//============================================================================== // // TOBESOFT Co., Ltd. // Copyright 2014 TOBESOFT Co., Ltd. // All Rights Reserved. // // NOTICE: TOBESOFT permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file // in accordance with the terms of the license agreement accompanying it. // // Readme URL: http://www.nexacro.co.kr/legal/nexacro-public-license-readme-1.1.html // //============================================================================== if (!nexacro._bInitCssObjects) { nexacro.Style_value = function (v) { this.value = ""; this._is_empty = true; this._value = ""; this._bindtype = 0; this._bindexpr = ""; if (v) { if (typeof (v) == "string") { var val = v.trim(); if (val) { this._parseInfo(val); var str = this._getValueStr(); this._is_empty = (str == ""); this._value = str; } } else { this.value = v; var str = v + ""; this._is_empty = (str == ""); this._value = str; } } else if (v === false || v === 0) { this.value = v; var str = v + ""; this._is_empty = (str == ""); this._value = str; } }; var _pStyleValue = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Object, nexacro.Style_value); nexacro.Style_value.prototype = _pStyleValue; _pStyleValue._type_name = "Value"; _pStyleValue.valueOf = function () { return this.value; }; _pStyleValue.toString = function () { return this._value + ""; }; _pStyleValue.clone = function () { var newobj = new nexacro.Style_value(); newobj.value = this.value; newobj._is_empty = this._is_empty; newobj._value = this._value; return newobj; }; _pStyleValue.isEmpty = function () { return (this._bindtype = 0 && this._value != ""); }; _pStyleValue._getValueStr = function () { switch (this._bindtype) { case 0: return this.value + ""; case 1: return "bind:" + this._bindexpr; case 2: return "expr:" + this._bindexpr; } return ""; }; _pStyleValue._parseInfo = function (val) { var tag = val.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase(); if (tag == "expr" || tag == "bind") { if (tag == "bind") { this._bindtype = 1; } else { this._bindtype = 2; } if (val.charAt(4) == '(') { this._bindexpr = val.substr(5, val.length - 6); } else { this._bindexpr = val.substring(5); } this.value = ""; } else { this._bindtype = 0; this._bindexpr = ""; this.value = val; } }; _pStyleValue._parseEnumInfo = function (val) { var tag = val.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase(); if (tag == "expr" || tag == "bind") { if (tag == "bind") { this._bindtype = 1; } else { this._bindtype = 2; } if (val.charAt(4) == '(') { this._bindexpr = val.substr(5, val.length - 6); } else { this._bindexpr = val.substring(5); } this.value = ""; } else { this._bindtype = 0; this._bindexpr = ""; var len = enumvals.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (v == enumvals[i]) { this.value = v; return; } } this.value = ""; } }; _pStyleValue._empty = function () { if (!this._is_empty) { this._is_empty = true; this._value = ""; this._bindtype = 0; this._bindexpr = ""; this.value = ""; return true; } return false; }; _pStyleValue._updateValue = function () { var str = this._getValueStr(); if (str != this._value) { this._is_empty = (str == ""); this._value = str; return true; } return false; }; _pStyleValue._setValue = function (v) { if (v) { if ((typeof v) == "string") { var val = v.trim(); if (val != this._value) { if (val) { this._parseInfo(val); return this._updateValue(); } else { return this._empty(); } } return false; } else { if (v != this._value) { this._bindtype = 0; this._bindexpr = ""; this.value = v; return this._updateValue(); } return false; } } return this._empty(); }; _pStyleValue._setEnumValue = function (v, enumvals) { if (v) { if ((typeof v) == "string") { var val = v.trim(); if (val != this._value) { if (val) { this._parseEnumInfo(val, enumvals); return this._updateValue(); } else { return this._empty(); } } return false; } else { if (v != this._value) { this._bindtype = 0; this._bindexpr = ""; var len = enumvals.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (v == enumvals[i]) { this.value = v; return this._updateValue(); } } return this._empty(); } return false; } } return this._empty(); }; delete _pStyleValue; nexacro.getStyleValueFloat = function (v, def) { if (!v || v.isEmpty()) { return def; } var val = (v.value - 0); return isNaN(val) ? def : val; }; nexacro.getStyleValueInt = function (v, def) { if (!v || v.isEmpty()) { return def; } var val = (v.value | 0); return isNaN(val) ? def : val; }; nexacro.getStyleValueText = function (v, def) { if (!v || v.isEmpty()) { return def; } return v.value; }; nexacro.getStyleValueText2 = function (v, chkval, def) { if (!v || v.isEmpty() || v._value == chkval) { return def; } return v.value; }; nexacro.getStyleValueBoolean = function (v, def) { if (!v || v.isEmpty()) { return def; } return (!!v.value); }; nexacro._createValueAttributeEvalStr = function (ptype_id, attr_id) { var callback_id = "on_update_style_" + attr_id; var str = "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$ = function (v) {\n" + " var oldobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " if ((v != null && v != undefined) || v === false) {\n" + " var styleobj = nexacro._getCachedValueObj(v);\n" + " if (oldobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = styleobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " else if (oldobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = null;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n"; return str.replace(/\$PTYPE\$/g, ptype_id).replace(/\$ATTR\$/g, attr_id).replace(/\$CALL\$/g, callback_id); }; nexacro._createEnumValueAttributeEvalStr = function (ptype_id, attr_id, enumvals_id) { var callback_id = "on_update_style_" + attr_id; var str = "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$ = function (v) {\n" + " var oldobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " if (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = new nexacro.Style_value();\n" + " styleobj._setEnumValue(v, $ENUM$);\n" + " if (!oldobj || oldobj._value != styleobj._value) {\n" + " if (styleobj._bindtype != 0) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = styleobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + " else {\n" + " styleobj = nexacro._registerCachedValueObj(styleobj);\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = styleobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " else if (styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = null;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n"; return str.replace(/\$PTYPE\$/g, ptype_id).replace(/\$ATTR\$/g, attr_id).replace(/\$CALL\$/g, callback_id).replace(/\$ENUM\$/g, enumvals_id); }; nexacro.Style_color = function (v) { this.value = ""; this._is_empty = true; this._value = ""; this._bindtype = 0; this._bindexpr = ""; this._syscolor = ""; this._sysalpha = 255; if (v) { var val = v.trim(); if (val) { this._parseInfo(val); var str = this._getValueStr(); this._is_empty = (str == ""); this.value = val; this._value = str; } } }; var _pStyleColor = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Object, nexacro.Style_color); nexacro.Style_color.prototype = _pStyleColor; _pStyleColor._type_name = "Color"; _pStyleColor.valueOf = function () { return this.value; }; _pStyleColor.toString = function () { return this.value; }; _pStyleColor.clone = function () { var newobj = new nexacro.Style_color(); newobj.value = this.value; newobj._is_empty = this._is_empty; newobj._value = this._value; newobj._syscolor = this._syscolor; newobj._sysalpha = this._sysalpha; return newobj; }; _pStyleColor._getValueStr = function (val) { switch (this._bindtype) { case 0: return this._value; case 1: return "bind:" + this._bindexpr; case 2: return "expr:" + this._bindexpr; } return ""; }; _pStyleColor._parseInfo = function (val) { var tag = val.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase(); if (tag == "expr" || tag == "bind") { if (tag == "bind") { this._bindtype = 1; } else { this._bindtype = 2; } if (val.charAt(4) == '(') { this._bindexpr = val.substr(5, val.length - 6); } else { this._bindexpr = val.substring(5); } this.value = ""; } else { this._bindtype = 0; this._bindexpr = ""; this.value = val; this._syscolor = nexacro._getWebColorFromXreColor(val); this._sysalpha = nexacro._getXreColorAlpha(val); var str = val + ""; this._is_empty = (str == ""); this._value = str; } }; _pStyleColor._empty = function () { if (!this._is_empty) { this._is_empty = true; this._value = ""; this._bindtype = 0; this._bindexpr = ""; this.value = ""; this._syscolor = ""; this._sysalpha = 255; return true; } return false; }; _pStyleColor._updateValue = function () { var str = this._getValueStr(); if (str != this._value) { this._is_empty = (str == ""); if (this._bindtype != 0) { this._syscolor = ""; this._sysalpha = 255; } else { this._syscolor = nexacro._getWebColorFromXreColor(this.value); this._sysalpha = nexacro._getXreColorAlpha(this.value); } this._value = str; return true; } return false; }; _pStyleColor._setValue = function (v) { if (v && typeof (v) == "string") { var val = v.trim(); if (val != this._value) { if (val) { this._parseInfo(val); return this._updateValue(); } else { return this._empty(); } } return false; } return this._empty(); }; nexacro._createColorAttributeEvalStr = function (ptype_id, attr_id) { var callback_id = "on_update_style_" + attr_id; var str = "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$ = function (v) {\n" + " var oldobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " if (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = nexacro._getCachedColorObj(v);\n" + " if (oldobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = styleobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " else if (oldobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = null;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n"; return str.replace(/\$PTYPE\$/g, ptype_id).replace(/\$ATTR\$/g, attr_id).replace(/\$CALL\$/g, callback_id); }; nexacro.Style_align = function (v1, v2) { this.halign = ""; this.valign = ""; this._halign = ""; this._valign = ""; this._is_empty = true; this._value = ""; this._bindtype = 0; this._bindexpr = ""; if (v2 != null) { this._bindtype = 0; this.valign = v1; this.halign = v2; var str; if (this.halign && this.valign) { str = this.halign + " " + this.valign; } else { str = this.halign + this.valign; } this._is_empty = (str == ""); this._value = str; } else if (v1 && (typeof (v1) == "string")) { var val = v1.trim(); if (val) { this._parseInfo(val); var str = this._getValueStr(); this._is_empty = (str == ""); this._value = str; } } }; var _pStyleAlign = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Object, nexacro.Style_align); nexacro.Style_align.prototype = _pStyleAlign; _pStyleAlign._type_name = "Align"; _pStyleAlign.valueOf = function () { return this._value; }; _pStyleAlign.toString = function () { return this._value; }; _pStyleAlign.clone = function () { var newobj = new nexacro.Style_align(); newobj.halign = this.halign; newobj.valign = this.valign; newobj._halign = this._halign; newobj._valign = this._valign; newobj._is_empty = this._is_empty; newobj._value = this._value; return newobj; }; _pStyleAlign._getValueStr = function () { switch (this._bindtype) { case 0: if (this.halign && this.valign) { return this.halign + " " + this.valign; } else { return this.halign + this.valign; } case 1: return "bind:" + this._bindexpr; case 2: return "expr:" + this._bindexpr; } return ""; }; _pStyleAlign._parseInfo = function (val) { var tag = val.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase(); if (tag == "expr" || tag == "bind") { if (tag == "bind") { this._bindtype = 1; } else { this._bindtype = 2; } if (val.charAt(4) == '(') { this._bindexpr = val.substr(5, val.length - 6); } else { this._bindexpr = val.substring(5); } this.halign = ""; this.valign = ""; this._halign = ""; this._valign = ""; } else { this._bindtype = 0; var valarr = val.split(/\s+/); this.halign = ""; this.valign = ""; this._halign = ""; this._valign = ""; var checked = 0; switch (valarr[0]) { case "left": this.halign = "left"; this._halign = "left"; checked = 1; break; case "center": this.halign = "center"; this._halign = "center"; checked = 1; break; case "right": this.halign = "right"; this._halign = "right"; checked = 1; break; case "lefttext": this.halign = "lefttext"; this._halign = "left"; checked = 1; break; case "righttext": this.halign = "righttext"; this._halign = "right"; checked = 1; break; case "top": this.valign = "top"; this._valign = "top"; checked = 2; break; case "middle": this.valign = "middle"; this._valign = "middle"; checked = 2; break; case "bottom": this.valign = "bottom"; this._valign = "bottom"; checked = 2; break; case "toptext": this.valign = "toptext"; this._valign = "top"; checked = 2; break; case "bottomtext": this.valign = "bottomtext"; this._valign = "bottom"; checked = 2; break; } if (valarr.length > 1) { if (checked == 1) { switch (valarr[1]) { case "top": this.valign = "top"; this._valign = "top"; break; case "middle": this.valign = "middle"; this._valign = "middle"; break; case "bottom": this.valign = "bottom"; this._valign = "bottom"; break; case "toptext": this.valign = "toptext"; this._valign = "top"; break; case "bottomtext": this.valign = "bottomtext"; this._valign = "bottom"; break; } } else if (checked == 2) { switch (valarr[1]) { case "left": this.halign = "left"; this._halign = "left"; break; case "center": this.halign = "center"; this._halign = "center"; break; case "right": this.halign = "right"; this._halign = "right"; break; case "lefttext": this.halign = "lefttext"; this._halign = "left"; break; case "righttext": this.halign = "righttext"; this._halign = "right"; break; } } else { switch (valarr[1]) { case "left": this.halign = "left"; this._halign = "left"; break; case "center": this.halign = "center"; this._halign = "center"; break; case "right": this.halign = "right"; this._halign = "right"; break; case "lefttext": this.halign = "lefttext"; this._halign = "left"; break; case "righttext": this.halign = "righttext"; this._halign = "right"; break; case "top": this.valign = "top"; this._valign = "top"; break; case "middle": this.valign = "middle"; this._valign = "middle"; break; case "bottom": this.valign = "bottom"; this._valign = "bottom"; break; case "toptext": this.valign = "toptext"; this._valign = "top"; break; case "bottomtext": this.valign = "bottomtext"; this._valign = "bottom"; break; } } } } }; _pStyleAlign._empty = function () { if (!this._is_empty) { this._is_empty = true; this._value = ""; this._bindtype = 0; this._bindexpr = ""; this.valign = ""; this.halign = ""; this._valign = ""; this._halign = ""; return true; } return false; }; _pStyleAlign._updateValue = function () { var str = this._getValueStr(); if (str != this._value) { this._is_empty = (str == ""); this._value = str; return true; } return false; }; _pStyleAlign._setValue = function (v) { if (v && typeof (v) == "string") { var val = v.trim(); if (val != this._value) { if (val) { this._parseInfo(val); return this._updateValue(); } else { return this._empty(); } } return false; } return this._empty(); }; _pStyleAlign.set_halign = function (v) { if (v != this.halign) { this._bindtype = 0; this.halign = ""; this._halign = ""; switch (v) { case "left": this.halign = "left"; this._halign = "left"; break; case "center": this.halign = "center"; this._halign = "center"; break; case "right": this.halign = "right"; this._halign = "right"; break; case "lefttext": this.halign = "lefttext"; this._halign = "left"; break; case "righttext": this.halign = "righttext"; this._halign = "right"; break; default: this.halign = "left"; this._halign = "left"; break; } return this._updateValue(); } }; _pStyleAlign.set_valign = function (v) { if (v != this.valign) { this._bindtype = 0; this.valign = ""; this._valign = ""; switch (v) { case "top": this.valign = "top"; this._valign = "top"; break; case "middle": this.valign = "middle"; this._valign = "middle"; break; case "bottom": this.valign = "bottom"; this._valign = "bottom"; break; case "toptext": this.valign = "toptext"; this._valign = "toptext"; break; case "bottomtext": this.valign = "bottomtext"; this._valign = "bottomtext"; break; default: this.valign = "top"; this._valign = "top"; break; } return this._updateValue(); } }; _pStyleAlign._createRtlValue = function () { if (!this._rtlvalue) { var strValue; if (this.halign == "left") { strValue = "right " + this.valign; } else if (this.halign == "right") { strValue = "left " + this.valign; } this._rtlvalue = strValue; } }; _pStyleAlign._getStyleObject = function (bRtl) { this._createRtlValue(); if (bRtl && this._rtlvalue) { return nexacro._getCachedAlignObj(this._rtlvalue); } else { return this; } }; nexacro._createAlignAttributeEvalStr = function (ptype_id, attr_id) { var callback_id = "on_update_style_" + attr_id; var str = "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$ = function (v) {\n" + " var oldobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " if (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = nexacro._getCachedAlignObj(v);\n" + " if (oldobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = styleobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " else if (oldobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = null;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_halign = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_align());\n" + " newobj.set_halign(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedAlignObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_valign = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_align());\n" + " newobj.set_valign(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedAlignObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n"; return str.replace(/\$PTYPE\$/g, ptype_id).replace(/\$ATTR\$/g, attr_id).replace(/\$CALL\$/g, callback_id); }; nexacro.Style_background = function (v1, v2, v3, v4, v5, v6, v7) { this.color = ""; this.image = ""; this.repeat = ""; this.imageedge = ""; this.imageedge_x = 0; this.imageedge_y = 0; this.position = ""; this.position_x = 0; this.position_y = 0; this._is_empty = true; this._value = ""; this._bindtype = 0; this._bindexpr = ""; this._syscolor = ""; this._sysopacity = 100; this._sysopacityfilter = ""; if (v7 != null) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; if (v1 == "transparent") { this.color = ""; } else { this.color = v1; } this.image = v2; if (v2) { this.image = v2; } this.repeat = v3; this.imageedge_x = (v4 | 0); this.imageedge_y = (v5 | 0); if (this.imageedge_x || this.imageedge_y) { this.imageedge = this.imageedge_x + "," + this.imageedge_y; } this.__load_position1(v6); this.__load_position2(v7); this._updateValue(); } else if (v1 && (typeof (v1) == "string")) { var val = v1.trim(); if (val) { this._parseInfo(val); this._updateValue(); } } }; var _pStyleBackground = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Object, nexacro.Style_background); nexacro.Style_background.prototype = _pStyleBackground; _pStyleBackground._type_name = "Background"; _pStyleBackground.valueOf = function () { return this._value; }; _pStyleBackground.toString = function () { return this._value; }; _pStyleBackground.clone = function () { var newobj = new nexacro.Style_background(); newobj.color = this.color; newobj.image = this.image; newobj.repeat = this.repeat; newobj.imageedge = this.imageedge; newobj.imageedge_x = this.imageedge_x; newobj.imageedge_y = this.imageedge_y; newobj.position = this.position; newobj.position_x = this.position_x; newobj.position_y = this.position_y; newobj.clientonly = this.clientonly; newobj._is_empty = this._is_empty; newobj._value = this._value; return newobj; }; _pStyleBackground.isEdgeType = function () { return (this.image && (this.imageedge_x > 0 || this.imageedge_y > 0)); }; _pStyleBackground._getValueStr = function () { switch (this._bindtype) { case 0: { var val; if (this.color) { val = this.color; } else { val = "transparent"; } if (this.image) { val += " URL('" + this.image + "')"; } if (this.repeat) { val += ' ' + this.repeat; } if (this.imageedge) { val += ' ' + this.imageedge; } if (this.position) { val += ' ' + this.position; } return val; } case 1: return "bind:" + this._bindexpr; case 2: return "expr:" + this._bindexpr; } return ""; }; _pStyleBackground.__load_color = function (str) { str = str.replace(/^'/, "").replace(/'$/, ""); if (str.substring(1) == "gradation") { this.color = "@gradation"; return true; } if (str == "transparent") { this.color = "transparent"; return true; } if (nexacro._xreNamedColorList) { if (str in nexacro._xreNamedColorList) { this.color = str; return true; } } if (str.charAt(0) == "#" && (str.length == 7 || str.length == 9)) { this.color = str; return true; } return false; }; _pStyleBackground.__load_repeat = function (str) { if (str == "repeat" || str == "repeat-x" || str == "repeat-y" || str == "no-repeat" || str == "stretch" || str == "quad") { this.repeat = str; return true; } else { this.repeat = ""; return false; } }; _pStyleBackground.__load_imageedge = function (str) { if (str.indexOf(",") >= 0) { var valarr = str.split(','); this.imageedge_x = (valarr[0] | 0); this.imageedge_y = (valarr[1] | 0); if (this.imageedge_x < 0) { this.imageedge_x = 0; } if (this.imageedge_y < 0) { this.imageedge_y = 0; } this.imageedge = this.imageedge_x + "," + this.imageedge_y; return true; } return false; }; _pStyleBackground.__load_position1 = function (str) { if (str == "left") { this.position_x = 0; this.position = "left"; return true; } else if (str == "center") { this.position_x = 50; this.position = "center"; return true; } else if (str == "right") { this.position_x = 100; this.position = "right"; return true; } else { var v = parseInt(str) | 0; if (isFinite(v)) { this.position_x = v; if (v == 0) { this.position = "left"; } else if (v == 50) { this.position = "center"; } else if (v == 100) { this.position = "right"; } else { this.position = v + "%"; } return true; } return false; } }; _pStyleBackground.__load_position2 = function (str) { if (str == "top") { this.position_y = 0; this.position += " top"; return true; } else if (str == "middle") { this.position_y = 50; this.position += " middle"; return true; } else if (str == "bottom") { this.position_y = 100; this.position += " bottom"; return true; } else { var v = parseInt(str) | 0; if (isFinite(v)) { this.position_y = v; if (v == 0) { this.position += " top"; } else if (v == 50) { this.position += " middle"; } else if (v == 100) { this.position += " bottom"; } else { this.position += " " + v + "%"; } return true; } return false; } }; _pStyleBackground._parseInfo = function (val) { var tag = val.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase(); if (tag == "expr" || tag == "bind") { if (tag == "bind") { this._bindtype = 1; } else { this._bindtype = 2; } if (val.charAt(4) == '(') { this._bindexpr = val.substr(5, val.length - 6); } else { this._bindexpr = val.substring(5); } this.color = ""; this.image = ""; this.repeat = ""; this.imageedge = ""; this.imageedge_x = 0; this.imageedge_y = 0; this.position = ""; this.position_x = 0; this.position_y = 0; this._syscolor = ""; this._sysopacity = 100; this._sysopacityfilter = ""; } else { var bLoadColor = true; var bLoadImage = true; var bLoadRepeat = true; var bLoadClientOnly = true; var bLoadImageEdge = true; var bLoadPosition1 = true; var bLoadPosition2 = true; var part; var valarr = val.split(/\s+/); var cnt = valarr.length; for (var i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { part = valarr[i]; if (part) { if (bLoadColor && this.__load_color(part)) { bLoadColor = false; continue; } else if (bLoadImage && part.length >= 5 && part.substring(0, 3).toLowerCase() == "url") { var image_uri; var ch = part.charAt(4); if (ch == '\'' || ch == '\"') { image_uri = part.substring(5, part.length - 2); } else { image_uri = part.substring(4, part.length - 1); } this.image = image_uri; bLoadImage = false; continue; } else if (bLoadRepeat && this.__load_repeat(part)) { bLoadRepeat = false; continue; } else if (bLoadImageEdge && this.__load_imageedge(part)) { bLoadImageEdge = false; continue; } else if (bLoadPosition1 && this.__load_position1(part)) { bLoadPosition1 = false; continue; } else if (bLoadPosition2 && this.