//============================================================================== // // TOBESOFT Co., Ltd. // Copyright 2014 TOBESOFT Co., Ltd. // All Rights Reserved. // // NOTICE: TOBESOFT permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file // in accordance with the terms of the license agreement accompanying it. // // Readme URL: http://www.nexacro.co.kr/legal/nexacro-public-license-readme-1.1.html // //============================================================================== if (!nexacro.Device || nexacro.OS == "iOS") { if (!nexacro._init_deviceobjs_api) { nexacro._createFileDialogObject = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._setFileDialogHandleDefaultExtension = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._setFileDialogHandleFilter = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._setFileDialogHandleFilterIndex = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._setFileDialogHandleAsync = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._openFileDialogHandle = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._createVirtualFileObject = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._setVirtualFileHandleFileName = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._setVirtualFileHandleFullPath = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._setVirtualFileHandlePath = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._openVirtualFileHandle = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._closeVirtualFileHandle = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._readVirtualFileHandle = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._readlineVirtualFileHandle = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._seekVirtualFileHandle = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._writeVirtualFileHandle = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._removeVirtualFileHandle = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._getFileListVirtualFileHandle = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._getFileSizeVirtualFileHandle = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._isExistVirtualFileHandle = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._copyVirtualFileHandle = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._renameVirtualFileHandle = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._createDirectoryVirtualFileHandle = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._deleteDirectoryVirtualFileHandle = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._renameDirectoryVirtualFileHandle = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._showModalSync = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._showModalWindow = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._attachChildFrame = function (_cur_win, _doc, key, adl_url, div_id, fdl_url) { nexacro.__attachChildFrame(_cur_win, _doc, key, adl_url, div_id, fdl_url); }; nexacro._setIconWidget = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._setTopmostWidget = nexacro._emptyFn; } if (!nexacro.FileDialog && nexacro.OS != "iOS") { nexacro.FileDialog = function (id, parent) { this.id = this.name = id; if (parent) { this.parent = parent; var curFrame = parent._getOwnerFrame(); if (curFrame._window) { this._winhandle = curFrame._window._handle; } else { this._winhandle = nexacro._getMainWindowHandle(); } } this.defaultextension = true; this.filter = ""; this.filterindex = 0; this.async = "true"; this._event_list = { "onclose" : 1, "onerror" : 1 }; this.onclose = null; this.onerror = null; this._handle = nexacro._createFileDialogObject(this); }; nexacro.FileDialog.LOAD = 1; nexacro.FileDialog.SAVE = 2; nexacro.FileDialog.MULTILOAD = 3; nexacro.FileDialog.SELFOLDER = 4; var _pFileDialog = nexacro.FileDialog.