this._starttrack_position == null) { return; } var owner_frame = this.getOwnerFrame(); if (owner_frame && owner_frame._is_frameset) { owner_frame._on_child_endtrack(this, x, y, dragdata); } delete this._starttrack_position; }; _pFrame._on_titlebar_movetrack = function (x, y, dragdata, windowX, windowY) { var _pos = this._starttrack_position; if (_pos == null) { return; } var _mainframe = application.mainframe; if (windowX != undefined && windowY != undefined) { var amleft = parseInt(_mainframe.left) ? parseInt(_mainframe.left) : 0; var amtop = parseInt(_mainframe.top) ? parseInt(_mainframe.top) : 0; var winX = (windowX ? windowX : 0) + amleft; var winY = (windowY ? windowY : 0) + amtop; var r = amleft + _mainframe._adjust_width; var b = amtop + _mainframe._adjust_height; if (!(_mainframe.left <= winX && r >= winX && _mainframe.top <= winY && b >= winY)) { return; } } if (!this._is_window) { this._move(_pos.left + x, _pos.top + y, _pos.width, _pos.height); } else if (this._is_window && (this._window_type == 5 || this._window_type == 2)) { this._move(this._left + x, this._top + y, _pos.width, _pos.height); } var owner_frame = this.getOwnerFrame(); if (owner_frame && owner_frame._is_frameset) { owner_frame._on_child_movetrack(this, x, y, dragdata); } }; _pFrame._on_border_starttrack = function (resize_cursor) { if (!this._canDragResize()) { this._starttrack_position = null; return false; } this._starttrack_position = { left : this._adjust_left, top : this._adjust_top, width : this._adjust_width, height : this._adjust_height }; this._resizemode = resize_cursor; if (this.form) { this.form._on_focus(true, "lbuttondown"); } }; _pFrame._on_border_endtrack = function (x, y, dragdata) { if (this._starttrack_position == null) { return; } this._resizemode = null; delete this._starttrack_position; }; _pFrame._on_border_movetrack = function (x, y, dragdata) { if (this._starttrack_position == null) { return; } var left, top, width, bottom; left = this._starttrack_position.left; top = this._starttrack_position.top; width = this._starttrack_position.width; height = this._starttrack_position.height; var minmaxinfo = this._getMinMaxInfo(); if (this._resizemode._value == "n-resize" || this._resizemode._value == "nw-resize" || this._resizemode._value == "ne-resize") { top += y; height -= y; if (height < minmaxinfo.cy) { top -= (minmaxinfo.cy - height); height = minmaxinfo.cy; } } if (this._resizemode._value == "s-resize" || this._resizemode._value == "sw-resize" || this._resizemode._value == "se-resize") { height += y; if (height < minmaxinfo.cy) { height += (minmaxinfo.cy - height); } } if (this._resizemode._value == "w-resize" || this._resizemode._value == "nw-resize" || this._resizemode._value == "sw-resize") { left += x; width -= x; if (width < minmaxinfo.cx) { left -= (minmaxinfo.cx - width); width = minmaxinfo.cx; } } if (this._resizemode._value == "e-resize" || this._resizemode._value == "ne-resize" || this._resizemode._value == "se-resize") { width += x; if (width < minmaxinfo.cx) { width += (minmaxinfo.cx - width); } } this._move(left, top, width, height); }; _pFrame.on_fire_sys_onlbuttondown = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp) { this._stat_change("activate", "activate"); }; _pFrame.on_minbutton_click = function (obj, e) { this._is_click_openstatus = true; this.on_syscommand(this._control_element, "minimize", undefined, this, obj); this._is_click_openstatus = false; }; _pFrame.on_maxbutton_click = function (obj, e) { this._is_click_openstatus = true; this.on_syscommand(this._control_element, "maximize", undefined, this, obj); this._is_click_openstatus = false; }; _pFrame.on_normalbutton_click = function (obj, e) { this._is_click_openstatus = true; this.on_syscommand(this._control_element, "restore", undefined, this, obj); this._is_click_openstatus = false; }; _pFrame.on_closebutton_click = function (obj, e) { var confirm_message = this._on_beforeclose(); if (this._checkAndConfirmClose(confirm_message) == false) { return; } this._on_close(); var owner_frame = this.getOwnerFrame(); if (owner_frame) { owner_frame.removeChild(this.id); if (owner_frame._control_element) { owner_frame.on_change_containerRect(owner_frame._control_element.client_width, owner_frame._control_element.client_height); } } if (this._control_element) { this._control_element.destroy(); } this._control_element = null; if (this._is_window && this._window && this._window._is_alive) { this._window.destroy(); } else { this._destroy(); } }; _pFrame._on_beforeclose = function (root_closing_comp) { if (!root_closing_comp) { root_closing_comp = this; } var msg = ""; if (this.form) { var form_msg = this.form._on_beforeclose(root_closing_comp); msg = this.form._appendBeforeCloseMsg(msg, form_msg); } if (this.frames) { var frames = this.frames; var len = frames.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var child_msg = frames[i]._on_beforeclose(root_closing_comp); msg = this._appendBeforeCloseMsg(msg, child_msg); } } if (this.frame) { var child_msg = this.frame._on_beforeclose(root_closing_comp); msg = this._appendBeforeCloseMsg(msg, child_msg); } var self_msg = this._on_bubble_beforeclose(root_closing_comp); msg = this._appendBeforeCloseMsg(msg, self_msg); return msg; }; _pFrame._on_close = function () { if (this._is_closing) { return; } this._is_closing = true; if (this.form) { this.form._on_close(); } if (this.frames) { var frames = this.frames; var len = frames.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (frames[i]) { if (this._getWindow() != frames[i]._getWindow()) { continue; } frames[i]._on_close(); } } } if (this.frame) { this.frame._on_close(); } this._on_bubble_close(); this._is_closing = false; return true; }; _pFrame._canMove = function () { if (this._state_openstatus != 0) { return false; } return true; }; _pFrame._canDragMove = function () { if (nexacro.isTouchInteraction) { return false; } if (!this._canMove()) { return false; } if (!this._is_window) { if (this._window_type == 1 || this._window_type == 4) { return true; } var owner_frame = this.getOwnerFrame(); if (owner_frame) { if (owner_frame._on_child_starttrack == undefined) { return false; } } } if (this._dragmovetype == 0) { return false; } return true; }; _pFrame._canResize = function () { if (this._state_openstatus != 0) { return false; } return true; }; _pFrame._canDragResize = function () { if (nexacro.isTouchInteraction) { return false; } if (!this._canResize()) { return false; } if (nexacro.Browser != "Runtime" && this._is_window) { return false; } if (this.resizable == false) { return false; } var owner_frame = this.getOwnerFrame(); if (owner_frame && !this._is_window && (this._window_type != 1 && this._window_type != 4)) { if (owner_frame._is_autorecalc_frame) { return false; } } return true; }; _pFrame._procSysCommand = function (systemcommand) { var statevalue = -1; switch (systemcommand) { case "restore": statevalue = 1; break; case "minimize": statevalue = 2; break; case "maximize": statevalue = 3; break; } if (this._is_window && this._window) { if (statevalue != (-1)) { this._window._procSysCommand(statevalue); } } if (statevalue == 1) { if (this._is_window && this._window && this._state_openstatus == 2) { systemcommand = ["normal", "restore", "minimize", "maximize"][this._prestate_openstatus]; statevalue = this._prestate_openstatus; } else { systemcommand = "normal"; statevalue = 0; } } if (statevalue != (-1)) { this.openstatus = systemcommand; this._change_state_OpenStatus(statevalue); } }; _pFrame.on_syscommand = function (elem, systemcommand, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp) { if (event_bubbles === undefined) { if (!refer_comp) { refer_comp = this; } } if (this.visible && this._isEnable() && this.enableevent) { event_bubbles = this.on_fire_syscommand(this, systemcommand); if (event_bubbles === false) { return false; } } if ((event_bubbles !== false) && this.parent && !this.parent._is_application && !this.parent._is_form) { var ret = this.parent.on_syscommand(elem, systemcommand, false, fire_comp ? fire_comp : this, refer_comp); if (ret == false) { return false; } } if (fire_comp && fire_comp != this) { return true; } this._procSysCommand(systemcommand); }; _pFrame._on_activate = function () { if (this._activate == false) { return; } nexacro.FormBase.prototype._on_activate.call(this); if (this.form) { this.form._on_activate(); } return true; }; _pFrame._on_deactivate = function () { if (this._activate == false) { return; } if (this.form) { this.form._on_deactivate(); } nexacro.FormBase.prototype._on_deactivate.call(this); return true; }; _pFrame._on_orientationchange = function (orientation) { this.on_fire_onorientationchange(orientation); if (this.form) { this.form._on_orientationchange(orientation); } if (this.frames) { var frames = this.frames; var len = frames.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (frames[i]) { if (this._getWindow() != frames[i]._getWindow()) { continue; } frames[i]._on_orientationchange(orientation); } } } if (this.frame) { this.frame._on_orientationchange(orientation); } return true; }; _pFrame._getRootLayerFrame = function () { var frame = this; while (frame) { if (frame._is_window) { return frame; } if (frame._window_type == 1 || frame._window_type == 4) { return frame; } if (frame.getOwnerFrame()) { frame = frame.getOwnerFrame(); } else { break; } } return frame; }; _pFrame._isRootLayerFrame = function () { if (this._is_window) { return true; } if (this._window_type == 1 || this._window_type == 4) { return true; } return false; }; _pFrame.on_fire_syscommand = function (obj, state) { if (this.onsyscommand && this.onsyscommand._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.SysCommandEventInfo(obj, "onsyscommand", state); var ret = this.onsyscommand._fireCheckEvent(this, evt); if (!ret) { return false; } } if (this.form && this.form.onsyscommand && this.form.onsyscommand._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.SysCommandEventInfo(obj, "onsyscommand", state); var ret = this.form.onsyscommand._fireCheckEvent(this.form, evt); if (!ret) { return false; } } return true; }; _pFrame._applyDragMoveType = nexacro._emptyFn; _pFrame.lookup = nexacro._emptyFn; _pFrame.lookupSetter = nexacro._emptyFn; _pFrame.lookupFunc = nexacro._emptyFn; _pFrame._setTitleBarHeight = function (height) { var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem && this._applied_title_height != height) { this._applied_title_height = height; if (height > 0) { var apply_height = this._getAppliedTitleHeight(height); if (!this.titlebar) { this.titlebar = this.createTitleBar(); var titletext = this._getTitleText(this.showcascadetitletext); this.titlebar.set_titletext(titletext); control_elem.setTitleBarControl(this.titlebar, apply_height); this.titlebar.createComponent(); } else { control_elem.setTitleBarControl(this.titlebar, apply_height); } } else { if (this.titlebar) { this.titlebar.destroyComponent(); this.titlebar = null; control_elem.setTitleBarControl(null, 0); } } return true; } return false; }; _pFrame._setStatusBarHeight = function (height) { var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem && this._applied_status_height != height) { this._applied_status_height = height; if (height > 0) { var apply_height = this._getAppliedStatusHeight(height); if (!this.statusbar) { this.statusbar = this.createStatusBar(); var statustext = this._getStatusText(this.showcascadestatustext); this.statusbar.set_statustext(statustext); control_elem.setStatusBarControl(this.statusbar, apply_height); this.statusbar.createComponent(); this.statusbar._setResizable(this._canDragResize()); } else if (this._applied_status_height != apply_height) { control_elem.setStatusBarControl(this.statusbar, apply_height); } } else { if (this.statusbar) { this.statusbar.destroyComponent(); this.statusbar = null; control_elem.setStatusBarControl(null, 0); } } return true; } return false; }; _pFrame._setVerticalMin = function (v) { if (this._is_verticalmin == v) { return; } this._is_verticalmin = v; if (this._control_element) { this._control_element._is_verticalmin = v; if (this.titlebar) { nexacro.ContainerElement.prototype.bringToFrontElement.call(this._control_element, this.titlebar._control_element); } } if (this.titlebar) { this.titlebar._setVerticalMin(v); } }; _pFrame._resetTitleAbsoluteStyle = function () { var titlebar = this.titlebar; if (!titlebar) { return; } var _style = 0; var owner_frame = this.getOwnerFrame(); var is_modal = (this._window_type == 1 || this._window_type == 4 || this._window_type == 5); if (!this.resizable) { if (this._isNested()) { _style |= 0x0020; } else { _style |= 0x0001 | 0x0002; } } else { _style |= 0x0100 | 0x0200; } if (owner_frame && !this._isRootLayerFrame()) { if (owner_frame._isTopFrame()) { _style |= 0x0010 | 0x0020 | 0x0040; } if (owner_frame.fullframemaximize == false) { _style |= 0x0001; } } if (is_modal) { _style |= 0x0001; if (!this.resizable) { _style |= 0x0002; } } titlebar._setAbsoluteStyle(_style, 0xffff); }; _pFrame._getMinMaxInfo = function () { var cx = 110, cy = 0; var border = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_border(); if (border) { cx += border._getBorderWidth(); cy += border._getBorderHeight(); } if (this.showtitlebar) { cy += this._getTitlebarHeight(); } if (this.showstatusbar) { cy += this._getStatusbarHeight(); } return { cx : cx, cy : cy }; }; _pFrame._isTopFrame = function () { return (this._is_top_frame); }; _pFrame._getWindow = function () { if (this._is_window) { return this._window; } var parent = this.parent; if (parent) { return parent._getWindow(); } return null; }; _pFrame._getTitlebarHeight = function () { if (this.showtitlebar) { var ret = 20; if (this.style._applied_title_height > 0) { ret = this.style._applied_title_height; } else if (this.titlebar) { ret = this.titlebar._adjust_height; } return ret; } return 0; }; _pFrame._getStatusbarHeight = function () { if (this.showtitlebar) { var ret = 20; if (this.style._applied_status_height > 0) { ret = this.style._applied_status_height; } else if (this.statusbar) { ret = this.statusbar._adjust_height; } return ret; } return 0; }; _pFrame._isEnable = function () { return nexacro.FormBase.prototype._isEnable.call(this); }; _pFrame._isNested = function () { return !this._is_window; }; _pFrame._getTitleText = function (brecursive) { return this.titletext; }; _pFrame._applyTitleText = function () { if (this._control_element) { var cascade = this.showcascadetitletext; var titletext = this._getTitleText(cascade); if (this.titlebar) { this.titlebar.set_titletext(titletext); } if (this.parent && this.parent._is_frame) { this.parent._applyTitleText(); } if (this._is_window) { this._window._setTitleText(titletext); } } }; _pFrame._applyStatusText = function () { if (this._control_element) { var cascade = this.showcascadestatustext; var statustext = this._getStatusText(cascade); if (this.statusbar) { this.statusbar.set_statustext(statustext); } if (this.parent && this.parent._is_frame) { this.parent._applyStatusText(); } if (this._is_window) { this._window._setStatusText(statustext); } } }; _pFrame._change_state_OpenStatus = function (cur) { var pre = this._prestate_openstatus = this._state_openstatus; this._state_openstatus = cur; if (cur == 1) { alert("_change_state_OpenStatus(1) called"); } if (pre != cur) { var owner_frame = this.getOwnerFrame(); if (pre == 2) { this._setVerticalMin(false); } if (pre == 3 && !this._is_window) { if (owner_frame && owner_frame._is_frame == true && owner_frame._is_frameset == true) { owner_frame._max_frame = null; } } if (pre == 0 && (cur == 2 || cur == 3)) { if (!this._is_window) { if (this._restore_position) { this._restore_position = null; } if ((owner_frame && owner_frame._is_frameset && !owner_frame._is_autorecalc_frame) || (this._window_type == 1 || this._window_type == 4)) { this._restore_position = { left : this.left, top : this.top, width : this.width, height : this.height, right : this.right, bottom : this.bottom }; } } if (this._control_element) { this._control_element._setResizable(false); } } if ((pre == 2 || pre == 3) && cur == 0) { if (!this._is_window) { var restore = this._restore_position; if (restore) { this._move(restore.left, restore.top, restore.width, restore.height, restore.right, restore.bottom); this._restore_position = null; } } if (this._control_element) { this._control_element._setResizable(this._canDragResize()); } } if (cur == 3 && !this._is_window) { if (owner_frame && owner_frame._is_frame == true && owner_frame._is_frameset == true) { if (owner_frame._max_frame && owner_frame._max_frame != this) { owner_frame._max_frame._change_state_OpenStatus(0); } owner_frame._max_frame = this; } else if (this._window_type == 1 || this._window_type == 4) { var win = this._getWindow(); this._move(0, 0, win.clientWidth, win.clientHeight); } } if (this.titlebar) { this.titlebar._change_state_OpenStatus(cur); } if (this._prestate_openstatus != this._state_openstatus) { if (owner_frame && owner_frame._control_element) { owner_frame.on_change_containerRect(owner_frame._control_element.client_width, owner_frame._control_element.client_height); } } if (cur == 3 && !this._is_window) { if (owner_frame && owner_frame._is_frameset == true) { this.setFocus(); } } this.openstatus = ["normal", "restore", "minimize", "maximize"][cur]; } }; _pFrame._change_state_activate = function (cur) { if (this._activate == false && cur == true) { if (this._control_element) { var owner_frame = this.getOwnerFrame(); if (owner_frame) { var _win = this._getWindow(); var owner_win = owner_frame._getWindow(); if (_win == owner_win) { owner_frame._change_state_activate(cur, this); } } if (this.form) { var root_frame = this; while (root_frame) { if (root_frame._is_window) { break; } root_frame = root_frame.getOwnerFrame(); } if (root_frame && root_frame.statusbar) { root_frame.statusbar._refreshZoomCombo(this.form); } } this._applyTitleText(); this._applyStatusText(); } this._activate = cur; this._on_activate(); } else if (this._activate == true && cur == false) { this._on_deactivate(); this._activate = cur; } }; _pFrame._getAppliedTitleHeight = function (h) { return nexacro._AppliedTitleBarHeight(this, h); }; _pFrame._getAppliedStatusHeight = function (h) { return nexacro._AppliedStatusBarHeight(this, h); }; nexacro.MainFrame_Style = function (target) { nexacro.Frame_Style.call(this, target); this.menubarheight = null; }; var _pMainFrameStyle = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Frame_Style, nexacro.MainFrame_Style); nexacro.MainFrame_Style.prototype = _pMainFrameStyle; eval(nexacro._createValueAttributeEvalStr("_pMainFrameStyle", "menubarheight")); _pMainFrameStyle.__custom_emptyObject = function () { this.menubarheight = null; }; _pMainFrameStyle.__get_custom_style_value = function () { var val = ""; if (this.menubarheight && !this.menubarheight._is_empty) { val += "menubarheight:" + this.menubarheight._value + "; "; } return val; }; nexacro.MainFrame_CurrentStyle = function () { nexacro.Frame_CurrentStyle.call(this); this.menubarheight = null; }; var _pMainFrameCurrentStyle = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Frame_CurrentStyle, nexacro.MainFrame_CurrentStyle); nexacro.MainFrame_CurrentStyle.prototype = _pMainFrameCurrentStyle; _pMainFrameCurrentStyle.__custom_emptyObject = _pMainFrameStyle.__custom_emptyObject; _pMainFrameCurrentStyle.__get_custom_style_value = _pMainFrameStyle.__get_custom_style_value; delete _pMainFrameStyle; delete _pMainFrameCurrentStyle; nexacro.MainFrame = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.Frame.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent, true); this.openalign = new nexacro.Style_align(); this.applicationmenu = null; this.frame = null; this.menubar = null; this.resizable = true; this.layered = false; this._window = new nexacro.Window(id, null, true); this._menu_height = 0; this._applied_menu_height = 0; this._ref_comm = 0; this._defaultTitleHeight = 30; this._defaultStatusHeight = 30; this._is_window = true; this._is_autorecalc_frame = true; this._accessibility_role = "application"; }; _pMainFrame = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Frame, nexacro.MainFrame); nexacro.MainFrame.prototype = _pMainFrame; _pMainFrame._type_name = "MainFrame"; _pMainFrame.getActiveFrame = function () { return this.frame; }; _pMainFrame.on_apply_custom_pseudo = function (pseudo) { nexacro.Frame.prototype.on_apply_custom_pseudo.call(this); var curstyle = this.currentstyle; var menubarheight = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_menubarheight(pseudo); if (menubarheight != curstyle.menubarheight) { curstyle.menubarheight = menubarheight; this.on_apply_style_menubarheight(); } }; _pMainFrame.on_create_custom_style = function () { return new nexacro.MainFrame_Style(this); }; _pMainFrame.on_create_custom_currentStyle = function () { return new nexacro.MainFrame_CurrentStyle(); }; _pMainFrame.on_find_CurrentStyle_menubarheight = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("menubarheight", pseudo, "value"); }; _pMainFrame.on_update_style_menubarheight = function () { this.on_apply_style_menubarheight(this.currentstyle.menubarheight = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_menubarheight(this._pseudo)); }; _pMainFrame.on_apply_style_menubarheight = function () { var v = this.currentstyle.menubarheight; var h = nexacro.getStyleValueInt(v, 0); this._menu_height = h; if (this._setMenuBarHeight(h)) { this._updateClientSize(this._control_element); } }; _pMainFrame.on_createBodyFrame = nexacro._emptyFn; _pMainFrame.createComponent = function () { this.createWindow(); return nexacro.Frame.prototype.createComponent.call(this); }; _pMainFrame.createWindow = function () { var _win = this._window; if (_win == null) { _win = this._window = new nexacro.Window(this.name, null, true); } _win.create(null, this.name, this._adjust_width, this._adjust_height, this._adjust_left, this._adjust_top, this.resizable); _win.attachFrame(this, false); _win._setSystemMenuResizable(this.resizable); var width = nexacro._getMainWindowWidth(_win); var height = nexacro._getMainWindowHeight(_win); this._setSize(width, height); }; _pMainFrame.createMenuBar = function () { var menubar = new nexacro.Form("menubar", 0, 0, 0, this._menubar_height, this); this._applied_menu_height = this._menubar_height; menubar.set_style("background:green;"); menubar.set_text("menubar"); this.manubar = menubar; return menubar; }; _pMainFrame.createBodyFrame = function () { this.on_createBodyFrame(); }; _pMainFrame.on_create_contents = function () { nexacro.Frame.prototype.on_create_contents.call(this); if (this.menubar) { this._control_element.setMenuBarControl(this.menubar, this._applied_menu_height); this.menubar.createComponent(); if (this._applied_menu_height > 0) { } this._updateClientSize(this._control_element); } if (this.frame) { this.frame._setPos(0, 0); this.frame._setSize(this._client_width, this._client_height); this.frame.createComponent(); this.frame._change_state_OpenStatus(3); } }; _pMainFrame._on_deactivate = function () { var window = this._getWindow(); if (window) { window._keydown_element = null; } return nexacro.Frame.prototype._on_deactivate.call(this); }; _pMainFrame.on_created_contents = function () { nexacro.Frame.prototype.on_created_contents.call(this); if (this.menubar) { this.menubar.on_created(); } if (this.frame) { this.frame.on_created(); } var control_element = this._control_element; if (control_element) { control_element.setElementRtlDirection(application.rtldirection); } if (nexacro.Browser == "Runtime" && nexacro._isDesktop()) { var left = this._adjust_left; var top = this._adjust_top; var width = this._adjust_width; var height = this._adjust_height; var after_align_pos = this._getOpenAlignPos(this._getWindow(), left, top, width, height); if (after_align_pos) { left = after_align_pos.left; top = after_align_pos.top; } this._move(left, top, width, height); } }; _pMainFrame.destroyComponent = function () { if (this._waitcomp) { this._waitcomp.destroy(); this._waitcomp = null; } if (nexacro._getLocalStorage("_com_waiting", false)) { application._com_waiting = false; nexacro._setLocalStorage("_com_waiting", "false", "boolean"); } this._is_destroying = true; if (this._window && this._window._is_alive) { this._window.destroy(); this._window = null; } else if (this._is_alive) { nexacro.Frame.prototype.destroyComponent.call(this); } this._is_destroying = false; return true; }; _pMainFrame.on_destroy_contents = function () { nexacro.Frame.prototype.on_destroy_contents.call(this); if (this.menubar) { this.menubar.destroyComponent(); this.menubar = null; } if (this.frame) { this.frame.destroyComponent(); this.frame = null; } }; _pMainFrame.on_change_containerPos = function (left, top) { if (this.frame) { this.frame._setPos(0, 0); } }; _pMainFrame.on_change_containerRect = function (width, height) { if (this.frame) { this.frame._setSize(width, height); } if (this.titlebar) { this.titlebar._update_position(false, true); } }; _pMainFrame.on_update_position = function (resize_flag, move_flag) { var ret = nexacro.FormBase.prototype.on_update_position.call(this, resize_flag, move_flag); if (resize_flag || move_flag) { var frames = this._frames; var frames_len = frames.length; for (var i = 0; i < frames_len; i++) { if (this.frame.id == frames[i].id) { continue; } var form = frames[i].form; form.on_change_containerRect(form._client_width, form._client_height); } } if (this._is_window && nexacro.Browser == "Runtime") { var _window = this._window; if (_window) { if (resize_flag) { if (nexacro._isDesktop()) { _window.setSize(this._adjust_width, this._adjust_height); } } if (move_flag) { _window.moveTo(this._left, this._top); } } } return ret; }; _pMainFrame._waitCursor = function (wait_flag, context) { if (this._window) { if (wait_flag == true) { var waitcomp = this._waitcomp; if (this._ref_comm == 0) { application._com_waiting = true; nexacro._setLocalStorage("_com_waiting", "true", "boolean"); if (waitcomp == null) { waitcomp = this._waitcomp = new nexacro.WaitComponent("waitwindow", "absolute", 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null, this); waitcomp.createComponent(); waitcomp.on_created(); } var waitcursor_imgurl = application._getLoadingImageUrl(); waitcomp.setImage(waitcursor_imgurl); waitcomp.show(); } waitcomp._addContext(context); this._ref_comm++; } else { if (this._ref_comm > 0) { this._ref_comm--; } var waitcomp = this._waitcomp; if (waitcomp) { waitcomp._removeContext(context); if (this._ref_comm <= 0) { this._ref_comm = 0; application._com_waiting = false; nexacro._setLocalStorage("_com_waiting", "false", "boolean"); waitcomp.hide(); } } } } }; _pMainFrame.set_visible = function (v) { if (v === undefined || v === null) { return; } v = nexacro._toBoolean(v); if (this.visible != v) { nexacro.Component.prototype.set_visible.call(this, v); var _win = this._getRootWindow(); if (_win && _win._handle) { nexacro._setPopupWindowHandleVisible(_win._handle, v); } } }; _pMainFrame.set_openalign = function (v) { if (this.openalign._is_empty && this.openalign._value != v) { this.openalign._setValue(v); this.on_apply_prop_openalign(); } }; _pMainFrame.set_resizable = function (v) { var resizable = nexacro._toBoolean(v); if (this.resizable != resizable) { this.resizable = resizable; this._resetTitleAbsoluteStyle(); if (this._control_element) { this._control_element._setResizable(this._canDragResize()); } } }; _pMainFrame.set_layered = function (v) { var layered = nexacro._toBoolean(v); if (this.layered != layered) { this.layered = layered; } }; _pMainFrame.on_apply_prop_openalign = function () { if (!this.openalign._is_empty) { } }; _pMainFrame.on_apply_prop_enable = function (v) { if (this.frame) { this.frame._setEnable(v); } }; _pMainFrame.on_apply_prop_rtldirection = function () { var _rtldirection = this._rtldirection; var titlebar = this.titlebar; if (titlebar) { titlebar._setRtlDirection(_rtldirection); } var statusbar = this.statusbar; if (statusbar) { statusbar._setRtlDirection(_rtldirection); } var menubar = this.menubar; if (menubar) { menubar._setRtlDirection(_rtldirection); } var frame = this.frame; if (frame) { frame._setRtlDirection(_rtldirection); var owner_frame = this.frame.getOwnerFrame(); var width = owner_frame._control_element.client_width; var height = owner_frame._control_element.client_height; this.frame._setSize(width, height); } }; _pMainFrame._on_beforeclose = function (root_closing_comp) { if (!root_closing_comp) { root_closing_comp = this; } var application_msg = application.on_fire_onbeforeexit(); var msg = nexacro.Frame.prototype._on_beforeclose.call(this, root_closing_comp); msg = this._appendBeforeCloseMsg(msg, application_msg); return msg; }; _pMainFrame.on_syscommand = function (elem, systemcommand, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp) { var ret = this.on_fire_syscommand(this, systemcommand); if (!ret) { return false; } if (fire_comp && fire_comp != this) { return true; } this._procSysCommand(systemcommand); }; _pMainFrame.on_closebutton_click = function (obj, e) { application.exit(); }; _pMainFrame._getOpenAlignPos = function (parent_win, left, top, width, height) { if (!this.openalign._is_empty) { var monitor_idx = nexacro._getMonitorIndex(parent_win.left + width / 2, parent_win.top + height / 2); var screen_rect = nexacro._getScreenRect(monitor_idx); var p_l = screen_rect.left; var p_t = screen_rect.top; var p_w = nexacro._getScreenWidth(monitor_idx); var p_h = nexacro._getScreenHeight(monitor_idx); switch (this.openalign.halign) { case "left": left = p_l; break; case "center": left = p_l + Math.round((p_w - width) / 2); break; case "right": left = p_l + p_w - width; break; } switch (this.openalign.valign) { case "top": top = p_t; break; case "middle": top = p_t + Math.round((p_h - height) / 2); break; case "bottom": top = p_t + p_h - height; break; } return { left : left, top : top }; } return null; }; _pMainFrame._setMenuBarHeight = function (height) { if (this._applied_menu_height != height) { if (height > 0 && this.menubar) { this._applied_menu_height = height; var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem) { control_elem.setMenuBarControl(this.menubar, height); return true; } this.menubar.set_visible(true); } else if (this._applied_menu_height > 0 && this.menubar) { this._applied_menu_height = 0; this.menubar.set_visible(false); this.menubar = null; if (control_elem) { control_elem.setMenuBarControl(null, 0); return true; } } } return false; }; _pMainFrame._change_state_activate = function (cur) { if (cur == false) { if (this.frame) { this.frame._change_state_activate(false); } } nexacro.Frame.prototype._change_state_activate.call(this, cur); }; _pMainFrame._getTitleText = function (brecursive) { var titletext; titletext = this.titletext; if (brecursive) { if (this.frame) { var subtitletext = this.frame._getTitleText(true); if (subtitletext.length > 0) { if (titletext.length > 0) { titletext += " - "; } titletext += subtitletext; } } } return titletext; }; _pMainFrame._getStatusText = function (brecursive) { var statustext; statustext = this.statustext; if (brecursive) { if (this.frame) { var substatustext = this.frame._getStatusText(true); if (substatustext.length > 0) { if (statustext.length > 0) { statustext += " - "; } statustext += substatustext; } } } return statustext; }; delete _pMainFrame; nexacro.ChildFrame_Style = function (target) { nexacro.Frame_Style.call(this, target); this.overlaycolor = null; }; var _pChildFrameStyle = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Frame_Style, nexacro.ChildFrame_Style); nexacro.ChildFrame_Style.prototype = _pChildFrameStyle; eval(nexacro._createValueAttributeEvalStr("_pChildFrameStyle", "overlaycolor")); _pChildFrameStyle.__custom_emptyObject = function () { nexacro.Frame_Style.prototype.__custom_emptyObject.call(this); this.overlaycolor = null; }; _pChildFrameStyle.__get_custom_style_value = function () { var val = nexacro.Frame_Style.prototype.__get_custom_style_value.call(this); if (this.overlaycolor && !this.overlaycolor._is_empty) { val += "overlaycolor:" + this.overlaycolor._value + "; "; } return val; }; nexacro.ChildFrame_CurrentStyle = function () { nexacro.Frame_CurrentStyle.call(this); this.overlaycolor = null; }; var _pChildFrameCurrentStyle = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Frame_CurrentStyle, nexacro.ChildFrame_CurrentStyle); nexacro.ChildFrame_CurrentStyle.prototype = _pChildFrameCurrentStyle; _pChildFrameCurrentStyle.__custom_emptyObject = _pChildFrameStyle.__custom_emptyObject; _pChildFrameCurrentStyle.__get_custom_style_value = _pChildFrameStyle.__get_custom_style_value; delete _pChildFrameStyle; delete _pChildFrameCurrentStyle; nexacro.ChildFrame = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, url, parent) { nexacro.Frame.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); this.openalign = new nexacro.Style_align(); this.opener = null; this.form = null; this.autosize = true; this.resizable = false; this.layered = false; this.showontaskbar = null; this.widget = false; this.dragmovetype = "normal"; this._ref_comm = 0; this._waitcomp = null; this._window_type = 0; this._dragmovetype = 1; this._is_popup_frame = false; this._is_loadform_failed = false; this._init_formurl = url; this._args = { }; }; _pChildFrame = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Frame, nexacro.ChildFrame); nexacro.ChildFrame.prototype = _pChildFrame; _pChildFrame._type_name = "ChildFrame", nexacro.ChildFrame._default_overlaycolor = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj("color", "#00000090"); _pChildFrame._close_callback = null; _pChildFrame._close_argument = undefined; _pChildFrame.on_create_custom_style = function () { return new nexacro.ChildFrame_Style(this); }; _pChildFrame.on_create_custom_currentStyle = function () { return new nexacro.ChildFrame_CurrentStyle(); }; _pChildFrame.on_update_style_align = function (idx) { if (idx == 0) { this._updateCurrentStyle("align"); this.on_apply_style_align(); } else if (idx == 2) { this.on_apply_prop_openalign(); } }; _pChildFrame.on_apply_prop_openalign = function () { if (!this.openalign._is_empty) { } }; _pChildFrame.on_apply_prop_enable = function (v) { if (this.form) { this.form._setEnable(v); } }; _pChildFrame.on_apply_prop_rtldirection = function () { var _rtldirection = this._rtldirection; var titlebar = this.titlebar; if (titlebar) { titlebar._setRtlDirection(_rtldirection); } var statusbar = this.statusbar; if (statusbar) { statusbar._setRtlDirection(_rtldirection); } var form = this.form; if (form) { form._setRtlDirection(_rtldirection); } }; _pChildFrame.on_apply_style_overlaycolor = function (color) { if (this._modal_overlay_elem) { this._modal_overlay_elem.setElementColor(color); } }; _pChildFrame.on_find_CurrentStyle_overlaycolor = function (pseudo) { var overlaycolor = this._find_pseudo_obj("overlaycolor", pseudo, "color"); if (overlaycolor) { return overlaycolor; } return nexacro.ChildFrame._default_overlaycolor; }; _pChildFrame.on_update_style_overlaycolor = function () { this.on_apply_style_overlaycolor(this.currentstyle.overlaycolor = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_overlaycolor(this._pseudo)); }; _pChildFrame.on_create_contents = function () { nexacro.Frame.prototype.on_create_contents.call(this); if (this.form) { this.form._setPos(0, 0); this.form._setSize(this._client_width, this._client_height); this.form.createComponent(); } }; _pChildFrame.destroyComponent = function () { if (this._window_type == 1 || this._window_type == 4) { this._setModalUnlock(); this._runCallback(); nexacro._unregisterPopupFrame(this.id); if (this._window_type == 4) { var _win = this._getWindow(); var _virtual_handle = this._virtual_handle; nexacro._unblockScript(_win._handle, _virtual_handle); nexacro._closeVirtualWindowHandle(_virtual_handle); this._virtual_handle = null; } } if (this._waitcomp) { this._waitcomp.destroy(); this._waitcomp = null; } this._is_destroying = true; if (nexacro._getLocalStorage("_com_waiting", false)) { application._com_waiting = true; nexacro._setLocalStorage("_com_waiting", "true", "boolean"); } if (this._window && this._window._is_alive) { this._window.destroy(); this._window = null; this._is_destroying = false; return true; } else { this._is_destroying = false; return nexacro.Frame.prototype.destroyComponent.call(this); } }; _pChildFrame.on_destroy_contents = function () { if (this._waitcomp) { this._waitcomp.destroy(); this._waitcomp = null; } nexacro.Frame.prototype.on_destroy_contents.call(this); if (this._variables) { var len = this._variables.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { delete this[this._variables[i]]; } } if (this.form) { this.form.destroyComponent(); this.form = null; } }; _pChildFrame._runCallback = function () { var callback = this._close_callback; if (callback) { if (typeof (callback) == "string") { if (this.opener) { var _call_callback_fn = this.opener[callback]; if (_call_callback_fn) { try { _call_callback_fn.call(this.opener, this.name, this._close_argument); } catch (e) { if (e.obj) { application._onSystemError(e.obj, e.name, e.message); } else { var msg = nexacro._getExceptionMessage(e); application._onSystemError(application, e.name, msg); } } } } } else if (typeof (callback) == "function") { try { callback.call(this.opener, this.name, this._close_argument); } catch (e) { if (e.obj) { application._onSystemError(e.obj, e.name, e.message); } else { var msg = nexacro._getExceptionMessage(e); application._onSystemError(application, e.name, msg); } } } } }; _pChildFrame.on_created_contents = function () { if (this._is_window && this._window) { var window = this._window; if (this._delayed_window_pos && window._handle) { window.setArea(this._delayed_window_pos.left, this._delayed_window_pos.top, this._delayed_window_pos.width, this._delayed_window_pos.height); delete this._delayed_window_pos; } this._setSize(this._adjust_width, this._adjust_height); if (window._handle) { window._setSystemMenuResizable(this.resizable); } } else if ((this._window_type == 1 || this._window_type == 4) && this.form && this.autosize) { var left = this._adjust_left; var top = this._adjust_top; var calculated_size = this._getAutosizedFrameSize(true); var width = calculated_size.width; var height = calculated_size.height; var after_align_pos = this._getOpenAlignPos(this._getWindow(), left, top, width, height); if (after_align_pos) { left = after_align_pos.left; top = after_align_pos.top; } var recalculated_pos = this._recalcModalPosition(left, top, width, height); this._move(recalculated_pos.left, recalculated_pos.top, recalculated_pos.width, recalculated_pos.height); } nexacro.Frame.prototype.on_created_contents.call(this); if (this._init_formurl) { this.set_formurl(this._init_formurl); } this._createForm(); this.on_apply_prop_rtldirection(); }; _pChildFrame.on_change_containerPos = function (left, top) { if (this.form) { this.form._setPos(0, 0); } }; _pChildFrame.on_change_containerRect = function (width, height) { if (this.form) { this.form._setSize(width, height); if (this._is_window) { this.form.resetScroll(); } } if (this.titlebar) { this.titlebar._update_position(false, true); } }; _pChildFrame.createComponent = function (bCreateOnly) { if (this._window_type != 1 && this._window_type != 4 && this._window_type != 5) { return nexacro.Frame.prototype.createComponent.call(this, bCreateOnly); } var modal_overlay_elem = this._modal_overlay_elem; var parent_elem = modal_overlay_elem; var control_elem = this._control_element; if (!control_elem) { var control_elem = this.on_create_control_element(parent_elem); var pseudo = this._getResultPseudo(this._status, this._pseudo); this._initControl(control_elem, pseudo); this._initContents(control_elem, pseudo); if (!bCreateOnly && parent_elem && parent_elem._handle) { this.on_created(); } } return true; }; _pChildFrame._checkValidLayout = function () { if (this.form != null) { this.form._checkValidLayout(); } }; _pChildFrame._waitCursor = function (wait_flag, context) { if (this._isNested()) { return nexacro.Frame.prototype._waitCursor.call(this, wait_flag, context); } if (this._window) { if (wait_flag == true) { var waitcomp = this._waitcomp; if (waitcomp == null) { waitcomp = this._waitcomp = new nexacro.WaitComponent("waitwindow", "absolute", 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null, this); waitcomp.createComponent(); waitcomp.on_created(); } if (this._ref_comm == 0) { application._com_waiting = true; nexacro._setLocalStorage("_com_waiting", "true", "boolean"); var waitcursor_imgurl = application._getLoadingImageUrl(); waitcomp.setImage(waitcursor_imgurl); waitcomp.show(); } waitcomp._addContext(context); this._ref_comm++; } else { if (this._ref_comm > 0) { this._ref_comm--; } var waitcomp = this._waitcomp; if (waitcomp) { waitcomp._removeContext(context); if (this._ref_comm <= 0) { this._ref_comm = 0; application._com_waiting = false; nexacro._setLocalStorage("_com_waiting", "false", "boolean"); waitcomp.hide(); } } } } }; _pChildFrame.set_autosize = function (v) { if (this.autosize != v) { this.autosize = nexacro._toBoolean(v); } }; _pChildFrame.set_dragmovetype = function (v) { if (this.dragmovetype != v) { var allow_dragform = false; switch (v) { case "all": this.dragmovetype = v; this._dragmovetype = 2; allow_dragform = true; break; case "normal": this.dragmovetype = v; this._dragmovetype = 1; break; case "none": this.dragmovetype = v; this._dragmovetype = 0; break; } this._applyDragMoveType(); } }; _pChildFrame.set_openalign = function (v) { if (this.openalign._is_empty && this.openalign._value != v) { this.openalign._setValue(v); this.on_update_style_align(2); } }; _pChildFrame.set_formurl = function (url) { var realurl = nexacro._getFDLLocation(url); if (this._formurl != realurl) { if (this.form && this.form._control_element) { var confirm_message = this._on_beforeclose(); if (this._checkAndConfirmClose(confirm_message) == false) { return; } this._on_close(); } this.formurl = url; this._formurl = realurl; this._is_loadform_failed = false; if (this._is_created) { this._createForm(); } this.on_apply_prop_rtldirection(); } }; _pChildFrame.set_resizable = function (v) { var resizable = nexacro._toBoolean(v); if (this.resizable != resizable) { this.resizable = resizable; this._resetTitleAbsoluteStyle(); if (this._control_element) { this._control_element._setResizable(this._canDragResize()); } if (this._window) { this._window._setSystemMenuResizable(resizable); } } }; _pChildFrame.set_layered = function (v) { var layered = nexacro._toBoolean(v); if (this.layered != layered) { this.layered = layered; } }; _pChildFrame.set_showontaskbar = function (v) { var showontaskbar = nexacro._toBoolean(v); if (this.showontaskbar != showontaskbar) { this.showontaskbar = showontaskbar; } }; _pChildFrame.set_widget = function (v) { var widget = nexacro._toBoolean(v); if (this.widget != widget) { this.widget = widget; } }; _pChildFrame.init = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, strurl) { if (id) { this.id = this.name = id; } this.position = position ? position : "absolute"; var old_left = this._adjust_left; var old_top = this._adjust_top; var old_width = this._adjust_width; var old_height = this._adjust_height; var bsize = false, bmove = false; if (arguments.length >= 6) { this._adjustPosition(left, top, right, bottom, width, height, this.parent ? this.parent._client_width : 0, this.parent ? this.parent._client_height : 0); if (this._adjust_width != old_width || this._adjust_height != old_height) { bsize = true; } if (this._adjust_left != old_left || this._adjust_top != old_top) { bmove = true; } if (!strurl) { this.on_update_position(bsize, bmove); } } if (strurl) { this._init_formurl = strurl; } }; _pChildFrame.loadForm = function (strformurl, objframe, basync, callback) { return this.getApplication().loadFormurl(strformurl, null, objframe, basync, callback); }; _pChildFrame._on_loadform_failed = function () { this._is_loadform_failed = true; if (this._window_type > 0) { if (!this.showtitlebar) { this.set_showtitlebar(true); } if (!this.visible) { this.set_visible(true); } var left = this._adjust_left; var top = this._adjust_top; var right = this._adjust_left + this._adjust_width; var bottom = this._adjust_top + this._adjust_height; var width = this._adjust_width; var height = this._adjust_height; var _mainframe = application.mainframe; var opener_width = _mainframe._adjust_width; var opener_height = _mainframe._adjust_height; var bmove = false; var opener = this.opener; if (opener) { opener_width = opener._adjust_width; opener_height = opener._adjust_height; } if (right < 0 || bottom < 0 || top > opener_height || left > opener_width) { left = 0; top = 0; bmove = true; } if (this._adjust_width < this._minWidth || this._adjust_height < this._minHeight) { width = this._defaultWidth; height = this._defaultHeight; bmove = true; } if (bmove) { this.move(left, top, width, height); } } }; _pChildFrame._addVariable = function (id, val) { this[id] = val; if (!this._variables) { this._variables = []; } this._variables.push(id); }; _pChildFrame.showModal = function (str_id, _parent_frame, arr_arg, opener, callback, is_async) { var ret, parent_frame, id, arg; if (!