__load_position2(part)) { bLoadPosition2 = false; continue; } } } } }; _pStyleBackground._empty = function () { if (!this._is_empty) { this._is_empty = true; this._value = ""; this._bindtype = 0; this._bindexpr = ""; this.color = ""; this.image = ""; this.repeat = ""; this.imageedge_x = 0; this.imageedge_y = 0; this.position_x = 0; this.position_y = 0; this.clientonly = true; this._image_url = ""; this._syscolor = ""; this._sysopacity = 100; this._sysopacityfilter = ""; return true; } return false; }; _pStyleBackground._updateValue = function () { var str = this._getValueStr(); if (str != this._value) { if (this.color && this.color != "@gradation") { if (this.color == "transparent") { this._syscolor = ""; this._sysopacity = 0; } else { this._syscolor = nexacro._getWebColorFromXreColor(this.color); this._sysopacity = nexacro._getXreColorOpacity(this.color); } if (this._sysopacity != 100) { this._sysopacityfilter = nexacro._getOpacityFilterFromXreColor(this.color); } else { this._sysopacityfilter = ""; } } else { this._syscolor = ""; this._sysopacity = 100; this._sysopacityfilter = ""; } this._is_empty = (str == ""); this._value = str; return true; } return false; }; _pStyleBackground._setValue = function (v) { if (v && typeof (v) == "string") { var val = v.trim(); if (val != this._value) { if (val) { this._parseInfo(val); return this._updateValue(); } else { return this._empty(); } } return false; } return this._empty(); }; _pStyleBackground.set_color = function (v) { v = v.trim(); if (v != this.color) { this._bindtype = 0; this._bindexpr = ""; this.color = v; return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleBackground.set_image = function (v) { var str = v.toString().trim(); if (str.length >= 5 && str.substring(0, 3).toLowerCase() == "url") { var ch = str.charAt(4); if (ch == '\'' || ch == '\"') { str = str.substring(5, v.length - 2); } else { str = str.substring(4, str.length - 1); } } if (str != this.image) { this._bindtype = 0; this._bindexpr = ""; this.image = str; return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleBackground.set_repeat = function (v) { if (v != "no-repeat" && v != "repeat" && v != "repeat-x" && v != "repeat-y" && v != "stretch" && v != "quad") { v = ""; } if (v != this.repeat) { this._bindtype = 0; this._bindexpr = ""; this.repeat = v; return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleBackground.set_imageedge = function (v) { var str = v.toString().trim(); var valarr = str.split(','); var valx = 0; var valy = 0; switch (valarr.length) { case 0: break; case 1: valx = valy = ((valarr[0].trim()) | 0); break; default: valx = ((valarr[0].trim()) | 0); valy = ((valarr[1].trim()) | 0); break; } if (valx < 0) { valx = 0; } if (valy < 0) { valy = 0; } str = valx + "," + valy; if (str != this.imageedge) { this._bindtype = 0; this._bindexpr = ""; this.imageedge = str; this.imageedge_x = valx; this.imageedge_y = valy; return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleBackground.set_clientonly = nexacro._emptyFn; _pStyleBackground.set_position = function (v) { var valarr = v.trim().split(/\s+/); var cnt = valarr.length; if (cnt == 0) { if (this.position != "") { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; this._bindexpr = ""; this.position = ""; this.position_x = 0; this.position_y = 0; return this._updateValue(); } return false; } else if (cnt == 2) { var _old_position = this.position; this.__load_position1(valarr[0]); this.__load_position2(valarr[1]); if (_old_position != this.position) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; this._bindexpr = ""; return this._updateValue(); } return false; } return false; }; _pStyleBackground._createRtlValue = function () { if (!this._rtlvalue) { var strValue; if (this.position_x == 0) { strValue = this._value.replace("left", "right"); } if (this.position_x == 100) { strValue = this._value.replace("right", "left"); } this._rtlvalue = strValue; } }; _pStyleBackground._getStyleObject = function (bRtl) { this._createRtlValue(); if (bRtl && this._rtlvalue) { return nexacro._getCachedBackgroundObj(this._rtlvalue); } else { return this; } }; delete _pStyleBackground; nexacro._createBackgroundAttributeEvalStr = function (ptype_id, attr_id) { var callback_id = "on_update_style_" + attr_id; var str = "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$ = function (v) {\n" + " var oldobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " if (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = nexacro._getCachedBackgroundObj(v);\n" + " if (oldobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = styleobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " else if (oldobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = null;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_color = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_background());\n" + " newobj.set_color(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedBackgroundObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_image = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_background());\n" + " newobj.set_image(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedBackgroundObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_repeat = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_background());\n" + " newobj.set_repeat(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedBackgroundObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_position = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_background());\n" + " newobj.set_position(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedBackgroundObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_imageedge = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_background());\n" + " newobj.set_imageedge(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedBackgroundObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_clientonly = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_background());\n" + " newobj.set_clientonly(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedBackgroundObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n"; return str.replace(/\$PTYPE\$/g, ptype_id).replace(/\$ATTR\$/g, attr_id).replace(/\$CALL\$/g, callback_id); }; nexacro.Style_line = function (v1, v2, v3, v4) { this.width = ""; this.style = ""; this.color = ""; this._is_empty = true; this._value = ""; this._bindtype = 0; this._bindexpr = ""; this._width = 0; this._syscolor = ""; this._sysalpha = 255; if (v3 != null) { this._is_empty = false; this.width = v1; this._width = (parseInt(v1) | 0); this.style = v2; this.color = (v3 && v3 != "transparent") ? v3 : ""; this._syscolor = (this.color) ? nexacro._getWebColorFromXreColor(this.color) : ""; this._sysalpha = (this.color) ? nexacro._getXreColorAlpha(this.color) : ""; } else if (v1 && (typeof (v1) == "string")) { if (v1 != "none") { var val = v1.trim(); if (val) { this._parseInfo(val); var str = this._getValueStr(); this._is_empty = (str == ""); this._syscolor = (this.color) ? nexacro._getWebColorFromXreColor(this.color) : ""; this._sysalpha = (this.color) ? nexacro._getXreColorAlpha(this.color) : ""; this._value = str; } } } }; var _pStyleLine = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Object, nexacro.Style_line); nexacro.Style_line.prototype = _pStyleLine; _pStyleLine._type_name = "Line"; _pStyleLine.valueOf = function () { return this._value; }; _pStyleLine.toString = function () { return this._value; }; _pStyleLine.clone = function () { var newobj = new nexacro.Style_line(); newobj.width = this.width; newobj.style = this.style; newobj.color = this.color; newobj._width = this._width; newobj._syscolor = this._syscolor; newobj._sysalpha = this._sysalpha; newobj._is_empty = this._is_empty; newobj._value = this._value; return newobj; }; _pStyleLine._getValueStr = function () { switch (this._bindtype) { case 0: return this._width + "px " + ((this.style) ? this.style : "none") + " " + ((this.color) ? this.color : "transparent"); case 1: return "bind:" + this._bindexpr; case 2: return "expr:" + this._bindexpr; } return ""; }; _pStyleLine._parseInfo = function (val) { var tag = val.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase(); if (tag == "expr" || tag == "bind") { if (tag == "bind") { this._bindtype = 1; } else { this._bindtype = 2; } if (val.charAt(4) == '(') { this._bindexpr = val.substr(5, val.length - 6); } else { this._bindexpr = val.substring(5); } this.width = ""; this.style = ""; this.color = ""; this._width = 0; this._syscolor = ""; this._sysalpha = 255; } else { var valarr = val.trim().split(/\s+/); if (valarr.length < 3) { return; } this.width = valarr[0]; this._width = (parseInt(valarr[0]) | 0); switch (valarr[1]) { case "solid": case "double": case "dotted": case "dashed": this.style = valarr[1]; break; default: this.style = ""; break; } this.color = (valarr[2] && valarr[2] != "transparent") ? valarr[2] : ""; } }; _pStyleLine._empty = function () { if (!this._is_empty) { this._is_empty = true; this._value = ""; this._bindtype = 0; this._bindexpr = ""; this.width = ""; this._width = 0; this.style = ""; this.color = ""; this._syscolor = ""; this._sysalpha = 255; return true; } return false; }; _pStyleLine._copyInfo = function (from) { this._is_empty = from._is_empty; this._value = from_value; this._bindtype = from.binetype; this._bindexpr = from.bineexpr; this.width = from.width; this.style = from.style; this.color = from.color; this._width = from._width; this._syscolor = from._syscolor; this._sysalpha = from._sysalpha; }; _pStyleLine._updateValue = function () { var str = this._getValueStr(); if (str != this._value) { if (this.color) { this._syscolor = nexacro._getWebColorFromXreColor(this.color); this._sysalpha = nexacro._getXreColorAlpha(this.value); } else { this._syscolor = ""; this._sysalpha = 255; } this._is_empty = (str == ""); this._value = str; return true; } return false; }; _pStyleLine._setValue = function (v) { if (v && typeof (v) == "string") { var val = v.trim(); if (val != this._value) { if (val) { this._parseInfo(val); return this._updateValue(); } else { return this._empty(); } } return false; } return this._empty(); }; _pStyleLine.set_width = function (v) { if (v != this.width) { this._is_empty = false; this.width = v; this._width = (parseInt(v) | 0); return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleLine.set_style = function (v) { var val = ""; switch (v) { case "solid": case "double": case "dotted": case "dashed": val = v; break; } if (val != this.style) { this._bindtype = 0; this._bindexpr = ""; this.style = val; return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleLine.set_color = function (v) { if (v != this.color) { this._bindtype = 0; this._bindexpr = ""; this.color = (v && v != "transparent") ? v : ""; return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleLine._isValid = function () { return (!this._is_empty && this._width && this.style && this.color); }; delete _pStyleLine; nexacro._createLineAttributeEvalStr = function (ptype_id, attr_id) { var callback_id = "on_update_style_" + attr_id; var str = "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$ = function (v) {\n" + " var oldobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " if (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = nexacro._getCachedLineObj(v);\n" + " if (oldobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = styleobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " else if (oldobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = null;\n" + " if (this._target) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_width = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_line());\n" + " newobj.set_width(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedLineObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_style = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_line());\n" + " newobj.set_style(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedLineObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_color = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_line());\n" + " newobj.set_color(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedLineObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n"; return str.replace(/\$PTYPE\$/g, ptype_id).replace(/\$ATTR\$/g, attr_id).replace(/\$CALL\$/g, callback_id); }; nexacro.Style_border = function (tw, ts, tc, tc2, rw, rs, rc, rc2, bw, bs, bc, bc2, lw, ls, lc, lc2) { this.top = ""; this.top_width = ""; this.top_style = ""; this.top_color = ""; this.top_color2 = ""; this.right = ""; this.right_width = ""; this.right_style = ""; this.right_color = ""; this.right_color2 = ""; this.bottom = ""; this.bottom_width = ""; this.bottom_style = ""; this.bottom_color = ""; this.bottom_color2 = ""; this.left = ""; this.left_width = ""; this.left_style = ""; this.left_color = ""; this.left_color2 = ""; this.width = ""; this.color = ""; this.color2 = ""; this.style = ""; this._is_empty = true; this._value = ""; this._bindtype = 0; this._bindexpr = ""; this._linecnt = 1; this._left_width = 0; this._top_width = 0; this._right_width = 0; this._bottom_width = 0; this._left_syscolor = ""; this._top_syscolor = ""; this._right_syscolor = ""; this._bottom_syscolor = ""; this._systop = ""; this._sysright = ""; this._sysbottom = ""; this._sysleft = ""; this.top = this.left = this.right = this.bottom = ""; if ((arguments.length == 1) && ((typeof (tw) == "string"))) { var val = tw.trim(); if (val) { this._parseInfo(val); this._updateValue(); } } else { var argcnt = (rw == null) ? 4 : ((bw == null) ? 8 : ((lw == null) ? 12 : 16)); if (argcnt == 4 || argcnt == 8 || argcnt == 12 || argcnt == 16) { this._is_empty = false; switch (argcnt) { case 16: this.left = lw + " " + ls + " " + lc; this._left_width = (parseInt(lw) | 0); this.left_width = this._left_width ? (this._left_width + "px") : ""; this.left_style = (ls && ls != "none") ? ls : "none"; this.left_color = (lc && lc != "transparent") ? lc : ""; this._left_syscolor = (this.left_color) ? nexacro._getWebColorFromXreColor(this.left_color) : ""; this._sysleft = (this._left_width) ? (this._left_width + "px " + ((this._left_syscolor) ? (this.left_style + " " + this._left_syscolor) : "solid transparent")) : ""; case 12: this.bottom = bw + " " + bs + " " + bc; this.bottom_width = bw; this._bottom_width = (parseInt(bw) | 0); this.bottom_style = (bs && bs != "none") ? bs : "none"; this.bottom_color = (bc && bc != "transparent") ? bc : ""; this._bottom_syscolor = (this.bottom_color) ? nexacro._getWebColorFromXreColor(this.bottom_color) : ""; this._sysbottom = (this._bottom_width) ? (this._bottom_width + "px " + ((this._bottom_syscolor) ? (this.bottom_style + " " + this._bottom_syscolor) : "solid transparent")) : ""; case 8: this.right = rw + " " + rs + " " + rc; this.right_width = rw; this._right_width = (parseInt(rw) | 0); this.right_style = (rs && rs != "none") ? rs : "none"; this.right_color = (rc && rc != "transparent") ? rc : ""; this._right_syscolor = (this.right_color) ? nexacro._getWebColorFromXreColor(this.right_color) : ""; this._sysright = (this._right_width) ? (this._right_width + "px " + ((this._right_syscolor) ? (this.right_style + " " + this._right_syscolor) : "solid transparent")) : ""; case 4: this.top = tw + " " + ts + " " + tc; this.width = this.top_width = tw; this._top_width = (parseInt(tw) | 0); this.style = this.top_style = (ts && ts != "none") ? ts : "none"; this.color = this.top_color = (tc && tc != "transparent") ? tc : tc; this._top_syscolor = (this.top_color) ? nexacro._getWebColorFromXreColor(this.top_color) : ""; this._systop = (this._top_width) ? (this._top_width + "px " + ((this._top_syscolor) ? (this.top_style + " " + this._top_syscolor) : "solid transparent")) : ""; } this._linecnt = ((argcnt / 4) | 0); this._copytoSubObjects(); this._updateValue(); } } }; var _pStyleBorder = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Style_line, nexacro.Style_border); nexacro.Style_border.prototype = _pStyleBorder; _pStyleBorder._type_name = "Border"; _pStyleBorder.valueOf = function () { return this._value; }; _pStyleBorder.toString = function () { return this._value; }; _pStyleBorder.clone = function () { var newobj = new nexacro.Style_border(); newobj.style = this.style; newobj.width = this.width; newobj.color = this.color; newobj.color2 = this.color2; newobj.style = this.style; newobj.top = this.top; newobj.top_width = this.top_width; newobj.top_style = this.top_style; newobj.top_color = this.top_color; newobj.top_color2 = this.top_color2; newobj.right = this.right; newobj.right_width = this.right_width; newobj.right_style = this.right_style; newobj.right_color = this.right_color; newobj.right_color2 = this.right_color2; newobj.bottom = this.bottom; newobj.bottom_width = this.bottom_width; newobj.bottom_style = this.bottom_style; newobj.bottom_color = this.bottom_color; newobj.bottom_color2 = this.bottom_color2; newobj.left = this.left; newobj.left_width = this.left_width; newobj.left_style = this.left_style; newobj.left_color = this.left_color; newobj.left_color2 = this.left_color2; newobj._linecnt = this._linecnt; newobj._left_width = this._left_width; newobj._top_width = this._top_width; newobj._right_width = this._right_width; newobj._bottom_width = this._bottom_width; newobj._left_syscolor = this._left_syscolor; newobj._top_syscolor = this._top_syscolor; newobj._right_syscolor = this._right_syscolor; newobj._bottom_syscolor = this._bottom_syscolor; newobj._systop = this._systop; newobj._sysright = this._sysright; newobj._sysbottom = this._sysbottom; newobj._sysleft = this._sysleft; newobj._is_empty = this._is_empty; newobj._value = this._value; return newobj; }; _pStyleBorder._emptySubObjects = function () { if (this._linecnt) { this.top_width = ""; this.top_style = ""; this.top_color = ""; this._top_width = 0; this._top_syscolor = ""; this._systop = ""; this.top = ""; this.right_width = ""; this.right_style = ""; this.right_color = ""; this._right_width = 0; this._right_syscolor = ""; this._sysright = ""; this.right = ""; this.bottom_width = ""; this.bottom_style = ""; this.bottom_color = ""; this._bottom_width = 0; this._bottom_syscolor = ""; this._sysbottom = ""; this.bottom = ""; this.left_width = ""; this.left_style = ""; this.left_color = ""; this._left_width = 0; this._left_syscolor = ""; this._sysleft = ""; this.left = ""; } }; _pStyleBorder._is_real_empty = function () { if (this._top_width != 0 || this._left_width != 0 || this._bottom_width != 0 || this._right_width != 0) { return false; } return true; }; _pStyleBorder._empty = function () { if (!this._is_empty) { this._is_empty = true; this._value = ""; this._bindtype = 0; this._bindexpr = ""; this._emptySubObjects(); this._linecnt = 0; return true; } return false; }; _pStyleBorder._copytoSubObjects = function () { switch (this._linecnt) { case 1: this._right_width = this._top_width; this.right_width = this.top_width; this.right_style = this.top_style; this.right_color = this.top_color; this.right = this.top; case 2: this._bottom_width = this._top_width; this.bottom_width = this.top_width; this.bottom_style = this.top_style; this.bottom_color = this.top_color; this.bottom = this.top; case 3: this._left_width = this._right_width; this.left_width = this.right_width; this.left_style = this.right_style; this.left_color = this.right_color; this.left = this.right; } }; _pStyleBorder._parseInfo = function (val) { var tag = val.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase(); if (tag == "expr" || tag == "bind") { if (tag == "bind") { this._bindtype = 1; } else { this._bindtype = 2; } if (val.charAt(4) == '(') { this._bindexpr = val.substr(5, val.length - 6); } else { this._bindexpr = val.substring(5); } this._emptySubObjects(); this._linecnt = 0; } else { var linearr = val.split(','); this._linecnt = linearr.length; if (this._linecnt > 4) { this._linecnt = 4; } switch (this._linecnt) { case 4: this.left = linearr[3]; var valarr = linearr[3].trim().split(/\s+/); if (valarr.length < 3) { return; } this._left_width = (parseInt(valarr[0]) | 0); this.left_width = this._left_width >= 0 ? (this._left_width + "px") : ""; switch (valarr[1]) { case "solid": case "double": case "dotted": case "dashed": case "none": this.left_style = valarr[1]; break; default: this.left_style = "solid"; break; } this.left_color = (valarr[2] && valarr[2] != "transparent") ? valarr[2] : ""; case 3: this.bottom = linearr[2]; var valarr = linearr[2].trim().split(/\s+/); if (valarr.length < 3) { return; } this._bottom_width = (parseInt(valarr[0]) | 0); this.bottom_width = this._bottom_width ? (this._bottom_width + "px") : ""; switch (valarr[1]) { case "solid": case "double": case "dotted": case "dashed": case "none": this.bottom_style = valarr[1]; break; default: this.bottom_style = "solid"; break; } this.bottom_color = (valarr[2] && valarr[2] != "transparent") ? valarr[2] : ""; case 2: this.right = linearr[1]; valarr = linearr[1].trim().split(/\s+/); if (valarr.length < 3) { return; } this._right_width = (parseInt(valarr[0]) | 0); this.right_width = this._right_width ? (this._right_width + "px") : ""; switch (valarr[1]) { case "solid": case "double": case "dotted": case "dashed": case "none": this.right_style = valarr[1]; break; default: this.right_style = "solid"; break; } this.right_color = (valarr[2] && valarr[2] != "transparent") ? valarr[2] : ""; case 1: this.top = linearr[0]; var valarr = linearr[0].trim().split(/\s+/); if (valarr.length < 3) { return; } this._top_width = (parseInt(valarr[0]) | 0); this.top_width = this._top_width >= 0 ? (this._top_width + "px") : ""; this.top_color = (valarr[2] && valarr[2] != "transparent") ? valarr[2] : ""; switch (valarr[1]) { case "solid": case "double": case "dotted": case "dashed": case "none": this.top_style = valarr[1]; break; default: this.top_style = "solid"; break; } if (this._linecnt == 1) { this.width = this.top_width; this.style = this.top_style; this.color = this.top_color; } } this._copytoSubObjects(); } }; _pStyleBorder._getValueStr = function () { switch (this._bindtype) { case 0: { var str = ""; str += this._top_width + "px " + (this.top_color ? ((this.top_style ? this.top_style : "") + ' ' + this.top_color) : this.top_style + " transparent"); switch (this._linecnt) { case 1: break; case 2: str += ", " + this._right_width + "px " + (this.right_color ? ((this.right_style ? this.right_style : "") + ' ' + this.right_color) : this.right_style + " transparent"); break; case 3: str += ", " + this._right_width + "px " + (this.right_color ? ((this.right_style ? this.right_style : "") + ' ' + this.right_color) : this.right_style + " transparent"); str += ", " + this._bottom_width + "px " + (this.bottom_color ? ((this.bottom_style ? this.bottom_style : "") + ' ' + this.bottom_color) : this.bottom_style + " transparent"); break; case 4: str += ", " + this._right_width + "px " + (this.right_color ? ((this.right_style ? this.right_style : "") + ' ' + this.right_color) : this.right_style + " transparent"); str += ", " + this._bottom_width + "px " + (this.bottom_color ? ((this.bottom_style ? this.bottom_style : "") + ' ' + this.bottom_color) : this.bottom_style + " transparent"); str += ", " + this._left_width + "px " + (this.left_color ? ((this.left_style ? this.left_style : "") + ' ' + this.left_color) : this.left_style + " transparent"); break; default: if (this._bindtype == 0) { return ""; } } return (str != "none" && str != "none, none" && str != "none, none, none" && str != "none, none, none, none") ? str : ""; } case 1: return "bind:" + this._bindexpr; case 2: return "expr:" + this._bindexpr; } }; _pStyleBorder._updateValue = function () { var str = this._getValueStr(); if (str != this._value) { this._is_empty = (str == ""); this._value = str; switch (this._linecnt) { case 1: this._top_syscolor = (this.top_color) ? nexacro._getWebColorFromXreColor(this.top_color) : ""; this._systop = (this._top_width) ? (this._top_width + "px " + ((this._top_syscolor) ? (this.top_style + " " + this._top_syscolor) : this.top_style + " " + "transparent")) : ""; this._right_syscolor = this._bottom_syscolor = this._left_syscolor = this._top_syscolor; this._right_width = this._bottom_width = this._left_width = this._top_width; this.right_style = this.bottom_style = this.left_style = this.top_style; this.right_color = this.bottom_color = this.left_color = this.top_color; this._sysright = this._sysbottom = this._sysleft = this._systop; this.top = this.top_width + " " + this.top_style + " " + this.top_color; this.right = this.bottom = this.left = this.top; break; case 2: this._top_syscolor = (this.top_color) ? nexacro._getWebColorFromXreColor(this.top_color) : ""; this._systop = (this._top_width) ? (this._top_width + "px " + ((this._top_syscolor) ? (this.top_style + " " + this._top_syscolor) : this.top_style + " " + "transparent")) : ""; this._right_syscolor = (this.right_color) ? nexacro._getWebColorFromXreColor(this.right_color) : ""; this._sysright = (this._right_width) ? (this._right_width + "px " + ((this._right_syscolor) ? (this.right_style + " " + this._right_syscolor) : this.right_style + " " + "transparent")) : ""; this._bottom_syscolor = this._top_syscolor; this._left_syscolor = this._right_syscolor; this._sysbottom = this._systop; this._sysleft = this._sysright; this._left_width = this._right_width; this._bottom_width = this._top_width; this.top = this.top_width + " " + this.top_style + " " + this.top_color; this.right = this.right_width + " " + this.right_style + " " + this.right_color; this.bottom = this.top; this.left = this.right; break; case 3: this._top_syscolor = (this.top_color) ? nexacro._getWebColorFromXreColor(this.top_color) : ""; this._systop = (this._top_width) ? (this._top_width + "px " + ((this._top_syscolor) ? (this.top_style + " " + this._top_syscolor) : this.top_style + " " + "transparent")) : ""; this._right_syscolor = (this.right_color) ? nexacro._getWebColorFromXreColor(this.right_color) : ""; this._sysright = (this._right_width) ? (this._right_width + "px " + ((this._right_syscolor) ? (this.right_style + " " + this._right_syscolor) : this.right_style + " " + "transparent")) : ""; this._bottom_syscolor = (this.bottom_color) ? nexacro._getWebColorFromXreColor(this.bottom_color) : ""; this._sysbottom = (this._bottom_width) ? (this._bottom_width + "px " + ((this._bottom_syscolor) ? (this.bottom_style + " " + this._bottom_syscolor) : this.bottom_style + " " + "transparent")) : ""; this._left_syscolor = this._right_syscolor; this._left_width = this._right_width; this._sysleft = this._sysright; this.top = this.top_width + " " + this.top_style + " " + this.top_color; this.right = this.right_width + " " + this.right_style + " " + this.right_color; this.bottom = this.bottom_width + " " + this.bottom_style + " " + this.bottom_color; this.left = this.right; break; case 4: this._top_syscolor = (this.top_color) ? nexacro._getWebColorFromXreColor(this.top_color) : ""; this._systop = (this._top_width) ? (this._top_width + "px " + ((this._top_syscolor) ? (this.top_style + " " + this._top_syscolor) : this.top_style + " " + "transparent")) : ""; this._right_syscolor = (this.right_color) ? nexacro._getWebColorFromXreColor(this.right_color) : ""; this._sysright = (this._right_width) ? (this._right_width + "px " + ((this._right_syscolor) ? (this.right_style + " " + this._right_syscolor) : this.right_style + " " + "transparent")) : ""; this._bottom_syscolor = (this.bottom_color) ? nexacro._getWebColorFromXreColor(this.bottom_color) : ""; this._sysbottom = (this._bottom_width) ? (this._bottom_width + "px " + ((this._bottom_syscolor) ? (this.bottom_style + " " + this._bottom_syscolor) : this.bottom_style + " " + "transparent")) : ""; this._left_syscolor = (this.left_color) ? nexacro._getWebColorFromXreColor(this.left_color) : ""; this._sysleft = (this._left_width) ? (this._left_width + "px " + ((this._left_syscolor) ? (this.left_style + " " + this._left_syscolor) : this.left_style + " " + "transparent")) : ""; this.top = this.top_width + " " + this.top_style + " " + this.top_color; this.right = this.right_width + " " + this.right_style + " " + this.right_color; this.bottom = this.bottom_width + " " + this.bottom_style + " " + this.bottom_color; this.left = this.left_width + " " + this.left_style + " " + this.left_color; break; } this._updateSubProp(); return true; } return false; }; _pStyleBorder._updateSubProp = function () { if (this.top) { this.top = this._top_width + "px " + (this.top_color ? ((this.top_style ? this.top_style : "") + ' ' + this.top_color) : this.top_style + " transparent"); } if (this.right) { this.right = this._right_width + "px " + (this.right_color ? ((this.right_style ? this.right_style : "") + ' ' + this.right_color) : this.right_style + " transparent"); } if (this.bottom) { this.bottom = this._bottom_width + "px " + (this.bottom_color ? ((this.bottom_style ? this.bottom_style : "") + ' ' + this.bottom_color) : this.bottom_style + " transparent"); } if (this.left) { this.left = this._left_width + "px " + (this.left_color ? ((this.left_style ? this.left_style : "") + ' ' + this.left_color) : this.left_style + " transparent"); } }; _pStyleBorder._setValue = function (v) { if (v && typeof (v) == "string") { var val = v.trim(); if (val != this._value) { if (val) { this._parseInfo(val); return this._updateValue(); } else { return this._empty(); } } return false; } return this._empty(); }; _pStyleBorder._isValid = function () { return (!this._is_empty); }; _pStyleBorder._getBorderLeftWidth = function () { if (this._is_empty) { return 0; } return (this.left_style && this.left_style != "none") ? this._left_width : 0; }; _pStyleBorder._getBorderTopWidth = function () { if (this._is_empty) { return 0; } return (this.top_style && this.top_style != "none") ? this._top_width : 0; }; _pStyleBorder._getBorderRightWidth = function () { if (this._is_empty) { return 0; } return (this.right_style && this.right_style != "none") ? this._right_width : 0; }; _pStyleBorder._getBorderBottomWidth = function () { if (this._is_empty) { return 0; } return (this.bottom_style && this.bottom_style != "none") ? this._bottom_width : 0; }; _pStyleBorder._getBorderWidth = function () { if (this._is_empty) { return 0; } if (this._linecnt > 1) { var left_width = (this.left_style && this.left_style != "none") ? this._left_width : 0; var right_width = (this.right_style && this.right_style != "none") ? this._right_width : 0; } else { var left_width = (this.top_style && this.top_style != "none") ? this._left_width : 0; var right_width = left_width; } return left_width + right_width; }; _pStyleBorder._getBorderHeight = function () { if (this._is_empty) { return 0; } if (this._linecnt > 1) { var top_width = (this.top_style && this.top_style != "none") ? this._top_width : 0; var bottom_width = (this.bottom_style && this.bottom_style != "none") ? this._bottom_width : 0; } else { var top_width = (this.top_style && this.top_style != "none") ? this._top_width : 0; var bottom_width = top_width; } return top_width + bottom_width; }; _pStyleBorder.set_width = function (v) { if (!this.width || v !== this.width) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; var _v = (parseInt(v) | 0); if (this._linecnt > 1) { this.top_width = v; this._top_width = _v; this.right_width = v; this._right_width = _v; this.bottom_width = v; this._bottom_width = _v; this.left_width = v; this._left_width = _v; } else { this.top_width = v; this._top_width = _v; } this.width = v; this._width = _v; return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleBorder.set_style = function (v) { if (v != this.style) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; switch (v) { case "none": case "solid": case "double": case "dotted": case "dashed": break; default: v = "solid"; break; } this.style = v; if (this._linecnt > 1) { this.top_style = this.right_style = this.bottom_style = this.left_style = v; } else { this.top_style = v; } return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleBorder.set_color = function (v) { if (v != this.color) { v = (v && v != "transparent") ? v : ""; this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; this.color = v; if (this._linecnt > 1) { this.top_color = this.right_color = this.bottom_color = this.left_color = v; } else { this.top_color = v; } return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleBorder.set_color2 = function (v) { if (v != this.color2) { v = (v && v != "transparent") ? v : ""; this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; this.color2 = v; if (this._linecnt > 1) { this.top_color2 = this.right_color2 = this.bottom_color2 = this.left_color2 = v; } else { this.top_color2 = v; } return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleBorder.set_top = function (v) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; if (this._linecnt <= 1) { this._linecnt = 4; } if (v != this._systop) { var valarr = v.trim().split(/\s+/); if (valarr.length >= 3) { this.top_width = valarr[0]; this._top_width = parseInt(valarr[0]); switch (valarr[1]) { case "none": case "solid": case "double": case "dotted": case "dashed": this.top_style = valarr[1]; break; default: this.top_style = "solid"; break; } this.top_color = (valarr[2] && valarr[2] != "transparent") ? valarr[2] : ""; this.top_color2 = (valarr[3] && valarr[3] != "transparent") ? valarr[3] : ""; this.top = v; } else { this.top_width = ""; this._top_width = 0; this.top_style = ""; this.top_color = ""; this.top_color2 = ""; this.top = ""; } if (this._linecnt < 1) { this._linecnt = 1; } return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleBorder.set_top_width = function (v) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; if (this._linecnt <= 1) { this._copytoSubObjects(); } if (v != this.top_width) { this.top_width = v; this._top_width = (parseInt(v) | 0); if (this._linecnt < 1) { this._linecnt = 1; } return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleBorder.set_top_style = function (v) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; if (this._linecnt <= 1) { this._copytoSubObjects(); } if (v != this.top_style) { switch (v) { case "none": case "solid": case "double": case "dotted": case "dashed": this.top_style = v; break; default: this.top_style = "solid"; break; } if (this._linecnt < 1) { this._linecnt = 1; } return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleBorder.set_top_color = function (v) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; if (this._linecnt <= 1) { this._copytoSubObjects(); } if (v != this.top_color) { this.top_color = (v && v != "transparent") ? v : ""; if (this._linecnt < 1) { this._linecnt = 1; } return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleBorder.set_top_color2 = function (v) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; if (this._linecnt <= 1) { this._copytoSubObjects(); } if (v != this.top_color2) { this.top_color2 = (v && v != "transparent") ? v : ""; if (this._linecnt < 1) { this._linecnt = 1; } return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleBorder.set_right = function (v) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; if (this._linecnt <= 1) { this._linecnt = 4; } if (v != this._sysright) { var valarr = v.trim().split(/\s+/); if (valarr.length >= 3) { this.right_width = valarr[0]; this._right_width = parseInt(valarr[0]); switch (valarr[1]) { case "none": case "solid": case "double": case "dotted": case "dashed": this.right_style = valarr[1]; break; default: this.right_style = "solid"; break; } this.right_color = (valarr[2] && valarr[2] != "transparent") ? valarr[2] : ""; this.right_color2 = (valarr[3] && valarr[3] != "transparent") ? valarr[3] : ""; this.right = v; } else { this.right_width = ""; this._right_width = 0; this.right_style = ""; this.right_color = ""; this.right_color2 = ""; this.right = ""; } if (this._linecnt < 2) { this._linecnt = 2; } return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleBorder.set_right_width = function (v) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; if (this._linecnt <= 1) { this._copytoSubObjects(); } if (v != this.right_width) { this.right_width = v; this._right_width = (parseInt(v) | 0); return this._updateValue(); } if (this._linecnt < 2) { this._linecnt = 2; } return false; }; _pStyleBorder.set_right_style = function (v) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; if (this._linecnt <= 1) { this._copytoSubObjects(); } if (v != this.right_style) { switch (v) { case "none": case "solid": case "double": case "dotted": case "dashed": this.right_style = v; break; default: this.right_style = "solid"; break; } if (this._linecnt < 2) { this._linecnt = 2; } return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleBorder.set_right_color = function (v) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; if (this._linecnt <= 1) { this._copytoSubObjects(); } if (v != this.right_color) { this.right_color = (v && v != "transparent") ? v : ""; if (this._linecnt < 2) { this._linecnt = 2; } return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleBorder.set_right_color2 = function (v) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; if (this._linecnt <= 1) { this._copytoSubObjects(); } if (v != this.right_color2) { if (this._linecnt > 1) { this._emptySubObjects(); } if (this._linecnt < 2) { this._linecnt = 2; } this.right_color2 = (v && v != "transparent") ? v : ""; return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleBorder.set_bottom = function (v) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; if (this._linecnt <= 1) { this._linecnt = 4; } if (v != this._sysbottom) { var valarr = v.trim().split(/\s+/); if (valarr.length >= 3) { this.bottom_width = valarr[0]; this._bottom_width = (parseInt(valarr[0]) | 0); switch (valarr[1]) { case "none": case "solid": case "double": case "dotted": case "dashed": this.bottom_style = valarr[1]; break; default: this.bottom_style = "solid"; break; } this.bottom_color = (valarr[2] && valarr[2] != "transparent") ? valarr[2] : ""; this.bottom_color2 = (valarr[3] && valarr[3] != "transparent") ? valarr[3] : ""; this.bottom = v; } else { this.bottom_width = ""; this._bottom_width = 0; this.bottom_style = ""; this.bottom_color = ""; this.bottom_color2 = ""; this.bottom = ""; } if (this._linecnt < 3) { this._linecnt = 3; } return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleBorder.set_bottom_width = function (v) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; if (this._linecnt <= 1) { this._copytoSubObjects(); } if (v != this.bottom_width) { this.bottom_width = v; this._bottom_width = (parseInt(v) | 0); if (this._linecnt < 3) { this._linecnt = 3; } return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleBorder.set_bottom_style = function (v) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; if (this._linecnt <= 1) { this._copytoSubObjects(); } if (v != this.right_style) { switch (v) { case "none": case "solid": case "double": case "dotted": case "dashed": this.bottom_style = v; break; default: this.bottom_style = "solid"; break; } if (this._linecnt < 3) { this._linecnt = 3; } return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleBorder.set_bottom_color = function (v) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; if (this._linecnt <= 1) { this._copytoSubObjects(); } if (v != this.bottom_color) { this.bottom_color = (v && v != "transparent") ? v : ""; if (this._linecnt < 3) { this._linecnt = 3; } return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleBorder.set_bottom_color2 = function (v) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; if (this._linecnt <= 1) { this._copytoSubObjects(); } if (v != this.right_color2) { this.bottom_color2 = (v && v != "transparent") ? v : ""; if (this._linecnt < 3) { this._linecnt = 3; } return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleBorder.set_left = function (v) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; if (this._linecnt <= 1) { this._linecnt = 4; } if (v != this._sysleft) { var valarr = v.trim().split(/\s+/); if (valarr.length >= 3) { this.left_width = valarr[0]; this._left_width = (parseInt(valarr[0]) | 0); switch (valarr[1]) { case "none": case "solid": case "double": case "dotted": case "dashed": this.left_style = valarr[1]; break; default: this.left_style = "solid"; break; } this.left_color = (valarr[2] && valarr[2] != "transparent") ? valarr[2] : ""; this.left_color2 = (valarr[3] && valarr[3] != "transparent") ? valarr[3] : ""; this.left = v; } else { this.left_width = ""; this._left_width = 0; this.left_style = ""; this.left_color = ""; this.left_color2 = ""; this.left = ""; } if (this._linecnt < 4) { this._linecnt = 4; } return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleBorder.set_left_width = function (v) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; if (this._linecnt <= 1) { this._copytoSubObjects(); } if (v != this.left_width) { this.left_width = v; this._left_width = (parseInt(v) | 0); if (this._linecnt < 4) { this._linecnt = 4; } return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleBorder.set_left_style = function (v) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; if (this._linecnt <= 1) { this._copytoSubObjects(); } if (v != this.left_style) { switch (v) { case "none": case "solid": case "double": case "dotted": case "dashed": this.left_style = v; break; default: this.left_style = "solid"; break; } if (this._linecnt < 4) { this._linecnt = 4; } return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleBorder.set_left_color = function (v) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; if (this._linecnt <= 1) { this._copytoSubObjects(); } if (v != this.left_color) { this.left_color = (v && v != "transparent") ? v : ""; if (this._linecnt < 4) { this._linecnt = 4; } return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleBorder.set_left_color2 = function (v) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; if (this._linecnt <= 1) { this._copytoSubObjects(); } if (v != this.left_color2) { this.left_color2 = (v && v != "transparent") ? v : ""; if (this._linecnt < 4) { this._linecnt = 4; } return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleBorder._createRtlValue = function () { if (!this._rtlvalue) { if (this._sysleft != this._sysright) { var arrValue = this._value.split(","); var strValue; if (arrValue.length == 4) { strValue = arrValue[0] + ", " + arrValue[3] + ", " + arrValue[2] + ", " + arrValue[1]; this._rtlvalue = strValue; } } } }; _pStyleBorder._getStyleObject = function (bRtl) { this._createRtlValue(); if (bRtl && this._rtlvalue) { return nexacro._getCachedBorderObj(this._rtlvalue); } else { return this; } }; delete _pStyleBorder; nexacro._createBorderAttributeEvalStr = function (ptype_id, attr_id) { var callback_id = "on_update_style_" + attr_id; var str = "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$ = function (v) {\n" + " var oldobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " if (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = nexacro._getCachedBorderObj(v);\n" + " if (oldobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = styleobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " else if (oldobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = null;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_width = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_border());\n" + " newobj.set_width(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedBorderObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_style = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_border());\n" + " newobj.set_style(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedBorderObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) \n" + " this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_color = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_border());\n" + " newobj.set_color(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedBorderObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_color2 = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_border());\n" + " newobj.set_color2(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedBorderObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_top = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_border());\n" + " newobj.set_top(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedBorderObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_top_width = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_border());\n" + " newobj.set_top_width(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedBorderObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_top_color = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_border());\n" + " newobj.set_top_color(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedBorderObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_top_color2 = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_border());\n" + " newobj.set_top_color2(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedBorderObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_right = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_border());\n" + " newobj.set_right(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedBorderObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_right_width = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_border());\n" + " newobj.set_right_width(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedBorderObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_right_color = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_border());\n" + " newobj.set_right_color(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedBorderObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_right_color2 = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_border());\n" + " newobj.set_right_color2(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedBorderObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_bottom = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_border());\n" + " newobj.set_bottom(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedBorderObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_bottom_width = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_border());\n" + " newobj.set_bottom_width(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedBorderObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_bottom_color = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_border());\n" + " newobj.set_bottom_color(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedBorderObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_bottom_color2 = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_border());\n" + " newobj.set_bottom_color2(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedBorderObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_left = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_border());\n" + " newobj.set_left(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedBorderObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_left_width = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_border());\n" + " newobj.set_left_width(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedBorderObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_left_color = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_border());\n" + " newobj.set_left_color(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedBorderObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_left_color2 = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_border());\n" + " newobj.set_left_color2(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedBorderObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n"; return str.replace(/\$PTYPE\$/g, ptype_id).replace(/\$ATTR\$/g, attr_id).replace(/\$CALL\$/g, callback_id); }; nexacro.Style_bordertype = function (type, radiusx, radiusy, lefttop, righttop, leftbottom, rightbottom) { this.type = ""; this.radiusx = ""; this.radiusy = ""; this.lefttop = undefined; this._lefttop = false; this.righttop = undefined; this._righttop = false; this.leftbottom = undefined; this._leftbottom = false; this.rightbottom = undefined; this._rightbottom = false; this._is_empty = true; this._bindtype = 0; this._bindexpr = ""; this._value = ""; this._sysvalue = ""; this._radiusx = 0; this._radiusy = 0; if (radiusx != null) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; this.type = type; if (radiusx != undefined && radiusy != undefined) { this.radiusx = radiusx; this.radiusy = radiusy; this._radiusx = (parseInt(radiusx) | 0); this._radiusy = (parseInt(radiusy) | 0); } this.lefttop = this._lefttop = nexacro._toBoolean(lefttop); this.righttop = this._righttop = nexacro._toBoolean(righttop); this.leftbottom = this._leftbottom = nexacro._toBoolean(leftbottom); this.rightbottom = this._rightbottom = nexacro._toBoolean(rightbottom); var strobj = this._getValueStr(); this._is_empty = (strobj.value == ""); this._value = strobj.value; this._sysvalue = strobj.sysvalue; } else if (type && (typeof (type) == "string")) { var val = type.trim(); if (val) { this._parseInfo(val); this._updateValue(); } } }; var _pStyleBordertype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Object, nexacro.Style_bordertype); nexacro.Style_bordertype.prototype = _pStyleBordertype; _pStyleBordertype._type_name = "Bordertype"; _pStyleBordertype.valueOf = function () { return this._value; }; _pStyleBordertype.toString = function () { return this._value; }; _pStyleBordertype.clone = function () { var newobj = new nexacro.Style_bordertype(); newobj.type = this.type; newobj.radiusx = this.radiusx; newobj.radiusy = this.radiusy; newobj.lefttop = this.lefttop; newobj._lefttop = this._lefttop; newobj.righttop = this.righttop; newobj._righttop = this._righttop; newobj.leftbottom = this.leftbottom; newobj._leftbottom = this._leftbottom; newobj.rightbottom = this.rightbottom; newobj._rightbottom = this._rightbottom; newobj._radiusx = this._radiusx; newobj._radiusy = this._radiusy; newobj._is_empty = this._is_empty; newobj._value = this._value; newobj._sysvalue = this._sysvalue; return newobj; }; _pStyleBordertype._empty = function () { if (!this._is_empty) { this._is_empty = true; this._bindtype = 0; this.type = ""; this.radiusx = ""; this.radiusy = ""; this._radiusx = 0; this._radiusy = 0; this.lefttop = undefined; this.righttop = undefined; this.leftbottom = undefined; this.rightbottom = undefined; this._lefttop = false; this._righttop = false; this._leftbottom = false; this._rightbottom = false; this._value = ""; this._sysvalue = ""; return true; } return false; }; _pStyleBordertype._isRound = function () { return (this.type == "round" && this._radiusx > 0 && this._radiusy > 0); }; _pStyleBordertype._getValueStr = function () { switch (this._bindtype) { case 0: { var val = this.type; var sysval; if (val == "round") { if (this._radiusx >= 0 && this._radiusy >= 0) { val += " " + this.radiusx + " " + this.radiusy; sysval = val; if (this.lefttop) { val += " lefttop"; sysval += " true"; } else if (this.lefttop == false) { sysval += " false"; } else { sysval += " undefined"; } if (this.righttop) { val += " righttop"; sysval += " true"; } else if (this.righttop == false) { sysval += " false"; } else { sysval += " undefined"; } if (this.leftbottom) { val += " leftbottom"; sysval += " true"; } else if (this.leftbottom == false) { sysval += " false"; } else { sysval += " undefined"; } if (this.rightbottom) { val += " rightbottom"; sysval += " true"; } else if (this.rightbottom == false) { sysval += " false"; } else { sysval += " undefined"; } } else { val = "normal " + this.radiusx + " " + this.radiusy; sysval = val; } } else { val = "normal " + this.radiusx + " " + this.radiusy; sysval = val; if (this.lefttop) { val += " lefttop"; sysval += " true"; } else if (this.lefttop == false) { sysval += " false"; } else { sysval += " undefined"; } if (this.righttop) { val += " righttop"; sysval += " true"; } else if (this.righttop == false) { sysval += " false"; } else { sysval += " undefined"; } if (this.leftbottom) { val += " leftbottom"; sysval += " true"; } else if (this.leftbottom == false) { sysval += " false"; } else { sysval += " undefined"; } if (this.rightbottom) { val += " rightbottom"; sysval += " true"; } else if (this.rightbottom == false) { sysval += " false"; } else { sysval += " undefined"; } } return { value : val, sysvalue : sysval }; } case 1: var val = "bind:" + this._bindexpr; return { value : val, sysvalue : val }; case 2: var val = "expr:" + this._bindexpr; return { value : val, sysvalue : val }; } return ""; }; _pStyleBordertype._updateValue = function () { var strobj = this._getValueStr(); if (strobj.sysvalue != this._sysvalue) { this._resetValue(); this._is_empty = (strobj.value == ""); this._sysvalue = strobj.sysvalue; this._value = strobj.value; return true; } return false; }; _pStyleBordertype._resetValue = function () { var lt = this.lefttop, rt = this.righttop, lb = this.leftbottom, rb = this.rightbottom; if (lt == undefined && rt == undefined && lb == undefined && rb == undefined) { this._lefttop = true; this._righttop = true; this._leftbottom = true; this._rightbottom = true; } else { if (lt == undefined) { this._lefttop = false; } if (rt == undefined) { this._righttop = false; } if (lb == undefined) { this._leftbottom = false; } if (rb == undefined) { this._rightbottom = false; } } }; _pStyleBordertype._parseInfo = function (val) { var tag = val.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase(); if (tag == "expr" || tag == "bind") { if (tag == "bind") { this._bindtype = 1; } else { this._bindtype = 2; } var expr = val.substring(4).trim(); if (expr.charAt(0) == '(') { this._bindexpr = expr.substr(1, expr.length - 2); } else { this._bindexpr = expr.substring(1); } } else { var parts = val.split(/\s+/); var part; this.type = parts[0]; if (parts[1] != undefined && parts[2] != undefined) { this.radiusx = parts[1]; this.radiusy = parts[2]; this._radiusx = (parseInt(parts[1]) | 0); this._radiusy = (parseInt(parts[2]) | 0); } if (parts.length > 3) { this._lefttop = false; this._righttop = false; this._leftbottom = false; this._rightbottom = false; for (var i = 3, n = parts.length; i < n; i++) { part = parts[i]; switch (part) { case "lefttop": this.lefttop = true; this._lefttop = true; break; case "righttop": this.righttop = true; this._righttop = true; break; case "leftbottom": this.leftbottom = true; this._leftbottom = true; break; case "rightbottom": this.rightbottom = true; this._rightbottom = true; break; } } } else { this._lefttop = true; this._righttop = true; this._leftbottom = true; this._rightbottom = true; } } }; _pStyleBordertype._setValue = function (v) { if (v && typeof (v) == "string") { var val = v.trim(); if (val != this._sysvalue) { if (val) { this._parseInfo(val); return this._updateValue(); } else { return this._empty(); } } return false; } return this._empty(); }; _pStyleBordertype.set_type = function (v) { if (v != this.type) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; this.type = v; return this._updateValue(true); } return false; }; _pStyleBordertype.set_radiusx = function (v) { if (v != this.radiusx) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; this.radiusx = v; this._radiusx = (parseInt(v) | 0); return this._updateValue(true); } return false; }; _pStyleBordertype.set_radiusy = function (v) { if (v != this.radiusy) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; this.radiusy = v; this._radiusy = (parseInt(v) | 0); return this._updateValue(true); } return false; }; _pStyleBordertype.set_lefttop = function (v) { if (typeof v == "string") { v = (v == "true"); } if (v != this.lefttop) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; this._lefttop = this.lefttop = (v ? true : false); return this._updateValue(true); } return false; }; _pStyleBordertype.set_leftbottom = function (v) { if (typeof v == "string") { v = (v == "true"); } if (v != this.leftbottom) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; this._leftbottom = this.leftbottom = (v ? true : false); return this._updateValue(true); } return false; }; _pStyleBordertype.set_righttop = function (v) { if (typeof v == "string") { v = (v == "true"); } if (v != this.righttop) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; this._righttop = this.righttop = (v ? true : false); return this._updateValue(true); } return false; }; _pStyleBordertype.set_rightbottom = function (v) { if (typeof v == "string") { v = (v == "true"); } if (v != this.rightbottom) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; this._rightbottom = this.rightbottom = (v ? true : false); return this._updateValue(true); } return false; }; _pStyleBordertype._createRtlValue = function () { if (!this._rtlvalue) { if (this.lefttop != this.righttop || this.leftbottom != this.rightbottom) { var strValue; strValue = this.type + " " + this.radiusx + " " + this.radiusy; if (this.lefttop) { strValue = strValue + " righttop"; } if (this.righttop) { strValue = strValue + " lefttop"; } if (this.leftbottom) { strValue = strValue + " rightbottom"; } if (this.rightbottom) { strValue = strValue + " leftbottom"; } this._rtlvalue = strValue; } } }; _pStyleBordertype._getStyleObject = function (bRtl) { this._createRtlValue(); if (bRtl && this._rtlvalue) { return nexacro._getCachedBordertypeObj(this._rtlvalue); } else { return this; } }; nexacro._createBordertypeAttributeEvalStr = function (ptype_id, attr_id) { var callback_id = "on_update_style_" + attr_id; var str = "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$ = function (v) {\n" + " var oldobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " if (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = nexacro._getCachedBordertypeObj(v);\n" + " if (oldobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = styleobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " else if (oldobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = null;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_type = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_bordertype());\n" + " newobj.set_type(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedBordertypeObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_radiusx = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_bordertype());\n" + " newobj.set_radiusx(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedBordertypeObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_radiusy = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_bordertype());\n" + " newobj.set_radiusy(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedBordertypeObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_lefttop = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_bordertype());\n" + " newobj.set_lefttop(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedBordertypeObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_leftbottom = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_bordertype());\n" + " newobj.set_leftbottom(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedBordertypeObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_righttop = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_bordertype());\n" + " newobj.set_righttop(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedBordertypeObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_rightbottom = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_bordertype());\n" + " newobj.set_rightbottom(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedBordertypeObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n"; return str.replace(/\$PTYPE\$/gi, ptype_id).replace(/\$ATTR\$/g, attr_id).replace(/\$CALL\$/g, callback_id); }; nexacro.Style_pointColor = function (v1, v2) { this.point = ""; this.color = ""; this._is_empty = true; this._target = null; this._itemidx = 0; this._value = ""; this._x = 0; this._y = 0; this._syscolor = ""; this._sysalpha = 255; if (v2 != null) { this._is_empty = false; this.point = v1; if (v2 == "transparent") { this.color = ""; } else { this.color = v2; } } else if (v1 && (typeof (v1) == "string")) { var val = v.trim(); if (val) { this._parseInfo(val); var str = this._getValueStr(); this._is_empty = (str == ""); if (this.color) { this._syscolor = nexacro._getWebColorFromXreColor(this.color); this._sysalpha = nexacro._getXreColorAlpha(this.color); } else { this._syscolor = ""; this._sysalpha = 255; } this._value = str; } } }; var _pStylePointColor = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Object, nexacro.Style_pointColor); nexacro.Style_pointColor.prototype = _pStylePointColor; _pStylePointColor._type_name = "PointColor"; _pStylePointColor.valueOf = function () { return this._value; }; _pStylePointColor.toString = function () { return this._value; }; _pStylePointColor._empty = function () { if (!this._is_empty) { this._value = ""; this.point = ""; this.color = ""; this._syscolor = ""; this._sysalpha = 255; this._x = 0; this._y = 0; this._is_empty = true; return true; } return false; }; _pStylePointColor._getValueStr = function () { switch (this._bindtype) { case 0: { var val = ""; if (!this._is_empty) { val = this.point + " " + this.color; } return val; } case 1: return "bind:" + this._bindexpr; case 2: return "expr:" + this._bindexpr; } return ""; }; _pStylePointColor._updateValue = function () { var str = this._getValueStr(); if (str != this._value) { this._is_empty = (str == ""); this._value = str; if (this.color) { this._syscolor = nexacro._getWebColorFromXreColor(this.color); this._sysalpha = nexacro._getXreColorAlpha(this.color); } return true; } return false; }; _pStylePointColor._parseInfo = function (val) { this._is_empty = false; var parts = val.split(/\s+/); this.point = parts[0]; var ptarr = this.point.split(','); this._x = (parseInt(ptarr[0]) | 0); this._y = (parseInt(ptarr[1]) | 0); this.color = parts[1]; }; _pStylePointColor._setValue = function (v) { if (v && typeof (v) == "string") { var val = v.trim(); if (val != this._value) { if (val) { this._parseInfo(val); return this._updateValue(); } else { return this._empty(); } } return false; } return this._empty(); }; _pStylePointColor.update = function (_apply_) { if (this._updateValue() && _apply_) { if (this._target) { this._target.on_update_style_pointcolor(); } } }; _pStylePointColor.set_point = function (v) { if (v != this.point) { this._is_empty = false; this.point = v; var ptarr = this.point.split(','); this._x = (parseInt(ptarr[0]) | 0); this._y = (parseInt(ptarr[1]) | 0); this.update(true); } }; _pStylePointColor.set_color = function (v) { if (v != this.color) { this._is_empty = false; this.color = v; this.update(true); } }; nexacro.Style_gradation = function (style, sX, sY, sColor, eX, eY, eColor, peglist) { this.style = ""; this.peglist = ""; this.start = null; this.end = null; this.start_point = ""; this.start_color = ""; this.end_point = ""; this.end_color = ""; this._is_empty = true; this._bindtype = 0; this._bindexpr = ""; this._value = ""; this._sysvalue = ""; this._sysvalue2 = ""; this._start_x = 0; this._start_y = 0; this._start_syscolor = ""; this._start_vmlcolor = ""; this._end_x = 100; this._end_y = 100; this._end_syscolor = ""; this._end_vmlcolor = ""; if (sX != null) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; this.style = style; this._start_x = sX; this._start_y = sY; this.start_point = sX + "," + sY; this.start_color = sColor; this._end_x = eX; this._end_y = eY; this.end_point = sX + "," + sY; this.end_color = eColor; this.peglist = peglist; nexacro._makeGradationSysValue(this); } else if (style && (typeof style) == "string") { var val = style.trim(); if (val) { this._parseInfo(val); var str = this._getValueStr(); this._is_empty = (str == ""); this._value = val; nexacro._makeGradationSysValue(this); } } }; var _pStyleGradation = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Object, nexacro.Style_gradation); nexacro.Style_gradation.prototype = _pStyleGradation; _pStyleGradation._type_name = "Gradation"; _pStyleGradation.valueOf = function () { return this._value; }; _pStyleGradation.toString = function () { return this._value; }; _pStyleGradation.clone = function () { var newobj = new nexacro.Style_gradation(); newobj.style = this.style; newobj.peglist = this.peglist; newobj.start = this.start; newobj.end = this.end; newobj.start_point = this.start_point; newobj.start_color = this.start_color; newobj.end_point = this.end_point; newobj.end_color = this.end_color; newobj._sysvalue = this._sysvalue; newobj._sysvalue2 = this._sysvalue2; newobj._start_x = this._start_x; newobj._start_y = this._start_y; newobj._start_syscolor = this._start_syscolor; newobj._start_vmlcolor = this._start_vmlcolor; newobj._end_x = this._end_x; newobj._end_y = this._end_y; newobj._end_syscolor = this._end_syscolor; newobj._end_vmlcolor = this._end_vmlcolor; newobj._is_empty = this._is_empty; newobj._value = this._value; return newobj; }; _pStyleGradation._empty = function () { if (!this._is_empty) { this._is_empty = true; this._bindtype = 0; this.style = ""; this.peglist = ""; this.start_point = ""; this.start_color = ""; this._start_x = 0; this._start_y = 0; this.end_point = ""; this.end_color = ""; this._end_x = 100; this._end_y = 100; this._sysvalue = ""; this._sysvalue2 = ""; return true; } return false; }; _pStyleGradation._parsePegList = function (peglist) { var arr = []; var str = peglist; var spos, len, valarr, peg; spos = 0; spos = str.indexOf("[", spos); while (spos >= 0) { spos += 1; len = str.indexOf("]", spos); if (len < 0) { break; } peg = str.substring(spos, len); spos = len + 1; valarr = peg.trim().split(/\s+/); if (valarr.length >= 2) { pos = (parseInt(valarr[0]) | 0); if (pos > 0 && pos < 100) { arr.push([pos, valarr[valarr.length - 1]]); } } spos = str.indexOf("[", spos); } return arr; }; _pStyleGradation._getValueStr = function () { switch (this._bindtype) { case 0: { var val = this.style + " " + this.start_point + " " + this.start_color + " " + this.end_point + " " + this.end_color; val += " " + this.peglist; return val; } case 1: return "bind:" + this._bindexpr; case 2: return "expr:" + this._bindexpr; } return ""; }; _pStyleGradation._updateValue = function () { var str = this._getValueStr(); if (str != this._value) { this._is_empty = (str == ""); this._value = str; nexacro._makeGradationSysValue(this); return true; } return false; }; _pStyleGradation._parseInfo = function (val) { var tag = val.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase(); if (tag == "expr" || tag == "bind") { var expr = val.substring(4).trim(); if (expr.charAt(0) == '(') { this._bindexpr = expr.substr(1, expr.length - 2); } else { this._bindexpr = expr.substring(1); } if (tag == "bind") { this._bindtype = 1; } else { this._bindtype = 2; } } else { if (val.indexOf("linear-gradient") >= 0) { this.style = "linear"; var idx = val.indexOf("("); var all_prop = val.substring(idx + 1, val.length - 1); var split_prop = all_prop.split(","); var prop_len = split_prop.length; var first_prop = split_prop[1].trim().split(" "); var first_pos = first_prop[1] && parseInt(first_prop[1]) > 0 ? parseInt(first_prop[1]) : 0; var last_prop = split_prop[prop_len - 1].trim().split(" "); var last_pos = last_prop[1] && parseInt(last_prop[1]) < 100 ? parseInt(last_prop[1]) : 100; if (prop_len == 2) { this._start_x = this._start_y = first_pos; this._end_x = this._end_y = last_pos; this.start_point = this._start_x + "," + this._start_y; this.start_color = first_prop[0]; this.end_point = this._end_x + "," + this._end_y; this.end_color = last_prop[0]; } else if (prop_len >= 3) { var str = split_prop[0].trim(); if ((/left|top|right|bottom/).test(str)) { if (str.indexOf("top") >= 0) { if (str.indexOf("right") >= 0) { this._setPosition("top right", first_pos, last_pos); } else if (str.indexOf("left") >= 0) { this._setPosition("top left", first_pos, last_pos); } else { this._setPosition("top", first_pos, last_pos); } } else if (str.indexOf("bottom") >= 0) { if (str.indexOf("right") >= 0) { this._setPosition("bottom right", first_pos, last_pos); } else if (str.indexOf("left") >= 0) { this._setPosition("bottom left", first_pos, last_pos); } else { this._setPosition("bottom", first_pos, last_pos); } } else if (str.indexOf("left") >= 0) { this._setPosition("left", first_pos, last_pos); } else if (str.indexOf("right") >= 0) { this._setPosition("right", first_pos, last_pos); } if (prop_len > 3) { var peg_arr = split_prop.slice(2, prop_len - 1); var peglist = "", pegstr = "", newstr = "", pegarr = []; for (var i = 0, n = peg_arr.length; i < n; i++) { pegstr = peg_arr[i].trim(); pegarr = pegstr.split(" "); newstr = "[" + pegarr[1] + " " + pegarr[0] + "]"; peglist += newstr; } this.peglist = peglist; } } else if (str.indexOf("to") >= 0) { var strarr = str.split(" "); this._start_x = (parseInt(strarr[0]) | 0); this._start_y = (parseInt(strarr[1]) | 0); this._end_x = (parseInt(strarr[3]) | 0); this._end_y = (parseInt(strarr[4]) | 0); if (prop_len > 3) { var peg_arr = split_prop.slice(2, prop_len - 1); var peglist = "", pegstr = "", newstr = "", pegarr = []; for (var i = 0, n = peg_arr.length; i < n; i++) { pegstr = peg_arr[i].trim(); pegarr = pegstr.split(" "); newstr = "[" + pegarr[1] + " " + pegarr[0] + "]"; peglist += newstr; } this.peglist = peglist; } } else if (str.indexOf("deg") >= 0) { var deg = (parseInt(str) | 0); if (deg < 0) { while (deg < 0) { deg += 360; } } else if (deg >= 360) { while (deg >= 360) { deg -= 360; } } switch (Math.floor(deg / 45)) { case 0: this._setPosition("top", first_pos, last_pos); break; case 1: this._setPosition("top right", first_pos, last_pos); break; case 2: this._setPosition("right", first_pos, last_pos); break; case 3: this._setPosition("bottom right", first_pos, last_pos); break; case 4: this._setPosition("bottom", first_pos, last_pos); break; case 5: this._setPosition("bottom left", first_pos, last_pos); break; case 6: this._setPosition("left", first_pos, last_pos); break; case 7: this._setPosition("top left", first_pos, last_pos); break; } if (prop_len > 3) { var peg_arr = split_prop.slice(2, prop_len - 1); var peglist = "", pegstr = "", newstr = "", pegarr = []; for (var i = 0, n = peg_arr.length; i < n; i++) { pegstr = peg_arr[i].trim(); pegarr = pegstr.split(" "); newstr = "[" + pegarr[1] + " " + pegarr[0] + "]"; peglist += newstr; } this.peglist = peglist; } } else { this._start_x = this._start_y = first_pos; this._end_x = this._end_y = last_pos; var peg_arr = split_prop.slice(1, prop_len - 1); var peglist = "", pegstr = "", newstr = "", pegarr = []; for (var i = 0, n = peg_arr.length; i < n; i++) { pegstr = peg_arr[i].trim(); pegarr = pegstr.split(" "); newstr = "[" + pegarr[1] + " " + pegarr[0] + "]"; peglist += newstr; } this.peglist = peglist; } this.start_point = this._start_x + "," + this._start_y; this.start_color = first_prop[0]; this.end_point = this._end_x + "," + this._end_y; this.end_color = last_prop[0]; } } else if (val.indexOf("radial-gradient") >= 0) { this.style = "radial"; } else { var valarr = val.split(/\s+/); if (valarr.length > 4) { switch (valarr[0]) { case "none": case "linear": case "radial": this.style = valarr[0]; break; default: this.style = ""; break; } var ptarr = valarr[1].split(','); this._start_x = (parseInt(ptarr[0]) | 0); this._start_y = (parseInt(ptarr[1]) | 0); this.start_point = this._start_x + "," + this._start_y; this.start_color = valarr[2]; var ptarr = valarr[3].split(','); this._end_x = (parseInt(ptarr[0]) | 0); this._end_y = (parseInt(ptarr[1]) | 0); this.end_point = this._end_x + "," + this._end_y; this.end_color = valarr[4]; if (valarr.length > 5) { var tmppeg = []; for (var i = 5, n = valarr.length; i < n; i++) { tmppeg.push(valarr[i]); } this.peglist = tmppeg.join(" "); } else { this.peglist = ""; } } } } }; _pStyleGradation._setPosition = function (pos, first, last) { switch (pos) { case "top": this._start_x = this._end_x = 0; this._start_y = 100 - first; this._end_y = 100 - last; break; case "top right": this._start_x = first; this._start_y = 100 - first; this._end_x = last; this._end_y = 100 - last; break; case "top left": this._start_x = this._start_y = 100 - first; this._end_x = this._end_y = 100 - last; break; case "bottom": this._start_x = this._end_x = 0; this._start_y = first; this._end_y = last; break; case "bottom right": this._start_x = this._start_y = first; this._end_x = this._end_y = last; break; case "bottom left": this._start_x = 100 - first; this._start_y = first; this._end_x = 100 - last; this._end_y = last; break; case "left": this._start_x = 100 - first; this._start_y = this._end_y = 0; this._end_x = 100 - last; break; case "right": this._start_x = first; this._start_y = this._end_y = 0; this._end_x = last; break; } }; _pStyleGradation._setValue = function (v) { if (v && typeof (v) == "string") { var val = v.trim(); if (val != this._value) { if (val) { this._parseInfo(val); return this._updateValue(); } else { return this._empty(); } } return false; } return this._empty(); }; _pStyleGradation.set_style = function (v) { if (v != this.style) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; switch (v) { case "none": case "linear": case "radial": this.style = v; break; default: this.style = ""; break; } return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleGradation.set_start = function (v) { if (v != (this.start_point + " " + this.start_color)) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; var val = (v) ? v.toString().trim() : ""; var parts = val.split(/\s+/); var ptarr = parts[0].split(','); this._start_x = (parseInt(ptarr[0]) | 0); this._start_y = (parseInt(ptarr[1]) | 0); this.start_point = this._start_x + "," + this._start_y; this.start_color = parts[1]; this.start = v; return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleGradation.set_start_point = function (v) { if (v != this.start_point) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; var val = (v) ? v.toString().trim() : ""; var ptarr = val.split(','); this._start_x = (parseInt(ptarr[0]) | 0); this._start_y = (parseInt(ptarr[1]) | 0); this.start_point = this._start_x + "," + this._start_y; return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleGradation.set_start_color = function (v) { if (v != this.start_color) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; this.start_color = v; return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleGradation.set_end = function (v) { if (v != (this.end_point + " " + this.end_color)) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; var val = (v) ? v.toString().trim() : ""; var parts = val.split(/\s+/); var ptarr = parts[0].split(','); this._end_x = (parseInt(ptarr[0]) | 0); this._end_y = (parseInt(ptarr[1]) | 0); this.end_point = this._end_x + "," + this._end_y; this.end_color = parts[1]; this.end = v; return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleGradation.set_end_point = function (v) { if (v != this.end_point) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; var val = (v) ? v.toString().trim() : ""; var ptarr = val.split(','); this._end_x = (parseInt(ptarr[0]) | 0); this._end_y = (parseInt(ptarr[1]) | 0); this.end_point = this._end_x + "," + this._end_y; return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleGradation.set_end_color = function (v) { if (v != this.end_color) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; this.end_color = v; return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleGradation.set_peglist = function (v) { if (v != this.peglist) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; this.peglist = v; return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleGradation._createRtlValue = function () { if (!this._rtlvalue) { if (this._start_x != this._end_x) { var strValue; strValue = this.style + " " + this._end_x + "," + this._start_y + " " + this.start_color + " " + this._start_x + "," + this._end_y + " " + this.end_color + " " + this.peglist; this._rtlvalue = strValue; } } }; _pStyleGradation._getStyleObject = function (bRtl) { this._createRtlValue(); if (bRtl && this._rtlvalue) { return nexacro._getCachedGradationObj(this._rtlvalue); } else { return this; } }; nexacro._createGradationAttributeEvalStr = function (ptype_id, attr_id) { var callback_id = "on_update_style_" + attr_id; var str = "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$ = function (v) {\n" + " var oldobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " if (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = nexacro._getCachedGradationObj(v);\n" + " if (oldobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = styleobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " else if (oldobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = null;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_style = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_gradation());\n" + " newobj.set_style(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedGradationObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_peglist = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_gradation());\n" + " newobj.set_peglist(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedGradationObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_start = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_gradation());\n" + " newobj.set_start(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedGradationObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_start_point = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_gradation());\n" + " newobj.set_start_point(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedGradationObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_start_color = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_gradation());\n" + " newobj.set_start_color(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedGradationObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_end = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_gradation());\n" + " newobj.set_end(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedGradationObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_end_point = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_gradation());\n" + " newobj.set_end_point(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedGradationObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_end_color = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_gradation());\n" + " newobj.set_end_color(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedGradationObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n"; return str.replace(/\$PTYPE\$/g, ptype_id).replace(/\$ATTR\$/g, attr_id).replace(/\$CALL\$/g, callback_id); }; nexacro.Style_font = function (face, size, bold, italic, underline, strikeout, antialias) { this.face = ""; this.size = 0; this.type = ""; this._default_face = "굴림"; this._default_size = "9"; this._default_type = "normal"; this._is_empty = true; this._bindtype = 0; this._bindexpr = ""; this._value = ""; this._bold = false; this._italic = false; this._underline = false; this._strikeout = false; this._antialias = false; this._sysvalue = ""; this._sysdecoration = ""; if (size != null) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; this.face = face; this.size = (parseInt(size) | 0); if (bold) { this._bold = true; } if (italic) { this._italic = true; } if (underline) { this._underline = true; } if (strikeout) { this._strikeout = true; } if (antialias) { this._antialias = true; } } else if (size == null && (typeof (face) == "string")) { var val = face.trim(); if (val) { this._parseInfo(val); this._updateValue(); } } }; var _pStyleFont = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Object, nexacro.Style_font); nexacro.Style_font.prototype = _pStyleFont; _pStyleFont._type_name = "Font"; _pStyleFont.valueOf = function () { return this._value; }; _pStyleFont.toString = function () { return this._value; }; _pStyleFont.clone = function () { var newobj = new nexacro.Style_font(); newobj.face = this.face; newobj.size = this.size; newobj.type = this.type; newobj._bold = this._bold; newobj._italic = this._italic; newobj._underline = this._underline; newobj._strikeout = this._strikeout; newobj._antialias = this._antialias; newobj._sysvalue = this._sysvalue; newobj._sysdecoration = this._sysdecoration; newobj._is_empty = this._is_empty; newobj._value = this._value; return newobj; }; _pStyleFont._empty = function () { if (!this._is_empty) { this._is_empty = true; this._bindtype = 0; this.face = ""; this.size = 0; this.type = ""; this._bold = false; this._italic = false; this._underline = false; this._strikeout = false; this._antialias = false; this._sysvalue = ""; this._sysdecoration = ""; return true; } return false; }; _pStyleFont._parseInfo = function (val) { var tag = val.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase(); if (tag == "expr" || tag == "bind") { if (tag == "bind") { this._bindtype = 1; } else { this._bindtype = 2; } var expr = val.substring(4).trim(); if (expr.charAt(0) == '(') { this._bindexpr = expr.substr(1, expr.length - 2); } else { this._bindexpr = expr.substring(1); } } else { var parts = val.split(/\s+/); var part; var faces = [], size = 0; var webfont_style = true; for (var i = 0, n = parts.length; i < n && webfont_style; i++) { part = parts[i]; switch (part) { case "bold": this._bold = true; break; case "italic": this._italic = true; break; case "underline": this._underline = true; break; case "strikeout": this._strikeout = true; break; case "antialias": this._antialias = true; break; default: { var intpart = parseInt(part); if (intpart != intpart) { if (size == 0) { webfont_style = false; } else { faces.push(part); } } else { size = intpart; } } break; } } if (webfont_style) { this.face = (faces.length > 0) ? faces.join(" ") : this._default_face; this.size = (size > 0) ? size : this._default_size; } else { var parts = val.split(','); if (parts.length >= 2) { this.face = parts[0]; this.size = (parseInt(parts[1]) | 0); if (parts[2]) { var parts0 = parts[2].split(/\s+/); var part; for (var i = 0, n = parts0.length; i < n; i++) { part = parts0[i]; switch (part) { case "bold": this._bold = true; break; case "italic": this._italic = true; break; case "underline": this._underline = true; break; case "strikeout": this._strikeout = true; break; case "antialias": this._antialias = true; break; } } } } } } }; _pStyleFont._getValueStr = function () { switch (this._bindtype) { case 0: { var arr_type = []; if (this._bold) { arr_type.push("bold"); this._bold = true; } if (this._italic) { arr_type.push("italic"); this._italic = true; } if (this._underline) { arr_type.push("underline"); this._underline = true; } if (this._strikeout) { arr_type.push("strikeout"); this._strikeout = true; } if (this._antialias) { arr_type.push("antialias"); this._antialias = true; } if (arr_type.length > 0) { this.type = arr_type.join(" "); } else { this.type = ""; } arr_type.push(this.size); arr_type.push(this.face); return arr_type.join(' '); } case 1: return "bind:" + this._bindexpr; case 2: return "expr:" + this._bindexpr; } return ""; }; _pStyleFont._updateValue = function () { var str = this._getValueStr(); if (str != this._value) { if (this._italic || this._bold || this._underline || this._strikeout || this.size) { this._sysvalue = (this._italic == true ? "italic " : "") + (this._bold == true ? "bold " : "") + (this.size >= 0 ? this.size + "pt " : Math.abs(this.size) + "px ") + this.face; if (this._underline == true) { if (this._strikeout == true) { this._sysdecoration = "underline line-through"; } else { this._sysdecoration = "underline"; } } else { if (this._strikeout == true) { this._sysdecoration = "line-through"; } else { this._sysdecoration = ""; } } } else { this._sysvalue = ""; this._sysdecoration = ""; } this._is_empty = (str == "" || str == 0); this._value = str; return true; } return false; }; _pStyleFont._setValue = function (v) { if (v && typeof (v) == "string") { var val = v.trim(); if (val != this._value) { if (val) { this._parseInfo(val); return this._updateValue(); } else { return this._empty(); } } return false; } return this._empty(); }; _pStyleFont.set_face = function (v) { if (v != this.face) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; this.face = v; if (!this.size) { this.size = this._default_size; } return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleFont.set_size = function (v) { var iv = (parseInt(v) | 0); if (iv != this.size) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; this.size = iv; if (!this.face) { this.face = this._default_face; } return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleFont.set_type = function (v) { if (v != this.type) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; var parts0 = v.split(/\s+/); var part; this._bold = false; this._italic = false; this._underline = false; this._strikeout = false; this._antialias = false; for (var i = 0, n = parts0.length; i < n; i++) { part = parts0[i]; switch (part) { case "bold": this._bold = true; break; case "italic": this._italic = true; break; case "underline": this._underline = true; break; case "strikeout": this._strikeout = true; break; case "antialias": this._antialias = true; break; } } if (!this.size) { this.size = this._default_size; } if (!this.face) { this.face = this._default_face; } return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; nexacro._createFontAttributeEvalStr = function (ptype_id, attr_id) { var callback_id = "on_update_style_" + attr_id; var str = "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$ = function (v) {\n" + " var oldobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " if (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = nexacro._getCachedFontObj(v);\n" + " if (oldobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = styleobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " else if (oldobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = null;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_face = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_font());\n" + " newobj.set_face(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedFontObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_size = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_font());\n" + " newobj.set_size(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedFontObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_type = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_font());\n" + " newobj.set_type(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedFontObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n"; return str.replace(/\$PTYPE\$/g, ptype_id).replace(/\$ATTR\$/g, attr_id).replace(/\$CALL\$/g, callback_id); }; nexacro.Style_padding = function (t, r, b, l) { this.top = 0; this.right = 0; this.bottom = 0; this.left = 0; this._is_empty = true; this._bindtype = 0; this._bindexpr = ""; this._value = ""; this._sysvalue = ""; if (r != null) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; this.top = (parseInt(t) | 0); this.right = (parseInt(r) | 0); this.bottom = (parseInt(b) | 0); this.left = (parseInt(l) | 0); } else if (t && (typeof (t) == "string")) { var val = t.trim(); if (val) { this._parseInfo(val); var str = this._getValueStr(); this._is_empty = (str == ""); this._value = val; this._sysvalue = str; } } }; var _pStylePadding = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Object, nexacro.Style_padding); nexacro.Style_padding.prototype = _pStylePadding; _pStylePadding._type_name = "Padding"; _pStylePadding.valueOf = function () { return this._value; }; _pStylePadding.toString = function () { return this._value; }; _pStylePadding.clone = function () { var newobj = new nexacro.Style_padding(); newobj.top = this.top; newobj.right = this.right; newobj.bottom = this.bottom; newobj.left = this.left; newobj._is_empty = this._is_empty; newobj._sysvalue = this._sysvalue; newobj._value = this._value; return newobj; }; _pStylePadding._empty = function () { if (!this._is_empty) { this._is_empty = true; this._bindtype = 0; this.top = 0; this.right = 0; this.bottom = 0; this.left = 0; this._value = ""; this._sysvalue = ""; return true; } return false; }; _pStylePadding._getValueStr = function () { switch (this._bindtype) { case 0: return this.top + " " + this.right + " " + this.bottom + " " + this.left; case 1: return "bind:" + this._bindexpr; case 2: return "expr:" + this._bindexpr; } return ""; }; _pStylePadding._parseInfo = function (val) { var tag = val.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase(); if (tag == "expr" || tag == "bind") { if (tag == "bind") { this._bindtype = 1; } else { this._bindtype = 2; } var expr = val.substring(4).trim(); if (expr.charAt(0) == '(') { this._bindexpr = expr.substr(1, expr.length - 2); } else { this._bindexpr = expr.substring(1); } } else { var valarr = val.split(/\s+/); switch (valarr.length) { case 1: val = (parseInt(valarr[0]) | 0); this.top = this.right = this.bottom = this.left = val; break; case 2: val = (parseInt(valarr[0]) | 0); this.top = this.bottom = val; val = (parseInt(valarr[1]) | 0); this.right = this.left = val; break; case 3: val = (parseInt(valarr[0]) | 0); this.top = val; val = (parseInt(valarr[1]) | 0); this.right = this.left = val; val = (parseInt(valarr[2]) | 0); this.bottom = val; break; default: val = (parseInt(valarr[0]) | 0); this.top = val; val = (parseInt(valarr[1]) | 0); this.right = val; val = (parseInt(valarr[2]) | 0); this.bottom = val; val = (parseInt(valarr[3]) | 0); this.left = val; break; } } }; _pStylePadding._updateValue = function () { var str = this._getValueStr(); if (str != this._value) { this._is_empty = (str == ""); this._value = str; return true; } return false; }; _pStylePadding._setValue = function (v) { if (v && typeof (v) == "string") { var val = v.trim(); if (val != this._sysvalue) { if (val) { this._parseInfo(val); return this._updateValue(); } else { return this._empty(); } } return false; } return this._empty(); }; _pStylePadding._set_value = function () { this._value = this.left + " " + this.top + " " + this.right + " " + this.bottom; }; _pStylePadding.set_top = function (v) { v = (parseInt(v) | 0); if (v != this.top && v >= 0) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; this.top = v; this._set_value(); return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStylePadding.set_right = function (v) { v = (parseInt(v) | 0); if (v != this.right && v >= 0) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; this.right = v; this._set_value(); return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStylePadding.set_bottom = function (v) { v = (parseInt(v) | 0); if (v != this.bottom && v >= 0) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; this.bottom = v; this._set_value(); return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStylePadding.set_left = function (v) { v = (parseInt(v) | 0); if (v != this.left && v >= 0) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; this.left = v; this._set_value(); return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStylePadding._getPaddingWidth = function () { return (this._is_empty) ? 0 : (this.left + this.right); }; _pStylePadding._getPaddingHeight = function () { return (this._is_empty) ? 0 : (this.top + this.bottom); }; _pStylePadding._createRtlValue = function () { if (!this._rtlvalue) { if (this.left != this.right) { var strValue; strValue = this.top + " " + this.left + " " + this.bottom + " " + this.right; this._rtlvalue = strValue; } } }; _pStylePadding._getStyleObject = function (bRtl) { this._createRtlValue(); if (bRtl && this._rtlvalue) { return nexacro._getCachedPaddingObj(this._rtlvalue); } else { return this; } }; nexacro._createPaddingAttributeEvalStr = function (ptype_id, attr_id) { var callback_id = "on_update_style_" + attr_id; var str = "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$ = function (v) {\n" + " var oldobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " if (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = nexacro._getCachedPaddingObj(v);\n" + " if (oldobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = styleobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " else if (oldobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = null;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_top = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_padding());\n" + " newobj.set_top(v);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_right = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_padding());\n" + " newobj.set_right(v);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_bottom = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_padding());\n" + " newobj.set_bottom(v);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_left = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_padding());\n" + " newobj.set_left(v);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n"; return str.replace(/\$PTYPE\$/g, ptype_id).replace(/\$ATTR\$/g, attr_id).replace(/\$CALL\$/g, callback_id); }; nexacro.Style_margin = function (t, r, b, l) { this.top = 0; this.right = 0; this.bottom = 0; this.left = 0; this._is_empty = true; this._bindtype = 0; this._bindexpr = ""; this._sysvalue = ""; this._value = ""; if (r != null) { this._is_empty = true; this._bindtype = 0; this.top = t; this.right = r; this.bottom = b; this.left = l; } else if (t && (typeof (t) == "string")) { var val = t.trim(); if (val) { this._parseInfo(val); var str = this._getValueStr(); this._is_empty = (str == ""); this._sysvalue = str; this._value = val; } } }; var _pStyleMargin = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Object, nexacro.Style_margin); nexacro.Style_margin.prototype = _pStyleMargin; _pStyleMargin._type_name = "Margin"; _pStyleMargin.valueOf = function () { return this._value; }; _pStyleMargin.toString = function () { return this._value; }; _pStyleMargin.clone = function () { var newobj = new nexacro.Style_margin(); newobj.top = this.top; newobj.right = this.right; newobj.bottom = this.bottom; newobj.left = this.left; newobj._is_empty = this._is_empty; newobj._value = this._value; newobj._sysvalue = this._sysvalue; return newobj; }; _pStyleMargin._empty = function () { if (!this._is_empty) { this._is_empty = true; this._bindtype = 0; this.top = 0; this.right = 0; this.bottom = 0; this.left = 0; this._value = ""; this._sysvalue = ""; return true; } return false; }; _pStyleMargin._getValueStr = function () { switch (this._bindtype) { case 0: return this.top + " " + this.right + " " + this.bottom + " " + this.left; case 1: return "bind:" + this._bindexpr; case 2: return "expr:" + this._bindexpr; } return ""; }; _pStyleMargin._parseInfo = function (val) { var tag = val.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase(); if (tag == "expr" || tag == "bind") { if (tag == "bind") { this._bindtype = 1; } else { this._bindtype = 2; } var expr = val.substring(4).trim(); if (expr.charAt(0) == '(') { this._bindexpr = expr.substr(1, expr.length - 2); } else { this._bindexpr = expr.substring(1); } } else { var valarr = val.split(/\s+/); switch (valarr.length) { case 1: val = (parseInt(valarr[0]) | 0); this.top = this.right = this.bottom = this.left = val; break; case 2: val = (parseInt(valarr[0]) | 0); this.top = this.bottom = val; val = (parseInt(valarr[1]) | 0); this.right = this.left = val; break; case 3: val = (parseInt(valarr[0]) | 0); this.top = val; val = (parseInt(valarr[1]) | 0); this.right = this.left = val; val = (parseInt(valarr[2]) | 0); this.bottom = val; break; default: val = (parseInt(valarr[0]) | 0); this.top = val; val = (parseInt(valarr[1]) | 0); this.right = val; val = (parseInt(valarr[2]) | 0); this.bottom = val; val = (parseInt(valarr[3]) | 0); this.left = val; break; } } }; _pStyleMargin._updateValue = function () { var str = this._getValueStr(); if (str != this._sysvalue) { this._is_empty = (str == ""); this._sysvalue = str; return true; } return false; }; _pStyleMargin._setValue = function (v) { if (v && typeof (v) == "string") { var val = v.trim(); if (val != this._sysvalue) { if (val) { this._parseInfo(val); return this._updateValue(); } else { return this._empty(); } } return false; } return this._empty(); }; _pStyleMargin._getMarginWidth = function () { return (this.left + this.right); }; _pStyleMargin._getMarginHeight = function () { return (this.top + this.bottom); }; _pStyleMargin.set_top = function (v) { v = (parseInt(v) | 0); if (v != this.top) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; this.top = v; return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleMargin.set_right = function (v) { v = (parseInt(v) | 0); if (v != this.right) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; this.right = v; return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleMargin.set_bottom = function (v) { v = (parseInt(v) | 0); if (v != this.bottom) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; this.bottom = v; return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleMargin.set_left = function (v) { v = (parseInt(v) | 0); if (v != this.left) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; this.left = v; return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; nexacro._createMarginAttributeEvalStr = function (ptype_id, attr_id) { var callback_id = "on_update_style_" + attr_id; var str = "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$ = function (v) {\n" + " var oldobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " if (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = nexacro._getCachedMarginObj(v);\n" + " if (oldobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = styleobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " else if (oldobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = null;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_top = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_margin());\n" + " newobj.set_top(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedMarginObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_right = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_margin());\n" + " newobj.set_right(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedMarginObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_bottom = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_margin());\n" + " newobj.set_bottom(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedMarginObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_left = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_margin());\n" + " newobj.set_left(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedMarginObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n"; return str.replace(/\$PTYPE\$/g, ptype_id).replace(/\$ATTR\$/g, attr_id).replace(/\$CALL\$/g, callback_id); }; nexacro.Style_shadow = function (type, color, offsetx, offsety, f) { this.type = ""; this.color = ""; this.offset = ""; this.factor = 0; this._is_empty = true; this._value = ""; this._bindtype = 0; this._bindexpr = ""; this._sysvalue = ""; this._syscolor = ""; if (color != null) { this._is_empty = true; this._bindtype = 0; this.type = type; this.color = color; this._offset_x = offsetx; this._offset_y = offsety; this.offset = this._offset_x + "," + this._offset_y; this.factor = f; } else if (type && (typeof (type) == "string")) { var val = type.trim(); if (val) { this._parseInfo(val); this._updateValue(); } } }; var _pStyleShadow = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Object, nexacro.Style_shadow); nexacro.Style_shadow.prototype = _pStyleShadow; _pStyleShadow._type_name = "Shadow"; _pStyleShadow.valueOf = function () { return this._value; }; _pStyleShadow.toString = function () { return this._value; }; _pStyleShadow.clone = function () { var newobj = new nexacro.Style_shadow(); newobj.type = this.type; newobj.color = this.color; newobj.offset = this.offset; newobj._offset_x = this._offset_x; newobj._offset_y = this._offset_y; newobj.factor = this.factor; newobj._sysvalue = this._sysvalue; newobj._syscolor = this._syscolor; newobj._is_empty = this._is_empty; newobj._value = this._value; return newobj; }; _pStyleShadow._empty = function () { if (!this._is_empty) { this.type = ""; this.color = ""; this.offset = ""; this._offset_x = 0; this._offset_y = 0; this.factor = 0; this._value = ""; this._is_empty = true; this._bindtype = 0; this._sysvalue = ""; this._syscolor = ""; return true; } return false; }; _pStyleShadow._getValueStr = function () { switch (this._bindtype) { case 0: { var str = ""; str += this.type; str += " "; this.offset = this._offset_x + "," + this._offset_y; str += this.offset; str += " "; str += this.factor; str += " "; str += this.color; return str; } case 1: return "bind:" + this._bindexpr; case 2: return "expr:" + this._bindexpr; } return ""; }; _pStyleShadow._parseInfo = function (val) { var tag = val.