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.EventSinkObject, nexacro.FileDialog); _pFileDialog._type_name = "FileDialog"; _pFileDialog.on_created = function () { }; _pFileDialog.destroy = function () { if (this._handle) { this._handle = null; } return true; }; _pFileDialog.set_defaultextension = function (v) { if (this.pramck_filedialog_defaultextension(v)) { v = nexacro._toBoolean(v); this.defaultextension = v; nexacro._setFileDialogHandleDefaultExtension(this, v); return true; } else { return false; } }; _pFileDialog.set_filter = function (v) { if (this.pramck_filedialog_filter(v)) { var filterarr = v.split("|"); var f_len = filterarr.length; if (f_len < 2) { return false; } if ((f_len % 2 == 1) && filterarr[f_len - 1] != "") { return false; } var normalize = /[\*].[a-zA-Z0-9가-힣\*]/gi; for (var i = 0; i < f_len; i++) { if (i % 2 == 1) { if (normalize.test(filterarr[i]) == false) { return false; } normalize.lastIndex = 0; } } this.filter = v; nexacro._setFileDialogHandleFilter(this, v); return true; } else { return false; } }; _pFileDialog.set_filterindex = function (v) { if (this.pramck_filedialog_numbercheck(v)) { this.filterindex = v; nexacro._setFileDialogHandleFilterIndex(this, v); return true; } else { return false; } }; _pFileDialog.set_async = function (v) { if (v == "true" || v == "false" || v == true || v == false) { v = nexacro._toBoolean(v); this.async = v; nexacro._setFileDialogHandleAsync(this, v); return true; } else { return false; } }; _pFileDialog.open = function (strTitle, constOpenMode, strInitialPath, strFileName) { if (strInitialPath == null && strFileName == null) { strInitialPath = "%USERAPP%"; strFileName = ""; } else if (strFileName == null) { strFileName = ""; } else if (strFileName != null) { } else { return false; } if (!this.pramck_filedialogOpen(strTitle, constOpenMode, strInitialPath, strFileName)) { return false; } if (this.filter == "") { var filter = "All(*.*)|*.*|"; this.filter = filter; this.set_filter(filter); } var filterarr = this.filter.split("|"); if (this.defaultextension == true && this.filterindex >= (filterarr.length / 2)) { return false; } if (this._handle) { nexacro._openFileDialogHandle(this, strTitle, constOpenMode, strInitialPath, strFileName); } return true; }; _pFileDialog.on_close = function (reason, path, virtualfiles) { var _virtualFile = virtualfiles; var arr = new Array(_virtualFile.length); for (var i = 0; i < _virtualFile.length; i++) { var obj = new nexacro.VirtualFile("VirtualFile", ""); obj.filename = _virtualFile[i].filename; obj.fullpath = _virtualFile[i].fullpath; obj.path = _virtualFile[i].path; arr[i] = obj; if (obj._handle) { obj._handle = null; } } var e = new nexacro.FileDialogEventInfo("onclose", reason, path, arr); this.on_fire_onclose(this, e); }; _pFileDialog.on_fire_onclose = function (objFileDialog, eFileDialogEventInfo) { if (this.onclose && this.onclose._has_handlers) { return this.onclose._fireEvent(this, eFileDialogEventInfo); } return true; }; _pFileDialog.pramck_filedialog_defaultextension = function (property) { if (property == null || typeof (property) == "undefined" || typeof (property) != "boolean") { if (property.toLowerCase() == 'true' || property.toLowerCase() == 'false') { return true; } else { return false; } } else { return true; } }; _pFileDialog.pramck_filedialog_filter = function (property) { if (property == null || typeof (property) == "undefined" || typeof (property) != "string") { return false; } else { return true; } }; _pFileDialog.pramck_filedialog_numbercheck = function (property) { if (property == null || typeof (property) == "undefined") { return false; } if (!this._publicNumCheck(property)) { return false; } return true; }; _pFileDialog.pramck_filedialogOpen = function (strTitle, constOpenMode, strInitialPath, strFileName) { if (strTitle == null || typeof (strTitle) == "undefined") { return false; } if (constOpenMode == null || typeof (constOpenMode) == "undefined") { return false; } else { if (!this._publicNumCheck(constOpenMode)) { return false; } if (constOpenMode > 4 || constOpenMode < 1) { return false; } } if (strInitialPath == null || typeof (strInitialPath) == "undefined") { return false; } if (strFileName == null || typeof (strFileName) == "undefined") { return false; } return true; }; _pFileDialog._publicNumCheck = function (v) { try { var strlength = v.toString().split(" ").join(""); } catch (e) { return false; } if (strlength.length == 0) { return false; } try { var numberss = Number(v.toString()); } catch (e) { return false; } if ((+numberss) != (+numberss)) { return false; } return true; }; delete _pFileDialog; } if (!nexacro.FileDialogEventInfo) { nexacro.FileDialogEventInfo = function (strEventId, strReason, strPath, arrVirtualfiles) { this.eventid = strEventId; this.reason = strReason; this.path = strPath; this.virtualfiles = arrVirtualfiles; }; var _pFileDialogEventInfo = nexacro.FileDialogEventInfo.