(str_id instanceof nexacro.Frame) && str_id != null) { this.id = id = arguments[0]; parent_frame = arguments[1]; this._arg = arguments[2]; this.opener = arguments[3]; this._close_callback = arguments[4]; } else { id = this.id; parent_frame = arguments[0]; this._arg = arguments[1]; this.opener = arguments[2]; this._close_callback = arguments[3]; } var child_frame = null; if (parent_frame == null) { parent_frame = application.mainframe; } if (parent_frame) { ret = parent_frame.addChild(id, this); } if (ret == -1) { return false; } else { child_frame = this; } if (child_frame && child_frame._arg) { for (var param in child_frame._arg) { child_frame._addVariable(param, child_frame._arg[param]); } } if (nexacro._registerPopupFrame(id, this) < 0) { throw nexacro.MakeNativeError(this, "native_exist_id", id); return false; } var strurl = this.formurl; if (strurl) { this.set_formurl(strurl); } child_frame._is_window = false; child_frame._window_type = 1; var left = child_frame._adjust_left; var top = child_frame._adjust_top; var width = child_frame._adjust_width; var height = child_frame._adjust_height; if (this.autosize) { var calculated_size = this._getAutosizedFrameSize(true); this.width = width = calculated_size.width; this.height = height = calculated_size.height; } var after_align_pos = child_frame._getOpenAlignPos(this._getWindow(), left, top, width, height); if (after_align_pos) { this.left = after_align_pos.left; this.top = after_align_pos.top; } if (!this.opener || (this.opener && !this.opener._is_form && !this.opener._is_application)) { var _focus_obj = null; if (parent_frame && parent_frame._focusManager) { _focus_obj = parent_frame._focusManager[0]; } if (_focus_obj) { if (_focus_obj.parent._is_form) { this.opener = _focus_obj.parent; } else { this.opener = parent_frame ? parent_frame.form : null; } } else { this.opener = parent_frame ? parent_frame.form : null; } } if (this.form) { this.form.opener = this.opener; } var recalculated_pos = this._recalcModalPosition(this.left, this.top, this.width, this.height); this.left = recalculated_pos.left; this.top = recalculated_pos.top; this.width = recalculated_pos.width; this.height = recalculated_pos.height; var parent_window = parent_frame ? parent_frame._getWindow() : null; if (parent_window) { parent_window._cancelEvent(); } this._setModalLock(); this.createComponent(true); this.on_created(); this._change_state_activate(true); return true; }; _pChildFrame._showModalSync = function (str_id, _parent_frame, arr_arg, opener) { var ret, parent_frame, id, arg; if (!(str_id instanceof nexacro.Frame) && str_id != null) { this.id = id = arguments[0]; parent_frame = arguments[1]; this._arg = arguments[2]; this.opener = arguments[3]; } else { id = this.id; parent_frame = arguments[0]; this._arg = arguments[1]; this.opener = arguments[2]; } var child_frame = null; if (parent_frame == null) { parent_frame = application.mainframe; } if (parent_frame) { ret = parent_frame.addChild(id, this); } if (ret == -1) { return false; } else { child_frame = this; } if (child_frame && child_frame._arg) { for (var param in child_frame._arg) { child_frame._addVariable(param, child_frame._arg[param]); } } if (nexacro._registerPopupFrame(id, this) < 0) { throw nexacro.MakeNativeError(this, "native_exist_id", id); return false; } child_frame._is_window = false; child_frame._window_type = 4; var left = child_frame._adjust_left; var top = child_frame._adjust_top; var width = child_frame._adjust_width; var height = child_frame._adjust_height; if (this.autosize) { var calculated_size = this._getAutosizedFrameSize(true); this.width = width = calculated_size.width; this.height = height = calculated_size.height; } var after_align_pos = child_frame._getOpenAlignPos(this._getWindow(), left, top, width, height); if (after_align_pos) { this.left = after_align_pos.left; this.top = after_align_pos.top; } if (!this.opener || (this.opener && !this.opener._is_form && !this.opener._is_application)) { var _focus_obj = null; if (parent_frame && parent_frame._focusManager) { _focus_obj = parent_frame._focusManager[0]; } if (_focus_obj) { if (_focus_obj.parent._is_form) { this.opener = _focus_obj.parent; } else { this.opener = parent_frame ? parent_frame.form : null; } } else { this.opener = parent_frame ? parent_frame.form : null; } } if (this.form) { this.form.opener = this.opener; } var recalculated_pos = this._recalcModalPosition(this.left, this.top, this.width, this.height); this.left = recalculated_pos.left; this.top = recalculated_pos.top; this.width = recalculated_pos.width; this.height = recalculated_pos.height; this._setModalLock(); this.createComponent(true); this.on_created(); this._change_state_activate(true); var win = this._getWindow(); if (win && win._handle) { var _virtual_handle = nexacro._createVirtualWindowHandle(win._handle); this._virtual_handle = _virtual_handle; nexacro._blockScript(win._handle, _virtual_handle); } return true; }; _pChildFrame.showModeless = function (str_id, _parent_frame, arr_arg, opener) { var ret, parent_frame, id, arg, option; if (!(str_id instanceof nexacro.Frame) && str_id != null) { parent_frame = _parent_frame; id = str_id; this.id = id; this._arg = arr_arg; if (opener) { this.opener = opener; } } else { parent_frame = str_id; id = this.id; this._arg = _parent_frame; if (arr_arg) { this.opener = arr_arg; } } var child_frame; if (parent_frame) { ret = parent_frame.addChild(id, this); } if (ret == -1) { return false; } child_frame = this; if (child_frame && child_frame._arg) { for (var param in child_frame._arg) { child_frame._addVariable(param, child_frame._arg[param]); } } if (nexacro._registerPopupFrame(id, this) < 0) { throw nexacro.MakeNativeError(this, "native_exist_id", id); } if (this._init_formurl) { this.set_formurl(this._init_formurl); } child_frame._is_window = true; child_frame._window_type = 2; var left = child_frame._adjust_left; var top = child_frame._adjust_top; var width = child_frame._adjust_width; var height = child_frame._adjust_height; var is_form_loaded = false; if (this.autosize && this.form && !this.form._is_loading) { var calculated_size = this._getAutosizedFrameSize(nexacro.Browser == "Runtime"); this.width = width = calculated_size.width; this.height = height = calculated_size.height; is_form_loaded = true; } if (!is_form_loaded) { var after_align_pos = child_frame._getOpenAlignPos(child_frame._window, left, top, width, height); if (after_align_pos) { left = after_align_pos.left; top = after_align_pos.top; } } if (!this.opener || (this.opener && !this.opener._is_form && !this.opener._is_application)) { var _focus_obj = null; if (parent_frame && parent_frame._focusManager) { _focus_obj = parent_frame._focusManager[0]; } if (_focus_obj) { if (_focus_obj.parent._is_form) { this.opener = _focus_obj.parent; } else { this.opener = parent_frame ? parent_frame.form : null; } } else { this.opener = parent_frame ? parent_frame.form : null; } } if (this.form) { this.form.opener = this.opener; } this._accessibility_role = "dialog"; var parent_window = parent_frame ? parent_frame._getWindow() : null; if (!this.autosize || is_form_loaded) { this._window = new nexacro.Window(this.name, parent_window, false); this._window.attachFrame(this, false); this._window.create(parent_window, this.id, width, height, left, top, this.resizable, this.layered, this.showontaskbar); if (this._is_created) { this._control_element._parent_elem = null; } } else { this._delayed_create_window = true; this._delayed_create_parent = parent_window; this._createForm(); } return true; }; _pChildFrame._showModalWindow = function (str_id, _parent_frame, arr_arg, opener, _lockmode) { this._is_popup_frame = true; var ret, parent_frame, id, arg, lockmode; var shift_argument = 0; if (!(str_id instanceof nexacro.Frame) && str_id != null) { this.id = id = arguments[0]; } else { shift_argument = -1; id = this.id; } parent_frame = arguments[1 + shift_argument]; this._arg = arguments[2 + shift_argument]; if (arguments[3 + shift_argument]) { this.opener = arguments[3 + shift_argument]; } lockmode = arguments[4 + shift_argument]; lockmode = 1; if (parent_frame) { ret = parent_frame.addChild(id, this); } if (ret == -1) { throw nexacro.MakeNativeError(this, "native_exist_id", id); } if (this && this._arg) { for (var param in this._arg) { this._addVariable(param, this._arg[param]); } } if (nexacro._registerPopupFrame(id, this) < 0) { throw nexacro.MakeNativeError(this, "native_exist_id", id); } if (this._init_formurl) { this.set_formurl(this._init_formurl); } this._is_window = true; this._window_type = 5; var left = this._adjust_left; var top = this._adjust_top; var width = this._adjust_width; var height = this._adjust_height; var win = _parent_frame._getWindow(); if (win && !this._is_popup_frame) { left = win.getLeft(); top = win.getTop(); } var is_form_loaded = false; if (this.autosize && this.form && this.form._control_element) { width = this.form._init_width; height = this.form._init_height; is_form_loaded = true; } if (!is_form_loaded) { var after_align_pos = this._getOpenAlignPos(this._window, left, top, width, height); if (after_align_pos) { left = after_align_pos.left; top = after_align_pos.top; } } if (!this.opener || (this.opener && !this.opener._is_form && !this.opener._is_application)) { this.opener = parent_frame ? parent_frame.form : null; } if (this.form) { this.form.opener = this.opener; } var parent_window = parent_frame ? parent_frame._getWindow() : null; if (this.autosize && !is_form_loaded) { this._delayed_create_window = true; this._delayed_create_parent = parent_window; } this._window = new nexacro.Window(this.name, parent_window, false); this._window.attachFrame(this, false); if (this.form && this.form._load_manager.status >= 7) { this._loadedForm(); } if (parent_window) { parent_window._cancelEvent(); } return this._window.createModal(parent_window, this.id, width, height, left, top, this.resizable, this.layered, lockmode); }; _pChildFrame._on_init = nexacro._emptyFn; _pChildFrame._on_load = function () { this.createComponent(); this.on_created(); this._change_state_activate(true); }; _pChildFrame._showModeless = function (name, target_win) { nexacro._registerPopupFrame(name, this); this._is_popup_frame = true; this._is_window = true; this._window = target_win; this._window.frame = this; this._window_type = 2; this._load_manager.status = 2; var _cssurls = nexacro._getLocalStorage("_cssurls", []); var cnt = _cssurls.length; if (cnt == 0) { this._load_manager._is_mainloaded = true; } var _cssurl = nexacro._getLocalStorage("_theme_uri", "./_theme_/default") + "/theme.css"; var _project_uri = nexacro._getLocalStorage("_project_uri", ""); this.loadCss(_cssurl, _project_uri); if (cnt > 0) { this._load_manager._is_mainloaded = true; } for (var i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { _cssurl = _cssurls[i]; this.loadCss(_cssurl, _project_uri); } nexacro._setOpenInfo(this, name); }; _pChildFrame.hideModal = function () { }; _pChildFrame.hideModeless = function () { }; _pChildFrame.getForm = function () { return this.form ? this.form : null; }; _pChildFrame.on_fire_sys_onkeydown = function (key_code, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { var ret = nexacro.Frame.prototype.on_fire_sys_onkeydown.call(this, key_code, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, from_comp, from_refer_comp); if (this._is_window) { return true; } return ret; }; _pChildFrame.on_fire_sys_onkeyup = function (key_code, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { var ret = nexacro.Frame.prototype.on_fire_sys_onkeyup.call(this, key_code, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, from_comp, from_refer_comp); if (this._is_window) { return true; } return ret; }; _pChildFrame.on_fire_sys_onlbuttondown = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { var ret = nexacro.Frame.prototype.on_fire_sys_onlbuttondown.call(this, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); if (this._is_loadform_failed && this.showtitlebar == false) { var owner_frame = this.getOwnerFrame(); if (owner_frame) { owner_frame.removeChild(this.id); if (owner_frame._control_element) { owner_frame.on_change_containerRect(owner_frame._control_element.client_width, owner_frame._control_element.client_height); } } if (this._is_window && this._window && this._window._is_alive) { this._window.destroy(); } else { this._destroy(); } if (this._control_element) { this._control_element.destroy(); } this._control_element = null; } if (this._is_window) { return true; } return ret; }; _pChildFrame.on_fire_sys_onlbuttonup = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { var ret = nexacro.Frame.prototype.on_fire_sys_onlbuttonup.call(this, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); if (this._is_window) { return true; } return ret; }; _pChildFrame.on_fire_sys_onrbuttondown = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { var ret = nexacro.Frame.prototype.on_fire_sys_onrbuttondown.call(this, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); if (this._is_window) { return true; } return ret; }; _pChildFrame.on_fire_sys_onrbuttonup = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { var ret = nexacro.Frame.prototype.on_fire_sys_onrbuttonup.call(this, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); if (this._is_window) { return true; } return ret; }; _pChildFrame.on_fire_sys_onmousedown = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { var ret = nexacro.Frame.prototype.on_fire_sys_onmousedown.call(this, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); if (this._is_window) { return true; } return ret; }; _pChildFrame.on_fire_sys_onmouseup = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { var ret = nexacro.Frame.prototype.on_fire_sys_onmouseup.call(this, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); if (this._is_window) { return true; } return ret; }; _pChildFrame.on_fire_sys_onmouseenter = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { var ret = nexacro.Frame.prototype.on_fire_sys_onmouseenter.call(this, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); if (this._is_window) { return true; } return ret; }; _pChildFrame.on_fire_sys_onmouseleave = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { var ret = nexacro.Frame.prototype.on_fire_sys_onmouseleave.call(this, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); if (this._is_window) { return true; } return ret; }; _pChildFrame.on_fire_sys_onmousemove = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { var ret = nexacro.Frame.prototype.on_fire_sys_onmousemove.call(this, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); if (this._is_window) { return true; } return ret; }; _pChildFrame.on_fire_sys_onmousewheel = function (wheelDeltaX, wheelDeltaY, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { var ret = nexacro.Frame.prototype.on_fire_sys_onmousewheel.call(this, wheelDeltaX, wheelDeltaY, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); if (this._is_window) { return true; } return ret; }; _pChildFrame._createForm = function () { var formurl = this.formurl; if (!formurl) { formurl = ""; } var form = this.form; if (form) { if (form._url != this._formurl) { form.destroyComponent(); form = new Form("form", "absolute", 0, 0, this._client_width, this._client_height, null, null, this); form._is_init = true; form.opener = this.opener; this.form = form; form.loadForm(formurl); if (this._control_element) { form.createComponent(); } } } else { form = new Form("form", "absolute", 0, 0, this._client_width, this._client_height, null, null, this); form.opener = this.opener; this.form = form; if (this._formurl) { form.loadForm(formurl); } if (this._control_element) { form.createComponent(); } } return form; }; _pChildFrame._closeForm = function (arg) { if (this._is_window) { if (arg !== undefined) { this._close_argument = arg; this._window.returnValue = arg; } var allobj = this.all; var allcnt = allobj.length; for (var i = 0; i < allcnt; i++) { var childid = allobj.get_id(i); var child = allobj[i]; if (child._is_window && child._window && child._is_alive) { this.removeChild(childid); child._window.destroy(); child._window = null; } } var ownerframe = this.getOwnerFrame(); if (ownerframe) { ownerframe.removeChild(this.id); } if (this.form && this.form._is_alive) { this.form._destroy(); this.form = null; } if (this._window && this._window._is_alive) { this._window.destroy(); this._window = null; } } else { if (arg !== undefined) { this._close_argument = arg; } var ownerframe = this.getOwnerFrame(); if (ownerframe) { ownerframe.removeChild(this.id); } if (this.form && this.form._is_alive) { this.form._destroy(); this.form = null; } this._destroy(); } }; _pChildFrame._destroyForm = function () { if (this.form) { this.form._destroy(); this.form = null; } }; _pChildFrame._loadedForm = function () { this._last_focused = this.form; if (this._is_loadform_failed) { return; } this._applyDragMoveType(); if (this.autosize) { var parent_window = this._delayed_create_parent; var left = this._left; var top = this._top; var width = this.form._init_width; var height = this.form._init_height; if (this._is_window && this._window_type == 2) { if (this._delayed_create_window) { var calculated_size = this._getAutosizedFrameSize(nexacro.Browser == "Runtime"); width = calculated_size.width; height = calculated_size.height; var after_align_pos = this._getOpenAlignPos(parent_window, left, top, width, height); if (after_align_pos) { left = after_align_pos.left; top = after_align_pos.top; } this._move(this._adjust_left, this._adjust_top, width, height); var _window = this._window = new nexacro.Window(this.name, parent_window, false); _window.attachFrame(this, false); _window.create(parent_window, this.id, width, height, left, top, this.resizable, this.layered, this.showontaskbar); delete this._delayed_create_parent; delete this._delayed_create_window; } else { if (this._window) { var after_align_pos = this._getOpenAlignPos(this._window.parent, left, top, width, height); if (after_align_pos) { left = after_align_pos.left; top = after_align_pos.top; } var calculated_size = this._getAutosizedFrameSize(nexacro.Browser == "Runtime"); width = calculated_size.width; height = calculated_size.height; this._move(left, top, width, height); var _adjust_width = width + this._window._gap_client_width; var _adjust_height = height + this._window._gap_client_height; if (nexacro.Browser == "IE" && nexacro.BrowserVersion <= 8) { function getWindowSize (win) { var win_handle = win._handle; var wW, wH; if (win_handle.outerWidth) { wW = win_handle.outerWidth; wH = win_handle.outerHeight; } else { win.setSize(_adjust_width, _adjust_height); var barsW = _adjust_width - nexacro._getWindowHandleOuterWidth(win_handle); var barsH = _adjust_height - nexacro._getWindowHandleOuterHeight(win_handle); wW = barsW + _adjust_width; wH = barsH + _adjust_height; } return { width : wW, height : wH }; } ; var win_rect = getWindowSize(this._window); if (win_rect.width != _adjust_width || win_rect.height != _adjust_height) { this._window.setSize(win_rect.width, win_rect.height); } } else { this._window.setSize(_adjust_width, _adjust_height); } } } } else if (this._window_type == 5) { if (this._delayed_create_window) { var calculated_size = this._getAutosizedFrameSize(nexacro.Browser == "Runtime"); width = calculated_size.width; height = calculated_size.height; var after_align_pos = this._getOpenAlignPos(parent_window, left, top, width, height); if (after_align_pos) { left = after_align_pos.left; top = after_align_pos.top; } if (this._window._handle) { this._window.moveTo(left, top); if (this._state_openstatus == 0) { this._window.setSize(width, height); } else { this._restore_position = { left : left, top : top, width : width, height : height, right : this.right, bottom : this.bottom }; } } else { this._delayed_window_pos = { left : left, top : top, width : width, height : height }; } delete this._delayed_create_parent; delete this._delayed_create_window; } else { if (this._window) { var after_align_pos = this._getOpenAlignPos(this._window.parent, left, top, width, height); if (after_align_pos) { left = after_align_pos.left; top = after_align_pos.top; } this._move(left, top, width, height); var _adjust_width = width + this._window._gap_client_width; var _adjust_height = height + this._window._gap_client_height; this._window.setSize(_adjust_width, _adjust_height); } } } else if (this._window_type == 1 || this._window_type == 4) { var calculated_size = this._getAutosizedFrameSize(true); width = calculated_size.width; height = calculated_size.height; var after_align_pos = this._getOpenAlignPos(this._getWindow(), left, top, width, height); if (after_align_pos) { left = after_align_pos.left; top = after_align_pos.top; } var recalculated_pos = this._recalcModalPosition(left, top, width, height); this._move(recalculated_pos.left, recalculated_pos.top, recalculated_pos.width, recalculated_pos.height); } } }; _pChildFrame._on_window_loaded = function () { this._checkValidWindowSize(); if (!this._is_created) { this.createComponent(); this.on_created(); this._change_state_activate(true); } if (this._lockmode) { delete this._lockmode; this._lockmode = null; } }; _pChildFrame._createdForm = function () { if (this._state_openstatus != 2) { var owner_frame = this.getOwnerFrame(); if (owner_frame) { var proc_focus = false; if (owner_frame._is_frameset && owner_frame._getTopOrderFrame() == this) { proc_focus = true; } else if (!owner_frame._is_frameset && owner_frame._is_frame) { proc_focus = true; } if (proc_focus) { if (this._getWindow() == owner_frame._getWindow()) { this._change_state_activate(true); } if (nexacro._enableaccessibility && (nexacro._accessibilitywholereadtype == 1 || nexacro._accessibilitywholereadtype == 3)) { this._setFocus(); this.form._playAccessibilityWholeReadLabel("focus"); } else { this.form._on_focus(true); } } } else { this._change_state_activate(true); if (nexacro._enableaccessibility && (nexacro._accessibilitywholereadtype == 1 || nexacro._accessibilitywholereadtype == 3)) { this._setFocus(); this.form._playAccessibilityWholeReadLabel("focus"); } else { this.form._on_focus(true); } } } if (this._is_window && this.autosize != true) { this._checkValidWindowSize(); } }; _pChildFrame._applyDragMoveType = function () { var form = this.form; if (form) { var allow_dragform = false; if (this._dragmovetype == 2 || (this._dragmovetype == 1 && !this.showtitlebar)) { allow_dragform = true; } { form._setDragMove(allow_dragform, this._is_window); } } if (this.titlebar) { this.titlebar._setDragMove(this._dragmovetype != 0, this._is_window); } }; _pChildFrame._getTitleText = function (brecursive) { var titletext; titletext = this.titletext; if (brecursive) { if (this.form && this.form.titletext.length > 0) { if (titletext.length > 0) { titletext += " - "; } titletext += this.form.titletext; } } return titletext; }; _pChildFrame._getStatusText = function (brecursive) { var statustext; statustext = this.statustext; if (brecursive) { if (this.form && this.form.statustext.length > 0) { if (statustext.length > 0) { statustext += " - "; } statustext += this.form.statustext; } } return statustext; }; _pChildFrame._getOpenAlignPos = function (parent_win, left, top, width, height) { if (!this.openalign._is_empty) { if (parent_win == null) { return; } var is_modal = (this._window_type == 1 || this._window_type == 4); var p_l = is_modal ? 0 : (parent_win.left | 0); var p_t = is_modal ? 0 : (parent_win.top | 0); var p_w = parent_win.clientWidth; var p_h = parent_win.frame ? parent_win.frame._adjust_height : parent_win.clientHeight; switch (this.openalign.halign) { case "left": left = p_l; break; case "center": left = p_l + Math.round((p_w - width) / 2); break; case "right": left = p_l + p_w - width; break; } switch (this.openalign.valign) { case "top": top = p_t; break; case "middle": top = p_t + Math.round((p_h - height) / 2); break; case "bottom": top = p_t + p_h - height; break; } return { left : left, top : top }; } return null; }; if (nexacro.Browser == "Edge" || nexacro.Browser == "IE" || nexacro.Browser == "Gecko") { _pChildFrame._checkValidWindowSize = function () { var _window = this._window; if (!_window) { return; } var width = this._adjust_width; var height = this._adjust_height; if ((_window.clientWidth != width || _window.clientHeight != height) && (_window.clientWidth != 0 && _window.clientHeight != 0)) { if (this.autosize != true && this._control_element) { var control_elem = this._control_element; control_elem.setElementSize(width, height); control_elem.setElementSize(this._adjust_width, this._adjust_height); control_elem._updateClientSize(); } this._move(this._adjust_left, this._adjust_top, _window.clientWidth, _window.clientHeight); if (this.autosize != true) { this.on_change_containerRect(this._adjust_width, this._adjust_height); } return false; } return true; }; } else { _pChildFrame._checkValidWindowSize = nexacro._emptyFn; } ; _pChildFrame._setModalLock = function () { var win = this._getWindow(); if (!win) { win = nexacro._getMainWindowHandle() ? nexacro._getMainWindowHandle()._linked_window : null; } if (!win) { return; } win._on_modalLock(); var cur_focus_path = win.getCurrentFocusPaths() ? win.getCurrentFocusPaths().slice(0) : null; win._removeFromCurrentFocusPath(null, false); var overlaycolor = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_overlaycolor(this._pseudo); var zindex = nexacro._zindex_firstmodal; var modal_stack = win._modal_frame_stack; if (modal_stack.length > 0) { var modal_info = modal_stack[modal_stack.length - 1]; zindex = modal_info[1] + 1; } var parent = this.parent; if (!parent) { parent = application.mainframe; } var ref_dest_handle; if (win.frame && win.frame._waitcomp) { var waitcomp = win.frame._waitcomp; if (waitcomp._control_element && waitcomp._control_element._handle) { ref_dest_handle = waitcomp._control_element._handle; } } var modal_overlay_elem = this._modal_overlay_elem = new nexacro.ModalOverlayElement(parent._control_element); modal_overlay_elem.setLinkedControl(this); modal_overlay_elem.create(zindex, overlaycolor, ref_dest_handle); win._modal_frame_stack.push([this, zindex, cur_focus_path]); if (nexacro._enableaccessibility && nexacro._accessibilitytype == 4) { if (this.opener) { var form = this.opener._getRootForm(); form._setAccessibilityHidden(true); } } }; _pChildFrame._setModalUnlock = function () { var win = this._getWindow(); if (!win) { win = nexacro._getMainWindowHandle() ? nexacro._getMainWindowHandle()._linked_window : null; } if (!win) { return; } var modal_stack = win._modal_frame_stack; var modal_stack_len = modal_stack.length; var modal_info; for (var i = 0; i < modal_stack_len; i++) { modal_info = modal_stack[i]; if (modal_info[0] == this) { for (var j = i; j < modal_stack_len - 1; j++) { modal_stack[j] = modal_stack[j + 1]; } modal_stack.length = modal_stack_len - 1; break; } } if (this._window_type != 1 && this._window_type != 4) { nexacro._unregisterPopupFrame(this.id); } var old_focus_path = modal_info[2]; if (old_focus_path && old_focus_path.length > 0) { var old_focus_path_len = old_focus_path.length; for (i = 0; i < old_focus_path_len; i++) { var comp = old_focus_path[i]; if (comp instanceof nexacro.ChildFrame) { comp._on_activate(); continue; } else if (comp._is_form) { comp._on_focus(true); break; } if (i == (old_focus_path_len - 1)) { comp._on_focus(true); } } } if (this._modal_overlay_elem) { this._modal_overlay_elem.destroy(); this._modal_overlay_elem = null; } if (nexacro._enableaccessibility && nexacro._accessibilitytype == 4) { if (this.opener) { var form = this.opener._getRootForm(); form._setAccessibilityHidden(false); } } }; _pChildFrame._setModalOverlaySize = function (width, height) { this._modal_overlay_elem.setElementSize(width, height); if (this._state_openstatus == 3) { this._setSize(width, height); } }; _pChildFrame._recalcModalPosition = function (left, top, width, height) { left = parseInt(left); top = parseInt(top); width = parseInt(width); height = parseInt(height); var win = this._getWindow(); if (!win) { return { left : left, top : top, width : width, height : height }; } var titleheight = parseInt(this.on_find_CurrentStyle_titlebarheight().value) | 0; if (titleheight <= 0) { titleheight = this._defaultTitleHeight; } if (left + width > win.clientWidth) { left = win.clientWidth - width; } if (top + titleheight > win.clientHeight) { top = win.clientHeight - titleheight; } if (left < 0) { left = 0; } if (top < 0) { top = 0; } return { left : left, top : top, width : width, height : height }; }; _pChildFrame._getAutosizedFrameSize = function (include_frame_nc) { var width = this._adjust_width; var height = this._adjust_height; var form = this.form; if (form && form._is_loading == false) { width = form._init_width; height = form._init_height; } if (include_frame_nc) { var titleheight = 0, statusheight = 0; if (this.showtitlebar) { titleheight = parseInt(this.on_find_CurrentStyle_titlebarheight().value) | 0; } if (this.showstatusbar) { statusheight = parseInt(this.on_find_CurrentStyle_statusbarheight().value) | 0; } var border = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_border(); if (border) { width += border._getBorderLeftWidth() + border._getBorderRightWidth(); height += border._getBorderTopWidth() + border._getBorderBottomWidth(); } height += titleheight + statusheight; } return { "width" : width, "height" : height }; }; nexacro.FrameSetBase_Style = function (target) { nexacro.Frame_Style.call(this, target); this.childmoveeffect = null; this.childopenstatuseffect = null; }; var _pFrameSetBaseStyle = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Frame_Style, nexacro.FrameSetBase_Style); nexacro.FrameSetBase_Style.prototype = _pFrameSetBaseStyle; eval(nexacro._createValueAttributeEvalStr("_pFrameSetBaseStyle", "childmoveeffect")); eval(nexacro._createValueAttributeEvalStr("_pFrameSetBaseStyle", "childopenstatuseffect")); _pFrameSetBaseStyle.__custom_emptyObject = function () { this.childmoveeffect = null; this.childopenstatuseffect = null; }; _pFrameSetBaseStyle.__get_custom_style_value = function () { var val = ""; if (this.childmoveeffect && !this.childmoveeffect._is_empty) { val += "childmoveeffect:" + this.childmoveeffect._value + "; "; } if (this.childopenstatuseffect && !this.childopenstatuseffect._is_empty) { val += "childopenstatuseffect:" + this.childopenstatuseffect._value + "; "; } return val; }; nexacro.FrameSetBase_CurrentStyle = function () { nexacro.Frame_CurrentStyle.call(this); }; var _pFrameSetBaseCurrentStyle = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Frame_CurrentStyle, nexacro.FrameSetBase_CurrentStyle); nexacro.FrameSetBase_CurrentStyle.prototype = _pFrameSetBaseCurrentStyle; _pFrameSetBaseCurrentStyle.__custom_emptyObject = _pFrameSetBaseStyle.__custom_emptyObject; _pFrameSetBaseCurrentStyle.__get_custom_style_value = _pFrameSetBaseStyle.__get_custom_style_value; delete _pFrameSetBaseStyle; delete _pFrameSetBaseCurrentStyle; nexacro.FrameSetBase = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.Frame.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); this.frames = new nexacro.Collection(); this.separatesize = ""; this.keepseparatesizewhenswap = false; this.ctrltaborder = "active"; this.ctrltabtype = "order"; this.showstatusbar = false; this.showtitlebar = false; this._separatesize = []; this._max_frame = null; this._track_frame = null; this._active_frame = null; this._zorderMap = new nexacro.Collection(); this._is_frameset = true; this._is_autorecalc_frame = true; }; var _pFrameSetBase = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Frame, nexacro.FrameSetBase); nexacro.FrameSetBase.prototype = _pFrameSetBase; _pFrameSetBase._type_name = "FrameSetBase"; _pFrameSetBase.on_apply_custom_pseudo = function (pseudo) { nexacro.Frame.prototype.on_apply_custom_pseudo.call(this); var curstyle = this.currentstyle; var childmoveeffect = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_childmoveeffect(pseudo); if (childmoveeffect != curstyle.childmoveeffect) { curstyle.childmoveeffect = childmoveeffect; } var childopenstatuseffect = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_childopenstatuseffect(pseudo); if (childopenstatuseffect != curstyle.childopenstatuseffect) { curstyle.childopenstatuseffect = childopenstatuseffect; } }; _pFrameSetBase.on_create_custom_style = function () { return new nexacro.FrameSetBase_Style(this); }; _pFrameSetBase.on_create_custom_currentStyle = function () { return new nexacro.FrameSetBase_CurrentStyle(); }; _pFrameSetBase.on_find_CurrentStyle_childmoveeffect = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("childmoveeffect", pseudo, "value"); }; _pFrameSetBase.on_find_CurrentStyle_childopenstatuseffect = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("childopenstatuseffect", pseudo, "value"); }; _pFrameSetBase.on_create_contents = function () { nexacro.Frame.prototype.on_create_contents.call(this); var cnt = this.frames.length; for (var i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { var frame = this.frames[i]; if (frame.set_resizable) { frame.set_resizable(true); } frame.createComponent(); this._zorderMap.add_item(frame.name, frame); } }; _pFrameSetBase.on_change_containerRect = function (width, height) { var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem) { ; } }; _pFrameSetBase.on_created_contents = function () { nexacro.Frame.prototype.on_created_contents.call(this); var lastx = 0, lasty = 0; var defaultwidth = 0, defaultheight = 0; var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem) { defaultwidth = control_elem.client_width / 5 * 3; defaultheight = control_elem.client_height / 5 * 3; lasty = this._control_element.client_top; } var cascadegap = this._getTitlebarHeight(); var cnt = this.frames.length; for (var i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { var frame_item = this.frames[i]; if (frame_item.position) { if (frame_item._adjsut_width == 0 && frame_item._adjsut_height == 0) { frame_item._move(lastx, lasty, defaultwidth, defaultheight); lastx += cascadegap; lasty += cascadegap; } } frame_item.on_created(); } }; _pFrameSetBase.on_destroy_contents = function () { nexacro.Frame.prototype.on_destroy_contents.call(this); var cnt = this.frames.length; for (var i = cnt - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var frame_item = this.frames[i]; if (frame_item) { frame_item.destroyComponent(); frame_item = null; } } this.frames = null; }; _pFrameSetBase._updateClientSize = function (control_elem) { var client_left = control_elem.client_left; var client_top = control_elem.client_top; var client_width = control_elem.client_width; var client_height = control_elem.client_height; var apply_flag = false; if (this._client_left != client_left || this._client_top != client_top) { this._client_left = client_left; this._client_top = client_top; apply_flag = true; } if (this._client_width != client_width || this._client_height != client_height) { this._client_width = client_width; this._client_height = client_height; apply_flag = true; } if (apply_flag) { this.on_change_containerRect(client_width, client_height); } }; _pFrameSetBase.set_ctrltaborder = function () { ; }; _pFrameSetBase.set_ctrltabtype = function () { ; }; _pFrameSetBase.set_separatesize = function (v) { if (this.separatesize != v) { this.separatesize = v; this._separatesize = v.split(","); var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem) { this.on_change_containerRect(control_elem.client_width, control_elem.client_height); } } }; _pFrameSetBase.set_keepseparatesizewhenswap = function (v) { var keepseparatesizewhenswap = nexacro._toBoolean(v); if (this.keepseparatesizewhenswap != keepseparatesizewhenswap) { this.keepseparatesizewhenswap = keepseparatesizewhenswap; } }; _pFrameSetBase.set_minimizedchildposition = function (v) { var pre = this.minimizedchildposition; if (pre == v) { return; } switch (v) { case "left": this._minimizedchildposition = 0; this.minimizedchildposition = v; break; case "top": this._minimizedchildposition = 1; this.minimizedchildposition = v; break; case "right": this._minimizedchildposition = 2; this.minimizedchildposition = v; break; case "bottom": this._minimizedchildposition = 3; this.minimizedchildposition = v; break; } var control_elem = this._control_element; if (this.minimizedchildposition == v && control_elem) { this.on_change_containerRect(control_elem.client_width, control_elem.client_height); } return this.minimizedchildposition; }; _pFrameSetBase._on_child_movetrack = function (child, x, y, dragdata) { var checkx = (this._type_name == "VFrameSet") ? false : true; var checky = (this._type_name == "HFrameSet") ? false : true; var curx = child._adjust_left + (child._adjust_width / 2); var cury = child._adjust_top + (child._adjust_height / 2); var hitidx = -1; var frames = this.frames; for (var i = 0, n = frames.length; i < n; i++) { var frame = frames[i]; if (frame == child) { continue; } if (frame._state_openstatus == 2) { continue; } if (checkx) { var loopleft = frame._adjust_left; var loopright = loopleft + frame._adjust_width; if (loopleft > curx) { continue; } if (loopright < curx) { continue; } } if (checky) { var looptop = frame._adjust_top; var loopbottom = looptop + frame._adjust_height; if (looptop > cury) { continue; } if (loopbottom < cury) { continue; } } hitidx = i; break; } if (hitidx != (-1)) { var frames = this.frames; var curidx = frames.indexOf(child.name); var hitchild = frames[hitidx]; frames.remove_item(hitchild.name); frames.insert_item(curidx, hitchild.name, hitchild); frames.remove_item(child.name); frames.insert_item(hitidx, child.name, child); if (this._control_element) { this.on_change_containerRect(this._control_element.client_width, this._control_element.client_height); } } }; _pFrameSetBase._on_child_starttrack = function (child, x, y, dragdata) { if (child) { this._track_frame = child; } }; _pFrameSetBase._on_child_endtrack = function (child, x, y, dragdata) { this._track_frame = null; if (this._control_element) { this.on_change_containerRect(this._control_element.client_width, this._control_element.client_height); } }; _pFrameSetBase._change_state_activate = function (cur, activated_child) { if (cur == true) { if (activated_child) { var cur_active = this.getActiveFrame(); if (cur_active && cur_active != activated_child) { cur_active._change_state_activate(false, null); } this._active_frame = activated_child; if (activated_child._control_element) { if (this._zorderMap.indexOf(activated_child) < 0) { alert("zorder missed: " + activated_child.id); this._zorderMap.insert_item(0, activated_child, activated_child.id); } if (this._zorderMap.length > 1) { if (this._control_element) { this._control_element.bringToFrontElement(activated_child._control_element); } this._zorderMap.remove_item(activated_child.id); this._zorderMap.add_item(activated_child.id, activated_child); } if (this._max_frame && this._max_frame != activated_child) { activated_child._change_state_OpenStatus(3); } } } } else if (cur == false) { var frames = this.frames; var frames_len = frames.length; for (var i = 0; i < frames_len; i++) { var child = frames[i]; if (child._isNested()) { child._change_state_activate(false); } } } nexacro.Frame.prototype._change_state_activate.call(this, cur); }; _pFrameSetBase.on_apply_prop_enable = function (v) { var frames = this.frames; for (var i = 0, n = frames.length; i < n; i++) { var frame = frames[i]; frame._setEnable(v); } }; _pFrameSetBase.on_apply_prop_rtldirection = function () { var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem) { this.on_change_containerRect(control_elem.client_width, control_elem.client_height); } var _rtldirection = this._rtldirection; var titlebar = this.titlebar; if (titlebar) { titlebar._setRtlDirection(_rtldirection); } var statusbar = this.statusbar; if (statusbar) { statusbar._setRtlDirection(_rtldirection); } var frames = this.frames; if (frames) { for (var i = 0, n = frames.length; i < n; i++) { var frame = frames[i]; if (frame) { frame._setRtlDirection(_rtldirection); } } } }; _pFrameSetBase.getActiveFrame = function () { if (this._active_frame) { return this._active_frame; } return this._getTopOrderFrame(); }; _pFrameSetBase.getHandle = function () { }; _pFrameSetBase._getTopOrderFrame = function () { var len = this._zorderMap.length; if (len > 0) { var obj = this._zorderMap.get_item(len - 1); return obj; } return null; }; _pFrameSetBase._getNextOrderFrame = function (target) { var len = this._zorderMap.length; if (len > 0) { var idx = this._zorderMap.indexOf(target.id); if (idx - 1 > len - 1 && idx - 1 < 0) { return null; } var obj = this._zorderMap.get_item(idx - 1); return obj; } return null; }; _pFrameSetBase._visibleFrameCount = function () { return this.frames.length; }; _pFrameSetBase._getMinimizeFrameCount = function () { var cnt = 0; var frames = this.frames; for (var i = 0, n = frames.length; i < frames.length; i++) { if (frames[i]._state_openstatus == 2) { cnt++; } } return cnt; }; _pFrameSetBase._recalcSeparateFrameSize = function (totalsize, inframecnt, inseparatecnt) { var separateframesize = []; var separatesizecnt = ((inseparatecnt) ? inseparatecnt : this._separatesize.length); var framecnt = ((inframecnt) ? inframecnt : this._visibleFrameCount()); var