//============================================================================== // // TOBESOFT Co., Ltd. // Copyright 2014 TOBESOFT Co., Ltd. // All Rights Reserved. // // NOTICE: TOBESOFT permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file // in accordance with the terms of the license agreement accompanying it. // // Readme URL: http://www.nexacro.co.kr/legal/nexacro-public-license-readme-1.1.html // //============================================================================== if (!nexacro.Grid) { nexacro.GridLongPressEventInfo = function (obj, id, pointinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp, cell, col, row, subrow, pivotindex, mergecell, mergecol, mergerow) { nexacro.LongPressEventInfo.call(this, obj, id, pointinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp); this.cell = cell; this.col = col; this.row = row; this.subrow = subrow; this.pivotindex = pivotindex; this.mergecell = mergecell; this.mergecol = mergecol; this.mergerow = mergerow; }; var _pGridLongPressEventInfo = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.LongPressEventInfo, nexacro.GridLongPressEventInfo); nexacro.GridLongPressEventInfo.prototype = _pGridLongPressEventInfo; _pGridLongPressEventInfo._type_name = "GridLongPressEventInfo"; delete _pGridLongPressEventInfo; nexacro.GridDragEventInfo = function (obj, id, dragdata, userdata, src_comp, src_refer_comp, from_comp, from_refer_comp, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, cell, col, mergecell, mergecol, mergerow, pivotindex, row, subrow) { nexacro.DragEventInfo.call(this, obj, id || "ongriddrag", dragdata, userdata, src_comp, src_refer_comp, from_comp, from_refer_comp, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY); this.cell = cell; this.col = col; this.row = row; this.subrow = subrow; this.pivotindex = pivotindex; this.mergecell = mergecell; this.mergecol = mergecol; this.mergerow = mergerow; }; var _pGridDragEventInfo = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.DragEventInfo, nexacro.GridDragEventInfo); nexacro.GridDragEventInfo.prototype = _pGridDragEventInfo; _pGridDragEventInfo._type_name = "GridDragEvent"; delete _pGridDragEventInfo; nexacro.GridClickEventInfo = function (obj, id, beforeCell, beforeCol, beforeRow, beforeSubrow, beforePvt, afterCell, afterCol, afterRow, afterSubrow, afterPvt, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY) { nexacro.ClickEventInfo.call(this, obj, id || "ongridclick", button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY); this.cell = afterCell; this.col = afterCol; this.row = afterRow; this.subrow = afterSubrow; this.pivotindex = afterPvt; this.oldcell = beforeCell; this.oldcol = beforeCol; this.oldrow = beforeRow; this.oldsubrow = beforeSubrow; this.oldpivotindex = beforePvt; }; var _pGridClickEventInfo = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.ClickEventInfo, nexacro.GridClickEventInfo); nexacro.GridClickEventInfo.prototype = _pGridClickEventInfo; _pGridClickEventInfo._type_name = "GridClickEvent"; _pGridClickEventInfo._is_event = true; delete _pGridClickEventInfo; nexacro.GridEditEventInfo = function (obj, id, cell, col, pivotindex, row, subrow, value) { this.id = this.eventid = id || "ongridedit"; this.fromobject = this.fromreferenceobject = obj; this.cell = cell; this.col = col; this.row = row; this.subrow = subrow; this.pivotindex = pivotindex; this.value = value; }; var _pGridEditEventInfo = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.GridEditEventInfo); nexacro.GridEditEventInfo.prototype = _pGridEditEventInfo; _pGridEditEventInfo._type_name = "GridEditEvent"; delete _pGridEditEventInfo; nexacro.GridEditCharEventInfo = function (obj, id, cell, chartext, col, pivotindex, posttext, pretext, row, subrow) { this.id = this.eventid = id || "onchar"; this.fromobject = this.fromreferenceobject = obj; this.cell = cell; this.chartext = chartext; this.col = col; this.pivotindex = pivotindex; this.posttext = posttext; this.pretext = pretext; this.row = row; this.subrow = subrow; }; var _pGridEditCharEventInfo = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.GridEditCharEventInfo); nexacro.GridEditCharEventInfo.prototype = _pGridEditCharEventInfo; _pGridEditCharEventInfo._type_name = "GridEditCharEventInfo"; _pGridEditCharEventInfo.set_chartext = function (v) { this.chartext = v; }; delete _pGridEditCharEventInfo; nexacro.GridTextChangeEventInfo = function (obj, id, cell, chartext, col, pivotindex, postimetext, posttext, preimetext, pretext, row, subrow) { this.id = this.eventid = id || "ontextchange"; this.fromobject = this.fromreferenceobject = obj; this.cell = cell; this.chartext = chartext; this.col = col; this.pivotindex = pivotindex; this.postimetext = postimetext; this.posttext = posttext; this.preimetext = preimetext; this.pretext = pretext; this.row = row; this.subrow = subrow; }; var _pGridTextChangeEventInfo = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.GridTextChangeEventInfo); nexacro.GridTextChangeEventInfo.prototype = _pGridTextChangeEventInfo; _pGridTextChangeEventInfo._type_name = "GridTextChangeEvent"; _pGridTextChangeEventInfo.set_chartext = function (chartext) { this.chartext = chartext; }; _pGridTextChangeEventInfo.set_postimetext = function (postimetext) { this.postimetext = postimetext; }; delete _pGridTextChangeEventInfo; nexacro.GridTextChangedEventInfo = function (obj, id, cell, col, pivotindex, posttext, pretext, row, subrow) { this.id = this.eventid = id || "ontextchanged"; this.fromobject = this.fromreferenceobject = obj; this.cell = cell; this.col = col; this.pivotindex = pivotindex; this.posttext = posttext; this.pretext = pretext; this.row = row; this.subrow = subrow; }; var _pGridTextChangedEventInfo = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.GridTextChangedEventInfo); nexacro.GridTextChangedEventInfo.prototype = _pGridTextChangedEventInfo; _pGridTextChangedEventInfo._type_name = "GridTextChangedEvent"; _pGridTextChangedEventInfo._is_event = true; delete _pGridTextChangedEventInfo; nexacro.GridFormatChangedEventInfo = function (obj, id, newvalue, oldvalue, reason) { this.id = this.eventid = id || "ongridformatchanged"; this.fromobject = this.fromreferenceobject = obj; this.newvalue = newvalue; this.oldvalue = oldvalue; this.reason = reason; }; var _pGridFormatChangedEventInfo = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.GridFormatChangedEventInfo); nexacro.GridFormatChangedEventInfo.prototype = _pGridFormatChangedEventInfo; _pGridFormatChangedEventInfo._type_name = "GridFormatChangedEvent"; delete _pGridFormatChangedEventInfo; nexacro.GridSelectEventInfo = function (obj, id, cell, col, row, subrow, pivotindex, oldcell, oldcol, oldrow, oldsubrow, oldpivotindex, selectendcol, selectendpivot, selectendrow, selectendsubrow, selectstartcol, selectstartpivot, selectstartrow, selectstartsubrow) { this.id = this.eventid = id || "ongridselect"; this.fromobject = this.fromreferenceobject = obj; this.cell = cell; this.col = col; this.row = row; this.subrow = subrow; this.pivotindex = pivotindex; this.oldcell = oldcell; this.oldcol = oldcol; this.oldrow = oldrow; this.oldpivotindex = oldpivotindex; this.oldsubrow = oldsubrow; this.selectendcol = selectendcol; this.selectendpivot = selectendpivot; this.selectendrow = selectendrow; this.selectendsubrow = selectendsubrow; this.selectstartcol = selectstartcol; this.selectstartpivot = selectstartpivot; this.selectstartrow = selectstartrow; this.selectstartsubrow = selectstartsubrow; }; var _pGridSelectEventInfo = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.GridSelectEventInfo); nexacro.GridSelectEventInfo.prototype = _pGridSelectEventInfo; _pGridSelectEventInfo._type_name = "GridSelectEvent"; delete _pGridSelectEventInfo; nexacro.GridTreeStatusEventInfo = function (obj, id, cell, realrow, row, reason) { this.id = this.eventid = id || "ongridtreestatus"; this.fromobject = this.fromreferenceobject = obj; this.cell = cell; this.realrow = realrow; this.row = row; this.reason = reason; }; var _pGridTreeStatusEventInfo = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.GridTreeStatusEventInfo); nexacro.GridTreeStatusEventInfo.prototype = _pGridTreeStatusEventInfo; _pGridTreeStatusEventInfo._type_name = "GridTreeStatusEvent"; delete _pGridTreeStatusEventInfo; nexacro.GridMouseEventInfo = function (obj, id, cell, col, mergecell, mergecol, mergerow, pivotindex, row, subrow, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY) { nexacro.MouseEventInfo.call(this, obj, id || "ongridmouse", button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY); this.cell = cell; this.col = col; this.mergecell = mergecell; this.mergecol = mergecol; this.mergerow = mergerow; this.pivotindex = pivotindex; this.row = row; this.subrow = subrow; }; var _pGridMouseEventInfo = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.MouseEventInfo, nexacro.GridMouseEventInfo); nexacro.GridMouseEventInfo.prototype = _pGridMouseEventInfo; _pGridMouseEventInfo._type_name = "GridMouseEvent"; delete _pGridMouseEventInfo; nexacro.GridSizeChangedEventInfo = function (id, formatindex, index, newvalue, oldvalue, reason, subindex) { this.eventid = id; this.formatindex = formatindex; this.index = index; this.newvalue = newvalue; this.oldvalue = oldvalue; this.reason = reason; this.subindex = subindex; }; var _pGridSizeChangedEventInfo = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Event, nexacro.GridSizeChangedEventInfo); nexacro.GridSizeChangedEventInfo.prototype = _pGridSizeChangedEventInfo; _pGridSizeChangedEventInfo._type_name = "GridSizeChangedEventInfo"; delete _pGridSizeChangedEventInfo; nexacro.GridCell = function (id, left, top, width, height, parent, cellinfo, rowidx, cellidx) { nexacro.Component.call(this, id, "absolute", left, top, width, height, null, null, parent); this.tabstop = false; this.subcells = []; this.parentcell = null; this.style = cellinfo.style; this._is_subcontrol = true; this._refobj = cellinfo; this._grid = this._refobj ? this._refobj.grid : null; this._rowidx = rowidx; this._cellidx = cellidx; this._styles = cellinfo._styles; this._expand_width = 0; this._subComp = null; this.selected = false; this._text_elem = null; this._curDisplayType = ""; this._curEditDisplay = ""; this._expandCtrl = null; this._isSubCell = false; this._disp_show = true; this._band = parent._band; this._fakecell = false; this._hideInner = false; this._is_real_upelem = null; this._clickcall = false; this._is_clickproc = false; this._accessibility_role = "gridcell"; this._status_changing = false; this._refresh_display = false; }; var _pGridCell = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Component, nexacro.GridCell); nexacro.GridCell.prototype = _pGridCell; _pGridCell._type_name = "GridCell"; _pGridCell.on_change_status = function (status, pseudo) { this._status_changing = true; nexacro.Component.prototype.on_change_status.call(this, status, pseudo); this._status_changing = false; }; _pGridCell.on_apply_custom_pseudo = function (pseudo) { var control_elem = this.getElement(); var grid = this._grid; if (!control_elem) { return; } if (!pseudo) { pseudo = this._pseudo; } var curstyle = this.currentstyle; var font = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_font(pseudo); if (curstyle.font != font) { curstyle.font = font; this.on_apply_style_font(font); } var letterspace = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_letterspace(pseudo); if (curstyle.letterspace != letterspace) { curstyle.letterspace = letterspace; this.on_apply_style_letterspace(letterspace); } var color = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_color(pseudo); if (curstyle.color != color) { curstyle.color = color; this.on_apply_style_color(color); } var align = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_align(pseudo); if (curstyle.align != align) { curstyle.align = align; this.on_apply_style_align(align); } var rtlimagemirroring = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_rtlimagemirroring(pseudo); if (curstyle.rtlimagemirroring != rtlimagemirroring) { curstyle.rtlimagemirroring = rtlimagemirroring; this.on_apply_style_rtlimagemirroring(rtlimagemirroring); } this._display_text = this._getDisplayText(); this.on_apply_prop_tooltip(); var subComp = this._subComp; if (subComp && this._ReasonRefresh != 1) { subComp._control_pseudo = ""; subComp._contents_pseudo = ""; var cellinfo = this._refobj; var cellinfo_style = cellinfo.style; var onlycontents = true; if (cellinfo_style.controlbackground && cellinfo_style.controlbackground._bindtype > 0) { onlycontents = false; } else if (cellinfo_style.controlborder && cellinfo_style.controlborder._bindtype > 0) { onlycontents = false; } else if (cellinfo_style.controlbordertype && cellinfo_style.controlbordertype._bindtype > 0) { onlycontents = false; } else if (cellinfo_style.controlgradation && cellinfo_style.controlgradation._bindtype > 0) { onlycontents = false; } subComp._updateAll(onlycontents); } if (this._expandCtrl) { this._expandCtrl._updateAll(); } this._applyRowCellsStyle(pseudo); }; _pGridCell._applyRowCellsStyle = function (pseudo, nocheck) { var grid = this._grid; if (this._is_created && (this._status_changing == true || nocheck)) { if (!grid._ReasonRefresh) { grid.on_apply_cell_pseudo(this, pseudo); } } }; _pGridCell.on_create_custom_style = function () { return null; }; _pGridCell.on_create_custom_currentStyle = function () { return new nexacro.GridCell_CurrentStyle(); }; _pGridCell.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility = function (pseudo) { if (this._refobj && !this._isSubCell) { var grid = this._grid, datarow = grid._getDataRow(this._rowidx); return this._refobj._query_pseudo_accessibility(datarow, pseudo); } return null; }; _pGridCell.on_find_CurrentStyle_background = function (pseudo) { if (this._refobj && !this._isSubCell) { var odd = (this._rowidx >= 0) ? (this._rowidx % 2) : false, grid = this._grid, datarow = grid._getDataRow(this._rowidx); return this._refobj._query_pseudo_background(datarow, odd, this._is_Selected(), pseudo); } return null; }; _pGridCell.on_find_CurrentStyle_border = function (pseudo) { var cell = this; if (this._refobj && !this._isSubCell) { var suppinfo = cell._getSuppressInfo(); var suppressborder = (suppinfo) ? suppinfo.border_proc : 0; if (this._getDisplayRowIdx() == this._grid._getDispRowCnt() - 1) { suppressborder = 0; } var grid = this._grid, datarow = grid._getDataRow(this._rowidx); var border = this._refobj._query_pseudo_border(datarow, this._is_Selected(), pseudo, suppressborder); var remove = grid._checkFakeMerge(this._refobj, datarow); if (remove) { var real_border = border.clone(); if (remove.indexOf("right") >= 0) { real_border.set_right("0px none transparent"); } else if (remove.indexOf("left") >= 0) { real_border.set_left("0px none transparent"); } if (remove.indexOf("bottom") >= 0) { real_border.set_bottom("0px none transparent"); } else if (remove.indexOf("top") >= 0) { real_border.set_top("0px none transparent"); } return real_border; } return border; } return null; }; _pGridCell.on_find_CurrentStyle_bordertype = function (pseudo) { return null; }; _pGridCell.on_find_CurrentStyle_gradation = function (pseudo) { if (this._refobj && !this._isSubCell) { var odd = (this._rowidx >= 0) ? (this._rowidx % 2) : false, grid = this._grid, datarow = grid._getDataRow(this._rowidx); return this._refobj._query_pseudo_gradation(datarow, odd, this._is_Selected(), pseudo); } return null; }; _pGridCell.on_find_CurrentStyle_padding = function (pseudo) { if (this._refobj) { if (this.subcells.length > 0) { return nexacro.Component._default_padding; } var grid = this._grid, datarow = grid._getDataRow(this._rowidx); return this._refobj._query_pseudo_padding(datarow, pseudo); } return null; }; _pGridCell.on_find_CurrentStyle_opacity = function (pseudo) { return null; }; _pGridCell.on_find_CurrentStyle_cursor = function (pseudo) { if (this._isSubCell) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_cursor(pseudo); } if (this._refobj) { var grid = this._grid, datarow = grid._getDataRow(this._rowidx); if (grid._global_cursor) { return grid._global_cursor; } return this._refobj._query_pseudo_cursor(datarow, pseudo); } return null; }; _pGridCell.on_find_CurrentStyle_shadow = function (pseudo) { return null; }; _pGridCell.on_find_CurrentStyle_font = function (pseudo) { if (this._refobj) { var grid = this._grid, datarow = grid._getDataRow(this._rowidx); return this._refobj._query_pseudo_font(datarow, this._is_Selected(), pseudo); } return null; }; _pGridCell.on_find_CurrentStyle_letterspace = function (pseudo) { if (this._refobj) { var grid = this._grid, datarow = grid._getDataRow(this._rowidx); return this._refobj._query_pseudo_letterspace(datarow, this._is_Selected(), pseudo); } return null; }; _pGridCell.on_find_CurrentStyle_color = function (pseudo) { var cell = this; if (this._isSubCell) { cell = this.parentcell; } if (this._refobj) { var odd = (this._rowidx >= 0) ? (this._rowidx % 2) : false; var grid = this._grid; var datarow = grid._getDataRow(this._rowidx); return this._refobj._query_pseudo_color(datarow, odd, cell.selected, pseudo); } return null; }; _pGridCell.on_find_CurrentStyle_align = function (pseudo) { if (this._refobj) { var curdisp = this._curDisplayType; var grid = this._grid; var datarow = grid._getDataRow(this._rowidx); if (curdisp == "") { curdisp = this._refobj._getAttrValue(this._refobj.displaytype, datarow); } if (curdisp === undefined) { curdisp = "normal"; } var align = this._refobj._query_pseudo_align(datarow, curdisp, pseudo); return align; } return null; }; _pGridCell.on_find_CurrentStyle_rtlimagemirroring = function (pseudo) { return; }; _pGridCell.on_create_contents = function () { this._disp_show = this._updateDisplayer(); }; _pGridCell.on_created_contents = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { if (this.subcells.length == 0) { var sub_ctrl = this._subComp; if (sub_ctrl) { sub_ctrl.on_created(); sub_ctrl._updateAll(); } } var expand_ctrl = this._expandCtrl; if (expand_ctrl) { expand_ctrl.on_created(); } var curstyle = this.currentstyle; if (curstyle && curstyle.font) { this.on_apply_style_font(curstyle.font); } if (curstyle && curstyle.letterspace) { this.on_apply_style_letterspace(curstyle.letterspace); } if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { var accessibility = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility(this._pseudo); if (accessibility && accessibility.enable && !this._grid._accept_focus) { this._grid._accept_focus = true; } } this.on_apply_prop_rtldirection(); } }; _pGridCell._destroyDisplayer = function (async) { if (this._subComp) { if (async) { nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(this, function () { if (this._subComp) { this._subComp.destroy(); this._subComp = null; } }, 10); } else { this._subComp.destroy(); this._subComp = null; } } }; _pGridCell.destroy = function () { if (this._tree_lbuttondown && this._grid) { if (nexacro.Browser == "IE" && nexacro.BrowserVersion <= 8) { this._control_element.destroy(); } this._grid._lbuttondown_treecell = this; nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(this._grid, function () { if (this._lbuttondown_treecell) { this._lbuttondown_treecell.destroy(); } }, 10); return; } if (this._grid._lbuttondown_treecell == this) { this._grid._lbuttondown_treecell = null; } nexacro.Component.prototype.destroy.call(this); }; _pGridCell._delete_style = function () { this.style = null; this._styles = null; }; _pGridCell.on_destroy_contents = function () { this._destroyDisplayer(); if (this._expandCtrl) { this._expandCtrl.destroy(); this._expandCtrl = null; } var subcells = this.subcells; var subcells_len = subcells.length; for (var i = 0; i < subcells_len; i++) { subcells[i].destroy(); } this.subcells = this._refobj = this._grid = this.parentcell = this._band = this._text_elem = this._is_real_upelem = null; }; _pGridCell.on_change_containerRect = function (width, height) { this._updateAvailableArea(); }; _pGridCell.on_create_control_element = function (parent_elem) { var mode = (this._refobj._subcells.length) ? "normal" : "text"; var control_elem = new nexacro.GridCellControlElement(parent_elem, this._refobj._area, mode); control_elem.setLinkedControl(this); this._control_element = control_elem; return control_elem; }; _pGridCell.on_apply_custom_setfocus = function (evt_name, self_flag) { var control_elem = this._control_element; if (evt_name == "lbuttondown") { this._grid._focus_proc = control_elem; } if (self_flag || nexacro._enableaccessibility || !this._no_dom_focus) { nexacro.Component.prototype.on_apply_custom_setfocus.call(this, evt_name); } if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { this._grid.currentcell = this._cellidx; this._grid._currentBand = this._band.id; } }; _pGridCell.on_apply_prop_tooltip = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); var grid = this._grid; var datarow = grid._getDataRow(this._rowidx); this.tooltiptext = this._refobj._getTooltipText(datarow); if (control_elem) { control_elem.setElementToolTip(this.tooltiptext); } }; _pGridCell._on_last_lbuttonup = function () { if (this.parent) { this.parent._on_last_lbuttonup(); } }; _pGridCell._on_last_keyup = function () { if (this.parent) { this.parent._on_last_keyup(); } }; _pGridCell._on_killfocus = function (new_focus, new_ref_focus) { if (this._status != "disable") { if (this._readonly) { this._status = "readonly"; } else { this._status = "enable"; } } this._setAccessibilityStatFlag(this._status, this._pseudo); }; _pGridCell._getAccessibilityLabel = function (accessibility, is_no_make) { var label = nexacro.Component.prototype._getAccessibilityLabel.call(this, accessibility); if (!label && this.subcells.length > 0) { var subcells = this.subcells; for (var i = 0, n = subcells.length; i < n; i++) { if (subcells[i]._display_text) { if (label) { label = label + " " + subcells[i]._display_text; } else { label = subcells[i]._display_text; } } } } if (nexacro._accessibilitytype == 4 && this._is_created && !is_no_make) { var tmp_label = this._getAccessibilityMakeAddLabel(); if (accessibility) { if (accessibility._bindexpr && accessibility._bindexpr.length > 0) { label = this._refobj._getAttrValue(accessibility, this._rowidx); } } label = tmp_label + " " + label; } return label; }; _pGridCell._setAccessibilityStatFocus = function () { var grid = this._grid; if (grid._currentCellEditor && grid._showEditing) { grid._currentCellEditor._setAccessibilityStatFocus(); } else if (this._subComp && this._curDisplayType != "tree") { this._subComp._setAccessibilityStatFocus(); } else { var tmp_label = ""; var cellinfo = this._refobj; tmp_label = this._getAccessibilityMakeAddLabel(); tmp_label += " " + this._getCellAccessibilityLabel(); this._setAccessibilityStatSelected(this.selected); this._setAccessibilityLabel(tmp_label); nexacro.Component.prototype._setAccessibilityStatFocus.call(this); } }; _pGridCell._getCellAccessibilityLabel = function () { var tmpLabel = ""; var grid = this._grid; var accessibility = null; var cellinfo = this._refobj; accessibility = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility(this._pseudo); if (accessibility) { if (accessibility._bindexpr && accessibility._bindexpr.length > 0) { var bind_value = ""; cellinfo = this._refobj; bind_value = cellinfo._getAttrValue(accessibility, this._rowidx); accessibility._setValue(bind_value); } tmpLabel = this._getAccessibilityLabel(accessibility, true); } if (this._subComp) { var subComp = this._subComp; var displayType = this._curDisplayType; if (displayType == "checkbox") { this._setAccessibilityStatChecked(subComp.isChecked()); } else if (displayType == "tree") { var state = grid.getTreeStatus(this._rowidx); var level = cellinfo._getTreeLevel(this._rowidx); var startlevel = cellinfo._getTreeStartLevel(this._rowidx); if (nexacro._accessibilitytype != 4) { if (state == 0) { this._setAccessibilityStatExpanded(false); } else { this._setAccessibilityStatExpanded(true); } } this._setAccessibilityInfoLevel(level - startlevel + 1); } } if (accessibility && nexacro._accessibilitytype == 5) { var description = this._getAccessibilityDescription(accessibility); var action = this._getAccessibilityAction(accessibility); tmpLabel = tmpLabel + " " + action + " " + description; } return tmpLabel; }; _pGridCell._getAccessibilityMakeAddLabel = function () { var tmpLabel = "", grid = this._grid, curCellinfo = this._refobj; if (grid._first_focus && grid._control_element && nexacro._accessibilitytype != 5) { tmpLabel = grid._getAccessibilityLabel(grid.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility(grid._pseudo)); } if (curCellinfo.celltype == "body" || curCellinfo.celltype == "summary") { var headband = grid._headBand; var label = "", cells = null, accessibility = null, cellinfo = null, leftLabel = "", headLabel = ""; if (this.parentcell) { cells = this.parentcell.parent._cells; } else { cells = this.parent._cells; } for (var i = 0, n = cells.length; i < n; i++) { cellinfo = cells[i]._refobj; accessibility = cells[i].on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility(this._pseudo); if (accessibility && cellinfo._area == "left") { if (accessibility._bindexpr && accessibility._bindexpr.length > 0) { leftLabel = cellinfo._getAttrValue(accessibility, this._rowidx); accessibility._setValue(leftLabel); } label = cells[i]._getAccessibilityLabel(accessibility, true); if (cellinfo._row <= curCellinfo._row && curCellinfo._row <= (cellinfo._row + cellinfo._rowspan - 1)) { if (leftLabel) { leftLabel += " " + label; } else { leftLabel = label; } } } else { break; } } if (headband) { var rows = headband._get_rows(); cells = rows[0]._cells; for (var i = 0, n = cells.length; i < n; i++) { cellinfo = cells[i]._refobj; accessibility = cells[i].on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility(this._pseudo); if (accessibility) { if (accessibility._bindexpr && accessibility._bindexpr.length > 0) { headband = cellinfo._getAttrValue(accessibility, this._rowidx); accessibility._setValue(headband); } label = cells[i]._getAccessibilityLabel(accessibility, true); if (cellinfo._col <= curCellinfo._col && curCellinfo._col <= (cellinfo._colspan + cellinfo._col - 1)) { if (headLabel) { headLabel = headLabel + " " + label; } else { headLabel = label; } } } } } if (curCellinfo._area == "left") { if (headLabel) { tmpLabel += " " + headLabel; } } else { if (grid.accessibilityreadbandlabel) { tmpLabel += " " + leftLabel + " " + headLabel; } else { if (leftLabel && grid._beforegridrowpos != grid.currentrow) { tmpLabel += " " + leftLabel; } if (grid._beforegridcolpos != grid.currentcol || (grid._is_first_bodycell && (grid.currentcell == 0 || grid.currentrow == grid.rowcount - 1))) { if (headLabel) { if (tmpLabel) { tmpLabel = tmpLabel + " " + headLabel; } else { tmpLabel = headLabel; } } } } } } return tmpLabel; }; _pGridCell._getAccessibilityRole = function (accessibility) { var role = accessibility.role; if (!role) { var cellinfo = this._refobj; role = this._accessibility_role; if (cellinfo.celltype == "head") { role = "columnheader"; } else if (cellinfo.celltype == "body" && cellinfo._area == "left") { role = "rowheader"; } if (this._curDisplayType == "tree") { role = "treeitem"; } else if (this._subComp) { accessibility = this._subComp.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility(this._pseudo); role = this._subComp._getAccessibilityRole(accessibility); } } return role; }; _pGridCell.on_get_style_accessibility_label = function () { return this._display_text; }; _pGridCell._setAccessibilityNotifyEvent = function (direction) { var label = this._getAccessibilityMakeAddLabel(); label += " " + this._getCellAccessibilityLabel(); this._setAccessibilityLabel(label); return nexacro.Component.prototype._setAccessibilityNotifyEvent.call(this, (direction && direction > 0) ? 0 : 1); }; _pGridCell._resetScrollPos = function (target_comp, left, top, right, bottom, focus_direction) { var grid = this._grid; if (grid) { grid._hideEditor(); this.parent._showfull(this); if (nexacro._enableaccessibility && nexacro._accessibilitytype == 5 && grid._scrollbars == 0) { var row = this.parent; if (row) { top = row._adjust_top; } bottom = top + this._adjust_height; nexacro.Component.prototype._resetScrollPos.call(this, target_comp, left, top, right, bottom, focus_direction); } } }; _pGridCell.on_apply_text = function () { var text_elem = this._text_elem; if (text_elem) { var cellinfo = this._refobj; var datarow = this._grid._getDataRow(this._rowidx); var displaytype = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.displaytype, datarow); var strtext = nexacro._toString(this._display_text); if (strtext && strtext.indexOf("\r") != -1) { strtext = strtext.replace(/\r/g, ""); } if (displaytype == "decoratetext") { text_elem.setElementDecorateText(strtext); } else { if (text_elem.decoration != "") { text_elem.decoration = ""; text_elem.text = null; } text_elem.setElementText(strtext); } } }; _pGridCell.on_apply_wordwrap = function () { var grid = this._grid; var datarow = grid._getDataRow(this._rowidx); var wordwrap = this._refobj._getWordwrap(datarow); var text_elem = this._text_elem; if (text_elem) { text_elem.setElementWordWrap(wordwrap); } }; _pGridCell.on_apply_style_font = function (font) { var text_elem = this._text_elem; if (text_elem) { text_elem.setElementFont(font); } }; _pGridCell.on_apply_style_letterspace = function (letterspace) { var text_elem = this._text_elem; if (text_elem) { text_elem.setElementLetterSpace(letterspace); } }; _pGridCell.on_apply_style_color = function (color) { var text_elem = this._text_elem; if (text_elem) { text_elem.setElementColor(color); } }; _pGridCell.on_apply_style_align = function (align) { var text_elem = this._text_elem; if (text_elem) { var halign = align.halign == "" ? "center" : align.halign; var valign = align.valign == "" ? "middle" : align.valign; text_elem.setElementAlignXY(halign, valign); } if (this._subComp && this._subComp._setAlign) { this._subComp._setAlign(align.halign, align.valign); } }; _pGridCell.on_apply_style_ctrlAlign = function (halign, valign) { var controlSizeW = this._subComp._adjust_width; var controlSizeH = this._subComp._adjust_height; var clientrect = this._getAvailableRect(); var w = clientrect.width; var h = clientrect.height; var x = 0, y = 0; switch (halign) { case "left": break; case "right": x = w - controlSizeW; break; default: x = Math.round((w - controlSizeW) / 2); break; } switch (valign) { case "top": break; case "bottom": y = h - controlSizeH; break; default: y = Math.round((h - controlSizeH) / 2); break; } this._subComp.move(x, y, this._subComp._adjust_width, this._subComp._adjust_height); }; _pGridCell._common_lbuttonup = function (changedtouchinfos, elem, canvasX, canvasY, from_elem) { if (changedtouchinfos) { var touchinfo = nexacro._getFirstTouchInfo(changedtouchinfos); if (touchinfo) { elem = touchinfo._elem; canvasX = touchinfo.canvasX; canvasY = touchinfo.canvasY; from_elem = elem; } } if (elem != from_elem) { var upelem = this._is_real_upelem = from_elem; var grid = this._grid; var is_inGridElem = false; while (upelem) { if (upelem._type_name == "GridCell") { grid._lastmouseentercell = upelem; } if (upelem._type_name == "Grid") { is_inGridElem = true; break; } upelem = upelem.parent; } if (!upelem) { this._is_real_upelem = upelem; } if ((nexacro.Browser == "Edge" || nexacro.Browser == "IE") && !is_inGridElem) { if (grid._showEditing && canvasX >= 0 && canvasX < this._adjust_width && canvasY >= 0 && canvasY < this._adjust_height) { grid._lastmouseentercell = this; this._clickcall = true; } } } return true; }; _pGridCell._on_touchend = function (touch_manager, touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp) { if (this._common_lbuttonup(changedtouchinfos, null, null, null, null)) { nexacro.Component.prototype._on_touchend.call(this, touch_manager, touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp); } }; _pGridCell._on_lbuttonup = function (elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, from_elem) { if (this._common_lbuttonup(null, elem, canvasX, canvasY, from_elem)) { nexacro.Component.prototype._on_lbuttonup.call(this, elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, from_elem); } return true; }; _pGridCell._on_dragenter = function (elem, from_comp, src_comp, src_refer_comp, dragdata, userdata, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp) { if (this._grid._movingcell) { this._updateCursor(); } return nexacro.Component.prototype._on_dragenter.call(this, elem, from_comp, src_comp, src_refer_comp, dragdata, userdata, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp); }; _pGridCell._common_mouseenter = function (from_comp) { if (!this._is_alive) { return false; } var grid = this._grid; var datarow = grid._getDataRow(this._rowidx); if (grid._isFakeCell(datarow)) { return false; } if (from_comp != this) { if (this.parentcell) { grid._mouseovercell = this.parentcell; } else { grid._mouseovercell = this; } if (nexacro.Browser == "Edge" || nexacro.Browser == "IE") { this.on_apply_custom_pseudo("mouseover"); } grid._lastmouseentercell = grid._mouseovercell; return true; } return true; }; _pGridCell._on_mouseenter = function (elem, from_comp, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp) { if (this._common_mouseenter(from_comp)) { return nexacro.Component.prototype._on_mouseenter.call(this._grid._lastmouseentercell, elem, from_comp, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp); } }; _pGridCell._common_mouseleave = function (to_comp) { if (!this._is_alive) { return false; } var grid = this._grid; var datarow = grid._getDataRow(this._rowidx); if (grid._isFakeCell(datarow)) { return false; } if (to_comp != this) { var cell = this; if (grid._mouseovercell) { cell = grid._mouseovercell; grid._mouseovercell = null; } return true; } return false; }; _pGridCell._on_mouseleave = function (elem, to_comp, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp) { if (this._common_mouseleave(to_comp)) { if (!this._grid._lastmouseentercell) { this._grid._lastmouseentercell = this; } this._contents_pseudo = ""; return nexacro.Component.prototype._on_mouseleave.call(this._grid._lastmouseentercell, elem, to_comp, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp); } }; _pGridCell._common_fire_lbuttondown = function (from_comp) { var grid = this._grid; var datarow = grid._getDataRow(this._rowidx); this._is_clickproc = false; this._clickcall = false; grid._lastmouseentercell = this; if (!grid || grid._isFakeCell(datarow)) { return false; } if (this._refobj._isSubCell) { return this.parent._common_fire_lbuttondown(from_comp); } if (this._band.id == "body") { var show = false; if ((datarow != grid._selectinfo.curdsrow) || (this._cellidx != grid._selectinfo.curcell)) { if (grid.autoenter == "select") { show = true; } } else { if (!grid._showEditing) { show = true; } } if (show) { grid._showEditorCell = true; grid._showEditRowIdx = datarow; grid._showEditCellIdx = this._cellidx; } } else { if ((datarow != grid._selectinfo.curdsrow) || (this._cellidx != grid._selectinfo.curcell)) { if (grid._showEditing) { grid._hideEditor(); } } } }; _pGridCell.on_fire_user_ontouchstart = function (touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { this._common_fire_lbuttondown(from_comp); var parent = this._grid.parent; var touchinfo = nexacro._getFirstTouchInfo(changedtouchinfos); var subcomp = from_refer_comp; if (touchinfo) { while (subcomp && subcomp instanceof nexacro.Component) { if (subcomp instanceof nexacro.GridCell) { break; } var canvas = subcomp._getRecalcCanvasXY(from_refer_comp._control_element, touchinfo.canvasX, touchinfo.canvasY); touchinfo.canvasX = canvas[0]; touchinfo.canvasY = canvas[1]; if (this._subComp == subcomp) { break; } subcomp = subcomp.parent; } if (this._isSubCell) { touchinfo.canvasX += this._adjust_left; touchinfo.canvasY += this._adjust_top; touchinfo.clientX += this._adjust_left; touchinfo.clientY += this._adjust_top; } if (this._subComp == from_comp) { curstyle = this.currentstyle; if (curstyle && curstyle.padding) { touchinfo.canvasX += curstyle.padding.left; touchinfo.canvasY += curstyle.padding.top; touchinfo.clientX += curstyle.padding.left; touchinfo.clientY += curstyle.padding.top; } } } var retn = this._grid.on_fire_user_ontouchstart(touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp, true); var canvas_new = this._grid._getRecalcCanvasXY(from_refer_comp._control_element, touchinfo.canvasX, touchinfo.canvasY); touchinfo.canvasX = canvas_new[0]; touchinfo.canvasY = canvas_new[1]; var clientXY_new = this._getClientXY(touchinfo.clientX, touchinfo.clientY); touchinfo.clientX = clientXY_new[0]; touchinfo.clientY = clientXY_new[1]; if (!retn) { while (parent) { if (parent.on_fire_user_ontouchstart) { retn = parent.on_fire_user_ontouchstart(touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp); if (retn) { break; } } parent = parent.parent; } } return true; }; _pGridCell.on_fire_user_onlbuttondown = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { var subcomp = from_refer_comp; while (subcomp && subcomp instanceof nexacro.Component) { if (subcomp instanceof nexacro.GridCell) { break; } var canvas = subcomp._getRecalcCanvasXY(from_refer_comp._control_element, canvasX, canvasY); canvasX = canvas[0]; canvasY = canvas[1]; if (this._subComp == subcomp) { break; } subcomp = subcomp.parent; } this._common_fire_lbuttondown(from_comp); var parent = this._grid.parent; if (this._isSubCell) { canvasX += this._adjust_left; canvasY += this._adjust_top; clientX += this._adjust_left; clientY += this._adjust_top; } if (this._subComp == from_comp) { curstyle = this.currentstyle; if (curstyle && curstyle.padding) { canvasX += curstyle.padding.left; canvasY += curstyle.padding.top; clientX += curstyle.padding.left; clientY += curstyle.padding.top; } } var retn = this._grid.on_fire_user_onlbuttondown(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, true); var canvas_new = this._grid._getRecalcCanvasXY(from_refer_comp._control_element, canvasX, canvasY); canvasX = canvas_new[0]; canvasY = canvas_new[1]; var clientXY_new = this._getClientXY(canvasX, clientY); clientX = clientXY_new[0]; clientY = clientXY_new[1]; if (!retn) { while (parent) { if (parent.on_fire_user_onlbuttondown) { retn = parent.on_fire_user_onlbuttondown(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); if (retn) { break; } } parent = parent.parent; } } return true; }; _pGridCell._common_fire_lbuttonup = function (touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, button, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, obj, from_refer_comp, from_elem) { var retn = false; var window = this._getWindow(); var orgcell = this; if (this._is_real_upelem) { orgcell = window.findComponent(this._is_real_upelem); } var subcomp = from_refer_comp; while (subcomp && subcomp instanceof nexacro.Component) { if (subcomp instanceof nexacro.GridCell || subcomp instanceof nexacro.Grid) { break; } var canvas = subcomp._getRecalcCanvasXY(from_refer_comp._control_element, canvasX, canvasY); canvasX = canvas[0]; canvasY = canvas[1]; if (this._subComp == subcomp) { break; } subcomp = subcomp.parent; } if (changedtouchinfos) { var touchinfo = nexacro._getFirstTouchInfo(changedtouchinfos); if (!touchinfo) { return false; } if (this._isSubCell) { touchinfo.canvasX += this._adjust_left; touchinfo.canvasY += this._adjust_top; touchinfo.clientX += this._adjust_left; touchinfo.clientY += this._adjust_top; } if (this._subComp == obj) { curstyle = this.currentstyle; if (curstyle && curstyle.padding) { touchinfo.canvasX += curstyle.padding.left; touchinfo.canvasY += curstyle.padding.top; touchinfo.clientX += curstyle.padding.left; touchinfo.clientY += curstyle.padding.top; } } var parent = this._grid.parent; retn = this._grid.on_fire_user_ontouchend(touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, orgcell, orgcell, true); var canvas_new = this._grid._getRecalcCanvasXY(from_refer_comp._control_element, touchinfo.canvasX, touchinfo.canvasY); touchinfo.canvasX = canvas_new[0]; touchinfo.canvasY = canvas_new[1]; var clientXY_new = this._getClientXY(touchinfo.clientX, touchinfo.clientY); touchinfo.clientX = clientXY_new[0]; touchinfo.clientY = clientXY_new[1]; if (!retn) { while (parent) { if (parent.on_fire_user_ontouchend) { retn = parent.on_fire_user_ontouchend(touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, obj, from_refer_comp); if (retn) { break; } } parent = parent.parent; } } } else { if (this._isSubCell) { canvasX += this._adjust_left; canvasY += this._adjust_top; clientX += this._adjust_left; clientY += this._adjust_top; } if (this._subComp == obj) { curstyle = this.currentstyle; if (curstyle && curstyle.padding) { canvasX += curstyle.padding.left; canvasY += curstyle.padding.top; clientX += curstyle.padding.left; clientY += curstyle.padding.top; } } var parent = this._grid.parent; retn = this._grid.on_fire_user_onlbuttonup(button, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, orgcell, orgcell, from_elem, true); var canvas_new = this._grid._getRecalcCanvasXY(from_refer_comp._control_element, canvasX, canvasY); canvasX = canvas_new[0]; canvasY = canvas_new[1]; var clientXY_new = this._getClientXY(canvasX, clientY); clientX = clientXY_new[0]; clientY = clientXY_new[1]; if (!retn) { while (parent) { if (parent.on_fire_user_onlbuttonup) { retn = parent.on_fire_user_onlbuttonup(button, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, obj, from_refer_comp, from_elem); if (retn) { break; } } parent = parent.parent; } } } if (!this._is_alive) { return true; } var grid = this._grid; var datarow = grid._getDataRow(this._rowidx); var upelem = this._is_real_upelem; var alreadyclick = this._is_clickproc; var clickcall = this._clickcall; this._is_real_upelem = null; this._is_clickproc = false; this._clickcall = false; if (grid._isFakeCell(datarow)) { return false; } var cell = (this.parentcell) ? this.parentcell : this; var cellinfo = cell._refobj; var target = grid._treetarget; if (!alreadyclick) { if (target && target.row == datarow && target.cell == cellinfo._cellidx) { cell.on_fire_onclick(button, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, obj, from_refer_comp, "treebutton", true); grid._treetarget = null; } else { if (grid._lastmouseentercell == cell) { if ((datarow == grid._selectinfo.curdsrow) && (cell._cellidx == grid._selectinfo.curcell)) { if (grid._showEditing) { var editor = grid._currentCellEditor; if (editor) { if (upelem instanceof nexacro.InputElement) { upelem.setElementFocus(); if (editor.getCaretPos) { var selection = editor.getSelect(); if (selection[0] == selection[1]) { var cpos = editor.getCaretPos(); editor._setFocus(false); if (editor.setCaretPos) { editor.setCaretPos(cpos); } } } else { editor._setFocus(false); } } else { editor._setFocus(false); } } if (upelem) { var check = false; var upelemtemp = upelem; while (upelemtemp) { if (upelemtemp._cellobj == obj) { check = true; break; } upelemtemp = upelemtemp.parent; } if (!check) { check = clickcall; } if (check) { cell.on_fire_onclick(button, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, obj, from_refer_comp, "", true); } } } else { if (upelem) { var parentcell = (obj.parentcell) ? obj.parentcell : obj; var check = false; var upelemtemp = upelem; while (upelemtemp) { if (upelemtemp == parentcell) { check = true; break; } upelemtemp = upelemtemp.parent; } if (check) { cell.on_fire_onclick(button, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, obj, from_refer_comp, "", true); } } } } } } } this._editshowing = false; }; _pGridCell.on_fire_user_ontouchend = function (touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { this._common_fire_lbuttonup(touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, "", false, false, false, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, from_comp, from_refer_comp, null); return true; }; _pGridCell.on_fire_user_onlbuttonup = function (button, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, obj, refer_comp, from_elem) { this._common_fire_lbuttonup(null, null, button, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, obj, refer_comp, from_elem); return true; }; _pGridCell._getClickItem = function (halign, valign, canvasX, canvasY, text, comp) { if (!text) { return ""; } var clickitem = ""; var size = nexacro._getTextSize2(comp.currentstyle.letterspace, text, comp.currentstyle.font, null, null, null, this._rtldirection); var clientXY = comp._getClientXY(canvasX, canvasY); var halign, valign; var include = false; if (halign == "left") { if (clientXY[0] <= size[0]) { include = true; } } else if (halign == "center") { var l = (comp._client_width - size[0]) / 2; var r = l + size[0]; if (clientXY[0] >= l && clientXY[0] <= r) { include = true; } } else { if (clientXY[0] >= comp._client_width - size[0]) { include = true; } } if (include) { if (valign == "top") { if (clientXY[1] <= size[1]) { clickitem = "text"; } } else if (valign == "middle") { var t = (comp._client_height - size[1]) / 2; var b = t + size[1]; if (clientXY[1] >= t && clientXY[1] <= b) { clickitem = "text"; } } else { if (clientXY[1] >= comp._client_height - size[1]) { clickitem = "text"; } } } return clickitem; }; _pGridCell._clickitem = ""; _pGridCell._on_click = function (elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY) { if (!this._hideInner) { if (elem instanceof nexacro.ControlElement) { this._clickitem = "border"; } else if (elem instanceof nexacro.TextBoxElement) { var halign, valign; if (elem.align) { halign = elem.align._halign; valign = elem.align._valign; } else if (elem.halign && elem.valign) { halign = elem.halign; valign = elem.valign; } this._clickitem = this._getClickItem(halign, valign, canvasX, canvasY, elem.text, this); } } var retn = nexacro.Component.prototype._on_click.call(this, elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY); this._clickitem = ""; return retn; }; _pGridCell.on_fire_onclick = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, clickitem, logic) { if (!logic) { var subcomp = from_refer_comp; while (subcomp && subcomp instanceof nexacro.Component) { if (subcomp instanceof nexacro.GridCell) { break; } var canvas = subcomp._getRecalcCanvasXY(from_refer_comp._control_element, canvasX, canvasY); canvasX = canvas[0]; canvasY = canvas[1]; if (this._subComp == subcomp) { break; } subcomp = subcomp.parent; } } if (this._isSubCell) { canvasX += this._adjust_left; canvasY += this._adjust_top; clientX += this._adjust_left; clientY += this._adjust_top; } if (this._subComp == from_comp) { curstyle = this.currentstyle; if (curstyle && curstyle.padding) { canvasX += curstyle.padding.left; canvasY += curstyle.padding.top; clientX += curstyle.padding.left; clientY += curstyle.padding.top; } } if (this._band) { this._is_clickproc = true; if (nexacro.Browser == "Edge" || nexacro.Browser == "IE") { if (!(this._grid.onlbuttondown && this._grid.onlbuttondown.defaultprevented == true) || (this._grid.onlbuttonup && this._grid.onlbuttonup.defaultprevented == true)) { if (!this._grid._showEditing) { this._setFocus(false); } } } if (clickitem == undefined) { clickitem = this._clickitem; } if (this._grid._scrollpixel == "all") { this._showfull(this); } else { this.parent._showfull(this); } if (this._band.id == "body") { this._grid.on_fire_cellclick(this, clickitem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); } else if (this._band.id == "head") { this._grid.on_fire_headclick(this, clickitem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); } else if (this._band.id == "summ") { this._grid.on_fire_summclick(this, clickitem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); } this._needToggle("onclick", from_comp); } return true; }; _pGridCell.on_fire_ondblclick = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, clickitem) { var subcomp = from_refer_comp; while (subcomp && subcomp instanceof nexacro.Component) { if (subcomp instanceof nexacro.GridCell) { break; } var canvas = subcomp._getRecalcCanvasXY(from_refer_comp._control_element, canvasX, canvasY); canvasX = canvas[0]; canvasY = canvas[1]; if (this._subComp == subcomp) { break; } subcomp = subcomp.parent; } if (this._isSubCell) { canvasX += this._adjust_left; canvasY += this._adjust_top; clientX += this._adjust_left; clientY += this._adjust_top; } if (this._subComp == from_comp) { curstyle = this.currentstyle; if (curstyle && curstyle.padding) { canvasX += curstyle.padding.left; canvasY += curstyle.padding.top; clientX += curstyle.padding.left; clientY += curstyle.padding.top; } } if (this._band) { nexacro._fireBeforeDblclick(from_refer_comp, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); if (clickitem == undefined) { clickitem = ""; } if (this._band.id == "body") { return this._grid.on_fire_celldblclick(this, clickitem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); } else if (this._band.id == "head") { return this._grid.on_fire_headdblclick(this, clickitem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); } else if (this._band.id == "summ") { return this._grid.on_fire_summdblclick(this, clickitem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); } if (!this._is_alive) { return; } } return true; }; _pGridCell.on_fire_onsize = function (width, height) { var curcomp = this._grid._currentCellEditor; var grid = this._grid; var datarow = grid._getDataRow(this._rowidx); if (curcomp) { if (grid._currentCellCell == this._cellidx && this._grid._currentCellRow == datarow) { var cRc = this._setPositionInGrid(curcomp); } } return false; }; _pGridCell.on_fire_onmove = function (left, top) { var curcomp = this._grid._currentCellEditor; var grid = this._grid; var datarow = grid._getDataRow(this._rowidx); if (curcomp) { if (grid._currentCellCell == this._cellidx && this._grid._currentCellRow == datarow) { var cRc = this._setPositionInGrid(curcomp); } } return false; }; _pGridCell._applyMouseLeaveEvent = function () { if (this._is_created && this._pseudo == "mouseover") { var row = this.parent; var grid = this._grid; if (grid._isSelectRowType()) { row._updateAll("normal"); } else { this._updateAll("normal"); } } }; _pGridCell._applyMouseOverEvent = function () { if (this._is_created && this._pseudo == "normal") { var row = this.parent; var grid = this._grid; if (this._grid._isSelectRowType()) { row._updateAll("mouseover"); } else { this._updateAll("mouseover"); } } }; _pGridCell._hideInnerElement = function () { this.getElement().setContainerVisible(false); this._hideInner = true; this.__showExpand(false); if (this._curDisplayType == "tree") { this._subComp._treeline_visible(false); } }; _pGridCell._showInnerElement = function () { this.getElement().setContainerVisible(true); this._hideInner = false; this.__showExpand(true); if (this._curDisplayType == "tree") { this._subComp._treeline_visible(true); } }; _pGridCell.__showExpand = function (flag) { if (!this._expandCtrl) { return; } if (this._fakecell || this._is_fakemerge) { this._expandCtrl.set_visible(false); return; } var grid = this._grid; var cellinfo = this._refobj; var datarow = grid._getDataRow(this._rowidx); var expandshow = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.expandshow, datarow); if (expandshow == "show") { if (flag == false) { if (cellinfo.suppressalign.indexOf("over") > 0) { this._expandCtrl.set_visible(true); } else { this._expandCtrl.set_visible(this.selected); } } else { this._expandCtrl.set_visible(true); } } else { this._expandCtrl.set_visible(false); } }; _pGridCell._createDisplayer = function (displayType) { var editdisplay = ""; var grid = this._grid; var cellinfo = this._refobj; var datarow = grid._getDataRow(this._rowidx); switch (displayType) { case "button": this._createButtonDisplayer(); break; case "checkbox": this._createCheckboxDisplayer(); break; case "image": this._createImageDisplayer(); break; case "tree": this._createTreeDisplayer(); grid._setTreeCellinfo(cellinfo); break; case "combo": editdisplay = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.combodisplay, datarow); if (editdisplay == "display") { this._createComboDisplayer(); } else { this._createTextDisplayer(); } break; case "date": editdisplay = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.calendardisplay, datarow); if (editdisplay == "display") { this._createCalendarDisplayer(); } else { this._createTextDisplayer(); } break; case "text": case "decoratetext": case "normal": editdisplay = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.editdisplay, datarow); var edittype = cellinfo._getEdittype(datarow); if (editdisplay == "display") { if (edittype == "textarea" || edittype == "readonly") { this._createTextAreaDisplayer(); } else { this._createEditDisplayer(); } } else { this._createTextDisplayer(); } break; case "number": case "exponent": case "currency": editdisplay = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.editdisplay, datarow); if (editdisplay == "display") { this._createEditDisplayer(); } else { this._createTextDisplayer(); } break; case "bar": this._createBarDisplayer(); break; } this._curDisplayType = displayType; this._curEditDisplay = editdisplay; }; _pGridCell._isChangeDisplayer = function (displayType, datarow) { var grid = this._grid; var cur_disptype = this._curDisplayType; if ((displayType != cur_disptype) || grid._changeDisplayer) { return true; } var editdisplay = ""; var cellinfo = this._refobj; if (cur_disptype == "combo") { editdisplay = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.combodisplay, datarow); } else if (cur_disptype == "date") { editdisplay = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.calendardisplay, datarow); } else if (cur_disptype == "text" || cur_disptype == "decoratetext" || cur_disptype == "normal" || cur_disptype == "number" || cur_disptype == "exponent" || cur_disptype == "currency") { editdisplay = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.editdisplay, datarow); } if (editdisplay != this._curEditDisplay) { return true; } return false; }; _pGridCell._updateDisplayer = function () { var grid = this._grid; var cellinfo = this._refobj; var datarow = grid._getDataRow(this._rowidx); var displayType = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.displaytype, datarow); var show = true; var band = this._band; if (displayType === undefined) { displayType = "normal"; } if (this._isChangeDisplayer(displayType, datarow) == true) { if (this._curDisplayType != "") { this._destroyDisplayer(grid._lbuttondown_proc); } this._createDisplayer(displayType); if (this._subComp && !this._subComp._is_created) { this._subComp.on_created(); } } else { this.on_apply_wordwrap(); } var expandshow = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.expandshow, datarow); var expandsize = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.expandsize, datarow); if (expandshow == "show") { if (!this._expandCtrl) { this._createExpandDisplayer(); } else { if (this._expand_width != expandsize) { this._expandCtrl.destroy(); this._expandCtrl = null; this._createExpandDisplayer(); } else { this._changeClientmode("expand"); } } this._control_element._updateClientSize(); this._updateClientSize(this._control_element); } else { if (this._expandCtrl) { this._expand_width = 0; this._expandCtrl.destroy(); this._expandCtrl = null; this._control_element._setExpandControl(null, 0); this._updateClientSize(this._control_element); if (this._control_element._mode == "expandtext") { this._changeClientmode("text"); } } } var fake = grid._isFakeCell(datarow); if (fake) { if (grid.fillareatype == "datarow") { if (!this._isDisplayDataType(displayType)) { if (displayType != "date") { show = false; if (fake != this._fakecell || grid._resetfillarea) { this._hideInnerElement(); this._fakecell = fake; } } } } else if (grid.fillareatype == "linerow") { show = false; if (fake != this._fakecell || grid._resetfillarea) { this._hideInnerElement(); this._fakecell = fake; } } else if (grid.fillareatype == "controlrow") { if (this._isDisplayDataType(displayType)) { show = false; if (fake != this._fakecell || grid._resetfillarea) { this._hideInnerElement(); this._fakecell = fake; } } } } else { if (fake != this._fakecell) { this._showInnerElement(); this._fakecell = fake; } } return show; }; _pGridCell._isUpdateArea = function () { if (this._isSubCell) { return true; } var gridrow = this.parent, gridrow_elem = gridrow.getElement(), update_left = gridrow_elem.scroll_left, update_right = update_left + this._grid._adjust_width; var cellinfo = this._refobj; if (cellinfo._area != "body" || (update_left <= this._getPosRight() && update_right >= this._adjust_left)) { return true; } return false; }; _pGridCell._updateAll = function (pseudo, onlycontents) { if (!this._is_alive) { return; } this._rowidx = this.parent._rowidx; var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { if (this._isUpdateArea() == false) { return; } var grid = this._grid; var show = this._disp_show = this._updateDisplayer(); var cellinfo = this._refobj; var datarow = grid._getDataRow(this._rowidx); if (grid._currentCellRow >= 0) { var textelem = this._text_elem; if (textelem) { if (grid._currentCellCell == this._cellidx && grid._currentCellRow == datarow) { textelem.setElementTextVisible(false); } else { textelem.setElementTextVisible(true); } } } this._display_text = this._getDisplayText(); this.on_apply_text(); this._control_pseudo = ""; this._contents_pseudo = ""; pseudo = pseudo === undefined ? "normal" : pseudo; if (grid._ReasonRefresh) { this._status = grid._ReasonRefresh._status; } this.on_apply_pseudo(pseudo, onlycontents); if (this.subcells.length > 0) { for (var i = 0, n = this.subcells.length; i < n; i++) { this.subcells[i]._updateAll(pseudo); } } else { if (cellinfo._getSuppress(datarow) != 0) { if (this._band.id == "body" && cellinfo.suppressalign.indexOf("over") > 0) { this._hideInnerElement(); } else { if (show) { var suppinfo = this._getSuppressInfo(); if (suppinfo) { if (suppinfo.text_proc != 0) { this._hideInnerElement(); } else { this._showInnerElement(); } } } } } else { if (show && this._hideInner) { this._showInnerElement(); } } } if (control_elem._mode == "text") { this._changeClientmode("text"); } if (grid._isFakeCell(datarow) == false) { if (cellinfo._getSuppress(datarow) == 0) { var remove = this._is_fakemerge = grid._checkFakeMerge(cellinfo, datarow); if (remove) { this._hideInnerElement(); } else { this._showInnerElement(); } } } } }; _pGridCell._getSuppressInfo = function () { var grid = this._grid; var row2; if (grid._fixed_rowcnt > 0) { if (grid._fixed_endrow >= this._rowidx) { row2 = grid._fixed_startrow; } else { row2 = grid._toprowpos[0] - (grid._fixed_rowcnt - grid._fixed_startrow); } } else { row2 = grid._toprowpos[0]; } var row = this._rowidx - row2; if (this._rowidx >= 0 && row < 0) { return null; } return this._refobj._getSuppressInfo(row); }; _pGridCell._getAvailableRect = function () { var grid = this._grid; var rect = grid._getAvailableRect(this); return rect; }; _pGridCell._changeClientmode = function (mode) { var control_elem = this.getElement(); var contain_elem = null; if (control_elem) { var padding = this.currentstyle.padding; if (this._refobj._subcells.length) { mode = "normal"; } else if (mode == "expand") { if (control_elem._mode != "normal") { mode = "expandtext"; } else { mode = "normal"; } } else if (mode == "text") { if (this._expandCtrl) { mode = "expandtext"; } else if (padding) { mode = (padding.right > 0 || padding.bottom > 0) ? "expandtext" : "text"; } } contain_elem = control_elem._changeMode(mode, this.currentstyle.padding); if (mode == "text" || mode == "expandtext") { this._text_elem = contain_elem; } else { this._text_elem = null; } } }; _pGridCell._createExpandDisplayer = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { this._changeClientmode("expand"); var datarow = this._grid._getDataRow(this._rowidx); this._expand_width = this._refobj._getAttrValue(this._refobj.expandsize, datarow); var border = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_border(this._pseudo); var l = this._adjust_width - this._expand_width - ((border) ? border._right_width : 0); var t = 0; var r = l + this._expand_width; var b = this._adjust_height - ((border) ? border._bottom_width : 0); if (l < 0) { l = 0; r = this._adjust_width; } var expCtrl = this._expandCtrl = new nexacro.GridExpand(this, l, t, r, b); expCtrl.createComponent(); this._control_element._setExpandControl(this._expandCtrl, this._expand_width); } }; _pGridCell._createTextDisplayer = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { var rect = this._getAvailableRect(); this._changeClientmode("text"); var text_elem = this._text_elem; if (text_elem) { this.on_apply_wordwrap(); } this.currentstyle._empty(); } }; _pGridCell._createButtonDisplayer = function (doc, target) { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { var rect = this._getAvailableRect(); var width = rect.width; var height = rect.height; this._changeClientmode("normal"); var controlComp = new nexacro.GridControlButton("controlbutton", 0, 0, width, height, this, true); controlComp._is_subcontrol = true; controlComp.createComponent(true); this._subComp = controlComp; var grid = this._grid; var datarow = grid._getDataRow(this._rowidx); var wordwrap = this._refobj._getWordwrap(datarow); controlComp.set_wordwrap(wordwrap); this.currentstyle._empty(); } }; _pGridCell._createCheckboxDisplayer = function (doc, target) { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { this._changeClientmode("normal"); var controlComp = new nexacro.GridControlCheckbox("controlcheckbox", 0, 0, 0, 0, this, true); controlComp._is_subcontrol = true; controlComp.createComponent(true); this._subComp = controlComp; this.currentstyle._empty(); } }; _pGridCell._createImageDisplayer = function (doc, target) { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { var rect = this._getAvailableRect(); var width = rect.width; var height = rect.height; var controlSize = 16; var left = Math.round((width - controlSize) / 2); var top = Math.round((height - controlSize) / 2); var right = left + controlSize; var bottom = top + controlSize; this._changeClientmode("normal"); var controlComp = new nexacro.GridControlImage("controlimage", left, top, controlSize, controlSize, this); controlComp._is_subcontrol = true; controlComp.createComponent(true); this._subComp = controlComp; this.currentstyle._empty(); } }; _pGridCell._createTreeDisplayer = function (doc, target) { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { var rect = this._getAvailableRect(); var width = rect.width; var height = rect.height; this._changeClientmode("normal"); var controlComp = this._subComp = new nexacro.GridControlTree("controltree", 0, 0, width, height, this); controlComp._is_subcontrol = true; controlComp.createComponent(true); this._subComp = controlComp; this.currentstyle._empty(); } }; _pGridCell._createComboDisplayer = function (doc, target) { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { var rect = this._getAvailableRect(); var width = rect.width; var height = rect.height; this._changeClientmode("normal"); var controlComp = new nexacro.GridControlCombo("controlcombo", 0, 0, width, height, this, true); controlComp._cellinfo = this._refobj; controlComp._is_subcontrol = true; controlComp.createComponent(true); controlComp.comboedit._input_element._isUseDelCaret = true; this._subComp = controlComp; this.currentstyle._empty(); } }; _pGridCell._createCalendarDisplayer = function (doc, target) { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { var rect = this._getAvailableRect(); var width = rect.width; var height = rect.height; this._changeClientmode("normal"); var controlComp = this._subComp = new nexacro.GridControlCalendar("controlcalendar", 0, 0, width, height, this, true); controlComp._cellinfo = this._refobj; controlComp._is_subcontrol = true; controlComp.createComponent(true); controlComp.calendaredit._input_element._isUseDelCaret = true; this._subComp = controlComp; this.currentstyle._empty(); } }; _pGridCell._createEditDisplayer = function (doc, target) { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { var rect = this._getAvailableRect(); var width = rect.width; var height = rect.height; this._changeClientmode("normal"); var controlComp = this._subComp = new nexacro.GridControlEdit("controledit", 0, 0, width, height, this, true); controlComp._is_subcontrol = true; controlComp.createComponent(true); controlComp._input_element._isUseDelCaret = true; this._subComp = controlComp; this.currentstyle._empty(); } }; _pGridCell._createTextAreaDisplayer = function (doc, target) { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { var rect = this._getAvailableRect(); var width = rect.width; var height = rect.height; this._changeClientmode("normal"); var controlComp = this._subComp = new nexacro.GridControlTextArea("controltextarea", 0, 0, width, height, this, true); controlComp._isSubControl = true; controlComp.createComponent(true); controlComp._input_element._isUseDelCaret = true; this._subComp = controlComp; var grid = this._grid; var datarow = grid._getDataRow(this._rowidx); var wordwrap = this._refobj._getWordwrap(datarow); controlComp.set_wordwrap(wordwrap); this.currentstyle._empty(); } }; _pGridCell._createBarDisplayer = function (doc, target) { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { var rect = this._getAvailableRect(); var width = rect.width; var height = rect.height; this._changeClientmode("normal"); var controlComp = this._subComp = new nexacro.GridControlBar("controlprogressbar", 0, 0, width, height, this, true); controlComp._is_subcontrol = true; controlComp.createComponent(true); this._subComp = controlComp; this.currentstyle._empty(); } }; _pGridCell._updateAvailableArea = function () { var rc = this._getAvailableRect(); var subcomp = this._subComp; if (subcomp) { var w = rc.width; var h = rc.height; if (this._curDisplayType == "checkbox" || this._curDisplayType == "image") { var align = this.currentstyle.align; if (align && !align._is_empty) { this.on_apply_style_ctrlAlign(align.halign, align.valign); } } else { subcomp.move(0, 0, w, h); } } var expand_ctrl = this._expandCtrl; if (expand_ctrl) { var left = expand_ctrl.left; var top = 0; var width = expand_ctrl.width; var height = this._adjust_height; expand_ctrl._applysetPosition(left, top, width, height); } }; _pGridCell._isEnable = function () { return this._grid._enable; }; _pGridCell._getDisplayRowIdx = function () { return this._rowidx - this._grid._getBodyBegRowPos(this._rowidx); }; _pGridCell._is_Selected = function () { return (this.selected && this._grid.useselcolor); }; _pGridCell._getResultPseudo = function (status, pseudo) { pseudo = nexacro.Component._status_table[status + "_" + pseudo]; var grid = this._grid; if (pseudo == "mouseover") { grid._mouseRowPos = grid._getDataRow(this._rowidx); grid._mouseCellPos = this._cellidx; } else { grid._mouseRowPos = -9; grid._mouseCellPos = -1; } var datarow = grid._getDataRow(this._rowidx); if ((grid._isFakeCell(datarow) && pseudo != "disabled") || nexacro._cur_track_info || nexacro.isTouchInteraction) { pseudo = "normal"; } else { var mouseRowPos = grid._mouseRowPos; if (mouseRowPos == datarow && pseudo == "normal") { pseudo = "mouseover"; } } return pseudo; }; _pGridCell._getDisplayText = function () { if (this._refobj) { var grid = this._grid; var datarow = grid._getDataRow(this._rowidx); return this._refobj._getDisplayText(datarow); } return ""; }; _pGridCell._setDisplayText = function () { this._display_text = this._getDisplayText(); this.on_apply_text(); }; _pGridCell.__updateCustomStyles = function () { this.on_apply_wordwrap(); }; _pGridCell._isDisplayDataType = function (displayType) { if (displayType == "number" || displayType == "exponent" || displayType == "currency" || displayType == "normal" || displayType == "text" || displayType == "decoratetext") { return true; } return false; }; _pGridCell._showfull = function (is_vscroll) { if (this._isSubCell) { return this.parent._showfull(); } var band = this._band; var scrollleft = this._grid._getScrollLeft(); var scrolltop = this._grid._getScrollTop(); var band_elem = band._control_element; var topPos = this.parent._adjust_top; var l = this._adjust_left; var t = this._adjust_top + topPos; var w = this._adjust_width; var h = this._adjust_height; var r = l + w; var b = t + h; l -= scrollleft; r -= scrollleft; t -= scrolltop; b -= scrolltop; var grid = this._grid; var gridrow = this.parent; var hscroll = grid.hscrollbar; var vscroll = grid.vscrollbar; var cellinfo = this._refobj; var bandrc = gridrow._getAreaRect(cellinfo._area); if (hscroll && cellinfo._area == "body") { if (w < bandrc.width) { if (l < 0) { if (hscroll._isEnable()) { hscroll.set_pos(hscroll.pos + l); } } else if (r > bandrc.width) { var gap = r - bandrc.width; if (hscroll._isEnable()) { hscroll.set_pos(hscroll.pos + gap); } } } } if (band.id == "body") { if (vscroll && is_vscroll && !gridrow._fixed) { if (h < band._client_height) { if (t < 0) { if (vscroll._isEnable()) { vscroll._set_pixelpos(vscroll._pos + t); } } else if (b > band._client_height) { var gab = b - band._client_height; if (vscroll._isEnable()) { vscroll._set_pixelpos(vscroll._pos + gab); } } } } } }; _pGridCell._needToggle = function (eventname, from_comp) { if (!this._is_alive) { return; } var grid = this._grid; var datarow = grid._getDataRow(this._rowidx); var editType = this._refobj._getEdittype(datarow); if (grid.selectchangetype == "down" && eventname == "onclick") { return; } else if (grid.selectchangetype == "up" && eventname == "onlbuttondown") { return; } if (editType == "checkbox" && nexacro._toBoolean(grid.readonly) == false) { if (this._curDisplayType != "checkbox") { grid._toggleVal(datarow, this._refobj); } else { if (eventname == "onclick" || eventname == "onlbuttondown") { if (this._grid.cellclickbound == "cell" && from_comp == this) { if (this._subComp && this._subComp._toggleCheck) { this._subComp._toggleCheck(); } } } else { if (this._subComp && this._subComp._toggleCheck) { this._subComp._toggleCheck(); } } } } }; _pGridCell._setPositionInGrid = function (editComp, noScrollPos, noPadding) { var gridrow = (this._isSubCell) ? this.parent.parent : this.parent; var band = this._band; var grid = this._grid; var cellinfo = this._refobj; var rect = gridrow._getAreaRect(cellinfo._area); var areal = rect.left; var arear = rect.left + rect.width; var is_fixed = (band.id == "body" && gridrow._fixed); var bandt = band._adjust_top + ((band.id == "body" && is_fixed == false) ? grid._fixed_height : 0); var bandb = band._getPosBottom(); var l = this._adjust_left + areal; var t = gridrow._adjust_top + this._adjust_top + bandt; if (!noScrollPos) { var band_scroll_top = (is_fixed) ? 0 : grid._getScrollTop(); var area_scroll_left = grid._getScrollLeft(); if (cellinfo._area == "body") { l -= (area_scroll_left >= 0) ? area_scroll_left : 0; } if (band.id == "body") { t -= (band_scroll_top >= 0) ? band_scroll_top : 0; } } if (band._refobj._noborder == true && cellinfo._row == 0 && this._getDisplayRowIdx() <= 0) { t += (this.currentstyle.border) ? this.currentstyle.border._bottom_width : 0; } var crect = this._getAvailableRect(); if (!noPadding) { var padding = this.currentstyle.padding; l += (padding) ? padding.left : 0; t += (padding) ? padding.top : 0; } var r = l + crect.width; var b = t + crect.height; var orgt = t, orgl = l; if (t < bandt) { t = bandt; } if (b > bandb) { b = bandb; } if (l < areal) { l = areal; } if (r > arear) { r = arear; } var w = r - l; var h = b - t; if (w < 0) { w = 0; } if (h < 0) { h = 0; } if (editComp) { if (w == 0 || h == 0) { editComp.move(0, -10, 0, 0); } else { editComp.move(l, t, w, h); } } return { left : l, top : t, right : r, bottom : b, width : w, height : h, orgt : orgt, orgl : orgl }; }; _pGridCell._showEditor = function (flag, focus, show) { var textCtrl = this._text_elem; var cellinfo = this._refobj; var grid = this._grid; var datarow = grid._getDataRow(this._rowidx); var editComp; grid._currentCellCell = this._cellidx; grid._currentCellRow = datarow; if (!flag) { if (show) { this._showfull(); } if (grid._showEditing) { grid._hideEditor(); } if (textCtrl) { textCtrl.setElementTextVisible(false); } if (this._subComp) { this._subComp.set_visible(false); } editComp = grid._createEditor(this); this._setPositionInGrid(editComp); editComp._EditUpdateAll(cellinfo, this); editComp.set_visible(true); editComp._setRtlDirection(this._rtldirection); if (nexacro.isTouchInteraction || grid.selectchangetype == "up") { editComp._setFocus(false); } if (grid.autoenter == "select" && grid._lbuttondown_proc) { editComp._user_push = true; editComp._stat_change("focus", "pushed"); editComp._is_pushed_area = true; editComp._is_push = true; } else { editComp._stat_change("focus", "focused"); } } else { if (this._subComp) { this._subComp.set_visible(false); } editComp = grid._currentCellEditor; if (editComp) { editComp._cellinfo = cellinfo; editComp._cellobj = this; this._setPositionInGrid(editComp); if (focus == true) { editComp._setFocus(false); } } } }; _pGridCell._hideEditor = function () { var text = this._text_elem; if (text) { text.setElementTextVisible(true); } this._grid._currentCellCell = -1; this._grid._currentCellRow = -1; if (this._subComp) { this._subComp.set_visible(true); } }; _pGridCell._hasEditor = function () { var cellinfo = this._refobj; var grid = this._grid; var datarow = grid._getDataRow(this._rowidx); var editType = cellinfo._getEdittype(datarow); switch (editType) { case "none": return false; case "normal": case "text": case "combo": case "date": case "mask": case "masknumber": case "textarea": case "button": case "readonly": return true; } return false; }; _pGridCell.on_apply_prop_rtldirection = function () { nexacro.Component.prototype.on_apply_prop_rtldirection.call(this); var text_elem = this._text_elem; if (text_elem) { text_elem.setElementRtlDirection(this._rtldirection); } if (this._subComp) { this._subComp._setRtlDirection(this._rtldirection); } }; delete _pGridCell; nexacro.GridExpand = function (parent, left, top, right, bottom, controlmode) { nexacro.Component.call(this, "controlexpand", "absolute", left, top, right - left, bottom - top, null, null, parent); this.tabstop = false; this.parent = parent; this._is_subcontrol = true; this._is_nc_control = true; this._controlmode = (controlmode) ? true : false; if (parent._refobj) { this._grid = parent._grid; this._cellobj = parent; this._cellinfo = parent._refobj; } else { this._grid = parent; } this._text = ""; this._imagetext = ""; }; var _pGridExpand = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Component, nexacro.GridExpand); nexacro.GridExpand.prototype = _pGridExpand; _pGridExpand._type_name = "GridExpand"; _pGridExpand._text_elem = null; _pGridExpand._img_elem = null; _pGridExpand._makeCssRefInfo = function () { return (this._grid._makeCssRefInfoCtrl(this)); }; _pGridExpand.on_create_contents = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { var curstyle = this.currentstyle; if (this._text) { var text_elem = this._text_elem = new nexacro.TextBoxElement(control_elem); var halign = curstyle.align.halign == "" ? "center" : curstyle.align._halign; var valign = curstyle.align.valign == "" ? "middle" : curstyle.align._valign; text_elem.setElementFont(curstyle.font); text_elem.setElementColor(curstyle.color); text_elem.setElementAlignXY(halign, valign); text_elem.setElementLetterSpace(curstyle.letterspace); } if (this._imagetext) { this._setExpandImg(this._imagetext); } } }; _pGridExpand.on_created_contents = function () { var text_elem = this._text_elem; var img_elem = this._img_elem; if (img_elem) { img_elem.create(); } if (text_elem) { text_elem.create(); } }; _pGridExpand.on_destroy_contents = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { if (this._text_elem) { this._text_elem.destroy(); this._text_elem = null; } if (this._img_elem) { this._img_elem.destroy(); this._img_elem = null; } } this._grid = null; this._cellobj = null; this._cellinfo = null; }; _pGridExpand.on_change_containerRect = function (width, height) { }; _pGridExpand._setAccessibilityStatFocus = function () { var cellobj = this._cellobj; var label = cellobj._getAccessibilityMakeAddLabel(); var tmp_label = ""; var accessibility = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility(this._pseudo); if (accessibility) { if (accessibility._bindexpr && accessibility._bindexpr.length > 0) { tmp_label = this._cellinfo._getAttrValue(accessibility, this._rowidx); accessibility._setValue(tmp_label); } tmp_label = this._getAccessibilityLabel(accessibility); } else { tmp_label = cellobj._getCellAccessibilityLabel(); } label += " " + tmp_label; this._setAccessibilityLabel(label); nexacro.Component.prototype._setAccessibilityStatFocus.call(this); }; _pGridExpand._find_pseudo_obj = function (styleProp, pseudo, returnType, ctrl) { if (!ctrl) { return nexacro.Component.prototype._find_pseudo_obj.call(this, styleProp, pseudo, returnType); } var cellinfo = this._cellinfo; var grid = this._grid; var datarow = grid._getDataRow(this._cellobj._rowidx); if (this._cellobj && this._grid._isFakeCell(datarow) && pseudo != "disabled") { pseudo = "normal"; } datarow = grid._getDataRow(this._cellobj._rowidx); var controlProp = "control" + styleProp; var v = cellinfo._query_pseudo_control(this, datarow, controlProp, styleProp, pseudo, returnType); return v; }; _pGridExpand.on_find_CurrentStyle_background = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("background", pseudo, "background", true); }; _pGridExpand.on_find_CurrentStyle_color = function (pseudo) { var v = this._find_pseudo_obj("color", pseudo, "color", true); if (!v) { v = this._cellobj.on_find_CurrentStyle_color(this._cellobj._pseudo); } return (v) ? v : nexacro.Component._default_color; }; _pGridExpand.on_find_CurrentStyle_font = function (pseudo) { var v = this._find_pseudo_obj("font", pseudo, "font", true); if (!v) { v = this._cellobj.on_find_CurrentStyle_font(this._cellobj._pseudo); } return (v) ? v : nexacro.Component._default_font; }; _pGridExpand.on_find_CurrentStyle_cursor = function (pseudo) { var v = this._find_pseudo_obj("cursor", pseudo, "cursor", true); if (!v) { v = this._cellobj.on_find_CurrentStyle_cursor(this._cellobj._pseudo); } return v; }; _pGridExpand.on_find_CurrentStyle_letterspace = function (pseudo) { var v = this._find_pseudo_obj("letterspace", pseudo, "letterspace"); if (!v) { v = this._cellobj.on_find_CurrentStyle_letterspace(this._cellobj._pseudo); } return (v) ? v : nexacro.Component._default_letterspace; }; _pGridExpand.on_get_style_accessibility_description = function () { if (this._cellobj) { this._cellobj.tooltiptext; } }; _pGridExpand.on_get_style_accessibility_label = function () { return this.text; }; _pGridExpand._on_bubble_mouseenter = function (elem, from_comp, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, bubble_scope) { var call = true; if (bubble_scope) { call = this._cellobj._common_mouseenter(); } if (call) { nexacro.Component.prototype._on_bubble_mouseenter.call(this, elem, from_comp, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, bubble_scope); } return true; }; _pGridExpand._on_bubble_mouseleave = function (elem, to_comp, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, bubble_scope) { var call = true; if (bubble_scope) { call = this._cellobj._common_mouseleave(); } if (call) { nexacro.Component.prototype._on_bubble_mouseleave.call(this, elem, to_comp, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, bubble_scope); } return true; }; _pGridExpand.on_fire_user_ontouchstart = function (touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { this._cellobj.on_fire_user_ontouchstart(touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp); var touchinfo = nexacro._getFirstTouchInfo(changedtouchinfos); if (touchinfo) { //2017.08.16 - ctj1030 //return this._grid.on_fire_onexpanddown("", false, false, false, touchinfo.screenX, touchinfo.screenY, touchinfo.canvasX, touchinfo.canvasY, touchinfo.clientX, touchinfo.clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); this._grid.on_fire_onexpanddown("", false, false, false, touchinfo.screenX, touchinfo.screenY, touchinfo.canvasX, touchinfo.canvasY, touchinfo.clientX, touchinfo.clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); return true; } }; _pGridExpand.on_fire_user_onlbuttondown = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { this._cellobj.on_fire_user_onlbuttondown(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); //2017.08.16 - ctj1030 //return this._grid.on_fire_onexpanddown(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); this._grid.on_fire_onexpanddown(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); return true; }; _pGridExpand.on_fire_user_ontouchend = function (touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { this._cellobj.on_fire_user_ontouchend(touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp); var touchinfo = nexacro._getFirstTouchInfo(changedtouchinfos); if (touchinfo) { //2017.08.16 - ctj1030 //return this._grid.on_fire_onexpandup("", false, false, false, touchinfo.screenX, touchinfo.screenY, touchinfo.canvasX, touchinfo.canvasY, touchinfo.clientX, touchinfo.clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); this._grid.on_fire_onexpandup("", false, false, false, touchinfo.screenX, touchinfo.screenY, touchinfo.canvasX, touchinfo.canvasY, touchinfo.clientX, touchinfo.clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); return true; } }; _pGridExpand.on_fire_user_onlbuttonup = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, from_elem) { this._cellobj.on_fire_user_onlbuttonup(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, from_elem); //2017.08.16 - ctj1030 //return this._grid.on_fire_onexpandup(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, from_elem); this._grid.on_fire_onexpandup(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, from_elem); return true; }; _pGridExpand.on_fire_ondblclick = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { //2017.08.16 = ctj1030 //return this._cellobj.on_fire_ondblclick(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); this._cellobj.on_fire_ondblclick(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); return true; }; _pGridExpand.on_fire_onclick = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { //2017.08.16 - ctj1030 //return this._cellobj.on_fire_onclick(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); this._cellobj.on_fire_onclick(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); return true; }; _pGridExpand._on_last_lbuttonup = function () { this._cellobj._on_last_lbuttonup(); }; _pGridExpand._on_last_keyup = function () { this._cellobj._on_last_keyup(); }; _pGridExpand._isEnable = function () { return this._grid._enable; }; _pGridExpand._setPositionEx = function () { var elem = this._text_elem; if (elem) { elem.setElementPosition(0, 0); var rect = this._grid._getAvailableRect(this); elem.setElementSize(rect.width, rect.height); } elem = this._img_elem; if (elem) { this._imgAdjustAlign(this._image_width, this._image_height); } }; _pGridExpand._imgAdjustAlign = function (imgW, imgH) { var rect = this._grid._getAvailableRect(this); var imgelem = this._img_elem; if (imgelem) { var x = 0; var y = 0; var cellh = rect.height; var cellw = rect.width; if (imgW > cellw) { x = x - ((imgW - cellw) / 2); } else { x = (cellw - imgW) / 2; } if (imgH > cellh) { y = y - ((imgH - cellh) / 2); } else { y = (cellh - imgH) / 2; } imgelem.setElementPosition(x, y); imgelem.setElementSize(imgW, imgH); } }; _pGridExpand._on_loadImg = function (val, imgW, imgH) { if (!this._is_alive || !this._img_elem) { return; } this._img_elem.setElementImageUrl(val); this._imgAdjustAlign(imgW, imgH); }; _pGridExpand.on_apply_custom_pseudo = function (pseudo) { if (!this._is_created) { return; } var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (!control_elem) { return; } if (!pseudo) { pseudo = this._pseudo; } }; _pGridExpand._updateAll = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { var grid = this._grid; var datarow = grid._getDataRow(this._cellobj._rowidx); this._control_pseudo = ""; this._contents_pseudo = ""; this.on_apply_pseudo(this._cellobj._pseudo); if (this._cellobj) { var v = this._cellinfo._getAttrValue(this._cellinfo.expandimage, datarow); this._setExpandImg(v); v = this._cellinfo._getAttrValue(this._cellinfo.expandchar, datarow); this._setExpandText(v); v = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_font(this._cellobj._pseudo); this._setFont(v); v = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_color(this._cellobj._pseudo); this._setColor(v); this._setAlign("center", "middle"); this._setPositionEx(); } } }; _pGridExpand._setExpandImg = function (image) { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem && image) { var val = (image) ? image.toString() : null; if (val) { var imgElem = this._img_elem; if (!imgElem) { imgElem = new nexacro.ImageElement(control_elem); this._img_elem = imgElem; imgElem.create(); } val = nexacro._getURIValue(val); val = nexacro._getImageLocation(val, this._getRefFormBaseUrl()); var size = nexacro._getImageSize(val, this._on_loadImg, this, undefined, image); if (size) { this._image_width = size.width; this._image_height = size.height; imgElem.setElementImageUrl(val); } } else { if (this._img_elem) { this._img_elem.destroy(); this._img_elem = null; if (this._text_elem) { var align = this.currentstyle.align; var halign = align.halign == "" ? "center" : align._halign; var valign = align.valign == "" ? "middle" : align._valign; this._text_elem.setElementAlignXY(halign, valign); } } } } }; _pGridExpand._setExpandText = function (val) { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { if (this._text != val) { this._text = val; var elem = this._text_elem; var curstyle = this.currentstyle; if (!elem) { elem = this._text_elem = new nexacro.TextBoxElement(control_elem); var halign = (!curstyle.align || curstyle.align.halign == "") ? "center" : curstyle.align.halign; var valign = (!curstyle.align || curstyle.align.valign == "") ? "middle" : curstyle.align.valign; elem.setElementFont(curstyle.font); elem.setElementColor(curstyle.color); elem.setElementAlignXY(halign, valign); elem.setElementLetterSpace(curstyle.letterspace); elem.create(); } elem.setElementText(val); } } }; _pGridExpand._setFont = function (font) { var elem = this._text_elem; if (elem) { elem.setElementFont(font); } }; _pGridExpand._setColor = function (color) { var elem = this._text_elem; if (elem) { elem.setElementColor(color); } }; _pGridExpand._setAlign = function (halign, valign) { var elem = this._text_elem; if (elem) { elem.setElementAlignXY(halign, valign); } }; delete _pGridExpand; nexacro.GridControlButton = function (id, left, top, width, height, parent, displaymode, controlmode) { nexacro.ButtonCtrl.call(this, id, "absolute", left, top, width, height, null, null, parent); this.tabstop = false; this._displaymode = (displaymode) ? true : false; this._controlmode = (controlmode) ? true : false; this._clickevt_able = true; if (parent._refobj) { this._grid = parent._refobj.grid; this._cellinfo = parent._refobj; this._cellobj = parent; } else { this._grid = parent; this._cellinfo = null; this._cellobj = null; } }; var _pGridButton = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.ButtonCtrl, nexacro.GridControlButton); nexacro.GridControlButton.prototype = _pGridButton; _pGridButton.on_find_CurrentStyle_align = function (pseudo) { var cellobj = this._cellobj; if (cellobj) { var align = this._find_pseudo_obj("align", pseudo, "align"); return align; } return null; }; _pGridButton.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility = function (pseudo) { var cellobj = this._cellobj; if (cellobj) { var accessibility = this._find_pseudo_obj("accessibility", pseudo, "accessibility"); if (!accessibility) { accessibility = cellobj.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility(pseudo); } return accessibility; } return null; }; _pGridButton.on_find_CurrentStyle_background = function (pseudo) { var background = this._find_pseudo_obj("background", pseudo, "background"); return background; }; _pGridButton.on_find_CurrentStyle_border = function (pseudo) { var border = this._find_pseudo_obj("border", pseudo, "border"); return border; }; _pGridButton.on_find_CurrentStyle_bordertype = function (pseudo) { var bordertype = this._find_pseudo_obj("bordertype", pseudo, "bordertype"); return bordertype; }; _pGridButton.on_find_CurrentStyle_color = function (pseudo) { var cellobj = this._cellobj; if (cellobj) { var color = this._find_pseudo_obj("color", pseudo, "color"); if (!color) { color = cellobj.on_find_CurrentStyle_color(pseudo); } return color; } return null; }; _pGridButton.on_find_CurrentStyle_font = function (pseudo) { var cellobj = this._cellobj; if (cellobj) { var font = this._find_pseudo_obj("font", pseudo, "font"); if (!font) { font = cellobj.on_find_CurrentStyle_font(pseudo); } return font; } return null; }; _pGridButton.on_find_CurrentStyle_letterspace = function (pseudo) { var cellobj = this._cellobj; if (cellobj) { var letterspace = this._find_pseudo_obj("letterspace", pseudo, "letterspace"); if (!letterspace) { letterspace = cellobj.on_find_CurrentStyle_letterspace(pseudo); } return letterspace; } return null; }; _pGridButton.on_find_CurrentStyle_gradation = function (pseudo) { var gradation = this._find_pseudo_obj("gradation", pseudo, "gradation"); return gradation; }; _pGridButton.on_find_CurrentStyle_cursor = function (pseudo) { var grid = this._grid; if (grid._global_cursor) { return grid._global_cursor; } var cellobj = this._cellobj; if (cellobj) { var cursor = this._find_pseudo_obj("cursor", pseudo) || cellobj.on_find_CurrentStyle_cursor(pseudo); return (cursor) ? cursor : nexacro.Component._default_cursor; } return null; }; _pGridButton._makeCssRefInfo = function () { return (this._grid._makeCssRefInfoCtrl(this)); }; _pGridButton._find_pseudo_obj = function (styleProp, pseudo, returnType) { var cellinfo = this._cellinfo; var grid = this._grid; var datarow = grid._getDataRow(this._cellobj._rowidx); if (this._cellobj && this._grid._isFakeCell(datarow) && pseudo != "disabled") { pseudo = "normal"; } datarow = grid._getDataRow(this._cellobj._rowidx); var controlProp = "control" + styleProp; var v = cellinfo._query_pseudo_control(this, datarow, controlProp, styleProp, pseudo, returnType); return v; }; _pGridButton.on_destroy_contents = function () { nexacro.ButtonCtrl.prototype.on_destroy_contents.call(this); this._grid = null; this._cellinfo = null; this._cellobj = null; }; _pGridButton._setAccessibilityStatFocus = function () { var cellobj = this._cellobj; var label = cellobj._getAccessibilityMakeAddLabel(); var tmp_label = ""; var accessibility = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility(this._pseudo); if (accessibility) { if (accessibility._bindexpr && accessibility._bindexpr.length > 0) { tmp_label = this._cellinfo._getAttrValue(accessibility, this._rowidx); accessibility._setValue(tmp_label); } tmp_label = this._getAccessibilityLabel(accessibility); } else { tmp_label = cellobj._getCellAccessibilityLabel(); } label += " " + tmp_label; this._setAccessibilityLabel(label); nexacro.Component.prototype._setAccessibilityStatFocus.call(this); }; _pGridButton.on_apply_custom_setfocus = function (evt_name) { if (!this._displaymode) { nexacro.ButtonCtrl.prototype.on_apply_custom_setfocus.call(this, evt_name); } }; _pGridButton.on_get_style_accessibility_description = function () { if (this._cellobj) { return this._cellobj.tooltiptext; } }; _pGridButton.on_get_style_accessibility_label = function () { return this.text; }; _pGridButton.on_fire_user_onkeyup = function (key_code, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { var ret = nexacro.Component.prototype.on_fire_user_onkeyup.call(this, key_code, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, from_comp, from_refer_comp); if (key_code == 13 || key_code == 32) { this.click(); } return ret; }; _pGridButton._on_bubble_touchend = function (touch_manager, touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, is_userbubble) { var call = true; if (is_userbubble) { call = this._cellobj._common_lbuttonup(changedtouchinfos, null, null, null, null); } if (call) { nexacro.ButtonCtrl.prototype._on_bubble_touchend.call(this, touch_manager, touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, is_userbubble); } return true; }; _pGridButton._on_bubble_lbuttonup = function (elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, from_elem, bubble_scope) { var call = true; if (bubble_scope) { call = this._cellobj._common_lbuttonup(null, elem, canvasX, canvasY, from_elem); } if (call) { nexacro.ButtonCtrl.prototype._on_bubble_lbuttonup.call(this, elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, from_elem, bubble_scope); } return true; }; _pGridButton._on_bubble_mouseenter = function (elem, from_comp, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, bubble_scope) { var call = true; if (bubble_scope) { call = this._cellobj._common_mouseenter(); } if (call) { nexacro.ButtonCtrl.prototype._on_bubble_mouseenter.call(this, elem, from_comp, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, bubble_scope); } return true; }; _pGridButton._on_bubble_mouseleave = function (elem, to_comp, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, bubble_scope) { var call = true; if (bubble_scope) { call = this._cellobj._common_mouseleave(); } if (call) { nexacro.ButtonCtrl.prototype._on_bubble_mouseleave.call(this, elem, to_comp, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, bubble_scope); } return true; }; _pGridButton.on_fire_user_ontouchstart = function (touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { nexacro.ButtonCtrl.prototype.on_fire_user_ontouchstart.call(this, touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp); this._cellobj.on_fire_user_ontouchstart(touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp); return true; }; _pGridButton.on_fire_user_onlbuttondown = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { nexacro.ButtonCtrl.prototype.on_fire_user_onlbuttondown.call(this, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); this._cellobj.on_fire_user_onlbuttondown(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); return true; }; _pGridButton.on_fire_user_ontouchend = function (touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { nexacro.ButtonCtrl.prototype.on_fire_user_ontouchend.call(this, touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp); this._cellobj.on_fire_user_ontouchend(touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp); return true; }; _pGridButton.on_fire_user_onlbuttonup = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, from_elem) { nexacro.ButtonCtrl.prototype.on_fire_user_onlbuttonup.call(this, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, from_elem); this._cellobj.on_fire_user_onlbuttonup(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, from_elem); return true; }; _pGridButton.on_fire_onclick = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { nexacro.ButtonCtrl.prototype.on_fire_onclick.call(this, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); this._cellobj.on_fire_onclick(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, "control"); return true; }; _pGridButton.on_fire_ondblclick = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { nexacro.ButtonCtrl.prototype.on_fire_ondblclick.call(this, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); this._cellobj.on_fire_ondblclick(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, "control"); return true; }; _pGridButton._on_last_lbuttonup = function () { this._cellobj._on_last_lbuttonup(); }; _pGridButton._on_last_keyup = function () { this._cellobj._on_last_keyup(); }; _pGridButton._on_click = function (elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY) { if (!this._is_alive) { return; } var visible = this.visible; if (this._displaymode && this._grid.selectchangetype == "up") { visible = true; } if (visible && this._isEnable() && this.enableevent) { var clientXY = this._getClientXY(canvasX, canvasY); this.on_fire_onclick(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientXY[0], clientXY[1], this, this); } }; _pGridButton._isEnable = function () { return this._grid._enable; }; _pGridButton._EditUpdateAll = function (cellinfo, cellobj) { if (this.getElement()) { this._cellinfo = cellinfo; this._cellobj = cellobj; this._setProperty(); this._control_pseudo = ""; this._contents_pseudo = ""; this.on_apply_pseudo(this._pseudo); var grid = this._grid; var datarow = grid._getDataRow(cellobj._rowidx); var wordwrap = cellinfo._getWordwrap(datarow); this.set_wordwrap(wordwrap); } }; _pGridButton._setDataset = function (async) { }; _pGridButton._setProperty = function () { var cellinfo = this._cellinfo; var cellobj = this._cellobj; var grid = this._grid; var datarow = grid._getDataRow(cellobj._rowidx); var v; if (this._displaymode == true) { v = cellinfo._getDisplayText(datarow); } else { v = cellinfo._getValue(datarow); } v = nexacro._toString(v); if (v != null) { this.set_text(v); } else { this.set_text(""); } }; _pGridButton._updateAll = function (onlycontents) { this.on_apply_pseudo(this._cellobj._pseudo, onlycontents); this._setProperty(); }; delete _pGridButton; nexacro.GridControlBar = function (id, left, top, width, height, parent, controlmode) { nexacro.ProgressBarCtrl.call(this, id, "absolute", left, top, width, height, null, null, parent); this.tabstop = false; this.max = 100; this.min = 0; this.blockgap = 0; this.step = 1; this._controlmode = (controlmode) ? true : false; if (parent._refobj) { this._grid = parent._refobj.grid; this._cellinfo = parent._refobj; this._cellobj = parent; } else { this._grid = parent; } }; var _pGridBar = nexacro.GridControlBar.