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase(); if (tag == "expr" || tag == "bind") { if (tag == "bind") { this._bindtype = 1; } else { this._bindtype = 2; } var expr = val.substring(4).trim(); if (expr.charAt(0) == '(') { this._bindexpr = expr.substr(1, expr.length - 2); } else { this._bindexpr = expr.substring(1); } } else { var valarr = val.split(/\s+/); if (valarr.length == 4) { if (valarr[0] == "outer") { this.type = valarr[0]; } var vals = valarr[1].split(','); val = (parseInt(vals[0]) | 0); this._offset_x = val; if (vals.length > 1) { val = (parseInt(vals[1]) | 0); this._offset_y = val; } else { this._offset_y = this._offset_x; } val = (parseInt(valarr[2]) | 0); this.factor = val; this.color = valarr[3]; } } }; _pStyleShadow._updateValue = function () { var str = this._getValueStr(); if (str != this._value) { if (this.color) { var _syscolor = nexacro._getWebColorFromXreColor(this.color); this._syscolor = _syscolor; this._sysvalue = this._offset_x + "px " + this._offset_y + "px " + this.factor + "px " + _syscolor; } this._is_empty = (str == ""); this._value = str; return true; } return false; }; _pStyleShadow._setValue = function (v) { if (v && typeof (v) == "string") { var val = v.trim(); if (val != this._value) { if (val) { this._parseInfo(val); return this._updateValue(); } else { return this._empty(); } } return false; } return this._empty(); }; _pStyleShadow.set_type = function (v) { if (v != this.type) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; if (v == "outer") { this.type = v; } return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleShadow.set_offset = function (v) { if (v != this.offset) { if (this._is_empty) { this.type = "outer"; this.factor = 0; this.color = "gray"; } this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; var vals = v.split(','); var val = (parseInt(vals[0]) | 0); this._offset_x = val; if (vals.length > 1) { val = (parseInt(vals[1]) | 0); this._offset_y = val; } else { this._offset_y = this._offset_x; } return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleShadow.set_factor = function (v) { if (v != this.factor) { if (this._is_empty) { this.type = "outer"; this._offset_x = this._offset_y = 0; this.color = "gray"; } this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; var val = (parseInt(v) | 0); this.factor = val; return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleShadow.set_color = function (v) { if (v != this.color) { if (this._is_empty) { this.type = "outer"; this._offset_x = this._offset_y = 0; this.factor = 0; } this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; this.color = v; return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleShadow._createRtlValue = function () { if (!this._rtlvalue) { if (this._offset_x != 0) { var strValue; strValue = this.type + " " + this._offset_x * (-1) + "," + this._offset_y + " " + this.factor + " " + this.color; this._rtlvalue = strValue; } } }; _pStyleShadow._getStyleObject = function (bRtl) { this._createRtlValue(); if (bRtl && this._rtlvalue) { return nexacro._getCachedShadowObj(this._rtlvalue); } else { return this; } }; nexacro._createShadowAttributeEvalStr = function (ptype_id, attr_id) { var callback_id = "on_update_style_" + attr_id; var str = "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$ = function (v) {\n" + " var oldobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " if (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = nexacro._getCachedShadowObj(v);\n" + " if (oldobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = styleobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " else if (oldobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = null;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_type = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_shadow());\n" + " newobj.set_type(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedShadowObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_offset = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_shadow());\n" + " newobj.set_offset(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedShadowObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_factor = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_shadow());\n" + " newobj.set_factor(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedShadowObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_color = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_shadow());\n" + " newobj.set_color(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedShadowObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n"; return str.replace(/\$PTYPE\$/g, ptype_id).replace(/\$ATTR\$/g, attr_id).replace(/\$CALL\$/g, callback_id); }; nexacro.Style_blur = function (f) { this.factor = 0; this._is_empty = true; this._bindtype = 0; this._bindexpr = ""; this._value = ""; if (f) { this._is_empty = true; this._bindtype = 0; f = (parseInt(f) | 0); this.factor = f; } }; var _pStyleBlur = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Object, nexacro.Style_blur); nexacro.Style_blur.prototype = _pStyleBlur; _pStyleBlur._type_name = "Blur"; _pStyleBlur.valueOf = function () { return this._value; }; _pStyleBlur.toString = function () { return this._value; }; _pStyleBlur.clone = function () { var newobj = new nexacro.Style_blur(); newobj.factor = this.factor; newobj._is_empty = this._is_empty; newobj._value = this._value; return newobj; }; _pStyleBlur._empty = function () { if (!this._is_empty) { this._is_empty = true; this._bindtype = 0; this.factor = 0; this._value = ""; return true; } return false; }; _pStyleBlur._setValueStr = function () { var str = ""; if (this.factor > 0) { str = "" + this.factor; } else { str = ""; } return str; }; _pStyleBlur._parseInfo = function (val) { var tag = val.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase(); if (tag == "expr" || tag == "bind") { if (tag == "bind") { this._bindtype = 1; } else { this._bindtype = 2; } var expr = val.substring(4).trim(); if (expr.charAt(0) == '(') { this._bindexpr = expr.substr(1, expr.length - 2); } else { this._bindexpr = expr.substring(1); } } else { var val = (parseInt(v) | 0); this.factor = val; } }; _pStyleBlur._updateValue = function () { var str = this._getValueStr(); if (str != this._value) { this._is_empty = (str == ""); this._value = str; return true; } return false; }; _pStyleBlur._setValue = function (v) { if (v && typeof (v) == "string") { var val = v.trim(); if (val != this._value) { if (val) { this._parseInfo(val); return this._updateValue(); } else { return this._empty(); } } return false; } return this._empty(); }; _pStyleBlur.set_factor = function (v) { if (v != this.factor) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; var val = (parseInt(v) | 0); this.factor = val; return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; nexacro._createBlurAttributeEvalStr = function (ptype_id, attr_id) { var callback_id = "on_update_style_" + attr_id; var str = "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$ = function (v) {\n" + " var oldobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " if (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = nexacro._getCachedBlurObj(v);\n" + " if (oldobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = styleobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " else if (oldobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = null;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_factor = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_blur());\n" + " newobj.set_factor(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedBlurObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n"; return str.replace(/\$PTYPE\$/g, ptype_id).replace(/\$ATTR\$/g, attr_id).replace(/\$CALL\$/g, callback_id); }; nexacro.Style_glow = function (color, f) { this.color = ""; this.factor = 0; this._is_empty = true; this._bindtype = 0; this._bindexpr = ""; this._value = ""; if (f != null) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; this.color = color; this.factor = f; } else if (color && (typeof (color) == "string")) { var val = color.trim(); if (val) { this._parseInfo(val); var str = this._getValueStr(); this._is_empty = (str == ""); this._value = str; } } }; var _pStyleGlow = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Object, nexacro.Style_glow); nexacro.Style_glow.prototype = _pStyleGlow; _pStyleGlow._type_name = "Glow"; _pStyleGlow.valueOf = function () { return this._value; }; _pStyleGlow.toString = function () { return this._value; }; _pStyleGlow.clone = function () { var newobj = new nexacro.Style_glow(); newobj.color = this.factor; newobj.factor = this.factor; newobj._is_empty = this._is_empty; newobj._value = this._value; return newobj; }; _pStyleGlow._empty = function () { if (!this._is_empty) { this._is_empty = true; this._bindtype = 0; this.color = ""; this.factor = 0; this._value = ""; return true; } return false; }; _pStyleGlow._getValueStr = function () { switch (this._bindtype) { case 0: { var str = ""; if (this.factor > 0) { str += this.factor + " " + this.color; } return str; } case 1: return "bind:" + this._bindexpr; case 2: return "expr:" + this._bindexpr; } return ""; }; _pStyleGlow._parseInfo = function (val) { var tag = val.substring(0, 4).toUpperCase(); if (tag == "expr" || tag == "bind") { if (tag == "bind") { this._bindtype = 1; } else { this._bindtype = 2; } var expr = val.substring(4).trim(); if (expr.charAt(0) == '(') { this._bindexpr = expr.substr(1, expr.length - 2); } else { this._bindexpr = expr.substring(1); } } else { var valarr = val.split(/\s+/); if (valarr.length == 1) { val = (parseInt(valarr[0]) | 0); this.factor = val; this.color = "yellow"; } else { val = (parseInt(valarr[0]) | 0); this.factor = val; this.color = valarr[1]; } } }; _pStyleGlow._updateValue = function () { var str = this._getValueStr(); if (str != this._value) { this._is_empty = (str == ""); this._value = str; return true; } return false; }; _pStyleGlow._setValue = function (v) { if (v && typeof (v) == "string") { var val = v.trim(); if (val != this._value) { if (val) { this._parseInfo(val); return this._updateValue(); } else { return this._empty(); } } return false; } return this._empty(); }; _pStyleGlow.set_factor = function (v) { if (v != this.factor) { if (this._is_empty) { this.color = "yellow"; } this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; var val = (parseInt(v) | 0); this.factor = val; return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleGlow.set_color = function (v) { if (v != this.color._value) { if (this._is_empty) { this.factor = 0; } this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; this.color = v; return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; nexacro._createGlowAttributeEvalStr = function (ptype_id, attr_id) { var callback_id = "on_update_style_" + attr_id; var str = "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$ = function (v) {\n" + " var oldobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " if (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = nexacro._getCachedGlowObj(v);\n" + " if (oldobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = styleobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " else if (oldobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = null;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_factor = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_glow());\n" + " newobj.set_factor(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedGlowObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_color = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_glow());\n" + " newobj.set_color(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedGlowObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n"; return str.replace(/\$PTYPE\$/g, ptype_id).replace(/\$ATTR\$/g, attr_id).replace(/\$CALL\$/g, callback_id); }; nexacro.Style_accessibility = function (role, bflag, desclevel, lab, des, act) { this.role = ""; this.enable = true; this.label = ""; this.description = ""; this.action = ""; this.desclevel = "all"; this._is_empty = true; this._bindtype = 0; this._bindexpr = ""; this._value = ""; if (lab != null) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; this.role = role; this.enable = nexacro._toBoolean(bflag); this.label = lab; this.description = des; this.action = act; this.desclevel = desclevel; } else if (role && (typeof (role) == "string")) { var val = role.trim(); if (val) { this._parseInfo(val); var str = this._getValueStr(); this._is_empty = (str == ""); this._value = str; } } }; var _pStyleAccessibility = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Object, nexacro.Style_accessibility); nexacro.Style_accessibility.prototype = _pStyleAccessibility; _pStyleAccessibility._type_name = "Accessibility"; _pStyleAccessibility.clone = function () { var newobj = new nexacro.Style_accessibility(); newobj.role = this.role; newobj.label = this.label; newobj.desclevel = this.desclevel; newobj.enable = this.enable; newobj.description = this.description; newobj.action = this.action; newobj._role = this._role; newobj._label = this._label; newobj._description = this._description; newobj._action = this._action; newobj._value = this._value; newobj._convertedValue = this._convertedValue; return newobj; }; _pStyleAccessibility.valueOf = function () { return this._value; }; _pStyleAccessibility.toString = function () { return this._value; }; _pStyleAccessibility._empty = function () { if (!this._is_empty) { this._is_empty = true; this._bindtype = 0; this.role = ""; this.enable = true; this.label = ""; this.description = ""; this.action = ""; this.desclevel = ""; this._value = ""; return true; } return false; }; _pStyleAccessibility._getValueStr = function () { switch (this._bindtype) { case 0: { var str = ""; if (this.role) { str += this.role + " "; } if (this.enable) { str += "enable "; } else { str += "disable "; } str += this.desclevel + " '" + this.label + "' '" + this.description + "' '" + this.action + "'"; return str; } case 1: return "bind:" + this._bindexpr; case 2: return "expr:" + this._bindexpr; } return ""; }; _pStyleAccessibility._parseInfo = function (val) { var tag = val.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase(); if (tag == "expr" || tag == "bind") { if (tag == "bind") { this._bindtype = 1; } else { this._bindtype = 2; } var expr = val.substring(4).trim(); if (expr.charAt(0) == '(') { this._bindexpr = expr.substr(1, expr.length - 2); } else { this._bindexpr = expr.substring(1); } } else { var valarr = val.split(/ +/); if (valarr.length >= 3) { var j = 0; var role = valarr[j]; var isRole = true; var n = 0; if (role == "enable" || role == "disable") { this.role = ""; isRole = false; } else { this.role = role; j++; n = 1; } if (valarr[j++] == "disable") { this.enable = false; } else { this.enable = true; } switch (valarr[j]) { case "none": case "self": case "child": this.desclevel = valarr[j]; break; default: this.desclevel = "all"; break; } if (valarr.length > 2 + n) { j++; for (var i = j; valarr[i + 1] && (!(valarr[i + 1][0] == "'") || !(valarr[i][valarr[i].length - 1] == "'")); ) { valarr[i] = valarr[i].concat(" " + valarr[i + 1]); valarr.splice(i + 1, 1); } if (valarr[i] == valarr[i + 1] && valarr[i] == "'") { valarr.splice(i + 1, 1); this.label = " "; } else { var len = valarr[j].length - 2; this.label = valarr[j].substr(1, len); } } else { this.label = ""; } if (valarr.length > 3 + n) { j++; for (var i = j; valarr[i + 1] && (!(valarr[i + 1][0] == "'") || !(valarr[i][valarr[i].length - 1] == "'")); ) { valarr[i] = valarr[i].concat(" " + valarr[i + 1]); valarr.splice(i + 1, 1); } if (valarr[i] == valarr[i + 1] && valarr[i] == "'") { valarr.splice(i + 1, 1); this.description = " "; } else { var len = valarr[j].length - 2; this.description = valarr[j].substr(1, len); } } else if (valarr.length == 4 && !isRole) { this.description = valarr[j]; } else { this.description = ""; } if (valarr.length > 4 + n) { j++; for (var i = j; valarr[i + 1] && (!(valarr[i + 1][0] == "'") || !(valarr[i][valarr[i].length - 1] == "'")); ) { valarr[i] = valarr[i].concat(" " + valarr[i + 1]); valarr.splice(i + 1, 1); } if (valarr[i] == valarr[i + 1] && valarr[i] == "'") { valarr.splice(i + 1, 1); this.action = " "; } else { var len = valarr[j].length - 2; this.action = valarr[j].substr(1, len); } } else if (valarr.length == 5 && !isRole) { this.action = valarr[j]; } else { this.action = ""; } } } }; _pStyleAccessibility._updateValue = function () { var str = this._getValueStr(); if (str != this._value) { this._is_empty = (str == ""); this._value = str; return true; } return false; }; _pStyleAccessibility._setValue = function (v) { if (v && typeof (v) == "string") { var val = v.trim(); if (val != this._value) { if (val) { this._parseInfo(val); return this._updateValue(); } else { return this._empty(); } } return false; } return this._empty(); }; _pStyleAccessibility.set_role = function (v) { if (this.role != v) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; this.role = v; return this._updateValue(); } }; _pStyleAccessibility.set_enable = function (v) { v = (v ? true : false); if (v != this.enable) { if (this._is_empty) { this.desclevel = "all"; } this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; this.enable = v; return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleAccessibility.set_desclevel = function (v) { if (v != this.desclevel) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; switch (v) { case "none": case "self": case "child": this.desclevel = v; break; default: this.desclevel = "all"; break; } return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleAccessibility.set_label = function (v) { if (v != this.label) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; this.label = v; return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleAccessibility.set_description = function (v) { if (v != this.description) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; this.description = v; return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleAccessibility.set_action = function (v) { if (v != this.action) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; this.action = v; return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleAccessibility.apply = function () { return false; }; nexacro._createAccessibilityAttributeEvalStr = function (ptype_id, attr_id) { var callback_id = "on_update_style_" + attr_id; var str = "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$ = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " if (v) {\n" + " if (!styleobj) this.$ATTR$ = styleobj = new nexacro.Style_accessibility();\n" + " if (styleobj._setValue(v) && this._target && this._target._control_element)\n" + " this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + " else if (styleobj) {\n" + " this[attr] = null;\n" + " if (this._target)\n" + " this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_role = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " if (!styleobj) this.$ATTR$ = styleobj = new nexacro.Style_accessibility();\n" + " if (styleobj.set_role(v) && this._target && this._target._control_element);\n" + " this._target.$CALL$();\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_enable = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " if (!styleobj) this.$ATTR$ = styleobj = new nexacro.Style_accessibility();\n" + " if (styleobj.set_enable(v) && this._target && this._target._control_element);\n" + " this._target.$CALL$();\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_desclevel = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " if (!styleobj) this.$ATTR$ = styleobj = new nexacro.Style_accessibility();\n" + " if (styleobj.set_desclevel(v) && this._target && this._target._control_element);\n" + " this._target.$CALL$();\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_label = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " if (!styleobj) this.$ATTR$ = styleobj = new nexacro.Style_accessibility();\n" + " if (styleobj.set_label(v) && this._target && this._target._control_element);\n" + " this._target.$CALL$();\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_description = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " if (!styleobj) this.$ATTR$ = styleobj = new nexacro.Style_accessibility();\n" + " if (styleobj.set_description(v) && this._target && this._target._control_element);\n" + " this._target.$CALL$();\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_action = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " if (!styleobj) this.$ATTR$ = styleobj = new nexacro.Style_accessibility();\n" + " if (styleobj.set_action(v) && this._target && this._target._control_element);\n" + " this._target.$CALL$();\n" + "};\n"; return str.replace(/\$PTYPE\$/g, ptype_id).replace(/\$ATTR\$/g, attr_id).replace(/\$CALL\$/g, callback_id); }; nexacro.Style_fillbrush = function (s, color, antialiasing) { this.style = ""; this.color = ""; this.antialiasing = ""; this._is_empty = true; this._bindtype = 0; this._bindexpr = ""; this._value = ""; if (color != null) { this._is_empty = true; this._bindtype = 0; this.color = color; this.style = s; this.antialiasing = antialiasing; } else if (s && (typeof (s) == "string")) { var val = s.trim(); if (val) { this._parseInfo(val); var str = this._getValueStr(); this._is_empty = (str == ""); if (this.color.length > 0) { this._syscolor = nexacro._getWebColorFromXreColor(this.color); } else { this._syscolor = ""; } this._value = str; } } }; var _pStyleFillbrush = nexacro.Style_fillbrush.