dividecnt = 0, fixedcnt = 0; var totalfixedsize = 0, dividesize = 0; var separatesize = this._separatesize; for (var i = 0; i < framecnt; i++) { var str = separatesize[i]; var pos = -1; var size = -1; if (str) { str.trim(); size = ((str.indexOf("*") < 0) && (str.length > 0)) ? nexacro._parseInt(str) : -1; } if (size == -1) { var ntimes = -1; if (str) { pos = str.indexOf("*"); ntimes = nexacro._parseInt(str.substring(0, pos)); } if (ntimes > 0) { dividecnt += ntimes; separateframesize[i] = ntimes * size; } else { dividecnt++; separateframesize[i] = size; } } else { fixedcnt++; totalfixedsize += size; if (totalfixedsize <= totalsize) { separateframesize[i] = size; } else if (fixedcnt == 1) { separateframesize[i] = totalsize; } else { totalfixedsize -= size; } } } dividesize = dividecnt > 0 ? (totalsize - totalfixedsize) / dividecnt : 0; for (var i = 0; i < framecnt; i++) { if (separateframesize[i] < 0) { separateframesize[i] = Math.abs(separateframesize[i]) * dividesize; } else if (separateframesize[i] == undefined) { separateframesize[i] = 0; } } return separateframesize; }; _pFrameSetBase._getTitleText = function (brecursive) { var titletext; titletext = this.titletext; if (brecursive) { var activeframe = this.getActiveFrame(); if (activeframe) { var subtitletext = activeframe._getTitleText(true); if (subtitletext.length > 0) { if (titletext.length > 0) { titletext += " - "; } titletext += subtitletext; } } } return titletext; }; _pFrameSetBase._getStatusText = function (brecursive) { var statustext; statustext = this.statustext; if (brecursive) { var activeframe = this.getActiveFrame(); if (activeframe) { var substatustext = activeframe._getStatusText(true); if (substatustext.length > 0) { if (statustext.length > 0) { statustext += " - "; } statustext += substatustext; } } } return statustext; }; delete _pFrameSetBase; nexacro.FrameSet_Style = function (target) { nexacro.FrameSetBase_Style.call(this, target); }; var _pFrameSetStyle = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.FrameSetBase_Style, nexacro.FrameSet_Style); nexacro.FrameSet_Style.prototype = _pFrameSetStyle; eval(nexacro._createValueAttributeEvalStr("_pFrameSetStyle", "minimizewidth")); eval(nexacro._createValueAttributeEvalStr("_pFrameSetStyle", "minimizeheight")); _pFrameSetStyle.__custom_emptyObject = function () { this.minimizewidth = null; this.minimizeheight = null; }; _pFrameSetStyle.__get_custom_style_value = function () { var val = ""; if (this.minimizewidth && !this.minimizewidth._is_empty) { val += "minimizewidth:" + this.minimizewidth._value + "; "; } if (this.minimizeheight && !this.minimizeheight._is_empty) { val += "minimizeheight:" + this.minimizeheight._value + "; "; } return val; }; nexacro.FrameSet_CurrentStyle = function () { nexacro.FrameSetBase_CurrentStyle.call(this); }; var _pFrameSetCurrentStyle = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.FrameSetBase_CurrentStyle, nexacro.FrameSet_CurrentStyle); nexacro.FrameSet_CurrentStyle.prototype = _pFrameSetCurrentStyle; _pFrameSetCurrentStyle.__custom_emptyObject = _pFrameSetStyle.__custom_emptyObject; _pFrameSetCurrentStyle.__get_custom_style_value = _pFrameSetStyle.__get_custom_style_value; delete _pFrameSetStyle; delete _pFrameSetCurrentStyle; nexacro.FrameSet = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.FrameSetBase.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); this.separatesize = ""; this.keepseparatesizewhenswap = false; this.childmoveeffect = null; this.childopenstatuseffect = null; this.ctrltaborder = 0; this.ctrltabtype = 0; this.minimizedchildposition = "bottom"; this._separatesize = []; this._minimizedchildposition = 3; this._is_autorecalc_frame = false; }; var _pFrameSet = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.FrameSetBase, nexacro.FrameSet); nexacro.FrameSet.prototype = _pFrameSet; _pFrameSet._type_name = "FrameSet"; _pFrameSet.on_apply_custom_pseudo = function (pseudo) { nexacro.Frame.prototype.on_apply_custom_pseudo.call(this); var curstyle = this.currentstyle; var minimizewidth = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_minimizewidth(pseudo); var apply_flag = false; if (minimizewidth != curstyle.minimizewidth) { curstyle.minimizewidth = minimizewidth; apply_flag = true; } var minimizeheight = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_minimizeheight(pseudo); if (minimizeheight != curstyle.minimizeheight) { curstyle.minimizeheight = minimizeheight; apply_flag = true; } if (apply_flag) { this.on_change_containerRect(this._client_width, this._client_height); } }; _pFrameSet.on_create_custom_style = function () { return new nexacro.FrameSet_Style(this); }; _pFrameSet.on_create_custom_currentStyle = function () { return new nexacro.FrameSet_CurrentStyle(); }; _pFrameSet.on_find_CurrentStyle_minimizewidth = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("minimizewidth", pseudo, "value"); }; _pFrameSet.on_find_CurrentStyle_minimizeheight = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("minimizeheight", pseudo, "value"); }; _pFrameSet.on_apply_style_minimizewidth = function () { }; _pFrameSet.on_apply_style_minimizeheight = function () { }; _pFrameSet.on_change_containerRect = function (width, height) { var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem) { var frameleft = 0; var frametop = 0; var framewidth = control_elem.client_width; var frameheight = control_elem.client_height; var frameright = frameleft + control_elem.client_width; var framebottom = frametop + control_elem.client_height; if (this._max_frame) { this._max_frame._move(frameleft, frametop, framewidth, frameheight); } var frames = this.frames; for (var i = 0, n = frames.length; i < n; i++) { var child = frames[i]; if (child == this._max_frame) { continue; } if (child._state_openstatus == 2) { child._setVerticalMin(false); var minwidth = 25 * 5; var minheight = -1; if (minheight == (-1)) { var titleheight = child.on_find_CurrentStyle_titlebarheight(); minheight = parseInt(titleheight.value) | 0; var borderval = child.on_find_CurrentStyle_border(); if (borderval) { minheight += borderval._getBorderTopWidth(); minheight += borderval._getBorderBottomWidth(); } } switch (this._minimizedchildposition) { case 0: framebottom = frametop + minheight; child._move(frameleft, frametop, minwidth, minheight); frametop = framebottom; break; case 1: frameright = frameleft + minwidth; child._move(frameleft, frametop, minwidth, minheight); frameleft = frameright; break; case 2: framebottom = frametop + minheight; child._move(frameright - minwidth, frametop, minwidth, minheight); frametop = framebottom; break; case 3: frameright = frameleft + minwidth; child._move(frameleft, framebottom - minheight, minwidth, minheight); frameleft = frameright; break; } } } } }; _pFrameSet.set_minimizewidth = function () { ; }; _pFrameSet.set_minimizeheight = function () { ; }; _pFrameSet.arrange = function (v) { if (this._max_frame) { this._max_frame.on_syscommand(this._max_frame._control_element, "restore", true, this._max_frame, null); } var arrangecnt = 0; var frames = this.frames; for (var i = 0, n = frames.length; i < n; i++) { var child = this._zorderMap[i]; if (child.visible == false || child._state_openstatus == 2) { continue; } arrangecnt++; } var frameleft = 0; var frametop = 0; var framewidth = this._client_width; var frameheight = this._client_height; if (v == "cascade") { var cascadecnt = 0; for (var temp = 100; ; cascadecnt++) { if (this._client_height < temp) { break; } temp += (60 + (cascadecnt * 10)); } var cascadegapx = this._getTitlebarHeight() > 0 ? this._getTitlebarHeight() : 20; var cascadegapy = cascadegapx; framewidth = this._client_width - (cascadegapx * cascadecnt); frameheight = this._client_height - (cascadegapy * cascadecnt); for (var i = 0, j = 0, n = frames.length; i < n; i++) { var child = this._zorderMap[i]; if (child.visible == false || child._state_openstatus == 2) { continue; } frameleft = cascadegapx * (j % (cascadecnt + 1)); frametop = cascadegapy * (j % (cascadecnt + 1)); child._move(frameleft, frametop, framewidth, frameheight); j++; } } if (v == "tilevertical") { var fixed = true; var rowcnt = parseInt(Math.sqrt(arrangecnt)) | 0; var colcnt = parseInt(arrangecnt / rowcnt) | 0; if ((arrangecnt % rowcnt) != 0) { rowcnt += 1; fixed = false; } var left = arrangecnt; for (var col = 0, i = 0; col < colcnt; col++) { for (var row = 0; row < rowcnt; ) { var child = this._zorderMap[i]; if (child.visible == false || child._state_openstatus == 2) { i++; continue; } var rc = { left : frameleft, top : frametop, right : frameleft + framewidth, bottom : frametop + frameheight }; rc.right = rc.left + ((rc.right - rc.left) / colcnt); rc.bottom = rc.top + ((rc.bottom - rc.top) / rowcnt); var width = rc.right - rc.left; var height = rc.bottom - rc.top; rc.left += (colcnt - col - 1) * width; rc.top += (rowcnt - row - 1) * height; rc.right += (colcnt - col - 1) * width; rc.bottom += (rowcnt - row - 1) * height; child._move(rc.left, rc.top, rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom - rc.top); row++, i++, left--; } if (!fixed && rowcnt > 2 && (left % (rowcnt - 1)) == 0) { rowcnt--; fixed = true; } } } if (v == "tilehorizontal") { var fixed = true; var colcnt = parseInt(Math.sqrt(arrangecnt)) | 0; var rowcnt = parseInt(arrangecnt / colcnt) | 0; if ((arrangecnt % colcnt) != 0) { rowcnt += 1; fixed = false; } var left = arrangecnt; for (var col = 0, i = 0; col < colcnt; col++) { for (var row = 0; row < rowcnt; ) { var child = this._zorderMap[i]; if (child.visible == false || child._state_openstatus == 2) { continue; } var rc = { left : frameleft, top : frametop, right : frameleft + framewidth, bottom : frametop + frameheight }; rc.right = rc.left + ((rc.right - rc.left) / colcnt); rc.bottom = rc.top + ((rc.bottom - rc.top) / rowcnt); var width = rc.right - rc.left; var height = rc.bottom - rc.top; rc.left += (colcnt - col - 1) * width; rc.top += (rowcnt - row - 1) * height; rc.right += (colcnt - col - 1) * width; rc.bottom += (rowcnt - row - 1) * height; child._move(rc.left, rc.top, rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom - rc.top); row++, i++, left--; } if (!fixed && rowcnt > 2 && (left % (rowcnt - 1)) == 0) { rowcnt--; fixed = true; } } } if (v == "vertical") { for (var i = 0, j = 0, n = frames.length; i < n; i++) { var child = this._zorderMap[i]; if (child.visible == false || child._state_openstatus == 2) { continue; } child._move(frameleft + (j * (framewidth / arrangecnt)), frametop, (framewidth / arrangecnt), frameheight); j++; } } if (v == "horizontal") { var top = frametop; for (var i = 0, n = frames.length; i < n; i++) { var child = this._zorderMap[i]; if (child.visible == false || child._state_openstatus == 2) { continue; } var rc = { left : frameleft, top : frametop, right : frameleft + framewidth, bottom : frametop + frameheight }; rc.top = top; rc.bottom = rc.top + (frameheight / arrangecnt); var minx = 0, miny = 0; if (rc.bottom - rc.top < miny) { rc.bottom = rc.top + miny; } top = rc.bottom + 1; child._move(frameleft, rc.top, framewidth, rc.bottom - rc.top); } } }; delete _pFrameSet; nexacro.VFrameSet = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.FrameSetBase.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); }; var _pVFrameSet = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.FrameSetBase, nexacro.VFrameSet); nexacro.VFrameSet.prototype = _pVFrameSet; _pVFrameSet._type_name = "VFrameSet"; _pVFrameSet.on_change_containerRect = function (width, height) { nexacro.Frame.prototype.on_change_containerRect.call(this, width, height); var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem) { var framesize = this._recalcSeparateFrameSize(height); var cnt = this.frames.length; var frameleft = 0; var frametop = 0; var framebottom = 0; var frameright = frameleft + width; var maxframeheight = this._client_height; if (this._max_frame) { var maxidx = -1; var minheight = 0; for (var i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { var child = this.frames[i]; if (child == this._max_frame) { maxidx = i; continue; } var titleheight = child.on_find_CurrentStyle_titlebarheight(); minheight = parseInt(titleheight.value) | 0; var borderval = child.on_find_CurrentStyle_border(); if (borderval) { minheight += borderval._getBorderTopWidth(); minheight += borderval._getBorderBottomWidth(); } maxframeheight -= minheight; framesize[i] = minheight; } framesize[maxidx] = maxframeheight; } var preframe_minimized = false; var gap = 0; for (var i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { var child = this.frames[i]; if (preframe_minimized) { frametop = framebottom; preframe_minimized = false; } if (child._state_openstatus == 2) { child._setVerticalMin(false); var minheight = 0; var titleheight = child.on_find_CurrentStyle_titlebarheight(); minheight = parseInt(titleheight.value) | 0; var borderval = child.on_find_CurrentStyle_border(); if (borderval) { minheight += borderval._getBorderTopWidth(); minheight += borderval._getBorderBottomWidth(); } gap += framesize[i] - minheight; framesize[i] = minheight; preframe_minimized = true; } if (child._state_openstatus != 2) { framesize[i] += gap; gap = 0; } framebottom = framesize[i] + frametop; if (child != this._track_frame) { child._move(frameleft, frametop, frameright - frameleft, framebottom - frametop); } frametop = framebottom; } } }; _pVFrameSet.arrange = nexacro._emptyFn; _pVFrameSet.set_minimizedchildposition = nexacro._emptyFn; delete _pVFrameSet; nexacro.HFrameSet = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.FrameSetBase.