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.ProgressBarCtrl, nexacro.GridControlBar); _pGridBar.on_find_CurrentStyle_align = function (pseudo) { var cellobj = this._cellobj; if (cellobj) { var align = this._find_pseudo_obj("align", pseudo, "align"); return align; } return null; }; _pGridBar.on_find_CurrentStyle_font = function (pseudo) { var cellobj = this._cellobj; if (cellobj) { var font = this._find_inherit_pseudo_obj("font", pseudo, "font"); if (!font) { font = cellobj.on_find_CurrentStyle_font(pseudo); } return font; } return null; }; _pGridBar.on_find_CurrentStyle_letterspace = function (pseudo) { var cellobj = this._cellobj; if (cellobj) { var letterspace = this._find_inherit_pseudo_obj("letterspace", pseudo, "letterspace"); if (!letterspace) { letterspace = cellobj.on_find_CurrentStyle_letterspace(pseudo); } return letterspace; } return null; }; _pGridBar.on_find_CurrentStyle_color = function (pseudo) { var cellobj = this._cellobj; if (cellobj) { var color = this._find_inherit_pseudo_obj("color", pseudo, "color"); if (!color) { color = cellobj.on_find_CurrentStyle_color(pseudo); } return color; } return null; }; _pGridBar.on_find_CurrentStyle_cursor = function (pseudo) { var grid = this._grid; if (grid._global_cursor) { return grid._global_cursor; } var cellobj = this._cellobj; if (cellobj) { var cursor = this._find_pseudo_obj("cursor", pseudo) || cellobj.on_find_CurrentStyle_cursor(pseudo); return (cursor) ? cursor : nexacro.Component._default_cursor; } return null; }; _pGridBar.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility = function (pseudo) { var cellobj = this._cellobj; if (cellobj) { var accessibility = this._find_pseudo_obj("accessibility", pseudo, "accessibility"); if (!accessibility) { accessibility = cellobj.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility(pseudo); } return accessibility; } return null; }; _pGridBar.on_find_CurrentStyle_background = function (pseudo) { var background = this._find_pseudo_obj("background", pseudo, "background"); return background; }; _pGridBar.on_find_CurrentStyle_border = function (pseudo) { var border = this._find_pseudo_obj("border", pseudo, "border"); return border; }; _pGridBar.on_find_CurrentStyle_bordertype = function (pseudo) { var bordertype = this._find_pseudo_obj("bordertype", pseudo, "bordertype"); return bordertype; }; _pGridBar.on_find_CurrentStyle_gradation = function (pseudo) { var gradation = this._find_pseudo_obj("gradation", pseudo, "gradation"); return gradation; }; _pGridBar._makeCssRefInfo = function () { return (this._grid._makeCssRefInfoCtrl(this)); }; _pGridBar._find_pseudo_obj = function (styleProp, pseudo, returnType) { var cellinfo = this._cellinfo; var controlProp = "control" + styleProp; var grid = this._grid; var datarow = grid._getDataRow(this._cellobj._rowidx); if (this._cellobj && this._grid._isFakeCell(datarow) && pseudo != "disabled") { pseudo = "normal"; } if (styleProp == "barcolor" || styleProp == "bardirection" || styleProp == "bargradation") { controlProp = ""; } else if (styleProp == "padding") { return null; } datarow = grid._getDataRow(this._cellobj._rowidx); var v = cellinfo._query_pseudo_control(this, datarow, controlProp, styleProp, pseudo, returnType); return v; }; _pGridBar.on_destroy_contents = function () { nexacro.ProgressBarCtrl.prototype.on_destroy_contents.call(this); this._grid = null; this._cellinfo = null; this._cellobj = null; }; _pGridBar._setAccessibilityStatFocus = function () { var cellobj = this._cellobj; var label = cellobj._getAccessibilityMakeAddLabel(); var tmp_label = ""; var accessibility = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility(this._pseudo); if (accessibility) { if (accessibility._bindexpr && accessibility._bindexpr.length > 0) { tmp_label = this._cellinfo._getAttrValue(accessibility, this._rowidx); accessibility._setValue(tmp_label); } tmp_label = this._getAccessibilityLabel(accessibility); } else { tmp_label = cellobj._getCellAccessibilityLabel(); } label += " " + tmp_label; this._setAccessibilityLabel(label); nexacro.Component.prototype._setAccessibilityStatFocus.call(this); }; _pGridBar.on_get_style_accessibility_description = function () { if (this._cellobj) { return this._cellobj.tooltiptext; } }; _pGridBar.set_text = function (v) { var retn = nexacro.Component.prototype.set_text.call(this, v); this.set_pos(parseInt(this._display_text)); return retn; }; _pGridBar.on_apply_text = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { var text_elem = this._text_elem; var align = this.currentstyle.align; if (!align) { this.on_apply_custom_pseudo(this._pseudo); align = this.currentstyle.align; } if (!text_elem) { text_elem = new nexacro.TextBoxElement(control_elem); this._text_elem = text_elem; var rect = this._grid._getAvailableRect(this); text_elem.setElementSize(rect.width, rect.height); if (this._is_created) { var halign = (!align || align.halign == "") ? "center" : align._halign; var valign = (!align || align.valign == "") ? "middle" : align._valign; text_elem.setElementColor(this.currentstyle.color); text_elem.setElementFont(this.currentstyle.font); text_elem.setElementAlignXY(halign, valign); text_elem.setElementLetterSpace(this.currentstyle.letterspace); text_elem.create(); } } else { var halign = (!align || align.halign == "") ? "center" : align._halign; var valign = (!align || align.valign == "") ? "middle" : align._valign; text_elem.setElementColor(this.currentstyle.color); text_elem.setElementFont(this.currentstyle.font); text_elem.setElementLetterSpace(this.currentstyle.letterspace); text_elem.setElementAlignXY(halign, valign); } this._text_elem.setElementText(this._display_text); } }; _pGridBar.on_fire_onclick = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { //2017.08.16 - ctj1030 //return this._cellobj.on_fire_onclick(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, "control"); this._cellobj.on_fire_onclick(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, "control"); }; _pGridBar.on_fire_ondblclick = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { //2017.08.16 - ctj1030 //return this._cellobj.on_fire_ondblclick(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, "control"); this._cellobj.on_fire_ondblclick(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, "control"); return true; }; _pGridBar._on_last_lbuttonup = function () { this._cellobj._on_last_lbuttonup(); }; _pGridBar._on_last_keyup = function () { this._cellobj._on_last_keyup(); }; _pGridBar._isEnable = function () { return this._grid._enable; }; _pGridBar._getDisplayText = function () { if (this.parent) { return this.parent._getDisplayText(); } return ""; }; _pGridBar._updateAll = function (onlycontents) { if (this.getElement()) { this.on_apply_pseudo(this._cellobj._pseudo, onlycontents); this._setProperty(); } }; _pGridBar._setProperty = function () { var cellinfo = this._cellinfo; var cellobj = this._cellobj; var grid = this._grid; var datarow = grid._getDataRow(cellobj._rowidx); var v = cellinfo._getDisplayText(datarow); v = nexacro._toString(v); if (v != null) { this.set_text(v); } else { this.set_text(""); } }; delete _pGridBar; nexacro.GridControlEdit = function (id, left, top, width, height, parent, displaymode, controlmode) { nexacro.EditCtrl.call(this, id, "absolute", left, top, width, height, null, null, parent); this.tabstop = false; this.editfilter = "none"; if (displaymode) { this._displaymode = true; this.readonly = true; } else { this._displaymode = false; } this._controlmode = (controlmode) ? true : false; if (parent._refobj) { this._grid = parent._refobj.grid; this._cellinfo = parent._refobj; this._cellobj = parent; } else { this._grid = parent; } this._absolutelyValue = false; }; var _pGridEdit = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.EditCtrl, nexacro.GridControlEdit); nexacro.GridControlEdit.prototype = _pGridEdit; _pGridEdit._displaymode = false; _pGridEdit.on_find_CurrentStyle_align = function (pseudo) { var cellobj = this._cellobj; if (cellobj) { if (this._displaymode) { if (pseudo != "disabled") { pseudo = "normal"; } } var align = this._find_pseudo_obj("align", pseudo, "align"); return align; } return null; }; _pGridEdit.on_find_CurrentStyle_font = function (pseudo) { var cellobj = this._cellobj; if (cellobj) { if (this._displaymode) { if (pseudo != "disabled") { pseudo = "normal"; } } var font = this._find_inherit_pseudo_obj("font", pseudo); if (!font) { font = cellobj.on_find_CurrentStyle_font(pseudo); } return font; } return null; }; _pGridEdit.on_find_CurrentStyle_letterspace = function (pseudo) { var cellobj = this._cellobj; if (cellobj) { if (this._displaymode) { if (pseudo != "disabled") { pseudo = "normal"; } } var letterspace = this._find_inherit_pseudo_obj("letterspace", pseudo); if (!letterspace) { letterspace = cellobj.on_find_CurrentStyle_letterspace(pseudo); } return letterspace; } return null; }; _pGridEdit.on_find_CurrentStyle_color = function (pseudo) { var cellobj = this._cellobj; if (cellobj) { if (this._displaymode) { if (pseudo != "disabled") { pseudo = "normal"; } } var color = this._find_inherit_pseudo_obj("color", pseudo); if (!color) { color = cellobj.on_find_CurrentStyle_color(pseudo); } return color; } return null; }; _pGridEdit.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility = function (pseudo) { var cellobj = this._cellobj; if (cellobj) { var accessibility = this._find_pseudo_obj("accessibility", pseudo, "accessibility"); if (!accessibility) { accessibility = cellobj.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility(pseudo); } return accessibility; } return null; }; _pGridEdit.on_find_CurrentStyle_background = function (pseudo) { var background = this._find_pseudo_obj("background", pseudo, "background"); return background; }; _pGridEdit.on_find_CurrentStyle_border = function (pseudo) { var border = this._find_pseudo_obj("border", pseudo, "border"); return border; }; _pGridEdit.on_find_CurrentStyle_bordertype = function (pseudo) { var bordertype = this._find_pseudo_obj("bordertype", pseudo, "bordertype"); return bordertype; }; _pGridEdit.on_find_CurrentStyle_gradation = function (pseudo) { var gradation = this._find_pseudo_obj("gradation", pseudo, "gradation"); return gradation; }; _pGridEdit._makeCssRefInfo = function () { return (this._grid._makeCssRefInfoCtrl(this)); }; _pGridEdit._find_pseudo_obj = function (styleProp, pseudo, returnType) { var cellinfo = this._cellinfo; var grid = this._grid; var datarow = grid._getDataRow(this._cellobj._rowidx); if (this._cellobj && this._grid._isFakeCell(datarow) && pseudo != "disabled") { pseudo = "normal"; } var controlProp = "control" + styleProp; var v = cellinfo._query_pseudo_control(this, datarow, controlProp, styleProp, pseudo, returnType); return v; }; _pGridEdit.on_destroy_contents = function () { nexacro.EditCtrl.prototype.on_destroy_contents.call(this); this._grid = null; this._cellinfo = null; this._cellobj = null; }; _pGridEdit.on_apply_custom_setfocus = function (evt_name, callback) { if (this._grid._onceTime_focus && !callback) { nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(this, function () { this.on_apply_custom_setfocus(evt_name, true); }, 0); return; } return nexacro.EditCtrl.prototype.on_apply_custom_setfocus.call(this, evt_name); }; _pGridEdit._setAccessibilityStatFocus = function () { var cellobj = this._cellobj; var label = cellobj._getAccessibilityMakeAddLabel(); var tmp_label = ""; var accessibility = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility(this._pseudo); if (accessibility) { if (accessibility._bindexpr && accessibility._bindexpr.length > 0) { tmp_label = this._cellinfo._getAttrValue(accessibility, this._rowidx); accessibility._setValue(tmp_label); } tmp_label = this._getAccessibilityLabel(accessibility); } else { tmp_label = cellobj._getCellAccessibilityLabel(); } label += " " + tmp_label; this._setAccessibilityLabel(label); nexacro.Component.prototype._setAccessibilityStatFocus.call(this); }; _pGridEdit.on_get_style_accessibility_description = function () { if (this._cellobj) { return this._cellobj.tooltiptext; } }; _pGridEdit.on_apply_autoskip = function () { this._grid._moveToCell("next", true); }; _pGridEdit.on_apply_editfilter = function (v) { switch (v) { case 'alpha': case 'alpha,number': case 'digit': case 'number': case 'alpha,digit': this.set_inputfilter("none"); this.set_inputtype(v); break; case 'lower': case 'upper': this.set_inputfilter("none"); this.set_inputtype("alpha"); break; case 'lower,digit': case 'upper,digit': this.set_inputfilter("none"); this.set_inputtype("alpha,digit"); break; case 'lower,number': case 'upper,number': this.set_inputfilter("none"); this.set_inputtype("alpha,number"); break; case 'none': this.set_inputfilter("none"); this.set_inputtype("normal"); break; case 'alpha,number,nosign': case 'lower,number,nosign': case 'upper,number,nosign': this.set_inputfilter("sign"); this.set_inputtype("alpha,number"); break; case 'char': case 'lower,char': case 'upper,char': this.set_inputfilter("comma,symbol,sign,digit,dot"); this.set_inputtype("normal"); break; case 'integer': this.set_inputfilter("dot"); this.set_inputtype("number"); break; case 'digit,char': case 'lower,digit,char': case 'upper,digit,char': this.set_inputfilter("comma,symbol,sign,dot"); this.set_inputtype("normal"); break; case 'number,char': case 'lower,number,char': case 'upper,number,char': this.set_inputfilter("comma,symbol"); this.set_inputtype("normal"); break; } if (v.indexOf("upper") >= 0) { this.set_inputmode("upper"); } else if (v.indexOf("lower") >= 0) { this.set_inputmode("lower"); } else { this.set_inputmode("normal"); } }; _pGridEdit.set_editfilter = function (v) { if (this.editfilter != v) { this.editfilter = v; this.on_apply_editfilter(v); } return v; }; _pGridEdit._on_bubble_touchend = function (touch_manager, touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, is_userbubble) { var call = true; if (is_userbubble) { call = this._cellobj._common_lbuttonup(changedtouchinfos, null, null, null, null); } if (call) { nexacro.EditCtrl.prototype._on_bubble_touchend.call(this, touch_manager, touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, is_userbubble); } return true; }; _pGridEdit._on_bubble_lbuttonup = function (elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, from_elem, bubble_scope) { var call = true; if (bubble_scope) { call = this._cellobj._common_lbuttonup(null, elem, canvasX, canvasY, from_elem); } if (call) { nexacro.EditCtrl.prototype._on_bubble_lbuttonup.call(this, elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, from_elem, bubble_scope); } return true; }; _pGridEdit._on_bubble_mouseenter = function (elem, from_comp, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, bubble_scope) { var call = true; if (bubble_scope) { call = this._cellobj._common_mouseenter(); } if (call) { nexacro.EditCtrl.prototype._on_bubble_mouseenter.call(this, elem, from_comp, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, bubble_scope); } return true; }; _pGridEdit._on_bubble_mouseleave = function (elem, to_comp, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, bubble_scope) { var call = true; if (bubble_scope) { call = this._cellobj._common_mouseleave(); } if (call) { nexacro.EditCtrl.prototype._on_bubble_mouseleave.call(this, elem, to_comp, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, bubble_scope); } return true; }; _pGridEdit.on_fire_onkillfocus = function (newobj, newreferobj) { return this._cellobj.on_fire_onkillfocus(newobj, newreferobj); }; _pGridEdit.on_fire_onchar = function (event_info, textEvt) { if (this._absolutelyValue == true) { return true; } if (!textEvt) { var obj = { evt : null }; nexacro.EditCtrl.prototype.on_fire_onchar.call(this, event_info, obj); textEvt = obj.evt; } else { nexacro.EditCtrl.prototype.on_fire_onchar.call(this, event_info, textEvt); } return this._grid.on_fire_onchar(this, event_info.chartext, event_info.pretext, event_info.posttext, textEvt); }; _pGridEdit.on_fire_ontextchange = function (event_info, textEvt) { if (this._absolutelyValue == true) { return true; } if (!textEvt) { var obj = { evt : null }; nexacro.EditCtrl.prototype.on_fire_ontextchange.call(this, event_info, obj); textEvt = obj.evt; } else { nexacro.EditCtrl.prototype.on_fire_ontextchange.call(this, event_info, textEvt); } return this._grid.on_fire_ontextchange(this, event_info.chartext, event_info.pretext, event_info.posttext, event_info.preimetext, event_info.postimetext, textEvt); }; _pGridEdit.on_fire_ontextchanged = function (obj, pretext, posttext) { return this._grid.on_fire_ontextchanged(obj, pretext, posttext); }; _pGridEdit.on_fire_user_ontouchend = function (touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { nexacro.EditCtrl.prototype.on_fire_user_ontouchend.call(this, touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp); this._cellobj.on_fire_user_ontouchend(touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp); return true; }; _pGridEdit.on_fire_user_onlbuttonup = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, from_elem) { nexacro.EditCtrl.prototype.on_fire_user_onlbuttonup.call(this, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, from_elem); this._cellobj.on_fire_user_onlbuttonup(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, from_elem); return true; }; _pGridEdit.on_fire_user_ontouchstart = function (touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { nexacro.EditCtrl.prototype.on_fire_user_ontouchstart.call(this, touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp); this._cellobj.on_fire_user_ontouchstart(touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp); return true; }; _pGridEdit.on_fire_user_onlbuttondown = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { nexacro.EditCtrl.prototype.on_fire_user_onlbuttondown.call(this, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); this._cellobj.on_fire_user_onlbuttondown(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); return true; }; _pGridEdit.on_fire_oneditclick = function (obj, caretpos, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, clickitem) { nexacro.EditCtrl.prototype.on_fire_oneditclick.call(this, obj, caretpos, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); this._cellobj.on_fire_onclick(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, clickitem); return true; }; _pGridEdit.on_fire_ondblclick = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (this._displaymode) { this.setSelect(0, 0); } nexacro.EditCtrl.prototype.on_fire_ondblclick.call(this, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); this._cellobj.on_fire_ondblclick(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, "control"); return true; }; if (nexacro.Browser == "Gecko" || nexacro.Browser == "Opera") { _pGridEdit._on_click = function (elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY) { if (!this._is_alive) { return; } var visible = this.visible; if (this._displaymode) { visible = true; } var clickitem = ""; if (elem instanceof nexacro.InputElement) { var halign, valign; if (elem.align) { halign = elem.align._halign; valign = elem.align._valign; } else if (elem.halign && elem.valign) { halign = elem.halign; valign = elem.valign; } clickitem = this._cellobj._getClickItem(halign, valign, canvasX, canvasY, elem.text, this); } if (!clickitem) { clickitem = "control"; } if (visible && this._isEnable() && this.enableevent) { var caretPos = this.getCaretPos(); var clientXY = this._getClientXY(canvasX, canvasY); this.on_fire_oneditclick(this, caretPos, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientXY[0], clientXY[1], this, this, clickitem); } }; } else { _pGridEdit._on_click = function (elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY) { if (!this._is_alive) { return; } var visible = this.visible; if (this._displaymode && this._grid.selectchangetype == "up") { visible = true; } var clickitem = ""; if (elem instanceof nexacro.InputElement) { var halign, valign; if (elem.align) { halign = elem.align._halign; valign = elem.align._valign; } else if (elem.halign && elem.valign) { halign = elem.halign; valign = elem.valign; } clickitem = this._cellobj._getClickItem(halign, valign, canvasX, canvasY, elem.text, this); } if (!clickitem) { clickitem = "control"; } if (visible && this._isEnable() && this.enableevent) { var caretPos = this.getCaretPos(); var clientXY = this._getClientXY(canvasX, canvasY); this.on_fire_oneditclick(this, caretPos, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientXY[0], clientXY[1], this, this, clickitem); } }; } _pGridEdit._on_last_lbuttonup = function () { this._cellobj._on_last_lbuttonup(); }; _pGridEdit._on_last_keyup = function () { this._cellobj._on_last_keyup(); }; _pGridEdit.on_getBindableProperties = function () { if (!this._displaymode) { return "value"; } }; _pGridEdit._isEnable = function () { return this._grid._enable; }; _pGridEdit._set_absolutelyValue = function (v) { this._absolutelyValue = true; this.set_value(v); this._absolutelyValue = false; }; _pGridEdit._updateAll = function (onlycontents) { if (this.getElement()) { this.on_apply_pseudo(this._cellobj._pseudo, onlycontents); this._setProperty(); } }; _pGridEdit._setProperty = function () { var cellinfo = this._cellinfo; var cellobj = this._cellobj; var grid = this._grid; var datarow = grid._getDataRow(cellobj._rowidx); var v; if (this._displaymode == true) { v = cellinfo._getDisplayText(datarow); } else { v = cellinfo._getValue(datarow); } this._set_absolutelyValue(v); v = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.editautoselect, datarow); if (v != null) { this.set_autoselect(v); } v = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.editautoskip, datarow); if (v != null) { this.set_autoskip(v); } v = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.editfilter, datarow); if (v != null) { this.set_editfilter(v); } v = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.editimemode, datarow); if (v != null) { this.set_imemode(v); } v = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.edituseime, datarow); if (v != null) { this.set_useime(v); } v = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.editlengthunit, datarow); if (v != null) { this.set_lengthunit(v); } this.set_usesoftkeyboard(grid.usesoftkeyboard); }; _pGridEdit._EditUpdateAll = function (cellinfo, cellobj) { if (this.getElement()) { this._cellinfo = cellinfo; this._cellobj = cellobj; this._setProperty(); this._control_pseudo = ""; this._contents_pseudo = ""; this.on_apply_pseudo(this._pseudo); } }; _pGridEdit._setDataset = function (async, row) { var cellobj = this._cellobj; var cellinfo = this._cellinfo; var grid = this._grid; var datarow = grid._getDataRow(cellobj._rowidx); var api = this._edit_base_api; if (api) { if (api._is_composition()) { var stat = api._stat_composition.getCurrentStatus(); var data = api._stat_composition.getData(); var proc_fire_text_event = api._on_input_compositionend(data); if (!proc_fire_text_event) { api._fire_text_event(data); } if (nexacro.Browser == "Safari") { if (stat == nexacro.EditBase.Status.CompositionStart) { api._on_input_compositionstart(data); } else if (stat == nexacro.EditBase.Status.CompositionUpdate) { api._on_input_compositionupdate(data); } } } } var v = this.value; if (row != undefined) { datarow = row; } var retn = true; if (cellinfo.text._bindtype == 1) { this._grid._is_async_recreate = async; this._grid._dsEventOccured = true; var fail = { status : "" }; cellinfo.grid._binddataset._setColumn(datarow, cellinfo.text._bindexpr, v, fail); if (fail.status == "cancolumnchange") { retn = false; } this._grid._is_async_recreate = false; this._grid._dsEventOccured = false; } return retn; }; _pGridEdit._on_input_blur = function (elem, target) { var grid = this._grid; var api = this._edit_base_api; if (api) { var stat = api._stat_composition.getCurrentStatus(); var data = api._stat_composition.getData(); grid._currentCompositionStatus = stat; grid._currentCompositionData = data; api._on_input_blur(elem, target); } }; delete _pGridEdit; nexacro.GridControlTextArea = function (id, left, top, width, height, parent, displaymode, controlmode) { nexacro.TextAreaCtrl.call(this, id, "absolute", left, top, width, height, null, null, parent); this.tabstop = false; this.editfilter = "none"; if (displaymode) { this._displaymode = true; this.readonly = true; } else { this._displaymode = false; } this._controlmode = (controlmode) ? true : false; if (parent._refobj) { this._grid = parent._refobj.grid; this._cellinfo = parent._refobj; this._cellobj = parent; } else { this._grid = parent; } this._absolutelyValue = false; this._is_use_ex_enter = true; }; var _pGridTextArea = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.TextAreaCtrl, nexacro.GridControlTextArea); nexacro.GridControlTextArea.prototype = _pGridTextArea; _pGridTextArea.on_find_CurrentStyle_align = function (pseudo) { var cellobj = this._cellobj; if (cellobj) { if (this._displaymode) { if (pseudo != "disabled") { pseudo = "normal"; } } var align = nexacro.Component._default_textarea_align; return align; } return null; }; _pGridTextArea.on_find_CurrentStyle_color = function (pseudo) { var cellobj = this._cellobj; if (cellobj) { if (this._displaymode) { if (pseudo != "disabled") { pseudo = "normal"; } } var font = this._find_inherit_pseudo_obj("font", pseudo); if (!font) { font = cellobj.on_find_CurrentStyle_font(pseudo); } return font; } return null; }; _pGridTextArea.on_find_CurrentStyle_color = function (pseudo) { var cellobj = this._cellobj; if (cellobj) { if (this._displaymode) { if (pseudo != "disabled") { pseudo = "normal"; } } var color = this._find_inherit_pseudo_obj("color", pseudo); if (!color) { color = cellobj.on_find_CurrentStyle_color(pseudo); } return color; } return null; }; _pGridTextArea.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility = function (pseudo) { var cellobj = this._cellobj; if (cellobj) { var accessibility = this._find_pseudo_obj("accessibility", pseudo, "accessibility"); if (!accessibility) { accessibility = cellobj.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility(pseudo); } return accessibility; } return null; }; _pGridTextArea.on_find_CurrentStyle_background = function (pseudo) { var background = this._find_pseudo_obj("background", pseudo, "background"); return background; }; _pGridTextArea.on_find_CurrentStyle_border = function (pseudo) { var border = this._find_pseudo_obj("border", pseudo, "border"); return border; }; _pGridTextArea.on_find_CurrentStyle_bordertype = function (pseudo) { var bordertype = this._find_pseudo_obj("bordertype", pseudo, "bordertype"); return bordertype; }; _pGridTextArea.on_find_CurrentStyle_gradation = function (pseudo) { var gradation = this._find_pseudo_obj("gradation", pseudo, "gradation"); return gradation; }; _pGridTextArea._makeCssRefInfo = function () { return (this._grid._makeCssRefInfoCtrl(this)); }; _pGridTextArea._find_pseudo_obj = function (styleProp, pseudo, returnType) { var cellinfo = this._cellinfo; var grid = this._grid; var datarow = grid._getDataRow(this._cellobj._rowidx); if (this._cellobj && this._grid._isFakeCell(datarow) && pseudo != "disabled") { pseudo = "normal"; } datarow = grid._getDataRow(this._cellobj._rowidx); var controlProp = "control" + styleProp; var v = cellinfo._query_pseudo_control(this, datarow, controlProp, styleProp, pseudo, returnType); return v; }; _pGridTextArea.on_destroy_contents = function () { nexacro.TextAreaCtrl.prototype.on_destroy_contents.call(this); this._grid = null; this._cellinfo = null; this._cellobj = null; }; _pGridTextArea.on_apply_custom_setfocus = function (evt_name, callback) { if (this._grid._onceTime_focus && !callback) { nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(this, function () { this.on_apply_custom_setfocus(evt_name, true); }, 0); return; } return nexacro.TextAreaCtrl.prototype.on_apply_custom_setfocus.call(this, evt_name); }; _pGridTextArea._setAccessibilityStatFocus = function () { var cellobj = this._cellobj; var label = cellobj._getAccessibilityMakeAddLabel(); var tmp_label = ""; var accessibility = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility(this._pseudo); if (accessibility) { if (accessibility._bindexpr && accessibility._bindexpr.length > 0) { tmp_label = this._cellinfo._getAttrValue(accessibility, this._rowidx); accessibility._setValue(tmp_label); } tmp_label = this._getAccessibilityLabel(accessibility); } else { tmp_label = cellobj._getCellAccessibilityLabel(); } label += " " + tmp_label; this._setAccessibilityLabel(label); nexacro.Component.prototype._setAccessibilityStatFocus.call(this); }; _pGridTextArea.on_get_style_accessibility_description = function () { if (this._cellobj) { return this._cellobj.tooltiptext; } }; _pGridTextArea.set_editfilter = function (v) { if (this.editfilter != v) { this.editfilter = v; this.on_apply_editfilter(v); } return v; }; _pGridTextArea.on_apply_editfilter = function (v) { switch (v) { case 'alpha': case 'alpha,number': case 'digit': case 'number': case 'alpha,digit': this.set_inputfilter("none"); this.set_inputtype(v); break; case 'lower': case 'upper': this.set_inputfilter("none"); this.set_inputtype("alpha"); break; case 'lower,digit': case 'upper,digit': this.set_inputfilter("none"); this.set_inputtype("alpha,digit"); break; case 'lower,number': case 'upper,number': this.set_inputfilter("none"); this.set_inputtype("alpha,number"); break; case 'none': this.set_inputfilter("none"); this.set_inputtype("normal"); break; case 'alpha,number,nosign': case 'lower,number,nosign': case 'upper,number,nosign': this.set_inputfilter("sign"); this.set_inputtype("alpha,number"); break; case 'char': case 'lower,char': case 'upper,char': this.set_inputfilter("comma,symbol,sign,digit,dot"); this.set_inputtype("normal"); break; case 'integer': this.set_inputfilter("dot"); this.set_inputtype("number"); break; case 'digit,char': case 'lower,digit,char': case 'upper,digit,char': this.set_inputfilter("comma,symbol,sign,dot"); this.set_inputtype("normal"); break; case 'number,char': case 'lower,number,char': case 'upper,number,char': this.set_inputfilter("comma,symbol"); this.set_inputtype("normal"); break; } if (v.indexOf("upper") >= 0) { this.set_inputmode("upper"); } else if (v.indexOf("lower") >= 0) { this.set_inputmode("lower"); } else { this.set_inputmode("normal"); } }; _pGridTextArea._on_bubble_touchend = function (touch_manager, touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, is_userbubble) { var call = true; if (is_userbubble) { call = this._cellobj._common_lbuttonup(changedtouchinfos, null, null, null, null); } if (call) { nexacro.TextAreaCtrl.prototype._on_bubble_touchend.call(this, touch_manager, touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, is_userbubble); } return true; }; _pGridTextArea._on_bubble_lbuttonup = function (elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, from_elem, bubble_scope) { var call = true; if (bubble_scope) { call = this._cellobj._common_lbuttonup(null, elem, canvasX, canvasY, from_elem); } if (call) { nexacro.TextAreaCtrl.prototype._on_bubble_lbuttonup.call(this, elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, from_elem, bubble_scope); } return true; }; _pGridTextArea._on_bubble_mouseenter = function (elem, from_comp, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, bubble_scope) { var call = true; if (bubble_scope) { call = this._cellobj._common_mouseenter(); } if (call) { nexacro.TextAreaCtrl.prototype._on_bubble_mouseenter.call(this, elem, from_comp, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, bubble_scope); } return true; }; _pGridTextArea._on_bubble_mouseleave = function (elem, to_comp, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, bubble_scope) { var call = true; if (bubble_scope) { call = this._cellobj._common_mouseleave(); } if (call) { nexacro.TextAreaCtrl.prototype._on_bubble_mouseleave.call(this, elem, to_comp, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, bubble_scope); } return true; }; _pGridTextArea.on_fire_onchar = function (event_info, textEvt) { if (this._absolutelyValue == true) { return true; } if (!textEvt) { var obj = { evt : null }; nexacro.TextAreaCtrl.prototype.on_fire_onchar.call(this, event_info, obj); textEvt = obj.evt; } else { nexacro.TextAreaCtrl.prototype.on_fire_onchar.call(this, event_info, textEvt); } return this._grid.on_fire_onchar(this, event_info.chartext, event_info.pretext, event_info.posttext, textEvt); }; _pGridTextArea.on_fire_ontextchange = function (event_info, textEvt) { if (this._absolutelyValue == true) { return true; } if (!textEvt) { var obj = { evt : null }; nexacro.TextAreaCtrl.prototype.on_fire_ontextchange.call(this, event_info, obj); textEvt = obj.evt; } else { nexacro.TextAreaCtrl.prototype.on_fire_ontextchange.call(this, event_info, textEvt); } return this._grid.on_fire_ontextchange(this, event_info.chartext, event_info.pretext, event_info.posttext, event_info.preimetext, event_info.postimetext, textEvt); }; _pGridTextArea.on_fire_ontextchanged = function (obj, pretext, posttext) { return this._grid.on_fire_ontextchanged(obj, pretext, posttext); }; _pGridTextArea.on_fire_user_ontouchend = function (touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { nexacro.TextAreaCtrl.prototype.on_fire_user_ontouchend.call(this, touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp); this._cellobj.on_fire_user_ontouchend(touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp); return true; }; _pGridTextArea.on_fire_user_onlbuttonup = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, from_elem) { nexacro.TextAreaCtrl.prototype.on_fire_user_onlbuttonup.call(this, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, from_elem); this._cellobj.on_fire_user_onlbuttonup(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, from_elem); return true; }; _pGridTextArea.on_fire_user_ontouchstart = function (touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { nexacro.TextAreaCtrl.prototype.on_fire_user_ontouchstart.call(this, touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp); this._cellobj.on_fire_user_ontouchstart(touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp); return true; }; _pGridTextArea.on_fire_user_onlbuttondown = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { nexacro.TextAreaCtrl.prototype.on_fire_user_onlbuttondown.call(this, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); this._cellobj.on_fire_user_onlbuttondown(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); return true; }; _pGridTextArea.on_fire_oneditclick = function (obj, caretpos, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, clickitem) { nexacro.TextAreaCtrl.prototype.on_fire_oneditclick.call(this, obj, caretpos, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); this._cellobj.on_fire_onclick(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, clickitem); return true; }; _pGridTextArea.on_fire_ondblclick = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (this._displaymode) { this.setSelect(0, 0); } nexacro.TextAreaCtrl.prototype.on_fire_ondblclick.call(this, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); this._cellobj.on_fire_ondblclick(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, "control"); return true; }; if (nexacro.Browser == "Gecko" || nexacro.Browser == "Opera") { _pGridTextArea._on_click = function (elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY) { if (!this._is_alive) { return; } var visible = this.visible; if (this._displaymode) { visible = true; } var clickitem = ""; if (elem instanceof nexacro.InputElement) { var halign, valign; if (elem.align) { halign = elem.align._halign; valign = elem.align._valign; } else if (elem.halign && elem.valign) { halign = elem.halign; valign = elem.valign; } clickitem = this._cellobj._getClickItem(halign, valign, canvasX, canvasY, elem.text, this); } if (!clickitem) { clickitem = "control"; } if (visible && this._isEnable() && this.enableevent) { var caretPos = this.getCaretPos(); var clientXY = this._getClientXY(canvasX, canvasY); this.on_fire_oneditclick(this, caretPos, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientXY[0], clientXY[1], this, this, clickitem); } }; } else { _pGridTextArea._on_click = function (elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY) { if (!this._is_alive) { return; } var visible = this.visible; if (this._displaymode && this._grid.selectchangetype == "up") { visible = true; } var clickitem = ""; if (elem instanceof nexacro.InputElement) { var halign, valign; if (elem.align) { halign = elem.align._halign; valign = elem.align._valign; } else if (elem.halign && elem.valign) { halign = elem.halign; valign = elem.valign; } clickitem = this._cellobj._getClickItem(halign, valign, canvasX, canvasY, elem.text, this); } if (!clickitem) { clickitem = "control"; } if (visible && this._isEnable() && this.enableevent) { var caretPos = this.getCaretPos(); var clientXY = this._getClientXY(canvasX, canvasY); this.on_fire_oneditclick(this, caretPos, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientXY[0], clientXY[1], this, this, clickitem); } }; } _pGridTextArea._on_last_lbuttonup = function () { this._cellobj._on_last_lbuttonup(); }; _pGridTextArea._on_last_keyup = function () { this._cellobj._on_last_keyup(); }; _pGridTextArea._on_input_blur = function (elem, target) { var grid = this._grid; var api = this._edit_base_api; if (api) { var stat = api._stat_composition.getCurrentStatus(); var data = api._stat_composition.getData(); grid._currentCompositionStatus = stat; grid._currentCompositionData = data; api._on_input_blur(elem, target); } }; _pGridTextArea.on_getBindableProperties = function () { if (!this._displaymode) { return "value"; } }; _pGridTextArea._isEnable = function () { return this._grid._enable; }; _pGridTextArea._set_absolutelyValue = function (v) { this._absolutelyValue = true; this.set_value(v); this._absolutelyValue = false; }; _pGridTextArea._updateAll = function (onlycontents) { if (this.getElement()) { this.on_apply_pseudo(this._cellobj._pseudo, onlycontents); this._setProperty(); } }; _pGridTextArea._setProperty = function () { var cellinfo = this._cellinfo; var cellobj = this._cellobj; var grid = this._grid; var datarow = grid._getDataRow(cellobj._rowidx); var v; if (this._displaymode == true || this.readonly) { v = cellinfo._getDisplayText(datarow); } else { v = cellinfo._getValue(datarow); } this._set_absolutelyValue(v); v = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.editautoselect, datarow); if (v != null) { this.set_autoselect(v); } v = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.editautoskip, datarow); if (v != null) { this.set_autoskip(v); } v = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.editfilter, datarow); if (v != null) { this.set_editfilter(v); } v = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.editimemode, datarow); if (v != null) { this.set_imemode(v); } v = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.edituseime, datarow); if (v != null) { this.set_useime(v); } v = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.editlengthunit, datarow); if (v != null) { this.set_lengthunit(v); } v = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.editscrollbar, datarow); if (v != null) { this.set_scrollbars(v); } else { this.set_scrollbars("none"); } this.set_usesoftkeyboard(grid.usesoftkeyboard); }; _pGridTextArea._EditUpdateAll = function (cellinfo, cellobj) { if (this.getElement()) { this._cellinfo = cellinfo; this._cellobj = cellobj; var grid = this._grid; var datarow = grid._getDataRow(cellobj._rowidx); this._control_pseudo = ""; this._contents_pseudo = ""; this.on_apply_pseudo(this._pseudo); this._setProperty(); var wordwrap = cellinfo._getWordwrap(datarow); this.set_wordwrap(wordwrap); } }; _pGridTextArea._setDataset = function (async, row) { var cellobj = this._cellobj; var cellinfo = this._cellinfo; var grid = this._grid; var datarow = grid._getDataRow(cellobj._rowidx); if (row != undefined) { datarow = row; } var api = this._edit_base_api; if (api) { if (api._is_composition()) { var stat = api._stat_composition.getCurrentStatus(); var data = api._stat_composition.getData(); var proc_fire_text_event = api._on_input_compositionend(data); if (!proc_fire_text_event) { api._fire_text_event(data); } if (nexacro.Browser == "Safari") { if (stat == nexacro.EditBase.Status.CompositionStart) { api._on_input_compositionstart(data); } else if (stat == nexacro.EditBase.Status.CompositionUpdate) { api._on_input_compositionupdate(data); } } } } var v = this.value; var retn = true; if (cellinfo.text._bindtype == 1 && !this.readonly) { this._grid._is_async_recreate = async; this._grid._dsEventOccured = true; var fail = { status : "" }; cellinfo.grid._binddataset._setColumn(datarow, cellinfo.text._bindexpr, v, fail); if (fail.status == "cancolumnchange") { retn = false; } this._grid._is_async_recreate = false; this._grid._dsEventOccured = false; } return retn; }; delete _pGridTextArea; nexacro.GridControlMaskEdit = function (id, left, top, width, height, parent, controlmode) { nexacro.MaskEditCtrl.call(this, id, "absolute", left, top, width, height, null, null, parent); this.tabstop = false; this._controlmode = (controlmode) ? true : false; if (parent._refobj) { this._grid = parent._refobj.grid; this._cellinfo = parent._refobj; this._cellobj = parent; } else { this._grid = parent; } this._absolutelyValue = false; }; var _pGridMaskEdit = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.MaskEditCtrl, nexacro.GridControlMaskEdit); nexacro.GridControlMaskEdit.prototype = _pGridMaskEdit; _pGridMaskEdit.on_find_CurrentStyle_align = function (pseudo) { var cellobj = this._cellobj; if (cellobj) { if (this._displaymode) { if (pseudo != "disabled") { pseudo = "normal"; } } var align = this._find_pseudo_obj("align", pseudo, "align"); return align; } return null; }; _pGridMaskEdit.set_mask = function (v, bApply) { if (!this._displaymode) { v = v.replace(/0|9/g, "#"); return nexacro.MaskEditCtrl.prototype.set_mask.call(this, v, bApply); } return nexacro.MaskEditCtrl.prototype.set_mask.call(this, v, bApply); }; _pGridMaskEdit.on_find_CurrentStyle_font = function (pseudo) { var cellobj = this._cellobj; if (cellobj) { if (this._displaymode) { if (pseudo != "disabled") { pseudo = "normal"; } } var font = this._find_inherit_pseudo_obj("font", pseudo); if (!font) { font = cellobj.on_find_CurrentStyle_font(pseudo); } return font; } return null; }; _pGridMaskEdit.on_find_CurrentStyle_letterspace = function (pseudo) { var cellobj = this._cellobj; if (cellobj) { if (this._displaymode) { if (pseudo != "disabled") { pseudo = "normal"; } } var letterspace = this._find_inherit_pseudo_obj("letterspace", pseudo); if (!letterspace) { letterspace = cellobj.on_find_CurrentStyle_letterspace(pseudo); } return letterspace; } return null; }; _pGridMaskEdit.on_find_CurrentStyle_color = function (pseudo) { var cellobj = this._cellobj; if (cellobj) { if (this._displaymode) { if (pseudo != "disabled") { pseudo = "normal"; } } var color = this._find_inherit_pseudo_obj("color", pseudo); if (!color) { color = cellobj.on_find_CurrentStyle_color(pseudo); } return color; } return null; }; _pGridMaskEdit.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility = function (pseudo) { var cellobj = this._cellobj; if (cellobj) { var accessibility = this._find_pseudo_obj("accessibility", pseudo, "accessibility"); if (!accessibility) { accessibility = cellobj.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility(pseudo); } return accessibility; } return null; }; _pGridMaskEdit.on_find_CurrentStyle_background = function (pseudo) { var background = this._find_pseudo_obj("background", pseudo, "background"); return background; }; _pGridMaskEdit.on_find_CurrentStyle_border = function (pseudo) { var border = this._find_pseudo_obj("border", pseudo, "border"); return border; }; _pGridMaskEdit.on_find_CurrentStyle_bordertype = function (pseudo) { var bordertype = this._find_pseudo_obj("bordertype", pseudo, "bordertype"); return bordertype; }; _pGridMaskEdit.on_find_CurrentStyle_gradation = function (pseudo) { var gradation = this._find_pseudo_obj("gradation", pseudo, "gradation"); return gradation; }; _pGridMaskEdit._makeCssRefInfo = function () { return (this._grid._makeCssRefInfoCtrl(this)); }; _pGridMaskEdit._find_pseudo_obj = function (styleProp, pseudo, returnType) { var cellinfo = this._cellinfo; var grid = this._grid; var datarow = grid._getDataRow(this._cellobj._rowidx); if (this._cellobj && this._grid._isFakeCell(datarow) && pseudo != "disabled") { pseudo = "normal"; } datarow = grid._getDataRow(this._cellobj._rowidx); var controlProp = "control" + styleProp; var v = cellinfo._query_pseudo_control(this, datarow, controlProp, styleProp, pseudo, returnType); return v; }; _pGridMaskEdit.on_destroy_contents = function () { nexacro.MaskEditCtrl.prototype.on_destroy_contents.call(this); this._grid = null; this._cellinfo = null; this._cellobj = null; }; _pGridMaskEdit.on_apply_custom_setfocus = function (evt_name, callback) { if (this._grid._onceTime_focus && !callback) { nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(this, function () { this.on_apply_custom_setfocus(evt_name, true); }, 0); return; } return nexacro.MaskEditCtrl.prototype.on_apply_custom_setfocus.call(this, evt_name); }; _pGridMaskEdit._setAccessibilityStatFocus = function () { var cellobj = this._cellobj; var label = cellobj._getAccessibilityMakeAddLabel(); var tmp_label = ""; var accessibility = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility(this._pseudo); if (accessibility) { if (accessibility._bindexpr && accessibility._bindexpr.length > 0) { tmp_label = this._cellinfo._getAttrValue(accessibility, this._rowidx); accessibility._setValue(tmp_label); } tmp_label = this._getAccessibilityLabel(accessibility); } else { tmp_label = cellobj._getCellAccessibilityLabel(); } label += " " + tmp_label; this._setAccessibilityLabel(label); nexacro.Component.prototype._setAccessibilityStatFocus.call(this); }; _pGridMaskEdit.on_get_style_accessibility_description = function () { if (this._cellobj) { return this._cellobj.tooltiptext; } }; _pGridMaskEdit.on_apply_autoskip = function () { this._grid._moveToCell("next", true); }; _pGridMaskEdit._on_bubble_touchend = function (touch_manager, touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, is_userbubble) { var call = true; if (is_userbubble) { call = this._cellobj._common_lbuttonup(changedtouchinfos, null, null, null, null); } if (call) { nexacro.MaskEditCtrl.prototype._on_bubble_touchend.call(this, touch_manager, touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, is_userbubble); } return true; }; _pGridMaskEdit._on_bubble_lbuttonup = function (elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, from_elem, bubble_scope) { var call = true; if (bubble_scope) { call = this._cellobj._common_lbuttonup(null, elem, canvasX, canvasY, from_elem); } if (call) { nexacro.MaskEditCtrl.prototype._on_bubble_lbuttonup.call(this, elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, from_elem, bubble_scope); } return true; }; _pGridMaskEdit._on_bubble_mouseenter = function (elem, from_comp, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, bubble_scope) { var call = true; if (bubble_scope) { call = this._cellobj._common_mouseenter(); } if (call) { nexacro.MaskEditCtrl.prototype._on_bubble_mouseenter.call(this, elem, from_comp, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, bubble_scope); } return true; }; _pGridMaskEdit._on_bubble_mouseleave = function (elem, to_comp, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, bubble_scope) { var call = true; if (bubble_scope) { call = this._cellobj._common_mouseleave(); } if (call) { nexacro.MaskEditCtrl.prototype._on_bubble_mouseleave.call(this, elem, to_comp, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, bubble_scope); } return true; }; _pGridMaskEdit.on_fire_onchar = function (event_info) { if (this._absolutelyValue == true) { return true; } var obj = { evt : null }; nexacro.MaskEditCtrl.prototype.on_fire_onchar.call(this, event_info, obj); return this._grid.on_fire_onchar(this, event_info.chartext, event_info.pretext, event_info.posttext, obj.evt); }; _pGridMaskEdit.on_fire_ontextchange = function (event_info) { if (this._absolutelyValue == true) { return true; } var obj = { evt : null }; nexacro.MaskEditCtrl.prototype.on_fire_ontextchange.call(this, event_info, obj); return this._grid.on_fire_ontextchange(this, event_info.chartext, event_info.pretext, event_info.posttext, event_info.preimetext, event_info.postimetext, obj.evt); }; _pGridMaskEdit.on_fire_ontextchanged = function (obj, pretext, posttext) { return this._grid.on_fire_ontextchanged(obj, pretext, posttext); }; _pGridMaskEdit.on_fire_user_ontouchend = function (touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { nexacro.MaskEditCtrl.prototype.on_fire_user_ontouchend.call(this, touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp); this._cellobj.on_fire_user_ontouchend(touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp); return true; }; _pGridMaskEdit.on_fire_user_onlbuttonup = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, from_elem) { nexacro.MaskEditCtrl.prototype.on_fire_user_onlbuttonup.call(this, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, from_elem); this._cellobj.on_fire_user_onlbuttonup(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, from_elem); return true; }; _pGridMaskEdit.on_fire_user_ontouchstart = function (touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { nexacro.MaskEditCtrl.prototype.on_fire_user_ontouchstart.call(this, touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp); this._cellobj.on_fire_user_ontouchstart(touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp); return true; }; _pGridMaskEdit.on_fire_user_onlbuttondown = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { nexacro.MaskEditCtrl.prototype.on_fire_user_onlbuttondown.call(this, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); this._cellobj.on_fire_user_onlbuttondown(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); return true; }; _pGridMaskEdit.on_fire_oneditclick = function (obj, caretpos, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, clickitem) { nexacro.MaskEditCtrl.prototype.on_fire_oneditclick.call(this, obj, caretpos, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); this._cellobj.on_fire_onclick(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, clickitem); return true; }; _pGridMaskEdit.on_fire_ondblclick = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (this._displaymode) { this.setSelect(0, 0); } nexacro.MaskEditCtrl.prototype.on_fire_ondblclick.call(this, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); this._cellobj.on_fire_ondblclick(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, "control"); return true; }; if (nexacro.Browser == "Gecko" || nexacro.Browser == "Opera") { _pGridMaskEdit._on_click = function (elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY) { if (!this._is_alive) { return; } var visible = this.visible; if (this._displaymode) { visible = true; } var clickitem = ""; if (elem instanceof nexacro.InputElement) { var halign, valign; if (elem.align) { halign = elem.align._halign; valign = elem.align._valign; } else if (elem.halign && elem.valign) { halign = elem.halign; valign = elem.valign; } clickitem = this._cellobj._getClickItem(halign, valign, canvasX, canvasY, elem.text, this); } if (!clickitem) { clickitem = "control"; } if (visible && this._isEnable() && this.enableevent) { var caretPos = this.getCaretPos(); var clientXY = this._getClientXY(canvasX, canvasY); this.on_fire_oneditclick(this, caretPos, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientXY[0], clientXY[1], this, this, clickitem); } }; } else { _pGridMaskEdit._on_click = function (elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY) { if (!this._is_alive) { return; } var visible = this.visible; if (this._displaymode && this._grid.selectchangetype == "up") { visible = true; } var clickitem = ""; if (elem instanceof nexacro.InputElement) { var halign, valign; if (elem.align) { halign = elem.align._halign; valign = elem.align._valign; } else if (elem.halign && elem.valign) { halign = elem.halign; valign = elem.valign; } clickitem = this._cellobj._getClickItem(halign, valign, canvasX, canvasY, elem.text, this); } if (!clickitem) { clickitem = "control"; } if (visible && this._isEnable() && this.enableevent) { var caretPos = this.getCaretPos(); var clientXY = this._getClientXY(canvasX, canvasY); this.on_fire_oneditclick(this, caretPos, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientXY[0], clientXY[1], this, this, clickitem); } }; } _pGridMaskEdit._on_last_lbuttonup = function () { this._cellobj._on_last_lbuttonup(); }; _pGridMaskEdit._on_last_keyup = function () { this._cellobj._on_last_keyup(); }; _pGridMaskEdit._isEnable = function () { return this._grid._enable; }; _pGridMaskEdit._set_absolutelyValue = function (v) { this._absolutelyValue = true; this.set_value(v); this._absolutelyValue = false; }; _pGridMaskEdit._updateAll = function (onlycontents) { if (this.getElement()) { this._setProperty(); this.on_apply_pseudo(this._cellobj._pseudo, onlycontents); } }; _pGridMaskEdit._setProperty = function () { var cellinfo = this._cellinfo; var cellobj = this._cellobj; var grid = this._grid; var datarow = grid._getDataRow(cellobj._rowidx); var edittype = cellinfo._getEdittype(datarow); var displayType = cellinfo._getDisplaytype(datarow); var editType = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.edittype, datarow); var v = cellinfo._getValue(datarow); v = nexacro._toString(v); if (edittype == "masknumber") { this.set_type("number"); this._set_absolutelyValue(v); } else { if (editType == "normal") { if (displayType == "number") { this.set_type("number"); } else { this.set_type("string"); } } else { this.set_type("string"); } this._set_absolutelyValue(v); } if (edittype == "masknumber" || edittype == "mask") { v = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.mask, datarow); if (v != null) { this.set_mask(v); } } v = cellinfo.maskchar; if (v != null) { this.set_maskchar(v); } v = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.editautoselect, datarow); if (v != null) { this.set_autoselect(v); } v = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.editautoskip, datarow); if (v != null) { this.set_autoskip(v); } v = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.editclipmode, datarow); if (v != null) { this.set_clipmode(v); } v = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.editlimitbymask, datarow); if (v != null) { this.set_limitbymask(v); } v = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.edittrimtype, datarow); if (v != null) { this.set_trimtype(v); } this.set_usesoftkeyboard(grid.usesoftkeyboard); }; _pGridMaskEdit._EditUpdateAll = function (cellinfo, cellobj) { if (this.getElement()) { this._cellinfo = cellinfo; this._cellobj = cellobj; this._control_pseudo = ""; this._contents_pseudo = ""; this.on_apply_pseudo(this._pseudo); this._setProperty(); } }; _pGridMaskEdit._setDataset = function (async, row) { var cellobj = this._cellobj; var cellinfo = this._cellinfo; var grid = this._grid; var datarow = grid._getDataRow(cellobj._rowidx); var v = this.value; if (row != undefined) { datarow = row; } var retn = true; if (cellinfo.text._bindtype == 1) { this._grid._is_async_recreate = async; this._grid._dsEventOccured = true; var fail = { status : "" }; cellinfo.grid._binddataset._setColumn(datarow, cellinfo.text._bindexpr, v, fail); if (fail.status == "cancolumnchange") { retn = false; } this._grid._is_async_recreate = false; this._grid._dsEventOccured = false; } return retn; }; delete _pGridMaskEdit; nexacro.GridControlCalendar = function (id, left, top, width, height, parent, displaymode, controlmode) { nexacro.CalendarCtrl.call(this, id, "absolute", left, top, width, height, null, null, parent); this.tabstop = false; this.ondropdown = "grid"; this._displaymode = (displaymode) ? true : false; this._controlmode = (controlmode) ? true : false; if (parent._refobj) { this._grid = parent._refobj.grid; this._cellinfo = parent._refobj; this._cellobj = parent; } else { this._grid = parent; } }; var _pGridCalendar = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.CalendarCtrl, nexacro.GridControlCalendar); nexacro.GridControlCalendar.prototype = _pGridCalendar; nexacro.GridControlCalendar._defaultButtonsize = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj("buttonsize", 24); _pGridCalendar.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonsize = function (pseudo) { var retn = nexacro.CalendarCtrl.prototype.on_find_CurrentStyle_buttonsize.call(this, pseudo); if (retn < 0 || retn == null) { return nexacro.GridControlCalendar._defaultButtonsize; } else { return retn; } }; _pGridCalendar.on_find_CurrentStyle_align = function (pseudo, childctrl) { var cellobj = this._cellobj; if (cellobj) { if (this._displaymode) { if (pseudo != "disabled") { pseudo = "normal"; } } var align = this._find_pseudo_obj("align", pseudo, "align", this.calendaredit); return align; } return null; }; _pGridCalendar.on_find_CurrentStyle_font = function (pseudo, childctrl) { var cellobj = this._cellobj; if (cellobj) { var font = this._find_pseudo_obj("font", pseudo, "font", this.calendaredit); if (!font) { font = cellobj.on_find_CurrentStyle_font(pseudo); } return font; } return null; }; _pGridCalendar.on_find_CurrentStyle_letterspace = function (pseudo, childctrl) { var cellobj = this._cellobj; if (cellobj) { var letterspace = this._find_pseudo_obj("letterspace", pseudo, "letterspace", this.calendaredit); if (!letterspace) { letterspace = cellobj.on_find_CurrentStyle_letterspace(pseudo); } return letterspace; } return null; }; _pGridCalendar.on_find_CurrentStyle_color = function (pseudo, childctrl) { var cellobj = this._cellobj; if (cellobj) { var color = this._find_pseudo_obj("color", pseudo, "color", this.calendaredit); if (!color) { color = cellobj.on_find_CurrentStyle_color(pseudo); } return color; } return null; }; _pGridCalendar.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility = function (pseudo, childctrl) { var cellobj = this._cellobj; if (cellobj) { var accessibility = this._find_pseudo_obj("accessibility", pseudo, "accessibility", childctrl); if (!accessibility) { accessibility = cellobj.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility(pseudo); } return accessibility; } return null; }; _pGridCalendar._makeCssRefInfo = function () { return (this._grid._makeCssRefInfoCtrl(this)); }; _pGridCalendar._find_pseudo_obj = function (styleProp, pseudo, returnType, childctrl) { var cellinfo = this._cellinfo; var v; if (styleProp == "dayborder" || styleProp == "daybordertype" || styleProp == "daybackground" || styleProp == "daycolor" || styleProp == "dayfont" || styleProp == "daygradation") { v = nexacro.CalendarCtrl.prototype._find_pseudo_obj.call(this, styleProp, pseudo, returnType); if (v) { return v; } } var grid = this._grid; var datarow = grid._getDataRow(this._cellobj._rowidx); var controlProp = "control" + styleProp; var v = cellinfo._query_pseudo_control(this, datarow, controlProp, styleProp, pseudo, returnType, childctrl); return v; }; _pGridCalendar.on_created_contents = function () { nexacro.CalendarCtrl.prototype.on_created_contents.call(this); if (this._displaymode) { this.calendaredit._input_element.setElementReadonly(true); } }; _pGridCalendar.on_destroy_contents = function () { nexacro.CalendarCtrl.prototype.on_destroy_contents.call(this); this._grid = null; this._cellinfo = null; this._cellobj = null; }; _pGridCalendar._setAccessibilityStatFocus = function () { var cellobj = this._cellobj; var label = cellobj._getAccessibilityMakeAddLabel(); var tmp_label = ""; var accessibility = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility(this._pseudo); if (accessibility) { if (accessibility._bindexpr && accessibility._bindexpr.length > 0) { tmp_label = this._cellinfo._getAttrValue(accessibility, this._rowidx); accessibility._setValue(tmp_label); } tmp_label = this._getAccessibilityLabel(accessibility); } else { tmp_label = cellobj._getCellAccessibilityLabel(); } tmp_label = (tmp_label != cellobj._display_text) ? tmp_label : ""; label += " " + tmp_label; this._setAccessibilityLabel(label); nexacro.Component.prototype._setAccessibilityStatFocus.call(this); }; _pGridCalendar.on_get_style_accessibility_description = function () { if (this._cellobj) { return this._cellobj.tooltiptext; } }; _pGridCalendar.set_innerdataset = function (str) { var ret = nexacro.CalendarCtrl.prototype.set_innerdataset.call(this, str); if (this._controlmode) { var grid = this._grid; if (grid) { for (var i = 0; i < grid.getCellCount("body"); i++) { grid.setCellProperty("body", i, "calendarinnerdataset", str); } } } return ret; }; _pGridCalendar.set_backgroundcolumn = function (str) { nexacro.CalendarCtrl.prototype.set_backgroundcolumn.call(this, str); if (this._controlmode) { var grid = this._grid; if (grid) { for (var i = 0; i < grid.getCellCount("body"); i++) { grid.setCellProperty("body", i, "calendarbackgroundcolumn", str); } } } }; _pGridCalendar.set_bordercolumn = function (str) { nexacro.CalendarCtrl.prototype.set_bordercolumn.call(this, str); if (this._controlmode) { var grid = this._grid; if (grid) { for (var i = 0; i < grid.getCellCount("body"); i++) { grid.setCellProperty("body", i, "calendarbordercolumn", str); } } } }; _pGridCalendar.set_datecolumn = function (str) { nexacro.CalendarCtrl.prototype.set_datecolumn.call(this, str); if (this._controlmode) { var grid = this._grid; if (grid) { for (var i = 0; i < grid.getCellCount("body"); i++) { grid.setCellProperty("body", i, "calendardatecolumn", str); } } } }; _pGridCalendar.set_textcolorcolumn = function (str) { nexacro.CalendarCtrl.prototype.set_textcolorcolumn.call(this, str); if (this._controlmode) { var grid = this._grid; if (grid) { var cellinfo = null; for (var i = 0; i < grid.getCellCount("body"); i++) { grid.setCellProperty("body", i, "calendartextcolorcolumn", str); } } } }; _pGridCalendar.on_apply_custom_setfocus = function (evt_name) { if (!this._displaymode) { return nexacro.Calendar.prototype.on_apply_custom_setfocus.call(this, evt_name); } }; _pGridCalendar._on_bubble_touchend = function (touch_manager, touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, is_userbubble) { var call = true; if (is_userbubble) { call = this._cellobj._common_lbuttonup(changedtouchinfos, null, null, null, null); } if (call) { nexacro.CalendarCtrl.prototype._on_bubble_touchend.call(this, touch_manager, touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, is_userbubble); } return true; }; _pGridCalendar._on_bubble_lbuttonup = function (elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, from_elem, bubble_scope) { var call = true; if (bubble_scope) { call = this._cellobj._common_lbuttonup(null, elem, canvasX, canvasY, from_elem); } if (call) { nexacro.CalendarCtrl.prototype._on_bubble_lbuttonup.call(this, elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, from_elem, bubble_scope); } return true; }; _pGridCalendar._on_bubble_mouseenter = function (elem, from_comp, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, bubble_scope) { var call = true; if (bubble_scope) { call = this._cellobj._common_mouseenter(); } if (call) { nexacro.CalendarCtrl.prototype._on_bubble_mouseenter.call(this, elem, from_comp, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, bubble_scope); } return true; }; _pGridCalendar._on_bubble_mouseleave = function (elem, to_comp, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, bubble_scope) { var call = true; if (bubble_scope) { call = this._cellobj._common_mouseleave(); } if (call) { nexacro.CalendarCtrl.prototype._on_bubble_mouseleave.call(this, elem, to_comp, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, bubble_scope); } return true; }; _pGridCalendar.on_notify_ondropdown = function (obj, e) { if (!this._displaymode) { return (nexacro.CalendarCtrl.prototype.on_notify_ondropdown.call(this, obj, e)); } }; _pGridCalendar.on_notify_mobile_ondropdown = function (obj, e) { if (!this._displaymode) { return nexacro.CalendarCtrl.prototype.on_notify_mobile_ondropdown.call(this, obj, e); } }; _pGridCalendar.on_notify_onkeydown = function (obj, e) { var grid = this._grid; if (e.keycode == nexacro.Event.KEY_DOWN && e.altKey) { grid._is_editor_keyaction = false; } if (!obj._displaymode) { return (nexacro.CalendarCtrl.prototype.on_notify_onkeydown.call(this, obj, e)); } }; _pGridCalendar.on_fire_onchar = function (obj, chartext, pretext, posttext) { nexacro.CalendarCtrl.prototype.on_fire_onchar.call(this, obj, chartext, pretext, posttext); var textEvt = new nexacro.CharEventInfo(this, "onchar", chartext, pretext, posttext); return this._grid.on_fire_onchar(obj, chartext, pretext, posttext, textEvt); }; _pGridCalendar.on_notify_onlbuttondown = function (obj, e) { if (!this._displaymode) { return nexacro.CalendarCtrl.prototype.on_notify_onlbuttondown.call(this, obj, e); } }; _pGridCalendar.on_fire_ontextchange = function (obj, chartext, pretext, posttext, preimetext, postimetext) { var textEvt = new nexacro.TextChangeEventInfo(this, "ontextchange", chartext, pretext, posttext, preimetext, postimetext); return this._grid.on_fire_ontextchange(this, chartext, pretext, posttext, preimetext, postimetext, textEvt); }; _pGridCalendar.on_fire_ontextchanged = function (obj, pretext, posttext) { return this._grid.on_fire_ontextchanged(obj, pretext, posttext); }; _pGridCalendar.on_fire_onchanged = function (obj, pre_text, pre_value, post_text, post_value) { if (!obj._displaymode) { if (this._grid.autoupdatetype == "dateselect" || this._grid.autoupdatetype == "itemselect") { this._setDataset(true, undefined, false, pre_value); } return (nexacro.CalendarCtrl.prototype.on_fire_onchanged.call(this, obj, pre_text, pre_value, post_text, post_value)); } }; _pGridCalendar.on_fire_oncloseup = function (obj, pretext, posttext, prevalue, postvalue, isselect) { this._grid.on_fire_oncloseup(obj, pretext, posttext, prevalue, postvalue, isselect); }; _pGridCalendar.on_fire_ondropdown = function (obj) { this._grid.on_fire_ondropdown(obj); }; _pGridCalendar.on_fire_user_ontouchend = function (touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { var touchinfo = nexacro._getFirstTouchInfo(changedtouchinfos); if (this._isSubCell && touchinfo) { touchinfo.canvasX -= from_refer_comp._adjust_left; touchinfo.canvasY -= from_refer_comp._adjust_top; touchinfo.clientX -= from_refer_comp._adjust_left; touchinfo.clientY -= from_refer_comp._adjust_top; } nexacro.CalendarCtrl.prototype.on_fire_user_ontouchend.call(this, touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp); this._cellobj.on_fire_user_ontouchend(touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp); return true; }; _pGridCalendar.on_fire_user_onlbuttonup = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, from_elem) { if (from_refer_comp != this) { canvasX -= from_refer_comp._adjust_left; clientX -= from_refer_comp._adjust_left; canvasY -= from_refer_comp._adjust_top; clientY -= from_refer_comp._adjust_top; } nexacro.CalendarCtrl.prototype.on_fire_user_onlbuttonup.call(this, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, from_elem); this._cellobj.on_fire_user_onlbuttonup(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, from_elem); return true; }; _pGridCalendar.on_fire_user_ontouchstart = function (touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { var touchinfo = nexacro._getFirstTouchInfo(changedtouchinfos); if (this._isSubCell && touchinfo) { touchinfo.canvasX -= from_refer_comp._adjust_left; touchinfo.canvasY -= from_refer_comp._adjust_top; touchinfo.clientX -= from_refer_comp._adjust_left; touchinfo.clientY -= from_refer_comp._adjust_top; } nexacro.CalendarCtrl.prototype.on_fire_user_ontouchstart.call(this, touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp); this._cellobj.on_fire_user_ontouchstart(touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp); return true; }; _pGridCalendar.on_fire_user_onlbuttondown = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (from_refer_comp != this) { canvasX -= from_refer_comp._adjust_left; clientX -= from_refer_comp._adjust_left; canvasY -= from_refer_comp._adjust_top; clientY -= from_refer_comp._adjust_top; } nexacro.CalendarCtrl.prototype.on_fire_user_onlbuttondown.call(this, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); this._cellobj.on_fire_user_onlbuttondown(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); return true; }; _pGridCalendar.on_fire_sys_onkeydown = function (keycode, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, fire_comp, refer_comp) { var ret = nexacro.CalendarCtrl.prototype.on_fire_sys_onkeydown.call(this, keycode, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, fire_comp, refer_comp); if (this._isPopupVisible()) { this._grid._is_editor_keyaction = false; } else { this._grid._is_editor_keyaction = true; } return ret; }; _pGridCalendar.on_fire_onclick = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, clickitem) { nexacro.CalendarCtrl.prototype.on_fire_onclick.call(this, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); this._cellobj.on_fire_onclick(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, this, from_refer_comp, "control"); return true; }; _pGridCalendar.on_fire_ondblclick = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (this._displaymode) { this.setSelect(0, 0); } nexacro.CalendarCtrl.prototype.on_fire_ondblclick.call(this, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); this._cellobj.on_fire_ondblclick(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, this, from_refer_comp, "control"); return true; }; _pGridCalendar.on_notify_oneditclick = function (obj, e) { var clickitem = ""; if (e.fromobject instanceof nexacro.CalendarEditCtrl) { var elem = e.fromobject._input_element; var halign, valign; if (elem.align) { halign = elem.align._halign; valign = elem.align._valign; } else if (elem.halign && elem.valign) { halign = elem.halign; valign = elem.valign; } clickitem = this._cellobj._getClickItem(halign, valign, e.canvasX, e.canvasY, elem.text, e.fromobject); } if (!clickitem) { clickitem = "control"; } var padding = this._cellobj.currentstyle.padding; var canvasX = e.canvasX + (padding ? padding.left : 0); var canvasY = e.canvasY + (padding ? padding.top : 0); var clientXY = this._getClientXY(canvasX, canvasY); return this._cellobj.on_fire_onclick(e.button, e.alt_key, e.ctrl_key, e.shift_key, e.screenX, e.screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientXY[0], clientXY[1], e.fromobject, e.fromreferenceobject, clickitem); }; _pGridCalendar._on_click = function (elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY) { if (!this._is_alive) { return; } var visible = this.visible; if (this._displaymode && this._grid.selectchangetype == "up") { visible = true; } if (visible && this._isEnable() && this.enableevent) { var clientXY = this._getClientXY(canvasX, canvasY); this.on_fire_onclick(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientXY[0], clientXY[1], this, this, "control"); } }; _pGridCalendar._on_last_lbuttonup = function () { this._cellobj._on_last_lbuttonup(); }; _pGridCalendar._on_last_keyup = function () { this._cellobj._on_last_keyup(); }; _pGridCalendar.on_getBindableProperties = function () { if (!this._displaymode) { return "value"; } }; _pGridCalendar._isEnable = function () { return this._grid._enable; }; _pGridCalendar._getDisplayText = function () { if (this.parent) { return this.parent._getDisplayText(); } return ""; }; _pGridCalendar._updateAll = function (onlycontents) { if (this.getElement()) { this.on_apply_pseudo(this._cellobj._pseudo, onlycontents); this._setProperty(); } }; _pGridCalendar._setProperty = function () { var cellinfo = this._cellinfo; var cellobj = this._cellobj; var grid = this._grid; var datarow = grid._getDataRow(cellobj._rowidx); var v = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.mask, datarow); if (!v || v.length == 0) { v = "yyyy-MM-dd"; } if (v != null) { this.set_editformat(v); this.set_dateformat(v); } var v = org_v = cellinfo._getValue(datarow); if (this._displaymode == true && !v) { v = cellinfo._getDisplayText(datarow); v = this._makeNormalValue1(v); } v = this._toValueStr(v); this.set_value(v, true); v = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.editautoselect, datarow); if (v != null) { this.set_autoselect(v); } if (this._isTimeMask() == true) { this.set_type("spin"); } else { this.set_type("normal"); } if (grid.locale) { this.set_locale(grid.locale); } var editdisplay = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.calendardisplay, datarow); if (editdisplay == "display") { v = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.calendardisplaynulltext, datarow); if (v != null) { this.set_displaynulltext(v); } } var calendardisplaynulltype = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.calendardisplaynulltype, datarow); if (calendardisplaynulltype != "default" && (nexacro._isNull(org_v) || org_v === "")) { if (calendardisplaynulltype == "nulltext") { this.set_dateformat(""); } else { if (calendardisplaynulltype == "nullmask") { v = this._toValueStr(null); this.set_value(v, true); } else { this.set_dateformat(""); } this.set_displaynulltext(""); } } this.set_usesoftkeyboard(grid.usesoftkeyboard); var innerdataset = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.calendarinnerdataset, datarow); if (innerdataset) { this.set_innerdataset(innerdataset); } var backgroundcolumn = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.calendarbackgroundcolumn, datarow); if (backgroundcolumn) { this.set_backgroundcolumn(backgroundcolumn); } var bordercolumn = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.calendarbordercolumn, datarow); if (bordercolumn) { this.set_bordercolumn(bordercolumn); } var datecolumn = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.calendardatecolumn, datarow); if (datecolumn) { this.set_datecolumn(datecolumn); } var textcolorcolumn = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.calendartextcolorcolumn, datarow); if (textcolorcolumn) { this.set_textcolorcolumn(textcolorcolumn); } }; _pGridCalendar._EditUpdateAll = function (cellinfo, cellobj) { if (this.getElement()) { this._cellinfo = cellinfo; this._cellobj = cellobj; this._setProperty(); this._control_pseudo = ""; this._contents_pseudo = ""; this.on_apply_pseudo(this._pseudo); } }; _pGridCalendar._setDataset = function (async, row, fire, oldvalue) { var cellobj = this._cellobj; var cellinfo = this._cellinfo; var grid = this._grid; var datarow = grid._getDataRow(cellobj._rowidx); if (fire == undefined) { fire = true; } this._setValueCtrl(fire); var v = this.value; if (row != undefined) { datarow = row; } var retn = true; if (cellinfo.text._bindtype == 1) { this._grid._is_async_recreate = async; this._grid._dsEventOccured = true; var fail = { status : "" }; cellinfo.grid._binddataset._setColumn(datarow, cellinfo.text._bindexpr, v, fail); if (fail.status == "cancolumnchange") { this._setValue(oldvalue); retn = false; } this._grid._is_async_recreate = false; this._grid._dsEventOccured = false; } return retn; }; _pGridCalendar._getDlgCode = function (keycode, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey) { var _want_arrows = this._want_arrows; this._is_first_focus = false; return { want_tab : this._grid._acceptstab, want_return : false, want_escape : false, want_chars : false, want_arrows : _want_arrows }; }; delete _pGridCalendar; nexacro.GridControlCombo = function (id, left, top, width, height, parent, displaymode, controlmode) { nexacro.ComboCtrl.call(this, id, "absolute", left, top, width, height, null, null, parent); this.tabstop = false; if (displaymode) { this._displaymode = true; this.readonly = true; } else { this._displaymode = false; } this._controlmode = (controlmode) ? true : false; if (parent._refobj) { this._grid = parent._refobj.grid; this._cellinfo = parent._refobj; this._cellobj = parent; } else { this._grid = parent; } }; var _pGridCombo = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.ComboCtrl, nexacro.GridControlCombo); nexacro.GridControlCombo.prototype = _pGridCombo; _pGridCombo.on_find_CurrentStyle_align = function (pseudo, childctrl) { var cellobj = this._cellobj; if (cellobj) { if (this._displaymode) { if (pseudo != "disabled") { pseudo = "normal"; } } var align = this._find_pseudo_obj("align", pseudo, "align", this.comboedit); return align; } return null; }; _pGridCombo.on_find_CurrentStyle_font = function (pseudo, childctrl) { var cellobj = this._cellobj; if (cellobj) { var font = this._find_pseudo_obj("font", pseudo, "font", this.comboedit); if (!font) { font = cellobj.on_find_CurrentStyle_font(pseudo); } return font; } return null; }; _pGridCombo.on_find_CurrentStyle_letterspace = function (pseudo, childctrl) { var cellobj = this._cellobj; if (cellobj) { var letterspace = this._find_pseudo_obj("letterspace", pseudo, "letterspace", this.comboedit); if (!letterspace) { letterspace = cellobj.on_find_CurrentStyle_letterspace(pseudo); } return letterspace; } return null; }; _pGridCombo.on_find_CurrentStyle_color = function (pseudo, childctrl) { var cellobj = this._cellobj; if (cellobj) { if (this._displaymode && pseudo == "normal") { pseudo = "readonly"; } var color = this._find_pseudo_obj("color", pseudo, "color", this.comboedit); if (!color) { color = cellobj.on_find_CurrentStyle_color(pseudo); } return color; } return null; }; _pGridCombo.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility = function (pseudo, childctrl) { var cellobj = this._cellobj; if (cellobj) { var accessibility = this._find_pseudo_obj("accessibility", pseudo, "accessibility", childctrl); if (!accessibility) { accessibility = cellobj.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility(pseudo); } return accessibility; } return null; }; _pGridCombo.on_find_CurrentStyle_background = function (pseudo, childctrl) { var background = this._find_pseudo_obj("background", pseudo, "background", childctrl); return background; }; _pGridCombo.on_find_CurrentStyle_bordertype = function (pseudo, childctrl) { var bordertype = this._find_pseudo_obj("bordertype", pseudo, "bordertype", childctrl); return bordertype; }; _pGridCombo.on_find_CurrentStyle_gradation = function (pseudo, childctrl) { var gradation = this._find_pseudo_obj("gradation", pseudo, "gradation", childctrl); return gradation; }; _pGridCombo._makeCssRefInfo = function () { return (this._grid._makeCssRefInfoCtrl(this)); }; _pGridCombo._find_pseudo_obj = function (styleProp, pseudo, returnType, childctrl) { var cellinfo = this._cellinfo; var grid = this._grid; var datarow = grid._getDataRow(this._cellobj._rowidx); if (this._cellobj && this._grid._isFakeCell(datarow) && pseudo != "disabled") { pseudo = "normal"; } var controlProp = "control" + styleProp; var v = cellinfo._query_pseudo_control(this, datarow, controlProp, styleProp, pseudo, returnType, childctrl); return v; }; _pGridCombo.on_destroy_contents = function () { nexacro.ComboCtrl.prototype.on_destroy_contents.call(this); this._grid = null; this._cellinfo = null; this._cellobj = null; }; _pGridCombo._setAccessibilityStatFocus = function () { var cellobj = this._cellobj; var label = cellobj._getAccessibilityMakeAddLabel(); var tmp_label = ""; var accessibility = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility(this._pseudo); if (accessibility) { if (accessibility._bindexpr && accessibility._bindexpr.length > 0) { tmp_label = this._cellinfo._getAttrValue(accessibility, this._rowidx); accessibility._setValue(tmp_label); } tmp_label = this._getAccessibilityLabel(accessibility); } else { tmp_label = cellobj._getCellAccessibilityLabel(); } tmp_label = (tmp_label != cellobj._display_text) ? tmp_label : ""; label += " " + tmp_label; this._setAccessibilityLabel(label); nexacro.Component.prototype._setAccessibilityStatFocus.call(this); }; _pGridCombo.on_get_style_accessibility_description = function () { if (this._cellobj) { return this._cellobj.tooltiptext; } }; _pGridCombo._on_bubble_touchend = function (touch_manager, touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, is_userbubble) { var call = true; if (is_userbubble) { call = this._cellobj._common_lbuttonup(changedtouchinfos, null, null, null, null); } if (call) { nexacro.ComboCtrl.prototype._on_bubble_touchend.call(this, touch_manager, touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, is_userbubble); } return true; }; _pGridCombo._on_bubble_lbuttonup = function (elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, from_elem, bubble_scope) { var call = true; if (bubble_scope) { call = this._cellobj._common_lbuttonup(null, elem, canvasX, canvasY, from_elem); } if (call) { nexacro.ComboCtrl.prototype._on_bubble_lbuttonup.call(this, elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, from_elem, bubble_scope); } return true; }; _pGridCombo._on_bubble_mouseenter = function (elem, from_comp, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, bubble_scope) { var call = true; if (bubble_scope) { call = this._cellobj._common_mouseenter(); } if (call) { nexacro.ComboCtrl.prototype._on_bubble_mouseenter.call(this, elem, from_comp, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, bubble_scope); } return true; }; _pGridCombo._on_bubble_mouseleave = function (elem, to_comp, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, bubble_scope) { var call = true; if (bubble_scope) { call = this._cellobj._common_mouseleave(); } if (call) { nexacro.ComboCtrl.prototype._on_bubble_mouseleave.call(this, elem, to_comp, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, bubble_scope); } return true; }; _pGridCombo.on_fire_oncloseup = function (obj, beforeIndex, beforeText, beforeValue, afterIndex, afterText, afterValue, isSelect) { nexacro.ComboCtrl.prototype.on_fire_oncloseup.call(this, obj, beforeIndex, beforeText, beforeValue, afterIndex, afterText, afterValue, isSelect); this._grid.on_fire_oncloseup(obj, beforeText, afterText, beforeValue, afterValue, isSelect); }; _pGridCombo.on_fire_user_onkeydown = function (keycode, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, fire_comp, refer_comp) { var grid = this._grid; if (keycode == nexacro.Event.KEY_DOWN || keycode == nexacro.Event.KEY_UP || (keycode == nexacro.Event.KEY_DOWN && alt_key)) { grid._is_editor_keyaction = false; } nexacro.ComboCtrl.prototype.on_fire_user_onkeydown.call(this, keycode, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, fire_comp, refer_comp); if (!this._displaymode) { return this._cellobj.on_fire_user_onkeydown(keycode, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, fire_comp, refer_comp); } }; _pGridCombo.on_fire_sys_onmousewheel = function (wheelDeltaX, wheelDeltaY, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, comp, refer_comp) { if (!this._displaymode) { return nexacro.ComboCtrl.prototype.on_fire_sys_onmousewheel.call(this, wheelDeltaX, wheelDeltaY, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, comp, refer_comp); } ; }; _pGridCombo.on_fire_ondropdown = function (obj) { return this._grid.on_fire_ondropdown(obj); }; _pGridCombo.on_fire_user_ontouchend = function (touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { var touchinfo = nexacro._getFirstTouchInfo(changedtouchinfos); if (this._isSubCell && touchinfo) { touchinfo.canvasX -= from_refer_comp._adjust_left; touchinfo.canvasY -= from_refer_comp._adjust_top; touchinfo.clientX -= from_refer_comp._adjust_left; touchinfo.clientY -= from_refer_comp._adjust_top; } nexacro.ComboCtrl.prototype.on_fire_user_ontouchend.call(this, touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp); this._cellobj.on_fire_user_ontouchend(touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp); return true; }; _pGridCombo.on_fire_user_onlbuttonup = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, from_elem) { if (from_refer_comp != this) { canvasX -= from_refer_comp._adjust_left; clientX -= from_refer_comp._adjust_left; canvasY -= from_refer_comp._adjust_top; clientY -= from_refer_comp._adjust_top; } nexacro.ComboCtrl.prototype.on_fire_user_onlbuttonup.call(this, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, from_elem); this._cellobj.on_fire_user_onlbuttonup(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, from_elem); return true; }; _pGridCombo.on_fire_user_ontouchstart = function (touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { var touchinfo = nexacro._getFirstTouchInfo(changedtouchinfos); if (this._isSubCell && touchinfo) { touchinfo.canvasX -= from_refer_comp._adjust_left; touchinfo.canvasY -= from_refer_comp._adjust_top; touchinfo.clientX -= from_refer_comp._adjust_left; touchinfo.clientY -= from_refer_comp._adjust_top; } nexacro.ComboCtrl.prototype.on_fire_user_ontouchstart.call(this, touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp); this._cellobj.on_fire_user_ontouchstart(touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp); return true; }; _pGridCombo.on_fire_user_onlbuttondown = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (from_refer_comp != this) { canvasX -= from_refer_comp._adjust_left; clientX -= from_refer_comp._adjust_left; canvasY -= from_refer_comp._adjust_top; clientY -= from_refer_comp._adjust_top; } nexacro.ComboCtrl.prototype.on_fire_user_onlbuttondown.call(this, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); this._cellobj.on_fire_user_onlbuttondown(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); return true; }; _pGridCombo.on_fire_onclick = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { nexacro.ComboCtrl.prototype.on_fire_onclick.call(this, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); this._cellobj.on_fire_onclick(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, this, from_refer_comp, "control"); return true; }; _pGridCombo.on_fire_ondblclick = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (this._displaymode) { this.setSelect(0, 0); } nexacro.ComboCtrl.prototype.on_fire_ondblclick.call(this, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); this._cellobj.on_fire_ondblclick(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, this, from_refer_comp, "control"); return true; }; _pGridCombo.on_fire_ontextchange = function (obj, e) { if (e.pretext != e.posttext) { this._text_change = true; } return this._grid.on_fire_ontextchange(this, e.chartext, e.pretext, e.posttext, e.preimetext, e.postimetext, e); }; _pGridCombo.on_fire_ontextchanged = function (obj, e) { this.on_combo_text_changed(e.pretext, e.posttext); return this._grid.on_fire_ontextchanged(obj, e.pretext, e.posttext); }; _pGridCombo.on_fire_onitemchanged = function (obj, preindex, pretext, prevalue, postindex, posttext, postvalue) { if (!obj._displaymode) { if (this._grid.autoupdatetype == "comboselect" || this._grid.autoupdatetype == "itemselect") { this._setDataset(true); } return (nexacro.ComboCtrl.prototype.on_fire_onitemchanged.call(this, obj, preindex, pretext, prevalue, postindex, posttext, postvalue)); } }; _pGridCombo.on_notify_edit_oneditclick = function (obj, e) { var clickitem = ""; if (e.fromobject instanceof nexacro.ComboEditCtrl) { if (nexacro.isTouchInteraction || nexacro.SupportTouch) { var evt = new nexacro.EventInfo(this, "oneditclick"); if ((nexacro.Browser == "Runtime" && (e.button == "lbutton" || e.button == "touch")) || (nexacro.Browser != "Runtime" && (nexacro.isTouchInteraction && e.button == "touch" || (!nexacro.isTouchInteraction && application.enabletouchevent && ((nexacro._pointerType == "pen" && e.button == "touch") || e.button == "lbutton")) || (nexacro.Browser != "IE" && !application.enabletouchevent && e.button == "lbutton") || (nexacro.Browser == "IE" && !application.enabletouchevent)))) { this.on_notify_edit_onlbuttondown(this, evt); } } var elem = e.fromobject._input_element; var halign, valign; if (elem.align) { halign = elem.align._halign; valign = elem.align._valign; } else if (elem.halign && elem.valign) { halign = elem.halign; valign = elem.valign; } clickitem = this._cellobj._getClickItem(halign, valign, e.canvasX, e.canvasY, elem.text, e.fromobject); } if (!clickitem) { clickitem = "control"; } var padding = this._cellobj.currentstyle.padding; var canvasX = e.canvasX + (padding ? padding.left : 0); var canvasY = e.canvasY + (padding ? padding.top : 0); var clientXY = this._getClientXY(canvasX, canvasY); return this._cellobj.on_fire_onclick(e.button, e.alt_key, e.ctrl_key, e.shift_key, e.screenX, e.screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientXY[0], clientXY[1], e.fromobject, e.fromreferenceobject, clickitem); }; _pGridCombo.on_lbuttondown_basic_action = function (elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, bubble_scope) { var retn = nexacro.Component.prototype.on_lbuttondown_basic_action.call(this, elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, bubble_scope); if (this._isPopupVisible() && this == refer_comp) { this._closePopup(); } return retn; }; _pGridCombo._on_click = function (elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY) { if (!this._is_alive) { return; } var visible = this.visible; if (this._displaymode && this._grid.selectchangetype == "up") { visible = true; } if (visible && this._isEnable() && this.enableevent) { var clientXY = this._getClientXY(canvasX, canvasY); this.on_fire_onclick(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientXY[0], clientXY[1], this, this); } }; _pGridCombo._on_last_lbuttonup = function () { this._cellobj._on_last_lbuttonup(); }; _pGridCombo._on_last_keyup = function () { this._cellobj._on_last_keyup(); }; _pGridCombo._callback_onvaluechanged = function (obj, e) { if (!this._displaymode) { this._recheckValue(); this._is_recheck = true; } }; _pGridCombo.on_getBindableProperties = function () { if (!this._displaymode) { return "value"; } }; _pGridCombo._isEnable = function () { return this._grid._enable; }; _pGridCombo._updateAll = function (onlycontents) { if (this.getElement()) { this.on_apply_pseudo(this._cellobj._pseudo, onlycontents); this._setProperty(); } }; _pGridCombo._setProperty = function () { var cellinfo = this._cellinfo, cellobj = this._cellobj, grid = this._grid; var datarow = grid._getDataRow(cellobj._rowidx); var edittype = cellinfo._getEdittype(datarow); var innerds = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.combodataset, datarow); if (innerds && innerds.length) { this.set_innerdataset(innerds); } var datanm = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.combodatacol, datarow); if (datanm && datanm.length) { this.set_datacolumn(datanm); } var codenm = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.combocodecol, datarow); if (codenm && codenm.length) { this.set_codecolumn(codenm); } var rowcnt = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.combodisplayrowcount, datarow); if (rowcnt) { this.set_displayrowcount(rowcnt); } var type = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.combotype, datarow); if (type) { this.set_type(type); } var imemode = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.editimemode, datarow); if (imemode) { this.set_imemode(imemode); } var v; if (this._displaymode == true) { v = cellinfo._getDisplayText(datarow); this.set_text(v); } else { v = cellinfo._getValue(datarow); this.set_value(v); } v = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.editautoselect, datarow); if (v != null) { this.set_autoselect(v); } var editdisplay = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.combodisplay, datarow); if (editdisplay == "display") { v = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.combodisplaynulltext, datarow); if (v != null) { this.set_displaynulltext(v); } } this.set_usesoftkeyboard(grid.usesoftkeyboard); }; _pGridCombo._EditUpdateAll = function (cellinfo, cellobj) { if (this.getElement()) { this._cellinfo = cellinfo; this._cellobj = cellobj; this._control_pseudo = ""; this._contents_pseudo = ""; this.on_apply_pseudo(this._pseudo); this._setProperty(); } }; _pGridCombo._setDataset = function (async, row) { var cellobj = this._cellobj; var cellinfo = this._cellinfo; var grid = this._grid; var datarow = grid._getDataRow(cellobj._rowidx); var v = this.value; if (row != undefined) { datarow = row; } var retn = true; if (cellinfo.text._bindtype == 1) { if (this._prevalue !== this.value) { this._grid._is_async_recreate = async; this._grid._dsEventOccured = true; var fail = { status : "" }; cellinfo.grid._binddataset._setColumn(datarow, cellinfo.text._bindexpr, v, fail); if (fail.status == "cancolumnchange") { this.set_value(undefined); retn = false; } this._grid._is_async_recreate = false; this._grid._dsEventOccured = false; } } return retn; }; _pGridCombo._getDlgCode = function (keycode, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey) { var _want_arrows = this._want_arrows; this._is_first_focus = false; return { want_tab : this._grid._acceptstab, want_return : false, want_escape : false, want_chars : false, want_arrows : _want_arrows }; }; delete _pGridCombo; nexacro.GridCellCheckbox = function (id, left, top, width, height, parent) { nexacro.CheckBoxCtrl.call(this, id, "absolute", left, top, width, height, null, null, parent); this.tabstop = false; this._is_usetextbox = false; var wnd = parent; while (wnd) { if (wnd._type_name == "GridCell") { this._cellobj = wnd; this._cellinfo = wnd._refobj; this._grid = wnd._refobj.grid; break; } wnd = wnd.parent; } this.checked = false; }; var _pGridCellCheckbox = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.CheckBoxCtrl, nexacro.GridCellCheckbox); nexacro.GridCellCheckbox.prototype = _pGridCellCheckbox; _pGridCellCheckbox.on_find_CurrentStyle_font = function () { }; _pGridCellCheckbox.on_find_CurrentStyle_letterspace = function () { }; _pGridCellCheckbox.on_find_CurrentStyle_color = function () { }; _pGridCellCheckbox.on_find_CurrentStyle_align = function () { }; _pGridCellCheckbox.on_find_CurrentStyle_border = function () { }; _pGridCellCheckbox.on_find_CurrentStyle_bordertype = function () { }; _pGridCellCheckbox.on_find_CurrentStyle_background = function () { }; _pGridCellCheckbox.on_find_CurrentStyle_gradation = function () { }; _pGridCellCheckbox.on_find_CurrentStyle_padding = function () { }; _pGridCellCheckbox.on_find_CurrentStyle_focusborder = function () { }; _pGridCellCheckbox.on_find_CurrentStyle_moveeffect = function () { }; _pGridCellCheckbox.on_find_CurrentStyle_shadow = function () { }; _pGridCellCheckbox.on_find_CurrentStyle_textpadding = function () { }; _pGridCellCheckbox.on_update_style_background = function () { }; _pGridCellCheckbox.on_update_style_border = function () { }; _pGridCellCheckbox.on_update_style_bordertype = function () { }; _pGridCellCheckbox.on_update_style_gradation = function () { }; _pGridCellCheckbox.on_update_style_font = function () { }; _pGridCellCheckbox.on_update_style_letterspace = function () { }; _pGridCellCheckbox.on_update_style_padding = function () { }; _pGridCellCheckbox.on_update_style_shadow = function () { }; _pGridCellCheckbox.on_update_style_padding = function () { }; _pGridCellCheckbox.on_update_style_align = function () { }; _pGridCellCheckbox.on_update_style_cursor = function () { }; _pGridCellCheckbox.on_update_style_color = function () { }; _pGridCellCheckbox.on_create_contents = function () { nexacro.CheckBoxCtrl.prototype.on_create_contents.call(this); this.chkimg.on_apply_custom_setfocus = function () { }; this.chkimg._on_last_lbuttonup = function () { this.parent._on_last_lbuttonup(); }; this.chkimg._on_last_keyup = function () { this.parent._on_last_keyup(); }; }; _pGridCellCheckbox.on_apply_custom_setfocus = function (evt_name, callback) { }; _pGridCellCheckbox.on_apply_style_buttonalign = function () { var btnsize; if (this.currentstyle.buttonsize == null) { btnsize = 14; } else { btnsize = parseInt(this.currentstyle.buttonsize._value, 10); } this.resize(btnsize, btnsize); }; _pGridCellCheckbox._makeCssRefInfo = function () { return (this._grid._makeCssRefInfoCtrl(this)); }; _pGridCellCheckbox._styleProp = [["buttonbackground", "background"], ["buttonborder", "border"], ["buttonbordertype", "bordertype"], ["buttongradation", "gradation"], ["buttonimage", "image"] ]; _pGridCellCheckbox._getStyleProp = function (styleProp) { var _styleProp = this._styleProp; var len = _styleProp.