//============================================================================== // // TOBESOFT Co., Ltd. // Copyright 2014 TOBESOFT Co., Ltd. // All Rights Reserved. // // NOTICE: TOBESOFT permits you to use, modify, and distribute this file // in accordance with the terms of the license agreement accompanying it. // // Readme URL: http://www.nexacro.co.kr/legal/nexacro-public-license-readme-1.1.html // //============================================================================== if (nexacro.Browser == "Runtime") { if (!nexacro.Init_systembase_runtime) { nexacro.Init_systembase_runtime = true; nexacro._trace = function () { var msgs = []; var cnt = arguments.length; for (var i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { if (arguments[i] === undefined) { msgs.push("undefined"); } else if (arguments[i] === null) { msgs.push("null"); } msgs.push(arguments[i]); } var msg = msgs.join(' '); nexacro._writeTraceLog(4, msg, false, application._loglevel); if (nexacro.System.navigatorname != "nexacro" && nexacro.Browser == "Runtime") { application.on_fire_onaddlog(application, msg); } }; trace = nexacro._trace; nexacro._updateWindow = function (hWnd) { nexacro.__updateWrapperBitmap(hWnd); }; nexacro._nexacroconsole = function () { }; nexacro._traceV8CallStack = function () { try { var e = new Error(); var stack = e.stack; var str = ""; for (var i = 1; i < stack.length; i++) { var frame = stack[i]; var func = frame.getFunction(); var argstr = ""; for (var j = 0; j < func.arguments.length; j++) { var tempstr = (j != 0 ? ", " : "") + func.arguments[j]; if (tempstr.length > 30) { argstr += "[LONG STR]"; } else { argstr += tempstr; } } var _this = frame.getThis(); var _funcname = frame.getFunctionName(); str += _this + "." + _funcname; if (argstr.length > 0) { str += "(arg: " + argstr + ")"; } str += " " + frame.getFileName() + " (" + frame.getLineNumber() + ")"; str += "\n"; } var mode = 0; switch (mode) { case 0: trace("\n===[callstack(" + (stack.length - 1) + ")]==============================\n" + str + "============================================"); break; case 1: { trace("\n===[callstack(" + (stack.length - 1) + ")]=============================="); var strlist = str.split("\n"); for (var i = 0; i < strlist.length; i++) { trace(strlist[i]); } trace("============================================"); } break; } } catch (e) { } }; nexacro.Browser_RoundBorder = 9; nexacro.Browser_BorderImage = 9; nexacro.Browser_Gradation = 9; nexacro.Browser_RoundShadow = true; nexacro.Browser_ColorAlpha = true; nexacro._getOSVersion = function () { return nexacro.__getOSVersion(); }; nexacro._getPackageVersion = function () { return nexacro.__getPackageVersion(); }; nexacro._getSystemType = function () { return nexacro.__getSystemType(); }; nexacro._getOS = function () { return nexacro.__getOSType(); }; nexacro._getSystemLanguage = function () { return nexacro.__getSystemLanguage(); }; nexacro._isPhone = function () { return nexacro.__isPhone(); }; nexacro._setOrientation = function (orientation) { return nexacro.__setOrientation(orientation); }; nexacro.OS = nexacro._getOS(); nexacro.OSVersion = nexacro._getOSVersion(); nexacro.DEVICE = ""; nexacro.SystemType = nexacro._getSystemType(); nexacro.BrowserLang = nexacro._getSystemLanguage(); nexacro.SystemLang = nexacro._getSystemLanguage(); nexacro.KeyCode_ImeInput = 229; nexacro._error = function (e, at) { str = e.toString(); if (at && at.length) { str += "\nat : " + at; } if (e.fileName) { str += "\nat : " + e.fileName + ": " + e.lineNumber; } if (self.__debuginfo) { str += "\nat : " + __debuginfo; } nexacro._trace(str); }; nexacro._alert = function (curFrame, str, caption, type) { var _handle; if (curFrame._window) { curFrame._window._cancelEvent(); _handle = curFrame._window._handle; } else { _handle = nexacro._getMainWindowHandle(); } str = nexacro._toString(str); nexacro.__alert(_handle, str, caption, type); }; alert = function (text) { var frm = application.alert(text, application.key, 0); }; nexacro._confirm = function (curFrame, str, caption, type) { var _handle; if (curFrame._window) { curFrame._window._cancelEvent(); _handle = curFrame._window._handle; } else { _handle = nexacro._getMainWindowHandle(); } return nexacro.__confirm(_handle, str, caption, type); }; confirm = function (text) { return application.confirm(text, application.key, 0); }; nexacro._setCookie = function (name, value, days) { return nexacro.__setCookie(name, value, days); }; nexacro._getCookie = function (name) { return nexacro.__getCookie(name); }; nexacro._removeCookie = function (name) { return nexacro.__removeCookie(name); }; nexacro._setSharedVariablesToCookie = function (url, cookies) { return nexacro.__setSharedVariablesToCookie(url, cookies); }; nexacro._setFileSecureLevel = function (lvl) { return nexacro.__setFileSecureLevel(lvl); }; nexacro._setNetworkSecureLevel = function (lvl) { return nexacro.__setNetworkSecureLevel(lvl); }; nexacro._setEnableScreenCapture = function (enable) { application.enablescreencapture = enable; return nexacro.__setEnableScreenCapture(application.enablescreencapture); }; nexacro._setEnableCookie = function (enable) { application.enablecookie = enable; return nexacro.__setEnableCookie(application.enablecookie); }; nexacro._setEnableCache = function (enable) { application.enablecache = enable; return nexacro.__setEnableCache(application.enablecache); }; nexacro._setEnableClipboard = function (enable) { application.enableclipboard = enable; return nexacro.__setEnableClipboard(application.enableclipboard); }; Error.prepareStackTrace = function (error, stack) { return stack; }; nexacro._getExceptionMessage = function (e) { var msg = e.toString(); if (e.stack && e.stack.length > 0) { var frame = e.stack[0]; var url = frame.getEvalOrigin(); msg += "\r\nat line " + frame.getLineNumber() + ", in function: " + frame.getMethodName() + " in " + decodeURI(url); } return msg; }; nexacro._getEvalExceptionMessage = function (e, src_url) { var msg = "======================================================================================================================\r\n"; msg += e.toString(); if (e.stack && e.stack.length > 0) { var frame = e.stack[0]; var url = frame.getEvalOrigin(); msg += " \r\nsource : " + decodeURI(url) + " at line:" + frame.getLineNumber() + "\r\nfunction : " + frame.getMethodName() + " ( " + decodeURI(src_url) + " )"; msg += "\r\n======================================================================================================================================"; } return msg; }; nexacro._encodeXml = function (str) { if (!nexacro._isNull(str)) { return nexacro.__encodeXml(str); } }; nexacro._decodeXml = function (str) { if (!nexacro._isNull(str)) { if (str.indexOf("&") >= 0) { return nexacro.__decodeXml(str); } } return str; }; nexacro._getDisplayText = function (text, _type) { return text; }; nexacro._print = function (pThis, refform, defaultprint, valign, halign, fitonepage) { var elem = pThis.getElement(); if (elem && elem._handle) { var form_elem = refform.getElement(); if (pThis._is_scrollable && elem._client_element && elem._client_element._handle) { nexacro.__print(elem._client_element._handle, form_elem._handle, defaultprint, valign, halign, fitonepage); } else { nexacro.__print(elem._handle, form_elem._handle, defaultprint, valign, halign, fitonepage); } } }; nexacro._printInnerContents = function (comp) { var doc = comp.getProperty("document"); if (doc) { comp.callMethod("print"); return true; } }; nexacro._beforePrintCheckPlugin = nexacro._print; nexacro._prepareManagerFrame = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._destroyManagerFrame = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._TextInfoCacheManager = function (font, letterspace, rtldirection) { this.font = font; this.letterspace = letterspace; this.font_height = 0; this.space_width = 0; this.space_width1 = 0; this.cache = { }; this._getFontInfo(); this.rtldirection = rtldirection; }; _pTextInfoCacheManager = nexacro._createPrototype(Object, nexacro._TextInfoCacheManager); nexacro._TextInfoCacheManager.prototype = _pTextInfoCacheManager; _pTextInfoCacheManager._getFontInfo = function () { var font = this.font; var letterspace = this.letterspace; var size = nexacro.__getTextSize(letterspace, "gH", font.face, font.size, font._antialias, font._bold, font._italic, font._underline, font._strikeout, "none"); var space_size = nexacro.__getTextSize(letterspace, " ", font.face, font.size, font._antialias, font._bold, font._italic, font._underline, font._strikeout, "none"); var space_size1 = nexacro.__getTextSize(letterspace, " ", font.face, font.size, font._antialias, font._bold, font._italic, font._underline, font._strikeout, "none"); this.font_height = size[1]; this.space_width = space_size[0]; this.space_width1 = space_size1[0]; }; _pTextInfoCacheManager.getWordTextWidth = function (letterspace, word, rtldirection) { var strw = word + "#letterspace" + letterspace + "#rtldirection" + rtldirection; var text_width = this.cache[strw]; if (text_width == null) { var font = this.font; var size = nexacro.__getTextSize(letterspace, word, font.face, font.size, font._antialias, font._bold, font._italic, font._underline, font._strikeout, "none", 0, rtldirection); this.cache[strw] = text_width = size[0]; } return text_width; }; _pTextInfoCacheManager.getWordWrapTextSize = function (letterspace, text, width, wordwrap, rtldirection) { var strw = text + "#width" + width + "#letterspace" + letterspace + "#rtldirection" + rtldirection; var strh = strw + "#height"; var text_width = this.cache[strw]; var text_height = this.cache[strh]; if (text_width == null) { var font = this.font; var size = nexacro.__getTextSize(letterspace, text, font.face, font.size, font._antialias, font._bold, font._italic, font._underline, font._strikeout, wordwrap, width, rtldirection); this.cache[strw] = text_width = size[0]; this.cache[strh] = text_height = size[1]; } return [text_width, text_height]; }; delete _pTextInfoCacheManager; nexacro._TextSizeCacheManagers = { }; (function () { var re_newline = /\r\n|\n|\r/; var re_space = /\s/; nexacro.__getSinglelineTextSize = function (manager, letterspace, text, rtldirection) { var words = text.split(re_space); var wcnt = words.length; var text_size = 0; var letterspace_size = text.length * letterspace; for (var i = 0; i < wcnt; i++) { var word = words[i]; if (word) { text_size += manager.getWordTextWidth(letterspace, word, rtldirection); } } var idx_space = text.indexOf(" "); if (idx_space > -1) { text_size += (wcnt - 1) * manager.space_width1; } else { text_size += (wcnt - 1) * manager.space_width; } return text_size; }; nexacro._getSinglelineTextSize = function (manager, letterspace, text, rtldirection) { var text_width = nexacro.__getSinglelineTextSize(manager, letterspace, text.replace(/\r\n|\n|\r/, ' '), rtldirection); return [text_width, manager.font_height]; }; nexacro._getMultilineTextSize = function (manager, letterspace, text, rtldirection) { var lines = text.split(re_newline); var lcnt = lines.length; var text_width = 0; for (var i = 0; i < lcnt; i++) { var line_width = nexacro.__getSinglelineTextSize(manager, letterspace, lines[i], rtldirection); if (line_width > text_width) { text_width = line_width; } } return [text_width, manager.font_height * lcnt]; }; nexacro._getWordwrapTextSize = function (manager, letterspace, text, content_width, wordwrap, rtldirection) { if (typeof (wordwrap) == "string") { wordwrap = wordwrap.toLowerCase(); } if (wordwrap == true || wordwrap == "true") { wordwrap = "char"; } else if (wordwrap == false || wordwrap == "false") { wordwrap = "none"; } var text_size = manager.getWordWrapTextSize(letterspace, text, content_width, wordwrap, rtldirection); return text_size; }; })(); nexacro._getTextSize = function (letterspace, text, font, multiline, content_width, wordwrap, rtldirection) { if (text && text.length > 0 && font && !font._is_empty) { var cacheManager = nexacro._TextSizeCacheManagers[font._sysvalue]; if (cacheManager == null) { cacheManager = new nexacro._TextInfoCacheManager(font, letterspace, rtldirection); nexacro._TextSizeCacheManagers[font._sysvalue] = cacheManager; } if (multiline) { if (content_width != null) { return nexacro._getWordwrapTextSize(cacheManager, letterspace, text, content_width, wordwrap, rtldirection); } else { return nexacro._getMultilineTextSize(cacheManager, letterspace, text, rtldirection); } } else { return nexacro._getSinglelineTextSize(cacheManager, letterspace, text, rtldirection); } } return [0, 0]; }; nexacro._getTextSize2 = nexacro._getTextSize; nexacro.getTextSize = function (text, font, width, wordwrap, letterspace, rtldirection) { if (typeof (wordwrap) == "string") { wordwrap = wordwrap.toLowerCase(); } if (wordwrap == true || wordwrap == "true") { wordwrap = "char"; } else if (wordwrap == false || wordwrap == "false") { wordwrap = "none"; } var line = true; if (wordwrap == "none") { line = false; } else if (wordwrap == "line") { wordwrap = null; } if (!letterspace) { letterspace = 0; } var retn = nexacro._getTextSize(letterspace, text, font, line, width, wordwrap, rtldirection); var obj = { nx : retn[0], ny : retn[1] }; return obj; }; nexacro._getLineCountWithWordwrap = function (elem, letterspace, text, wordwrap) { var gap = (parseInt(elem.padding.left) | 0) + (parseInt(elem.padding.right) | 0); var content_width = parseInt(elem.width) - gap - 2; var cacheManager = nexacro._TextSizeCacheManagers[elem.font._sysvalue]; if (cacheManager == null) { cacheManager = new nexacro._TextInfoCacheManager(elem.font, letterspace); nexacro._TextSizeCacheManagers[elem.font._sysvalue] = cacheManager; } var text_size = nexacro._getWordwrapTextSize(cacheManager, elem.letterspace, text, content_width, wordwrap); var linecount = Math.round(text_size[1] / cacheManager.font_height); return Math.max(linecount, 1); }; nexacro._bind_imgloadhandler_onload_recall = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._imgloadhandler_onload = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._imgloadhandler_onerror = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._getImageSize = function (src, callbackFn, pThis, base_url, org_src) { if (!src) { return null; } if (src.