//============================================================================== // // TOBESOFT Co., Ltd. // Copyright 2014 TOBESOFT Co., Ltd. // All Rights Reserved. // // NOTICE: TOBESOFT permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file // in accordance with the terms of the license agreement accompanying it. // // Readme URL: http://www.nexacro.co.kr/legal/nexacro-public-license-readme-1.1.html // //============================================================================== if (!nexacro.Point) { nexacro.Point = function (x, y) { this.x = (x | 0); this.y = (y | 0); }; var _pPoint = nexacro.Point.prototype; _pPoint.copy = function () { return new nexacro.Point(this.x, this.y); }; _pPoint.equals = function (p) { return (this.x == p.x && this.y == p.y); }; _pPoint.isWithin = function (p, threshold) { if (!threshold) { threshold = { x : threshold }; threshold.y = threshold.x; } return (this.x <= p.x + threshold.x && this.x >= p.x - threshold.x && this.y <= p.y + threshold.y && this.y >= p.y - threshold.y); }; _pPoint.translate = function (x, y) { this.x += (x | 0); this.y += (x | 0); }; _pPoint.roundedEquals = function (p) { return (Math.round(this.x) == Math.round(p.x) && Math.round(this.y) == Math.round(p.y)); }; delete _pPoint; nexacro.Point.fromEvent = function (x, y) { return new nexacro.Point(x, y); }; } if (!nexacro.Offset) { nexacro.Offset = function (x, y) { this.x = (x | 0); this.y = (y | 0); }; var _pOffset = nexacro.Offset.prototype; _pOffset.copy = function () { return new nexacro.Offset(this.x, this.y); }; _pOffset.copyFrom = function (p) { this.x = p.x; this.y = p.y; }; _pOffset.equals = function (offset) { if (!(offset instanceof nexacro.Offset)) { throw new Error('offset must be an instance of nexacro.Offset'); } return (this.x == offset.x && this.y == offset.y); }; _pOffset.round = function (to) { if (!((+to) != (+to))) { var factor = Math.pow(10, to); this.x = Math.round(this.x * factor) / factor; this.y = Math.round(this.y * factor) / factor; } else { this.x = Math.round(this.x); this.y = Math.round(this.y); } }; _pOffset.isZero = function () { return (this.x == 0 && this.y == 0); }; nexacro.Offset.fromObject = function (obj) { return new nexacro.Offset(obj.x, obj.y); }; delete _pOffset; } if (!nexacro.Region) { nexacro.Region = function (t, r, b, l) { var me = this; me.top = t; me.right = r; me.bottom = b; me.left = l; me[0] = l; me[1] = t; }; var _pRegion = nexacro.Region.prototype; _pRegion.contains = function (region) { var me = this; return (region.left >= me.left && region.right <= me.right && region.top >= me.top && region.bottom <= me.bottom); }; _pRegion.intersect = function (region) { var me = this, t = Math.max(me.top, region.top), r = Math.min(me.right, region.right), b = Math.min(me.bottom, region.bottom), l = Math.max(me.left, region.left); if (b > t && r > l) { return new nexacro.Region(t, r, b, l); } else { return false; } }; _pRegion.union = function (region) { var me = this, t = Math.min(me.top, region.top), r = Math.max(me.right, region.right), b = Math.max(me.bottom, region.bottom), l = Math.min(me.left, region.left); return new nexacro.Region(t, r, b, l); }; _pRegion.constrainTo = function (region) { var me = this; me.top = this.constrain(me.top, r.top, r.bottom); me.bottom = this.constrain(me.bottom, r.top, r.bottom); me.left = this.constrain(me.left, r.left, r.right); me.right = this.constrain(me.right, r.left, r.right); return me; }; _pRegion.constrain = function (num, minV, maxV) { num = parseFloat(num); if (!((+minV) != (+minV))) { num = Math.max(num, minV); } if (!((+maxV) != (+maxV))) { num = Math.min(num, maxV); } return num; }; _pRegion.adjust = function (t, r, b, l) { var me = this; me.top += t; me.left += l; me.right += r; me.bottom += b; return me; }; _pRegion.getOutOfBoundOffset = function (axis, p) { if (!(axis instanceof nexacro.Offset)) { if (axis == 'x') { return this.getOutOfBoundOffsetX(p); } else { return this.getOutOfBoundOffsetY(p); } } else { p = axis; var d = new nexacro.Offset(); d.x = this.getOutOfBoundOffsetX(p.x); d.y = this.getOutOfBoundOffsetY(p.y); return d; } }; _pRegion.getOutOfBoundOffsetX = function (p) { if (p <= this.left) { return this.left - p; } else if (p >= this.right) { return this.right - p; } return 0; }; _pRegion.getOutOfBoundOffsetY = function (p) { if (p <= this.top) { return this.top - p; } else if (p >= this.bottom) { return this.bottom - p; } return 0; }; _pRegion.isOutOfBound = function (axis, p) { if (!(axis instanceof nexacro.Offset)) { if (axis == 'x') { return this.isOutOfBoundX(p); } else { return this.isOutOfBoundY(p); } } else { p = axis; return (this.isOutOfBoundX(p.x) || this.isOutOfBoundY(p.y)); } }; _pRegion.isOutOfBoundX = function (p) { return (p < this.left || p > this.right); }; _pRegion.isOutOfBoundY = function (p) { return (p < this.top || p > this.bottom); }; _pRegion.restrict = function (axis, p, factor) { if (axis instanceof nexacro.Offset) { var newP; factor = p; p = axis; if (p.copy) { newP = p.copy(); } else { newP = { x : p.x, y : p.y }; } newP.x = this.restrictX(p.x, factor); newP.y = this.restrictY(p.y, factor); return newP; } else { if (axis == 'x') { return this.restrictX(p, factor); } else { return this.restrictY(p, factor); } } }; _pRegion.restrictX = function (p, factor) { if (!factor) { factor = 1; } if (p <= this.left) { p -= (p - this.left) * factor; } else if (p >= this.right) { p -= (p - this.right) * factor; } return p; }; _pRegion.restrictY = function (p, factor) { if (!factor) { factor = 1; } if (p <= this.top) { p -= (p - this.top) * factor; } else if (p >= this.bottom) { p -= (p - this.bottom) * factor; } return p; }; _pRegion.getSize = function () { return { width : this.right - this.left, height : this.bottom - this.top }; }; _pRegion.copy = function () { return new nexacro.Region(this.top, this.right, this.bottom, this.left); }; _pRegion.translateBy = function (offset) { this.left += offset.x; this.right += offset.x; this.top += offset.y; this.bottom += offset.y; }; _pRegion.round = function () { this.top = Math.round(this.top); this.right = Math.round(this.right); this.bottom = Math.round(this.bottom); this.left = Math.round(this.left); return this; }; _pRegion.equals = function (region) { return (this.top == region.top && this.right == region.right && this.bottom == region.bottom && this.left == region.left); }; delete _pRegion; } if (!nexacro.Rect) { nexacro.Rect = function (left, top, right, bottom) { this.left = (left | 0); this.top = (top | 0); this.right = (right | 0); this.bottom = (bottom | 0); this.width = this.right - this.left; this.height = this.bottom - this.top; }; var _pRect = nexacro.Rect.prototype; _pRect.clear = function () { this.left = this.top = this.right = this.bottom = 0; this.width = this.height = 0; }; _pRect.copy = function (rc) { this.left = rc.left; this.top = rc.top; this.right = rc.right; this.bottom = rc.bottom; this.width = rc.width; this.height = rc.height; }; _pRect.set = function (left, top, right, bottom) { if (left != this.left || top != this.top || right != this.right || bottom != this.bottom) { this.left = (left | 0); this.top = (top | 0); this.right = (right | 0); this.bottom = (bottom | 0); this.width = this.right - this.left; this.height = this.bottom - this.top; return true; } return false; }; _pRect.clone = function () { return new nexacro.Rect(this.left, this.top, this.right, this.bottom); }; _pRect.isSame = function (rc) { return (this.left == rc.left) && (this.top == rc.top) && (this.right == rc.right) && (this.bottom == rc.bottom); }; _pRect.isSameSize = function (rc) { return (this.width == rc.width) && (this.height == rc.height); }; _pRect.getWidth = function () { return this.width; }; _pRect.getHeight = function () { return this.height; }; _pRect = null; } if (!nexacro.SizeRect) { nexacro.SizeRect = function (left, top, width, height) { this.left = (left | 0); this.top = (top | 0); this.width = (width | 0); this.height = (height | 0); }; _pSizeRect = { }; nexacro.SizeRect.prototype = _pSizeRect; _pSizeRect.clear = function () { this.left = this.top = this.width = this.height = 0; }; _pSizeRect.copy = function (rc) { this.left = rc.left; this.top = rc.top; this.width = rc.width; this.height = rc.height; }; _pSizeRect.set = function (left, top, width, height) { if (left != this.left || top != this.top || width != this.width || height != this.height) { this.left = (left | 0); this.top = (top | 0); this.width = (width | 0); this.height = (height | 0); return true; } return false; }; _pSizeRect.clone = function () { return new nexacro.SizeRect(this.left, this.top, this.width, this.height); }; _pSizeRect.isSame = function (rc) { return (this.left == rc.left) && (this.top == rc.top) && (this.width == rc.width) && (this.height == rc.height); }; _pSizeRect.isSameSize = function (rc) { return ((this.width == rc.width) && (this.height == rc.height)); }; _pSizeRect = null; } if (!nexacro.Decimal) { nexacro.Decimal = function (v1, v2) { if (!this instanceof nexacro.Decimal) { return new nexacro.Decimal(v1, v2); } this.hi = 0.0; this.lo = 0.0; if (v2 == null) { if (typeof v1 == "boolean") { if (v1) { this.hi = 1; } else { this.hi = 0; } } else if (typeof v1 == "number") { this._parse(v1.toString()); } else if (typeof v1 == 'object' && v1 instanceof nexacro.Decimal) { this.hi = v1.hi; this.lo = v1.lo; } else { this._parse(v1); } } else { this.hi = (v1 - 0.0); this.lo = (v2 - 0.0); } return this; }; nexacro.Decimal._fraction_10 = [1e0, 1e1, 1e2, 1e3, 1e4, 1e5, 1e6, 1e7, 1e8, 1e9, 1e10, 1e11, 1e12, 1e13, 1e14, 1e15, 1e16, 1e17, 1e18, 1e19, 1e20, 1e21, 1e22, 1e23, 1e24, 1e25, 1e26, 1e27, 1e28, 1e29, 1e30, 1e31, 1e32, 1e33, 1e34, 1e35, 1e36, 1e37, 1e38, 1e39, 1e40, 1e41, 1e42, 1e43, 1e44, 1e45, 1e46, 1e47, 1e48, 1e49, 1e50, 1e51, 1e52, 1e53, 1e54, 1e55, 1e56, 1e57, 1e58, 1e59, 1e60, 1e61, 1e62, 1e63, 1e64, 1e65, 1e66, 1e67, 1e68, 1e69, 1e70, 1e71, 1e72, 1e73, 1e74, 1e75, 1e76, 1e77, 1e78, 1e79, 1e80, 1e81, 1e82, 1e83, 1e84, 1e85, 1e86, 1e87, 1e88, 1e89, 1e90, 1e91, 1e92, 1e93, 1e94, 1e95, 1e96, 1e97, 1e98, 1e99, 1e100, 1e101, 1e102, 1e103, 1e104, 1e105, 1e106, 1e107, 1e108, 1e109, 1e110, 1e111, 1e112, 1e113, 1e114, 1e115, 1e116, 1e117, 1e118, 1e119, 1e120, 1e121, 1e122, 1e123, 1e124, 1e125, 1e126, 1e127, 1e128, 1e129, 1e130, 1e131, 1e132, 1e133, 1e134, 1e135, 1e136, 1e137, 1e138, 1e139, 1e140, 1e141, 1e142, 1e143, 1e144, 1e145, 1e146, 1e147, 1e148, 1e149, 1e150, 1e151, 1e152, 1e153, 1e154, 1e155, 1e156, 1e157, 1e158, 1e159, 1e160, 1e161, 1e162, 1e163, 1e164, 1e165, 1e166, 1e167, 1e168, 1e169, 1e170, 1e171, 1e172, 1e173, 1e174, 1e175, 1e176, 1e177, 1e178, 1e179, 1e180, 1e181, 1e182, 1e183, 1e184, 1e185, 1e186, 1e187, 1e188, 1e189, 1e190, 1e191, 1e192, 1e193, 1e194, 1e195, 1e196, 1e197, 1e198, 1e199, 1e200, 1e201, 1e202, 1e203, 1e204, 1e205, 1e206, 1e207, 1e208, 1e209, 1e210, 1e211, 1e212, 1e213, 1e214, 1e215, 1e216, 1e217, 1e218, 1e219, 1e220, 1e221, 1e222, 1e223, 1e224, 1e225, 1e226, 1e227, 1e228, 1e229, 1e230, 1e231, 1e232, 1e233, 1e234, 1e235, 1e236, 1e237, 1e238, 1e239, 1e240, 1e241, 1e242, 1e243, 1e244, 1e245, 1e246, 1e247, 1e248, 1e249, 1e250, 1e251, 1e252, 1e253, 1e254, 1e255, 1e256, 1e257, 1e258, 1e259, 1e260, 1e261, 1e262, 1e263, 1e264, 1e265, 1e266, 1e267, 1e268, 1e269, 1e270, 1e271, 1e272, 1e273, 1e274, 1e275, 1e276, 1e277, 1e278, 1e279, 1e280, 1e281, 1e282, 1e283, 1e284, 1e285, 1e286, 1e287, 1e288, 1e289, 1e290, 1e291, 1e292, 1e293, 1e294, 1e295, 1e296, 1e297, 1e298, 1e299, 1e300, 1e301, 1e302, 1e303, 1e304, 1e305, 1e306, 1e307, 1e308 ]; nexacro.Decimal._QD_SPLITTER = 134217729.0; nexacro.Decimal._zero_strs = ['', '0', '00', '000', '0000', '00000', '000000', '0000000', '00000000']; nexacro.Decimal._magnitude = function (x) { var dAbs = Math.abs(x); var dLog10 = Math.log(dAbs) * Math.LOG10E; var nMag = Math.floor(dLog10); if (dAbs >= nexacro.Decimal._fraction_10[nMag + 1]) { return nMag + 2; } return nMag + 1; }; nexacro.Decimal._getPow = function (n, dec) { dec.setDouble(1.0); while (n > 0) { if (n >= 14) { dec.mulDouble(1e14); } else { dec.mulDouble(nexacro.Decimal._fraction_10[n]); } n -= 14; } }; var _pDecimal = nexacro.Decimal.prototype; _pDecimal._parse = function (numstr) { this.hi = 0; this.lo = 0; var pos = 0; if (!numstr) { return; } var len = numstr.length; var ch; while (pos < len) { ch = numstr.charAt(pos); if (ch != ' ' && ch != '\t') { break; } pos++; } if (pos >= len) { this.hi = Number.NaN; return; } var sign = 0; ch = numstr.charAt(pos); if (ch == '-') { sign = 1; pos++; } else if (ch == '+') { pos++; } var ipos = pos; var fpos = pos; while (fpos < len) { ch = numstr.charAt(fpos); if (ch < '0' || ch > '9') { break; } fpos++; } var digits; var frac_offset = 0; var tpos = ipos; while (tpos < fpos) { pos = tpos; tpos += 9; if (tpos > fpos) { tpos = fpos; frac_offset = tpos - pos; } else { frac_offset = 9; } digits = 0; while (pos < tpos) { digits *= 10; ch = numstr.charAt(pos++); digits += (ch - '0'); } this.mulDouble(nexacro.Decimal._fraction_10[frac_offset]); this.addDouble(digits); } var epos, dfrac = 0; ch = numstr.charAt(fpos); if (ch == '.') { fpos++; pos = fpos; while (pos < len) { ch = numstr.charAt(pos); if (ch < '0' || ch > '9') { break; } pos++; } epos = pos; tpos = fpos; while (tpos < epos) { pos = tpos; tpos += 9; if (tpos > epos) { tpos = epos; frac_offset = tpos - pos; } else { frac_offset = 9; } digits = 0; while (pos < tpos) { digits *= 10; ch = numstr.charAt(pos++); digits += (ch - '0'); } this.mulDouble(nexacro.Decimal._fraction_10[frac_offset]); this.addDouble(digits); dfrac += frac_offset; } } else { epos = fpos; } ch = numstr.charAt(epos); digits = 0; if (ch == 'e' || ch == 'E') { var negf; epos++; ch = numstr.charAt(epos); if (ch == '-') { negf = 1; epos++; } else if (ch == '+') { negf = 0; epos++; } else { negf = 0; } pos = epos; while (pos < len) { ch = numstr.charAt(pos); if (ch < '0' || ch > '9') { break; } pos++; } len = pos + 1; if (len > numstr.length) { len = numstr.length; } pos = epos; while (pos < len) { digits *= 10; ch = numstr.charAt(pos++); digits += (ch - '0'); } if (digits >= 308) { if (negf) { this.hi = 0.0; this.lo = 0.0; } else { this.hi = (sign ? -Infinity : Infinity); this.lo = 0.0; } return; } } var scale = new nexacro.Decimal(); if (dfrac > 0) { nexacro.Decimal._getPow(dfrac, scale); this.divDecimal(scale); } else { nexacro.Decimal._getPow(dfrac, scale); this.mulDecimal(scale); } if (digits > 0) { nexacro.Decimal._getPow(digits, scale); if (negf) { this.divDecimal(scale); } else { this.mulDecimal(scale); } } if (sign) { this.hi = -this.hi; this.lo = -this.lo; } }; _pDecimal.setDouble = function (hi) { if (typeof hi != 'number') { throw new TypeError("Invalid arguments type!"); } this.hi = hi; this.lo = 0.0; }; _pDecimal.setDecimal = function (dec) { if (!dec instanceof nexacro.Decimal) { throw new TypeError("Invalid arguments type!"); } this.hi = dec.hi; this.lo = dec.lo; }; _pDecimal.setString = function (numstr) { if (typeof numstr != 'string') { throw new TypeError("Invalid arguments type!"); } this._parse(numstr); }; _pDecimal.isZero = function () { return (this.hi == 0.0 && this.lo == 0.0); }; _pDecimal.isEqual = function (dec) { if (!(dec instanceof nexacro.Decimal)) { throw new TypeError("Invalid arguments type!"); } return (this.hi == dec.hi && this.lo == dec.lo); }; _pDecimal.isInfinity = function () { return (this.hi == Infinity || this.hi == -Infinity); }; _pDecimal.isNaN = function () { return (this.hi != this.hi); }; _pDecimal.isNaNOrInf = function () { return (this.hi == Infinity || this.hi == -Infinity || this.hi != this.hi); }; _pDecimal.isNegative = function () { return this.hi < 0.0 || (this.hi == 0.0 && this.lo < 0.0); }; _pDecimal.addDouble = function (dval) { var H, S, s, e; S = this.hi + dval; e = S - this.hi; s = S - e; s = (dval - e) + (this.hi - s); e = s + this.lo; H = S + e; e = e + (S - H); this.hi = H + e; this.lo = e + (H - this.hi); }; _pDecimal.addDecimal = function (dec) { var H, h, T, t, S, s, e, f; S = this.hi + dec.hi; T = this.lo + dec.lo; e = S - this.hi; f = T - this.lo; s = S - e; t = T - f; s = (dec.hi - e) + (this.hi - s); t = (dec.lo - f) + (this.lo - t); e = s + T; H = S + e; h = e + (S - H); e = t + h; this.hi = H + e; this.lo = e + (H - this.hi); }; _pDecimal.subDouble = function (dval) { var H, S, s, e; S = this.hi - dval; e = S - this.hi; s = S - e; s = (-dval - e) + (this.hi - s); e = s + this.lo; H = S + e; e = e + (S - H); this.hi = H + e; this.lo = e + (H - this.hi); }; _pDecimal.subDecimal = function (dec) { var H, h, T, t, S, s, e, f; S = this.hi - dec.hi; T = this.lo - dec.lo; e = S - this.hi; f = T - this.lo; s = S - e; t = T - f; s = (-dec.hi - e) + (this.hi - s); t = (-dec.lo - f) + (this.lo - t); e = s + T; H = S + e; h = e + (S - H); e = t + h; this.hi = H + e; this.lo = e + (H - this.hi); }; _pDecimal.mulDouble = function (dval) { var hx, tx, hy, ty, C, c; C = nexacro.Decimal._QD_SPLITTER * this.hi; hx = C - this.hi; c = nexacro.Decimal._QD_SPLITTER * dval; hx = C - hx; tx = this.hi - hx; hy = c - dval; C = this.hi * dval; hy = c - hy; ty = dval - hy; c = ((((hx * hy - C) + hx * ty) + tx * hy) + tx * ty) + (this.lo * dval); this.hi = C + c; hx = C - this.hi; this.lo = c + hx; }; _pDecimal.mulDecimal = function (dec) { var hx, tx, hy, ty, C, c; C = nexacro.Decimal._QD_SPLITTER * this.hi; hx = C - this.hi; c = nexacro.Decimal._QD_SPLITTER * dec.hi; hx = C - hx; tx = this.hi - hx; hy = c - dec.hi; C = this.hi * dec.hi; hy = c - hy; ty = dec.hi - hy; c = ((((hx * hy - C) + hx * ty) + tx * hy) + tx * ty) + (this.hi * dec.lo + this.lo * dec.hi); this.hi = C + c; hx = C - this.hi; this.lo = c + hx; }; _pDecimal.divDouble = function (dval) { var hc, tc, hy, ty, C, c, U, u; C = this.hi / dval; c = nexacro.Decimal._QD_SPLITTER * C; hc = c - C; u = nexacro.Decimal._QD_SPLITTER * dval; hc = c - hc; tc = C - hc; hy = u - dval; U = C * dval; hy = u - hy; ty = dval - hy; u = (((hc * hy - U) + hc * ty) + tc * hy) + tc * ty; c = ((((this.hi - U) - u) + this.lo)) / dval; this.hi = C + c; this.lo = (C - this.hi) + c; }; _pDecimal.divDecimal = function (dec) { var hc, tc, hy, ty, C, c, U, u; C = this.hi / dec.hi; c = nexacro.Decimal._QD_SPLITTER * C; hc = c - C; u = nexacro.Decimal._QD_SPLITTER * dec.hi; hc = c - hc; tc = C - hc; hy = u - dec.hi; U = C * dec.hi; hy = u - hy; ty = dec.hi - hy; u = (((hc * hy - U) + hc * ty) + tc * hy) + tc * ty; c = ((((this.hi - U) - u) + this.lo) - C * dec.lo) / dec.hi; this.hi = C + c; this.lo = (C - this.hi) + c; }; _pDecimal.modDouble = function (dval) { var r = new nexacro.Decimal(this); r.divDouble(dval); r.floor(); r.mulDouble(dval); this.subDecimal(r); }; _pDecimal.modDecimal = function (dec) { var r = new nexacro.Decimal(this); r.divDecimal(dec); r.floor(); r.mulDecimal(dec); this.subDecimal(r); }; _pDecimal.abs = function () { if (this.isNegative()) { this.hi = -this.hi; this.lo = -this.lo; } return this; }; _pDecimal.floor = function () { var fhi = Math.floor(this.hi); if (fhi == this.hi) { this.lo = Math.floor(this.lo); } else { this.hi = fhi; this.lo = 0.0; } return this; }; _pDecimal.ceil = function () { var fhi = Math.ceil(this.hi); if (fhi == this.hi) { this.lo = Math.ceil(this.lo); } else { this.hi = fhi; this.lo = 0.0; } return this; }; _pDecimal.round = function () { this.addDouble(0.5); return this.floor(); }; _pDecimal.trunc = function () { if (this.hi > 0.0) { return this.floor(); } else { return this.ceil(); } }; _pDecimal.toString = function () { if (this.isZero()) { return "0"; } if (this.isNaN()) { return "NaN"; } var nMag = nexacro.Decimal._magnitude(this.hi); if (nMag >= -5 && nMag <= 24) { return this._toStandardStr(); } return this._toScientificStr(); }; _pDecimal.valueOf = function () { return this.hi + this.lo; }; _pDecimal._getCVT = function () { var buf = ''; var sign = 0; var y = new nexacro.Decimal(this); if (this.hi < 0.0 || this.hi == 0.0 && this.lo < 0.0) { sign = 1; y.abs(); } var nMag = nexacro.Decimal._magnitude(y.hi); var scale = new nexacro.Decimal(); if (nMag > 8) { nexacro.Decimal._getPow(nMag - 8, scale); y.divDecimal(scale); } else { nexacro.Decimal._getPow(nMag - 8, scale); y.mulDecimal(scale); } var pos = 0, len; var digit; var p; while (true) { digit = y.hi | 0; if (digit < 0) { break; } p = String(digit); len = p.length; if (len > 8) { buf += '99999999'; pos += 8; } else if (pos == 0) { buf += p; pos += len; } else { buf += nexacro.Decimal._zero_strs[8 - len]; buf += p; pos += 8; } if (pos >= 32) { pos = 32; break; } y.subDouble(digit); y.mulDouble(1e8); } if (pos >= 32 && buf.charAt(pos - 1) >= '5') { var round_pos = -1; while (pos > 0) { --pos; if (buf.charAt(pos - 1) < '9') { round_pos = pos - 1; break; } round_pos = pos - 1; } if (round_pos > -1) { buf = buf.substr(0, round_pos) + (Number(buf.charAt(round_pos)) + 1); } } else { while (pos > 0 && buf.charAt(pos - 1) == '0') { --pos; } } var _cvt_info = new Object; _cvt_info.dec = nMag; _cvt_info.sign = sign; _cvt_info.pos = pos; _cvt_info.buf = buf.substr(0, pos); return _cvt_info; }; _pDecimal._toScientificStr = function () { var str = '', digits = 0; var _cvt = this._getCVT(); if (_cvt == null || _cvt.pos == 0) { return '0'; } digits = _cvt.pos; if (_cvt.sign) { str = '-'; } str += _cvt.buf.charAt(0); if (digits == 1) { return str; } str += '.'; str += _cvt.buf.substring(1); str += 'e+'; str += (_cvt.dec - 1); return str; }; _pDecimal._toStandardStr = function () { var str = '', digits = 0, dec = 0; var _cvt = this._getCVT(); if (_cvt == null || _cvt.pos == 0) { return '0'; } if (_cvt.sign) { str = '-'; } dec = _cvt.dec; digits = _cvt.pos; var buf = _cvt.buf; if (dec <= 0) { str += '0.'; for (var i = dec; i < 0; i++) { str += '0'; } str += buf.substring(digits - (digits + (dec - 1))); } else if (digits > dec) { str += buf.substring(0, dec); str += '.'; str += buf.substring(dec); } else { str += buf; if ((dec - digits) > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < (dec - digits); i++) { str += '0'; } } } return str; }; _pDecimal.toFixed = function (fractionDigits) { var decimal_point = "."; var thousands_sep = ","; var grouping = 0; var positive_sign = ""; var negative_sign = "-"; var isNegative = this.isNegative(); var locale_string = this._getFormattedStringValue(this, decimal_point, thousands_sep, grouping, fractionDigits, true); if (isNegative) { locale_string = negative_sign + locale_string; } else { locale_string = positive_sign + locale_string; } return locale_string; }; _pDecimal.toExponential = function (fractionDigits) { }; _pDecimal.toPrecision = function (precision) { }; _pDecimal.toLocaleString = function (locale) { var locale_info = nexacro.Locale.getLocaleInfo(locale); var decimal_point = locale_info.decimal_point; var thousands_sep = locale_info.thousands_sep; var grouping = locale_info.grouping; var positive_sign = locale_info.positive_sign; var negative_sign = locale_info.negative_sign; var isNegative = this.isNegative(); var locale_string = this._getFormattedStringValue(this, decimal_point, thousands_sep, grouping, 3); if (isNegative) { locale_string = negative_sign + locale_string; } else { locale_string = positive_sign + locale_string; } return locale_string; }; _pDecimal.toLocaleCurrencyString = function (locale) { var locale_info = nexacro.Locale.getLocaleInfo(locale); var mon_decimal_point = locale_info.mon_decimal_point; var mon_thousands_sep = locale_info.mon_thousands_sep; var int_currency_code = locale_info.int_curr_symbol; var currency_symbol = locale_info.currency_symbol.trim(); var mon_grouping = locale_info.mon_grouping; var int_frac_digits = locale_info.int_frac_digits; var positive_sign = locale_info.positive_sign; var negative_sign = locale_info.negative_sign; var p_cs_precedes = locale_info.p_cs_precedes; var p_sep_by_space = locale_info.p_sep_by_space; var n_cs_precedes = locale_info.n_cs_precedes; var n_sep_by_space = locale_info.n_sep_by_space; var p_sign_position = locale_info.p_sign_posn; var n_sign_position = locale_info.n_sign_posn; var mon_n_sign_position = locale_info.mon_n_sign_posn; if (mon_n_sign_position != undefined) { n_sign_position = mon_n_sign_position; } var space_char = "\u0020"; var isNegative = this.isNegative(); var locale_string = this._getFormattedStringValue(this, mon_decimal_point, mon_thousands_sep, mon_grouping, int_frac_digits, true); if (isNegative) { if (n_cs_precedes) { switch (n_sign_position) { case 0: { switch (n_sep_by_space) { case 0: { locale_string = "(" + currency_symbol + locale_string + ")"; } break; case 1: { locale_string = "(" + currency_symbol + space_char + locale_string + ")"; } break; case 2: { locale_string = "(" + currency_symbol + locale_string + ")"; } break; } } break; case 1: { switch (n_sep_by_space) { case 0: { locale_string = negative_sign + currency_symbol + locale_string; } break; case 1: { locale_string = negative_sign + currency_symbol + space_char + locale_string; } break; case 2: { locale_string = negative_sign + space_char + currency_symbol + locale_string; } break; } } break; case 2: { switch (n_sep_by_space) { case 0: { locale_string = currency_symbol + locale_string + negative_sign; } break; case 1: { locale_string = currency_symbol + space_char + locale_string + negative_sign; } break; case 2: { locale_string = currency_symbol + locale_string + space_char + negative_sign; } break; } } break; case 3: { switch (n_sep_by_space) { case 0: { locale_string = negative_sign + currency_symbol + locale_string; } break; case 1: { locale_string = negative_sign + currency_symbol + space_char + locale_string; } break; case 2: { locale_string = negative_sign + space_char + currency_symbol + locale_string; } break; } } break; case 4: { switch (n_sep_by_space) { case 0: { locale_string = currency_symbol + negative_sign + locale_string; } break; case 1: { locale_string = currency_symbol + negative_sign + space_char + locale_string; } break; case 2: { locale_string = currency_symbol + space_char + negative_sign + locale_string; } break; } } break; } } else { switch (n_sign_position) { case 0: { switch (n_sep_by_space) { case 0: { locale_string = "(" + locale_string + currency_symbol + ")"; } break; case 1: { locale_string = "(" + locale_string + space_char + currency_symbol + ")"; } break; case 2: { locale_string = "(" + locale_string + space_char + currency_symbol + ")"; } break; } } break; case 1: { switch (n_sep_by_space) { case 0: { locale_string = negative_sign + locale_string + currency_symbol; } break; case 1: { locale_string = negative_sign + locale_string + space_char + currency_symbol; } break; case 2: { locale_string = negative_sign + locale_string + space_char + currency_symbol; } break; } } break; case 2: { switch (n_sep_by_space) { case 0: { locale_string = locale_string + currency_symbol + negative_sign; } break; case 1: { locale_string = locale_string + space_char + currency_symbol + negative_sign; } break; case 2: { locale_string = locale_string + currency_symbol + space_char + negative_sign; } break; } } break; case 3: { switch (n_sep_by_space) { case 0: { locale_string = locale_string + negative_sign + currency_symbol; } break; case 1: { locale_string = locale_string + space_char + negative_sign + currency_symbol; } break; case 2: { locale_string = locale_string + negative_sign + space_char + currency_symbol; } break; } } break; case 4: { switch (n_sep_by_space) { case 0: { locale_string = locale_string + currency_symbol + negative_sign; } break; case 1: { locale_string = locale_string + space_char + currency_symbol + negative_sign; } break; case 2: { locale_string = locale_string + currency_symbol + space_char + negative_sign; } break; } } break; } } } else { if (p_cs_precedes) { switch (p_sign_position) { case 0: { switch (p_sep_by_space) { case 0: { locale_string = "(" + currency_symbol + locale_string + ")"; } break; case 1: { locale_string = "(" + currency_symbol + space_char + locale_string + ")"; } break; case 2: { locale_string = "(" + currency_symbol + locale_string + ")"; } break; } } break; case 1: { switch (p_sep_by_space) { case 0: { locale_string = positive_sign + currency_symbol + locale_string; } break; case 1: { locale_string = positive_sign + currency_symbol + space_char + locale_string; } break; case 2: { locale_string = positive_sign + space_char + currency_symbol + locale_string; } break; } } break; case 2: { switch (p_sep_by_space) { case 0: { locale_string = currency_symbol + locale_string + positive_sign; } break; case 1: { locale_string = currency_symbol + space_char + locale_string + positive_sign; } break; case 2: { locale_string = currency_symbol + locale_string + space_char + positive_sign; } break; } } break; case 3: { switch (p_sep_by_space) { case 0: { locale_string = positive_sign + currency_symbol + locale_string; } break; case 1: { locale_string = positive_sign + currency_symbol + space_char + locale_string; } break; case 2: { locale_string = positive_sign + space_char + currency_symbol + locale_string; } break; } } break; case 4: { switch (p_sep_by_space) { case 0: { locale_string = currency_symbol + positive_sign + locale_string; } break; case 1: { locale_string = currency_symbol + positive_sign + space_char + locale_string; } break; case 2: { locale_string = currency_symbol + space_char + positive_sign + locale_string; } break; } } break; } } else { switch (p_sign_position) { case 0: { switch (p_sep_by_space) { case 0: { locale_string = "(" + locale_string + currency_symbol + ")"; } break; case 1: { locale_string = "(" + locale_string + space_char + currency_symbol + ")"; } break; case 2: { locale_string = "(" + locale_string + space_char + currency_symbol + ")"; } break; } } break; case 1: { switch (p_sep_by_space) { case 0: { locale_string = positive_sign + locale_string + currency_symbol; } break; case 1: { locale_string = positive_sign + locale_string + space_char + currency_symbol; } break; case 2: { locale_string = positive_sign + locale_string + space_char + currency_symbol; } break; } } break; case 2: { switch (p_sep_by_space) { case 0: { locale_string = locale_string + currency_symbol + positive_sign; } break; case 1: { locale_string = locale_string + space_char + currency_symbol + positive_sign; } break; case 2: { locale_string = locale_string + currency_symbol + space_char + positive_sign; } break; } } break; case 3: { switch (p_sep_by_space) { case 0: { locale_string = locale_string + positive_sign + currency_symbol; } break; case 1: { locale_string = locale_string + space_char + positive_sign + currency_symbol; } break; case 2: { locale_string = locale_string + positive_sign + space_char + currency_symbol; } break; } } break; case 4: { switch (p_sep_by_space) { case 0: { locale_string = locale_string + currency_symbol + positive_sign; } break; case 1: { locale_string = locale_string + space_char + currency_symbol + positive_sign; } break; case 2: { locale_string = locale_string + currency_symbol + space_char + positive_sign; } break; } } break; } } } return locale_string; }; _pDecimal.toFixedLocaleString = function (locale, fractionDigits) { var locale_info = nexacro.Locale.getLocaleInfo(locale); var decimal_point = locale_info.decimal_point; var thousands_sep = locale_info.thousands_sep; var grouping = locale_info.grouping; var positive_sign = locale_info.positive_sign; var negative_sign = locale_info.negative_sign; var isNegative = this.isNegative(); var locale_string = this._getFormattedStringValue(this, decimal_point, thousands_sep, grouping, fractionDigits, true); if (isNegative) { locale_string = negative_sign + locale_string; } else { locale_string = positive_sign + locale_string; } return locale_string; }; _pDecimal._getFormattedStringValue = function (value, decimal_point, thousands_sep, grouping, frac_digits, use_fraction_digits) { var hi = this.hi; var lo = this.lo; var value_string = value.abs().toString().split("."); var integer_string = value_string[0]; var decimal_string = value_string[1]; if (!decimal_string) { decimal_string = ""; } var locale_string = ""; var grouping_value; if (!decimal_point) { decimal_point = "."; } if (!thousands_sep) { thousands_sep = ","; } if (grouping && grouping.length > 0) { grouping_value = grouping[0]; } if (grouping_value <= 0) { grouping_value = 3; } if (integer_string.length >= grouping_value && grouping_value > 0) { if (integer_string.length == grouping_value) { locale_string = integer_string.substr(integer_string.length - grouping_value, grouping_value) + locale_string; } else { locale_string = thousands_sep + integer_string.substr(integer_string.length - grouping_value, grouping_value) + locale_string; } integer_string = integer_string.slice(0, integer_string.length - grouping_value); } if (grouping.length > 1) { grouping_value = grouping[1]; } if (grouping_value <= 0) { grouping_value = 3; } while (integer_string.length > grouping_value && grouping_value > 0) { locale_string = thousands_sep + integer_string.substr(integer_string.length - grouping_value, grouping_value) + locale_string; integer_string = integer_string.slice(0, integer_string.length - grouping_value); } locale_string = integer_string + locale_string; if (use_fraction_digits) { var i = decimal_string.length; var fraction_string = ""; while (i < frac_digits) { fraction_string = fraction_string + "0"; i++; } decimal_string = decimal_string + fraction_string; decimal_string = decimal_string.slice(0, frac_digits); } if (decimal_string) { locale_string = locale_string + decimal_point + decimal_string; } this.hi = hi; this.lo = lo; return locale_string; }; delete _pDecimal; } if (!nexacro.Number) { nexacro.Number = function (v) { { this.value = new Number(v); } }; var _pNumber = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Object, nexacro.Number); nexacro.Number.prototype = _pNumber; _pNumber.toString = function (locale) { return this.value.toString(); }; _pNumber.valueOf = function () { return this.value; }; _pNumber.isNegative = function () { return this.value < 0; }; _pNumber._getFormattedStringValue = function (value, decimal_point, thousands_sep, grouping, frac_digits, use_fraction_digits) { var value_string = Math.abs(value).toString().split("."); var integer_string = value_string[0]; var decimal_string = value_string[1]; if (!decimal_string) { decimal_string = ""; } var locale_string = ""; var grouping_value; if (!decimal_point) { decimal_point = "."; } if (!thousands_sep) { thousands_sep = ","; } if (grouping && grouping.length > 0) { grouping_value = grouping[0]; } if (grouping_value <= 0) { grouping_value = 3; } if (integer_string.length >= grouping_value && grouping_value > 0) { if (integer_string.length == grouping_value) { locale_string = integer_string.substr(integer_string.length - grouping_value, grouping_value) + locale_string; } else { locale_string = thousands_sep + integer_string.substr(integer_string.length - grouping_value, grouping_value) + locale_string; } integer_string = integer_string.slice(0, integer_string.length - grouping_value); } if (grouping.length > 1) { grouping_value = grouping[1]; } if (grouping_value <= 0) { grouping_value = 3; } while (integer_string.length > grouping_value && grouping_value > 0) { locale_string = thousands_sep + integer_string.substr(integer_string.length - grouping_value, grouping_value) + locale_string; integer_string = integer_string.slice(0, integer_string.length - grouping_value); } locale_string = integer_string + locale_string; if (use_fraction_digits) { var i = decimal_string.length; var fraction_string = ""; while (i < frac_digits) { fraction_string = fraction_string + "0"; i++; } decimal_string = decimal_string + fraction_string; decimal_string = decimal_string.slice(0, frac_digits); } if (decimal_string) { locale_string = locale_string + decimal_point + decimal_string; } return locale_string; }; _pNumber.toLocaleString = function (locale) { var locale_info = nexacro.Locale.getLocaleInfo(locale); var decimal_point = locale_info.decimal_point; var thousands_sep = locale_info.thousands_sep; var grouping = locale_info.grouping; var positive_sign = locale_info.positive_sign; var negative_sign = locale_info.negative_sign; var isNegative = this.isNegative(); var locale_string = this._getFormattedStringValue(this.value, decimal_point, thousands_sep, grouping, 3); if (isNegative) { locale_string = negative_sign + locale_string; } else { locale_string = positive_sign + locale_string; } return locale_string; }; _pNumber.toLocaleCurrencyString = function (locale) { var locale_info = nexacro.Locale.getLocaleInfo(locale); var mon_decimal_point = locale_info.mon_decimal_point; var mon_thousands_sep = locale_info.mon_thousands_sep; var int_currency_code = locale_info.int_curr_symbol; var currency_symbol = locale_info.currency_symbol.trim(); var mon_grouping = locale_info.mon_grouping; var int_frac_digits = locale_info.int_frac_digits; var positive_sign = locale_info.positive_sign; var negative_sign = locale_info.negative_sign; var p_cs_precedes = locale_info.p_cs_precedes; var p_sep_by_space = locale_info.p_sep_by_space; var n_cs_precedes = locale_info.n_cs_precedes; var n_sep_by_space = locale_info.n_sep_by_space; var p_sign_position = locale_info.p_sign_posn; var n_sign_position = locale_info.n_sign_posn; var mon_n_sign_position = locale_info.mon_n_sign_posn; if (mon_n_sign_position != undefined) { n_sign_position = mon_n_sign_position; } var space_char = "\u0020"; var isNegative = this.isNegative(); var locale_string = this._getFormattedStringValue(this.value, mon_decimal_point, mon_thousands_sep, mon_grouping, int_frac_digits, true); if (isNegative) { if (n_cs_precedes) { switch (n_sign_position) { case 0: { switch (n_sep_by_space) { case 0: { locale_string = "(" + currency_symbol + locale_string + ")"; } break; case 1: { locale_string = "(" + currency_symbol + space_char + locale_string + ")"; } break; case 2: { locale_string = "(" + currency_symbol + locale_string + ")"; } break; } } break; case 1: { switch (n_sep_by_space) { case 0: { locale_string = negative_sign + currency_symbol + locale_string; } break; case 1: { locale_string = negative_sign + currency_symbol + space_char + locale_string; } break; case 2: { locale_string = negative_sign + space_char + currency_symbol + locale_string; } break; } } break; case 2: { switch (n_sep_by_space) { case 0: { locale_string = currency_symbol + locale_string + negative_sign; } break; case 1: { locale_string = currency_symbol + space_char + locale_string + negative_sign; } break; case 2: { locale_string = currency_symbol + locale_string + space_char + negative_sign; } break; } } break; case 3: { switch (n_sep_by_space) { case 0: { locale_string = negative_sign + currency_symbol + locale_string; } break; case 1: { locale_string = negative_sign + currency_symbol + space_char + locale_string; } break; case 2: { locale_string = negative_sign + space_char + currency_symbol + locale_string; } break; } } break; case 4: { switch (n_sep_by_space) { case 0: { locale_string = currency_symbol + negative_sign + locale_string; } break; case 1: { locale_string = currency_symbol + negative_sign + space_char + locale_string; } break; case 2: { locale_string = currency_symbol + space_char + negative_sign + locale_string; } break; } } break; } } else { switch (n_sign_position) { case 0: { switch (n_sep_by_space) { case 0: { locale_string = "(" + locale_string + currency_symbol + ")"; } break; case 1: { locale_string = "(" + locale_string + space_char + currency_symbol + ")"; } break; case 2: { locale_string = "(" + locale_string + space_char + currency_symbol + ")"; } break; } } break; case 1: { switch (n_sep_by_space) { case 0: { locale_string = negative_sign + locale_string + currency_symbol; } break; case 1: { locale_string = negative_sign + locale_string + space_char + currency_symbol; } break; case 2: { locale_string = negative_sign + locale_string + space_char + currency_symbol; } break; } } break; case 2: { switch (n_sep_by_space) { case 0: { locale_string = locale_string + currency_symbol + negative_sign; } break; case 1: { locale_string = locale_string + space_char + currency_symbol + negative_sign; } break; case 2: { locale_string = locale_string + currency_symbol + space_char + negative_sign; } break; } } break; case 3: { switch (n_sep_by_space) { case 0: { locale_string = locale_string + negative_sign + currency_symbol; } break; case 1: { locale_string = locale_string + space_char + negative_sign + currency_symbol; } break; case 2: { locale_string = locale_string + negative_sign + space_char + currency_symbol; } break; } } break; case 4: { switch (n_sep_by_space) { case 0: { locale_string = locale_string + currency_symbol + negative_sign; } break; case 1: { locale_string = locale_string + space_char + currency_symbol + negative_sign; } break; case 2: { locale_string = locale_string + currency_symbol + space_char + negative_sign; } break; } } break; } } } else { if (p_cs_precedes) { switch (p_sign_position) { case 0: { switch (p_sep_by_space) { case 0: { locale_string = "(" + currency_symbol + locale_string + ")"; } break; case 1: { locale_string = "(" + currency_symbol + space_char + locale_string + ")"; } break; case 2: { locale_string = "(" + currency_symbol + locale_string + ")"; } break; } } break; case 1: { switch (p_sep_by_space) { case 0: { locale_string = positive_sign + currency_symbol + locale_string; } break; case 1: { locale_string = positive_sign + currency_symbol + space_char + locale_string; } break; case 2: { locale_string = positive_sign + space_char + currency_symbol + locale_string; } break; } } break; case 2: { switch (p_sep_by_space) { case 0: { locale_string = currency_symbol + locale_string + positive_sign; } break; case 1: { locale_string = currency_symbol + space_char + locale_string + positive_sign; } break; case 2: { locale_string = currency_symbol + locale_string + space_char + positive_sign; } break; } } break; case 3: { switch (p_sep_by_space) { case 0: { locale_string = positive_sign + currency_symbol + locale_string; } break; case 1: { locale_string = positive_sign + currency_symbol + space_char + locale_string; } break; case 2: { locale_string = positive_sign + space_char + currency_symbol + locale_string; } break; } } break; case 4: { switch (p_sep_by_space) { case 0: { locale_string = currency_symbol + positive_sign + locale_string; } break; case 1: { locale_string = currency_symbol + positive_sign + space_char + locale_string; } break; case 2: { locale_string = currency_symbol + space_char + positive_sign + locale_string; } break; } } break; } } else { switch (p_sign_position) { case 0: { switch (p_sep_by_space) { case 0: { locale_string = "(" + locale_string + currency_symbol + ")"; } break; case 1: { locale_string = "(" + locale_string + space_char + currency_symbol + ")"; } break; case 2: { locale_string = "(" + locale_string + space_char + currency_symbol + ")"; } break; } } break; case 1: { switch (p_sep_by_space) { case 0: { locale_string = positive_sign + locale_string + currency_symbol; } break; case 1: { locale_string = positive_sign + locale_string + space_char + currency_symbol; } break; case 2: { locale_string = positive_sign + locale_string + space_char + currency_symbol; } break; } } break; case 2: { switch (p_sep_by_space) { case 0: { locale_string = locale_string + currency_symbol + positive_sign; } break; case 1: { locale_string = locale_string + space_char + currency_symbol + positive_sign; } break; case 2: { locale_string = locale_string + currency_symbol + space_char + positive_sign; } break; } } break; case 3: { switch (p_sep_by_space) { case 0: { locale_string = locale_string + positive_sign + currency_symbol; } break; case 1: { locale_string = locale_string + space_char + positive_sign + currency_symbol; } break; case 2: { locale_string = locale_string + positive_sign + space_char + currency_symbol; } break; } } break; case 4: { switch (p_sep_by_space) { case 0: { locale_string = locale_string + currency_symbol + positive_sign; } break; case 1: { locale_string = locale_string + space_char + currency_symbol + positive_sign; } break; case 2: { locale_string = locale_string + currency_symbol + space_char + positive_sign; } break; } } break; } } } return locale_string; }; _pNumber.toFixed = function (fractionDigits) { var decimal_point = "."; var thousands_sep = ","; var grouping = 0; var positive_sign = ""; var negative_sign = "-"; var isNegative = this.isNegative(); var locale_string = this._getFormattedStringValue(this.value, decimal_point, thousands_sep, grouping, fractionDigits, true); if (isNegative) { locale_string = negative_sign + locale_string; } else { locale_string = positive_sign + locale_string; } return locale_string; }; _pNumber.toFixedLocaleString = function (locale, fractionDigits) { var locale_info = nexacro.Locale.getLocaleInfo(locale); var decimal_point = locale_info.decimal_point; var thousands_sep = locale_info.thousands_sep; var grouping = locale_info.grouping; var positive_sign = locale_info.positive_sign; var negative_sign = locale_info.negative_sign; var isNegative = this.isNegative(); var locale_string = this._getFormattedStringValue(this.value, decimal_point, thousands_sep, grouping, fractionDigits, true); if (isNegative) { locale_string = negative_sign + locale_string; } else { locale_string = positive_sign + locale_string; } return locale_string; }; _pNumber.toPrecesion = function (precision) { }; _pNumber.toExponential = function () { }; delete _pNumber; } if (!nexacro.BindableValue) { nexacro.BindableValue = function (def) { this._bindtype = 0; this._default = def; this._value = def; }; var _pBindableValue = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Object, nexacro.BindableValue); nexacro.BindableValue.prototype = _pBindableValue; _pBindableValue._type_name = "BindableValue"; _pBindableValue.valueOf = function () { return this._value; }; _pBindableValue.toString = function () { return this._value + ""; }; _pBindableValue._set = function (v) { var str = this._default; str = v.toString(); if (v !