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.FileDialogEventInfo); _pFileDialogEventInfo._type_name = "FileDialogEventInfo"; delete _pFileDialogEventInfo; } } if (!nexacro.Device || nexacro.OS == "Android" || nexacro.OS == "iOS") { if (!nexacro.VirtualFile) { nexacro.VirtualFile = function (id, parent) { if (nexacro.OS == "iOS") { this._id = nexacro.Device.makeID(); nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._id] = this; } this.id = this.name = id; if (parent) { this.parent = parent; } this.filename = ""; this.fullpath = ""; this.path = ""; this.async = "true"; this._event_list = { "onsuccess" : 1, "onerror" : 1 }; this._ref_file = null; this.onsuccess = null; this.onerror = null; this._handle = nexacro._createVirtualFileObject(this); if (nexacro.OS == "iOS") { var params = '{"strFilename":"' + this.filename + '","fullpath":"' + this.fullpath + '","path":"' + this.path + '"}'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"VirtualFile", "method":"constructor", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); } }; nexacro.VirtualFile.openRead = 0x0001; nexacro.VirtualFile.openWrite = 0x0002; nexacro.VirtualFile.openAppend = 0x0010; nexacro.VirtualFile.openCreate = 0x1000; nexacro.VirtualFile.openText = 0x0100; nexacro.VirtualFile.openBinary = 0x0200; nexacro.VirtualFile.seekBegin = 0x0000; nexacro.VirtualFile.seekCurrent = 0x0001; nexacro.VirtualFile.seekEnd = 0x0002; nexacro.VirtualFile.findAll = 0x0001; nexacro.VirtualFile.findFileOnly = 0x0002; nexacro.VirtualFile.findDirectoryOnly = 0x0003; nexacro.VirtualFile.findCaseless = 0x0010; var _pVirtualFile = nexacro.VirtualFile.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.EventSinkObject, nexacro.VirtualFile); _pVirtualFile._type_name = "VirtualFile"; _pVirtualFile.on_created = function () { }; _pVirtualFile.destroy = function () { if (this._ref_file) { this._ref_file = null; } if (this._handle) { this._handle = null; } if (nexacro.OS == "iOS") { var params = '""'; var jsonstr; delete nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._id]; jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"VirtualFile", "method":"destroy", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); } return true; }; _pVirtualFile.set_filename = function (v) { if (this.pramck_virtualproperty(v)) { this.filename = v; nexacro._setVirtualFileHandleFileName(this, v); return true; } else { return false; } }; _pVirtualFile.set_fullpath = function (v) { if (this.pramck_virtualproperty(v)) { this.fullpath = v; nexacro._setVirtualFileHandleFullPath(this, v); return true; } else { return false; } }; _pVirtualFile.set_path = function (v) { if (this.pramck_virtualproperty(v)) { this.path = v; nexacro._setVirtualFileHandlePath(this, v); return true; } else { return false; } }; _pVirtualFile.set_async = function (v) { if (v == "true" || v == "false" || v == true || v == false || nexacro.OS != "iOS") { v = nexacro._toBoolean(v); this.async = v; nexacro._setVirtualFileHandleAsync(this, v); return true; } else { return false; } }; _pVirtualFile.set_filename = nexacro._emptyFn; _pVirtualFile.set_fullpath = nexacro._emptyFn; _pVirtualFile.set_path = nexacro._emptyFn; _pVirtualFile.open = function (strFileName, nOptions) { var nConstOptions = ""; var fullpath = ""; if (strFileName == null) { nConstOptions = strFileName; } else if (strFileName != null) { nConstOptions = nOptions; fullpath = strFileName; fullpath = fullpath.split("\\").join("/"); this.fullpath = fullpath; this.set_fullpath(fullpath); } else { return false; } var index_path = fullpath.lastIndexOf("/"); if (index_path == -1) { index_path = fullpath.lastIndexOf("%"); } var path = path = fullpath.substring(0, index_path + 1); this.path = path; this.set_path(path); var index_name = fullpath.lastIndexOf("/"); if (index_name == -1) { index_name = fullpath.lastIndexOf("%"); } var filename = fullpath.substring(index_name + 1, fullpath.length); this.filename = filename; this.set_filename(filename); if (!this.pramck_open(path, nConstOptions)) { return false; } if (this._handle) { nexacro._openVirtualFileHandle(this, strFileName, nConstOptions); } if (nexacro.OS == "iOS") { var iosfilepath = ""; var rootPathCheck = fullpath.substring(0, 9); if (rootPathCheck.toLowerCase() == "%userapp%") { iosfilepath = "_userapp_" + fullpath.substring(9, fullpath.length); } else { var _filecache = application._getFileCache(strFileName); if (null != _filecache) { iosfilepath = "_userapp_" + _filecache; } else { iosfilepath = strFileName; } } this.strFilename = iosfilepath; var params = ""; params = '{"strFilename":"' + this.strFilename + '","nOptions":"' + nConstOptions + '"}'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"VirtualFile", "method":"open", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); } return true; }; _pVirtualFile.close = function () { if (this._handle) { nexacro._closeVirtualFileHandle(this); } if (nexacro.OS == "iOS") { var params = '""'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"VirtualFile", "method":"close", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); } }; _pVirtualFile.read = function (nLength, strCharset) { var _nLen = -1; var _strCharset = "utf-8"; if (arguments.length == 1) { _nLen = nLength || -1; } else if (arguments.length == 2) { _nLen = nLength; _strCharset = strCharset; } if (!this.pramck_Read(_nLen)) { return false; } if (this._handle) { nexacro._readVirtualFileHandle(this, _nLen, _strCharset); } if (nexacro.OS == "iOS") { var params = '{ "nLength":"' + _nLen; params += '", "strCharset":"' + _strCharset; params += '"}'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"VirtualFile", "method":"read", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); } return true; }; _pVirtualFile.readLine = function (strDelimeter, strCharset) { var _strDelimeter = ""; var _strCharset = "utf-8"; if (arguments.length == 1) { _strDelimeter = strDelimeter; } else if (arguments.length == 2) { _strDelimeter = strDelimeter; _strCharset = strCharset; } if (!this.pramck_ReadLine(_strDelimeter)) { return false; } if (this._handle) { nexacro._readlineVirtualFileHandle(this, _strDelimeter, _strCharset); } if (nexacro.OS == "iOS") { var params = '{ "strDelimeter":"' + _strDelimeter; params += '", "strCharset":"' + _strCharset; params += '"}'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"VirtualFile", "method":"readLine", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); } return true; }; _pVirtualFile.seek = function (nOffset, nOption) { var _nOffset = ""; var _nOption = ""; if (arguments.length == 1) { _nOffset = nOffset; _nOption = VirtualFile.seekCurrent; } else if (arguments.length == 2) { _nOffset = nOffset; _nOption = nOption; } if (!this.paramck_Seek(_nOffset, _nOption)) { return false; } if (this._handle) { nexacro._seekVirtualFileHandle(this, _nOffset, _nOption); } if (nexacro.OS == "iOS") { var params = '{ "nOffset":"' + _nOffset; params += '", "nOption":"' + _nOption; params += '"}'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"VirtualFile", "method":"seek", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); } return true; }; _pVirtualFile.write = function (varData, strCharset) { var _varData = varData; var _strCharset = "utf-8"; if (typeof (_varData) == "undefined" || _varData.length == 0) { return false; } if (arguments.length == 2) { _strCharset = strCharset; } if (this._handle) { nexacro._writeVirtualFileHandle(this, _varData, _strCharset); } if (nexacro.OS == "iOS") { var params = '{ "varData":"' + _varData; params += '", "strCharset":"' + _strCharset; params += '"}'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"VirtualFile", "method":"write", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); } return