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase() == "url(") { src = src.substring(5, src.length - 2); } var imgurl; if (src.substring(0, 10).toLowerCase() == "data:image") { var comma_idx = src.indexOf(","); if (comma_idx > -1) { var tmp = src.slice(comma_idx + 1, src.legnth); src = "data:image;base64," + tmp; } imgurl = src; } else { imgurl = nexacro._getImageLocation(src, base_url); } if (imgurl) { if (org_src) { org_src = org_src.toString(); org_src = nexacro._getURIValue(org_src); } var service = nexacro._getServiceObject(org_src ? org_src : src); var servicecachelevel = "none"; var serviceversion = service.version; if (service.cachelevel == "static" || service.cachelevel == "session") { var retval = nexacro._ImgInfoCacheList[imgurl]; if (retval) { return retval; } } var loadItem = nexacro._CommunicationManager[imgurl]; if (loadItem) { loadItem.appendCallback(pThis, callbackFn); } else { loadItem = new nexacro.CommunicationItem(imgurl, "image", false); nexacro._CommunicationManager[imgurl] = loadItem; loadItem.appendCallback(pThis, callbackFn); if (service) { if (service.cachelevel == "session") { servicecachelevel = "dynamic"; } else { servicecachelevel = service.cachelevel; } } loadItem._handle = nexacro.__getImageSize(imgurl, nexacro.__bindLoadImageHandler(loadItem), servicecachelevel, serviceversion); } return null; } }; nexacro._getImageObject = function (src, callbackFn, pThis, base_url) { if (src.substring(0, 4).toLowerCase() == "url(") { src = src.substring(5, src.length - 2); } if (!src) { return null; } var imgurl = nexacro._getImageLocation(src, base_url); if (imgurl) { var retval = nexacro._ImgInfoCacheList[imgurl]; if (retval) { callbackFn.call(pThis, imgurl, retval.width, retval.height); return; } var loadItem = nexacro._CommunicationManager[imgurl]; if (loadItem) { loadItem.appendCallback(pThis, callbackFn); } else { loadItem = new nexacro.CommunicationItem(imgurl, "image", false); nexacro._CommunicationManager[imgurl] = loadItem; loadItem.appendCallback(pThis, callbackFn); var service = nexacro._getServiceObject(application.xadl); var servicecachelevel = "none"; var serviceversion = service.version; if (service) { if (service.cachelevel == "session") { servicecachelevel = "dynamic"; } else { servicecachelevel = service.cachelevel; } } loadItem._handle = nexacro.__getImageSize(imgurl, nexacro.__bindLoadImageHandler(loadItem), servicecachelevel, serviceversion); } return loadItem._handle; } return null; }; nexacro._getXMLDocument = function (id, data, url) { var xmldoc = nexacro._parseXMLDocument(data); if (xmldoc.URL == undefined) { xmldoc.URL = url; } return xmldoc; }; nexacro._findclick = function (comp_name, item_comp_name, item_comp, handle) { var item_value = nexacro.__findclickFileUploadHandle(comp_name, item_comp_name, handle, item_comp._multiselect, item_comp); if (item_comp) { item_comp._file_changed(item_value); } }; nexacro._file_changed = function (item_value, item_comp) { if (item_comp) { item_comp._file_changed(item_value); } }; nexacro._setMultipleFile = function (comp_name, item_comp_name, multi_select, item_comp) { if (item_comp) { item_comp._multiselect = multi_select; } }; nexacro._randomId = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._get_hidden_frame = function (form_id, handle) { return handle; }; nexacro._create_hidden_frame = function (name, iframe_id, callback_fn, pThis) { if (pThis.parent) { var curFrame = pThis.parent._getOwnerFrame(); if (curFrame._window) { pThis._winhandle = curFrame._window._handle; } else { pThis._winhandle = nexacro._getMainWindowHandle(); } } var handle = nexacro.__createFileUploadHandle(name, iframe_id, callback_fn, pThis, pThis._winhandle); if (handle) { pThis._handle = handle; } }; nexacro._destroy_hidden_frame = function (form_id, pThis, handle) { handle = null; }; nexacro._create_filedownload_handle = function (callback_fn, pThis) { if (pThis.parent) { var curFrame = pThis.parent._getOwnerFrame(); if (curFrame._window) { pThis._winhandle = curFrame._window._handle; } else { pThis._winhandle = nexacro._getMainWindowHandle(); } } var handle = nexacro.__createFileDownloadHandle(callback_fn, pThis, pThis._winhandle); if (handle) { pThis._handle = handle; } }; nexacro._destroy_filedownload_handle = function (handle) { if (handle) { nexacro.__destroyFileDownloadHandle(handle); handle = null; } }; nexacro._download = function (url, handle, initname, targetpath, activemode) { var httpheaderstr = ""; var header_vars = application._header_variables; var header_vars_len = header_vars.length; if (header_vars_len > 0) { var header_id, header_value; for (var i = 0; i < header_vars_len; i++) { header_id = header_vars[i]; header_value = application[header_id]; if (header_id && header_value) { httpheaderstr += header_id; httpheaderstr += ":"; httpheaderstr += header_value; httpheaderstr += "\r\n"; } } } application._beginCommProgress(); var handle = nexacro.__downloadFileDownloadHandle(url, handle, initname, targetpath, httpheaderstr, activemode); if (handle == null) { application._endCommProgress(); return null; } }; nexacro._append_hidden_item = function (form_id, input_id, callback_fn, pThis, handle, multiselect) { pThis._file_changed = callback_fn; nexacro.__appendFileUploadItem(form_id, input_id, callback_fn, pThis, handle); if (pThis) { pThis._multiselect = multiselect; } }; nexacro._append_hidden_textitem = nexacro._setImportCommand = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._remove_hidden_item = function (form_id, input_id, handle, idx_del) { nexacro.__removeFileUploadItem(form_id, input_id, handle, idx_del); }; nexacro._submit = function (form_id, action, handle, exp_info_data, item_value) { var httpheaderstr = ""; var header_vars = application._header_variables; var header_vars_len = header_vars.length; if (header_vars_len > 0) { var header_id, header_value; for (var i = 0; i < header_vars_len; i++) { header_id = header_vars[i]; header_value = application[header_id]; if (header_id && header_value) { httpheaderstr += header_id; httpheaderstr += ":"; httpheaderstr += header_value; httpheaderstr += "\r\n"; } } } application._beginCommProgress(); var handle = nexacro.__submitFileUploadHandle(form_id, action, handle, exp_info_data, item_value, httpheaderstr); if (handle == null) { application._endCommProgress(); } }; nexacro._fileinputhandler_onchange = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._fileinputhandler_onload = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._fileinputhandler_onchange_forward = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._getDataFromDOM = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._getContentType = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro.__createHttpRequest = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro.__createFakeHttpRequest = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro.__checkAjaxSuccess = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro.__checkAjaxStatus = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro.__getHttpErrorCode = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro.__bindLoadModuleHandler = function (pthis) { return function (status, data, fireerrorcode, returncode, locationurl) { if (status < 0) { pthis.on_error(status, fireerrorcode, returncode, locationurl); pthis = null; } else if (status == 0) { pthis.on_load_module(data); nexacro.__refreshDirtyWindow(pthis.context ? (pthis.context._is_component ? pthis.context._getWindowHandle() : null) : null); pthis = null; } }; }; nexacro.__bindLoadTextHandler = function (pthis) { return function (status, data, fireerrorcode, returncode, locationurl) { if (status < 0) { pthis.on_error(status, fireerrorcode, returncode, locationurl); pthis = null; } else if (status == 0) { pthis.on_load_text(data); nexacro.__refreshDirtyWindow(pthis.context ? (pthis.context._is_component ? pthis.context._getWindowHandle() : null) : null); pthis = null; } }; }; nexacro.__checkloadData = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro.__bindLoadDataHandler = function (pthis) { return function (status, data, cookie, fireerrorcode, returncode, locationurl) { if (status < 0) { if (status == -9) { pthis.on_error(0, "comm_cancel_byuser"); } else { if (pthis) { pthis.on_error(status, fireerrorcode, returncode, locationurl); } } pthis = null; } else if (status == 0) { if (pthis instanceof nexacro.TransactionItem) { pthis.on_load_data(data, cookie); nexacro.__refreshDirtyWindow(pthis.context ? (pthis.context._is_component ? pthis.context._getWindowHandle() : null) : null); } else if (pthis instanceof nexacro.CommunicationItem) { if (!pthis._progress_data) { pthis.on_load_data(data, cookie); nexacro.__refreshDirtyWindow(pthis.context ? (pthis.context._is_component ? pthis.context._getWindowHandle() : null) : null); } else { data = data ? (pthis._progress_data + data) : pthis._progress_data; pthis.on_load_data(data, cookie); pthis._progress_data = null; nexacro.__refreshDirtyWindow(pthis.context ? (pthis.context._is_component ? pthis.context._getWindowHandle() : null) : null); } } } else if (status > 0) { if (pthis instanceof nexacro.TransactionItem) { pthis.on_progress_data(data, false); if (data && !pthis._progress_data) { if (pthis._protocol < 0) { data = pthis.on_decrypt(data); if (data) { pthis.on_progress_data(data, false); } } } nexacro.__refreshDirtyWindow(pthis.context ? (pthis.context._is_component ? pthis.context._getWindowHandle() : null) : null); } else if (pthis instanceof nexacro.CommunicationItem) { if (!pthis._progress_data) { pthis._progress_data = data; } else { pthis._progress_data += data; } } } data = null; }; }; nexacro.__bindLoadImageHandler = function (pthis) { return function (status, width, height, fireerrorcode, returncode, locationurl) { if (pthis) { if (status < 0) { delete nexacro._ImgInfoCacheList[pthis.path]; pthis.on_error_image(0, 0, null, status, fireerrorcode, returncode, locationurl); pthis = null; } else if (status == 0) { var target_wins = []; var callbackList = pthis.callbackList; var n = callbackList ? callbackList.length : 0; for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { var item = callbackList[i]; var target = item.target; var target_handle = (target._getWindowHandle ? target._getWindowHandle() : null); if (target._is_alive != false && target_handle) { if (nexacro._indexOf(target_wins, target_handle) < 0) { target_wins.push(target_handle); } } } nexacro._ImgInfoCacheList[pthis.path] = { width : width, height : height }; pthis.on_load_image(width, height); n = target_wins.length; if (n > 0) { for (var i = 0; i < n; i++) { var target_win = target_wins[i]; if (target_win) { nexacro.__refreshDirtyWindow(target_win); } } delete target_wins; } else { nexacro.__refreshDirtyWindow(pthis.context ? (pthis.context._is_component ? pthis.context._getWindowHandle() : null) : null); } pthis = null; } } }; }; nexacro.__bindLoadUpdateHandler = function (pthis) { return function (status, data, fireerrorcode, returncode, locationurl) { if (status < 0) { pthis.on_error(status, fireerrorcode, returncode, locationurl); pthis = null; } else if (status == 0) { pthis.on_load_update(data); nexacro.__refreshDirtyWindow(pthis.context ? (pthis.context._is_component ? pthis.context._getWindowHandle() : null) : null); pthis = null; } }; }; nexacro.__retryCommunication = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro.__startCommunication = function (loadItem, path, cachelevel, async, referer, senddata, ndatatype, compress, ver, failpass, service) { var handlewrap = { }; if (path.indexOf("://") > -1) { var ar = path.split("://"); var protocol = ar[0]; switch (protocol) { case "http": handlewrap._protocol = 0; break; case "https": handlewrap._protocol = 1; break; case "file": handlewrap._protocol = 2; break; default: handlewrap._protocol = -1; break; } } var bindfn = null; if (loadItem.type == "module") { bindfn = nexacro.__bindLoadModuleHandler(loadItem); } else if (loadItem.type == "data") { bindfn = nexacro.