== this._value) { if (v === "") { this._value = this._default; this._bindtype = 0; } else { this._bindtype = 0; var tag = str.substr(0, 4); tag = tag.toUpperCase(); if (tag == "EXPR" || tag == "BIND") { var chk = str.substr(4, 1); if (tag == "EXPR" && chk == "(") { str = str.substr(0, 4) + ":" + str.substr(4); } else if (chk != ":") { this._value = v; return; } var expr = str.substr(4).trim(); if (tag == "BIND") { this._bindtype = 1; } else { this._bindtype = 2; } this._bindexpr = expr.substr(1); this._value = str.substr(0, 4) + ":" + this._bindexpr; } else { this._value = v; } } } }; _pBindableValue._set_intval = function (v) { var str = v.toString(); if (v != this._value) { if (v == "") { this._value = this._default; this._bindtype = 0; } else { this._bindtype = 0; var tag = str.substr(0, 4); tag = tag.toUpperCase(); if (tag == "EXPR" || tag == "BIND") { var chk = str.substr(4, 1); if (tag == "EXPR" && chk == "(") { str = str.substr(0, 4) + ":" + str.substr(4); } if (tag == "BIND") { this._bindtype = 1; } else { this._bindtype = 2; } var expr = str.substr(4).trim(); if (/^expr(\s*):|^bind(\s*):/.test(str)) { this._bindexpr = expr.substr(1); } else { this._bindexpr = expr.substr(1, expr.length - 1); } this._value = str; } else { this._value = (v | 0); } } } }; _pBindableValue._set_enumval = function (v, enumvals) { var str = v.toString(); if (v != this._value) { if (v == "") { this._value = this._default; this._bindtype = 0; } else { this._bindtype = 0; var tag = str.substr(0, 4); tag = tag.toUpperCase(); if (tag == "EXPR" || tag == "BIND") { var chk = str.substr(4, 1); if (tag == "EXPR" && chk == "(") { str = str.substr(0, 4) + ":" + str.substr(4); } if (tag == "BIND") { this._bindtype = 1; } else { this._bindtype = 2; } var expr = str.substr(4).trim(); if (/^expr(\s*):|^bind(\s*):/.test(str)) { this._bindexpr = expr.substr(1); } else { this._bindexpr = expr.substr(1, expr.length - 1); } this._value = str; } else { var len = enumvals.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (v == enumvals[i]) { this._value = v; return; } } this._value = this._default; } } } }; } if (!nexacro.Image) { nexacro.Image = function (target) { if (target) { this._target = target; } this._event_list = { "onload" : 1, "onerror" : 1 }; }; _pImageObject = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.EventSinkObject, nexacro.Image); nexacro.Image.prototype = _pImageObject; _pImageObject._type_name = "Image"; _pImageObject.height = 0; _pImageObject.width = 0; _pImageObject.src = ""; _pImageObject._base64str = ""; _pImageObject._handle = null; _pImageObject.setBase64String = function (v) { if (typeof v != "string") { return; } if (v == "") { this._base64str = v; } else if (v.substring(0, 10).toLowerCase() != "data:image") { this._base64str = "data:image;base64," + v; } else if (v.substring(0, 17).toLowerCase() != "data:image;base64") { var comma_idx = v.indexOf(","); if (comma_idx > -1) { var tmp = v.slice(comma_idx + 1, v.legnth); this._base64str = "data:image;base64," + tmp; } } }; _pImageObject.getBase64String = function () { return this._base64str; }; _pImageObject.set_src = function (v) { if (this.src != v) { this.src = v; this._handle = nexacro._getImageObject(v, this.on_load, this); } }; _pImageObject.on_load = function (imageurl, width, height, _handle, errstatus, fireerrorcode, returncode, locationurl) { this.width = width; this.height = height; if (errstatus && errstatus < 0) { var errormsg; if (fireerrorcode) { errormsg = nexacro._GetSystemErrorMsg(this, fireerrorcode); } this.on_fire_onerror(this, fireerrorcode, errormsg, returncode, imageurl, locationurl); } else { if (_handle) { this._handle = _handle; } this.on_fire_onload(this, imageurl); } }; _pImageObject.on_fire_onload = function (obj, url) { if (this.onload && this.onload._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.LoadEventInfo(obj, "onload", url); this.onload._fireEvent(obj, evt); } }; _pImageObject.on_fire_onerror = function (obj, errorcode, errormsg, statuscode, requesturi, locationuri) { if (this.onerror && this.onerror._has_handlers) { var evt = new nexacro.ErrorEventInfo(obj, "onerror", errorcode, errormsg, this, statuscode, requesturi, locationuri); this.onerror._fireEvent(this, evt); } }; delete _pImageObject; } if (!nexacro.HotKey) { nexacro.HotKey = function (value) { this._load(value); }; var _pHotKey = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Object, nexacro.HotKey); nexacro.HotKey.prototype = _pHotKey; _pHotKey._modifierkey = 0; _pHotKey._keycode = 0; _pHotKey._is_registered = false; _pHotKey._type_name = "HotKey"; _pHotKey._keytable = { "BACK" : 0x08, "TAB" : 0x09, "RETURN" : 0x0d, "PAUSE" : 0x13, "CAPITAL" : 0x14, "ESCAPE" : 0x1b, "SPACE" : 0x20, "PRIOR" : 0x21, "NEXT" : 0x22, "END" : 0x23, "HOME" : 0x24, "LEFT" : 0x25, "UP" : 0x26, "RIGHT" : 0x27, "DOWN" : 0x28, "INSERT" : 0x2d, "DELETE" : 0x2e, "NUMPAD0" : 0x60, "NUMPAD1" : 0x61, "NUMPAD2" : 0x62, "NUMPAD3" : 0x63, "NUMPAD4" : 0x64, "NUMPAD5" : 0x65, "NUMPAD6" : 0x66, "NUMPAD7" : 0x67, "NUMPAD8" : 0x68, "NUMPAD9" : 0x69, "MULTIPLY" : 0x6a, "ADD" : 0x6b, "SEPARATOR" : 0x6c, "SUBTRACT" : 0x6d, "DECIMAL" : 0x6e, "DIVIDE" : 0x6f, "F1" : 0x70, "F2" : 0x71, "F3" : 0x72, "F4" : 0x73, "F5" : 0x74, "F6" : 0x75, "F7" : 0x76, "F8" : 0x77, "F9" : 0x78, "F10" : 0x79, "F11" : 0x7a, "F12" : 0x7b, "NUMLOCK" : 0x90, "SCROLL" : 0x91 }; _pHotKey._clear = function () { this._modifierkey = 0; this._keycode = 0; }; _pHotKey._load = function (value) { this._clear(); if (value && value != "") { var ar = value.split("+"); for (var i = 0; i < ar.length - 1; i++) { var token = ar[i].toUpperCase().trim(); if (token == "CTRL" || token == "CONTROL") { this._modifierkey += 0x01; } if (token == "ALT") { this._modifierkey += 0x02; } if (token == "SHIFT") { this._modifierkey += 0x04; } } var keycode_str = ar[ar.length - 1].toUpperCase().trim(); var keycode = this._convToKeyCode(keycode_str); if (keycode < 0) { this._clear(); return; } this._keycode = keycode; } }; _pHotKey._isEmpty = function () { if (this._keycode == 0) { return true; } return false; }; _pHotKey._convToKeyCode = function (value) { var ret = -1; if (!value) { return ret; } if (value.length == 1) { if ((value >= 'A' && value <= 'Z') || (value >= '0' && value <= '9')) { ret = value.charCodeAt(0); } else if (value >= 'a' && value <= 'z') { ret = value.toUpperCase().charCodeAt(0); } } else { if (this._keytable[value]) { ret = this._keytable[value]; } } return ret; }; _pHotKey._convToKeyString = function (value) { var ret = -1; if (!value) { return ret; } if ((value >= 65 && value <= 90) || (value >= 48 && value <= 57)) { ret = String.fromCharCode(value); } else { for (var keystr in this._keytable) { if (value == this._keytable[keystr]) { ret = keystr; break; } } } return ret; }; _pHotKey._toString = function () { var ret = ""; if ((this._modifierkey & 0x01) == 0x01) { ret += "CTRL"; } if ((this._modifierkey & 0x02) == 0x02) { if (ret.length != 0) { ret += "+"; } ret += "ALT"; } if ((this._modifierkey & 0x04) == 0x04) { if (ret.length != 0) { ret += "+"; } ret += "SHIFT"; } if (ret.length != 0) { ret += "+"; } ret += this._convToKeyString(this._keycode); return ret; }; delete _pHotKey; }