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Object, nexacro.Style_fillbrush); _pStyleFillbrush._type_name = "Fillbrush"; _pStyleFillbrush.valueOf = function () { return this._value; }; _pStyleFillbrush.toString = function () { return this._value; }; _pStyleFillbrush.clone = function () { var newobj = new nexacro.Style_fillbrush(); newobj.style = this.style; newobj.color = this.color; newobj.antialiasing = this.antialiasing; newobj._is_empty = this._is_empty; newobj._value = this._value; return newobj; }; _pStyleFillbrush._empty = function () { if (!this._is_empty) { this._is_empty = true; this._bindtype = 0; this.color = ""; this.style = ""; this.antialiasing = ""; this._value = ""; return true; } return false; }; _pStyleFillbrush._getValueStr = function () { switch (this._bindtype) { case 0: { var val = ""; if (this.style) { val += this.style + " "; } if (this.color) { val += this.color; } return val; } case 1: return "bind:" + this._bindexpr; case 2: return "expr:" + this._bindexpr; } return ""; }; _pStyleFillbrush._parseInfo = function (val) { var tag = val.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase(); if (tag == "expr" || tag == "bind") { if (tag == "bind") { this._bindtype = 1; } else { this._bindtype = 2; } var expr = val.substring(4).trim(); if (expr.charAt(0) == '(') { this._bindexpr = expr.substr(1, expr.length - 2); } else { this._bindexpr = expr.substring(1); } } else { var linearr = val.trim().split(","); if (linearr.length == 0) { return; } if (linearr.length == 1) { var valarr = val.trim().split(/\s+/); switch (valarr[0]) { case "none": case "solid": case "hatch": case "gradation": this.style = valarr[0]; } valarr[1] && (this.color = valarr[1]); valarr[2] && (this.antialiasing = valarr[2]); } } }; _pStyleFillbrush._updateValue = function () { var str = this._getValueStr(); if (str != this._value) { this._value = str; this._is_empty = (str == ""); if (this.color.length > 0) { this._syscolor = nexacro._getWebColorFromXreColor(this.color); } else { this._syscolor = ""; } return true; } return false; }; _pStyleFillbrush._setValue = function (v) { if (v && typeof (v) == "string") { var val = v.trim(); if (val != this._value) { if (val) { this._parseInfo(val); return this._updateValue(); } else { return this._empty(); } } return false; } return this._empty(); }; _pStyleFillbrush._isValid = function () { return (!this._is_empty && this.style && this.style != "none" && this.color && this.color != "transparent"); }; _pStyleFillbrush.set_style = function (v) { var val = ""; switch (v) { case "none": case "solid": case "hatch": case "gradation": val = v; break; } if (val != this.style) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; this.style = val; return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleFillbrush.set_color = function (v) { if (v == "transparent") { v = ""; } if (v != this.color) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; this.color = v; return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleFillbrush.set_antialiasing = function (v) { if (v != this.antialiasing._value) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; this.antialiasing = v; return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; nexacro._createFillbrushAttributeEvalStr = function (ptype_id, attr_id) { var callback_id = "on_update_style_" + attr_id; var str = "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$ = function (v) {\n" + " var oldobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " if (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = nexacro._getCachedFillbrushObj(v);\n" + " if (oldobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = styleobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " else if (oldobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = null;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_style = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_fillbrush());\n" + " newobj.set_style(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedFillbrushObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_color = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_fillbrush());\n" + " newobj.set_color(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedFillbrushObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_antialiasing = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_fillbrush());\n" + " newobj.set_antialiasing(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedFillbrushObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n"; return str.replace(/\$PTYPE\$/g, ptype_id).replace(/\$ATTR\$/g, attr_id).replace(/\$CALL\$/g, callback_id); }; nexacro.Style_strokepen = function (w, s, color, antialiasing) { this.width = ""; this.style = ""; this.color = ""; this.antialiasing = ""; this._is_empty = true; this._bindtype = 0; this._bindexpr = ""; this._value = ""; if (s != null) { this.width = w; this.style = s; if (color == "transparent") { this.color = ""; } else { this.color = color; } this.antialiasing = antialiasing; } else if (w && (typeof (w) == "string")) { var val = w.trim(); if (val) { this._parseInfo(val); if (this.color.length > 0) { this._syscolor = nexacro._getWebColorFromXreColor(this.color); } else { this._syscolor = ""; } var str = this._getValueStr(); this._is_empty = (str == ""); this._value = str; } } }; var _pStyleStrokepen = nexacro.Style_strokepen.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Object, nexacro.Style_strokepen); _pStyleStrokepen._type_name = "Strokepen"; _pStyleStrokepen.valueOf = function () { return this._value; }; _pStyleStrokepen.toString = function () { return this._value; }; _pStyleStrokepen.clone = function () { var newobj = new nexacro.Style_strokepen(); newobj.width = this.width; newobj.style = this.style; newobj.color = this.color; newobj.antialiasing = this.antialiasing; newobj._is_empty = this._is_empty; newobj._value = this._value; return newobj; }; _pStyleStrokepen._empty = function () { if (!this._is_empty) { this._is_empty = true; this._bindtype = 0; this.width = ""; this.style = ""; this.color = ""; this.antialiasing = ""; this._value = ""; return true; } return false; }; _pStyleStrokepen._getValueStr = function () { switch (this._bindtype) { case 0: { var val = ""; if (this.width) { val += this.width + " "; } if (this.style) { val += this.style + " "; } if (this.color) { val += this.color; } return val; } case 1: return "bind:" + this._bindexpr; case 2: return "expr:" + this._bindexpr; } return ""; }; _pStyleStrokepen._parseInfo = function (val) { var tag = val.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase(); if (tag == "expr" || tag == "bind") { if (tag == "bind") { this._bindtype = 1; } else { this._bindtype = 2; } var expr = val.substring(4).trim(); if (expr.charAt(0) == '(') { this._bindexpr = expr.substr(1, expr.length - 2); } else { this._bindexpr = expr.substring(1); } } else { var valarr = val.split(/\s+/); var w = (parseInt(valarr[0]) | 0); this.width = w; this.style = valarr[1]; this.color = valarr[2]; this.antialiasing = valarr[3]; } }; _pStyleStrokepen._updateValue = function () { var val = this._getValueStr(); if (val != this._value) { this._value = val; if (this.color.length > 0) { this._syscolor = nexacro._getWebColorFromXreColor(this.color); } else { this._syscolor = ""; } return true; } return false; }; _pStyleStrokepen._setValue = function (v) { if (v && typeof (v) == "string") { var val = v.trim(); if (val != this._value) { if (val) { this._parseInfo(val); return this._updateValue(); } else { return this._empty(); } } return false; } return this._empty(); }; _pStyleStrokepen._isValid = function () { return (!this._is_empty && this.style && this.style != "none" && this.color && this.color != "transparent"); }; _pStyleStrokepen.set_width = function (v) { var val = (parseInt(v) | 0); if (val != this.width) { this._is_empty = false; this.width = val; return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleStrokepen.set_style = function (v) { var val = ""; switch (v) { case "none": case "solid": case "dashdot": case "dotted": case "dashdotdot": case "dashed": val = v; break; } if (val != this.style) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; this.style = val; return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleStrokepen.set_color = function (v) { if (v == "transparent") { v = ""; } if (v != this.color) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; this.color = v; return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleStrokepen.set_antialiasing = function (v) { if (v != this.antialiasing._value) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; this.antialiasing = v; return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; nexacro._createStrokepenAttributeEvalStr = function (ptype_id, attr_id) { var callback_id = "on_update_style_" + attr_id; var str = "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$ = function (v) {\n" + " var oldobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " if (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = nexacro._getCachedStrokepenObj(v);\n" + " if (oldobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = styleobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " else if (oldobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = null;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_width = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_strokepen());\n" + " newobj.set_width(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedStrokepenObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_style = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_strokepen());\n" + " newobj.set_style(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedStrokepenObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_color = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_strokepen());\n" + " newobj.set_color(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedStrokepenObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_antialiasing = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_strokepen());\n" + " newobj.set_antialiasing(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedStrokepenObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n"; return str.replace(/\$PTYPE\$/g, ptype_id).replace(/\$ATTR\$/g, attr_id).replace(/\$CALL\$/g, callback_id); }; nexacro.Style_hatch = function (s, color) { this.color = ""; this.style = ""; this._is_empty = true; this._value = ""; this._bindtype = 0; this._bindexpr = ""; if (color != null) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; if (color == "transparent") { this.color = ""; } else { this.color = color; } this.style = s; } else if (s && (typeof (s) == "string")) { var val = s.trim(); if (val) { this._parseInfo(val); if (this.color.length > 0) { this._syscolor = nexacro._getWebColorFromXreColor(this.color); } else { this._syscolor = ""; } var str = this._getValueStr(); this._is_empty = (str == ""); this._value = str; } } }; var _pStyleHatch = nexacro.Style_hatch.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Object, nexacro.Style_hatch); _pStyleHatch._type_name = "Hatch"; _pStyleHatch.valueOf = function () { return this._value; }; _pStyleHatch.toString = function () { return this._value; }; _pStyleHatch.clone = function () { var newobj = new nexacro.Style_hatch(); newobj.color = this.color; newobj.style = this.style; newobj._is_empty = this._is_empty; newobj._value = this._value; return newobj; }; _pStyleHatch._empty = function () { if (!this._is_empty) { this.color = ""; this.style = ""; this._value = ""; this._is_empty = true; this._bindtype = 0; return true; } return false; }; _pStyleHatch._getValueStr = function () { switch (this._bindtype) { case 0: { if (this.style) { val += this.style + " "; if (this.color) { val += this.color; } } return val; } case 1: return "bind:" + this._bindexpr; case 2: return "expr:" + this._bindexpr; } return ""; var val = ""; }; _pStyleHatch._parseInfo = function (val) { var tag = val.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase(); if (tag == "expr" || tag == "bind") { if (tag == "bind") { this._bindtype = 1; } else { this._bindtype = 2; } var expr = val.substring(4).trim(); if (expr.charAt(0) == '(') { this._bindexpr = expr.substr(1, expr.length - 2); } else { this._bindexpr = expr.substring(1); } } else { var valarr = val.split(/\s+/); switch (valarr[0]) { case "none": case "horizontal": case "vertical": case "leftrightdiagonal": case "rightleftdiagonal": case "cross": case "xcross": case "lightdense": case "heavydense": this.style = valarr[0]; break; default: this.style = ""; break; } this.color = valarr[1]; } }; _pStyleHatch._updateValue = function () { var val = this._getValueStr(); if (val != this._value) { this._value = val; if (this.color.length > 0) { this._syscolor = nexacro._getWebColorFromXreColor(this.color); } else { this._syscolor = ""; } return true; } return false; }; _pStyleHatch._setValue = function (v) { if (v && typeof (v) == "string") { var val = v.trim(); if (val != this._value) { if (val) { this._parseInfo(val); return this._updateValue(); } else { return this._empty(); } } return false; } return this._empty(); }; _pStyleHatch.set_color = function (v) { if (v == "transparent") { v = ""; } if (v != this.color) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; this.color = v; return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; _pStyleHatch.set_style = function (v) { var val = ""; switch (v) { case "horizontal": case "vertical": case "leftrightdiagonal": case "rightleftdiagonal": case "cross": case "xcross": case "lightdense": case "heavydense": val = v; break; default: val = "horizontal"; break; } if (val != this.style) { this._is_empty = false; this._bindtype = 0; this.style = val; return this._updateValue(); } return false; }; nexacro._createHatchAttributeEvalStr = function (ptype_id, attr_id) { var callback_id = "on_update_style_" + attr_id; var str = "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$ = function (v) {\n" + " var oldobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " if (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = nexacro._getCachedHatchObj(v);\n" + " if (oldobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = styleobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + " }\n" + " else if (oldobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = null;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_style = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_hatch());\n" + " newobj.set_style(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedHatchObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n" + "$PTYPE$.set_$ATTR$_color = function (v) {\n" + " var styleobj = this.$ATTR$;\n" + " var newobj = styleobj ? styleobj.clone() : (new nexacro.Style_hatch());\n" + " newobj.set_color(v);\n" + " newobj = nexacro._registerCachedHatchObj(newobj);\n" + " if (newobj != styleobj) {\n" + " this.$ATTR$ = newobj;\n" + " if (this._target && this._target._control_element) this._target.$CALL$();\n" + " }\n" + "};\n"; return str.replace(/\$PTYPE\$/g, ptype_id).replace(/\$ATTR\$/g, attr_id).replace(/\$CALL\$/g, callback_id); }; nexacro._style_caches = { }; nexacro._getCachedStyleObj = function (type, val) { var type_cache = nexacro._style_caches[type]; if (!type_cache) { nexacro._style_caches[type] = type_cache = { }; } var obj = type_cache[val]; if (!obj) { switch (type) { case "background": obj = new nexacro.Style_background(val); break; case "border": obj = new nexacro.Style_border(val); break; case "bordertype": obj = new nexacro.Style_bordertype(val); break; case "gradation": obj = new nexacro.Style_gradation(val); break; case "font": obj = new nexacro.Style_font(val); break; case "color": obj = new nexacro.Style_color(val); break; case "align": obj = new nexacro.Style_align(val); break; case "margin": obj = new nexacro.Style_margin(val); break; case "padding": obj = new nexacro.Style_padding(val); break; case "line": obj = new nexacro.Style_line(val); break; case "fillbrush": obj = new nexacro.Style_fillbrush(val); break; case "strokepen": obj = new nexacro.Style_strokepen(val); break; case "hatch": obj = new nexacro.Style_hatch(val); break; case "pointcolor": obj = new nexacro.Style_pointColor(val); break; case "shadow": obj = new nexacro.Style_shadow(val); break; case "blur": obj = new nexacro.Style_blur(val); break; case "glow": obj = new nexacro.Style_glow(val); break; case "accessibility": obj = new nexacro.Style_accessibility(val); return obj; break; default: obj = new nexacro.Style_value(val); } if (obj._bindtype != 0) { return obj; } if (obj._value != val) { var cacheobj = type_cache[obj._value]; if (cacheobj) { type_cache[val] = cacheobj; return cacheobj; } type_cache[obj._value] = obj; type_cache[val] = obj; return obj; } else { type_cache[val] = obj; return obj; } } return obj; }; nexacro._getCachedBackgroundObj = function (val) { var type_cache = nexacro._style_caches.background; if (!type_cache) { nexacro._style_caches.background = type_cache = { }; } var obj = type_cache[val]; if (!obj) { obj = new nexacro.Style_background(val); if (obj._bindtype != 0) { return obj; } if (obj._value != val) { var cacheobj = type_cache[obj._value]; if (cacheobj) { type_cache[val] = cacheobj; return cacheobj; } type_cache[obj._value] = obj; type_cache[val] = obj; return obj; } else { type_cache[val] = obj; return obj; } } return obj; }; nexacro._registerCachedBackgroundObj = function (obj) { var type_cache = nexacro._style_caches.background; if (!type_cache) { nexacro._style_caches.background = type_cache = { }; type_cache[obj._value] = obj; return obj; } var cacheobj = type_cache[obj._value]; if (!cacheobj) { type_cache[obj._value] = obj; return obj; } return cacheobj; }; nexacro._getCachedBorderObj = function (val) { var type_cache = nexacro._style_caches.border; if (!type_cache) { nexacro._style_caches.border = type_cache = { }; } var obj = type_cache[val]; if (!obj) { obj = new nexacro.Style_border(val); if (obj._bindtype != 0) { return obj; } if (obj._value != val) { var cacheobj = type_cache[obj._value]; if (cacheobj) { type_cache[val] = cacheobj; return cacheobj; } type_cache[obj._value] = obj; type_cache[val] = obj; return obj; } else { type_cache[val] = obj; return obj; } } return obj; }; nexacro._registerCachedBorderObj = function (obj) { var type_cache = nexacro._style_caches.border; if (!type_cache) { nexacro._style_caches.border = type_cache = { }; type_cache[obj._value] = obj; return obj; } var cacheobj = type_cache[obj._value]; if (!cacheobj) { type_cache[obj._value] = obj; return obj; } return cacheobj; }; nexacro._getCachedBordertypeObj = function (val) { var type_cache = nexacro._style_caches.bordertype; if (!type_cache) { nexacro._style_caches.bordertype = type_cache = { }; } var obj = type_cache[val]; if (!obj) { obj = new nexacro.Style_bordertype(val); if (obj._bindtype != 0) { return obj; } if (obj._value != val) { var cacheobj = type_cache[obj._sysvalue]; if (cacheobj) { type_cache[val] = cacheobj; return cacheobj; } type_cache[obj._sysvalue] = obj; type_cache[val] = obj; return obj; } else { type_cache[val] = obj; return obj; } } return obj; }; nexacro._registerCachedBordertypeObj = function (obj) { var type_cache = nexacro._style_caches.bordertype; if (!type_cache) { nexacro._style_caches.bordertype = type_cache = { }; type_cache[obj._sysvalue] = obj; return obj; } var cacheobj = type_cache[obj._sysvalue]; if (!cacheobj) { type_cache[obj._sysvalue] = obj; return obj; } return cacheobj; }; nexacro._getCachedGradationObj = function (val) { var type_cache = nexacro._style_caches.gradation; if (!type_cache) { nexacro._style_caches.gradation = type_cache = { }; } var obj = type_cache[val]; if (!obj) { obj = new nexacro.Style_gradation(val); if (obj._bindtype != 0) { return obj; } if (obj._value != val) { var cacheobj = type_cache[obj._value]; if (cacheobj) { type_cache[val] = cacheobj; return cacheobj; } type_cache[obj._value] = obj; type_cache[val] = obj; return obj; } else { type_cache[val] = obj; return obj; } } return obj; }; nexacro._registerCachedGradationObj = function (obj) { var type_cache = nexacro._style_caches.gradation; if (!type_cache) { nexacro._style_caches.gradation = type_cache = { }; type_cache[obj._value] = obj; return obj; } var cacheobj = type_cache[obj._value]; if (!cacheobj) { type_cache[obj._value] = obj; return obj; } return cacheobj; }; nexacro._getCachedFontObj = function (val) { var type_cache = nexacro._style_caches.font; if (!type_cache) { nexacro._style_caches.font = type_cache = { }; } var obj = type_cache[val]; if (!obj) { obj = new nexacro.Style_font(val); if (obj._bindtype != 0) { return obj; } if (obj._value != val) { var cacheobj = type_cache[obj._value]; if (cacheobj) { type_cache[val] = cacheobj; return cacheobj; } type_cache[obj._value] = obj; type_cache[val] = obj; return obj; } else { type_cache[val] = obj; return obj; } } return obj; }; nexacro._registerCachedFontObj = function (obj) { var type_cache = nexacro._style_caches.font; if (!type_cache) { nexacro._style_caches.font = type_cache = { }; type_cache[obj._value] = obj; return obj; } var cacheobj = type_cache[obj._value]; if (!cacheobj) { type_cache[obj._value] = obj; return obj; } return cacheobj; }; nexacro._getCachedColorObj = function (val) { var type_cache = nexacro._style_caches.color; if (!type_cache) { nexacro._style_caches.color = type_cache = { }; } var obj = type_cache[val]; if (!obj) { obj = new nexacro.Style_color(val); if (obj._bindtype != 0) { return obj; } if (obj._value != val) { var cacheobj = type_cache[obj._value]; if (cacheobj) { type_cache[val] = cacheobj; return cacheobj; } type_cache[obj._value] = obj; type_cache[val] = obj; return obj; } else { type_cache[val] = obj; return obj; } } return obj; }; nexacro._registerCachedColorObj = function (obj) { var type_cache = nexacro._style_caches.color; if (!type_cache) { nexacro._style_caches.color = type_cache = { }; type_cache[obj._value] = obj; return obj; } var cacheobj = type_cache[obj._value]; if (!cacheobj) { type_cache[obj._value] = obj; return obj; } return cacheobj; }; nexacro._getCachedAlignObj = function (val) { var type_cache = nexacro._style_caches.align; if (!type_cache) { nexacro._style_caches.align = type_cache = { }; } var obj = type_cache[val]; if (!obj) { obj = new nexacro.Style_align(val); if (obj._bindtype != 0) { return obj; } if (obj._value != val) { var cacheobj = type_cache[obj._value]; if (cacheobj) { type_cache[val] = cacheobj; return cacheobj; } type_cache[obj._value] = obj; type_cache[val] = obj; return obj; } else { type_cache[val] = obj; return obj; } } return obj; }; nexacro._registerCachedAlignObj = function (obj) { var type_cache = nexacro._style_caches.align; if (!type_cache) { nexacro._style_caches.align = type_cache = { }; type_cache[obj._value] = obj; return obj; } var cacheobj = type_cache[obj._value]; if (!cacheobj) { type_cache[obj._value] = obj; return obj; } return cacheobj; }; nexacro._getCachedMarginObj = function (val) { var type_cache = nexacro._style_caches.margin; if (!type_cache) { nexacro._style_caches.margin = type_cache = { }; } var obj = type_cache[val]; if (!obj) { obj = new nexacro.Style_margin(val); if (obj._bindtype != 0) { return obj; } if (obj._value != val) { var cacheobj = type_cache[obj._value]; if (cacheobj) { type_cache[val] = cacheobj; return cacheobj; } type_cache[obj._value] = obj; type_cache[val] = obj; return obj; } else { type_cache[val] = obj; return obj; } } return obj; }; nexacro._registerCachedMarginObj = function (obj) { var type_cache = nexacro._style_caches.margin; if (!type_cache) { nexacro._style_caches.margin = type_cache = { }; type_cache[obj._value] = obj; return obj; } var cacheobj = type_cache[obj._value]; if (!cacheobj) { type_cache[obj._value] = obj; return obj; } return cacheobj; }; nexacro._getCachedPaddingObj = function (val) { var type_cache = nexacro._style_caches.padding; if (!type_cache) { nexacro._style_caches.padding = type_cache = { }; } var obj = type_cache[val]; if (!obj) { obj = new nexacro.Style_padding(val); if (obj._bindtype != 0) { return obj; } if (obj._value != val) { var cacheobj = type_cache[obj._value]; if (cacheobj) { type_cache[val] = cacheobj; return cacheobj; } type_cache[obj._value] = obj; type_cache[val] = obj; return obj; } else { type_cache[val] = obj; return obj; } } return obj; }; nexacro._registerCachedPaddingObj = function (obj) { var type_cache = nexacro._style_caches.padding; if (!type_cache) { nexacro._style_caches.padding = type_cache = { }; type_cache[obj._value] = obj; return obj; } var cacheobj = type_cache[obj._value]; if (!cacheobj) { type_cache[obj._value] = obj; return obj; } return cacheobj; }; nexacro._getCachedLineObj = function (val) { var type_cache = nexacro._style_caches.line; if (!type_cache) { nexacro._style_caches.line = type_cache = { }; } var obj = type_cache[val]; if (!obj) { obj = new nexacro.Style_line(val); if (obj._bindtype != 0) { return obj; } if (obj._value != val) { var cacheobj = type_cache[obj._value]; if (cacheobj) { type_cache[val] = cacheobj; return cacheobj; } type_cache[obj._value] = obj; type_cache[val] = obj; return obj; } else { type_cache[val] = obj; return obj; } } return obj; }; nexacro._registerCachedLineObj = function (obj) { var type_cache = nexacro._style_caches.line; if (!type_cache) { nexacro._style_caches.line = type_cache = { }; type_cache[obj._value] = obj; return obj; } var cacheobj = type_cache[obj._value]; if (!cacheobj) { type_cache[obj._value] = obj; return obj; } return cacheobj; }; nexacro._getCachedGlowObj = function (val) { var type_cache = nexacro._style_caches.glow; if (!type_cache) { nexacro._style_caches.glow = type_cache = { }; } var obj = type_cache[val]; if (!obj) { obj = new nexacro.Style_glow(val); if (obj._bindtype != 0) { return obj; } if (obj._value != val) { var cacheobj = type_cache[obj._value]; if (cacheobj) { type_cache[val] = cacheobj; return cacheobj; } type_cache[obj._value] = obj; type_cache[val] = obj; return obj; } else { type_cache[val] = obj; return obj; } } return obj; }; nexacro._registerCachedGlowObj = function (obj) { var type_cache = nexacro._style_caches.glow; if (!type_cache) { nexacro._style_caches.glow = type_cache = { }; type_cache[obj._value] = obj; return obj; } var cacheobj = type_cache[obj._value]; if (!cacheobj) { type_cache[obj._value] = obj; return obj; } return cacheobj; }; nexacro._getCachedBlurObj = function (val) { var type_cache = nexacro._style_caches.blur; if (!type_cache) { nexacro._style_caches.blur = type_cache = { }; } var obj = type_cache[val]; if (!obj) { obj = new nexacro.Style_blur(val); if (obj._bindtype != 0) { return obj; } if (obj._value != val) { var cacheobj = type_cache[obj._value]; if (cacheobj) { type_cache[val] = cacheobj; return cacheobj; } type_cache[obj._value] = obj; type_cache[val] = obj; return obj; } else { type_cache[val] = obj; return obj; } } return obj; }; nexacro._registerCachedBlurObj = function (obj) { var type_cache = nexacro._style_caches.blur; if (!type_cache) { nexacro._style_caches.blur = type_cache = { }; type_cache[obj._value] = obj; return obj; } var cacheobj = type_cache[obj._value]; if (!cacheobj) { type_cache[obj._value] = obj; return obj; } return cacheobj; }; nexacro._getCachedShadowObj = function (val) { var type_cache = nexacro._style_caches.shadow; if (!type_cache) { nexacro._style_caches.shadow = type_cache = { }; } var obj = type_cache[val]; if (!obj) { obj = new nexacro.Style_shadow(val); if (obj._bindtype != 0) { return obj; } if (obj._sysvalue != val) { var cacheobj = type_cache[obj._value]; if (cacheobj) { type_cache[val] = cacheobj; return cacheobj; } type_cache[obj._value] = obj; type_cache[val] = obj; return obj; } else { type_cache[val] = obj; return obj; } } return obj; }; nexacro._registerCachedShadowObj = function (obj) { var type_cache = nexacro._style_caches.shadow; if (!type_cache) { nexacro._style_caches.shadow = type_cache = { }; type_cache[obj._value] = obj; return obj; } var cacheobj = type_cache[obj._value]; if (!cacheobj) { type_cache[obj._value] = obj; return obj; } return cacheobj; }; nexacro._getCachedFillbrushObj = function (val) { var type_cache = nexacro._style_caches.fillbrush; if (!type_cache) { nexacro._style_caches.fillbrush = type_cache = { }; } var obj = type_cache[val]; if (!obj) { obj = new nexacro.Style_fillbrush(val); if (obj._bindtype != 0) { return obj; } if (obj._value != val) { var cacheobj = type_cache[obj._value]; if (cacheobj) { type_cache[val] = cacheobj; return cacheobj; } type_cache[obj._value] = obj; type_cache[val] = obj; return obj; } else { type_cache[val] = obj; return obj; } } return obj; }; nexacro._registerCachedFillbrushObj = function (obj) { var type_cache = nexacro._style_caches.fillbrush; if (!type_cache) { nexacro._style_caches.fillbrush = type_cache = { }; type_cache[obj._value] = obj; return obj; } var cacheobj = type_cache[obj._value]; if (!cacheobj) { type_cache[obj._value] = obj; return obj; } return cacheobj; }; nexacro._getCachedStrokepenObj = function (val) { var type_cache = nexacro._style_caches.stroke; if (!type_cache) { nexacro._style_caches.stroke = type_cache = { }; } var obj = type_cache[val]; if (!obj) { obj = new nexacro.Style_strokepen(val); if (obj._bindtype != 0) { return obj; } if (obj._value != val) { var cacheobj = type_cache[obj._value]; if (cacheobj) { type_cache[val] = cacheobj; return cacheobj; } type_cache[obj._value] = obj; type_cache[val] = obj; return obj; } else { type_cache[val] = obj; return obj; } } return obj; }; nexacro._registerCachedStrokepenObj = function (obj) { var type_cache = nexacro._style_caches.stroke; if (!type_cache) { nexacro._style_caches.stroke = type_cache = { }; type_cache[obj._value] = obj; return obj; } var cacheobj = type_cache[obj._value]; if (!cacheobj) { type_cache[obj._value] = obj; return obj; } return cacheobj; }; nexacro._getCachedHatchObj = function (val) { var type_cache = nexacro._style_caches.hatch; if (!type_cache) { nexacro._style_caches.hatch = type_cache = { }; } var obj = type_cache[val]; if (!obj) { obj = new nexacro.Style_hatch(val); if (obj._bindtype != 0) { return obj; } if (obj._value != val) { var cacheobj = type_cache[obj._value]; if (cacheobj) { type_cache[val] = cacheobj; return cacheobj; } type_cache[obj._value] = obj; type_cache[val] = obj; return obj; } else { type_cache[val] = obj; return obj; } } return obj; }; nexacro._registerCachedHatchObj = function (obj) { var type_cache = nexacro._style_caches.hatch; if (!type_cache) { nexacro._style_caches.hatch = type_cache = { }; type_cache[obj._value] = obj; return obj; } var cacheobj = type_cache[obj._value]; if (!cacheobj) { type_cache[obj._value] = obj; return obj; } return cacheobj; }; nexacro._getCachedAccessibilityObj = function (val) { var type_cache = nexacro._style_caches.accessibility; if (!type_cache) { nexacro._style_caches.accessibility = type_cache = { }; } var obj = type_cache[val]; if (!obj) { obj = new nexacro.Style_accessibility(val); if (obj._bindtype != 0) { return obj; } if (obj._value != val) { var cacheobj = type_cache[obj._value]; if (cacheobj) { type_cache[val] = cacheobj; return cacheobj; } type_cache[obj._value] = obj; type_cache[val] = obj; return obj; } else { type_cache[val] = obj; return obj; } } return obj; }; nexacro._registerCachedAccessibilityObj = function (obj) { var type_cache = nexacro._style_caches.accessibility; if (!type_cache) { nexacro._style_caches.accessibility = type_cache = { }; type_cache[obj._value] = obj; return obj; } var cacheobj = type_cache[obj._value]; if (!cacheobj) { type_cache[obj._value] = obj; return obj; } return cacheobj; }; nexacro._getCachedValueObj = function (val) { var type_cache = nexacro._style_caches.value; if (!type_cache) { nexacro._style_caches.value = type_cache = { }; } var obj = type_cache[val]; if (!obj) { obj = new nexacro.Style_value(val); if (obj._bindtype != 0) { return obj; } if (obj._value != val) { var cacheobj = type_cache[obj._value]; if (cacheobj) { type_cache[val] = cacheobj; return cacheobj; } type_cache[obj._value] = obj; type_cache[val] = obj; return obj; } else { type_cache[val] = obj; return obj; } } return obj; }; nexacro._registerCachedValueObj = function (v, obj) { var type_cache = nexacro._style_caches.value; if (!type_cache) { nexacro._style_caches.value = type_cache = { }; type_cache[v] = obj; if (v != obj._value) { type_cache[obj._value] = obj; } return obj; } var cacheobj = type_cache[v]; if (!cacheobj) { if (v == obj._value) { type_cache[obj._value] = obj; return obj; } cacheobj = type_cache[obj._value]; if (!cacheobj) { type_cache[v] = obj; type_cache[obj._value] = obj; return obj; } type_cache[v] = cacheobj; return cacheobj; } return cacheobj; }; nexacro.Style = function (target) { this._target = target || null; }; var _pStyle = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Object, nexacro.Style); nexacro.Style.prototype = _pStyle; _pStyle.accessibility = null; _pStyle.bordertype = null; _pStyle.border = null; _pStyle.background = null; _pStyle.gradation = null; _pStyle.margin = null; _pStyle.padding = null; _pStyle.cursor = null; _pStyle.opacity = null; _pStyle.shadow = null; _pStyle.align = null; _pStyle.font = null; _pStyle.color = null; _pStyle.letterspace = null; _pStyle._value = ""; _pStyle.rtlimagemirroring = null; _pStyle._rtlvalue = ""; eval(nexacro._createAccessibilityAttributeEvalStr("_pStyle", "accessibility")); eval(nexacro._createBordertypeAttributeEvalStr("_pStyle", "bordertype")); eval(nexacro._createBorderAttributeEvalStr("_pStyle", "border")); eval(nexacro._createBackgroundAttributeEvalStr("_pStyle", "background")); eval(nexacro._createGradationAttributeEvalStr("_pStyle", "gradation")); eval(nexacro._createMarginAttributeEvalStr("_pStyle", "margin")); eval(nexacro._createPaddingAttributeEvalStr("_pStyle", "padding")); eval(nexacro._createValueAttributeEvalStr("_pStyle", "cursor")); eval(nexacro._createValueAttributeEvalStr("_pStyle", "opacity")); eval(nexacro._createShadowAttributeEvalStr("_pStyle", "shadow")); eval(nexacro._createAlignAttributeEvalStr("_pStyle", "align")); eval(nexacro._createFontAttributeEvalStr("_pStyle", "font")); eval(nexacro._createColorAttributeEvalStr("_pStyle", "color")); eval(nexacro._createValueAttributeEvalStr("_pStyle", "rtlimagemirroring")); eval(nexacro._createValueAttributeEvalStr("_pStyle", "letterspace")); _pStyle._use_NC_border = true; _pStyle._use_NC_padding = true; _pStyle.__custom_emptyObject = function () { }; _pStyle._empty = function () { if (!this._is_empty) { this._is_empty = true; this.accessibility = null; this.bordertype = null; this.border = null; this.background = null; this.gradation = null; this.margin = null; this.padding = null; this.cursor = null; this.opacity = null; this.shadow = null; this.align = null; this.font = null; this.color = null; this.letterspace = null; this.__custom_emptyObject(); return true; } return false; }; _pStyle.destroy = function () { this._empty(); this._target = null; }; _pStyle.__get_custom_style_value = function () { return ""; }; _pStyle._getValueStr = function () { var val = ""; if (!this._is_empty) { if (this.bordertype && !this.bordertype._is_empty) { val += "bordertype:" + this.bordertype._value + "; "; } if (this.border && !this.border._is_empty) { val += "border:" + this.border._value + "; "; } if (this.background && !this.background._is_empty) { val += "background:" + this.background._value + "; "; } if (this.gradation && !this.gradation._is_empty) { val += "gradation:" + this.gradation._value + "; "; } if (this.margin && !this.margin._is_empty) { val += "margin:" + this.margin._value + "; "; } if (this.padding && !this.padding._is_empty) { val += "padding:" + this.padding._value + "; "; } if (this.cursor && !this.cursor._is_empty) { val += "cursor:" + this.cursor._value + "; "; } if (this.opacity && !this.opacity._is_empty) { val += "opacity:" + this.opacity._value + "; "; } if (this.shadow && !this.shadow._is_empty) { val += "shadow:" + this.shadow._value + "; "; } if (this.align && !this.align._is_empty) { val += "align:" + this.align._value + "; "; } if (this.font && !this.font._is_empty) { val += "font:" + this.font._value + "; "; } if (this.color && !this.color._is_empty) { val += "color:" + this.color._value + "; "; } if (this.accessibility && !this.accessibility._is_empty) { val += "accessibility:" + this.accessibility._value + "; "; } if (this.rtlimagemirroring && !this.rtlimagemirroring._is_empty) { val += "rtlimagemirroring:" + this.rtlimagemirroring._value + "; "; } if (this.letterspace && !this.letterspace._is_empty) { val += "letterspace:" + this.letterspace._value + "; "; } val += this.__get_custom_style_value(); val = val.trim(); } return val; }; _pStyle._parseInfo = function (val) { var linearr = val.split(";"); var propname1, propval1; for (var i = 0, n = linearr.length; i < n; i++) { var tmpstr = linearr[i]; var idx = tmpstr.indexOf(":"); propname = tmpstr.substring(0, idx).trim(); propval = tmpstr.substring(idx + 1).trim(); if (propname && propval) { var getFn = this["set_" + propname]; if (getFn) { getFn.call(this, propval); } } } }; _pStyle._updateValue = function () { var val = this._getValueStr(); if (val != this._value) { this._is_empty = (val == ""); this._value = val; } return this._value; }; _pStyle._setValue = function (v) { if (v && typeof (v) == "string") { var val = v.trim(); if (val != this._value) { if (val) { this._parseInfo(val); return this._updateValue(); } else { return this._empty(); } } return false; } return this._empty(); }; _pStyle.getStyleValue = function (stylePropID, pseudo) { var obj; if (pseudo == "normal") { obj = this._target.style[stylePropID]; } else { obj = this._target._styles[pseudo]; } return obj ? obj.toString() : undefined; }; _pStyle.setStyleValue = function (stylePropID, pseudo, value) { var retval = false; if (!stylePropID || !pseudo || !value) { return false; } if (pseudo == "normal") { var fn = this["set_" + stylePropID]; if (fn) { eval("this.set_" + stylePropID + "(value)"); } return true; } else { var styleType = this._find_styleType(stylePropID); switch (styleType) { case 0: retval = this._setAlignPseudoStyle(stylePropID, pseudo, value); break; case 1: retval = this._setBackgroundPseudoStyle(stylePropID, pseudo, value); break; case 2: retval = this._setBorderPseudoStyle(stylePropID, pseudo, value); break; case 3: retval = this._setBordertypePseudoStyle(stylePropID, pseudo, value); break; case 4: retval = this._setColorPseudoStyle(stylePropID, pseudo, value); break; case 5: retval = this._setCursorPseudoStyle(stylePropID, pseudo, value); break; case 6: retval = this._setFontPseudoStyle(stylePropID, pseudo, value); break; case 7: retval = this._setGlowPseudoStyle(stylePropID, pseudo, value); break; case 8: retval = this._setGradationPseudoStyle(stylePropID, pseudo, value); break; case 9: retval = this._setMarginPseudoStyle(stylePropID, pseudo, value); break; case 10: retval = this._setOpacityPseudoStyle(stylePropID, pseudo, value); break; case 11: retval = this._setPaddingPseudoStyle(stylePropID, pseudo, value); break; case 12: retval = this._setShadowPseudoStyle(stylePropID, pseudo, value); break; case 13: retval = this._setAccessibilityPseudoStyle(stylePropID, pseudo, value); break; default: return retval; } } return retval; }; _pStyle._find_styleType = function (stylePropID) { var retval = -1; if (stylePropID.indexOf("align") >= 0) { retval = 0; } else if (stylePropID.indexOf("background") >= 0) { retval = 1; } else if (stylePropID.indexOf("bordertype") >= 0) { retval = 3; } else if (stylePropID.indexOf("border") >= 0) { retval = 2; } else if (stylePropID.indexOf("color") >= 0) { retval = 4; } else if (stylePropID.indexOf("cursor") >= 0) { retval = 5; } else if (stylePropID.indexOf("font") >= 0) { retval = 6; } else if (stylePropID.indexOf("glow") >= 0) { retval = 7; } else if (stylePropID.indexOf("gradation") >= 0) { retval = 8; } else if (stylePropID.indexOf("margin") >= 0) { retval = 9; } else if (stylePropID.indexOf("opacity") >= 0) { retval = 10; } else if (stylePropID.indexOf("padding") >= 0) { retval = 11; } else if (stylePropID.indexOf("shadow") >= 0) { retval = 12; } else if (stylePropID.indexOf("accessibility") >= 0) { retval = 13; } return retval; }; _pStyle._setAlignPseudoStyle = function (stylePropID, pseudo, value) { var obj = null; var comp = this._target; if (!comp) { return false; } if (comp._styles[pseudo]) { obj = comp._styles[pseudo][stylePropID] = nexacro._getCachedAlignObj(value); } else { var newStyle = comp.on_create_custom_style(); obj = newStyle[stylePropID] = nexacro._getCachedAlignObj(value); comp._styles[pseudo] = newStyle; } if (!obj) { return false; } return true; }; _pStyle._setBackgroundPseudoStyle = function (stylePropID, pseudo, value) { var obj = null; var comp = this._target; if (!comp) { return false; } if (comp._styles[pseudo]) { obj = comp._styles[pseudo][stylePropID] = nexacro._getCachedBackgroundObj(value); } else { var newStyle = comp.on_create_custom_style(); obj = newStyle[stylePropID] = nexacro._getCachedBackgroundObj(value); comp._styles[pseudo] = newStyle; } if (!obj) { return false; } return true; }; _pStyle._setBorderPseudoStyle = function (stylePropID, pseudo, value) { var obj = null; var comp = this._target; if (!comp) { return false; } if (comp._styles[pseudo]) { obj = comp._styles[pseudo][stylePropID] = nexacro._getCachedBorderObj(value); } else { var newStyle = comp.on_create_custom_style(); obj = newStyle[stylePropID] = nexacro._getCachedBorderObj(value); comp._styles[pseudo] = newStyle; } if (!obj) { return false; } return true; }; _pStyle._setBordertypePseudoStyle = function (stylePropID, pseudo, value) { var obj = null; var comp = this._target; if (!comp) { return false; } if (comp._styles[pseudo]) { obj = comp._styles[pseudo][stylePropID] = nexacro._getCachedBordertypeObj(value); } else { var newStyle = comp.on_create_custom_style(); obj = newStyle[stylePropID] = nexacro._getCachedBordertypeObj(value); comp._styles[pseudo] = newStyle; } if (!obj) { return false; } return true; }; _pStyle._setColorPseudoStyle = function (stylePropID, pseudo, value) { var obj = null; var comp = this._target; if (!comp) { return false; } if (comp._styles[pseudo]) { obj = comp._styles[pseudo][stylePropID] = nexacro._getCachedColorObj(value); } else { var newStyle = comp.on_create_custom_style(); obj = newStyle[stylePropID] = nexacro._getCachedColorObj(value); comp._styles[pseudo] = newStyle; } if (!obj) { return false; } return true; }; _pStyle._setCursorPseudoStyle = function (stylePropID, pseudo, value) { var obj = null; var comp = this._target; if (!comp) { return false; } if (comp._styles[pseudo]) { obj = comp._styles[pseudo][stylePropID] = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj("cursor", value); } else { var newStyle = comp.on_create_custom_style(); obj = newStyle[stylePropID] = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj("cursor", value); comp._styles[pseudo] = newStyle; } if (!obj) { return false; } return true; }; _pStyle._setFontPseudoStyle = function (stylePropID, pseudo, value) { var obj = null; var comp = this._target; if (!comp) { return false; } if (comp._styles[pseudo]) { obj = comp._styles[pseudo][stylePropID] = nexacro._getCachedFontObj(value); } else { var newStyle = comp.on_create_custom_style(); obj = newStyle[stylePropID] = nexacro._getCachedFontObj(value); comp._styles[pseudo] = newStyle; } if (!obj) { return false; } return true; }; _pStyle._setGlowPseudoStyle = function (stylePropID, pseudo, value) { var obj = null; var comp = this._target; if (!comp) { return false; } if (comp._styles[pseudo]) { obj = comp._styles[pseudo][stylePropID] = nexacro._getCachedGlowObj(value); } else { var newStyle = comp.on_create_custom_style(); obj = newStyle[stylePropID] = nexacro._getCachedGlowObj(value); comp._styles[pseudo] = newStyle; } if (!obj) { return false; } return true; }; _pStyle._setGradationPseudoStyle = function (stylePropID, pseudo, value) { var obj = null; var comp = this._target; if (!comp) { return false; } if (comp._styles[pseudo]) { obj = comp._styles[pseudo][stylePropID] = nexacro._getCachedGradationObj(value); } else { var newStyle = comp.on_create_custom_style(); obj = newStyle[stylePropID] = nexacro._getCachedGradationObj(value); comp._styles[pseudo] = newStyle; } if (!obj) { return false; } return true; }; _pStyle._setMarginPseudoStyle = function (stylePropID, pseudo, value) { var obj = null; var comp = this._target; if (!comp) { return false; } if (comp._styles[pseudo]) { obj = comp._styles[pseudo][stylePropID] = nexacro._getCachedMarginObj(value); } else { var newStyle = comp.on_create_custom_style(); obj = newStyle[stylePropID] = nexacro._getCachedMarginObj(value); comp._styles[pseudo] = newStyle; } if (!obj) { return false; } return true; }; _pStyle._setOpacityPseudoStyle = function (stylePropID, pseudo, value) { var obj = null; var comp = this._target; if (!comp) { return false; } if (comp._styles[pseudo]) { obj = comp._styles[pseudo][stylePropID] = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj("opacity", value); } else { var newStyle = comp.on_create_custom_style(); obj = newStyle[stylePropID] = nexacro._getCachedStyleObj("opacity", value); comp._styles[pseudo] = newStyle; } if (!obj) { return false; } return true; }; _pStyle._setPaddingPseudoStyle = function (stylePropID, pseudo, value) { var obj = null; var comp = this._target; if (!comp) { return false; } if (comp._styles[pseudo]) { obj = comp._styles[pseudo][stylePropID] = nexacro._getCachedPaddingObj(value); } else { var newStyle = comp.on_create_custom_style(); obj = newStyle[stylePropID] = nexacro._getCachedPaddingObj(value); comp._styles[pseudo] = newStyle; } if (!obj) { return false; } return true; }; _pStyle._setShadowPseudoStyle = function (stylePropID, pseudo, value) { var obj = null; var comp = this._target; if (!comp) { return false; } if (comp._styles[pseudo]) { obj = comp._styles[pseudo][stylePropID] = nexacro._getCachedShadowObj(value); } else { var newStyle = comp.on_create_custom_style(); obj = newStyle[stylePropID] = nexacro._getCachedShadowObj(value); comp._styles[pseudo] = newStyle; } if (!obj) { return false; } return true; }; _pStyle._setAccessibilityPseudoStyle = function (stylePropID, pseudo, value) { var obj = null; var comp = this._target; if (!comp) { return false; } if (comp._styles[pseudo]) { obj = comp._styles[pseudo][stylePropID] = nexacro._getCachedAccessibilityObj(value); } else { var newStyle = comp.on_create_custom_style(); obj = newStyle[stylePropID] = nexacro._getCachedAccessibilityObj(value); comp._styles[pseudo] = newStyle; } if (!obj) { return false; } return true; }; _pStyle.set_glow = function (v) { }; _pStyle.set_blur = function (v) { }; delete _pStyle; nexacro.CurrentStyle = function () { }; var _pCurrentStyle = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Object, nexacro.CurrentStyle); nexacro.CurrentStyle.prototype = _pCurrentStyle; _pCurrentStyle.accessibility = null; _pCurrentStyle.bordertype = null; _pCurrentStyle.border = null; _pCurrentStyle.background = null; _pCurrentStyle.gradation = null; _pCurrentStyle.margin = null; _pCurrentStyle.padding = null; _pCurrentStyle.cursor = null; _pCurrentStyle.opacity = null; _pCurrentStyle.shadow = null; _pCurrentStyle.align = null; _pCurrentStyle.font = null; _pCurrentStyle.color = null; _pCurrentStyle.rtlimagemirroring = null; _pCurrentStyle.letterspace = null; _pCurrentStyle._value = ""; _pCurrentStyle._rtlvalue = ""; _pCurrentStyle.__get_custom_style_value = function () { return ""; }; _pCurrentStyle.getStyleValue = function (stylePropID) { return this[stylePropID] ? this[stylePropID]._value : undefined; }; _pCurrentStyle.__custom_emptyObject = function () { }; _pCurrentStyle._empty = function () { this._is_empty = true; this.accessibility = null; this.bordertype = null; this.border = null; this.background = null; this.gradation = null; this.margin = null; this.padding = null; this.cursor = null; this.opacity = null; this.shadow = null; this.align = null; this.font = null; this.letterspace = null; this.color = null; this.__custom_emptyObject(); return true; }; nexacro._cloneStyleObject = function (oldObject) { var tempClone = { }, prop; if (typeof (oldObject) == "object") { for (prop in oldObject) { if (prop != "_target") { var propVal = oldObject[prop]; if (propVal == null) { tempClone[prop] = null; } else { if (typeof (propVal) == "object") { if (propVal._is_array) { tempClone[prop] = nexacro._cloneStyleArray(oldObject[prop]); } else if (propVal.__is_selector) { tempClone[prop] = nexacro._cloneStyleObject(propVal); } else { tempClone[prop] = propVal; } } else { tempClone[prop] = propVal; } } } } } return tempClone; }; nexacro._cloneStyleArray = function (oldArray) { var tempClone = []; for (var idx = 0, cnt = oldArray.length; idx <= cnt; idx++) { var propVal = oldArray[idx]; if (typeof (propVal) == "object") { if (propVal._is_array) { tempClone.push(nexacro._cloneStyleArray(oldObject[prop])); } else if (propVal._is_selector) { tempClone.push(nexacro._cloneStyleObject(propVal)); } else { tempClone.push(propVal); } } else { tempClone.push(propVal); } } return tempClone; }; nexacro._bInitCssObjects = true; }