__bindLoadDataHandler(loadItem); } else if (loadItem.type == "image") { bindfn = nexacro.__bindLoadImageHandler(loadItem); } else if (loadItem.type == "text") { bindfn = nexacro.__bindLoadTextHandler(loadItem); } else { bindfn = nexacro.__bindLoadUpdateHandler(loadItem); } var url = decodeURI(path); var refer_url = decodeURI(referer); var servicecachelevel = "none"; if (service) { servicecachelevel = service.cachelevel; } if (!ver) { ver = service.version; } var httpheaderstr = ""; var protocoladp = nexacro._getProtocol(loadItem.protocol); if (protocoladp && protocoladp.version) { var protocolver = protocoladp.version(); if (protocolver > "1.0") { var httpheaders = protocoladp.getHTTPHeader(); for (var i = 0; i < httpheaders.length; i++) { httpheaderstr += httpheaders[i].id; httpheaderstr += ":"; httpheaderstr += httpheaders[i].value; httpheaderstr += "\r\n"; } } } var header_vars = application._header_variables; var header_vars_len = header_vars.length; if (header_vars_len > 0) { var header_id, header_value; for (var i = 0; i < header_vars_len; i++) { header_id = header_vars[i]; header_value = application[header_id]; if (header_id && header_value) { httpheaderstr += header_id; httpheaderstr += ":"; httpheaderstr += header_value; httpheaderstr += "\r\n"; } } } handlewrap._handle = nexacro.__startLoad(url, bindfn, loadItem.type, servicecachelevel, async, refer_url, senddata, ndatatype, compress, ver, failpass, httpheaderstr); return handlewrap; }; nexacro.__cancelCommunication = function (handle) { var _handle = handle._handle; return nexacro.__cancelLoad(_handle); }; nexacro._convertDatasetSSVToBIN = function (ssvdata) { return nexacro.__convertDatasetSSVToBIN(ssvdata); }; nexacro._convertDatasetBINToSSV = function (bindata) { return nexacro.__convertDatasetBINToSSV(bindata); }; nexacro._convertStreamSSVToBIN = function (ssvdata) { return nexacro.__convertStreamSSVToBIN(ssvdata); }; nexacro._convertStreamBINToSSV = function (bindata) { return nexacro.__convertStreamBINToSSV(bindata); }; nexacro._completedUpdateResource = function (target, url, type, targetpath, ref, failpass, index, count) { nexacro.__completedUpdateResource(target, url, type, targetpath, ref, failpass, index, count); }; nexacro._ProgressData = function (parent) { this._data_buffer = new Array(); this._data_buffer._data_length = 0; this._cur_idx = [0, 0]; this._received_data_length = 0; this._parent = parent; this._rs; this._cs; this._data_type = null; this._parse_mode = 0; this._load_completed = false; this._parameters = []; this._datasets = { }; this._datasets_in_seq = []; this._cur_dataset_id = ""; this._error_info = [0, "SUCCESS"]; this._parsing_min_size = 1024 * 4; this._init(); }; var _pProgressData = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Object, nexacro._ProgressData); nexacro._ProgressData.prototype = _pProgressData; _pProgressData._init = function () { var out_datasets = this._parent.outputDatasets; var form = this._parent.context; if (out_datasets && out_datasets.length) { var outDataCnt = out_datasets.length; for (var i = 0; i < outDataCnt; i++) { var param = out_datasets[i]; if (!this._datasets[param.rval]) { var ds = form._getDatasetObject(param.lval); if (ds) { this._datasets[param.rval] = { _isEnable : false, _target_ds : ds, _firefirstcount : ds.firefirstcount, _is_loaded : false, _is_loaded_firstcount : (ds.firefirstcount > 0) ? false : true, _is_first_load : true, _useclientlayout : ds.useclientlayout, _viewrecords_length : 0, _colLines : null, _next_line_idx : 0, _ds_start_idx : null, _ds_end_idx : null, _row_start_idx : null, _firstrow_end_idx : null, _row_end_idx : null, _colinfo_start_idx : null, _colinfo_end_idx : null, _next_load_idx : null }; } } } } }; _pProgressData._applyChange_inputDataset = function () { var in_datasets = this._parent.inputDatasets; var form = this._parent.context; if (in_datasets && in_datasets.length) { var in_ds_cnt = in_datasets.length; for (var i = 0; i < in_ds_cnt; i++) { var param = in_datasets[i]; var ds = form._getDatasetObject(param.rval); if (ds) { ds.applyChange(); } } } }; _pProgressData._on_progress = function (data, bFinal) { if (data) { var len = this._data_buffer.length; this._data_buffer[len] = data; this._data_buffer._data_length += data.length; } var received_len = this._data_buffer._data_length - this._received_data_length; if (!bFinal && (received_len < this._parsing_min_size)) { return; } this._received_data_length = this._data_buffer._data_length; if (!bFinal && !this._needParseForFirstCount()) { return; } var error_cd = this._error_info[0]; if (error_cd >= 0) { this._parse(bFinal); } }; _pProgressData._needParseForFirstCount = function () { for (var buff_ds in this._datasets) { if (!this._datasets[buff_ds]._is_loaded_firstcount) { return true; } } return false; }; _pProgressData._parseHeader = function () { var nrp = this._getNextRecordPos(this._cur_idx); var n = nrp[0]; var next_buffer_idx = nrp[1]; var rs_len = nrp[2]; if (n >= 0) { this._cur_idx = this._getNextIdx([next_buffer_idx, n + rs_len]); } else { return false; } return true; }; _pProgressData._getNextRecordPos = function (baseIdx) { var buff_len = this._data_buffer.length; var rs_len = 0; var idx0 = baseIdx[0]; var idx1 = baseIdx[1]; var n = -1; if (this._data_buffer[idx0]) { if (this._rs instanceof Array) { var rss = this._rs; var i; for (i = 0; i < rss.length; i++) { var rs = rss[i]; while (true) { if (!this._data_buffer[idx0]) { break; } n = this._data_buffer[idx0].indexOf(rs, idx1); if (n >= 0 || !this._data_buffer[idx0 + 1]) { break; } idx0++; idx1 = 0; } if (n >= 0) { rs_len = this._rs[i].length; this._rs = this._rs[i]; break; } } } else { while (true) { if (!this._data_buffer[idx0]) { break; } n = this._data_buffer[idx0].indexOf(this._rs, idx1); if (n >= 0 || !this._data_buffer[idx0 + 1]) { break; } idx0++; idx1 = 0; } rs_len = this._rs.length; } } return [n, idx0, rs_len]; }; _pProgressData._parseParameters = function () { var line = ""; var nrp = this._getNextRecordPos(this._cur_idx); var n = nrp[0]; var next_buffer_idx = nrp[1]; var rs_len = nrp[2]; if (n >= 0) { if (this._cur_idx[0] != next_buffer_idx) { var buff = this._data_buffer[this._cur_idx[0]]; line = buff.substring(this._cur_idx[1], buff.length); for (var i = this._cur_idx[0] + 1; i <= next_buffer_idx; i++) { buff = this._data_buffer[i]; if (i == next_buffer_idx) { line += buff.substring(i, n); } else { line += buff.substring(i, buff.length); } } } else { line = this._data_buffer[this._cur_idx[0]].substring(this._cur_idx[1], n); } } else { return false; } this._cur_idx = this._getNextIdx([next_buffer_idx, n + rs_len]); var param_arr = line.split(this._cs); var param_cnt = param_arr.length; var form = this._parent.context; for (var i = 0; i < param_cnt; i++) { var param_str = param_arr[i]; if (this._data_type == "CSV") { if (param_str.charAt(0) == "\"" || param_str.charAt(0) == "\'") { param_str = param_str.substring(1, param_str.length - 1); } } var varInfo = param_str; var val = undefined; var sep_pos = param_str.indexOf("="); if (sep_pos >= 0) { varInfo = param_str.substring(0, sep_pos); val = param_str.substring(sep_pos + 1); if (val == String.fromCharCode(3)) { val = undefined; } } if (varInfo) { var id = varInfo; var sep_pos = varInfo.indexOf(":"); if (sep_pos >= 0) { id = varInfo.substring(0, sep_pos); } if (id == "ErrorCode") { var code = parseInt(val) | 0; if (isFinite(code) == false) { code = -1; } val = code; this._error_info[0] = val; } else if (id == "ErrorMsg") { this._error_info[1] = val; } else if (id in form) { if (!(id in form["all"])) { form[id] = val; } } else { if (application._existVariable(id)) { application[id] = val; } } this._parameters[this._parameters.length] = { id : id, value : val }; } } if (this._error_info[0] >= 0) { this._applyChange_inputDataset(); } return true; }; _pProgressData._parseDataset = function () { var line = ""; var nrp = this._getNextRecordPos(this._cur_idx); var n = nrp[0]; var next_buffer_idx = nrp[1]; var rs_len = nrp[2]; if (n >= 0) { line = this._getBufferDataByIdx(this._cur_idx, [next_buffer_idx, n]); } else { return false; } if (this._cur_dataset_id) { var cur_buffer_obj = this._datasets[this._cur_dataset_id]; cur_buffer_obj._row_end_idx = this._cur_idx; } var sep_pos = line.indexOf(":"); if (sep_pos > 0) { var remoteId = line.substring(sep_pos + 1); if (this._cur_dataset_id) { var cur_buffer_obj = this._datasets[this._cur_dataset_id]; cur_buffer_obj._row_end_idx = this._cur_idx; } if (remoteId && remoteId.length) { var buffer_obj = this._datasets[remoteId]; if (buffer_obj) { buffer_obj._isEnable = true; this._cur_dataset_id = remoteId; this._datasets_in_seq[this._datasets_in_seq.length] = remoteId; buffer_obj._ds_start_idx = new Array(this._cur_idx[0], this._cur_idx[1]); buffer_obj._ds_end_idx = new Array(this._cur_idx[0], this._cur_idx[1] + n); } else { this._cur_dataset_id = ""; this._parse_mode = 9; } } } this._cur_idx = this._getNextIdx([next_buffer_idx, n + rs_len]); return true; }; _pProgressData._parseColInfo = function () { var nrp = this._getNextRecordPos(this._cur_idx); var n = nrp[0]; var next_buffer_idx = nrp[1]; var rs_len = nrp[2]; if (n >= 0) { if (this._cur_dataset_id) { var buffer_obj = this._datasets[this._cur_dataset_id]; if (!buffer_obj._colinfo_start_idx) { buffer_obj._colinfo_start_idx = new Array(this._cur_idx[0], this._cur_idx[1]); } buffer_obj._colinfo_end_idx = new Array(next_buffer_idx, n); } } else { this._parse_mode = 3; return false; } this._cur_idx = this._getNextIdx([next_buffer_idx, n + rs_len]); return true; }; _pProgressData._getNextIdx = function (idx) { var bufferIdx = idx[0]; var dataIdx = idx[1]; var bufferlength = this._data_buffer.length; var nextIdx = bufferIdx; if (!this._data_buffer[nextIdx]) { while (nextIdx < bufferlength) { if (this._data_buffer[nextIdx]) { break; } nextIdx++; } bufferIdx = nextIdx; } if (this._data_buffer[bufferIdx] && this._data_buffer[bufferIdx].length <= (dataIdx + 1)) { if (this._data_buffer[bufferIdx + 1]) { bufferIdx += 1; dataIdx = 0; } } return [bufferIdx, dataIdx]; }; _pProgressData._parseRecord = function () { var nrp = this._getNextRecordPos(this._cur_idx); var n = nrp[0]; var next_buffer_idx = nrp[1]; var rs_len = nrp[2]; if (n < 0) { return false; } var buffer_obj; if (this._cur_dataset_id) { buffer_obj = this._datasets[this._cur_dataset_id]; var firstcount = buffer_obj._firefirstcount; if (!buffer_obj._row_start_idx) { buffer_obj._row_start_idx = new Array(this._cur_idx[0], this._cur_idx[1]); } if (this._data_type == "SSV" || this._data_type == "PPX") { var rowtype = this._data_buffer[this._cur_idx[0]].charAt(this._cur_idx[1]); if (rowtype != "d" || rowtype != "D") { buffer_obj._viewrecords_length++; } } else { buffer_obj._viewrecords_length++; } } this._cur_idx = this._getNextIdx([next_buffer_idx, (n + rs_len)]); if (buffer_obj && buffer_obj._viewrecords_length == firstcount && firstcount > 0) { buffer_obj._firstrow_end_idx = new Array(next_buffer_idx, n); return false; } return true; }; _pProgressData._parse = function (bFinal) { var bLoop = true; var pre_parse_mode; var rows_buffer, buffer_obj, ds, lines, line_idx, val; while (bLoop) { pre_parse_mode = this._parse_mode; bLoop = this._setNextParseMode(); if (pre_parse_mode == 2 && this._parse_mode != 2) { if (this._error_info[0] < 0) { bLoop = false; } } if (!bLoop) { break; } switch (this._parse_mode) { case 0: break; case 1: bLoop = this._parseHeader(); break; case 2: bLoop = this._parseParameters(); break; case 3: bLoop = this._parseDataset(); break; case 4: case 5: bLoop = this._parseColInfo(); break; case 6: bLoop = this._parseRecord(); if (!bLoop) { var buffer_obj = this._datasets[this._cur_dataset_id]; if (buffer_obj && buffer_obj._viewrecords_length == buffer_obj._firefirstcount && !buffer_obj._is_loaded_firstcount) { this._on_fire_onload(buffer_obj, 1); buffer_obj._is_loaded_firstcount = true; bLoop = true; } } break; case 9: break; case 10: var buffer_obj = this._datasets[this._cur_dataset_id]; if (!buffer_obj._isEnable) { continue; } this._on_fire_onload(buffer_obj, 2); buffer_obj._is_loaded = true; this._parse_mode = 9; break; default: break; } } if (bFinal) { for (var i = 0; i < this._datasets_in_seq.length; i++) { val = this._datasets_in_seq[i]; buffer_obj = this._datasets[val]; if (!buffer_obj._isEnable || buffer_obj._is_loaded) { if (!this._parent.bcache) { this._datasets[val] = null; } continue; } this._on_fire_onload(buffer_obj, 0); if (!this._parent.bcache) { this._datasets[val] = null; } } while (this._data_buffer && this._data_buffer.length) { this._data_buffer[this._data_buffer.length - 1] = null; this._data_buffer.pop(); } this._data_buffer = null; } }; _pProgressData._getBufferDataByIdx = function (startIdx, endIdx, bBufferClear) { var data = ""; if (!startIdx || !endIdx) { return data; } if (startIdx[0] < endIdx[0]) { var idx = startIdx[0]; if (this._data_buffer[idx]) { data = this._data_buffer[idx].slice(startIdx[1], this._data_buffer[idx].length); if (bBufferClear) { this._data_buffer[idx] = null; } } idx++; while (true) { if (idx < endIdx[0]) { if (this._data_buffer[idx]) { data += this._data_buffer[idx].slice(0, this._data_buffer[idx].length); if (bBufferClear) { this._data_buffer[idx] = null; } } idx++; } else { data += this._data_buffer[idx].slice(0, endIdx[1]); break; } } } else { if (this._data_buffer[startIdx[0]]) { data = this._data_buffer[startIdx[0]].slice(startIdx[1], endIdx[1]); } } return data; }; _pProgressData._getBufferData = function (bufferObj, nLoadType) { var data = ""; var start_idx = []; var end_idx = []; if (!bufferObj._next_load_idx) { bufferObj._next_load_idx = bufferObj._row_start_idx; } var next_load_idx = bufferObj._next_load_idx; if (!next_load_idx || next_load_idx.length == 0 || next_load_idx[0] < 0 || next_load_idx[1] < 0) { return data; } start_idx[0] = next_load_idx[0]; start_idx[1] = next_load_idx[1]; end_idx[0] = start_idx[0] + 1; end_idx[1] = 0; if (bufferObj._row_end_idx && (bufferObj._row_end_idx[0] <= end_idx[0])) { end_idx = bufferObj._row_end_idx; bufferObj._next_load_idx = [-1, -1]; } else { var nrp = this._getNextRecordPos(end_idx); if (nrp[0] < 0) { end_idx[0] = start_idx[0]; end_idx[1] = this._data_buffer[start_idx[0]].length - 1; } else { end_idx[0] = nrp[1]; end_idx[1] = nrp[0]; } bufferObj._next_load_idx = this._getNextIdx([end_idx[0], end_idx[1] + nrp[2]]); } data = this._getBufferDataByIdx(start_idx, end_idx, (nLoadType == 0) ? true : false); return data; }; _pProgressData._getNextDatasetPos = function (baseIdx) { var idx = baseIdx; var regexp = new RegExp(this._rs + "dataset", "gi"); var n = -1; if (this._data_buffer[idx[0]]) { if (this._data_buffer[idx[0] - 1] && idx[1] == 0) { idx[1] = this._data_buffer[idx[0] - 1].length - this._rs.length; idx[0] = idx[0] - 1; } while (true) { var len = this._data_buffer[idx[0]].length; var buff = this._data_buffer[idx[0]].slice(idx[1], this._data_buffer[idx[0]].length); if (this._data_buffer[idx[0] + 1]) { buff += this._data_buffer[idx[0] + 1].slice(0, 7); } n = buff.search(regexp); if (n >= 0) { if (baseIdx[0] == idx[0]) { n += baseIdx[1]; } break; } if (!this._data_buffer[idx[0] + 1]) { break; } idx[0]++; idx[1] = 0; } } return [n, idx[0], this._rs.length]; }; _pProgressData._on_fire_onload = function (bufferObj, nLoadType) { var ds = bufferObj._target_ds; var data = ""; var line_idx; var rs = this._rs; ds._bWorkingstatus = true; if (!bufferObj._colLines) { var colInfoData = this._getBufferDataByIdx(bufferObj._colinfo_start_idx, bufferObj._colinfo_end_idx); bufferObj._colLines = colInfoData.split(rs); } var cnt = 0; var bLoop = true; while (bLoop) { if (nLoadType == 1) { data = this._getBufferDataByIdx(bufferObj._row_start_idx, bufferObj._firstrow_end_idx); var nrp = this._getNextRecordPos(bufferObj._firstrow_end_idx); bufferObj._next_load_idx = []; if (nrp[0] >= 0) { var tIdx = [nrp[1], nrp[0] + nrp[2]]; bufferObj._next_load_idx = this._getNextIdx([tIdx[0], tIdx[1]]); } else { bufferObj._next_load_idx = [-1, -1]; } bLoop = false; } else { data = this._getBufferData(bufferObj, nLoadType); } if (data.length == 0) { bLoop = false; } var lines = data.split(new RegExp(rs)); ds.rowposition = -1; switch (this._data_type) { case "CSV": line_idx = ds._loadFromCSVArray(bufferObj._colLines[0], lines, 0, -1, bufferObj._useclientlayout, bufferObj._is_first_load); break; case "SSV": line_idx = ds._loadFromSSVArray(bufferObj._colLines, lines, 0, -1, bufferObj._useclientlayout, bufferObj._is_first_load); break; case "PPX": line_idx = ds._loadFromPPXArray(bufferObj._colLines, lines, 0, -1, bufferObj._useclientlayout, bufferObj._is_first_load); break; default: break; } bufferObj._is_first_load = false; if (nLoadType == 0 && !bufferObj._is_loaded_firstcount) { bufferObj._is_loaded_firstcount = true; } } if (ds.colinfos) { ds._reFilter(); ds._resetSortGroup(); } if (ds._eventstat) { ds.on_fire_onload(0, "", nLoadType); if (ds._viewRecords && ds._viewRecords.length > 0) { ds._forcesetRowPosition(0, 51); } else { ds._forcesetRowPosition(-1, 51); } } else if (ds._viewRecords.length > 0) { ds.rowposition = 0; } ds._bWorkingstatus = false; }; _pProgressData._parseConstColInfo = nexacro._emptyFn; _pProgressData._setNextParseMode = nexacro._emptyFn; delete _pProgressData; nexacro._ProgressDataCSV = function (parent) { nexacro._ProgressData.call(this, parent); this._data_type = "CSV"; this._rs = ["\r\n", "\n"]; this._cs = ","; }; var _pProgressDataCSV = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro._ProgressData, nexacro._ProgressDataCSV); nexacro._ProgressDataCSV.prototype = _pProgressDataCSV; _pProgressDataCSV._setNextParseMode = function () { var sec_type_max_len = 10; var sec = ""; if (this._data_buffer[this._cur_idx[0]]) { sec = this._data_buffer[this._cur_idx[0]].substr(this._cur_idx[1], sec_type_max_len); } sec = sec.toUpperCase(); if (this._parse_mode == 0) { this._parse_mode = 1; } else if (sec.indexOf("DATASET") == 0) { this._parse_mode = 3; } else { switch (this._parse_mode) { case 0: break; case 1: this._parse_mode = 2; break; case 2: break; case 3: this._parse_mode = 5; break; case 5: this._parse_mode = 6; break; case 6: var buffer_obj = this._datasets[this._cur_dataset_id]; if (buffer_obj._is_loaded_firstcount) { var ndp = this._getNextDatasetPos(this._cur_idx); var n = ndp[0]; var next_buffer_idx = ndp[1]; var rs_len = ndp[2]; if (n >= 0) { buffer_obj._row_end_idx = [next_buffer_idx, n]; this._cur_idx = this._getNextIdx([next_buffer_idx, n + rs_len]); this._parse_mode = 10; } else { this._cur_idx = this._getNextIdx([next_buffer_idx, this._data_buffer[next_buffer_idx].length - 1]); return false; } } break; case 9: var ndp = this._getNextDatasetPos(this._cur_idx); var n = ndp[0]; var next_buffer_idx = ndp[1]; var rs_len = ndp[2]; if (n >= 0) { this._cur_idx = this._getNextIdx([next_buffer_idx, n + rs_len]); this._parse_mode = 3; } else { this._cur_idx = this._getNextIdx([next_buffer_idx, this._data_buffer[next_buffer_idx].length - 1]); return false; } break; default: return false; } } return true; }; delete _pProgressDataCSV; nexacro._ProgressDataSSV = function (parent) { nexacro._ProgressData.call(this, parent); this._data_type = "SSV"; this._rs = String.fromCharCode(30); this._cs = String.fromCharCode(31); }; var _pProgressDataSSV = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro._ProgressData, nexacro._ProgressDataSSV); nexacro._ProgressDataSSV.prototype = _pProgressDataSSV; _pProgressDataSSV._setNextParseMode = function () { var sec_type_max_len = 10; var sec = ""; if (this._data_buffer[this._cur_idx[0]]) { sec = this._data_buffer[this._cur_idx[0]].substr(this._cur_idx[1], sec_type_max_len); } sec = sec.toUpperCase(); if (this._parse_mode == 0) { this._parse_mode = 1; } else if (sec.indexOf("DATASET") == 0) { this._parse_mode = 3; } else if (sec.indexOf("JSONOBJECT") == 0) { this._parse_mode = 7; } else { switch (this._parse_mode) { case 0: break; case 1: this._parse_mode = 2; break; case 2: break; case 3: if (sec.indexOf("_CONST_") == 0) { this._parse_mode = 4; } else { this._parse_mode = 5; } break; case 4: this._parse_mode = 5; break; case 5: this._parse_mode = 6; break; case 6: var buffer_obj = this._datasets[this._cur_dataset_id]; if (buffer_obj._is_loaded_firstcount) { var ndp = this._getNextDatasetPos(this._cur_idx); var n = ndp[0]; var next_buffer_idx = ndp[1]; var rs_len = ndp[2]; if (n >= 0) { buffer_obj._row_end_idx = [next_buffer_idx, n]; this._cur_idx = this._getNextIdx([next_buffer_idx, n + rs_len]); this._parse_mode = 10; } else { this._cur_idx = this._getNextIdx([next_buffer_idx, this._data_buffer[next_buffer_idx].length - 1]); return false; } } break; case 7: this._parse_mode = 8; break; case 8: break; case 9: var ndp = this._getNextDatasetPos(this._cur_idx); var n = ndp[0]; var next_buffer_idx = ndp[1]; var rs_len = ndp[2]; if (n >= 0) { this._cur_idx = this._getNextIdx([next_buffer_idx, n + rs_len]); this._parse_mode = 3; } else { this._cur_idx = this._getNextIdx([next_buffer_idx, this._data_buffer[next_buffer_idx].length - 1]); return false; } break; default: return false; } } return true; }; delete _pProgressDataSSV; nexacro._ProgressDataPPX = function (parent) { nexacro._ProgressData.call(this, parent); this._data_type = "PPX"; this._rs = String.fromCharCode(30); this._cs = String.fromCharCode(31); }; var _pProgressDataPPX = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro._ProgressData, nexacro._ProgressDataPPX); nexacro._ProgressDataPPX.prototype = _pProgressDataPPX; _pProgressDataPPX._setNextParseMode = function () { var sec_type_max_len = 10; var sec = ""; if (this._data_buffer[this._cur_idx[0]]) { sec = this._data_buffer[this._cur_idx[0]].substr(this._cur_idx[1], sec_type_max_len); } sec = sec.toUpperCase(); if (this._parse_mode == 0) { this._parse_mode = 1; } else if (sec.charAt(0) == "D") { this._parse_mode = 3; } else { switch (this._parse_mode) { case 0: break; case 1: this._parse_mode = 2; break; case 2: break; case 3: case 4: case 5: if (sec.charAt(this._cur_idx) == "V") { this._parse_mode = 4; } else if (sec.charAt(this._cur_idx) == "C") { this._parse_mode = 5; } else { this._parse_mode = 6; } break; case 6: var buffer_obj = this._datasets[this._cur_dataset_id]; if (buffer_obj._is_loaded_firstcount) { var ndp = this._getNextDatasetPos(this._cur_idx); var n = ndp[0]; var next_buffer_idx = ndp[1]; var rs_len = ndp[2]; if (n >= 0) { buffer_obj._row_end_idx = [next_buffer_idx, n]; this._cur_idx = this._getNextIdx([next_buffer_idx, n + rs_len]); this._parse_mode = 10; } else { this._cur_idx = this._getNextIdx([next_buffer_idx, this._data_buffer[next_buffer_idx].length - 1]); return false; } } break; case 9: var ndp = this._getNextDatasetPos(this._cur_idx); var n = ndp[0]; var next_buffer_idx = ndp[1]; var rs_len = ndp[2]; if (n >= 0) { this._cur_idx = this._getNextIdx([next_buffer_idx, n + rs_len]); this._parse_mode = 3; } else { this._cur_idx = this._getNextIdx([next_buffer_idx, this._data_buffer[next_buffer_idx].length - 1]); return false; } break; default: return false; } } return true; }; _pProgressDataPPX._getNextDatasetPos = function (baseIdx) { var idx = baseIdx; var regexp = new RegExp(this._rs + "D", "gi"); var n = -1; if (this._data_buffer[idx[0]]) { if (this._data_buffer[idx[0] - 1] && idx[1] == 0) { idx[1] = this._data_buffer[idx[0] - 1].length - this._rs.length; idx[0] = idx[0] - 1; } while (true) { var len = this._data_buffer[idx[0]].length; var buff = this._data_buffer[idx[0]].slice(idx[1], this._data_buffer[idx[0]].length); if (this._data_buffer[idx[0] + 1]) { buff += this._data_buffer[idx[0] + 1].slice(0, 3); } n = buff.search(regexp); if (n >= 0) { if (baseIdx[0] == idx[0]) { n += baseIdx[1]; } break; } if (!this._data_buffer[idx[0] + 1]) { break; } idx[0]++; idx[1] = 0; } } return [n, idx[0], this._rs.length]; }; _pProgressDataPPX._parseParameters = function () { var line = ""; var nrp = this._getNextRecordPos(this._cur_idx); var n = nrp[0]; var next_buffer_idx = nrp[1]; var rs_len = nrp[2]; if (n >= 0) { if (this._cur_idx[0] != next_buffer_idx) { var buff = this._data_buffer[this._cur_idx[0]]; line = buff.substring(this._cur_idx[1], buff.length); for (var i = this._cur_idx[0] + 1; i <= next_buffer_idx; i++) { buff = this._data_buffer[i]; if (i == next_buffer_idx) { line += buff.substring(i, n); } else { line += buff.substring(i, buff.length); } } } else { line = this._data_buffer[this._cur_idx[0]].substring(this._cur_idx[1], n); } } else { return false; } this._cur_idx = this._getNextIdx([next_buffer_idx, n + rs_len]); var form = this._parent.context; var param_arr = line.split(this._cs); var id = param_arr[1]; var val = param_arr[2]; if (val == String.fromCharCode(3)) { val = undefined; } if (id == "ErrorCode") { code = parseInt(val) | 0; if (isFinite(code) == false) { code = -1; } val = code; this._error_info[0] = val; } else if (id == "ErrorMsg") { this._error_info[1] = param_arr[2]; } else if (id in form) { if (!(id in form["all"])) { form[id] = val; } } else { if (application._existVariable(id)) { application[id] = val; } if (id == "JSESSIONID") { return true; } } this._parameters[this._parameters.length] = { id : id, value : val }; if (this._error_info[0] >= 0) { this._applyChange_inputDataset(); } return true; }; _pProgressDataPPX._parseDataset = function () { var line = ""; var nrp = this._getNextRecordPos(this._cur_idx); var n = nrp[0]; var next_buffer_idx = nrp[1]; var rs_len = nrp[2]; if (n >= 0) { line = this._getBufferDataByIdx(this._cur_idx, [next_buffer_idx, n]); } else { return false; } if (this._cur_dataset_id) { var cur_buffer_obj = this._datasets[this._cur_dataset_id]; cur_buffer_obj._row_end_idx = this._cur_idx; } var remoteId = line.split(this._cs)[1]; if (remoteId && remoteId.length) { var buffer_obj = this._datasets[remoteId]; if (buffer_obj) { buffer_obj._isEnable = true; this._cur_dataset_id = remoteId; this._datasets_in_seq[this._datasets_in_seq.length] = remoteId; buffer_obj._ds_start_idx = new Array(this._cur_idx[0], this._cur_idx[1]); buffer_obj._ds_end_idx = new Array(this._cur_idx[0], this._cur_idx[1] + n); } else { this._cur_dataset_id = ""; this._parse_mode = 9; } } this._cur_idx = this._getNextIdx([next_buffer_idx, n + rs_len]); return true; }; delete _pProgressDataPPX; nexacro._getXmlDom = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._getXmlParser = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._parseXMLDocument = function (str) { var handle = nexacro.