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (_styleProp[i][0] == styleProp) { return _styleProp[i][1]; } } return styleProp; }; _pGridCellCheckbox.on_get_style_accessibility_label = function () { return ""; }; _pGridCellCheckbox.on_find_CurrentStyle_cursor = function (pseudo) { var grid = this._grid; if (grid._global_cursor) { return grid._global_cursor; } var cursor = this._find_pseudo_obj("cursor", pseudo) || this._cellobj.on_find_CurrentStyle_cursor(pseudo); return (cursor) ? cursor : nexacro.Component._default_cursor; }; _pGridCellCheckbox._find_pseudo_obj = function (styleProp, pseudo, returnType) { var cellinfo = this._cellinfo; var grid = this._grid; var datarow = grid._getDataRow(this._cellobj._rowidx); if (this._cellobj && this._grid._isFakeCell(datarow) && pseudo != "disabled") { pseudo = "normal"; } var controlProp = "control" + this._getStyleProp(styleProp); var v = cellinfo._query_pseudo_control(this, datarow, controlProp, styleProp, pseudo, returnType); return v; }; _pGridCellCheckbox.on_created_contents = function () { nexacro.CheckBoxCtrl.prototype.on_created_contents.call(this); var align = this._cellobj.currentstyle.align; if (align) { this._setAlign(align.halign, align.valign); } }; _pGridCellCheckbox.on_destroy_contents = function () { nexacro.CheckBoxCtrl.prototype.on_destroy_contents.call(this); this._grid = null; this._cellinfo = null; this._cellobj = null; }; _pGridCellCheckbox.on_change_containerRect = function () { var rect = this._grid._getAvailableRect(this); var h = rect.height; this.chkimg.move(0, 0, h, h); }; _pGridCellCheckbox._setAccessibilityStatFocus = function () { var cellobj = this._cellobj; var label = cellobj._getAccessibilityMakeAddLabel(); var tmp_label = ""; var accessibility = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility(this._pseudo); if (accessibility) { if (accessibility._bindexpr && accessibility._bindexpr.length > 0) { tmp_label = this._cellinfo._getAttrValue(accessibility, this._rowidx); accessibility._setValue(tmp_label); } tmp_label = this._getAccessibilityLabel(accessibility); } else { tmp_label = cellobj._getCellAccessibilityLabel(); } label += " " + tmp_label; this._setAccessibilityLabel(label); this._setAccessibilityStatChecked(this.isChecked()); cellobj._setAccessibilityStatChecked(this.isChecked()); nexacro.Component.prototype._setAccessibilityStatFocus.call(this); }; _pGridCellCheckbox.on_get_style_accessibility_description = function () { if (this._cellobj) { return this._cellobj.tooltiptext; } }; _pGridCellCheckbox.on_notify_checkbox_onkeydown = function (obj, e) { }; _pGridCellCheckbox.on_fire_onclick = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { return this.parent.on_fire_onclick(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, "control"); }; _pGridCellCheckbox.on_fire_ondblclick = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { return this.parent.on_fire_ondblclick(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, "control"); }; _pGridCellCheckbox._on_last_lbuttonup = function () { this._cellobj._on_last_lbuttonup(); }; _pGridCellCheckbox._on_last_keyup = function () { this._cellobj._on_last_keyup(); }; _pGridCellCheckbox._isEnable = function () { return this._grid._enable; }; _pGridCellCheckbox._setAlign = function (halign, valign) { var prect = this._grid._getAvailableRect(this.parent); var right = prect.right; var bottom = prect.bottom; ; var width = prect.width; var height = prect.height; var controlSize; if (this.currentstyle.buttonsize == null) { controlSize = 14; } else { controlSize = parseInt(this.currentstyle.buttonsize._value, 10); } if (!halign) { halign = "center"; } if (!valign) { valign = "middle"; } var left = 0; var top = 0; if (halign == "center") { left = Math.round((width - controlSize) / 2); } else if (halign == "right") { left = right - controlSize; } if (valign == "middle") { top = Math.round((height - controlSize) / 2); } else if (valign == "bottom") { top = bottom - controlSize; } this.move(left, top, controlSize, controlSize); }; _pGridCellCheckbox._updateAll = function (onlycontents) { if (this.getElement()) { this._setProperty(); this.on_apply_pseudo(this._cellobj._pseudo, onlycontents); this.set_value(this.checked); } }; _pGridCellCheckbox._setProperty = function () { var cellinfo = this._cellinfo; var cellobj = this._cellobj; var grid = this._grid; var datarow = grid._getDataRow(cellobj._rowidx); var v = cellinfo._getDisplayText(datarow); v = nexacro._toString(v); if (v != null) { this._display_text = v; this.set_text(v); } else { this._display_text = ""; this.set_text(""); } }; delete _pGridCellCheckbox; nexacro.GridControlCheckbox = function (id, left, top, width, height, parent, controlmode) { nexacro.GridCellCheckbox.call(this, id, left, top, width, height, parent); this._controlmode = (controlmode) ? true : false; }; var _pGridCheckbox = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.GridCellCheckbox, nexacro.GridControlCheckbox); nexacro.GridControlCheckbox.prototype = _pGridCheckbox; _pGridCheckbox.on_apply_text = function () { var text = this._display_text; this.checked = (text == null) ? false : nexacro._toBoolean(text); }; _pGridCheckbox._common_fire_lbuttondown = function (from_comp) { var grid = this._grid; if (grid) { var datarow = grid._getDataRow(this._cellobj._rowidx); if (grid._isFakeCell(datarow)) { return false; } } }; _pGridCheckbox.on_fire_user_ontouchstart = function (touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { this._common_fire_lbuttondown(); return this._cellobj.on_fire_user_ontouchstart(touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp); }; _pGridCheckbox.on_fire_user_onlbuttondown = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { this._common_fire_lbuttondown(); return this._cellobj.on_fire_user_onlbuttondown(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); }; _pGridCheckbox.on_fire_user_ontouchend = function (touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { nexacro.GridCellCheckbox.prototype.on_fire_user_ontouchend.call(this, touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp); this._cellobj.on_fire_user_ontouchend(touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp); return true; }; _pGridCheckbox.on_fire_user_onlbuttonup = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, from_elem) { nexacro.GridCellCheckbox.prototype.on_fire_user_onlbuttonup.call(this, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, from_elem); this._cellobj.on_fire_user_onlbuttonup(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, from_elem); return true; }; _pGridCheckbox.on_fire_onclick = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { var grid = this._grid; if (grid) { var datarow = grid._getDataRow(this._cellobj._rowidx); if (grid._isFakeCell(datarow)) { return false; } } if (grid.selectchangetype != "down") { if (nexacro._toBoolean(grid.readonly) == false) { this._toggleCheck(); } } if (!this._is_alive) { return; } return this._cellobj.on_fire_onclick(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, "control"); }; _pGridCheckbox.on_fire_ondblclick = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { var grid = this._grid; if (grid) { var datarow = grid._getDataRow(this._cellobj._rowidx); if (grid._isFakeCell(datarow)) { return false; } } return this._cellobj.on_fire_ondblclick(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, "control"); }; _pGridCheckbox._toggleCheck = function () { var cellobj = this._cellobj; var cellinfo = this._cellinfo; var grid = this._grid; var datarow = grid._getDataRow(cellobj._rowidx); var editType = cellinfo._getEdittype(datarow); if (editType == "checkbox") { var v = nexacro._toBoolean(this.value); v = (v) ? 0 : 1; if (cellinfo.text._bindtype == 1) { grid._dsEventOccured = true; if (cellinfo.grid._binddataset.setColumn(datarow, cellinfo.text._bindexpr, v)) { v = this._getDisplayText(); this.set_value(v); } if (grid) { grid._dsEventOccured = false; } } } }; _pGridCheckbox._getDisplayText = function () { if (this.parent) { return this.parent._getDisplayText(); } return ""; }; _pGridCheckbox._on_bubble_mouseenter = function (elem, from_comp, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, bubble_scope) { var call = true; if (bubble_scope) { call = this._cellobj._common_mouseenter(); } if (call) { nexacro.GridCellCheckbox.prototype._on_bubble_mouseenter.call(this, elem, from_comp, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, bubble_scope); } return true; }; _pGridCheckbox._on_bubble_mouseleave = function (elem, to_comp, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, bubble_scope) { var call = true; if (bubble_scope) { call = this._cellobj._common_mouseleave(); } if (call) { nexacro.GridCellCheckbox.prototype._on_bubble_mouseleave.call(this, elem, to_comp, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, bubble_scope); } return true; }; delete _pGridCheckbox; nexacro.GridControlImage = function (id, left, top, width, height, parent) { nexacro.Component.call(this, id, "absolute", left, top, width, height, null, null, parent); this.tabstop = false; this._is_subcontrol = true; if (parent._refobj) { this._grid = parent._refobj.grid; this._cellinfo = parent._refobj; this._cellobj = parent; } this._img_elem = null; this._img_type = "url"; this._accessibility_role = "image"; }; var _pGridImage = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Component, nexacro.GridControlImage); nexacro.GridControlImage.prototype = _pGridImage; _pGridImage._type_name = "GridControlImage"; _pGridImage.imagewidth = 0; _pGridImage.imageheight = 0; _pGridImage.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility = function (pseudo) { var cellinfo = this._cellinfo; var cellobj = this._cellobj; if (cellinfo && cellobj) { var accessibility = this._find_pseudo_obj("accessibility", pseudo, "accessibility"); var grid = this._grid; var datarow = grid._getDataRow(cellobj._rowidx); if (!accessibility) { accessibility = cellinfo._query_pseudo_accessibility(datarow, pseudo); } return accessibility; } return null; }; _pGridImage.on_find_CurrentStyle_background = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("background", pseudo, "background"); }; _pGridImage.on_find_CurrentStyle_border = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("border", pseudo, "border"); }; _pGridImage.on_find_CurrentStyle_bordertype = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("bordertype", pseudo, "bordertype"); }; _pGridImage.on_find_CurrentStyle_gradation = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("gradation", pseudo, "gradation"); }; _pGridImage.on_find_CurrentStyle_padding = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("padding", pseudo, "padding"); }; _pGridImage.on_find_CurrentStyle_opacity = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("opacity", pseudo); }; _pGridImage.on_find_CurrentStyle_cursor = function (pseudo) { var grid = this._grid; if (grid._global_cursor) { return grid._global_cursor; } var cursor = this._find_pseudo_obj("cursor", pseudo) || this._cellobj.on_find_CurrentStyle_cursor(pseudo); return (cursor) ? cursor : nexacro.Component._default_cursor; }; _pGridImage.on_find_CurrentStyle_shadow = function (pseudo) { return null; }; _pGridImage.on_find_CurrentStyle_font = function (pseudo) { return this._find_inherit_pseudo_obj("font", pseudo, "font"); }; _pGridImage.on_find_CurrentStyle_letterspace = function (pseudo) { return this._find_inherit_pseudo_obj("letterspace", pseudo, "letterspace"); }; _pGridImage.on_find_CurrentStyle_color = function (pseudo) { return this._find_inherit_pseudo_obj("color", pseudo, "color"); }; _pGridImage.on_find_CurrentStyle_align = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_align(pseudo); }; _pGridImage._makeCssRefInfo = function () { return (this._grid._makeCssRefInfoCtrl(this)); }; _pGridImage._find_pseudo_obj = function (styleProp, pseudo, returnType) { var cellinfo = this._cellinfo; var grid = this._grid; var datarow = grid._getDataRow(this._cellobj._rowidx); if (this._cellobj && this._grid._isFakeCell(datarow) && pseudo != "disabled") { pseudo = "normal"; } datarow = grid._getDataRow(this._cellobj._rowidx); var controlProp = "control" + styleProp; var v = cellinfo._query_pseudo_control(this, datarow, controlProp, styleProp, pseudo, returnType); return v; }; _pGridImage.on_created_contents = function () { if (this._img_elem) { this._img_elem.create(); } }; _pGridImage.on_destroy_contents = function () { this._grid = null; this._cellinfo = null; this._cellobj = null; if (this._img_elem) { this._img_elem.destroy(); this._img_elem = null; } }; _pGridImage._setAccessibilityStatFocus = function () { var cellobj = this._cellobj; var label = cellobj._getAccessibilityMakeAddLabel(); var tmp_label = ""; var accessibility = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility(this._pseudo); if (accessibility) { if (accessibility._bindexpr && accessibility._bindexpr.length > 0) { tmp_label = this._cellinfo._getAttrValue(accessibility, this._rowidx); accessibility._setValue(tmp_label); } tmp_label = this._getAccessibilityLabel(accessibility); } else { tmp_label = cellobj._getCellAccessibilityLabel(); } label += " " + tmp_label; this._setAccessibilityLabel(label); nexacro.Component.prototype._setAccessibilityStatFocus.call(this); }; _pGridImage.on_get_style_accessibility_label = function () { return (this.text) ? this.text : this.id; }; _pGridImage.on_get_style_accessibility_description = function () { if (this._cellobj) { return this._cellobj.tooltiptext; } }; _pGridImage.on_apply_text = function () { this._load_image(this._display_text); }; _pGridImage.on_fire_onclick = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { return this.parent.on_fire_onclick(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, "image"); }; _pGridImage.on_fire_user_ontouchstart = function (touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { return this.parent.on_fire_user_ontouchstart(touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, this, from_refer_comp); }; _pGridImage.on_fire_user_onlbuttondown = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { return this.parent.on_fire_user_onlbuttondown(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, this, from_refer_comp); }; _pGridImage.on_fire_user_ontouchend = function (touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { return this.parent.on_fire_user_ontouchend(touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, this, from_refer_comp); }; _pGridImage.on_fire_user_onlbuttonup = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, from_elem) { return this.parent.on_fire_user_onlbuttonup(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, this, from_refer_comp, from_elem); }; _pGridImage.on_fire_user_onkeydown = function (key_code, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { return this.parent.on_fire_user_onkeydown(key_code, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, this, from_refer_comp); }; _pGridImage.on_fire_user_onkeyup = function (key_code, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { return this.parent.on_fire_user_onkeyup(key_code, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, this, from_refer_comp); }; _pGridImage.on_fire_ondblclick = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { return this.parent.on_fire_ondblclick(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, this, from_refer_comp, "image"); }; _pGridImage.on_fire_onsize = function (width, height) { if (this._complete) { this.__apply_text(); } return nexacro.Component.prototype.on_fire_onsize.call(this, width, height); }; _pGridImage._on_last_lbuttonup = function () { this._cellobj._on_last_lbuttonup(); }; _pGridImage._on_last_keyup = function () { this._cellobj._on_last_keyup(); }; _pGridImage._isEnable = function () { return this._grid._enable; }; _pGridImage._getDisplayText = function () { if (this.parent) { return this.parent._getDisplayText(); } return ""; }; _pGridImage._updateAll = function (onlycontents) { this.on_apply_pseudo(this._cellobj._pseudo, onlycontents); this._setProperty(); }; _pGridImage._setProperty = function () { var cellinfo = this._cellinfo; var cellobj = this._cellobj; var grid = this._grid; var datarow = grid._getDataRow(cellobj._rowidx); var v = cellinfo._getDisplayText(datarow); v = nexacro._toString(v); if (v != null) { this.set_text(v); } else { this.set_text(""); } }; _pGridImage._adjustAlign = function (halign, valign) { if (!halign) { halign = "center"; } if (!valign) { valign = "middle"; } var prect = this._grid._getAvailableRect(this.parent); var parentWidth = prect.width; var parentHeight = prect.height; var parentRight = prect.right; var parentBottom = prect.bottom; var left = 0; var top = 0; var imgElem = this._img_elem; var imgWidth = this.imagewidth; var imgHeight = this.imageheight; if (halign == "center") { left = Math.round((parentWidth - imgWidth) / 2); } else if (halign == "right") { left = parentRight - imgWidth; } if (valign == "middle") { top = Math.round((parentHeight - imgHeight) / 2); } else if (valign == "bottom") { top = parentBottom - imgHeight; } this.move(left, top, imgWidth, imgHeight); if (imgElem) { imgElem.setElementSize(imgWidth, imgHeight); } }; _pGridImage._on_loadImg = function (imgurl, w, h) { if (!this._is_alive || !this._img_elem) { return; } if (this._img_type == "url") { this._img_elem.setElementImageUrl(imgurl); } else { this._img_elem.setElementImageBase64(imgurl); } this.imagewidth = w; this.imageheight = h; var align = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_align(this._pseudo); if (align) { this._adjustAlign(align.halign, align.valign); } else { this._adjustAlign(); } }; _pGridImage._load_image = function (image) { var elem = this.getElement(); var val = ""; var img_type = "url"; if (image) { val = image.toString(); var isBase64 = nexacro._checkBase64String(val); if (isBase64) { img_type = "base64"; if (val.substring(0, 10).toLowerCase() == "data:image") { if (val.substring(0, 17).toLowerCase() != "data:image;base64") { var comma_idx = val.indexOf(","); if (comma_idx > -1) { var tmp = val.slice(comma_idx + 1, val.legnth); val = "data:image;base64," + tmp; } } } else { val = "data:image;base64," + val; } } } if (val && elem) { var _img_elem = this._img_elem; var newimage = false; if (!_img_elem) { this._img_elem = _img_elem = new nexacro.ImageElement(elem); newimage = true; } if (!_img_elem._handle) { _img_elem.create(); } if (img_type == "url") { val = nexacro._getURIValue(val); val = nexacro._getImageLocation(val, this._getRefFormBaseUrl()); } this._img_type = img_type; var size = nexacro._getImageSize(val, this._on_loadImg, this, undefined, image.toString()); if (size) { this.imagewidth = size.width; this.imageheight = size.height; if (img_type == "url") { _img_elem.setElementImageUrl(val); } else { _img_elem.setElementImageBase64(val); } } var align = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_align(this._pseudo); this._adjustAlign(align.halign, align.valign); if (newimage) { if (this._is_created) { _img_elem.create(); } } if (this.imagewidth > 0 && this.imageheight > 0) { _img_elem.setElementVisible(true); _img_elem.setElementSize(this.imagewidth, this.imageheight); } } else { if (this._img_elem) { this._img_elem.setElementVisible(false); this.imagewidth = 0; this.imageheight = 0; } } }; delete _pGridImage; nexacro.GridSelectorButtonCtrl = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent, target, idx) { nexacro.TrackImageButtonCtrl.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, target); this._parent = parent; this._band = parent._band; this._grid = target; this._idx = idx; this._point = { x : 0, y : 0, w : 0, h : 0 }; this._minibox = null; this._minibox_size = 8; this._minibox_wgap = 0; this._minibox_hgap = 0; }; var _pGridSelectorButtonCtrl = nexacro.GridSelectorButtonCtrl.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.TrackImageButtonCtrl, nexacro.GridSelectorButtonCtrl); _pGridSelectorButtonCtrl._type_name = "GridSelectorButtonControl"; _pGridSelectorButtonCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_background = function (pseudo) { }; _pGridSelectorButtonCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_border = function (pseudo) { }; _pGridSelectorButtonCtrl.on_find_CurrentStyle_image = function (pseudo) { return this._grid.on_find_CurrentStyle_selectpointimage(pseudo); }; _pGridSelectorButtonCtrl.on_apply_style_image = function (image) { nexacro.TrackImageButtonCtrl.prototype.on_apply_style_image.call(this); this._updateMiniBox(); }; _pGridSelectorButtonCtrl._on_loadImg = function (imgurl, w, h) { if (!this._is_alive) { return; } this._image_width = w; this._image_height = h; this._updateMiniBox(); }; _pGridSelectorButtonCtrl._load_image = function (image) { var val = image ? image._value : ""; if (val) { if (val.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase() == "url(") { val = val.substring(5, val.length - 2); } val = nexacro._getImageLocation(val, this._getRefFormBaseUrl()); var size = nexacro._getImageSize(val, this._on_loadImg, this, undefined, (image ? image._value : "")); if (size) { this._on_loadImg(val, size.width, size.height); } } var retn = nexacro.TrackImageButtonCtrl.prototype._load_image.call(this, image); return retn; }; _pGridSelectorButtonCtrl._updateMiniBox = function () { if (!this.currentstyle.image || !this._image_width || !this._image_height) { var x = (this._adjust_height - this._minibox_size) / 2; this._minibox_wgap = x; this._minibox_hgap = x; if (!this._minibox) { this._minibox = new nexacro.Component("minibox", "absolute", x, x, this._minibox_size, this._minibox_size, null, null, this); this._minibox._is_simple_control = true; this._minibox._is_track = true; this._minibox._on_starttrack = function () { return this.parent._on_starttrack(); }; this._minibox._on_movetrack = function (x, y, dragdata) { return this.parent._on_movetrack(x, y, dragdata); }; this._minibox._on_endtrack = function (x, y, dragdata) { return this.parent._on_endtrack(x, y, dragdata); }; this._minibox.on_find_CurrentStyle_border = function (pseudo) { return nexacro._getCachedStyleObj("border", "1 solid black"); }; this._minibox.on_find_CurrentStyle_background = function (pseudo) { return this.parent._band._find_pseudo_obj("selectbackground", "normal", "background", "body"); }; this._minibox.createComponent(); } else { this._minibox.move(x, x, this._minibox_size, this._minibox_size); } } else { if (this._minibox) { this._minibox.destroy(); this._minibox = null; } if (this._img_elem) { this._minibox_wgap = (this._adjust_width - this._image_width) / 2; this._minibox_hgap = (this._adjust_height - this._image_height) / 2; if (this._minibox_wgap < 0) { this._minibox_wgap = 0; } if (this._minibox_hgap < 0) { this._minibox_hgap = 0; } } } }; _pGridSelectorButtonCtrl.on_fire_onsize = function (width, height) { this._updateMiniBox(); }; _pGridSelectorButtonCtrl.on_create_contents = function () { nexacro.TrackImageButtonCtrl.prototype.on_create_contents.call(this); this._updateMiniBox(); }; _pGridSelectorButtonCtrl.on_created_contents = function () { nexacro.TrackImageButtonCtrl.prototype.on_created_contents.call(this); if (this._minibox) { this._minibox.on_created(); } }; _pGridSelectorButtonCtrl.on_destroy_contents = function () { this._parent = null; this._band = null; this._grid = null; this._minibox = null; nexacro.TrackImageButtonCtrl.prototype.on_destroy_contents.call(this); }; _pGridSelectorButtonCtrl._on_starttrack = function () { var p = this._parent; p._is_tracking = true; p._track_reset_scroll = false; p._track_up_scroll = false; var scroll_top = this._grid._getScrollTop(); var scroll_left = this._grid._getScrollLeft(); this._point.hgap = 0; this._point.wgap = 0; this._point.scrolltop = scroll_top; this._point.scrollleft = scroll_left; this._point.x = p._area_pos.l; this._point.y = p._area_pos.t; this._point.w = p._area_pos.w; this._point.h = p._area_pos.h; var start_row = end_row = start_col = end_col = -1; var select_area = this._grid._selectinfo.area; if (select_area.length > 0) { var area = select_area[select_area.length - 1]; start_row = area.begrow; end_row = area.endrow; start_col = area.begrow; end_col = area.endrow; if (this._idx != p._pre_idx) { var areainfo = this._grid._selectinfo.areainfo; var ctrlpoint = this._grid._selectinfo.ctrlpoint; var cellinfo; if (areainfo) { var format = this._grid._curFormat; var subrowlen = format._bodyrows.length; if (this._idx == 0) { cellinfo = format._bodycells[areainfo.ecell]; ctrlpoint._set(cellinfo, areainfo.erow, subrowlen); } else if (this._idx == 1) { cellinfo = format._bodycells[areainfo.scell]; ctrlpoint._set(cellinfo, areainfo.srow, subrowlen); } else if (this._idx == 2) { cellinfo = format._bodycells[areainfo.ecell]; ctrlpoint._set(cellinfo, areainfo.srow, subrowlen); } else if (this._idx == 3) { cellinfo = format._bodycells[areainfo.scell]; ctrlpoint._set(cellinfo, areainfo.erow, subrowlen); } } } } if (this._grid._fixed_rowcnt > 0) { var headheight = this._grid._getHeadHeight(); var fixedheight = this._grid._fixed_height; var fixedbottom = headheight + fixedheight; if (start_row >= this._grid._fixed_startrow && start_row <= this._grid._fixed_endrow) { this._point.y = p._area_pos.t += this._point.scrolltop; if (end_row > this._grid._fixed_endrow && scroll_top > 0) { if (p._end_scroll_top >= 0) { this._point.h = p._area_pos.h -= scroll_top; } } } } p.set_visible(true); p._trackbar[0].set_visible(false); p._trackbar[1].set_visible(false); p._trackbar[2].set_visible(false); p._trackbar[3].set_visible(false); p._start_begarea = this._grid._selectinfo.arearect.barea; p._start_endarea = this._grid._selectinfo.arearect.earea; if (this._idx == 0) { this._area = p._start_begarea; } else { this._area = p._start_endarea; } this._grid._track_mode = "areaselect"; p._callback_start.call(this._grid, p._area_pos, this._idx); }; _pGridSelectorButtonCtrl._on_movetrack = function (x, y, dragdata) { var p = this._parent; var cur_scrolltop = this._grid._getScrollTop(); var cur_scrollleft = this._grid._getScrollLeft(); var scroll_top_gap = scroll_left_gap = 0; if (p._start_scroll_top >= 0) { scroll_top_gap = p._start_scroll_top - cur_scrolltop; } if (p._start_scroll_left >= 0) { scroll_left_gap = p._start_scroll_left - cur_scrollleft; } var ctrl_row = this._grid._selectinfo.ctrlpoint.row; var bApply_scroll_top = true; if (this._grid._fixed_rowcnt > 0 && ctrl_row >= this._grid._fixed_startrow && ctrl_row <= this._grid._fixed_endrow) { bApply_scroll_top = false; } if (this._idx == 0) { var l = this._point.x + x; var t = this._point.y + y; var w = this._point.w - x + scroll_left_gap; var h = this._point.h - y + (bApply_scroll_top ? scroll_top_gap : 0); } else if (this._idx == 1) { var l = this._point.x + scroll_left_gap; var t = this._point.y + (bApply_scroll_top ? scroll_top_gap : 0); var w = this._point.w + x - scroll_left_gap; var h = this._point.h + y - (bApply_scroll_top ? scroll_top_gap : 0); } else if (this._idx == 2) { var l = this._point.x + x; var t = this._point.y; var w = this._point.w - x; var h = this._point.h + y; } else if (this._idx == 3) { var l = this._point.x; var t = this._point.y + y; var w = this._point.w + x; var h = this._point.h - y; } var select_area = this._grid._selectinfo.area; if (this._grid._fixed_rowcnt > 0 && select_area.length) { var border = this._grid.currentstyle.border; var border_top = (border) ? parseInt(border.right_width, 10) : 0; var headheight = this._grid._getHeadHeight(); var fixedrowcnt = this._grid._fixed_rowcnt; var fixedheight = this._grid._fixed_height; var fixedbottom = headheight + fixedheight + border_top; var cur_area = select_area[select_area.length - 1]; var cur_srow = cur_area.begrow; var cur_erow = cur_area.endrow; var ctrlpoint = this._grid._selectinfo.ctrlpoint; var cur_row = ctrlpoint.row; var cur_col = ctrlpoint.col; var border = this._grid.currentstyle.border; var border_top = (border) ? parseInt(border.right_width, 10) : 0; var fixedsrow = this._grid._fixed_startrow; var fixederow = this._grid._fixed_endrow; var vscrollbar = this._grid.vscrollbar; if ((t + h) < fixedbottom) { p._track_reset_scroll = true; } if (cur_erow > fixederow) { p._track_up_scroll = true; } if (p._track_reset_scroll && cur_srow <= fixederow && cur_scrolltop > 0 && (t + h) >= fixedbottom) { vscrollbar.set_pos(0); p._track_reset_scroll = false; } else if (p._track_up_scroll && ctrlpoint.row <= fixederow && cur_scrolltop > 0 && (t + h) <= (fixedbottom)) { vscrollbar.set_pos(vscrollbar.pos - 1); } else if (ctrlpoint.row > fixederow && cur_scrolltop > 0 && t <= fixedbottom) { vscrollbar.set_pos(vscrollbar.pos - 1); } } var type = p._setAreaPos(l, t, w, h, true, this._idx); var scroll = false; p._adjust_scroll = false; if (type[0] != "" || type[1] != "") { var area; if (p._onlyarea) { area = p._curarea; } var p_l = p._area_pos.l; var p_t = p._area_pos.t; var p_w = p._area_pos.w; var p_h = p._area_pos.h; scroll = p._callback_scroll.call(this._grid, type, area); p._area_pos.l = p_l; p._area_pos.t = p_t; p._area_pos.w = p_w; p._area_pos.h = p_h; } if (scroll) { if (type[1] == "bottomover1" || type[1] == "topover0") { } if (type[0] == "rightover1" || type[0] == "leftover0") { } } p._callback.call(this._grid, p._area_pos, this._idx, true); }; _pGridSelectorButtonCtrl._on_endtrack = function (x, y, dragdata) { var p = this._parent; p._is_tracking = false; p._adjust_scroll = true; p.set_visible(false); p._trackbar[0].set_visible(true); p._trackbar[1].set_visible(true); p._start_begarea = this._grid._selectinfo.arearect.barea; p._start_endarea = this._grid._selectinfo.arearect.earea; if (this._idx == 0) { this._area = p._start_begarea; } else { this._area = p._start_endarea; } p._end_scroll_top = this._grid._getScrollTop(); p._end_scroll_left = this._grid._getScrollLeft(); p._pre_idx = this._idx; var select_area = this._grid._selectinfo.area; if (this._grid._fixed_rowcnt > 0 && select_area.length) { var cur_area = select_area[select_area.length - 1]; var cur_erow = cur_area.endrow; var fixederow = this._grid._fixed_endrow; if (cur_erow > fixederow) { p._track_up_scroll = true; } else { p._track_up_scroll = false; } } this._grid._track_mode = ""; this._grid._updateSelector(); }; delete _pGridSelectorButtonCtrl; nexacro.GridSelector = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.Component.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); this._is_simple_control = true; this._is_subcontrol = true; this._callback_start = null; this._callback = null; this._callback_scroll = null; this._trackbar = []; this._grid = parent; this._band = parent._bodyBand; this._area_pos = { l : 0, t : 0, w : 0, h : 0, empty : true }; this._curarea = ""; this._onlyarea = false; this._start_begarea = ""; this._start_endarea = ""; this._start_scroll_top = -1; this._start_scroll_left = -1; this._end_scroll_top = -1; this._end_scroll_left = -1; this._pre_idx = -1; }; var _pGridSelector = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Component, nexacro.GridSelector); nexacro.GridSelector.prototype = _pGridSelector; _pGridSelector._type_name = "GridSelector"; _pGridSelector._trackbar_size = 22; _pGridSelector.on_find_CurrentStyle_background = function (pseudo) { return null; }; _pGridSelector.on_find_CurrentStyle_border = function (pseudo) { return null; }; _pGridSelector.on_find_CurrentStyle_opacity = function (pseudo) { return null; }; _pGridSelector.on_create_contents = function () { }; _pGridSelector.on_created_contents = function () { if (this._trackbar[0]) { this._trackbar[0].on_created(); this._trackbar[1].on_created(); this._trackbar[2].on_created(); this._trackbar[3].on_created(); } }; _pGridSelector.on_destroy_contents = function () { this._trackbar[0].destroy(); this._trackbar[1].destroy(); this._trackbar[0] = null; this._trackbar[1] = null; this._trackbar[2] = null; this._trackbar[3] = null; this._trackbar = null; this._band = null; this._grid = null; }; _pGridSelector.on_find_CurrentStyle_border = function (pseudo) { return null; }; _pGridSelector._createButton = function () { if (!this._trackbar[0]) { this._trackbar[0] = new nexacro.GridSelectorButtonCtrl("selectortrackbar1", "absolute", 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null, this, this.parent, 0); this._trackbar[0].createComponent(); this._trackbar[1] = new nexacro.GridSelectorButtonCtrl("selectortrackbar2", "absolute", 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null, this, this.parent, 1); this._trackbar[1].createComponent(); this._trackbar[2] = new nexacro.GridSelectorButtonCtrl("selectortrackbar3", "absolute", 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null, this, this.parent, 2); this._trackbar[2].createComponent(); this._trackbar[3] = new nexacro.GridSelectorButtonCtrl("selectortrackbar4", "absolute", 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null, this, this.parent, 3); this._trackbar[3].createComponent(); this._trackbar[0]._no_slide_scroll = true; this._trackbar[1]._no_slide_scroll = true; this._trackbar[2]._no_slide_scroll = true; this._trackbar[3]._no_slide_scroll = true; this._recalcarea(); } }; _pGridSelector._updateAll = function () { if (this._trackbar[0]) { this._trackbar[0].on_apply_custom_pseudo(this._trackbar[0]._pseudo); this._trackbar[1].on_apply_custom_pseudo(this._trackbar[1]._pseudo); this._trackbar[2].on_apply_custom_pseudo(this._trackbar[2]._pseudo); this._trackbar[3].on_apply_custom_pseudo(this._trackbar[3]._pseudo); } }; _pGridSelector._recalcarea = function (mode) { if (!this._trackbar[0]) { return; } if (this._area_pos.empty) { this._trackbar[0].set_visible(false); this._trackbar[1].set_visible(false); this._trackbar[2].set_visible(false); this._trackbar[3].set_visible(false); return; } if (mode != "hscroll" && mode != "vscroll") { this.__showbutton(false); } var fullsize = this._trackbar_size; var halfsize = fullsize / 2; var grid = this._grid; var format = grid._curFormat; var leftwidth = format.leftWidth; var rightstart = grid._client_width - format.rightWidth; var hmin, hmax, vmin, vmax; var l, t, r, b; var adjust_top; vmin = this._band._adjust_top; vmax = this._band._getPosBottom(); hmin = []; hmax = []; if (this._start_begarea == "left") { hmin[0] = 0; hmax[0] = leftwidth; } else if (this._start_begarea == "right") { hmin[0] = rightstart; hmax[0] = grid._client_width; } else { hmin[0] = leftwidth; hmax[0] = rightstart; } if (this._start_endarea == "left") { hmin[1] = 0; hmax[1] = leftwidth; } else if (this._start_endarea == "right") { hmin[1] = rightstart; hmax[1] = grid._client_width; } else { hmin[1] = leftwidth; hmax[1] = rightstart; } var border = this._grid.currentstyle.border; var border_top = (border) ? parseInt(border.right_width, 10) : 0; var headheight = this._grid._getHeadHeight(); var fixedheight = this._grid._fixed_height; var fixedbottom = headheight + fixedheight + border_top; var fixed_srow = this._grid._fixed_startrow; var fixed_erow = this._grid._fixed_endrow; var fixed_rowcnt = this._grid._fixed_rowcnt; var infixedrows = [false, false, false, false]; var scroll_top = this._grid._scroll_top; if (fixed_rowcnt) { var area = this._grid._selectinfo.area; var srow, erow; if (area.length > 0) { srow = area[area.length - 1].begrow; erow = area[area.length - 1].endrow; if (srow <= (fixed_srow + fixed_rowcnt)) { infixedrows[0] = infixedrows[3] = true; } if (erow <= (fixed_srow + fixed_rowcnt)) { infixedrows[1] = infixedrows[2] = true; } } } adjust_top = infixedrows[0] ? scroll_top : 0; l = this._area_pos.l - halfsize; t = this._area_pos.t - halfsize + adjust_top; r = l + fullsize; b = t + fullsize; this._trackbar[0].move(l, t, fullsize, fullsize); var wgap = this._trackbar[0]._minibox_wgap; var hgap = this._trackbar[0]._minibox_hgap; var lastfocus = grid._find_lastFocused(); if (lastfocus == grid) { if (r - wgap < hmin[0] || b - hgap < vmin || l + wgap > hmax[0] || t + hgap > vmax || t + hgap < fixedheight) { this._trackbar[0].visible = infixedrows[0] || false; } else { this._trackbar[0].visible = true; } } else { this._trackbar[0].visible = false; } adjust_top = infixedrows[1] ? scroll_top : 0; l = this._area_pos.l + this._area_pos.w - halfsize; t = this._area_pos.t + this._area_pos.h - halfsize + adjust_top; r = l + fullsize; b = t + fullsize; this._trackbar[1].move(l, t, fullsize, fullsize); if (lastfocus == grid) { if (r - wgap < hmin[1] || b - hgap < vmin || l + wgap > hmax[1] || t + hgap > vmax || t + hgap < fixedheight) { this._trackbar[1].visible = infixedrows[1] || false; } else { this._trackbar[1].visible = true; } } else { this._trackbar[1].visible = false; } adjust_top = infixedrows[2] ? scroll_top : 0; l = this._area_pos.l - halfsize; t = this._area_pos.t + this._area_pos.h - halfsize + adjust_top; r = l + fullsize; b = t + fullsize; this._trackbar[2].move(l, t, fullsize, fullsize); if (lastfocus == grid) { if (r - wgap < hmin[0] || b - hgap < vmin || l + wgap > hmax[0] || t + hgap > vmax || t + hgap < fixedheight) { this._trackbar[2].visible = false; } } adjust_top = infixedrows[3] ? scroll_top : 0; l = this._area_pos.l + this._area_pos.w - halfsize; t = this._area_pos.t - halfsize + adjust_top; r = l + fullsize; b = t + fullsize; this._trackbar[3].move(l, t, fullsize, fullsize); if (lastfocus == grid) { if (r - wgap < hmin[1] || b - hgap < vmin || l + wgap > hmax[1] || t + hgap > vmax || t + hgap < fixedheight) { this._trackbar[3].visible = false; } } this.__showbutton(true); }; if (nexacro.OS == "Android" && (nexacro.Browser == "Safari" || nexacro.Browser == "MobileSafari")) { _pGridSelector.__showbutton = function (v) { if (this._trackbar[0]) { if (!v) { this._trackbar[0]._control_element.setElementVisible(false); this._trackbar[1]._control_element.setElementVisible(false); this._trackbar[2]._control_element.setElementVisible(false); this._trackbar[3]._control_element.setElementVisible(false); } else { nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(this, function () { this._trackbar[0]._control_element.setElementVisible(this._trackbar[0].visible); this._trackbar[1]._control_element.setElementVisible(this._trackbar[1].visible); }, 10); } } }; } else { _pGridSelector.__showbutton = function (v) { if (this._trackbar[0]) { if (!v) { this._trackbar[0]._control_element.setElementVisible(false); this._trackbar[1]._control_element.setElementVisible(false); this._trackbar[2]._control_element.setElementVisible(false); this._trackbar[3]._control_element.setElementVisible(false); } else { this._trackbar[0]._control_element.setElementVisible(this._trackbar[0].visible); this._trackbar[1]._control_element.setElementVisible(this._trackbar[1].visible); } } }; } _pGridSelector._trackingHScroll = function (idx, left, right, bodystart, rightstart, scroll_left, scroll_max) { if (!this._adjust_scroll && !this._grid.hscrollbar) { return [0, 0]; } return this._grid._trackingHScroll(idx, left, right, this._start_begarea, this._start_endarea, bodystart, rightstart, scroll_left, scroll_max); }; _pGridSelector._setAreaPos = function (left, top, width, height, is_track, idx) { var retn = ["", ""]; var grid = this._grid; this._curarea = grid._selectinfo.ctrlpoint.area; if (is_track) { var typeinfo = this._grid._getTrackType(this, left, top, width, height, idx, this._onlyarea); left = typeinfo.adjust_l; top = typeinfo.adjust_t; width = typeinfo.adjust_w; height = typeinfo.adjust_h; retn[0] = typeinfo.type[0]; retn[1] = typeinfo.type[1]; } var empty = (grid._selectinfo.area.length > 0) ? false : true; if (width <= 0) { width = 1; } if (height <= 0) { height = 1; } this._area_pos.l = left; this._area_pos.t = top; this._area_pos.w = width; this._area_pos.h = height; this._area_pos.area = this._curarea; this._area_pos.empty = empty; if (is_track) { this._area_pos.scrolltop = grid._getScrollTop(); } return retn; }; _pGridSelector.move = function (left, top, width, height, mode) { if (!this._is_tracking) { if (left > this._grid._client_width) { return; } this._start_begarea = this._grid._selectinfo.arearect.barea; this._start_endarea = this._grid._selectinfo.arearect.earea; this._setAreaPos(left, top, width, height); this._recalcarea(mode); } else { this._setAreaPos(left, top, width, height); } return nexacro.Component.prototype.move.call(this, left, top, width, height, undefined, undefined); }; _pGridSelector._setCallbackFn = function (startfn, applyfn, scrollfn) { this._callback_start = startfn; this._callback = applyfn; this._callback_scroll = scrollfn; }; _pGridSelector._initTrackInfo = function () { this._start_scroll_top = -1; this._start_scroll_left = -1; this._end_scroll_top = -1; this._end_scroll_left = -1; this._pre_idx = -1; }; delete _pGridSelector; nexacro.GridControlResizer = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.Component.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); this._is_simple_control = true; this._is_track = true; this._callback = null; this._index = -1; this._direction = ""; this._tracksize = -1; this._is_range = false; this._movedPos = 0; this._is_tracking = false; this._no_slide_scroll = true; }; var _pGridResizer = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Component, nexacro.GridControlResizer); nexacro.GridControlResizer.prototype = _pGridResizer; _pGridResizer.on_find_CurrentStyle_cursor = function (pseudo) { var direction = this._direction; var resize_cursor; if (direction == "horizon") { resize_cursor = nexacro._getCachedValueObj("col-resize"); } else { resize_cursor = nexacro._getCachedValueObj("row-resize"); } return resize_cursor; }; _pGridResizer.on_create_contents = function () { }; _pGridResizer.on_created_contents = function () { this.set_visible(false); this._on_apply_tracksize(); var cache_back = nexacro._getCachedBackgroundObj("gray"); this.on_apply_style_background(cache_back); var direction = this._direction; var resize_cursor; if (direction == "horizon") { resize_cursor = nexacro._getCachedValueObj("col-resize"); } else { resize_cursor = nexacro._getCachedValueObj("row-resize"); } this.on_apply_style_cursor(resize_cursor); }; _pGridResizer._setCallbackFn = function (fn) { this._callback = fn; }; _pGridResizer._setIndex = function (idx) { this._index = idx; }; _pGridResizer._setDirection = function (dir) { if (this._direction != dir) { this._direction = dir; this._on_apply_direction(); } }; _pGridResizer._on_apply_direction = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { this._on_apply_tracksize(); var direction = this._direction; var resize_cursor; if (direction == "horizon") { resize_cursor = nexacro._getCachedValueObj("col-resize"); } else { resize_cursor = nexacro._getCachedValueObj("row-resize"); } this.on_apply_style_cursor(resize_cursor); } }; _pGridResizer._setTracksize = function (size) { if (this._tracksize != size) { this._tracksize = size; this._on_apply_tracksize(); } }; _pGridResizer._on_apply_tracksize = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { var size = this._tracksize; var direction = this._direction; if (direction == "horizon") { this.resize(1, size); } else if (direction == "vertical") { this.resize(size, 1); } } }; _pGridResizer._moveLeftTo = function (left) { this.left = left = left || 0; this.move(left, this.top); }; _pGridResizer._moveTopTo = function (top) { this.top = top = top || 0; this.move(this.left, top); }; _pGridResizer._on_starttrack = function () { if (!this._is_alive) { return; } this._movedPos = 0; this._is_tracking = true; }; _pGridResizer._on_movetrack = function (x, y, data) { if (!this._is_alive) { return; } var parent = this.parent; if (parent.ondrag && parent.ondrag.defaultprevented == true) { return; } if (parent.ondragmove && parent.ondragmove.defaultprevented == true) { return; } if (!this.visible) { this.set_visible(true); } if (this._direction == "horizon") { var _x = x - this._movedPos; this._moveLeftTo(this.left + _x); this._movedPos = x; } else if (this._direction == "vertical") { var _y = y - this._movedPos; this._moveTopTo(this.top + _y); this._movedPos = y; } }; _pGridResizer._on_endtrack = function (x, y, data) { if (!this._is_alive) { return; } var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { if (nexacro._cur_drag_info) { nexacro._cur_drag_info = null; } if (this.visible) { this.set_visible(false); } var parent = this.parent; if ((parent.ondrag && parent.ondrag.defaultprevented == true) || (parent.ondragmove && parent.ondragmove.defaultprevented == true)) { parent._setGlobalCursor(null, parent); } else { if (this._callback && this._movedPos != 0) { if (this._direction == "horizon") { this._callback.call(this.parent, x, this._index); } else if (this._direction == "vertical") { this._callback.call(this.parent, y, this._index); } } parent._setGlobalCursor(null, parent); } } this._is_tracking = false; }; delete _pGridResizer; nexacro.GridControlLine_Style = function (target, idx) { nexacro.Style.call(this, target, idx); this.border = new nexacro.Style_border(1); }; var _pGridControlLineStyle = nexacro.GridControlLine_Style.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Style, nexacro.GridControlLine_Style); _pGridControlLineStyle._type_name = "GridControlLineStyle"; nexacro.GridControlLine_CurrentStyle = function () { this.border = null; }; var _pGridControlLineCurrentStyle = nexacro.GridControlLine_CurrentStyle.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.CurrentStyle, nexacro.GridControlLine_CurrentStyle); _pGridControlLineCurrentStyle._type_name = "GridControlLineCurrentStyle"; delete _pGridControlLineStyle; delete _pGridControlLineCurrentStyle; nexacro.GridControlLine = function (id, left, top, width, height, parent) { nexacro.Component.call(this, id, "absolute", left, top, width, height, null, null, parent); this.tabstop = false; this._is_subcontrol = true; this._is_simple_control = true; this._is_nc_control = true; if (parent._refobj) { this._grid = parent._refobj.grid; this._cellinfo = parent._refobj; this._cellobj = parent; } else { this._grid = parent._grid; this._cellinfo = parent._cellinfo; this._cellobj = parent._cellobj; } this._linetype = { }; this._depth = -1; this._showleft = false; this._showbottom = false; }; var _pGridControlLine = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Component, nexacro.GridControlLine); nexacro.GridControlLine.prototype = _pGridControlLine; _pGridControlLine._type_name = "GridControlLine"; _pGridControlLine.on_create_custom_style = function () { return new nexacro.GridControlLine_Style(this); }; _pGridControlLine.on_create_custom_currentStyle = function () { return new nexacro.GridControlLine_CurrentStyle(); }; _pGridControlLine.on_find_CurrentStyle_border = function (pseudo) { var value = this._linetype.width + "px " + this._linetype.style + " " + this._linetype.color; var border_val = "0px none transparent, 0px none transparent, "; if (this._showbottom) { border_val += value + ", "; } else { border_val += "0px none transparent, "; } if (this._showleft) { border_val += value; } else { border_val += "0px none transparent"; } var border = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj("border", border_val); return border; }; _pGridControlLine.on_find_CurrentStyle_cursor = function (pseudo) { var grid = this._grid; if (grid._global_cursor) { return grid._global_cursor; } return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_cursor(pseudo); }; _pGridControlLine._makeCssRefInfo = function () { return (this._grid._makeCssRefInfoCtrl(this)); }; _pGridControlLine.on_change_containerRect = function (width, height) { this._control_pseudo = ""; this._contents_pseudo = ""; this.on_apply_pseudo(this._pseudo); }; _pGridControlLine.on_destroy_contents = function () { this._grid = null; this._cellinfo = null; this._cellobj = null; }; _pGridControlLine._isEnable = function () { return this._grid._enable; }; _pGridControlLine._set_line = function (linetype, left, bottom) { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem && linetype) { this._linetype = linetype; this._showleft = left; this._showbottom = bottom; this._control_pseudo = ""; this._contents_pseudo = ""; this.on_apply_pseudo(this._pseudo); } }; delete _pGridControlLine; nexacro.GridControlTree = function (id, left, top, width, height, parent) { nexacro.Component.call(this, id, "absolute", left, top, width, height, null, null, parent); this.tabstop = false; this._is_subcontrol = true; this._grid = parent._refobj.grid; this._cellinfo = parent._refobj; this._cellobj = parent; this._linetype = { }; this._leftline_ctrls = []; }; var _pGridTree = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Component, nexacro.GridControlTree); nexacro.GridControlTree.prototype = _pGridTree; _pGridTree._type_name = "GridControlTree"; _pGridTree._btn_elem = null; _pGridTree._chk_ctrl = null; _pGridTree._img_elem = null; _pGridTree._text_elem = null; _pGridTree._applied_state = -1; _pGridTree._display_text = ""; _pGridTree._upline_ctrl = null; _pGridTree._downline_ctrl = null; _pGridTree._leftline_ctrls = null; _pGridTree._clicktarget = null; _pGridTree._btnimg_size = { width : 0, height : 0 }; _pGridTree.on_change_status = function (status, pseudo) { this._status_changing = true; nexacro.Component.prototype.on_change_status.call(this, status, pseudo); this._status_changing = false; }; _pGridTree.on_apply_custom_pseudo = function (pseudo) { if (!this._is_created) { return; } var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (!control_elem) { return; } if (!pseudo) { pseudo = this._pseudo; } var curstyle = this.currentstyle; var font = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_font(pseudo); if (curstyle.font != font) { curstyle.font = font; this.on_apply_style_font(font); } var letterspace = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_letterspace(pseudo); if (curstyle.letterspace != letterspace) { curstyle.letterspace = letterspace; this.on_apply_style_letterspace(letterspace); } var color = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_color(pseudo); if (curstyle.color != color) { curstyle.color = color; this.on_apply_style_color(color); } var align = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_align(pseudo); if (curstyle.align != align) { curstyle.align = align; this.on_apply_style_align(align); } if (this._status_changing) { this._cellobj._applyRowCellsStyle(pseudo, true); } }; _pGridTree.on_find_CurrentStyle_background = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_background(pseudo); }; _pGridTree.on_find_CurrentStyle_font = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_font(pseudo); }; _pGridTree.on_find_CurrentStyle_letterspace = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_letterspace(pseudo); }; _pGridTree.on_find_CurrentStyle_color = function (pseudo) { return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_color(pseudo); }; _pGridTree.on_find_CurrentStyle_cursor = function (pseudo) { var grid = this._grid; if (grid._global_cursor) { return grid._global_cursor; } return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_cursor(pseudo); }; _pGridTree.on_find_CurrentStyle_padding = function (pseudo) { return null; }; _pGridTree._makeCssRefInfo = function () { return (this._grid._makeCssRefInfoCtrl(this)); }; _pGridTree._find_pseudo_obj = function (styleProp, pseudo, returnType) { var cellinfo = this._cellinfo; var cellobj = this._cellobj; var odd = (cellobj._rowidx >= 0) ? (cellobj._rowidx % 2) : false; var grid = this._grid; var datarow = grid._getDataRow(this._cellobj._rowidx); var v = cellinfo._query_pseudo_control(this, datarow, styleProp, styleProp, pseudo, returnType, null, odd, cellobj._is_Selected()); return v; }; _pGridTree.on_create_contents = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); var parentheight = this._getLineHeight(); var grid = this._grid; this._createLines(true); this._createCheckbox(true); this._createImage(); this._createButton(); this._text_elem = new nexacro.TextBoxElement(control_elem); }; _pGridTree._createCheckbox = function (bCreateOnly) { if (!this._grid.treeusecheckbox) { return; } if (!this._chk_ctrl) { this._chk_ctrl = new nexacro.GridCellCheckbox("controlcheckbox", 0, 0, 0, 0, this); this._chk_ctrl._is_subcontrol = true; this._chk_ctrl.createComponent(bCreateOnly); } }; _pGridTree._createLines = function (bCreateOnly) { if (!this._grid.treeuseline) { return; } if (!this._rightline_ctrl) { this._rightline_ctrl = new nexacro.GridControlLine("controlrightline", 0, 0, 0, 0, this.parent); this._rightline_ctrl._is_subcontrol = true; this._rightline_ctrl.createComponent(bCreateOnly); } if (!this._upline_ctrl) { this._upline_ctrl = new nexacro.GridControlLine("controlupline", 0, 0, 0, 0, this.parent); this._upline_ctrl._is_subcontrol = true; this._upline_ctrl.createComponent(bCreateOnly); } if (!this._downline_ctrl) { this._downline_ctrl = new nexacro.GridControlLine("controldownline", 0, 0, 0, 0, this.parent); this._downline_ctrl._is_subcontrol = true; this._downline_ctrl.createComponent(bCreateOnly); } }; _pGridTree._createImage = function () { if (!this._grid.treeuseimage) { return; } if (!this._img_elem) { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (nexacro.Browser == "IE" && nexacro.BrowserVersion == 8) { this._img_elem = new nexacro.AlignImageElement(control_elem); } else { this._img_elem = new nexacro.ImageElement(control_elem); } } }; _pGridTree._createButton = function () { if (!this._btn_elem) { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (nexacro.Browser == "IE" && nexacro.BrowserVersion == 8) { this._btn_elem = new nexacro.AlignImageElement(control_elem); } else { this._btn_elem = new nexacro.ImageElement(control_elem); } } }; _pGridTree.on_created_contents = function () { if (this._rightline_ctrl) { this._rightline_ctrl.on_created(); } if (this._upline_ctrl) { this._upline_ctrl.on_created(); } if (this._downline_ctrl) { this._downline_ctrl.on_created(); } if (this._btn_elem) { this._btn_elem.create(); } if (this._chk_ctrl) { this._chk_ctrl.on_created(); } if (this._img_elem) { this._img_elem.create(); } if (this._text_elem) { var rect = this._grid._getAvailableRect(this); this._text_elem.setElementSize(rect.width, rect.height); this._text_elem.create(); } this._is_created = true; }; _pGridTree.on_destroy_contents = function () { var leftlines = this._leftline_ctrls; for (var i = 0, n = leftlines.length; i < n; i++) { leftlines[i].destroy(); } this._leftline_ctrls = []; if (this._rightline_ctrl) { this._rightline_ctrl.destroy(); this._rightline_ctrl = null; } if (this._upline_ctrl) { this._upline_ctrl.destroy(); this._upline_ctrl = null; } if (this._downline_ctrl) { this._downline_ctrl.destroy(); this._downline_ctrl = null; } if (this._btn_elem) { this._btn_elem.destroy(); this._btn_elem = null; } if (this._chk_ctrl) { this._chk_ctrl.destroy(); this._chk_ctrl = null; } if (this._img_elem) { this._img_elem.destroy(); this._img_elem = null; } if (this._text_elem) { this._text_elem.destroy(); this._text_elem = null; } this._clicktarget = null; this._grid = null; this._cellinfo = null; this._cellobj = null; }; _pGridTree._setAccessibilityStatFocus = function (evt_name) { var tmp_label = ""; var cellobj = this._cellobj; var label = cellobj._getCellAccessibilityLabel(); this._setAccessibilityLabel(label); var level = this._cellinfo._getTreeLevel(cellobj._rowidx); var startlevel = this._cellinfo._getTreeStartLevel(cellobj._rowidx); if (this._grid.getTreeStatus(cellobj._rowidx) == 0) { this._setAccessibilityStatExpanded(false); } else { this._setAccessibilityStatExpanded(true); } this._setAccessibilityInfoLevel(level - startlevel + 1); nexacro.Component.prototype._setAccessibilityStatFocus.call(this, evt_name); }; _pGridTree.on_get_style_accessibility_description = function () { if (this._cellobj) { return this._cellobj.tooltiptext; } }; _pGridTree.on_apply_text = function () { var text_elem = this._text_elem; if (text_elem) { text_elem.setElementText(this._display_text); } }; _pGridTree.on_apply_style_font = function (font) { if (font) { if (this._text_elem) { this._text_elem.setElementFont(font); } } }; _pGridTree.on_apply_style_color = function (color) { if (color) { if (this._text_elem) { this._text_elem.setElementColor(color); } } }; _pGridTree.on_apply_style_align = function (align) { if (align) { if (this._text_elem) { this._text_elem.setElementAlignXY("left", align.valign); } } }; _pGridTree._on_bubble_mouseenter = function (elem, from_comp, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, bubble_scope) { var call = true; if (bubble_scope) { call = this._cellobj._common_mouseenter(); } if (call) { nexacro.Component.prototype._on_bubble_mouseenter.call(this, elem, from_comp, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, bubble_scope); } return true; }; _pGridTree._on_bubble_mouseleave = function (elem, to_comp, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, bubble_scope) { var call = true; if (bubble_scope) { call = this._cellobj._common_mouseleave(); } if (call) { nexacro.Component.prototype._on_bubble_mouseleave.call(this, elem, to_comp, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, bubble_scope); } return true; }; _pGridTree._common_lbuttondown = function (elem) { var grid = this._grid; var rowidx = grid._getDataRow(this._cellobj._rowidx); var rowstatus = grid._treeStates[rowidx]; if (elem == this._btn_elem) { this._clicktarget = rowstatus; } }; _pGridTree._on_touchstart = function (touch_manager, touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp) { if (!this._is_alive) { return; } var touchinfo = nexacro._getFirstTouchInfo(changedtouchinfos); if (touchinfo) { this._common_lbuttondown(touchinfo._elem); } return nexacro.Component.prototype._on_touchstart.call(this, touch_manager, touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp); }; _pGridTree._on_lbuttondown = function (elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp) { if (!this._is_alive) { return; } this._common_lbuttondown(elem); return nexacro.Component.prototype._on_lbuttondown.call(this, elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp); }; _pGridTree._on_click = function (elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY) { if (!this._is_alive) { return; } if (this.visible && this._isEnable() && this.enableevent) { var clickitem; if (elem instanceof nexacro.TextBoxElement) { clickitem = "text"; } else if (elem instanceof nexacro.ImageElement) { if (this._btn_elem == elem) { clickitem = "treebutton"; } else { clickitem = "image"; } } else { clickitem = ""; } var clientXY = this._getClientXY(canvasX, canvasY); this.on_fire_onclick(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientXY[0], clientXY[1], this, this, clickitem); } }; _pGridTree._on_dblclick = function (elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY) { if (!this._is_alive) { return; } if (this.visible && this._isEnable() && this.enableevent) { var clickitem; if (elem instanceof nexacro.TextBoxElement) { clickitem = "text"; } else if (elem instanceof nexacro.ImageElement) { clickitem = "image"; } else { clickitem = "control"; } var clientXY = this._getClientXY(canvasX, canvasY); this.on_fire_ondblclick(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientXY[0], clientXY[1], this, this, clickitem); } }; _pGridTree._on_last_lbuttonup = function () { this._cellobj._on_last_lbuttonup(); }; _pGridTree._on_last_keyup = function () { this._cellobj._on_last_keyup(); }; _pGridTree._common_fire_lbuttondown = function (canvasX, canvasY) { if (this._btn_elem && this._grid.treeusebutton != "noclick") { if (this._is_elem_area(this._btn_elem, canvasX, canvasY)) { if (this._isEditTypeTree()) { var grid = this._grid; var cellobj = this._cellobj; var datarow = grid._getDataRow(cellobj._rowidx); cellobj._tree_lbuttondown = true; grid._toggleTreeState(cellobj._rowidx, true); if (this._is_alive) { cellobj._tree_lbuttondown = false; } var rowstatus = grid._treeStates[datarow]; if (this._clicktarget != rowstatus && (nexacro.Browser == "Edge" || nexacro.Browser == "IE" && nexacro.BrowserVersion > 8)) { grid._treetarget = { row : datarow, cell : cellobj._cellidx }; } } } } }; _pGridTree.on_fire_user_ontouchstart = function (touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { var touchinfo = nexacro._getFirstTouchInfo(changedtouchinfos); if (touchinfo) { this._common_fire_lbuttondown(touchinfo.canvasX, touchinfo.canvasY); } }; _pGridTree.on_fire_user_onlbuttondown = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { this._common_fire_lbuttondown(canvasX, canvasY); }; _pGridTree._common_fire_lbuttonup = function () { if (this._cellobj._tree_lbuttondown) { this._cellobj._tree_lbuttondown = false; } }; _pGridTree.on_fire_user_ontouchend = function (touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { this._common_fire_lbuttonup(); }; _pGridTree.on_fire_user_onlbuttonup = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, from_elem) { this._common_fire_lbuttonup(); }; _pGridTree._on_treecheckboxclick = function (obj, e) { if (!this._is_alive) { return; } var grid = this._grid; if (obj == this._chk_ctrl) { var cellobj = this._cellobj; var cellinfo = this._cellinfo; var rowidx = grid._getDataRow(cellobj._rowidx); var disprowidx = cellobj._getDisplayRowIdx(); if (cellinfo.treecheck._bindtype == 1) { var checked = grid._treeChecked[rowidx]; var colid = cellinfo.treecheck._bindexpr; var v = (checked == 0) ? 1 : 0; grid._binddataset.setColumn(rowidx, colid, v); } else { if (grid._toggleTreeChecked(rowidx)) { grid._refreshBodyRow(disprowidx); } } } }; _pGridTree.on_fire_ondblclick = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, clickitem) { return this._cellobj.on_fire_ondblclick(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, clickitem); }; _pGridTree.on_fire_onclick = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, clickitem) { var obj = from_refer_comp; while (obj) { if (obj._type_name == "CheckBoxControl") { break; } obj = obj.parent; } if (this._isEditTypeTree()) { this._on_treecheckboxclick(obj); } var grid = this._grid; var cellinfo = this._cellinfo; var rowidx = grid._getDataRow(this._cellobj._rowidx); if (!this._is_alive) { return; } return this._cellobj.on_fire_onclick(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, clickitem); }; _pGridTree._isEditTypeTree = function () { var grid = this._grid; var cellobj = this._cellobj; var cellinfo = this._cellinfo; var datarow = grid._getDataRow(cellobj._rowidx); var editType = cellinfo._getEdittype(datarow); if (editType == "tree") { return true; } else { return false; } }; _pGridTree._is_elem_area = function (elem, point_x, point_y) { var scale = this._getCumulativeZoomFactor() / 100.0; var left = elem.left; var top = elem.top; var width = elem.width * scale; var height = elem.height * scale; if (point_x >= left && point_x <= (left + width)) { if (point_y >= top && point_y <= (top + height)) { return true; } else { return false; } } else { return false; } }; _pGridTree._getLineHeight = function () { var height = this.parent._adjust_height; var bordbottom = (this.parent.currentstyle.border) ? this.parent.currentstyle.border._bottom_width : 0; return height - bordbottom; }; _pGridTree._isEnable = function () { return this._grid._enable; }; _pGridTree._load_image = function (img_elem, image) { var val = (image) ? image.toString() : null; if (this.getElement() && val) { val = nexacro._getURIValue(val); val = nexacro._getImageLocation(val, this._getRefFormBaseUrl()); img_elem._load_url = val; var size = nexacro._getImageSize(val, this._on_loadImage, this, undefined, image.toString()); if (size) { this._on_loadImage(val, size.width, size.height); } } }; _pGridTree._on_loadImage = function (idx, imgW, imgH) { var adjust = false; if (this._btn_elem && this._btn_elem._load_url == idx) { this._btn_elem.setElementImageUrl(idx); var width = this._btn_elem.width; var height = this._btn_elem.height; if (width != imgW || height != imgH) { adjust = true; this._btnimg_size = { width : imgW, height : imgH }; this._btn_elem.setElementSize(imgW, imgH); } } if (this._img_elem && this._img_elem._load_url == idx) { this._img_elem.setElementImageUrl(idx); var width = this._img_elem.width; var height = this._img_elem.height; if (width != imgW || height != imgH) { adjust = true; this._img_elem.setElementSize(imgW, imgH); } } if (adjust) { this._adjustSubCompAlign(this._lvl); } }; _pGridTree._buttonUpdate = function (state) { if (this._grid.treeusebutton != this._treeusebutton) { if (this._grid.treeusebutton == "use") { this._btn_elem.setElementVisible(true); } else { this._btn_elem.setElementVisible(false); } this._treeusebutton = this._grid.treeusebutton; } var prop = "tree"; var pseudo = "normal"; if (state == 0) { prop += "openbuttonimage"; } else if (state == 1) { prop += "closebuttonimage"; } else if (state == 2 || state == 3 || state == -1) { this._btn_elem.setElementVisible(false); this._btn_elem.setElementSize(0, 0); this._btnimg_size = { width : 0, height : 0 }; return; } var grid = this._grid; var datarow = grid._getDataRow(this._cellobj._rowidx); var val = this._cellinfo._query_pseudo_treecontrol(datarow, prop, pseudo); this._load_image(this._btn_elem, val); }; _pGridTree._checkUpdate = function (check) { if (this._grid.treeusecheckbox != this._treeusecheckbox) { if (this._chk_ctrl) { this._chk_ctrl.set_visible(this._grid.treeusecheckbox); } else { this._createCheckbox(); } this._treeusecheckbox = this._grid.treeusecheckbox; } if (this._chk_ctrl) { this._chk_ctrl.set_value(check); this._chk_ctrl._control_pseudo = ""; this._chk_ctrl._contents_pseudo = ""; this._chk_ctrl.on_apply_pseudo(); } }; _pGridTree._imageUpdate = function (state) { if (this._grid.treeuseimage != this._treeuseimage) { if (this._img_elem) { this._img_elem.setElementVisible(this._grid.treeuseimage); } else { this._createImage(); } this._treeuseimage = this._grid.treeuseimage; } var prop; var pseudo = "normal"; if (state == 0) { prop = "treecollapseimage"; } else if (state == 1) { prop = "treeexpandimage"; } else if (state == 2 || state == 3) { prop = "treeitemimage"; } var grid = this._grid; var datarow = grid._getDataRow(this._cellobj._rowidx); var val = this._cellinfo._query_pseudo_treecontrol(datarow, prop, pseudo); if (this._img_elem) { this._load_image(this._img_elem, val); if (val) { this._img_elem.setElementVisible(this._grid.treeuseimage); } else { this._img_elem.setElementVisible(false); } } this._adjustSubCompAlign(this._lvl); }; _pGridTree._lineUpdate = function (rowidx, level) { if (this._grid.treeuseline != this._treeuseline) { this._createLines(); if (this._rightline_ctrl) { this._rightline_ctrl.set_visible(this._grid.treeuseline); } if (this._upline_ctrl) { this._upline_ctrl.set_visible(this._grid.treeuseline); } if (this._downline_ctrl) { this._downline_ctrl.set_visible(this._grid.treeuseline); } this._treeuseline = this._grid.treeuseline; } var grid = this._grid; var linetype = grid._find_pseudo_obj("treelinetype", grid._pseudo, "line"); if (!linetype) { return; } var startlevel = this._cellinfo._getTreeStartLevel(rowidx); var nextlevel = this._cellinfo._getTreeLevel(rowidx + 1); var bExistNextNode = (grid._hasSameNextNode[rowidx]) ? grid._hasSameNextNode[rowidx][1] : false; var bRootNode = (startlevel >= level) ? true : false; this._createLeftLine(rowidx, linetype); var ctrl; if (this._rightline_ctrl) { ctrl = this._rightline_ctrl; ctrl._set_line(linetype, false, true); } if (this._upline_ctrl) { ctrl = this._upline_ctrl; ctrl._set_line(linetype, !bRootNode, false); } if (this._downline_ctrl && !bRootNode && bExistNextNode) { ctrl = this._downline_ctrl; ctrl._set_line(linetype, true, false); } else if (this._downline_ctrl) { this._downline_ctrl.set_visible(false); } this._linetype = linetype; this._treeline_visible(!this._cellobj._hideInner); }; _pGridTree._getRowParentLevel = function (p_level, startrow) { var level; var cellinfo = this._cellinfo; for (var i = startrow; i >= 0; i--) { level = cellinfo._getTreeLevel(i); if (level == p_level) { return i; } else if (level < p_level) { break; } } return -9; }; _pGridTree.__isNextSameLevelInSameParent = function (parentlvl, startrow) { var rowcount = this._grid._rowcount; var cellinfo = this._cellinfo; var level; var parentrow = this._getRowParentLevel(parentlvl, startrow); if (parentrow >= 0) { var retn = this._grid._hasSameNextNode[parentrow]; return retn[1]; } else { for (var i = startrow; i < rowcount; i++) { level = cellinfo._getTreeLevel(i); if (level < parentlvl) { break; } else if (level == parentlvl) { return true; } } } return false; }; _pGridTree._createLeftLine = function (rowidx, linetype) { var grid = this._grid; if (!grid.treeuseline) { for (var i = 0, n = this._leftline_ctrls.length; i < n; i++) { this._leftline_ctrls[i].destroy(); } this._leftline_ctrls = []; return; } var level = this._cellinfo._getTreeLevel(rowidx); var parentlevel = level - 1; var bExistNextParentNode; var i = 0; var leftlines = this._leftline_ctrls; while (grid._rootlevel < parentlevel) { bExistNextParentNode = this.__isNextSameLevelInSameParent(parentlevel, rowidx); if (bExistNextParentNode) { var parentheight = this._getLineHeight(); var ctrl = leftlines[i]; if (!ctrl) { ctrl = new nexacro.GridControlLine("controlleftline", 0, 0, 1, parentheight, this.parent); ctrl._is_subcontrol = true; ctrl.createComponent(true); ctrl.on_created(); this._leftline_ctrls[i] = ctrl; } else { ctrl.set_height(parentheight); } ctrl._set_line(linetype, true, false); ctrl._depth = parentlevel; i++; } parentlevel--; } for (; leftlines.length > i; ) { leftlines[leftlines.length - 1].destroy(); leftlines.splice(leftlines.length - 1, 1); } }; _pGridTree._toggleItem = function (bHide) { if (bHide) { if (this._btn_elem) { this._btn_elem.setElementVisible(false); } if (this._rightline_ctrl) { this._rightline_ctrl.set_visible(false); } if (this._upline_ctrl) { this._upline_ctrl.set_visible(false); } if (this._downline_ctrl) { this._downline_ctrl.set_visible(false); } if (this._chk_ctrl) { this._chk_ctrl.set_visible(false); } if (this._img_elem) { this._img_elem.setElementVisible(false); } if (this._text_elem) { this._text_elem.setElementVisible(false); } } else { if (this._grid.treeusebutton == "use") { this._btn_elem.setElementVisible(true); } else { this._btn_elem.setElementVisible(false); } if (this._rightline_ctrl) { this._rightline_ctrl.set_visible(this._grid.treeuseline); } if (this._upline_ctrl) { this._upline_ctrl.set_visible(this._grid.treeuseline); } if (this._downline_ctrl) { this._downline_ctrl.set_visible(this._grid.treeuseline); } if (this._chk_ctrl) { this._chk_ctrl.set_visible(this._grid.treeusecheckbox); } if (this._img_elem) { this._img_elem.setElementVisible(this._grid.treeuseimage); } if (this._text_elem) { this._text_elem.setElementVisible(true); } } }; _pGridTree.on_apply_prop_tooltip = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); var rowidx = this._cellobj._rowidx; var datarow = this._grid._getDataRow(rowidx); this.tooltiptext = this._cellinfo._getTooltipText(datarow); if (control_elem) { control_elem.setElementToolTip(this.tooltiptext); } }; _pGridTree._treeline_visible = function (v) { if (v) { for (var i = 0, n = this._leftline_ctrls.length; i < n; i++) { this._leftline_ctrls[i]._control_element.setElementVisible(this._leftline_ctrls[i].visible); } if (this._rightline_ctrl) { this._rightline_ctrl._control_element.setElementVisible(this._rightline_ctrl.visible); } if (this._upline_ctrl) { this._upline_ctrl._control_element.setElementVisible(this._upline_ctrl.visible); } if (this._downline_ctrl) { this._downline_ctrl._control_element.setElementVisible(this._downline_ctrl.visible); } } else { for (var i = 0, n = this._leftline_ctrls.length; i < n; i++) { this._leftline_ctrls[i]._control_element.setElementVisible(false); } if (this._rightline_ctrl) { this._rightline_ctrl._control_element.setElementVisible(false); } if (this._upline_ctrl) { this._upline_ctrl._control_element.setElementVisible(false); } if (this._downline_ctrl) { this._downline_ctrl._control_element.setElementVisible(false); } } }; _pGridTree._updateAll = function () { if (!this._is_created) { return; } if (this.getElement()) { var grid = this._grid; var rowidx = grid._getDataRow(this._cellobj._rowidx); if (rowidx == null) { this._toggleItem(true); return; } else { this._toggleItem(false); } this.on_apply_pseudo(this._cellobj._pseudo); var rowstatus = grid._treeStates[rowidx]; var level = this._cellinfo._getTreeLevel(rowidx); this._lvl = level; this._buttonUpdate(rowstatus); this._lineUpdate(rowidx, level); this._checkUpdate(grid._treeChecked[rowidx]); this._imageUpdate(rowstatus); var txt = this.parent._getDisplayText(); if (this._display_text != txt) { this._text_elem.setElementText(txt); this._display_text = txt; } this.on_apply_prop_tooltip(); this._adjustSubCompAlign(level); } }; _pGridTree.on_apply_prop_rtldirection = function () { nexacro.Component.prototype.on_apply_prop_rtldirection.call(this); var _rtldirection = this._rtldirection; if (this._chk_ctrl) { this._chk_ctrl._setRtlDirection(_rtldirection); } if (this._rightline_ctrl) { this._rightline_ctrl._setRtlDirection(_rtldirection); } if (this._upline_ctrl) { this._upline_ctrl._setRtlDirection(_rtldirection); } if (this._downline_ctrl) { this._downline_ctrl._setRtlDirection(_rtldirection); } var text_elem = this._text_elem; if (text_elem) { text_elem.setElementRtlDirection(_rtldirection); } this._updateAll(); }; _pGridTree._adjustSubCompAlign = function (level) { var cellobj = this.parent; var cellinfo = this._cellinfo; var grid = cellinfo.grid; var rect = this._grid._getAvailableRect(this); var width = rect.width; var height = rect.height; var datarow = grid._getDataRow(cellobj._rowidx); var start = cellinfo._getTreeStartLevel(datarow); var control_elem = this.getElement(); var defaultsize = 9; var gap = 16; var parentlevel = level - 1; level -= start; if (level < 0) { level = -1; } var line_adjust_top = cellobj._adjust_top; var padding = cellobj.on_find_CurrentStyle_padding(); var line_adjust_left = ((padding) ? padding.left : 0); var parentheight = this._getLineHeight(); var offset = (level * gap) + defaultsize; var lineleft = offset < 0 ? defaultsize : offset; var linetop = line_adjust_top; var linewidth = 0; var halfheight = Math.round(parentheight / 2); var lineheight = halfheight; var left_lines = this._leftline_ctrls; var left_lines_len = left_lines.length; var j = 0; for (var i = 0; j < left_lines_len; i++) { if (parentlevel == left_lines[j]._depth) { var elem = left_lines[j++].getElement(); elem.setElementPosition(offset - (gap * (i + 1)) + line_adjust_left, linetop); } if (parentlevel-- < 0) { break; } } var line_button_gap_width = 0; var line_button_gap_height = 0; if (this._btn_elem) { var buttonWidth = this._btnimg_size ? this._btnimg_size.width : this._btn_elem.width; if (buttonWidth <= 0) { buttonWidth = defaultsize; } var buttonHeight = this._btnimg_size ? this._btnimg_size.height : this._btn_elem.height; if (buttonHeight <= 0) { buttonHeight = defaultsize; } var buttonLeft = offset - Math.round(buttonWidth / 2); if (buttonLeft < 0) { buttonWidth = buttonWidth + buttonLeft; buttonLeft = offset - Math.round(defaultsize / 2); this._btn_elem.setElementSize(buttonWidth, buttonHeight); } if (!this._rightline_ctrl || !this._rightline_ctrl.visible) { buttonLeft -= (Math.round(buttonWidth / 2) * level); } var buttonTop = Math.round((height - buttonHeight) / 2); if (this._btn_elem.visible) { lineheight = Math.floor((parentheight - buttonHeight) / 2); line_button_gap_width = buttonWidth; line_button_gap_height = buttonHeight; offset = buttonLeft + buttonWidth; } else { offset = lineleft; } linewidth = buttonWidth; this._btn_elem.setElementPosition(buttonLeft, buttonTop, true); } else { linewidth = defaultsize; } if (this._rightline_ctrl && this._rightline_ctrl.visible) { this._rightline_ctrl.move(offset + line_adjust_left, linetop, linewidth - (line_button_gap_width / 2), halfheight); offset = this._rightline_ctrl.left + this._rightline_ctrl.width - line_adjust_left; } else { offset += 1; } if (this._upline_ctrl && this._upline_ctrl.visible) { this._upline_ctrl.move(lineleft + line_adjust_left, linetop, linewidth, lineheight); } if (this._downline_ctrl && this._downline_ctrl.visible) { var elem = this._downline_ctrl.getElement(); linetop = line_adjust_top + lineheight + line_button_gap_width; var b = lineheight + linetop; var pb = parentheight + line_adjust_top; if (b > pb) { lineheight = pb - linetop; } this._downline_ctrl.move(lineleft + line_adjust_left, linetop, linewidth, lineheight); } if (this._chk_ctrl && this._chk_ctrl.visible) { var checkWidth = this._chk_ctrl.width; if (checkWidth <= 0) { checkWidth = defaultsize; } var checkHeight = this._chk_ctrl.height; if (checkHeight <= 0) { checkHeight = defaultsize; } var checkLeft = offset; var checkTop = Math.round((height - checkHeight) / 2); offset += checkWidth; this._chk_ctrl.move(checkLeft, checkTop, this._chk_ctrl._adjust_width, this._chk_ctrl._adjust_height); } if (this._img_elem && this._img_elem.visible) { offset += 1; var imageWidth = this._img_elem.width; var imageHeight = this._img_elem.height; if (imageWidth > 0 && imageHeight > 0) { var imageLeft = offset; var imageTop = Math.round((height - imageHeight) / 2); var imageRight = imageLeft + imageWidth; var imageBottom = imageTop + imageHeight; offset += imageWidth; } else { } this._img_elem.setElementPosition(imageLeft, imageTop, true); offset += 5; } else { offset += 4; } if (this._text_elem) { var textLeft = offset; var textTop = 0; this._text_elem.setElementPosition(textLeft, textTop, true); this._text_elem.setElementSize(width - offset, height); } }; _pGridTree.on_change_containerRect = function (width, height) { if (this._lvl) { this._adjustSubCompAlign(this._lvl); } }; delete _pGridTree; nexacro.GridRow_Style = function (target, idx) { nexacro.Style.call(this, target, idx); this.border = new nexacro.Style_border(1); }; var _pGridRowStyle = nexacro.GridRow_Style.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Style, nexacro.GridRow_Style); _pGridRowStyle._type_name = "GridRowStyle"; nexacro.GridRow_CurrentStyle = function () { this.border = null; }; var _pGridRowCurrentStyle = nexacro.GridRow_CurrentStyle.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.CurrentStyle, nexacro.GridRow_CurrentStyle); _pGridRowCurrentStyle._type_name = "GridRowCurrentStyle"; delete _pGridRowStyle; delete _pGridRowCurrentStyle; nexacro.GridRow = function (parent, left, top, width, height, rowidx) { nexacro.Component.call(this, "gridrow_" + rowidx, "absolute", left, top, width, height, null, null, parent); this._is_subcontrol = true; this._grid = parent.parent; this._band = parent; this._cells = []; this._rowidx = rowidx; this._row_sizes = []; this._row_tops = []; this._row_bottoms = []; this._format_rows = []; this._format_cols = []; this._format_cells = []; this._noupdate_remain_cells = []; this._accessibility_role = "none"; this._fixed = false; }; var _pGridRow = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Component, nexacro.GridRow); nexacro.GridRow.prototype = _pGridRow; nexacro._setForControlStyleFinder(_pGridRow); _pGridRow._type_name = "GridRow"; _pGridRow.on_create_custom_style = function () { return new nexacro.GridRow_Style(this); }; _pGridRow.on_create_custom_currentStyle = function () { return new nexacro.GridRow_CurrentStyle(); }; _pGridRow.on_find_CurrentStyle_cursor = function (pseudo) { var grid = this._grid; if (grid._global_cursor) { return grid._global_cursor; } return this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_cursor(pseudo); }; _pGridRow.on_find_CurrentStyle_border = function (pseudo) { return null; }; _pGridRow.on_find_CurrentStyle_padding = function (pseudo) { return null; }; _pGridRow._makeCssRefInfo = function () { return (this._grid._makeCssRefInfoCtrl(this)); }; _pGridRow.on_create_contents = function () { this._init(this._grid._curFormat); if (this._grid._async_create) { this._createCellComponents_async(); } else { this._createCellComponents(); } }; _pGridRow.on_created_contents = function () { this._control_element.setElementHScrollPos(this._grid.getElement().scroll_left); if (this._grid._async_create) { this._createCellElements_async(); } else { this._createCellElements(); } this._control_element._setContainerMaxWidth(this._grid._bodyBand._scrollWidth); this.on_apply_prop_rtldirection(); }; _pGridRow.on_destroy_contents = function () { var cells = this._cells, cells_len = cells.length; for (var i = 0; i < cells_len; i++) { cells[i].destroy(); } this._grid = this._cells = this._format = this._band = this._cells = this._row_sizes = this._row_tops = this._row_bottoms = this._format_rows = this._format_cols = this._format_cells = this._noupdate_remain_cells = null; }; _pGridRow.on_create_control_element = function (parent_elem) { var control_elem = new nexacro.GridRowControlElement(parent_elem); var format = this._grid._curFormat; control_elem.setLinkedControl(this); control_elem._left_width = format.leftWidth; control_elem._right_width = format.rightWidth; this._control_element = control_elem; return control_elem; }; _pGridRow.on_apply_custom_setfocus = function (evt_name, self_flag) { if (self_flag) { nexacro.Component.prototype.on_apply_custom_setfocus.call(this, evt_name); } }; _pGridRow._getAccessibilityLabel = function (accessibility) { var label = ""; var grid = this._grid; if (this._grid._isSelectRowType()) { var cellLabel = ""; var cells = this._cells; var cellAccessibility = null; for (var i = 0, n = cells.length; i < n; i++) { cellAccessibility = cells[i].currentstyle.accessibility; if (cellAccessibility) { cellLabel = cells[i]._getAccessibilityLabel(cellAccessibility, true); if (label) { if (cellLabel) { label += " " + cellLabel; } } else { label = cellLabel; } } } } return label; }; _pGridRow.on_apply_prop_rtldirection = function () { nexacro.Component.prototype.on_apply_prop_rtldirection.call(this); var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { var cells = this._cells; var _rtldirection = this._rtldirection; if (cells) { var left; for (var i = 0, n = cells.length; i < n; i++) { cells[i]._setRtlDirection(_rtldirection); } } } }; _pGridRow._init = function (format) { var grid = this._grid, control_elem = this._control_element; control_elem.setArea(format.leftWidth, format.rightWidth); if (this._rowidx == -1) { this._format_rows = format._headrows; this._format_cells = format._headcells; } else if (this._rowidx == -2) { this._format_rows = format._summrows; this._format_cells = format._summcells; } else { this._format_rows = format._bodyrows; this._format_cells = format._bodycells; } this._format_cols = format._cols; if (!this._format_cols) { this._format_cols = []; } if (!this._format_rows) { this._format_rows = []; } if (!this._format_cells) { this._format_cells = []; } var rowSizeListSub, datarow = 0; if (this._rowidx == -1) { rowSizeListSub = grid._rowHeadListSub; } else if (this._rowidx == -2) { rowSizeListSub = grid._rowSummListSub; } else { datarow = grid._getDataRow(this._rowidx); rowSizeListSub = grid._rowSizeListSub; } var rows = this._format_rows, rows_len = rows.length, size = 0, top = 0; this._row_tops = []; this._row_sizes = []; this._row_bottoms = []; if (datarow >= 0) { var start = datarow * rows_len; for (var i = 0; i < rows_len; i++) { this._row_tops.push(top); size = rowSizeListSub[start + i]; this._row_sizes.push(size); top += size; this._row_bottoms.push(top); } } else { for (var i = 0; i < rows_len; i++) { this._row_tops.push(top); size = rows[i].size; this._row_sizes.push(size); top += size; this._row_bottoms.push(top); } } }; _pGridRow._on_last_lbuttonup = function () { this.parent._on_last_lbuttonup(); }; _pGridRow._on_last_keyup = function () { this.parent._on_last_keyup(); }; _pGridRow._updateAll = function (pseudo, is_remain_cell, onlycontents, for_select, startcol) { var grid = this._grid, cells = this._cells; if (is_remain_cell) { cells = this._noupdate_remain_cells; } var cells_len = cells.length, datarow = grid._getDataRow(this._rowidx), subcells, subcellsLen, cell, cellinfo, selected, is_change; this._noupdate_remain_cells = []; this.on_apply_pseudo(pseudo); for (var i = 0; i < cells_len; i++) { cell = cells[i]; cellinfo = cell._refobj; if (startcol) { if ((cellinfo._col + cellinfo._colspan - 1) < startcol) { continue; } } if (cell._refobj._area != "body" || (cell._is_created && cell._isUpdateArea())) { if (grid._isSelectRowType()) { if (selected == undefined) { selected = grid._isSelectedCell(cell._cellidx, datarow); } } else { selected = grid._isSelectedCell(cell._cellidx, datarow); } is_change = false; if (cell.selected != selected) { cell.selected = selected; onlycontents = false; is_change = true; } subcells = cell.subcells; subcellsLen = subcells.length; for (var j = 0; j < subcellsLen; j++) { subcells[j].selected = selected; } if (for_select) { if (is_change) { cell._updateAll(pseudo, onlycontents); } } else { cell._updateAll(pseudo, onlycontents); } } else { this._noupdate_remain_cells.push(cell); } } }; _pGridRow._getAreaRect = function (area) { var rect = { left : 0, top : 0, width : 0, height : 0 }, format = this._grid._curFormat; rect.top = this._client_top; rect.height = this._client_height; if (area == "left") { rect.left = this._client_left; rect.width = format.leftWidth; } else if (area == "right") { rect.left = this._client_width - format.rightWidth; rect.width = format.rightWidth; } else { rect.left = format.leftWidth; rect.width = this._client_width - format.leftWidth - format.rightWidth; } return rect; }; _pGridRow._changeRow = function (row, init) { this._rowidx = row; if (init) { this._init(this._grid._curFormat); } }; _pGridRow._hideArea = function () { if (this._fixed) { return ""; } var band = this._band; var grid = this._grid; var scrolltop = grid._getScrollTop(); var t = this._adjust_top; var h = this._adjust_height; var b = t + h; t -= scrolltop; b -= scrolltop; var bandrc = grid._getAvailableRect(band); var border = band.currentstyle.border; b -= border ? border._top_width : 0; b -= border ? border._bottom_width : 0; if (b <= 0) { return "top"; } else if (t >= bandrc.bottom) { return "bottom"; } return ""; }; _pGridRow._showfull = function (clickcell) { if (!this._fixed) { var band = this._band; var grid = this._grid; var scrolltop = grid._getScrollTop(); var t = this._adjust_top; var h = this._adjust_height; var b = t + h; t -= scrolltop; b -= scrolltop; var vscroll = grid.vscrollbar; var bandrc = grid._getAvailableRect(band); var border = band.currentstyle.border; b -= border ? border._top_width : 0; b -= border ? border._bottom_width : 0; if (vscroll) { if (h < bandrc.height) { if (t < 0) { if (vscroll._isEnable()) { vscroll._set_rowpos(grid._toprowpos[0]); } } else if (b > bandrc.bottom) { if (vscroll._isEnable()) { vscroll._set_rowpos(grid._toprowpos[0] + 1); } } } } } if (clickcell && clickcell._is_alive) { clickcell._showfull(false); } }; _pGridRow._createCellElements_async = function () { nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(this, function () { this._createCellElements(); }); }; _pGridRow._createCellElements = function (startcol) { var cells = this._cells; var cells_len = cells.length; if (cells_len == 0) { return; } var grid = this._grid, subcells, subcells_len, update = false, datarow = grid._getDataRow(this._rowidx), selected, cell_elem, cellinfo; if (this._rowidx < 0 || grid._is_created == true) { update = true; } for (var i = 0; i < cells_len; i++) { cellinfo = cells[i]._refobj; if (startcol) { if ((cellinfo._col + cellinfo._colspan - 1) < startcol) { continue; } } if (cellinfo._area == "body") { if (grid._isSelectRowType()) { if (selected == undefined) { selected = grid._isSelectedCell(cells[i]._cellidx, datarow); } } else { selected = grid._isSelectedCell(cells[i]._cellidx, datarow); } cell_elem = cells[i]._control_element; if (cells[i]._isUpdateArea()) { if (cells[i]._is_created) { if (cells[i]._refresh_display == true) { if (update) { cells[i].selected = selected; cells[i]._updateAll(); } cell_elem._setDisplay(true); cells[i]._refresh_display = false; } } else { if (update) { cells[i].selected = selected; cells[i]._updateAll(); } cells[i].on_created(); subcells = cells[i].subcells; subcells_len = subcells.length; for (var j = 0; j < subcells_len; j++) { if (update) { subcells[j]._updateAll(); } subcells[j].on_created(); } } } else { if (cells[i]._is_created) { if (cells[i]._refresh_display == false) { cells[i]._refresh_display = true; cell_elem._setDisplay(false); } } } } else { if (cells[i]._is_created) { continue; } if (update) { cells[i]._updateAll(); } cells[i].on_created(); subcells = cells[i].subcells; subcells_len = subcells.length; for (var j = 0; j < subcells_len; j++) { if (update) { subcells[j]._updateAll(); } subcells[j].on_created(); } } } }; _pGridRow._createCellComponents_async = function () { nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(this, function () { this._createCellComponents(); }); }; _pGridRow._createCellComponents = function () { var _cols = this._format_cols, _rows = this._format_rows, _cells = this._format_cells, _row_tops = this._row_tops, _row_sizes = this._row_sizes, _row_bottoms = this._row_bottoms, cellcnt = (_cells) ? _cells.length : 0, _cellinfo, top = 0, left, width, height, cellitem, id, _subcells, _subcellsLen, _subcell, col, row, subcellitem, selected, _subcellinfo, grid = this._grid, datarow = grid._getDataRow(this._rowidx); for (var i = 0; i < cellcnt; i++) { _cellinfo = _cells[i]; left = _cols[_cellinfo._col].left; top = _row_tops[_cellinfo._row]; width = _cols[_cellinfo._col + _cellinfo._colspan - 1].right - left; height = _row_bottoms[_cellinfo._row + _cellinfo._rowspan - 1] - top; if (grid._isSelectRowType()) { if (selected == undefined) { selected = grid._isSelectedCell(_cellinfo._cellidx, datarow); } } else { selected = grid._isSelectedCell(_cellinfo._cellidx, datarow); } id = "cell_" + this._rowidx + "_" + _cellinfo._cellidx; cellitem = new nexacro.GridCell(id, left, top, width, height, this, _cellinfo, this._rowidx, _cellinfo._cellidx); cellitem.selected = selected; cellitem.createComponent(true); this._cells[i] = cellitem; _subcells = _cellinfo._subcells; _subcellsLen = _subcells.length; for (var j = 0; j < _subcellsLen; j++) { _subcellinfo = _subcells[j]; col = _cellinfo._col + _subcellinfo._col; row = _cellinfo._row + _subcellinfo._row; left = _cols[col].left; top = _row_tops[row]; width = _cols[col + _subcellinfo._colspan - 1].right - left; height = _row_bottoms[row + _subcellinfo._rowspan - 1] - top; left -= _cols[_cellinfo._col].left; top -= _row_tops[_cellinfo._row]; id = "subcell_" + this._rowidx + "_" + _cellinfo._cellidx + "_" + _subcellinfo._cellidx; subcellitem = new nexacro.GridCell(id, left, top, width, height, cellitem, _subcellinfo, this._rowidx, _subcellinfo._cellidx); subcellitem._isSubCell = true; subcellitem.selected = selected; subcellitem.parentcell = cellitem; subcellitem.createComponent(true); cellitem.subcells[j] = subcellitem; } } }; _pGridRow._resetCellsSize = function (format, startcol) { var cols = this._format_cols, cells, cells_len, cell, cellinfo, subcells, subcells_len, subcell, subcellinfo, left, width, top, height, subcol, subrow; this._control_element.setArea(format.leftWidth, format.rightWidth); cells = this._cells; cells_len = cells.length; var _row_tops = this._row_tops, _row_sizes = this._row_sizes, _row_bottoms = this._row_bottoms; for (var i = 0; i < cells_len; i++) { cell = cells[i]; cellinfo = cell._refobj; if (startcol) { if ((cellinfo._col + cellinfo._colspan - 1) < startcol) { continue; } } left = cols[cellinfo._col].left; top = _row_tops[cellinfo._row]; width = cols[cellinfo._col + cellinfo._colspan - 1].right - left; height = _row_bottoms[cellinfo._row + cellinfo._rowspan - 1] - top; cell.move(left, top, width, height); expand_ctrl = cell._expandCtrl; if (expand_ctrl) { left = width - expand_ctrl.width; top = expand_ctrl.top; width = expand_ctrl.width; height = expand_ctrl.height; expand_ctrl.move(left, top, width, height); } subcells = cell.subcells; subcells_len = subcells.length; for (var j = 0; j < subcells_len; j++) { subcell = subcells[j]; subcellinfo = subcell._refobj; subcol = cellinfo._col + subcellinfo._col; subrow = cellinfo._row + subcellinfo._row; left = cols[subcol].left; top = _row_tops[subrow]; width = cols[subcol + subcellinfo._colspan - 1].right - left; height = _row_sizes[subrow]; left -= cols[cellinfo._col].left; top -= _row_tops[cellinfo._row]; subcell.move(left, top, width, height); expand_ctrl = subcell._expandCtrl; if (expand_ctrl) { left = width - expand_ctrl.width; top = expand_ctrl.top; width = expand_ctrl.width; height = expand_ctrl.height; expand_ctrl.move(left, top, width, height); } } } }; _pGridRow._isEnable = function () { return this._grid._enable; }; _pGridRow._get_cells = function () { return this._cells; }; delete _pGridRow; nexacro.GridMatrixManager = function (grid, band) { this._width = 0; this._height = 0; this._grid = grid; this._isBody = band._isBody; this._rows = []; this._band = band; this._fixed_rows = []; }; var _pGridMatrixManager = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Object, nexacro.GridMatrixManager); nexacro.GridMatrixManager.prototype = _pGridMatrixManager; _pGridMatrixManager._type_name = "GridMatrixManager"; _pGridMatrixManager.destroy = function () { this._deleteAllRow(); this._grid = this._band = this._rows = this._fixed_rows = null; }; _pGridMatrixManager._init = function () { this._deleteAllRow(); }; _pGridMatrixManager._async_create_page = function () { return; }; _pGridMatrixManager._getBodyRowTopPos = function (rowidx) { if (rowidx < 0) { return 0; } var grid = this._grid, top = 0; if (grid._fixed_endrow >= 0 && rowidx >= grid._fixed_startrow && rowidx <= grid._fixed_endrow) { if (grid._is_variable_bodyrowsize == false) { top = grid._bodyrowheight * (rowidx - grid._fixed_startrow); } else { var rowcnt = grid._fixed_rowcnt; for (var i = 0; i < rowcnt; i++) { if (grid._fixed_startrow + i == rowidx) { break; } top += grid._getRowSize(grid._fixed_startrow + i); } } } else { if (grid._is_variable_bodyrowsize == false) { top = grid._bodyrowheight * rowidx; } else { var rowcnt = grid._getGridRowCount(); for (var i = 0; i < rowcnt; i++) { if (i == rowidx) { break; } top += grid._getRowSize(i); } } top -= grid._fixedrow_height; } return top; }; _pGridMatrixManager._getAllRows = function () { var rows; if (this._isBody && this._fixed_rows.length) { rows = []; rows = rows.concat(this._fixed_rows); rows = rows.concat(this._rows); } else { rows = this._rows; } return rows; }; _pGridMatrixManager._getPhysicalRow = function (rows, rowidx) { var length = rows.length; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (rows[i]._rowidx == rowidx) { return i; } } return null; }; _pGridMatrixManager._adjustTreeDisplay = function (rowidx, collapse) { var update_rows = [], grid = this._grid, band = this._band, rows = this._rows, rows_len = rows.length, toprow = 0, update_row_phidx = this._getPhysicalRow(this._rows, rowidx), update_row = rows[update_row_phidx], sub = false; if (!update_row) { update_row = rows[0]; update_row_phidx = 0; } if (update_row) { if (collapse) { for (var i = rows_len - 1; i >= update_row_phidx; i--) { if (update_row._rowidx < rows[i]._rowidx) { this._subtractRow(); sub = true; } else { update_rows[0] = rows[i]; } } } else { for (var i = update_row_phidx; i < rows_len; i++) { if (update_row_phidx == i) { update_rows[0] = rows[i]; } else { this._subtractRow(); sub = true; } } } } if (sub) { grid._setHscrollElement(); grid._absolutelyResetScrollPos(true); grid._control_element.setElementHScrollPos(grid._scroll_left); grid._absolutelyResetScrollPos(false); } var add = this._adjustRowsDisplay(); rows_len = rows.length; band._update_rows = update_rows; if (rows_len) { toprow = rows[0]._rowidx; } for (var i = 0; i < rows_len; i++) { rows[i]._rowidx = toprow + i; } band._on_refresh_rows(); if (add || grid._resetColSizeList()) { this._adjustColsDisplay(true); } else { grid._resetScrollMax(); } }; _pGridMatrixManager._adjustRowsDisplay = function (reset_bandsize, is_scrolling) { var grid = this._grid, add = false, sub = false, rows = this._rows, rows_len = rows.length, addcnt; if (reset_bandsize) { var rowitem, l, t, w, h, gridrowcnt = grid._getGridRowCount(); for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { rowitem = rows[i]; if (rowitem._rowidx >= gridrowcnt) { rowitem.destroy(); rows[i] = null; rows.splice(i, 1); i--; } else { l = rowitem._adjust_left; t = this._getBodyRowTopPos(rowitem._rowidx); w = this._band._client_width; h = grid._getRowSize(rowitem._rowidx); rows[i].move(l, t, w, h); } } rows_len = rows.length; var frows = this._fixed_rows; for (i = 0, n = frows.length; i < n; i++) { rowitem = frows[i]; l = rowitem._adjust_left; t = this._getBodyRowTopPos(rowitem._rowidx); w = this._band._client_width; h = grid._getRowSize(rowitem._rowidx); frows[i].move(l, t, w, h); } } if (this._isBody) { if (grid._fixed_endrow >= 0 && this._fixed_rows.length == 0) { var sfixrow = grid._fixed_startrow; var efixrow = grid._fixed_endrow; var top = 0, size; for (var i = sfixrow; i <= efixrow; i++) { size = grid._getRowSize(i); if (size < 0) { break; } this._addRow(top, size, i, false, true); top += size; } } grid._resetDisplayInfo(reset_bandsize); var dispcnt = 0; if (grid._disprowcnt > 0) { addcnt = (grid._disprowcnt % 2) ? 1 : 2; dispcnt = grid._disprowcnt + addcnt; } var rowcnt = grid._getGridRowCount(); var variable_size = grid._is_variable_bodyrowsize; if (dispcnt < 0) { dispcnt = 0; } if (rowcnt < rows_len) { for (var i = rows_len - 1; i >= rowcnt; i--) { this._subtractRow(); sub = true; } rows_len = rows.length; } if (dispcnt < rows_len) { for (var i = rows_len - 1; i >= dispcnt; i--) { if (!variable_size) { this._subtractRow(); sub = true; } } } else if (dispcnt > rows_len) { var size = 0, top = 0, toprow = 0, lastrow = rowcnt - 1; if (rows_len > 0) { toprow = rows[0]._rowidx; } else { toprow = grid._toprowpos[0]; } var backrow = toprow; var newrow, back = false; for (var i = rows_len; i < dispcnt; i++) { if (rowcnt <= i) { break; } newrow = toprow + i; if (lastrow < newrow) { newrow = --backrow; back = true; } top = this._getBodyRowTopPos(newrow); size = grid._getRowSize(newrow); if (newrow <= lastrow && newrow >= grid._getFixRowCnt() && size > 0) { this._addRow(top, size, newrow, is_scrolling); add = true; } } if (back && add) { rows.sort(function (a, b) { return a._rowidx - b._rowidx; }); } } rows_len = rows.length; if (grid.fillareatype != "none" && dispcnt > rows_len) { var top = 0, size = this._band._datarowsheight; if (rows_len) { top = rows[rows_len - 1]._getPosBottom(); } for (var i = rows_len; i < dispcnt; i++) { this._addRow(top, size, i, is_scrolling); top += size; add = true; } } if (rows.length > 0) { grid._begrowpos = rows[0]._rowidx; grid._endrowpos = rows[rows.length - 1]._rowidx; } else { grid._begrowpos = 0; grid._endrowpos = 0; } } else { if (rows_len == 0) { var size; if (this._band.id == "head") { size = grid._getRowSize(-1); this._addRow(0, size, -1); add = true; } else if (this._band.id == "summ") { size = grid._getRowSize(-2); this._addRow(0, size, -2); add = true; } } } if (add || sub || rows.length == 0) { grid._setHscrollElement(); grid._absolutelyResetScrollPos(true); grid._control_element.setElementHScrollPos(grid._scroll_left); grid._absolutelyResetScrollPos(false); } return add; }; _pGridMatrixManager._adjustColsDisplay = function (reset_colsize, scrolling, startcol) { if (!scrolling) { this._grid._resetScrollMax(); } var rows = this._getAllRows(), rows_len = rows.length; if (reset_colsize) { var format = this._grid._curFormat; for (var i = 0; i < rows_len; i++) { rows[i]._init(format); rows[i]._resetCellsSize(format, startcol); if (!scrolling) { rows[i]._updateAll(null, true, undefined, undefined, startcol); } rows[i]._createCellElements(startcol); } } else { for (var i = 0; i < rows_len; i++) { if (!scrolling) { rows[i]._updateAll(null, true, undefined, undefined, startcol); } rows[i]._createCellElements(startcol); } } }; _pGridMatrixManager._addRow = function (top, height, rowidx, is_scrolling, is_fixed) { var rect = this._grid._getAvailableRect(this._band), row = new nexacro.GridRow(this._band, rect.left, top, rect.width, height, rowidx); row._fixed = !!is_fixed; row.createComponent(); row._setRtlDirection(this._band._rtldirection); if (!is_scrolling) { this._band._create_rows.push(row); } if (is_fixed) { this._fixed_rows.push(row); } else { this._rows.push(row); } }; _pGridMatrixManager._subtractRow = function () { if (this._rows.length > 0) { var rowidx = this._rows.length - 1, row = this._rows[rowidx], create_rows = this._band._create_rows, create_rows_len = create_rows.length; for (var i = 0; i < create_rows_len; i++) { if (create_rows[i] == row) { create_rows.splice(i, 1); break; } } row.destroy(); this._rows.splice(rowidx, 1); } }; _pGridMatrixManager._deleteAllRow = function () { var rows = this._rows; for (var i = 0, n = rows.length; i < n; i++) { rows[i].destroy(); } var fixed_rows = this._fixed_rows; for (var i = 0, n = fixed_rows.length; i < n; i++) { fixed_rows[i].destroy(); } this._rows = []; this._fixed_rows = []; this._grid._setHscrollElement(); this._grid._is_over_scroll = 0; }; _pGridMatrixManager._isShowScreenRow = function (row, scroll_top, client_height) { if (row._rowidx < 0) { return true; } var visible_top = scroll_top, visible_bottom = visible_top + client_height; if (visible_top < row._getPosBottom() && visible_bottom > row._adjust_top) { return true; } return false; }; _pGridMatrixManager._adjustScrollRows = function (vpos, is_updatecontents) { var grid = this._grid, totalcnt = grid._getGridRowCount(), rows = this._rows, firstrow, lastrow, first_rowidx = grid._getFixRowCnt(), last_rowidx = totalcnt - 1, bodyHeight = grid._getBodyClientSize()[1], hide_rows = [], hide_row, r, l, w, h, t, band = this._band, variable_size = grid._is_variable_bodyrowsize, hide_len = 0, dir = 0, lastPosition = grid._last_scroll_top; if (vpos > lastPosition) { dir = 1; } else if (vpos < lastPosition) { dir = -1; } if (dir > 0) { lastrow = rows[rows.length - 1]; for (var i = 0, n = rows.length; i < n; i++) { if (this._isShowScreenRow(rows[i], vpos, band._client_height) == true) { break; } hide_rows.push(rows[i]); } hide_len = hide_rows.length; var prev_rowidx = null; if (hide_len > 0) { if (rows.length == hide_len) { target_rowidx = grid._toprowpos[0]; if (target_rowidx % 2 != hide_rows[0]._rowidx % 2) { hide_rows.push(hide_rows.shift()); rows.push(rows.shift()); } for (var i = 0; i < hide_len; i++) { hide_row = hide_rows[i]; r = target_rowidx++; if (r >= grid.rowcount) { if (prev_rowidx == null) { prev_rowidx = grid._toprowpos[0] - 1; } r = prev_rowidx--; if (r < 0) { break; } } hide_row._changeRow(r, variable_size); l = hide_row._adjust_left; w = hide_row._adjust_width; h = grid._getRowSize(r); t = this._getBodyRowTopPos(r); hide_row.move(l, t, w, h); if (variable_size) { hide_row._resetCellsSize(grid._curFormat); } } } else { target_rowidx = lastrow._rowidx + 1; for (var i = 0; i < hide_len; i++) { hide_row = hide_rows[i]; r = target_rowidx++; if (!variable_size && r > last_rowidx) { break; } hide_row._changeRow(r, variable_size); l = hide_row._adjust_left; w = hide_row._adjust_width; h = grid._getRowSize(r); t = this._getBodyRowTopPos(r); hide_row.move(l, t, w, h); if (variable_size) { hide_row._resetCellsSize(grid._curFormat); } } rows.sort(function (a, b) { return a._rowidx - b._rowidx; }); } if (rows.length > 0) { if (prev_rowidx != null) { rows.sort(function (a, b) { return a._rowidx - b._rowidx; }); } grid._begrowpos = rows[0]._rowidx; grid._endrowpos = rows[rows.length - 1]._rowidx; } } if (variable_size) { this._adjustRowsDisplay(false, true); } } else if (dir < 0) { if (variable_size) { this._adjustRowsDisplay(false, true); } firstrow = rows[0]; for (var i = rows.