true; }; _pVirtualFile.remove = function (strFilePath) { var _strFilePath = ""; if (strFilePath instanceof nexacro.VirtualFile) { _strFilePath = strFilePath.fullpath; } else { _strFilePath = strFilePath; } if (!this.pramck_Delete(_strFilePath)) { return false; } if (this._handle) { nexacro._removeVirtualFileHandle(this, _strFilePath); } if (nexacro.OS == "iOS") { var deletetPath = ""; var rootPathCheck = ""; var iosfilepath = ""; rootPathCheck = _strFilePath.substring(0, 9); if (rootPathCheck.toLowerCase() == "%userapp%") { iosfilepath = "_userapp_" + _strFilePath.substring(9, _strFilePath.length); } else { var _filecache = application._getFileCache(strFilePath); if (null != _filecache) { iosfilepath = "_userapp_" + _filecache; } else { iosfilepath = _strFilePath; } } deletetPath = iosfilepath; var params = '{"strFilePath":"' + deletetPath + '"}'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ',"div":"VirtualFile", "method":"remove", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); } return true; }; _pVirtualFile.getFileList = function (strPath, strSearchExpr, nOptions) { var _strPath = strPath; var _strSearchExpr = strSearchExpr; var nConstOptions = nOptions; if (typeof (nConstOptions) == "undefined") { nConstOptions = VirtualFile.findAll; } if (strPath == null || strSearchExpr == null || !this.pramck_GetFileList(_strPath, _strSearchExpr, nConstOptions)) { return false; } if (arguments.length < 2) { return false; } if (this._handle) { nexacro._getFileListVirtualFileHandle(this, _strPath, _strSearchExpr, nConstOptions); } if (nexacro.OS == "iOS") { var params = '{"strPath":"' + _strPath + '" ,"strSearchExpr":"' + _strSearchExpr + '","constOption":"' + nConstOptions + '"}'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"VirtualFile", "method":"getFileList", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); } return true; }; _pVirtualFile.getFileSize = function () { var ret = 0; if (this._handle) { if (this.fullpath != null && this.fullpath != "") { ret = nexacro._getFileSizeVirtualFileHandle(this, this.fullpath); } } else { if (this._ref_file) { ret = this._ref_file.size; } } if (nexacro.OS == "iOS") { var params; var iosfilepath = ""; var rootPathCheck = this.fullpath.substring(0, 9); if (rootPathCheck.toLowerCase() == "%userapp%") { iosfilepath = "_userapp_" + this.fullpath.substring(9, this.fullpath.length); } params = '{ "strPath":"' + iosfilepath + '"}'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"VirtualFile", "method":"getFileSize", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); } return ret; }; _pVirtualFile.isExist = function (strPath) { if (!this.pramck_IsExist(strPath)) { return false; } if (this._handle) { nexacro._isExistVirtualFileHandle(this, strPath); } if (nexacro.OS == "iOS") { var params = '{ "strPath":"' + strPath + '"}'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"VirtualFile", "method":"isExist", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); } return true; }; _pVirtualFile.copy = function (path, destpath) { if (!this.pramck_IsExist(path)) { return false; } if (!this.pramck_IsExist(destpath)) { return false; } if (this._handle) { nexacro._copyVirtualFileHandle(this, path, destpath); } if (nexacro.OS == "iOS") { var userapppath = path.substring(0, 9); if (userapppath.toLowerCase() == "%userapp%") { path = "_userapp_" + path.substring(9, path.length); } else { return false; } userapppath = destpath.substring(0, 9); if (userapppath.toLowerCase() == "%userapp%") { destpath = "_userapp_" + destpath.substring(9, destpath.length); } var params = '{ "path":"' + path + '","destpath":"' + destpath + '"}'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"VirtualFile", "method":"copy", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); } return true; }; _pVirtualFile.rename = function (path, destpath) { if (!this.pramck_IsExist(path)) { return false; } if (!this.pramck_IsExist(destpath)) { return false; } if (this._handle) { nexacro._renameVirtualFileHandle(this, path, destpath); } if (nexacro.OS == "iOS") { var userapppath = path.substring(0, 9); if (userapppath.toLowerCase() == "%userapp%") { path = "_userapp_" + path.substring(9, path.length); } else { return false; } userapppath = destpath.substring(0, 9); if (userapppath.toLowerCase() == "%userapp%") { destpath = "_userapp_" + destpath.substring(9, destpath.length); } else { return false; } var params = '{ "path":"' + path + '","destpath":"' + destpath + '"}'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"VirtualFile", "method":"rename", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); } return true; }; _pVirtualFile.createDirectory = function (strPath, bAllCreate) { if (!this.pramck_IsExist(strPath)) { return false; } if (arguments.length == 1) { this.strPath = strPath; this.bAllCreate = false; } else if (arguments.length == 2) { this.strPath = strPath; this.bAllCreate = nexacro._toBoolean(bAllCreate); } else { return false; } if (this._handle) { nexacro._createDirectoryVirtualFileHandle(this, strPath, this.bAllCreate); } if (nexacro.OS == "iOS") { var strInitialPath = ""; var strDestPath = ""; var rootPathCheck = strPath.substring(0, 9); if (rootPathCheck.toLowerCase() == "%userapp%") { strInitialPath = "_userapp_" + strPath.substring(9, strPath.length); } else { return false; } var params = '{ "strPath":"' + strInitialPath + '","bAllCreate":"' + this.bAllCreate + '"}'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"VirtualFile", "method":"createDirectory", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); } return true; }; _pVirtualFile.deleteDirectory = function (strPath, bAllChild) { if (!this.pramck_IsExist(strPath)) { return false; } if (arguments.length == 1) { this.strPath = strPath; this.bAllChild = false; } else if (arguments.length == 2) { this.strPath = strPath; this.bAllChild = nexacro._toBoolean(bAllChild); } else { return false; } if (this._handle) { nexacro._deleteDirectoryVirtualFileHandle(this, strPath, this.bAllChild); } if (nexacro.OS == "iOS") { var strInitialPath = ""; var rootPathCheck = strPath.substring(0, 9); if (rootPathCheck.toLowerCase() == "%userapp%") { strInitialPath = "_userapp_" + strPath.substring(9, strPath.length); } else { return false; } var params = '{ "strPath":"' + strInitialPath + '","bAllChild":"' + this.bAllChild + '"}'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"VirtualFile", "method":"deleteDirectory", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); } return true; }; _pVirtualFile.renameDirectory = function (strPath, strNewName) { if (!this.pramck_IsExist(strPath)) { return false; } if (!this.paramck_folderName(strNewName)) { return false; } if (strNewName == null) { return false; } this.strPath = strPath; this.strNewName = strNewName; if (this._handle) { nexacro._renameDirectoryVirtualFileHandle(this, strPath, strNewName); } if (nexacro.OS == "iOS") { var params = '{ "strPath":"' + strPath + '","strNewName":"' + strNewName + '"}'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"VirtualFile", "method":"renameDirectory", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); } return true; }; _pVirtualFile.on_success = function (reason, textdata, bindata, fileattributelist, filesize, fileisexist) { var _textdata = ""; var _bindata = ""; var temptxtlen = 0; var tempbinlen = 0; if (textdata) { temptxtlen = textdata.length; } if (bindata) { tempbinlen = bindata.length; } if (temptxtlen > 0) { _textdata = textdata.replace(/\&\;/g, "&"); _textdata = _textdata.replace(/\<\;/g, "<"); _textdata = _textdata.replace(/\>\;/g, ">"); _textdata = _textdata.replace(/\"\;/g, "\""); _textdata = _textdata.replace(/\&apos\;/g, "'"); _textdata = _textdata.replace(/\&\#32\;/g, " "); _textdata = _textdata.replace(/\&\#13\;/g, "\r"); _textdata = _textdata.replace(/\&\#10\;/g, "\n"); _textdata = _textdata.replace(/\&\#9\;/g, "\t"); } else if (tempbinlen > 0) { _bindata = bindata.replace(/\&\;/g, "&"); _bindata = _bindata.replace(/\<\;/g, "<"); _bindata = _bindata.replace(/\>\;/g, ">"); _bindata = _bindata.replace(/\"\;/g, "\""); _bindata = _bindata.replace(/\&apos\;/g, "'"); _bindata = _bindata.replace(/\&\#32\;/g, " "); _bindata = _bindata.replace(/\&\#13\;/g, "\r"); _bindata = _bindata.replace(/\&\#10\;/g, "\n"); _bindata = _bindata.replace(/\&\#9\;/g, "\t"); } var e = new nexacro.VirtualFileEventInfo("onsuccess", reason, _textdata, _bindata, fileattributelist, filesize, fileisexist); this.on_fire_onsuccess(this, e); }; _pVirtualFile._onsuccess = function (objData) { var _textdata = ""; var _bindata = ""; var temptxtlen = 0; var tempbinlen = 0; if (objData.textdata) { temptxtlen = objData.textdata.length; } if (objData.binarydata) { tempbinlen = objData.binarydata.length; } if (temptxtlen > 0) { _textdata = objData.textdata.replace(/\&\;/g, "&"); _textdata = _textdata.replace(/\<\;/g, "<"); _textdata = _textdata.replace(/\>\;/g, ">"); _textdata = _textdata.replace(/\"\;/g, "\""); _textdata = _textdata.replace(/\&apos\;/g, "'"); _textdata = _textdata.replace(/\&\#32\;/g, " "); _textdata = _textdata.replace(/\&\#13\;/g, "\r"); _textdata = _textdata.replace(/\&\#10\;/g, "\n"); _textdata = _textdata.replace(/\&\#9\;/g, "\t"); } else if (tempbinlen > 0) { _bindata = objData.binarydata.replace(/\&\;/g, "&"); _bindata = _bindata.replace(/\<\;/g, "<"); _bindata = _bindata.replace(/\>\;/g, ">"); _bindata = _bindata.replace(/\"\;/g, "\""); _bindata = _bindata.replace(/\&apos\;/g, "'"); _bindata = _bindata.replace(/\&\#32\;/g, " "); _bindata = _bindata.replace(/\&\#13\;/g, "\r"); _bindata = _bindata.replace(/\&\#10\;/g, "\n"); _bindata = _bindata.replace(/\&\#9\;/g, "\t"); } var e = new nexacro.VirtualFileEventInfo("onsuccess", objData.reason, _textdata, _bindata, eval(objData.fileattributelist), objData.filesize, objData.fileisexist); this.on_fire_onsuccess(this, e); }; _pVirtualFile.on_fire_onsuccess = function (objAsyncVFile, eAsyncVFileEventInfo) { if (this.onsuccess && this.onsuccess._has_handlers) { return this.onsuccess._fireEvent(this, eAsyncVFileEventInfo); } return true; }; _pVirtualFile.on_error = function (errorcode, errormsg) { var e = new nexacro.VirtualFileErrorEventInfo("onerror", errorcode, errormsg); this.on_fire_onerror(this, e); }; _pVirtualFile._onerror = function (objData) { var e = new nexacro.VirtualFileErrorEventInfo("onerror", objData.errorcode, objData.errormsg); this.on_fire_onerror(this, e); }; _pVirtualFile.on_fire_onerror = function (objAsyncVFile, eAsyncVFileErrorEventInfo) { if (this.onerror && this.onerror._has_handlers) { return this.onerror._fireEvent(this, eAsyncVFileErrorEventInfo); } return true; }; _pVirtualFile.toJSON = function () { return eval('({"filename":"' + this.filename + '","fullpath":"' + this.fullpath + '","path":"' + this.path + '"})'); }; _pVirtualFile.paramck_folderName = function (strName) { if (strName == null) { return false; } if (strName.match(/[\"/:*?<>|]/)) { return false; } return true; }; _pVirtualFile.pramck_virtualproperty = function (property) { if (typeof (property) == "undefined" || property == "" || property == null) { return false; } else { return true; } }; _pVirtualFile.pramck_open = function (strFileName, nOptions) { if (nOptions == null) { if (typeof (strFileName) == "undefined" || strFileName == "" || strFileName == null) { return false; } if (!this._publicNumCheck(strFileName)) { return false; } return true; } if (strFileName == null || typeof (strFileName) == "undefined") { return false; } if (nOptions == null || typeof (nOptions) == "undefined") { return false; } if (!this._publicNumCheck(nOptions)) { return false; } return true; }; _pVirtualFile.pramck_Read = function (nLength) { if (nLength == null || typeof (nLength) == "undefined") { return false; } if (!this._publicNumCheck(nLength)) { return false; } return true; }; _pVirtualFile.pramck_ReadLine = function (strDelimeter) { if (strDelimeter == null || typeof (strDelimeter) == "undefined" || typeof (strDelimeter) != "string") { return false; } return true; }; _pVirtualFile.paramck_Seek = function (nOffset, nOption) { if (nOffset == null || typeof (nOffset) == "undefined") { return false; } if (nOption == null || typeof (nOption) == "undefined") { return false; } if (!this._publicNumCheck(nOffset)) { return false; } return true; }; _pVirtualFile.pramck_Delete = function (strFilePath) { if (strFilePath == null || typeof (strFilePath) == "undefined" || strFilePath == "") { return false; } else { return true; } }; _pVirtualFile.pramck_IsExist = function (strPath) { if (strPath == null || typeof (strPath) == "undefined" || strPath == "" || typeof (strPath) != "string") { return false; } else { return true; } }; _pVirtualFile.pramck_GetFileList = function (strPath, strSearchExpr, constOption) { if (strPath == null || typeof (strPath) == "undefined" || strPath == "" || typeof (strPath) != "string") { return false; } if (strSearchExpr == null || typeof (strSearchExpr) == "undefined" || strSearchExpr == "" || typeof (strSearchExpr) != "string") { return false; } if (constOption == null || typeof (constOption) == "undefined" || constOption == "") { return false; } if (!this._publicNumCheck(constOption)) { return false; } return true; }; _pVirtualFile._publicNumCheck = function (v) { try { var strlength = v.toString().split(" ").join(""); } catch (e) { return false; } if (strlength.length == 0) { return false; } try { var numberss = Number(v.toString()); } catch (e) { return false; } if ((+numberss) != (+numberss)) { return false; } return true; }; _pVirtualFile._setRefFile = function (file) { this._ref_file = file; this.filename = file.name; }; delete _pVirtualFile; } if (!nexacro.VirtualFileEventInfo) { nexacro.VirtualFileEventInfo = function (strEventId, strReason, strTextdata, strBinarydata, strFilelist, strFilesize, strExist) { this.eventid = strEventId; this.reason = strReason; this.textdata = strTextdata; this.binarydata = strBinarydata; if (nexacro.OS == "iOS") { if (typeof (strFilelist) != "undefined") { var tempArr = new Array(strFilelist.length); for (var i = 0; i < strFilelist.length; i++) { tempArr[i] = new nexacro.FileAttribute(strFilelist[i]); } this.fileattributelist = tempArr; } else { this.fileattributelist = ""; } } else { var jsonObject = eval('(' + strFilelist + ')'); if (jsonObject == undefined) { this.fileattributelist = ""; } else { var fileattrlist = jsonObject.fileattrlist; var tempArr = new Array(fileattrlist.length); for (var i = 0; i < fileattrlist.length; i++) { tempArr[i] = new nexacro.FileAttribute(fileattrlist[i]); } this.fileattributelist = tempArr; } } this.filesize = strFilesize; this.fileisexist = strExist; }; var _pVirtualFileEventInfo = nexacro.VirtualFileEventInfo.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.VirtualFileEventInfo); _pVirtualFileEventInfo._type_name = "VirtualFileEventInfo"; delete _pVirtualFileEventInfo; } if (!nexacro.VirtualFileErrorEventInfo) { nexacro.VirtualFileErrorEventInfo = function (strEventId, intErrorCode, strErrorMsg) { this.id = this.eventid = strEventId; this.errortype = "ObjectError"; this.statuscode = intErrorCode; this.errormsg = strErrorMsg; }; var _pVirtualFileErrorEventInfo = nexacro.VirtualFileErrorEventInfo.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.VirtualFileErrorEventInfo); _pVirtualFileErrorEventInfo._type_name = "VirtualFileErrorEventInfo"; delete _pVirtualFileErrorEventInfo; } if (!nexacro.FileAttribute) { nexacro.FileAttribute = function (jsonObj) { this.accesstime = jsonObj.accesstime; this.createtime = jsonObj.createtime; this.filename = jsonObj.filename; this.groupid = jsonObj.groupid; this.modifytime = jsonObj.modifytime; this.size = jsonObj.size; this.userid = jsonObj.userid; this.isdirectory = jsonObj.isdirectory; this.isreadonly = jsonObj.isreadonly; }; var _pFileAttribute = nexacro.FileAttribute.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.EventSinkObject, nexacro.FileAttribute); _pFileAttribute._type_name = "FileAttribute"; _pFileAttribute.on_created = function () { }; _pFileAttribute.isDirectory = function () { return this.isdirectory; }; _pFileAttribute.isReadOnly = function () { return this.isreadonly; }; delete _pFileAttribute; } if (nexacro.Application) { nexacro.Application.setIconWidget = function (strWidgetId, strWidgetIconPath) { nexacro._setIconWidget(strWidgetId, strWidgetIconPath); }; nexacro.Application.setTopmostWidget = function (strWidgetId, bWidgetTopmost) { nexacro._setTopmostWidget(strWidgetId, bWidgetTopmost); }; } }