__parseXMLDocument(str); var xmldoc = new nexacro.XmlDocument(); if (xmldoc) { xmldoc._handle = handle; } return xmldoc; }; nexacro._documentToXml = function (xmldoc) { if (xmldoc) { return nexacro.__documentToXml(xmldoc._handle); } return ""; }; nexacro._getParserError = function () { var line, column, msg = "", desc = ""; var error = nexacro.__getLastXmlError(); if (error) { line = error.line; column = error.column; msg = error.message; return { "line" : line, "column" : column, "message" : msg, "desc" : desc }; } return null; }; nexacro._decorateString = function (str) { var strtemp = str; var ltidx = 0, gtidx = 0; var prefix = null; if ((strtemp.indexOf('<') >= 0 && strtemp.indexOf('>') >= 0) || (strtemp.indexOf("<") >= 0 && strtemp.indexOf(">") >= 0)) { strtemp = strtemp.replace(/\</g, "<").replace(/\>/g, ">"); strtemp = strtemp.replace(/<\/?ff\s+[v]\s*=/g, ""); strtemp = strtemp.replace(/<\/?fs\s*[v]\s*=/gi, ""); strtemp = strtemp.replace(/<\/?fc\s+[v]\s*=/g, ""); strtemp = strtemp.replace(/<\/?b\s+[v].*?>/g, ""); strtemp = strtemp.replace(/<\/?i\s+[v].*?>/g, ""); strtemp = strtemp.replace(/<\/?u\s+[v].*?>/g, ""); strtemp = strtemp.replace(/<\/?s\s+[v].*?>/g, ""); if (strtemp.indexOf("\"") || strtemp.indexOf("\'")) { strtemp = nexacro._replaceAll(strtemp, "\"", ""); strtemp = nexacro._replaceAll(strtemp, "\'", ""); } } return strtemp; }; nexacro._quoteStr = function (str) { if (/[\r\n\"\t]/.test(str)) { return nexacro.__quoteStr(str); } else if (/[,\']/.test(str)) { return "\"" + str + "\""; } else { return str; } }; nexacro._unQuoteStr = function (str) { if (str.charAt(0) != "\"" && str.charAt(0) != "\'") { return str; } else if (str.indexOf("\\") > -1) { return nexacro.__unquoteStr(str); } else { return str.substring(1, str.length - 1); } }; nexacro._getElementXYInWindow = function (_handle) { if (_handle) { return nexacro.__getElementXYInWindow(_handle); } return [0, 0]; }; nexacro._getElementPositionInFrame = function (elem) { if (elem && elem._handle) { var pt = nexacro.__getElementPositionInFrame(elem._handle); return { x : pt[0], y : pt[1] }; } return { x : 0, y : 0 }; }; nexacro.__getHTMLNodePositionInFrame = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._getElementScreenPosition = function (elem) { if (elem && elem._handle) { var pt = nexacro.__getElementScreenPosition(elem._handle); return { x : pt[0], y : pt[1] }; } return { x : 0, y : 0 }; }; nexacro.__getHTMLElementPosition = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro.__getHTMLPageSize = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro.__findParentElement = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro.__findParentElementForKeyEvent = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro.__getWheelDelta = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._getSysEventElement = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._getSysEventKey = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._getSysEventKeyCode = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._getSysEventX = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._getSysEventY = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._getSysEventBtnCode = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._getSysEventBtnString = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._stopSysEvent = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._observeSysEvent = function (_handle, name, onname, callback) { return nexacro.__observeSysEvent(_handle, name, onname, callback); }; nexacro._stopSysObserving = function (_handle, name, onname, callback) { return nexacro.__stopSysObserving(_handle, name, onname, callback); }; nexacro._observeInputEvent = function (_handle, name, onname, callback) { return nexacro.__observeInputEvent(_handle, name, onname, callback); }; nexacro._stopInputObserving = function (_handle, name, onname, callback) { return nexacro.__stopInputObserving(_handle, name, onname, callback); }; nexacro._observeWrapperEvent = function (_handle, name, onname, callback, frmidx, compid) { return nexacro.__observeWrapperEvent(_handle, name, onname, callback, frmidx, compid); }; nexacro._stopWrapperObserving = function (_handle, name, onname, callback) { return nexacro.__stopWrapperObserving(_handle, name, onname, callback); }; nexacro._observeGlobalEvent = function (_handle, name, onname, callback) { return nexacro.__observeGlobalEvent(_handle, name, onname, callback); }; nexacro._stopGlobalEvent = function (_handle, name, onname, callback) { return nexacro.__stopGlobalEvent(_handle, name, onname, callback); }; nexacro._observeEvent = nexacro._observeSysEvent; nexacro._stopObserving = nexacro._stopSysObserving; nexacro.__refreshDirtyWindow = function (_win_handle) { var win_handle = _win_handle; if (!win_handle) { win_handle = nexacro._getMainWindowHandle(); } nexacro.__refreshDirtyRect(win_handle); }; Object.defineProperty(nexacro, "__refreshDirtyWindow", { "writable" : false, "enumerable" : false }); nexacro._xreNamedColorList = { "" : "", "@gradation" : "", "aliceblue" : "#F0F8FF", "antiquewhite" : "#FAEBD7", "aqua" : "#00FFFF", "aquamarine" : "#7FFFD4", "azure" : "#F0FFFF", "beige" : "#F5F5DC", "bisque" : "#FFE4C4", "black" : "#000000", "blanchedalmond" : "#FFEBCD", "blue" : "#0000FF", "blueviolet" : "#8A2BE2", "brown" : "#A52A2A", "burlywood" : "#DEB887", "cadetblue" : "#5F9EA0", "chartreuse" : "#7FFF00", "chocolate" : "#D2691E", "coral" : "#FF7F50", "cornflowerblue" : "#6495ED", "cornsilk" : "#FFF8DC", "crimson" : "#DC143C", "cyan" : "#00FFFF", "darkblue" : "#00008B", "darkcyan" : "#008B8B", "darkgoldenrod" : "#B8860B", "darkgray" : "#A9A9A9", "darkgreen" : "#006400", "darkgrey" : "#A9A9A9", "darkkhaki" : "#BDB76B", "darkmagenta" : "#8B008B", "darkolivegreen" : "#556B2F", "darkorange" : "#FF8C00", "darkorchid" : "#9932CC", "darkred" : "#8B0000", "darksalmon" : "#E9967A", "darkseagreen" : "#8FBC8F", "darkslateblue" : "#483D8B", "darkslategray" : "#2F4F4F", "darkslategrey" : "#2F4F4F", "darkturquoise" : "#00CED1", "darkviolet" : "#9400D3", "deeppink" : "#FF1493", "deepskyblue" : "#00BFFF", "dimgray" : "#696969", "dimgrey" : "#696969", "dodgerblue" : "#1E90FF", "firebrick" : "#B22222", "floralwhite" : "#FFFAF0", "forestgreen" : "#228B22", "fuchsia" : "#FF00FF", "gainsboro" : "#DCDCDC", "ghostwhite" : "#F8F8FF", "gold" : "#FFD700", "goldenrod" : "#DAA520", "gray" : "#808080", "green" : "#008000", "greenyellow" : "#ADFF2F", "grey" : "#808080", "honeydew" : "#F0FFF0", "hotpink" : "#FF69B4", "indianred" : "#CD5C5C", "indigo" : "#4B0082", "ivory" : "#FFFFF0", "khaki" : "#F0E68C", "lavender" : "#E6E6FA", "lavenderblush" : "#FFF0F5", "lawngreen" : "#7CFC00", "lemonchiffon" : "#FFFACD", "lightblue" : "#ADD8E6", "lightcoral" : "#F08080", "lightcyan" : "#E0FFFF", "lightgoldenrodyellow" : "#FAFAD2", "lightgray" : "#D3D3D3", "lightgreen" : "#90EE90", "lightgrey" : "#D3D3D3", "lightpink" : "#FFB6C1", "lightsalmon" : "#FFA07A", "lightseagreen" : "#20B2AA", "lightskyblue" : "#87CEFA", "lightslategray" : "#778899", "lightslategrey" : "#778899", "lightsteelblue" : "#B0C4DE", "lightyellow" : "#FFFFE0", "lime" : "#00FF00", "limegreen" : "#32CD32", "linen" : "#FAF0E6", "magenta" : "#FF00FF", "maroon" : "#800000", "mediumaquamarine" : "#66CDAA", "mediumblue" : "#0000CD", "mediumorchid" : "#BA55D3", "mediumpurple" : "#9370DB", "mediumseagreen" : "#3CB371", "mediumslateblue" : "#7B68EE", "mediumspringgreen" : "#00FA9A", "mediumturquoise" : "#48D1CC", "mediumvioletred" : "#C71585", "midnightblue" : "#191970", "mintcream" : "#F5FFFA", "mistyrose" : "#FFE4E1", "moccasin" : "#FFE4B5", "navajowhite" : "#FFDEAD", "navy" : "#000080", "oldlace" : "#FDF5E6", "olive" : "#808000", "olivedrab" : "#6B8E23", "orange" : "#FFA500", "orangered" : "#FF4500", "orchid" : "#DA70D6", "palegoldenrod" : "#EEE8AA", "palegreen" : "#98FB98", "paleturquoise" : "#AFEEEE", "palevioletred" : "#DB7093", "papayawhip" : "#FFEFD5", "peachpuff" : "#FFDAB9", "peru" : "#CD853F", "pink" : "#FFC0CB", "plum" : "#DDA0DD", "powderblue" : "#B0E0E6", "purple" : "#800080", "red" : "#FF0000", "rosybrown" : "#BC8F8F", "royalblue" : "#4169E1", "saddlebrown" : "#8B4513", "salmon" : "#FA8072", "sandybrown" : "#F4A460", "seagreen" : "#2E8B57", "seashell" : "#FFF5EE", "sienna" : "#A0522D", "silver" : "#C0C0C0", "skyblue" : "#87CEEB", "slateblue" : "#6A5ACD", "slategray" : "#708090", "slategrey" : "#708090", "snow" : "#FFFAFA", "springgreen" : "#00FF7F", "steelblue" : "#4682B4", "tan" : "#D2B48C", "teal" : "#008080", "thistle" : "#D8BFD8", "tomato" : "#FF6347", "turquoise" : "#40E0D0", "violet" : "#EE82EE", "wheat" : "#F5DEB3", "white" : "#FFFFFF", "whitesmoke" : "#F5F5F5", "yellow" : "#FFFF00", "yellowgreen" : "#9ACD32" }; nexacro._getWebColorFromXreColor = function (color) { var v = nexacro._xreNamedColorList[color]; if (v) { color = v; } len = color.length; if (len > 0) { if (color.charAt(0) == '#') { if (len == 7) { color += "FF"; } return parseInt(color.substring(1), 16); } else { return parseInt(color, 16); } } return 0; }; nexacro._getXreColorAlpha = function (color) { return 255; }; nexacro._getXreColorOpacity = function (color) { if (!color) { return 100; } if (typeof color != "string") { color = color.toString(); } var v = nexacro._xreNamedColorList[color]; if (v) { return 100; } len = color.length; if (len == 7) { return 100; } if (len == 9) { return Math.round(parseInt(color.substring(7), 16) * 100 / 255); } if (len == 8) { return 100; } if (len == 10) { return Math.round(parseInt(color.substring(8), 16) * 100 / 255); } return 100; }; nexacro._getOpacityFilterFromXreColor = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._makeGradationSysValue = function (cssobj) { if (cssobj.style == "linear" && (cssobj.start_color || cssobj.end_color)) { cssobj._start_syscolor = nexacro._getWebColorFromXreColor(cssobj.start_color); cssobj._end_syscolor = nexacro._getWebColorFromXreColor(cssobj.end_color); if (cssobj.peglist.length) { var peglist = []; var arr = cssobj._parsePegList(cssobj.peglist); var len = arr.length; var valarr; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { valarr = arr[i]; peglist.push(valarr[0]); peglist.push(nexacro._getWebColorFromXreColor(valarr[1])); } cssobj._sysvalue = peglist; } } else { cssobj._sysvalue = []; } }; nexacro._setSystemTimer = function (_win_handle, timerfn, interval) { return nexacro.__setSystemTimer(_win_handle, timerfn, interval); }; nexacro._clearSystemTimer = function (_win_handle, timer_handle) { return nexacro.__clearSystemTimer(_win_handle, timer_handle); }; nexacro._getProjectBaseURL = function (url) { var location = url; return location.substring(0, location.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); }; nexacro._checkLicense = function (licenseurl, xadl) { return nexacro.__checkLicense(licenseurl, xadl); }; nexacro._updateEngine = function (key, url, version) { return nexacro.__updateEngine(key, url, version); }; nexacro._addUpdateResoruce = function (type, updateurl, file, targetpath, ref, version, desc, failpass) { return nexacro.__addUpdateResource(type, updateurl, file, targetpath, ref, version, desc, failpass); }; nexacro._updateResource = function () { return nexacro.__updateResource(); }; nexacro._checkActiveElement = function (element) { var handle = element._handle; if (!handle) { return false; } return nexacro.__checkActiveElement(handle); }; nexacro._loadImageURL = function (source, target, handler) { }; nexacro._loadImageBase64 = function (source, target, handler) { }; nexacro._convertRealPath = function (path) { return nexacro.__convertRealPath(path); }; nexacro._execBrowser = function (url) { return nexacro.__execBrowser(url); }; nexacro._execShell = function (exeUrl) { return nexacro.__execShell(exeUrl); }; nexacro._execNexacro = function (command) { return nexacro.__execNexacro(command); }; nexacro._setClipboard = function (format, data) { return nexacro.__setClipboard(format, data); }; nexacro._getClipboard = function (format) { return nexacro.__getClipboard(format); }; nexacro._clearClipboard = function () { return nexacro.__clearClipboard(); }; nexacro._getScreenWidth = function (monitor_index) { return nexacro.__getScreenWidth(monitor_index); }; nexacro._getScreenHeight = function (monitor_index) { return nexacro.__getScreenHeight(monitor_index); }; nexacro._getScreenAvailWidth = function (monitor_index) { return nexacro.__getScreenAvailWidth(monitor_index); }; nexacro._getScreenAvailHeight = function (monitor_index) { return nexacro.__getScreenAvailHeight(monitor_index); }; nexacro._getScreenRect = function (monitor_index) { var rect = nexacro.__getScreenRect(monitor_index); return new nexacro.Rect(rect[0], rect[1], rect[2], rect[3]); }; nexacro._isPrimaryMonitor = function (monitor_index) { if (monitor_index) { return nexacro.__isPrimaryMonitor(monitor_index); } return null; }; nexacro._getMonitorIndex = function (cursorX, cursorY) { return nexacro.