//============================================================================== // // TOBESOFT Co., Ltd. // Copyright 2014 TOBESOFT Co., Ltd. // All Rights Reserved. // // NOTICE: TOBESOFT permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file // in accordance with the terms of the license agreement accompanying it. // // Readme URL: http://www.nexacro.co.kr/legal/nexacro-public-license-readme-1.1.html // //============================================================================== if (!nexacro.DeviceI) { nexacro.DeviceI = function () { this.setup(); }; var _pDeviceI = nexacro.DeviceI.prototype = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.EventSinkObject, nexacro.DeviceI); _pDeviceI._type_name = "Device"; _pDeviceI.apkversion = { }; _pDeviceI.libraryversion = { }; _pDeviceI.setup = function () { }; _pDeviceI.execiOS = function () { }; _pDeviceI.keyEvent = function (keytype, keyaction) { var _keyKind = 1; var MENUKEY = 82; var BACKKEY = 4; if (keytype == MENUKEY) { _keyKind = 1; } else if (keytype == BACKKEY) { _keyKind = 2; } return application.getActiveForm()._on_devicebuttonup({ button : _keyKind }); }; _pDeviceI.uniqueID = 0; _pDeviceI.makeID = function () { this.uniqueID++; var curtime = new Date(); var strMakeID = this.uniqueID.toString() + Math.floor((Math.random() * (1000 - 100 + 1)) + 100).toString(); return parseInt(strMakeID); }; _pDeviceI.runCallback = function (sid, sfunc, params) { var obj; if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { obj = eval("(" + params + ")"); } else { obj = params; } var willrunfunc = this._userCreatedObj[sid]; if ((willrunfunc != undefined) && (typeof willrunfunc[sfunc] == "function")) { return willrunfunc[sfunc](obj); } }; _pDeviceI.on_created = function () { }; _pDeviceI.print = function (strPrint) { var element = document.getElementById('DeviceAPI_status'); element.innerHTML = element.innerHTML + strPrint + '
'; }; _pDeviceI.publicNumCheck = function (v) { if (v == null || v == undefined) { return false; } if (typeof (v) == "string" && v.length <= 0) { return false; } if (typeof (v) == "number") { return true; } return isFinite(Number(v)); }; _pDeviceI.pramck_makeCall = function (strPhoneNumber, bAutoDialing) { if (strPhoneNumber == null || typeof (strPhoneNumber) == "undefined") { return false; } else { strPhoneNumber = strPhoneNumber.toString(); } var number = ""; try { number = strPhoneNumber.split("+").join(""); number = number.split("-").join(""); } catch (e) { return false; } var normalize = /[^0-9+-]/gi; if (normalize.test(strPhoneNumber) == true) { normalize.lastIndex = 0; return false; } if (typeof (bAutoDialing) != "boolean") { return false; } return true; }; _pDeviceI.paramck_play = function (strFilePath) { if (strFilePath == null || typeof (strFilePath) == "undefined" || typeof (strFilePath) != "string") { return false; } var strlength = strFilePath.split(" ").join(""); if (strlength.length == 0) { return false; } return true; }; _pDeviceI.pramck_contactString = function (strProperty) { if (strProperty == null || typeof (strProperty) == "undefined" || typeof (strProperty) != "string") { return false; } return true; }; _pDeviceI.isConvertDateToString = function (dateString) { var dateStringSplit; var date = new Date(); try { dateStringSplit = dateString.split('/'); date.setYear(parseInt(dateStringSplit[0]) | 0); date.setMonth(parseInt(dateStringSplit[1]) | 0 - 1); date.setDate(parseInt(dateStringSplit[2]) | 0); } catch (e) { return date; } return date; }; _pDeviceI.parseDateToInt = function (strDate) { if (strDate < 10) { strDate = "0" + strDate; } return strDate; }; _pDeviceI.encodeString = function (source) { if (source === undefined || source === null) { return source; } if (typeof (source) != 