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (this._isShowScreenRow(rows[i], vpos, band._client_height) == true) { break; } hide_rows.push(rows[i]); } hide_len = hide_rows.length; if (hide_len > 0) { if (rows.length == hide_len) { target_rowidx = grid._toprowpos[0]; if (target_rowidx % 2 != hide_rows[hide_len - 1]._rowidx % 2) { hide_rows.push(hide_rows.shift()); rows.unshift(rows.pop()); } for (var i = hide_len - 1; i >= 0; i--) { hide_row = hide_rows[i]; r = target_rowidx++; hide_row._changeRow(r, variable_size); l = hide_row._adjust_left; w = hide_row._adjust_width; h = grid._getRowSize(r); t = this._getBodyRowTopPos(r); hide_row.move(l, t, w, h); if (variable_size) { hide_row._resetCellsSize(grid._curFormat); } } } else { target_rowidx = firstrow._rowidx - 1; for (var i = 0; i < hide_len; i++) { hide_row = hide_rows[i]; r = target_rowidx--; if (r < first_rowidx) { break; } hide_row._changeRow(r, variable_size); l = hide_row._adjust_left; w = hide_row._adjust_width; h = grid._getRowSize(r); t = this._getBodyRowTopPos(r); hide_row.move(l, t, w, h); if (variable_size) { hide_row._resetCellsSize(grid._curFormat); } } rows.sort(function (a, b) { return a._rowidx - b._rowidx; }); } if (rows.length > 0) { grid._begrowpos = rows[0]._rowidx; grid._endrowpos = rows[rows.length - 1]._rowidx; } } } else { if (is_updatecontents) { var prev_rowidx = null; grid._toprowpos = grid._getScreenTopRowPos(); grid._bottomrowpos = grid._getScreenBottomRowPos(); target_rowidx = grid._toprowpos[0]; hide_len = rows.length; hide_rows = rows; for (var i = 0; i < hide_len; i++) { hide_row = hide_rows[i]; r = target_rowidx++; if (r >= grid.rowcount) { if (prev_rowidx == null) { prev_rowidx = grid._toprowpos[0] - 1; } r = prev_rowidx--; if (r < 0) { break; } } hide_row._changeRow(r, variable_size); l = hide_row._adjust_left; w = hide_row._adjust_width; h = grid._getRowSize(r); t = this._getBodyRowTopPos(r); if (h < 0) { continue; } hide_row.move(l, t, w, h); if (variable_size) { hide_row._resetCellsSize(grid._curFormat); } } if (rows.length > 0) { if (prev_rowidx != null) { rows.sort(function (a, b) { return a._rowidx - b._rowidx; }); } grid._begrowpos = rows[0]._rowidx; grid._endrowpos = rows[rows.length - 1]._rowidx; } } } return hide_rows; }; delete _pGridMatrixManager; nexacro.GridBand = function (id, left, top, width, height, parent, refobj) { nexacro.Component.call(this, id, "absolute", left, top, width, height, null, null, parent); this._is_subcontrol = true; this._isBody = (id == "body"); this._refobj = refobj; this._grid = parent; this._rowsizesperdatarow = null; this._datarowsheight = -1; this._colinfos = null; this._rowinfos = null; this._cellsinfo = null; this._update_rows = []; this._create_rows = []; this._text_elem = null; if (refobj) { refobj.bandctrl = this; refobj._changeStyleTarget(this); this.style = refobj.style; this._styles = refobj._styles; } else { this.style = new nexacro.GridBand_Style(this); } this._matrix = new nexacro.GridMatrixManager(this._grid, this); this._scrollWidth = 0; this._scrollHeight = 0; this._recreating = false; this._accessibility_role = "none"; }; var _pGridBand = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Component, nexacro.GridBand); nexacro.GridBand.prototype = _pGridBand; nexacro._setForControlStyleFinder(_pGridBand); _pGridBand._type_name = "GridBand"; nexacro.GridBand._default_accessibility = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj("accessibility", "none disable all '' '' ''"); _pGridBand.on_create_custom_style = function () { return null; }; _pGridBand.on_create_custom_currentStyle = function () { return new nexacro.GridBand_CurrentStyle(); }; _pGridBand.on_update_style_opacity = function () { }; _pGridBand.on_update_style_shadow = function () { }; _pGridBand.on_update_style_cursor = function () { }; _pGridBand.on_update_style_color = function () { }; _pGridBand.on_update_style_align = function () { }; _pGridBand.on_update_style_margin = function () { }; _pGridBand.on_update_style_glow = function () { }; _pGridBand.on_update_style_blur = function () { }; _pGridBand.on_update_style_selectborder = function () { this._grid._curFormat._clearCellStyleCache(this.id); this._refresh_contents(true); }; _pGridBand.on_update_style_cellline = function () { this._grid._curFormat._clearCellStyleCache(this.id); this._refresh_contents(true); }; _pGridBand.on_update_style_celllinetype = function () { this._grid._curFormat._clearCellStyleCache(this.id); this._refresh_contents(true); }; _pGridBand.on_update_style_selectcolor = function () { this._grid._curFormat._clearCellStyleCache(this.id); this._refresh_contents(true); }; _pGridBand.on_update_style_selectline = function () { this._grid._curFormat._clearCellStyleCache(this.id); this._refresh_contents(true); }; _pGridBand.on_update_style_selectlinetype = function () { this._grid._curFormat._clearCellStyleCache(this.id); this._refresh_contents(true); }; _pGridBand.on_update_style_border = function () { this._grid._curFormat._clearCellStyleCache(this.id); this._refresh_contents(true); }; _pGridBand.on_update_style_cellbackground = function () { this._grid._curFormat._clearCellStyleCache(this.id); this._refresh_contents(true); }; _pGridBand.on_update_style_cellbackground2 = function () { this._grid._curFormat._clearCellStyleCache(this.id); this._refresh_contents(true); }; _pGridBand.on_update_style_cellcolor = function () { this._grid._curFormat._clearCellStyleCache(this.id); this._refresh_contents(true); }; _pGridBand.on_update_style_cellcolor2 = function () { this._grid._curFormat._clearCellStyleCache(this.id); this._refresh_contents(true); }; _pGridBand.on_update_style_selectbackground = function () { this._grid._curFormat._clearCellStyleCache(this.id); this._refresh_contents(true); }; _pGridBand.on_update_style_background = function () { this._grid._curFormat._clearCellStyleCache(this.id); this._refresh_contents(true); }; _pGridBand.on_update_style_cellfont = function () { this._grid._curFormat._clearCellStyleCache(this.id); this._refresh_contents(true); }; _pGridBand.on_update_style_cellletterspace = function () { this._grid._curFormat._clearCellStyleCache(this.id); this._refresh_contents(true); }; _pGridBand.on_update_style_selectfont = function () { this._grid._curFormat._clearCellStyleCache(this.id); this._refresh_contents(true); }; _pGridBand.on_update_style_font = function () { this._grid._curFormat._clearCellStyleCache(this.id); this._refresh_contents(true); }; _pGridBand.on_update_style_cellgradation = function () { this._grid._curFormat._clearCellStyleCache(this.id); this._refresh_contents(true); }; _pGridBand.on_update_style_cellgradation2 = function () { this._grid._curFormat._clearCellStyleCache(this.id); this._refresh_contents(true); }; _pGridBand.on_update_style_selectgradation = function () { this._grid._curFormat._clearCellStyleCache(this.id); this._refresh_contents(true); }; _pGridBand.on_update_style_gradation = function () { this._grid._curFormat._clearCellStyleCache(this.id); this._refresh_contents(true); }; _pGridBand.on_update_style_cellalign = function () { this._grid._curFormat._clearCellStyleCache(this.id); this._refresh_contents(true); }; _pGridBand.on_update_style_cellpadding = function () { this._grid._curFormat._clearCellStyleCache(this.id); this._refresh_contents(true); }; _pGridBand.on_update_style_padding = function () { this._grid._curFormat._clearCellStyleCache(this.id); this._updateClientSize(this.getElement()); }; _pGridBand.on_find_CurrentStyle_background = function (pseudo) { if (!pseudo) { pseudo = "normal"; } var obj = null; if (this._refobj) { obj = this._refobj._query_pseudo_background(pseudo); } var rowcount = this._grid._getGridRowCount(); if (this._isBody && rowcount == 0) { var imgurl = this.parent.nodataimage; if (imgurl.length) { var color = "transparent"; if (obj) { color = obj.color; } obj = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj("background", color + " " + imgurl + " center middle"); } } return obj; }; _pGridBand.on_find_CurrentStyle_gradation = function (pseudo) { if (this._refobj) { return this._refobj._query_pseudo_gradation(pseudo); } return null; }; _pGridBand.on_find_CurrentStyle_padding = function (pseudo) { return null; }; _pGridBand.on_find_CurrentStyle_font = function (pseudo) { return null; }; _pGridBand.on_find_CurrentStyle_cursor = function (pseudo) { var grid = this._grid; if (grid._global_cursor) { return grid._global_cursor; } return null; }; _pGridBand.on_find_CurrentStyle_shadow = function (pseudo) { return null; }; _pGridBand.on_find_CurrentStyle_opacity = function (pseudo) { return null; }; _pGridBand.on_find_CurrentStyle_align = function (pseudo) { return null; }; _pGridBand.on_find_CurrentStyle_color = function (pseudo) { return null; }; _pGridBand.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility = function (pseudo) { var accessibility = this._find_pseudo_obj("accessibility", pseudo, "accessibility"); if (nexacro._accessibilitytype == 5 && this._grid.nodatatext) { return nexacro.Component._default_accessibility; } else if (nexacro._accessibilitytype == 4) { return nexacro.GridBand._default_accessibility; } else { return accessibility ? accessibility : nexacro.GridBand._default_accessibility; } }; _pGridBand._find_pseudo_obj = function (styleProp, pseudo, returnType, celltype) { var obj; var bandtype = this.id; if (celltype) { bandtype = celltype; } if (bandtype == "summ" || bandtype == "summary") { obj = this._grid._find_bandcomp_pseudo_obj("summ", styleProp, pseudo, returnType); if (!obj) { obj = this._grid._find_bandcomp_pseudo_obj("head", styleProp, pseudo, returnType); } } else if (bandtype == "head") { obj = this._grid._find_bandcomp_pseudo_obj("head", styleProp, pseudo, returnType); } else { obj = this._grid._find_bandcomp_pseudo_obj("body", styleProp, pseudo, returnType); } return obj; }; _pGridBand.on_find_CurrentStyle_rtlimagemirroring = function (pseudo) { return; }; _pGridBand.on_create_contents = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); var format = this._grid._curFormat; if (control_elem && format) { this._recreate_contents(); if (this._isBody) { var curstyle = this.currentstyle; var text_elem = this._text_elem = new nexacro.TextBoxElement(control_elem); text_elem.setElementSize(this._client_width, this._client_height); text_elem.setElementVisible(false); text_elem.setElementAlignXY("center", "middle"); text_elem.setElementFont(curstyle.font); text_elem.setElementLetterSpace(curstyle.letterspace); text_elem.setElementColor(curstyle.color); text_elem.setElementWordWrap("char"); if (this._get_rows().length == 0) { var text = this.parent.nodatatext; text_elem.setElementText(text); } } } }; _pGridBand.on_created_contents = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); var format = this._grid._curFormat; if (control_elem && format) { var text_elem = this._text_elem; if (text_elem) { text_elem.create(); } this._on_refresh_rows(); var grid = this._grid; var _hpos = grid._getScrollLeft(); var _vpos = grid._getScrollTop(); if (_hpos > 0) { this._matrix._adjustColsDisplay(); grid._absolutelyResetScrollPos(true); grid._control_element.setElementHScrollPos(_hpos); grid._absolutelyResetScrollPos(false); } if (_vpos > 0) { grid._absolutelyResetScrollPos(true); grid._control_element.setElementVScrollPos(_vpos); grid._absolutelyResetScrollPos(false); } if (nexacro._enableaccessibility && !grid._accept_focus) { var accessibility = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility(this._pseudo); if (accessibility && accessibility.enable) { grid._accept_focus = true; } } } }; _pGridBand._delete_style = function () { this.style = null; this._styles = null; }; _pGridBand.on_destroy_contents = function () { if (this._text_elem) { this._text_elem.destroy(); this._text_elem = null; } if (this._refobj) { this._refobj.bandctrl = null; this._refobj = null; } this._rows = null; this._grid = null; this._matrix.destroy(); this._matrix = null; this._colinfos = null; this._rowinfos = null; this._cellsinfo = null; this._update_rows = null; this._create_rows = null; this._rowsizesperdatarow = null; }; _pGridBand.on_change_containerRect = function (width, height) { if (this._recreating) { return; } if (this._text_elem) { var rect = this._grid._getAvailableRect(this); this._text_elem.setElementPosition(rect.left, rect.top); this._text_elem.setElementSize(rect.width, rect.height); } var grid = this._grid; if (grid._no_update_bandrect) { return; } if (grid._is_changingRect) { if (grid._colautofit) { grid._applyAutofittype(true); if (grid.autosizingtype == "row" || grid.autosizingtype == "both") { if (grid._is_body_wordwrap || grid._is_head_wordwrap || grid._is_summ_wordwrap) { grid._resetRowSizeList(); grid._resetColSizeList(); } } } } var bRtl = this._isRtl(); if (this._isBody) { var _vpos = grid._getScrollTop(); if (_vpos < 0) { _vpos = 0; } grid._last_scroll_top = _vpos; grid._toprowpos = grid._getScreenTopRowPos(_vpos); grid._bottomrowpos = grid._getScreenBottomRowPos(_vpos); if (this._control_element._getExtendContainerCount() > 0) { grid._recreate_contents_all(false, false, false, true); } else { this._matrix._adjustRowsDisplay(true); this._matrix._adjustColsDisplay(bRtl); this._update_rows = this._matrix._adjustScrollRows(_vpos, true); } } else { this._matrix._adjustRowsDisplay(true); this._matrix._adjustColsDisplay(bRtl); } this._on_refresh_rows(); }; _pGridBand.on_create_control_element = function (parent_elem) { var control_elem = new nexacro.GridBandControlElement(parent_elem, this.id); control_elem.setLinkedControl(this); this._control_element = control_elem; return control_elem; }; _pGridBand.on_apply_custom_setfocus = function (evt_name, self_flag) { if (self_flag || nexacro._enableaccessibility) { nexacro.Component.prototype.on_apply_custom_setfocus.call(this, evt_name); } if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { this._grid._currentBand = this.id; if (this.id == "head") { this._grid._currentDSrow = -1; } else if (this.id == "summ") { this._grid._currentDSrow = -2; } else { this._grid._currentDSrow = 0; } } }; _pGridBand.on_get_style_accessibility_label = function () { return this.id; }; _pGridBand._setAccessibilityStatFocus = function (evt_name) { var accessibility = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility(this._pseudo); var label = this._getAccessibilityLabel(accessibility); if (this._isBody && this._grid.rowcount <= 0) { label += (this._grid.nodatatext) ? this._grid.nodatatext : ""; this._setAccessibilityLabel(label); } nexacro.Component.prototype._setAccessibilityStatFocus.call(this, evt_name); }; _pGridBand._setAccessibilityNotifyEvent = function (direction) { if (this._isBody && this._grid.rowcount <= 0 && this._grid.nodatatext) { var label = this._grid.nodatatext; this._setAccessibilityLabel(label); return nexacro.Component.prototype._setAccessibilityNotifyEvent.call(this, direction); } }; _pGridBand.on_apply_prop_class = function () { var format = this._grid._curFormat; if (format) { format._clearCellStyleCache(this.id); } nexacro.Component.prototype.on_apply_prop_class.call(this); this._refresh_contents(true); }; _pGridBand.on_apply_wordwrap = function () { this._refresh_contents(); }; _pGridBand.on_apply_prop_tooltip = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); this.tooltiptext = this._refobj._getTooltipText(); if (control_elem) { if (this.tooltiptext != "") { control_elem.setElementToolTip(this.tooltiptext); } } }; _pGridBand.on_apply_text = function () { if (this._text_elem) { if (this._isBody && this._get_rows().length == 0) { var text = this.parent.nodatatext; var font = this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_font(); var color = this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_color(); var letterspace = this.parent.on_find_CurrentStyle_letterspace(); this._text_elem.setElementVisible(text ? true : false); this._text_elem.setElementText(text); this._text_elem.setElementFont(font); this._text_elem.setElementLetterSpace(letterspace); this._text_elem.setElementColor(color); } else { this._text_elem.setElementVisible(false); } } }; _pGridBand.on_apply_prop_rtldirection = function () { nexacro.Component.prototype.on_apply_prop_rtldirection.call(this); var rows = this._matrix._rows; var _rtldirection = this._rtldirection; if (rows) { for (var i = 0, n = rows.length; i < n; i++) { rows[i]._setRtlDirection(_rtldirection); } } }; _pGridBand.on_fire_onclick = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (this.parent.onnodataareaclick && this.parent.onnodataareaclick._has_handlers) { return this.parent.on_fire_onnodataareaclick(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp.parent, from_refer_comp); } return false; }; _pGridBand.on_fire_ondblclick = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (this.parent.onnodataareadblclick && this.parent.onnodataareadblclick._has_handlers) { return this.parent.on_fire_onnodataareadblclick(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp.parent, from_refer_comp); } return false; }; _pGridBand._on_refresh_rows = function (scrolling, no_update_supp) { if (this._control_element._handle) { var grid = this._grid; var update_rows = this._update_rows; var create_rows = this._create_rows; var control_elem = this._control_element; this._on_refresh_rows_physical(update_rows, create_rows, scrolling, no_update_supp); this._update_rows = []; this._create_rows = []; this.on_apply_text(); grid._applyResizer(); grid._adjustOverlayElements(false, grid._is_use_fakemerge); } }; _pGridBand._on_refresh_rows_physical = function (update_rows, create_rows, scrolling, no_update_supp) { var update_rows_len = update_rows.length; var create_rows_len = create_rows.length; if (this._isBody) { var grid = this._grid; if (grid._is_created == true) { var rows = this._get_rows(); var rows_len = rows.length; if (!no_update_supp) { grid._suppressUpdate(); } for (var i = 0; i < create_rows_len; i++) { var create_row = create_rows[i]; if (create_row._is_alive) { create_row._updateAll(); } } var onlycontents = false; if (rows_len != update_rows_len) { onlycontents = (!grid._isUseBindExprOuterStyle("body") && !grid._is_variable_bodyrowsize && !grid._is_use_fakemerge); } for (var i = 0; i < update_rows_len; i++) { if (update_rows[i]._is_alive) { update_rows[i]._updateAll(undefined, undefined, onlycontents); } } if (grid._is_use_suppress) { var cells = grid._curFormat._bodycells, cells_cnt = cells.length; var rowidx, datarow; for (var j = 0; j < rows_len; j++) { rowidx = rows[j]._rowidx; datarow = (grid._hasTree) ? grid._treeIndexes[rowidx] : rowidx; for (var i = 0; i < cells_cnt; i++) { if (cells[i].suppress != 0) { this._refreshRowCell(j, i, grid._isSelectedCell(i, datarow)); } } } } } } else { for (var i = 0; i < create_rows_len; i++) { create_rows[i]._updateAll(); } for (var i = 0; i < update_rows_len; i++) { update_rows[i]._updateAll(); } } for (var i = 0; i < create_rows_len; i++) { create_rows[i].on_created(); } }; _pGridBand._on_last_lbuttonup = function () { this.parent._on_last_lbuttonup(); }; _pGridBand._on_last_keyup = function () { this.parent._on_last_keyup(); }; _pGridBand._refreshRowCell = function (displayrow, cellidx, selected, pseudo, onlycontents) { var rows = this._get_rows(); var cells = rows[displayrow]._cells; var grid = this._grid; var cell = cells[cellidx]; if (!cell) { return; } cell.selected = selected; var subcells = cell.subcells; var subcellsLen = subcells.length; for (var i = 0; i < subcellsLen; i++) { subcells[i].selected = selected; } cell._updateAll(pseudo, onlycontents); }; _pGridBand._refreshRow = function (displayrow, pseudo, for_select) { var rows = this._get_rows(); var row = rows[displayrow]; row._updateAll(pseudo, false, undefined, for_select); }; _pGridBand._refreshCelltype = function (celltype, clearCurstyle) { var format = this.parent._curFormat; function checktype (cells, celltype) { var cells_len = cells.length; for (var i = 0; i < cells_len; i++) { if (cells[i].celltype == celltype) { return true; } } return false; } ; if (celltype == "head") { if (format._bodycells) { if (checktype(format._bodycells, celltype)) { if (clearCurstyle) { this._grid._curFormat._clearCellStyleCache("body"); } this.parent._refreshBody(clearCurstyle); } } if (format._summcells) { if (checktype(format._summcells, celltype)) { if (clearCurstyle) { this._grid._curFormat._clearCellStyleCache("summ"); } this.parent._refreshSumm(clearCurstyle); } } } else if (celltype == "summary") { if (format._bodycells) { if (checktype(format._bodycells, celltype)) { if (clearCurstyle) { this._grid._curFormat._clearCellStyleCache("body"); } this.parent._refreshBody(clearCurstyle); } } if (format._headcells) { if (checktype(format._headcells, celltype)) { if (clearCurstyle) { this._grid._curFormat._clearCellStyleCache("head"); } this.parent._refreshHead(clearCurstyle); } } } else { if (format._summcells) { if (checktype(format._summcells, celltype)) { if (clearCurstyle) { this._grid._curFormat._clearCellStyleCache("summ"); } this.parent._refreshSumm(clearCurstyle); } } if (format._headcells) { if (checktype(format._headcells, celltype)) { if (clearCurstyle) { this._grid._curFormat._clearCellStyleCache("head"); } this.parent._refreshHead(clearCurstyle); } } } }; _pGridBand._refresh_contents = function (clearCurstyle) { if (clearCurstyle) { var rows = this._get_rows(); var rowsLen = rows.length; var cells, cellsLen, cell; for (var i = 0; i < rowsLen; i++) { cells = rows[i]._cells; cellsLen = cells.length; for (var j = 0; j < cellsLen; j++) { cell = cells[j]; cell.currentstyle._empty(); } } } if (this.id == "head") { this.parent._refreshHead(clearCurstyle); this._refreshCelltype("head", clearCurstyle); } else if (this.id == "summ") { this.parent._refreshSumm(clearCurstyle); this._refreshCelltype("summary", clearCurstyle); } else { this.parent._refreshBody(clearCurstyle); this._refreshCelltype("body", clearCurstyle); } }; _pGridBand._isEnable = function () { if (this._grid) { return this._grid._isEnable(); } return true; }; _pGridBand._get_cols = function (format) { var cols = format._cols, cols_len = cols.length, col, left_cols = [], right_cols = [], body_cols = []; for (var i = 0; i < cols_len; i++) { col = cols[i]; if (col._area == "left") { left_cols.push(col.size); } else if (col._area == "right") { right_cols.push(col.size); } else { body_cols.push(col.size); } } this._colinfos = cols; return [body_cols, left_cols, right_cols]; }; _pGridBand._recreate_contents = function (recreate_colarea, init_scroll, scrolling, no_hide_edit, no_update_supp) { var grid = this._grid, format = grid._curFormat, rows; this._matrix._init(); if (!format) { return; } this._create_rows = []; this._update_rows = []; this._rowsizesperdatarow = []; this._recreating = true; if (this.id == "head") { rows = format._headrows; this._datarowsheight = format.headHeight; } else if (this.id == "summ") { rows = format._summrows; this._datarowsheight = format.summHeight; } else { rows = format._bodyrows; grid._rowheight = this._datarowsheight = format._body_height; } var rows_len = rows ? rows.length : 0, row; for (var i = 0; i < rows_len; i++) { this._rowsizesperdatarow.push(rows[i].size); } var hpos = (grid.hscrollbar) ? grid.hscrollbar.pos : 0, vpos = (grid.vscrollbar) ? grid.vscrollbar.pos : 0, _vpos = (grid.vscrollbar) ? grid.vscrollbar._pos : 0, scrollwidth = format.bodyWidth, scrollheight = 0; if (this._isBody) { this._control_element._setFixArea(grid._fixed_height); this._client_height = this._control_element.client_height; if (!scrolling && !no_hide_edit) { grid._hideEditor(); } var rowcnt = grid._getGridRowCount(); var rowSizes = grid._rowSizeList, datarow, band_scroll_sizes = [], band_sizes_cnt = 1, band_scroll_max = 1500000; for (var i = 0; i < rowcnt; i++) { datarow = grid._getDataRow(i); scrollheight += rowSizes[datarow]; if (scrollheight - grid._fixedrow_height >= band_scroll_max * band_sizes_cnt) { band_scroll_sizes.push(scrollheight - rowSizes[datarow]); band_sizes_cnt++; } } scrollheight -= grid._fixedrow_height; band_scroll_sizes.push(scrollheight); this._scrollHeight = scrollheight; this._scrollWidth = scrollwidth; var flag = grid._no_update_bandrect; grid._no_update_bandrect = true; grid._setScrollMaxSize(this._scrollWidth, this._scrollHeight, band_scroll_sizes); this._control_element._resetExtendContainer(); grid._no_update_bandrect = flag; var vlimit = grid._control_element.vscroll_limit; if (_vpos < 0) { _vpos = 0; } else if (_vpos > vlimit) { _vpos = vlimit; } grid._toprowpos = grid._getScreenTopRowPos(_vpos); grid._bottomrowpos = grid._getScreenBottomRowPos(_vpos); if (_vpos == 0) { this._matrix._adjustRowsDisplay(); this._matrix._async_create_page(); } else { this._matrix._adjustRowsDisplay(); } if (!grid._headBand && !grid._summBand) { grid._setScrollMaxSize(this._scrollWidth, this._scrollHeight, band_scroll_sizes); } if (grid._is_created && !grid._autofiting) { this._on_refresh_rows(false, no_update_supp); grid._applyAutofittype(true); } } else { this._scrollWidth = scrollwidth; this._matrix._adjustRowsDisplay(); grid._setScrollMaxSize(this._scrollWidth); if (grid._is_created && !grid._autofiting) { this._on_refresh_rows(false, no_update_supp); } } var lastfocus = grid._find_lastFocused(); if (lastfocus == grid) { grid._control_element.setElementFocus(); } var hlimit = grid._control_element.hscroll_limit; if (hpos < 0) { hpos = 0; } else if (hpos > hlimit) { hpos = hlimit; } if (this._isBody) { if (hpos > 0) { if (init_scroll) { grid.hscrollbar.set_pos(0); grid._control_element.setElementHScrollPos(0); } else { if (grid._control_element._target_hscroll_elements) { this._matrix._adjustColsDisplay(); grid._absolutelyResetScrollPos(true); grid._control_element.setElementHScrollPos(hpos); grid._absolutelyResetScrollPos(false); } } } if (_vpos > 0) { if (init_scroll) { grid.vscrollbar.set_pos(0); this._control_element.setElementVScrollPos(0); this._is_over_scroll = 0; } else { grid._absolutelyResetScrollPos(true); grid._control_element.setElementVScrollPos(_vpos); grid._absolutelyResetScrollPos(false); } } } else { if (hpos > 0) { if (init_scroll) { grid.hscrollbar.set_pos(0); grid._control_element.setElementHScrollPos(0); } else { this._matrix._adjustColsDisplay(); grid._absolutelyResetScrollPos(true); grid._control_element.setElementHScrollPos(hpos); grid._absolutelyResetScrollPos(false); } } } this._recreating = false; }; _pGridBand._get_rows = function () { return this._matrix._getAllRows(); }; _pGridBand._get_row = function (dataRowIdx) { if (!this._is_created) { return null; } var rows = this._get_rows(); var rows_len = (rows) ? rows.length : 0; var cells; var grid = this._grid; var datarow; for (var i = 0; i < rows_len; i++) { datarow = grid._getDataRow(rows[i]._rowidx); if (dataRowIdx == datarow) { return rows[i]; } } return null; }; _pGridBand._updateAll = function (clearCurstyle) { if (this.getElement()) { if (clearCurstyle) { this.currentstyle._empty(); this._control_pseudo = ""; this._contents_pseudo = ""; } this.on_apply_pseudo(this._pseudo); } }; delete _pGridBand; nexacro.GridScrollBarCtrl = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.ScrollBarCtrl.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); this._grid = parent; }; var _pGridScrollBarCtrl = nexacro.GridScrollBarCtrl.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.ScrollBarCtrl, nexacro.GridScrollBarCtrl); nexacro._setForTypedControlStyleFinder(_pGridScrollBarCtrl); _pGridScrollBarCtrl._type_name = "GridScrollBarControl"; _pGridScrollBarCtrl.on_destroy_contents = function () { nexacro.ScrollBarCtrl.prototype.on_destroy_contents.call(this); this._grid = null; }; _pGridScrollBarCtrl._set_rowpos = function (v, evt_kind) { var grid = this._grid; v -= grid._getFixRowCnt(); if (grid._scrollpixel == "all") { v = this._scroll_convert_pixel(v, true); } this._no_set_scrollinfo = true; this._setPos(v, evt_kind); this._no_set_scrollinfo = false; }; _pGridScrollBarCtrl._set_pixelpos = function (v, evt_kind) { var str = "none"; if (evt_kind == "mousewheel") { str = this._getScrollInfo(v); } if (v < this._min) { v = this._min; } if (v > this._max) { v = this._max; } this._no_set_scrollinfo = true; if (this._pos != v) { this.pos = this._scroll_reverse_convert(v)[0]; this._pos = v; var rc = this._rectShaft; this._resetTrackBar(rc.left, rc.top, rc.right, rc.bottom); } this.on_fire_onscroll(this.pos, str); this._no_set_scrollinfo = false; }; _pGridScrollBarCtrl._scroll_convert_pixel = function (v, is_notcheck) { var grid = this._grid; var bodyband = grid._bodyBand; if (grid._scrollpixel != "all" || is_notcheck) { if (this.direction == "vert") { if (bodyband) { var srowidx = grid._getFixRowCnt(); var rowidx = v + srowidx; if (grid._is_variable_bodyrowsize) { var height = 0, row; for (var i = srowidx; i < rowidx; i++) { row = grid._getDataRow(i); height += grid._rowSizeList[row]; } v = height; } else { v = (rowidx - srowidx) * bodyband._datarowsheight; } } } } return v; }; _pGridScrollBarCtrl._scroll_reverse_convert = function (v, is_notcheck, is_max) { var grid = this._grid; var bodyband = grid._bodyBand; var renew = v; if (grid._scrollpixel != "all" || is_notcheck) { if (this.direction == "vert") { if (bodyband) { if (grid._is_variable_bodyrowsize) { var srowidx = grid._getFixRowCnt(); var rowcnt = grid._getGridRowCount(); var height = 0, row = 0; if (is_max) { for (var i = srowidx; i < rowcnt; i++) { row = grid._getDataRow(i); if (v <= height) { row = i; renew = height; break; } height += grid._rowSizeList[row]; } } else { for (var i = srowidx; i < rowcnt; i++) { row = grid._getDataRow(i); if (v < height) { row = i - 1; if (grid._rowSizeList[row] > bodyband._client_height) { if (height - v < bodyband._client_height) { renew = height - bodyband._client_height; } } else { renew = height - grid._rowSizeList[row]; } break; } height += grid._rowSizeList[row]; } } v = row; v -= srowidx; } else { var height = 0, row = 0; if (is_max) { if (v > 0) { row = Math.ceil(v / bodyband._datarowsheight); } renew = row * bodyband._datarowsheight; } else { if (v > 0) { row = Math.floor(v / bodyband._datarowsheight); } height = bodyband._datarowsheight * (row + 1); if (bodyband._datarowsheight > bodyband._client_height) { if (height - v < bodyband._client_height) { renew = height - bodyband._client_height; } } else { renew = row * bodyband._datarowsheight; } } v = row; } } } } return [v, renew]; }; _pGridScrollBarCtrl.on_incbutton_lbuttondown = function (obj) { this._no_set_scrollinfo = true; nexacro.ScrollBarCtrl.prototype.on_incbutton_lbuttondown.call(this, obj); this._no_set_scrollinfo = false; }; _pGridScrollBarCtrl.on_decbutton_lbuttondown = function (obj) { this._no_set_scrollinfo = true; nexacro.ScrollBarCtrl.prototype.on_decbutton_lbuttondown.call(this, obj); this._no_set_scrollinfo = false; }; _pGridScrollBarCtrl._getIncNewPosPixel = function () { var grid = this._grid; var nNew, pos; if (this.direction == "vert") { if (grid._scrollpixel != "all") { pos = this.pos; } else { pos = this._scroll_reverse_convert(this.pos, true)[0]; } nNew = this._scroll_convert_pixel(pos + 1, true); } return nNew; }; _pGridScrollBarCtrl._getDecNewPosPixel = function () { var grid = this._grid; var nNew, pos; if (this.direction == "vert") { if (grid._scrollpixel != "all") { pos = this.pos; } else { pos = this._scroll_reverse_convert(this.pos, true)[0]; } nNew = this._scroll_convert_pixel(pos - 1, true); } return nNew; }; _pGridScrollBarCtrl._setScrollPos = function (si_pos) { nexacro.ScrollBarCtrl.prototype._setScrollPos.call(this, si_pos); var grid = this._grid; if (grid._scrollpixel != "all") { grid._is_over_scroll = 0; if (this._pos > this._orgmax) { grid._is_over_scroll = this._pos - this._orgmax; } } }; delete _pGridScrollBarCtrl; nexacro.Grid = function (id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent) { nexacro.Component.call(this, id, position, left, top, width, height, right, bottom, parent); this._event_list = { "onclick" : 1, "ondblclick" : 1, "onkillfocus" : 1, "onsetfocus" : 1, "onkeypress" : 1, "onkeydown" : 1, "onkeyup" : 1, "onlbuttondown" : 1, "onlbuttonup" : 1, "onrbuttondown" : 1, "onrbuttonup" : 1, "onmousedown" : 1, "onmouseup" : 1, "onmouseenter" : 1, "onmouseleave" : 1, "onmousemove" : 1, "onmousewheel" : 1, "ondrag" : 1, "ondragenter" : 1, "ondragleave" : 1, "ondragmove" : 1, "ondrop" : 1, "onmove" : 1, "onsize" : 1, "ongesture" : 1, "onvscrolllastover" : 1, "onvscroll" : 1, "onhscroll" : 1, "onvtracklast" : 1, "oncellclick" : 1, "onheadclick" : 1, "onsummclick" : 1, "oncelldblclick" : 1, "onheaddblclick" : 1, "onsummdblclick" : 1, "onnodataareaclick" : 1, "onnodataareadblclick" : 1, "onselectchanged" : 1, "onselectchanged" : 1, "onformatchanged" : 1, "onenteredit" : 1, "onenterdown" : 1, "cantreestatuschange" : 1, "ontreestatuschanged" : 1, "onsubselectchanged" : 1, "onsubselectchanged" : 1, "oncolresizing" : 1, "onrowresizing" : 1, "ondropdown" : 1, "oncloseup" : 1, "onitemchanged" : 1, "onexpanddown" : 1, "onexpandup" : 1, "onchar" : 1, "ontextchange" : 1, "ontextchanged" : 1, "oncolresized" : 1, "onrowresized" : 1, "ontouchstart" : 1, "ontouchmove" : 1, "ontouchend" : 1, "onflingstart" : 1, "onfling" : 1, "onflingend" : 1, "onpinchstart" : 1, "onpinch" : 1, "onpinchend" : 1, "onlongpress" : 1, "onslidestart" : 1, "onslide" : 1, "onslideend" : 1 }; this._is_scrollable = true; this._formats = { }; this._curFormat = null; this._headBand = null; this._summBand = null; this._bodyBand = null; this._exprcache = { }; this._selectstartrow = []; this._selectstartcol = []; this._selectstartsubrow = []; this._selectstartpvt = []; this._selectendrow = []; this._selectendcol = []; this._selectendsubrow = []; this._selectendpvt = []; this._resizerCols = []; this._resizerRows = []; this._imgsize_cache = { }; this._rowSizeListSub = []; this._rowSizeList = []; this._rowHeadListSub = []; this._rowHeadList = []; this._rowSummListSub = []; this._rowSummList = []; this._begrowpos = 0; this._endrowpos = 0; this._toprowpos = [0, 0]; this._bottomrowpos = -1; this._selectinfo = { rows : [], selects : [], ctrlpoint : { "cell" : -1, "col" : -1, "subrow" : -1, "row" : -9, "colspan" : -1, "rowspan" : -1, "_init" : function () { this.cell = -1; this.col = -1; this.subrow = -1; this.row = -9; this.colspan = -1; this.rowspan = -1; this.subrowslen = 0; this.area = ""; }, "_set" : function (cellinfo, row, subrowslen) { this.cell = cellinfo._cellidx; this.col = cellinfo._col; this.subrow = cellinfo._row; this.row = row; this.colspan = cellinfo._colspan; this.rowspan = cellinfo._rowspan; this.subrowslen = subrowslen; this.area = cellinfo._area; } }, area : [], "curcell" : -1, "curcol" : -1, "curpvt" : -9, "cursubrow" : -1, "curdsrow" : -1, "currow" : -9, "getSelectCells" : function (row) { return this.selects[row + 2]; }, arearect : { left : 0, top : 0, width : 0, height : 0, barea : "", earea : "" } }; this._text_elem = null; this._is_use_suppress = false; this._is_head_wordwrap = false; this._is_body_wordwrap = false; this._is_summ_wordwrap = false; this._recreate_contents_proc = []; this._keydown_elem = null; this._tree_load_all = null; this._image_load_all = null; this._is_editor_keyaction = true; this._focus_proc = null; this._after_recreate_contents_all = null; this._after_recreate = false; this._is_async_recreate = false; this._is_after_recreate = false; this._accessibility_role = "grid"; this._accept_arrow = false; this._accept_focus = false; this._first_focus = false; this._is_first_bodycell = false; this._is_band_focus = false; this._beforegridrowpos = -1; this._beforegridcolpos = -1; this.accessibilityreadbandlabel = true; this.controlbutton = new nexacro.GridControlButton("controlbutton", 0, 0, 0, 0, this, false, true); this.controlcalendar = new nexacro.GridControlCalendar("controlcalendar", 0, 0, 0, 0, this, false, true); this.controlcheckbox = new nexacro.GridControlCheckbox("controlcheckbox", 0, 0, 0, 0, this, true); this.controlcombo = new nexacro.GridControlCombo("controlcombo", 0, 0, 0, 0, this, false, true); this.controledit = new nexacro.GridControlEdit("controledit", 0, 0, 0, 0, this, false, true); this.controlmaskedit = new nexacro.GridControlMaskEdit("controlmaskedit", 0, 0, 0, 0, this, true); this.controltextarea = new nexacro.GridControlTextArea("controltextarea", 0, 0, 0, 0, this, false, true); this.controlprogressbar = new nexacro.GridControlBar("controlprogressbar", 0, 0, 0, 0, this, true); this.controlexpand = new nexacro.GridExpand(this, 0, 0, 0, 0, true); this._sizetextarea = new nexacro.TextAreaCtrl("controltextarea", "absolute", 0, -10, 0, 1, null, null, this); this._sizetextarea.set_visible(false); this._aniframe_rowscroll = null; this._aniframe_colscroll = null; this._is_use_bind_expr_prop = { body : null, head : null, summ : null }; this._is_use_bind_expr_style = { body : false, head : false, summ : false }; this._is_use_bind_expr_outerstyle = { body : false, head : false, summ : false }; this._select_ctrl = null; this._format_str = null; this._destroyeditors = []; this._track_point = { x : -1, y : -1 }; this._track_idx = -1; this._track_start_info = null; this._track_mode = ""; this._overlay_elements = []; this._func_queue = []; this._recalcXY_info = null; this._fake_mergecell_arr = []; this._enable_redraw_history = { }; this._temphead = this._tempsumm = null; this._autofitcol_rate = []; this._org_treeStates = []; this._realrowsized_body = []; this._realrowsized_head = []; this._realrowsized_summ = []; }; var _pGrid = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Component, nexacro.Grid); nexacro.Grid.prototype = _pGrid; _pGrid._type_name = "Grid"; _pGrid._rowheight = 24; _pGrid._rowcount = 0; _pGrid._rowposition = -1; _pGrid._beforeheadcellpos = -1; _pGrid._beforeheadrowpos = -1; _pGrid._beforeheadcolpos = -1; _pGrid._beforeheadsubrowpos = -1; _pGrid._beforebodycellpos = -1; _pGrid._beforebodyrowpos = -1; _pGrid._beforebodycolpos = -1; _pGrid._beforebodysubrowpos = -1; _pGrid._beforepvt = -9; _pGrid._beforesummcellpos = -1; _pGrid._beforesummrowpos = -1; _pGrid._beforesummcolpos = -1; _pGrid._beforesummsubrowpos = -1; _pGrid._multiselect = "none"; _pGrid._bodyrowheight = 0; _pGrid._mouseRowPos = -9; _pGrid._mouseovercell = null; _pGrid._mouseCellPos = -1; _pGrid._dsEventOccured = false; _pGrid._bPivotGrid = false; _pGrid._showEditorCell = false; _pGrid._showEditRowIdx = -1; _pGrid._showEditCellIdx = -1; _pGrid._dbclickPreCell = -1; _pGrid._dbclickPreCol = -1; _pGrid._dbclickPreRow = -9; _pGrid._dbclickPreSubrow = -1; _pGrid._dbclickPrePvt = -9; _pGrid._lbuttondown_proc = false; _pGrid._bDragArea = false; _pGrid._nDragRow = -1; _pGrid._nDragCell = -1; _pGrid._nDragPivot = -9; _pGrid._nDragEndRow = -1; _pGrid._nDragEndCell = -1; _pGrid._nDragEndCol = -9; _pGrid._nDragBand = -1; _pGrid._bShiftClick = false; _pGrid._selectClear = false; _pGrid._acceptstab = true; _pGrid.vscrollbar = null; _pGrid.hscrollbar = null; _pGrid.scrollbars = "autoboth"; _pGrid._scrollbars = 3; _pGrid.body = null; _pGrid.head = null; _pGrid.summ = null; _pGrid.summary = null; _pGrid.currentcell = -1; _pGrid.currentcol = -1; _pGrid.currentpivot = -9; _pGrid.currentsubrow = -1; _pGrid.currentrow = -9; _pGrid._currentDSrow = -1; _pGrid._currentBand = "body"; _pGrid.selectcount = 0; _pGrid.selectstartrow = -9; _pGrid.selectstartcol = -1; _pGrid.selectstartsubrow = -1; _pGrid.selectstartpivot = -9; _pGrid.selectendrow = -9; _pGrid.selectendcol = -1; _pGrid.selectendsubrow = -1; _pGrid.selectendpivot = -9; _pGrid.pagerowcount = 0; _pGrid._pagerowcnt = 0; _pGrid.rowcount = 0; _pGrid.pivotcount = 0; _pGrid._disprowcnt = 0; _pGrid._displaycalendarctrl = null; _pGrid.fillareatype = "none"; _pGrid._resetfillarea = false; _pGrid.scrollpixel = "default"; _pGrid._scrollpixel = (nexacro.isTouchInteraction) ? "all" : "none"; _pGrid._selectscrollmode = (nexacro.isTouchInteraction) ? "scroll" : "select"; _pGrid.dragscrolltype = "all"; _pGrid.hideendline = "none"; _pGrid.userdata = ""; _pGrid.nodataimage = ""; _pGrid.nodatatext = ""; _pGrid.summarytype = "default"; _pGrid.suppresslevel = "sameskip"; _pGrid.useselcolor = true; _pGrid.autoupdatetype = "none"; _pGrid.cellclickbound = "control"; _pGrid.cellmovingtype = "none"; _pGrid.cellsizebandtype = "body"; _pGrid.cellsizingtype = "none"; _pGrid.extendsizetype = "none"; _pGrid.readonly = false; _pGrid.selectbandtype = "default"; _pGrid.selectchangetype = "down"; _pGrid.selecttype = "row"; _pGrid.wheelscrollrow = 3; _pGrid.usecontrolkey = true; _pGrid.treeusebutton = "use"; _pGrid.treeuseline = true; _pGrid.treeusecheckbox = true; _pGrid.treeuseimage = true; _pGrid.treeuseexpandkey = false; _pGrid.treeinitstatus = "collapse,null"; _pGrid.treepathdelimiter = "."; _pGrid.useinputpanel = false; _pGrid.usesoftkeyboard = true; _pGrid._enable = true; _pGrid._changeDisplayer = false; _pGrid._autoSizeRowProc = false; _pGrid._iskey_movetocell = false; _pGrid.binddataset = ""; _pGrid._binddataset = null; _pGrid._userRowposChange = false; _pGrid._create_selection = null; _pGrid.formatid = ""; _pGrid.formats = ""; _pGrid.locale = ""; _pGrid.areaselecttype = "limitband"; _pGrid.autoenter = "none"; _pGrid.autofitbandtype = "body"; _pGrid.autofitminheight = 100; _pGrid.autofitminwidth = 100; _pGrid.autofittype = "none"; _pGrid.autosizingtype = "none"; _pGrid.autosizebandtype = "body"; _pGrid.selectscrollmode = "default"; _pGrid._colautofit = false; _pGrid._rowautofit = false; _pGrid._autofiting = false; _pGrid._bodyAutoSize = true; _pGrid._headAutoSize = false; _pGrid._summAutoSize = false; _pGrid._AutoSizeLcol = false; _pGrid._AutoSizeRcol = false; _pGrid._rowSizeEx = false; _pGrid._noInternalvscroll = false; _pGrid._is_variable_bodyrowsize = false; _pGrid._bGridCtrlLdown = false; _pGrid._locale = ""; _pGrid._currentCompositionStatus = "none"; _pGrid._currentCompositionData = ""; _pGrid._fixed_startrow = -9; _pGrid._fixed_endrow = -9; _pGrid._fixed_height = 0; _pGrid._fixedrow_height = 0; _pGrid._fixed_rowcnt = 0; _pGrid._fixed_row_scrolling = false; _pGrid._accessibility_row = -1; _pGrid._accessibility_cellidx = -1; _pGrid.on_apply_custom_pseudo = function (pseudo) { var curstyle = this.currentstyle; var font = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_font(pseudo); if (curstyle.font != font) { curstyle.font = font; this.on_apply_style_font(font); } var letterspace = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_letterspace(pseudo); if (curstyle.letterspace != letterspace) { curstyle.letterspace = letterspace; this.on_apply_style_letterspace(letterspace); } var color = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_color(pseudo); if (curstyle.color != color) { curstyle.color = color; this.on_apply_style_color(color); } var align = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_align(pseudo); if (curstyle.align != align) { curstyle.align = align; this.on_apply_style_align(align); } var linetype = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_linetype(pseudo); if (curstyle.linetype != linetype) { curstyle.linetype = linetype; this.on_apply_style_linetype(linetype); } var line = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_line(pseudo); if (curstyle.line != line) { curstyle.line = line; this.on_apply_style_line(line); } var selectline = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_selectline(pseudo); if (curstyle.selectline != selectline) { curstyle.selectline = selectline; this.on_apply_style_selectline(selectline); } var selectlinetype = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_selectlinetype(pseudo); if (curstyle.selectlinetype != selectlinetype) { curstyle.selectlinetype = selectlinetype; this.on_apply_style_selectline(selectlinetype); } var treeclosebuttonimage = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_treeclosebuttonimage(pseudo); if (curstyle.treeclosebuttonimage != treeclosebuttonimage) { curstyle.treeclosebuttonimage = treeclosebuttonimage; this.on_apply_style_treeclosebuttonimage(treeclosebuttonimage); } var treecollapseimage = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_treecollapseimage(pseudo); if (curstyle.treecollapseimage != treecollapseimage) { curstyle.treecollapseimage = treecollapseimage; this.on_apply_style_treecollapseimage(treecollapseimage); } var treeexpandimage = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_treeexpandimage(pseudo); if (curstyle.treeexpandimage != treeexpandimage) { curstyle.treeexpandimage = treeexpandimage; this.on_apply_style_treeexpandimage(treeexpandimage); } var treeitemimage = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_treeitemimage(pseudo); if (curstyle.treeitemimage != treeitemimage) { curstyle.treeitemimage = treeitemimage; this.on_apply_style_treeitemimage(treeitemimage); } var treelinetype = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_treelinetype(pseudo); if (curstyle.treelinetype != treelinetype) { curstyle.treelinetype = treelinetype; this.on_apply_style_treeitemimage(treelinetype); } var treeopenbuttonimage = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_treeopenbuttonimage(pseudo); if (curstyle.treeopenbuttonimage != treeopenbuttonimage) { curstyle.treeopenbuttonimage = treeopenbuttonimage; this.on_apply_style_treeopenbuttonimage(treeopenbuttonimage); } var rtlimagemirroring = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_rtlimagemirroring(pseudo); if (curstyle.rtlimagemirroring != rtlimagemirroring) { curstyle.rtlimagemirroring = rtlimagemirroring; this.on_apply_style_rtlimagemirroring(rtlimagemirroring); } }; _pGrid.on_create_custom_style = function () { return new nexacro.Grid_Style(this); }; _pGrid.on_create_custom_currentStyle = function () { return new nexacro.Grid_CurrentStyle(); }; _pGrid.on_find_CurrentStyle_cursor = function (pseudo) { if (this._global_cursor) { return this._global_cursor; } return nexacro.Component.prototype.on_find_CurrentStyle_cursor.call(this, pseudo); }; _pGrid.on_find_CurrentStyle_line = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("line", pseudo, "line"); }; _pGrid.on_find_CurrentStyle_selectline = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("selectline", pseudo); }; _pGrid.on_find_CurrentStyle_linetype = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("linetype", pseudo); }; _pGrid.on_find_CurrentStyle_selectlinetype = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("selectlinetype", pseudo); }; _pGrid.on_find_CurrentStyle_focusborder = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("focusborder", pseudo, "border"); }; _pGrid.on_find_CurrentStyle_treeclosebuttonimage = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("treeclosebuttonimage", pseudo); }; _pGrid.on_find_CurrentStyle_treecollapseimage = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("treecollapseimage", pseudo); }; _pGrid.on_find_CurrentStyle_treeexpandimage = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("treeexpandimage", pseudo); }; _pGrid.on_find_CurrentStyle_treeitemimage = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("treeitemimage", pseudo); }; _pGrid.on_find_CurrentStyle_treelinetype = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("treelinetype", pseudo, "line"); }; _pGrid.on_find_CurrentStyle_treeopenbuttonimage = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("treeopenbuttonimage", pseudo); }; _pGrid.on_find_CurrentStyle_selectpointimage = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("selectpointimage", pseudo); }; _pGrid.on_find_CurrentStyle_background = function (pseudo) { var rowcount = this._getGridRowCount(); var obj = nexacro.Component.prototype.on_find_CurrentStyle_background.call(this, pseudo); if (this.getElement() && rowcount == 0 && this._bodyBand == null && this._is_created) { var imgurl = this.nodataimage; if (imgurl.length) { var color = "transparent"; if (obj) { color = obj.color; } obj = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj("background", color + " " + imgurl + " center middle"); } } return obj; }; _pGrid.on_find_CurrentStyle_align = function (pseudo) { return this._find_pseudo_obj("align", pseudo, "align"); }; _pGrid.on_update_style_cursor = function () { if (this._is_created) { this._clearAllStyleCache(); } this.on_apply_style_cursor(this.currentstyle.cursor = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_cursor(this._pseudo)); this._refreshAll(); }; _pGrid.on_update_style_background = function () { if (this._is_created) { this._clearAllStyleCache(); } this.on_apply_style_background(this.currentstyle.background = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_background(this._pseudo)); }; _pGrid.on_update_style_gradation = function () { if (this._is_created) { this._clearAllStyleCache(); } this.on_apply_style_gradation(this.currentstyle.gradation = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_gradation(this._pseudo)); }; _pGrid.on_update_style_font = function () { if (this._is_created) { this._clearAllStyleCache(); } this.on_apply_style_font(this.currentstyle.font = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_font(this._pseudo)); }; _pGrid.on_update_style_letterspace = function () { if (this._is_created) { this._clearAllStyleCache(); } this.on_apply_style_letterspace(this.currentstyle.letterspace = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_letterspace(this._pseudo)); }; _pGrid.on_update_style_padding = function () { if (this._is_created) { this._clearAllStyleCache(); } var padding = this.currentstyle.padding = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_padding(this._pseudo); this._control_element.setElementPadding(padding); this._updateClientSize(this._control_element); }; _pGrid.on_update_style_align = function () { if (this._is_created) { this._clearAllStyleCache(); } this.on_apply_style_align(this.currentstyle.align = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_align(this._pseudo)); }; _pGrid.on_update_style_color = function () { if (this._is_created) { this._clearAllStyleCache(); } nexacro.Component.prototype.on_update_style_color.call(this); }; _pGrid.on_update_style_line = function () { if (this._is_created) { this._clearAllStyleCache(); } this.on_apply_style_line(this.currentstyle.line = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_line(this._pseudo)); }; _pGrid.on_update_style_linetype = function () { if (this._is_created) { this._clearAllStyleCache(); } this.on_apply_style_linetype(this.currentstyle.linetype = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_linetype(this._pseudo)); }; _pGrid.on_update_style_selectline = function () { if (this._is_created) { this._clearAllStyleCache(); } this.on_apply_style_selectline(this.currentstyle.selectline = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_selectline(this._pseudo)); }; _pGrid.on_update_style_selectlinetype = function () { if (this._is_created) { this._clearAllStyleCache(); } this.on_apply_style_selectlinetype(this.currentstyle.selectlinetype = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_selectlinetype(this._pseudo)); }; _pGrid.on_update_style_treeclosebuttonimage = function () { if (this._is_created) { this._clearAllStyleCache(); } this.on_apply_style_treeclosebuttonimage(this.currentstyle.treeclosebuttonimage = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_treeclosebuttonimage(this._pseudo)); }; _pGrid.on_update_style_treecollapseimage = function () { if (this._is_created) { this._clearAllStyleCache(); } this.on_apply_style_treecollapseimage(this.currentstyle.treecollapseimage = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_treecollapseimage(this._pseudo)); }; _pGrid.on_update_style_treeexpandimage = function () { if (this._is_created) { this._clearAllStyleCache(); } this.on_apply_style_treeexpandimage(this.currentstyle.treeexpandimage = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_treeexpandimage(this._pseudo)); }; _pGrid.on_update_style_treeitemimage = function () { if (this._is_created) { this._clearAllStyleCache(); } this.on_apply_style_treeitemimage(this.currentstyle.treeitemimage = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_treeitemimage(this._pseudo)); }; _pGrid.on_update_style_treelinetype = function () { if (this._is_created) { this._clearAllStyleCache(); } this.on_apply_style_treelinetype(this.currentstyle.treelinetype = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_treelinetype(this._pseudo)); }; _pGrid.on_update_style_treeopenbuttonimage = function () { if (this._is_created) { this._clearAllStyleCache(); } this.on_apply_style_treeopenbuttonimage(this.currentstyle.treeopenbuttonimage = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_treeopenbuttonimage(this._pseudo)); }; _pGrid.on_update_style_selectpointimage = function () { this.on_apply_style_selectpointimage(this.currentstyle.selectpointimage = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_selectpointimage(this._pseudo)); }; _pGrid.on_apply_style_font = function (font) { if (!this.enableredraw) { this._enable_redraw_history["refreshall"] = true; return; } if (this._is_created) { this._refreshAll(); } }; _pGrid.on_apply_style_letterspace = function (letterspace) { if (!this.enableredraw) { this._enable_redraw_history["refreshall"] = true; return; } if (this._is_created) { this._refreshAll(); } }; _pGrid.on_apply_style_color = function (color) { if (!this.enableredraw) { this._enable_redraw_history["refreshall"] = true; return; } if (this._is_created) { this._refreshAll(); } }; _pGrid.on_apply_style_align = function (align) { if (!this.enableredraw) { this._enable_redraw_history["refreshall"] = true; return; } if (this._is_created) { this._refreshAll(); } }; _pGrid.on_apply_style_linetype = function (linetype) { if (!this.enableredraw) { this._enable_redraw_history["refreshall"] = true; return; } if (this._is_created) { this._refreshAll(); } }; _pGrid.on_apply_style_line = function (line) { if (!this.enableredraw) { this._enable_redraw_history["refreshall"] = true; return; } if (this._is_created) { this._refreshAll(); } }; _pGrid.on_apply_style_selectline = function (selectline) { if (!this.enableredraw) { this._enable_redraw_history["refreshall"] = true; return; } if (this._is_created) { this._refreshAll(); } }; _pGrid.on_apply_style_selectlinetype = function (selectlinetype) { if (!this.enableredraw) { this._enable_redraw_history["refreshall"] = true; return; } if (this._is_created) { this._refreshAll(); } }; _pGrid.on_apply_style_treeclosebuttonimage = function (treeclosebuttonimage) { if (!this.enableredraw) { this._enable_redraw_history["refreshall"] = true; return; } if (this._is_created) { this._refreshAll(); } }; _pGrid.on_apply_style_treecollapseimage = function (treecollapseimage) { if (!this.enableredraw) { this._enable_redraw_history["refreshall"] = true; return; } if (this._is_created) { this._refreshAll(); } }; _pGrid.on_apply_style_treeexpandimage = function (treeexpandimage) { if (!this.enableredraw) { this._enable_redraw_history["refreshall"] = true; return; } if (this._is_created) { this._refreshAll(); } }; _pGrid.on_apply_style_treeitemimage = function (treeitemimage) { if (!this.enableredraw) { this._enable_redraw_history["refreshall"] = true; return; } if (this._is_created) { this._refreshAll(); } }; _pGrid.on_apply_style_treelinetype = function (treelinetype) { if (!this.enableredraw) { this._enable_redraw_history["refreshall"] = true; return; } if (this._is_created) { this._refreshAll(); } }; _pGrid.on_apply_style_treeopenbuttonimage = function (treeopenbuttonimage) { if (!this.enableredraw) { this._enable_redraw_history["refreshall"] = true; return; } if (this._is_created) { this._refreshAll(); } }; _pGrid.on_apply_style_selectpointimage = function (treeopenbuttonimage) { if (!this.enableredraw) { return; } if (!this._is_created) { return; } if (this._select_ctrl) { this._select_ctrl._updateAll(); } }; _pGrid._find_bandcomp_pseudo_obj = function (band, styleProp, pseudo, returnType) { var bandctrl; var format = this._curFormat; if (band == "head") { bandctrl = this._headBand; if (!bandctrl) { bandctrl = this._temphead; if (!bandctrl) { bandctrl = this._temphead = new nexacro.GridBand("head", 0, 0, 0, 0, this, format._headband); } } } else if (band == "summ" || band == "summary") { bandctrl = this._summBand; if (!bandctrl) { bandctrl = this._tempsumm; if (!bandctrl) { bandctrl = this._tempsumm = new nexacro.GridBand("summ", 0, 0, 0, 0, this, format._summband); } } } else { bandctrl = this._bodyBand; } var obj = null; if (bandctrl) { if (band == "summ" || band == "summary") { obj = nexacro.Component.prototype._find_pseudo_obj.call(bandctrl, styleProp, pseudo, returnType); if (!obj) { bandctrl.id = "summary"; obj = nexacro.Component.prototype._find_pseudo_obj.call(bandctrl, styleProp, pseudo, returnType); bandctrl.id = "summ"; } } else { obj = nexacro.Component.prototype._find_pseudo_obj.call(bandctrl, styleProp, pseudo, returnType); } } return obj; }; _pGrid.on_apply_pseudo = function (pseudo, is_only_contents) { nexacro.Component.prototype.on_apply_pseudo.call(this, pseudo, is_only_contents); if (pseudo == "") { this._recreate(); } }; _pGrid.on_create_contents = function () { var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (control_elem) { var text_elem = this._text_elem = new nexacro.TextBoxElement(control_elem); text_elem.setElementSize(this._client_width, this._client_height); text_elem.setElementVisible(false); text_elem.setElementAlignXY("center", "middle"); text_elem.setElementWordWrap("char"); this._createBandsAndAreas(); this._sizetextarea.createComponent(true); } }; _pGrid.on_created_contents = function () { var text_elem = this._text_elem; if (text_elem) { text_elem.create(); } var body_band = this._bodyBand; if (body_band) { body_band.on_created(); } var head_band = this._headBand; if (head_band) { head_band.on_created(); } var summ_band = this._summBand; if (summ_band) { summ_band.on_created(); } this._sizetextarea.on_created(); var select_ctrl = this._select_ctrl; if (select_ctrl) { select_ctrl.on_created(); } if (body_band || head_band || summ_band) { this._onResetScrollBar(); this._applyAutofittype(true); } if (this._create_selection != null) { var sel = this._create_selection; this._resetSelect(sel.row, sel.cell, sel.col, sel.subrow, sel.pivot); } this._create_selection = null; this._is_created = true; if (this._tree_recreate == true) { this._recreate_contents_all(true, true, true); this._tree_recreate = false; } else if (this._image_recreate == true) { this._recreate_contents_all(true, true, true); this._image_recreate = false; } else if (this.autosizingtype != "none") { this._recreate_contents_all(true, true, true); } else { this._refreshBody(); } if (nexacro._enableaccessibility && !this._accept_focus) { var accessibility = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility(this._pseudo); if (accessibility && accessibility.enable) { this._accept_focus = true; } } this.on_apply_nodatatext(); this.on_apply_nodataimage(); if (this._control_element) { this._control_element._arrangeBandOrder(); } this._applyResizer(); this.on_apply_prop_rtldirection(); this._adjustOverlayElements(true, this._is_use_fakemerge); }; _pGrid.on_destroy_contents = function () { if (this._binddataset) { this._removeDSEventHandlers(this._binddataset); } if (this._aniframe_rowscroll) { this._aniframe_rowscroll.destroy(); } if (this._aniframe_colscroll) { this._aniframe_colscroll.destroy(); } var text_elem = this._text_elem; if (text_elem) { text_elem.destroy(); this._text_elem = null; } this._sizetextarea.destroy(); var formats = this._formats; if (formats) { for (var id in formats) { var format = formats[id]; if (format && format.destroy) { format.destroy(); formats[id] = null; } } } this._select_ctrl = null; this._destroyBands(true); if (this.controlbutton) { this.controlbutton = null; } if (this.controlcalendar) { this.controlcalendar = null; } if (this.controlcheckbox) { this.controlcheckbox = null; } if (this.controlcombo) { this.controlcombo = null; } if (this.controledit) { this.controledit = null; } if (this.controlmaskedit) { this.controlmaskedit = null; } if (this.controltextarea) { this.controltextarea = null; } if (this.controlprogressbar) { this.controlprogressbar = null; } if (this.controlexpand) { this.controlexpand = null; } if (this._currentCellEditor) { this._currentCellEditor.destroy(); this._currentCellEditor = null; this._tempEditor = null; } this._clearDestroyEditor(); if (this._displaycalendarctrl) { delete this._displaycalendarctrl; this._displaycalendarctrl = null; } this._binddataset = null; if (this._tempEditor) { this._tempEditor.destroy(); this._tempEditor = null; } if (this._resizer_colctrl) { this._resizer_colctrl.destroy(); } if (this._resizer_rowctrl) { this._resizer_rowctrl.destroy(); } if (this._extratrack_timer) { this._extratrack_timer._handle.stop(); this._extratrack_timer._handle = null; this._extratrack_timer = null; } this._destroyOverlayElements(); this._curFormat = null; this._formats = null; this._mouseovercell = null; this._lastmouseentercell = null; this._prevAreaCellObj = null; this._selectstartrow = null; this._selectstartcol = null; this._selectstartsubrow = null; this._selectstartpvt = null; this._selectendrow = null; this._selectendcol = null; this._selectendsubrow = null; this._selectendpvt = null; this._resizerCols = null; this._resizerRows = null; this._imgsize_cache = null; this._rowSizeListSub = null; this._rowSizeList = null; this._rowHeadListSub = null; this._rowHeadList = null; this._rowSummListSub = null; this._rowSummList = null; this._toprowpos = null; this._selectinfo = null; this._recreate_contents_proc = null; this._keydown_elem = null; this._tree_load_all = null; this._image_load_all = null; this._focus_proc = null; this._after_recreate_contents_all = null; this._band_scroll_sizes = null; this._format_str = null; this._exprcache = null; this._is_use_bind_expr_outerstyle = null; this._is_use_bind_expr_prop = null; this._is_use_bind_expr_style = null; this._setdataobj = null; this._resizer_colctrl = null; this._resizer_rowctrl = null; this.selectstartrow = null; this.selectstartcol = null; this.selectstartsubrow = null; this.selectstartpivot = null; this.selectendrow = null; this.selectendcol = null; this.selectendsubrow = null; this.selectendpivot = null; this.formats = null; this._destroyeditors = null; this._overlay_elements = null; this._recalcXY_info = null; this._fake_mergecell_arr = null; this._enable_redraw_history = null; this._autofitcol_rate = null; this._org_treeStates = null; this._realrowsized_body = null; this._realrowsized_head = null; this._realrowsized_summ = null; this._treeCellinfo = null; }; _pGrid._is_changingRect = false; _pGrid.on_change_containerRect = function (width, height) { if (this._is_changingRect) { return; } this._is_changingRect = true; this._resizeBand(); this._adjustOverlayElements(true, this._is_use_fakemerge); this._is_changingRect = false; }; _pGrid.on_create_control_element = function (parent_elem) { var control_elem = new nexacro.GridScrollableControlElement(parent_elem); control_elem.setLinkedControl(this); this._control_element = control_elem; return control_elem; }; _pGrid._on_deactivate = function () { if (!this._isSelected()) { this._stat_change("notfocus", "normal"); } }; _pGrid.on_update_position = function (resize_flag, move_flag) { nexacro.Component.prototype.on_update_position.call(this, resize_flag, move_flag); if (this._currentCellEditor && this._currentCellEditor._isPopupVisible()) { this._currentCellEditor.on_update_position(resize_flag, move_flag); } }; _pGrid.applyto_bindSource = function (propid, Val) { if (this._currentCellEditor) { this._currentCellEditor._setDataset(); } }; _pGrid._getAccessibilityRole = function (accessibility) { var role = accessibility.role ? accessibility.role : this._accessibility_role; if (this._hasTree) { role = "treegrid"; } return role; }; _pGrid._isAccessibilityEnable = function () { return this._accept_focus; }; _pGrid.on_get_style_accessibility_label = function () { return this.id; }; _pGrid.on_fire_sys_onaccessibilitygesture = function (direction, fire_comp, refer_comp) { var ret = false; var curFormat = this._curFormat; if (curFormat) { var headcells_len = (curFormat._headcells) ? curFormat._headcells.length : 0; var bodycells_len = (curFormat._bodycells) ? curFormat._bodycells.length : 0; var summcells_len = (curFormat._summcells) ? curFormat._summcells.length : 0; if (this._currentBand == "grid" && this._accessibility_cellidx < 0 && this._accessibility_row < 0) { if (headcells_len == 0 && bodycells_len == 0 && summcells_len == 0) { var _form = this._getForm(); var comp = _form._getTabOrderNext(this, (direction > 0) ? direction : -1, true); if (comp && (!this.nodatatext || this.nodatatext.length <= 0)) { comp._setAccessibilityNotifyEvent(direction); } } if (direction) { this._currentBand = "head"; this._accessibility_row = 0; this._accessibility_cellidx = -1; } else { this._currentBand = "summ"; this._accessibility_row = 0; this._accessibility_cellidx = summcells_len; } } var cellobj = null; while (true) { cellobj = null; if (direction) { this._accessibility_cellidx++; } else { this._accessibility_cellidx--; } if (this._currentBand == "head") { if (direction) { if (!this._headBand || this._accessibility_cellidx >= headcells_len) { this._currentBand = "body"; this._accessibility_row = 0; this._accessibility_cellidx = 0; if (this.rowcount <= 0 && this.nodatatext) { this._bodyBand._setAccessibilityNotifyEvent(); ret = true; break; } } } else { if (!this._headBand || this._accessibility_cellidx < 0) { this._accessibility_row = -1; this._accessibility_cellidx = -1; ret = false; break; } } } else if (this._currentBand == "summ") { if (direction) { if (!this._summBand || this._accessibility_cellidx >= summcells_len) { this._accessibility_row = -1; this._accessibility_cellidx = -1; ret = false; break; } } else { if (!this._summBand || this._accessibility_cellidx < 0) { this._currentBand = "body"; this._accessibility_row = this._rowcount - 1; this._accessibility_cellidx = bodycells_len - 1; if (this.rowcount <= 0 && this.nodatatext) { this._bodyBand._setAccessibilityNotifyEvent(); ret = true; break; } } } } else { if (direction) { if (this._accessibility_cellidx >= bodycells_len) { this._accessibility_row++; this._accessibility_cellidx = 0; } if (this._rowcount <= 0 || this._accessibility_row >= this._rowcount) { this._currentBand = "summ"; this._accessibility_row = 0; this._accessibility_cellidx = 0; } } else { if (this._accessibility_cellidx < 0) { this._accessibility_row--; this._accessibility_cellidx = bodycells_len - 1; } if (this._rowcount <= 0 || this._accessibility_row < 0) { this._currentBand = "head"; this._accessibility_row = 0; this._accessibility_cellidx = headcells_len - 1; } } } cellobj = this._getAccessibilityCurrentCell(this._accessibility_row, this._accessibility_cellidx); if (cellobj) { cellobj._setAccessibilityNotifyEvent(); ret = true; break; } } } return ret; }; _pGrid._setAccessibilityNotifyEvent = function (direction) { this._resetScrollPos(this, this._adjust_left, this._adjust_top, this._adjust_left + this._adjust_width, this._adjust_top + this._adjust_height, (direction && direction > 0) ? 0 : 1); this._accessibility_row = -1; this._accessibility_cellidx = -1; this._currentBand = "grid"; this.on_fire_sys_onaccessibilitygesture(direction); }; _pGrid._setAccessibilityInfoByHover = function (control) { var ret = false; if (control) { if (control._cellobj) { control = control._cellobj; } if (control instanceof nexacro.GridCell) { this._currentBand = control._band.id; this._accessibility_cellidx = control._cellidx; this._accessibility_row = this._getDataRow(control._rowidx); this._first_focus = true; } else { this._first_focus = false; } ret = control._setAccessibilityInfoByHover(); } return ret; }; _pGrid.on_apply_prop_class = function () { this._clearAllStyleCache(); if (this._bodyBand) { this._bodyBand._css_finder = null; this._bodyBand._ref_css_finder = null; } if (this._headBand) { this._headBand._css_finder = null; this._headBand._ref_css_finder = null; } if (this._summBand) { this._summBand._css_finder = null; this._summBand._ref_css_finder = null; } nexacro.Component.prototype.on_apply_prop_class.call(this); if (this._is_created) { this._refreshAll(true); } }; _pGrid.set_fillareatype = function (v) { switch (v) { case "none": case "linerow": case "datarow": case "controlrow": case "allrow": if (v != this.fillareatype) { this.fillareatype = v; this.on_apply_fillareatype(); } break; } }; _pGrid.on_apply_fillareatype = function () { this._resetfillarea = true; this._recreate_contents_all(false, false, false, true); this._resetfillarea = false; }; _pGrid.set_selectscrollmode = function (v) { switch (v) { case "select": case "scroll": this._selectscrollmode = this.selectscrollmode = v; break; case "default": this._selectscrollmode = (nexacro.isTouchInteraction) ? "scroll" : "select"; break; } }; _pGrid.set_scrollpixel = function (v) { if (v != this.scrollpixel) { switch (v) { case "none": case "all": this.scrollpixel = this._scrollpixel = v; this.on_apply_scrollpixel(); break; case "default": this.scrollpixel = v; this._scrollpixel = (nexacro.isTouchInteraction) ? "all" : "none"; this.on_apply_scrollpixel(); break; } } }; _pGrid.on_apply_scrollpixel = function () { this._updateScrollInfo(); }; _pGrid._updateScrollInfo = function () { if (this._control_element) { this._control_element._updateClientSize(); this._updateClientSize(this._control_element); } }; _pGrid.set_hideendline = function (v) { switch (v) { case "none": case "row": case "col": case "both": if (v != this.hideendline) { this.hideendline = v; this.on_apply_hideendline(); } break; } }; _pGrid.on_apply_hideendline = function () { this._refreshAll(); }; _pGrid.set_userdata = function (v) { if (this.userdata != v) { this.userdata = v; } }; _pGrid.set_nodataimage = function (v) { if (v.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase() != "url(") { v = "URL(" + v + ")"; } this.nodataimage = v; this.on_apply_nodataimage(); }; _pGrid.on_apply_nodataimage = function () { if (this.getElement()) { var body = this._bodyBand; if (body) { body._control_pseudo = ""; body._contents_pseudo = ""; body._stat_change(); } else { this._control_pseudo = ""; this._contents_pseudo = ""; this._stat_change(); } } }; _pGrid.set_nodatatext = function (v) { this.nodatatext = v; this.on_apply_nodatatext(); }; _pGrid.on_apply_nodatatext = function () { var rowcount = this._getGridRowCount(); if (this.getElement() && rowcount == 0) { var body = this._bodyBand; if (body) { if (this._text_elem) { this._text_elem.setElementVisible(false); } body.on_apply_text(); } else { if (this._text_elem) { var text = this.nodatatext; var font = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_font(); var color = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_color(); var letterspace = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_letterspace(); this._text_elem.setElementVisible(true); this._text_elem.setElementText(text); this._text_elem.setElementFont(font); this._text_elem.setElementLetterSpace(letterspace); this._text_elem.setElementColor(color); } } } else { if (this._text_elem) { this._text_elem.setElementVisible(false); } } }; _pGrid.set_summarytype = function (v) { switch (v) { case "default": case "top": case "left": case "lefttop": if (v != this.summarytype) { this.summarytype = v; this.on_apply_summarytype(); } break; } }; _pGrid.on_apply_summarytype = function () { if (this.getElement() && this._curFormat != null && this._curFormat.summHeight > 0) { this._recreate(); } }; _pGrid.set_suppresslevel = function (v) { switch (v) { case "sameskip": case "allskip": case "allcompare": if (v != this.suppresslevel) { this.suppresslevel = v; this.on_apply_suppresslevel(); } break; } }; _pGrid.on_apply_suppresslevel = function () { if (this.getElement() && this._curFormat != null) { this._refreshBody(); } }; _pGrid.set_useselcolor = function (v) { v = nexacro._toBoolean(v); this.useselcolor = v; this.on_apply_useselcolor(); }; _pGrid.on_apply_useselcolor = function () { this._refreshBody(); }; _pGrid.setBindDataset = function (obj) { if (obj instanceof nexacro.Dataset) { if (this._binddataset) { this._removeDSEventHandlers(this._binddataset); } if (!obj) { this._binddataset = null; this.binddataset = ""; } else { this._binddataset = obj; this.binddataset = obj.id; } this.on_apply_prop_binddataset(); } }; _pGrid.getBindDataset = function () { return this._binddataset; }; _pGrid.set_binddataset = function (str) { if (typeof str != "string") { this.setBindDataset(str); return; } if (str != this.binddataset || this.binddataset && !this._binddataset) { if (this._binddataset) { this._removeDSEventHandlers(this._binddataset); } if (!str) { this._binddataset = null; this.binddataset = ""; } else { str = str.replace("@", ""); this._binddataset = this._findDataset(str); this.binddataset = str; } this.on_apply_prop_binddataset(); } return this.binddataset; }; _pGrid.on_apply_prop_binddataset = function () { var dsobj = this._binddataset; if (dsobj) { this.binddataset = dsobj.id; this.rowcount = this._rowcount = dsobj.rowcount; this._rowposition = dsobj.rowposition; this._exprcache = { }; this._initTreeStates(); this._clearAllStyleCache(); this._recreate_contents_all(true, true, true); this._initSelect(this._rowposition); this._setDSEventHandlers(dsobj); } else { this.rowcount = this._rowcount = 0; this._rowposition = -1; this._exprcache = { }; this._initTreeStates(); this._clearAllStyleCache(); this._recreate_contents_all(true, true, true); } }; _pGrid.set_formatid = function (v) { if (this.formatid != v) { this.formatid = v; this.on_apply_formatid(); } }; _pGrid.on_apply_formatid = function () { var formatid = this.formatid; if (formatid == "") { formatid = "default"; } this._curFormat = this._formats[formatid]; this._autofitcol_rate = []; this._recreate(); this._resetSelect(this._rowposition); }; _pGrid.set_formats = function (v) { this.formats = v; this.on_apply_formats(); }; _pGrid.on_apply_formats = function () { this._setContents(this.formats); this._recreate(); this._resetSelect(this._rowposition); }; _pGrid.set_locale = function (v) { if (v != this.locale) { this.locale = v; if (this._locale != v) { this._locale = v; this.on_apply_locale(); } } }; _pGrid.on_apply_locale = function () { var _locale = this._locale; if (this._headBand) { this._headBand._setLocale(_locale); } if (this._bodyBand) { this._bodyBand._setLocale(_locale); } if (this._summBand) { this._summBand._setLocale(_locale); } }; _pGrid.set_areaselecttype = function (v) { if (this.areaselecttype != v) { switch (v) { case "overband": case "limitband": this.areaselecttype = v; break; } } }; _pGrid.set_autoenter = function (v) { if (this.autoenter != v) { switch (v) { case "select": case "key": case "none": this.autoenter = v; break; } } }; _pGrid.set_autofitbandtype = function (v) { if (this.autofitbandtype != v) { switch (v) { case "body": case "allband": case "nohead": case "noleft": case "nohead,noleft": this.autofitbandtype = v; break; } } }; _pGrid.set_autofitminheight = function (v) { if (this.autofitminheight != v) { this.autofitminheight = (isNaN(v) ? 100 : parseInt(v, 10)); } }; _pGrid.set_autofitminwidth = function (v) { if (this.autofitminwidth != v) { this.autofitminwidth = (isNaN(v) ? 100 : parseInt(v, 10)); } }; _pGrid.set_autofittype = function (v) { if (this.autofittype != v) { switch (v) { case "none": case "col": case "row": case "both": case "allpivot": case "allrow": case "allboth": case "col,allrow": case "row,allpivot": this.autofittype = v; this.on_apply_prop_autofittype(); break; } } }; _pGrid.on_apply_prop_autofittype = function () { if (this._curFormat) { if (!this._isUserChangeColSize) { this._autofitcol_rate = []; } this._curFormat._resetOrgColSize(true, this._autofitcol_rate); } this._applyAutofittype(true, true); }; _pGrid.set_visible = function (v) { if (v === undefined || v === null) { return; } v = nexacro._toBoolean(v); if (this.visible != v) { nexacro.Component.prototype.set_visible.call(this, v); if (v && this._is_created) { this._refreshAll(); if (nexacro.Browser == "Chrome" && this.vscrollbar) { this._absolutelyResetScrollPos(true); var limit = this._control_element.vscroll_limit; var top = this.vscrollbar._pos; if (top >= limit) { top = limit; this._control_element.setElementVScrollPos(top - 1); } else { this._control_element.setElementVScrollPos(top + 1); } this._control_element.setElementVScrollPos(top); this._absolutelyResetScrollPos(false); } } } }; _pGrid.set_autosizebandtype = function (v) { if (this.autosizebandtype != v) { switch (v) { case "body": this._bodyAutoSize = true; this._headAutoSize = false; this._summAutoSize = false; this._AutoSizeLcol = false; this._AutoSizeRcol = false; break; case "head": this._bodyAutoSize = false; this._headAutoSize = true; this._summAutoSize = false; this._AutoSizeLcol = false; this._AutoSizeRcol = false; break; case "summary": this._bodyAutoSize = false; this._headAutoSize = false; this._summAutoSize = true; this._AutoSizeLcol = false; this._AutoSizeRcol = false; break; case "allband": this._bodyAutoSize = true; this._headAutoSize = true; this._summAutoSize = true; this._AutoSizeLcol = true; this._AutoSizeRcol = true; break; case "nohead": this._bodyAutoSize = true; this._headAutoSize = false; this._summAutoSize = true; this._AutoSizeLcol = false; this._AutoSizeRcol = false; break; case "noleft": this._bodyAutoSize = true; this._headAutoSize = true; this._summAutoSize = true; this._AutoSizeLcol = false; this._AutoSizeRcol = true; break; case "nohead,noleft": this._bodyAutoSize = true; this._headAutoSize = false; this._summAutoSize = true; this._AutoSizeLcol = false; this._AutoSizeRcol = true; break; } this.autosizebandtype = v; this.on_apply_autosizebandtype(); } }; _pGrid.on_apply_autosizebandtype = function () { if (this.getElement()) { this._recreate_contents_all(true, true, true); } }; _pGrid.set_autosizingtype = function (v) { if (this.autosizingtype != v) { var size = false; if (this.extendsizetype == "row" || this.extendsizetype == "both") { size = true; } switch (v) { case "none": case "col": this._rowSizeEx = size; break; case "row": case "both": this._rowSizeEx = true; break; } if (v == "row" || v == "none" || !v) { if (this._curFormat) { this._curFormat._resetOrgColSize(true, this._autofitcol_rate); } } this.autosizingtype = v; } this.on_apply_autosizingtype(); }; _pGrid.on_apply_autosizingtype = function () { if (this.getElement()) { this._isUserChangeHeadRowSize = false; this._isUserChangeBodyRowSize = false; this._isUserChangeSummRowSize = false; this._realrowsized_body = []; this._realrowsized_head = []; this._realrowsized_summ = []; this._recreate_contents_all(true, true, true); } }; _pGrid.set_readonly = function (v) { v = nexacro._toBoolean(v); if (v != this.readonly) { this.readonly = v; this.on_apply_readonly(); } }; _pGrid.on_apply_readonly = function (val) { var v = this.readonly; if (v) { this._stat_change("readonly", this._pseudo); } else { this._stat_change("writable", this._pseudo == "readonly" ? "normal" : this._pseudo); } }; _pGrid.set_selectbandtype = function (v) { if (this.selectbandtype != v) { switch (v) { case "default": case "allband": case "body": case "nohead": case "noleft": this.selectbandtype = v; this.on_apply_selectbandtype(); break; } } }; _pGrid.on_apply_selectbandtype = function () { }; _pGrid.set_selectchangetype = function (v) { if (this.selectchangetype != v) { switch (v) { case "up": case "down": this.selectchangetype = v; break; } } }; _pGrid.set_selecttype = function (v) { if (this.selecttype != v) { switch (v) { case "row": case "cell": case "area": case "multirow": case "multicell": case "multiarea": case "treecell": case "multitreecell": this.selecttype = v; this.on_apply_selecttype(); break; default: if (this.selecttype != "row") { this.selecttype = "row"; this.on_apply_selecttype(); } break; } } }; _pGrid.on_apply_selecttype = function () { this._resetSelect(); this._refreshBody(); this._updateSelector(); }; _pGrid._applySelectorScroll = function (type, area) { var oldpos, new_pos, newpos; var format = this._curFormat; var retn = false; var topPos = this._toprowpos[0]; var ctrl_flag = this._selectinfo.area.length > 1 && this.selecttype == "multirow"; if (type[0] == "leftover0") { this._multiselect = ctrl_flag ? "ctrl" : "shift"; this._moveToCell("prev", false, true, area, null); retn = true; } else if (type[0] == "rightover0") { this._multiselect = ctrl_flag ? "ctrl" : "shift"; this._moveToCell("next", false, true, area, this._selectinfo.ctrlpoint.col); retn = true; } else if (type[0] == "leftover1") { this._multiselect = ctrl_flag ? "ctrl" : "shift"; this._moveToCell("prev", false, true, area, this._selectinfo.ctrlpoint.col); retn = true; } else if (type[0] == "rightover1") { this._multiselect = ctrl_flag ? "ctrl" : "shift"; this._moveToCell("next", false, true, area, null); retn = true; } if (type[1] == "topover0") { new_pos = this._selectinfo.currow - 1; oldpos = this._begrowpos; if (topPos != new_pos) { newpos = this._jumpCurrentRow(new_pos); } retn = (oldpos != newpos); } else if (type[1] == "bottomover0") { new_pos = this._selectinfo.currow + 1; oldpos = this._begrowpos; newpos = this._jumpCurrentRow(new_pos); retn = (oldpos != newpos); } else if (type[1] == "topover1") { new_pos = this._selectinfo.currow - 1; oldpos = this._begrowpos; if (topPos != new_pos) { newpos = this._jumpCurrentRow(new_pos); } retn = (oldpos != newpos); } else if (type[1] == "bottomover1") { new_pos = this._selectinfo.currow + 1; oldpos = this._begrowpos; newpos = this._jumpCurrentRow(new_pos); retn = (oldpos != newpos); } return retn; }; _pGrid._startAreaSizing = function (posobj, idx) { var format = this._curFormat; var subrowlen = format._bodyrows.length; var info = this._getAreaInfoWithPos(posobj, idx); var areaInfo = this._selectinfo.area; if (idx == 0) { var cellinfo = format._bodycells[info.ecell]; if (cellinfo) { this._selectinfo.ctrlpoint._set(cellinfo, info.erow, subrowlen); } } else if (idx == 1) { var cellinfo = format._bodycells[info.scell]; if (cellinfo) { this._selectinfo.ctrlpoint._set(cellinfo, info.srow, subrowlen); } } else if (idx == 2) { var cellinfo = format._bodycells[info.ecell]; if (cellinfo) { this._selectinfo.ctrlpoint._set(cellinfo, info.srow, subrowlen); } } else if (idx == 3) { var cellinfo = format._bodycells[info.scell]; if (cellinfo) { this._selectinfo.ctrlpoint._set(cellinfo, info.erow, subrowlen); } } }; _pGrid._applyAreaSizing = function (posobj, idx, is_tracking) { var format = this._curFormat; var subrowlen = format._bodyrows.length; var beforeCell = this._selectinfo.curcell; var beforeCol = this._selectinfo.curcol; var beforeRow = this._selectinfo.curdsrow; var beforeSubrow = this._selectinfo.cursubrow; var beforePvt = this._selectinfo.curpvt; var afterCell, afterCol, afterRow, afterSubrow, afterPvt = this._selectinfo.curpvt; var info = this._getAreaInfoWithPos(posobj, idx); if (idx == 0) { this._setSelectedInfo(info.scell, info.scol, info.srow, info.ssubrow, null, info); afterCell = info.scell; afterCol = info.scol; afterRow = info.srow; afterSubrow = info.ssubrow; } else if (idx == 1) { this._setSelectedInfo(info.ecell, info.ecol, info.erow, info.esubrow, null, info); afterCell = info.ecell; afterCol = info.ecol; afterRow = info.erow; afterSubrow = info.esubrow; } else if (idx == 2) { this._setSelectedInfo(info.scell, info.scol, info.erow, info.esubrow, null, info); afterCell = info.scell; afterCol = info.scol; afterRow = info.erow; afterSubrow = info.esubrow; } else if (idx == 3) { this._setSelectedInfo(info.ecell, info.ecol, info.erow, info.esubrow, null, info); afterCell = info.ecell; afterCol = info.ecol; afterRow = info.srow; afterSubrow = info.ssubrow; } var kind; if (is_tracking) { kind = "selectorsizing"; } else if (is_tracking === false) { kind = "selector"; } if (this._selectinfo.area.length > 1 && this.selecttype == "multirow") { this._multiselect = "ctrl"; } else { this._multiselect = "shift"; } retn = this._ChangeSelect(afterCell, afterCol, afterRow, afterSubrow, afterPvt, false, beforeCell, beforeCol, beforeRow, beforeSubrow, beforePvt, "body", kind); }; _pGrid._getAreaInfoWithPos = function (posobj, idx) { var scroll_left = this._getScrollLeft(); var scroll_top = this._getScrollTop(); var scroll_max = this._getScollMaxLeft(); var select_ctrl = this._select_ctrl; var l = posobj.l; var r = l + posobj.w; var t = posobj.t; var b = t + posobj.h; var format = this._curFormat; var cols = format._cols; var rows = format._bodyrows; var rowcnt = this._getGridRowCount(); var row, srow, erow, scell, ecell, scol, ecol, ssubrow, esubrow, spvt, bpvt; var cell_left, cell_top, cell_right, cell_bottom; var arealeft; var toppos; var ctrlpoint = this._selectinfo.ctrlpoint; var begarea, endarea; if (select_ctrl) { begarea = select_ctrl._start_begarea; endarea = select_ctrl._start_endarea; } else { begarea = this._selectinfo.arearect.barea; endarea = this._selectinfo.arearect.earea; } var fixed_rowcnt = parseInt(this._fixed_rowcnt); var fixed_startrow = fixed_rowcnt > 0 ? parseInt(this._fixed_startrow) : 0; var fixed_endrow = parseInt(this._fixed_endrow); var fixed_height = parseInt(this._fixed_height); if (fixed_rowcnt > 0) { toppos = this._getHeadHeight(); } else { toppos = this._getHeadHeight() - scroll_top; } if (this.summarytype == "top" || this.summarytype == "lefttop") { toppos += this._getSummHeight(); } var row_top, row_bottom; var cells = format._bodycells; var cells_len = cells.length; var col, row, colspan, rowspan, area; var condition; var cell_rect; srow = -1; row_top = toppos; for (var i = fixed_startrow; i < rowcnt; i++) { if (fixed_rowcnt > 0 && i == (fixed_endrow + 1)) { row_top -= scroll_top; } row_bottom = row_top + this._getRowSize(i); if (this._track_mode == "areaselect") { condition = (t < row_bottom); if (i == 0 && t < row_top) { condition = true; } } else { condition = (row_top <= t && t < row_bottom); } if (srow < 0 && condition) { srow = this._getDataRow(i); for (var j = 0; j < cells_len; j++) { area = cells[j]._area; col = cells[j]._col; row = cells[j]._row; colspan = cells[j]._colspan; rowspan = cells[j]._rowspan; if (cells[j]._area == "left") { arealeft = this._client_left; } else if (cells[j]._area == "right") { arealeft = this._client_width - format.rightWidth; } else { arealeft = format.leftWidth - scroll_left; } cell_left = arealeft + cols[col].left; cell_right = arealeft + cols[col + colspan - 1].right; cell_top = row_top + rows[row].top; cell_bottom = row_top + rows[row + rowspan - 1].bottom; cell_rect = this._getSubCellRect(i, j, -1, -1, false); cell_left = cell_rect.left; cell_top = cell_rect.top; cell_right = cell_rect.right; cell_bottom = cell_rect.bottom; if (fixed_rowcnt > 0 && i <= fixed_endrow) { cell_top += scroll_top; cell_bottom += scroll_top; } if (this._track_mode == "areaselect") { condition = (cell_left <= l && l < cell_right && t < cell_bottom); if (j == 0 && l < cell_left) { condition = true; } } else { condition = (cell_left <= l && l < cell_right && t < cell_bottom); } if (condition) { if (endarea != begarea || (begarea == "body" && endarea == "body")) { if (begarea != "left" && scroll_left > 0 && area == "left") { continue; } if (begarea != "right" && scroll_left < scroll_max && area == "right") { continue; } if (endarea != "right" && area == "right") { continue; } } scell = j; scol = col; ssubrow = row; if (posobj.area != "right") { break; } else if (cells[j]._area == "right") { break; } } } } if (this._track_mode == "areaselect") { condition = b < row_bottom; if ((i + 1) == rowcnt && b >= row_bottom) { condition = true; } } else { condition = row_top < b && b <= row_bottom; } if (srow >= 0 && condition) { erow = this._getDataRow(i); for (var j = 0; j < cells_len; j++) { col = cells[j]._col; row = cells[j]._row; colspan = cells[j]._colspan; rowspan = cells[j]._rowspan; if (cells[j]._area == "left") { arealeft = 0; } else if (cells[j]._area == "right") { arealeft = this._client_width - format.rightWidth; } else { arealeft = 0; } cell_rect = this._getSubCellRect(i, j, -1, -1, false); cell_top = cell_rect.top; cell_bottom = cell_rect.bottom; if (fixed_rowcnt > 0 && i <= fixed_endrow) { cell_top += scroll_top; cell_bottom += scroll_top; } if (cells[j]._area == "right") { cell_left = cell_rect.left - scroll_left; cell_right = cell_rect.right - scroll_left; } else { cell_left = cell_rect.left; cell_right = cell_rect.right; } if (this._track_mode == "areaselect") { condition = cell_left < r && r <= cell_right; if ((j + 1) == cells_len && r >= cell_right) { condition = true; } } else { condition = cell_left < r && r <= cell_right && cell_top < b; } if (condition) { if (endarea != begarea || (begarea == "body" && endarea == "body")) { if (endarea != "right" && scroll_left < scroll_max && cells[j]._area == "right") { continue; } if (endarea != "left" && scroll_left > 0 && cells[j]._area == "left") { continue; } if (begarea != "left" && cells[j]._area == "left") { continue; } } ecell = j; ecol = col; esubrow = row; if (posobj.area != "right") { break; } else if (cells[j]._area == "right") { break; } } } break; } row_top = row_bottom; } spvt = epvt = this._selectinfo.curpvt; return { srow : srow, erow : erow, scell : scell, ecell : ecell, scol : scol, ecol : ecol, ssubrow : ssubrow, esubrow : esubrow, spvt : spvt, epvt : epvt }; }; _pGrid._getSelectRect = function (onlyarea, bApplyFixedRow) { var rect = this._selectinfo.arearect; var area = this._selectinfo.area; rect.left = 0; rect.top = 0; rect.width = 0; rect.height = 0; rect.barea = ""; rect.earea = ""; var scroll_left = this._getScrollLeft(); var scroll_top = this._getScrollTop(); while (area.length) { var areainfo = area[area.length - 1]; var format = this._curFormat; var cols = format._cols; var rows = format._bodyrows; var subrow_size_list = this._rowSizeListSub; var begcol = areainfo.begcol; var endcol = areainfo.endcol; var bodystart = format.leftWidth; var rightstart = this._client_width - format.rightWidth; var fixed_startrow = this._fixed_startrow; var fixed_endrow = this._fixed_endrow; if (areainfo.begrow < 0) { break; } if (!this._isAreaSelect()) { begcol = 0; endcol = cols.length - 1; } if (begcol >= 0 && endcol >= 0) { if (onlyarea && cols[begcol]._area != cols[endcol]._area) { break; } rect.barea = cols[begcol]._area; rect.earea = cols[endcol]._area; if (rect.barea == "right") { rect.left = rightstart + cols[begcol].left; rect.width = cols[endcol].right - cols[begcol].left; } else { if (rect.barea == "left") { rect.left = cols[begcol].left; } else { rect.left = bodystart + cols[begcol].left - scroll_left; } if (rect.earea == "left") { rect.width = cols[endcol].right - rect.left; } else if (rect.earea == "body") { rect.width = (bodystart + cols[endcol].right - scroll_left) - rect.left; } else { rect.width = (rightstart + cols[endcol].right) - rect.left; } } } else { rect.left = this._client_left; rect.width = this._client_width; } for (var row = 0; row <= areainfo.endrow; row++) { var s = 0, e = rows.length - 1; if (this._hasTree) { if (this._getGridRow(row) < -2) { continue; } } if (row < areainfo.begrow) { if (bApplyFixedRow && row < fixed_startrow) { continue; } for (var i = s; i <= e; i++) { rect.top += subrow_size_list[row * rows.length + i]; } } else { if (row == areainfo.begrow) { s = areainfo.begsubrow[0]; } if (row == areainfo.endrow) { e = areainfo.endsubrow[row - areainfo.begrow]; } for (var i = 0; i <= e; i++) { if (i < s) { rect.top += subrow_size_list[row * rows.length + i]; } else { rect.height += subrow_size_list[row * rows.length + i]; } } } } rect.top += this._bodyBand._adjust_top - scroll_top; break; } this._selectinfo.arearect = rect; return rect; }; _pGrid._updateSelector = function (mode, pos) { var v = this._isAreaSelect() && nexacro.isTouchInteraction; if (this._control_element) { var rect, l, t, w, h; var select_ctrl = this._select_ctrl; if (v) { if (!select_ctrl) { select_ctrl = new nexacro.GridSelector("gridselector", "absolute", 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null, this); select_ctrl._setCallbackFn(this._startAreaSizing, this._applyAreaSizing, this._applySelectorScroll); select_ctrl.createComponent(); select_ctrl._createButton(); this._select_ctrl = select_ctrl; } if ((mode == "vscroll" || mode == "hscroll") && !select_ctrl._is_tracking) { rect = this._selectinfo.arearect; if (mode == "hscroll") { if (rect.barea == "left") { if (rect.earea == "body") { rect.width -= pos; } } else if (rect.barea == "body") { rect.left -= pos; if (rect.earea == "right") { rect.width += pos; } } } if (mode == "vscroll") { rect.top -= pos; } l = rect.left; t = rect.top; w = rect.width; h = rect.height; if (t + h <= this._bodyBand._adjust_top) { v = false; } } else { rect = this._getSelectRect(select_ctrl._onlyarea, true); l = rect.left; t = rect.top; w = rect.width; h = rect.height; } if (!l && !t && !w && !h) { v = false; } select_ctrl.move(l, t, w, h, mode); if (v) { if (!select_ctrl._is_tracking) { select_ctrl.set_visible(false); } } else { select_ctrl.set_visible(false); } } } else { if (this._select_ctrl) { this._select_ctrl.destroy(); this._select_ctrl = null; } } }; _pGrid.set_autoupdatetype = function (v) { if (this.autoupdatetype != v) { switch (v) { case "none": case "comboselect": case "dateselect": case "itemselect": this.autoupdatetype = v; break; } } }; _pGrid.set_cellclickbound = function (v) { if (this.cellclickbound != v) { switch (v) { case "control": case "cell": this.cellclickbound = v; break; } } }; _pGrid.set_cellmovingtype = function (v) { if (this.cellmovingtype != v) { switch (v) { case "none": case "col": case "col,band": case "col,merge": case "col,line": this.cellmovingtype = v; break; } } }; _pGrid.set_cellsizebandtype = function (v) { if (this.cellsizebandtype != v) { switch (v) { case "body": case "allband": case "nohead": case "noleft": case "nohead,noleft": this.cellsizebandtype = v; this.on_apply_cellsizebandtype(); break; } } }; _pGrid.on_apply_cellsizebandtype = function () { }; _pGrid.set_cellsizingtype = function (v) { if (this.cellsizingtype != v) { switch (v) { case "none": case "col": case "row": case "both": this.cellsizingtype = v; this.on_apply_cellsizingtype(); break; } } }; _pGrid.on_apply_cellsizingtype = function () { this._applyResizer(); }; _pGrid.set_extendsizetype = function (v) { if (this.extendsizetype != v) { var size = false; if (this.autosizingtype == "row" || this.autosizingtype == "both") { size = true; } switch (v) { case "none": case "col": this._rowSizeEx = size; break; case "row": case "both": this._rowSizeEx = true; break; } this.extendsizetype = v; this.on_apply_extendsizetype(); } }; _pGrid.on_apply_extendsizetype = function () { if (this.getElement()) { this._recreate_contents_all(true, true, true); } }; _pGrid.set_wheelscrollrow = function (v) { if (this.wheelscrollrow != v) { this.wheelscrollrow = (isNaN(v) ? 