__getMonitorIndex(cursorX, cursorY); }; nexacro._getTaskbarSize = function () { return nexacro.__getTaskbarSize(); }; nexacro._getComputerName = function () { return nexacro.__getComputerName(); }; nexacro._getCPUArchitecture = function () { return nexacro.__getCPUArchitecture(); }; nexacro._getCPUCount = function () { return nexacro.__getCPUCount(); }; nexacro._getCPUType = function () { return nexacro.__getCPUType(); }; nexacro._getLocale = function () { return nexacro.BrowserLang; }; nexacro._getLanguage = function () { var arr = nexacro.BrowserLang.split('_'); return arr ? arr[0] : 'en'; }; nexacro._getLoginUser = function () { return nexacro.__getLoginUser(); }; nexacro._getMobileOrientation = function () { return nexacro.__getMobileOrientation(); }; nexacro._getMobilePhoneNumber = function () { return nexacro.__getMobilePhoneNumber(); }; nexacro._getMobileProductType = function () { return nexacro.__getMobileProductType(); }; nexacro._getAccessibilityStatus = function () { return nexacro.__getAccessibilityStatus(); }; nexacro._getMobileUniqueID = function () { return nexacro.__getMobileUniqueID(); }; nexacro._getMonitorCount = function () { return nexacro.__getMonitorCount(); }; nexacro._getNavigatorName = function () { return nexacro.__getNavigatorName(); }; nexacro._getCurrentScreenID = function () { if (application._curscreen) { return application._curscreen.name; } return nexacro.__getCurrentScreenID(); }; nexacro._getCursorX = function () { return nexacro.__getCursorX(); }; nexacro._getCursorY = function () { return nexacro.__getCursorY(); }; nexacro._getUserAppPath = function () { return nexacro.__getUserAppPath(); }; nexacro._fireBeforeDblclick = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._getCompOffsetSize = function (comp) { var elem = comp._control_element; var offs = { }; if (!comp || !comp._control_element) { offs.width = 0; offs.height = 0; } else { var w = comp._getWindow(); offs.width = w.getWidth() - parseInt(elem.left) | 0; offs.height = w.getHeight() - ((parseInt(elem.top) | 0) + (parseInt(elem.height) | 0)); } return offs; }; nexacro._updateTextElementPositions = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._redrawVMLBorder = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._addSubComponent = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._addSubComponents = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._deleteSubComponent = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._deleteAllSubComponent = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._resetVML = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._refreshVMLContainerElement = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._refreshVMLContainerElement2 = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._notifyAccessibilityValue = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro.__createNodeObjectByType = function (doc, type) { switch (type) { case 1: return new nexacro.XmlElement(doc); case 2: return new nexacro.XmlAttribute(doc); case 3: return new nexacro.XmlText(doc); case 4: return new nexacro.XmlCDATASection(doc); case 5: case 6: case 7: { var node = new nexacro.XmlNode(doc); node._node_type = type; return node; } break; case 8: return new nexacro.XmlComment(doc); case 9: return new nexacro.XmlDocument(); case 10: return new nexacro.XmlDocumentType(doc); case 11: case 12: { var node = new nexacro.XmlNode(doc); node._node_type = type; return node; } break; } return null; }; if (!nexacro._isDesktop() && nexacro.OS == "Android" && nexacro.Browser == "Runtime") { nexacro.__openSystemCalendar = function (calendar, value) { nexacro.__showAndroidCalendar(calendar, value); }; nexacro.__closeSystemCalendar = function () { nexacro.__dismissAndroidCalendar(); }; } else { nexacro.__openSystemCalendar = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro.__closeSystemCalendar = nexacro._emptyFn; } nexacro.__pluginCallMethod = function (obj, args) { if (nexacro.OS == "Android" && nexacro.Browser == "Runtime") { var str = args[0]; str += "("; for (var i = 1; i < args.length; i++) { if (typeof (args[i]) == "string") { args[i] = nexacro.replaceAll(args[i], "'", "\\'"); } str += "'"; str += args[i]; str += "'"; if (i + 1 < args.length) { str += ","; } } str += ")"; if (obj) { obj._setUrl("javascript:" + str); } } else { var value; var _document = obj._plugin_object.getProperty("document"); if (_document) { var _script = _document.getProperty("script"); if (_script) { value = _script.callScriptMethod.apply(_script, args); _script.destroy(); } _document.destroy(); } } return value; }; nexacro.__convertScrollLeftByRtl = function (element, v) { var scrollLeft = v; if (v === undefined) { scrollLeft = element._scroll_left; } if (element._isRtl(true)) { scrollLeft = element._parent_elem.container_maxwidth - element.width - scrollLeft; } return scrollLeft; }; nexacro.XmlNodeList = function () { }; var _pXmlNodeList = nexacro._createPrototype(Array, nexacro.XmlNodeList); nexacro.XmlNodeList.prototype = _pXmlNodeList; _pXmlNodeList._type_name = "XmlNodeList"; _pXmlNodeList._setFromHandleArray = function (node_hanldes, node_type, doc, parent_node, is_sibling) { if (node_hanldes) { var prev_node = null; for (var i = 0, n = node_hanldes.length; i < n; i++) { var node_handle = node_hanldes[i]; if (node_type < 1) { node_type = nexacro.__xmlGetNodeType(node_handle); } var node = nexacro.__createNodeObjectByType(doc, node_type); if (node) { node._handle = node_handle; if (parent_node) { node._parent_node = parent_node; } if (prev_node) { prev_node._next_sibling = node; node._previous_sibling = prev_node; } this.push(node); if (is_sibling) { prev_node = node; } } } } }; _pXmlNodeList.item = function (index) { if (index > -1 && this.length > index) { return this[index]; } return null; }; _pXmlNodeList._appendItem = function (new_item) { if (!new_item) { return 0; } var last_node = null; if (this.length) { last_node = this[this.length - 1]; } this.push(new_item); if (last_node) { last_node._next_sibling = new_item; new_item._previous_sibling = last_node; } return nodes.length; }; _pXmlNodeList._insertBefore = function (new_item, ref_item) { if (!new_item || !ref_item) { return 0; } var insertAt = this.indexOf(ref_item); if (insertAt == 0) { this.unshift(new_item); } else if (insertAt > 0) { this.splice(insertAt, 1, new_item); } else { this.push(new_item); } var prev_node = ref_item._previous_sibling; if (prev_node) { prev_node._next_sibling = new_item; new_item._previous_sibling = prev_node; } ref_item._previous_sibling = new_item; new_item._next_sibling = ref_item; return this.length; }; _pXmlNodeList._insertAfter = function (new_item, ref_item) { if (!new_item || !ref_item) { return 0; } var length = this.length; var insertAt = this.indexOf(ref_item); if (insertAt >= 0 && insertAt < (length - 1)) { this.splice(insertAt + 1, 1, new_item); } else { this.push(new_item); } var next_node = ref_item._next_sibling; if (next_node) { next_node._previous_sibling = new_item; new_item._next_sibling = next_node; } ref_item._next_sibling = new_item; new_item._previous_sibling = ref_item; return this.length; }; _pXmlNodeList._removeItem = function (item) { if (!item) { return; } var idx = this.indexOf(item); if (idx > -1) { this.splice(idx, 1); } var prev_node = item._previous_sibling; var next_node = item._next_sibling; if (prev_node) { prev_node._next_sibling = next_node; } if (next_node) { next_node._previous_sibling = prev_node; } item._previous_sibling = null; item._next_sibling = null; }; _pXmlNodeList._replaceItem = function (new_item, old_item) { if (!new_item || !old_item) { return; } var idx = this.indexOf(old_item); if (idx > -1) { this.splice(idx, 1); this.splice(idx, 1, new_item); } var prev_node = old_item._previous_sibling; var next_node = old_item._next_sibling; if (prev_node) { prev_node._next_sibling = new_item; } if (next_node) { next_node._previous_sibling = new_item; } new_item._previous_sibling = prev_node; new_item._next_sibling = next_node; old_item._previous_sibling = null; old_item._next_sibling = null; }; delete _pXmlNodeList; nexacro.XmlNamedNodeMap = function () { }; var _pXmlNamedNodeMap = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Object, nexacro.XmlNamedNodeMap); nexacro.XmlNamedNodeMap.prototype = _pXmlNamedNodeMap; _pXmlNamedNodeMap._type_name = "XmlNamedNodeMap"; _pXmlNamedNodeMap._node_map = { names : [], nodes : [] }; _pXmlNamedNodeMap.get_length = function () { if (!this._node_map) { return 0; } return this._node_map.names.length; }; Object.defineProperty(_pXmlNamedNodeMap, "length", { get : _pXmlNamedNodeMap.get_length, configurable : false }); _pXmlNamedNodeMap._setFromHandleMap = function (handle_namedmap, node_type, doc, parent_node) { if (handle_namedmap) { if (this._node_map) { var cnt = this._node_map.names.length; for (var i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { delete this[i]; } } var node_map = this._node_map = { names : [], nodes : [] }; for (var i = 0, n = handle_namedmap.length; i < n; i++) { var node_name = handle_namedmap[i][0]; var node_handle = handle_namedmap[i][1]; if (node_type < 1) { node_type = nexacro.__xmlGetNodeType(node_handle); } var node = nexacro.__createNodeObjectByType(doc, node_type); if (node) { node._handle = node_handle; if (parent_node) { node._parent_node = parent_node; } node_map.names.push(node_name); node_map.nodes.push(node); this[i] = node; } } } }; _pXmlNamedNodeMap._clear = function () { if (this._node_map) { var cnt = this._node_map.names.length; for (var i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { delete this[i]; } this._node_map.names = null; this._node_map.nodes = null; } }; _pXmlNamedNodeMap.getNamedItem = function (nodename) { var node_map = this._node_map; if (node_map) { var idx = nexacro._indexOf(node_map.names, nodename); if (idx > -1) { return node_map.nodes[idx]; } } return null; }; _pXmlNamedNodeMap.item = function (index) { var node_map = this._node_map; if (index > -1 && node_map && node_map.nodes.length > index) { return node_map.nodes[index]; } return null; }; _pXmlNamedNodeMap.removeNamedItem = function (nodename) { var node_map = this._node_map; if (node_map) { var idx = nexacro._indexOf(node_map.names, nodename); var cnt = node_map.names.length; if (idx > -1 && idx < cnt) { var remove_node = node_map.nodes[idx]; node_map.names.splice(idx, 1); node_map.nodes.splice(idx, 1); cnt--; for (var i = idx; i < cnt; i++) { this[i] = this[i + 1]; } delete this[i]; return remove_node; } } return null; }; _pXmlNamedNodeMap._setNamedItem = function (nodename, node) { var node_map = this._node_map; if (node_map) { var idx = nexacro._indexOf(node_map.names, nodename); if (idx > -1) { var rep_node = node_map.nodes.splice(idx, 1); node_map.nodes.splice(idx, 1, node); this[i] = node; return rep_node; } else { var len = node_map.names.push(nodename); node_map.nodes.push(node); this[len - 1] = node; } } return null; }; delete _pXmlNamedNodeMap; nexacro.XmlNode = function (doc) { this._owner_document = doc; }; var _pXmlNode = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.Object, nexacro.XmlNode); nexacro.XmlNode.prototype = _pXmlNode; _pXmlNode._type_name = "XmlNode"; _pXmlNode._handle = null; _pXmlNode._owner_document = null; _pXmlNode._parent_node = null; _pXmlNode._first_child = null; _pXmlNode._last_child = null; _pXmlNode._previous_sibling = null; _pXmlNode._next_sibling = null; _pXmlNode._child_nodes = null; _pXmlNode._node_name = ""; _pXmlNode._node_type = ""; _pXmlNode._node_value = undefined; _pXmlNode._namespace_uri = ""; _pXmlNode._prefix = ""; _pXmlNode._text_content = ""; _pXmlNode._destroy = function () { var handle = this._handle; if (handle) { this._handle = null; } ; this._child_nodes = null; this._owner_document = null; this._parent_node = null; this._first_child = null; this._last_child = null; this._previous_sibling = null; this._next_sibling = null; }; _pXmlNode._unlink = function () { this._parent_node = null; this._previous_sibling = null; this._next_sibling = null; }; _pXmlNode.get_ownerDocument = function () { if (!this._handle) { return null; } var owner_document = this._owner_document; if (owner_document) { return owner_document; } }; Object.defineProperty(_pXmlNode, "ownerDocument", { get : _pXmlNode.get_ownerDocument, configurable : false }); _pXmlNode.get_childeNodes = function () { if (!this._handle) { return null; } var childs = this._child_nodes; if (!childs) { childs = this._child_nodes = new nexacro.XmlNodeList(); var child_handles = nexacro.__xmlGetChildNodes(this._handle); if (child_handles) { childs._setFromHandleArray(child_handles, 0, this._owner_document, this, true); if (childs.length) { this._first_child = childs[0]; this._last_child = childs[childs.length - 1]; } child_handles = null; } } return childs; }; Object.defineProperty(_pXmlNode, "childNodes", { get : _pXmlNode.get_childeNodes, configurable : false }); _pXmlNode.get_firstChild = function () { if (!this._handle) { return null; } var first_child = this._first_child; if (!first_child) { var child_nodes = this._child_nodes; if (child_nodes && child_nodes.length) { return child_nodes.item(0); } var child_handle = nexacro.