'string') { return source; } var value = source; value = value.replace(/\&/g, "&"); value = value.replace(/\/g, ">"); value = value.replace(/\"/g, """); value = value.replace(/\'/g, "'"); value = value.replace(/\ /g, " "); value = value.replace(/\r/g, " "); value = value.replace(/\n/g, " "); value = value.replace(/\t/g, " "); value = value.replace(/\\/g, "\"); value = value.replace(/\x03/g, ""); return value; }; _pDeviceI.decodeString = function (source) { if (source === undefined || source === null) { return source; } if (typeof (source) != 'string') { return source; } var value = source; value = value.replace(/\&\;/g, "&"); value = value.replace(/\<\;/g, "<"); value = value.replace(/\>\;/g, ">"); value = value.replace(/\"\;/g, "\""); value = value.replace(/\&apos\;/g, "'"); value = value.replace(/\&\#32\;/g, " "); value = value.replace(/\&\#13\;/g, "\r"); value = value.replace(/\&\#10\;/g, "\n"); value = value.replace(/\&\#9\;/g, "\t"); value = value.replace(/\&\#92\;/g, "\\"); value = value.replace(/\&\#3\;/g, String.fromCharCode(3)); return value; }; _pDeviceI.DatasetToJSONString = function (dataset) { if (dataset == undefined) { return '{"columnInfos":[], "rows":[]}'; } var colSize = dataset.getColCount(); var rowSize = dataset.getRowCount(); var started = false; var jsonString = '{"columnInfos":['; for (var i = 0; i < colSize; i++) { var colInfo = dataset.getColumnInfo(i); if (started) { jsonString += (',{"name":"' + colInfo.name + '", "type":' + colInfo.ntype + '}'); } else { jsonString += ('{"name":"' + colInfo.name + '", "type":' + colInfo.ntype + '}'); } started = true; } started = false; jsonString += '],"rows":['; for (var i = 0; i < rowSize; i++) { if (started) { jsonString += ',['; } else { jsonString += '['; } started = true; var colStarted = false; for (var j = 0; j < colSize; j++) { var colInfo = dataset.getColumnInfo(j); var value = dataset.getColumn(i, colInfo.name); if (colStarted) { jsonString += ','; } colStarted = true; var valueString; if (value == null) { valueString = 'null'; } else if (value == undefined) { valueString = 'undefined'; } else { switch (colInfo.ntype) { case 2: case 3: valueString = nexacro.DataUtils.toTextFromDecimal(value); break; case 4: valueString = '"' + nexacro.DataUtils.toTextFromDecimal(value) + '"'; break; case 5: valueString = '"' + nexacro.DataUtils.toTextFromDate(value) + '"'; break; case 6: valueString = '"' + nexacro.DataUtils.toTextFromTime(value) + '"'; break; case 7: if (value.dateObj == undefined) { valueString = '"' + nexacro.DataUtils.toTextFromDateTime(value) + '"'; } else { valueString = '"' + nexacro.DataUtils.toTextFromDateTime(value.dateObj) + '"'; } break; case 1: valueString = '"' + nexacro.Device.encodeString(value) + '"'; break; case 0: case 8: case 9: default: valueString = '"' + value + '"'; break; } } jsonString += valueString; } jsonString += ']'; } jsonString += ']}'; return jsonString; }; _pDeviceI.DatasetToJSONObject = function (dataset) { return eval('(' + DatasetToJSONString(dataset) + ')'); }; _pDeviceI.JSONObjectToDataset = function (jsonObject, dataset) { if (jsonObject == undefined) { return dataset; } if (dataset == undefined) { dataset = new nexacro.Dataset(); } var colInfos = jsonObject.columnInfos; for (var i = 0; i < colInfos.length; i++) { dataset.addColumn(colInfos[i].name, nexacro.DataUtils.toTypeName(colInfos[i].type)); } var rows = jsonObject.rows; for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { var ridx = dataset.addRow(); for (var j = 0; j < colInfos.length; j++) { switch (colInfos[j].type) { case 1: dataset.setColumn(ridx, colInfos[j].name, nexacro.Device.decodeString(rows[i][j])); break; case 4: dataset.setColumn(ridx, colInfos[j].name, rows[i][j]); break; case 2: case 