3 : parseInt(v, 10)); } }; _pGrid.set_usecontrolkey = function (v) { if (this.usecontrolkey != v) { this.usecontrolkey = v; } }; _pGrid.set_treeusebutton = function (v) { if (this.treeusebutton != v) { switch (v) { case "use": case "no": case "noclick": this.treeusebutton = v; break; } this.on_apply_treeusebutton(); } }; _pGrid.set_dragscrolltype = function (v) { nexacro.Form.prototype.set_dragscrolltype.call(this, v); }; _pGrid.on_apply_treeusebutton = function () { this._refreshBody(); }; _pGrid.set_treeuseline = function (v) { v = nexacro._toBoolean(v); if (this.treeuseline != v) { this.treeuseline = v; this.on_apply_treeuseline(); } }; _pGrid.on_apply_treeuseline = function () { this._refreshBody(); }; _pGrid.set_treeusecheckbox = function (v) { v = nexacro._toBoolean(v); if (this.treeusecheckbox != v) { this.treeusecheckbox = v; this.on_apply_treeusecheckbox(); } }; _pGrid.on_apply_treeusecheckbox = function () { this._refreshBody(); }; _pGrid.set_treeuseimage = function (v) { v = nexacro._toBoolean(v); if (this.treeuseimage != v) { this.treeuseimage = v; this.on_apply_treeuseimage(); } }; _pGrid.on_apply_treeuseimage = function () { this._refreshBody(); }; _pGrid.set_treeuseexpandkey = function (v) { v = nexacro._toBoolean(v); if (this.treeuseexpandkey != v) { this.treeuseexpandkey = v; } }; _pGrid.set_treeinitstatus = function (v) { this.treeinitstatus = v; var expand, value; switch (v) { case "collapse,null": expand = false, value = false; break; case "expand,null": expand = true, value = false; break; case "collapse,all": expand = false, value = true; break; case "expand,all": expand = true, value = true; break; } this.on_apply_treeinitstatus(expand, value); }; _pGrid.on_apply_treeinitstatus = function (expand, value) { if (!this._hasTree) { return; } var format = this._curFormat; var cells = format._bodycells; var cellsLen = cells.length; var _treeIndexes = this._treeIndexes; var _treeStates = this._treeStates; this._org_treeStates = []; if (!value) { var update = false; var dsrowidx; for (var i = _treeIndexes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var cellinfo, editType; dsrowidx = this.getDatasetRow(i); for (var j = 0; j < cellsLen; j++) { cellinfo = cells[j]; editType = cellinfo._getEdittype(dsrowidx); if (editType == "tree") { break; } } if (cellinfo) { var state, precnt; if (cellinfo.treestate._bindtype != 0) { state = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.treestate, dsrowidx); } if (!state || state == "") { precnt = _treeIndexes.length; if (expand) { if (this._setTreeState(i, 1, false, "null") > 0) { i += (_treeIndexes.length - precnt + 1); update = true; } } else { if (this._setTreeState(i, 0, false, "null") > 0) { update = true; } } } else { precnt = _treeIndexes.length; var s = this._setTreeState(i, state, false, "null_value"); if (s == 2) { if ((_treeIndexes.length - precnt) > 0) { i += (_treeIndexes.length - precnt + 1); } update = true; } else if (s == 1) { update = true; } } } } if (update == true) { this._recreate_contents_all(false, false, false, true); } } else { var update = false, precnt; for (var i = _treeIndexes.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { precnt = _treeIndexes.length; if (expand) { if (this._setTreeState(i, 1, false, "all") > 0) { i += (_treeIndexes.length - precnt + 1); update = true; } } else { if (this._setTreeState(i, 0, false, "all") > 0) { update = true; } } } if (!expand) { for (var i = _treeStates.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var state = this._getOrgTreeStates(i); if (state == 2) { _treeStates[i] = 2; } } } if (update == true) { this._recreate_contents_all(false, false, false, true); } } }; _pGrid.set_treepathdelimiter = function (v) { if (this.treepathdelimiter != v) { this.treepathdelimiter = v; } }; _pGrid.set_useinputpanel = function (v) { if (this.useinputpanel != v) { this.useinputpanel = v; } }; _pGrid.set_usesoftkeyboard = function (v) { v = nexacro._toBoolean(v); if (v != this.usesoftkeyboard) { this.usesoftkeyboard = v; } }; _pGrid.on_apply_prop_enable = function (v) { if (!v) { this._enable = v; } nexacro.Component.prototype.on_apply_prop_enable.call(this, v); if (this._is_created) { this._refreshAll(); } }; _pGrid.on_apply_prop_rtldirection = function () { nexacro.Component.prototype.on_apply_prop_rtldirection.call(this); var _rtldirection = this._rtldirection; if (this._headBand) { this._headBand._setRtlDirection(_rtldirection); } if (this._bodyBand) { this._bodyBand._setRtlDirection(_rtldirection); } if (this._summBand) { this._summBand._setRtlDirection(_rtldirection); } if (this.vscrollbar) { this.vscrollbar._setRtlDirection(this._rtldirection); } if (this.hscrollbar) { this.hscrollbar._setRtlDirection(this._rtldirection); } }; _pGrid.createFormat = function () { var hr = 0; var pDataset = this._binddataset; var i = 0; var nColCount = 0; var nPvtCount = 0; var nRowCount = 0; if (pDataset) { nColCount = pDataset.getColCount(); } var strContents; if (nColCount > 0) { strContents = "\n"; strContents += "\n"; strContents += "\n"; { for (i = 0; i < nColCount; i++) { strContents += "\n"; } } strContents += "\n"; strContents += "\n"; { strContents += "\n"; strContents += "\n"; } strContents += "\n"; strContents += "\n"; { for (i = 0; i < nColCount; i++) { strContents += "\n"; } } strContents += "\n"; strContents += "\n"; { for (i = 0; i < nColCount; i++) { strContents += "\n"; } } strContents += "\n"; strContents += "\n"; strContents += "\n"; } else { strContents = "\n"; strContents += "\n"; strContents += "\n"; strContents += "\n"; } this.set_formats(strContents); return 0; }; _pGrid.setFormat = function (id) { var format = this._formats[id]; if (format) { if (format != this._curFormat) { this.set_formatid(id); return true; } } else { this.formatid = ""; this._curFormat = null; this._destroyBands(); } return false; }; _pGrid.getFormatString = function () { return this.formats; }; _pGrid.getCurFormatString = function (bOrginal) { if (this._curFormat) { if (bOrginal) { return this._curFormat._getOrgFormatStr(); } else { return this._curFormat._getFormatStr(); } } else { return this.formats; } }; _pGrid.getCellPos = function () { return this._selectinfo.curcell; }; _pGrid.setCellPos = function (nCellIdx) { return this._moveToPosCell(this._selectinfo.curdsrow, nCellIdx); }; _pGrid.getCellCount = function (strBand) { if (!this._curFormat) { return 0; } strBand = strBand.toLowerCase(); var cells; if (strBand == "head") { cells = this._curFormat._headcells; } else if (strBand == "summ" || strBand == "summary") { cells = this._curFormat._summcells; } else { cells = this._curFormat._bodycells; } if (cells) { return cells.length; } return 0; }; _pGrid.getCellRect = function (nRow, nCellIdx, nPivotIdx) { return this.getSubCellRect(nRow, nCellIdx, -1, nPivotIdx); }; _pGrid.getSubCellRect = function (nRow, nCellIdx, nSubCellIdx, nPivotIdx) { return this._getSubCellRect(nRow, nCellIdx, nSubCellIdx, nPivotIdx, true); }; _pGrid._getSubCellRect = function (nRow, nCellIdx, nSubCellIdx, nPivotIdx, bApplyScroll) { var rect = { "left" : 0, "top" : 0, "right" : 0, "bottom" : 0, "width" : 0, "height" : 0 }; rect.left = 0; rect.top = 0; rect.right = 0; rect.bottom = 0; rect.width = 0; rect.height = 0; if (nRow >= 0 && nRow < this._rowcount) { if (this._curFormat && this._curFormat._bodycells) { var parentinfo = null; var cellinfo = this._curFormat._bodycells[nCellIdx]; if (cellinfo && nSubCellIdx >= 0) { parentinfo = cellinfo; cellinfo = cellinfo._subcells[nSubCellIdx]; } if (cellinfo) { var top = 0; var left = 0; var right = 0; var bottom = this._getHeadHeight(); var _cols = this._curFormat._cols; if (this.summarytype == "top" || this.summarytype == "lefttop") { bottom += this._getSummHeight(); } var bodyrows = this._curFormat._bodyrows; var rowcnt = bodyrows.length; var rowcount = this._getGridRowCount(); var cellinfo_row = (parentinfo) ? parentinfo._row + cellinfo._row : cellinfo._row; var cellinfo_col = (parentinfo) ? parentinfo._col + cellinfo._col : cellinfo._col; var cellinfo_rowspan = cellinfo._rowspan; var cellinfo_colspan = cellinfo._colspan; var _rowSizeListSub = this._rowSizeListSub; var row; for (var i = 0; i < rowcount; i++) { row = i; if (this._hasTree) { row = this._treeIndexes[row]; } var r = row * rowcnt; if (row == nRow) { for (var k = 0; k < cellinfo_row; k++) { bottom += _rowSizeListSub[r++]; } top = bottom; for (var j = 0; j < cellinfo_rowspan; j++) { bottom += _rowSizeListSub[r++]; } break; } else { for (var j = 0; j < rowcnt; j++) { bottom += _rowSizeListSub[r + j]; } } } var size = 0; for (var i = 0; i < cellinfo_col; i++) { size += _cols[i].size; } left = size; size = 0; for (var i = 0; i < cellinfo_col + cellinfo_colspan; i++) { size += _cols[i].size; } right = size; if (cellinfo._area == "body" || cellinfo._area == "") { left -= this._getScrollLeft(); right -= this._getScrollLeft(); } top -= this._getScrollTop(); bottom -= this._getScrollTop(); if (bApplyScroll) { if (left < 0) { left = 0; } if (right < 0) { right = 0; } if (top < 0) { top = 0; } if (bottom < 0) { bottom = 0; } } rect.left = left; rect.right = right; rect.top = top; rect.bottom = bottom; rect.width = right - left; rect.height = bottom - top; } } } else if (nRow == -1) { if (this._curFormat && this._curFormat._headcells) { var cellinfo = this._curFormat._headcells[nCellIdx]; if (cellinfo && nSubCellIdx >= 0) { cellinfo = cellinfo._subcells[nSubCellIdx]; } if (cellinfo) { var top = 0; var left = 0; var right = 0; var bottom = 0; var _cols = this._curFormat._cols; var headrows = this._curFormat._headrows; var rowcnt = headrows.length; var cellinfo_row = cellinfo._row; var cellinfo_col = cellinfo._col; var cellinfo_rowspan = cellinfo._rowspan; var cellinfo_colspan = cellinfo._colspan; for (var k = 0; k < cellinfo_row; k++) { bottom += headrows[k].size; } top = bottom; for (k = 0; k < cellinfo_rowspan; k++) { bottom += headrows[k + cellinfo_row].size; } var size = 0; for (var i = 0; i < cellinfo_col; i++) { size += _cols[i].size; } left = size; size = 0; for (var i = 0; i < cellinfo_col + cellinfo_colspan; i++) { size += _cols[i].size; } right = size; if (cellinfo._area == "body" || cellinfo._area == "") { left -= this._getScrollLeft(); right -= this._getScrollLeft(); } if (bApplyScroll) { if (left < 0) { left = 0; } if (right < 0) { right = 0; } } rect.left = left; rect.right = right; rect.top = top; rect.bottom = bottom; rect.width = right - left; rect.height = bottom - top; } } } else if (nRow == -2) { if (this._curFormat && this._curFormat._summcells) { var cellinfo = this._curFormat._summcells[nCellIdx]; if (cellinfo && nSubCellIdx >= 0) { cellinfo = cellinfo._subcells[nSubCellIdx]; } if (cellinfo) { var top = 0; var left = 0; var right = 0; var bottom = 0; var _cols = this._curFormat._cols; if (this.summarytype == "top" || this.summarytype == "lefttop") { bottom += this._getHeadHeight(); } else { bottom = this._client_top + this._client_height - this._getSummHeight(); } var summrows = this._curFormat._summrows; var rowcnt = summrows.length; var cellinfo_row = cellinfo._row; var cellinfo_col = cellinfo._col; var cellinfo_rowspan = cellinfo._rowspan; var cellinfo_colspan = cellinfo._colspan; for (var k = 0; k < cellinfo_row; k++) { bottom += summrows[k].size; } top = bottom; for (k = 0; k < cellinfo_rowspan; k++) { bottom += summrows[k + cellinfo_row].size; } var size = 0; for (var i = 0; i < cellinfo_col; i++) { size += _cols[i].size; } left = size; size = 0; for (var i = 0; i < cellinfo_col + cellinfo_colspan; i++) { size += _cols[i].size; } right = size; if (cellinfo._area == "body" || cellinfo._area == "") { left -= this._getScrollLeft(); right -= this._getScrollLeft(); } if (bApplyScroll) { if (left < 0) { left = 0; } if (right < 0) { right = 0; } } rect.left = left; rect.right = right; rect.top = top; rect.bottom = bottom; rect.width = right - left; rect.height = bottom - top; } } } return rect; }; _pGrid.getCellText = function (nRow, nCellIdx, nPivotIdx) { if (nRow >= 0) { if (this._curFormat && this._curFormat._bodycells) { var cellinfo = this._curFormat._bodycells[nCellIdx]; if (cellinfo) { if (this._hasTree) { if (nRow < this._treeIndexes.length) { nRow = this._treeIndexes[nRow]; return cellinfo._getDisplayText(nRow); } } else { if (nRow < this._rowcount) { return cellinfo._getDisplayText(nRow); } } } } } else if (nRow == -1) { if (this._curFormat && this._curFormat._headcells) { var cellinfo = this._curFormat._headcells[nCellIdx]; if (cellinfo) { return cellinfo._getDisplayText(this._currentDSrow); } } } else if (nRow == -2) { if (this._curFormat && this._curFormat._summcells) { var cellinfo = this._curFormat._summcells[nCellIdx]; if (cellinfo) { return cellinfo._getDisplayText(this._currentDSrow); } } } }; _pGrid.getCellValue = function (nRow, nCellIdx, nPivotIdx) { if (nPivotIdx == undefined) { nPivotIdx = 0; } if (nRow >= 0) { if (this._curFormat && this._curFormat._bodycells) { var cellinfo = this._curFormat._bodycells[nCellIdx]; if (cellinfo) { if (this._hasTree) { if (nRow < this._treeIndexes.length) { nRow = this._treeIndexes[nRow]; return cellinfo._getValue(nRow); } } else { if (nRow < this._rowcount) { return cellinfo._getValue(nRow); } } } } } else if (nRow == -1) { if (this._curFormat && this._curFormat._headcells) { var cellinfo = this._curFormat._headcells[nCellIdx]; if (cellinfo) { return cellinfo._getValue(this._currentDSrow); } } } else if (nRow == -2) { if (this._curFormat && this._curFormat._summcells) { var cellinfo = this._curFormat._summcells[nCellIdx]; if (cellinfo) { return cellinfo._getValue(this._currentDSrow); } } } }; _pGrid.getSubCellCount = function (strBand, nCellIdx) { var format = this._curFormat; strBand = strBand.toLowerCase(); if (format) { var cells; if (strBand == "head") { cells = format._headcells; } else if (strBand == "summ" || strBand == "summary") { cells = format._summcells; } else { cells = format._bodycells; } if (cells && cells.length > nCellIdx && nCellIdx >= 0) { var cell = cells[nCellIdx]; return cell._subcells.length; } } return 0; }; _pGrid.getSubCellProperty = function (strBand, nCellIdx, nSubCellIdx, strPropID) { var format = this._curFormat; if (!format) { return undefined; } return format.getSubCellProperty(strBand, nCellIdx, nSubCellIdx, strPropID); }; _pGrid.getSubCellText = function (nRow, nCellIdx, nSubCellIdx, nPivotIdx) { if (nRow >= 0) { if (this._curFormat && this._curFormat._bodycells) { if (nCellIdx >= 0 && nCellIdx < this._curFormat._bodycells.length) { var cellinfo = this._curFormat._bodycells[nCellIdx]; if (cellinfo && nSubCellIdx >= 0 && nSubCellIdx < cellinfo._subcells.length) { if (this._hasTree) { if (nRow < this._treeIndexes.length) { nRow = this._treeIndexes[nRow]; return cellinfo._subcells[nSubCellIdx]._getDisplayText(nRow); } } else { if (nRow < this._rowcount) { return cellinfo._subcells[nSubCellIdx]._getDisplayText(nRow); } } } } } } else if (nRow == -1) { if (this._curFormat && this._curFormat._headcells) { var cellinfo = this._curFormat._headcells[nCellIdx]; if (cellinfo && nSubCellIdx >= 0 && nSubCellIdx < cellinfo._subcells.length) { return cellinfo._subcells[nSubCellIdx]._getDisplayText(this._currentDSrow); } } } else if (nRow == -2) { if (this._curFormat && this._curFormat._summcells) { var cellinfo = this._curFormat._summcells[nCellIdx]; if (cellinfo && nSubCellIdx >= 0 && nSubCellIdx < cellinfo._subcells.length) { return cellinfo._subcells[nSubCellIdx]._getDisplayText(this._currentDSrow); } } } }; _pGrid.getSubCellValue = function (nRow, nCellIdx, nSubCellIdx, nPivotIdx) { if (nRow >= 0) { if (this._curFormat && this._curFormat._bodycells) { if (nCellIdx >= 0 && nCellIdx < this._curFormat._bodycells.length) { var cellinfo = this._curFormat._bodycells[nCellIdx]; if (cellinfo && nSubCellIdx >= 0 && nSubCellIdx < cellinfo._subcells.length) { if (this._hasTree) { if (nRow < this._treeIndexes.length) { nRow = this._treeIndexes[nRow]; return cellinfo._subcells[nSubCellIdx]._getValue(nRow); } } else { if (nRow < this._rowcount) { return cellinfo._subcells[nSubCellIdx]._getValue(nRow); } } } } } } else if (nRow == -1) { if (this._curFormat && this._curFormat._headcells) { var cellinfo = this._curFormat._headcells[nCellIdx]; if (cellinfo && nSubCellIdx >= 0 && nSubCellIdx < cellinfo._subcells.length) { return cellinfo._subcells[nSubCellIdx]._getValue(this._currentDSrow); } } } else if (nRow == -2) { if (this._curFormat && this._curFormat._summcells) { var cellinfo = this._curFormat._summcells[nCellIdx]; if (cellinfo && nSubCellIdx >= 0 && nSubCellIdx < cellinfo._subcells.length) { return cellinfo._subcells[nSubCellIdx]._getValue(this._currentDSrow); } } } }; _pGrid.setSubCellProperty = function (strBand, nCellIdx, nSubCellIdx, strPropID, varValue) { var format = this._curFormat; if (!format) { return false; } var cellinfo = format.setSubCellProperty(strBand, nCellIdx, nSubCellIdx, strPropID, varValue); if (cellinfo) { format._clearCellStyleCache(strBand, nCellIdx); this._refreshCell(strBand, nCellIdx, -1, true); } return (cellinfo != null); }; _pGrid.setFormatColProperty = function (nColIdx, strPropID, nValue) { if (strPropID && this._curFormat) { strPropID = strPropID.toLowerCase(); if (this._curFormat.setFormatColProperty(nColIdx, strPropID, nValue)) { if (strPropID == "band") { this._autofitcol_rate = []; this._recreate(); } else if (strPropID == "size") { if (this.enableredraw) { this._updateColSize(nColIdx); } else { if (!this._enable_redraw_history["updatecolsize"]) { this._enable_redraw_history["updatecolsize"] = []; } this._enable_redraw_history["updatecolsize"].push(nColIdx); } } else { this._recreate_contents_all(true, false, false); } return true; } } return false; }; _pGrid.setFormatRowProperty = function (nRowIdx, strPropID, nValue) { if (strPropID && this._curFormat) { strPropID = strPropID.toLowerCase(); if (this._curFormat.setFormatRowProperty(nRowIdx, strPropID, nValue)) { if (strPropID == "band" || strPropID == "size") { this._isUserChangeHeadRowSize = false; this._isUserChangeSummRowSize = false; this._isUserChangeBodyRowSize = false; this._realrowsized_body = []; this._realrowsized_head = []; this._realrowsized_summ = []; this._recreate(); } else { this._recreate_contents_all(false, false, false); } return true; } } return false; }; _pGrid.getFormatColProperty = function (nCollIdx, strPropId) { if (this._curFormat) { return this._curFormat.getFormatColProperty(nCollIdx, strPropId); } return null; }; _pGrid.getFormatRowProperty = function (nRowIdx, strPropId) { if (this._curFormat) { return this._curFormat.getFormatRowProperty(nRowIdx, strPropId); } return null; }; _pGrid.getFormatColCount = function () { if (this._curFormat) { return this._curFormat._cols.length; } return 0; }; _pGrid.getFormatRowCount = function () { if (this._curFormat) { var format = this._curFormat; var rowcnt = 0; if (format._headrows) { rowcnt += format._headrows.length; } if (format._bodyrows) { rowcnt += format._bodyrows.length; } if (format._summrows) { rowcnt += format._summrows.length; } return rowcnt; } return 0; }; _pGrid.getFormatColSize = function (nColIdx) { if (this._curFormat) { if (this._curFormat._cols.length > 0 && this._curFormat._cols.length > nColIdx) { var col = this._curFormat._cols[nColIdx]; if (col) { return col.orgsize; } } } return -1; }; _pGrid.getFormatRowSize = function (nRowIdx) { if (this._curFormat) { if (nRowIdx < 0) { return -1; } var top = 0; var rows = this._curFormat._headrows; if (rows) { if (rows.length > nRowIdx) { var row = rows[nRowIdx]; return row.orgsize; } top += rows.length; } if (this.summarytype == "top" || this.summarytype == "lefttop") { rows = this._curFormat._summrows; if (rows) { if (rows.length + top > nRowIdx) { var row = rows[nRowIdx - top]; return row.orgsize; } top += rows.length; } rows = this._curFormat._bodyrows; if (rows) { if (rows.length + top > nRowIdx) { var row = rows[nRowIdx - top]; return row.orgsize; } } } else { rows = this._curFormat._bodyrows; if (rows) { if (rows.length + top > nRowIdx) { var row = rows[nRowIdx - top]; return row.orgsize; } top += rows.length; } rows = this._curFormat._summrows; if (rows) { if (rows.length + top > nRowIdx) { var row = rows[nRowIdx - top]; return row.orgsize; } } } } return -1; }; _pGrid._isUserChangeHeadRowSize = false; _pGrid._isUserChangeBodyRowSize = false; _pGrid._isUserChangeSummRowSize = false; _pGrid._isUserChangeColSize = false; _pGrid.setRealColSize = function (nPivotIndex, nColIndex, nSize, bBandIndex) { if (arguments.length == 3) { bBandIndex = nSize; nSize = nColIndex; nColIndex = nPivotIndex; nPivotIndex = -9; } else if (arguments.length == 2) { nSize = nColIndex; nColIndex = nPivotIndex; nPivotIndex = -9; bBandIndex = true; } this._isUserChangeColSize = true; return this._setColSize(nPivotIndex, nColIndex, nSize, bBandIndex, true); }; _pGrid.setRealRowSize = function (nRowIndex, nSubRowIndex, nSize, bBandIndex) { var format = this._curFormat; if (bBandIndex == undefined) { bBandIndex = true; } if (nSize == undefined) { nSize = nSubRowIndex; nSubRowIndex = -1; } var band = "none"; if (bBandIndex) { if (nRowIndex >= 0) { band = "body"; } else if (nRowIndex == -1) { band = "head"; } else if (nRowIndex == -2) { band = "summ"; } } else { if (format._headrows) { if (nRowIndex < format._headrows.length) { band = "head"; } else { nRowIndex -= format._headrows.length; } } if (band == "none") { if (this.summarytype == "top" || this.summarytype == "lefttop") { if (format._summrows) { if (nRowIndex < format._summrows.length) { band = "summ"; } else { nRowIndex -= format._headrows.length; } } if (band == "none") { band = "body"; } } else { if (format._bodyrows) { var length = (this._hasTree) ? this._treeIndexes.length : this._rowcount; if (nRowIndex < length) { band = "body"; } else { nRowIndex -= length; } } if (band == "none") { if (format._summrows) { if (nRowIndex < format._summrows.length) { band = "summ"; } } } } } } var change = false; if (band == "body") { if (format && format._bodyrows) { var nRow = nRowIndex; if (this._hasTree) { if (nRow >= this._treeIndexes.length) { return false; } nRow = this._treeIndexes[nRow]; } else { if (nRow >= this._rowcount) { return false; } } var rows = format._bodyrows; var rowsLen = rows.length; var _rowSizeList = this._rowSizeList; var _rowSizeListSub = this._rowSizeListSub; if (nSubRowIndex >= 0) { if (nSubRowIndex < rowsLen) { this._is_variable_bodyrowsize = true; var index = (nRow * rowsLen) + nSubRowIndex; var oldsize = _rowSizeListSub[index]; var newsize = nSize; if (oldsize != newsize) { _rowSizeListSub[index] = newsize; _rowSizeList[nRow] += (newsize - oldsize); this._realrowsized_body[index] = true; change = true; this._updateRowSizeExtendEx(format._bodyrows, _rowSizeList, _rowSizeListSub, nRow, true); if (this.enableredraw) { if (this.extendsizetype != "row" && this.extendsizetype != "both") { if (this._bodyBand) { this._bodyBand._recreate_contents(); } } else { this._updateRowSize(nRowIndex, nSubRowIndex); } } else { if (this.extendsizetype != "row" && this.extendsizetype != "both") { this._enable_redraw_history["recreate_body"] = true; } else { if (!this._enable_redraw_history["updaterowsize"]) { this._enable_redraw_history["updaterowsize"] = []; } this._enable_redraw_history["updaterowsize"].push([nRowIndex, nSubRowIndex]); } } this._isUserChangeBodyRowSize = true; } } else { return false; } } else { if (nRow < _rowSizeList.length) { this._is_variable_bodyrowsize = true; var index, oldsize, newsize; for (var i = 0; i < rowsLen; i++) { index = (nRow * rowsLen) + i; oldsize = _rowSizeListSub[index]; newsize = nSize; if (oldsize != newsize) { _rowSizeListSub[index] = newsize; _rowSizeList[nRow] += (newsize - oldsize); this._realrowsized_body[index] = true; change = true; } } if (change) { this._updateRowSizeExtendEx(format._bodyrows, _rowSizeList, _rowSizeListSub, nRow, true); if (this.enableredraw) { if (this._bodyBand) { this._bodyBand._recreate_contents(); } } else { this._enable_redraw_history["recreate_body"] = true; } this._isUserChangeBodyRowSize = true; } } else { return false; } } } } else if (band == "head") { if (format && format._headrows) { var rows = format._headrows; var rowsLen = rows.length; var _rowSizeList = this._rowHeadList; var _rowSizeListSub = this._rowHeadListSub; if (nSubRowIndex >= 0) { if (nSubRowIndex < rowsLen) { var index = nSubRowIndex; var oldsize = _rowSizeListSub[index]; var newsize = nSize; if (oldsize != newsize) { _rowSizeListSub[index] = newsize; _rowSizeList[0] += (newsize - oldsize); this._realrowsized_head[index] = true; change = true; this._updateRowSizeExtendEx(format._headrows, _rowSizeList, _rowSizeListSub, 0); } } else { return false; } } else { var index, oldsize, newsize; for (var i = 0; i < rowsLen; i++) { index = i; oldsize = _rowSizeListSub[index]; newsize = nSize; if (oldsize != newsize) { _rowSizeListSub[index] = newsize; _rowSizeList[0] += (newsize - oldsize); this._realrowsized_head[index] = true; change = true; } } if (change == true) { this._updateRowSizeExtendEx(format._headrows, _rowSizeList, _rowSizeListSub, 0); } } if (change) { if (this.enableredraw) { if (this._headBand) { this._headBand._recreate_contents(); } this._resizeBand(); } else { this._enable_redraw_history["recreate_head"] = true; this._enable_redraw_history["resize_band"] = true; } this._isUserChangeHeadRowSize = true; } } } else if (band == "summ") { if (format && format._summrows) { var rows = format._summrows; var rowsLen = rows.length; var _rowSizeList = this._rowSummList; var _rowSizeListSub = this._rowSummListSub; if (nSubRowIndex >= 0) { if (nSubRowIndex < rowsLen) { var index = nSubRowIndex; var oldsize = _rowSizeListSub[index]; var newsize = nSize; if (oldsize != newsize) { _rowSizeListSub[index] = newsize; _rowSizeList[0] += (newsize - oldsize); this._realrowsized_summ[index] = true; change = true; this._updateRowSizeExtendEx(format._summrows, _rowSizeList, _rowSizeListSub, 0); } } else { return false; } } else { var index, oldsize, newsize; for (var i = 0; i < rowsLen; i++) { index = i; oldsize = _rowSizeListSub[index]; newsize = nSize; if (oldsize != newsize) { _rowSizeListSub[index] = newsize; _rowSizeList[0] += (newsize - oldsize); this._realrowsized_summ[index] = true; change = true; } } if (change == true) { this._updateRowSizeExtendEx(format._summrows, _rowSizeList, _rowSizeListSub, 0); } } if (change == true) { if (this.enableredraw) { if (this._summBand) { this._summBand._recreate_contents(); } this._resizeBand(); } else { this._enable_redraw_history["recreate_summ"] = true; this._enable_redraw_history["resize_band"] = true; } this._isUserChangeSummRowSize = true; } } } return change; }; _pGrid.getRealColSize = function (nColIndex, bBandIndex) { var format = this._curFormat; var leftcnt = this._getColFixCnt("left"); var bodycnt = this._getColFixCnt("body"); var rightcnt = this._getColFixCnt("right"); var _cols = format._cols; var _colsLen = _cols.length; var areatype = "body"; if (bBandIndex == true) { if (nColIndex >= 0) { nColIndex += leftcnt; } else if (nColIndex == -2) { nColIndex += leftcnt; nColIndex += bodycnt; } if (_colsLen <= nColIndex) { return -1; } } return _cols[nColIndex].size; }; _pGrid.getRealRowSize = function (nRowIndex, nSubRowIndex, bBandIndex) { var format = this._curFormat; if (bBandIndex == undefined) { bBandIndex = true; } var band = "none"; if (bBandIndex) { if (nRowIndex >= 0) { band = "body"; } else if (nRowIndex == -1) { band = "head"; } else if (nRowIndex == -2) { band = "summ"; } } else { if (format._headrows) { if (nRowIndex < format._headrows.length) { band = "head"; } else { nRowIndex -= format._headrows.length; } } if (band == "none") { if (this.summarytype == "top" || this.summarytype == "lefttop") { if (format._summrows) { if (nRowIndex < format._summrows.length) { band = "summ"; } else { nRowIndex -= format._headrows.length; } } if (band == "none") { band = "body"; } } else { if (format._bodyrows) { var length = (this._hasTree) ? this._treeIndexes.length : this._rowcount; if (nRowIndex < length) { band = "body"; } else { nRowIndex -= length; } } if (band == "none") { if (format._summrows) { if (nRowIndex < format._summrows.length) { band = "summ"; } } } } } } if (band == "body") { if (format && format._bodyrows) { var nRow = nRowIndex; if (this._hasTree) { if (nRow >= this._treeIndexes.length) { return 0; } nRow = this._treeIndexes[nRow]; } else { if (nRow >= this._rowcount) { return 0; } } var rows = format._bodyrows; if (nSubRowIndex >= 0) { if (nSubRowIndex < rows.length) { return this._rowSizeListSub[nRow * rows.length + nSubRowIndex]; } else { return 0; } } else { if (nRow < this._rowSizeList.length) { return this._rowSizeList[nRow]; } else { return 0; } } } } else if (band == "head") { if (format && format._headrows) { var rows = format._headrows; if (nSubRowIndex >= 0) { if (nSubRowIndex < rows.length) { return this._rowHeadListSub[nSubRowIndex]; } else { return 0; } } else { return this._rowHeadList[0]; } } } else if (band == "summ") { if (format && format._summrows) { var rows = format._summrows; if (nSubRowIndex >= 0) { if (nSubRowIndex < rows.length) { return this._rowSummListSub[nSubRowIndex]; } else { return 0; } } else { return this._rowSummList[0]; } } } return 0; }; _pGrid.getRealColFullSize = function (strBand) { var format = this._curFormat; var size = 0; if (!strBand) { var leftcnt = this._getColFixCnt("left"); for (var i = 0; i < leftcnt; i++) { size += this.getRealColSize(-1, i); } var bodycnt = this._getColFixCnt("body"); for (var i = 0; i < bodycnt; i++) { size += this.getRealColSize(leftcnt + i); } var rightcnt = this._getColFixCnt("right"); for (var i = 0; i < rightcnt; i++) { size += this.getRealColSize(leftcnt + bodycnt + i); } } else { strBand = strBand.toLowerCase(); if (strBand == "left") { var leftcnt = this._getColFixCnt("left"); for (var i = 0; i < leftcnt; i++) { size += this.getRealColSize(i); } } else if (strBand == "body") { var leftcnt = this._getColFixCnt("left"); var bodycnt = this._getColFixCnt("body"); for (var i = 0; i < bodycnt; i++) { size += this.getRealColSize(leftcnt + i); } } else if (strBand == "right") { var leftcnt = this._getColFixCnt("left"); var bodycnt = this._getColFixCnt("body"); var rightcnt = this._getColFixCnt("right"); for (var i = 0; i < rightcnt; i++) { size += this.getRealColSize(leftcnt + bodycnt + i); } } } return size; }; _pGrid.getRealRowFullSize = function (strBand) { if (!strBand) { var length = (this._hasTree) ? this._treeIndexes.length : this._rowcount; var size = 0; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { size += this.getRealRowSize(i); } size += this.getRealRowSize(-1); size += this.getRealRowSize(-2); return size; } else { strBand = strBand.toLowerCase(); if (strBand == "body") { var length = (this._hasTree) ? this._treeIndexes.length : this._rowcount; var size = 0; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { size += this.getRealRowSize(i); } return size; } else if (strBand == "head") { return this.getRealRowSize(-1); } else if (strBand == "summ" || strBand == "summary") { return this.getRealRowSize(-2); } } return 0; }; _pGrid.__createDefualtColFormat = function (band) { var strContents; strContents = "\n"; strContents += "\n"; strContents += "\n"; strContents += "\n"; strContents += "\n"; if (band == "head") { strContents += "\n"; strContents += ""; strContents += "\n"; strContents += "\n"; strContents += "\n"; strContents += "\n"; } else if (band == "summ" || band == "summary") { strContents += "\n"; strContents += ""; strContents += "\n"; strContents += "\n"; strContents += "\n"; strContents += "\n"; } else if (band == "body") { strContents += "\n"; strContents += ""; strContents += "\n"; strContents += "\n"; strContents += "\n"; strContents += "\n"; } strContents += "\n"; strContents += "\n"; this.set_formats(strContents); return 0; }; _pGrid.appendContentsRow = function (strBand, bBandAppend) { if (!strBand) { strBand = "body"; } if (typeof (strBand) == "number") { if (strBand == -1) { strBand = "head"; } else if (strBand == -2) { strBand = "summ"; } else if (strBand >= 0) { strBand = "body"; } } strBand = strBand.toLowerCase(); if (!this._curFormat) { return this.__createDefualtColFormat(strBand); } if (!bBandAppend == undefined) { bBandAppend = true; } if (bBandAppend == false) { strBand = this._getLastRowBand(); } var row = this._curFormat.appendContentsRow(strBand, bBandAppend); if (row >= 0) { this._recreate(); this._initSelect(); if (strBand == "body" || strBand >= 0) { if (rows = this._curFormat._headrows) { row += rows.length; } if (this.summarytype == "top" || this.summarytype == "lefttop") { if (rows = this._curFormat._summrows) { row += rows.length; } } } else if (strBand == "summ" || strBand == "summary" || strBand == -2) { if (rows = this._curFormat._headrows) { row += rows.length; } if (this.summarytype != "top" && this.summarytype != "lefttop") { if (rows = this._curFormat._bodyrows) { row += rows.length; } } } } return row; }; _pGrid.appendContentsCol = function (strBand, bBandAppend) { if (!this._curFormat || (!isNaN(parseInt(strBand)) && strBand < -2)) { return -1; } this._autofitcol_rate = []; var col = this._curFormat.appendContentsCol(strBand, bBandAppend); if (col >= 0) { this._recreate(); } return col; }; _pGrid.insertContentsRow = function (strBand, nSubRowIndex, bBandIndex) { if (!this._curFormat) { return -1; } if (arguments.length == 1) { nSubRowIndex = strBand; strBand = "body"; } var row = this._curFormat.insertContentsRow(strBand, nSubRowIndex, bBandIndex); if (row >= 0) { this._recreate(); if (strBand == "body" || strBand >= 0) { if (rows = this._curFormat._headrows) { row += rows.length; } if (this.summarytype == "top" || this.summarytype == "lefttop") { if (rows = this._curFormat._summrows) { row += rows.length; } } } else if (strBand == "summ" || strBand == "summary" || strBand == -2) { if (rows = this._curFormat._headrows) { row += rows.length; } if (this.summarytype != "top" && this.summarytype != "lefttop") { if (rows = this._curFormat._bodyrows) { row += rows.length; } } } } return row; }; _pGrid.insertContentsCol = function (strBand, nColIndex, bBandIndex) { if (!this._curFormat) { return -1; } this._autofitcol_rate = []; var col = this._curFormat.insertContentsCol(strBand, nColIndex, bBandIndex); if (col >= 0) { this._recreate(); } return col; }; _pGrid.deleteContentsRow = function (strBand, nSubRowIndex, bBandIndex) { if (!this._curFormat) { return -1; } if (arguments.length == 1) { nSubRowIndex = strBand; strBand = "body"; } var row = this._curFormat.deleteContentsRow(strBand, nSubRowIndex, bBandIndex); if (row >= 0) { this._recreate(); } return row; }; _pGrid.deleteContentsCol = function (strBand, nColIndex, bBandIndex) { if (!this._curFormat) { return -1; } this._autofitcol_rate = []; var col = this._curFormat.deleteContentsCol(strBand, nColIndex, bBandIndex); if (col >= 0) { this._recreate(); } return col; }; _pGrid.mergeContentsCell = function (strBand, nStartRow, nStartCol, nEndRow, nEndCol, nFirstCell, bKeepSubCell) { if (!this._curFormat) { return -1; } bKeepSubCell = nexacro._toBoolean(bKeepSubCell); var cell = this._curFormat.mergeContentsCell(strBand, nStartRow, nStartCol, nEndRow, nEndCol, nFirstCell, bKeepSubCell); if (cell >= 0) { this._recreate(); } return cell; }; _pGrid.splitContentsCell = function (strBand, nStartRow, nStartCol, nEndRow, nEndCol, bMakeSubCell) { if (!this._curFormat) { return -1; } else { bMakeSubCell = nexacro._toBoolean(bMakeSubCell); var cell = this._curFormat.splitContentsCell(strBand, nStartRow, nStartCol, nEndRow, nEndCol, bMakeSubCell); if (cell > 0) { this._recreate(); } return cell; } }; _pGrid.setBandProperty = function (strBand, strPropID, varValue) { var format = this._curFormat; if (!format) { return false; } strBand = strBand.toLowerCase(); var bandinfo = format.setBandProperty(strBand, strPropID, varValue); if (bandinfo) { strBand = strBand.toLowerCase(); if (strBand == "body") { this._refreshBody(true); } else if (strBand == "head") { this._refreshHead(true); } else { this._refreshSumm(true); } } return (bandinfo != null); }; _pGrid.getBandProperty = function (strBand, strPropID) { var format = this._curFormat; if (!format) { return null; } strBand = strBand.toLowerCase(); return format.getBandProperty(strBand, strPropID); }; _pGrid.setCellProperty = function (strBand, nCellIdx, strPropID, varValue) { var format = this._curFormat; if (!format) { return false; } strBand = strBand.toLowerCase(); var cellinfo = format.setCellProperty(strBand, nCellIdx, strPropID, varValue); if (cellinfo) { format._clearCellStyleCache(strBand, nCellIdx); if (strPropID == "displaytype" && varValue == "tree") { this._setTreeCellinfo(cellinfo); this._setTree(true); } else if (strPropID == "autosizecol" || strPropID == "autosizerow") { this._recreate_contents_all(true, true, false); } else if (strPropID == "text") { if (strBand == "head" && this._headAutoSize) { this._recreate_contents_all(true, true, false); } else if (strBand == "body" && this._bodyAutoSize) { this._recreate_contents_all(true, true, false); } else if (strBand.indexOf("summ") >= 0 && this._summAutoSize) { this._recreate_contents_all(true, true, false); } else { this._refreshCell(strBand, nCellIdx, -1, true, true); } } else if (strPropID == "suppress") { if (varValue != 0) { this._is_use_suppress = true; } else { cellinfo._clearSuppressInfo(); var cells = this._curFormat._bodycells; var cellcnt = cells ? cells.length : 0; var cellinfo2; this._is_use_suppress = false; for (var j = 0; j < cellcnt; j++) { cellinfo2 = cells[j]; if (cellinfo2.suppress != 0) { this._is_use_suppress = true; break; } } } this._refreshBody(); } else if (strPropID == "suppressalign" && this._is_use_suppress) { this._destroyOverlayElements(); this._refreshBody(); } else { var is_onlycontents = false; if (strPropID == "displaytype" || strPropID == "editdisplay" || strPropID == "combodisplay" || strPropID == "calendardisplay") { this._changeDisplayer = true; } else if (strPropID == "wordwrap") { is_onlycontents = true; if (varValue != "none") { if (strBand == "head") { this._is_head_wordwrap = true; } if (strBand == "body") { this._is_body_wordwrap = true; } if (strBand.indexOf("summ") >= 0) { this._is_head_wordwrap = true; } } else { var cells, cellcnt, cellinfo2; if (strBand == "body") { cells = this._curFormat._bodycells; cellcnt = cells ? cells.length : 0; this._is_body_wordwrap = false; for (var j = 0; j < cellcnt; j++) { cellinfo2 = cells[j]; if (cellinfo2.wordwrap != "none") { this._is_body_wordwrap = true; break; } } } if (strBand == "head") { cells = this._curFormat._headcells; cellcnt = cells ? cells.length : 0; this._is_head_wordwrap = false; for (var j = 0; j < cellcnt; j++) { cellinfo2 = cells[j]; if (cellinfo2.wordwrap != "none") { this._is_head_wordwrap = true; break; } } } if (strBand == "summ") { cells = this._curFormat._summcells; cellcnt = cells ? cells.length : 0; this._is_summ_wordwrap = false; for (var j = 0; j < cellcnt; j++) { cellinfo2 = cells[j]; if (cellinfo2.wordwrap != "none") { this._is_summ_wordwrap = true; break; } } } } } else if (strPropID == "tooltiptext") { is_onlycontents = true; } this._refreshCell(strBand, nCellIdx, -1, true, is_onlycontents); this._changeDisplayer = false; } } return (cellinfo != null); }; _pGrid.getCellProperty = function (strBand, nCellIdx, strPropID) { var format = this._curFormat; if (!format) { return null; } strBand = strBand.toLowerCase(); return format.getCellProperty(strBand, nCellIdx, strPropID); }; _pGrid.autoFitRow = function (strType) { }; _pGrid.autoFitCol = function (strType) { var af = this.autofittype; this.autofittype = "col"; if (strType) { this.autofittype = strType; } if (this._curFormat) { this._curFormat._resetOrgColSize(true, this._autofitcol_rate); } var retn = this._applyAutofittype(true); this.autofittype = af; return retn; }; _pGrid.autoSizeRow = function (strType, nRowIndex, nSubRowIndex, bIsDatasetRow) { if (!this._binddataset || !this._curFormat || nRowIndex == undefined) { return false; } if (bIsDatasetRow == undefined || bIsDatasetRow == true) { nRowIndex = this._getDataRow(nRowIndex); } var retn = false; this._autoSizeRowProc = true; if (strType == "row") { if (nRowIndex >= 0) { this._is_variable_bodyrowsize = true; var rows = this._curFormat._bodyrows; var rowsLen = rows.length; if (nSubRowIndex != undefined) { var index = (nRowIndex * rows.length) + nSubRowIndex; var oldsize = this._rowSizeListSub[index]; var newsize = this._getMaxSubRowSize(nRowIndex, nSubRowIndex); if (oldsize != newsize) { this._rowSizeListSub[index] = newsize; this._rowSizeList[nRowIndex] += (newsize - oldsize); change = true; } } else { for (var j = 0; j < rowsLen; j++) { var index = (nRowIndex * rows.length) + j; var oldsize = this._rowSizeListSub[index]; var newsize = this._getMaxSubRowSize(nRowIndex, j); if (oldsize != newsize) { this._rowSizeListSub[index] = newsize; this._rowSizeList[nRowIndex] += (newsize - oldsize); change = true; } } } if (change == true) { this._updateRowSizeExtend(); } this._recreate_contents_all(false, false, false); retn = true; } else if (nRowIndex == -1) { var rows = this._curFormat._headrows; var rowsLen = rows.length; if (nSubRowIndex != undefined) { var index = nSubRowIndex; var oldsize = this._rowHeadListSub[index]; var newsize = this._getMaxSubRowSize(nRowIndex, nSubRowIndex); if (oldsize != newsize) { this._rowHeadListSub[index] = newsize; this._rowHeadList[0] += (newsize - oldsize); change = true; } } else { for (var j = 0; j < rowsLen; j++) { var index = j; var oldsize = this._rowHeadListSub[index]; var newsize = this._getMaxSubRowSize(nRowIndex, j); if (oldsize != newsize) { this._rowHeadListSub[index] = newsize; this._rowHeadList[0] += (newsize - oldsize); change = true; } } } if (change == true) { this._updateRowSizeExtend(); } this._resizeBand(); this._recreate_contents_all(false, false, false); retn = true; } else if (nRowIndex == -2) { var rows = this._curFormat._summrows; var rowsLen = rows.length; if (nSubRowIndex != undefined) { var index = nSubRowIndex; var oldsize = this._rowSummListSub[index]; var newsize = this._getMaxSubRowSize(nRowIndex, nSubRowIndex); if (oldsize != newsize) { this._rowSummListSub[index] = newsize; this._rowSummList[0] += (newsize - oldsize); change = true; } } else { for (var j = 0; j < rowsLen; j++) { var index = j; var oldsize = this._rowSummListSub[index]; var newsize = this._getMaxSubRowSize(nRowIndex, j); if (oldsize != newsize) { this._rowSummListSub[index] = newsize; this._rowSummList[0] += (newsize - oldsize); change = true; } } } if (change == true) { this._updateRowSizeExtend(); } this._resizeBand(); this._recreate_contents_all(false, false, false); retn = true; } } this._autoSizeRowProc = false; return retn; }; _pGrid.autoSizeCol = function (strType, nPivotIndex, nColIndex, bBandindex) { if (arguments.length == 2) { nColIndex = nPivotIndex; nPivotIndex = -9; } if (strType == "col") { var size; if (nColIndex == -1) { var cols = this._curFormat._cols; var colsLen = cols.length; for (var i = 0; i < colsLen; i++) { size = this._getMaxColDataSizeBand(i); if (size >= 0 && this._setColSize(-9, i, size, bBandindex, true, true, (i != colsLen - 1))) { change = true; } } } else if (nColIndex >= 0) { size = this._getMaxColDataSizeBand(nColIndex); if (size >= 0) { this._setColSize(nPivotIndex, nColIndex, size, bBandindex, true, true); } } } }; _pGrid.isDropdownCalendar = function () { if (this._currentCellEditor && this._currentCellEditor.visible == true && this._currentCellEditor._type_name == "CalendarControl") { return this._currentCellEditor.isDropdown(); } return false; }; _pGrid.isDropdownCombo = function () { if (this._currentCellEditor && this._currentCellEditor.visible == true && this._currentCellEditor._type_name == "ComboControl") { return this._currentCellEditor.isDropdown(); } return false; }; _pGrid.moveToNextCell = function () { return this._moveToCell("next", true, false, undefined, undefined, true); }; _pGrid.moveToPrevCell = function () { return this._moveToCell("prev", true, false, undefined, undefined, true); }; _pGrid.showEditor = function (bShow) { var val; if (bShow === undefined) { bShow = true; } bShow = nexacro._toBoolean(bShow); if (this._showEditing == bShow) { return false; } if (bShow) { this.setFocus(false); val = this._showEditor(); } else { val = this._hideEditor(); } return val; }; _pGrid.dropdownCombo = function () { if (this._currentCellEditor && this._currentCellEditor.visible == true && this._currentCellEditor._type_name == "ComboControl") { this._currentCellEditor.dropdown(); return true; } return false; }; _pGrid.dropdownCalendar = function () { if (this._currentCellEditor && this._currentCellEditor.visible == true && this._currentCellEditor._type_name == "CalendarControl") { this._currentCellEditor.dropdown(); return true; } return false; }; _pGrid.getCurEditType = function () { var cellinfo = this._getBodyCellInfo(this._selectinfo.curcell); if (cellinfo) { return cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.edittype, this._selectinfo.curdsrow); } return ""; }; _pGrid.getEditCaret = function () { if (this._showEditing) { var editComp = this._currentCellEditor; if (editComp && editComp.getCaretPos) { return editComp.getCaretPos(); } } }; _pGrid.getEditSelect = function () { var editComp = this._currentCellEditor; if (editComp && editComp.getSelect) { return editComp.getSelect(); } }; _pGrid.getEditSelectedText = function () { var editComp = this._currentCellEditor; if (editComp && editComp.getSelectedText) { return editComp.getSelectedText(); } return ""; }; _pGrid.getEditText = function () { if (this._showEditing) { var editComp = this._currentCellEditor; if (editComp) { return editComp.text; } } }; _pGrid.setEditCaret = function (nPos) { }; _pGrid.setEditSelect = function (nStart, nEnd) { var editor = this._currentCellEditor; if (!editor) { return false; } if (nStart == -1) { editor.setSelect(0, 0); return true; } else { if (editor.setSelect) { return editor.setSelect(nStart, nEnd); } } return false; }; _pGrid.setEditSelectedText = function (strText) { }; _pGrid.setEditText = function (strText) { }; _pGrid.updateToDataset = function () { if (this._showEditing) { var editComp = this._currentCellEditor; if (editComp) { editComp._setDataset(false, this._currentCellRow); return true; } return false; } return false; }; _pGrid.setTreeStatus = function (nRowIndex, bTreeStatus) { if (!this._hasTree) { return false; } bTreeStatus = nexacro._toBoolean(bTreeStatus); var indexes = this._treeIndexes; var rowcount = indexes.length; var rows = this._bodyBand._get_rows(); if (rowcount <= nRowIndex || !rows || rows.length == 0) { return false; } var dsrowidx = indexes[nRowIndex]; var cells = rows[0]._cells; var cellinfo = this._treeCellinfo; var editType = cellinfo._getEdittype(dsrowidx); var retn; if (bTreeStatus) { retn = this._setTreeState(nRowIndex, 1, true); } else { retn = this._setTreeState(nRowIndex, 0, true); } if (retn > 0) { if (nexacro._enableaccessibility && (nexacro._accessibilitytype == 4 || nexacro._accessibilitytype == 5)) { var obj = this._getCurrentBodyCell(this._currentDSrow, cellinfo._cellidx); if (obj) { if (nexacro._accessibilitytype == 4) { obj._setFocus(false); } else { obj._setAccessibilityNotifyEvent(); } } } return true; } return false; }; _pGrid.getTreeStatus = function (nRowIndex) { if (!this._hasTree) { return -1; } var indexes = this._treeIndexes; var rowcount = indexes.length; var rows = this._bodyBand._get_rows(); if (rowcount <= nRowIndex || !rows || rows.length == 0) { return -1; } var dsrowidx = indexes[nRowIndex]; var state = this._treeStates[dsrowidx]; var cells = rows[0]._cells; var cellinfo = this._treeCellinfo; var editType = cellinfo._getEdittype(dsrowidx); if (editType == "tree") { if (cellinfo.treestate._bindtype == 1) { var colid = cellinfo.treestate._bindexpr; var state2 = this._binddataset.getColumn(dsrowidx, colid); if (state2 > 1) { state = state2; } } } if (state == 2) { state++; } return state; }; _pGrid.getTreeChildCount = function (nRowIndex, bIsDatasetRow) { if (this._hasTree) { var row = nRowIndex; if (bIsDatasetRow == undefined) { bIsDatasetRow = true; } else { bIsDatasetRow = nexacro._toBoolean(bIsDatasetRow); } if (bIsDatasetRow === false) { row = this.getDatasetRow(nRowIndex); } if (row < 0 || this._rowcount <= row) { return 0; } var cellinfo = this._treeCellinfo; var lvl1 = cellinfo._getTreeLevel(row); var lvl2, temp = -1; var cnt = 0; for (var i = row + 1; i < this._rowcount; i++) { lvl2 = cellinfo._getTreeLevel(i); if (lvl1 >= lvl2) { break; } if (temp >= 0) { if (temp == lvl2) { cnt++; } } else { if (lvl1 < lvl2) { cnt++; temp = lvl2; } } } return cnt; } return 0; }; _pGrid.getTreeChildRow = function (nRowIndex, nChildIndex, bIsDatasetRow) { if (this._hasTree) { var row = nRowIndex; if (bIsDatasetRow == undefined) { bIsDatasetRow = true; } else { bIsDatasetRow = nexacro._toBoolean(bIsDatasetRow); } if (bIsDatasetRow === false) { row = this.getDatasetRow(nRowIndex); } if (row < 0 || this._rowcount <= row) { return -1; } var cellinfo = this._treeCellinfo; var lvl1 = cellinfo._getTreeLevel(row); var lvl2, temp = -1; var lastrow = -1; var cnt = 0; for (var i = row + 1; i < this._rowcount; i++) { lvl2 = cellinfo._getTreeLevel(i); if (lvl1 >= lvl2) { break; } if (temp >= 0) { if (temp <= lvl2) { cnt++; if (nChildIndex == cnt) { return i; } lastrow = i; } } else { if (lvl1 < lvl2) { temp = lvl2; if (nChildIndex == 0) { return i; } lastrow = i; } } } if (nChildIndex == -1) { return lastrow; } } return -1; }; _pGrid.getTreeParentRow = function (nRowIndex, bIsDatasetRow) { if (this._hasTree) { var row = nRowIndex; if (bIsDatasetRow == undefined) { bIsDatasetRow = true; } else { bIsDatasetRow = nexacro._toBoolean(bIsDatasetRow); } if (bIsDatasetRow === false) { row = this.getDatasetRow(nRowIndex); } if (row < 0 || this._rowcount <= row) { return -1; } var cellinfo = this._treeCellinfo; var lvl1 = cellinfo._getTreeLevel(row); var lvl2; for (var i = row - 1; i >= 0; i--) { lvl2 = cellinfo._getTreeLevel(i); if (lvl1 > lvl2) { return i; } } } return -1; }; _pGrid.getTreeSiblingRow = function (nRowIndex, nOffset, bIsDatasetRow) { if (this._hasTree) { var row = nRowIndex; if (nOffset === undefined) { nOffset = 1; } if (bIsDatasetRow == undefined) { bIsDatasetRow = true; } else { bIsDatasetRow = nexacro._toBoolean(bIsDatasetRow); } if (bIsDatasetRow === false) { row = this.getDatasetRow(nRowIndex); } if (row < 0 || this._rowcount <= row) { return -1; } var cellinfo = this._treeCellinfo; var lvl1 = cellinfo._getTreeLevel(row); var lvl2; var set = 0; if (nOffset < 0) { for (var i = row - 1; i >= 0; i--) { lvl2 = cellinfo._getTreeLevel(i); if (lvl1 > lvl2) { break; } else if (lvl1 == lvl2) { set--; if (nOffset == set) { return i; } } } } else if (nOffset > 0) { for (var i = row + 1; i < this._rowcount; i++) { lvl2 = cellinfo._getTreeLevel(i); if (lvl1 > lvl2) { break; } else if (lvl1 == lvl2) { set++; if (nOffset == set) { return i; } } } } else { return row; } } return -1; }; _pGrid.getTreePath = function (nRowIndex, bIsDatasetRow) { if (this._hasTree) { var row = nRowIndex; if (bIsDatasetRow == undefined) { bIsDatasetRow = true; } else { bIsDatasetRow = nexacro._toBoolean(bIsDatasetRow); } if (bIsDatasetRow === false) { row = this.getDatasetRow(nRowIndex); } if (row < 0 || this._rowcount <= row) { return ""; } var cellinfo = this._treeCellinfo; var lvl = cellinfo._getTreeLevel(row); var start = cellinfo._getTreeStartLevel(row); var val = []; var i = 0; while (row >= 0) { val[i] = cellinfo._getValue(row); row = this.getTreeParentRow(row); i++; } var str = ""; for (i = val.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { str += val[i]; if (i > 0) { str += this.treepathdelimiter; } } return str; } return ""; }; _pGrid.getTreeRow = function (nRowIndex) { if (this._hasTree) { if (typeof (nRowIndex) == "string") { var treepath = nRowIndex; var cnt = this._rowcount; var path; nRowIndex = -1; for (var i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { path = this.getTreePath(i, true); if (path == treepath) { nRowIndex = i; break; } } } if (nRowIndex >= 0) { var _treeIndexes = this._treeIndexes; var _treeIndexesLen = _treeIndexes.length; for (var k = 0; k < _treeIndexesLen; k++) { if (_treeIndexes[k] == nRowIndex) { return k; } } } } return -1; }; _pGrid.getDatasetRow = function (nRowIndex) { if (nRowIndex >= 0) { if (this._hasTree) { if (this._treeIndexes.length > nRowIndex) { return this._treeIndexes[nRowIndex]; } } else { if (this._rowcount > nRowIndex) { return nRowIndex; } } } return -1; }; _pGrid.isTreeLeafRow = function (nRowIndex, bIsDatasetRow) { if (this._hasTree) { var cnt = this.getTreeChildCount(nRowIndex, bIsDatasetRow); if (cnt == 0) { if (bIsDatasetRow == undefined) { bIsDatasetRow = true; } else { bIsDatasetRow = nexacro._toBoolean(bIsDatasetRow); } var row = nRowIndex; if (bIsDatasetRow === false) { row = this.getDatasetRow(nRowIndex); } if (row < 0 || this._rowcount <= row) { return false; } return true; } } return false; }; _pGrid.isTreeRootRow = function (nRowIndex, bIsDatasetRow) { if (this._hasTree) { var row = nRowIndex; if (bIsDatasetRow == undefined) { bIsDatasetRow = true; } else { bIsDatasetRow = nexacro._toBoolean(bIsDatasetRow); } if (bIsDatasetRow === false) { row = this.getDatasetRow(nRowIndex); } if (row < 0 || this._rowcount <= row) { return false; } var cellinfo = this._treeCellinfo; var lvl = cellinfo._getTreeLevel(row); var start = cellinfo._getTreeStartLevel(row); if (start == lvl) { return true; } } return false; }; _pGrid.isTreeExpandedRow = function (nRowIndex, bIsDatasetRow) { if (this._hasTree) { var row = nRowIndex; if (bIsDatasetRow == undefined) { bIsDatasetRow = true; } else { bIsDatasetRow = nexacro._toBoolean(bIsDatasetRow); } if (bIsDatasetRow === false) { row = this.getDatasetRow(nRowIndex); } if (row < 0 || this._rowcount <= row) { return false; } while (row >= 0) { row = this.getTreeParentRow(row); if (row < 0) { break; } var indexes = this._treeIndexes; var rowcount = indexes.length; if (row >= 0 && rowcount > 0) { var state = this._treeStates[row]; if (state == 0) { return false; } } } return true; } return false; }; _pGrid.isTreeCollapsedRow = function (nRowIndex, bIsDatasetRow) { if (this._hasTree) { var row = nRowIndex; if (bIsDatasetRow == undefined) { bIsDatasetRow = true; } else { bIsDatasetRow = nexacro._toBoolean(bIsDatasetRow); } if (bIsDatasetRow === false) { row = this.getDatasetRow(nRowIndex); } if (row < 0 || this._rowcount <= row) { return false; } while (row >= 0) { row = this.getTreeParentRow(row); if (row < 0) { break; } var indexes = this._treeIndexes; var rowcount = indexes.length; if (row >= 0 && rowcount > 0) { var state = this._treeStates[row]; if (state == 0) { return true; } } } } return false; }; _pGrid.getCsvData = function (bSelOnly) { }; _pGrid.getHeadValue = function (nCell) { var format = this._curFormat; if (format && format._headcells && nCell >= 0 && format._headcells.length > nCell) { var cellinfo = this._curFormat._headcells[nCell]; if (cellinfo && cellinfo.text._bindtype != 0) { return cellinfo._getValue(this._currentDSrow); } } return null; }; _pGrid.getSummValue = function (nCell) { var format = this._curFormat; if (format && format._summcells && nCell >= 0 && format._summcells.length > nCell) { var cellinfo = this._curFormat._summcells[nCell]; if (cellinfo && cellinfo.text._bindtype != 0) { return cellinfo._getValue(this._currentDSrow); } } return null; }; _pGrid.getBindCellIndex = function (strBand, strColID) { var format = this._curFormat; if (!format) { return -1; } strBand = strBand.toLowerCase(); if (strColID) { if (strBand == "head" && format._headcells) { var _headcells = format._headcells; var _headcellsLen = _headcells.length; var cellinfo; for (var i = 0; i < _headcellsLen; i++) { cellinfo = _headcells[i]; if (cellinfo.text._bindexpr == strColID) { return i; } } } else if (strBand == "body" && format._bodycells) { var _bodycells = format._bodycells; var _bodycellsLen = _bodycells.length; var cellinfo; for (var i = 0; i < _bodycellsLen; i++) { cellinfo = _bodycells[i]; if (cellinfo.text._bindexpr == strColID) { return i; } } } else if (strBand == "summ" && format._summcells) { var _summcells = format._summcells; var _summcellsLen = _summcells.length; var cellinfo; for (var i = 0; i < _summcellsLen; i++) { cellinfo = _summcells[i]; if (cellinfo.text._bindexpr == strColID) { return i; } } } } return -1; }; _pGrid._getDisplayCalendarCtrl = function () { if (!this._displaycalendarctrl) { this._displaycalendarctrl = new nexacro.CalendarCtrl("displaycalendarctrl", 0, 0, 0, 0, this, false, true); } return this._displaycalendarctrl; }; _pGrid.isAboveSelected = function () { }; _pGrid._absolutelyResetScrollPos = function (v) { var head = this._headBand; var body = this._bodyBand; var summ = this._summBand; if (this._control_element) { this._control_element._reset_scrollpos = v; } if (head && head._control_element) { head._control_element._reset_scrollpos = v; } if (body && body._control_element) { body._control_element._reset_scrollpos = v; } if (summ && summ._control_element) { summ._control_element._reset_scrollpos = v; } }; _pGrid._no_use_onscroll_callback_after = false; _pGrid._adjustGridScrollRows_callback = function (no_ani) { if (!this.vscrollbar) { return; } var control_elem = this._control_element; var vscroll_limit = control_elem.vscroll_limit; var pos = this.vscrollbar._pos; var body = this._bodyBand; if (pos > vscroll_limit) { pos = vscroll_limit; } if (no_ani) { this._scroll_vpos_queue = []; } else { this._scroll_vpos_queue.pop(); if (this._scroll_vpos_queue.length > 0) { this._aniframe_rowscroll.start(); } } this._last_scroll_top = control_elem.scroll_top; this._toprowpos = this._getScreenTopRowPos(pos); this._bottomrowpos = this._getScreenBottomRowPos(pos); body._update_rows = body._matrix._adjustScrollRows(pos); body._on_refresh_rows(true); this._no_use_onscroll_callback_after = true; control_elem.setElementVScrollPos(pos); this._MoveEditComp(); this._updateSelector("vscroll", pos - this._last_scroll_top); this._adjustOverlayElements(false, this._is_use_fakemerge, true); }; _pGrid._adjustGridScrollRows_callback_onscroll_after = function (pos) { if (this._no_use_onscroll_callback_after == true) { this._no_use_onscroll_callback_after = false; return; } var body = this._bodyBand; this._toprowpos = this._getScreenTopRowPos(pos); this._bottomrowpos = this._getScreenBottomRowPos(pos); body._update_rows = body._matrix._adjustScrollRows(pos); body._on_refresh_rows(true); this._MoveEditComp(); this._adjustOverlayElements(false, this._is_use_fakemerge); }; _pGrid._adjustGridScrollRows_callback_onscroll = function () { this._no_use_onscroll_callback_after = false; this._scroll_vpos_queue.pop(); var pos = this.vscrollbar._pos; var control_elem = this._control_element; if (this._scroll_vpos_queue.length > 0) { this._aniframe_rowscroll.start(); } this._last_scroll_top = control_elem.scroll_top; control_elem.setElementVScrollPos(pos); this._updateSelector("vscroll", pos - this._last_scroll_top); }; _pGrid._adjustGridScrollCols_callback = function (no_ani) { if (!this.hscrollbar) { return; } var pos = this.hscrollbar._pos; var prevpos = this._control_element.scroll_left; if (no_ani) { this._scroll_hpos_queue = []; } else { this._scroll_hpos_queue.pop(); if (this._scroll_hpos_queue.length > 0) { this._aniframe_colscroll.start(); } } this._control_element.setElementHScrollPos(pos); this._bodyBand._matrix._adjustColsDisplay(false, true); if (this._headBand) { this._headBand._matrix._adjustColsDisplay(false, true); } if (this._summBand) { this._summBand._matrix._adjustColsDisplay(false, true); } this._MoveEditComp(); this._updateSelector("hscroll", pos - prevpos); this._adjustOverlayElements(false, this._is_use_fakemerge); }; _pGrid._callback_onscroll = _pGrid._adjustGridScrollRows_callback_onscroll_after; _pGrid._is_over_scroll = 0; _pGrid.on_vscroll = function (obj, e) { if (this.onvscroll && this.onvscroll._has_handlers && this._is_recreating == false) { e.fromobject = this; this.onvscroll._fireEvent(this, e); } this._is_over_scroll = 0; var vscrollbar = this.vscrollbar; if (!vscrollbar) { return; } if (this._scrollpixel != "all") { if (vscrollbar._pos > vscrollbar._orgmax) { this._is_over_scroll = vscrollbar._pos - this.vscrollbar._orgmax; } } var control_elem = this._control_element; if (!control_elem || !this._bodyBand || e.type == "trackstart" || e.type == "tracklastover" || e.type == "trackfirstover") { return; } if (e.type == "trackend" || e.type == "first" || e.type == "last") { this._procRefreshDOM = true; } if (nexacro.Browser == "Runtime" || (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Android 4.1") > -1 || navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Android 4.2") > -1 || navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Android 4.3") > -1 || navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Android 5.0") > -1)) { this.vscrollbar._no_set_scrollinfo = true; this._adjustGridScrollRows_callback(true); this.vscrollbar._no_set_scrollinfo = false; } else { if (e._evtkind == "fling" || e._evtkind == "slide" || e.type == "track") { this._bodyBand._control_element._setOnScrollCallbackTarget(this); if (!this._aniframe_rowscroll) { var pThis = this; this._scroll_vpos_queue = []; if (nexacro.isTouchInteraction && nexacro.Browser != "Runtime") { this._aniframe_rowscroll = new nexacro.AnimationFrame(this, function () { pThis._adjustGridScrollRows_callback_onscroll(); }); } else { this._aniframe_rowscroll = new nexacro.AnimationFrame(this, function () { pThis._adjustGridScrollRows_callback(); }); } } var cnt = this._scroll_vpos_queue.push(e.pos); if (cnt == 1) { this._aniframe_rowscroll.start(); } } else { this.vscrollbar._no_set_scrollinfo = true; this._adjustGridScrollRows_callback(true); this.vscrollbar._no_set_scrollinfo = false; } } this._procRefreshDOM = undefined; return true; }; _pGrid.on_hscroll = function (obj, e) { if (this.onhscroll && this.onhscroll._has_handlers && this._is_recreating == false) { e.fromobject = this; this.onhscroll._fireEvent(this, e); } var control_elem = this._control_element; if (!control_elem || !this._bodyBand || e.type == "trackstart" || e.type == "tracklastover" || e.type == "trackfirstover") { return; } if (e.type == "trackend" || e.type == "first" || e.type == "last") { this._procRefreshDOM = true; } if (nexacro.Browser != "Runtime") { if (!this._aniframe_colscroll) { var pThis = this; this._scroll_hpos_queue = []; this._aniframe_colscroll = new nexacro.AnimationFrame(this, function () { pThis._adjustGridScrollCols_callback(); }); } if (e._evtkind == "fling" || e._evtkind == "slide" || e.type == "track") { var cnt = this._scroll_hpos_queue.push(e.pos); if (cnt == 1) { this._aniframe_colscroll.start(); } } else { this._adjustGridScrollCols_callback(); } } else { this._adjustGridScrollCols_callback(true); } this._procRefreshDOM = undefined; return true; }; _pGrid._isWheelScrollable = function (delta) { var control_elem = this._control_element; if (!control_elem) { return false; } var st = control_elem.scroll_top; var sh = control_elem.container_maxheight; var ch = this._getBodyClientSize()[1]; if ((st + ch >= sh && delta < 0) || (st == 0 && delta > 0)) { return false; } return true; }; _pGrid._setVScrollDefaultAction = function (vscrollbar, wheelDelta) { var pos, max; if (this._scrollpixel != "all") { if (wheelDelta < 0) { if (vscrollbar.max > vscrollbar.pos) { pos = vscrollbar.pos + this.wheelscrollrow; } else { vscrollbar._set_pixelpos(vscrollbar._pos - wheelDelta, "mousewheel"); return; } } else { if (vscrollbar.min < vscrollbar.pos) { pos = vscrollbar.pos - this.wheelscrollrow; } else { vscrollbar._set_pixelpos(vscrollbar._pos - wheelDelta, "mousewheel"); return; } } } else { if (wheelDelta < 0) { pos = vscrollbar._scroll_reverse_convert(vscrollbar.pos, true)[0]; max = vscrollbar._scroll_reverse_convert(vscrollbar.max, true)[0]; if (max > pos) { pos += this.wheelscrollrow; } else { vscrollbar._set_pixelpos(vscrollbar._pos - wheelDelta, "mousewheel"); return; } } else { pos = vscrollbar._scroll_reverse_convert(vscrollbar.pos, true)[0]; pos -= this.wheelscrollrow; } } vscrollbar._set_rowpos(pos + this._getFixRowCnt(), "mousewheel"); }; _pGrid._makeEventInfo = function (cellobj, subcellobj, from_refer_comp) { var obj = { cell : -1, col : -1, row : -9, subrow : -1, mergecell : -1, mergecol : -1, mergerow : -1, pivotindex : -9 }; if (cellobj && cellobj._type_name == "GridCell") { obj.cell = cellobj._cellidx; obj.col = cellobj._refobj._col; obj.row = this._getDataRow(cellobj._rowidx); obj.subrow = cellobj._refobj._row; if (subcellobj) { obj.mergecell = subcellobj._cellidx; obj.mergecol = subcellobj._refobj._col; obj.mergerow = subcellobj._refobj._row; } } else { var band = this._findBandObj(from_refer_comp); if (band) { if (band.id == "head") { obj.row = -1; } else if (band.id == "summ") { obj.row = -2; } } } return obj; }; _pGrid.on_fire_sys_onflingend = function (elem, fling_handler, xstartvalue, ystartvalue, xdeltavalue, ydeltavalue, touchlen, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (this._aniframe_rowscroll) { this._aniframe_rowscroll.stop(); } if (this._aniframe_colscroll) { this._aniframe_colscroll.stop(); } this._adjustGridScrollCols_callback(true); this._adjustGridScrollRows_callback(true); return true; }; _pGrid._on_nodataareaclick = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (!this._is_alive) { return; } if (this.enable) { this.on_fire_onnodataareaclick(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); } return true; }; _pGrid.on_fire_onnodataareaclick = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (this.onnodataareaclick && this.onnodataareaclick._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.MouseEventInfo(from_comp, "onnodataareaclick", button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); return this.onnodataareaclick._fireEvent(this, evt); } return true; }; _pGrid._on_nodataareadblclick = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (!this._is_alive) { return; } if (this.enable) { this.on_fire_onnodataareadblclick(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); } return true; }; _pGrid.on_fire_onnodataareadblclick = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (this.onnodataareadblclick && this.onnodataareadblclick._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.MouseEventInfo(from_comp, "onnodataareadblclick", button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); return this.onnodataareadblclick._fireEvent(this, evt); } return true; }; _pGrid.on_fire_user_ondragenter = function (src_comp, src_refer_comp, dragdata, userdata, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (this._noFireDragFlag == true || (src_comp && src_comp.selectscrollmode && (src_comp.selectscrollmode == "scroll" || (nexacro._isMobile && nexacro._isMobile() && src_comp.selectscrollmode == "default")))) { return; } var cellobj = from_refer_comp; cellobj = this._findCellObj(cellobj); if (cellobj && cellobj._type_name == "GridCell") { if (cellobj.parentcell) { cellobj = cellobj.parentcell; } } var posobj = this._recalcXY(cellobj, canvasX, canvasY, false, from_refer_comp); canvasX = posobj.canvasX; canvasY = posobj.canvasY; clientX = posobj.clientX; clientY = posobj.clientY; return nexacro.Component.prototype.on_fire_user_ondragenter.call(this, src_comp, src_refer_comp, dragdata, userdata, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); }; _pGrid.on_fire_user_ondragleave = function (src_comp, src_refer_comp, dragdata, userdata, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (this._noFireDragFlag == true || (src_comp && src_comp.selectscrollmode && (src_comp.selectscrollmode == "scroll" || (nexacro._isMobile && nexacro._isMobile() && src_comp.selectscrollmode == "default")))) { return; } var cellobj = from_refer_comp; cellobj = this._findCellObj(cellobj); if (cellobj && cellobj._type_name == "GridCell") { if (cellobj.parentcell) { cellobj = cellobj.parentcell; } } var posobj = this._recalcXY(cellobj, canvasX, canvasY, false, from_refer_comp); canvasX = posobj.canvasX; canvasY = posobj.canvasY; clientX = posobj.clientX; clientY = posobj.clientY; return nexacro.Component.prototype.on_fire_user_ondragleave.call(this, src_comp, src_refer_comp, dragdata, userdata, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); }; _pGrid.on_fire_user_ondragmove = function (src_comp, src_refer_comp, dragdata, userdata, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (this._noFireDragFlag == true) { return; } var cellobj = from_refer_comp; cellobj = this._findCellObj(cellobj); var subcellobj; if (cellobj && cellobj._type_name == "GridCell") { if (cellobj.parentcell) { subcellobj = cellobj; cellobj = cellobj.parentcell; } } var posobj = this._recalcXY(cellobj, canvasX, canvasY, false, from_refer_comp); canvasX = posobj.canvasX; canvasY = posobj.canvasY; clientX = posobj.clientX; clientY = posobj.clientY; if (!src_comp || !src_comp.selectscrollmode || src_comp.selectscrollmode == "select" || (nexacro._isDesktop() && src_comp.selectscrollmode == "default")) { if (this.ondragmove && this.ondragmove._has_handlers) { var evtinfo = this._makeEventInfo(cellobj, subcellobj, from_refer_comp); var cell = evtinfo.cell; var col = evtinfo.col; var mergecell = evtinfo.mergecell; var mergecol = evtinfo.mergecol; var mergerow = evtinfo.mergerow; var pivotindex = evtinfo.pivotindex; var row = evtinfo.row; var subrow = evtinfo.subrow; var evt = new nexacro.GridDragEventInfo(this, "ondragmove", dragdata, userdata, src_comp, src_refer_comp, from_comp, from_refer_comp, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, cell, col, mergecell, mergecol, mergerow, pivotindex, row, subrow); return this.ondragmove._fireUserEvent(this, evt); } } return false; }; _pGrid.on_fire_sys_ondragmove = function (src_comp, src_refer_comp, dragdata, userdata, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, xdeltavalue, ydeltavalue) { if (!this._is_drag_sameselect) { if (this._isAreaSelect()) { return this._areaselectMove(from_refer_comp, canvasX, canvasY); } else { return nexacro.Component.prototype.on_fire_sys_ondragmove.call(this, src_comp, src_refer_comp, dragdata, userdata, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, xdeltavalue, ydeltavalue); } } else { this._is_drag_selecting = true; } }; _pGrid._noFireDragFlag = false; _pGrid.on_fire_user_ondrag = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, self_refer_comp) { var cellobj = from_refer_comp; cellobj = this._findCellObj(cellobj); var subcellobj; if (cellobj && cellobj._type_name == "GridCell") { if (cellobj.parentcell) { subcellobj = cellobj; cellobj = cellobj.parentcell; } } var posobj = this._recalcXY(cellobj, canvasX, canvasY, false, from_refer_comp); canvasX = posobj.canvasX; canvasY = posobj.canvasY; clientX = posobj.clientX; clientY = posobj.clientY; var evtinfo = this._makeEventInfo(cellobj, subcellobj, from_refer_comp); var cell = evtinfo.cell; var col = evtinfo.col; var mergecell = evtinfo.mergecell; var mergecol = evtinfo.mergecol; var mergerow = evtinfo.mergerow; var pivotindex = evtinfo.pivotindex; var row = evtinfo.row; var subrow = evtinfo.subrow; this._noFireDragFlag = false; var evt = null; if (this.ondrag && this.ondrag._has_handlers) { evt = new nexacro.GridDragEventInfo(this, "ondrag", this._getDragData(), null, this, self_refer_comp, from_comp, from_refer_comp, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, cell, col, mergecell, mergecol, mergerow, pivotindex, row, subrow); } if (!this.selectscrollmode || this.selectscrollmode == "select" || (nexacro._isDesktop() && this.selectscrollmode == "default")) { if (evt) { if (this.ondrag._fireUserEvent(this, evt) == true) { return [true, this, self_refer_comp, evt.dragdata, evt.userdata]; } else if (this.ondrag.defaultprevented == true) { return [false, this, self_refer_comp, evt.dragdata, evt.userdata]; } } } else { this._noFireDragFlag = true; } var ret = [false]; if (this._resizer_rowctrl && this._resizer_rowctrl._is_tracking == true) { var resize_cursor = nexacro._getCachedValueObj("row-resize"); this._setGlobalCursor(resize_cursor, cellobj); } else if (this._resizer_colctrl && this._resizer_colctrl._is_tracking == true) { var resize_cursor = nexacro._getCachedValueObj("col-resize"); this._setGlobalCursor(resize_cursor, cellobj); } else if (this.cellmovingtype != "none" || (this.ondrag && this.ondrag._has_handlers)) { if (cellobj && cellobj._type_name == "GridCell" && cellobj._rowidx == -1) { var colidx = cellobj._refobj._col; var info0 = this._getColMergeInfo("head", colidx); var info1 = this._getColMergeInfo("body", colidx); var info2 = this._getColMergeInfo("summ", colidx); var dragcursor = nexacro._getCachedValueObj("move"); if (info0[1] == 1 && (info1 == null || info1[1] == 1) && (info2 == null || info2[1] == 1)) { if (this.cellmovingtype != "none") { this._movingcell = cellobj; this._setGlobalCursor(dragcursor, cellobj); } } else { this._movingcell = null; } } if (evt) { if (this._movingcell != null) { this._noFireDragFlag = true; ret = [true, this, self_refer_comp, evt.dragdata, evt.userdata]; } else { if (this._noFireDragFlag) { ret = [true, this, self_refer_comp, evt.dragdata, evt.userdata]; } else { ret = [false, this, self_refer_comp, evt.dragdata, evt.userdata]; } } } else if (cellobj && cellobj._type_name == "GridCell" && cellobj._rowidx == -1) { this._noFireDragFlag = true; ret = [true, this, self_refer_comp, this._getDragData(), null]; } } return ret; }; _pGrid.on_fire_user_ondrop = function (src_comp, src_refer_comp, dragdata, userdata, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { var cellobj = from_refer_comp; cellobj = this._findCellObj(cellobj); var subcellobj; if (cellobj && cellobj._type_name == "GridCell") { if (cellobj.parentcell) { subcellobj = cellobj; cellobj = cellobj.parentcell; } } var posobj = this._recalcXY(cellobj, canvasX, canvasY, false, from_refer_comp); canvasX = posobj.canvasX; canvasY = posobj.canvasY; clientX = posobj.clientX; clientY = posobj.clientY; if (this._resizer_rowctrl && this._resizer_rowctrl._is_tracking == true) { this._setGlobalCursor(null, cellobj); } else if (this._resizer_colctrl && this._resizer_colctrl._is_tracking == true) { this._setGlobalCursor(null, cellobj); } else if (this.cellmovingtype != "none") { var movingcell = this._movingcell; var format = this._curFormat; this._setGlobalCursor(null, cellobj); if (movingcell && movingcell._is_alive && movingcell != cellobj && cellobj._rowidx == -1) { var fromcol = movingcell._refobj._col; var fromidx = movingcell._refobj._cellidx; var tocol = cellobj._refobj._col; var fromcolspan = movingcell._refobj._colspan; var info = this._getColMergeInfo("head", tocol); tocol = info[0]; var tocolspan = info[1]; this._autofitcol_rate = []; format._moveColumn(fromcol, tocol, fromcolspan, tocolspan, this.cellmovingtype); this._addRefreshContents("cellmoving", this._headBand); this._addRefreshContents("cellmoving", this._bodyBand); this._addRefreshContents("cellmoving", this._summBand); } this._movingcell = null; } if (this._noFireDragFlag == true || (src_comp && src_comp.selectscrollmode && (src_comp.selectscrollmode == "scroll" || (nexacro._isMobile && nexacro._isMobile() && src_comp.selectscrollmode == "default")))) { if (src_comp && src_comp._noFireDragFlag) { src_comp._noFireDragFlag = false; } this._noFireDragFlag = false; return; } if (this.ondrop && this.ondrop._has_handlers) { var evtinfo = this._makeEventInfo(cellobj, subcellobj, from_refer_comp); var cell = evtinfo.cell; var col = evtinfo.col; var mergecell = evtinfo.mergecell; var mergecol = evtinfo.mergecol; var mergerow = evtinfo.mergerow; var pivotindex = evtinfo.pivotindex; var row = evtinfo.row; var subrow = evtinfo.subrow; var evt = new nexacro.GridDragEventInfo(this, "ondrop", dragdata, userdata, src_comp, src_refer_comp, from_comp, from_refer_comp, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, cell, col, mergecell, mergecol, mergerow, pivotindex, row, subrow); return this.ondrop._fireUserEvent(this, evt); } return false; }; _pGrid._mouseSelection = function (cellobj, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, no_select) { var editor = this._currentCellEditor; var fobj = from_refer_comp; var bhide = true; while (fobj) { if (fobj == editor || fobj instanceof nexacro.GridScrollBarCtrl || fobj instanceof nexacro.ScrollBarCtrl) { bhide = false; break; } fobj = fobj.parent; } if (bhide && editor) { this._hideEditor(); } if (this._resizer_colctrl && this._resizer_colctrl._is_tracking) { return; } if (this._resizer_rowctrl && this._resizer_rowctrl._is_tracking) { return; } if (this._down_scroll_top >= 0 && this._down_scroll_top != this._last_scroll_top) { return; } if (cellobj && cellobj._type_name == "GridCell") { this._lbuttondown_proc = true; var band = cellobj._band.id; var retn = this._on_grid_lbuttondown(cellobj, band, ctrl_key, shift_key, no_select); if (!cellobj._is_alive || no_select) { return; } if (this._showEditorCell) { if (nexacro._toBoolean(this.readonly) == false) { if (retn) { var cell = cellobj; if (cell && cell._hasEditor()) { cell._showEditor(); var datarow = this._getDataRow(cell._rowidx); this._beforeEditRowIdx = datarow; this._beforeEditCellIdx = cell._cellidx; this._showEditing = true; cell._refobj._editingRow = datarow; cell._editshowing = true; var editor = this._currentCellEditor; editor._setFocus(false); if (editor && editor.setCaretPos && !editor.autoselect) { editor.setCaretPos(0); } } } else { this._onceTime_focus = true; this._showEditor(); this._onceTime_focus = false; } } this._showEditorCell = false; this._showEditRowIdx = -1; this._showEditCellIdx = -1; } if (this.selectchangetype == "down" && nexacro._toBoolean(this.readonly) == false) { var datarow = this._getDataRow(cellobj._rowidx); var displayType = cellobj._refobj._getDisplaytype(datarow); if (displayType == "checkbox") { if (this.cellclickbound == "cell") { cellobj._needToggle("onlbuttondown", cellobj); } else { if (cellobj != from_refer_comp && cellobj._subComp && cellobj._subComp._toggleCheck) { if (cellobj.selected) { cellobj._subComp._toggleCheck(); } } } } else { cellobj._needToggle("onlbuttondown", cellobj); } } this._lbuttondown_proc = false; } }; _pGrid._common_fire_sys_lbuttondown = function (cellobj, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (!this._is_alive) { return; } if (this.selectchangetype == "up") { if (this._isAreaSelect() && this._selectscrollmode == "select") { this._mouseSelection(cellobj, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); } else if (this.selecttype == "multirow") { this._mouseSelection(cellobj, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, true); } var win = this._getWindow(); if (!win._cur_ldown_elem) { this._setdataobj = null; } } else { this._mouseSelection(cellobj, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); } if (this._is_down_act) { this._on_last_lbuttonup(true); } }; _pGrid._common_fire_user_lbuttondown = function (cellobj, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (!this._is_alive) { return; } this._resizerStart(canvasX, canvasY, cellobj, "down", from_refer_comp); var resizer_colctrl = this._resizer_colctrl; var resizer_rowctrl = this._resizer_rowctrl; var client = this._getClientXY(canvasX, canvasY); if (resizer_colctrl && resizer_colctrl._is_range) { var win = this._getWindow(); resizer_colctrl._setTracksize(this._client_height); if (resizer_colctrl._direction == "horizon") { resizer_colctrl.move(client[0], this._client_top, 1, resizer_colctrl._tracksize); } nexacro._setTrackInfo(win, resizer_colctrl, win._curWindowX, win._curWindowY); } else if (resizer_rowctrl && resizer_rowctrl._is_range) { var win = this._getWindow(); resizer_rowctrl._setTracksize(this._client_width); if (resizer_rowctrl._direction == "vertical") { resizer_rowctrl.move(this._client_left, client[1], resizer_rowctrl._tracksize, 1); } nexacro._setTrackInfo(win, resizer_rowctrl, win._curWindowX, win._curWindowY); } if (this._select_ctrl) { this._select_ctrl._initTrackInfo(); } }; _pGrid._recalcTouchInfosXY = function (obj, touchinfos, need_recalcXY, from_refer_comp) { var touchinfo, posobj; for (var i = 0, n = touchinfos.length; i < n; i++) { if (touchinfo = touchinfos[i]) { posobj = this._recalcXY(obj, touchinfo.canvasX, touchinfo.canvasY, need_recalcXY, from_refer_comp); touchinfo.canvasX = posobj.canvasX; touchinfo.canvasY = posobj.canvasY; touchinfo.clientX = posobj.clientX; touchinfo.clientY = posobj.clientY; } } }; _pGrid._getRecalcCanvasXY = function (elem, canvasX, canvasY) { if (this._recalcXY_info) { canvasX = this._recalcXY_info[0] + this._adjust_left; canvasY = this._recalcXY_info[1] + this._adjust_top; this._recalcXY_info = null; } else { canvasX += this._adjust_left - this._scroll_left || 0; canvasY += this._adjust_top - this._scroll_top || 0; } return [canvasX, canvasY]; }; _pGrid._recalcXY = function (obj, canvasX, canvasY, need_recalcXY, from_refer_comp) { var real_canvasX = canvasX; var real_canvasY = canvasY; if (obj._type_name == "GridCell") { if (need_recalcXY) { var rect = obj._setPositionInGrid(null, false, true); real_canvasX = canvasX + rect.orgl; real_canvasY = canvasY + rect.orgt; } else { var area = obj._refobj._area; var band = obj._band.id; if (area == "body") { real_canvasX = canvasX + this._curFormat.leftWidth; real_canvasX -= this._getScrollLeft(); } else if (area == "right") { var gridrow = obj.parent; var rect = gridrow._getAreaRect(area); var areal = rect.left; real_canvasX = canvasX + areal; } if (band == "body" && !obj.parent._fixed) { real_canvasY -= this._getScrollTop(); real_canvasY += this._fixed_height; } } } if (from_refer_comp._type_name != "Grid") { if (from_refer_comp._type_name == "GridRow") { real_canvasY -= this._getScrollTop(); } var cur_border = this.currentstyle.border; if (cur_border) { real_canvasX += cur_border._left_width; real_canvasY += cur_border._top_width; } } this._recalcXY_info = [real_canvasX, real_canvasY]; var real_clientXY = this._getClientXY(real_canvasX, real_canvasY); return { canvasX : real_canvasX, canvasY : real_canvasY, clientX : real_clientXY[0], clientY : real_clientXY[1] }; }; _pGrid.on_fire_user_ontouchstart = function (touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp, need_recalcXY) { return this.on_fire_ontouchstart(touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp, true, need_recalcXY); }; _pGrid.on_fire_sys_ontouchstart = function (touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp, need_recalcXY) { return this.on_fire_ontouchstart(touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp, false, need_recalcXY); }; _pGrid._down_scroll_top = -1; _pGrid.on_fire_ontouchstart = function (touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp, user_fire, need_recalcXY) { var cellobj = from_refer_comp; cellobj = this._findCellObj(cellobj); this._recalcTouchInfosXY(cellobj, changedtouchinfos, need_recalcXY, from_refer_comp); var touchinfo = nexacro._getFirstTouchInfo(changedtouchinfos); var subcellobj; if (cellobj && cellobj._type_name == "GridCell") { if (cellobj.parentcell) { subcellobj = cellobj; cellobj = cellobj.parentcell; } } var retn = false; if (this.ontouchstart && this.ontouchstart._has_handlers) { var evtinfo = this._makeEventInfo(cellobj, subcellobj, from_refer_comp); var cell = evtinfo.cell; var col = evtinfo.col; var mergecell = evtinfo.mergecell; var mergecol = evtinfo.mergecol; var mergerow = evtinfo.mergerow; var pivotindex = evtinfo.pivotindex; var row = evtinfo.row; var subrow = evtinfo.subrow; var evt = new nexacro.TouchEventInfo(this, "ontouchstart", touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp); if (user_fire) { retn = this.ontouchstart._fireUserEvent(this, evt); } else { retn = this.ontouchstart._fireSysEvent(this, evt); } } this._down_scroll_top = this._last_scroll_top; if (touchinfo) { if (user_fire) { this._resizerStart(touchinfo.canvasX, touchinfo.canvasY, cellobj, "down", from_refer_comp); this._common_fire_user_lbuttondown(cellobj, false, false, touchinfo.canvasX, touchinfo.canvasY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); } else { if (this._selectscrollmode == "select") { if (cellobj._band && cellobj._band.id == "body") { if (this._isAreaSelect()) { this._common_fire_sys_lbuttondown(cellobj, false, false, touchinfo.canvasX, touchinfo.canvasY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); } if (this.selectchangetype == "down") { this._mouseSelection(cellobj, false, false, touchinfo.canvasX, touchinfo.canvasY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); } } } } } return retn; }; _pGrid.on_lbuttondown_basic_action = function (elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, bubble_scope) { if (nexacro.isTouchInteraction) { this._down_scroll_top = this._last_scroll_top; } return nexacro.Component.prototype.on_lbuttondown_basic_action.call(this, elem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, screenX, screenY, event_bubbles, fire_comp, refer_comp, bubble_scope); }; _pGrid.on_fire_user_onlbuttondown = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, need_recalcXY) { return this.on_fire_onlbuttondown(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, true, need_recalcXY); }; _pGrid.on_fire_sys_onlbuttondown = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, need_recalcXY) { return this.on_fire_onlbuttondown(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, false, need_recalcXY); }; _pGrid.on_fire_onlbuttondown = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, user_fire, need_recalcXY) { var cellobj = from_refer_comp; cellobj = this._findCellObj(cellobj); var subcellobj; if (cellobj && cellobj._type_name == "GridCell") { if (cellobj.parentcell) { subcellobj = cellobj; cellobj = cellobj.parentcell; } } var posobj = this._recalcXY(cellobj, canvasX, canvasY, need_recalcXY, from_refer_comp); canvasX = posobj.canvasX; canvasY = posobj.canvasY; clientX = posobj.clientX; clientY = posobj.clientY; var retn = false; if (this.onlbuttondown && this.onlbuttondown._has_handlers) { var evtinfo = this._makeEventInfo(cellobj, subcellobj, from_refer_comp); var obj = this._getRootComponent(from_comp); var cell = evtinfo.cell; var col = evtinfo.col; var mergecell = evtinfo.mergecell; var mergecol = evtinfo.mergecol; var mergerow = evtinfo.mergerow; var pivotindex = evtinfo.pivotindex; var row = evtinfo.row; var subrow = evtinfo.subrow; var evt = new nexacro.GridMouseEventInfo(obj, "onlbuttondown", cell, col, mergecell, mergecol, mergerow, pivotindex, row, subrow, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY); if (user_fire) { retn = this.onlbuttondown._fireUserEvent(this, evt); } else { retn = this.onlbuttondown._fireSysEvent(this, evt); } } if (nexacro.isTouchInteraction) { if (user_fire) { this._resizerStart(canvasX, canvasY, cellobj, "down", from_refer_comp); this._common_fire_user_lbuttondown(cellobj, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); } else { if (this._selectscrollmode == "select") { if (cellobj._band && cellobj._band.id == "body") { if (this._isAreaSelect()) { this._common_fire_user_lbuttondown(cellobj, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); } } } } } else { if (user_fire) { this._common_fire_user_lbuttondown(cellobj, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); } else { this._common_fire_sys_lbuttondown(cellobj, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); } } return retn; }; _pGrid.on_fire_user_onrbuttondown = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { var cellobj = from_refer_comp; cellobj = this._findCellObj(cellobj); var subcellobj; if (cellobj && cellobj._type_name == "GridCell") { if (cellobj.parentcell) { subcellobj = cellobj; cellobj = cellobj.parentcell; } } var posobj = this._recalcXY(cellobj, canvasX, canvasY, false, from_refer_comp); canvasX = posobj.canvasX; canvasY = posobj.canvasY; clientX = posobj.clientX; clientY = posobj.clientY; if (this.onrbuttondown && this.onrbuttondown._has_handlers) { var evtinfo = this._makeEventInfo(cellobj, subcellobj, from_refer_comp); var obj = this._getRootComponent(from_refer_comp); var cell = evtinfo.cell; var col = evtinfo.col; var mergecell = evtinfo.mergecell; var mergecol = evtinfo.mergecol; var mergerow = evtinfo.mergerow; var pivotindex = evtinfo.pivotindex; var row = evtinfo.row; var subrow = evtinfo.subrow; var evt = new nexacro.GridMouseEventInfo(obj, "onrbuttondown", cell, col, mergecell, mergecol, mergerow, pivotindex, row, subrow, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY); return this.onrbuttondown._fireUserEvent(this, evt); } return false; }; _pGrid.on_fire_user_onmousedown = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { return this.on_fire_onmousedown(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, true); }; _pGrid.on_fire_sys_onmousedown = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { return this.on_fire_onmousedown(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, false); }; _pGrid.on_fire_onmousedown = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, user_fire) { var cellobj = from_refer_comp; cellobj = this._findCellObj(cellobj); var subcellobj; if (cellobj && cellobj._type_name == "GridCell") { if (cellobj.parentcell) { subcellobj = cellobj; cellobj = cellobj.parentcell; } } var posobj = this._recalcXY(cellobj, canvasX, canvasY, false, from_refer_comp); canvasX = posobj.canvasX; canvasY = posobj.canvasY; clientX = posobj.clientX; clientY = posobj.clientY; var retn = false; if (this.onmousedown && this.onmousedown._has_handlers) { var evtinfo = this._makeEventInfo(cellobj, subcellobj, from_refer_comp); var obj = this._getRootComponent(from_comp); var cell = evtinfo.cell; var col = evtinfo.col; var mergecell = evtinfo.mergecell; var mergecol = evtinfo.mergecol; var mergerow = evtinfo.mergerow; var pivotindex = evtinfo.pivotindex; var row = evtinfo.row; var subrow = evtinfo.subrow; var evt = new nexacro.GridMouseEventInfo(obj, "onmousedown", cell, col, mergecell, mergecol, mergerow, pivotindex, row, subrow, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY); if (user_fire) { retn = this.onmousedown._fireUserEvent(this, evt); } else { retn = this.onmousedown._fireSysEvent(this, evt); } } return retn; }; _pGrid._clearDestroyEditor = function (remain) { var destroyeditors = this._destroyeditors; if (destroyeditors.length) { for (var i = 0; i < destroyeditors.length; i++) { if (remain && destroyeditors.length <= 5) { break; } if (destroyeditors[i]._is_alive) { destroyeditors[i].destroy(); } destroyeditors[i] = null; destroyeditors.splice(i, 1); i--; } } }; _pGrid._resetFixSize = function () { var rowsizes = this._rowSizeList; var fixrow_height = 0, fix_height = 0; var srow = this._fixed_startrow; var erow = this._fixed_endrow; if (srow < 0) { return; } for (var i = 0, n = rowsizes.length; i < n; i++) { fixrow_height += rowsizes[i]; if (srow > i) { continue; } fix_height += rowsizes[i]; if (erow == i) { break; } } this._fixed_height = fix_height; this._fixedrow_height = fixrow_height; }; _pGrid.setFixedRow = function (row) { this._setFixedRow(row, undefined); }; _pGrid._setFixedRow = function (fixrow, no_redraw) { if (this._hasTree) { return; } var bfix = (fixrow < 0) ? false : true; var srow, erow = this._endrowpos; srow = this._fixed_startrow; if (srow < 0) { srow = this._toprowpos[0]; } if (fixrow >= 0 && (fixrow < srow || fixrow > erow)) { return; } if (bfix) { if (this._fixed_height) { this._setFixedRow(-1); } } var band = this._bodyBand; if (bfix) { var rowcnt = this._getGridRowCount(); var toppos = this._toprowpos[0]; var fixedheight = 0, fixedrow_height = 0; var bset = false; var rowheight = 0; for (var i = 0; i < rowcnt; i++) { this._fixed_rowcnt++; rowheight = this._getRowSize(i); fixedrow_height += rowheight; if (i >= toppos) { if (this._fixed_startrow < 0) { this._fixed_startrow = i; } fixedheight += rowheight; bset = true; } if (i >= fixrow) { break; } } if (bset) { this._fixedrow_height = fixedrow_height; this._fixed_endrow = fixrow; this._fixed_height = fixedheight; if (!no_redraw) { this._recreate_contents_all(false, false, true, true); } } else { this._fixed_startrow = -9; this._fixed_endrow = -9; this._fixed_height = 0; this._fixedrow_height = 0; this._fixed_rowcnt = 0; } } else { var srow = this._fixed_startrow; this._fixed_endrow = -9; this._fixed_height = 0; this._fixedrow_height = 0; this._fixed_rowcnt = 0; this._fixed_startrow = -9; if (!no_redraw) { this._recreate_contents_all(false, false, false, true); if (this.vscrollbar && srow >= 0) { this.vscrollbar._set_rowpos(srow); } } } }; _pGrid._getFixRowCnt = function () { return (this._bodyBand) ? this._fixed_rowcnt : 0; }; _pGrid._checkInclude = function (fake, subrowcnt, col, row, subrow) { if (fake.start_column <= col && fake.end_column >= col) { if (fake.start_row <= row && fake.end_row >= row) { if (subrow == undefined || fake.start_subrow == undefined) { return true; } else { if (fake.start_row < row && fake.end_row > row) { return true; } if (fake.start_row == fake.end_row) { if (fake.start_subrow <= subrow && fake.end_subrow >= subrow) { return true; } } else { if (fake.start_row == row) { if (fake.start_subrow <= subrow && subrowcnt > subrow) { return true; } } if (fake.end_row == row) { if (0 <= subrow && fake.end_subrow >= subrow) { return true; } } } } } } return false; }; _pGrid._getFakeMergeCellInfos = function (cellinfos, scol, ecol, srow, erow, ssubrow, esubrow, subrowcnt) { var target_cellinfos = []; var cellsrow, cheksrow, cellerow, chekerow; for (var i = 0, n = cellinfos.length; i < n; i++) { col1 = cellinfos[i]._col; colspan = cellinfos[i]._colspan; col2 = col1 + colspan - 1; row1 = cellinfos[i]._row; rowspan = cellinfos[i]._rowspan; row2 = row1 + rowspan - 1; if ((scol <= col1 && ecol >= col1) || (scol <= col2 && ecol >= col2) || (col1 <= scol && col2 >= scol) || (col1 <= ecol && col2 >= ecol)) { if (srow >= 0) { cellsrow = srow * subrowcnt + row1; cheksrow = srow * subrowcnt + ssubrow; cellerow = erow * subrowcnt + row2; chekerow = erow * subrowcnt + esubrow; } else { cellsrow = row1; cheksrow = ssubrow; cellerow = row2; chekerow = esubrow; } if ((cheksrow <= cellsrow && chekerow >= cellsrow) || (cheksrow <= cellerow && chekerow >= cellerow) || (cellsrow <= cheksrow && cellerow >= cheksrow) || (cellsrow <= chekerow && cellerow >= chekerow)) { target_cellinfos.push(cellinfos[i]); } } } return target_cellinfos; }; _pGrid.setFakeMerge = function (scol, ecol, srow, erow, ssubrow, esubrow) { this._setFakeMerge(scol, srow, ssubrow, ecol, erow, esubrow, false); }; _pGrid._getFakeMergeCellObjs = function (fake_mergecell) { var band; var cellobjs = []; var format = this._curFormat; var subrowcnt; if (fake_mergecell.start_row == -1) { band = this._headBand; subrowcnt = format._headrows.length; } else if (fake_mergecell.start_row == -2) { band = this._summBand; subrowcnt = format._summrows.length; } else if (fake_mergecell.start_row >= 0) { band = this._bodyBand; subrowcnt = format._bodyrows.length; } if (!band) { return cellobjs; } var rows = band._get_rows(); var cells; var scol = fake_mergecell.start_column; var ecol = fake_mergecell.end_column; var srow = fake_mergecell.start_row; var erow = fake_mergecell.end_row; var ssubrow = fake_mergecell.start_subrow; var esubrow = fake_mergecell.end_subrow; var datarow; var cellsrow, cheksrow, cellerow, chekerow; var cellinfo; for (var i = 0, n = rows.length; i < n; i++) { datarow = this._getDataRow(rows[i]._rowidx); if (datarow >= srow && datarow <= erow) { cells = rows[i]._cells; for (var j = 0, cells_len = cells.length; j < cells_len; j++) { cellinfo = cells[j]._refobj; if (cellinfo._col >= scol && cellinfo._col <= ecol) { if (ssubrow == undefined) { cellobjs.push(cells[j]); } else { if (srow >= 0) { cellsrow = datarow * subrowcnt + cellinfo._row; cheksrow = srow * subrowcnt + ssubrow; cellerow = datarow * subrowcnt + cellinfo._row + cellinfo._rowspan - 1; chekerow = erow * subrowcnt + esubrow; } else { cellsrow = cellinfo._row; cheksrow = ssubrow; cellerow = cellinfo._row + cellinfo._rowspan - 1; chekerow = esubrow; } if ((cheksrow <= cellsrow && chekerow >= cellsrow) || (cheksrow <= cellerow && chekerow >= cellerow) || (cellsrow <= cheksrow && cellerow >= cheksrow) || (cellsrow <= chekerow && cellerow >= chekerow)) { cellobjs.push(cells[j]); } } } } } } return cellobjs; }; _pGrid._is_use_fakemerge = false; _pGrid._setFakeMerge = function (scol, srow, ssubrow, ecol, erow, esubrow, norelease) { var format = this._curFormat; var cellinfos; var subrowcnt; var band; if (scol > ecol || scol < 0 || ecol < 0) { return false; } if (srow == -1 || erow == -1) { if (srow != erow) { return false; } if (!format._headrows) { return false; } cellinfos = format._headcells; subrowcnt = format._headrows.length; band = "head"; if (esubrow < ssubrow) { return false; } } else if (srow == -2 || erow == -2) { if (srow != erow) { return false; } if (!format._summrows) { return false; } cellinfos = format._summcells; subrowcnt = format._summrows.length; band = "summ"; if (esubrow < ssubrow) { return false; } } else { if (srow < 0 || erow < 0) { return false; } if (srow > erow) { return false; } if (!format._bodyrows) { return false; } cellinfos = format._bodycells; subrowcnt = format._bodyrows.length; band = "body"; } if (ssubrow == undefined) { ssubrow = 0; } if (esubrow == undefined) { esubrow = subrowcnt - 1; } if (subrowcnt <= ssubrow || subrowcnt <= esubrow) { return false; } var col1, colspan, col2, fail = false; var row1, rowspan, row2; var target_cellinfos = []; var cell = null; var cellsrow, cheksrow, cellerow, chekerow; for (var i = 0, cellinfos_len = cellinfos.length; i < cellinfos_len; i++) { cell = cellinfos[i]; col1 = cell._col; colspan = cell._colspan; col2 = col1 + colspan - 1; row1 = cell._row; rowspan = cell._rowspan; row2 = row1 + rowspan - 1; if ((scol <= col1 && ecol >= col1) || (scol <= col2 && ecol >= col2) || (col1 <= scol && col2 >= scol) || (col1 <= ecol && col2 >= ecol)) { if (srow >= 0) { cellsrow = srow * subrowcnt + row1; cheksrow = srow * subrowcnt + ssubrow; cellerow = erow * subrowcnt + row2; chekerow = erow * subrowcnt + esubrow; } else { cellsrow = row1; cheksrow = ssubrow; cellerow = row2; chekerow = esubrow; } if ((cheksrow <= cellsrow && chekerow >= cellsrow) || (cheksrow <= cellerow && chekerow >= cellerow) || (cellsrow <= cheksrow && cellerow >= cheksrow) || (cellsrow <= chekerow && cellerow >= chekerow)) { if (cell.suppress != 0) { return false; } var change = false; if (cell._colspan > 1) { var cellecol = cell._col + cell._colspan - 1; if (cell._col < scol) { change = true; scol = cell._col; } if (cellecol > ecol) { change = true; ecol = cellecol; } } if (cell._rowspan > 1) { if (cellsrow < cheksrow) { change = true; ssubrow = cell._row; } if (cellerow > chekerow) { change = true; esubrow = cell._row + cell._rowspan - 1; } } if (change == true) { target_cellinfos = []; i = -1; } else { target_cellinfos.push(cell); } } } } var fake_mergecell = { start_column : scol, start_row : srow, start_subrow : ssubrow, end_column : ecol, end_row : erow, end_subrow : esubrow, cellinfos : target_cellinfos }; var fake_arr = this._fake_mergecell_arr; var fake_arr_len = fake_arr.length; var fake_merge; var i = 0; var fail_idxs = []; for (; i < fake_arr_len; i++) { if (this._checkInclude(fake_arr[i], subrowcnt, scol, srow, ssubrow)) { fail_idxs.push(i); } else if (this._checkInclude(fake_arr[i], subrowcnt, scol, erow, esubrow)) { fail_idxs.push(i); } else if (this._checkInclude(fake_arr[i], subrowcnt, ecol, srow, ssubrow)) { fail_idxs.push(i); } else if (this._checkInclude(fake_arr[i], subrowcnt, ecol, erow, esubrow)) { fail_idxs.push(i); } else if (this._checkInclude(fake_mergecell, subrowcnt, fake_arr[i].start_column, fake_arr[i].start_row, fake_arr[i].start_subrow)) { fail_idxs.push(i); } else if (this._checkInclude(fake_mergecell, subrowcnt, fake_arr[i].start_column, fake_arr[i].end_row, fake_arr[i].end_subrow)) { fail_idxs.push(i); } else if (this._checkInclude(fake_mergecell, subrowcnt, fake_arr[i].end_column, fake_arr[i].start_row, fake_arr[i].start_subrow)) { fail_idxs.push(i); } else if (this._checkInclude(fake_mergecell, subrowcnt, fake_arr[i].end_column, fake_arr[i].end_row, fake_arr[i].end_subrow)) { fail_idxs.push(i); } } if (fail_idxs.length == 0) { for (var i = 0, n = target_cellinfos.length; i < n; i++) { if (target_cellinfos[i]._fakemerge_infos == null) { target_cellinfos[i]._fakemerge_infos = []; } } fake_arr.push(fake_mergecell); this._is_use_fakemerge = true; for (var i = 0, n = target_cellinfos.length; i < n; i++) { format._clearCellStyleCache(band, target_cellinfos[i]._cellidx); this._refreshCell(band, target_cellinfos[i]._cellidx, -1, true); } } else { if (norelease) { return false; } for (var i = 0, n = fail_idxs.length; i < n; i++) { var idx = fail_idxs[i]; var release_fake = fake_arr.splice(idx - i, 1)[0]; var release_cellinfos = this._getFakeMergeCellInfos(cellinfos, release_fake.start_column, release_fake.end_column, release_fake.start_row, release_fake.end_row, release_fake.start_subrow, release_fake.end_subrow, subrowcnt); for (var j = 0, release_cellinfos_len = release_cellinfos.length; j < release_cellinfos_len; j++) { for (var k = release_fake.start_row; k <= release_fake.end_row; k++) { release_cellinfos[j]._fakemerge_infos[k + 2] = undefined; } format._clearCellStyleCache(band, release_cellinfos[j]._cellidx); this._refreshCell(band, release_cellinfos[j]._cellidx, -1, true); } for (var j = 0, cellinfos_len = target_cellinfos.length; j < cellinfos_len; j++) { for (var k = srow; k <= erow; k++) { if (target_cellinfos[j]._fakemerge_infos) { target_cellinfos[j]._fakemerge_infos[k + 2] = undefined; } } format._clearCellStyleCache(band, target_cellinfos[j]._cellidx); this._refreshCell(band, target_cellinfos[j]._cellidx, -1, true); } } } this._adjustOverlayElements(false, this._is_use_fakemerge); if (fake_arr.length == 0) { this._is_use_fakemerge = false; } return true; }; _pGrid._checkFakeMerge = function (cellinfo, row) { if (!cellinfo._fakemerge_infos) { return ""; } if (cellinfo._fakemerge_infos[row + 2]) { return cellinfo._fakemerge_infos[row + 2]; } var fake_arr = this._fake_mergecell_arr; var fake_arr_len = fake_arr.length; var subrowcnt; var format = this._curFormat; var band; if (row == -1) { subrowcnt = (format._headrows) ? format._headrows.length : 0; band = "head"; } else if (row == -2) { subrowcnt = (format._summrows) ? format._summrows.length : 0; band = "summ"; } else if (row >= 0) { subrowcnt = (format._bodyrows) ? format._bodyrows.length : 0; band = "body"; } if (!subrowcnt) { return ""; } if (fake_arr_len == 0) { return ""; } var scol = cellinfo._col, ecol = cellinfo._col + cellinfo._colspan - 1, ssubrow = cellinfo._row, esubrow = cellinfo._row + cellinfo._rowspan - 1, area = cellinfo._area; for (var i = 0; i < fake_arr_len; i++) { if (this._checkInclude(fake_arr[i], subrowcnt, scol, row, ssubrow)) { if (this._checkInclude(fake_arr[i], subrowcnt, ecol, row, ssubrow)) { if (this._checkInclude(fake_arr[i], subrowcnt, scol, row, esubrow)) { if (this._checkInclude(fake_arr[i], subrowcnt, ecol, row, esubrow)) { var retn = ""; if (area != "right") { if (ecol < fake_arr[i].end_column) { retn += "right"; } } else { if (scol > fake_arr[i].start_column) { retn += "left"; } } if (band != "summ") { if (row < fake_arr[i].end_row) { retn += "bottom"; } else if (row == fake_arr[i].end_row) { if (fake_arr[i].end_subrow == undefined && esubrow < subrowcnt - 1) { retn += "bottom"; } else if (esubrow < fake_arr[i].end_subrow) { retn += "bottom"; } } } else { if (row > fake_arr[i].start_row) { retn += "top"; } else if (row == fake_arr[i].start_row) { if (fake_arr[i].start_subrow == undefined && ssubrow > 0) { retn += "top"; } else if (ssubrow > fake_arr[i].start_subrow) { retn += "top"; } } } retn += "fake"; cellinfo._fakemerge_infos[row + 2] = retn; return retn; } } } } } return ""; }; _pGrid._on_last_lbuttonup = function (down_act) { if (this._movingcell) { this._setGlobalCursor(null, this); this._movingcell = null; } this._is_down_act = false; this._clearDestroyEditor(true); this._setdataobj = null; var args = this._after_recreate_contents_all; if (args != null) { this._is_after_recreate = true; this._recreate_contents_all(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4]); this._after_recreate_contents_all = null; this._is_after_recreate = false; } if (this._after_recreate) { this._is_after_recreate = true; this._recreate(); this._after_recreate = false; this._is_after_recreate = false; } if (this._currentCellEditor && this._currentCellEditor._user_push) { this._currentCellEditor._user_push = false; this._currentCellEditor._stat_change("focus", "focused"); this._currentCellEditor._is_pushed_area = false; this._currentCellEditor._is_push = false; } }; _pGrid._on_last_keyup = function (down_act) { this._is_down_act = false; this._clearDestroyEditor(true); this._setdataobj = null; var args = this._after_recreate_contents_all; if (args != null) { this._is_after_recreate = true; this._recreate_contents_all(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4]); this._after_recreate_contents_all = null; this._is_after_recreate = false; } if (this._after_recreate) { this._is_after_recreate = true; this._recreate(); this._after_recreate = false; this._is_after_recreate = false; } }; _pGrid._common_fire_sys_lbuttonup = function (cellobj, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey) { if (!this._is_alive) { return; } if (!this.enable) { return true; } if (cellobj && cellobj._type_name == "GridCell") { var newPos = this._getDataRow(cellobj._rowidx); if (this._isFakeCell(newPos)) { this._is_drag_selectstart = false; this._is_drag_selecting = false; this._is_drag_sameselect = false; return true; } if (ctrlKey == false && shiftKey == false && this._is_drag_selecting == false && newPos >= 0) { if (this._isMultiSelected()) { if (this._isIncludeSelectpos(cellobj._cellidx, newPos)) { this._clrMultiSelect(); this._refreshAll(true); this._ChangeSelect(this._selectinfo.curcell, this._selectinfo.curcol, this._selectinfo.curdsrow, this._selectinfo.cursubrow, this._selectinfo.curpvt, false, this._selectinfo.curcell, this._selectinfo.curcol, this._selectinfo.curdsrow, this._selectinfo.cursubrow, this._selectinfo.curpvt, "body", "lbuttonup"); } } } } this._is_drag_selectstart = false; this._is_drag_selecting = false; this._is_drag_sameselect = false; this._execRefreshContents("colsizing", false, true); this._execRefreshContents("rowsizing", false, false); this._execRefreshContents("cellmoving", true); this._exeFuncQueue("colsizing"); this._exeFuncQueue("rowsizing"); }; _pGrid._is_down_act = false; _pGrid._cancelEvent = function (target_comp) { this._endExtraTrack(); this._is_drag_selectstart = false; this._is_drag_selecting = false; this._is_down_act = this._isDownActionKeyMouse(); this._setdataobj = null; }; _pGrid.on_fire_user_ontouchend = function (touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp, need_recalcXY) { return this.on_fire_ontouchend(touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp, true, need_recalcXY); }; _pGrid.on_fire_sys_ontouchend = function (touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp, need_recalcXY) { return this.on_fire_ontouchend(touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp, false, need_recalcXY); }; _pGrid.on_fire_ontouchend = function (touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp, user_fire, need_recalcXY) { var cellobj = from_refer_comp; cellobj = this._findCellObj(cellobj); this._recalcTouchInfosXY(cellobj, changedtouchinfos, need_recalcXY, from_refer_comp); var subcellobj; if (cellobj && cellobj._type_name == "GridCell") { if (cellobj.parentcell) { subcellobj = cellobj; cellobj = cellobj.parentcell; } } var retn = false; if (this.ontouchend && this.ontouchend._has_handlers) { var evtinfo = this._makeEventInfo(cellobj, subcellobj, from_refer_comp); var cell = evtinfo.cell; var col = evtinfo.col; var mergecell = evtinfo.mergecell; var mergecol = evtinfo.mergecol; var mergerow = evtinfo.mergerow; var pivotindex = evtinfo.pivotindex; var row = evtinfo.row; var subrow = evtinfo.subrow; var evt = new nexacro.TouchEventInfo(this, "ontouchend", touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp); if (user_fire) { retn = this.ontouchend._fireUserEvent(this, evt); } else { retn = this.ontouchend._fireSysEvent(this, evt); } } if (!user_fire) { this._common_fire_sys_lbuttonup(cellobj, false, false, false); } return retn; }; _pGrid._isCheckAlive = function (comp) { var parent = comp; while (parent != this) { if (!parent || parent._is_alive == false) { return false; } parent = parent.parent; } return true; }; _pGrid._on_afterHideWaitComp = function (pseudo) { if (this._currentCellEditor) { this._currentCellEditor._setFocus(false); } }; _pGrid.on_fire_user_onlbuttonup = function (button, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, from_elem, need_recalcXY) { return this.on_fire_onlbuttonup(button, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, from_elem, true, need_recalcXY); }; _pGrid.on_fire_sys_onlbuttonup = function (button, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, from_elem, need_recalcXY) { return this.on_fire_onlbuttonup(button, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, from_elem, false, need_recalcXY); }; _pGrid.on_fire_onlbuttonup = function (button, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, from_elem, user_fire, need_recalcXY) { if (this._focus_proc) { if (!this._showEditing) { if (this._isCheckAlive(this._focus_proc.parent)) { var is_vscroll = false; if (this._scrollpixel == "all") { is_vscroll = true; } this._focus_proc.parent._showfull(is_vscroll); this._focus_proc.parent._setFocus(false); } } else if (this._currentCellEditor.setCaretPos) { if (this._currentCellEditor.autoselect) { this._currentCellEditor.setSelect(0, -1); } else { this._currentCellEditor.setCaretPos(0); } } this._focus_proc = null; } var cellobj = from_refer_comp; cellobj = this._findCellObj(cellobj); var subcellobj; if (cellobj && cellobj._type_name == "GridCell") { if (cellobj.parentcell) { subcellobj = cellobj; cellobj = cellobj.parentcell; } } var posobj = this._recalcXY(cellobj, canvasX, canvasY, need_recalcXY, from_refer_comp); canvasX = posobj.canvasX; canvasY = posobj.canvasY; clientX = posobj.clientX; clientY = posobj.clientY; var retn = false; if (this.onlbuttonup && this.onlbuttonup._has_handlers) { var evtinfo = this._makeEventInfo(cellobj, subcellobj, from_refer_comp); var obj = this._getRootComponent(from_refer_comp); var cell = evtinfo.cell; var col = evtinfo.col; var mergecell = evtinfo.mergecell; var mergecol = evtinfo.mergecol; var mergerow = evtinfo.mergerow; var pivotindex = evtinfo.pivotindex; var row = evtinfo.row; var subrow = evtinfo.subrow; var evt = new nexacro.GridMouseEventInfo(obj, "onlbuttonup", cell, col, mergecell, mergecol, mergerow, pivotindex, row, subrow, button, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY); if (user_fire) { retn = this.onlbuttonup._fireUserEvent(this, evt); } else { retn = this.onlbuttonup._fireSysEvent(this, evt); } } if (!user_fire) { if (cellobj) { if (this.selectchangetype == "up") { if (this.selecttype != "area" && this.selecttype != "multiarea") { if (!this._is_drag_selecting) { this._mouseSelection(cellobj, ctrlKey, shiftKey, canvasX, canvasY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); this._endExtraTrack(); } } } } this._common_fire_sys_lbuttonup(cellobj, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey); this._resizerStart(canvasX, canvasY, cellobj, "up", from_refer_comp); } return retn; }; _pGrid.on_fire_user_onrbuttonup = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { var cellobj = from_refer_comp; cellobj = this._findCellObj(cellobj); var subcellobj; if (cellobj && cellobj._type_name == "GridCell") { if (cellobj.parentcell) { subcellobj = cellobj; cellobj = cellobj.parentcell; } } var posobj = this._recalcXY(cellobj, canvasX, canvasY, false, from_refer_comp); canvasX = posobj.canvasX; canvasY = posobj.canvasY; clientX = posobj.clientX; clientY = posobj.clientY; if (this.onrbuttonup && this.onrbuttonup._has_handlers) { var evtinfo = this._makeEventInfo(cellobj, subcellobj, from_refer_comp); var obj = this._getRootComponent(from_refer_comp); var cell = evtinfo.cell; var col = evtinfo.col; var mergecell = evtinfo.mergecell; var mergecol = evtinfo.mergecol; var mergerow = evtinfo.mergerow; var pivotindex = evtinfo.pivotindex; var row = evtinfo.row; var subrow = evtinfo.subrow; var evt = new nexacro.GridMouseEventInfo(obj, "onrbuttonup", cell, col, mergecell, mergecol, mergerow, pivotindex, row, subrow, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY); return this.onrbuttonup._fireUserEvent(this, evt); } return false; }; _pGrid.on_fire_user_onmouseup = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { return this.on_fire_onmouseup(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, true); }; _pGrid.on_fire_sys_onmouseup = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { return this.on_fire_onmouseup(button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, false); }; _pGrid.on_fire_onmouseup = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp, user_fire) { var cellobj = from_refer_comp; cellobj = this._findCellObj(cellobj); var subcellobj; if (cellobj && cellobj._type_name == "GridCell") { if (cellobj.parentcell) { subcellobj = cellobj; cellobj = cellobj.parentcell; } } var posobj = this._recalcXY(cellobj, canvasX, canvasY, false, from_refer_comp); canvasX = posobj.canvasX; canvasY = posobj.canvasY; clientX = posobj.clientX; clientY = posobj.clientY; var retn = false; if (this.onmouseup && this.onmouseup._has_handlers) { var evtinfo = this._makeEventInfo(cellobj, subcellobj, from_refer_comp); var obj = this._getRootComponent(from_comp); var cell = evtinfo.cell; var col = evtinfo.col; var mergecell = evtinfo.mergecell; var mergecol = evtinfo.mergecol; var mergerow = evtinfo.mergerow; var pivotindex = evtinfo.pivotindex; var row = evtinfo.row; var subrow = evtinfo.subrow; var evt = new nexacro.GridMouseEventInfo(obj, "onmouseup", cell, col, mergecell, mergecol, mergerow, pivotindex, row, subrow, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY); if (user_fire) { retn = this.onmouseup._fireUserEvent(this, evt); } else { retn = this.onmouseup._fireSysEvent(this, evt); } } return retn; }; _pGrid.on_fire_user_onlongpress = function (elem, touchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { var cellobj = from_refer_comp; cellobj = this._findCellObj(cellobj); this._recalcTouchInfosXY(cellobj, touchinfos, false, from_refer_comp); var touchinfo = nexacro._getFirstTouchInfo(touchinfos); var subcellobj; if (cellobj && cellobj._type_name == "GridCell") { if (cellobj.parentcell) { subcellobj = cellobj; cellobj = cellobj.parentcell; } } var retn = false; if (this.onlongpress && this.onlongpress._has_handlers) { var evtinfo = this._makeEventInfo(cellobj, subcellobj, from_refer_comp); var cell = evtinfo.cell; var col = evtinfo.col; var mergecell = evtinfo.mergecell; var mergecol = evtinfo.mergecol; var mergerow = evtinfo.mergerow; var pivotindex = evtinfo.pivotindex; var row = evtinfo.row; var subrow = evtinfo.subrow; var evt = new nexacro.GridLongPressEventInfo(this, "onlongpress", touchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp, cell, col, row, subrow, pivotindex, mergecell, mergecol, mergerow); return this.onlongpress._fireUserEvent(this, evt); } return false; }; _pGrid._resizerStart = function (canvasX, canvasY, cellobj, kind, from_refer_comp) { if (this._movingcell) { return; } var resizer_colctrl = this._resizer_colctrl; var resizer_rowctrl = this._resizer_rowctrl; if ((resizer_colctrl && resizer_colctrl._is_tracking) || (resizer_rowctrl && resizer_rowctrl._is_tracking)) { return; } var r_canvasX = canvasX; var r_canvasY = canvasY; var rowidx = cellobj._rowidx; var cellidx = cellobj._cellidx; if (cellobj._is_alive == false) { if (rowidx == -1) { cellobj = this._getCurrentHeadCell(cellidx, true); } else { cellobj = this._getCurrentBodyCell(rowidx, cellidx); } } if (!cellobj) { return; } var area = (cellobj._refobj) ? cellobj._refobj._area : ""; var band = (cellobj._band) ? cellobj._band.id : ""; if (area == "body") { r_canvasX += this._getScrollLeft(); } if (band == "body") { if (!cellobj.parent._fixed) { r_canvasY += this._getScrollTop(); } } var action = false; if (resizer_colctrl && !resizer_colctrl._is_tracking) { var resize_cursor = nexacro._getCachedValueObj("col-resize"); var resizer_range = this._resizerColRange; var resizer_arr_length = resizer_range.length; if (resizer_arr_length > 0) { resizer_colctrl._is_range = false; for (var i = 0; i < resizer_arr_length; i++) { var range = resizer_range[i]; if (r_canvasX >= range.left && r_canvasX <= range.right) { if (area != range.area) { continue; } if (r_canvasY >= range.top && r_canvasY <= range.bottom) { this.a = r_canvasX; resizer_colctrl._is_range = true; resizer_colctrl._setIndex(range.index); this._setGlobalCursor(resize_cursor, cellobj); action = true; break; } } } } if (!resizer_colctrl._is_range && !resizer_colctrl._is_tracking && (!resizer_rowctrl || !resizer_rowctrl._is_tracking)) { if (cellobj._type_name != "GridCell") { this._setGlobalCursor(null, from_refer_comp); } else { this._setGlobalCursor(null, cellobj); } action = false; } else if (resizer_colctrl._is_tracking) { this._setGlobalCursor(resize_cursor, cellobj); action = true; } } if (action) { return; } if (resizer_rowctrl && !resizer_rowctrl._is_tracking) { var resize_cursor = nexacro._getCachedValueObj("row-resize"); var resizer_range = this._resizerRowRange; var resizer_arr_length = resizer_range.length; if (resizer_arr_length > 0) { resizer_rowctrl._is_range = false; for (var i = 0; i < resizer_arr_length; i++) { var range = resizer_range[i]; if (r_canvasY >= range.top && r_canvasY <= range.bottom) { if (band != range.area) { continue; } if (r_canvasX >= range.left && r_canvasX <= range.right) { resizer_rowctrl._is_range = true; resizer_rowctrl._setIndex(range.index); this._setGlobalCursor(resize_cursor, cellobj); break; } } } } if (!resizer_rowctrl._is_range && !resizer_rowctrl._is_tracking && (!resizer_colctrl || !resizer_colctrl._is_tracking)) { if (cellobj._type_name != "GridCell") { this._setGlobalCursor(null, from_refer_comp); } else { this._setGlobalCursor(null, cellobj); } } else if (resizer_rowctrl._is_tracking) { this._setGlobalCursor(resize_cursor, cellobj); } } }; _pGrid.on_fire_user_ontouchmove = function (touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { var cellobj = from_refer_comp; cellobj = this._findCellObj(cellobj); this._recalcTouchInfosXY(cellobj, changedtouchinfos, false, from_refer_comp); var subcellobj; if (cellobj && cellobj._type_name == "GridCell") { if (cellobj.parentcell) { subcellobj = cellobj; cellobj = cellobj.parentcell; } } var retn = false; if (this.ontouchmove && this.ontouchmove._has_handlers) { var evtinfo = this._makeEventInfo(cellobj, subcellobj, from_refer_comp); var cell = evtinfo.cell; var col = evtinfo.col; var mergecell = evtinfo.mergecell; var mergecol = evtinfo.mergecol; var mergerow = evtinfo.mergerow; var pivotindex = evtinfo.pivotindex; var row = evtinfo.row; var subrow = evtinfo.subrow; var evt = new nexacro.TouchEventInfo(this, "ontouchmove", touchinfos, changedtouchinfos, from_comp, from_refer_comp); retn = this.ontouchmove._fireUserEvent(this, evt); } return retn; }; _pGrid.on_fire_user_onmousemove = function (button, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (!from_refer_comp._is_alive) { return; } var cellobj = from_refer_comp; cellobj = this._findCellObj(cellobj); var subcellobj; if (cellobj && cellobj._type_name == "GridCell") { if (cellobj.parentcell) { subcellobj = cellobj; cellobj = cellobj.parentcell; } } var posobj = this._recalcXY(cellobj, canvasX, canvasY, false, from_refer_comp); canvasX = posobj.canvasX; canvasY = posobj.canvasY; clientX = posobj.clientX; clientY = posobj.clientY; var retn = false; if (this.onmousemove && this.onmousemove._has_handlers) { var evtinfo = this._makeEventInfo(cellobj, subcellobj, from_refer_comp); var obj = this._getRootComponent(from_refer_comp); var cell = evtinfo.cell; var col = evtinfo.col; var mergecell = evtinfo.mergecell; var mergecol = evtinfo.mergecol; var mergerow = evtinfo.mergerow; var pivotindex = evtinfo.pivotindex; var row = evtinfo.row; var subrow = evtinfo.subrow; var evt = new nexacro.GridMouseEventInfo(obj, "onmousemove", cell, col, mergecell, mergecol, mergerow, pivotindex, row, subrow, button, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY); retn = this.onmousemove._fireUserEvent(this, evt); } if (!nexacro.isTouchInteraction) { this._resizerStart(canvasX, canvasY, cellobj, "move", from_refer_comp); } return retn; }; _pGrid._prevAreaCellObj = null; _pGrid._areaselectMove = function (from_refer_comp, canvasX, canvasY) { if (this._is_drag_selectstart && !this._showEditing) { var cellobj = from_refer_comp; cellobj = this._findCellObj(cellobj); var subcellobj, area; if (cellobj && cellobj._type_name == "GridCell") { if (cellobj.parentcell) { subcellobj = cellobj; cellobj = cellobj.parentcell; } var posobj = this._recalcXY(cellobj, canvasX, canvasY, false, from_refer_comp); canvasX = posobj.canvasX; canvasY = posobj.canvasY; clientX = posobj.clientX; clientY = posobj.clientY; if ((this._prevAreaCellObj == cellobj) && !this._fixed_row_scrolling) { return; } area = cellobj._refobj._area; var newPos = this._getDataRow(cellobj._rowidx); if (newPos == undefined) { newPos = 0; } if (this._isFakeCell(newPos) || newPos < 0) { return true; } var beforeCell = this._beforebodycellpos = this._selectinfo.curcell; var beforeCol = this._beforebodycolpos = this._selectinfo.curcol; var beforeRow = this._beforebodyrowpos = this._selectinfo.curdsrow; var beforeSubrow = this._beforebodysubrowpos = this._selectinfo.cursubrow; var beforePvt = this._beforepvt = this._selectinfo.curpvt; var afterCell = cellobj._cellidx; var afterCol = cellobj._refobj._col; var afterRow = newPos; var afterSubrow = cellobj._refobj._row; var afterPvt = -9; if (subcellobj) { afterCol += subcellobj._refobj._col; } if (this._fixed_rowcnt > 0) { var fixed_startrow = this._fixed_startrow; var fixed_endrow = this._fixed_endrow; var selectinfo = this._selectinfo; if (selectinfo.area.length > 0) { var cur_selected_area = selectinfo.area[selectinfo.area.length - 1]; var cur_srow = cur_selected_area.begrow; var cur_erow = cur_selected_area.endrow; var cur_vscrollpos = this.vscrollbar.pos; var scrollTop = this._getScrollTop(); var mode = ""; if (afterRow < beforeRow) { mode = "up"; } else if (afterRow > beforeRow) { mode = "down"; } else { mode = "keep"; } if (mode == "up") { this._fixed_row_scrolling = true; if (cur_erow > afterRow && afterRow <= fixed_endrow && cur_erow > fixed_endrow) { this.vscrollbar.set_pos(cur_vscrollpos - 1); } else { this._fixed_row_scrolling = false; } } else if (mode == "down") { if (cur_srow <= this._fixed_endrow && cur_erow <= this._fixed_endrow) { this._fixed_row_scroll_zeroset = true; } else { this._fixed_row_scroll_zeroset = false; } if (this._fixed_row_scroll_zeroset && afterRow && (afterRow <= 0 || (afterRow <= this._fixed_endrow && cur_erow > this._fixed_endrow) || (afterRow > this._fixed_endrow && cur_srow <= this._fixed_endrow))) { if (cur_vscrollpos > 0) { this.vscrollbar.set_pos(0); this._fixed_row_scroll_zeroset = false; return; } } } else { if (cur_vscrollpos == 0) { this._fixed_row_scrolling = false; } else if (this._fixed_row_scrolling) { this.vscrollbar.set_pos(cur_vscrollpos - 1); } } } } if (this._fixed_rowcnt > 0) { var fixed_startrow = this._fixed_startrow; var fixed_endrow = this._fixed_endrow; var selectinfo = this._selectinfo; if (selectinfo.area.length > 0) { var cur_selected_area = selectinfo.area[selectinfo.area.length - 1]; var cur_srow = cur_selected_area.begrow; var cur_erow = cur_selected_area.endrow; var cur_vscrollpos = this.vscrollbar.pos; var scrollTop = this._getScrollTop(); var mode = ""; if (afterRow < beforeRow) { mode = "up"; } else if (afterRow > beforeRow) { mode = "down"; } else { mode = "keep"; } if (mode == "up") { this._fixed_row_scrolling = true; if (cur_erow > afterRow && afterRow <= fixed_endrow && cur_erow > fixed_endrow) { this.vscrollbar.set_pos(cur_vscrollpos - 1); } else { this._fixed_row_scrolling = false; } } else if (mode == "down") { if (cur_srow <= this._fixed_endrow && cur_erow <= this._fixed_endrow) { this._fixed_row_scroll_zeroset = true; } else { this._fixed_row_scroll_zeroset = false; } if (this._fixed_row_scroll_zeroset && afterRow && (afterRow <= 0 || (afterRow <= this._fixed_endrow && cur_erow > this._fixed_endrow) || (afterRow > this._fixed_endrow && cur_srow <= this._fixed_endrow))) { if (cur_vscrollpos > 0) { this.vscrollbar.set_pos(0); this._fixed_row_scroll_zeroset = false; return; } } } else { if (cur_vscrollpos == 0) { this._fixed_row_scrolling = false; } else if (this._fixed_row_scrolling) { this.vscrollbar.set_pos(cur_vscrollpos - 1); } } } } while (true) { if (this.selecttype == "multirow" && afterRow == beforeRow) { break; } this._setSelectedInfo(afterCell, afterCol, afterRow, afterSubrow, afterPvt); this._ChangeSelect(afterCell, afterCol, afterRow, afterSubrow, afterPvt, false, beforeCell, beforeCol, beforeRow, beforeSubrow, beforePvt, cellobj._band.id, "mousemove"); break; } this._prevAreaCellObj = cellobj; } } }; _pGrid._on_start_extratrack = function (windowX, windowY, screenX, screenY, keepstart) { var scroll_left = this._getScrollLeft(); var scroll_top = this._getScrollTop(); this._track_point.x = screenX; this._track_point.y = screenY; this._track_point.w = 0; this._track_point.h = 0; this._track_point.cur_rect = { l : 0, t : 0, w : 0, h : 0 }; this._track_start_info = { }; this._track_start_info.target = this._lastmouseentercell; this._track_start_info.cell_screenX = system.clientToScreenX(this._lastmouseentercell, 0); this._track_start_info.cell_screenY = system.clientToScreenY(this._lastmouseentercell, 0); var frame = this._getOwnerFrame(); if (frame && (frame._window_type == 1 || frame._window_type == 4 || frame._window_type == 5)) { var adjust_x = this._lastmouseentercell._adjust_left; var adjust_y = this._lastmouseentercell._adjust_top; var parent = this._lastmouseentercell.parent; while (parent) { if (parent._is_frame) { break; } adjust_x += parent._adjust_left; adjust_y += parent._adjust_top; parent = parent.parent; } var frame_screenx = system.clientToScreenX(frame, 0); var frame_screeny = system.clientToScreenY(frame, 0); if (frame_screenx == 0 && frame._adjust_left < 0) { frame_screenx = frame._adjust_left; } if (frame_screeny == 0 && frame._adjust_top < 0) { frame_screeny = frame._adjust_top; } this._track_start_info.cell_screenX = frame_screenx + adjust_x; } this._track_start_info.start_screenX = screenX; this._track_start_info.start_screenY = screenY; this._track_start_info.scrollLeft = scroll_left; this._track_start_info.scrollTop = scroll_top; this._track_start_info._start_begarea = this._selectinfo.arearect.barea; this._track_start_info._start_endarea = this._selectinfo.arearect.earea; var cur_rect = this._getSelectRect(false, true); var rectinfo = this._getExtraTrackSelectRect(screenX, screenY, 0, 0, true); if (!keepstart) { this._startAreaSizing(rectinfo, rectinfo.idx); } this._track_mode = "areaselect"; }; _pGrid._on_move_extratrack = function (obj, windowX, windowY, distX, distY, screenX, screenY) { var rootcomp = this._getRootComponent(obj); if (rootcomp && this._showEditing == false && (rootcomp != this || obj && (rootcomp == this && obj instanceof nexacro.GridCell && (obj._band.id == "head" || obj._band.id == "summ")) || (rootcomp == this && obj instanceof nexacro.GridRow && obj._band.id == "body") || (rootcomp == this && obj.id == "body"))) { var rectinfo = this._getExtraTrackSelectRect(screenX, screenY, distX, distY, false); var idx = rectinfo.idx; var typeinfo = this._getTrackType(this._track_start_info, rectinfo.l, rectinfo.t, rectinfo.w, rectinfo.h, idx, false); var select_area = this._selectinfo.area; if (this._fixed_rowcnt > 0 && select_area.length) { var cur_area = select_area[select_area.length - 1]; var cur_srow = cur_area.begrow; var cur_erow = cur_area.endrow; var ctrlpoint = this._selectinfo.ctrlpoint; var cur_row = ctrlpoint.row; var cur_col = ctrlpoint.col; var border = this.currentstyle.border; var border_top = (border) ? parseInt(border.right_width, 10) : 0; var headheight = this._getHeadHeight(); var fixedheight = this._fixed_height; var fixedbottom = headheight + fixedheight + border_top; var fixedsrow = this._fixed_startrow; var fixederow = this._fixed_endrow; var t = rectinfo.t; var h = rectinfo.h; var cur_scrolltop = this._getScrollTop(); var vscrollbar = this.vscrollbar; if (cur_srow <= fixederow && cur_erow <= fixederow && cur_scrolltop > 0 && (t + h) > fixedbottom) { vscrollbar.set_pos(0); } else if (cur_srow <= fixederow && cur_erow >= fixederow && cur_scrolltop > 0 && (t + h) <= fixedbottom) { vscrollbar.set_pos(vscrollbar.pos - 1); } else if (ctrlpoint.row > fixederow && cur_scrolltop > 0 && t <= fixedbottom) { vscrollbar.set_pos(vscrollbar.pos - 1); } } this._applySelectorScroll(typeinfo.type); this._applyAreaSizing(rectinfo, idx); var cur_rect = this._getSelectRect(false, true); this._extratrack_typeinfo = typeinfo; this._extratrack_rectinfo = rectinfo; this._extratrack_idx = idx; var init_interval = 500; var min_intervalgap = 10; function getTimerInterval (obj) { var interval = init_interval; var grid_x = nexacro.System.clientToScreenX(obj, 0); var grid_y = nexacro.System.clientToScreenY(obj, 0); var frame = obj._getOwnerFrame(); if (frame && (frame._window_type == 1 || frame._window_type == 4)) { var adjust_x = obj._adjust_left; var adjust_y = obj._adjust_top; var parent = obj.parent; while (parent) { if (parent._is_frame) { break; } adjust_x += parent._adjust_left; adjust_y += parent._adjust_top; parent = parent.parent; } var frame_screenx = system.clientToScreenX(frame, 0); var frame_screeny = system.clientToScreenY(frame, 0); if (frame_screenx == 0 && frame._adjust_left < 0) { frame_screenx = frame._adjust_left; } if (frame_screeny == 0 && frame._adjust_top < 0) { frame_screeny = frame._adjust_top; } grid_x = frame_screenx + adjust_x; } var grid_r = grid_x + parseInt(obj._adjust_width); var grid_b = grid_y + parseInt(obj._adjust_height); var wgap = (screenX < grid_x) ? (grid_x - screenX) : (screenX - grid_r); var hgap = (screenY < grid_y) ? (grid_y - screenY) : (screenY - grid_b); if (wgap >= 0) { interval = interval - (wgap * 10); return interval > 0 ? interval : 1; } if (hgap >= 0) { interval = interval - (hgap * 10); return interval > 0 ? interval : 1; } return -1; } var timer_interval = getTimerInterval(this); if (timer_interval > 0 && timer_interval < min_intervalgap) { timer_interval = min_intervalgap; } if (timer_interval > 0) { if (!this._extratrack_timer) { this._extratrack_timer = { }; this._extratrack_timer._handle = null; this._extratrack_timer._interval = timer_interval; this._extratrack_timer._handle = new nexacro.CallbackTimer(this, function () { this._applySelectorScroll(this._extratrack_idx, this._extratrack_typeinfo.type); this._applyAreaSizing(this._extratrack_rectinfo, this._extratrack_idx); var cur_rect = this._getSelectRect(false, true); }, timer_interval); this._extratrack_timer._handle.start(); } else { if (this._extratrack_timer && this._extratrack_timer._interval != timer_interval) { if (timer_interval > 0) { this._extratrack_timer._interval = timer_interval; this._extratrack_timer._handle.setInterval(timer_interval); this._extratrack_timer._handle.start(); } else { this._extratrack_timer._handle.stop(); } } } } } else { if (this._extratrack_timer) { this._extratrack_timer._handle.stop(); } } }; _pGrid._on_end_extratrack = function (x, y, dragdata) { var p = this._select_ctrl; this._track_start_info = null; this._track_idx = -1; this._track_mode = ""; if (this._extratrack_timer) { this._extratrack_timer._handle.stop(); this._extratrack_timer._handle = null; this._extratrack_timer = null; } var cur_rect = this._getSelectRect(false, true); }; _pGrid._endExtraTrack = function () { this._on_end_extratrack(); nexacro._cur_extra_track_info = null; }; _pGrid._trackingHScroll = function (idx, left, right, start_begarea, start_endarea, bodystart, rightstart, scroll_left, scroll_max) { var retn = [0, 0]; if (!this.hscrollbar) { return retn; } var hscroll = this.hscrollbar; if (idx == 0 || idx == 2) { if (start_begarea == "right") { if (left < rightstart && left > bodystart) { hscroll.set_pos(scroll_max); } } else if (start_begarea == "left") { if (left > bodystart && left < rightstart) { hscroll.set_pos(0); retn[1] = scroll_left; } } } else { if (start_endarea == "left") { if (right > bodystart && right < rightstart) { hscroll.set_pos(0); } } else if (start_endarea == "right") { if (right < rightstart && right > bodystart) { hscroll.set_pos(scroll_max); retn[0] = scroll_left - scroll_max; retn[1] = scroll_max - scroll_left; } } } return retn; }; _pGrid._getTrackType = function (obj, left, top, width, height, idx, onlyarea) { var hmin, hmax, vmin, vmax; var grid = this; var format = grid._curFormat; var type = ["", ""]; var area = grid._selectinfo.ctrlpoint.area; var leftwidth = format.leftWidth; var rightstart = grid._client_width - format.rightWidth; var bodylast = format.leftWidth + format.bodyWidth; var scroll_left = grid._getScrollLeft(); var scroll_max = grid._getScollMaxLeft(); var right = left + width; var headheight = grid._getHeadHeight(); var fixedheight = grid._fixed_height; var fixedbottom = headheight + fixedheight; if (onlyarea) { if (area == "left") { hmin = 0; hmax = leftwidth; } else if (area == "right") { hmin = rightstart; hmax = grid._client_width; } else { hmin = leftwidth; hmax = (bodylast < rightstart) ? bodylast : rightstart; } } else { var move = this._trackingHScroll(idx, left, right, leftwidth, obj._start_begarea, obj._start_endarea, rightstart, scroll_left, scroll_max); left += move[0]; width += move[1]; right = left + width; if (area == "left") { hmin = 0; if (scroll_left == scroll_max) { hmax = (bodylast < grid._client_width) ? bodylast : grid._client_width; } else { hmax = (bodylast < rightstart) ? bodylast : rightstart; } } else if (area == "right") { if (scroll_left == 0) { hmin = 0; } else { hmin = leftwidth; } hmax = grid._client_width; } else { if (scroll_left == 0) { hmin = 0; } else { hmin = leftwidth; } if (scroll_left == scroll_max) { hmax = (bodylast < grid._client_width) ? bodylast : grid._client_width; } else { hmax = (bodylast < rightstart) ? bodylast : rightstart; } } } vmin = this._bodyBand._adjust_top; vmax = this._bodyBand._getPosBottom(); if (idx == 0) { if (left < hmin) { width -= (hmin - left); left = hmin; if (this._start_begarea != "left") { type[0] = "leftover0"; } } else if (left > hmax || (scroll_left < scroll_max && left > rightstart)) { type[0] = "rightover0"; } if (grid._fixed_rowcnt > 0) { if (top < (fixedheight + headheight)) { type[1] = "topover0"; } else if (top > vmax) { type[1] = "bottomover0"; } } else { if (top < vmin) { height -= (vmin - top); top = vmin; type[1] = "topover0"; } else if (top > vmax) { type[1] = "bottomover0"; } } if (width <= 0) { left += width - 1; } if (height <= 0) { top += height - 1; } } else if (idx == 1) { var r = left + width, b = top + height; if (r < hmin || (scroll_left > 0 && r < leftwidth)) { type[0] = "leftover1"; } else if (r > hmax) { width = hmax - left; if (this._start_endarea != "right") { type[0] = "rightover1"; } } if (b < vmin) { type[1] = "topover1"; } else if (b > vmax) { height = vmax - top; type[1] = "bottomover1"; } } else if (idx == 2) { var b = top + height; if (left < hmin) { width -= (hmin - left); left = hmin; if (this._start_begarea != "left") { type[0] = "leftover0"; } } else if (left > hmax || (scroll_left < scroll_max && left > rightstart)) { type[0] = "rightover0"; } if (b < vmin || b > fixedbottom) { type[1] = "topover1"; } else if (b > vmax) { height = vmax - top; type[1] = "bottomover1"; } } else if (idx == 3) { var r = left + width; if (r < hmin || (scroll_left > 0 && r < leftwidth)) { type[0] = "leftover1"; } else if (r > hmax) { width = hmax - left; if (this._start_endarea != "right") { type[0] = "rightover1"; } } if (top < vmin) { type[1] = "topover1"; } else if (top > vmax) { height = vmax - top; type[1] = "bottomover1"; } } return { type : type, adjust_l : left, adjust_t : top, adjust_w : width, adjust_h : height }; }; _pGrid._getExtraTrackSelectRect = function (screenX, screenY, distX, distY, bApplyFixedRow) { var idx = 1; var startinfo = this._track_start_info; var start_cell_startX = startinfo.start_screenX; var start_cell_startY = startinfo.start_screenY; var start_cell_screenX = startinfo.cell_screenX; var start_cell_screenY = startinfo.cell_screenY; var start_cell_scrollLeft = startinfo.scrollLeft; var start_cell_scrollTop = startinfo.scrollTop; var start_cell_width = startinfo.target.width; var start_cell_height = startinfo.target.height; var start_cell_row = startinfo.target._rowidx; var start_cell_startTopGap = start_cell_screenY - start_cell_startY; var start_cell_startBottomGap = start_cell_screenY - start_cell_startY + start_cell_height; var start_cell_startLeftGap = start_cell_startX - start_cell_screenX; var start_cell_startRightGap = start_cell_screenX - start_cell_startX + start_cell_width; var scroll_left = this._getScrollLeft(); var scroll_top = this._getScrollTop(); var scroll_left_gap = scroll_left - start_cell_scrollLeft; var scroll_top_gap = scroll_top - start_cell_scrollTop; var adjust_scroll_top_gap = scroll_top_gap; var grid_body_screenx = system.clientToScreenX(this, 0); var grid_body_screeny = system.clientToScreenY(this, 0); var frame = this._getOwnerFrame(); ; if (frame && (frame._window_type == 1 || frame._window_type == 4 || frame._window_type == 5)) { var adjust_x = this._adjust_left; var adjust_y = this._adjust_top; var parent = this.parent; while (parent) { if (parent._is_frame) { break; } adjust_x += parent._adjust_left; adjust_y += parent._adjust_top; parent = parent.parent; } var frame_screenx = system.clientToScreenX(frame, 0); var frame_screeny = system.clientToScreenY(frame, 0); if (frame_screenx == 0 && frame._adjust_left < 0) { frame_screenx = frame._adjust_left; } if (frame_screeny == 0 && frame._adjust_top < 0) { frame_screeny = frame._adjust_left; } grid_body_screenx = frame_screenx + adjust_x; } var bApply_scroll_top = true; if (this._fixed_rowcnt > 0 && start_cell_row >= this._fixed_startrow && start_cell_row <= this._fixed_endrow) { bApply_scroll_top = false; } if (!bApply_scroll_top) { adjust_scroll_top_gap = 0; } if (screenX < (start_cell_startX - scroll_left_gap) && screenY < (start_cell_startY - adjust_scroll_top_gap)) { idx = 0; } else if (screenX > (start_cell_startX - scroll_left_gap) && screenY > (start_cell_startY - adjust_scroll_top_gap)) { idx = 1; } else if (screenX < (start_cell_startX - scroll_left_gap) && screenY > (start_cell_startY - adjust_scroll_top_gap)) { idx = 2; } else if (screenX > (start_cell_startX - scroll_left_gap) && screenY < (start_cell_startY - adjust_scroll_top_gap)) { idx = 3; } var x = distX; var y = distY; var type = new Array(2); var border = this.currentstyle.border; var border_left = (border) ? parseInt(border.left_width, 10) : 0; var border_right = (border) ? parseInt(border.right_width, 10) : 0; var border_top = (border) ? parseInt(border.right_width, 10) : 0; var border_bottom = (border) ? parseInt(border.right_width, 10) : 0; var l, t, w, h; if (idx == 0) { l = this._track_point.x - grid_body_screenx + x; t = this._track_point.y - grid_body_screeny + y; w = -(x); h = -(y) - (bApply_scroll_top ? scroll_top_gap : 0); } else if (idx == 1) { l = this._track_point.x - grid_body_screenx - scroll_left_gap; t = this._track_point.y - grid_body_screeny - (bApply_scroll_top ? scroll_top_gap : 0); w = x + scroll_left_gap; h = y + (bApply_scroll_top ? scroll_top_gap : 0); } else if (idx == 2) { l = this._track_point.x - grid_body_screenx + x; t = this._track_point.y - grid_body_screeny - (bApply_scroll_top ? scroll_top_gap : 0); w = -(x) - scroll_left_gap; h = y + (bApply_scroll_top ? scroll_top_gap : 0); } else if (idx == 3) { l = this._track_point.x - grid_body_screenx - scroll_left_gap; t = this._track_point.y - grid_body_screeny + y; w = x + scroll_left_gap; h = -(y) - (bApply_scroll_top ? scroll_top_gap : 0); } return { idx : idx, l : l, t : t, w : w, h : h }; }; _pGrid.on_fire_sys_onmousemove = function (button, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (!this.enable) { return true; } return this._areaselectMove(from_refer_comp, canvasX, canvasY); }; _pGrid._setSelectedInfo = function (cell, col, datarow, subrow, pvt, areainfo) { if (cell !== null) { this._selectinfo.curcell = this.currentcell = cell; } if (col !== null) { this._selectinfo.curcol = this.currentcol = col; } if (datarow !== null) { this._selectinfo.curdsrow = this._currentDSrow = datarow; this._selectinfo.currow = this.currentrow = (datarow < 0) ? datarow : this._getTreeRowPosition(datarow); } if (subrow !== null) { this._selectinfo.cursubrow = this.currentsubrow = subrow; } if (pvt !== null) { this._selectinfo.curpvt = this.currentpivot = pvt; } if (areainfo) { this._selectinfo.areainfo = null; this._selectinfo.areainfo = { srow : areainfo.srow, erow : areainfo.erow, scell : areainfo.scell, ecell : areainfo.ecell, scol : areainfo.scol, ecol : areainfo.ecol, ssubrow : areainfo.ssubrow, esubrow : areainfo.esubrow, spvt : areainfo.spvt, epvt : areainfo.epvt }; } }; _pGrid._is_drag_selecting = false; _pGrid._on_grid_lbuttondown = function (cellobj, band, ctrlkey, shiftkey, no_select) { if (!this._is_alive) { return; } if (!this.enable) { return true; } var newPos = this._getDataRow(cellobj._rowidx); if (newPos == undefined) { newPos = 0; } if (this._isFakeCell(newPos) || newPos < 0) { return true; } var beforeCell = this._beforebodycellpos = this._selectinfo.curcell; var beforeCol = this._beforebodycolpos = this._selectinfo.curcol; var beforeRow = this._beforebodyrowpos = this._selectinfo.curdsrow; var beforeSubrow = this._beforebodysubrowpos = this._selectinfo.cursubrow; var beforePvt = this._beforepvt = this._selectinfo.curpvt; var afterCell = cellobj._cellidx; var afterCol = cellobj._refobj._col; var afterRow = newPos; var afterSubrow = cellobj._refobj._row; var afterPvt = -9; var parentcell = cellobj.parentcell; this._prevAreaCellObj = cellobj; if (parentcell) { afterCell = parentcell._cellidx; afterCol += parentcell._refobj._col; this._prevAreaCellObj = parentcell; } if (!no_select) { this._setSelectedInfo(afterCell, afterCol, afterRow, afterSubrow, afterPvt); } if (ctrlkey == true) { if (this._isMultiSelect()) { this._multiselect = "ctrl"; } else { this._multiselect = "none"; } } else if (shiftkey == true) { if (this._isMultiSelect() || this._isAreaSelect()) { this._multiselect = "shift"; } else { this._multiselect = "none"; } } else { if (this._multiselect != "none") { this._selectClear = true; } this._multiselect = "none"; } if ((this._isAreaSelect() || this._isMultiSelect()) && !nexacro.isTouchInteraction) { this._is_drag_selectstart = true; } var retn = false; if (!no_select) { retn = this._ChangeSelect(afterCell, afterCol, afterRow, afterSubrow, afterPvt, false, beforeCell, beforeCol, beforeRow, beforeSubrow, beforePvt, band, "lbuttondown"); } ; if (!retn) { if (!this._isIncludeSelectpos(afterCell, afterRow)) { this._is_drag_selectstart = false; } this._is_drag_sameselect = true; } if (this._is_drag_selectstart) { var win = this._getWindow(); if (!nexacro.isTouchInteraction && (this._isAreaSelect() || this.selecttype == "multirow")) { if (nexacro.Browser == "Runtime") { var frame = this._getOwnerFrame(); if (frame._window_type != 1 && frame._window_type != 4 && frame._window_type != 5) { frame = application.mainframe; } var screenX = system.clientToScreenX(frame, 0) + win._curWindowX - ((frame._adjust_left >= 0) ? frame._adjust_left : 0); var screenY = system.clientToScreenY(frame, 0) + win._curWindowY - ((frame._adjust_top >= 0) ? frame._adjust_top : 0); nexacro._setExtraTrackInfo(win, this, win._curWindowX, win._curWindowY, screenX, screenY, shiftkey || no_select); } else { nexacro._setExtraTrackInfo(win, this, win._curWindowX, win._curWindowY, win._cur_screen_pos.x, win._cur_screen_pos.y, shiftkey || no_select); } } } return retn; }; _pGrid.on_fire_onselectchanged = function (obj, cell, col, row, subrow, pvt, oldcell, oldcol, oldrow, oldsubrow, oldpvt, selectendcol, selectendpivot, selectendrow, selectendsubrow, selectstartcol, selectstartpivot, selectstartrow, selectstartsubrow) { if (this.onselectchanged && this.onselectchanged._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.GridSelectEventInfo(obj, "onselectchanged", cell, col, row, subrow, pvt, oldcell, oldcol, oldrow, oldsubrow, oldpvt, selectendcol, selectendpivot, selectendrow, selectendsubrow, selectstartcol, selectstartpivot, selectstartrow, selectstartsubrow); return this.onselectchanged._fireEvent(this, evt); } return true; }; _pGrid.on_fire_user_onkeyup = function (keyCode, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey, obj, refer_comp) { if (!this.enable) { return true; } if (shiftKey == false && ctrlKey == false) { if (keyCode != nexacro.Event.KEY_SHIFT && keyCode != nexacro.Event.KEY_CTRL) { this._multiselect = "none"; } } if (this._iskey_movetocell) { this._moveCellAfterFocus(); } this._iskey_movetocell = false; this._keydown_elem = null; var retn = nexacro.Component.prototype.on_fire_user_onkeyup.call(this, keyCode, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey, obj, refer_comp); if (!this._is_alive) { return retn; } if (keyCode == nexacro.Event.KEY_RIGHT && altKey) { var format = this._curFormat; if (format) { var bodycells = format._bodycells; if (bodycells && bodycells.length) { var cellinfo = this._getBodyCellInfo(this._selectinfo.curcell); if (cellinfo) { var expandshow = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.expandshow, this._selectinfo.curdsrow); if (expandshow == "show") { if (this.onkeyup && this.onkeyup.defaultprevented == true) { } else { this.on_fire_onexpandup("none", altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, obj, refer_comp); } } } } } } return retn; }; _pGrid.on_fire_sys_onkeydown = function (keycode, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, fire_comp, refer_comp) { if (this._is_down_act) { this._on_last_keyup(true); } }; _pGrid.on_fire_user_onkeydown = function (keyCode, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey, obj, refer_comp) { var accGridHotkey = nexacro.AccessibilityUtil.checkComponentHotkey(this, keyCode, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey); if (accGridHotkey) { this._hideEditor(); var row = this.currentrow; switch (accGridHotkey) { case nexacro.AccessibilityUtil.Hotkey.FIRSTCELL: this.currentcell = 0; this._currentBand = "grid"; if (this.vscrollbar && this.vscrollbar.visible) { this.vscrollbar.set_pos(0); } this._setAccessibilityBandFocus("next", false, true); break; case nexacro.AccessibilityUtil.Hotkey.LASTCELL: this.currentcell = this._getAccessibilityCellIndex() - 1; this._currentBand = "grid"; if (this.vscrollbar && this.vscrollbar.visible) { this.vscrollbar.set_pos(this.vscrollbar._max); } this._setAccessibilityBandFocus("prev", false, true); break; case nexacro.AccessibilityUtil.Hotkey.FIRSTCELLINROW: this.currentcol = 0; if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { this._moveToPosAccessibilityCell(row, 0); } else { this._moveToPosCell(row, 0); } break; case nexacro.AccessibilityUtil.Hotkey.LASTCELLINROW: this.currentcol = this._curFormat._cols.length - 1; if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { this._moveToPosAccessibilityCell(row, this.currentcol); } else { this._moveToPosCell(row, this.currentcol); } break; case nexacro.AccessibilityUtil.Hotkey.FIRSTCELLINCOLUMN: this._currentBand = "grid"; if (this.vscrollbar && this.vscrollbar.visible) { this.vscrollbar.set_pos(0); } if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { this._setAccessibilityBandFocus("next", false, true); } else { this._moveToPosCell(0, this.currentcol); } break; case nexacro.AccessibilityUtil.Hotkey.LASTCELLINCOLUMN: this._currentBand = "grid"; if (this.vscrollbar && this.vscrollbar.visible) { this.vscrollbar.set_pos(this.vscrollbar._max); } if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { this._setAccessibilityBandFocus("prev", false, true); } else { this._moveToPosCell(this._rowcount - 1, this.currentcol); } break; } return true; } if (!this.enable) { return true; } var ret = nexacro.Component.prototype.on_fire_user_onkeydown.call(this, keyCode, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey, obj, refer_comp); if ((this.onkeydown && this.onkeydown.defaultprevented == true) || !this._is_alive) { return ret; } this._keydown_elem = this._getWindow()._keydown_element; var areamove = false; if (this._isAreaSelect()) { areamove = true; } if (shiftKey == true) { if (keyCode == nexacro.Event.KEY_SHIFT) { return ret; } if (this._isMultiSelect() || this._isAreaSelect()) { this._multiselect = "shift"; } else { this._multiselect = "none"; } } else if (ctrlKey == true) { if (keyCode == nexacro.Event.KEY_CTRL) { return ret; } if (this._multiselect != "none") { this._selectClear = true; } this._multiselect = "none"; } else { if (this._multiselect != "none") { this._selectClear = true; } this._multiselect = "none"; } var bEnterDown = false; var bShowEditor = true; if (this.autoenter == "key" && nexacro.Browser == "Runtime") { if (this._isChar(keyCode) || keyCode == 25) { if (!this._showEditing) { this._showEditor(); if (keyCode == nexacro.Event.KEY_ENTER) { bEnterDown = true; } else { if (this._currentCellEditor && this._currentCellEditor._set_absolutelyValue) { this._currentCellEditor._set_absolutelyValue(""); } } } } } if (keyCode == nexacro.Event.KEY_ENTER && this._showEditing) { var edit = this._currentCellEditor; var edittype = edit._cellinfo._getEdittype(edit._cellobj._rowidx); var editacceptsenter = edit._cellinfo._getAttrValue(edit._cellinfo.editacceptsenter); editacceptsenter = nexacro._toBoolean(editacceptsenter); if (edittype == "textarea" && ((!editacceptsenter && (altKey || ctrlKey || shiftKey)) || (editacceptsenter && !altKey && !ctrlKey && !shiftKey))) { ; } else if (edittype == "text" || edittype == "mask" || edittype == "date" || edittype == "combo" || edittype == "masknumber" || edittype == "textarea") { if (edit.calendaredit) { edit.calendaredit._edit_base_api.syncValue(); edit._fireKeydownEvent(); } else if (edit.comboedit) { edit.comboedit._edit_base_api.syncValue(); } else { edit._edit_base_api.syncValue(); } bEnterDown = true; bShowEditor = false; if (refer_comp instanceof nexacro.ComboEditCtrl && refer_comp.parent._isPopupVisible()) { } else { this._hideEditor(); } } } var firecomp = refer_comp; var postvalue = ""; if (keyCode == nexacro.Event.KEY_UP) { if (this._isEditorKeyAction(this._keydown_elem, refer_comp, keyCode, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey) == false) { if (ctrlKey) { if (this.vscrollbar && this.vscrollbar.enable) { var newpos; if (this._scrollpixel == "all") { newpos = this.vscrollbar.pos - 25; } else { newpos = this.vscrollbar.pos - 1; } if (newpos < 0) { newpos = 0; } this.vscrollbar.set_pos(newpos); } } else { if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { ret = this._moveToAccessibilityCell("up", false); } else { this._moveToCell("up"); } } } } else if (keyCode == nexacro.Event.KEY_DOWN) { if (this._isEditorKeyAction(this._keydown_elem, refer_comp, keyCode, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey) == false) { if (ctrlKey) { var newpos; if (this._scrollpixel == "all") { newpos = this.vscrollbar.pos + 25; } else { newpos = this.vscrollbar.pos + 1; } if (newpos > this.vscrollbar.max) { newpos = this.vscrollbar.max; } this.vscrollbar.set_pos(newpos); } else { if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { ret = this._moveToAccessibilityCell("down", false); } else { this._moveToCell("down"); } } } } else if (keyCode == nexacro.Event.KEY_SPACE) { if (!nexacro._enableaccessibility || nexacro._enableaccessibility && this._currentBand == "body") { var format = this._curFormat; if (format) { var bodycells = format._bodycells; if (bodycells && bodycells.length) { var cellinfo = bodycells[this._selectinfo.curcell]; if (cellinfo) { var editType = cellinfo._getEdittype(this._selectinfo.curdsrow); if (editType == "checkbox" && nexacro._toBoolean(this.readonly) == false) { if (this._toggleVal(this._selectinfo.curdsrow, cellinfo)) { this._jumpCurrentRow(this._selectinfo.currow); } } } } } } } else if (keyCode == nexacro.Event.KEY_ENTER) { if (!nexacro._enableaccessibility || nexacro._enableaccessibility && this._currentBand == "body") { { var editType = ""; if (refer_comp._type_name == "GridCell") { editType = refer_comp._refobj._getEdittype(refer_comp._rowidx); postvalue = refer_comp._refobj._getValue(refer_comp._rowidx); } else if (refer_comp instanceof nexacro.GridControlCheckbox) { postvalue = refer_comp._cellinfo._getValue(refer_comp._cellobj._rowidx); } else if (refer_comp.parent instanceof nexacro.GridControlCheckbox) { postvalue = refer_comp.parent._cellinfo._getValue(refer_comp.parent._cellobj._rowidx); } if (refer_comp instanceof nexacro.GridControlEdit || refer_comp instanceof nexacro.GridControlTextArea || refer_comp instanceof nexacro.GridControlMaskEdit || refer_comp instanceof nexacro.GridControlCheckbox || refer_comp.parent instanceof nexacro.GridControlCheckbox || editType == "checkbox" || refer_comp instanceof nexacro.GridControlCalendar || refer_comp.parent instanceof nexacro.GridControlCalendar || refer_comp instanceof nexacro.GridControlCombo || refer_comp.parent instanceof nexacro.GridControlCombo) { if (nexacro.Browser == "Edge" || nexacro.Browser == "IE") { if (refer_comp instanceof nexacro.GridControlCombo) { firecomp = refer_comp.comboedit; } } if (this._showEditing || editType == "checkbox") { if (!altKey && !ctrlKey && !shiftKey) { bEnterDown = true; } } else if (bShowEditor) { nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(this, function () { this._showEditor(); }, 50); } } else { if (!this._showEditing) { nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(this, function () { this._showEditor(); }, 50); } } } } } else if (keyCode == nexacro.Event.KEY_LEFT) { var format = this._curFormat; if (format) { var bodycells = format._bodycells; if (bodycells && bodycells.length) { var cellinfo = this._getBodyCellInfo(this._selectinfo.curcell); if (cellinfo) { var editType = cellinfo._getEdittype(this._selectinfo.curdsrow); if (editType == "tree" && this.treeuseexpandkey) { this._is_editor_keyaction = false; this._setTreeState(this._selectinfo.currow, 0, true); } else if (editType == "combo" && cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.combotype, this._getDataRow(this._selectinfo.curdsrow)) == "dropdown") { this._is_editor_keyaction = false; if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { ret = this._moveToAccessibilityCell("prev", false, undefined, areamove); } else { this._moveToCell("prev", false, areamove, undefined, undefined, true); } } } } if (this._isEditorKeyAction(this._keydown_elem, refer_comp, keyCode, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey) == false) { if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { ret = this._moveToAccessibilityCell("prev", false, undefined, areamove); } else { this._moveToCell("prev", false, areamove, undefined, undefined, true); } } } } else if (keyCode == nexacro.Event.KEY_RIGHT) { var format = this._curFormat; if (format) { var bodycells = format._bodycells; if (bodycells && bodycells.length) { var cellinfo = this._getBodyCellInfo(this._selectinfo.curcell); if (cellinfo) { var editType = cellinfo._getEdittype(this._selectinfo.curdsrow); if (editType == "tree" && this.treeuseexpandkey) { this._is_editor_keyaction = false; this._setTreeState(this._selectinfo.currow, 1, true); } else if (editType == "combo" && cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.combotype, this._getDataRow(this._selectinfo.curdsrow)) == "dropdown") { this._is_editor_keyaction = false; if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { ret = this._moveToAccessibilityCell("next", false, undefined, areamove); } else { this._moveToCell("next", false, areamove, undefined, undefined, true); } } else { var expandshow = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.expandshow, this._selectinfo.curdsrow); if (expandshow == "show" && altKey) { this._is_editor_keyaction = false; this.on_fire_onexpanddown("none", altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, obj, refer_comp); } } } } if (this._isEditorKeyAction(this._keydown_elem, refer_comp, keyCode, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey) == false) { if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { ret = this._moveToAccessibilityCell("next", false, undefined, areamove); } else { this._moveToCell("next", false, areamove, undefined, undefined, true); } } } } else if (keyCode == nexacro.Event.KEY_PAGE_UP) { if (this.vscrollbar && this.vscrollbar.enable) { var newpos = this.vscrollbar._pos - this.vscrollbar.page; if (this._scrollpixel != "all") { newpos = this.vscrollbar._scroll_reverse_convert(newpos)[0]; } if (newpos < 0) { newpos = 0; } this.vscrollbar.set_pos(newpos); } } else if (keyCode == nexacro.Event.KEY_PAGE_DOWN) { if (this.vscrollbar && this.vscrollbar.enable) { var newpos = this.vscrollbar._pos + this.vscrollbar.page; if (this._scrollpixel != "all") { newpos = this.vscrollbar._scroll_reverse_convert(newpos)[0]; } if (newpos > this.vscrollbar.max) { newpos = this.vscrollbar.max; } this.vscrollbar.set_pos(newpos); } } else if (keyCode == nexacro.Event.KEY_TAB) { if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { if (shiftKey) { this._acceptstab = this._moveToAccessibilityCell("prev", true); } else { this._acceptstab = this._moveToAccessibilityCell("next", true); } } else { if (shiftKey == true) { this._acceptstab = this._moveToCell("prev", true, false, undefined, undefined, true); } else { this._acceptstab = this._moveToCell("next", true, false, undefined, undefined, true); } } if (this._acceptstab && this._iskey_movetocell) { this._moveCellAfterFocus(); this._iskey_movetocell = false; } this._keydown_elem._event_stop = true; return this._acceptstab; } else { if (this.autoenter == "key" && nexacro.Browser == "Runtime") { if (this._isChar(keyCode) || keyCode == 25) { if (!this._showEditing) { this._showEditor(); if (nexacro.Browser == "Gecko") { if (bEnterDown) { this.on_fire_onenterdown(keyCode, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey, obj, firecomp, postvalue); } return true; } else if (nexacro.Browser == "Edge" || nexacro.Browser == "IE") { } } } } } if (bEnterDown) { this.on_fire_onenterdown(keyCode, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey, obj, firecomp, postvalue); } return ret; }; _pGrid.on_fire_allclick = function (obj, eventid, clickitem, beforeCell, beforeCol, beforeRow, beforeSubrow, beforePvt, afterCell, afterCol, afterRow, afterSubrow, afterPvt, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_refer_comp) { if ((this.onlbuttondown && this.onlbuttondown.defaultprevented == true) || (this.onlbuttonup && this.onlbuttonup.defaultprevented == true)) { return; } if (this._down_scroll_top >= 0 && this._down_scroll_top != this._last_scroll_top) { return; } var click = this[eventid]; if (click && click._has_handlers && this.enableevent) { var evt = new nexacro.GridClickEventInfo(obj, eventid, beforeCell, beforeCol, beforeRow, beforeSubrow, beforePvt, afterCell, afterCol, afterRow, afterSubrow, afterPvt, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY); evt.clickitem = clickitem; return click._fireEvent(this, evt); } return true; }; _pGrid._getByteLength_UTF8 = function (s, b, i, c) { for (b = i = 0; c = s.charCodeAt(i++); b += c >> 11 ? 3 : c >> 7 ? 2 : 1) { } return b; }; _pGrid.on_fire_cellclick = function (cellobj, clickitem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (!this._is_alive) { return; } if (!this.enable) { return true; } var newPos = this._getDataRow(cellobj._rowidx); if (this._isFakeCell(newPos)) { return true; } var subcellobj; if (cellobj.parentcell) { subcellobj = cellobj; cellobj = cellobj.parentcell; } var posobj = this._recalcXY(cellobj, canvasX, canvasY, true, from_refer_comp); canvasX = posobj.canvasX; canvasY = posobj.canvasY; clientX = posobj.clientX; clientY = posobj.clientY; if (nexacro.isTouchInteraction) { if (cellobj._band.id == "body") { if (!(this._selectscrollmode == "select" && this._isAreaSelect())) { this._common_fire_sys_lbuttondown(cellobj, ctrl_key, shift_key, canvasX, canvasY, from_comp, from_refer_comp); } } } var beforeCell = this._beforebodycellpos; var beforeCol = this._beforebodycolpos; var beforeRow = this._beforebodyrowpos; var beforeSubrow = this._beforebodysubrowpos; var beforePvt = this._beforepvt; var afterCell = cellobj._cellidx; var afterCol = cellobj._refobj._col; var afterRow = newPos; var afterSubrow = cellobj._refobj._row; var afterPvt = -9; var parentcell = cellobj.parentcell; if (subcellobj) { afterCol += subcellobj._refobj._col; } var obj = from_refer_comp; var showEditclick = false; while (obj && obj._type_name != "Grid") { if (obj._displaymode == false && !obj._clickevt_able) { showEditclick = true; } obj = obj.parent; } if (!showEditclick) { this.on_fire_allclick(this, "oncellclick", clickitem, beforeCell, beforeCol, beforeRow, beforeSubrow, beforePvt, afterCell, afterCol, afterRow, afterSubrow, afterPvt, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_refer_comp); } }; _pGrid.on_fire_headclick = function (cellobj, clickitem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (!this.enable || !this._is_alive) { return true; } var subcellobj; if (cellobj.parentcell) { subcellobj = cellobj; cellobj = cellobj.parentcell; } var posobj = this._recalcXY(cellobj, canvasX, canvasY, true, from_refer_comp); canvasX = posobj.canvasX; canvasY = posobj.canvasY; clientX = posobj.clientX; clientY = posobj.clientY; var beforeCell = this._beforeheadcellpos; var beforeCol = this._beforeheadcolpos; var beforeRow = this._beforeheadrowpos; var beforeSubrow = this._beforeheadsubrowpos; var beforePvt = this._beforepvt; var afterCell = this._beforeheadcellpos = cellobj._cellidx; var afterCol = this._beforeheadcolpos = cellobj._refobj._col; var afterRow = this._beforeheadrowpos = this._getDataRow(cellobj._rowidx); var afterSubrow = this._beforeheadsubrowpos = cellobj._refobj._row; var afterPvt = -9; this.on_fire_allclick(this, "onheadclick", clickitem, beforeCell, beforeCol, beforeRow, beforeSubrow, beforePvt, afterCell, afterCol, afterRow, afterSubrow, afterPvt, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_refer_comp); }; _pGrid.on_fire_summclick = function (cellobj, clickitem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (!this.enable || !this._is_alive) { return true; } var subcellobj; if (cellobj.parentcell) { subcellobj = cellobj; cellobj = cellobj.parentcell; } var posobj = this._recalcXY(cellobj, canvasX, canvasY, true, from_refer_comp); canvasX = posobj.canvasX; canvasY = posobj.canvasY; clientX = posobj.clientX; clientY = posobj.clientY; var beforeCell = this._beforesummcellpos; var beforeCol = this._beforesummcolpos; var beforeRow = this._beforesummrowpos; var beforeSubrow = this._beforesummsubrowpos; var beforePvt = this._beforepvt; var afterCell = this._beforesummcellpos = cellobj._cellidx; var afterCol = this._beforesummcolpos = cellobj._refobj._col; var afterRow = this._beforesummrowpos = this._getDataRow(cellobj._rowidx); var afterSubrow = this._beforesummsubrowpos = cellobj._refobj._row; var afterPvt = -9; this.on_fire_allclick(this, "onsummclick", clickitem, beforeCell, beforeCol, beforeRow, beforeSubrow, beforePvt, afterCell, afterCol, afterRow, afterSubrow, afterPvt, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_refer_comp); }; _pGrid.on_fire_celldblclick = function (cellobj, clickitem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (!this.enable || !this._is_alive) { return true; } var newPos = this._getDataRow(cellobj._rowidx); if (this._isFakeCell(newPos)) { return true; } var subcellobj; if (cellobj.parentcell) { subcellobj = cellobj; cellobj = cellobj.parentcell; } var posobj = this._recalcXY(cellobj, canvasX, canvasY, true, from_refer_comp); canvasX = posobj.canvasX; canvasY = posobj.canvasY; clientX = posobj.clientX; clientY = posobj.clientY; var beforeCell = this._dbclickPreCell; var beforeCol = this._dbclickPreCol; var beforeRow = this._dbclickPreRow; var beforeSubrow = this._dbclickPreSubrow; var beforePvt = this._dbclickPrePvt; var afterCell = cellobj._cellidx; var afterCol = cellobj._refobj._col; var afterRow = newPos; var afterSubrow = cellobj._refobj._row; var afterPvt = -9; if (subcellobj) { afterCol += subcellobj._refobj._col; } this._dbclickPreCell = afterCell; this._dbclickPreCol = afterCol; this._dbclickPreRow = afterRow; this._dbclickPreSubrow = afterSubrow; this._dbclickPrePvt = afterPvt; this.on_fire_allclick(this, "oncelldblclick", clickitem, beforeCell, beforeCol, beforeRow, beforeSubrow, beforePvt, afterCell, afterCol, afterRow, afterSubrow, afterPvt, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_refer_comp); }; _pGrid.on_fire_headdblclick = function (cellobj, clickitem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (!this.enable || !this._is_alive) { return true; } var subcellobj; if (cellobj.parentcell) { subcellobj = cellobj; cellobj = cellobj.parentcell; } var posobj = this._recalcXY(cellobj, canvasX, canvasY, true, from_refer_comp); canvasX = posobj.canvasX; canvasY = posobj.canvasY; clientX = posobj.clientX; clientY = posobj.clientY; var beforeCell = this._dbclickPreCell; var beforeCol = this._dbclickPreCol; var beforeRow = this._dbclickPreRow; var beforeSubrow = this._dbclickPreSubrow; var beforePvt = this._dbclickPrePvt; var afterCell = cellobj._cellidx; var afterCol = cellobj._refobj._col; var afterRow = this._getDataRow(cellobj._rowidx); var afterSubrow = cellobj._refobj._row; var afterPvt = -9; this._dbclickPreCell = afterCell; this._dbclickPreCol = afterCol; this._dbclickPreRow = afterRow; this._dbclickPreSubrow = afterSubrow; this._dbclickPrePvt = afterPvt; this.on_fire_allclick(this, "onheaddblclick", clickitem, beforeCell, beforeCol, beforeRow, beforeSubrow, beforePvt, afterCell, afterCol, afterRow, afterSubrow, afterPvt, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_refer_comp); }; _pGrid.on_fire_summdblclick = function (cellobj, clickitem, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { if (!this.enable || !this._is_alive) { return true; } var subcellobj; if (cellobj.parentcell) { subcellobj = cellobj; cellobj = cellobj.parentcell; } var posobj = this._recalcXY(cellobj, canvasX, canvasY, true, from_refer_comp); canvasX = posobj.canvasX; canvasY = posobj.canvasY; clientX = posobj.clientX; clientY = posobj.clientY; var beforeCell = this._dbclickPreCell; var beforeCol = this._dbclickPreCol; var beforeRow = this._dbclickPreRow; var beforeSubrow = this._dbclickPreSubrow; var beforePvt = this._dbclickPrePvt; var afterCell = cellobj._cellidx; var afterCol = cellobj._refobj._col; var afterRow = this._getDataRow(cellobj._rowidx); var afterSubrow = cellobj._refobj._row; var afterPvt = -9; this._dbclickPreCell = afterCell; this._dbclickPreCol = afterCol; this._dbclickPreRow = afterRow; this._dbclickPreSubrow = afterSubrow; this._dbclickPrePvt = afterPvt; this.on_fire_allclick(this, "onsummdblclick", clickitem, beforeCell, beforeCol, beforeRow, beforeSubrow, beforePvt, afterCell, afterCol, afterRow, afterSubrow, afterPvt, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_refer_comp); }; _pGrid.on_dsnotify_onrowposchanged = function (obj, e) { var oldPos = this._rowposition; var newPos = parseInt(obj.rowposition, 10); this._rowposition = newPos; if (this.getElement() && this._userRowposChange == false) { var cellOldPos = -1; var cellNewPos = -1; var pthis = this; if (this._hasTree) { cellOldPos = this._getTreeRowPosition(oldPos); cellNewPos = this._getTreeRowPosition(newPos); } else { cellOldPos = oldPos; cellNewPos = newPos; } var beforeCell; var beforeCol; var beforeRow; var beforeSubrow; var beforePvt; var afterCell; var afterCol; var afterRow; var afterSubrow; var afterPvt = -9; beforeCell = this._beforebodycellpos = this._selectinfo.curcell; beforeCol = this._beforebodycolpos = this._selectinfo.curcol; beforeRow = this._beforebodyrowpos = this._selectinfo.curdsrow; beforeSubrow = this._beforebodysubrowpos = this._selectinfo.cursubrow; beforePvt = this._beforepvt = this._selectinfo.curpvt; if (cellNewPos < 0) { afterCell = (this._selectinfo.curcell < 0) ? 0 : this._selectinfo.curcell; afterCol = (this._selectinfo.curcol < 0) ? 0 : this._selectinfo.curcol; afterRow = newPos; afterSubrow = (this._selectinfo.cursubrow < 0) ? 0 : this._selectinfo.cursubrow; function proc () { pthis._hideEditor(); pthis._setSelectedInfo(afterCell, afterCol, afterRow, afterSubrow, afterPvt); pthis._ChangeSelect(afterCell, afterCol, afterRow, afterSubrow, afterPvt, true, beforeCell, beforeCol, beforeRow, beforeSubrow, beforePvt, "body"); pthis._moveCellAfterFocus(); } ; if (this._is_async_recreate) { nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(this, proc, 100); } else { proc(); } } else if (cellOldPos == cellNewPos) { } else { afterCell = (this._selectinfo.curcell < 0) ? 0 : this._selectinfo.curcell; afterCol = (this._selectinfo.curcol < 0) ? 0 : this._selectinfo.curcol; afterRow = newPos; afterSubrow = (this._selectinfo.cursubrow < 0) ? 0 : this._selectinfo.cursubrow; if (afterRow >= 0 && (this._isMultiSelect() || this._isAreaSelect())) { if (obj._bWorkingstatus == true) { this._beforebodycellpos = -1; this._beforebodycolpos = -1; this._beforebodyrowpos = -1; this._beforebodysubrowpos = -1; this._setSelectedInfo(-1, -1, -1, -1, null); this._hideEditor(); this._ChangeSelect(-1, -1, -1, -1, afterPvt, true, beforeCell, beforeCol, beforeRow, beforeSubrow, beforePvt, "body"); this._moveCellAfterFocus(); } else { if (this._getUseBindExprProp("body") || this._isUseBindExprStyle("body")) { this._refreshBody(true); } if (this._isUseBindExprStyle("head") || this._getUseBindExprProp("head")) { this._refreshHead(true); } if (this._isUseBindExprStyle("summ") || this._getUseBindExprProp("summ")) { this._refreshSumm(true); } var disprow = this._dsRowToDispRow(afterRow); function proc () { pthis._jumpCurrentRow(disprow); pthis._moveCellAfterFocus(); } ; if (this._is_async_recreate) { nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(this, proc, 100); } else { proc(); } } } else { this._setSelectedInfo(afterCell, afterCol, afterRow, afterSubrow, afterPvt); function proc () { pthis._hideEditor(); pthis._ChangeSelect(afterCell, afterCol, afterRow, afterSubrow, afterPvt, true, beforeCell, beforeCol, beforeRow, beforeSubrow, beforePvt, "body"); pthis._moveCellAfterFocus(); } ; if (this._is_async_recreate) { nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(this, proc, 100); } else { proc(); } } } } }; _pGrid.on_dsnotify_oncolumnchanged = function (obj, e) { if (obj._bWorkingstatus == true) { this._recreate_contents_all(true, true, false); return; } var b_change_state = false; var cols = []; if (this._isTreeStateChanged(e, this._dsEventOccured) == true) { b_change_state = true; this._updateTreeStates(); var rowidx = this._getTreeRowPosition(e.row); var state = this._treeStates[e.row]; if (this._bodyBand) { if (rowidx == -1) { this._recreate_contents_all(true, true, false, true); } else { if (this._treeCellinfo.treelevel._bindexpr == e.columnid) { this._refreshBody(); } else { if (state == 0) { this._bodyBand._matrix._adjustTreeDisplay(rowidx, true); } else { this._bodyBand._matrix._adjustTreeDisplay(rowidx, false); } var parentrow = this.getTreeParentRow(rowidx, true); parentrow = this._dsRowToDispRow(parentrow, true); this._refreshBodyRow(parentrow); } } } } else if ((this.autosizingtype == "row" || this.autosizingtype == "both") && this._isChangeBodyRowSizeList(e.row) == true) { this._recreate_contents_all(true, true, false); } else if ((this.autosizingtype == "col" || this.autosizingtype == "both") && this._isChangeBodyColSizeList(e.columnid, cols, e.row) == true) { this._autofitcol_rate = []; if (cols.length > 1) { if (this.autosizingtype == "both") { this._recreate_contents_all(true, true, false); } else { this._recreate_contents_all(true, false, false); } } else if (cols.length == 1) { this._updateColSize(cols[0]); } } else { if (e.row >= 0) { if (this._hasTree && this._treeCellinfo.treecheck._bindexpr == e.columnid) { this._treeChecked = this._createTreeChecked(); } var displayrow = this._dsRowToDispRow(e.row, true); if (displayrow >= 0) { var bindcells = this._getBindTextCellInfo(e.columnid); if (bindcells) { var cells = bindcells[0]; var bind = bindcells[1]; var bhead = false; var bsumm = false; var cellsLen = cells.length, csupp; for (var i = 0; i < cellsLen; i++) { csupp = cells[i]._getSuppress(e.row); if (csupp != 0) { this._suppressUpdate(); break; } } var b_continue = false; for (var i = 0; i < cellsLen; i++) { if (cells[i].celltype == "head") { bhead = true; } else if (cells[i].celltype == "summary") { bsumm = true; } else { if (e.col == -1 && e.colidx == -1) { if (e.newvalue != undefined) { if (!b_continue) { if (this._hasTree) { this._initTreeStates(true, true); this._recreate_contents_all(true, false, false, true); } else { this._refreshBodyRow(displayrow); } b_continue = true; } } } else { if (this._hasTree && b_change_state) { if (!b_continue) { this._refreshBody(); b_continue = true; } } else { csupp = cells[i]._getSuppress(e.row); if (csupp > 0) { this._refreshCell("body", cells[i]._cellidx); } else if (csupp < 0) { if (!b_continue) { this._refreshBodyRow(displayrow); b_continue = true; } } else { if (!b_continue) { var ds = this._binddataset; if (ds.keystring && ds._keycols.length > 0) { this._refreshBody(); } else { this._refreshBodyRow(displayrow); } b_continue = true; } if (bind && this._currentCellEditor && cells[i]._col == this._currentCellEditor._cellinfo._col && cells[i]._row == this._currentCellEditor._cellinfo._row && e.row == this._currentCellRow) { this._currentCellEditor._setProperty(); } } } } bsumm = true; } } } if (bhead) { this._refreshHead(); } if (bsumm) { this._refreshSumm(); } } else { if (this._hasTree && e.columnid == "") { this._initTreeStates(true); this._recreate_contents_all(true, false, false, true); } } } else { this._refreshHead(); this._refreshSumm(); if (obj._isConstColumn(e.col) == true) { this._refreshBody(); } } } }; _pGrid.on_dsnotify_onload = function (obj, e) { if (!this._is_created && this._rowcount == obj.rowcount) { return; } this.rowcount = this._rowcount = obj.rowcount; this._rowposition = obj.rowposition; this._initSelect(this._rowposition); if (this._is_down_act && !this._isDownActionKeyMouse()) { this._is_down_act = false; } this._exprcache = { }; this._clearAllStyleCache(); this._initTreeStates(); var _reason = e.reason; if (_reason == 0 || _reason == 1 || _reason == 3 || _reason == 2) { if (this._async_create == true) { this._recreate_contents_all_async(true, true, true); } else { this._recreate_contents_all(true, true, true); } } else if (_reason == 12) { var body = this._bodyBand; var lastrow = this._getDataRow(this._endrowpos); var toppos = body._matrix._getBodyRowTopPos(lastrow + 1) - this._getScrollTop(); var rect = this._getAvailableRect(body); var chk_srow = this._rowcount; var disp_rows_len = body._matrix._rows.length; var row = lastrow + 1; if (toppos >= rect.height && lastrow < row && (disp_rows_len % 2 != 1)) { if (this._isUserChangeHeadRowSize || this._isUserChangeBodyRowSize || this._isUserChangeSummRowSize) { this._recreate_contents_all(true, true, false, true); } else { this._resetRowSizeList(chk_srow); this._resetColSizeList(chk_srow); this._resetScrollMax(); } } else { if (this._hasTree) { this._initTreeStates(true); this._recreate_contents_all(true, true, false, true); } else if (this.autosizingtype == "col" || this.autosizingtype == "both") { this._recreate_contents_all(true, true, false); } else { this._updateBodyClient("appenddata"); if (this._isUseBindExprStyle("head") || this._getUseBindExprProp("head")) { this._refreshHead(true); } if (this._isUseBindExprStyle("summ") || this._getUseBindExprProp("summ")) { this._refreshSumm(true); } } } } }; _pGrid.on_dsnotify_onrowsetchanged = function (obj, e) { var dataset = this._binddataset; var bchange_rowcnt = (this._rowcount != dataset.rowcount); var prev_rowcnt = this._rowcount; this.rowcount = this._rowcount = dataset.rowcount; var updaterow_pos = false; if (this._rowposition != dataset.rowposition) { updaterow_pos = true; } if (this._is_down_act && !this._isDownActionKeyMouse()) { this._is_down_act = false; } this._rowposition = dataset.rowposition; if (this._curFormat) { var cells = this._curFormat._bodycells; var lastrow = this._rowcount - 1; var kind; switch (e.reason) { case 10: kind = "assign"; break; case 11: kind = "copydata"; break; case 12: if (e.row == -1) { kind = "appenddata"; } else if (e.row == lastrow) { kind = "addrow"; } else if (e.row < lastrow) { kind = "insertrow"; } break; case 20: if (e.row == -1) { kind = "deletemultirows"; } else { kind = "deleterow"; } break; case 22: kind = "deleteall"; break; case 23: kind = "cleardata"; break; case 30: kind = "keystring"; break; case 31: if (e.row == -1) { kind = "filter"; } else { kind = "filterrow"; } break; case 32: kind = "moverow"; break; case 33: kind = "exchangerow"; break; case 34: kind = "addcolumn"; break; case 41: kind = "enableevent"; break; case 40: kind = "rowtype"; break; default: break; } if (kind == "copydata" || kind == "addcolumn" || kind == "assign") { this._exprcache = { }; this._resetSelect(this._rowposition); } else if (kind == "enableevent" || kind == "appenddata") { this._exprcache = { }; } else if (kind == "deleterow" || kind == "filterrow") { this._delSelectpos(-1, e.row, true); if (cells && this._isMultiSelect() == false && this._isAreaSelect() == false) { if (this._isSelectRowType()) { for (var i = 0, n = cells.length; i < n; i++) { this._addSelectpos(i, this._rowposition); } } else { this._addSelectpos(0, this._rowposition); } } this._resetSelectStartEndRow(); this._updateTreeStates(e.row, false); } else if (kind == "deletemultirows") { var rows = obj._deleteRows; this._delSelectpos(-1, rows, true); if (cells && this._isMultiSelect() == false && this._isAreaSelect() == false) { if (this._isSelectRowType()) { for (var i = 0, n = cells.length; i < n; i++) { this._addSelectpos(i, this._rowposition); } } else { this._addSelectpos(0, this._rowposition); } } this._resetSelectStartEndRow(); for (var i = rows.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { this._updateTreeStates(rows[i], false); } } else if (kind == "deleteall" || kind == "cleardata" || kind == "filter") { if (kind != "filter") { this._clrMultiSelect(); this._setSelectedInfo(-1, -1, -1, -1, null); } this._destroyOverlayElements(); } else if (kind == "copydata") { this._setSelectedInfo(null, null, this._rowposition, 0, null); } else if (kind == "addrow" || kind == "insertrow" || kind == "appendrow") { this._updateTreeStates(e.row, true); } if (this._is_async_recreate) { var win = this._getWindow(); win._postMessage(this, "afterrowset", this._callbackPostmsg, [kind, updaterow_pos, e.row, bchange_rowcnt, prev_rowcnt]); } else { this._afterRowsetChanged(kind, updaterow_pos, e.row, bchange_rowcnt, prev_rowcnt); } } }; _pGrid._callbackPostmsg = function (e) { var args = e.data; if (e.id == "afterrowset") { this._afterRowsetChanged(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4]); } }; _pGrid._afterRowsetChanged = function (kind, updaterow_pos, row, bchange_rowcnt, prev_rowcnt) { if (!this.enableredraw) { this._enable_redraw_history["recreate"] = true; return; } if (this.getElement()) { if (kind == "moverow" || kind == "enableevent") { this._hideEditor(false, true); } else { this._hideEditor(false, true); } if (kind == "copydata" || kind == "assign") { this._initTreeStates(); this._recreate_contents_all(true, true, true); } else if (kind == "addcolumn") { this._initTreeStates(true); this._recreate_contents_all(true, true, false); } else if (kind == "keystring") { this._initTreeStates(); this._recreate_contents_all(true, true, false, true); this._resetSelect(this._rowposition, this._selectinfo.curcell, this._selectinfo.curcol, this._selectinfo.cursubrow, this._selectinfo.curpvt); } else if (kind == "enableevent") { this._initTreeStates(true); if (bchange_rowcnt || this.autosizingtype != "none") { this._recreate_contents_all(true, true, false); } else { if (this._hasTree) { this._bodyBand._matrix._adjustRowsDisplay(true); this._bodyBand._matrix._adjustColsDisplay(); this._bodyBand._on_refresh_rows(); } this._refreshAll(); } if (updaterow_pos == false) { this._select_noscroll = true; } this._resetSelect(this._rowposition, this._selectinfo.curcell, this._selectinfo.curcol, this._selectinfo.cursubrow, this._selectinfo.curpvt); this._select_noscroll = false; if (!this._is_created) { this._create_selection = { cell : this._selectinfo.curcell, col : this._selectinfo.curcol, row : this._selectinfo.curdsrow, subrow : this._selectinfo.cursubrow, pvt : this._selectinfo.curpvt }; } } else if (kind == "addrow" || kind == "appenddata" || kind == "deleterow" || kind == "filterrow" || kind == "insertrow" || kind == "deletemultirows" || kind == "filter") { var body = this._bodyBand; var lastrow = this._getDataRow(this._endrowpos); var toppos = body._matrix._getBodyRowTopPos(lastrow + 1) - this._getScrollTop(); var rect = this._getAvailableRect(body); var chk_srow; if (kind == "addrow" || kind == "appenddata") { chk_srow = prev_rowcnt; } var disp_rows_len = body._matrix._rows.length; if (toppos >= rect.height && lastrow < row && (disp_rows_len % 2 != 1)) { if (this._fixed_startrow <= row && row <= this._fixed_endrow) { this._setFixedRow(-1); } else { if (this._isUserChangeHeadRowSize || this._isUserChangeBodyRowSize || this._isUserChangeSummRowSize) { this._recreate_contents_all(true, true, false, true, undefined, chk_srow); } else { this._resetRowSizeList(chk_srow); this._resetColSizeList(chk_srow); this._resetScrollMax(); } if (kind == "deleterow") { var disprow = this._dsRowToDispRow(row); this._jumpCurrentRow(disprow); } else { } } } else { if (this._fixed_startrow <= row && row <= this._fixed_endrow) { this._setFixedRow(-1); } else { if (kind == "insertrow") { if (this.autosizingtype != "none" || this._hasTree) { this._recreate_contents_all(true, true, false, true, undefined, chk_srow); } else { this._updateBodyClient(kind, row, chk_srow); } } else { if (this._hasTree) { this._initTreeStates((kind == "addrow" || kind == "appenddata" || kind == "deleterow")); this._recreate_contents_all(true, true, false, true, undefined, chk_srow); } else if (this.autosizingtype == "col" || this.autosizingtype == "both") { this._recreate_contents_all(true, true, false, undefined, undefined, chk_srow); } else { this._updateBodyClient(kind, row, chk_srow); if (this._isUseBindExprStyle("head") || this._getUseBindExprProp("head")) { this._refreshHead(true); } if (this._isUseBindExprStyle("summ") || this._getUseBindExprProp("summ")) { this._refreshSumm(true); } } } } } } else if (kind == "exchangerow" || kind == "moverow") { if (this.autosizingtype != "none" || this._hasTree) { this._initTreeStates(true); this._recreate_contents_all(true, false, false, true); } else { this._refreshBody(); } } else if (kind == "rowtype") { this._refreshAll(); } else { this._initTreeStates(); this._recreate_contents_all(true, true, false); } this._moveCellAfterFocus(); } }; _pGrid._getDisplayRowCount = function () { var band = this._bodyBand; if (band) { return band._get_rows().length; } return 0; }; _pGrid._updateBodyClient = function (kind, row, chk_srow) { this._resetRowSizeList(chk_srow); this._resetColSizeList(chk_srow); var band = this._bodyBand; this._resetScrollMax(); this._applyAutofittype(true); var beforerowcnt = this._getDisplayRowCount(); if (kind == "insertrow") { band._matrix._adjustRowsDisplay(); band._matrix._adjustColsDisplay(); var rows = band._get_rows(); var rows_len = rows.length; for (var i = 0; i < rows_len; i++) { var datarow = this._getDataRow(rows[i]._rowidx); if (row > datarow) { continue; } band._update_rows.push(rows[i]); } band._on_refresh_rows(); var disprow = this._dsRowToDispRow(row); this._jumpCurrentRow(disprow); } else if (kind == "deleterow") { var _vpos = (this.vscrollbar) ? this.vscrollbar._pos : 0; _vpos -= this._is_over_scroll; if (_vpos < 0) { _vpos = 0; } this._toprowpos = this._getScreenTopRowPos(_vpos); this._bottomrowpos = this._getScreenBottomRowPos(_vpos); band._matrix._adjustRowsDisplay(); band._matrix._adjustColsDisplay(); var rows = band._get_rows(); var rows_len = rows.length; for (var i = 0; i < rows_len; i++) { var datarow = this._getDataRow(rows[i]._rowidx); if (row > datarow) { continue; } band._update_rows.push(rows[i]); } band._on_refresh_rows(); var disprow = this._dsRowToDispRow(row); this._jumpCurrentRow(disprow); var lastPosition = this._last_scroll_top; if (lastPosition != _vpos) { band._update_rows = band._matrix._adjustScrollRows(_vpos); } band._on_refresh_rows(); if (this._is_over_scroll > 0) { this.vscrollbar.set_pos(this.vscrollbar.pos - 1); } } else { var _vpos = (this.vscrollbar) ? this.vscrollbar._pos : 0; _vpos -= this._is_over_scroll; if (_vpos < 0) { _vpos = 0; } this._toprowpos = this._getScreenTopRowPos(_vpos); this._bottomrowpos = this._getScreenBottomRowPos(_vpos); if (kind == "filterrow" || kind == "deletemultirows" || kind == "filter") { band._matrix._init(); } band._matrix._adjustRowsDisplay(); band._matrix._adjustColsDisplay(); var lastPosition = this._last_scroll_top; if (lastPosition != _vpos) { band._update_rows = band._matrix._adjustScrollRows(_vpos); } band._on_refresh_rows(); if (this._is_over_scroll > 0) { this.vscrollbar.set_pos(this.vscrollbar.pos - 1); } } var afterrowcnt = this._getDisplayRowCount(); if (this.fillareatype != "none") { this._refreshBody(); } this._updateNodata(beforerowcnt, afterrowcnt); }; _pGrid.set_enableredraw = function (v) { v = nexacro._toBoolean(v); if (this.enableredraw != v) { this.enableredraw = v; if (v) { if (this._curFormat) { this._curFormat._updateFormatStr(); } this.on_apply_enableredraw(); } } return v; }; _pGrid.on_apply_enableredraw = function () { if (this._enable_redraw_history["recreate"]) { this.redraw(); this._enable_redraw_history = { }; return; } var ds = this._binddataset; if (ds && ds.oncolumnchanged && ds.oncolumnchanged._firestat) { this._recreate_contents_all(true, true, false); this._enable_redraw_history = { }; return; } if (this._enable_redraw_history["recreate_body"]) { if (this._bodyBand) { this._bodyBand._recreate_contents(); } } else if (this._enable_redraw_history["refresh_body"] && !this._enable_redraw_history["refreshall"]) { this._refreshBody(true); } if (this._enable_redraw_history["recreate_head"]) { if (this._headBand) { this._headBand._recreate_contents(); } } else if (this._enable_redraw_history["refresh_head"] && !this._enable_redraw_history["refreshall"]) { this._refreshHead(true); } if (this._enable_redraw_history["recreate_summ"]) { if (this._summBand) { this._summBand._recreate_contents(); } } else if (this._enable_redraw_history["refresh_summ"] && !this._enable_redraw_history["refreshall"]) { this._refreshSumm(true); } if (this._enable_redraw_history["resize_band"]) { this._resizeBand(); } if (this._enable_redraw_history["updatecolsize"]) { var props = this._enable_redraw_history["updatecolsize"]; var props_len = props.length; var min = props[0]; for (var i = 1; i < props_len; i++) { min = Math.min(props[i], min); } this._updateColSize(min); } if (this._enable_redraw_history["updaterowsize"]) { var props = this._enable_redraw_history["updaterowsize"]; var props_len = props.length; for (var i = 0; i < props_len; i++) { this._updateRowSize(props[i][0], props[i][1], (i < props_len - 1)); } } if (this._enable_redraw_history["autofit"]) { var prop = this._enable_redraw_history["autofit"]; this._applyAutofittype(prop[0], prop[1]); } if (this._enable_redraw_history["refreshall"]) { this._refreshAll(true); } else { nexacro.Component.prototype.on_apply_enableredraw.call(this); } this._enable_redraw_history = { }; }; _pGrid._isSelectedCell = function (cell, datarow) { var selects = this._selectinfo.getSelectCells(datarow); if (!this._isSelectRowType()) { if (selects && selects[cell]) { return true; } } else { if (selects) { return true; } } return false; }; _pGrid.isSelectedCell = function (nCell, strBand, nRowIdx, nPivotIdx) { if (strBand) { strBand = strBand.toLowerCase(); } if (arguments.length == 0) { return false; } else if (arguments.length == 1) { strBand = "body"; nRowIdx = 0; nPivotIdx = 0; } else if (arguments.length == 2) { if (strBand == "body") { nRowIdx = 0; } else if (strBand.indexOf("summ") >= 0) { nRowIdx = -2; } else { nRowIdx = -1; } nPivotIdx = 0; } else if (arguments.length == 3) { if (strBand.indexOf("summ") >= 0) { nRowIdx = -2; } else if (strBand == "head") { nRowIdx = -1; } nPivotIdx = 0; } return this._isSelectedCell(nCell, nRowIdx); }; _pGrid._getSelect = function (datarow) { var band; if (datarow == -2) { band = "summ"; } else if (datarow == -1) { band = "head"; } else { band = "body"; } return this.isSelectedCell(0, band, datarow); }; _pGrid.getSelectedRows = function () { var selects = [].concat(this._selectinfo.rows); var retn = []; for (var i = 0, n = selects.length; i < n; i++) { retn[i] = this._getTreeRowPosition(selects[i]); } return retn; }; _pGrid.getSelectedDatasetRows = function () { var retn = [].concat(this._selectinfo.rows); for (var i = 0; i < retn.length; i++) { if (retn[i] < 0) { retn.splice(i, 1); i--; } } if (retn.length == 0) { retn = -9; } return retn; }; _pGrid.clearSelect = function () { this._selectinfo.area = []; this._resetSelect(-1, -1, -1, -1, -9); return true; }; _pGrid.selectRow = function (nRow, bSelect) { if (bSelect == undefined) { bSelect = true; } nRow = this._getDataRow(nRow); return this._selectRow(nRow, bSelect); }; _pGrid.selectCell = function (nRow, nCellidx, bSelect) { if (bSelect == undefined) { bSelect = true; } return this._selectRow(nRow, bSelect, false, nCellidx); }; _pGrid.selectArea = function (nStartRow, nStartColIdx, nEndRow, nEndColIdx) { if (!this._isAreaSelect()) { return false; } var beforeCell = this._selectinfo.curcell; var beforeCol = this._selectinfo.curcol; var beforeRow = this._selectinfo.curdsrow; var beforeSubrow = this._selectinfo.cursubrow; var beforePvt = this._selectinfo.curpvt; if (nStartRow > nEndRow) { var s = nStartRow; nStartRow = nEndRow; nEndRow = s; } if (nStartColIdx > nEndColIdx) { var s = nStartColIdx; nStartColIdx = nEndColIdx; nEndColIdx = s; } var format = this._curFormat; var endsubrow = format._bodyrows.length - 1; var s_band = "body", e_band = "body"; if (nStartRow == -1) { s_band = "head"; } else if (nStartRow == -2) { s_band = "summ"; } if (nEndRow == -1) { endsubrow = format._headrows.length - 1; e_band = "head"; } else if (nEndRow == -2) { endsubrow = format._summrows.length - 1; e_band = "summ"; } function getBegEnd (cells, nStartColIdx, nEndColIdx, is_start) { var begc, endc; if (is_start) { for (var i = 0, n = cells.length; i < n; i++) { if (cells[i]._col == nStartColIdx) { begc = i; break; } } return begc; } else { for (var i = cells.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (cells[i]._col <= nEndColIdx && nEndColIdx <= (cells[i]._col + cells[i]._colspan)) { endc = i; break; } } return endc; } } var afterCell, afterCol, afterRow, afterSubrow, afterPvt, begendcell; if (s_band == "summ") { begendcell = getBegEnd(format._summcells, nStartColIdx, nEndColIdx, true); } else if (s_band == "head") { begendcell = getBegEnd(format._headcells, nStartColIdx, nEndColIdx, true); } else { begendcell = getBegEnd(format._bodycells, nStartColIdx, nEndColIdx, true); } this._setSelectedInfo(begendcell, nStartColIdx, nStartRow, 0, null); afterCell = begendcell; afterCol = nStartColIdx; afterRow = nStartRow; afterSubrow = 0; afterPvt = this._selectinfo.curpvt; if (this._isMultiSelect()) { this._multiselect = "ctrl"; } else { this._clrMultiSelect(); this._multiselect = "none"; } this._ChangeSelect(afterCell, afterCol, afterRow, afterSubrow, afterPvt, false, beforeCell, beforeCol, beforeRow, beforeSubrow, beforePvt, s_band, "func_area1"); if (e_band == "summ") { begendcell = getBegEnd(format._summcells, nStartColIdx, nEndColIdx, false); } else if (e_band == "head") { begendcell = getBegEnd(format._headcells, nStartColIdx, nEndColIdx, false); } else { begendcell = getBegEnd(format._bodycells, nStartColIdx, nEndColIdx, false); } this._setSelectedInfo(begendcell, nEndColIdx, nEndRow, endsubrow, null); afterCell = begendcell; afterCol = nEndColIdx; afterRow = nEndRow; afterSubrow = endsubrow; afterPvt = this._selectinfo.curpvt; this._multiselect = "shift"; retn = this._ChangeSelect(afterCell, afterCol, afterRow, afterSubrow, afterPvt, false, beforeCell, beforeCol, beforeRow, beforeSubrow, beforePvt, e_band, "func_area2"); return retn; }; _pGrid._selectRow = function (row, bSelect, noDraw, cell, bDataset) { var beforeCell = this._selectinfo.curcell; var beforeCol = this._selectinfo.curcol; var beforeRow = this._selectinfo.curdsrow; var beforeSubrow = this._selectinfo.cursubrow; var beforePvt = this._selectinfo.curpvt; var band = "body"; if (row == -1) { band = "head"; } else if (row == -2) { band = "summ"; } this._setSelectedInfo(null, null, row, 0, null); if (band != "body" && cell == undefined) { cell = 0; } if (cell != undefined) { this._setSelectedInfo(cell, null, null, null, null); } var retn = false; if (!bDataset) { bDataset = false; } var afterCell = (this._selectinfo.curcell < 0) ? 0 : this._selectinfo.curcell; var afterCol = (this._selectinfo.curcol < 0) ? 0 : this._selectinfo.curcol; var afterRow = row; var afterSubrow = (this._selectinfo.cursubrow < 0) ? 0 : this._selectinfo.cursubrow; var afterPvt = this._selectinfo.curpvt; if (this._isMultiSelect()) { if (bSelect != this._getSelect(afterRow)) { this._multiselect = "ctrl"; retn = this._ChangeSelect(afterCell, afterCol, afterRow, afterSubrow, afterPvt, bDataset, beforeCell, beforeCol, beforeRow, beforeSubrow, beforePvt, band, "func_selectrow"); } } else { this._clrMultiSelect(); if (bSelect == true) { retn = this._ChangeSelect(afterCell, afterCol, afterRow, afterSubrow, afterPvt, false, beforeCell, beforeCol, beforeRow, beforeSubrow, beforePvt, band, "func_selectrow"); } } if (!noDraw) { this._refreshBody(); if (band == "head") { this._refreshHead(); } else if (band == "summ") { this._refreshSumm(); } } return retn; }; _pGrid._on_killfocus = function (new_focus, new_ref_focus) { if (!this._is_alive) { return; } if (this._binddataset && this._binddataset.cancolumnchange && this._binddataset.cancolumnchange._firestat) { this._hideEditor(undefined, true, true); } else { this._hideEditor(undefined, undefined, true); } this._focusSelectorPoint(false); if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { this._accept_arrow = false; this._acceptstab = false; } this._is_async_recreate = false; }; _pGrid._focusSelectorPoint = function (v) { if (this._isAreaSelect()) { if (this._select_ctrl) { this._select_ctrl._trackbar[0].set_visible(v); this._select_ctrl._trackbar[1].set_visible(v); this._select_ctrl._trackbar[2].set_visible(v); this._select_ctrl._trackbar[3].set_visible(v); } } }; _pGrid._on_focus = function (self_flag, evt_name, lose_focus, refer_lose_focus, new_focus, refer_new_focus) { this._acceptstab = true; if (this._showEditorFocus) { return; } var retn = false; if (!self_flag) { this._focusSelectorPoint(true); } if (evt_name == "tabkey" || evt_name == "shifttabkey") { retn = nexacro.Component.prototype._on_focus.call(this, self_flag, evt_name, lose_focus, refer_lose_focus, new_focus, refer_new_focus); if (this._bodyBand && (self_flag == false || nexacro._enableaccessibility)) { var rows = this._bodyBand._get_rows(); if (rows.length > 0) { if (rows[0]._cells && rows[0]._cells.length > 0) { var editcell = null; this._showEditorFocus = true; if (evt_name == "shifttabkey") { editcell = this._getLastEditableCell(); if (editcell.row !== null) { if (this.vscrollbar && this.vscrollbar.visible) { this.vscrollbar.set_pos(this.vscrollbar.max); } retn = this._moveToPosCell(editcell.row, editcell.cell); } } else { editcell = this._getFirstEditableCell(); if (editcell.row !== null) { if (this.vscrollbar && this.vscrollbar.visible) { this.vscrollbar.set_pos(0); } retn = this._moveToPosCell(editcell.row, editcell.cell); } } if (nexacro._enableaccessibility && editcell.row !