__xmlGetFirstNode(this._handle); if (child_handle) { var node_type = nexacro.__xmlGetNodeType(child_handle); first_child = this._first_child = nexacro.__createNodeObjectByType(this._owner_document, node_type); first_child._handle = child_handle; first_child._parent_node = this; } } return first_child; }; Object.defineProperty(_pXmlNode, "firstChild", { get : _pXmlNode.get_firstChild, configurable : false }); _pXmlNode.get_lastChild = function () { if (!this._handle) { return null; } var last_child = this._last_child; if (!last_child) { var child_nodes = this._child_nodes; if (child_nodes && child_nodes.length) { return child_nodes.item(child_nodes.length - 1); } var child_handle = nexacro.__xmlGetLastChildNode(this._handle); if (child_handle) { var node_type = nexacro.__xmlGetNodeType(child_handle); last_child = this._last_child = nexacro.__createNodeObjectByType(this._owner_document, node_type); last_child._handle = child_handle; last_child._parent_node = this; } } return last_child; }; Object.defineProperty(_pXmlNode, "lastChild", { get : _pXmlNode.get_lastChild, configurable : false }); _pXmlNode.get_nextSibling = function () { if (!this._handle) { return null; } var next_node = this._next_sibling; if (!next_node) { var next_handle = nexacro.__xmlGetNextSiblingNode(this._handle); if (next_handle) { var node_type = nexacro.__xmlGetNodeType(next_handle); next_node = this._next_sibling = nexacro.__createNodeObjectByType(this._owner_document, node_type); next_node._handle = next_handle; next_node._previous_sibling = this; } } return next_node; }; Object.defineProperty(_pXmlNode, "nextSibling", { get : _pXmlNode.get_nextSibling, configurable : false }); _pXmlNode.get_previousSibling = function () { if (!this._handle) { return null; } var prev_node = this._previous_sibling; if (!prev_node) { var prev_handle = nexacro.__xmlGetPrevSiblingNode(this._handle); if (prev_handle) { var node_type = nexacro.__xmlGetNodeType(prev_handle); prev_node = this._previous_sibling = nexacro.__createNodeObjectByType(this._owner_document, node_type); prev_node._handle = prev_handle; prev_node._next_sibling = this; } } return prev_node; }; Object.defineProperty(_pXmlNode, "previousSibling", { get : _pXmlNode.get_previousSibling, configurable : false }); _pXmlNode.get_parentNode = function () { if (!this._handle) { return null; } var parnet_node = this._parent_node; if (!parnet_node) { var parent_handle = nexacro.__xmlGetParentNode(this._handle); if (parent_handle) { var node_type = nexacro.__xmlGetNodeType(parent_handle); parnet_node = this._parent_node = nexacro.__createNodeObjectByType(this._owner_document, node_type); parnet_node._handle = parent_handle; } } return parnet_node; }; Object.defineProperty(_pXmlNode, "parentNode", { get : _pXmlNode.get_parentNode, configurable : false }); _pXmlNode.get_namespaceURI = function () { if (!this._handle) { return ""; } var namespace_uri = this._namespace_uri; if (!namespace_uri) { namespace_uri = this._namespace_uri = nexacro.__xmlGetNamespaceURI(this._handle); } return namespace_uri; }; _pXmlNode.set_namespaceURI = function (new_nsuri) { if (!this._handle) { return; } if (nexacro.__xmlSetNamespaceURI(this._handle, new_nsuri)) { this._namespace_uri = new_nsuri; } }; Object.defineProperty(_pXmlNode, "namespaceURI", { get : _pXmlNode.get_namespaceURI, set : _pXmlNode.set_namespaceURI, configurable : false }); _pXmlNode.get_prefix = function () { if (!this._handle) { return ""; } var prefix = this._prefix; if (!prefix) { prefix = this._prefix = nexacro.__xmlGetPrefix(this._handle); } return prefix; }; _pXmlNode.set_prefix = function (new_nsprefix) { if (!this._handle) { return; } if (nexacro.__xmlSetPrefix(this._handle, new_nsprefix)) { this._prefix = new_nsprefix; } }; Object.defineProperty(_pXmlNode, "prefix", { get : _pXmlNode.get_prefix, set : _pXmlNode.set_prefix, configurable : false }); _pXmlNode.get_nodeName = function () { if (!this._handle) { return ""; } var node_name = this._node_name; if (!node_name) { node_name = this._node_name = nexacro.__xmlGetNodeName(this._handle); } return node_name; }; Object.defineProperty(_pXmlNode, "nodeName", { get : _pXmlNode.get_nodeName, configurable : false }); _pXmlNode.get_nodeType = function () { return this._node_type; }; Object.defineProperty(_pXmlNode, "nodeType", { get : _pXmlNode.get_nodeType, configurable : false }); _pXmlNode.get_nodeValue = function () { if (!this._handle) { return undefined; } var node_value = this._node_value; if (node_value == undefined) { node_value = this._node_value = nexacro.__xmlGetNodeValue(this._handle); } return node_value; }; _pXmlNode.set_nodeValue = function (new_value) { if (!this._handle) { return; } if (nexacro.__xmlSetNodeValue(this._handle, new_value)) { this._node_value = new_value; } }; Object.defineProperty(_pXmlNode, "nodeValue", { get : _pXmlNode.get_nodeValue, set : _pXmlNode.set_nodeValue, configurable : false }); _pXmlNode.appendChild = function (node) { if (!this._handle || !node || !node._handle || !(node instanceof nexacro.XmlNode)) { return null; } var append_handle = nexacro.__xmlAppendChild(this._handle, node._handle); if (append_handle) { var child_nodes = this._child_nodes; if (child_nodes) { child_nodes._appendItem(node); } node._parent_node = this; this._last_child = node; if (node._owner_document != this._owner_document) { node._owner_document = this._owner_document; } return node; } return null; }; _pXmlNode.cloneNode = function (include_all) { if (!this._handle) { return null; } var clone_handle = nexacro.__xmlCloneNode(this._handle, include_all); if (clone_handle) { var node_type = this.get_nodeType(); var clone_node = nexacro.__createNodeObjectByType(this._owner_document, node_type); if (clone_node) { clone_node._handle = clone_handle; clone_node._node_type = node_type; } return clone_node; } return null; }; _pXmlNode.hasAttributes = function () { if (!this._handle) { return false; } return nexacro.__xmlHasAttributes(this._handle); }; _pXmlNode.hasChildNodes = function () { if (!this._handle) { return false; } if (this._child_nodes && this._child_nodes.length > 0) { return true; } return nexacro.__xmlHasChildNodes(this._handle); }; _pXmlNode.insertBefore = function (newchild, refchild) { if (!this._handle) { return null; } if (!newchild || !newchild._handle || !(newchild instanceof nexacro.XmlNode)) { return null; } if (!refchild || !refchild._handle || !(refchild instanceof nexacro.XmlNode)) { return null; } var insert_handle = nexacro.__xmlInsertBefore(this._handle, newchild._handle, refchild._handle); if (insert_handle) { var child_nodes = this._child_nodes; if (child_nodes) { child_nodes._insertBefore(newchild, refchild); } newchild._parent_node = this; var first_child = this._first_child; if (newchild == first_child) { this._first_child = newchild; } if (newchild._owner_document != this._owner_document) { newchild._owner_document = this._owner_document; } return node; } return null; }; _pXmlNode.lookupNamespaceURI = function (prefix) { if (!this._handle) { return ""; } return nexacro.__xmlLookupNamespaceURI(this._handle, prefix); }; _pXmlNode.lookupPrefix = function (uri) { if (!this._handle) { return ""; } return nexacro.__xmlLookupPrefix(this._handle, uri); }; _pXmlNode.removeChild = function (node) { if (!this._handle || !node || !node._handle || !(node instanceof nexacro.XmlNode)) { return null; } var rem_handle = nexacro.__xmlRemoveChild(this._handle, node._handle); if (rem_handle) { var child_nodes = this._child_nodes; if (child_nodes) { child_nodes._removeItem(node); } var first_child = this._first_child; var last_child = this._last_child; if (node == first_child) { this._first_child = next_node; } if (node == last_child) { this._last_child = prev_node; } node._unlink(); return node; } return null; }; _pXmlNode.replaceChild = function (new_node, old_node) { if (!this._handle) { return null; } if (!new_node || !new_node._handle || !(new_node instanceof nexacro.XmlNode)) { return null; } if (!old_node || !old_node._handle || !(old_node instanceof nexacro.XmlNode)) { return null; } var rep_handle = nexacro.__xmlReplaceChild(this._handle, new_node._handle, old_node._handle); if (rep_handle) { var child_nodes = this._child_nodes; if (child_nodes) { child_nodes._replaceItem(new_node, old_node); } new_node._parent_node = this; var first_child = this._first_child; var last_child = this._last_child; if (old_node == first_child) { this._first_child = new_node; } if (old_node == last_child) { this._last_child = new_node; } if (new_node._owner_document != this._owner_document) { new_node._owner_document = this._owner_document; } old_node._unlink(); return old_node; } return null; }; delete _pXmlNode; nexacro.XmlElement = function (doc) { this._owner_document = doc; }; var _pXmlElement = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.XmlNode, nexacro.XmlElement); nexacro.XmlElement.prototype = _pXmlElement; _pXmlElement._type_name = "XmlElement"; _pXmlElement._attributes = null; _pXmlElement._base_uri = ""; _pXmlElement._node_type = 1; _pXmlElement.get_attributes = function () { if (!this._handle) { return null; } var attributes = this._attributes; if (!attributes) { attributes = this.attributes = new nexacro.XmlNamedNodeMap(); var attr_handle_map = nexacro.__xmlGetAttributes(this._handle); if (attr_handle_map) { attributes._setFromHandleMap(attr_handle_map, 1, this._owner_document, this); attr_handle_map = null; } } return attributes; }; Object.defineProperty(_pXmlElement, "attributes", { get : _pXmlElement.get_attributes, configurable : false }); _pXmlElement.get_baseURI = function () { if (!this._handle) { return null; } var base_uri = this._base_uri; if (!base_uri) { base_uri = this._base_uri = nexacro.__xmlGetBaseURI(this._handle); } return base_uri; }; Object.defineProperty(_pXmlElement, "baseURI", { get : _pXmlElement.get_baseURI, configurable : false }); Object.defineProperty(_pXmlElement, "tagName", { get : _pXmlElement.get_nodeName, configurable : false }); _pXmlElement._unlink = function () { this._parent_node = null; this._previous_sibling = null; this._attributes._clear(); this._attributes = null; }; _pXmlElement.getAttribute = function (name) { if (!this._handle || !name) { return null; } return nexacro.__xmlGetAttribute(this._handle, name); }; _pXmlElement.getAttributeNS = function (ns, name) { if (!this._handle || !name) { return null; } return nexacro.__xmlGetAttribute(this._handle, name, ns); }; _pXmlElement.getAttributeNode = function (name) { if (!this._handle || !name) { return null; } var attributes = this._attributes; if (!attributes) { attributes = this.get_attributes(); } return attributes.getNamedItem(name); }; _pXmlElement.getElementsByTagName = function (name) { if (!this._handle || !name) { return null; } var elem_nodes = new nexacro.XmlNodeList(); var elem_handles = nexacro.__xmlGetElementsByTagName(this._handle, name); if (elem_handles) { elem_nodes._setFromHandleArray(elem_handles, 1, this._owner_document); elem_handles = null; } return elem_nodes; }; _pXmlElement.getElementsByTagNameNS = function (ns, name) { if (!this._handle || !name) { return null; } var elem_nodes = new nexacro.XmlNodeList(); var elem_handles = nexacro.__xmlGetElementsByTagName(this._handle, name, ns); if (elem_handles) { elem_nodes._setFromHandleArray(elem_handles, 1, this._owner_document); elem_handles = null; } return elem_nodes; }; _pXmlElement.hasAttribute = function (name) { if (!this._handle || !name) { return null; } return nexacro.__xmlHasAttribute(this._handle, name); }; _pXmlElement.hasAttributeNS = function (ns, name) { if (!this._handle || !name) { return null; } return nexacro.__xmlHasAttribute(this._handle, name, ns); }; _pXmlElement.removeAttribute = function (name) { if (!this._handle || !name) { return null; } var rem_handle = nexacro.__xmlRemoveAttribute(this._handle, name); if (rem_handle) { var attributes = this._attributes; if (attributes) { var rem_node = attributes.removeNamedItem(name); if (rem_node) { rem_node._unlink(); } return rem_node; } } return null; }; _pXmlElement.removeAttributeNS = function (ns, name) { if (!this._handle || !name) { return null; } var rem_handle = nexacro.__xmlRemoveAttribute(this._handle, name, ns); if (rem_handle) { var attributes = this._attributes; if (attributes) { var rem_node = attributes.removeNamedItem(name); if (rem_node) { rem_node._unlink(); } return rem_node; } } return null; }; _pXmlElement.removeAttributeNode = function (node) { if (!this._handle || !node || !node._handle || !(node instanceof nexacro.XmlAttribute)) { return null; } var node_name = node.get_nodeName(); var rem_handle = nexacro.__xmlRemoveAttributeNode(this._handle, node._handle); if (rem_handle) { var attributes = this._attributes; if (attributes) { attributes.removeNamedItem(node_name); node._unlink(); return node; } } return null; }; _pXmlElement.setAttribute = function (name, value) { if (!this._handle || !name) { return; } var attributes = this._attributes; if (attributes) { var attr_node = attributes.getNamedItem(name); if (attr_node) { attr_node.set_value(value); return; } var attr_handle = nexacro.