3: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 0: case 8: case 9: default: dataset.setColumn(ridx, colInfos[j].name, rows[i][j]); break; } } } return dataset; }; _pDeviceI.JSONStringToDataset = function (jsonString, dataset) { if (dataset == undefined) { dataset = new nexacro.Dataset(); } return nexacro.Device.JSONObjectToDataset(eval('(' + jsonString + ')')); }; _pDeviceI.DatasetToJSONString2 = function (dataset) { if (dataset == undefined) { return '{"columnInfos":[], "rows":[]}'; } var colSize = dataset.getColCount(); var rowSize = dataset.getRowCount(); var started = false; var jsonString = '{"columnInfos":['; for (var i = 0; i < colSize; i++) { var colInfo = dataset.getColumnInfo(i); if (started) { jsonString += (',{"name":"' + colInfo.name + '", "type":' + colInfo.ntype + '}'); } else { jsonString += ('{"name":"' + colInfo.name + '", "type":' + colInfo.ntype + '}'); } started = true; } started = false; jsonString += '],"rows":['; for (var i = 0; i < rowSize; i++) { if (started) { jsonString += ',{'; } else { jsonString += '{'; } started = true; var colStarted = false; for (var j = 0; j < colSize; j++) { var colInfo = dataset.getColumnInfo(j); var value = dataset.getColumn(i, colInfo.name); if (value == undefined) { continue; } if (colStarted) { jsonString += ','; } colStarted = true; jsonString += '"' + colInfo.name + '":'; var valueString; if (value == null) { valueString = 'null'; } else if (value == undefined) { valueString = 'undefined'; } else { switch (colInfo.ntype) { case 2: case 3: valueString = nexacro.DataUtils.toTextFromDecimal(value); break; case 4: valueString = '"' + nexacro.DataUtils.toTextFromDecimal(value) + '"'; break; case 5: valueString = '"' + nexacro.DataUtils.toTextFromDate(value) + '"'; break; case 6: valueString = '"' + nexacro.DataUtils.toTextFromTime(value) + '"'; break; case 7: if (value.dateObj == undefined) { valueString = '"' + nexacro.DataUtils.toTextFromDateTime(value) + '"'; } else { valueString = '"' + nexacro.DataUtils.toTextFromDateTime(value.dateObj) + '"'; } break; case 1: valueString = '"' + nexacro.Device.encodeString(value) + '"'; break; case 0: case 8: case 9: default: valueString = '"' + value + '"'; break; } } jsonString += valueString; } jsonString += '}'; } jsonString += ']}'; return jsonString; }; _pDeviceI.DatasetToJSONObject2 = function (dataset) { return eval('(' + nexacro.Device.DatasetToJSONString2(dataset) + ')'); }; _pDeviceI.JSONObjectToDataset2 = function (jsonObject, dataset) { if (jsonObject == undefined) { return dataset; } if (dataset == undefined) { dataset = new nexacro.Dataset(); } var colInfos = jsonObject.columnInfos; for (var i = 0; i < colInfos.length; i++) { dataset.addColumn(colInfos[i].name, nexacro.DataUtils.toTypeName(colInfos[i].type)); } var rows = jsonObject.rows; for (var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++) { var ridx = dataset.addRow(); for (var j = 0; j < colInfos.length; j++) { switch (colInfos[j].type) { case 1: dataset.setColumn(ridx, colInfos[j].name, nexacro.Device.decodeString(rows[i][colInfos[j].name])); break; case 4: dataset.setColumn(ridx, colInfos[j].name, rows[i][colInfos[j].name]); break; case 2: case 3: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 0: case 8: case 9: default: dataset.setColumn(ridx, colInfos[j].name, rows[i][colInfos[j].name]); break; } } } return dataset; }; _pDeviceI.JSONStringToDataset2 = function (jsonString, dataset) { if (dataset == undefined) { dataset = new nexacro.Dataset(); } return nexacro.Device.JSONObjectToDataset2(eval('(' + jsonString + ')'), dataset); }; _pDeviceI.isHybrid = function () { return this._is_hybrid; }; _pDeviceI.exit = function (useCache) { var _useCache = false; if (arguments.length == 0) { _bUseCache = "false"; } else { if (useCache == true || (typeof (useCache) == "string" && useCache == "true")) { _useCache = "true"; } else if (useCache == false || (typeof (useCache) == "string" && useCache == "false")) { _useCache = "false"; } else { return false; } } if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 1) { var jsonstr = ""; jsonstr = "EXIT" + _useCache; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); } }; _pDeviceI = null; } if (nexacro.System) { nexacro.System.prototype = function () { this._id = nexacro.Device.makeID(); nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._id] = this; this.enableevent = true; if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 1) { var osname = "iOS"; var devicename, version; var iphone = navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPhone\sOS)\s([\d_]+)/); var ipad = navigator.userAgent.match(/(iPad).*OS\s([\d_]+)/); if (iphone) { devicename = "iphone"; version = iphone[2].replace(/_/g, '.'); } if (ipad) { devicename = "ipad"; version = ipad[2].replace(/_/g, '.'); } this.osversion = osname + " " + version; this.navigatorname = "nexacro"; this.navigatorversion = "14"; this.mobilephonenumber = ""; this.mobileproducttype = devicename; this.mobileuniqueid = ""; this.mobileorientation = ""; this.taskbarsize = "20"; this.userapppath = ""; } }; nexacro.System.prototype.set_osversion = function () { }; nexacro.System.prototype.set_navigatorname = function () { }; nexacro.System.prototype.set_navigatorversion = function () { }; nexacro.System.prototype.set_mobilephonenumber = function () { }; nexacro.System.prototype.set_mobileproducttype = function () { }; nexacro.System.prototype.set_mobileuniqueid = function () { }; nexacro.System.prototype.set_mobileorientation = function () { }; nexacro.System.prototype.set_taskbarsize = function () { }; nexacro.System.prototype.set_userapppath = function () { }; nexacro.System.prototype.set_sdcardpath = function () { }; nexacro.System.prototype.destroy = function () { delete nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._id]; return true; }; nexacro.System.makeCall = function (strPhoneNumber, bAutoDialing) { if (bAutoDialing == "undefined" || bAutoDialing == null) { this.bAutoDialing = false; } else { this.bAutoDialing = bAutoDialing; } var pcheck = nexacro.Device.pramck_makeCall(strPhoneNumber, this.bAutoDialing); if (pcheck == true) { var renamephonNumber = strPhoneNumber; renamephonNumber = renamephonNumber.split("-").join(""); var tempPhoneNumber = renamephonNumber.split("+").join(""); if (tempPhoneNumber.length < 3) { return false; } if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { var params = '{"telNo":"' + renamephonNumber + '", "bAuto":"' + this.bAutoDialing + '"}'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"Call", "method":"sendCall", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); } else { if ((typeof nexacro.Device.isHybrid() == "undefined") || nexacro.Device.isHybrid() == false) { return true; } nexacro.Device.bridge.src = 'tel:' + renamephonNumber; } return true; } else { return false; } }; nexacro.System.getPackageVersion = function () { return nexacro._getPackageVersion(); }; nexacro.System._setAccessibilityStatus = function (v) { if (v.accessibilitystatus == 1) { nexacro.System._accessibilitystatus = true; } else { nexacro.System._accessibilitystatus = false; } }; nexacro.System.getAccessibilityStatus = function () { if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { nexacro.System._accessibilitystatus = nexacro._getAccessibilityStatus(); } return nexacro.System._accessibilitystatus; }; nexacro.System.play = function (strFilePath) { var pcheck = nexacro.Device.paramck_play(strFilePath); if (pcheck == true) { if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { var EnvironmentPath = ""; var androidFilePath = ""; var rootPathCheck = strFilePath.substring(0, 9); if (rootPathCheck.toLowerCase() == "%userapp%") { EnvironmentPath = 1; androidFilePath = strFilePath.substring(9, strFilePath.length); } else if (rootPathCheck.toLowerCase() == "%sd_card%") { EnvironmentPath = 2; androidFilePath = strFilePath.substring(9, strFilePath.length); } else if (rootPathCheck.substring(0, 7) == "http://") { androidFilePath = strFilePath; } else { var _filecache = application._getFileCache(strFilePath); if (null != _filecache) { EnvironmentPath = 3; androidFilePath = _filecache; } else { return false; } } var params = '{"filePath":"' + androidFilePath + '", "EnvironmentPath":"' + EnvironmentPath + '"}'; } else { var iosfilepath = ""; var rootPathCheck = strFilePath.substring(0, 9); if (rootPathCheck.toLowerCase() == "%userapp%") { iosfilepath = "_userapp_" + strFilePath.substring(9, strFilePath.length); } else if (rootPathCheck.substring(0, 7) == "http://") { iosfilepath = strFilePath; } else { var _filecache = application._getFileCache(strFilePath); if (null != _filecache) { iosfilepath = "_userapp_" + _filecache; } else { return false; } } var params = '{"filePath":"' + iosfilepath + '"}'; } var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"Sound", "method":"shotplay", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); return true; } else { return false; } }; nexacro.System.stop = function () { var params = '""'; var jsonstr = '{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"Sound", "method":"shotstop", "params":' + params + '}'; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); return true; }; nexacro.System.getSystemInfo = function () { this._id = nexacro.Device.makeID(); nexacro.Device._userCreatedObj[this._id] = this; nexacro.Device.exec('{"id":' + this._id + ', "div":"PhoneInfo","method":"getAll"}'); }; nexacro.System.recvPhoneInfo = function (params) { nexacro.System.osversion = params.osversion; nexacro.System.mobilephonenumber = params.mobilephonenumber; nexacro.System.mobileproducttype = params.mobileproducttype; nexacro.System.mobileuniqueid = params.mobileuniqueid; nexacro.System.mobileorientation = params.mobileorientation; this.userapppath = params.userapppath; this.sdcardpath = ""; if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 1) { nexacro.Device.isphone = params.isIPhone; nexacro.System.computername = params.computername; nexacro.System.cpuarchitecture = params.cpuarchitecture; nexacro.System.cputype = params.cputype; nexacro.System.cpucount = params.cpucount; nexacro.Device.libraryversion[0] = params.libraryversion; if (params.accessibility == 1) { nexacro.System._accessibilitystatus = true; } else { nexacro.System._accessibilitystatus = false; } } oninitend(); }; nexacro.System.setOrientation = function (nOrientation) { if ((nOrientation == null || typeof (nOrientation) == "undefined")) { return false; } if (typeof (nOrientation) == "string") { nOrientation = Number(nOrientation); } if (nOrientation < 0 || nOrientation > 3) { return false; } if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 0) { nexacro._setOrientation(nOrientation); } else { var jsonstr = ""; jsonstr = "ORIENTATION:" + nOrientation; nexacro.Device.exec(jsonstr); } return true; }; nexacro.System._setOrientation = function (nOrientation) { this.mobileorientation = nOrientation; if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 1) { nexacro.System.mobileorientation = nOrientation; } }; } nexacro._initDeviceAPI = function () { nexacro.Device = new nexacro.DeviceI(); if (nexacro.Device.isHybrid()) { if (window.system) { if (nexacro.Device.curDevice == 1) { nexacro.System.prototype(); nexacro.System.getSystemInfo(); } } } };