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); }; var _pHFrameSet = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.FrameSetBase, nexacro.HFrameSet); nexacro.HFrameSet.prototype = _pHFrameSet; _pHFrameSet._type_name = "HFrameSet"; _pHFrameSet.on_change_containerRect = function (width, height) { nexacro.Frame.prototype.on_change_containerRect.call(this, width, height); var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem) { var framesize = this._recalcSeparateFrameSize(width); var cnt = this.frames.length; var frameleft = 0; var frametop = 0; var frameright = 0; var framebottom = frametop + height; var maxframewidth = this._client_width; if (this._max_frame) { var maxidx = -1; var minwidth = 0; for (var i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { var child = this.frames[i]; if (child == this._max_frame) { maxidx = i; continue; } var titleheight = child.on_find_CurrentStyle_titlebarheight(); minwidth = parseInt(titleheight.value) | 0; var borderval = child.on_find_CurrentStyle_border(); if (borderval) { minwidth += borderval._getBorderLeftWidth(); minwidth += borderval._getBorderRightWidth(); } maxframewidth -= minwidth; framesize[i] = minwidth; } framesize[maxidx] = maxframewidth; } var preframe_minimized = false; var gap = 0; for (var i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { var child = this.frames[i]; if (preframe_minimized) { frameleft = frameright; preframe_minimized = false; } if (child._state_openstatus == 2) { child._setVerticalMin(true); var minwidth = 0; var titleheight = child.on_find_CurrentStyle_titlebarheight(); minwidth = parseInt(titleheight.value) | 0; var borderval = child.on_find_CurrentStyle_border(); if (borderval) { minwidth += borderval._getBorderLeftWidth(); minwidth += borderval._getBorderRightWidth(); } gap += framesize[i] - minwidth; framesize[i] = minwidth; preframe_minimized = true; } if (child._state_openstatus != 2) { if (this._max_frame && child != this._max_frame) { child._setVerticalMin(true); } else { child._setVerticalMin(false); } framesize[i] += gap; gap = 0; } frameright = framesize[i] + frameleft; if (child != this._track_frame) { child._move(frameleft, frametop, frameright - frameleft, framebottom - frametop); } frameleft = frameright; } } }; _pHFrameSet.arrange = nexacro._emptyFn; _pHFrameSet.set_minimizedchildposition = nexacro._emptyFn; delete _pHFrameSet; nexacro.TileFrameSet = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.FrameSetBase.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); this.separatetype = "horizontal"; this.separatecount = 1; this.fullframemaximize = true; this.minimizedchildposition = "bottom"; this._separatetype = 0; this._minimizedchildposition = 3; }; var _pTileFrameSet = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.FrameSetBase, nexacro.TileFrameSet); nexacro.TileFrameSet.prototype = _pTileFrameSet; _pTileFrameSet._type_name = "TileFrameSet"; _pTileFrameSet.on_change_containerRect = function (width, height) { nexacro.Frame.prototype.on_change_containerRect.call(this, width, height); var control_elem = this._control_element; if (control_elem) { var framecnt = this.frames.length; var fullframewidth = control_elem.client_width; var fullframeheight = control_elem.client_height; if (this.fullframemaximize == false) { if (this._max_frame) { for (var i = 0, n = this.frames.length; i < n; i++) { if (this._max_frame != this.frames[i] && this.frames[i]._state_openstatus != 2) { this.frames[i].openstatus = "minimize"; this.frames[i]._change_state_OpenStatus(2); } } } else { for (var i = 0, n = this.frames.length; i < n; i++) { if (this.frames[i]._state_openstatus == 2) { this.frames[i].openstatus = "normal"; this.frames[i]._change_state_OpenStatus(0); } } } } var minimizeframecnt = this._getMinimizeFrameCount(); var normalframecnt = (framecnt - minimizeframecnt) > 0 ? framecnt - minimizeframecnt : 1; var separatecnt = this.separatecount > 0 ? this.separatecount : 1; var framerowcnt = parseInt(normalframecnt / separatecnt) + (parseInt(normalframecnt % separatecnt) > 0 ? 1 : 0); var horzminarea = false; if (this._minimizedchildposition == 1 || this._minimizedchildposition == 3) { horzminarea = true; } var minareawidth = 0, minareaheight = 0; if (horzminarea) { minareawidth = width; if (minimizeframecnt > 0) { minareaheight = this._getMaxMinimizedHeight(); if (minareaheight == (-1)) { minareaheight = 25; } } } else { minareaheight = height; if (minimizeframecnt > 0) { minareawidth = this._getMaxMinimizedWidth(); if (minareawidth == (-1)) { minareawidth = 150; } } } var displayframewidth = 0, displayframeheight = 0; if (this._separatetype == 1) { displayframewidth = (width - (horzminarea ? 0 : minareawidth)) / framerowcnt; displayframeheight = height - (horzminarea ? minareaheight : 0); } else { displayframewidth = width - (horzminarea ? 0 : minareawidth); displayframeheight = (height - (horzminarea ? minareaheight : 0)) / framerowcnt; } var newcnt = framecnt - separatecnt > 0 ? separatecnt : framecnt; var realcolcnt = normalframecnt - separatecnt > 0 ? separatecnt : normalframecnt; var realtotalsize = 0; if (this._separatetype == 1) { realtotalsize = height; if (horzminarea) { realtotalsize -= minareaheight; } } else { realtotalsize = width; if (!horzminarea) { realtotalsize -= minareawidth; } } var framesize = this._recalcSeparateFrameSize(realtotalsize, realcolcnt, realcolcnt); var frameleft = 0; var frametop = 0; var frameright = frameleft + width; var framebottom = frametop + height; if (minimizeframecnt > 0) { switch (this._minimizedchildposition) { case 0: frameleft += minareawidth; break; case 1: frametop += minareaheight; break; case 2: frameright -= minareawidth; break; case 3: framebottom -= minareaheight; break; } } if (this._separatetype == 1) { frameright = frameleft + displayframewidth; } else { framebottom = frametop + displayframeheight; } if (this._max_frame) { if (this.fullframemaximize) { this._max_frame._move(0, 0, fullframewidth, fullframeheight); } else { this._max_frame._move(frameleft, frametop, frameright - frameleft, framebottom - frametop); } if (this._control_element && this._max_frame._control_element) { this._control_element.bringToFrontElement(this._max_frame._control_element); } } else if (this.fullframemaximize == false) { var frames = this.frames; for (var i = 0, n = frames.length; i < n; i++) { if (frames[i]._state_openstatus == 2) { frames[i]._change_state_OpenStatus(1); } } } var i = 0, j = 0, k = 0; for (i = 0; i < framerowcnt; i++) { for (j = 0; j < realcolcnt && k < framecnt; k++) { var child = this.frames[k]; if (child == this._max_frame) { continue; } if (child._state_openstatus == 2) { continue; } if (this._separatetype == 1) { framebottom = framesize[j] + frametop; } else { frameright = framesize[j] + frameleft; } if (child != this._track_frame) { child._move(frameleft, frametop, frameright - frameleft, framebottom - frametop); } if (this._separatetype == 1) { frametop = framebottom; } else { frameleft = frameright; } j++; } if (this._separatetype == 1) { frametop = 0; frameleft = frameright; frameright = frameleft + displayframewidth; if (this._minimizedchildposition == 1) { frametop += minareaheight; } } else { frameleft = 0; frametop = framebottom; framebottom = frametop + displayframeheight; if (this._minimizedchildposition == 0) { frameleft += minareawidth; } } } if (minimizeframecnt <= 0) { return; } var minframeleft = 0; var minframetop = 0; var minframeright = minframeleft + this._client_width; var minframebottom = minframetop + this._client_height; switch (this._minimizedchildposition) { case 0: minframeright = minframeleft + minareawidth; break; case 1: minframebottom = minframetop + minareaheight; break; case 2: minframeleft = minframeright - minareawidth; break; case 3: minframetop = minframebottom - minareaheight; break; } var defaultminwidth = 150; var minwidth = width - (minimizeframecnt * defaultminwidth); minwidth = minwidth > 0 ? defaultminwidth : (width / minimizeframecnt); minwidth = minwidth < 100 ? 100 : minwidth; for (i = 0; i < framecnt; i++) { var child = this.frames[i]; if (child._state_openstatus == 2) { child._setVerticalMin(false); var minheight = -1; if (minheight == (-1)) { var titleheight = child.on_find_CurrentStyle_titlebarheight(); minheight = parseInt(titleheight.value) | 0; var borderval = child.on_find_CurrentStyle_border(); if (borderval) { minheight += borderval._getBorderTopWidth(); minheight += borderval._getBorderBottomWidth(); } } switch (this._minimizedchildposition) { case 0: minframebottom = minframetop + minheight; child._move(minframeleft, minframetop, minframeright - minframeleft, minheight); minframetop = minframebottom; break; case 1: minframeright = minframeleft + minwidth; child._move(minframeleft, minframetop, minwidth, minframebottom - minframeleft); minframeleft = minframeright; break; case 2: minframebottom = minframetop + minheight; child._move(minframeleft, minframetop, minframeright - minframeleft, minheight); minframetop = minframebottom; break; case 3: minframeright = minframeleft + minwidth; child._move(minframeleft, minframetop, minwidth, minframebottom - minframetop); minframeleft = minframeright; break; } } } } }; _pTileFrameSet.set_separatetype = function (v) { if (this.separatetype != v) { this.separatetype = v; this._separatetype = (v == "vertical" ? 1 : 0); if (this._control_element) { this.on_change_containerRect(this._control_element.client_width, this._control_element.client_height); } } }; _pTileFrameSet.set_separatecount = function (v) { var separatecount = nexacro._parseInt(v); if (this.separatecount != separatecount) { if (separatecount < 0) { this.separatecount = 1; } else { this.separatecount = separatecount; } if (this._control_element) { this.on_change_containerRect(this._control_element.client_width, this._control_element.client_height); } } }; _pTileFrameSet.set_fullframemaximize = function (v) { var fullframemaximize = nexacro._toBoolean(v); if (this.fullframemaximize != fullframemaximize) { this.fullframemaximize = fullframemaximize; var frames = this.frames; for (var i = 0, n = frames.length; i < n; i++) { var child = frames[i]; if (child.titlebar) { if (fullframemaximize == false) { child.titlebar._setAbsoluteStyle(0x0001, 0); } else { child.titlebar._setAbsoluteStyle(0x0100, 0x0001); child.titlebar._setAbsoluteStyle(0, 0x0100); } } } if (this._control_element) { this.on_change_containerRect(this._control_element.client_width, this._control_element.client_height); } } }; _pTileFrameSet.arrange = nexacro._emptyFn; _pTileFrameSet._getMaxMinimizedWidth = function () { var max = -1; var frames = this.frames; for (var i = 0, n = frames.length; i < n; i++) { var child = frames[i]; if (child._state_openstatus != 2) { continue; } } return max; }; _pTileFrameSet._getMaxMinimizedHeight = function () { var max = -1; var frames = this.frames; for (var i = 0, n = frames.length; i < n; i++) { var child = frames[i]; if (child._state_openstatus != 2) { continue; } var minheight = -1; if (minheight == (-1)) { var titleheight = child.on_find_CurrentStyle_titlebarheight(); minheight = parseInt(titleheight.value) | 0; var borderval = child.on_find_CurrentStyle_border(); if (borderval) { minheight += borderval._getBorderTopWidth(); minheight += borderval._getBorderBottomWidth(); } if (minheight > max) { max = minheight; } } } return max; }; delete _pTileFrameSet; if (!nexacro.MainTitleBarCtrl) { nexacro.MainTitleBarCtrl = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.TitleBarCtrl.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); this._hittest_type = "caption"; }; var _pMainTitleBarCtrl = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.TitleBarCtrl, nexacro.MainTitleBarCtrl); nexacro.MainTitleBarCtrl.prototype = _pMainTitleBarCtrl; delete _pMainTitleBarCtrl; } if (!nexacro.ChildTitleBarCtrl) { nexacro.ChildTitleBarCtrl = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.TitleBarCtrl.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); this._is_subcontrol = true; if (parent && parent._is_frame && parent._is_window && parent._dragmovetype != 0) { this._hittest_type = "caption"; } }; var _pChildTitleBarCtrl = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.TitleBarCtrl, nexacro.ChildTitleBarCtrl); nexacro.ChildTitleBarCtrl.prototype = _pChildTitleBarCtrl; delete _pChildTitleBarCtrl; } if (!nexacro.MainStatusBarCtrl) { nexacro.MainStatusBarCtrl = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.StatusBarCtrl.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); this.zoomcombo = null; this.zoomcombogap = 1; this.zoomcomboheight = 20; this.zoomcombowidth = 70; this._comm_progress_ref = 0; this._comm_progress_timer = null; }; var _pMainStatusBarCtrl = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.StatusBarCtrl, nexacro.MainStatusBarCtrl); nexacro.MainStatusBarCtrl.prototype = _pMainStatusBarCtrl; _pMainStatusBarCtrl._movezoomcombo = function (left, top, bar_width, bar_height) { if (!this.zoomcombo) { return; } var curstyle = this.currentstyle; var zoomcombowidth = curstyle.zoomcombowidth > 0 ? curstyle.zoomcombowidth._value : 70; var zoomcomboheight = curstyle.zoomcomboheight > 0 ? curstyle.zoomcomboheight._value : 20; var zoomcombogap = curstyle.zoomcombogap > 0 ? curstyle.zoomcombogap._value : 2; left = left - zoomcombowidth - zoomcombogap; left = left > 0 ? left : 0; top = ((bar_height - zoomcomboheight) / 2) | 0; if (top < 0) { top = 0; } this.zoomcombo.move(left, top, zoomcombowidth, zoomcomboheight); return left; }; if (nexacro.Browser == "Runtime") { _pMainStatusBarCtrl._beginCommProgress = function () { var cur_ref = ++this._comm_progress_ref; if (cur_ref == 1) { var progressbar = this.progressbar; if (progressbar) { progressbar.set_max(1000); progressbar.set_pos(0); } var progress_timer = new nexacro.CallbackTimer(this, function () { var progressbar = this.progressbar; if (!progressbar) { return; } var cur_pos = progressbar.pos; cur_pos += Math.max(1, (1000 - cur_pos) / (100 * this._comm_progress_ref)); if (cur_pos > 990) { cur_pos = 990; } progressbar.set_pos(cur_pos); }, 500); progress_timer.start(); this._comm_progress_timer = progress_timer; } }; _pMainStatusBarCtrl._stepCommProgress = function (current, overall) { var progressbar = this.progressbar; if (progressbar) { progressbar.set_max(overall); progressbar.set_pos(current); } }; _pMainStatusBarCtrl._endCommProgress = function () { var cur_ref = --this._comm_progress_ref; if (cur_ref == 0) { var progressbar = this.progressbar; if (progressbar) { progressbar.set_pos(0); } if (this._comm_progress_timer) { this._comm_progress_timer.stop(); } } }; } else { _pMainStatusBarCtrl._beginCommProgress = nexacro._emptyFn; _pMainStatusBarCtrl._stepCommProgress = nexacro._emptyFn; _pMainStatusBarCtrl._endCommProgress = nexacro._emptyFn; } delete _pMainStatusBarCtrl; } if (!nexacro.ChildStatusBarCtrl) { nexacro.ChildStatusBarCtrl = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.StatusBarCtrl.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); this._showzoomcombo = false; }; var _pChildStatusBarCtrl = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.StatusBarCtrl, nexacro.ChildStatusBarCtrl); nexacro.ChildStatusBarCtrl.prototype = _pChildStatusBarCtrl; delete _pChildStatusBarCtrl; } }