== null) { this._currentBand = "body"; var cellobj = this._getAccessibilityCurrentCell(); if (cellobj) { if (evt_name == "tabkey") { this._first_focus = true; this._is_first_bodycell = true; } this._moveToPosAccessibilityCell(this.currentrow, this.currentcell); } } this._showEditorFocus = false; } } } } else { retn = nexacro.Component.prototype._on_focus.call(this, self_flag, evt_name, lose_focus, refer_lose_focus, new_focus, refer_new_focus); if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { this._accept_arrow = true; this._acceptstab = true; retn = false; if (nexacro._accessibilitytype == 4 && evt_name === undefined) { this._currentBand = "grid"; this._moveToAccessibilityCell("next"); } } else { if (self_flag == false) { if (evt_name == "lbuttondown" && refer_new_focus && refer_new_focus._type_name == "GridCell") { ; } else if (this.autoenter == "select") { this._onceTime_focus = true; this._showEditorFocus = true; this._showEditor(false); this._showEditorFocus = false; this._onceTime_focus = false; } } } } if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { this._first_focus = false; } return retn; }; _pGrid.on_fire_onchar = function (obj, chartext, pretext, posttext, textEvt) { var cell = this._selectinfo.curcell; var col = this._selectinfo.curcol; var pivotindex = this._selectinfo.curpvt; var row = this._selectinfo.curdsrow; var subrow = this._selectinfo.cursubrow; if (this.onchar && this.onchar._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.GridEditCharEventInfo(this, "onchar", cell, chartext, col, pivotindex, posttext, pretext, row, subrow); var retn = this.onchar._fireCheckEvent(this, evt); textEvt.chartext = evt.chartext; return retn; } return true; }; _pGrid.on_fire_ontextchange = function (obj, chartext, pretext, posttext, preimetext, postimetext, textEvt) { var cell = this._selectinfo.curcell; var col = this._selectinfo.curcol; var pivotindex = this._selectinfo.curpvt; var row = this._selectinfo.curdsrow; var subrow = this._selectinfo.cursubrow; if (this.ontextchange && this.ontextchange._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.GridTextChangeEventInfo(this, "ontextchange", cell, chartext, col, pivotindex, postimetext, posttext, preimetext, pretext, row, subrow); var retn = this.ontextchange._fireCheckEvent(this, evt); textEvt.chartext = evt.chartext; return retn; } return true; }; _pGrid.on_fire_ontextchanged = function (obj, pretext, posttext) { var cell = this._selectinfo.curcell; var col = this._selectinfo.curcol; var pivotindex = this._selectinfo.curpvt; var row = this._selectinfo.curdsrow; var subrow = this._selectinfo.cursubrow; if (this.ontextchanged && this.ontextchanged._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.GridTextChangedEventInfo(this, "ontextchanged", cell, col, pivotindex, posttext, pretext, row, subrow); return this.ontextchanged._fireEvent(this, evt); } return true; }; _pGrid.on_fire_cantreestatuschange = function (row, realrow, reason) { var cell = this._selectinfo.curcell; if (this.cantreestatuschange && this.cantreestatuschange._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.GridTreeStatusEventInfo(this, "cantreestatuschange", cell, realrow, row, reason); return this.cantreestatuschange._fireEvent(this, evt); } return true; }; _pGrid.on_fire_ontreestatuschanged = function (row, realrow, reason) { var cell = this._selectinfo.curcell; if (this.ontreestatuschanged && this.ontreestatuschanged._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.GridTreeStatusEventInfo(this, "ontreestatuschanged", cell, realrow, row, reason); return this.ontreestatuschanged._fireEvent(this, evt); } return true; }; _pGrid.on_fire_oncloseup = function (obj, pretext, posttext, prevalue, postvalue) { if (this.oncloseup && this.oncloseup._has_handlers) { var cell = this._selectinfo.curcell; var col = this._selectinfo.curcol; var pivotindex = this._selectinfo.curpvt; var row = this._selectinfo.curdsrow; var subrow = this._selectinfo.cursubrow; var value = this._evtvalue(obj, postvalue); var evt = new nexacro.GridEditEventInfo(this, "oncloseup", cell, col, pivotindex, row, subrow, value); return this.oncloseup._fireEvent(this, evt); } return true; }; _pGrid.on_fire_ondropdown = function (obj) { if (this.ondropdown && this.ondropdown._has_handlers) { var cell = this._selectinfo.curcell; var col = this._selectinfo.curcol; var pivotindex = this._selectinfo.curpvt; var row = this._selectinfo.curdsrow; var subrow = this._selectinfo.cursubrow; var value = this._evtvalue(obj); var evt = new nexacro.GridEditEventInfo(this, "ondropdown", cell, col, pivotindex, row, subrow, value); return this.ondropdown._fireEvent(this, evt); } return true; }; _pGrid.on_fire_onenterdown = function (keyCode, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey, obj, refer_comp, postvalue) { if (this.onenterdown && this.onenterdown._has_handlers) { var cell = this._selectinfo.curcell; var col = this._selectinfo.curcol; var pivotindex = this._selectinfo.curpvt; var row = this._selectinfo.curdsrow; var subrow = this._selectinfo.cursubrow; var value = this._evtvalue(refer_comp, postvalue); var evt = new nexacro.GridEditEventInfo(this, "onenterdown", cell, col, pivotindex, row, subrow, value); return this.onenterdown._fireEvent(this, evt); } return true; }; _pGrid.on_fire_onexpanddown = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { var cellobj = from_comp; cellobj = this._findCellObj(cellobj); var subcellobj; if (cellobj && cellobj._type_name == "GridCell") { if (cellobj.parentcell) { subcellobj = cellobj; cellobj = cellobj.parentcell; } } var posobj = this._recalcXY(cellobj, canvasX, canvasY, false, from_refer_comp); canvasX = posobj.canvasX; canvasY = posobj.canvasY; clientX = posobj.clientX; clientY = posobj.clientY; if (this.onexpanddown && this.onexpanddown._has_handlers) { var evtinfo = this._makeEventInfo(cellobj, subcellobj, from_refer_comp); var obj = this._getRootComponent(from_refer_comp); var cell = evtinfo.cell; var col = evtinfo.col; var mergecell = evtinfo.mergecell; var mergecol = evtinfo.mergecol; var mergerow = evtinfo.mergerow; var pivotindex = evtinfo.pivotindex; var row = evtinfo.row; var subrow = evtinfo.subrow; var evt = new nexacro.GridMouseEventInfo(obj, "onexpanddown", cell, col, mergecell, mergecol, mergerow, pivotindex, row, subrow, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY); return this.onexpanddown._fireEvent(this, evt); } return false; }; _pGrid.on_fire_onexpandup = function (button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY, from_comp, from_refer_comp) { var cellobj = from_comp; cellobj = this._findCellObj(cellobj); var subcellobj; if (cellobj && cellobj._type_name == "GridCell") { if (cellobj.parentcell) { subcellobj = cellobj; cellobj = cellobj.parentcell; } } var posobj = this._recalcXY(cellobj, canvasX, canvasY, false, from_refer_comp); canvasX = posobj.canvasX; canvasY = posobj.canvasY; clientX = posobj.clientX; clientY = posobj.clientY; if (this.onexpandup && this.onexpandup._has_handlers) { var evtinfo = this._makeEventInfo(cellobj, subcellobj, from_refer_comp); var obj = this._getRootComponent(from_comp); var cell = evtinfo.cell; var col = evtinfo.col; var mergecell = evtinfo.mergecell; var mergecol = evtinfo.mergecol; var mergerow = evtinfo.mergerow; var pivotindex = evtinfo.pivotindex; var row = evtinfo.row; var subrow = evtinfo.subrow; var evt = new nexacro.GridMouseEventInfo(obj, "onexpandup", cell, col, mergecell, mergecol, mergerow, pivotindex, row, subrow, button, alt_key, ctrl_key, shift_key, screenX, screenY, canvasX, canvasY, clientX, clientY); return this.onexpandup._fireEvent(this, evt); } return false; }; _pGrid.on_fire_oncolresized = function (args) { if (this.oncolresized && this.oncolresized._has_handlers) { var formatindex = args[0]; var index = args[1]; var newvalue = args[2]; var oldvalue = args[3]; var subindex = args[4]; var evt = new nexacro.GridSizeChangedEventInfo("oncolresized", formatindex, index, newvalue, oldvalue, 1, subindex); return this.oncolresized._fireEvent(this, evt); } return false; }; _pGrid.on_fire_onrowresized = function (args) { if (this.onrowresized && this.onrowresized._has_handlers) { var formatindex = args[0]; var index = args[1]; var newvalue = args[2]; var oldvalue = args[3]; var subindex = args[4]; var evt = new nexacro.GridSizeChangedEventInfo("onrowresized", formatindex, index, newvalue, oldvalue, 2, subindex); return this.onrowresized._fireEvent(this, evt); } return false; }; _pGrid._clearAllStyleCache = function () { var format = this._curFormat; if (format) { format._clearCellStyleCache("head"); format._clearCellStyleCache("body"); format._clearCellStyleCache("summ"); } }; _pGrid._createVScrollBar = function (scroll_size) { var vscrollbar = new nexacro.GridScrollBarCtrl("vscrollbar", "absolute", 0, 0, scroll_size, this._client_width, null, null, this); vscrollbar._setDirection("vert"); vscrollbar._setEventHandler("onscroll", this.on_vscroll, this); vscrollbar.on_update_style_scrollbarsize(); return vscrollbar; }; _pGrid._is_recreating = false; _pGrid._recreate = function () { if (!this.enableredraw) { this._enable_redraw_history["recreate"] = true; return true; } if (!this.getElement()) { return false; } var down_act = this._isDownActionKeyMouse() || this._is_down_act; if (down_act && !this._userRowposChange && !this._is_after_recreate) { this._after_recreate = true; return; } this._is_recreating = true; var vpos = (this.vscrollbar) ? this.vscrollbar._pos : 0; var hpos = (this.hscrollbar) ? this.hscrollbar._pos : 0; this._destroyBands(); this._createBandsAndAreas(); this._refreshBody(); this._onResetScrollBar(); this._recreate_contents_proc = []; if (this.vscrollbar) { this.vscrollbar._set_pixelpos(0); this.vscrollbar._set_pixelpos(vpos); } if (this.hscrollbar) { this.hscrollbar.set_pos(0); this.hscrollbar.set_pos(hpos); } this._is_recreating = false; return true; }; _pGrid.createcellasync = false; _pGrid.set_createcellasync = function (v) { v = nexacro._toBoolean(v); this.createcellasync = v; if (nexacro.Browser == "IE" && nexacro.BrowserVersion <= 8) { this._async_create = v; } else { this._async_create = false; } }; _pGrid._recreate_contents_all_async = function (reset_colarea, reset_size, init_scroll, only_body, no_hide_edit) { nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(this, function () { return this._recreate_contents_all(reset_colarea, reset_size, init_scroll, only_body, no_hide_edit); }); }; _pGrid._isDownActionKeyMouse = function () { var window = this._getWindow(); if (window && (window._cur_ldown_elem || window._keydown_element)) { var elem = window._cur_ldown_elem || window._keydown_element, comp = window.findComponent(elem, 0, 0)[0], isgrid = false; while (comp) { if (comp instanceof nexacro.ScrollBarCtrl) { break; } if (comp._type_name == "Grid" && comp == this && comp.id == this.id) { isgrid = true; break; } comp = comp.parent; } return isgrid; } return false; }; _pGrid._recreate_contents_all = function (reset_colarea, reset_size, init_scroll, only_body, no_hide_edit, chk_srow) { if (!this.enableredraw) { this._enable_redraw_history["recreate"] = true; return; } var down_act = this._isDownActionKeyMouse() || this._is_down_act; if (down_act && !this._userRowposChange && !this._is_after_recreate) { var args = [reset_colarea, reset_size, init_scroll, only_body, no_hide_edit]; if (this._after_recreate_contents_all) { args[0] = args[0] || this._after_recreate_contents_all[0]; args[1] = args[1] || this._after_recreate_contents_all[1]; args[2] = args[2] || this._after_recreate_contents_all[2]; args[3] = args[3] && this._after_recreate_contents_all[3]; args[2] = args[4] || this._after_recreate_contents_all[4]; } this._after_recreate_contents_all = args; return; } var beforerowcnt = this._getDisplayRowCount(); if (reset_size) { this._resetRowSizeList(chk_srow); this._resetColSizeList(chk_srow); this._resizeBand(); if (this._bodyBand) { this._bodyBand._recreate_contents(reset_colarea, init_scroll, false, no_hide_edit); this._bodyBand._matrix._adjustColsDisplay(true); } if (!only_body) { if (this._headBand) { this._headBand._recreate_contents(reset_colarea); this._headBand._matrix._adjustColsDisplay(true); } if (this._summBand) { this._summBand._recreate_contents(reset_colarea); this._summBand._matrix._adjustColsDisplay(true); } } } else { if (this._bodyBand) { this._bodyBand._recreate_contents(reset_colarea, init_scroll, false, no_hide_edit); } if (!only_body) { if (this._headBand) { this._headBand._recreate_contents(reset_colarea); } if (this._summBand) { this._summBand._recreate_contents(reset_colarea); } } } var afterrowcnt = this._getDisplayRowCount(); this._updateNodata(beforerowcnt, afterrowcnt); this._updateSelector(); this._adjustOverlayElements(true, this._is_use_fakemerge); }; _pGrid._updateNodata = function (beforerowcnt, afterrowcnt) { if ((beforerowcnt == 0 && afterrowcnt > 0) || (beforerowcnt > 0 && afterrowcnt == 0)) { var band = this._bodyBand; if (band) { band._updateAll(true); } else { this._control_pseudo = ""; this._contents_pseudo = ""; this._stat_change(); } } }; _pGrid._getRowSize = function (rowidx) { var format = this._curFormat; if (rowidx == -1) { if (this._rowHeadList.length > 0) { return this._rowHeadList[0]; } else { return format.headHeight; } } else if (rowidx == -2) { if (this._rowSummList.length > 0) { return this._rowSummList[0]; } else { return format.summHeight; } } else { var datarow = this._getDataRow(rowidx); if (datarow >= 0) { if (this._rowSizeList.length > 0) { return this._rowSizeList[datarow]; } else { return format._body_height; } } } return -1; }; _pGrid._getHeadHeight = function () { var format = this._curFormat; if (format == null || format._headband == null) { return 0; } var height = this._rowHeadList[0]; if (height == undefined) { height = format.headHeight; } return height; }; _pGrid._getSummHeight = function () { var format = this._curFormat; if (format == null || format._summband == null) { return 0; } var height = this._rowSummList[0]; if (height == undefined) { height = format.summHeight; } return height; }; _pGrid._createBandsAndAreas = function () { if (!this.enableredraw) { this._enable_redraw_history["recreate"] = true; return; } var format = this._curFormat; if (format == null) { return; } this._clearAllStyleCache(); this._applyAutofittype(false); var cells = this._curFormat._bodycells; var cellcnt = cells ? cells.length : 0; var cellinfo; for (var j = 0; j < cellcnt; j++) { cellinfo = cells[j]; if (cellinfo.suppress != 0) { this._is_use_suppress = true; } if (cellinfo.wordwrap != "none") { this._is_body_wordwrap = true; } } cells = this._curFormat._headcells; cellcnt = cells ? cells.length : 0; for (var j = 0; j < cellcnt; j++) { cellinfo = cells[j]; if (cellinfo.wordwrap != "none") { this._is_head_wordwrap = true; break; } } cells = this._curFormat._summcells; cellcnt = cells ? cells.length : 0; for (var j = 0; j < cellcnt; j++) { cellinfo = cells[j]; if (cellinfo.wordwrap != "none") { this._is_summ_wordwrap = true; break; } } var rect = this._getAvailableRect(this); var clientwidth = rect.width; var clientheight = rect.height; var control_elem = this.getElement(); var top, bottom; var headHeight = format.headHeight; var summHeight = format.summHeight; if (this.summarytype == "top" || this.summarytype == "lefttop") { top = headHeight + summHeight; bottom = clientheight; } else { top = headHeight; bottom = clientheight - summHeight; } if (bottom < top) { bottom = top; } this._bodyBand = new nexacro.GridBand("body", 0, top, clientwidth, bottom - top, this, format._bodyband); this.body = format._bodyband; var summband, headband; if (summHeight > 0) { rect = this._getAvailableRect(this); clientwidth = rect.width; clientheight = rect.height; if (this.summarytype == "top" || this.summarytype == "lefttop") { top = headHeight; bottom = headHeight + summHeight; } else { bottom = clientheight; top = bottom - summHeight; } this._summBand = summband = new nexacro.GridBand("summ", 0, top, clientwidth, bottom - top, this, format._summband); this.summ = this.summary = format._summband; } else { this._summBand = null; } if (headHeight > 0) { rect = this._getAvailableRect(this); clientwidth = rect.width; clientheight = rect.height; top = 0; bottom = headHeight; this._headBand = headband = new nexacro.GridBand("head", 0, top, clientwidth, bottom - top, this, format._headband); this.head = format._headband; } else { this._headBand = null; } this._resetRowSizeList(); this._resetColSizeList(); this._bodyBand.createComponent(); control_elem.setVertScrollElements(this._bodyBand._control_element); if (headband) { this._headBand.createComponent(); } if (summband) { this._summBand.createComponent(); } this._updateSelector(); this._setHscrollElement(); this._setScrollMaxSize(this._bodyBand._scrollWidth, this._bodyBand._scrollHeight); this._control_element._arrangeBandOrder(); }; _pGrid._band_scroll_sizes = null; _pGrid._setScrollMaxSize = function (scroll_width, scroll_height, band_scroll_sizes) { if (band_scroll_sizes) { this._band_scroll_sizes = band_scroll_sizes; } if (this._control_element) { this._control_element._setInnerElementScrollMaxSize(this._band_scroll_sizes); if (scroll_height == undefined) { scroll_height = this._bodyBand._scrollHeight; } this._control_element.setElementScrollMaxSize(scroll_width, scroll_height); this._updateClientSize(this._control_element); } }; _pGrid._resizeBand = function (reset) { var clientleft = this._client_left; var clienttop = this._client_top; var clientwidth = this._client_width; var clientheight = this._client_height; var headHeight = this._getHeadHeight(); var summHeight = this._getSummHeight(); var l, t, w, h; l = clientleft; w = clientwidth; if (this._bodyBand) { if (this.summarytype == "top" || this.summarytype == "lefttop") { t = headHeight + summHeight; h = clientheight - t; } else { t = headHeight; h = clientheight - summHeight - t; } if (h < 0) { h = 0; } this._bodyBand.move(l, t, w, h); } clientheight = this._client_height; if (this._summBand) { if (this.summarytype == "top" || this.summarytype == "lefttop") { t = headHeight; h = headHeight + summHeight - t; } else { t = clientheight - summHeight; h = clientheight - t; } this._summBand.move(l, t, w, h); } clientheight = this._client_height; if (this._headBand) { t = clienttop; h = headHeight; this._headBand.move(l, t, w, h); } if (!reset && (this._colautofit || this._rowautofit)) { this._applyAutofittype(true); } this._MoveEditComp(); this._updateSelector(); this._updateScrollInfo(); }; _pGrid._onResetScrollBar = function () { switch (this.scrollbars) { case "none": this._scrollbars = 0; break; case "autovert": this._scrollbars = 1; break; case "autohorz": this._scrollbars = 2; break; case "autoboth": this._scrollbars = 3; break; case "fixedvert": this._scrollbars = 4; break; case "fixedhorz": this._scrollbars = 8; break; case "fixedboth": this._scrollbars = 12; break; case "alwaysvert": this._scrollbars = 16; break; case "alwayshorz": this._scrollbars = 32; break; } if (this._scrollbars == 1 || this._scrollbars == 4) { if (this._rowautofit) { this._scrollbars = 0; } } else if (this._scrollbars == 2 || this._scrollbars == 8) { if (this._colautofit) { this._scrollbars = 0; } } else if (this._scrollbars == 3) { if (this._colautofit && this._rowautofit) { this._scrollbars = 0; } if (this._colautofit) { this._scrollbars = 1; } if (this._rowautofit) { this._scrollbars = 2; } } else if (this._scrollbars == 16) { if (this._rowautofit) { this._scrollbars = 2; } if (this._colautofit) { this._scrollbars = 1; } } else if (this._scrollbars == 32) { if (this._colautofit) { this._scrollbars = 1; } } return nexacro.Component.prototype._onResetScrollBar.call(this); }; _pGrid._setHscrollElement = function () { if (!this._control_element) { return; } var horz_control_elems = []; if (this._bodyBand) { var rows = this._bodyBand._get_rows(); for (var i = 0, n = rows.length; i < n; i++) { horz_control_elems.push(rows[i]._control_element); } } if (this._headBand) { var rows = this._headBand._matrix._rows; for (var i = 0, n = rows.length; i < n; i++) { horz_control_elems.push(rows[i]._control_element); } } if (this._summBand) { var rows = this._summBand._matrix._rows; for (var i = 0, n = rows.length; i < n; i++) { horz_control_elems.push(rows[i]._control_element); } } if (horz_control_elems.length == 0) { horz_control_elems = null; } this._control_element.setHorzScrollElements(horz_control_elems); }; _pGrid._resetScrollMax = function () { var format = this._curFormat; if (!format) { return; } var body = this._bodyBand; if (!body) { return; } var rowcnt = this._getGridRowCount(); var rect = this._getAvailableRect(body); var client_width = rect.width - format.leftWidth - format.rightWidth; var client_height = rect.height; var scrollwidth = format.bodyWidth; var treeIndexes = this._treeIndexes; var rowSizes = this._rowSizeList; var datarow; var rowsPageInfo = []; var limit = 0; var band_scroll_tops = []; var band_sizes_cnt = 1; var band_scroll_max = 1500000; var scrollheight = 0; for (var i = 0; i < rowcnt; i++) { datarow = this._getDataRow(i); scrollheight += rowSizes[datarow]; if (scrollheight - this._fixedrow_height >= band_scroll_max * band_sizes_cnt) { band_scroll_tops.push(scrollheight - rowSizes[datarow]); band_sizes_cnt++; } } scrollheight -= this._fixedrow_height; band_scroll_tops.push(scrollheight); body._scrollHeight = scrollheight; body._scrollWidth = scrollwidth; this._setScrollMaxSize(body._scrollWidth, body._scrollHeight, band_scroll_tops); }; _pGrid._setContents = function (str) { var contentsElem = nexacro._parseXMLDocument(str); var formatElems = contentsElem.getElementsByTagName("Format"); var len = formatElems.length; var firstformat = ""; this._format_str = []; this._autofitcol_rate = []; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var formatElem = formatElems[i]; var idstr = formatElem.getAttribute("id"); if (idstr == null || idstr == "") { idstr = "default"; } if (firstformat == "" || idstr == "default") { firstformat = idstr; } var format = new nexacro.GridFormat(idstr, this); format._loadFromDOM(formatElem); this._formats[idstr] = format; this._format_str.push(idstr); } this.formats = str; if (this.formatid == "" || this.formatid != firstformat) { this.formatid = firstformat; } this._curFormat = this._formats[this.formatid]; }; _pGrid._destroyBands = function (parent_destory) { if (!this.enableredraw) { this._enable_redraw_history["recreate"] = true; return; } if (!parent_destory) { this._hideEditor(false, true); } if (this._temphead) { this._temphead.destroy(); this._temphead = null; } if (this._tempsumm) { this._tempsumm.destroy(); this._tempsumm = null; } if (this._bodyBand) { if (this._control_element) { this._control_element.setVertScrollElements(null); } this._bodyBand.destroy(); this._bodyBand = null; this.body = null; } if (this._summBand) { this._summBand.destroy(); this._summBand = null; this.summary = null; this.summ = null; } if (this._headBand) { this._headBand.destroy(); this._headBand = null; this.head = null; } if (this._select_ctrl) { this._select_ctrl.destroy(); this._select_ctrl = null; } this._destroyOverlayElements(); }; _pGrid._refreshAll = function (clearCurstyle) { this._refreshHead(clearCurstyle); this._refreshSumm(clearCurstyle); this._refreshBody(clearCurstyle); }; _pGrid._getBodyCellInfo = function (nCellIdx) { if (this._curFormat) { var cellinfo = this._curFormat._bodycells[nCellIdx]; if (cellinfo) { return cellinfo; } } return null; }; _pGrid._getBodyCellItem = function (nRowIdx, nCellIdx) { return (this._bodyBand._get_rows()[nRowIdx]._cells[nCellIdx]); }; _pGrid._refreshBodyCell = function (cell, displayrow, clearCurstyle, is_onlycontents) { if (!this.enableredraw) { this._enable_redraw_history["refresh_body"] = true; return; } if (displayrow < 0) { return; } var band = this._bodyBand; if (band) { var rows = band._get_rows(); if (rows.length <= displayrow) { return; } var rowidx = rows[displayrow]._rowidx; var dsrowidx = (this._hasTree) ? this._treeIndexes[rowidx] : rowidx; var selected = this._isSelectedCell(cell, dsrowidx); if (rows[displayrow]) { var cellobj = rows[displayrow]._cells[cell]; if (clearCurstyle) { if (cellobj) { cellobj.currentstyle._empty(); } } band._refreshRowCell(displayrow, cell, selected, undefined, is_onlycontents); } } }; _pGrid._refreshHead = function (clearCurstyle) { if (!this.enableredraw) { this._enable_redraw_history["refresh_head"] = true; return; } var band = this._headBand; if (band) { var rowcnt = band._get_rows().length; band._updateAll(clearCurstyle); for (var i = 0; i < rowcnt; i++) { band._refreshRow(i); } } this._applyResizer(); this._adjustOverlayElements(false, this._is_use_fakemerge); }; _pGrid._refreshSumm = function (clearCurstyle) { if (!this.enableredraw) { this._enable_redraw_history["refresh_summ"] = true; return; } var band = this._summBand; if (band) { var rowcnt = band._get_rows().length; band._updateAll(clearCurstyle); for (var i = 0; i < rowcnt; i++) { band._refreshRow(i); } band._updateAll(clearCurstyle); } this._adjustOverlayElements(false, this._is_use_fakemerge); }; _pGrid._refreshBody = function (clearCurstyle, for_select, no_overlay, no_update_supp) { if (!this.enableredraw) { this._enable_redraw_history["refresh_body"] = true; return; } var band = this._bodyBand; if (band) { if (!no_update_supp) { this._suppressUpdate(); } var rowcnt = this._getDispRowCnt(); var rows = band._get_rows(); var cellcnt; band._updateAll(clearCurstyle); for (var i = 0; i < rowcnt; i++) { band._refreshRow(i, undefined, for_select); } if (!no_overlay) { this._adjustOverlayElements(this._is_recreating, this._is_use_fakemerge); } } }; _pGrid._MoveEditComp = function () { if (this._showEditing) { this._showEditor(true); } }; _pGrid._analyzeSuppress = function (exportFlag) { var cells = this._curFormat._bodycells; if (!cells) { return; } var total_dispcnt; if (exportFlag) { total_dispcnt = this._getGridRowCount(); } else { if (this._fixed_rowcnt > 0) { total_dispcnt = this._fixed_rowcnt - this._fixed_startrow + this._disprowcnt; } else { total_dispcnt = this._disprowcnt; } } if (total_dispcnt == 0) { return; } var cellcnt = cells.length; var cellinfo; for (var j = 0; j < cellcnt; j++) { cellinfo = cells[j]; if (cellinfo.suppress == 0) { continue; } cellinfo._clearSuppressInfo(); var rowidx, text1, text2, lvl1, lvl2, displayType, psuppinfo, pdatarow, cdatarow, csupp; for (var i = 0; i <= total_dispcnt; i++) { rowidx = (!exportFlag) ? this.__getBodyCellRowIdxFromIdx(i) : i; cdatarow = this._getDataRow(rowidx); csupp = cellinfo._getSuppress(cdatarow); if (i > 0) { psuppinfo = cellinfo._getSuppressInfo(i - 1, true); } if (csupp > 0 && i > 0) { if (total_dispcnt == i) { break; } lvl1 = 0; lvl2 = 0; pdatarow = this._getDataRow((!exportFlag) ? this.__getBodyCellRowIdxFromIdx(i - 1) : i - 1); cdatarow = this._getDataRow(rowidx); if (this._isFakeCell(cdatarow)) { continue; } if (this._hasTree) { text1 = cellinfo._getDisplayText(pdatarow); lvl1 = cellinfo._getTreeLevel(pdatarow); text2 = cellinfo._getDisplayText(cdatarow); lvl2 = cellinfo._getTreeLevel(cdatarow); } else { text1 = cellinfo._getDisplayText(pdatarow); text2 = cellinfo._getDisplayText(cdatarow); } displayType = cellinfo._getDisplaytype(rowidx); if (this._hasTree && displayType == "tree") { ; } else { if (text1 == text2) { psuppinfo.last = false; } else { psuppinfo.last = true; } } } else if (csupp < 0 && j > 0) { } } } var suppresslevel = this.suppresslevel; if (suppresslevel == "sameskip" || suppresslevel == "allcompare") { var i = 0; function __analyzeSuppress_row_loop2 (grid) { if (i < total_dispcnt) { var suppressRow = []; var suppressCol = []; var cellinfo; rowidx = (!exportFlag) ? grid.__getBodyCellRowIdxFromIdx(i) : i; cdatarow = grid._getDataRow(rowidx); for (var j = 0; j < cellcnt; j++) { cellinfo = cells[j]; csupp = cellinfo._getSuppress(cdatarow); if (csupp > 0) { suppressRow.push(cellinfo); } if (csupp < 0) { } } if (suppressRow.length > 0) { suppressRow.sort(function (a, b) { return a._getSuppress(cdatarow) - b._getSuppress(cdatarow); }); var suppressRowLen = suppressRow.length; for (var jj = 0; jj < suppressRowLen; jj++) { cellinfo = suppressRow[jj]; if (cellinfo) { for (var k = 0; k < cellcnt; k++) { if (k == cellinfo._col) { continue; } grid._compareSuppressCol(i, k, cellinfo._col, suppresslevel, cdatarow); } } } } if (suppressCol.length > 0) { suppressCol.sort(function (a, b) { return b._getSuppress(cdatarow) - a._getSuppress(cdatarow); }); var suppressColLen = suppressCol.length; for (var jj = 0; jj < suppressColLen; jj++) { cellinfo = suppressCol[jj]; if (cellinfo) { for (var k = 0; k < cellcnt; k++) { if (k == cellinfo._col) { continue; } } } } } i++; return false; } return true; } for (; true; ) { if (__analyzeSuppress_row_loop2(this)) { break; } if (__analyzeSuppress_row_loop2(this)) { break; } if (__analyzeSuppress_row_loop2(this)) { break; } if (__analyzeSuppress_row_loop2(this)) { break; } if (__analyzeSuppress_row_loop2(this)) { break; } if (__analyzeSuppress_row_loop2(this)) { break; } if (__analyzeSuppress_row_loop2(this)) { break; } if (__analyzeSuppress_row_loop2(this)) { break; } if (__analyzeSuppress_row_loop2(this)) { break; } if (__analyzeSuppress_row_loop2(this)) { break; } } } if (total_dispcnt > 0) { var count = 0; var start; var csuppinfo, csuppinfo2, csupp, rowidx, cdatarow; for (var j = 0; j < cellcnt; j++) { start = 0; var cellinfo, center; for (var i = 0; i < total_dispcnt; i++) { cellinfo = cells[j]; if (cellinfo.suppress == 0) { continue; } rowidx = (!exportFlag) ? this.__getBodyCellRowIdxFromIdx(i) : i; cdatarow = this._getDataRow(rowidx); if (cellinfo.suppressalign.indexOf("middle") < 0) { break; } csuppinfo = cellinfo._getSuppressInfo(i); csuppinfo.middle = false; csupp = cellinfo._getSuppress(cdatarow); if (csupp > 0) { count++; if (csuppinfo.last == true) { if (count == 1) { csuppinfo.middle = true; } else { center = Math.round(count / 2); csuppinfo2 = cellinfo._getSuppressInfo(start + center - 1); csuppinfo2.middle = true; } start = i + 1; count = 0; } } if (csupp < 0) { ; } } } } }; _pGrid._compareSuppressCol = function (row, col, curcol, supplvl, cdatarow) { var band = this._bodyBand; var cells = this._curFormat._bodycells; var pinfo = cells[col]; var cinfo = cells[curcol]; var psuppinfo, csuppinfo; var csupp = cinfo._getSuppress(cdatarow); var psupp = pinfo._getSuppress(cdatarow); if (csupp <= 0 || psupp <= 0) { return false; } if (psupp < csupp) { psuppinfo = pinfo._getSuppressInfo(row); csuppinfo = cinfo._getSuppressInfo(row); if (psuppinfo.last == true) { csuppinfo.last = true; } return true; } else if (supplvl == "allcompare" && psupp == csupp) { psuppinfo = pinfo._getSuppressInfo(row); csuppinfo = cinfo._getSuppressInfo(row); if (psuppinfo.last == true) { csuppinfo.last = true; } if (csuppinfo.last == true) { psuppinfo.last = true; } return true; } return false; }; _pGrid.__getBodyCellRowIdxFromIdx = function (idx) { var toprowpos; if (this._fixed_rowcnt) { if (idx + this._fixed_startrow <= this._fixed_endrow) { toprowpos = this._fixed_startrow; } else { idx -= this._fixed_rowcnt - this._fixed_startrow; toprowpos = this._toprowpos[0]; } } else { toprowpos = this._toprowpos[0]; } return idx + toprowpos; }; _pGrid._suppressUpdate = function () { if (!this._is_use_suppress || !this._curFormat || !this._curFormat._bodycells) { return; } this._analyzeSuppress(); var total_dispcnt = this._fixed_rowcnt + this._disprowcnt; for (var i = 0; i <= total_dispcnt; i++) { this._suppressUpdateRow(i, 0, total_dispcnt - 1); } }; _pGrid._suppressUpdateRow = function (row, start_rowpos, end_rowpos, exportFlag) { var band = this._bodyBand; if (band == null) { return; } var cells = this._curFormat._bodycells; var cellcnt = cells.length; var rowidx = (!exportFlag) ? this.__getBodyCellRowIdxFromIdx(row) : row; var cellinfo, prevcellitem, prelast, curlast; var psuppinfo, csuppinfo, csupp; var cdatarow = this._getDataRow(rowidx); for (var col = 0; col < cellcnt; col++) { cellinfo = cells[col]; csuppinfo = cellinfo._getSuppressInfo(row); csupp = cellinfo._getSuppress(cdatarow); if (!csuppinfo) { continue; } if (csupp > 0) { if (csupp > 0 && (row - start_rowpos) > 0) { psuppinfo = cellinfo._getSuppressInfo(row - 1); } else if (cellinfo.csupp < 0 && col > 0) { var prevcellinfo = cells[col - 1]; psuppinfo = prevcellinfo._getSuppressInfo(row); } prelast = (psuppinfo ? psuppinfo.last : true); curlast = (row == end_rowpos ? true : csuppinfo.last); if (cellinfo.suppressalign.indexOf("first") >= 0) { if (prelast == false) { csuppinfo.text_proc = csupp; } else { csuppinfo.text_proc = 0; } } else if (cellinfo.suppressalign.indexOf("last") >= 0) { if (curlast == false) { csuppinfo.text_proc = csupp; } else { csuppinfo.text_proc = 0; } } else if (cellinfo.suppressalign.indexOf("middle") >= 0) { if (csuppinfo.middle == true) { csuppinfo.text_proc = 0; } else { csuppinfo.text_proc = csupp; } } if (psuppinfo) { if (prelast == false) { psuppinfo.border_proc = csupp; } else { psuppinfo.border_proc = 0; } } } else if (csupp == undefined) { if (cellinfo.suppressalign.indexOf("first") >= 0 || cellinfo.suppressalign.indexOf("middle") >= 0) { csuppinfo.text_proc = 1; } } } }; _pGrid._refreshBodyRow = function (displayrow, pseudo, enable) { if (!this.enableredraw) { this._enable_redraw_history["refresh_body"] = true; return; } var band = this._bodyBand; if (band) { var rows = band._get_rows(); if (rows.length <= displayrow) { return; } var rowcnt = this._getDispRowCnt(); if (displayrow >= 0 && displayrow < rowcnt) { var rowidx = rows[displayrow]._rowidx; var dsrowidx = (this._hasTree) ? this._treeIndexes[rowidx] : rowidx; if (dsrowidx == undefined) { return; } band._refreshRow(displayrow, pseudo); } this._adjustOverlayElements(false, this._is_use_fakemerge); } }; _pGrid._global_cursor = undefined; _pGrid._setGlobalCursor = function (cursor, obj) { if (this._global_cursor !== cursor) { this._global_cursor = cursor; while (obj) { obj._updateCursor(cursor); if (obj instanceof nexacro.Grid) { return; } obj = obj.parent; } } }; _pGrid._getColMergeInfo = function (band, col_idx) { var cells; if (band == "head") { cells = this._curFormat._headcells; } else if (band == "summ" || band == "summary") { cells = this._curFormat._summcells; } else { cells = this._curFormat._bodycells; } if (!cells) { return null; } var cellsLen = cells.length; var cell; var col = col_idx; var colspan = 1; var retn = []; for (var i = 0; i < cellsLen; i++) { cell = cells[i]; if (cell._col <= col_idx && (cell._col + cell._colspan) > col_idx) { if (colspan < cell._colspan) { colspan = cell._colspan; col = cell._col; } } } retn[0] = col; retn[1] = colspan; return retn; }; _pGrid._applySelect = function (arrS, arrE, pos) { var each = false; if (this.summarytype == "top" || this.summarytype == "lefttop") { each = true; } if (arrS.length == 0 || (each && pos < 0)) { arrS.splice(0, 0, pos); arrE.splice(0, 0, pos); } else { var nobodys, nobodye; var mincnt = 0; if (each) { for (var i = 0; i < arrS.length; i++) { if (arrS[i] >= 0) { break; } mincnt++; } nobodys = arrS.splice(0, mincnt); nobodye = arrE.splice(0, mincnt); } var cnt = arrS.length; if (cnt == 0) { arrS.splice(0, 0, pos); arrE.splice(0, 0, pos); } else if (cnt == 1 || arrS[0] > pos) { this._addSelect(arrS, arrE, 0, pos); } else if (arrE[cnt - 1] < pos) { this._addSelect(arrS, arrE, cnt - 1, pos); } else { for (var i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { if (arrE[i] < pos && arrS[i + 1] > pos) { if ((arrE[i] + 1) == pos && (arrS[i + 1] - 1) > pos) { this._addSelect(arrS, arrE, i, pos); } else if ((arrE[i] + 1) < pos && (arrS[i + 1] - 1) == pos) { this._addSelect(arrS, arrE, i + 1, pos); } else if ((arrE[i] + 1) == pos && (arrS[i + 1] - 1) == pos) { this._addSelect(arrS, arrE, i, pos); arrE[i] = arrE[i + 1]; arrS.splice(i + 1, 1); arrE.splice(i + 1, 1); } else if ((arrE[i] + 1) < pos && (arrS[i + 1] - 1) > pos) { arrS.push(pos); arrE.push(pos); arrS.sort(); arrE.sort(); } break; } } } if (each) { for (var i = 0; i < nobodys.length; i++) { arrS.splice(0, 0, nobodys[i]); arrE.splice(0, 0, nobodye[i]); } } } }; _pGrid._addSelect = function (arrS, arrE, idx, pos) { if (arrE[idx] < pos) { if ((arrE[idx] + 1) == pos) { arrE[idx] = pos; } else { arrS.push(pos); arrE.push(pos); } } else if (arrS[idx] > pos) { if ((arrS[idx] - 1) == pos) { arrS[idx] = pos; } else { arrS.push(pos); arrE.push(pos); arrS.sort(); arrE.sort(); } } }; _pGrid._findCellObj = function (fromComp) { var cellobj = fromComp; while (cellobj && cellobj._type_name != "GridCell") { if (cellobj._type_name == "Grid") { if (cellobj == this) { break; } else { cellobj = fromComp; break; } } if (cellobj._cellobj && cellobj._cellobj._is_alive && cellobj._cellobj._type_name == "GridCell") { cellobj = cellobj._cellobj; break; } cellobj = cellobj.parent; } return cellobj; }; _pGrid._findBandObj = function (fromComp) { var bandobj = fromComp; while (bandobj && bandobj._type_name != "GridBand") { if (bandobj == this) { break; } bandobj = bandobj.parent; } return bandobj; }; _pGrid._getHScrollPos = function () { if (!this.hscrollbar.visible) { return 0; } return this.hscrollbar.pos; }; _pGrid._isFakeCell = function (rowidx) { if (this._rowcount <= rowidx || rowidx < -2) { return true; } return false; }; _pGrid._moveToPosCell = function (rowidx, cellidx) { var newPos = rowidx; var retn = true; if (newPos == undefined) { newPos = 0; } if (this._isFakeCell(newPos)) { return false; } var cellinfo = this._getBodyCellInfo(cellidx); if (!cellinfo) { return false; } var beforeCell = this._beforebodycellpos = this._selectinfo.curcell; var beforeCol = this._beforebodycolpos = this._selectinfo.curcol; var beforeRow = this._beforebodyrowpos = this._selectinfo.curdsrow; var beforeSubrow = this._beforebodysubrowpos = this._selectinfo.cursubrow; var beforePvt = this._beforepvt = this._selectinfo.curpvt; var afterCell = cellidx; var afterCol = cellinfo._col; var afterRow = newPos; var afterSubrow = cellinfo._row; var afterPvt = -9; this._setSelectedInfo(afterCell, afterCol, afterRow, afterSubrow, afterPvt); while (true) { if (afterCell != beforeCell) { break; } if (afterCol != beforeCol) { break; } if (afterRow != beforeRow) { break; } if (afterSubrow != beforeSubrow) { break; } if (afterPvt != beforePvt) { break; } retn = false; break; } if (retn) { retn = this._ChangeSelect(afterCell, afterCol, afterRow, afterSubrow, afterPvt, false, beforeCell, beforeCol, beforeRow, beforeSubrow, beforePvt, "body"); } if (this._isSelectRowType()) { var cellobj = this._getCurrentBodyCell(-1, -1); cellobj._showfull(); } this._moveCellAfterFocus(); return retn; }; _pGrid._getColFixCnt = function (area) { if (this._curFormat) { return this._curFormat._getColFixCnt(area); } return -1; }; _pGrid._getGridBand = function (nCell) { if (!this._curFormat || !this._curFormat._bodycells) { return -1; } var cell = this._curFormat._bodycells[nCell]; if (cell) { if (this._bPivotGrid) { var leftcnt = this._getColFixCnt("left"); var rightcnt = this._getColFixCnt("right"); if (cell._col < leftcnt) { return -1; } else if (cell._col >= (this._curFormat._bodycells.length - right)) { return -2; } else { return 0; } } else { return 0; } } return -9; }; _pGrid._clrMultiSelect = function () { this._selectinfo.rows = []; this._selectinfo.selects = []; this._selectstartrow = []; this._selectstartcol = []; this._selectstartsubrow = []; this._selectstartpvt = []; this._selectendrow = []; this._selectendcol = []; this._selectendsubrow = []; this._selectendpvt = []; this._defaultSelect(); }; _pGrid._isIncludeSelectpos = function (cell, row) { var selects = this._selectinfo.getSelectCells(row); if (selects && selects[cell]) { return true; } return false; }; _pGrid._addSelectpos = function (cell, row) { var select = this._selectinfo.selects; var rows = this._selectinfo.rows; if (!select[row + 2]) { select[row + 2] = []; } select[row + 2][cell] = true; for (var i = 0, n = rows.length; i < n; i++) { if (rows[i] == row) { return; } } rows.push(row); rows.sort(function (a, b) { return a - b; }); }; _pGrid._delSelectpos = function (cell, row, adjust) { var select = this._selectinfo.selects; var rows = this._selectinfo.rows; if (cell < 0) { if (nexacro._isArray(row)) { var rowLen = row.length; for (var i = rowLen - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (adjust) { if (select.length > row[i] + 2) { select.splice(row[i] + 2, 1); } } else { select[row[i] + 2] = undefined; } for (var j = 0; j < rows.length; j++) { if (rows[j] == row[i]) { rows.splice(j, 1); break; } } } } else { if (adjust) { if (select.length > row + 2) { select.splice(row + 2, 1); } } else { select[row + 2] = undefined; } for (var j = 0; j < rows.length; j++) { if (rows[j] == row) { rows.splice(j, 1); break; } } } } else { if (nexacro._isArray(row)) { var rowLen = row.length; var cells, exist; for (var i = rowLen - 1; i >= 0; i--) { cells = select[row[i] + 2]; if (cells) { cells[cell] = false; } exist = false; for (var j = 0, n = cells.length; j < n; j++) { if (cells[j]) { exist = true; break; } } if (!exist) { select[row + 2] = undefined; for (var j = 0; j < rows.length; j++) { if (rows[j] == row[i]) { rows.splice(j, 1); break; } } } } } else { var cells = select[row + 2]; if (cells) { cells[cell] = false; } var exist = false; for (var j = 0, cells_len = cells.length; j < cells_len; j++) { if (cells[j]) { exist = true; break; } } if (!exist) { select[row + 2] = undefined; for (var j = 0; j < rows.length; j++) { if (rows[j] == row) { rows.splice(j, 1); break; } } } } } }; _pGrid._resetSelectStartEndRow = function () { var select = this._selectinfo.selects; this._selectstartrow = []; this._selectendrow = []; for (var i = 0, n = select.length; i < n; i++) { if (select[i]) { this._applySelect(this._selectstartrow, this._selectendrow, i - 2); } } this.selectstartrow = this._selectstartrow; this.selectendrow = this._selectendrow; if (!this.selectstartrow.length) { this.selectstartrow = -9; } if (!this.selectendrow.length) { this.selectendrow = -9; } }; _pGrid._isMultiSelected = function () { if (!this._curFormat || !this._curFormat._bodycells) { return false; } if (this._isSelectRowType()) { if (this._selectinfo.rows.length > 1) { return true; } } else { if (this._selectinfo.rows.length > 1) { return true; } else if (this._selectinfo.rows.length == 1) { var cells = this._selectinfo.selects[this._selectinfo.rows[0] + 2]; var cnt = 0; for (var i = 0, cells_len = cells.length; i < cells_len; i++) { if (cells[i]) { cnt++; } if (cnt > 1) { return true; } } } } return false; }; _pGrid._initSelect = function (row, cell, col, subrow, pvt) { cell = (cell !== undefined) ? cell : 0; col = (col !== undefined) ? col : 0; row = (row !== undefined) ? row : 0; subrow = (subrow !== undefined) ? subrow : 0; pvt = (pvt !== undefined) ? pvt : -9; this._resetSelect(row, cell, col, subrow, pvt); }; _pGrid._resetSelect = function (row, cell, col, subrow, pvt) { var bcell = this._selectinfo.curcell; var bcol = this._selectinfo.curcol; var brow = this._selectinfo.curdsrow; var bsubrow = this._selectinfo.cursubrow; var bpvt = this._selectinfo.curpvt; cell = (cell !== undefined) ? cell : this._selectinfo.curcell; col = (col !== undefined) ? col : this._selectinfo.curcol; row = (row !== undefined) ? row : this._selectinfo.curdsrow; subrow = (subrow !== undefined) ? subrow : this._selectinfo.cursubrow; pvt = (pvt !== undefined) ? pvt : this._selectinfo.curpvt; if (this.getElement()) { if (row >= 0 && cell < 0) { if (this._isSelectRowType()) { cell = 0; } else { cell = col = subrow = 0; } } this._clrMultiSelect(); this._multiselect = "none"; this._setSelectedInfo(cell, col, row, subrow, pvt); this._ChangeSelect(cell, col, row, subrow, pvt, true, bcell, bcol, brow, bsubrow, bpvt, "body"); this._refreshHead(true); this._refreshSumm(true); } }; _pGrid._ChangeSelect = function (cell, col, row, subrow, pvt, bDataset, oldcell, oldcol, oldrow, oldsubrow, oldpvt, bandstr, evt_kind) { bDataset = bDataset || false; var selectmode = this._multiselect; var format = this._curFormat; if (!format || ((evt_kind == "lbuttondown" || evt_kind == "keydown") && this._setdataobj && this._setdataobj.succ == false)) { this._setdataobj = null; this._setSelectedInfo(oldcell, oldcol, oldrow, oldsubrow, oldpvt); return false; } var cells, cellcnt, cellinfo, subrowslen = 0; var b_select_changed = false; if (bandstr == "head") { cells = format._headcells; b_select_changed = (oldrow != row || oldcell != cell); if (format._headrows) { subrowslen = format._headrows.length; } } else if (bandstr == "summ" || bandstr == "summary") { cells = format._summcells; b_select_changed = (oldrow != row || oldcell != cell); if (format._summrows) { subrowslen = format._summrows.length; } } else { cells = format._bodycells; if (this._isSelectRowType()) { b_select_changed = (oldrow != row); } else { b_select_changed = (oldrow != row || oldcell != cell); } if (format._bodyrows) { subrowslen = format._bodyrows.length; } } if (!cells) { this._setSelectedInfo(oldcell, oldcol, oldrow, oldsubrow, oldpvt); return false; } cellcnt = cells.length; cellinfo = cells[cell]; var clear = false; if ((bandstr == "body" && row < 0) || cell < 0) { clear = (selectmode != "normal"); this._clrMultiSelect(); this._selectDraw(cell, col, row, subrow, pvt, bDataset, oldcell, oldcol, oldrow, oldsubrow, oldpvt, clear, []); this._selectinfo.area = []; this._defaultSelect(); if (b_select_changed) { this.on_fire_onselectchanged(this, cell, col, row, subrow, pvt, oldcell, oldcol, oldrow, oldsubrow, oldpvt, this.selectendcol, this.selectendpivot, this.selectendrow, this.selectendsubrow, this.selectstartcol, this.selectstartpivot, this.selectstartrow, this.selectstartsubrow); } return true; } else if (!cellinfo) { this._setSelectedInfo(oldcell, oldcol, oldrow, oldsubrow, oldpvt); return false; } clear = (this._selectClear || clear); this._selectClear = false; var ctrlkey_change = false; if (selectmode == "ctrl") { if (this.selecttype == "multirow") { if (!this._isIncludeSelectpos(0, row)) { ctrlkey_change = true; } } if (this.selecttype == "multicell") { if (!this._isIncludeSelectpos(cell, row)) { ctrlkey_change = true; } } } if (bDataset == false) { if (this._binddataset && bandstr == "body" && row >= 0 && (ctrlkey_change == true || oldrow != row)) { this._userRowposChange = true; var row2 = this._binddataset._setRowPosition(row, undefined, 51); this._userRowposChange = false; if (row != row2) { this._setSelectedInfo(oldcell, oldcol, oldrow, oldsubrow, oldpvt); this._selectDraw(oldcell, oldcol, oldrow, oldsubrow, oldpvt, bDataset, cell, col, row, subrow, pvt, true, []); return false; } } } var _controlpoint_cell = this._selectinfo.ctrlpoint; var selectRows = []; var b_fire = false; var multiidx = 0; function makeClearRows (grid) { var select_rows = grid._selectinfo.rows; var j = 0; selectRows = []; for (var i = 0, n = select_rows.length; i < n; i++) { selectRows[j++] = grid._dsRowToDispRow(select_rows[i]); } return select_rows; } ; if (selectmode == "none") { if (bandstr == "body") { if (this._isAreaSelect() || this._isMultiSelect()) { if (this._isIncludeSelectpos(cell, row)) { if (evt_kind == "keydown" || evt_kind == "mousemove") { b_fire = true; } else { _controlpoint_cell._set(cellinfo, row, subrowslen); return false; } } else { if (evt_kind == "lbuttonup") { b_fire = true; } } if (evt_kind == "mousemove") { this._is_drag_selecting = true; } else { selectRows = makeClearRows(this); this._clrMultiSelect(); if (evt_kind != "lbuttonup") { _controlpoint_cell._set(cellinfo, row, subrowslen); } } } else { this._clrMultiSelect(); _controlpoint_cell._set(cellinfo, row, subrowslen); } } else { selectRows = makeClearRows(this); this._clrMultiSelect(); _controlpoint_cell._set(cellinfo, row, subrowslen); } this._selectinfo.area = []; } else if (selectmode == "ctrl") { if (evt_kind != "mousemove") { _controlpoint_cell._set(cellinfo, row, subrowslen); } if (this.selecttype == "multirow") { if (ctrlkey_change == false && (evt_kind == "lbuttondown" || (evt_kind && evt_kind.indexOf("func") >= 0))) { this._delMultirowSelectInfo(row); this._delSelectpos(-1, row); this._resetSelectStartEndRow(); this._selectDraw(cell, col, row, subrow, pvt, bDataset, oldcell, oldcol, oldrow, oldsubrow, oldpvt, clear, selectRows); this._defaultSelect(); this.on_fire_onselectchanged(this, cell, col, row, subrow, pvt, oldcell, oldcol, oldrow, oldsubrow, oldpvt, this.selectendcol, this.selectendpivot, this.selectendrow, this.selectendsubrow, this.selectstartcol, this.selectstartpivot, this.selectstartrow, this.selectstartsubrow); return true; } b_fire = true; multiidx = this._selectinfo.area.length; if (evt_kind == "mousemove") { this._is_drag_selecting = true; multiidx--; } } else if (this.selecttype == "multiarea") { multiidx = this._selectinfo.area.length; if (evt_kind == "mousemove") { this._is_drag_selecting = true; multiidx--; } } } else if (selectmode == "shift") { if (this.selecttype == "multiarea") { multiidx = this._selectinfo.area.length - 1; } this._clrMultiSelect(); clear = true; } if (this._isSelectRowType() == false) { if (b_select_changed) { b_fire = true; } if (this._isAreaSelect()) { this._applyAreaSelectPos(cell, row, multiidx, "area"); } else { this._addSelectpos(cell, row); this._applySelect(this._selectstartrow, this._selectendrow, row); this._applySelect(this._selectstartcol, this._selectendcol, col); this._applySelect(this._selectstartsubrow, this._selectendsubrow, subrow); } } else { if (b_select_changed) { b_fire = true; } if (this._isMultiSelect()) { this._applyAreaSelectPos(cell, row, multiidx, "row"); } else { for (var i = 0; i < cellcnt; i++) { this._addSelectpos(i, row); } this._applySelect(this._selectstartrow, this._selectendrow, row); } } this._defaultSelect(); var b_draw = false; if (bDataset == false) { if (this._binddataset && bandstr == "body" && row >= 0 && (ctrlkey_change == true || oldrow != row)) { this._rowposition = row; b_draw = true; } else { if (clear == true) { b_draw = true; } else if (b_fire == true) { b_draw = true; } } } else { clear = (this._isMultiSelect() || this._isAreaSelect()); b_draw = true; } if (b_draw) { this._selectDraw(cell, col, row, subrow, pvt, bDataset, oldcell, oldcol, oldrow, oldsubrow, oldpvt, clear, selectRows, evt_kind); } if (b_fire && evt_kind != "func_area1") { this.on_fire_onselectchanged(this, cell, col, row, subrow, pvt, oldcell, oldcol, oldrow, oldsubrow, oldpvt, this.selectendcol, this.selectendpivot, this.selectendrow, this.selectendsubrow, this.selectstartcol, this.selectstartpivot, this.selectstartrow, this.selectstartsubrow); } return true; }; _pGrid._applyAreaSelectPos = function (cell, row, idx, type) { var format = this._curFormat; var cells, cellsLen, subrowsLen; var bodycells = [], bodycellslen = 0, bodyrowslen = 0, headcells = [], headcellslen = 0, headrowslen = 0, summcells = [], summcellslen = 0, summrowslen = 0; if (format._bodycells) { bodycells = format._bodycells; bodycellslen = bodycells.length; bodyrowslen = format._bodyrows.length; } if (format._headcells) { headcells = format._headcells; headcellslen = headcells.length; headrowslen = format._headrows.length; } if (format._summcells) { summcells = format._summcells; summcellslen = summcells.length; summrowslen = format._summrows.length; } if (row == -2) { cells = summcells; subrowsLen = summrowslen; } else if (row == -1) { cells = headcells; subrowsLen = headrowslen; } else { cells = bodycells; subrowsLen = bodyrowslen; } var cellsLen = cells.length; var ctrlpoint = this._selectinfo.ctrlpoint; var cellinfo = cells[cell]; var begcol, endcol, begrow, endrow, begsubrow = [], endsubrow = [], last; begrow = Math.min(row, ctrlpoint.row); endrow = Math.max(row, ctrlpoint.row); begcol = Math.min(ctrlpoint.col, cellinfo._col); endcol = Math.max((ctrlpoint.col + ctrlpoint.colspan - 1), (cellinfo._col + cellinfo._colspan - 1)); if (ctrlpoint.row < row) { begrow = ctrlpoint.row; endrow = row; last = endrow - begrow; begsubrow[0] = ctrlpoint.subrow; endsubrow[0] = ctrlpoint.subrowslen - 1; begsubrow[last] = 0; endsubrow[last] = cellinfo._row + cellinfo._rowspan - 1; } else if (ctrlpoint.row > row) { begrow = row; endrow = ctrlpoint.row; last = endrow - begrow; begsubrow[0] = cellinfo._row; endsubrow[0] = subrowsLen - 1; begsubrow[last] = 0; endsubrow[last] = ctrlpoint.subrow + ctrlpoint.rowspan - 1; } else { begrow = endrow = row; last = 0; begsubrow[0] = Math.min(cellinfo._row, ctrlpoint.subrow); endsubrow[0] = Math.max(cellinfo._row + cellinfo._rowspan - 1, ctrlpoint.subrow + ctrlpoint.rowspan - 1); } var ii; for (var i = begrow + 1; i < endrow; i++) { ii = i - begrow; begsubrow[ii] = 0; if (i == -1) { endsubrow[ii] = headrowslen - 1; } else { endsubrow[ii] = bodyrowslen - 1; } } var areainfo; if (type == "area") { if (begrow >= 0 || begrow == endrow) { areainfo = this._adjustMergeArea(cells, begcol, endcol, begrow, endrow, begsubrow, endsubrow); } else { var bsubrow, esubrow; var prevbegcol = begcol, prevendcol = endcol; while (true) { bsubrow = [].concat(begsubrow); esubrow = [].concat(endsubrow); if (begrow == -2) { var summbegsubrow = bsubrow.splice(0, 1); var summendsubrow = esubrow.splice(0, 1); var headbegsubrow = bsubrow.splice(0, 1); var headendsubrow = esubrow.splice(0, 1); areainfo = this._adjustMergeArea(summcells, prevbegcol, prevendcol, -2, -2, summbegsubrow, summendsubrow); prevbegcol = areainfo.begcol; prevendcol = areainfo.endcol; areainfo = this._adjustMergeArea(headcells, prevbegcol, prevendcol, -1, -1, headbegsubrow, headendsubrow); if (prevbegcol != areainfo.begcol || prevendcol != areainfo.endcol) { prevbegcol = areainfo.begcol; prevendcol = areainfo.endcol; continue; } } else if (begrow == -1) { var headbegsubrow = bsubrow.splice(0, 1); var headendsubrow = esubrow.splice(0, 1); areainfo = this._adjustMergeArea(headcells, prevbegcol, prevendcol, -1, -1, headbegsubrow, headendsubrow); prevbegcol = areainfo.begcol; prevendcol = areainfo.endcol; } if (endrow >= 0) { areainfo = this._adjustMergeArea(bodycells, prevbegcol, prevendcol, 0, endrow, bsubrow, esubrow); } if (prevbegcol != areainfo.begcol || prevendcol != areainfo.endcol) { prevbegcol = areainfo.begcol; prevendcol = areainfo.endcol; continue; } break; } areainfo.begrow = begrow; areainfo.begsubrow = begsubrow; areainfo.endsubrow = endsubrow; } } else { areainfo = this._adjustRowArea(begrow, endrow); } this._selectinfo.area[idx] = areainfo; var select_area = this._selectinfo.area; var select_area_len = select_area.length; this._clrMultiSelect(); var cell_scol, cell_ecol, cell_ssubrow, cell_esubrow; if (type == "area") { for (var a = 0; a < select_area_len; a++) { begcol = select_area[a].begcol; endcol = select_area[a].endcol; begrow = select_area[a].begrow; endrow = select_area[a].endrow; begsubrow = select_area[a].begsubrow; endsubrow = select_area[a].endsubrow; this._selectstartrow[a] = begrow; this._selectendrow[a] = endrow; this._selectstartcol[a] = begcol; this._selectendcol[a] = endcol; this._selectstartsubrow[a] = begsubrow[0]; this._selectendsubrow[a] = endsubrow[endsubrow.length - 1]; for (var i = begrow, j = 0; i <= endrow; i++, j++) { if (i == -2) { cells = summcells; cellsLen = summcellslen; } else if (i == -1) { cells = headcells; cellsLen = headcellslen; } else { cells = bodycells; cellsLen = bodycellslen; } for (var k = 0; k < cellsLen; k++) { cell_scol = cells[k]._col; cell_ecol = cells[k]._col + cells[k]._colspan - 1; cell_ssubrow = cells[k]._row; cell_esubrow = cells[k]._row + cells[k]._rowspan - 1; if (cell_scol >= begcol && cell_ecol <= endcol && cell_ssubrow >= begsubrow[j] && cell_esubrow <= endsubrow[j]) { this._addSelectpos(k, i); } } } } } else { for (var a = 0; a < select_area_len; a++) { begrow = select_area[a].begrow; endrow = select_area[a].endrow; for (var i = begrow, j = 0; i <= endrow; i++, j++) { if (i == -2) { cellsLen = summcellslen; } else if (i == -1) { cellsLen = headcellslen; } else { cellsLen = bodycellslen; } if (cellsLen == 0) { continue; } for (var k = 0; k < cellsLen; k++) { this._addSelectpos(k, i); } this._applySelect(this._selectstartrow, this._selectendrow, i); } } } }; _pGrid._delMultirowSelectInfo = function (row) { var area = this._selectinfo.area; var area_len = area.length; for (var i = 0; i < area_len; i++) { if (area[i].begrow == area[i].endrow && area[i].begrow == row) { area.splice(i, 1); break; } else if (area[i].begrow == row && area[i].endrow != row) { area[i].begrow++; break; } else if (area[i].endrow == row && area[i].begrow != row) { area[i].endrow--; break; } else if (area[i].begrow < row && area[i].endrow > row) { var endrow = area[i].endrow; area[i].endrow = row - 1; var newarea = this._adjustRowArea(row + 1, endrow); area.splice(i + 1, 0, newarea); break; } } }; _pGrid._adjustRowArea = function (begrow, endrow) { return { begcol : -1, endcol : -1, begrow : begrow, endrow : endrow, begsubrow : [], endsubrow : [] }; }; _pGrid._adjustMergeArea = function (cells, begcol, endcol, begrow, endrow, begsubrow, endsubrow) { var last = endrow - begrow; var cells_len = cells.length; var cell_scol, cell_ecol, cell_ssubrow, cell_esubrow; var update, rows_len = begsubrow.length; for (var i = 0; i < cells_len; i++) { cell_scol = cells[i]._col; cell_ecol = cells[i]._col + cells[i]._colspan - 1; cell_ssubrow = cells[i]._row; cell_esubrow = cells[i]._row + cells[i]._rowspan - 1; update = false; for (var j = 0; j < rows_len; j++) { if (((begcol <= cell_scol && endcol >= cell_scol) || (begcol <= cell_ecol && endcol >= cell_ecol) || (begcol > cell_scol && endcol < cell_ecol)) && ((begsubrow[j] <= cell_ssubrow && endsubrow[j] >= cell_ssubrow) || (begsubrow[j] <= cell_esubrow && endsubrow[j] >= cell_esubrow) || (begsubrow[j] > cell_ssubrow && endsubrow[j] < cell_esubrow))) { if (begcol > cell_scol) { begcol = cell_scol; update = true; } if (endcol < cell_ecol) { endcol = cell_ecol; update = true; } if (j == 0) { if (begsubrow[0] > cell_ssubrow) { begsubrow[0] = cell_ssubrow; update = true; } } if (j == last) { if (endsubrow[last] < cell_esubrow) { endsubrow[last] = cell_esubrow; update = true; } } if (update == true) { i = 0; break; } } } } return { begcol : begcol, endcol : endcol, begrow : begrow, endrow : endrow, begsubrow : begsubrow, endsubrow : endsubrow }; }; _pGrid._defaultSelect = function () { this.selectstartrow = this._selectstartrow; this.selectstartcol = this._selectstartcol; this.selectstartsubrow = this._selectstartsubrow; this.selectstartpivot = this._selectstartpvt; this.selectendrow = this._selectendrow; this.selectendcol = this._selectendcol; this.selectendsubrow = this._selectendsubrow; this.selectendpivot = this._selectendpvt; if (!this.selectstartrow.length) { this.selectstartrow = -9; } if (!this.selectstartcol.length) { this.selectstartcol = -1; } if (!this.selectstartsubrow.length) { this.selectstartsubrow = -1; } if (!this.selectstartpivot.length) { this.selectstartpivot = -9; } if (!this.selectendrow.length) { this.selectendrow = -9; } if (!this.selectendcol.length) { this.selectendcol = -1; } if (!this.selectendsubrow.length) { this.selectendsubrow = -1; } if (!this.selectendpivot.length) { this.selectendpivot = -9; } }; _pGrid._dsRowToDispRow = function (datasetRowidx, bCalcScroll) { var row; if (this._hasTree) { row = this._getTreeRowPosition(datasetRowidx); } else { row = datasetRowidx; } if (bCalcScroll) { row -= this._getBodyBegRowPos(row); } return row; }; _pGrid._jumpCurrentRow = function (rowidx) { if (rowidx < 0) { return this._begrowpos; } var topPos = this._toprowpos[0]; var vscrollbar = this.vscrollbar; var page_spos = this._getBodyBegRowPos(rowidx); if (this._lbuttondown_proc == false) { if (rowidx <= topPos) { if (!this._select_noscroll && vscrollbar && vscrollbar._isEnable()) { vscrollbar._set_rowpos(rowidx); } page_spos = this._getBodyBegRowPos(rowidx); } else if (rowidx > (topPos + this.pagerowcount - 1)) { var gap = (this.pagerowcount > 0) ? this._pagerowcnt - this.pagerowcount : 0; if (!this._select_noscroll && vscrollbar && vscrollbar._isEnable()) { vscrollbar._set_rowpos(rowidx - this._pagerowcnt + 1 + gap); } page_spos = this._getBodyBegRowPos(rowidx); } else { if (this._isRemainAreaScroll()) { if (!this._select_noscroll && vscrollbar && vscrollbar._isEnable()) { vscrollbar._set_rowpos(rowidx); } page_spos = this._getBodyBegRowPos(rowidx); } } } return page_spos; }; _pGrid._getBodyBegRowPos = function (rowidx) { if (this._fixed_rowcnt > 0) { if (this._fixed_endrow >= rowidx) { return this._fixed_startrow; } return this._begrowpos - (this._fixed_rowcnt - this._fixed_startrow); } return this._begrowpos; }; _pGrid._clearRows = function (oldrows) { if (oldrows.length > 0) { for (var i = 0, n = oldrows.length; i < n; i++) { if (oldrows[i] == -2) { this._refreshSumm(true); bSummRowDraw = false; } else if (oldrows[i] == -1) { this._refreshHead(true); bHeadRowDraw = false; } else { this._refreshBodyRow(oldrows[i] - this._getBodyBegRowPos(oldrows[i])); } } return true; } return false; }; _pGrid._selectDraw = function (afterCell, afterCol, afterRow, afterSubrow, afterPvt, bDataset, beforeCell, beforeCol, beforeRow, beforeSubrow, beforePvt, bAllRowDraw, oldrows, kind) { var oldPos = this._dsRowToDispRow(beforeRow); var newPos = this._dsRowToDispRow(afterRow); var topPos = this._toprowpos[0]; this._setSelectedInfo(null, null, afterRow, null, null); if (!this._is_created) { return; } var bBodyRowDraw = false; var bHeadRowDraw = false; var bSummRowDraw = false; var exprbindcells = null; if ((exprbindcells = this._getUseBindExprProp("body")) || this._isUseBindExprStyle("body")) { bBodyRowDraw = true; bAllRowDraw = true; } if (this._isUseBindExprStyle("head") || this._getUseBindExprProp("head") || newPos == -1 || oldPos == -1) { bHeadRowDraw = true; } if (this._isUseBindExprStyle("summ") || this._getUseBindExprProp("summ") || newPos == -2 || oldPos == -2) { bSummRowDraw = true; } if (this._isSelectRowType()) { if (newPos < 0 && (kind && kind.indexOf("func") < 0)) { if (bAllRowDraw) { if (!this._clearRows(oldrows)) { this._refreshBody(false, !bAllRowDraw); } } else { this._refreshBodyRow(oldPos - this._getBodyBegRowPos(oldPos)); } if (bHeadRowDraw) { this._refreshHead(false); } if (bSummRowDraw) { this._refreshSumm(false); } } else if (newPos != oldPos) { this._jumpCurrentRow(newPos); if (this._isMultiSelect()) { this._refreshBody(false, !bAllRowDraw); if (bHeadRowDraw) { this._refreshHead(false); } if (bSummRowDraw) { this._refreshSumm(false); } } else { if (bAllRowDraw) { if (!this._clearRows(oldrows)) { this._refreshBody(false, !bAllRowDraw); } else { this._refreshBodyRow(newPos - this._getBodyBegRowPos(newPos)); } } else { this._refreshBodyRow(oldPos - this._getBodyBegRowPos(oldPos)); this._refreshBodyRow(newPos - this._getBodyBegRowPos(newPos)); } if (bHeadRowDraw) { this._refreshHead(false); } if (bSummRowDraw) { this._refreshSumm(false); } } } else { if (this._isMultiSelect()) { this._refreshBody(false, !bAllRowDraw); if (bHeadRowDraw) { this._refreshHead(false); } if (bSummRowDraw) { this._refreshSumm(false); } } } } else { if (newPos < 0 && (kind && kind.indexOf("func") < 0)) { if (bAllRowDraw) { if (!this._clearRows(oldrows)) { this._refreshBody(false, !bAllRowDraw); } } else { this._refreshBodyCell(beforeCell, oldPos - this._getBodyBegRowPos(oldPos)); } if (bHeadRowDraw) { this._refreshHead(false); } if (bSummRowDraw) { this._refreshSumm(false); } } else if (newPos != oldPos || afterCell != beforeCell) { if (kind != "selectorsizing") { this._jumpCurrentRow(newPos); var cellobj; if (newPos == -1) { cellobj = this._getCurrentHeadCell(-1); } else if (newPos == -2) { cellobj = this._getCurrentSummCell(-1); } else { cellobj = this._getCurrentBodyCell(-1, -1); } if (cellobj) { var area = cellobj._refobj._area; var select_ctrl = this._select_ctrl; if (select_ctrl && select_ctrl._is_tracking) { if (area == "body") { cellobj.parent._showfull(cellobj); } else if (area == "left") { if (this.hscrollbar) { this.hscrollbar.set_pos(0); } } else { var scroll_max = this._getScollMaxLeft(); if (this.hscrollbar) { this.hscrollbar.set_pos(scroll_max); } } } else if (!kind) { cellobj.parent._showfull(cellobj); } else if (kind == "keydown") { cellobj._showfull(true); } } } if (this._isAreaSelect()) { if (kind == "selectorsizing") { if (nexacro.OS == "Android" && (nexacro.Browser == "Safari" || nexacro.Browser == "MobileSafari")) { nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(this, function () { this._refreshBody(false, !bAllRowDraw); }, 10); } else { this._refreshBody(false, !bAllRowDraw); } } else { this._refreshBody(false, !bAllRowDraw); if (bHeadRowDraw) { this._refreshHead(false); } if (bSummRowDraw) { this._refreshSumm(false); } } } else { if (bAllRowDraw) { this._clearRows(oldrows); this._refreshBody(false, !bAllRowDraw); } else { this._refreshBodyCell(beforeCell, oldPos - this._getBodyBegRowPos(oldPos)); this._refreshBodyCell(afterCell, newPos - this._getBodyBegRowPos(newPos)); } if (bHeadRowDraw) { this._refreshHead(false); } if (bSummRowDraw) { this._refreshSumm(false); } } } else { if (this._isAreaSelect()) { if (kind == "selectorsizing") { if (nexacro.OS == "Android" && (nexacro.Browser == "Safari" || nexacro.Browser == "MobileSafari")) { nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(this, function () { this._refreshBody(false, !bAllRowDraw); }, 10); } else { this._refreshBody(false, !bAllRowDraw); } } else { this._refreshBody(false, !bAllRowDraw); if (bHeadRowDraw) { this._refreshHead(false); } if (bSummRowDraw) { this._refreshSumm(false); } } } else if (this._isMultiSelect()) { if (bAllRowDraw) { this._clearRows(oldrows); this._refreshBody(false, !bAllRowDraw); } else { this._refreshBodyCell(afterCell, newPos - this._getBodyBegRowPos(newPos)); } if (bHeadRowDraw) { this._refreshHead(false); } if (bSummRowDraw) { this._refreshSumm(false); } } } } this._adjustOverlayElements(false, this._is_use_fakemerge); this._updateSelector(); }; _pGrid._isUseBindExprStyle = function (bandstr) { return this._is_use_bind_expr_style[bandstr]; }; _pGrid._isUseBindExprOuterStyle = function (bandstr) { return this._is_use_bind_expr_outerstyle[bandstr]; }; _pGrid._getUseBindExprProp = function (bandstr) { var band; var cells; var format = this._curFormat; if (bandstr == "summary") { bandstr = "summ"; } if (this._is_use_bind_expr_prop[bandstr] !== null) { return this._is_use_bind_expr_prop[bandstr]; } this._is_use_bind_expr_prop[bandstr] = undefined; if (bandstr == "body") { band = this._bodyBand; cells = format._bodycells; } else if (bandstr == "head") { band = this._headBand; cells = format._headcells; } else { band = this._summBand; cells = format._summcells; } if (band) { var key; for (var i = 0, cells_len = cells.length; i < cells_len; i++) { var obj = cells[i]; for (key in obj) { if (obj.hasOwnProperty(key)) { if (bandstr == "body" && key == "text") { continue; } if (obj[key] && obj[key]._bindtype > 0) { if (this._is_use_bind_expr_prop[bandstr] == undefined) { this._is_use_bind_expr_prop[bandstr] = []; } this._is_use_bind_expr_prop[bandstr].push(i); break; } } } } } return this._is_use_bind_expr_prop[bandstr]; }; _pGrid._clearBindTypeFlag = function () { this._is_use_bind_expr_prop.body = null; this._is_use_bind_expr_prop.head = null; this._is_use_bind_expr_prop.summ = null; }; _pGrid._toggleVal = function (datarow, cellinfo) { if (!cellinfo) { return false; } var v = cellinfo._getValue(datarow); v = nexacro._toBoolean(v); v = (v) ? 0 : 1; if (cellinfo.text._bindtype == 1) { this._dsEventOccured = true; var retn = this._binddataset.setColumn(datarow, cellinfo.text._bindexpr, v); if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { var cellobj = this._getAccessibilityCurrentCell(); if (cellobj) { cellobj._setAccessibilityStatChecked(nexacro._toBoolean(v)); } } this._dsEventOccured = false; return retn; } return false; }; _pGrid._isEditorKeyAction = function (elem, comp, keyCode, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey) { if (this._is_editor_keyaction == false) { this._is_editor_keyaction = true; return true; } if (elem instanceof nexacro.InputElement || elem instanceof nexacro.TextAreaElement) { if (elem.readonly == true) { return false; } if (keyCode == nexacro.Event.KEY_LEFT) { if (ctrlKey || shiftKey || altKey) { return true; } var pos = elem.getElementCaretPos(); if ((pos && pos != -1) && pos.begin != 0) { return true; } } else if (keyCode == nexacro.Event.KEY_RIGHT) { if (ctrlKey || shiftKey || altKey) { return true; } var pos = elem.getElementCaretPos(); var elem_val = elem.getElementValue(); var v = elem_val ? elem_val.length : 0; if ((pos && pos != -1) && pos.begin != v) { return true; } } else if (keyCode == nexacro.Event.KEY_UP) { if (ctrlKey || shiftKey || altKey) { return true; } if (elem.usemultiline) { var line = elem.getCaretLine(); if (line != 1) { return true; } } } else if (keyCode == nexacro.Event.KEY_DOWN) { if (ctrlKey || shiftKey || altKey) { return true; } if (elem.usemultiline) { var line = elem.getCaretLine(); comp = elem.parent.linkedcontrol; var max_line = parseInt(comp._getTextLine()); if (line != max_line) { return true; } } } } return false; }; _pGrid._getDlgCode = function (keycode, altKey, ctrlKey, shiftKey) { if (nexacro._enableaccessibility && nexacro._accessibilitytype == 5) { this._accept_arrow = true; } return { want_tab : this._acceptstab, want_return : false, want_escape : false, want_chars : false, want_arrows : this._accept_arrow }; }; _pGrid._getFirstEditableCell = function () { var cellinfo, editType; if (this._binddataset && this._curFormat && this._curFormat._bodycells) { var rlen = this._getGridRowCount(); var clen = this._curFormat._bodycells.length; for (var i = 0; i < rlen; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < clen; j++) { var row = i; if (this._hasTree) { row = this._treeIndexes[row]; } editType = this._curFormat._bodycells[j]._getEdittype(row); if (editType !== "" && editType !== "none") { return { row : row, cell : j }; } } } } return { row : null, cell : null }; }; _pGrid._getLastEditableCell = function () { var cellinfo, editType; if (this._binddataset) { var rlen = this._getGridRowCount(); var clen = this._curFormat._bodycells.length; for (var i = rlen - 1; i >= 0; i--) { for (var j = clen - 1; j >= 0; j--) { var row = i; if (this._hasTree) { row = this._treeIndexes[row]; } editType = this._curFormat._bodycells[j]._getEdittype(row); if (editType !== "" && editType !== "none") { return { row : row, cell : j }; } } } } return { row : null, cell : null }; }; _pGrid._isChar = function (keyCode) { switch (keyCode) { case 9: case 25: case 27: case 144: case 145: return false; break; } ; if ((keyCode >= 16 && keyCode <= 21) || (keyCode >= 33 && keyCode <= 40) || (keyCode >= 91 && keyCode <= 93) || (keyCode >= 112 && keyCode <= 123)) { return false; } return true; }; _pGrid._ReasonRefresh = null; _pGrid.on_apply_cell_pseudo = function (cellobj, pseudo) { this._ReasonRefresh = cellobj; cellobj._ReasonRefresh = 1; if (this.enableredraw) { if (this._isSelectRowType()) { if (pseudo == "mouseover") { this._refreshBodyRow(cellobj._getDisplayRowIdx(), pseudo, cellobj.enable); } else { cellobj._ReasonRefresh = null; cellobj._control_pseudo = ""; cellobj._contents_pseudo = ""; this._refreshBodyRow(cellobj._getDisplayRowIdx(), pseudo, cellobj.enable); } this._adjustOverlayElements(false, this._is_use_fakemerge); } } cellobj._ReasonRefresh = null; this._ReasonRefresh = null; }; _pGrid._setDSEventHandlers = function (ds) { ds._setEventHandler("onload", this.on_dsnotify_onload, this); ds._setEventHandler("onrowposchanged", this.on_dsnotify_onrowposchanged, this); ds._setEventHandler("oncolumnchanged", this.on_dsnotify_oncolumnchanged, this); ds._setEventHandler("onrowsetchanged", this.on_dsnotify_onrowsetchanged, this); }; _pGrid._removeDSEventHandlers = function (ds) { ds._removeEventHandler("onload", this.on_dsnotify_onload, this); ds._removeEventHandler("onrowposchanged", this.on_dsnotify_onrowposchanged, this); ds._removeEventHandler("oncolumnchanged", this.on_dsnotify_oncolumnchanged, this); ds._removeEventHandler("onrowsetchanged", this.on_dsnotify_onrowsetchanged, this); }; _pGrid._getBodyClientSize = function () { var format = this._curFormat; var height = 0, width = 0, clientrect; clientrect = this._getAvailableRect(this); width = clientrect.width; height = clientrect.height; if (format) { if (!this._bodyBand) { clientrect = this._getAvailableRect(this); width = clientrect.width - format.leftWidth - format.rightWidth; height = clientrect.height - this._getHeadHeight() - this._getSummHeight(); } else { clientrect = this._getAvailableRect(this._bodyBand); width = clientrect.width - format.leftWidth - format.rightWidth; height = clientrect.height; } } return [width, height]; }; _pGrid._applyAutofittype = function (redraw, property_set) { if (this.enableredraw == false) { this._enable_redraw_history["autofit"] = [redraw, property_set]; return; } var format = this._curFormat; var control_elem = this.getElement(); if (!format || !control_elem) { return; } var height, width; var bodysize = this._getBodyClientSize(); width = bodysize[0]; height = bodysize[1]; if (!this._is_created && (width <= 0 || height <= 0)) { width = control_elem.client_width; height = control_elem.client_height; } var change = false; switch (this.autofittype) { case "col": this._colautofit = true; this._rowautofit = false; break; case "row": this._colautofit = false; this._rowautofit = true; break; case "both": this._colautofit = true; this._rowautofit = true; break; case "allrow": this._colautofit = false; break; case "allboth": this._colautofit = true; break; case "col,allrow": this._colautofit = true; break; case "allpivot": this._colautofit = true; break; case "row,allpivot": this._colautofit = false; break; case "none": this._colautofit = false; this._rowautofit = false; change = property_set; break; } if (this._colautofit && width >= 0) { change = format._adjustColWidth(width, this._autofitcol_rate); } if (change) { if (redraw) { this._autofiting = true; if (this._bodyBand) { var scrollheight = this._bodyBand._scrollHeight; var scrollwidth = this._bodyBand._scrollWidth; if (this._colautofit) { if (width != scrollwidth) { this._setScrollMaxSize(width, scrollheight); this._bodyBand._scrollWidth = width; } this._bodyBand._matrix._adjustColsDisplay(true); } else { this._setScrollMaxSize(format.bodyWidth, scrollheight); this._bodyBand._scrollWidth = format.bodyWidth; this._bodyBand._matrix._adjustColsDisplay(true); } } if (this._headBand) { this._headBand._matrix._adjustColsDisplay(true); } if (this._summBand) { this._summBand._matrix._adjustColsDisplay(true); } this._autofiting = false; this._onResetScrollBar(); } this._applyResizer(); return true; } return false; }; _pGrid._resetColSizeList = function (chk_srow) { var change = false; if (this.autofittype != "col" && this.autofittype != "both" && this.autofittype != "allboth" && this.autofittype != "col,allrow") { var format = this._curFormat; if (!format) { return false; } var cols = format._cols, colsLen = cols.length; if (this.autosizingtype == "col" || this.autosizingtype == "both") { for (var i = 0; i < colsLen; i++) { var size = this._getMaxColDataSizeBand(i, chk_srow); if (size >= 0 && this._setColSize(-9, i, size, false, false, true, (i != colsLen - 1))) { change = true; } } if (this.autofittype == "col" || this.autofittype == "both" || this.autofittype == "allboth" || this.autofittype == "col,allrow") { this._applyAutofittype(true); } } else { for (var i = 0; i < colsLen; i++) { var size = cols[i].size; if (size >= 0 && this._setColSize(-9, i, size, false, false, true, (i != colsLen - 1))) { change = true; } } } } return change; }; _pGrid.redraw = function () { if (!this.enableredraw) { this._enable_redraw_history["recreate"] = true; return; } this._recreate(); if (this._select_ctrl) { this._select_ctrl._updateAll(); } }; _pGrid._getRowSizeInfo = function (datarow) { var format = this._curFormat; var rowsize, subrowsizes = []; if (datarow == -1) { rowsize = this._rowHeadList[0]; subrowsizes = this._rowHeadListSub; return { row_size : rowsize, subrow_sizes : subrowsizes }; } else if (datarow == -2) { rowsize = this._rowSummList[0]; subrowsizes = this._rowSummListSub; return { row_size : rowsize, subrow_sizes : subrowsizes }; } else if (datarow >= 0) { var rows = format._bodyrows; var rowsLen = rows.length; var list = this._rowSizeListSub = []; var listsub = this._rowSizeList = []; rowsize = list[datarow]; for (var i = 0; i < rowsLen; i++) { subrowsizes[i] = listsub[datarow * rowsLen + i]; } return { row_size : rowsize, subrow_sizes : subrowsizes }; } return null; }; _pGrid._resetRowSizeList = function (chk_srow) { if (!this._curFormat) { return; } if (!this._preloadImage()) { return; } var format = this._curFormat; if (format._headrows) { var keep = this._isUserChangeHeadRowSize; if (!keep) { this._rowHeadListSub = []; this._rowHeadList = []; } var h = 0, rows = format._headrows, rowsLen = rows.length, _rowHeadListSub = this._rowHeadListSub, _rowHeadList = this._rowHeadList, height; if (!(keep && _rowHeadList[0] >= 0)) { if (this._binddataset && this._headAutoSize && (this._autoSizeRowProc || this.autosizingtype == "row" || this.autosizingtype == "both")) { for (var j = 0; j < rowsLen; j++) { height = this._getMaxSubRowSize(-1, j); _rowHeadListSub[j] = height; h += height; } } else { for (var j = 0; j < rowsLen; j++) { height = rows[j].size; _rowHeadListSub[j] = height; h += height; } } this._rowHeadList[0] = h; } } if (format._summrows) { var keep = this._isUserChangeSummRowSize; if (!keep) { this._rowSummListSub = []; this._rowSummList = []; } var h = 0, rows = format._summrows, rowsLen = rows.length, _rowSummListSub = this._rowSummListSub, _rowSummList = this._rowSummList, height; if (!(keep && _rowSummList[0] >= 0)) { if (this._binddataset && this._summAutoSize && (this._autoSizeRowProc || this.autosizingtype == "row" || this.autosizingtype == "both")) { for (var j = 0; j < rowsLen; j++) { height = this._getMaxSubRowSize(-2, j); _rowSummListSub[j] = height; h += height; } } else { for (var j = 0; j < rowsLen; j++) { height = rows[j].size; _rowSummListSub[j] = height; h += height; } } this._rowSummList[0] = h; } } if (format._bodyrows) { var keep = this._isUserChangeBodyRowSize; if (!keep && !chk_srow) { this._rowSizeList = []; this._rowSizeListSub = []; } var rowcount = this._rowcount, rows = format._bodyrows, rowsLen = rows.length, _rowSizeListSub = this._rowSizeListSub, _rowSizeList = this._rowSizeList, h, height, index; if (this._binddataset && this._bodyAutoSize && (this._autoSizeRowProc || this.autosizingtype == "row" || this.autosizingtype == "both")) { for (var i = 0; i < rowcount; i++) { if (chk_srow >= 0 && i < chk_srow) { continue; } h = 0; for (var j = 0; j < rowsLen; j++) { index = i * rowsLen + j; if (keep && _rowSizeListSub[index] >= 0 && this._realrowsized_body[index]) { h += _rowSizeListSub[index]; continue; } height = this._getMaxSubRowSize(i, j); _rowSizeListSub[index] = height; h += height; } _rowSizeList[i] = h; } this._is_variable_bodyrowsize = true; } else { for (var i = 0; i < rowcount; i++) { h = 0; for (var j = 0; j < rowsLen; j++) { index = i * rowsLen + j; if (keep && _rowSizeListSub[index] >= 0 && this._realrowsized_body[index]) { h += _rowSizeListSub[index]; continue; } height = rows[j].size; _rowSizeListSub[index] = height; h += height; } _rowSizeList[i] = h; } if (!keep) { this._is_variable_bodyrowsize = false; } } } this._updateRowSizeExtend(); }; _pGrid._updateRowSizeExtendEx = function (rows, rowSizeList, rowSizeListSub, row, isbody) { if (this.extendsizetype != "row" && this.extendsizetype != "both") { if (!rows) { return; } var max = []; var rowsLen = rows.length; for (var j = 0; j < rowsLen; j++) { max[j] = 0; } var rowSizeListSubLen = rowSizeListSub.length; if (row != undefined) { for (var i = 0; i < rowsLen; i++) { max[i] = rowSizeListSub[row * rowsLen + i]; } } else { for (var i = 0; i < rowSizeListSubLen; ) { for (var j = 0; j < rowsLen; j++) { max[j] = Math.max(max[j], rowSizeListSub[i]); i++; } } } for (var i = 0; i < rowSizeListSubLen; ) { for (var j = 0; j < rowsLen; j++) { rowSizeListSub[i] = max[j]; i++; } } var height = 0; for (var j = 0; j < rowsLen; j++) { height += max[j]; } var rowSizeListLen = rowSizeList.length; for (var i = 0; i < rowSizeListLen; i++) { rowSizeList[i] = height; } } if (isbody) { this._resetFixSize(); } }; _pGrid._updateRowSizeExtend = function () { if (!this._binddataset || !this._curFormat) { return; } if (this._headAutoSize) { this._updateRowSizeExtendEx(this._curFormat._headrows, this._rowHeadList, this._rowHeadListSub); } if (this._summAutoSize) { this._updateRowSizeExtendEx(this._curFormat._summrows, this._rowSummList, this._rowSummListSub); } if (this._bodyAutoSize) { this._updateRowSizeExtendEx(this._curFormat._bodyrows, this._rowSizeList, this._rowSizeListSub, undefined, true); } }; _pGrid._isChangeBodyColSizeList = function (columnid, cols, row) { if (this.autosizingtype != "both" && this.autosizingtype != "col") { return false; } var format = this._curFormat; if (!this._binddataset || !format) { return false; } var cells = format._bodycells; var colinfo, col, size, j = 0; var retn = false; var displayType; for (var i = 0, cells_len = cells.length; i < cells_len; i++) { if (cells[i].text._bindexpr == columnid) { displayType = cells[i]._getAttrValue(cells[i].displaytype, row); if (displayType == "checkbox") { continue; } col = cells[i]._col; colinfo = format._cols[col]; size = this._getMaxColDataSizeBand(col); if (colinfo.size != size) { format._setColSize(col, size); cols[j++] = col; retn = true; } } } return retn; }; _pGrid._isChangeBodyRowSizeList = function (rowposition) { if (this._rowSizeEx == false && this.autosizingtype != "both" && this.autosizingtype != "row") { return false; } if (!this._binddataset || !this._curFormat) { return false; } var row = rowposition; var rows = this._curFormat._bodyrows; var rowsLen; if (rows && this._bodyAutoSize == true) { rowsLen = rows.length; for (var j = 0; j < rowsLen; j++) { var index = (row * rows.length) + j; var oldsize = this._rowSizeListSub[index]; var newsize = this._getMaxSubRowSize(row, j); if (oldsize != newsize) { return true; } } } rows = this._curFormat._headrows; if (rows && this._headAutoSize == true) { rowsLen = rows.length; for (var j = 0; j < rowsLen; j++) { var oldsize = this._rowHeadListSub[j]; var newsize = this._getMaxSubRowSize(-1, j); if (oldsize != newsize) { return true; } } } rows = this._curFormat._summrows; if (rows && this._summAutoSize == true) { rowsLen = rows.length; for (var j = 0; j < rowsLen; j++) { var oldsize = this._rowSummListSub[j]; var newsize = this._getMaxSubRowSize(-2, j); if (oldsize != newsize) { return true; } } } return false; }; _pGrid._updateBodyRowSizeList = function (rowposition) { var change = false; if (this._rowSizeEx == false || this._bodyAutoSize == false) { return false; } if (!this._binddataset || !this._curFormat || !this._curFormat._bodyrows || this._curFormat._bodyrows.length == 0) { return false; } var row = rowposition; var rows = this._curFormat._bodyrows; var rowsLen = rows.length; for (var j = 0; j < rowsLen; j++) { var index = (row * rows.length) + j; var oldsize = this._rowSizeListSub[index]; var newsize = this._getMaxSubRowSize(row, j); if (oldsize != newsize) { this._rowSizeListSub[index] = newsize; this._rowSizeList[row] += (newsize - oldsize); change = true; } } if (change == true) { this._updateRowSizeExtend(); } return change; }; _pGrid._getGridRowCount = function (isOnlyScreen) { if (isOnlyScreen && this._bodyrowheight === 0) { return 0; } var rowcount = 0; if (this._hasTree) { if (this._treeIndexes) { rowcount = this._treeIndexes.length; } } else { rowcount = this._rowcount; } return rowcount; }; _pGrid._resetDisplayInfo = function (reset_bandsize) { this.pagerowcount = 0; this._pagerowcnt = 0; this._disprowcnt = 0; var format = this._curFormat; if (!format) { return; } var bodysize = this._getBodyClientSize(); var bodyHeight = bodysize[1]; var rowcount = this._getGridRowCount(); var format = this._curFormat; this._bodyrowheight = format._body_height; if (this._bodyrowheight > 0) { if (this._is_variable_bodyrowsize == false) { var format = this._curFormat; var bodyRowHeight = this._bodyrowheight; this.pagerowcount = Math.floor(bodyHeight / bodyRowHeight); this._pagerowcnt = Math.ceil(bodyHeight / bodyRowHeight); } else { var _vpos = (this.vscrollbar) ? this.vscrollbar._pos : 0; var vlimit = this._control_element.vscroll_limit; if (_vpos < 0) { _vpos = 0; } else if (_vpos > vlimit) { _vpos = vlimit; } var s, i, toprowpos = this._getScreenTopRowPos(_vpos); var remain = 0; if (reset_bandsize) { s = i = toprowpos[0]; remain = toprowpos[1]; } else { s = i = toprowpos[0]; } var h = 0; var row; for (; i < rowcount; i++) { row = this._getDataRow(i); h += this._rowSizeList[row]; if (remain > 0) { h -= (this._rowSizeList[row] - remain); remain = 0; } this._pagerowcnt++; if (h >= bodyHeight) { break; } this.pagerowcount++; } if (i == rowcount && h < bodyHeight) { var end = (this._fixed_endrow >= 0) ? this._fixed_endrow : -1; for (var i = s - 1; i > end; i--) { row = this._getDataRow(i); h += this._rowSizeList[row]; this._pagerowcnt++; if (h >= bodyHeight) { break; } this.pagerowcount++; } } while (h < bodyHeight) { h += this._bodyrowheight; this._pagerowcnt++; if (h >= bodyHeight) { break; } this.pagerowcount++; } if (this._pagerowcnt == 0 && toprowpos[1] >= bodyHeight) { this._pagerowcnt = this.pagerowcount = 1; } } this._disprowcnt = this._pagerowcnt; } }; _pGrid._getMaxColSize = function (cells, colidx, row, parentcol, maxbyte) { var max = 0; var cellsLen = cells.length; var cursubcol, subcolcnt, subcells; var format = this._curFormat; var maxlength = 0; var col, colspan; for (var i = 0; i < cellsLen; i++) { col = cells[i]._col; colspan = cells[i]._colspan; if (col <= colidx && col + colspan > colidx) { subcells = cells[i]._subcells; if (subcells.length > 0) { var subsize = this._getMaxColSize(subcells, colidx - col, row, colidx, maxbyte); max = Math.max(max, subsize); } else { if (colspan > 1) { if (col + colspan - 1 != colidx) { continue; } } if (!parentcol) { parentcol = 0; } var treesize = 0; if (this._hasTree) { treesize = this._getDepthWidth(row, cells[i]); } if (treesize < 0) { return -1; } var autosizecol = cells[i]._getAttrValue(cells[i].autosizecol, row); var formatsize = format._cols[colidx + parentcol].orgsize; var size; if (autosizecol == "none") { size = formatsize; } else { var displayType = cells[i]._getAttrValue(cells[i].displaytype, row); if (displayType == "checkbox") { var controlSize = cells[i]._query_pseudo_control(this, row, "checkboxsize", "buttonsize", "normal"); if (controlSize == null) { controlSize = 14; } else { controlSize = parseInt(controlSize._value, 10); } size = controlSize + 6; } else { var text = cells[i]._getDisplayText(row); if (maxbyte && colspan == 1) { var re_newline = /\r\n|\n|\r/; var lines = text.split(re_newline); var lcnt = lines.length; var nbyte, max_byte = 0, max_len = 0; for (var j = 0; j < lcnt; j++) { nbyte = this._getByteLength_UTF8(lines[j]); max_len = Math.max(max_len, lines[j].length); max_byte = Math.max(max_byte, nbyte); } if (maxbyte.max > max_byte && maxbyte.len > max_len) { continue; } maxbyte.len = max_len; maxbyte.max = max_byte; } size = this._getCellRowTextSize(cells[i], row, text); size = size[0]; } var padd = cells[i]._curpadding, bord = cells[i]._curborder; if (padd === "bindexpr" || padd === undefined) { padd = cells[i]._query_pseudo_padding(row, "normal"); } if (bord === "bindexpr" || bord === undefined) { bord = cells[i]._query_pseudo_border(row, false, "normal", 0, null, null); } size += (padd) ? (padd.left + padd.right) : 0; size += (bord && bord.bottom_width) ? parseInt(bord.bottom_width) : 0; size += treesize; if (autosizecol == "limitmin") { if (size < formatsize) { size = formatsize; } } else if (autosizecol == "limitmax") { if (size > formatsize) { size = formatsize; } } if (colspan > 1) { var t_colsize = 0; var s = col, e = col + colspan - 1; for (var j = s; j < e; j++) { t_colsize += format._cols[j + parentcol].size; } size -= t_colsize; } } max = Math.max(max, size); } } } return max + 1; }; _pGrid._getCellRowTextSize = function (cellinfo, rowidx, text) { var font = cellinfo._curfont, select_font = cellinfo._curselfont; var letterspace = cellinfo._query_pseudo_letterspace(rowidx, false, "normal"); var word = cellinfo._getWordwrap(rowidx); var size = [], size1, size2; if (font === undefined) { font = cellinfo._query_pseudo_font(rowidx, false, "normal"); size1 = nexacro._getTextSize2(letterspace, "A", font); if (cellinfo._curfont !== "bindexpr") { cellinfo._cur1font_size = size1; } } else { if (font === "bindexpr") { font = cellinfo._query_pseudo_font(rowidx, false, "normal"); size1 = nexacro._getTextSize2(letterspace, "A", font); } else if (!(size1 = cellinfo._cur1font_size)) { size1 = nexacro._getTextSize2(letterspace, "A", font); cellinfo._cur1font_size = size1; } } if (select_font === undefined) { select_font = cellinfo._query_pseudo_font(rowidx, true, "normal"); size2 = nexacro._getTextSize2(letterspace, "A", select_font); if (cellinfo._curselfont !== "bindexpr") { cellinfo._cur1selectfont_size = size2; } } else { if (select_font === "bindexpr") { select_font = cellinfo._query_pseudo_font(rowidx, true, "normal"); size2 = nexacro._getTextSize2(letterspace, "A", select_font); } else if (!