__xmlSetAttribute(this._handle, name, value); if (attr_handle) { attr_node = nexacro.__createNodeObjectByType(this._owner_document, 1); attr_node._handle = attr_handle; attr_node._parent_node = this; attributes._setNamedItem(name, attr_node); } } else { nexacro.__xmlSetAttribute(this._handle, name, value); } }; _pXmlElement.setAttributeNS = function (ns, name, value) { if (!this._handle || !name) { return; } var attributes = this._attributes; if (attributes) { var attr_node = attributes.getNamedItem(name); if (attr_node) { attr_node.set_value(value); return; } var attr_handle = nexacro.__xmlSetAttribute(this._handle, name, value, ns); if (attr_handle) { attr_node = nexacro.__createNodeObjectByType(this._owner_document, 1); attr_node._handle = attr_handle; attr_node._parent_node = this; attributes._setNamedItem(name, attr_node); } } else { nexacro.__xmlSetAttribute(this._handle, name, value, ns); } }; _pXmlElement.setAttributeNode = function (node) { if (!this._handle || !node || !node._handle || !(node instanceof nexacro.XmlAttribute)) { return; } var attr_name = node.get_name(); if (!attr_name) { return; } var attr_handle = nexacro.__xmlSetAttributeNode(this._handle, node._handle); if (attr_handle) { node._parent_node = this; var attributes = this._attributes; if (attributes) { var rep_node = attributes._setNamedItem(name, node); if (rep_node) { rep_node._unlink(); return rep_node; } } } }; delete _pXmlElement; nexacro.XmlAttribute = function (doc) { this._owner_document = doc; }; var _pXmlAttribute = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.XmlNode, nexacro.XmlAttribute); nexacro.XmlAttribute.prototype = _pXmlAttribute; _pXmlAttribute._type_name = "XmlAttribute"; _pXmlAttribute._name = ""; _pXmlAttribute._node_type = 2; Object.defineProperty(_pXmlAttribute, "name", { get : _pXmlAttribute.get_nodeName, configurable : false }); Object.defineProperty(_pXmlAttribute, "value", { get : _pXmlAttribute.get_nodeValue, set : _pXmlAttribute.set_nodeValue, configurable : false }); delete _pXmlAttribute; nexacro.XmlText = function (doc) { this._owner_document = doc; }; var _pXmlText = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.XmlNode, nexacro.XmlText); nexacro.XmlText.prototype = _pXmlText; _pXmlText._type_name = "XmlText"; _pXmlText._node_type = 3; _pXmlText._node_name = "#text"; Object.defineProperty(_pXmlText, "data", { get : _pXmlText.get_nodeValue, configurable : false }); _pXmlText.get_length = function () { if (!this._handle) { return null; } return nexacro.__xmlGetContentsLength(this._handle); }; Object.defineProperty(_pXmlText, "length", { get : _pXmlText.get_length, configurable : false }); _pXmlText.appendData = function (string) { if (!this._handle) { return; } nexacro.__xmlAppendContentsData(this._handle, string); this._node_value = undefined; }; _pXmlText.deleteData = function (start, length) { if (!this._handle) { return; } nexacro.__xmlDeleteContentsData(this._handle, start, length); this._node_value = undefined; }; _pXmlText.insertData = function (start, string) { if (!this._handle) { return; } nexacro.__xmlInsertContentsData(this._handle, start, string); this._node_value = undefined; }; _pXmlText.replaceData = function (start, length, string) { if (!this._handle) { return; } nexacro.__xmlReplaceContentsData(this._handle, start, length, string); this._node_value = undefined; }; _pXmlText.splitText = function (offset) { if (!this._handle) { return; } var new_handle = nexacro.__xmlSplitContentsText(this._handle, offset); if (new_handle) { var text_node = nexacro.__createNodeObjectByType(this._owner_document, 3); text_node._handle = new_handle; var parent_node = this._parent_node; if (parent_node && parent_node._child_nodes) { parent_node._child_nodes._insertAfter(text_node, this); } text_node._parent_node = this._parent_node; } this._node_value = undefined; }; delete _pXmlText; nexacro.XmlCDATASection = function (doc) { this._owner_document = doc; }; var _pXmlCDATASection = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.XmlText, nexacro.XmlCDATASection); nexacro.XmlCDATASection.prototype = _pXmlCDATASection; _pXmlCDATASection._type_name = "XmlCDATASection"; _pXmlCDATASection._node_type = 4; _pXmlCDATASection._node_name = "#cdata-section"; delete _pXmlCDATASection; nexacro.XmlComment = function (doc) { this._owner_document = doc; }; var _pXmlComment = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.XmlText, nexacro.XmlComment); nexacro.XmlComment.prototype = _pXmlComment; _pXmlComment._type_name = "XmlComment"; _pXmlComment._node_type = 8; _pXmlComment._node_name = "#comment"; _pXmlComment.splitText = null; delete _pXmlComment; nexacro.XmlDocument = function () { }; var _pXmlDocument = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.XmlNode, nexacro.XmlDocument); nexacro.XmlDocument.prototype = _pXmlDocument; _pXmlDocument._type_name = "XmlDocument"; _pXmlDocument._node_type = 9; _pXmlDocument._node_name = "#document"; _pXmlDocument._doc_type = null; _pXmlDocument._document_element = null; _pXmlDocument._document_uri = ""; _pXmlDocument.get_docType = function () { if (!this._handle) { return null; } var doc_type = this._doc_type; if (doc_type) { return doc_type; } var type_handle = nexacro.__xmlGetDocType(this._handle); if (type_handle) { doc_type = this._doc_type = nexacro.__createNodeObjectByType(this, 10); doc_type._handle = type_handle; } return doc_type; }; Object.defineProperty(_pXmlDocument, "docType", { get : _pXmlDocument.get_docType, configurable : false }); _pXmlDocument.get_documentElement = function () { if (!this._handle) { return null; } var document_element = this._document_element; if (document_element) { return document_element; } var node_handle = nexacro.__xmlGetDocumentElement(this._handle); if (node_handle) { document_element = this._document_element = nexacro.__createNodeObjectByType(this, 1); document_element._handle = node_handle; } return document_element; }; Object.defineProperty(_pXmlDocument, "documentElement", { get : _pXmlDocument.get_documentElement, configurable : false }); _pXmlDocument.get_documentURI = function () { if (!this._handle) { return null; } var doc_uri = this._document_uri; if (!doc_uri) { doc_uri = this._document_uri = nexacro.__xmlGetDocumentURI(this._handle); } return doc_uri; }; Object.defineProperty(_pXmlDocument, "documentURI", { get : _pXmlDocument.get_documentURI, configurable : false }); _pXmlDocument.createAttribute = function (name) { if (!this._handle || !name) { return null; } var new_handle = nexacro.__xmlCreateAttribute(this._handle, name); if (new_handle) { var new_node = nexacro.__createNodeObjectByType(this, 2); new_node._handle = new_handle; return new_node; } return null; }; _pXmlDocument.createCDATASection = function (data) { if (!this._handle) { return null; } var new_handle = nexacro.__xmlCreateCDATASection(this._handle, data); if (new_handle) { var new_node = nexacro.__createNodeObjectByType(this, 4); new_node._handle = new_handle; return new_node; } return null; }; _pXmlDocument.createComment = function (data) { if (!this._handle) { return null; } var new_handle = nexacro.__xmlCreateComment(this._handle, data); if (new_handle) { var new_node = nexacro.__createNodeObjectByType(this, 8); new_node._handle = new_handle; return new_node; } return null; }; _pXmlDocument.createDocumentFragment = function (data) { return null; }; _pXmlDocument.createElement = function (name) { if (!this._handle || !name) { return null; } var new_handle = nexacro.__xmlCreateElement(this._handle, name); if (new_handle) { var new_node = nexacro.__createNodeObjectByType(this, 1); new_node._handle = new_handle; return new_node; } return null; }; _pXmlDocument.createTextNode = function (text) { if (!this._handle) { return null; } var new_handle = nexacro.__xmlCreateTextNode(this._handle, text); if (new_handle) { var new_node = nexacro.__createNodeObjectByType(this, 3); new_node._handle = new_handle; return new_node; } return null; }; _pXmlDocument.getElementsByTagName = function (name) { if (!this._handle || !name) { return null; } var elem_nodes = new nexacro.XmlNodeList(); var elem_handles = nexacro.__xmlGetElementsByTagName(this._handle, name); if (elem_handles) { elem_nodes._setFromHandleArray(elem_handles, 1, this); delete elem_handles; } return elem_nodes; }; _pXmlDocument.getElementsByTagNameNS = function (ns, name) { if (!this._handle || !name) { return null; } var elem_nodes = new nexacro.XmlNodeList(); var elem_handles = nexacro.__xmlGetElementsByTagName(this._handle, name, ns); if (elem_handles) { elem_nodes._setFromHandleArray(elem_handles, 1, this); elem_handles = null; } return elem_nodes; }; delete _pXmlDocument; nexacro.XmlDocumentType = function () { }; var _pXmlDocumentType = nexacro._createPrototype(nexacro.XmlNode, nexacro.XmlDocumentType); nexacro.XmlDocumentType.prototype = _pXmlDocumentType; _pXmlDocumentType._type_name = "XmlDocumentType"; _pXmlDocumentType._node_type = 10; delete _pXmlDocumentType; if (nexacro.OS != "Android") { nexacro._roleList = { "alert" : "0x08", "application" : "0x0e", "button" : "0x2b", "calendar" : "0x09", "checkbox" : "0x2c", "columnheader" : "0x09", "combobox" : "0x2e", "datepicker" : "0x09", "dialog" : "0x12", "edit" : "0x2a", "fileupload" : "0x09", "form" : "0x09", "frame" : "0x09", "grid" : "0x09", "gridcell" : "0x1d", "groupbox" : "0x09", "image" : "0x09", "listbox" : "0x21", "listitem" : "0x22", "menubar" : "0x02", "menu" : "0x0b", "menuitem" : "0x0c", "none" : "0x09", "progressbar" : "0x09", "radio" : "0x09", "radioitem" : "0x2d", "rowheader" : "0x09", "scrollbar" : "0x03", "slider" : "0x33", "spin" : "0x34", "splitter" : "0x15", "static" : "0x29", "statusbar" : "0x17", "tab" : "0x3c", "tabitem" : "0x25", "tabpage" : "0x25", "textbox" : "0x2a", "titlebar" : "0x01", "toolbar" : "0x16", "tooltip" : "0x0d", "treegrid" : "0x09", "treeitem" : "0x24", "link" : "0x1e" }; 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var cnt = errorcode.length; var error = []; for (var i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { errormsg = application._getErrorMessge(errorcode[i]); nexacro.__setBrowserErrorMsg(errorcode[i], errormsg); } }; nexacro._adjustPopupPosition = function (comp, x, y, align) { var alignPosition = comp._getAlignPosition(x, y, align); var _left = alignPosition[0]; var _top = alignPosition[1]; comp._popup(_left, _top, comp._width, comp._height); }; nexacro._initApplication = function () { nexacro.__initApplication(); }; nexacro._AppliedTitleBarHeight = function (frame, h) { if (nexacro.isPluginMode == true) { if (frame instanceof nexacro.MainFrame) { return 0; } } return h; }; nexacro._AppliedStatusBarHeight = function (frame, h) { if (nexacro.isPluginMode == true) { if (frame instanceof nexacro.MainFrame) { return 0; } } return h; }; nexacro._isPluginMode = function () { return nexacro.__isPluginMode(); }; nexacro._getUserAgent = function () { return ""; }; nexacro._refreshCaret = function () { }; nexacro._deleteRefreshNode = function () { }; nexacro._applyZoomEdge = function () { }; nexacro._applyScreenAutozoom = function () { var curscreen = application._curscreen; if (!curscreen) { return; } if (curscreen._cur_type != "phone" && curscreen._cur_type != "tablet") { return; } if (curscreen.screenwidth !== undefined && nexacro._toBoolean(curscreen.autozoom) == true) { var zoom_factor = 0; if (nexacro.__setCurrentScreenInfo && nexacro.__getCurrentScreenScale) { nexacro.__setCurrentScreenInfo(curscreen.name, curscreen.screenwidth, curscreen.sizeorientation, curscreen.autozoom, nexacro._minimum_scale, nexacro._maximum_scale, curscreen._device_width); var scale = nexacro.__getCurrentScreenScale(); if (scale) { zoom_factor = scale * 100; } } if (zoom_factor == 0) { var zoom_fitting_width = Math.abs(parseInt(curscreen.screenwidth)); zoom_factor = curscreen._device_width * 100 / zoom_fitting_width; } nexacro._zoom_factor = zoom_factor; } }; nexacro._isRuntimeProtocol = function (name) { return nexacro.__isRuntimeProtocol(name); }; nexacro._setProtocolVar = function (name, key, val) { nexacro.__setProtocolVar(name, key, val); }; nexacro._isSimulator = function () { return nexacro.__isSimulator(); }; nexacro._releaseImageUrl = function (url) { return nexacro.__releaseImageUrl(url); }; nexacro._setLocalStorage = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._copyLocalStorage = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._deleteLocalStorage = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._findLocalStorage = nexacro._emptyFn; nexacro._getLocalStorage = function (key, defaultvalue) { return application[key]; }; nexacro._setRunBaseWindow = function (_window) { if (application._runbase_window) { return false; } application._runbase_window = _window; return true; }; nexacro._getDisplayScale = function () { return nexacro.__getDisplayScale(); }; nexacro._sleep = function (delaytime) { if (nexacro.Browser == "Runtime") { nexacro.__sleep(delaytime); } else { var then = new Date().getTime(); var now = then; while ((now - then) < delaytime) { now = new Date().getTime(); } } }; } }