(size2 = cellinfo._cur1selectfont_size)) { size2 = nexacro._getTextSize2(letterspace, "A", select_font); cellinfo._cur1selectfont_size = size2; } } var default_height, defalut_width; if (!text) { if (size1[0] <= size2[0]) { size = [].concat(size2); } else { size = [].concat(size1); } size[0] = 1; return size; } else { if (size1[0] <= size2[0]) { font = select_font; defalut_width = size2[0]; default_height = size2[1]; } else { defalut_width = size1[0]; default_height = size1[1]; } } var displayType = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.displaytype, rowidx); if (displayType == "image") { var str = "row" + rowidx; var tempWidthsize = cellinfo._imgWidthTemp[str]; var tempHeightsize = cellinfo._imgHeightTemp[str]; if (tempWidthsize > 0) { size[0] = tempWidthsize; size[1] = tempHeightsize; } else { url = nexacro._getURIValue(text); url = nexacro._getImageLocation(url, this._getRefFormBaseUrl()); var imgsize = nexacro._getImageSize(url, this._on_sizeloading, this, undefined, text); if (imgsize) { size[0] = imgsize.width; size[1] = imgsize.height; } else { size[0] = 1; size[1] = default_height; } } return size; } else { var usewordwrap = true; if (this.autosizingtype == "col" || this.autosizingtype == "both") { usewordwrap = false; } var displayType = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.displaytype, rowidx); var ctrl_width = 0, ctrl_height = 0; var controlborder, controlpadding, controllinespace; var editType = cellinfo._getEdittype(rowidx); if (displayType == "combo") { var editdisplay = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.combodisplay, rowidx); if (editdisplay == "display") { var ctrl = this.controlcombo; controlborder = cellinfo._query_pseudo_control(ctrl, rowidx, "controlborder", "border", "normal"); controlpadding = cellinfo._query_pseudo_control(ctrl, rowidx, "controlpadding", "padding", "normal"); if (controlborder) { ctrl_width += (controlborder._left_width + controlborder._right_width); ctrl_height += (controlborder._top_width + controlborder._bottom_width); } if (controlpadding) { ctrl_width += (controlpadding.left + controlpadding.right); ctrl_height += (controlpadding.top + controlpadding.bottom); } } } else if (displayType == "date") { var editdisplay = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.calendardisplay, rowidx); if (editdisplay == "display") { var ctrl = this.controlcalendar; controlborder = cellinfo._query_pseudo_control(ctrl, rowidx, "controlborder", "border", "normal"); controlpadding = cellinfo._query_pseudo_control(ctrl, rowidx, "controlpadding", "padding", "normal"); if (controlborder) { ctrl_width += (controlborder._left_width + controlborder._right_width); ctrl_height += (controlborder._top_width + controlborder._bottom_width); } if (controlpadding) { ctrl_width += (controlpadding.left + controlpadding.right); ctrl_height += (controlpadding.top + controlpadding.bottom); } } } else { var editdisplay = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.editdisplay, rowidx); if (editdisplay == "display") { var ctrl = this.controledit; if (editType == "textarea") { ctrl = this._sizetextarea; } controlborder = cellinfo._query_pseudo_control(ctrl, rowidx, "controlborder", "border", "normal"); controlpadding = cellinfo._query_pseudo_control(ctrl, rowidx, "controlpadding", "padding", "normal"); if (controlborder) { ctrl_width += (controlborder._left_width + controlborder._right_width); ctrl_height += (controlborder._top_width + controlborder._bottom_width); } if (controlpadding) { ctrl_width += (controlpadding.left + controlpadding.right); ctrl_height += (controlpadding.top + controlpadding.bottom); } } } var expandshow = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.expandshow, rowidx); if (expandshow == "show") { ctrl_width += cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.expandsize, rowidx); } if (usewordwrap && (this._autoSizeRowProc || this._rowSizeEx) && word != "none" && word != false && word != "false") { var cols = this._curFormat._cols; var width = cols[cellinfo._col + cellinfo._colspan - 1].right - cols[cellinfo._col].left; var padd = cellinfo._query_pseudo_padding(rowidx, "normal"); var bord = cellinfo._query_pseudo_border(rowidx, false, "normal", 0, null, null); var select_bord = cellinfo._query_pseudo_border(rowidx, true, "normal", 0, null, null); bord = (bord.right_width < select_bord.right_width) ? select_bord : bord; width -= (padd.left + padd.right); width -= bord.right_width ? parseInt(bord.right_width) : 0; size = nexacro._getTextSize2(letterspace, text, font, true, width, word); if (editType == "textarea" && this._sizetextarea._input_element) { var size2 = [0, 0]; this._sizetextarea.move(0, -10, width, 1); this._sizetextarea.style.set_font(font); this._sizetextarea.set_wordwrap(word); this._sizetextarea.set_value(text); size2[0] = this._sizetextarea._input_element.getScrollWidth(); size2[1] = this._sizetextarea._input_element.getScrollHeight(); if (this._sizetextarea._client_width < size2[0] && size[0] < size2[0]) { size[0] = size2[0]; } if (this._sizetextarea._client_height < size2[1] && size[1] < size2[1]) { size[1] = size2[1]; } } } else { size = nexacro._getTextSize2(letterspace, text, font, true); } size[0] += ctrl_width; size[1] += ctrl_height; if (size[1] < default_height) { size[1] = default_height; } return size; } }; _pGrid._getMaxSubRowSize = function (rowidx, subrowidx, cells, parentrow) { var format = this._curFormat; var bandrows; if (rowidx == -2) { if (!cells) { cells = this._curFormat._summcells; } ; bandrows = format._summrows; } else if (rowidx == -1) { if (!cells) { cells = this._curFormat._headcells; } bandrows = format._headrows; } else { if (!cells) { cells = this._curFormat._bodycells; } bandrows = format._bodyrows; } var cols = this._curFormat._cols; if (!this._autoSizeRowProc && this.autosizingtype != "row" && this.autosizingtype != "both") { return bandrows[subrowidx].size; } var max = 0; var cellsLen = cells.length; var _row, _rowspan, subcells; for (var i = 0; i < cellsLen; i++) { _row = cells[i]._row; _rowspan = cells[i]._rowspan; subcells = cells[i]._subcells; if (_row == subrowidx || (subcells.length > 0 && _row <= subrowidx && (_row + _rowspan) > subrowidx)) { var maxrow = 0; var cursubrow = -1; var subrowcnt = 0; if (subcells.length > 0) { maxrow = this._getMaxSubRowSize(rowidx, subrowidx - _row, subcells, _row); max = Math.max(max, maxrow); } else { if (!parentrow) { parentrow = 0; } var autosizerow = cells[i]._getAttrValue(cells[i].autosizerow, rowidx); var formatsize = bandrows[subrowidx + parentrow].size; var size; if (autosizerow == "none") { size = formatsize; } else { var displayType = cells[i]._getAttrValue(cells[i].displaytype, rowidx); if (displayType == "checkbox") { var controlSize = cells[i]._query_pseudo_control(this, rowidx, "checkboxsize", "buttonsize", "normal"); if (controlSize == null) { controlSize = 14; } else { controlSize = parseInt(controlSize._value, 10); } size = controlSize + 6; } else { var text = cells[i]._getDisplayText(rowidx); var s = this._getCellRowTextSize(cells[i], rowidx, text); size = s[1]; var width = s[0]; var mul = 1; var padd = cells[i]._curpadding, bord = cells[i]._curborder; if (padd === "bindexpr" || padd === undefined) { padd = cells[i]._query_pseudo_padding(rowidx, "normal"); } if (bord === "bindexpr" || bord === undefined) { bord = cells[i]._query_pseudo_border(rowidx, false, "normal", 0, null, null); } size += padd.top + padd.bottom; size += bord.bottom_width ? parseInt(bord.bottom_width) : 0; if (autosizerow == "limitmin") { if (size < formatsize) { size = formatsize; } } else if (autosizerow == "limitmax") { if (size > formatsize) { size = formatsize; } } } } max = Math.max(max, size); } } } return max; }; _pGrid._getSubRowSizeList = function (row) { var format = this._curFormat; var rows = format._bodyrows; var rowsLen = rows.length; var sizes = [], j = 0; for (var i = 0; i < rowsLen; i++) { sizes[j++] = this._rowSizeListSub[row * rowsLen + i]; } return sizes; }; _pGrid._makeCssRefInfoCtrl = function (ctrl) { ctrl._refcssobj = this; ctrl._refcssid = "#" + ctrl.id; return this; }; _pGrid._addFuncQueue = function (work, pthis, func, args_arr) { var info = { work : work, pthis : pthis, func : func, args : args_arr }; this._func_queue.push(info); }; _pGrid._exeFuncQueue = function (work) { for (var i = 0; i < this._func_queue.length; i++) { if (this._func_queue[i].work == work) { this._func_queue[i].func.call(this._func_queue[i].pthis, this._func_queue[i].args); this._func_queue.splice(i, 1); i--; } } }; _pGrid._addRefreshContents = function (workname, band, check) { if (band) { var arr = this._recreate_contents_proc; if (check) { for (var i = 0, n = arr.length; i < n; i++) { if (arr[i].workname == workname) { return false; } } } var add = { workname : workname, band : band }; arr.push(add); return true; } }; _pGrid._execRefreshContents = function (workname, bclearcache, noupdatesupp) { if (bclearcache && this._recreate_contents_proc.length > 0) { this._clearAllStyleCache(); } for (var i = 0; i < this._recreate_contents_proc.length; i++) { if (this._recreate_contents_proc[i].workname == workname) { this._recreate_contents_proc[i].band._recreate_contents(true, false, false, false, noupdatesupp); this._recreate_contents_proc.splice(i, 1); i--; } } }; _pGrid._applyColSizing = function (movepos, idx) { if (this.enableredraw == false) { return; } var control_elem = this.getElement(); var format = this._curFormat; if (control_elem && format && idx >= 0) { var band = this._headBand; var rows = band._get_rows(); var cellitem = rows[0]._cells[idx]; var cellinfo = cellitem._refobj; var colidx = cellinfo._col + (cellinfo._colspan - 1); var area = format._cols[colidx]._area; if (cellinfo._area != "right") { var prevright = format._cols[colidx].left; var currright = format._cols[colidx].right + movepos; if (prevright > currright) { var next_col = format._cols[colidx + 1]; if ((next_col && next_col._area == "right") || colidx == format._cols.length - 1) { movepos = prevright - format._cols[colidx].right + 7; } else { movepos = prevright - format._cols[colidx].right + 1; } } } else { var nextleft = format._cols[colidx].right; var currleft = format._cols[colidx].left + movepos; if (nextleft < currleft) { movepos = nextleft - format._cols[colidx].left - 1; } movepos = 0 - movepos; } var oldval = format._cols[colidx].size; var change = format._adjustColSizing(colidx, movepos); var newval = format._cols[colidx].size; if (change) { this._updateColSize(colidx); this._isUserChangeColSize = true; this._addFuncQueue("colsizing", this, this.on_fire_oncolresized, [colidx, -9, newval, oldval, colidx]); } } }; _pGrid._applyRowSizing = function (movepos, idx) { if (this.enableredraw == false) { return; } var control_elem = this.getElement(); var formatidx, oldval, newval; var format = this._curFormat; if (format && control_elem && idx >= 0) { var range = this._resizerRowRange[idx]; var bandstr = range.area, size; var row = this._getDataRow(range.row); var subrow = range.cellinfo._row + range.cellinfo._rowspan - 1; var change = false; if (bandstr == "head") { oldval = this._rowHeadListSub[subrow]; size = oldval + movepos; size = Math.max(size, 5); size = Math.min(size, this._client_height - 5); newval = size; var redraw = this.enableredraw; this.enableredraw = false; this.setRealRowSize(-1, subrow, size, true); this.enableredraw = redraw; formatidx = subrow; if (movepos) { this._resizeBand(); this._addRefreshContents("rowsizing", this._headBand); change = true; } } else if (bandstr == "body") { oldval = this._rowSizeListSub[row * format._bodyrows.length + subrow]; size = oldval + movepos; var gap, remain; if (row == this._rowcount - 1) { remain = 7; } else { remain = 1; } gap = size - remain; if (gap < 0) { size = remain; movepos -= gap; } newval = size; if (this._getFixRowCnt() > row) { this._fixed_height += movepos; this._fixedrow_height += movepos; } var redraw = this.enableredraw; this.enableredraw = false; this.setRealRowSize(row, subrow, size, true); this.enableredraw = redraw; formatidx = subrow + ((format._headrows) ? format._headrows.length : 0); if (movepos) { if (this.extendsizetype != "row" && this.extendsizetype != "both") { this._addRefreshContents("rowsizing", this._bodyBand); } else { this._updateRowSize(row, subrow); } change = true; } } else if (bandstr == "summ") { oldval = this._rowSummListSub[subrow]; if (this.summarytype == "top" || this.summarytype == "lefttop") { size = oldval + movepos; } else { size = oldval - movepos; } size = Math.max(size, 5); size = Math.min(size, this._client_height - 5); newval = size; var redraw = this.enableredraw; this.enableredraw = false; this.setRealRowSize(-2, subrow, size, true); this.enableredraw = redraw; formatidx = subrow + ((format._headrows) ? format._headrows.length : 0) + ((format._bodyrows) ? format._bodyrows.length : 0); if (movepos) { this._resizeBand(); this._addRefreshContents("rowsizing", this._summBand); change = true; } } if (change) { this._addFuncQueue("rowsizing", this, this.on_fire_onrowresized, [formatidx, row, newval, oldval, subrow]); } } }; _pGrid._no_update_bandrect = false; _pGrid._updateColSize = function (col) { var reset_bandsize = false; if (this.autosizingtype == "row" || this.autosizingtype == "both") { this._resetRowSizeList(); var flag = this._no_update_bandrect; this._no_update_bandrect = true; this._resizeBand(true); this._no_update_bandrect = flag; reset_bandsize = true; col = null; } this._autofitcol_rate = []; this._applyAutofittype(true); if (this._getScrollLeft() != 0) { col = 0; } if (this._headBand) { this._headBand._matrix._adjustColsDisplay(true, false, col); this._headBand._matrix._adjustRowsDisplay(reset_bandsize); } if (this._summBand) { this._summBand._matrix._adjustColsDisplay(true, false, col); this._summBand._matrix._adjustRowsDisplay(reset_bandsize); } if (this._bodyBand) { var _vpos = this._getScrollTop(); if (_vpos < 0) { _vpos = 0; } this._last_scroll_top = _vpos; this._toprowpos = this._getScreenTopRowPos(_vpos); this._bottomrowpos = this._getScreenBottomRowPos(_vpos); this._bodyBand._matrix._adjustColsDisplay(true, false, col); this._bodyBand._matrix._adjustRowsDisplay(reset_bandsize); this._bodyBand._update_rows = this._bodyBand._matrix._adjustScrollRows(_vpos, true); this._bodyBand._on_refresh_rows(false, true); this._adjustOverlayElements(false, this._is_use_fakemerge); } }; _pGrid._updateRowSize = function (row, subrow, no_refresh_band) { if (this.extendsizetype != "row" && this.extendsizetype != "both") { return; } var format = this._curFormat; if (row == -1) { if (!this._headBand) { return false; } var rowctrl = this._headBand._get_rows()[0]; var rowsize = this._rowHeadList[0]; var subrowsize = this._rowHeadListSub[subrow]; rowctrl.set_height(rowsize); rowctrl._init(format); var cells = rowctrl._cells; for (var j = 0, cells_len = cells.length; j < cells_len; j++) { if (cells[j]._refobj._row <= subrow && subrow < cells[j]._refobj._row + cells[j]._refobj._rowspan) { if (cells[j]._refobj._row < subrow) { for (var k = cells[j]._refobj._row; k < subrow; k++) { subrowsize += this._rowHeadListSub[k]; } } if (cells[j]._refobj._rowspan > 1) { for (var k = subrow + 1; k < cells[j]._refobj._row + cells[j]._refobj._rowspan; k++) { subrowsize += this._rowHeadListSub[k]; } } cells[j].set_height(subrowsize); } } this._resizeBand(); if (this._bodyBand && !no_refresh_band) { this._bodyBand._matrix._adjustRowsDisplay(); this._bodyBand._matrix._adjustColsDisplay(); this._bodyBand._on_refresh_rows(false, false); } } else if (row == -2) { if (!this._summBand) { return false; } var rowctrl = this._summBand._get_rows()[0]; var rowsize = this._rowSummList[0]; var subrowsize = this._rowSummListSub[subrow]; var summrows_len = format._summrows.length; rowctrl.set_height(rowsize); rowctrl._init(format); var cells = rowctrl._cells; for (var j = 0, cells_len = cells.length; j < cells_len; j++) { if (cells[j]._refobj._row <= subrow && subrow < cells[j]._refobj._row + cells[j]._refobj._rowspan) { if (cells[j]._refobj._row < subrow) { for (var k = cells[j]._refobj._row; k < subrow; k++) { subrowsize += this._rowSummListSub[k]; } } if (cells[j]._refobj._rowspan > 1) { for (var k = subrow + 1; k < cells[j]._refobj._row + cells[j]._refobj._rowspan; k++) { subrowsize += this._rowSummListSub[k]; } } cells[j].set_height(subrowsize); } } this._resizeBand(); if (this._bodyBand && !no_refresh_band) { this._bodyBand._matrix._adjustRowsDisplay(); this._bodyBand._matrix._adjustColsDisplay(); this._bodyBand._on_refresh_rows(false, false); } } else if (row >= 0) { if (!this._bodyBand) { return false; } var rows = this._bodyBand._get_rows(); var rowctrl; for (var i = 0, rows_len = rows.length; i < rows_len; i++) { if (rows[i]._rowidx == row) { rowctrl = rows[i]; break; } } if (!rowctrl) { return false; } rowctrl._init(format); this._bodyBand._control_element._setFixArea(this._fixed_height); this._bodyBand._client_height = this._bodyBand._control_element.client_height; var datarow = this._getDataRow(row); var rowsize = this._rowSizeList[datarow]; var rowslen = this._curFormat._bodyrows.length; var subrowsize = this._rowSizeListSub[datarow * rowslen + subrow]; rowctrl.set_height(rowsize); var cells = rowctrl._cells; for (var j = 0, cells_len = cells.length; j < cells_len; j++) { if (cells[j]._refobj._row <= subrow && subrow < cells[j]._refobj._row + cells[j]._refobj._rowspan) { if (cells[j]._refobj._row < subrow) { for (var k = cells[j]._refobj._row; k < subrow; k++) { subrowsize += this._rowSizeListSub[datarow * rowslen + k]; } } if (cells[j]._refobj._rowspan > 1) { for (var k = subrow + 1; k < cells[j]._refobj._row + cells[j]._refobj._rowspan; k++) { subrowsize += this._rowSizeListSub[datarow * rowslen + k]; } } cells[j].set_height(subrowsize); } } var _vpos = this._getScrollTop(); if (_vpos < 0) { _vpos = 0; } if (!no_refresh_band) { this._last_scroll_top = _vpos; this._toprowpos = this._getScreenTopRowPos(_vpos); this._bottomrowpos = this._getScreenBottomRowPos(_vpos); this._bodyBand._matrix._adjustRowsDisplay(true); this._bodyBand._matrix._adjustColsDisplay(); this._bodyBand._update_rows = this._bodyBand._matrix._adjustScrollRows(_vpos, true); this._bodyBand._on_refresh_rows(false, false); } } else { return false; } this._adjustOverlayElements(false, this._is_use_fakemerge); return true; }; _pGrid._applyResizer = function () { if (!this._is_created) { return; } var curborder = this.currentstyle.border; var lborder_w = (curborder) ? curborder._left_width : 0; var tborder_w = (curborder) ? curborder._top_width : 0; if (this.cellsizingtype == "col" || this.cellsizingtype == "both") { var band = this._headBand; if (band == null) { return; } var rows = band._get_rows(); if (rows.length == 0) { return; } var cellcnt = rows[0]._cells.length; var left, top, width, height; var cellitem, cellborder, cellinfo, cellpos; var resizermark_arr = this._resizerColRange = []; var resizermark_range = { }; var mark_idx = 0; var resizer_colctrl = this._resizer_colctrl; var format = this._curFormat; if (resizer_colctrl) { resizer_colctrl.destroy(); delete resizer_colctrl; } resizer_colctrl = new nexacro.GridControlResizer("resizertrack", "absolute", 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null, this); resizer_colctrl._setDirection("horizon"); resizer_colctrl._setTracksize(this._client_height); resizer_colctrl._setCallbackFn(this._applyColSizing); resizer_colctrl.createComponent(); this._resizer_colctrl = resizer_colctrl; for (var j = 0; j < cellcnt; j++) { cellitem = rows[0]._cells[j]; if (!cellitem) { break; } cellinfo = cellitem._refobj; cellpos = cellitem._setPositionInGrid(null, true, true); height = cellpos.height; cellborder = cellitem.on_find_CurrentStyle_border(cellitem._pseudo); if (cellinfo._area == "left" || cellinfo._area == "body") { width = cellborder ? cellborder._right_width : 0; left = cellpos.left + cellitem._adjust_width - width - 4; } else { width = cellborder ? cellborder._left_width : 0; left = cellpos.left - 2; } resizermark_range = { left : left + lborder_w, top : cellpos.top + tborder_w, right : left + width + lborder_w + 6, bottom : cellpos.top + height + tborder_w, index : cellitem._cellidx, area : cellinfo._area }; switch (this.cellsizebandtype) { case "body": if (cellinfo._area == "body") { resizermark_arr[mark_idx++] = resizermark_range; } break; case "allband": case "nohead": resizermark_arr[mark_idx++] = resizermark_range; break; case "noleft": case "nohead,noleft": if (cellinfo._area != "left") { resizermark_arr[mark_idx++] = resizermark_range; } break; } } } else { var resizer_colctrl = this._resizer_colctrl; if (resizer_colctrl) { resizer_colctrl.destroy(); this._resizer_colctrl = null; this._resizerColRange = []; } } if (this.cellsizingtype == "row" || this.cellsizingtype == "both") { var head = this._headBand; var body = this._bodyBand; var summ = this._summBand; var rows, cellitem, cellborder, cellinfo, cellpos; if (!head && !body && !summ) { return; } var resizermark_arr = this._resizerRowRange = []; var resizermark_range = { }; var mark_idx = 0; var resizer_rowctrl = this._resizer_rowctrl; if (resizer_rowctrl) { resizer_rowctrl.destroy(); delete resizer_rowctrl; } resizer_rowctrl = new nexacro.GridControlResizer("resizertrack", "absolute", 0, 0, 0, 0, null, null, this); resizer_rowctrl._setDirection("vertical"); resizer_rowctrl._setTracksize(this._client_width); resizer_rowctrl._setCallbackFn(this._applyRowSizing); resizer_rowctrl.createComponent(); this._resizer_rowctrl = resizer_rowctrl; while (head) { if (this.cellsizebandtype == "body" || this.cellsizebandtype == "nohead" || this.cellsizebandtype == "nohead,noleft") { break; } rows = head._get_rows(); if (!rows.length) { break; } var cell_len = rows[0]._cells.length; for (var i = 0; i < cell_len; i++) { cellitem = rows[0]._cells[i]; cellinfo = cellitem._refobj; cellpos = cellitem._setPositionInGrid(null, true, true); width = cellitem._adjust_width; cellborder = cellitem.on_find_CurrentStyle_border(cellitem._pseudo); height = cellborder ? cellborder._bottom_width : 0; top = cellpos.top + cellitem._adjust_height - height - 4; resizermark_range = { left : cellpos.left + lborder_w, top : top + tborder_w, right : cellpos.left + width + lborder_w, bottom : top + height + 6 + tborder_w, index : mark_idx, area : "head", row : cellitem._rowidx, cellinfo : cellinfo }; resizermark_arr[mark_idx++] = resizermark_range; } break; } if (body) { rows = body._get_rows(); var rows_len = rows.length; var cell_len = rows_len > 0 ? rows[0]._cells.length : 0; for (var i = 0; i < rows_len; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < cell_len; j++) { cellitem = rows[i]._cells[j]; cellinfo = cellitem._refobj; cellpos = cellitem._setPositionInGrid(null, true, true); width = cellitem._adjust_width; cellborder = cellitem.on_find_CurrentStyle_border(cellitem._pseudo); height = cellborder ? cellborder._bottom_width : 0; top = cellpos.top + cellitem._adjust_height - height - 4; resizermark_range = { left : cellpos.left + lborder_w, top : top + tborder_w, right : cellpos.left + width + lborder_w, bottom : top + height + 6 + tborder_w, index : mark_idx, area : "body", row : cellitem._rowidx, cellinfo : cellinfo }; resizermark_arr[mark_idx++] = resizermark_range; } } } while (summ) { if (this.cellsizebandtype == "body") { break; } rows = summ._get_rows(); if (!rows.length) { break; } var cell_len = rows[0]._cells.length; for (var i = 0; i < cell_len; i++) { cellitem = rows[0]._cells[i]; cellinfo = cellitem._refobj; cellpos = cellitem._setPositionInGrid(null, true, true); width = cellitem._adjust_width; cellborder = cellitem.on_find_CurrentStyle_border(cellitem._pseudo); if (this.summarytype == "top" || this.summarytype == "lefttop") { height = cellborder ? cellborder._bottom_width : 0; top = cellpos.top + cellitem._adjust_height - height - 4; } else { height = cellborder ? cellborder._top_width : 0; top = cellpos.top - 2; } resizermark_range = { left : cellpos.left + lborder_w, top : top + tborder_w, right : cellpos.left + width + lborder_w, bottom : top + height + 6 + tborder_w, index : mark_idx, area : "summ", row : cellitem._rowidx, cellinfo : cellinfo }; resizermark_arr[mark_idx++] = resizermark_range; } break; } } else { var resizer_rowctrl = this._resizer_rowctrl; if (resizer_rowctrl) { resizer_rowctrl.destroy(); this._resizer_rowctrl = null; this._resizerRowRange = []; } } }; _pGrid._isAreaSelect = function () { if (this.selecttype == "area" || this.selecttype == "multiarea") { return true; } return false; }; _pGrid._isSelectRowType = function () { if (this.selecttype == "row" || this.selecttype == "multirow") { return true; } return false; }; _pGrid._isMultiSelect = function () { if (this.selecttype == "multirow" || this.selecttype == "multicell" || this.selecttype == "multitreecell" || this.selecttype == "multiarea") { return true; } return false; }; _pGrid._setColSize = function (nPivotIndex, nColIndex, nSize, bBandIndex, bRedraw, autosize, noAdjust) { var format = this._curFormat; var leftcnt = this._getColFixCnt("left"); var bodycnt = this._getColFixCnt("body"); var rightcnt = this._getColFixCnt("right"); var _cols = format._cols; var _colsLen = _cols.length; var areatype = "body"; if (nPivotIndex == -1) { areatype = "left"; } else if (nPivotIndex == -2) { areatype = "right"; } if (bBandIndex == true || nPivotIndex >= -2) { if (areatype == "body" && nColIndex >= 0) { nColIndex += leftcnt; } else if (areatype == "right") { nColIndex += leftcnt; nColIndex += bodycnt; } } var bChange = false; if (nColIndex == -1) { var change; for (var i = 0; i < _colsLen; i++) { if (autosize) { if (_cols[i]._area == "left" && this._AutoSizeLcol == false) { continue; } if (_cols[i]._area == "right" && this._AutoSizeRcol == false) { continue; } } change = format.setFormatColProperty(i, "size", nSize); if (change) { bChange = change; this._autofitcol_rate = []; if (bRedraw) { this._recreate_contents_all(true, true, false); } } } } else { while (true) { if (autosize) { if (_cols[nColIndex]._area == "left" && this._AutoSizeLcol == false) { break; } if (_cols[nColIndex]._area == "right" && this._AutoSizeRcol == false) { break; } } if (bChange = format._setColSize(nColIndex, nSize, noAdjust)) { if (bRedraw) { this._updateColSize(nColIndex); } } break; } } return bChange; }; _pGrid._getLastRowBand = function () { var format = this._curFormat; var band = "body"; if (this.summarytype == "top" || this.summarytype == "lefttop") { if (format._headrows && format._headrows.length) { band = "head"; } if (format._summrows && format._summrows.length) { band = "summ"; } if (format._bodyrows && format._bodyrows.length) { band = "body"; } } else { if (format._headrows && format._headrows.length) { band = "head"; } if (format._bodyrows && format._bodyrows.length) { band = "body"; } if (format._summrows && format._summrows.length) { band = "summ"; } } return band; }; _pGrid._getDispRowCnt = function () { if (this._bodyBand) { return this._bodyBand._get_rows().length; } return 0; }; _pGrid._getScreenBottomRowPos = function (vpos) { if (!this._is_use_suppress) { return -1; } var band = this._bodyBand; var scrolltop = (vpos != null) ? vpos : this._getScrollTop(); var row = -1; var height = 0; var cnt = this._getGridRowCount(); var bandh = this._getAvailableRect(band).height; for (var i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { if (i <= this._fixed_endrow) { continue; } height += this._getRowSize(i); if (height >= scrolltop + bandh) { row = i; break; } } return row; }; _pGrid._getScreenTopRowPos = function (vpos) { var band = this._bodyBand; var scrolltop = (vpos != null) ? vpos : this._getScrollTop(); var row = 0; var height = 0; var cnt = this._getGridRowCount(); var remain = 0; var bset = false; for (var i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { if (i <= this._fixed_endrow) { continue; } if (height > scrolltop) { row = i - 1; remain = height - scrolltop; bset = true; break; } height += this._getRowSize(i); } if (!bset) { if (band._client_height < height) { if (height > scrolltop) { row = i - 1; remain = height - scrolltop; } } else { row = this._getFixRowCnt(); remain = 0; } } return [row, remain]; }; _pGrid._isRemainAreaScroll = function () { var band = this._bodyBand; var rows = band._get_rows(); if (rows.length == 0) { return false; } var scrolltop = this._getScrollTop(); var height = 0; var rows_len = rows.length; var lastrow = rows[rows_len - 1]; var lastrowidx = this._getGridRowCount() - 1; if (lastrow._rowidx != lastrowidx) { return false; } var bodyheight = this._getBodyClientSize()[1]; var lasttoprow = 0; for (var i = rows.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { lasttoprow = rows[i]._rowidx; height += this._getRowSize(lasttoprow); if (height >= bodyheight) { break; } } scrolltop -= rows[0]._adjust_top; for (var i = 0; i < rows_len; i++) { if (height == scrolltop) { return false; } else if (height > scrolltop) { if (lasttoprow == rows[i]._rowidx - 1) { return true; } else { return false; } } height += this._getRowSize(rows[i]._rowidx); } return false; }; _pGrid._getScollMaxLeft = function () { if (this._control_element) { return this._control_element.hscroll_limit; } return 0; }; _pGrid._getScrollLeft = function () { if (this._control_element) { return this._control_element.scroll_left; } return 0; }; _pGrid._getScrollTop = function () { if (this._control_element) { return this._control_element.scroll_top; } return 0; }; _pGrid._getDataRow = function (rowidx) { if (rowidx >= this._rowcount) { return -9; } if (this._hasTree && rowidx >= 0) { rowidx = this._treeIndexes[rowidx]; if (rowidx == undefined) { rowidx = -9; } } return rowidx; }; _pGrid._getGridRow = function (datarow) { if (this._hasTree && datarow >= 0) { var _treeIndexes = this._treeIndexes; var _treeIndexesLen = _treeIndexes.length; for (var k = 0; k < _treeIndexesLen; k++) { if (_treeIndexes[k] == datarow) { return k; } } return -9; } return datarow; }; _pGrid._refreshCol = function (nColIdx, clearCurstyle, strBand) { if (!this.enableredraw) { this._enable_redraw_history["refreshall"] = true; return; } if (!this.getElement()) { return; } var band = this._headBand; if (band && (!strBand || strBand == "head")) { var cells = band._get_rows()[0]; var cellsLen = cells.length; for (var i = 0; i < cellsLen; i++) { var cell = cells[i]; if (cell && cell._refobj._col == nColIdx) { if (clearCurstyle) { cell.currentstyle._empty(); } cell._updateAll(); } } } band = this._summBand; if (band && (!strBand || strBand == "summ")) { var cells = band._get_rows()[0]; var cellsLen = cells.length; for (var i = 0; i < cellsLen; i++) { var cell = cells[i]; if (cell && cell._refobj._col == nColIdx) { if (clearCurstyle) { cell.currentstyle._empty(); } cell._updateAll(); } } } band = this._bodyBand; var rows = band._get_rows(); if (band && rows.length && (!strBand || strBand == "body")) { var cells = rows[0]._cells; var cellsLen = cells.length; for (var i = 0; i < cellsLen; i++) { var cell = cells[i]; if (cell && cell._refobj._col == nColIdx) { for (var j = 0; j < this._getDispRowCnt(); j++) { this._refreshCell("body", cell._cellidx, j, clearCurstyle); } } } } }; _pGrid._refreshCell = function (strBand, nCellIdx, nDisplayRowIdx, clearCurstyle, is_onlycontents) { if (!this.enableredraw) { this._enable_redraw_history["refreshall"] = true; return; } strBand = strBand.toLowerCase(); if (strBand == "head") { var band = this._headBand; if (band) { var cell = band._get_rows()[0]._cells[nCellIdx]; if (cell) { if (clearCurstyle) { cell.currentstyle._empty(); } cell._updateAll(undefined, is_onlycontents); } } } else if (strBand == "summ" || strBand == "summary") { var band = this._summBand; if (band) { var cell = band._get_rows()[0]._cells[nCellIdx]; if (cell) { if (clearCurstyle) { cell.currentstyle._empty(); } cell._updateAll(undefined, is_onlycontents); } } } else { if (nDisplayRowIdx >= 0) { this._refreshBodyCell(nCellIdx, nDisplayRowIdx, clearCurstyle, is_onlycontents); } else { for (var i = 0; i < this._getDispRowCnt(); i++) { this._refreshBodyCell(nCellIdx, i, clearCurstyle, is_onlycontents); } } } }; _pGrid._isEnable = function () { this._enable = nexacro.Component.prototype._isEnable.call(this); return this._enable; }; _pGrid._getMaxColDataSizeBand = function (nColIndex, chk_srow) { var totalmax = -1; var format = this._curFormat; if (this._bodyAutoSize) { var max = -1; if (this._binddataset) { var rowcount = this._getGridRowCount(); if (rowcount > 0 && format._bodycells) { if (!this._preloadTreeImage()) { return -1; } if (!this._preloadImage()) { return -1; } var cells = format._bodycells; var cellsLen = cells.length; var colcells = []; var size; var maxbyte = { max : -1, len : -1 }; var bfont, bselfont, bborder, bpadding; var cellinfo, prevcellinfo, subcells, subcol; for (var i = 0; i < cellsLen; i++) { cellinfo = cells[i]; if (cellinfo._col <= nColIndex && (cellinfo._col + cellinfo._colspan) > nColIndex) { if (cellinfo != prevcellinfo) { colcells.push(cellinfo); } prevcellinfo = cellinfo; if (cellinfo._subcells.length) { subcells = cellinfo._subcells; for (var j = 0, subcells_len = subcells.length; j < subcells_len; j++) { if (cellinfo._col + subcells[j]._col <= nColIndex && (cellinfo._col + subcells[j]._col + subcells._colspan) > nColIndex) { cellinfo = subcells[j]; break; } } } if (maxbyte) { if (cellinfo._curfont === undefined) { cellinfo._query_pseudo_font(0, false, "normal"); } if (cellinfo._curselfont === undefined) { cellinfo._query_pseudo_font(0, true, "normal"); } if (cellinfo._curborder === undefined) { cellinfo._query_pseudo_border(0, false, "normal", 0, null, null); } if (cellinfo._curpadding === undefined) { cellinfo._query_pseudo_padding(0, "normal"); } if (cellinfo._curfont === "bindexpr" || cellinfo._curselfont === "bindexpr" || cellinfo._curborder === "bindexpr" || cellinfo._curpadding === "bindexpr") { maxbyte = null; continue; } else if (bfont !== undefined) { if ((bfont != cellinfo._curfont) || (bselfont != cellinfo._curselfont) || (bborder != cellinfo._curborder) || (bpadding != cellinfo._curpadding)) { maxbyte = null; continue; } } bfont = cellinfo._curfont; bselfont = cellinfo._curselfont; bborder = cellinfo._curborder; bpadding = cellinfo._curpadding; } } } for (var j = 0; j < rowcount; j++) { var datarow = this._getDataRow(j); if (chk_srow >= 0 && j < chk_srow) { max = format._cols[nColIndex].size; continue; } size = this._getMaxColSize(colcells, nColIndex, datarow, null, maxbyte); if (size < 0) { return -1; } max = Math.max(max, size); } } } totalmax = Math.max(totalmax, max); } if (this._headAutoSize && format._headcells) { var cells = format._headcells; var cellsLen = cells.length; var max; var colcells = [], cellinfo; for (var i = 0; i < cellsLen; i++) { cellinfo = cells[i]; if (cellinfo._col <= nColIndex && (cellinfo._col + cellinfo._colspan) > nColIndex) { colcells.push(cellinfo); } } max = this._getMaxColSize(colcells, nColIndex, -1); totalmax = Math.max(totalmax, max); } if (this._summAutoSize && format._summcells) { var cells = format._summcells; var cellsLen = cells.length; var max; var colcells = [], cellinfo; for (var i = 0; i < cellsLen; i++) { cellinfo = cells[i]; if (cellinfo._col <= nColIndex && (cellinfo._col + cellinfo._colspan) > nColIndex) { colcells.push(cellinfo); } } max = this._getMaxColSize(colcells, nColIndex, -2); totalmax = Math.max(totalmax, max); } return totalmax; }; _pGrid._on_treeloadImagetemp = function (url, imgW, imgH) { }; _pGrid._tree_recreate = false; _pGrid._hasTree = false; _pGrid._treeIndexes = null; _pGrid._treeStates = null; _pGrid._treeChecked = null; _pGrid._treeCellinfo = null; _pGrid._hasSameNextNode = null; _pGrid._maxdepth = 0; _pGrid._rootlevel = 99; _pGrid._treeInitStatus = { "collapse,null" : 0, "expand,null" : 1, "collapse,all" : 2, "expand,all" : 3 }; _pGrid._currentCellEditor = null; _pGrid._tempEditor = null; _pGrid._currentCellCell = -1; _pGrid._currentCellRow = -1; _pGrid._showEditing = false; _pGrid._beforeEditRowIdx = -1; _pGrid._beforeEditCellIdx = -1; _pGrid._onceTime_focus = false; _pGrid._set_focus_dir = -1; _pGrid._showEditorFocus = false; _pGrid._on_treeloadImage = function (url, imgW, imgH) { var tree_load = this._tree_load_all; tree_load[url] = true; var key, load = true; for (key in tree_load) { if (tree_load.hasOwnProperty(key)) { if (tree_load[key] == false) { load = false; break; } } } if (load) { if (this._is_created) { this._recreate_contents_all(true, true, true); } else { this._tree_recreate = true; } } else { if (this._is_created) { if (this._resetColSizeList()) { this._bodyBand._matrix._adjustColsDisplay(true); } } } }; _pGrid._on_sizeloading = function (url, imgW, imgH) { var image_load = this._image_load_all; if (image_load[url]) { return; } image_load[url] = true; var key, load = true; for (key in image_load) { if (image_load.hasOwnProperty(key)) { if (image_load[key] == false) { load = false; break; } } } if (load) { if (this._is_created) { this._recreate_contents_all(true, true, true); } else { this._image_recreate = true; } } else { if (this._is_created) { if (this._resetColSizeList()) { this._bodyBand._matrix._adjustColsDisplay(true); } } } }; _pGrid._preloadTreeImage = function () { if (this._tree_load_all != null) { return true; } if (!this._binddataset) { return true; } var rowcount = this._binddataset.getRowCount(); var cellinfos = this._curFormat._bodycells; var state, displayType, cellinfo, prop; this._tree_load_all = { }; for (var i = 0; i < rowcount; i++) { for (var j = 0, cellinfos_len = cellinfos.length; j < cellinfos_len; j++) { cellinfo = cellinfos[j]; displayType = cellinfo._getDisplaytype(i); if (displayType != "tree") { continue; } state = this._treeStates[i]; if (state == 0) { prop = "treecollapseimage"; } else if (state == 1) { prop = "treeexpandimage"; } else if (state == 2) { prop = "treeitemimage"; } var image = cellinfo._query_pseudo_treecontrol(i, prop, "normal"); if (image) { if (image.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase() == "url(") { image = image.substring(5, image.length - 2); } image = nexacro._getImageLocation(image, this._getRefFormBaseUrl()); this._tree_load_all[image] = false; } prop = ""; if (state == 0) { prop += "treeopenbuttonimage"; } else if (state == 1) { prop += "treeclosebuttonimage"; } if (prop) { var image = cellinfo._query_pseudo_treecontrol(i, prop, "normal"); if (image) { if (image.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase() == "url(") { image = image.substring(5, image.length - 2); } image = nexacro._getImageLocation(image, this._getRefFormBaseUrl()); this._tree_load_all[image] = false; } } } } var key, load = true, size; for (key in this._tree_load_all) { if (this._tree_load_all.hasOwnProperty(key)) { size = nexacro._getImageSize(key, this._on_treeloadImage, this); if (!size) { load = false; } } } return load; }; _pGrid._preloadImage = function () { if (this._image_load_all != null) { return true; } if (!this._binddataset) { return true; } var rowcount = this._binddataset.getRowCount(); var cellinfos = this._curFormat._bodycells; var displayType, cellinfo; if (!cellinfos) { return true; } this._image_load_all = { }; for (var i = 0; i < rowcount; i++) { for (var j = 0, cellinfos_len = cellinfos.length; j < cellinfos_len; j++) { cellinfo = cellinfos[j]; displayType = cellinfo._getDisplaytype(i); if (displayType != "image") { continue; } prop = "text"; var image = cellinfo._getDisplayText_image(i); if (image) { if (image.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase() == "url(") { image = image.substring(5, image.length - 2); } image = nexacro._getImageLocation(image, this._getRefFormBaseUrl()); this._image_load_all[image] = false; } } } var key, load = true, size; for (key in this._image_load_all) { if (this._image_load_all.hasOwnProperty(key)) { size = nexacro._getImageSize(key, this._on_sizeloading, this); if (!size) { load = false; } } } return load; }; _pGrid._getDepthWidth = function (datarow, cellinfo) { var displayType = cellinfo._getDisplaytype(datarow); if (displayType != "tree") { return 0; } var start = cellinfo._getTreeStartLevel(datarow); var level = cellinfo._getTreeLevel(datarow); var state = this._treeStates[datarow]; var gap = 22; var subgap = 6; var defaultsize = 9; var imagewidth = 14; var buttonwidth = 14; var checkwidth = 14; var use_image, use_check, use_btn; var prop; var pseudo = "normal"; if (state == 0) { prop = "treecollapseimage"; } else if (state == 1) { prop = "treeexpandimage"; } else if (state == 2) { prop = "treeitemimage"; } var image = cellinfo._query_pseudo_treecontrol(datarow, prop, pseudo); if (image) { if (image.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase() == "url(") { image = image.substring(5, image.length - 2); } image = nexacro._getImageLocation(image, this._getRefFormBaseUrl()); var size = nexacro._getImageSize(image, this._on_treeloadImagetemp, this, undefined, cellinfo._query_pseudo_treecontrol(datarow, prop, pseudo)); if (size) { imagewidth = size.width; } } prop = ""; if (state == 0) { prop += "treeopenbuttonimage"; } else if (state == 1) { prop += "treeclosebuttonimage"; } if (prop) { var image = cellinfo._query_pseudo_treecontrol(datarow, prop, pseudo); if (image) { if (image.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase() == "url(") { image = image.substring(5, image.length - 2); } image = nexacro._getImageLocation(image, this._getRefFormBaseUrl()); var size = nexacro._getImageSize(image, this._on_treeloadImagetemp, this, undefined, cellinfo._query_pseudo_treecontrol(datarow, prop, pseudo)); if (size) { buttonwidth = size.width; } } } level -= start; if (level < 0) { level = -1; } var offset = (level * gap) + defaultsize; if (this.treeusebutton != "no") { offset += buttonwidth; } else { offset += defaultsize; } if (this.treeusecheckbox == true) { var controlSize = cellinfo._query_pseudo_control(this, datarow, "checkboxsize", "buttonsize", pseudo); if (controlSize == null) { checkWidth = 14; } else { checkWidth = parseInt(controlSize._value, 10); } offset += checkWidth; } if (this.treeuseimage == true) { offset += 1; if (imagewidth > 0) { offset += imagewidth; } else { offset += 15; } offset += 5; } else { offset += 4; } return offset + 2; }; _pGrid._isPassPrevCell = function (area, cells, type, idx) { var rowcnt = area.endsubrow.length; var b_subrow = area.begsubrow; var e_subrow = area.endsubrow; var b_col = area.begcol; var e_col = area.endcol; var cellcnt = cells.length; if (type == "next" || type == "prev") { for (var i = 0; i < rowcnt; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < cellcnt; j++) { if (b_subrow[i] <= cells[j]._row && e_subrow[i] >= cells[j]._row) { if (cells[j]._colspan > 1) { if (type == "next" && cells[j]._col < idx && idx < cells[j]._col + cells[j]._colspan) { return true; } else if (type == "prev" && cells[j]._col <= idx && idx < cells[j]._col + cells[j]._colspan - 1) { return true; } } } } } } else { for (var i = 0, cells_len = cells.length; i < cells_len; i++) { if (b_col <= cells[i]._col && e_col >= cells[i]._col) { if (cells[i]._rowspan > 1) { if (type == "down" && cells[i]._row < idx && idx < cells[i]._row + cells[i]._rowspan) { return true; } else if (type == "up" && cells[i]._row <= idx && idx < cells[i]._row + cells[i]._rowspan - 1) { return true; } } } } } return false; }; _pGrid._getAreaMoveCell = function (type, afterIdx, row) { var selectinfo = this._selectinfo; if (selectinfo.area.length == 0) { return true; } var area = selectinfo.area[selectinfo.area.length - 1]; var cells = this._curFormat._bodycells; if (type == "next") { if (selectinfo.ctrlpoint.col < afterIdx) { if (area.endcol >= afterIdx) { return false; } } else { if (this._isPassPrevCell(area, cells, type, afterIdx)) { return false; } } } else if (type == "prev") { if (selectinfo.ctrlpoint.col > afterIdx) { if (area.begcol <= afterIdx) { return false; } } else { if (this._isPassPrevCell(area, cells, type, afterIdx)) { return false; } } } else if (type == "down") { if (selectinfo.ctrlpoint.row < row || (selectinfo.ctrlpoint.row == row && selectinfo.ctrlpoint.subrow < afterIdx)) { if (area.endsubrow.length == (row - selectinfo.ctrlpoint.row + 1)) { if (area.endsubrow[area.endsubrow.length - 1] >= afterIdx) { return false; } } } else { if (this._isPassPrevCell(area, cells, type, afterIdx)) { return false; } } } else if (type == "up") { if (selectinfo.ctrlpoint.row > row || (selectinfo.ctrlpoint.row == row && selectinfo.ctrlpoint.subrow > afterIdx)) { if (area.begsubrow.length == (selectinfo.ctrlpoint.row - row + 1)) { if (area.begsubrow[0] <= afterIdx) { return false; } } } else { if (this._isPassPrevCell(area, cells, type, afterIdx)) { return false; } } } return true; }; _pGrid._moveToCell = function (type, editable, colmove, area, lastcol, showcell) { if (this._selectinfo.curdsrow < 0 && !editable) { if (this.rowcount > 0 && (type == "next" || type == "down")) { this._moveToPosCell(0, 0); return true; } return false; } var format = this._curFormat; var beforeCell = this._beforebodycellpos = this._selectinfo.curcell; var beforeCol = this._beforebodycolpos = this._selectinfo.curcol; var beforeRow = this._beforebodyrowpos = this._selectinfo.curdsrow; var beforeSubrow = this._beforebodysubrowpos = this._selectinfo.cursubrow; var beforePvt = this._beforepvt = this._selectinfo.curpvt; var afterCell, afterCol, afterRow, afterSubrow; var afterPvt = -9; var cellarr; var bodycells = format._bodycells; var bodycells_len = bodycells.length; if (type == "next") { if (editable) { cellarr = this._getLastEditableCell(); if (cellarr.row == null || (cellarr.row <= this._selectinfo.curdsrow && cellarr.cell == this._selectinfo.curcell)) { return false; } } for (; true; ) { var rowcount = this.rowcount; if (this._selectinfo.currow >= (rowcount - 1) && this._selectinfo.curcell >= (format._bodycells.length - 1)) { return false; } if (this._selectinfo.curcell >= bodycells.length - 1) { if (colmove) { return false; } for (; true; ) { afterCell = 0; afterCol = 0; afterRow = this._selectinfo.curdsrow + 1; afterSubrow = 0; this._setSelectedInfo(afterCell, afterCol, afterRow, afterSubrow, afterPvt); if (this._hasTree) { var exist = false; var _treeIndexes = this._treeIndexes; var _treeIndexesLen = _treeIndexes.length; for (var k = 0, treeidx_len = _treeIndexes.length; k < treeidx_len; k++) { if (_treeIndexes[k] == afterRow) { exist = true; break; } else if (_treeIndexes[k] > afterRow) { break; } } if (exist == false) { continue; } } break; } } else { if (colmove) { afterCell = this._selectinfo.curcell; afterCol = bodycells[this._selectinfo.curcell]._col + bodycells[this._selectinfo.curcell]._colspan; afterRow = this._selectinfo.curdsrow; afterSubrow = this._selectinfo.cursubrow; for (var i = 0; i < bodycells_len; i++) { if (bodycells[i]._col == afterCol && (bodycells[i]._row <= this._selectinfo.cursubrow && this._selectinfo.cursubrow < (bodycells[i]._row + bodycells[i]._rowspan))) { if (!area || area == bodycells[i]._area) { afterCell = i; afterSubrow = bodycells[i]._row; break; } } } if (afterCell == this._selectinfo.curcell) { return false; } } else { afterCell = this._selectinfo.curcell + 1; afterCol = bodycells[afterCell]._col; afterRow = this._selectinfo.curdsrow; afterSubrow = bodycells[afterCell]._row; } if (lastcol != undefined && lastcol < afterCol) { return false; } this._setSelectedInfo(afterCell, afterCol, afterRow, afterSubrow, afterPvt); if (format._cols[afterCol].size <= 0) { continue; } if (this._isAreaSelect()) { if (!this._getAreaMoveCell(type, afterCol, afterRow)) { continue; } } } if (editable) { if (this._hasTree) { var exist = false; var _treeIndexes = this._treeIndexes; var _treeIndexesLen = _treeIndexes.length; for (var k = 0; k < _treeIndexesLen; k++) { if (_treeIndexes[k] == afterRow) { exist = true; break; } else if (_treeIndexes[k] > afterRow) { break; } } if (exist == false) { continue; } } var cellinfo = bodycells[afterCell]; var editType = cellinfo._getEdittype(afterRow); if (editType == "" || editType == "none") { continue; } } if (showcell && afterRow >= 0) { var obj = this._getCurrentBodyCell(afterRow, afterCell); if (obj) { obj._showfull(obj); } } break; } } else if (type == "prev") { for (; true; ) { if (this._selectinfo.curcell <= 0) { if (colmove || this._selectinfo.currow <= 0) { return false; } for (; true; ) { afterCell = format._bodycells.length - 1; afterCol = bodycells[afterCell]._col; afterRow = this._selectinfo.curdsrow - 1; afterSubrow = bodycells[afterCell]._row; this._setSelectedInfo(afterCell, afterCol, afterRow, afterSubrow, afterPvt); if (this._hasTree) { var exist = false; var _treeIndexes = this._treeIndexes; var _treeIndexesLen = _treeIndexes.length; for (var k = 0, treeidx_len = _treeIndexes.length; k < treeidx_len; k++) { if (_treeIndexes[k] == afterRow) { exist = true; break; } else if (_treeIndexes[k] > afterRow) { break; } } if (exist == false) { continue; } } break; } } else { var newcol; if (colmove) { afterCell = this._selectinfo.curcell; newcol = afterCol = this._selectinfo.curcol - 1; afterRow = this._selectinfo.curdsrow; afterSubrow = this._selectinfo.cursubrow; for (var i = 0; i < bodycells_len; i++) { if ((bodycells[i]._col <= afterCol && afterCol < bodycells[i]._col + bodycells[i]._colspan) && (bodycells[i]._row <= this._selectinfo.cursubrow && this._selectinfo.cursubrow < (bodycells[i]._row + bodycells[i]._rowspan))) { if (!area || area == bodycells[i]._area) { afterCol = bodycells[i]._col; afterCell = i; afterSubrow = bodycells[i]._row; break; } } } if (afterCell == this._selectinfo.curcell) { return false; } } else { afterCell = this._selectinfo.curcell - 1; afterCol = bodycells[afterCell]._col; afterRow = this._selectinfo.curdsrow; afterSubrow = bodycells[afterCell]._row; } if (lastcol != undefined && lastcol > afterCol) { return false; } this._setSelectedInfo(afterCell, afterCol, afterRow, afterSubrow, afterPvt); if (format._cols[afterCol].size <= 0) { continue; } if (this._isAreaSelect()) { if (!this._getAreaMoveCell(type, newcol, afterRow)) { continue; } } } if (editable) { if (this._hasTree) { var exist = false; var _treeIndexes = this._treeIndexes; var _treeIndexesLen = _treeIndexes.length; for (var k = _treeIndexesLen - 1; k >= 0; k--) { if (_treeIndexes[k] == afterRow) { exist = true; break; } else if (_treeIndexes[k] < afterRow) { break; } } if (exist == false) { continue; } } var cellinfo = bodycells[afterCell]; var editType = cellinfo._getEdittype(afterRow); if (editType == "" || editType == "none") { continue; } } if (showcell && afterRow >= 0) { var obj = this._getCurrentBodyCell(afterRow, afterCell); if (obj) { obj._showfull(obj); } } break; } } else if (type == "up") { var prevcell = -1, prevcol = -1, prevsubrow = -1; var selectedcol = this._selectinfo.curcol; var selectedrowspan; for (; true; ) { if (this._isSelectRowType()) { if (this._selectinfo.curdsrow == 0) { return false; } afterCell = this._selectinfo.curcell; afterCol = this._selectinfo.curcol; afterRow = this._selectinfo.curdsrow - 1; afterSubrow = this._selectinfo.cursubrow; } else { if (this._selectinfo.curdsrow == 0 && this._selectinfo.cursubrow == 0) { return false; } if (this._fixed_startrow >= this._selectinfo.curdsrow) { return false; } selectedrowspan = bodycells[this._selectinfo.curcell]._rowspan; var newsubrow; if (this._selectinfo.cursubrow == 0) { for (var i = bodycells_len - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (bodycells[i]._col <= this._selectinfo.curcol && this._selectinfo.curcol < (bodycells[i]._col + bodycells[i]._colspan)) { prevcell = bodycells[i]._cellidx; prevcol = bodycells[i]._col; prevsubrow = bodycells[i]._row; newsubrow = prevsubrow + bodycells[i]._rowspan - 1; break; } } afterCol = prevcol; afterCell = prevcell; afterRow = this._selectinfo.curdsrow - 1; afterSubrow = prevsubrow; } else { for (var i = this._selectinfo.curcell - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (bodycells[i]._col <= this._selectinfo.curcol && this._selectinfo.curcol < (bodycells[i]._col + bodycells[i]._colspan) && bodycells[i]._row <= (this._selectinfo.cursubrow - 1) && (this._selectinfo.cursubrow - 1) < (bodycells[i]._row + bodycells[i]._rowspan)) { prevcell = bodycells[i]._cellidx; prevcol = bodycells[i]._col; prevsubrow = bodycells[i]._row; newsubrow = prevsubrow + bodycells[i]._rowspan - 1; break; } } afterCol = prevcol; afterCell = prevcell; afterRow = this._selectinfo.curdsrow; afterSubrow = prevsubrow; } } this._setSelectedInfo(afterCell, afterCol, afterRow, afterSubrow, afterPvt); if (this._hasTree) { var exist = false; var _treeIndexes = this._treeIndexes; var _treeIndexesLen = _treeIndexes.length; for (var k = _treeIndexesLen - 1; k >= 0; k--) { if (_treeIndexes[k] == afterRow) { exist = true; break; } else if (_treeIndexes[k] < afterRow) { break; } } if (exist == false) { continue; } } if (this._isAreaSelect()) { if (!this._getAreaMoveCell(type, newsubrow, afterRow)) { continue; } } break; } } else if (type == "down") { var rowcount = this._getGridRowCount(); var curr = this._dsRowToDispRow(this._selectinfo.curdsrow); var lastsubrow = format._bodyrows.length - 1; var nextcell = -1, nextcol = -1, nextsubrow = -1; var selectedcol = this._selectinfo.curcol; var selectedsubrow = this._selectinfo.cursubrow; var selectedrowspan; for (; true; ) { if (this._isSelectRowType()) { if (rowcount - 1 <= curr) { return false; } afterCell = this._selectinfo.curcell; afterCol = this._selectinfo.curcol; afterRow = this._selectinfo.curdsrow + 1; afterSubrow = this._selectinfo.cursubrow; } else { selectedrowspan = bodycells[this._selectinfo.curcell]._rowspan; if (rowcount - 1 <= curr && (this._selectinfo.cursubrow + selectedrowspan) - 1 == lastsubrow) { if (this.vscrollbar) { this.vscrollbar.set_pos(this.vscrollbar.max); } return false; } if ((this._selectinfo.cursubrow + selectedrowspan - 1) == lastsubrow) { for (var i = 0; i < bodycells_len; i++) { if (bodycells[i]._col <= this._selectinfo.curcol && this._selectinfo.curcol < (bodycells[i]._col + bodycells[i]._colspan)) { nextcell = bodycells[i]._cellidx; nextcol = bodycells[i]._col; nextsubrow = bodycells[i]._row; break; } } afterCol = nextcol; afterCell = nextcell; afterRow = this._selectinfo.curdsrow + 1; afterSubrow = nextsubrow; } else { for (var i = this._selectinfo.curcell + 1; i < bodycells_len; i++) { if (bodycells[i]._col <= this._selectinfo.curcol && this._selectinfo.curcol < (bodycells[i]._col + bodycells[i]._colspan) && (bodycells[i]._row == this._selectinfo.cursubrow + (selectedrowspan - 1) + 1)) { nextcell = bodycells[i]._cellidx; nextcol = bodycells[i]._col; nextsubrow = bodycells[i]._row; break; } } afterCol = nextcol; afterCell = nextcell; afterRow = this._selectinfo.curdsrow; afterSubrow = nextsubrow; } } this._setSelectedInfo(afterCell, afterCol, afterRow, afterSubrow, afterPvt); if (this._hasTree) { var exist = false; var _treeIndexes = this._treeIndexes; var _treeIndexesLen = _treeIndexes.length; for (var k = 0, n = _treeIndexes.length; k < n; k++) { if (_treeIndexes[k] == afterRow) { exist = true; break; } else if (_treeIndexes[k] > afterRow) { break; } } if (exist == false) { continue; } } if (this._isAreaSelect()) { if (!this._getAreaMoveCell(type, afterSubrow, afterRow)) { continue; } } break; } } var evt_name; this._iskey_movetocell = false; if (this._keydown_elem) { this._iskey_movetocell = true; evt_name = "keydown"; } this._hideEditor(); var selectinfo = this._selectinfo; var change = this._ChangeSelect(selectinfo.curcell, selectinfo.curcol, selectinfo.curdsrow, selectinfo.cursubrow, selectinfo.curpvt, false, beforeCell, beforeCol, beforeRow, beforeSubrow, beforePvt, "body", evt_name); var cell = this._getCurrentBodyCell(selectinfo.curdsrow, selectinfo.curcell); if (cell && !nexacro._enableaccessibility) { cell._no_dom_focus = true; cell._setFocus(false); cell._no_dom_focus = false; } if (!this._keydown_elem) { this._moveCellAfterFocus(); } else { if (change == false) { if (this.autoenter == "select") { this._showEditor(); } } } return true; }; _pGrid._moveCellAfterFocus = function () { var retn = true; if (this.autoenter == "select") { if (nexacro.Browser == "Edge" || nexacro.Browser == "Opera" || nexacro.Browser == "IE") { this._onceTime_focus = true; } if (!this._showEditing && !this._showEditor(false, true)) { this._hideEditor(); retn = false; } this._onceTime_focus = false; } return retn; }; _pGrid._setTree = function (v) { v = nexacro._toBoolean(v); if (this._hasTree != v) { this._hasTree = v; if (v == true) { this._setFixedRow(false, true); this._initTreeStates(); } else { this._clearTreeStates(); } if (this._is_created) { this._recreate_contents_all(false, false, false, true); } } }; _pGrid._setTreeCellinfo = function (v) { if (this._treeCellinfo != v) { this._treeCellinfo = v; this._setTree(true); } }; _pGrid._removeTreeCellinfo = function (v) { if (this._treeCellinfo == v) { this._treeCellinfo = null; this._setTree(false); } }; _pGrid._initTreeStates = function (keepstate, recheck_leaf) { if (this._hasTree && this._binddataset) { this._treeIndexes = this._createTreeIndexes(); this._treeStates = this._createTreeStates(keepstate, undefined, recheck_leaf); this._treeChecked = this._createTreeChecked(); this._createTreeHasChild(); this._applyTreeStates(); if (this._treeIndexes.length > 0) { this.rowcount = this._treeIndexes.length; } else { this.rowcount = 0; } } }; _pGrid._createTreeHasChild = function () { var rowcount = this._rowcount; var cellinfo = this._treeCellinfo; if (this._hasSameNextNode) { delete this._hasSameNextNode; } this._hasSameNextNode = new Array(rowcount); for (var i = rowcount - 1; i >= 0; i--) { var lvl = cellinfo._getTreeLevel(i); this._maxdepth = Math.max(lvl, this._maxdepth); this._rootlevel = Math.min(lvl, this._rootlevel); if (this._hasSameNextNode[i] == undefined) { var val = []; val[0] = lvl; val[1] = false; this._hasSameNextNode[i] = val; for (var j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--) { var lvl2 = cellinfo._getTreeLevel(j); if (lvl == lvl2) { var val = []; val[0] = lvl; val[1] = true; this._hasSameNextNode[j] = val; } else if (lvl > lvl2) { break; } } } } this._rootlevel = Math.max(cellinfo._getTreeStartLevel(0), this._rootlevel); }; _pGrid._createTreeIndexes = function () { if (this._binddataset == null) { return []; } var rowcount = this._binddataset.rowcount; var indexes = new Array(rowcount); for (var i = 0; i < rowcount; i++) { indexes[i] = i; } return indexes; }; _pGrid._getTreeDefaultStatus = function () { var initstatus = this._treeInitStatus[this.treeinitstatus]; if (initstatus == null) { initstatus = 0; } var defaultstatus; if (initstatus == 0 || initstatus == 1) { defaultstatus = (initstatus == 0) ? 0 : 1; } else if (initstatus == 2 || initstatus == 3) { defaultstatus = (initstatus == 2) ? 0 : 1; } return defaultstatus; }; _pGrid._createTreeStates = function (keepstate, ignoreDS, recheck_leaf) { if (this._binddataset == null) { return []; } var dataset = this._binddataset; var indexes = this._treeIndexes; var rowcount = dataset.rowcount; var records = dataset._viewRecords; var states = new Array(rowcount); var cellinfo = this._treeCellinfo; var initstatus = this._treeInitStatus[this.treeinitstatus]; var state = null; var level; if (initstatus == null) { initstatus = 0; } var oldstates = this._treeStates; if (keepstate && oldstates.length == rowcount) { for (var i = 0; i < rowcount; i++) { if (cellinfo.treestate._bindtype == 0) { states[i] = oldstates[i]; } } } if (initstatus == 0 || initstatus == 1) { var defaultstatus = (initstatus == 0) ? 0 : 1; var prelevel = level = -1; var prestate; for (var i = 0; i < rowcount; i++) { if (!ignoreDS) { state = cellinfo._getTreeState(i); } if (states[i] == undefined || (recheck_leaf && states[i] == 2)) { if (state && state.length) { states[i] = parseInt(state, 10); } else { states[i] = defaultstatus; } } level = cellinfo._getTreeLevel(i); if (!prestate || cellinfo.treestate._bindtype == 0) { if (prelevel >= level) { states[i - 1] = 2; } else if (states[i - 1] >= 2) { states[i - 1] = defaultstatus; } } prelevel = level; prestate = state; } if (cellinfo.treestate._bindtype == 0 || !state) { states[rowcount - 1] = 2; } } else if (initstatus == 2 || initstatus == 3) { var defaultstatus = (initstatus == 2) ? 0 : 1; var prelevel = level = -1; for (var i = 0; i < rowcount; i++) { if (states[i] == undefined || (recheck_leaf && states[i] == 2)) { states[i] = defaultstatus; } level = cellinfo._getTreeLevel(i); if (prelevel >= level) { states[i - 1] = 2; } prelevel = level; } if (rowcount > 0) { states[rowcount - 1] = 2; } } if (this._org_treeStates.length == 0) { this._org_treeStates = this._org_treeStates.concat(states); } return states; }; _pGrid._createTreeChecked = function () { if (this._binddataset == null) { return []; } var rowcount = this._binddataset.rowcount; var checked = new Array(rowcount); var cellinfo = this._treeCellinfo; var v = null; for (var i = 0; i < rowcount; i++) { v = cellinfo._getTreeCheck(i); if (v && (v > 0 || v.length)) { checked[i] = parseInt(v, 10); } else { checked[i] = 0; } } return checked; }; _pGrid._updateTreeStates = function (row, add_row) { if (this._hasTree && this._binddataset) { if (row >= 0) { var states = this._treeStates; if (add_row) { states.splice(row, 0, 2); } else { states.splice(row, 1); if (states[row] != 2) { if (states[row - 1] == 1) { states[row - 1] = 2; } } else { var cellinfo = this._treeCellinfo; var level = cellinfo._getTreeLevel(row); var pre_level = cellinfo._getTreeLevel(row - 1); if (level == pre_level) { states[row - 1] = 2; } } } this._treeStates = states; } this._treeIndexes = this._createTreeIndexes(); this._treeChecked = this._createTreeChecked(); this._createTreeHasChild(); this._applyTreeStates(); if (this._treeIndexes.length > 0) { this.rowcount = this._treeIndexes.length; } else { this.rowcount = 0; } } }; _pGrid._applyTreeStates = function () { var indexes = this._treeIndexes; var states = this._treeStates; var rowcount = indexes.length; var cellinfo = this._treeCellinfo; var v = indexes.slice(0, indexes.length); var prelevel = -1; var level = -1; var offset = 0; for (var i = 0; i < rowcount; i++) { offset++; if (states[i] == 0) { prelevel = cellinfo._getTreeLevel(v[i]); for (var j = i + 1; j < rowcount; j++) { level = cellinfo._getTreeLevel(v[j]); if (level > prelevel) { i++; indexes.splice(offset, 1); } else { break; } } } } }; _pGrid._clearTreeStates = function () { this._treeIndexes = null; this._treeStates = null; this._treeChecked = null; if (this._hasTree) { this.rowcount = 0; } }; _pGrid._getTreeRowPosition = function (v) { if (v < 0 || !this._hasTree) { return v; } var indexes = this._treeIndexes; var max = indexes.length - 1; for (var i = max; i >= 0; i--) { if (indexes[i] == v) { return i; } else if (indexes[i] < v) { break; } } return -1; }; _pGrid._getBindTextCellInfo = function (columnid) { var format = this._curFormat; var bind = true; if (!format) { return null; } var retn = []; if (columnid) { if (format._headcells) { var _headcells = format._headcells; var _headcellsLen = _headcells.length; var cellinfo; for (var i = 0; i < _headcellsLen; i++) { cellinfo = _headcells[i]; if (cellinfo.text._bindexpr == columnid) { retn.push(cellinfo); } } } if (format._bodycells) { var _bodycells = format._bodycells; var _bodycellsLen = _bodycells.length; var cellinfo; for (var i = 0; i < _bodycellsLen; i++) { cellinfo = _bodycells[i]; if (cellinfo.text._bindexpr == columnid) { retn.push(cellinfo); } } } if (format._summcells) { var _summcells = format._summcells; var _summcellsLen = _summcells.length; var cellinfo; for (var i = 0; i < _summcellsLen; i++) { cellinfo = _summcells[i]; if (cellinfo.text._bindexpr == columnid) { retn.push(cellinfo); } } } } if (retn.length == 0 && format._bodycells) { retn = format._bodycells; bind = false; } return [retn, bind]; }; _pGrid._isTreeStateChanged = function (e, dsEventOccured) { var changed = false; if (this._hasTree) { var colid = e.columnid; var cellinfo = this._treeCellinfo; if (colid == cellinfo.treecheck._bindexpr) { var dsrowidx = e.row; var rowidx = this._getTreeRowPosition(dsrowidx); var v = e.newvalue; this._setTreeChecked(rowidx, v); } if (dsEventOccured == false) { if (colid == cellinfo.treestate._bindexpr) { var dsrowidx = e.row; var rowidx = this._getTreeRowPosition(dsrowidx); var v = e.newvalue; this._setTreeState(rowidx, v); changed = true; } var dfstatus = this._getTreeDefaultStatus(); if (colid == cellinfo.treelevel._bindexpr) { var cur_level; var states = this._treeStates; var level = cellinfo._getTreeLevel(e.row); for (var i = e.row - 1; i >= 0; i--) { cur_level = cellinfo._getTreeLevel(i); if (cur_level < level) { if (states[i] >= 2) { states[i] = dfstatus; } break; } } if (states[e.row] >= 2) { if (this._rowcount > 0 && e.row < this._rowcount - 1) { cur_level = cellinfo._getTreeLevel(e.row + 1); if (cur_level > level) { states[e.row] = dfstatus; } } } changed = true; } } } return changed; }; _pGrid._setTreeState = function (rowidx, v, redraw, prop_set) { v = parseInt(v, 10); if (isFinite(v)) { var dsrowidx = this._treeIndexes[rowidx]; var state = this._treeStates[dsrowidx]; var retn = 0; if (v != state) { if (v == 2) { if (redraw) { this._refreshBodyRow(rowidx - this._getBodyBegRowPos(rowidx)); } return 1; } else if ((retn = this._toggleTreeState(rowidx, redraw, v, prop_set)) > 0) { return retn; } } } return 0; }; _pGrid._getOrgTreeStates = function (rowidx) { var states; if (this._org_treeStates.length) { states = this._org_treeStates; } else { states = this._createTreeStates(false, true); } if (states[rowidx] == 2) { return 2; } else { return this._treeStates[rowidx]; } }; _pGrid._toggleTreeState = function (rowidx, redraw, v, prop_set) { var dsrowidx = this._treeIndexes[rowidx]; var state; if (prop_set) { state = this._getOrgTreeStates(dsrowidx); } else { state = this._treeStates[dsrowidx]; } var collapse = false; var retn; if (state == 0) { if (this.on_fire_cantreestatuschange(rowidx, dsrowidx, 1) !== false) { retn = this._expandTreeState(rowidx); this.on_fire_ontreestatuschanged(rowidx, dsrowidx, 1); } } else if (state == 1) { if (this.on_fire_cantreestatuschange(rowidx, dsrowidx, 0) !== false) { collapse = true; retn = this._collapseTreeState(rowidx); this.on_fire_ontreestatuschanged(rowidx, dsrowidx, 0); } } else if (state == 2) { if (prop_set) { if (prop_set == "null_value") { this._treeStates[dsrowidx] = v; } else { this._treeStates[dsrowidx] = 2; } } else { if (this.on_fire_cantreestatuschange(rowidx, dsrowidx, 0) !== false) { retn = 1; this._treeStates[dsrowidx] = v; this.on_fire_ontreestatuschanged(rowidx, dsrowidx, 0); } } } if (redraw) { if (retn == 2) { if (this._bodyBand) { this._bodyBand._matrix._adjustTreeDisplay(rowidx, collapse); } } else if (retn == 1) { this._refreshBodyRow(rowidx - this._getBodyBegRowPos(rowidx)); } } return retn; }; _pGrid._collapseTreeState = function (rowidx) { var indexes = this._treeIndexes; var states = this._treeStates; var rowcount = indexes.length; var dsrowidx = indexes[rowidx]; var cellinfo = this._treeCellinfo; if (states[dsrowidx] == 1) { states[dsrowidx] = 0; } else { return 0; } var level = cellinfo._getTreeLevel(dsrowidx); if (nexacro._enableaccessibility && nexacro._accessibilitytype != 4) { var cellobj = this._getAccessibilityCurrentCell(); if (cellobj) { cellobj._setAccessibilityStatExpanded(false); } } var lvl = -1; var count = 0; for (var i = rowidx + 1; i < rowcount; i++) { lvl = cellinfo._getTreeLevel(indexes[i]); if (lvl > level) { count++; } else { break; } } if (count > 0) { indexes.splice(rowidx + 1, count); this.rowcount = indexes.length; return 2; } ; return 1; }; _pGrid._expandTreeState = function (rowidx) { var indexes = this._treeIndexes; var states = this._treeStates; var rowcount = states.length; var dsrowidx = indexes[rowidx]; var cellinfo = this._treeCellinfo; if (states[dsrowidx] == 0) { states[dsrowidx] = 1; } else { return 0; } var level = cellinfo._getTreeLevel(dsrowidx); if (nexacro._enableaccessibility && nexacro._accessibilitytype != 4) { var cellobj = this._getAccessibilityCurrentCell(); if (cellobj) { cellobj._setAccessibilityStatExpanded(true); } } var lvl = -1; var count = 0; var parentidx = dsrowidx; var parents = [dsrowidx]; var preidx = -1; var prelevel = -1; var close = false; var depth; for (var i = dsrowidx + 1; i < rowcount; i++) { lvl = cellinfo._getTreeLevel(i); if (lvl > level) { if (preidx < 0) { if ((depth = (lvl - level)) > 1) { for (var j = 0; j < depth - 1; j++) { parents.push(preidx); } } } else { prelevel = cellinfo._getTreeLevel(preidx); if (lvl > prelevel) { if (close == true) { continue; } parentidx = preidx; if ((depth = (lvl - level)) > 1) { for (var j = 0; j < depth - 1; j++) { parents.push(preidx); } } else { parents.push(preidx); } } else if (lvl < prelevel) { var n = prelevel - lvl; parents.splice(parents.length - n, n); parentidx = parents[parents.length - 1]; } close = false; } if (states[parentidx] > 0) { indexes.splice(rowidx + 1 + count, 0, i); count++; } else { close = true; } preidx = i; } else { break; } } if (count > 0) { this.rowcount = this._treeIndexes.length; return 2; } return 1; }; _pGrid._setTreeChecked = function (rowidx, v) { v = parseInt(v, 10); if (isFinite(v)) { var dsrowidx = this._treeIndexes[rowidx]; var checked = this._treeChecked[dsrowidx]; if (v == checked) { return false; } else { return (this._toggleTreeChecked(rowidx)); } } return false; }; _pGrid._toggleTreeChecked = function (rowidx) { var dsrowidx = this._treeIndexes[rowidx]; var checked = this._treeChecked[dsrowidx]; var v = (checked == 0) ? 1 : 0; this._treeChecked[dsrowidx] = v; return true; }; _pGrid._getCurrentBodyCell = function (ridx, cidx) { var band = this._bodyBand; if (band) { if (ridx < 0) { ridx = this._selectinfo.curdsrow; } if (cidx < 0) { cidx = this._selectinfo.curcell; } var row = band._get_row(ridx); if (row) { return row._cells[cidx]; } } return null; }; _pGrid._getCurrentHeadCell = function (cidx, noccheck) { var band = this._headBand; if (band && (noccheck || this._currentDSrow == -1)) { if (cidx < 0) { cidx = this.currentcell; } var row = band._get_rows()[0]; if (row) { return row._cells[cidx]; } } return null; }; _pGrid._getCurrentSummCell = function (cidx, noccheck) { var band = this._summBand; if (band && (noccheck || this._currentDSrow == -2)) { if (cidx < 0) { cidx = this.currentcell; } var row = band._get_rows()[0]; if (row) { return row._cells[cidx]; } } return null; }; _pGrid._showEditor = function (flag, bShowcell) { if (nexacro._toBoolean(this.readonly) == true) { return false; } var lastfocus = this._find_lastFocused(); if (lastfocus != this) { return false; } if (!flag) { var cellobj = this._getCurrentBodyCell(-1, -1); if (!cellobj) { return false; } var startrow = this._getBodyBegRowPos(cellobj._rowidx); var endrow = this._endrowpos; var currow = this._selectinfo.currow; var curcell = this._selectinfo.curcell; if (startrow > currow || endrow < currow) { return false; } else { if (this._beforeEditRowIdx != currow || this._beforeEditCellIdx != curcell) { if (cellobj._hasEditor()) { cellobj._showEditor(false, false, true); this._beforeEditRowIdx = this._selectinfo.curdsrow; this._beforeEditCellIdx = this._selectinfo.curcell; this._showEditing = true; var datarow = this._getDataRow(cellobj._rowidx); cellobj._refobj._editingRow = datarow; cellobj.editshowing = true; var editor = this._currentCellEditor; if (editor) { editor._setFocus(false); if (editor.setCaretPos && !editor.autoselect) { editor.setCaretPos(0); } else if (editor.comboedit && editor.comboedit.setCaretPos) { editor.comboedit.setCaretPos(0); } } } else { cellobj._setFocus(false); } } } } else { var cellobj = this._getCurrentBodyCell(this._beforeEditRowIdx, this._beforeEditCellIdx); if (cellobj && cellobj._hasEditor()) { cellobj._showEditor(true, true); this._showEditing = true; var datarow = this._getDataRow(cellobj._rowidx); cellobj._refobj._editingRow = datarow; } else { this._hideEditor(true); } } return true; }; _pGrid._setdataobj = null; _pGrid._hideEditor = function (flag, noApplyDataset, grid_killfocus) { if (!flag) { var cellobj = this._getCurrentBodyCell(this._beforeEditRowIdx, this._beforeEditCellIdx); var editComp = this._currentCellEditor; if (editComp) { var setdataobj = { succ : false }; if (cellobj) { if (!noApplyDataset) { if (setdataobj) { setdataobj.succ = editComp._setDataset(true); } else { editComp._setDataset(true); } } editComp = this._currentCellEditor; if (this._binddataset.enableevent == false) { this._refreshAll(); } if (nexacro.Browser == "Safari") { nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(editComp, function () { editComp.set_visible(false); }); } else { editComp.set_visible(false); } this._currentCellEditor = null; if (cellobj._is_alive) { cellobj._refobj._editingRow = -9; cellobj._setDisplayText(); cellobj._hideEditor(); if (this._keydown_elem && !grid_killfocus) { cellobj._setFocus(false); } } this._showEditing = false; } else { editComp._cellinfo._editingRow = -9; if (!noApplyDataset) { if (setdataobj) { setdataobj.succ = editComp._setDataset(true, this._currentCellRow); } else { editComp._setDataset(true, this._currentCellRow); } } editComp.set_visible(false); this._currentCellEditor = null; this._showEditing = false; } this._setdataobj = setdataobj; } this._beforeEditCellIdx = -1; this._beforeEditRowIdx = -1; this._currentCellCell = -1; this._currentCellRow = -1; } else { var editComp = this._currentCellEditor; if (editComp) { var height = editComp._adjust_height + 10; editComp.set_top(-height); if (editComp._cellobj._subComp) { editComp._cellobj._subComp.set_visible(true); } } } return true; }; _pGrid._createEditor = function (cellobj) { var cellinfo = cellobj._refobj; var datarow = this._getDataRow(cellobj._rowidx); var editType = cellinfo._getEdittype(datarow); var creator = this["_createEditor_" + editType]; if (creator == null) { creator = this._createEditor_text; } if (this._tempEditor) { this._clearDestroyEditor(true); this._tempEditor.set_visible(false); this._destroyeditors.push(this._tempEditor); this._tempEditor = null; } var edit = creator.call(this, cellobj); this._tempEditor = this._currentCellEditor = edit; return edit; }; _pGrid.getShowEditor = function () { var refer_comp = this._currentCellEditor; if (refer_comp instanceof nexacro.GridControlEdit || refer_comp instanceof nexacro.GridControlTextArea || refer_comp instanceof nexacro.GridControlMaskEdit) { return refer_comp; } else { return false; } }; _pGrid._createEditor_text = function (cellobj) { return this._createEditor_edit(cellobj); }; _pGrid._createEditor_readonly = function (cellobj) { return this._createEditor_textarea(cellobj, true); }; _pGrid._createEditor_mask = function (cellobj, type) { return this._createEditor_maskedit(cellobj); }; _pGrid._createEditor_masknumber = function (cellobj, type) { return this._createEditor_maskedit(cellobj); }; _pGrid._createEditor_button = function (cellobj) { var rect = cellobj._setPositionInGrid(); var cButton = new nexacro.GridControlButton("controlbutton", rect.left, rect.top, rect.width, rect.height, this); cButton._cellobj = cellobj; cButton._cellinfo = cellobj._refobj; cButton.createComponent(); if (nexacro.Browser == "IE" && !nexacro._enableaccessibility) { nexacro.OnceCallbackTimer.callonce(this, function () { cButton._control_element.setElementFocus(); }, 0); } return cButton; }; _pGrid._createEditor_edit = function (cellobj, readonly) { var datarow = this._getDataRow(cellobj._rowidx); var rect = cellobj._setPositionInGrid(); var composition_stat = this._currentCompositionStatus; var composition_data = this._currentCompositionData; var cEdit = new nexacro.GridControlEdit("controledit", rect.left, rect.top, rect.width, rect.height, this); cEdit._cellobj = cellobj; cEdit._cellinfo = cellobj._refobj; var v = cEdit._cellinfo._getValue(datarow); cEdit._set_absolutelyValue(v); cEdit.createComponent(); var cellinfo = cellobj._refobj; var editlimit = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.editlimit, datarow); if (editlimit == 0) { editlimit = this._binddataset._getColumnSize(cellinfo.text._bindtype == 1 ? cellinfo.text._bindexpr : 0); } cEdit.set_maxlength(editlimit); if (readonly) { cEdit.set_readonly(true); } if (nexacro.Browser == "Safari") { if (composition_stat == nexacro.EditBase.Status.CompositionStart) { cEdit._on_input_compositionstart(composition_data); } else if (composition_stat == nexacro.EditBase.Status.CompositionUpdate) { cEdit._on_input_compositionupdate(composition_data); } } return cEdit; }; _pGrid._createEditor_maskedit = function (cellobj, type) { var datarow = this._getDataRow(cellobj._rowidx); var rect = cellobj._setPositionInGrid(); var cMaskEdit = new nexacro.GridControlMaskEdit("controlmaskedit", rect.left, rect.top, rect.width, rect.height, this); cMaskEdit._cellobj = cellobj; cMaskEdit._cellinfo = cellobj._refobj; var v = cMaskEdit._cellinfo._getValue(datarow); cMaskEdit._set_absolutelyValue(v); var edittype = cMaskEdit._cellinfo._getEdittype(datarow); var editType = cMaskEdit._cellinfo._getAttrValue(cMaskEdit._cellinfo.edittype, datarow); var displayType = cMaskEdit._cellinfo._getDisplaytype(datarow); var locale = cMaskEdit._cellinfo._getAttrValue(cMaskEdit._cellinfo.locale, datarow); if (edittype == "masknumber") { cMaskEdit.set_type("number"); } else { if (editType == "normal") { if (displayType == "number") { cMaskEdit.set_type("number"); } else { cMaskEdit.set_type("string"); } } else { cMaskEdit.set_type("string"); } } if (edittype == "masknumber" || edittype == "mask") { v = cMaskEdit._cellinfo._getAttrValue(cMaskEdit._cellinfo.mask, datarow); if (v != null) { cMaskEdit.set_mask(v); } } if (!locale) { locale = this.locale; } cMaskEdit.createComponent(); cMaskEdit.set_locale(locale); return cMaskEdit; }; _pGrid._createEditor_combo = function (cellobj) { var rect = cellobj._setPositionInGrid(); var cCombo = new nexacro.GridControlCombo("controlcombo", rect.left, rect.top, rect.width, rect.height, this); cCombo._cellobj = cellobj; cCombo._cellinfo = cellobj._refobj; cCombo.createComponent(); return cCombo; }; _pGrid._createEditor_date = function (cellobj) { var datarow = this._getDataRow(cellobj._rowidx); var rect = cellobj._setPositionInGrid(); var cCalendar = new nexacro.GridControlCalendar("controlcalendar", rect.left, rect.top, rect.width, rect.height, this); cCalendar._cellobj = cellobj; cCalendar._cellinfo = cellobj._refobj; var v = cCalendar._cellinfo._getValue(datarow); var mask = cCalendar._cellinfo._getAttrValue(cCalendar._cellinfo.mask, datarow); var locale = cCalendar._cellinfo._getAttrValue(cCalendar._cellinfo.locale, datarow); if (this._displaymode == true && !v) { v = cCalendar._cellinfo._getDisplayText(datarow); } if (!mask || mask.length == 0) { mask = "yyyy-MM-dd"; } if (!locale) { locale = this._getLocale(); } cCalendar.createComponent(); cCalendar.set_editformat(mask); cCalendar.set_dateformat(mask); cCalendar._currentformat = "editformat"; cCalendar.set_value(cCalendar._toValueStr(v)); cCalendar.set_locale(locale); cCalendar._resizeCalendar(); return cCalendar; }; _pGrid._createEditor_textarea = function (cellobj, readonly) { var datarow = this._getDataRow(cellobj._rowidx); var rect = cellobj._setPositionInGrid(); var composition_stat = this._currentCompositionStatus; var composition_data = this._currentCompositionData; var cTextArea = new nexacro.GridControlTextArea("controltextarea", rect.left, rect.top, rect.width, rect.height, this); cTextArea._cellobj = cellobj; cTextArea._cellinfo = cellobj._refobj; var v; if (cTextArea._displaymode == true || readonly) { v = cTextArea._cellinfo._getDisplayText(datarow); } else { v = cTextArea._cellinfo._getValue(datarow); } cTextArea._set_absolutelyValue(v); var wordwrap = cTextArea._cellinfo._getWordwrap(datarow); cTextArea.set_wordwrap(wordwrap); cTextArea.createComponent(); var cellinfo = cellobj._refobj; var datarow = this._getDataRow(cellobj._rowidx); var editlimit = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.editlimit, datarow); if (editlimit == 0) { editlimit = this._binddataset._getColumnSize(cellinfo._col); } cTextArea.set_maxlength(editlimit); if (readonly) { cTextArea.set_readonly(true); } if (nexacro.Browser == "Safari") { if (composition_stat == nexacro.EditBase.Status.CompositionStart) { cTextArea._on_input_compositionstart(composition_data); } else if (composition_stat == nexacro.EditBase.Status.CompositionUpdate) { cTextArea._on_input_compositionupdate(composition_data); } } var editacceptsenter = cellinfo._getAttrValue(cellinfo.editacceptsenter); cTextArea._is_use_ex_enter = !nexacro._toBoolean(editacceptsenter); return cTextArea; }; _pGrid._setFocus = function (bResetScroll, dir, block_inner_focus) { if (nexacro._enableaccessibility) { this._currentBand = "grid"; this._accept_arrow = true; this._removeAccessibilityCurrentFocus(); if (dir == 2) { var accessibility = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility(this._pseudo); if (accessibility && accessibility.enable == false) { this._setAccessibilityBandFocus("next", true, false); } } else if (dir == 3) { this._setAccessibilityBandFocus("prev", true); } } return nexacro.Component.prototype._setFocus.call(this, bResetScroll, dir, block_inner_focus); }; _pGrid._evtvalue = function (obj, postvalue) { var val = ""; if (obj && obj.value) { val = obj.value; } else if (postvalue) { val = postvalue; } return val; }; _pGrid._getAvailableRect = function (comp) { var rect = { left : 0, top : 0, right : 0, bottom : 0, width : 0, height : 0 }; rect.left = comp._client_left; rect.top = comp._client_top; rect.right = comp._client_left + comp._client_width; rect.bottom = comp._client_top + comp._client_height; rect.width = comp._client_width; rect.height = comp._client_height; return rect; }; _pGrid._getPosRect = function (comp) { var rect = { left : comp._adjust_left, top : comp._adjust_top, right : comp._getPosRight(), bottom : comp._getPosBottom(), width : comp._adjust_width, height : comp._adjust_height }; return rect; }; _pGrid._closePopup = function () { var edit = this._currentCellEditor; if (edit && edit.popupwindow) { edit._closePopup(); } }; _pGrid._destroyOverlayElements = function () { var overlay_elements = this._overlay_elements; if (overlay_elements.length) { for (var i = 0, n = overlay_elements.length; i < n; i++) { overlay_elements[i].destroy(); } overlay_elements = []; } this._overlay_elements = []; }; _pGrid._setOverlayElements = function (overlay_elements, overlay_index) { if (overlay_index > -1 && overlay_index < overlay_elements.length) { for (var i = overlay_elements.length - 1; i >= overlay_index; i--) { overlay_elements[i].destroy(); overlay_elements.splice(i, 1); } } this._overlay_elements = overlay_elements; }; _pGrid._setOverlayElementProperty = function (elem, left, top, width, height, style_cells, display_text, is_fake_merge) { if (!elem) { return; } elem.setElementPosition(left, top); elem.setElementSize(width, height); if (style_cells && style_cells.length > 0) { var cellobj = style_cells[0]; var cellobj_last = style_cells[style_cells.length - 1]; var cellinfo = cellobj._refobj; if (!is_fake_merge && cellinfo.suppressalign.indexOf("first") != 0) { if (cellinfo.suppressalign.indexOf("last") == 0) { cellobj = cellobj_last; } else { cellobj = style_cells[Math.floor(style_cells.length / 2)]; } cellinfo = cellobj._refobj; } var selected = cellobj.selected; cellobj.selected = false; var datarow = this._getDataRow(cellobj._rowidx); var celltext = cellobj._getDisplayText(); var display_type = cellinfo._getDisplaytype(this._getDataRow(cellobj._rowidx)); if (display_type == "image") { elem.setElementImageUrl(celltext); } else { if (celltext && celltext.indexOf("\r") != -1) { celltext = celltext.replace(/\r/g, ""); } if (display_type == "decoratetext") { elem.setElementDecorateText(celltext); } else { if (elem.decoration != "") { elem.decoration = ""; elem.text = null; } elem.setElementText(celltext); } elem.setElementWordWrap(cellinfo._getWordwrap(datarow)); } elem.setElementToolTip(cellobj.tooltiptext); var font = cellobj.on_find_CurrentStyle_font(cellobj._pseudo); var color = cellobj.on_find_CurrentStyle_color(cellobj._pseudo); var letterspace = cellobj.on_find_CurrentStyle_letterspace(cellobj._pseudo); elem.setElementFont(font); elem.setElementLetterSpace(letterspace); elem.setElementColor(color); var cursor = cellobj.on_find_CurrentStyle_cursor(cellobj._pseudo); elem.setElementCursor(cursor); var align = cellobj.on_find_CurrentStyle_align(cellobj._pseudo); if (is_fake_merge) { elem.setElementAlignXY(align.halign, align.valign); } else if (cellinfo.suppressalign.indexOf("first") == 0) { elem.setElementAlignXY(align.halign, "top"); } else if (cellinfo.suppressalign.indexOf("last") == 0) { elem.setElementAlignXY(align.halign, "bottom"); } else { elem.setElementAlignXY(align.halign, "middle"); } var cell_hpos = 0; var merge_width = cellobj.width; if (is_fake_merge) { var merge_col = cellinfo._col; var style_cellinfo = null; for (var i = 1, n = style_cells.length; i < n; i++) { style_cellinfo = style_cells[i]._refobj; if (style_cellinfo && merge_col < style_cellinfo._col) { merge_width += style_cells[i].width; merge_col = style_cellinfo._col; } } } var border = cellobj_last.on_find_CurrentStyle_border(cellobj._pseudo); var padding = cellobj.on_find_CurrentStyle_padding(cellobj._pseudo); if (merge_width > (width + padding.left + border._right_width)) { cell_hpos = merge_width - (width + padding.left + border._right_width); } elem.updateCellNodeClient(left, top, width, height, cell_hpos, padding.left); cellobj.selected = selected; } }; _pGrid._adjustOverlayElements = function (is_create, fake_merge, is_scrolling) { if (is_create || (fake_merge && is_scrolling)) { this._destroyOverlayElements(); } if (!this._curFormat || (!this._is_use_suppress && !this._is_use_fakemerge)) { return false; } var retn = false; var overlay_elements = this._overlay_elements; var elements = [], style_cells = [], display_text = "", cellobj = null, cellinfo = null; var pos = null, elem = null, style_cell = null; var left = 0, top = 0, width = 0, height = 0, overlay_index = 0; var cols_len = this._curFormat._cols.length; if (this._is_use_suppress) { var band = this._bodyBand; if (!band) { return false; } var rows = band._get_rows(); var total_dispcnt; var rows_len = rows.length; var fixcnt = (this._fixed_rowcnt > 0) ? (this._fixed_rowcnt - this._fixed_startrow) : 0; var fixerow = this._fixed_endrow; var toprow = this._toprowpos[0]; var dispcnt = this._disprowcnt; if (!rows_len) { return false; } var cells = rows[0]._cells; for (var i = 0; i < cols_len; i++) { cellinfo = this._getBodyCellInfo(i); if (cellinfo && cellinfo.suppress != 0 && cellinfo.suppressalign.indexOf("over") > 0) { cellidx = cellinfo._cellidx; top = left = -1; width = height = 0; total_dispcnt = fixcnt + dispcnt; elements = []; for (var j = 0; j < rows_len; j++) { cellobj = this._getBodyCellItem(j, cellidx); if (cellobj) { if (fixcnt > 0) { if (cellobj._rowidx > fixerow && cellobj._rowidx < toprow) { continue; } } else { if (cellobj._rowidx < toprow) { continue; } } if (total_dispcnt-- == 0) { break; } pos = cellobj._setPositionInGrid(); left = (left < 0) ? pos.left : left; top = (top < 0) ? pos.top : top; if (pos.top > top) { elements.push(cellobj._control_element); } else { elements.splice(0, 1, cellobj._control_element); } var subrow_index = 1; var subrow_cell = null; if (cells.length > cols_len && cellinfo._rowspan == 1) { subrow_cell = this._getBodyCellItem(j, cellidx + (cols_len * subrow_index)); while (subrow_cell) { elements.push(subrow_cell._control_element); subrow_index++; subrow_cell = this._getBodyCellItem(j, cellidx + (cols_len * subrow_index)); } subrow_cell = elements[elements.length - 1].linkedcontrol; subrow_index = null; } var suppinfo = cellobj._getSuppressInfo(); if (!suppinfo || suppinfo.text_proc == 0) { display_text = cellobj._display_text; } if (!cellobj._hideInner) { cellobj._hideInnerElement(); } style_cells.push(cellobj); if (suppinfo && suppinfo.last) { if (subrow_cell) { pos = subrow_cell._setPositionInGrid(); subrow_cell = null; } width = (pos.right > left) ? pos.right - left : 0; height = (pos.bottom > top) ? pos.bottom - top : 0; elem = null; if (elements.length > 0) { if (overlay_elements[overlay_index]) { elem = overlay_elements[overlay_index]; elem.setTargetElements(elements); } else { elem = new nexacro.EventPassOverlayElement(this._control_element, elements); elem.create(); overlay_elements.push(elem); } if (elem) { overlay_index++; this._setOverlayElementProperty(elem, left, top, width, height, style_cells, display_text); } } else { cellobj._showInnerElement(); } elements = []; style_cells = []; display_text = ""; pos = style_cell = null; left = top = -1; height = width = 0; } } } } } retn = true; } var fake_mergecell_arr = this._fake_mergecell_arr; if (this._is_use_fakemerge && fake_mergecell_arr.length) { var start_column, end_column, start_row, end_row, subrow_start, subrow_end; for (var i = 0, arr_len = fake_mergecell_arr.length; i < arr_len; i++) { elements = []; style_cells = []; fake_mergecell = fake_mergecell_arr[i]; start_row = fake_mergecell.start_row; end_row = fake_mergecell.end_row; start_column = fake_mergecell.start_column; end_column = fake_mergecell.end_column; var j = 0; if (fake_mergecell.start_row == -1 || fake_mergecell.start_row == -2) { j = start_column; } for (; j <= end_column; j++) { if (fake_mergecell.start_row == -1) { start_row = end_row = 0; subrow_start = (fake_mergecell.start_subrow >= 0) ? fake_mergecell.start_subrow : 0; subrow_end = (fake_mergecell.end_subrow >= 0) ? fake_mergecell.end_subrow : this._curFormat._headrows.length - 1; } else if (fake_mergecell.start_row == -2) { start_row = end_row = 0; subrow_start = (fake_mergecell.start_subrow >= 0) ? fake_mergecell.start_subrow : 0; subrow_end = (fake_mergecell.end_subrow >= 0) ? fake_mergecell.end_subrow : this._curFormat._summrows.length - 1; } else { if (!this._curFormat._bodyrows) { return false; } cellinfo = this._getBodyCellInfo(j); if (cellinfo) { if (cellinfo._col < start_column || cellinfo._col > end_column) { continue; } } else { break; } } for (var k = start_row; k <= end_row; k++) { if (fake_mergecell.start_row >= 0) { subrow_start = 0; subrow_end = this._curFormat._bodyrows.length - 1; if (k == end_row && fake_mergecell.end_subrow != undefined) { subrow_end = fake_mergecell.end_subrow; } if (k == start_row && fake_mergecell.start_subrow != undefined) { subrow_start = fake_mergecell.start_subrow; } } var l = 0; while (true) { if (fake_mergecell.start_row == -1) { cellobj = this._getCurrentHeadCell(l++, true); } else if (fake_mergecell.start_row == -2) { cellobj = this._getCurrentSummCell(l++, true); } else { cellobj = this._getCurrentBodyCell(k, l++); } if (!cellobj || cellobj._refobj._row > subrow_end) { break; } cellinfo = cellobj._refobj; if (cellinfo._col == j) { elements.push(cellobj._control_element); style_cells.push(cellobj); } } } } if (style_cells.length > 0) { if (1) { style_cell = null, display_text = null; elem = overlay_elements[overlay_index]; if (!elem) { elem = new nexacro.EventPassOverlayElement(this._control_element, elements); elem.create(); overlay_elements.push(elem); } else { elem.setTargetElements(elements); } cellinfo = style_cells[0]._refobj; if (cellinfo) { if (style_cells[0].subcells.length) { cellinfo = style_cells[0].subcells[0]._refobj; } display_text = cellinfo._getDisplayText(fake_mergecell.start_row); } var s_pos = style_cells[0]._setPositionInGrid(); var e_pos = style_cells[style_cells.length - 1]._setPositionInGrid(); left = s_pos.left; top = s_pos.top; width = (e_pos.right > left) ? e_pos.right - left : 0; height = (e_pos.bottom > top) ? e_pos.bottom - top : 0; this._setOverlayElementProperty(elem, left, top, width, height, style_cells, display_text, true); left = top = width = height = 0; s_pos = null, e_pos = null, style_cell = null, display_text = "", elem = null; overlay_index++; } else { style_cells[0]._showInnerElement(); } } fake_mergecell = null, e_cell = null; } retn = true; } this._setOverlayElements(overlay_elements, overlay_index); return retn; }; _pGrid._moveToAccessibilityCell = function (type, tabstop, extcomp, colmove) { if (this._is_band_focus && !tabstop) { var retn = true; if (type == "prev" || type == "up") { retn = this._setAccessibilityBandFocus(type); } else { if (type == "next" || (type == "down" && this._currentBand == "head")) { this.currentcell = this.currentsubrow = this.currentcol = 0; } if (!this._moveToPosAccessibilityCell(this.currentrow, this.currentcell)) { retn = this._setAccessibilityBandFocus(type); } } return retn; } if (this._currentBand == "grid") { if (type == "prev" || type == "next" || type == "down") { if (tabstop) { if (type == "next") { if (this._bodyBand && this._bodyBand._get_rows().length > 0) { var editcell = null; editcell = this._getFirstEditableCell(); if (editcell && editcell.row !== null) { this._showEditorFocus = true; if (this.vscrollbar && this.vscrollbar.visible) { this.vscrollbar.set_pos(0); } this._currentBand = "body"; this._moveToPosAccessibilityCell(editcell.row, editcell.cell); this._showEditorFocus = false; return true; } } } return false; } return this._setAccessibilityBandFocus(type, true); } else { this._accept_arrow = false; return false; } } var band; var retn = true; var cellobj = null; var accessibility_enable = false; this._is_band_focus = false; this._beforegridrowpos = this.currentrow; this._beforegridcolpos = this.currentcol; if (this._currentBand == "body") { this._is_first_bodycell = false; if (this._showEditing) { this._hideEditor(); } for (; true; ) { if (tabstop) { retn = this._moveToCell(type, true, colmove, undefined, undefined, true); } else { retn = this._moveToCell(type, false, colmove, undefined, undefined, true); } if (retn) { cellobj = this._getAccessibilityCurrentCell(); if (cellobj) { if (tabstop) { cellobj._setFocus(false); break; } else { var cellinfo = cellobj._refobj; var datarow = this._getDataRow(cellobj._rowidx); var display_type = cellinfo._getDisplaytype(datarow); accessibility_enable = cellobj._isAccessibilityEnable(); if (accessibility_enable) { if (type == "up" || type == "down") { if (this._isSelectRowType() && display_type != "tree") { var rowobj = cellobj.parent; rowobj._setFocus(false); break; } } this._showEditor(); if (!this._showEditing) { if (cellobj._subComp && display_type != "tree") { cellobj._subComp._setFocus(false); } else { cellobj._setFocus(false); } } break; } } } } else { if (!tabstop) { retn = this._setAccessibilityBandFocus(type); } break; } } return retn; } if (tabstop) { if (this._currentBand == "head") { if (this._bodyBand._get_rows().length > 0) { this._currentBand = "body"; var editcell = this._getFirstEditableCell(); if (editcell.row !== null) { this._is_first_bodycell = true; retn = this._moveToPosAccessibilityCell(editcell.row, editcell.cell); } return true; } } return false; } if (type == "next") { for (; true; ) { this.currentcell++; cellobj = this._getAccessibilityCurrentCell(); if (cellobj) { if (cellobj.width <= 0) { continue; } else { accessibility_enable = cellobj._isAccessibilityEnable(); if (!accessibility_enable) { continue; } var cellinfo = cellobj._refobj; this.currentsubrow = cellinfo._row; this.currentcol = cellinfo._col; cellobj._showfull(); cellobj._setFocus(false); } } else { this.currentcell--; retn = this._setAccessibilityBandFocus(type); } break; } } else if (type == "prev") { for (; true; ) { this.currentcell--; cellobj = this._getAccessibilityCurrentCell(); if (cellobj) { if (cellobj.width <= 0) { continue; } else { accessibility_enable = cellobj._isAccessibilityEnable(); if (!accessibility_enable) { continue; } var cellinfo = cellobj._refobj; this.currentsubrow = cellinfo._row; this.currentcol = cellinfo._col; cellobj._showfull(); cellobj._setFocus(false); } } else { this.currentcell++; retn = this._setAccessibilityBandFocus(type); } break; } } else if (type == "up") { if (this._currentBand == "head") { band = this._headBand; } else { band = this._summBand; } if (band) { var row, col; cellobj = this._getAccessibilityCurrentCell(); if (cellobj) { var cellinfo = cellobj._refobj; var curRow = cellinfo._row; var curCol = cellinfo._col; var cellidx = this.currentcell; while (true) { this.currentcell--; cellobj = this._getAccessibilityCurrentCell(); if (cellobj) { row = cellobj._refobj._row; col = cellobj._refobj._col; if (col == curCol && row == curRow - 1) { accessibility_enable = cellobj._isAccessibilityEnable(); if (!accessibility_enable) { continue; } this.currentsubrow = row; this.currentcol = col; cellobj._setFocus(false); break; } } else { if (this.currentcell <= 0) { this.currentcol = curCol; this.currentcell = cellidx; retn = this._setAccessibilityBandFocus(type); break; } } } } } } else if (type == "down") { var row, col; cellobj = this._getAccessibilityCurrentCell(); if (cellobj) { var cellinfo = cellobj._refobj; var curRow = cellinfo._row; var curCol = cellinfo._col; var cellidx = this.currentcell; while (true) { this.currentcell++; cellobj = this._getAccessibilityCurrentCell(); if (cellobj) { row = cellobj._refobj._row; col = cellobj._refobj._col; if (col == curCol && row == curRow + 1) { this.currentsubrow = row; this.currentcol = col; cellobj._setFocus(false); break; } } else { this.currentcell = cellidx; retn = this._setAccessibilityBandFocus(type); break; } } } } return retn; }; _pGrid._setAccessibilityBandFocus = function (type, extcomp, hotkey) { var retn = true, band = null, curBand = this._currentBand; if (type == "next") { if (curBand == "grid") { if (this._headBand) { band = this._headBand; this._currentBand = "head"; this._currentDSrow = this.currentrow = -1; } else if (this._bodyBand && this.body && this.summarytype != "top" && this.summarytype != "lefttop") { band = this._bodyBand; this._currentBand = "body"; this._currentDSrow = this.currentrow = 0; } else if (this._summBand) { band = this._summBand; this._currentBand = "summ"; this._currentDSrow = this.currentrow = -2; } else { this._accept_arrow = false; retn = false; } } else { if (curBand == "head") { if (this._bodyBand && this.summarytype != "top" && this.summarytype != "lefttop") { this._is_first_bodycell = true; band = this._bodyBand; this._currentBand = "body"; this._currentDSrow = this.currentrow = 0; } else if (this._summBand) { band = this._summBand; this._currentBand = "summ"; this._currentDSrow = this.currentrow = -2; } } else if (curBand == "body") { if (this._summBand && this.summarytype != "top" && this.summarytype != "lefttop") { this._hideEditor(); band = this._summBand; this._currentBand = "summ"; this._currentDSrow = this.currentrow = -2; } } else if (curBand == "summ" && (this.summarytype == "top" || this.summarytype == "lefttop")) { if (this._bodyBand) { this._is_first_bodycell = true; band = this._bodyBand; this._currentBand = "body"; this._currentDSrow = this.currentrow = 0; } } } if (band) { if (hotkey) { this.currentsubrow = 0; this._moveToPosAccessibilityCell(this.currentrow, this.currentcell); } else { var accessibility_enable = band._isAccessibilityEnable(); if (!this._is_band_focus && (accessibility_enable || (band._isBody && this.rowcount <= 0))) { if (extcomp) { this.currentcell = this.currentsubrow = this.currentcol = 0; } this._moveToAccessibilityBand(false); } else { if (curBand == "grid" && extcomp && !this.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility(this._pseudo).enable) { this._first_focus = true; } this.currentcell = this.currentsubrow = this.currentcol = 0; this._moveToPosAccessibilityCell(this.currentrow, this.currentcell); } } } } else if (type == "prev") { if (curBand == "grid") { if (extcomp || hotkey) { if (this._summBand && this.summarytype != "top" && this.summarytype != "lefttop") { band = this._summBand; this._currentBand = "summ"; this._currentDSrow = this.currentrow = -2; this.currentsubrow = band._get_rows()[0]._format_rows.length - 1; } else if (this._bodyBand && this.body) { band = this._bodyBand; this._currentBand = "body"; this._currentDSrow = this.currentrow = this.rowcount - 1; this.currentsubrow = 0; } else if (this._headBand) { band = this._headBand; this._currentBand = "head"; this._currentDSrow = this.currentrow = -1; this.currentsubrow = band._get_rows()[0]._format_rows.length - 1; } else { retn = false; } } else { retn = false; } } else { if (curBand == "summ") { var accessibility_enable = this._summBand._isAccessibilityEnable(); if (!this._is_band_focus && accessibility_enable) { this._moveToAccessibilityBand(false); } else { if (this._bodyBand && this.summarytype != "top" && this.summarytype != "lefttop") { this._is_first_bodycell = true; band = this._bodyBand; this._currentBand = "body"; this.currentrow = this._currentDSrow = this.rowcount - 1; } else if (this._headBand) { band = this._headBand; this._currentBand = "head"; this._currentDSrow = this.currentrow = -1; } } } else if (curBand == "body") { var accessibility_enable = this._bodyBand._isAccessibilityEnable(); if (!this._is_band_focus && accessibility_enable) { this._hideEditor(); this._moveToAccessibilityBand(false); } else { if (this._summBand && (this.summarytype == "top" || this.summarytype == "lefttop")) { this._hideEditor(); band = this._summBand; this._currentBand = "summ"; this._currentDSrow = this.currentrow = -2; this.currentsubrow = this._curFormat._summrows.length - 1; } else if (this._headBand) { this._hideEditor(); band = this._headBand; this._currentBand = "head"; this._currentDSrow = this.currentrow = -1; this.currentsubrow = this._curFormat._headrows.length - 1; } } } } if (band) { var accessibility_enable = band._isAccessibilityEnable(); if (band._isBody && this.rowcount <= 0) { this._removeAccessibilityCurrentFocus(); band._setFocus(false); this.currentcol = this._curFormat._cols.length - 1; this.currentcell = -1; } else { if (!hotkey) { this.currentcol = this._curFormat._cols.length - 1; this.currentcell = this._getAccessibilityLastCellIndex() - 1; } this._moveToPosAccessibilityCell(this.currentrow, this.currentcell); } } } else if (type == "up") { if (curBand == "summ") { var accessibility_enable = this._summBand._isAccessibilityEnable(); if (!this._is_band_focus && accessibility_enable) { this._moveToAccessibilityBand(false); } else { if (this._bodyBand && this.summarytype != "top" && this.summarytype != "lefttop") { band = this._bodyBand; this._currentBand = "body"; this._currentDSrow = this.currentrow = this.rowcount - 1; this.currentsubrow = 0; } else if (this._headBand) { band = this._headBand; this._currentBand = "head"; this._currentDSrow = this.currentrow = -1; this.currentsubrow = this._curFormat._headrows.length - 1; } else { curBand = "grid"; } } } else if (curBand == "body") { var accessibility_enable = this._bodyBand._isAccessibilityEnable(); if (!this._is_band_focus && accessibility_enable) { this._hideEditor(); this._moveToAccessibilityBand(false); } else { if (this._summBand && (this.summarytype == "top" || this.summarytype == "lefttop")) { this._hideEditor(); band = this._summBand; this._currentBand = "summ"; this._currentDSrow = this.currentrow = -2; this.currentsubrow = this._curFormat._summrows.length - 1; } else if (this._headBand) { this._hideEditor(); band = this._headBand; this._currentBand = "head"; this._currentDSrow = this.currentrow = -1; this.currentsubrow = this._curFormat._headrows.length - 1; } else { curBand = "grid"; } } } else if (curBand == "head" && this.currentcell <= 0) { var accessibility_enable = this._headBand._isAccessibilityEnable(); if (!this._is_band_focus && accessibility_enable) { this._moveToAccessibilityBand(false); } else { curBand = "grid"; } } if (band) { this._moveToPosAccessibilityCell(this.currentrow, this.currentcell); } else if (curBand == "grid") { this._is_band_focus = false; this._currentBand = curBand; var accessibility = this.on_find_CurrentStyle_accessibility(this._pseudo); if (accessibility && accessibility.enable) { this._moveToAccessibilityBand(true); } else { retn = this._moveToAccessibilityCell(type); } } } else if (type == "down") { if (curBand == "grid") { retn = this._setAccessibilityBandFocus("next", true); } else { if (curBand == "head") { if (this._bodyBand && this.summarytype != "top" && this.summarytype != "lefttop") { this._is_first_bodycell = true; band = this._bodyBand; this._currentBand = "body"; this._currentDSrow = this.currentrow = 0; } else if (this._summBand) { band = this._summBand; this._currentBand = "summ"; this._currentDSrow = this.currentrow = -2; } } else if (curBand == "body" && this.summarytype != "top" && this.summarytype != "lefttop") { if (this._summBand) { this._hideEditor(); band = this._summBand; this._currentBand = "summ"; this._currentDSrow = this.currentrow = -2; } else if (this._bodyBand && this.rowcount <= 0) { this._hideEditor(); this._accept_arrow = false; retn = false; } } else if (curBand == "summ" && (this.summarytype == "top" || this.summarytype == "lefttop")) { if (this._bodyBand) { this._is_first_bodycell = true; band = this._bodyBand; this._currentBand = "body"; this._currentDSrow = this.currentrow = 0; } } if (band) { var accessibility_enable = band._isAccessibilityEnable(); if (!this._is_band_focus && (accessibility_enable || (this.rowcount <= 0 && band._isBody))) { this._moveToAccessibilityBand(false); } else { this.currentsubrow = 0; this._moveToPosAccessibilityCell(this.currentrow, this.currentcell); } } else if (this.currentcell >= this._getAccessibilityLastCellIndex() - 1) { this._accept_arrow = false; retn = false; } } } return retn; }; _pGrid._getAccessibilityCurrentCell = function (ridx, cidx) { var cellobj = null; if (ridx === undefined || cidx === undefined) { ridx = -1; cidx = -1; } else if (cidx < 0) { cidx = this._getAccessibilityCellIndex(); } if (this._currentBand == "body") { cellobj = this._getCurrentBodyCell(ridx, cidx); } else { if (this._currentBand == "head") { cellobj = this._getCurrentHeadCell(cidx, true); } else { cellobj = this._getCurrentSummCell(cidx, true); } } return cellobj; }; _pGrid._getAccessibilityLastCellIndex = function () { var cellidx = -1; if (this._currentBand == "head" && this._curFormat._headcells) { cellidx = this._curFormat._headcells.length; } else if (this._currentBand == "body" && this._curFormat._bodycells) { cellidx = this._curFormat._bodycells.length; } else if (this._currentBand == "summ" && this._curFormat._summcells) { cellidx = this._curFormat._summcells.length; } return cellidx; }; _pGrid._removeAccessibilityCurrentFocus = function (togrid) { var win = this._getWindow(); if (togrid) { win._removeFromCurrentFocusPath(this, true); } else { if (this._currentBand == "body") { win._removeFromCurrentFocusPath(this._bodyBand, true); } else if (this._currentBand == "head") { win._removeFromCurrentFocusPath(this._headBand, true); } else if (this._currentBand == "summ") { win._removeFromCurrentFocusPath(this._summBand, true); } } }; _pGrid._moveToAccessibilityBand = function (togrid) { this._removeAccessibilityCurrentFocus(togrid); if (!togrid) { this._is_band_focus = true; var curBand = this._currentBand; if (curBand == "head") { this._headBand._setFocus(false); } else if (curBand == "body") { this._bodyBand._setFocus(false); } else if (curBand == "summ") { this._summBand._setFocus(false); } } else { this._setFocus(false); } }; _pGrid._moveToPosAccessibilityCell = function (rowidx, cellidx) { var retn = false, cellobj = null, rowidx = this._getDataRow(rowidx), cellidx = this._getAccessibilityCellIndex(cellidx); if (this._currentBand == "body" && this._bodyBand._get_rows().length > 0) { this._hideEditor(); cellobj = this._getAccessibilityCurrentCell(); if (cellobj) { var cellinfo = cellobj._refobj; if (cellinfo._row != rowidx || cellinfo._cellidx != cellidx) { cellobj._stat_change("notfocus", "normal"); } } this._moveToPosCell(rowidx, cellidx); } cellobj = this._getAccessibilityCurrentCell(rowidx, cellidx); if (cellobj) { var cellinfo = cellobj._refobj; retn = true; cellobj._showfull(); if (this._currentBand != "body" || this.autoenter != "select" || !this._showEditing) { if (cellobj._subComp && cellinfo._getDisplaytype(rowidx) != "tree") { cellobj._subComp._setFocus(false); } else { cellobj._setFocus(false); } } else { this._showEditor(); } this.currentcol = cellinfo._col; } this._is_band_focus = this._first_focus = false; return retn; }; _pGrid._getAccessibilityCellIndex = function (cellidx) { var band = null; if (this._currentBand == "body") { band = this._bodyBand; } else if (this._currentBand == "head") { band = this._headBand; } else if (this._currentBand == "summ") { band = this._summBand; } if (band) { var row = band._get_row(this._getDataRow(this.currentrow)); if (row) { var cells = row._cells, cellinfo = null; for (var i = 0, cells_len = cells.length; i < cells_len; i++) { cellinfo = cells[i]._refobj; if (cellinfo._col <= this.currentcol && this.currentcol <= (cellinfo._col + cellinfo._colspan - 1)) { if (this.currentsubrow == 0) { return cells[i]._cellidx; } else { if (cellinfo._row == this.currentsubrow) { return cells[i]._cellidx; } } } } } } return (cellidx >= 0) ? cellidx : null; }; _pGrid._on_useInnerDsCells = function (obj, e) { this._refreshAll(); }; } ;